The PDS Library Needs Your Help by George Kollar In going through the CCS PDS Library the past few months and listening to member comments, I feel the library needs a touch of automation to better keep it current and help members search its evolving content. Also, I sense interest in creating a separate library containing demonstration versions of commercial software. Both libraries would be cataloged using the shareware package called WSSINDEX. Cataloging the CCS Library will enable anyone to search for a given filename or a particular software category across all disks. This should aid members in making more informed choices about which disks to purchase. A separate disk called CCS-CATALOG will be added to the library in the beginning of 1988 and will contain the library databases and utilities to aid in searching the databases, regardless of one's PC expertise. This disk will be updated at least quarterly and sold for $1.00 as a service to members. Another reason for software cataloging the CCS Library is to encourage the general membership to help in keeping the library current. The library is a valuable resource of the Society and one of the main reasons why people initially join CCS. The growing task of maintaining and keeping it up to date can no longer depend on one person. Before adding much more to the library, help is needed to catalog the existing disks. This process will afford the opportunity to evaluate each disk's content and decide if it is still a worthwhile entry. In the case of games and utilities, disks may be combined as necessary, to eliminate some of the redundancy that now exists. If you wish to volunteer for "Project Catalog", you should have your own system, be generally knowledgeable about PCs, Public Domain Software and WSSINDEX in particular. Disk #1 in the CCS Library has been changed from a General Utility disk dated 1983 (ancient times) to WSSINDEX. Please obtain a copy through a chapter or SIG meeting where software is sold, or download it from a BBS. It can be found on our BBS in two files: WSSI320A.ARC and WSSI320B.ARC. Version 3.20 is the latest as of mid-November. CCS has registered a copy to be kept informed of all future enhancements to WSSINDEX. WSSINDEX was chosen at this time as the most versatile cataloging software that I could find and exists as a shareware product. Others may be more friendly, but lack the power of WSSINDEX. Its more unique features include: reading disks alternately from two drives, reading ARC file directories as well as normal DOS directories, merging WSSINDEX databases, adding/changing comments and categories to existing entries, and creating a variety of sorted reports. Output can be directed easily to the screen, printer or to a file. ASCII file output is suitable for reading into a database or spreadsheet of your choice. Please call me at 935-3058 to indicate your interest in joining "Project Catalog". With about a dozen volunteers working on ten disks each, the catalog process could easily be completed by the end of January 1988. I hope to set a goal of expanding the library by 30% to 50% by the end of 1988, with a little help from the membership. Finally, Library Services is always looking for disks to add to the existing PDS or the new DEMO libraries. Please mail me disks that need not be returned. DEMO disks must be permitted to be "copied freely" and contain a documentation file to be eligible for the CCS-DEMO Library. Call me anytime to suggest ideas on "Project Catalog" or Library Services in general. ***** HOLIDAY DISCOUNT ON LIBRARY DISKS ***** From now till December 31st, disks from the CCS Library can be purchased at a $1.00 discount, both at meetings and through the mail. ________________________________________________