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Индекс Коллекции Портов FreeBSD

Поиск портов:

0ad-0.0.11 -- Real-time strategy (RTS) game of ancient warfare
0verkill-0.16_1 -- 0verkill is a bloody 2D action Deathmatch-like game in ASCII-art
2ManDVD-1.3.5_2 -- Create your own video dvd
2bsd-diff-2.11 -- 2.11BSD diff utility
2bsd-vi-050325_1 -- The original vi editor, updated to run on modern OSes
2d-rewriter-1.4 -- Cellular automata simulator
2dhf-2005.05_4 -- A Numerical Hartree-Fock Program for Diatomic Molecules
2ping-1.1 -- A bi-directional ping utility
3dc-0.8.1_3 -- 3-Dimensional Chess for X Window System
3ddesktop-0.2.9_10 -- 3D Virtual Desktop Switcher
3dm- -- 3ware RAID controller monitoring daemon and web server
3dpong-0.5_4 -- X Window 3D Pong game for 1 or 2 players
3proxy-0.6.1 -- Proxy servers set (support HTTP(S), FTP, SOCKS, POP3, TCP & UDP)
44bsd-csh-20001106_3 -- The traditional 4.4BSD /bin/csh C-shell
44bsd-more-20000521 -- The pager installed with FreeBSD before less(1) was imported
44bsd-rdist-20001111 -- The traditional 4.4BSD rdist
4stattack-2.1.4_7 -- Connect four stones in a straight line
4va-1.21_2 -- Four-Dimensional graphics tumbler for X11
54321-1.0.2001.11.16_11 -- 54321 is five games in four-, three-, or two-dimensions for one player
6tunnel-0.11.r2_2 -- TCP proxy for applications that don't speak IPv6
915resolution-0.5.3_1 -- Resolution tool for Intel i915 video cards
9base-b20090309 -- Port of various original plan9 tools
9box-0.2.1_3 -- 9box can "pack" windows inside itself
9e-1.0 -- Explode Plan9 archives
9menu-1.8_2 -- A simple menu patterned after Plan9
ACH-1.0.2 -- A free, open source tool for complex research problems
ADMsmb-0.3 -- Security scanner for Samba
ADMsnmp-0.1 -- SNMP audit scanner
AquaGatekeeper-1.22_5 -- Aqua H323 Gatekeeper and proxy
Atlas-0.5.2_1 -- A C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
Atlas-0.6.2 -- A C++ reference implementation of the Atlas protocol
AtomicParsley-0.9.0_1 -- Command line program for reading parsing and setting MP4/M4A metadata
AutoIndex-1.5.4_1 -- PHP 4.x script that makes a table that lists the files in a directory
AutoIndex-2.2.4 -- PHP 5.x script that makes a table that lists the files in a directory
BillardGL-1.75_8 -- OpenGL pool billiard simulation
BitchX-1.2 -- Feature-rich scriptable IRC client
CKEditor-3.6 -- CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web page
CalculiX-2.4_2 -- A Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program
CaribbeanStud-1.0_3 -- Caribbean Stud gambling game for X Window System
CastleVox-1.2 -- A fast world domination game
Cgraph-2.04_2 -- A PostScript plotting library in C
CharisSIL-4.110 -- Charis SIL TrueType font collection
CharisSILCompact-4.110_1 -- Charis SIL TrueType font collection, compact variant
Clp-1.12.1 -- Linear Programming Solver
Coin-3.1.3_3 -- C++ 3D graphics library based on the Open Inventor 2.1 API
CoinMP-1.6.0_1 -- Optimization library with support for most of COIN-OR CLP, CBC, and CGL
DFileServer-1.1.3 -- A compact webserver designed to make sharing files easy
DTraceToolkit-0.99 -- Collection of useful scripts for DTrace
DarwinStreamingServer-6.0.3 -- Darwin Streaming Server, a MP3, MPEG4, and QuickTime streaming server
DirComp-1.3.11_1 -- Compare two directories
DoulosSIL-4.110 -- Doulos SIL TrueType font collection
DoulosSILCompact-4.110_1 -- Doulos SIL TrueType font collection, compact variant
E-Run-1.2_11 -- A simple epplet for launching arbitrary programs
EZWGL-1.50_7 -- The EZ Widget and Graphics Library
Fnorb-1.3_1 -- A CORBA 2.0 ORB written in Python
FreeMat-4.0_4 -- An environment for rapid engineering and scientific processing
FreeMat-mpi-4.0_4 -- An environment for rapid engineering and scientific processing
FrontBase-4.2.9 -- Frontbase SQL Database Server
GNUDoku-0.93_6 -- A free program for creating and solving Su Doku puzzles
GSubEdit-0.4.p1_10 -- GNOME Subtitle Editor is a tool for editing/converting video subtitles
Gdtclft-2.2.5_10 -- A TCL interface to the Thomas Boutell's Gd library
GeoIP-1.4.8_3 -- Find the country that any IP address or hostname originates from
GiNaC-1.6.2 -- A C++ library for symbolic mathematical calculations
GimpUserManual-HTML-2_1 -- The user manual for the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
GraphicsMagick-1.1.15_5 -- Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
GraphicsMagick-1.2.10_3 -- Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
GraphicsMagick-1.3.16_1 -- Fast image processing tools based on ImageMagick
HVSC-Update-2.8.5 -- Update program for the HVSC C= 64 SID tune collection
Hermes-1.3.3_2 -- Fast pixel formats conversion library
HeroesOfMightAndMagic-3_1 -- BSD Installation of the Linux game "Heroes of Might and Magic III"
Hyperlatex-2.9.a_4 -- Produce HTML and printed documents from LaTeX source
IExtract-0.9.30_1 -- Extract meta-information from files
IMHear-1.0 -- An MSN Messenger event/message sniffer
IMP-1.0.7_1 -- Monadic interpreter of a simple imperative language
IPA-1.08_1 -- Image Processing Algorithms
Ice-3.4.2_3 -- Modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA/COM/DCOM/COM+
ImageMagick- -- Image processing tools
ImageMagick-nox11- -- Image processing tools
InsightToolkit-2.8.1_2 -- Insight Toolkit
Judy-1.0.5 -- General purpose dynamic array
KPackageKit- -- KDE interface for PackageKit
KSubeditor-0.2_10 -- A video subtitle editor for KDE
KeePassX-0.4.3_1 -- Cross Platform Password Manager
LPRng-3.8.35 -- An Enhanced Printer Spooler
LPRngTool-1.3.2_6 -- Configuration Tool for LPRng
LaBrea-2.4_2 -- Security tarpit defense tool
LabPlot- -- LabPlot : Data analysis and visualisation
Lila-xfwm4-0.3.2 -- Xfce 4 Lila window decoration theme for Xfwm4
MT-5.14 -- A web-based personal publishing system for weblogs
Maaate-0.3.1_3 -- MPEG audio analysis toolkit
MailScanner-4.84.5_3 -- Powerful virus/spam scanning framework for mail gateways
MathJax-2.0 -- A cross-browser JavaScript display engine for mathematics
Mixminion-0.0.8.a3 -- A Type III Anonymous Remailer
Mowitz-0.2.1_4 -- This is the Mowitz ("More widgets") library
MuSE-0.9.2_14 -- Multiple Streaming Engine
NagiosAgent- -- A QT-based frontend to Nagios
Nefarious-1.2.0 -- IRC server used by evilnet based off of Undernet\'s ircu
NetHirc-0.94 -- Perl-based IRC client that uses Net::IRC
NetPIPE-3.7.1 -- A self-scaling network benchmark
NetRexx-2.05_3 -- Human-oriented programming language for writing/using Java classes
NetSpades-4.2.0_7 -- Very popular card game for 1-4 players over a network
NunniMCAX-1.4.1 -- C, non validating XML parser with SAX-like API
O2-tools-2.00 -- Huge image processing tools and libraries
OQTEncoder-0.1_6 -- A simple encoder using OpenQuicktime (TM)
OQTPlayer-0.5_10 -- Very very small, not functional, video OpenQuicktime (TM) player
ORBit-0.5.17_5 -- High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ORBit2-2.14.19 -- High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ORBit2-reference-2.14.19 -- Programming reference for devel/ORBit2
Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.0.5 -- Keep track of the computers configuration and software
OpenEXR-1.7.0 -- A high dynamic-range (HDR) image file format
OpenJUMP-1.5.1 -- An open source GIS software written in Java
OpenSP-1.5.2_2 -- This package is a collection of SGML/XML tools called OpenSP
OpenSSH-askpass- -- Graphical password applet for entering SSH passphrase
PDL-2.4.11 -- Perl Data Language
PackageKit-0.6.11_2 -- A DBUS packaging abstraction layer
PackageKit-qt4-0.6.11_1 -- Qt4 bindings to packagekit
ParMetis-4.0_1 -- A package for parallel (mpi) unstructured graph partitioning
Pymacs-0.22_6 -- A Python package for scripting emacs
QNetChess-1.1_7 -- Qt based chess multiplayer game
R-2.15.1_1 -- A language for statistical computing and graphics
R-cran-AMORE-0.2.12_8 -- A MORE flexible neural network package
R-cran-DBI-0.2.5_6 -- R Database Interface
R-cran-DCluster-0.2.5_2 -- Functions for the detection of spatial clusters of diseases
R-cran-Defaults-1.1.1_2 -- Create Global Function Defaults
R-cran-Epi-1.1.40 -- A package for statistical analysis in epidemiology
R-cran-Formula-1.1.0_3 -- Extended Model Formulas
R-cran-GDD- -- Graphics device for R for creating bitmap output
R-cran-Hmisc-3.9.3 -- Harrell Miscellaneous functions useful for data analysis
R-cran-KFAS-0.9.11 -- Kalman filter and smoothers for exponential family state space models
R-cran-PerformanceAnalytics- -- Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis
R-cran-R2HTML-2.2 -- HTML exportation for R objects
R-cran-RColorBrewer-1.0.5_6 -- ColorBrewer palettes
R-cran-RCurl-1.95.3 -- General network client interface for R
R-cran-RFinanceYJ-0.1.6_6 -- Japanese stock market from Yahoo!-finance-Japan
R-cran-RJSONIO-0.98.1_3 -- Serialize R objects to JSON, JavaScript Object Notation
R-cran-RMySQL-0.9.3_3 -- R interface to the MySQL database
R-cran-ROAuth-0.9.2 -- R interface for OAuth
R-cran-RSQLite-0.11.1 -- Database Interface R driver for SQLite
R-cran-RSQLite.extfuns-0.0.1 -- SQLite extension functions for RSQLite
R-cran-RSvgDevice- -- A R SVG graphics device
R-cran-RUnit-0.4.26 -- R functions implementing a Unit Testing framework
R-cran-Rpad-1.3.0_6 -- Workbook-style, web-based interface to R
R-cran-SuppDists-1.1.8_7 -- Supplementary distributions and RNG for R
R-cran-TTR-0.21.1_2 -- Technical Trading Rules
R-cran-XML-3.9.4_3 -- Tools for parsing and generating XML
R-cran-Zelig-4.0.11 -- Everyone's Statistical Software
R-cran-bayesm-2.2.4_8 -- Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-econometrics
R-cran-bdsmatrix-1.3_3 -- Routines for Block Diagonal Symmetric matrices
R-cran-bitops- -- Functions for Bitwise operations
R-cran-car-2.0.15 -- Companion to Applied Regression for R
R-cran-caret-5.15.044 -- Classification and Regression Training
R-cran-ccgarch-0.2.0_3 -- Conditional Correlation GARCH models
R-cran-chron-2.3.42 -- R package for creating objects which can handle dates and times
R-cran-coda-0.15.2 -- Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
R-cran-colorspace-1.2.0 -- Color Space Manipulation
R-cran-deldir-0.0.21 -- Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation
R-cran-diagram-1.6_4 -- Functions for visualising simple graphs, plotting flow diagrams
R-cran-dichromat-1.2.4_3 -- Color schemes for dichromats
R-cran-digest-0.5.2_2 -- Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
R-cran-dlmodeler-1.2.1 -- Generalized Dynamic Linear Modeler
R-cran-e1071-1.6.1 -- Misc Functions of the Department of Statistics (e1071), TU Wien
R-cran-eco-3.1.5_6 -- R Package for Ecological Inference in 2x2 Tables
R-cran-epicalc- -- Epidemiological calculator
R-cran-foreach-1.4.0_2 -- Foreach looping construct for R
R-cran-gbm- -- Extensions to AdaBoost algorithm
R-cran-ggplot2- -- An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics
