Uses for digital photographs are as endless as they are amazing. Since the photographs are digital they can be copied and manipulated infinitly, providing you with a source from which you can create variations upon variations. Some of the myraid personal applications for images you buy or have digitized include: Printing -- You can easily print your GIF images in b&w or even in color. Tired of having expensive copies made of your slides or prints? Print them with your dot matrix or laser printer. Make your own Christmas or Birthday cards. Your friends and relatives will love them! Trade -- Offer your photos for exchange in the world of BBSing. SySops love them and your friends and associates will too. Collect -- Assemble collections for trade or sale. This can be true for images you have digitized or from those images you purchase. Gifts -- Make up a special variation of your favorite photo for that sweet thing in WY (and don't forget your phone number!) Programming -- Use digital photos in your projects and add that personal touch. (Shareware works best when the user has to look you in the face!) Art projects -- Collage, mixed-media, animation -- as many applications as you have ideas. Publishing -- Desktop publishing projects, newsletters, technical manuals become more professional in appearance when photos are used instead of computer art. Better yet -- use both! Public Relations -- Use your own photographs to build the slides and pictures to be used by television and on-line media. Advertising -- Create special advertisements for your products and services and bank the cash you give ad agencies. This can all be done when you have your slides or prints digitized. Marketing -- Get word about your products out in the electronic world by using photographs to pass along information in a visually pleasing way.