Swapping Printers with AST Cards (PC Magazine Vol 4 No 3 Feb 5, 1985 User-to-User) AST multifunction card owners use a nifty print spooler program called SuperSpool. Unfortunately, when installed at bootup, it prevents output to any printer but the one you've originally specified. If you've set SuperSpool to send stuff to LPT1:, you're shut out of LPT2:. What appears from the documentation to be logical solutions to the problem can lead to a total system lockup. The folks at AST have not provided us with the solution adaptable to batch file use. Call the batch bile LPTSWAP.BAT and use your text editor to make it look like the one below. Then create the BASIC program and save it as SWAP.BAS. Make sure both files are in your current directory along with MODE.COM, BASICA.COM, and SUPERSPL.COM. Enter LPTSWAP and the DOS prompt, and normal printer output will be routed to the LPT2: port. Do it again, and you're back to LPT1:. One warning: it clobbers Sidekick out of business. Final tip for SuperSpool users: renaming SUPERSPL.COM S.COM makes it a lot faster. It's easier to type S/P than SUPERSPL/P when you're in a hurry to purge a buffer. If you do it, be sure to change the commands in LPTSWAP.BAT accordingly. - - - - - LPTSWAP.BAT batch file to swap printer output from LPT1: to LPT2: when using AST's spooling program: superspl/p superspl lpt2: mode lpt1: mode lpt2: basica swap superspl lpt1: - - - - - SWAP.BAS program called by LPTSWAP.BAT to swap printer output from LPT1: to LPT2: when using AST's spooling program: 10 DEF SEG = &H40 20 A = PEEK(8):B = PEEK(9) 30 POKE 8, PEEK(10):POKE 9, PEEK(11) 40 POKE 10, A:POKE 11, B 50 SYSTEM -----------------------------------------------------------------