R-cran-glmnet-1.8 -- Lasso and elastic-net regularized generalized linear models
R-cran-gmm-1.4.3 -- Generalized Method of Moments and Generalized Empirical Likelihood
R-cran-gpclib-1.5.3 -- General Polygon Clipping Library for R
R-cran-gsubfn-0.6.4 -- R package used for string matching, substitution and parsing
R-cran-gtable-0.1.1 -- Arrange grobs in tables
R-cran-igraph-0.6.3 -- R extension package for igraph
R-cran-inline-0.3.10 -- Inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from R
R-cran-iterators-1.0.6_2 -- Iterator construct for R
R-cran-itertools-0.1.1_6 -- Iterator Tools for R
R-cran-labeling-0.1_1 -- Provides a range of axis labeling algorithms
R-cran-lmtest-0.9.30 -- Testing Linear Regression Models
R-cran-maptools-0.8.18 -- Tools for reading and handling spatial objects
R-cran-memisc-0.95.38_3 -- Provides an infrastructure for the management of survey data
R-cran-memoise-0.1_2 -- Memoise functions for R
R-cran-munsell-0.4 -- Munsell colour system
R-cran-mvtnorm-0.9.96_8 -- Multivariate Normal and t Distributions
R-cran-nnls-1.4 -- R implementation of an algorithm for non-negative least squares
R-cran-pixmap-0.4.11_3 -- Bitmap Images ("Pixel Maps")
R-cran-plm-1.2.10_1 -- Linear Models for Panel Data
R-cran-plyr-1.7.1_3 -- Tools for splitting, applying, and combining data
R-cran-proto- -- Prototype object-based programming
R-cran-psych-1.2.1_1 -- Psych package for the R project
R-cran-quantmod-0.3.17_2 -- Quantitative Financial Modelling and Trading Framework for R
R-cran-randomForest-4.6.6 -- Classification based on a forest of trees using random inputs
R-cran-reshape-0.8.4_6 -- An R package for flexibly restructuring and aggregating data
R-cran-reshape2-1.2.1_3 -- Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
R-cran-rgdal-0.7.22 -- Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
R-cran-rjson-0.2.10 -- JSON for R
R-cran-rtiff-1.4.1_3 -- A tiff reader for R
R-cran-sandwich-2.2.9_3 -- Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators
R-cran-scales-0.2.2 -- Scale functions for graphics
R-cran-scrapeR-0.1.6_6 -- Tools for Scraping Data from HTML and XML Documents
R-cran-shape-1.4.0 -- Functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
R-cran-sm- -- Smoothing methods for nonparametric regression and density estimation
R-cran-snow-0.3.10 -- Support for simple parallel computing in R
R-cran-som-0.3.5_2 -- Self-Organizing Map
R-cran-sp-1.0.1 -- R Classes and Methods for Spatial Data
R-cran-spdep-0.5.51 -- Spatial dependence: weighting schemes, statistics, and models
R-cran-sqldf- -- SQL select on R data frames
R-cran-stringr-0.6.1 -- Make it easier to work with strings
R-cran-strucchange-1.4.7_1 -- Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes
R-cran-twitteR-0.99.19_3 -- R based Twitter client
R-cran-urca-1.2.7 -- Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data
R-cran-vars-1.5.0 -- VAR Modelling
R-cran-xtable-1.7.0_3 -- Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
R-cran-xts-0.8.8 -- Extensible Time Series
R-cran-zoo-1.7.9 -- S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series
REminiscence-0.2.1_1 -- A rewritten engine for Flashback
Radiator-4.7_1 -- Radiator Radius Server by Open System Consultants
RealTimeBattle-1.0.8_9 -- Robot programming game for UNIX
Ri-li-2.0.1_4 -- Drive a toy wood train in many levels - snake-like arcade game
SNMP4Nagios-0.4_1 -- Vendor specific SNMP plugins for Nagios
SPE-0.8.4.h_3 -- Stani's Python Editor
STk-4.0.1_2 -- A scheme interpreter with full access to the Tk graphical package
Sablot-1.0.3 -- XML toolkit implementing XSLT 1.0, XPath 1.0 and DOM Level2
SciPlot-1.36_3 -- A full-featured Xt widget to display 2D data in a graph
SearchAndRescue-1.4.0_1 -- A flight simulator in which the player rescues people
SearchAndRescue-data-1.3.0 -- The data files for SearchAndRescue flight simulator
SoQt-1.5.0_2 -- Qt4 toolkit library for Coin
SoXt-1.3.0_1 -- GUI binding for using Open Inventor with Xt/Motif
Sockets- -- A C++ wrapper for BSD-style sockets
SoftMaker-Office-2006_2 -- Microsoft Word/Excel OpenDocument and editor
SpecTcl-1.2.2a -- Free drag-and-drop GUI builder for Tk and Java from Sun
TclExpat-1.1_6 -- The TCL interface to Expat library
TekNap-1.3.g_3 -- Console napster client
Terminal-0.4.8_1 -- Terminal emulator for the X windowing system
TestU01-1.2.3_1 -- Utilities for statistical testing of uniform random number generators
Thunar-1.4.0_2 -- Xfce 4 file manager
TkTopNetFlows-0.4_5 -- GUI tool for NetFlow data visualisation
Unreal-3.2.9 -- Unreal - the next generation ircd
UserManager-2.1 -- Easily create, change, or delete virtual PureFTPd users
VisualOS-1.0.5_9 -- Visual simulator of an operating system to help understand an OSes
WMmp-0.10.0 -- Window Maker Dockapp for MusicPD
WWWdb-0.8.3 -- A Perl based generic WWW DB interface / frontend
WadcomBlog-0.3 -- Simple open-source static blog engine written in Python
WebCalendar-1.0.5_2 -- A web-based calendar application
WebCalendar-devel-1.2.5 -- A web-based calendar application
WebMagick-2.03p16 -- Image Web Generator - recursively build HTMLs, imagemaps, thumbnails
Wingz-142_2 -- A Commercial Spreadsheet
WordNet-3.0_2 -- Dictionaries and thesauri with devel. libraries (C, TCL) and browsers
WowzaMediaServerPro-1.7.2 -- Commercial flash media server written in Java
XBone-3.2_6 -- Deploys and manages IP-based VPNs (aka "virtual Internets")
XNap-2.5.r3_3 -- Pure Java napster client; also, supports OpenNap & giFT (FastTrack)
XPostitPlus-2.3_3 -- PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
XScreenSaver.App-2.3_3 -- WindowMaker dockapp to control XScreenSaver
Xaw3d-1.5E_4 -- A 3-D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
Xbae-4.60.4_1 -- A Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells as a spreadsheet
XmHTML-1.1.7_11 -- A Motif widget set for displaying HTML 3.2 documents
ZendFramework-1.12.0_1 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
ZendOptimizer-3.3.0.a -- An optimizer for PHP code
a2pdf-1.13 -- Text to PDF converter
a2png-0.1.5_5 -- Converts plain ASCII text into PNG bitmap images
a2ps-a4-4.13b_4 -- Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
a2ps-letter-4.13b_4 -- Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
a2ps-letterdj-4.13b_4 -- Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
aXe-6.1.2_3 -- Simple to use text editor for X
aa-56_2 -- Self-contained ephemeris calculator
aacgain-1.8 -- Normalizes the volume of mp3 and AAC (mp4/m4a/QuickTime) media files
aacplusenc-0.17.5 -- An aacPlus v2 command-line encoder
aalib-1.4.r5_6 -- ASCII art library
aamath-0.3_1 -- Renders ASCII art from mathematical expressions
aap-1.091 -- A build tool alternative to make with internet access and CVS support
aaphoto-0.41_1 -- Auto Adjust Photo, automatic color correction of photos
ab25-0.2.4 -- Utility for ARIB STD-B25 ECM handling in MPEG2-TS stream
abacus-0.9.13_4 -- Spread sheet for X Window System
abakus-0.92 -- Simple KDE Calculator
abby-0.4.8_3 -- Front-end for c/clive
abc2mtex-1.6.1 -- Music TeX converter from "abc" to MusiXTeX format
abcde-2.4.2_2 -- Front-end shell script to encode CDs in flac/mp3/ogg/speex format
abck-2.2 -- Manage intrusion attempts recorded in the system log
abcl-1.0.1 -- An implementation of ANSI Common Lisp in Java
abclock-1.0d_2 -- Clock for X that displays hours and minutes in an analog fashion
abcm2ps-6.6.18 -- Converts ABC to music sheet in PostScript format
abcmidi-2011.04.29 -- Convert abc music files to MIDI and PostScript
abcselect-1.5 -- Extract parts, movements, etc from abc music files
abe-1.1_5 -- Abe's Amazing Adventure
abgx360-1.0.6 -- Verify and repair Xbox 360 backup images
abgx360gui-1.0.2_3 -- A wxWidgets frontend for abgx360
abi-compliance-checker-1.98.4 -- Checks binary compatibility of two versions of a C/C++ shared library
abills-0.54 -- Billing system for dialup, VPN, and VoIP management
abinit-5.7.3_10 -- Abinit calculates electronic structure of systems
abiword-2.8.4_2 -- An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
abiword-docs-2.8.4_1 -- AbiWord help files
abntex-0.8.2_3 -- Both classes and styles for both LaTex and bibtex for ABNT rules
abook-0.5.6_4 -- An addressbook program with mutt mail client support
abraca-0.7.0_1 -- Abraca is a GTK2 client for the XMMS2 music player
abs-0908_3 -- A free spreadsheet with graphical user interface
abuse_sdl-0.8_2 -- SDL port of the Abuse game engine
abyssws-2.6_1 -- Abyss Web Server is a compact and easy to use web server
accerciser-1.12.1_2 -- Interactive Python accessibility explorer for GNOME
accrete-1.0 -- Accrete is a physical simulation of solar system planet formation
ace-6.1.2 -- The Adaptive Communication Environment for C++
acetao-doc-5.5.0 -- The ACE+TAO HTML documentation
acfax-0.981011_3 -- Receive faxes using sound card and radio
achievo-1.1.0_1 -- A flexible web-based resource management tool
acidrip-0.14_9 -- GTK2::Perl wrapper for MPlayer and MEncoder for ripping DVDs
acidwarp-1.0 -- SVGAlib demo which displays trippy mathematical images in cycling colors
aclgen-2.02 -- Optimize Cisco routers IP access lists
aclock-0.4.0 -- Analog Clock for GNUstep
acm-5.0_2 -- A flight simulator for X11
acoustid-fingerprinter-0.6 -- AcoustID audio fingerprint submission tool
acpi_call-1.0.1 -- Kernel module for calling ACPI methods from userspace
acrobatviewer-1.1_2 -- Viewer for the PDF files written in Java(TM)
acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (ENU)
acroread9-9.5.1 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (ENU)
acroreadwrapper-0.0.20110920 -- Wrapper script for Adobe Reader
activemq-5.6.0 -- Messaging and Integration Patterns provider
activitymail-1.26 -- A program for sending email messages for CVS repository commits
actx-1.23_2 -- Window sitter for X11
acx-6.1 -- Texas Instruments (TI) ACX100 and ACX111 IEEE 802.11 driver
adabooch-20030309 -- Library which provide container classes as well as powertools for Ada
adabooch-doc-20030309 -- Manual for adabooch
adacurses-5.9 -- Curses library for Ada
adamem-1.0_2 -- ADAMEm is a portable Coleco ADAM and ColecoVision emulator
adasdl-20010504_11 -- An Ada thin binding to SDL
adcomplain-3.52 -- Complain about inappropriate commercial use (f.e. SPAM) of usenet/e-mail
add-20110306 -- Full-screen editing calculator
add-css-links-1.0_1 -- Add one or more CSS <link> elements to an XHTML document
addresses-0.4.7_2 -- A versatile addressbook for GNUstep
addresses-goodies-0.4.7_1 -- Goodies for addressbook for GNUstep
adesklets-0.6.1_9 -- An interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system
adgali-0.2.4_10 -- An open source game library useful for 2D game development
adime-2.2.1_2 -- Generate Allegro dialogs in a very simple way
admesh-0.95_1 -- Program for processing STL triangulated solid meshes
