8/30/88 ** Software Critique ** Software: SOFTBYTES by Vericomp Function: Expanded Memory Simulator Cost : $35.00 - I purchased it from PC-Connection (New Hampshire). Softbytes can provide from 160K to 1000K or more of Expanded Memory by utilizing your Hard Disk. I have used it as an inexpensive and effective way to exceed the 640K limit when using LOTUS 123 Ver. 2.01. It will work with most all software programs that can access expanded memory. The alternative is to buy more memory which is rather costly. It is easy to install and can be set to come on at boot-up or turned on or off from the command line as needed. Although Softbytes can be setup for well over 1000k it seems to work best around 300K to 500K on my computer (IBM XT compatible). The trade off for the larger EMS is slower response time due to the increased hard disk reads & writes. I have not noticed any perceivable difference in speed in the 300K to 500K range. On Lotus, I have noticed some difference in the way it utilizes the EMS depending on the contents of the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets with alot of data and relatively few blank cells utilize a greater proportion of EMS and less of conventional RAM. Conversely, spreadsheets with more blank cells, etc. don't use the EMS as effectively. I strongly recommend SOFTBYTES to anyone who needs Expanded Memory but does not want to spend the big $$ for memory. Doug Williams