---- QMODEM 4.0 MESSAGE ---- I want to thank all of you for the interest you show in Qmodem 4.0. The program is a major new release with a host (pun intended) of new features. It is faster, easier, and it does a lot more things than previous versions. Much faster, a complete built-in host mode, a new dialing directory interface, built-in Qinstall, many new script commands, and context- sensitive help, just to name a few. Qmodem 4.0 is not ready to be released just now. I will not release an incomplete program, or an ill-documented one. Nor will I release a program if I believe that any bug is still lurking in it. With the incredible array of new hardware and operating system software under which you will run Qmodem 4.0, it is imperative that the program be thoroughly tested. It must operate under all possible condition. And it must operate well. All registered users of Qmodem 3.1+ are automatically registered users of Qmodem 4.0. When 4.0 is released, you may download it and use your 3.1a registration number; it will work on 4.0. For non-registered users, we intend to keep prices the same as for 3.1a. And for registered users, we will make the 4.0 printed manual available for a nominal fee. Now, if Qmodem 4.0 is to be released in a timely fashion, I need your help. Please hold the questions about the new release. I know it's difficult to do, and you're all dying to know. You will soon. However, each hour I spend answering questions on the BBS and in the Qmodem conference takes away from the time I could spend on the program and its documentation. I will NOT stop answering questions, of course, you people are the ones who made Qmodem successful and you come first. But I sure would appreciate your cooperation. I can guarantee that you will have many, many more questions about 4.0 AFTER it is released. Let's work together on this so I can get Qmodem 4.0 out the door as soon as possible. I truly appreciate your cooperation and support. John Friel III Author of Qmodem