Professional Pursuits Digital photographs add professionalism to your work, regardless of your field. With your photos you have the means to create that something special -- which can in turn create that long-awaited raise and promotion. Business is best when digital photographs are used in: Reports -- Include the smiling face of the company president in the Third Quarter report (right after the bottom-line figures.) Advertising -- Create an ad that can be shown on almost every personal computer in the country! Resumes -- Craft a resume that will impress even the stoggiest Personnel Manager -- just pop it in her PC! Business Cards -- Signal your willingness to make a deal with that hard-to-reach contact by sending him an electronic jolt of your creative prowess. Marketing Items -- Promotional masterpieces are just an idea away from completion when you use photos directly related to your product or service. Digital Photographs get attention! StoryBoard Plus -- If you need a continuously playing slide show you should consider StoryBoard Plus as a format for your business. We can digitize images that will run directly into this popular .PIC format. Images can disolve and fade into your choice of transistions. You name it. We do it. We provide the program that will automatically (& continuously if you like) run your images. As a matter of fact, we can convert most images into the StoryBoard Plus format. IBM already sends their customers to us so why not join the crowd. Make that special demo to run on your computers, show what they can really do. And if you already have StoryBoard Plus (or even the standard StroryBoard) then you know what we mean. In addition to digitizing your images for you we can also help to customize your show. Give us a call at 503- 777-3595 for more details.