August 28,1988 This is a follow-up to the narrative file BLOCKERS.ARC. If you haven't already done so, you should download that file and read it. This part of the story starts where the original ended. After filing a request for reconsideration of my complaint, I received a reply from the Iowa State Utilities Board which said, in part: "Thank you for your letter dated August 22, 1988, with additional comments concerning your complaint on the blocking of access to certain telephone numbers by Teleconnect. "To ensure that the issues are properly investigated, we are forwarding your comments to the company and requesting a response by September 15, 1988." Again, this is a very large issue. Simply stated, it is: Does ANY telephone company have the right to "block" (or refuse to place) calls to ANY number on the basis of unsubstantiated, uninvestigated charges of "telephone fraud", especially when the alleged fraud was committed by a third party without the knowledge of the called party? In the specific case, the question becomes; Can a long distance carrier refuse to handle calls to a BBS solely because some unknown crook has placed fraudulently-charged calls to that BBS? Read BLOCKERS.ARC, and then make YOUR voice be heard by lodging protests with the agencies listed in that file. Incidentally, when you write, please cite file number C-88-161. If you have any additional information which might be helpful in this battle, please let me know. I check the following BBSs very regularly: Hawkeye RBBS, Ben Blackstock, SYSOP 319-363-3314 ($15/year) The Forum, John Oren, SYSOP 319-365-3163 (Register Free) You can also send info to me via U.S. Mail to: 7441 Commune Court, N.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 I hope that, by this time, you realize how significant this battle is for all of us. If we lose, it opens the door for telephone companies to dictate to us just who we can (or cannot) call, especially with modems. We CAN'T let that happen! And, thanks for your support. Jim Schmickley Hawkeye PC Users' Group Cedar Rapids, Iowa