TRACON Air Traffic Control Simulation Program by WILD WEST SOFTWARE Austin, TX ==============INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE================= This demonstration disk should give you a good flavor of TRACON. To see the demonstration, simply put this disk into the selected drive and type the word TRACON to DOS. Or copy the files on this disk into a subdirectory on your hard drive, change to that subdirectory, and type TRACON. The self-repeating demonstration will take about 15 minutes to complete. About the only key active during the demo is the Alt-T "talking" toggle key. Press it once to disable controller talking but leave pilots on; press it again to disable all talking; and press again to hear both again. To end the demo and return to the DOS prompt, press Esc or Alt-X anytime during the demonstration. The following files should be on this demo disk: TRACON.EXE TRACON.VOI TRACON.INI LAX.SEC LAX.VOI DEMO.DMO DEMO.SIM TRACON.TXT ORDER.TXT HOW_TO.TXT You are encouraged to make copies of this demo for your friends, customers, and acquaintances. Just make sure that all files are kept together. Thanks for downloading TRACON, WILD WEST SOFTWARE Leslie Cidale Product Manager