TEMPLATE MAKER UPDATE INFORMATION THE OFFICIAL K AND G FUNCTION KEY TEMPLATE MAKER VERSION 1.10 (C) Copyright 1988 George D. Steinhoff c/o K and G Compu-Type 2502 Bona Road Wilmington, DE 19810-2220 (302) 478-6094 MICROSOFT (R) QuickBASIC Compiler Version 4.00 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1982-1987. All rights reserved. VERSION 1.00 Original home release not available to the general public. VERSION 1.01 First Shareware version made available. Improved user interface. VERSION 1.02 Same as Version 1.01 with the following changes: 1) Minor bugs fixed in the QUIT and CHANGE PROGRAM NAME Options and improvements made to the error checking routine. 2) Size of program decreased by almost 8K. This version not widely released. VERSION 1.10 Following changes were made: 1) Bug fixed in the EDIT mode, and EDIT mode improved with the use of inverse video. 2) The PRINTER DRIVER SETTINGS option allows the setting up of your own printer driver with: A) 15, 17, and/or 20 CPI. B) 1/48 or 1/72 Spacing. 3) Choice of using or not using ANSI graphics on screen. The program also now creates a SETUP.PRT and a SETUP.MON file for printer and monitor default settings, respectively. 4) Will now print a COMPLETELY CLEAR function key overlay (NO PRINT on it at all) if there are no entries. 5) Notice CHANGE IN REGISTRATION.