adminer-3.6.1 -- A full-featured database management tool written in PHP
adms-2.3.0 -- A model generator for SPICE simulators
admuser-2.3.2 -- Handle your Squid or Web users and passwords using your browser
adns-1.4_1 -- Easy to use asynchronous-capable DNS client library and utilities
adobe-cmaps-20051217_1 -- Adobe CMap collection
adodb-4.99.2 -- Database library for PHP
adodb-5.15 -- Database library for PHP
adom-1.1.1_2 -- An rogue-like advanced rpg with color support (binary port)
adonthell-0.3.5_9 -- A free role playing game
adplay-1.7_4 -- AdLib player using adplug library
adstudio-10.0.11 -- A database query and administration tool
adsuck-2.3_1 -- DNS relay for ad blocking
adtool-1.3.3 -- Active Directory administration tool
adun-0.81_1 -- Molecular Simulator for GNUstep
advancecomp-1.15 -- Recompression utilities for .ZIP, .PNG, .MNG, and .GZ files
advancemame-0.106.1_1 -- SDL MAME port with advanced TV and monitor video support
advancemenu-2.5.0_1 -- A frontend for AdvanceMAME, MAME, MESS, RAINE
advancemess- -- SDL MESS port with advanced TV and monitor video support
adzap-20110915 -- Filter out animated ad banners from web pages
aee-2.2.15b_1 -- An easy editor with both curses and X11 interfaces
aegis-4.24.3 -- Transaction-based software configuration management system
aegisub-2.1.9_1 -- Cross-platform subtitle editor
aescrypt-0.7_1 -- A command-line AES encryption/decryption suite
aeskulap-0.2.1_2 -- A medical image viewer
aespipe-v2.3.e_1 -- An AES encrypting or decrypting pipe
aestats-5.39 -- An advanced HTML statistics generator for various games
aewan-1.0.01 -- Curses-based program for the creation and editing of ASCII art
aewm-1.2.7_4 -- ICCCM-compliant window manager based on 9wm
af-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Afrikaans dictionary
af-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Afrikaans localized messages and documentation for KDE3
af-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- af language pack for libreoffice
afay-041111 -- Improved aflex and ayacc Ada 95 native scanner and parser generators
afbinit-1.0_4 -- Sun AFB aka Sun Elite 3D microcode firmware loader
affenspiel-1.0_2 -- Little puzzle game with monkey for X Window System
affiche-0.6.0_2 -- Affiche allows people to stick notes
afflib-3.7.1 -- The Advanced Forensics Format library and utilities
afio-2.5 -- Archiver & backup program w/ builtin compression
afm-1.0 -- Adobe Font Metrics
afni-2012.04.17.2129_1 -- Advanced Functional Neuro Imaging
afnix-2.2.0 -- A multi-threaded functional programming language
afsp-8.2 -- Audio file conversion utilities and library
aft-5.098 -- A document preparation system using an Almost Free Text input format
aften-0.0.8 -- ATSC A/52 audio encoder
afterglow-1.6.0_1 -- A collection of graph-generating scripts
afternoonstalker-1.1.4_3 -- A clone of the 1981 Night Stalker video game
afterstep-1.0_3 -- Window manager originally based on the Bowman NeXTstep clone
afterstep-2.2.11_1 -- A stable version of the AfterStep window manager
afterstep-i18n-1.0_4 -- The NeXTstep clone window manager with Fontset support
aftp-1.0 -- A ftp-like shell for accessing Apple II disk images
agame-1577_10 -- Simple Tetris-like game
agave-0.4.2_9 -- A color scheme builder for the GNOME desktop
agedu-9671 -- A Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space
aget-0.4.1 -- A multithreaded HTTP download accelerator
agg-2.5_7 -- A High Quality Rendering Engine for C++
aggregate-1.6_1 -- Optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
agrep-2.04_2 -- Approximate grep (fast approximate pattern-matching tool)
ah-tty-0.3.12 -- Ah-tty is an automatic helper for command prompts and shells
aide-0.15.1 -- A replacement and extension for Tripwire
aifad-1.0.27_3 -- Machine learning system
aiksaurus-1.2.1_2 -- A set of libraries and applications which provide a thesaurus
aiksaurus-gtk-1.2.1_11 -- A GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, a thesaurus
aimage-3.2.5 -- Advanced Disk Imager
aimsniff-0.9d -- AOL Instant Messenger Sniffing and Reading Tool
aircrack-ng-1.1_1 -- An 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program
aird-1.0 -- Handles Apple IR receiver button events
airoflash-1.7 -- Flash utility for Cisco/Aironet 802.11 wireless cards
airport-2.0.1_3 -- Apple Airport / Lucent RG-1000 configuration program
aish-1.13 -- Ish/uuencode/Base64 converter
akamaru-0.1_7 -- Simple, but fun, physics engine prototype
akode-2.0.2_2 -- Default KDE audio backend
akode-plugins-ffmpeg-2.0.2_4 -- FFMPEG decoder plugin for akode
akode-plugins-jack-2.0.2 -- Jack output plugin for akode
akode-plugins-mpc-2.0.2 -- Musepack decoder plugin for akode
akode-plugins-mpeg-2.0.2 -- MPEG audio decoder plugin for akode
akode-plugins-oss-2.0.2 -- OSS output plugin for akode
akode-plugins-pulseaudio-2.0.2_5 -- Pulseaudio output plugin for akode
akode-plugins-resampler-2.0.2 -- Resampler plugin for akode
akode-plugins-xiph-2.0.2_4 -- FLAC/Speex/Vorbis decoder plugin for akode
akonadi-1.7.2_3 -- Storage server for KDE-Pim
akonadi-google-0.3.1_2 -- Akonadi resources for accessing Google services
akonadi-googledata-1.2.0_2 -- Akonadi Resources for Google Contacts and Calendar
akpop3d-0.7.7 -- POP3 daemon aimed to be small and secure
alabastra-0.21b_2 -- C++ editor written with QT4
alac-0.2.0 -- Basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files (ALAC)
alacarte-0.13.2_2 -- An editor for the menu specification
alarm-clock-1.4_2 -- Alarm Clock for the GNOME desktop
albumshaper-2.1_5 -- A drag-n-drop hierarchal photo album creation
ald-0.1.7 -- Debugger for assembly level programs
aldo-0.7.5_2 -- Morse code training program
ale- -- Anti-Lamenessing Engine
alephone-20120514 -- The open source version of Bungie's Marathon game
alephone-data-1.0_8 -- Released Marathon data files for the Aleph One port
alephone-scenarios-1.0_6 -- Free scenarios for the Aleph One engine
alf-0.1_1 -- Abstract Large File
algae-4.3.6_4 -- A programming language for numerical analysis
algol68g-2.4.1 -- Algol 68 Genie compiler
algotutor-0.8.6_3 -- An interactive tutorial for algorithms and data structures
alienarena-2011.753_2 -- Alien Arena (native version)
alienarena-data-2011.753 -- Alien Arena (data)
alienblaster-1.1.0_5 -- Alien Blaster
alienwah-1.13_1 -- Paul Nasca's AlienWah LADSPA Plugin
alienwave-0.3.0 -- Shoot'em up game written using ncurses
align-1.7.1 -- Text column alignment filter
alignmargins-1.0_1 -- Utility script to generate custom margins in PPDs for CUPS
alisp-20060917 -- An interpreter for purely symbolic LISP
allacrost-1.0.2_4 -- A single player 2D role-playing game
allegro-4.2.2_3 -- A cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
allegro-devel-4.4.2 -- Cross-platform library for games and multimedia programming
allegrogl-0.4.3 -- OpenGL interface for Allegro library
alliance-5.0.20090901_2 -- A complete set of CAD tools and libraries for VLSI design
alltraxclock-2.0.2_11 -- An analog clock plugin for gkrellm2
alltray-0.70_4 -- Dock any application with no native tray icon
alpine-2.00_3 -- Mail and news client descended from Pine
alpng-1.3_1 -- Library for display PNG images in programs
alsa-lib-1.0.26 -- ALSA compatibility library
alsa-plugins-1.0.26 -- ALSA compatibility library plugins
alsa-utils-1.0.26 -- ALSA compatibility utils
alt-ergo-0.94_1 -- An automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
altermime-0.3.11.a1 -- Small C program which is used to alter your mime-encoded mailpacks
althea-0.5.7_5 -- Yet another GTK-based mail reader for X. Supports IMAP
am-aspell-0.03.1_1 -- Aspell Amharic dictionary
am-utils-6.1.5 -- The Berkeley Automounter Suite of Utilities
amanda-client-2.5.1p3_4 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (client)
amanda-client-2.6.1p2_4 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (client)
amanda-client-3.2.3 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (client)
amanda-client-3.3.2 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (client)
amanda-perl-wrapper-1.01 -- Perl wrapper to use with Amanda (with* linked)
amanda-server-2.5.1p3_7 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server)
amanda-server-2.6.1p2_4 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server)
amanda-server-3.2.3 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server)
amanda-server-3.3.2 -- The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver (server)
amanith-0.3_9 -- C++ CrossPlatform framework designed for 2D & 3D vector graphics
amap-5.2 -- Application mapper
amarok-1.4.10_21 -- Media player for KDE
amarok-2.6.0 -- KDE music player
amarok-fs-0.5_12 -- A full screen application for Amarok
amavis-logwatch-1.51.02 -- Amavisd-new log parser
amavis-stats-0.1.12_3 -- A simple AMaViS statistics generator based on rrdtool
amavisd-milter-1.5.0_2 -- Milter for amavisd-new
amavisd-new-2.8.0_2 -- A mail scanner interface between mailer and content checkers
amb-plugins-0.8.1 -- A set of ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour
amberfish-1.6.4 -- General purpose text retrieval Software
ambit-2.0.39 -- Extended bash brace expansion to expand hostnames or commands
amfm-1.0 -- THANKO USB AM/FM Radio controller
amide-1.0.3 -- Medical Imaging Data Examiner
amigadepacker-0.04 -- Tool for depacking some compressed Amiga formats
amiwm-0.21.pl2 -- A window manager that makes your desktop look like an Amiga(TM)
amoebax-0.2.1_6 -- Cute and addictive Puyo Puyo like game
amp-0.7.6 -- Another mp3 player
ampache-3.5.4_2 -- A Web-based Audio file manager
ampasCTL-1.4.0 -- Color Transformation Language interpreter
amphetadesk-0.93.1_6 -- RSS client that serves HTTP to your local web browser
ample-0.5.7 -- Allows you to listen to your own MP3's away from home
amqp08-20090705 -- Vendor neutral AMQP 0.8 XML specification
amrcoder-1.0 -- AMR encoder/decoder for Mbuni MMS Gateway (
amrstat-20070216 -- Utility for LSI Logic's MegaRAID RAID controllers
amsn-0.98.9_1 -- Alvano\'s MSN Messenger
amtterm-1.3_1 -- Serial-over-lan client for Intel AMT
amule-2.3.1_4 -- The all-platform eMule p2p client
amule-devel-10792 -- The all-platform eMule p2p client
an-0.95_1 -- Fast anagram generator
anacron-2.3_4 -- Schedules periodic jobs on systems that are not permanently up
analitza-4.8.4 -- A library from KDE Education project
analog-6.0_8 -- An extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
and-1.2.2 -- Auto Nice Daemon
angband-3.3.2 -- Rogue-like game with color, X11 support
angst-0.4b_2 -- An active sniffer
animenfo-client-20020819 -- AnimeNfo client
animenfo-client-gui-gtk-20020819_10 -- AnimeNfo client with GTK support
animorph-0.3 -- Morphing engine for MakeHuman
anjuta- -- Integrated Development Environment for C and C++
anjuta-extras- -- Extra anjuta plugins
anki-1.2.11_2 -- Flashcard trainer with spaced repetition
