Version 1.00 - 11/15/86 - Original release Version 1.01 - 11/19/86 - Minor refinements of the original coding Version 1.02 - 11/21/86 - Added Change border option - Block or Double Line - Moved text editing from line below display to within the displayed PopUp Version 1.03 - 11/25/86 - Rewrote code to accomodate revised Ass'y code for new PopUps .COM files Version 1.04 - 11/26/86 - Added the first pass at setting colors - Finished POPUP.COMs are the exact size as the originals now - Closed up the 'window' while editing so you don't overwrite the borders on all lines except the second and last - If nothing is changed when you enter the E)dit section, you will not be prompted to create a new PopUp - While editing, hitting [ENTER] alone, for input to a line will write a blank line (quick removal of previous text) Version 1.05 - 11/27/87 - Changed coding of Set Colors routine to show actual PopUp as opposed to mockup screen Version 1.05A - 11/28/86 - Corrected bug in color display during Color Set and Editing Version 1.06 - 11/28/86 - Combined the Change Border and Set Colors routines - Command line in the Set Border and Colors routine now reflects the actual ForeGround and BackGround colors - Border select option now displays only the other border type ie: when PopUp Border is Block, command line prompts for Line when PopUp Border is Line, command line prompts for Block Version 1.07 - 11/29/86 - Cleaned up the code eliminating the redundancy Version 2.00 - 11/29/86 - Combined SPOPED and LPOPED into POPEDIT - Added built in licensing agreement/order form/warranty information with either print to Screen or print to Printer option - Added file/filename checking and file overwrite protection - Added write PopUp to disk without exit to DOS option - Added switch PopUp size without exit to DOS option - Added current PopUp size (L or S) to main menu prompt line - First public release Take care... Underdog-