Designer Screens (PC World November 1985 by B. Alperson, A. Fluegelman, & L. Magid) Control over the video display constitutes far more than window dressing: The screen is the medium for supplying information to the user. A well-designed screen enhances not only the aesthestics but also the efficiency of program execution and information presentation. It helps locate the apporpriate instructions and interpret program output. It can put the final polish on a system. With DOS 2.0's display capabilities and screen control features, you can use graphics characters, redesign the DOS prompt, and control parameters such a inverse video, cursor location, foreground and background colors, screen width, and screen mode. Some people go to the trouble of writing elaborate menu programs in BASIC or another language. There is a simpler approach. The extended ASCII character set can help create custom menus. It includes solid lines (ASCII 179, 180, 193, 194, 195, 196 and 197), single-line corners (ASCII 191, 192, 217 and 218), double lines (ASCII 185, 186, 202, 230, 204, 205 and 206), double-line corners (ASCII 187, 188, 200 and 201), and special graphics symbols such as the large dot (ASCII 249) and the right arrowhead (ASCII 16). If you hold down the Alt key while you type the desired ASCII number on the numeric keypad, you'll discover that you can access all the symbols above ASCII 127. The corresponding character appears as soon as you release the Alt key. If you are using a keyboard macro processor like ProKey, you'll have to hold down both Alt and Shift while you press the keys on the numeric keypad. The characters available depend on the editing technique you use to create batch files. DOS's COPY and EDLIN provide access to ASCII codes 128 through 254. IBM's Professional Editor makes available ASCII codes 1 through 6, 11, 12, 14 through 31 and 127 through 254. WordStar does not offer access to any of the codes. Several strategies can simplify menu construction. Initial layout can be done with Professional Editor to take advantage of its what-you- see-is-what-you-get-display and its rapid search-and-replace function capability. When you're relying on such an editor, using the Alt key to enter a long series of extended ASCII codes can be tedious. A long double line might require you to press and hold the Alt key, type 205, and release the Alt key 30 times. A better technique would to type 30 asterisks and then replace them with character 205 via the editor's global search and replace. Professional Editor cannot, however, perform one necessary task. Many menus tend to be so large that you'll want to do what you can to avoid wasted lines on the screen. A DOS quirk causes many batch files to end with a double prompt, forcing the top line of the menu off the screen. This anomaly can be prevented by making a Ctrl-Z the last character of the last line of the ASCII file. Professional Editor cannot perform this operation, but EDLIN can. The final step in creating a menu with Professional Editor, then, is to bring it into EDLIN to add the terminating Ctrl-Z. Once the menu is saved as a text file, you can write it to the screen at any time using the DOS TYPE command. If you call your menu MENU.DSP, for example, you can display it by including the commands CLS and TYPE MENU.DSP in a batch file. Suppose you have added your own function key assignments for F1 and F7 through F10 to the DOS default assignments for F2 through F6. F2 through F4 allow you to redisplay different segments of a previous command line. F2 plus a character redisplays all characters of the previous command up to the first occurrence of the character you typed. You can also display all remaining characters (F3), skip all characters up to a given character (F4), and enter the currently display command line without executing the command to edit it further (F5). The final DOS default (F6) types an end-of-file character, or Ctrl-Z, which is displayed as ^Z. We will assume that you have added the following assignments to the remaining functin keys: F1 is COPY, F7 is BASICA, F8 is the main menu display, F9 is A:, and F10 is B:. You can create a small ASCII display to remind yourself of these assignments. This requires nothing more than EDLIN. The first step is to invoke the editor with a new file name, such as EDLIN FK.ASC. You can begin immediately by sending EDLIN the command 1I to insert text starting at the first line. You then type the ASCII code for a double-line upper left corner (Alt-201), followed by 37 asterisks, the ASCII code for a double-line upper right corner (Alt-187) and Enter. You begin the next line with the double-line border (Alt-186), then the text (F1 COPY), 15 spaces, the text (F2 Type to char), the double-line border (Alt-186), and Enter. Enter the remaining lines containing text in the same way. The final line includes a bottom left double-line corner (Alt-200), 37 asterisks, and a bottom right double- line corner (Alt-188). After entering the last line, press Ctrl-Break to exit EDLIN's insert mode. The only task remaining before saving the display to a disk file is to change all the asterisks to the horizontal double-line character to finish the framing display. This is easily accomplished with the EDLIN command 1,8R* Ctrl-Z Alt-205. Typing E (Enter) saves the display and it is ready to use. Any time you wish to display the function key reminder on screen, just issue the command TYPE FK.ASC. You might, for example, include the command as the last line of any batch file that returns to DOS after running an application program. It could also be included as the last line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. DOS 2.0's PROMPT command provides additional screen control. Its simplest use involves changing a prompt. You can invoke it with the syntax PROMPT [prompt-text] from either the keyboard or a batch file. Prompt-text can consist of any of 13 arguments plus any text you want to insert into the prompt. Each argument must begin with a dollar sign. You can include the date ($d), time ($t), default ($n), path ($p), greater-than symbol ($g), less-than symbol ($l), DOS version number ($v), vertical bar ($b), double horizontal line ($q), dollar sign ($$), a carriage return/line feed sequence ($_), a backspace and erase ($h), and an Escape character ($e). Anything on the command line other than these arguments will be printed as part of the prompt. The command PROMPT $n$g (or just PROMPT), typed from the keyboard or included in a batch file, will produce the normal DOS prompt. But if you use the command PROMPT $d $n$g, the date will be included in the prompt, and it will appear, for example, as "Thu 8-14-85 A>". A more useful application would have the prompt report the current path (including the drive specifier) after you issue the command PROMPT $p$g. If you are in the \EDISK directory of drive C:, for example, this command will produce the prompt "C:\EDISK". You can include any text in the prompt command. The command "PROMPT Charlie's DOS, Current Directory: $p$g" would produce the prompt "Charlie's DOS, Current Directory: C:\EDISK>". Although controlling the prompt is useful, the PROMPT command's most important function may well be providing a gateway to an extremely powerful display driver called ANSI.SYS. ANSI.SYS lets you manipulate display functions precisely. You can control cursor position (in a fashion similar to using BASIC's LOCATE, PRINT and CLS commands) and foreground and background colors and inverse video (similar to using BASIC's COLOR and SCREEN commands). ANSI.SYS also reports on current cursor location (like BASIC's CSRLIN and POS commands) and offers several functions not available in BASIC. (ANSI.SYS also enables you to redefine keys, although this capability is negligible compared to that of such macro processors as ProKey, SuperKey, and Keyworks). In order for DOS to install the ANSI.SYS driver, the ANSI.SYS file must be on your system start-up dis. The system start-up disk must contain a file called CONFIG.SYS, and this file must contain the line DEVICE=ANSI.SYS. Each call to an ANSI.SYS function begins with an Escape code. Since PROMPT allows you to send an Escape code to DOS ($e), this command provides access to the ANSI.SYS commands. The syntax of ANSI.SYS (modified to make use of the PROMPT command) and its functions are shown in Table 1 below. The visual effects of various Set Graphics Rendition (SGR) function parameters are listed in Table 2. When you combine the power of the ANSI.SYS display driver with the PROMPT command, you can turn your system prompt into a useful display. The batch file PROMPT1.BAT shown below was created with EDLIN. It produces an informative display such that whenever you are in DOS, this prompt lets you see both the date and the path to the current directory. The prompt also shows the date the system was last revised and an indication that the system is waiting for a command. The first parameter specified in the PROMPT command ($e[s) saves the cursor position when a DOS command is invoked. The next parameter ($e[1;1H) moves the cursor to row 1, column 1, ensuring that the current date, the path and the date the system was last revised will appear at the top of the screen, regardless of where the cursor was when the command was initiated. The next cursor movement parameters ($e[1;33H and $e[1;67H) locate the path and revision information properly on row 1. The last cursor movement parameter ($e[u), which appears toward the end of the PROMPT command, returns the cursor to the position it was in before the DOS command was issued, at which point the system can begin writing the command prompt. Controlling the cursor with this scheme produces intriguing and useful results. If the DOS command does not generate screen output, the date/path/revision line will appear immediately above the command prompt. But any screen output will appear between the date/path/ revision line and the command prompt. This display scheme helps focus the user's attention appropriately during day-to-day activities with DOS. The prompt also contains several ANSI.SYS commands that control video attributes to guide the eye efficiently to the desired information. The parameter $e[36m makes the date appear in cyan. (This command has no effect on an IBM Monochrome Display.) The next parameter ($e[K) erases to the end of row 1. Inverse video is then turned on ($e[7m) for the path information, making it the most salient information in the display. The character attributes are returned to normal status for the revision information ($e[0m), and high-intensity is turned on for the command prompt ($e[1m). Finally, character attributes are returned to normal status ($e[0m) at the end of the prompt. PROMPT1.BAT illustrates several characteristics of the PROMPT/ ANSI.SYS system. You can string together any number of parameters on the same command line to produce any desired effect. Your only limitation is the 127-character maximum length of the DOS command line. Cursor movement commands may be interspersed with video attribute commands to create eye-catching displays. Finally, the extended ASCII set is available. For example, you can combine the double horizontal line (ASCII 205) with a right arrowhead (ASCII 16) to produce a "pointer." The PROMPT/ANSI.SYS system also enables you to control foreground and background colors in DOS. This feat is easy in BASIC, but any changes made in BASIC are removed when you return to DOS. Prior to DOS 2.0, control of colors in DOS required programming in assembly language. Now the conditional logic available in batch files and the display control provided by ANSI.SYS and PROMPT have eliminated this problem. SCREEN1.BAT gives you control over foreground and background colors while in DOS. You invoke the batch file with the syntax SCREEN foreground background. To produce white text on a blue screen, for example, you would type SCREEN WHILE BLUE. (Note that SCREEN1.BAT, and any program to control DOS screen colors, will not be effective if the DOS prompt contains color commands.) WHITE would be the value assigned to "%1" in SCREEN1.BAT, and the batch file would test this variable until it found a match on the line "IF WHITE==%1 GOTO FWHITE". The conditional logic would send control to the label ":FWHITE", which would set the foreground color. (Note that the test must be performed for both uppercase and lowercase strings. DOS is normally insensitive to case, but the batch file conditional that tests for matching strings is case-sensitive. You are searching for an exact match with a string, and uppercase and lowercase representations of the same word are legitimately different string values.) After setting the foreground color, an unconditional branch (GOTO BACK) sends control to the routine that sets the background color. A new test is performed on "%2", which would find a match at the line "IF BLUE==%2 GOTO BBLUE". ":BBLUE" would then set the background color and send control to the exit routine ":END". THe two "ECHO ON,ECHO OFF,CLS" sequences in this batch file are necessary to force each PROMPT/ANSI color change when "ECHO" is off. Notice the "ECHO Wait ..." lines that appear twice in this batch file. These are not trivial or cosmetic additions to the program. At its worst, this batch file takes about 15 seconds to complete. In such a situation, providing an indication that something is actually going on is a sound idea. Otherwise, someone using the batch file for the first time is likely to terminate it prematurely on the assumption that it's not working. Many operations have been brought to a grinding halt by the failure to include simple messages such as "Wait ..." The sluggish execution of this batch file is troublesome. If you think about the logic of the problem, you'll realize that you`re forcing the computer to do more work than necessary. It is clear that you need a branching strategy, but requiring as many as 31 IF string comparisons is probably not the best way to proceed. All you really need