VARIABLE NAME FIRST APPEARS IN LINE DEFINITION ------------------ ------------- ---------- A$ 40 Function variable. B$ 40 Function variable. BLANKS 7040 Blank lines to be inserted in label. BOTTOMFLAG 5010 Sets the flag for printing the last line on label. BYTESUSED 140 Bytes of disk space used by programs on target disk. CF 3010 Flag in the inkey subroutine CN$ 140 Number of items on target disk. CN% 190 Number of items on target disk. COMMENTS$( 180 An array containing the comments. DCOUNT% 140 Number of directories on target disk. DISKNAME$ 140 Name of target disk. DS$ 140 Flag for double or single sided target disk. DSKNAME$ 140 Name of target disk. EFLAG 120 Error Flag. ELINE 7510 Line number containing error. FCOUNT% 140 Number of files on target disk. FILE$ 650 Temporary string to hold file name. FILE$( 240 Array containing file names. FILES.PER.LINE 290 Number of files to be placed on one line. FL 3020 Length of filed for inkey subroutine. FREEBYTES 140 Bytes free on target disk. ICOMMENTS 810 Comment flag IN$ 3010 String variable for input. INDENT 8320 Variable to center title. JB 140 Background color. JF 140 Foreground color. JH 140 Highlight color. JLABEL 850 Counter for number of labels printed. JNB 140 Border color. JS 140 Sound flag. JSN 140 Serial number. JW 140 Warning color. KOMMENTS.PER.LABEL 150 Number of comments per label. KOUNT 190 Counts the lines of comments. LABEL$ 630 A string to hold the file names as they are set up for a line on the label. LABEL.SIZE 140 The size of label to be used. LENGTH 8310 The length of the diskname. LINECOUNT 60 Counts the line printed on the label. LINES.PER.LABEL 290 Sets the number of lines per label. LL 310 Length of each line on the label. NBR.LABELS 460 Number of labels to be printed. NL 550 Counter for labels printed. PRINTERFLAG 460 Flag for screen or printer output. SKIPFILES$ 620 Flag to determine if print file names or not. SPACES 8420 Pads spaces to diskname. TEMP.KOUNT 290 Number of lines per label. TL 310 Length of the title. TOTAL.FILES 320 Total number of files permitted. TYPEPRINTER$ 150 Designates type of printer in use. V$ 8620 Actual number of comments per label. VP$ 450 Video or printer flag. W$ 3010 Holding string for inkey subroutine. WL 3060 Counts characters input in inkey subroutine. X 440 Variable to designate column of screen. Y 440 Variable to designate row of screen. ZZ$ 5040 Input variable.