ann-1.1.2 -- A Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
annelid-1_5 -- Remake of the ubiquitous "Snake" and "Worm" games
annoyance-filter-1.0d -- Adaptive Bayesian Junk Mail Filter
anomy-sanitizer-1.76_4 -- Sanitize and clean incoming/outgoing mail
anonymous-pro-1.002 -- A fixed width sans designed especially for coders
anope-1.8.7 -- A set of IRC services for IRC networks
ansifilter-1.4 -- Customizable ANSI Code Converter
ansiprint-1.0 -- Prints through a terminal with ANSI escape sequences
ant-xinclude-task-0.2_2 -- XInclude task for Jakarta Ant
anteater-0.4.5 -- A MTA log analyzer
antipolix-2.1_2 -- Simple multiplayer game for X Window System
antivirus-3.30_6 -- Sendmail milter wich uses McAfee Virus Scan or clamav
antiwm-0.0.5 -- A minimalist window manager inspired by Ratpoison
antiword-0.37_1 -- An application to display Microsoft(tm) Word files
antlr-2.7.7 -- ANother Tool for Language Recognition
antlrworks-1.4.2 -- The ANTLR GUI Development Environment
anubis-4.1.1_6 -- Outgoing SMTP mail processor
anyremote-6.0 -- Remote control service over Bluetooth, infrared, or TCP/IP networking
anyremote2html-1.4 -- A web interface for anyRemote
anyterm-1.1.29 -- A terminal emulator on a Web page
aoe-1.2.0 -- FreeBSD driver for ATA over Ethernet (AoE)
aoi-2.9.2 -- Open source Java written 3D modelling and rendering studio
aolserver-4.5.1_1 -- A multithreaded web server with embedded TCL interpreter
aolserver-nsencrypt-0.4_2 -- OpenSSL data encryption module for AOLserver
aolserver-nsgd-2.0_9 -- Graphics module for AOLserver
aolserver-nsmcrypt-1.1_3 -- AOLserver interface to mcrypt library
aolserver-nsmhash-1.1_2 -- AOLserver interface to mhash library
aolserver-nsmysql-1.0_3 -- Internal MySQL database driver for AOLserver
aolserver-nsopenssl-3.0.b26_1 -- OpenSSL socket encryption module for AOLserver
aolserver-nspostgres-4.1_3 -- Internal PostgreSQL driver for AOLserver
aolserver-nssha1-0.1_1 -- AOLserver module to perform SHA1 hashes
aolserver-nszlib-1.1_2 -- Zlib library interface for AOLserver
aolserver-xotcl-1.6.6_1 -- Object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl
aop-0.6 -- A curses based arcade game with only 64 lines of code
ap-utils-1.4.1_4 -- A set of utilities to configure and monitor wireless access points
ap22-mod_antiloris-0.4_1 -- Protect Apache 2.x against the Slowloris HTTP DoS attack
ap22-mod_asn-1.5 -- Look up the AS and network prefix of IP address
ap22-mod_auth_cas- -- Apache 2.x module that supports the CASv1 and CASv2 protocols
ap22-mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0_1 -- Allows authentication against a MySQL database via a secure cookie
ap22-mod_auth_external-2.2.11_1 -- Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms
ap22-mod_auth_form-2.05_3 -- MySQL based form authentication module for Apache 2.x
ap22-mod_auth_imap-2.2.0_2 -- An Apache 2 module to provide authentication via an IMAP mail server
ap22-mod_auth_kerb-5.4_3 -- An Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
ap22-mod_auth_mysql-1.10_2 -- MySQL-based authentication module with VirtualHost support
ap22-mod_auth_mysql_another-3.0.0_4 -- Allows users to use MySQL databases for user authentication
ap22-mod_auth_openid-0.6_1 -- An authentication module for the Apache 2 webserver with OpenID
ap22-mod_auth_pam-1.1.1_4 -- Allows users to use PAM modules for user authentication
ap22-mod_auth_pgsql-2.0.3_2 -- Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
ap22-mod_auth_pubtkt-0.8 -- An Apache module to provide public key ticket based authentication
ap22-mod_auth_tkt-2.1.0_1 -- Lightweight single-sign-on authentication module for apache
ap22-mod_auth_xradius-0.4.6_1 -- Enables RADIUS authentication
ap22-mod_authn_otp-1.1.4_1 -- Apache module for one-time password authentication
ap22-mod_authn_sasl-1.2 -- Allows user authentication based on libsasl2 mechanisms on apache 2.2
ap22-mod_authnz_external-3.1.2_2 -- Allows users authentication based on external mechanisms on apache 2.2
ap22-mod_authz_unixgroup-1.0.1_2 -- A unix group access control module for Apache 2.1 and later
ap22-mod_backtrace-1.0_1 -- Collects backtraces when a child process crashes
ap22-mod_bw-0.8_1 -- Bandwidth and Connection control per Virtual Host or Directory
ap22-mod_cband- -- A per-virtualhost bandwidth limiter module for Apache 2
ap22-mod_cfg_ldap-1.2_3 -- Allows you to keep your virtual host configuration in a LDAP directory
ap22-mod_chroot-0.5_1 -- The mod_chroot makes running Apache in a chroot easy
ap22-mod_clamav-0.23_4 -- Scans content delivered by the Apache20 proxy module for viruses
ap22-mod_cplusplus-1.5.4_2 -- Apache module for loading C++ objects as handlers
ap22-mod_cvs-0.5.91_2 -- A module that makes Apache 2 CVS aware
ap22-mod_dnssd-0.6_8 -- An Apache module that provides DNS-SD capabilities
ap22-mod_domaintree-1.6_1 -- Hostname to filesystem mapper for Apache 2
ap22-mod_encoding-20021209_3 -- Apache module for non-ASCII filename interoperability
ap22-mod_evasive-1.10.1_1 -- An Apache module to try to protect the HTTP Server from DoS/DDoS attacks
ap22-mod_extract_forwarded-2.0.2_3 -- An Apache module that can make proxied requests appear with client IP
ap22-mod_fastcgi-2.4.6_3 -- A fast-cgi module for Apache
ap22-mod_fcgid-2.3.6_1 -- An alternative FastCGI module for Apache2
ap22-mod_fileiri-1.15_1 -- A http IRIs module for Apache 2
ap22-mod_flickr-1.0_2 -- Apache module for Flickr API access
ap22-mod_geoip2-1.2.7 -- An Apache module that provides the country code of the client's IP
ap22-mod_gnutls-0.5.10_1 -- mod_gnutls uses the GnuTLS library to provide SSL, and TLS encryption for Apache HTTPD
ap22-mod_gzip2-2.1.0_1 -- An Internet Content Acceleration module for Apache2+
ap22-mod_h264_streaming-2.2.7_1 -- Apache H264 streaming module
ap22-mod_hosts_access-1.1.0_1 -- Apache module that makes Apache respect hosts.allow and hosts.deny
ap22-mod_jail-0.5.1_1 -- Apache 1.3.x/2.0.xx module to enable an easy alternative to mod_chroot
ap22-mod_jk-ap2-1.2.32_1 -- Apache JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
ap22-mod_jk-ap2-1.2.32_1 -- Apache2 JK module for connecting to Tomcat using AJP1X
ap22-mod_layout-5.1_5 -- Apache2.2 module to wrap served pages with a header and/or footer
ap22-mod_limitipconn-0.23_3 -- Allows you to limit the number of simultaneous connexions
ap22-mod_line_edit-1.0.0_1 -- Apache module for simple text rewriting
ap22-mod_lisp2-1.3.1_2 -- Apache2 module for use with Common Lisp
ap22-mod_log_config-st-1.0_2 -- A modified version of mod_log_config for apache2
ap22-mod_log_dbd-0.2_3 -- Uses APR DBD to store Apache access logs in a database
ap22-mod_log_firstbyte-1.01_1 -- Log the time between request and the first byte of the response served
ap22-mod_log_mysql-1.0_3 -- Allows Apache 2 to log to a MySQL database
ap22-mod_log_sql-1.101_4 -- Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
ap22-mod_log_sql-dtc-1.101_5 -- Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
ap22-mod_macro-1.1.11 -- Apache 2.2.x module for use macros in config files
ap22-mod_memcache-0.1.0_4 -- Apache 2.2.x module to manage apr_memcache connections
ap22-mod_memcache_block-20120821 -- An Apache 2 module to block ip from lists stored in memcache
ap22-mod_mono-2.10_1 -- Apache module for serving ASP.NET applications
ap22-mod_musicindex-1.3.7 -- Apache module that allows downloading and streaming of audio
ap22-mod_myvhost-0.21 -- Apache module for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting with php
ap22-mod_ntlm2-0.1_4 -- NTLM authentication module for the Apache2 webserver
ap22-mod_perl2-2.0.7_1 -- Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache2 server
ap22-mod_proctitle-0.4.1 -- Set httpd process titles to reflect currently processed request
ap22-mod_proxy_html-3.1.2_1 -- Apache module for rewriting HTML links in proxied content
ap22-mod_proxy_xml-0.1_1 -- Apache module for rewriting URI references in XML
ap22-mod_python-3.3.1_3 -- Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server
ap22-mod_remoteip-2.3.5.a -- Replaces the client IP address/hostname with that given by a proxy
ap22-mod_reproxy-0.02.20110826 -- Apache module to support x-reproxy-url header
ap22-mod_rpaf2-0.6_2 -- Make proxied requests appear with client IP
ap22-mod_ruby-1.3.0_3 -- An Apache module that embeds Ruby interpreter within
ap22-mod_scgi-1.12_2 -- Apache module that implements the client side of the SCGI protocol
ap22-mod_security-2.6.6 -- An intrusion detection and prevention engine
ap22-mod_security21-2.1.7_2 -- An intrusion detection and prevention engine
ap22-mod_setenvifplus-0.19 -- Allows setting environment variables based on request attributes
ap22-mod_smooth_streaming-1.0.8_1 -- Apache smooth streaming module
ap22-mod_tidy-0.5.5_1 -- Validates the HTML output of your apache2 webserver
ap22-mod_tsa-1.0_3 -- Time stamping authority (RFC 3161) module for apache
ap22-mod_uid-1.1.0 -- A module issuing the "correct" cookies for counting the site visitors
ap22-mod_umask-0.1.0 -- Apache 2.x module to set umask of created files
ap22-mod_vhost_ldap-1.0_3 -- Virtual Hosting from ldap built on top of mod_ldap
ap22-mod_vhs-1.1.0 -- Mass virtual hosting using mod_ldap or mod_dbd with Apache 2.2.x
ap22-mod_webkit-1.1 -- A apache module for WebWare WebKit AppServer
ap22-mod_whatkilledus-2.0 -- Logs a report when a child process crashes
ap22-mod_wsgi-2.8_2 -- Python WSGI adapter module for Apache
ap22-mod_wsgi-3.4 -- Python WSGI adapter module for Apache
ap22-mod_xml2enc-1.0.3 -- Apache module for converting encoding before and/or after a filter run
ap22-mod_xmlns-0.97_1 -- Apache module for XML namespaces
ap22-mod_xsendfile-0.12_2 -- An Apache2 module that processes X-SENDFILE headers
apache-ant-1.8.4 -- Java- and XML-based build tool, conceptually similar to make
apache-forrest-0.8_3 -- A tool for rapid development of small sites
apache-jmeter-2.7 -- Functional behaviour load and performance test application
apache-mode.el-2.0 -- [X]Emacs major mode for editing Apache configuration files
apache-openoffice-3.4.1 -- Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadsheet/drawing/chart/browser
apache-openoffice-3.4.1405434 -- Integrated wordprocessor/dbase/spreadsheet/drawing/chart/browser(developer version)
apache-solr-3.6.0 -- High performance search server built using Lucene Java
apache-xml-security-c-1.6.1 -- Apache XML security libraries - C++ version
apache22-2.2.23 -- Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with prefork MPM.
apache22-event-mpm-2.2.23 -- Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with event MPM.
apache22-itk-mpm-2.2.23 -- Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with itk MPM.
apache22-peruser-mpm-2.2.23 -- Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with peruser MPM.
apache22-worker-mpm-2.2.23 -- Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with worker MPM.
apachetop-0.12.6_3 -- Apache RealTime log stats
apc-1.0_5 -- An xforms based Auto Payment Calculator
apcpwr-1.3 -- Control APC 9211 MasterSwitchs via snmp
apcupsd-3.14.10 -- Set of programs for controlling APC UPS
apel-emacs21-10.8_8 -- A Portable Emacs Library for emacs21
apel-emacs22-10.8_8 -- A Portable Emacs Library for emacs22
apel-emacs24-10.8_8 -- A Portable Emacs Library for emacs
apercu-1.0.2 -- Summarize information from Apache logs
apertium-3.2.0_1 -- A toolbox to build shallow-transfer machine translation systems
apg-2.3.0b_2 -- Automated password generator
api-sanity-checker-1.12.10 -- Quickly generate sanity tests for the API of a C/C++ shared library
apiextractor-0.10.10_1 -- API Extractor library to build PySide
apinger-0.6.1_2 -- An IP device monitoring tool
apngasm-2.7 -- Creates an APNG animation from a PNG/TGA image sequence
apngdis-2.5 -- Deconstructs APNG files into individual frames
apoolGL-0.99.22_5 -- Another billiards simulator
apparix-20110303 -- Bookmark directories and apparate inside them
appkonference-2.1 -- High-performance Asterisk voice/video conferencing plugin
appres-1.0.3 -- Program to list application's resources
appwrapper-0.1_2 -- GNUstep application wrapper
apr- -- Apache Portability Library
apr-ipv6-devrandom-gdbm-db42-2.0.20110821151329_2 -- Apache Portability Library
apricots-0.2.6_3 -- Fly a little plane around and shoot things and drop bombs
aprsd-2.2.515 -- Server daemon providing Internet access to APRS packet data
apsfilter-7.2.8_9 -- Magic print filter with print preview, duplex printing, and more
apt- -- Advanced front-end for dpkg
apvlv-0.1.4 -- PDF/DJVU Viewer that behaves like Vim
apwal-0.4.5_10 -- Simple and powerful application launcher
aqbanking-5.0.25_1 -- Online banking interface and financial data framework
aqemu-0.8.1_1 -- Qt4 based Qemu frontend
aqmoney-0.6.3 -- Manage your credit institute accounts using openhbci
aqsis-1.8.2 -- A photorealistic rendering system
aqualung-0.9.b11_14 -- Music player with rich features
ar-ae_fonts1_ttf-1.1_2 -- A collection of truetype Arabic fonts created by
ar-ae_fonts_mono-1.0_2 -- A collection of PCF fonts that include Arabic glyphs
ar-arabtex-3.11_5 -- A TeX/LaTeX package to generate the Arabic writing
ar-aspell-1.2.0_1 -- Aspell Arabic dictionaries
ar-kacst_fonts-2.01 -- Truetype Arabic fonts created by KACST
ar-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Arabic messages and documentation for KDE3
ar-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Arabic messages and documentation for KDE4
ar-khotot-1.0_2 -- A meta-port of the most popular Arabic font packages
ar-libitl-0.7.0 -- An API abstraction to common Islamic calculations
ar-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ar language pack for libreoffice
arc-5.21p -- Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
arcconf-v7.30.18837 -- Adaptec SCSI RAID administration tool
archivemail-0.9.0 -- Archive or delete mail older than N days
archivemount-0.6.1 -- Mount archives with FUSE
archiveopteryx-3.1.3_2 -- An advanced PostgreSQL-based IMAP/POP server
archivesmtp-1.1.b1 -- SMTP mail archiver
archmage-0.2.4_1 -- Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format
archmbox-4.10.0 -- Email archiver written in perl; parses mailboxes and performs actions
ardour-2.8.14 -- Multichannel digital audio workstation
arduino-1.0.1_1 -- Open-source electronics prototyping platform
arduino-glcd-3.20111205 -- GLCD Graphical LCD Library
arduino-irremote-0.1 -- Multi-protocol infrared remote library for the Arduino
arduino-mk-0.10 -- Build Arduino sketches from the command line
areca-cli-i386-1.86.111101 -- Command Line Interface for the Areca ARC-xxxx RAID controllers
arena-0.9.13_1 -- C-like scripting language with automatic memory management
ares-1.1.1_1 -- An asynchronous DNS resolver library
argouml-0.34 -- UML design tool with cognitive support
argp-standalone-1.3_2 -- Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC
argtable-2.13 -- An ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
argus-2.0.6_1 -- A generic IP network transaction auditing tool
argus-clients-2.0.6_1 -- Client programs for the argus IP network transaction auditing tool
argus-clients-sasl- -- Client programs for the argus IP network transaction auditing tool
argus-monitor-20100109_4 -- Argus - The All Seeing System and Network Monitoring Software
argus-sasl-3.0.4 -- A generic IP network transaction auditing tool
ari-yahoo-1.10_3 -- A console Yahoo! messenger client
aria-1.0.0_5 -- Yet another download tool
aria2-1.15.2 -- Yet another download tool
aria2fe-0.0.5_4 -- Aria2 QT front-end
ariadne-1.3 -- Programs to compare protein sequences and profiles
aribas-1.64 -- Interpreter for big integer/multi-precision floating point arithmetic
ario-1.5.1_3 -- Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD
arirang-2.03 -- Powerful webserver security scanner for network
arista-0.9.6_2 -- An easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop
arj-3.10.22_4 -- Open-source ARJ
ark-4.8.4 -- Archiving tool for KDE
arm-elf-binutils-2.17 -- GNU binutils for vanilla ARM cross-development
arm-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
arm-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
arm-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
armagetron- -- A multiplayer networked Tron clone in 3D
arora-0.11.0_1 -- Simple Qt4 based browser
aros-sdk-0.20060207 -- The Software development kit (SDK) for the AROS Operating System
arp-scan-1.8 -- ARP Scanning and Fingerprinting Tool
arp-sk-0.0.16_2 -- A tool designed to manipulate ARP tables of all kinds of equipment
arpCounterattack-1.2.0 -- Detects and remedies ARP attacks
arpack-1.2_3 -- ARPACK++ is an object-oriented version of the ARPACK package
arpack-96_10 -- Argand Library: large eigenvalue subroutines (serial version)
arpack-ng-3.1.2 -- Revised Argand library for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems
arpalert-2.0.11_1 -- ARP traffic monitoring
arpdig-0.5.5 -- ARP Digger utility
arping-2.09_1 -- ARP level "ping" utility
arprelease-1.2_2 -- Libnet tool to flush arp cache entries from devices (eg. routers)
arpscan-0.5 -- Simple arp scanner
arpwatch-2.1.a15_6 -- Monitor arp & rarp requests
arss-0.2.3_1 -- Additive Image Synthesizer (convert audio to images, images to audio)
art-0.9.01 -- A resource tracing, debugging, and profiling tool
artemis-9_1 -- A DNA sequence viewer and annotation tool
artha-1.0.2_2 -- A free cross-platform English thesaurus
arts-1.1.a13 -- A network data storage and analysis library from CAIDA
arts-1.5.10_7 -- Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
artswrapper-1.5.3 -- Setuid wrapper for arts
artwiz-aleczapka-de-1.3_2 -- A set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-en-1.3_2 -- A set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-se-1.3_2 -- A set of (improved) artwiz fonts
artwiz-fonts-1.0_3 -- A set of free fonts for X11 desktops
arx-libertatis-1.0.3 -- Cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis
as-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- as language pack for libreoffice
as31-2.0.b3_6 -- A free 8051 assembler
asWedit-4.0.1_3 -- An easy to use HTML and text editor
asapm-3.1_2 -- Laptop battery status display for X11
asbutton-0.3_3 -- A dockapp that displays 4 or 9 buttons to run apps of your choice
asc- -- A turn based, multiplayer strategic game with very nice graphics
ascd-0.13.2_1 -- A dockable cd player for AfterStep or WindowMaker
ascii2binary-2.14 -- Convert between textual representations of numbers and binary
ascii2pdf-0.9.1 -- A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
asciidoc-8.6.6 -- A text document format for writing short documents and man pages
asciio-1.02.71_3 -- A Perl/GTK application that lets you draw ASCII charts using a GUI
asciiquarium-1.0 -- aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art
asclock-1.0_3 -- Afterstep clock with some language extensions
asclock-gtk-2.1.10_7 -- New flavor of asclock (GTK version)
asclock-xlib-2.0.11_3 -- New flavor of asclock
ascpu-1.11_5 -- CPU statistics monitor utility for XFree86
asdcplib-1.9.45 -- An open source implementation of SMPTE and the MXF Interop format
asdlgen-2.0.b20060323 -- Interoperable serializers for C,C++,Haskell,Icon,Java,ML
asedit-1.3.2_4 -- Text editor for X/Motif
asfiles-1.0_2 -- X11 file manager. Dockable in WindowMaker
asfrecorder-1.1.20010307 -- Tool for downloading streaming media from the Internet
asfsm-1.0.p15_2 -- File-system monitor for the AfterStep window manager
asio-1.4.8 -- Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming
asir-20110810 -- The system Risa/Asir is a general computer algebra system
ask-2.5.3 -- Anti Spam Killer content filtering
asl-1.41r8 -- Assembler for a variety of microcontrollers/-processors
aslookup-0.12_1 -- Tool that searches the sequence of AS numbers
asm-xml-1.1 -- Very fast XML parser and decoder written in pure assembler
asmail-2.1_3 -- Biff-type program, designed to match AfterStep
asmem-1.12_1 -- An AfterStep look-n-feel memory utilization monitor
asmix-1.5_2 -- Volume control dock-app for the AfterStep Window Manager
asmixer-0.5_2 -- A mixer control for X and specifically the AfterStep Window Manager
asmon-0.61_2 -- Swallowable applet monitors the CPU usage, memory, and swap, etc
asmutils-0.18_1 -- A set of Unix utilities written in x86 assembly language
asmx-1.8.2_1 -- Multi-CPU macro assembler for many major 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs
asn1c-0.9.21 -- Modern ASN.1 to C compiler
asp2php-0.76.26 -- Converts ASP scripts to PHP
aspathtree-4.2_3 -- Checks IPv6 routes' stability and correctness on IPv6 internet
aspell- -- Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
aspostit-1.3_6 -- An AfterStep dockable version of XPostIt
asprint-1.0_3 -- A simple browser to allow a user to print
asql-1.7 -- Query Apache logfiles via SQL
asr-manpages-20000406 -- alt.sysadmin.recovery man page distribution
asr-utils-3.04_3 -- Adaptec ASR RAID Management Software
asr10-1.0 -- Access to Ensoniq EPS/EPS+/ASR devices and image files
assaultcube- -- Total conversion of the FPS game called Cube
assp- -- Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy
ast-aspell-0.01 -- Aspell Asturian dictionary
ast-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ast language pack for libreoffice
astah-community-6.6.4 -- A Java/UML Object-Oriented Design Tool
asterisk-oh323- -- A H.323 support module for the Asterisk soft PBX
asterisk-stat-2.0.1_13 -- ASTERISK call detail records analyzer
asterisk10-10.10.0 -- An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk14-1.4.42_3 -- An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk14-addons-1.4.13_1 -- GPL modules for the Asterisk Open Source PBX
asterisk18- -- An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit
asteroids3d-0.5.1_1 -- First-person shooter blowing up asteroids in 3D space
astime-2.8_2 -- Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
astk-client-1.10.4 -- Graphical interface for Code_Aster (client side)
astk-serveur-1.10.4 -- Graphical interface for Code_Aster (server side)
astrolog-5.41g -- An astrology program for X11 and alpha-numeric terminals
astrometry-0.34_2 -- Describes an astronomical image
astyle-2.02.1 -- A reindenter and reformatter of C, C++, C#, and Java source code
astzclock-1.0_2 -- Afterstep clock with some timezone extensions
asunder-2.0_2 -- A lightweight GTK+ CD ripper
asusoled-0.10_7 -- Utility for ASUS USB OLED Display
aswiki-1.0.4_3 -- WikiWikiWeb clone written in Ruby
asymptote-2.16_1 -- A powerful script-based vector graphics language
at-poke-0.2.3_7 -- Accessibility testing and poking tool
at-spi-1.32.0_1 -- An Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
at-spi-reference-1.32.0_1 -- Programming reference for accessibility/at-spi
at-spi2-atk-0.4.1_1 -- Assisted Technology Provider module for GTK+
at-spi2-core-0.4.1 -- An Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
ataidle-2.7.2 -- Utility to spin down ATA drives
atanks-5.1 -- A 2D tank game with large, cartoonish weapons
atari800-2.0.3_5 -- Atari 8-bit computer emulator
aterm-1.0.1_6 -- Color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
atf-0.16_1 -- Automated Testing Framework
atftp-0.7_2 -- Advanced tftp server and client
atitd-1.0_4 -- The Linux "A Tale in the Desert" (ATITD) client
atitvout-0.4 -- Toggle TV Out on Mach64 graphics cards
atk-2.0.1 -- A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
atk-reference-2.0.1 -- Programming reference for accessibility/atk
atkmm-2.22.5 -- C++ wrapper for ATK API library
atlas-3.8.4_2 -- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
atlas-devel-3.9.11_1 -- Development version of math/atlas
atlast-1.2 -- Autodesk Threaded Language Application System Toolkit
atlc-4.6.1 -- A tool to calculate the impedance of transmission lines
atmail-1.0.4 -- An Open Source Webmail Client
atmsupport-1.8 -- Tools for testing the ATM subsystem
atom-1.0 -- Converts text files to html with special attributes
atomix-2.14.0_10 -- A yet another little mind game
atop-1.26.b8 -- ASCII Monitor for system resources and process activity
atp-1.50_1 -- A QWK message packet reader and composer for FreeBSD
atr3d-0.6_14 -- 3D asteroids-like multiplayer game
atris-1.0.7_5 -- Atris: Alizarin Tetris
atris-sounds-1.0.1_1 -- Sounds for Atris: Alizarin Tetris
ats-0.2.8 -- A language with a type system rooted in the Applied Type System
ats-contrib-parcomb-0.2.8 -- Parser combinators for ATS language
ats-contrib-testing-0.2.8 -- Facilitating construction of testing code for ATS language
atslog-2.1.1_3 -- Software for collecting and analyzing calls from different PBX models
attica-0.2.9 -- Collaboration Services API library
atunes-2.1.0 -- A full-featured audio player and manager developed in Java
atutor-2.1 -- An Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS)
aub-2.2_1 -- Assemble usenet binaries
aubio-0.3.2_7 -- Library for audio labelling
auctex-emacs24-11.86_7 -- Integrated environment for writing LaTeX using GNU Emacs
audacious-3.2.4 -- A media player based on BMP and XMMS
audacious-dumb-0.80_1 -- Audacious plugin that support the IT, XM, S3M, or MOD formats
audacious-plugins-3.2.4 -- Plugins needed for audacious
audacious-skins-0.1_11 -- A collection of audacious skins
audacity-2.0.2 -- Audacity is a GUI editor for digital audio waveforms
audex-0.74.b1_4 -- Audio CD ripping utility for KDE4
audiere-1.9.4_4 -- High-level audio API
audiopreview-0.6_1 -- A command-line tool to play previews of audio and video files
audiotag-0.19_1 -- A command-line tool for mass tagging/renaming of audio files
augeas-0.10.0_5 -- A configuration editing tool
august-0.63b_5 -- HTML editor for the experienced Web author
aumix-2.9.1 -- Audio mixer for X11, terminal, or command line
aureal-kmod-1.5_6 -- A FreeBSD Driver for Aureal Vortex based soundcards
authforce-0.9.9_1 -- HTTP authentication brute forcer
auto-admin-0.3 -- Tools for automating system management
autobackupmysql-1.4 -- Make daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your MySQL databases
autobench-2.1.2_6 -- Automating the process of benchmarking a web server
autobook-1.5 -- GNU autoconf, automake, and libtool - The Book
autocd-3.02.12b_1 -- Compact disc control utility
autoconf-2.13.000227_6 -- Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms (legacy 2.13)
autoconf-2.69 -- Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-archive-0.2011.01.02 -- A set of useful GNU Autoconf macros
autoconf-wrapper-20101119 -- Wrapper script for GNU autoconf
autocutsel-0.9.0_2 -- Synchronizes the two copy/paste buffers used by X applications
autodia-2.03_7 -- Automatic Dia XML - from Source Code and Data
autodist-1.5 -- Distribution creation system
autogen-5.12 -- The Automated Program Generator
autojump-13 -- Autojump is a tool that acts as a complement to cd
automake-1.12.4 -- GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.4.6_6 -- GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (legacy 1.4)
automake-wrapper-20101119 -- Wrapper script for GNU automake
automoc4-0.9.88_3 -- Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages
automount-1.3.1 -- FreeBSD's devd(8) based automount solution
automounter-1.4.4 -- Provides scripts to dynamically configure amd
autopano-sift-2.4_6 -- Automatic panorama control point generation tool
autopano-sift-C-2.5.1_3 -- Automatic panorama control point generation tool, C port
autopsy-2.24 -- Web-based (graphical) interface to The Sleuth Kit
autoq3d-1.40_2 -- Complete QT quick 3D model editor program
autorespond-2.0.5 -- Simple autoresponder for qmail
autosig-2.3 -- A random .signature generator with header file included
autossh-1.4c -- Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels
autotalent-0.2 -- A real-time pitch correction plugin for ladspa
autotools-20120427 -- Autotools meta-port
autotrace-0.31.1_22 -- Convert bitmap to vector graphics
autotrust-0.3.1_4 -- A tool to automatically update DNSSEC trust anchors
autozen-2.1_3 -- Adjust brain waves with sound
avahi-0.6.29 -- The "meta-port" for the Avahi service discovery suite
avahi-app-0.6.29_3 -- Service discovery on a local network
avahi-autoipd-0.6.29 -- IPv4LL network address configuration daemon
avahi-gtk-0.6.29_2 -- Gtk+ tools and bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-libdns-0.6.29 -- mDNSResponder compatibility from Avahi
avahi-qt3-0.6.29_1 -- Qt 3 bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-qt4-0.6.29 -- Qt 4 bindings to the Avahi mDNS system
avahi-sharp-0.6.29 -- Mono bindings for Avahi service discovery
avalon-framework-4.2.0_2 -- Apache Avalon core framework for component programming
avanor-0.5.8 -- Rogue-like game with easy ADOM-like user interface
avant-window-navigator- -- Dock-like navigation bar
avant-window-navigator-gnome- -- Dock-like navigation bar
avarice-2.12 -- Atmel AVR JTAG programmer and debugging interface for avr-gdb
avbin-7_5 -- FFmpeg wrapper
avce00-2.0.0 -- An OpenSource C library convert Arc/Info Vector Coverages to E00
avcheck-0.91 -- A simple antivirus solution for a mail system
avenger-0.8.1 -- An anti-spam SMTP server
avfs-0.9.9 -- A Virtual File System
avida-2.12.4 -- An auto-adaptive genetic system designed for ALife research
avidemux2-2.5.6_5 -- Simple GUI based video editor
avidemux2-plugins-2.5.6_5 -- Simple GUI based video editor (Plugins)
aview-1.3.0.r1_5 -- Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
avinfo-1.0.a15 -- A utility for displaying AVI header information
avis-1.2.0_1 -- Elvin Publish/Subscribe Message Bus server based on the Elvin protocol
avltree-1.1_1 -- An in-memory index w/ binary and string keys and key counts
avogadro-1.0.3_1 -- An advanced molecular editor and viewer
avoision-1.1_2 -- A simple collect-dots-avoid-blocks game
avp-demo-0.1_1 -- Aliens versus predator unofficial port from
avr-binutils-2.20.1_1 -- GNU binutils for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
avr-gcc-3-3.4.6_1 -- FSF GCC 3.x for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
avr-gcc-4.5.1_1 -- FSF GCC 4.x for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC cross-development
avr-gdb-7.3.1_2 -- GNU GDB for the AVR target
avr-libc-1.8.0 -- A C and math library for the Atmel AVR controller family
avra-1.3.0 -- Macro Assembler for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
avrdude-5.11 -- Program for programming the on-chip memory of Atmel AVR CPUs
awale-1.5 -- African board game
awele-1.0_4 -- An african board game
awesome-3.4.13 -- A highly configurable, next generation framework window manager
awesome-vicious-2.1.0 -- Widgets for the awesome window manager
awesome2-2.3.6_4 -- A tiling window manager initially based on a dwm code rewriting
awffull-3.10.2_7 -- AWFFull is a webserver log analysis tool forked from Webalizer
awka-0.7.5 -- Converts the AWK script to C, then compiles it
aws-2.10.0 -- Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
awstats-7.0_2 -- Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics
axel-2.4_1 -- A download accelerator
axis-1.4_6 -- Java SOAP implementation by Apache
axis2-1.6.2_1 -- Provides a Web Services,SOAP and WSDL engine from Apache
axpoint-1.50 -- XML Based Presentations
ayam-1.20 -- 3D modeling environment for the RenderMan interface
ayttm- -- A "chat" program that combines AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo! Chat into one
az-aspell-0.02.0_1 -- Aspell Azerbaijani dictionary
az-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Azerbaijani messages and documentation for KDE3
azureus2- -- A BitTorrent client written in Java
b2evolution-4.0.5 -- A multilingual, multiuser, multi-blog engine
b43-fwcutter-015 -- Extracts firmware for Broadcom Wireless adapters
bBlog-0.7.6_2 -- A elegant personal publishing system with Smarty
babel-1.6_3 -- Converts among various molecular file formats
babeld-1.3.4 -- A distance-vector routing protocol
babl-0.1.6 -- Dynamic pixel format conversion library
babytrans-0.9.1_10 -- GTK+/GNOME front-end for Babylon Translator .dic files
backfract-1.1.2_2 -- Fractal image animated wallpaper program
backupme-0.1 -- Flexible and easy backup utility
backuppc-3.2.1 -- System for backing PCs and laptops to a server
bacula-bat-5.2.12_2 -- The network backup solution (GUI)
bacula-client-5.2.12 -- The network backup solution (client)
bacula-docs-5.2.12 -- The Bacula document set
bacula-server-5.2.12 -- The network backup solution (server)
bacula-web-1.38.9_1 -- Bacula-web provides a summarized output of Bacula jobs
baghira-0.8_8 -- An Aqua like window decoration and widget style for KDE
bakery-2.6.3_5 -- A C++ Application Framework for use with Gtkmm
balance-3.54 -- Simple but powerful generic TCP proxy with round robin features
balazar-0.3.4_3 -- 3D adventure and roleplaying game
balazarbrothers-0.3.1_5 -- Balazar Brother is a free software 3D puzzle game
balsa-2.4.8_5 -- A mail reader for the GNOME 2 desktop
bamg-1.01 -- Bidimensional Anisotropic Mesh Generator
bandwidthd-2.0.1_5 -- Tracks bandwidth usage by IP address
bangarang-2.1_2 -- A media player for KDE4
banihstypos-0.2 -- Banihstypos is a simple game to teach you typing, FAST
bannerfilter-1.31 -- A squid redirect script for filtering web banners
banshee-2.6.0 -- Music management and playback for gnome
bar-1.4 -- Cat with ASCII progress bar
barbecue-1.5.b1 -- Java barcode generator
barbie_seahorse_adventures-1.0 -- You are a seahorse and you want to go to the moon!
barcode-0.98 -- A barcode generation library along with a command line frontend
bareftp-0.3.9 -- Ftp client made in C sharp
baresip-0.4.0 -- Small SIP client
bargraph-4.7_1 -- Scriptable bar graph generator
barnyard2-1.10 -- Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
barnyard2-sguil-1.10 -- Interpreter for Snort unified2 binary output files
barrage-1.0.4_1 -- Destroy as many targets as possible
barry-0.12_4 -- C++ library for interfacing with the BlackBerry Handheld
bas2tap-2.5 -- Convert 48k/128k ZX Spectrum BASIC text files to TAP files
base-1.4.5 -- Basic Analysis and Security Engine - analyzing Snort alerts
base64-1.5_1 -- Utility to encode and decode base64 files
bash-4.2.37 -- The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
bash-completion-2.0 -- Programmable completion library for Bash
bash-static-4.2.37 -- The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
bashburn-2.1.2_3 -- CD burning bash script
bashc- -- GNU bash shell extended with visual two-panel file browser
basic256- -- Easy to use BASIC language and IDE for education
basicdsp-1.01_4 -- A program for experimenting with simple audio DSP algorithms
basket- -- Desktop organization tool
bass-1.2_3 -- Beneath a Steel Sky: a post-apocalyptic futuristic graphical adventure
bastet-0.43 -- An ncurses Tetris clone which is harder than every other Tetris
batik-1.7_3 -- Java based SVG toolkit
batmon-0.6 -- GNUstep battery monitor for laptops
battalion-1.4b -- Monsters, explosions, destruction game for X Window System
battfink-0.6.2_14 -- An energy saving preferences app for GNOME
battmond-0.3 -- A daemon monitoring the battery level of ACPI-enabled laptops
battray-1.5 -- Display notebook battery status in tray
batv-milter-0.5.0 -- A milter for BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation)
bayespam-0.9.2 -- qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
baz-1.4.2_12 -- An implementation of the GNU Arch RCS protocol in C by Canonical
bb-1.3.r1_1 -- High quality audio-visual demonstration for text terminal
bbapm-0.0.1_5 -- APM monitor for the Blackbox slit
bbappconf-0.0.2_2 -- Application configuring tool for the blackbox window manager
bbconf-1.10_8 -- Configurator for the Blackbox window manager
bbcp-20120520 -- Secure and fast copy utility
bbdate-0.2.4_2 -- A tool made for Blackbox that displays the date in a decorated window
bbdb-emacs24-2.35_7 -- Big Brother Database
bbdock-0.2.9_1 -- An application launcher for Blackbox-like window manager
bbe-0.2.2 -- A sed-like editor for binary files
bbftp-3.0.2 -- Multiple stream file transfer protocol optimized for large files
bbjd-1.01_1 -- Beat the blackjack dealer
bbkeys-0.9.1_1 -- A keygrabber for the Blackbox window manager
bbmail-0.9.3 -- A tool intended for Blackbox that checks for new mail
bbpager-0.4.7_1 -- A pager for the Blackbox window manager
bbrb-0.4.1_9 -- A graphical background manager for the Blackbox window manager
bbrun-1.6_12 -- A Run box for Blackbox
bcc-1995.03.12 -- Bruce's C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code
bchunk-1.2.0 -- Converts .bin/.cue files to .iso/audio
bclock-1.0_2 -- Round, analog X11 clock with Bezier curve hands
bcpp-20050725 -- A utility similar to indent for C++ code
bcrypt-1.1 -- Cross-platform blowfish encryption utility
bcusdk-eibd-0.0.4 -- The EIBnet/IP server of the BCU SDK
bcwipe-1.9.8 -- BCWipe securely erases data from magnetic and solid-state memory
bdc-7.0.1_2 -- BitDefender Console Antivirus for FreeBSD
bddsolve-1.02 -- BDD-based satisfiability and reachability solver
bdelta-0.1.0 -- An advanced delta creator, patcher, and library
bdfresize-1.5_2 -- A tool for resizing BDF format font
bdftopcf-1.0.3 -- Convert X font from BDF to PCF
be-aspell-0.01_1 -- Aspell Belarusian dictionary
be-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Belarusian messages and documentation for KDE3
be-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- be language pack for libreoffice
be_agent-5.046 -- VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) UNIX Agent
beacon-1.4_1 -- Beacon active measurement tool to monitor multicast
beadm-0.8.5 -- Solaris-like utility to manage Boot Environments on ZFS
beadm-devel- -- Solaris-like utility to manage Boot Environments on ZFS
beanie-0.8.2 -- Beanie is a fully-fledged accounting and payroll system
beansdb-0.5.3 -- Yet another distributed key-value storage system from Douban Inc
beanstalkd-1.7 -- Fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue service
beast-0.7.6 -- A powerful music composition and modular synthesis application
beastie-06.05.03_5 -- Gnome theme with FreeBSD Colors
beautifyphp-0.5.0 -- PEAR beautifier for PHP4
beav-1.40.18_1 -- Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
bebocd-0.4_12 -- GTK2 CD Player
bedic-data-0.1.b1 -- Data (dictionary) files for the kbedic and cbedic ports
beecrypt-4.2.1 -- BeeCrypt is an open source cryptography library
beediff-1.9_2 -- QT4 based diff frontend
beep-1.0 -- Beeps a certain duration and pitch out of the PC Speaker
beep-media-player- -- GTK2 multimedia player
beforelight-1.0.4 -- A sample screen saver for X
belooted- -- A popular 32-card trick-taking game played in France
belvu-2.29 -- A viewer for multiple sequence alignments
bennugd-core-r20091106 -- High level open source game development suite, core libs
bennugd-modules-r20091106_4 -- High level open source game development suite, modules
bestfit-0.2.0 -- Optimally choose files to be put on a CD (or other media)
bf2c-1.2.5 -- Optimizing BrainF*ck to C compiler
bfbtester-2.0.1_1 -- A security tool for testing binaries for overflows
bfe2-20030723_6 -- X11 GUI for the bochs debugger (revision 2)
bfhist-0.4 -- Statistics generator for BinkleyForce FTN mailer
bfilter-1.1.4_1 -- Smart filtering HTTP proxy
bforce-0.22.8_2 -- Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
bforce-kst- -- Simple ifcico like Fidonet technology mailer
bft-1.1.5 -- Code_Saturne Base Functions and Types library
bftpd-3.8 -- Very configurable FTP server that can do chroot easily
bg-aspell-4.1.0_1 -- Aspell Bulgarian dictionary
bg-hyphen-4.3_1 -- Bulgarian hyphenation rules
bg-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Bulgarian messages and documentation for KDE3
bg-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Bulgarian messages and documentation for KDE4
bg-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- bg language pack for libreoffice
bg-mythes-4.3_1 -- Bulgarian thesaurus
bglibs-1.106_1 -- One stop library package by Bruce Guenter
bgpq- -- Bgpq - lightweight access-list generator for Cisco routers
bgpq3-0.1.12 -- Lightweight prefix-list generator for Cisco and Juniper routers
bgrot-1.30_4 -- A program to handle your X background to prevent boredom
bgs-0.5_4 -- Simple X11 BackGround Setter using Imlib2
biabam-0.9.7_2 -- A command-line attachment mailer
bib2html-5.1.1 -- The BibTeX to HTML Translator
bibcursed-2.0.1 -- A simple curses-based editor for BibTeX bibliography files
bibelot-0.9.4 -- Formats and converts text documents into compressed PalmDoc .pdb files
bibletime-2.9.1_2 -- An opensource Bible study tool
biblical-curse-0.02 -- Fake biblical curse generator
biblio-py-0.6.1 -- A package to manage bibliography written in python
bibtex2html-1.97 -- Tools for searching BibTeX and translating from BibTeX to HTML
bibtexconv-0.8.20 -- BibTeX Converter
bibtool-2.48_5 -- Command line manipulation of BibTeX files
bibutils-4.12 -- Program set interconverts between various bibliography formats
bibview-2.2_2 -- Graphical interface for manipulating BibTeX bibliography databases
bicom-1.01 -- Data compressor in the PPM family
bicyclerepair-py27-0.9 -- A python refactoring tool
biew-6.1.0_3 -- Binary file viewer and editor
biffer-1.0_1 -- A better mail notification server
bigbluebutton-0.71_4 -- Web conferencing system for distance education
bigboard-0.5.38_6 -- Big Board sidebar is an experimental panel for the GNOME Desktop
biggles-1.6.6_2 -- Create publication-quality 2D scientific plots
bigloo-3.8c_2 -- A Scheme interpreter and native code compiler
bigreqsproto-1.1.1 -- BigReqs extension headers
bigsister-1.02_7 -- SNMP-based network and system monitor with web interface
bigyear-20010226 -- A program to print a large (one month per page) calendar
bihar-1.0_4 -- Biharmonic equation in rectangular geometry and polar coordinates
biloba-0.9.3_2 -- A strategy board game for 2 to 4 players
bin86-0.16.18 -- 16-bit assembler and loader
bind-tools-9.7.7 -- Command line tools from BIND: dig, host, and nslookup
bind96- -- BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and threads
bind97-9.7.7 -- BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and threads
bind97-sdb-9.7.7 -- BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and threads
bind98-9.8.4 -- BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
bind99-9.9.2 -- BIND DNS suite with updated DNSSEC and DNS64
bindgraph-0.2_4 -- A RRDtool frontend for BIND statistics
bindtest-1.56_1 -- Test bind() semantics of IPv6 sockets
biniax2-1.30_6 -- Original logic game with arcade and tactics modes
binkd-0.9.9 -- Fidonet TCP/IP mailer
bino-1.2.1_1 -- 3D video player with multi-display support
bins-1.1.29_4 -- Tool to generate HTML photo albums with XML support
binutils-2.22_3 -- GNU binary tools
binwalk-0.4.5 -- Search binary images for embedded files and executable code
bioapi-1.2.2_5 -- BioAPI library implementation
biococoa-1.6.0_2 -- Bioinformatics framework
biojava-1.7 -- Open-source Java tools for processing biological data
biorythm-1.1.4 -- Simple biorhythm calculation program
biosfont-1.2 -- Kernel module to retrieve bitmap fonts from BIOS memory
biosfont-demos-1.1 -- Demos for the biosfont kernel module
bip-0.8.8_1 -- A simple IRC proxy with SSL support
bird-1.3.8 -- Dynamic IP routing daemon (IPv4 version)
bird-devel-20120323 -- Dynamic IP routing daemon (devel version)
bird6-1.3.8 -- Dynamic IP routing daemon (IPv6 version)
birda-1.3 -- Bohlin's IrDA utilities, ported from NetBSD's pkgsrc
birthday-1.5 -- A program that outputs reminders for upcoming events (e.g. birthdays)
bison-2.5.1 -- A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
bisoncpp-2.09.03 -- LALR(1) parser generator that generates C++ classes
bitcoin-0.7.1 -- Virtual Peer-to-Peer Currency Client
bitcollider-0.6.0 -- A Bitzi metadata generator
bitedit-0.9.4 -- Bitedit is a simple ncurses program for editing a file
bitefusion-1.0.2_1 -- A snake game with 8 levels
bitflu-1.35 -- BitTorrent client written in Perl
bitlbee-3.0.6 -- An IRC to other chat networks gateway
bitmap-1.0.5 -- Bitmap editor and converter utilities for X
bitstream-vera-1.10_5 -- Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
bittorrent-libutp-0.20120526 -- The uTorrent Transport Protocol library
bittwist-1.1 -- Libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator, with PCAP editor
bittyrant-1.1_6 -- Java BitTorrent client optimized for fast download performance
bk2site-1.1.9_2 -- Transforms Netscape bookmarks into a Yahoo-like website
bkmrkconv-1.12 -- Netscape bookmarks.html converter
bkpupsd-1.0a -- A simple UPS daemon for APC BK Pro(TM)
bksh-1.7 -- Backup-only shell
black-box-1.4.8 -- Shoot in and watch where the shot leaves the box
blackbox-0.70.1_4 -- A small and fast window manager for X11R6
blackjack-1.2_6 -- One of the better implementations of blackjack, based on QT
blackshadeselite-0.0.1_7 -- Psychic Bodyguard FPS - protect the VIP
blacs-1.7_14 -- The BLACS (Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms)
blam-1.8.7_4 -- A simple feed reader for GNOME
blame-1.3.1 -- Display last modification for each line in an RCS file
blas-3.4.1 -- Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
blast-1.1_3 -- Blast blows holes through windows
blat-34 -- A fast tool for local sequence similarity searches
bld-0.3.4 -- A blacklisting daemon
blender-2.63a_1 -- 3D modeling/rendering/animation/gaming package
blender-doc-2.3 -- Blender Documentation
bless-0.6.0_4 -- A high quality, full featured hex editor
blimitd-0.1_1 -- Daemon to enforce login.conf limits
blindelephant-1.0_20100819 -- Fingerprint the web applications used by a web site
blinken-4.8.4 -- Memory enhancement game for KDE 4
blinkensisters-0.5.3_9 -- Parallax-style 2D scrolling platform game
blitz-0.9_7 -- A C++ class library for scientific computing
blobby-1.0r1 -- Official continuation of the famous Blobby Volley 1.x game
bloboats-1.0.2_2 -- A boat racing game in the spirit of Elasto Mania or X-Moto
block-0.6 -- Small text based maze game
blockade-1.00_2 -- An X version of the `blockade' Macintosh game
blockout-2.4_2 -- BlockOut II is an adaptation of the original Blockout DOS game
blockrage-0.2.3_2 -- Falling blocks game with 2-player hotseat mode
blocksolve95-3.0_10 -- Software for the efficient solution of large, sparse linear systems
blogbench-1.1 -- Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
blogsum-1.1_2 -- Simple weblog
blogtk-2.0 -- A client for Blogger, Movable Type, and other blogging systems
blokish-0.9.4_4 -- Clone of the strategy board game 'Blokus'
bloodfrontier-b2_6 -- Single- and multi-player first-person shooter based on Cube 2
blop-0.2.8_2 -- Bandlimited oscillator plugins for LADSPA-aware audio applications
blt-2.4z_7 -- A Tk extension (with shared libs)
blue-2.10 -- Blue Moon card solitaire
bluecurve-themes-1.0_5 -- Meta-port for Bluecurve themes
bluefish-2.2.2_1 -- HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
bluefish-devel-1.3.7_4 -- Development release of port bluefish
bluegps-linux-2.0 -- Command line tool to download datalogs from the Royaltek RBT-3000 bluetooth GPS receiver
bluej-3.0.7 -- Integrated Java environment designed for introductory teaching
bluez-firmware-1.2 -- Firmware for the D-Link BCM2033 bluetooth adaptor for use by bcmfw(1)
bmake-20120831 -- Portable version of NetBSD 'make' utility
bmeps-2.2.24 -- Convert bitmap images (PNG/JPEG/NetPBM) to EPS
bmf-0.9.4_1 -- A fast Bayesian Mail Filter compatible with maildrop and procmail
bmkdep-20120114 -- Construct Makefile dependency list
bmon-2.1.0_4 -- Portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
bmp-alarm-0.6.0_7 -- Alarm timer plugin for beep-media-player
bmp-crossfade-0.3.12_3 -- Crossfading/Gapless Plugin
bmp-docklet-1.3_10 -- System tray controller for beep-media-player
bmp-extra-plugins-0.2.2_14 -- A collection of additional plugins for beep media player
bmp-faad2-2.7_2 -- Beep Media Player (BMP) plugin for faad
bmp-fc-0.1_7 -- A Future Composer input plug-in for beep-media-player
bmp-festalon-0.5.5_7 -- A beep-media-player plugin for playing .nsf and .hes audio files
bmp-flac-20040316_9 -- FLAC input plugin for beep-media-player
bmp-htmlplaylist-0.2.1_8 -- Application which saves your current BMP playlist to html or xml file
bmp-mac-0.1.1_9 -- Monkey's Audio Codec non-win32 port
