Microsoft Mouse Menu for Directory Scanner, Ver 3.00 by Cy Phillips Copyright (c) 1987 by Cy Phillips, All rights reserved This archive contains a Mouse Menu for use with Nat Martino's Directory Scanner, Ver 3.00. Included here are three files: MS_MOUSE.DEF, the source code; MS_MOUSE.MNU, the compiled version; MS_MOUSE.BAT, a sample batch file, and this MS_MOUSE.TXT file. The program is written for the IBM PC family of machines and compatibles. The mouse menu will work with the standard eighty columns by twenty-five lines display; it will not (as yet) work with the forty-three lines EGA display. Installation The program is installed through use of the MENU.COM file that is supplied with the Microsoft Mouse. The proper command is: "MENU MS_MOUSE". Once installed, you will see the message: "Menu installed". You may want to include this command in a batch file, or add it as a line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. A sample batch file, MS_MOUSE.BAT, is included in this archive. Pop-Up Menus Once DS is up and running, you may click both of the mouse buttons to display the main pop-up menu. The main pop-up menu is MOUSE MENU. From it, you may select the FILE MENU, the DIRECTORY MENU, the DRIVE MENU, the SCREEN MENU, the MACROS MENU, or the DIRECTORY LINKS MENU. The MOUSE MENU also provides access to: (a) the context sensitive help provided by DS, (b) to MOUSE HELP, a screen that explains operation of the mouse, and to (c) the Editor/Lister change option. Two commands may be selected from the MOUSE MENU: "Key Commands" will display the available key commands, and "Program Limits" will display the limits of the DS program. Each pop-up menu contains a Cancel Menu selection; when this selection is highlighted, clicking either mouse button will cancel the menu. Moving the mouse will highlight the remaining selections, and clicking either mouse button will execute the command selected. Directory Movement Clicking the left mouse button will move the directory highlighter up one directory; clicking the right mouse button will move the directory highlighter down one directory. Moving the mouse up or down when the directory modification option has been selected will move the directory highlighter in the same direction that the mouse is moved. Other commands for movement along the directory tree may be accessed from the DIRECTORY MENU. Arrow Keys Moving the mouse left, right, up, or down will move the cursor left, right, up, or down among the files displayed on the right of the DS screen. Moving the mouse up or down will move the highlight bar in the same direction that the mouse is moved when the display/change directory-number links, Editor/Lister change, or macros display/change options are selected. In addition, moving the mouse will scroll the text displayed (in the same direction that the mouse is moved) when the "View" command is selected from the FILES MENU. This assumes, of course, that you are a proud licensee of Vernon D. Buerg's LIST.COM. DS is designed to work with LIST.COM in the path set by your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The Enter and Cancel Keys Once a command has been selected from a pop-up menu, the left and right buttons may be used to issue enter and cancel commands. In all of the DS displays, clicking the left mouse button will issue an enter, or CR command, and clicking the right mouse button will issue an ESC, or cancel, command. When the "View" command is selected from the FILES MENU, clicking the left mouse button will exit LIST.COM and return to DS. This program is intended for non-commercial, public domain use, and may be used, copied, and distributed subject to this license. The program is supplied "AS IS," and without any warranties, express or implied, including fitness or suitability for a particular purpose. Please direct all questions, suggestions, and problem reports to the author at: Home: 608 Falmouth Drive Office: McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe Falmouth, VA 22405 P.O. Box 9346 McLean, VA 22102 Telephones: Home (703) 371-3191; Office (703) 356-2200 GEnie mail address: CPHILLIPS Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, and IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.