to do is go directly to the appropriate foreground routine, then to the appropriate background routine. SCREEN2.BAT is a more efficient and elegant version of SCREEN1.BAT. It replaces the conditional IF logic with unconditional GOTO logic, eliminating the need for all but two of the tests of string values. Not only is this batch file both shorter and more emotionally satisfying than its precursor, it runs with a worst-case time of six seconds -- an improvement of 9 seconds over its more cumbersome predecessor. Rethinking your logic after completing a program can frequently produce this kind of time savings, reaffirming the adage that no program is ever a total loss can always be used as a bad example. - - - - - Table 1: Selected ANSI.SYS/PROMPT functions DOS manual Modified mnemonic syntax Purpose CUP PROMPT $e[#;#H Moves cursor to row #, column # CUU PROMPT $e[#A Moves cursor up # rows without changing column CUD PROMPT $e[#B Moves cursor down # rows without changing column CUF PROMPT $e[#C Moves cursor right # columns without changing row CUB PROMPT $e[#D Moves cursor left # columns without changing row SCP PROMPT $e[s Saves current cursor position so that it can be restored with RCP RCP PROMPT $e[u Returns cursor to position saved with SCP ED PROMPT $e[2J Clears screen and homes cursor EL PROMPT $e[k Erases from current cursor position to end of line SGR PROMPT $e[#;...;#m Sets character attributes for color, bold, underscore, blinking and inverse video (see Table 2 for values of #) - - - - - Table 2: Set Graphics Rendition (SGR) function parameters Effect Command Notes Attributes Normal PROMPT $e[0m All attributes are off; w on b High intensity PROMPT $e[1m Underscore PROMPT $e[4m IBM monochrome only Blinking PROMPT $e[5m Inverse video PROMPT $e[7m Invisible PROMPT $e[8m Foreground Color Black PROMPT $e[30m Gray in high intensity Blue PROMPT $e[34m Green PROMPT $e[32m Cyan PROMPT $e[36m Red PROMPT $e[31m Magenta PROMPT $e[35m Brown PROMPT $e[33m Yellow in high intensity White PROMPT $e[37m Background Color Black PROMPT $e[40m Blue PROMPT $e[44m Green PROMPT $e[42m Cyan PROMPT $e[46m Red PROMPT $e[41m Magenta PROMPT $e[45m Brown PROMPT $e[43m White PROMPT $e[47m - - - - - PROMPT1.BAT: Produces screen output showing current date, path, revision date and a "COMMAND=>" prompt. ECHO OFF PROMPT $e[s $e[1;1H$e[36mDate=>$d $e[K$e[7m$e[1;34HPath=>$p $e[1;67H$e[0mRev. 01/01/85$e[u$e[1mCOMMAND+>$e[0m - - - - - SCREEN1.BAT: To manipulate foreground and background colors in DOS ECHO OFF CLS ECHO Wait ... IF ZIP==%1ZIP GOTO BACK IF BLACK==%1 GOTO FBLACK IF black==%1 GOTO FBLACK IF RED==%1 GOTO FRED IF red==%1 GOTO FRED IF GREEN==%1 GOTO FGREEN IF green==%1 GOTO FGREEN IF BROWN==%1 GOTO FBROWN IF brown==%1 GOTO FBROWN IF BLUE==%1 GOTO FBLUE IF blue==%1 GOTO FBLUE IF MAGENTA==%1 GOTO FMAGENTA IF magenta==%1 GOTO FMAGENTA IF CYAN==%1 GOTO FCYAN IF cyan==%1 GOTO FCYAN IF WHITE==%1 GOTO FWHITE IF white==%1 GOTO FWHITE :FBLACK PROMPT $e[30m GOTO BACK :FRED PROMPT $e[31m GOTO BACK :FGREEN PROMPT $e[32m GOTO BACK :FBROWN PROMPT $e[33m GOTO BACK :FBLUE PROMPT $e[34m GOTO BACK :FMAGENTA PROMPT $e[35m GOTO BACK :FCYAN PROMPT $e[36m GOTO BACK :FWHITE PROMPT $e[37m GOTO BACK :BACK ECHO ON ECHO OFF CLS ECHO Wait ... IF ZIP==%2ZIP GOTO END IF BLACK==%2 GOTO BBLACK IF black==%2 GOTO BBLACK IF RED==%2 GOTO BRED IF red==%2 GOTO BRED IF GREEN==%2 GOTO BGREEN IF green==%2 GOTO BGREEN IF BROWN==%2 GOTO BBROWN IF brown==%2 GOTO BBROWN IF BLUE==%2 GOTO BBLUE IF blue==%2 GOTO BBLUE IF MAGENTA==%2 GOTO BMAGENTA IF magenta==%2 GOTO BMAGENTA IF CYAN==%2 GOTO BCYAN IF cyan==%2 GOTO BCYAN IF WHITE==%2 GOTO BWHITE IF white==%2 GOTO BWHITE :BBLACK PROMPT $n$g$e[40m GOTO END :BRED PROMPT $n$g$e[41m GOTO END :BGREEN PROMPT $n$g$e[42m GOTO END :BBROWN PROMPT $n$g$e[43m GOTO END :BBLUE PROMPT $n$g$e[44m GOTO END :BMAGENTA PROMPT $n$g$e[45m GOTO END :BCYAN PROMPT $n$g$e[46m GOTO END :BWHITE PROMPT $n$g$e[47m :END ECHO ON ECHO OFF CLS - - - - - SCREEN2.BAT: An improved version of SCREEN1.BAT ECHO OFF CLS ECHO Wait ... IF ZIP==%1ZIP GOTO BACK GOTO F%1 :FBLACK PROMPT $e[30m GOTO BACK :FRED PROMPT $E[31m GOTO BACK :FGREEN PROMPT $e[32m GOTO BACK :FBROWN PROMPT $e[33m GOTO BACK :FBLUE PROMPT $e[34m GOTO BACK :FMAGENTA PROMPT $e[35m GOTO BACK :FCYAN PROMPT $e[36m GOTO BACK :FWHITE PROMPT $e[37m GOTO BACK :BACK ECHO ON ECHO OFF CLS ECHO Wait ... IF ZIP==%2GOTO END GOTO B%2 :BBLACK PROMPT $n$g$e[40m GOTO END :BRED PROMPT $n$g$e[41m GOTO END :BGREEN PROMPT $n$g$e[42m GOTO END :BBROWN PROMPT $n$g$e[43m GOTO END :BBLUE PROMPT $n$g$e[44m GOTO END :BMAGENTA PROMPT $n$g$e[45m GOTO END :BCYAN PROMPT $n$g$e[46m GOTO END :BWHITE PROMPT $n$g$e[47m :END ECHO ON ECHO OFF CLS