HD.EXE hexidecimal dump utility Class: Unix NAME HD Hexidecimal data dump SYNOPSIS hd [-vg08crtdox[bwl]] [] [] DESCRIPTION This routine permits viewing a file in either hexidecimal, decimal or octal raw form. If a file is not specified the stdin is used. This permits HD to be inserted in a pipeline from another program. The output may be either byte, word, long int or char oriented. FLAGS -v verbose: show names for communication characters (eg Ctrl F = ack) -g graphic: show actual graphic characters -0 list offset in decimal -8 list offset in octal (default is hexidecimal) -c bytes in ascii (where possible) must be set for -v or -g -r show repeated regions (defaults to reducing repeats to '*') -t open in translate mode -d decimal data -o octal data -x hexidecmal data (default) b byte mode w word mode l long int mode EXAMPLE od -cr0xb file.txt shows "file" with characterd and hexideciaml bytes. Repeats shown. Offsets numbered in decimal.