Disk number 758 Program name: French Verb Conjugator Version 1.13 PC-SIG version 1 This program will allow you to work on a number of your French verbs. The program is set up so that you may search for a specific verb (in English) and the matching verb (in French) will be highlighted, if it is included in the proigram. You may allso with the flick of a key change the tense of the verb from present to future to any of the other 5 tenses. Usage: Educational System Requirements: 256k memory, one floppy drive and monochrome or color graphics. How to Start: Put the disk in drive A. Type A: (then return, or enter, the big key on the right side) Type FRENCH (return) File Descriptions: INSTRESV COM Installs program into memory residence INSTRESV MSG Messages for INSTRESV.COM INSTVERB COM Intalls Program onto floppy disk INSTVERB DTA Data file INSTVERB MSG Messages for INSTVERB.COM READ ME Documentation File RES-RUN BAT Batch file to install program in memory residence RESVERB COM Memory resident version of program RUN-ME BAT Batch file to install program INSTRESV DTA Data file FREN CON Data file FREN DAT Data file FREN REF Reference Data file FREN SUB Reference Data file FREN VER Reference Data file FRENCH BAT Batch file to Start program VERB COM Main program PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG