--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISK NO 706 NAMEPAL v1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NamePal, the complete automatic address book. It will keep your lists of names, address, phone numbers, and related comments on your computer, and then print them out in a pocket-size "book" that you can use anywhere. And you can code your data to keep track of club members, birthdays, babysitters, or any other grouping that is important to you. NamePal also performs other handy tasks, like printing mailing labels, Rolodex card files, and full-page rosters. NamePal is completely menu driven and also has online help screens. AUTOEXEC BAT Starts main program CATEGORY NP0 Used by NAMEPAL.EXE COUNT BEG Used by NAMEPAL.EXE COUNT NP0 Used by NAMEPAL.EXE DATA NP0 Used by NAMEPAL.EXE DOCPGE?? PRN Documentation (14 pages) GO BAT Prints out the read me file HELP NP1 Help sceens for program INDEX NP0 Used by NAMEPAL.EXE NAMEPAL EXE Main program PRINTDOC BAT Prints all of documentation PRINTONE BAT Prints one page of documentation at a time SAMPLES NPB Sample file PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1987 PC-SIG