Name: Newton Press 1.1 for Macintosh Updater Version: 1.1 Released: July 2, 1998 Requires: An Apple Macintosh computer witha 68020 or later processor At least 4MB of RAM At least 3MB of available disk space A standard LocalTalk or serial connection Description: Newton Press allows you to create documents on your desktop computer, the publish them as Newton books. Anyone with a Newton device can view, annotate, fax or print the books you create. Newton Press 1.1 for Mac OS and Windows adds these features: - Support for eMate 300, MessagePad 2000 and MessagePad 2100 - Greyscale supportPortrait, 2-Up and Landscape boor formats - Faster text import with ASCII mode option - Faster package creation Instructions: This software consists of a self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image (.smi) file. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. You do not need Disk Copy to access .smi files. The Newton Press 1.1 for Macintosh Updater is provided to you free of charge. It does not include free telephone support from Apple Computer. Support for this software is available on the Internet using the following URL: