EARN LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY WITH YOUR COMPUTER IN YOUR OWN HOME!!! (No matter what kind of computer you have!) A note from the originator of this plan: How would you like to earn thousands of dollars using your computer and modem? Sound incredible? Bet you've never heard of anything like this before. Read on and find out how! It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you're male or female, or anything else. You can do the little bit of work it requires right from your computer in your own home! You have just received the information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life. With practically no risk, and just a little bit of effort, you can have more money in the next few months than you have ever imagined. And that little bit of effort will be using your computer, something you already enjoy doing if you're reading this right now! I should also point out that I will NOT see one penny of your money or anyone else's who participates in my plan. This one's for you! I am also using the plan to make thousands of dollars myself and here's how you can do the same. Please, follow the plan exactly as instructed. Do not change it in any way. It works exceedingly well as it is now. Remember to send a copy of this file to everyone you can think of. Give it to everyone at the local computer club and explain it to them after you have read and re-read it, and understand it completely. And most of all, UPLOAD THIS FILE TO OTHER BBS'S. I'll soon explain why this is so important. So my friend, I've given you the ideas, information, materials, and opportunity to become financially independent, make lots of money, and have fun doing it with your computer. IT'S NOW UP TO YOU! I would suggest printing this file out on your printer instead of trying to read it on your computer. You will need to read it through once and then re-read it a second time to fully understand it. You can also easily refer back to sections while you read it if you have a hard copy of it. ** INSTRUCTIONS ** FOLLOW THESE EASY STEPS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM RESULTS: 1. Order all 4 reports listed and numbered on the following page. Do this by ordering one report from each of the four names listed. For each report, send $5.00 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the person listed for that specific report. You will need all four reports because you will be reprinting them and reselling them. DO NOT alter the names or their sequence other than instructed in the packet. *IMPORTANT* - Specify the number and name of the report when you order each of the four. 2. Use a word processor or some other means of editing this file and do the following: Replace the name and address under REPORT ONE with your name and address, moving the one that was there down to REPORT TWO. Drop the name and address under REPORT TWO to REPORT THREE, moving that one to REPORT FOUR. The name and address that was under REPORT FOUR is dropped off the list. That person is no doubt on the way to the bank! When doing this, make sure that you copy everyone's name and address exactly as it is now! Make a backup of this file before changing it in case you mess up. By the way, I would suggest printing out this file and then retyping all four names and addresses when you do the above. This is very important. Make sure you re-type the addresses exactly as they are. 3. Keep a copy of this file that you just downloaded, or that you received from a friend. Also keep a copy (with backups) of the new file you just made with the address changes described in step 2. So far so good. 4. Now, take your file that you edited and send it to everyone you can think of. The more people you send it to, the more money you will make! And it sure doesn't cost you anything, just a little bit of your time. Also make sure that you upload it to as many BBS's as possible. This is the BEST kind of exposure. I would recommend at least 10 BBS's. That shouldn't take you very long compared to the thousands of dollars you can make. Remember, it's up to you, the more BBS's, the better. Send it to 20 or 30 if you like, many people do this and those are the ones that make the really good money. Don't hesitate to upload it to BBS's that are long distance either. The more you upload your new edited file, the better! If you belong to a computer club, take about 20 or 25 minutes and stand up and explain it to everyone else after you've read it and studied the plan yourself. Help other people get started on it. Remember, the more the better! You'll soon see why! HERE'S HOW THIS AMAZING PLAN WORKS Let's say you decided to start small, just to see how it goes, and we'll assume you and all those involved only upload this file to 10 BBS's. Let's also assume that only ONE person on each BBS responds to it. (Usually there will be several people though). Also, many people will upload to 20, 30 or more than 50 BBS's! But, continuing with this example, you upload this file only 10 times to 10 different BBS's. Each of the 10 people who respond to this file (1 per BBS) will move your name to position number two on the list and also get 10 responses. So far, that's a total of 100 orders for you! Those 100 also get 10 responses each, who in turn also get 10 people themselves. That's a total of 1000 orders for YOU! (at $5.00 each!). Then finally, once again each of those people get 10 people to respond. That is a total of 10,000 orders when your name reaches the #4 position! Each order will bring you $5.00 (cash, no checks, no VISA!!!) Add it all up and you have a grand total of $55,550! Remember, this is assuming that you and everyone else ONLY gets 10 people to respond. Dare to think, for a moment, what would happen if everyone got 20 people to respond! Believe me, many people will do just that... and more! REQUIRED REPORTS DON'T FORGET TO ORDER EACH REPORT BY NAME AND NUMBER - ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT #1: How to Make $250,000 Through Multi-Level Sales (This report will give you much needed information to help you in this plan. It will show you how you really can make a quarter million dollars in less than a year.) ORDER THIS REPORT FROM: David Bell Forest Hills Apt. K-13 2515 NE Expressway Atlanta, GA 30345 ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT #2: Major Corporations and Multi-Level Sales ORDER THIS REPORT FROM: Jaime Galiano Aston Company 2015 Montreal Road Tucker, GA 30384 ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT #3: Sources for the Best Mailing Lists (How to get a mailing list if you want to send this plan out in the mail.) ORDER THIS REPORT FROM: Joyce Smith 1000 Collier Rd. Apt. E4 Atlanta, GA 30318 ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT #4: Evaluations of Multi-Level Sales Plans (Find out which ones work and which ones don't and why) ORDER THIS REPORT FROM: Mark Lunsford 77 Blake Drive Arden, NC 28704 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to order all four reports and include a self addressed, stamped envelope with your order. When filling orders, always provide same-day service! TESTIMONIALS "This is the only realistic money making offer I've ever received. I participated because this plan truly makes sense! I only spoke of it at 2 different computer clubs and uploaded it to a few BBS's. I was surprised when the $5.00 checks started to fill my mail box. By the time it tapered off, I had received over 8,000 orders with over $40,000 in cash! Dozens of people sent warm personal notes too, sharing news of their good fortunes. It's a great way to put your computer and modem to really good use!" Carl Winslow Tulsa, Okla. "Before you throw this away like I almost did, take a little time to read it, re-read it, and really think about it. Get a pencil and figure out what could happen if you participate! Figure the worst possible response, and no matter how you calculate it, you'll still make a bundle. About all that could go wrong would be if you forgot to upload your edited file with you name on it to other people. I even checked the U.S. Post Office to verify that this plan was legal. It definitely is (refer to Title 18, Sections 1302 and 1341 of the postal and lottery code). I just want to pass along my best wishes and encouragement to you. Any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in. It works!" Paul Johnson Raleigh, N.C. CONCLUSION........... This method is simple. You sell hundreds, even thousands of reports for $5.00 each that only cost you a few pennies to print. Everyone involved in the program makes money for everyone else in the program. If anyone makes money, everyone makes money. As you have learned from the above, the 'product' you sell is a series of four financial and business reports. The information contained in the series will not only help you in making your participation in this plan more rewarding, but will be useful to you in other business decisions you make in the years ahead. You are also buying the rights to reprint all of the reports, which will be ordered from you by those to whom you choose to send this file to, as well as the people they send it to and the people they send it to and so on. The concise one and two page reports you'll be buying can easily be reproduced, at a local copy center, for a cost of approximately 4 cents each, in small quantities of 200- 500. The price goes down considerably for larger quantities of 1000 or more. Of course, you want to print just a small quantity until the money comes rolling in. You can always call your printer with another order. Your total cost is $20.00 so that you can order each of the four reports. These reports are only 1 and 2 pages long, so if you like, you can simply type them on your computer. Then, when you get orders, print it out on your printer. This will work for a short period of time, but by the time your name reaches the #2 position, the orders will be too many, and you'll have to go to the local printer then. By then, you'll have plenty of money to pay for it too!! Good luck and happy computing! By the way, do you subscribe to Compuserve, The Source, Genie or some similar system with large amounts of users? If so, upload the file to that system. The exposure there would be incredible and you could make LOTS of money. If you suscribe to a system like this, take advantage of that opportunity. It will give you a BIG advantage over everyone else. Edward L. Green REMEMBER: "HE WHO DARES NOTHING, NEED HOPE FOR ANYTHING"