------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disk No 423 PROJECT MANAGEMENT v1 DS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This disk contains a complete PC Project Management system. It is cap- able of handling 1000 tasks, subcontractors, variable start dates, and holidays. It uses CPM (Critical Path Method); calculates the crical path, cash-flow, cost reports, Gantt charts, and Precedence networks. PCPM BAS Basic language Program Management main program PCPM BAT Batch file for starting the PCPM program from DOS PCPM DOC Documentation/40 page manual for the PCPM system CPABAR BAS | CPACFA BAS | CPACORC BAS | CPACOS BAS | CPACPM BAS | CPACUI BAS | CPADAYS BAS | CPAHOLY BAS }---Subsidiary programs called by Main program (PCPM.BAS) CPAINFO BAS | CPAMENU BAS | CPANODE BAS | CPAPRES BAS | CPASBC BAS | CPASORT BAS | CPASUBS BAS | CPAUPD BAS | LLP Sample data file LLP BAR Sample Gantt chart LLP CPM Sample main input file LLP HOL Sample file of holidays LLP LGS Sample file of data for sorts LLP NDS Sample data file LLP OUT Sample output report LLP SBC Sample sub-contractor name file LLP UPD Sample updated input data file