bmp-modplug-2.0.5_10 -- A modplug-based plugin for beep-media-player
bmp-rootvis-0.0.1_9 -- BMP plugin which renders a spectrum analyzer on the root window
bmp-scrobbler- -- BMP plugin for
bmp-songchange-0.0.2_10 -- Beep Media Player do-this-on-song-change plugin
bmp-wma-0.1.1_10 -- WMA input plugin for beep-media-player
bmp2html-0.1_4 -- A bmp to html converter
bmpanel2-2.1.p1 -- Nice, lightweight NETWM compliant panel for X
bn-aspell- -- Aspell Bengali dictionary
bn-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Bengali translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
bn-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Bengali messages and documentation for KDE3
bn-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- bn language pack for libreoffice
bnbt-8.5_1 -- A C++ BitTorrent Tracker
bnc-2.9.4 -- A simple IRC relay proxy with support for virtual hosting
bncsutil-ghost-1.3.2 -- Utility library for clients in C++
bnf-1.6.10 -- Generate C parser given a grammar in BNF notation
bo-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- bo language pack for libreoffice
boa-0.94.14.r21 -- High performance single-tasking web server
boaconstructor-0.6.1_4 -- A cross platform RAD GUI Building IDE for wxPython
bobotpp-2.2.3 -- An IRC bot written in C++
bochs-2.6 -- An IA-32 (x86) PC emulator that runs DOS, Win 95, and more
boclient-1.21 -- Client program for the Back Orifice Windows program
bodr-9 -- Chemistry data like element and isotope properties, atomic radii, etc
boehm-gc-7.1 -- Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
boehm-gc-redirect-7.1 -- Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
boehm-gc-threaded-7.1_1 -- Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bogged-1.0.0_2 -- Word game for X Window System
bogofilter-1.2.2_3 -- Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogofilter-sqlite-1.2.2_2 -- Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogofilter-tc-1.2.2_2 -- Fast, teachable, learning spam detector
bogosort-0.4.2_1 -- Sort (or not) stdin using the bogo-sort algorithm
boiling-egg-0.02_1 -- A front-end of Egg V4
boinc-astropulse-6.01_4 -- Astropulse for BOINC
boinc-client-7.0.28_2 -- Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing client
boinc-setiathome-enhanced-6.12_7 -- Setiathome Enhanced for BOINC
boinc-simap- -- Similarity Matrix of Proteins project for BOINC
boinc_curses-0.2.2_1 -- Console, ncurses based monitor and manager for BOINC
bomb-her-man-0.3 -- Bomberman clone written in C++
bomberclone-0.11.8_8 -- Reimplementation of Atomic Bomber Man
bomberinstinct-0.8.9_9 -- A nice Bomberman-like multiplayer game
bombermaze-0.6.6_11 -- A multiplayer game, strategy place bombs to kill enemies and obstacles
bombono-1.2.1_3 -- DVD authoring program
bomns-0.99.2_2 -- The best old-school Deathmatch game ever (only for two players)
bomstrip-9_1 -- Strip Byte-Order Marks (BOM) from UTF-8 text
bonk-0.6 -- Lossy/lossless audio compressor
bonnie-1.96_1 -- Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonnie-2.0.6_1 -- Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonobo-1.0.22_12 -- The component and compound document system for GNOME
bontmia-0.14_1 -- A small tool for incremental backups over network
boo- -- A CLI-targeted programming language similar to Python
boodler-1.5.3_3 -- A programmable soundscape tool
bookmarkbridge-0.76_4 -- Synchronize bookmarks between multiple browsers
bookreader-0.2_5 -- A KDE twin-panel e-text/e-book viewer
boost-all-1.48.0 -- The "meta-port" for boost libraries
boost-docs-1.48.0 -- Documentation for libraries from
boost-jam-1.48.0 -- Build tool from the
boost-libs-1.48.0_1 -- Free portable C++ libraries (without Boost.Python)
boost-python-libs-1.48.0 -- Framework for interfacing Python and C++
boost_build-2.0.m12 -- Extensible cross-platform build tool suite
bootstrap-openjdk-r306764 -- Oracle's Java 6 virtual machine release under the GPL v2
bophook-0.02 -- Style file providing a beginning-of-page hook for LaTeX
bopm-3.1.3_1 -- Open proxy and DNSBL monitor designed for use with ircds
boswars-2.6.1_3 -- A real-time strategy game
botan-1.8.13 -- A portable, easy to use, and efficient C++ crypto library
bottlerocket-0.04c_1 -- Home Automation Software for the X10 FireCracker kit
bouml-4.22.2_1 -- BOUML, a free UML 2 modeler
bouml-doc-4.23 -- Reference manual of BOUML
bounce-1.0_8 -- Bounce TCP connections to another machine/port
bouncycastle-1.45_1 -- Cleanroom build of Java Cryptography Extensions
box-0.3.4 -- Compiler for box, the figure description language
boxbackup-0.11.1_1 -- Open source, completely automatic on-line backup system for Unix
boxbackup-devel-0.11.r2979 -- Open source, completely automatic on-line backup system for Unix
boxes-1.1_1 -- Draws ASCII-art configurable boxes around text or code
boxquote.el-1.18 -- Quote text with a semi-box in Emacs/XEmacs
bozohttpd-20100920 -- The bozotic HTTP server
bpatch-1.0_1 -- A hex editor that doesn't load the whole file at once
bpfstat-1.0 -- Program to retrieve bpf statistics
bpft-4.20040414 -- The BPF Traffic collector
bpkg-2.1.7 -- Simple tool for displaying information about ports
bpl-1.0_1 -- B Plus file transfer protocol
bpm-0.4.1b_19 -- A graphical BSD ports collection manager
bpython-py27-0.11 -- A fancy interface to the Python interpreter
br-aspell-0.50.2 -- Aspell Breton dictionary
br-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Breton messages and documentation for KDE3
br-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- br language pack for libreoffice
braa-0.82 -- Tool for making SNMP queries
brag-1.4.1 -- Download and assemble multipart binaries from newsgroups
braincurses-0.5a -- A clone of the Mastermind game
brainparty-0.5_4 -- Family-friendly set of 36 puzzle games
brainworkshop-4.4 -- Free open-source version of the Dual N-Back mental exercise
brasero-2.32.1_5 -- CD/DVD mastering tool for the GNOME desktop
brian-1.4.0 -- A clock-driven simulator for spiking neural networks
brickshooter-0.04_6 -- Push blocks on to the playing field, match block colors to remove them
bricons-3.0_2 -- Quick start up utility for applications on an X display
brightside-1.4.0_10 -- A tool to add reactivity to the edges and corners of the GNOME desktop
brikx-0.4.5_6 -- Puzzle game - remove all tiles from the table
briquolo-0.5.7_8 -- Breakout clone with an OpenGL 3D representation
bristol-0.60.10 -- Vintage synthesiers emulation for electric pianos and organs
british-ispell-3.1_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
brlcad-7.22.0 -- CSG modelling system from the US Ballistic Research Laboratory
bro-2.0_2 -- System for detecting network intruders in real-time
brs-4.03 -- An interactive King James Bible
brutalchess-0.5.2_10 -- Nice looking OpenGL chess game
bruteblock-0.0.5_3 -- Software for blocking bruteforce attacks with ipfw
bruteforceblocker-1.2.3 -- Checks for SSH bruteforce and blocks given IPs
brx-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- brx language pack for libreoffice
bs-2.8 -- Battleships solitaire game with a color interface
bs-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Bosnian messages and documentation for KDE3
bs-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Bosnian messages and documentation for KDE4
bs-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- bs language pack for libreoffice
bsd-airtools-0.3 -- BSD Wireless Scanning Tools
bsd-ar-20080302 -- BSD-licensed replacement of the ar utility
bsd-diff-20120705 -- BSD-licensed version of diff from OpenBSD
bsd-grep-20111002_1 -- BSD-licensed version of grep
bsd-sort-20120716 -- BSD-licensed version of sort
bsd-splash-changer-060211 -- Boot Splash Image Changer
bsdadminscripts-6.1.1_1 -- A collection of administration scripts
bsdbktr_tvtune-0.02 -- A console Brooktree (bktr) TV tuner
bsdbuild-3.0 -- BSD-licensed portable build system
bsdcflow-0.0.6 -- A call graph generator for C and assembler code
bsdconfig-0.7.3 -- Utility to configure various aspects of FreeBSD
bsdconv-9.0 -- BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library
bsdconv-opencc-1.0 -- OpenCC conversion module for bsdconv
bsdcrashtar-0.1.2 -- Archive FreeBSD kernel crash files
bsdftpd-ssl-1.1.0_3 -- Secure FTP server with the TLS/SSL support
bsdgames-2.4_2 -- Traditional BSD games taken from DragonFly BSD
bsdhwmon-20120702 -- Hardware sensor monitoring utility for FreeBSD
bsdinfo-0.22 -- A simple utility to display system-based information
bsdlibdwarf-0.20110616 -- BSD licensed implementation of libdwarf
bsdmoted-0.4.0 -- Use Wii remote as mouse
bsdproxy-0.04 -- A TCP proxy, demonstrating use of the kevent(2)/kqueue(2) API
bsdrain-5.0 -- The original BSD rain program, ported from NetBSD
bsdsar-1.10_2 -- System Activity Reporter for FreeBSD
bsdsfv-1.18 -- A flexible SFV checksum utility
bsdstats-5.5_3 -- Monthly script for reporting anonymous statistics about your machine
bsdtris-1.1 -- BSD version of text-based Tetris game
bsfilter-1.0.17 -- Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby
bsflite-0.85 -- A lightweight command line AIM client
bsh-2.0.b4_6 -- A Java scripting language
bsmtp-1.02_5 -- Batch SMTP support for sendmail, incoming and outgoing
bsmtrace-1.3_1 -- BSM based intrusion detection system
bsnes-0.91 -- Super Nintendo/Super Famicom emulator
bsnmp-jails-0.9 -- A bsnmpd module to measure statistics about jails
bsnmp-regex-0.5_1 -- A bsnmpd module allowing creation of counters from log files
bsnmp-ucd-0.3.6 -- A bsnmpd module that implements parts of UCD-SNMP-MIB
bsnmptools-0.0.20060818_2 -- Snmp client tools
bsp-5.2 -- Node builder for Doom
bsp_upektfmess-1.1_1 -- UPEK TouchChip TFM/ESS Fingerprint BSP
bsvc-2.1_3 -- An extensible hardware simulation framework with MC68K support
btanks-0.9.8083_4 -- Fast 2D tank arcade game with multiplayer and split-screen modes
btc-258 -- A tool for creating bass tablature
btoa-5.2_1 -- Encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
btparse-0.35 -- C library for parsing and processing BibTeX data files
btpd-0.16_1 -- Bittorrent client consisting of a daemon and client commands
btqueue-0.1.3_1 -- Alternative BitTorrent client with queuing functionality
bubble-chains-0.1.1_4 -- The aim is to remove all of the targets on each level
bubblegum-1.12 -- Watch a file for changes
bubblemon-dockapp-1.46_6 -- X eye candy for displaying CPU and memory load in a dock
bubblemon2-2.0.17_7 -- A system CPU and memory load monitor for GNOME2
bubbros-1.6_4 -- Multiplayer clone of the famous Bubble Bobble game
buddy-2.4_1 -- A Binary Decision Diagram library
buffer-1.19 -- Buffer sporadic I/O for faster tape and pipe throughput
bufferpool-0.0.4 -- Bufferpool - the memory management library Feng and Felix depend upon
bug-buddy-2.32.0_3 -- A bug reporting tool for GNOME 2
bugle-0.0.20091026_2 -- A debugging library for OpenGL
bugs-4.1.1_2 -- Great cryptography library and sample programs
bugsquish-0.0.6_10 -- Action game not unlike light gun arcade games
bugsx-1.08_2 -- Breed bugs using genetic algorithms
bugzilla-3.6.11 -- Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
bugzilla-4.0.8 -- Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
bugzilla-4.2.3 -- Bug-tracking system developed by Mozilla Project
buici-clock- -- Xlib implementation of an attractive, configurable clock
build-0.3.9 -- A massively-parallel build system implemented on top of GNU make
buildapp-1.1_4 -- A simple wrapper for creating executables with sbcl
buildbot-0.8.6p1 -- Automated system from compile/test cycle to validate code changes
buildbot-slave-0.8.6p1 -- Slave part of Buildbot, an continuous integration system
buildtool-0.16 -- A set of portable software build utilities
buildtool-doc-0.16 -- Buildtool User's and Developer's manuals
bulk_extractor-1.2.2_1 -- A program that scans a disk image and extracts useful information
bullet-2.77_1 -- 3D collision detection and rigid body dynamics library
bumprace-1.5.3_8 -- Simple arcade racing game
bunny-0.93 -- Closed loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind fuzzer
burgerspace-1.9.0_3 -- A BurgerTime clone
burn-0.4.1_3 -- GNUstep based CD burning program
burplex-1.0.0 -- Preview and select images for batch processing
burpsuite-1.5 -- Burp Suite is an integrated platform for testing web applications
burrtools-0.6.2_1 -- A puzzle solver
busybox-1.20.2 -- Busybox for FreeBSD
buzhug-1.8 -- A pure-Python database engine
bvi-1.3.2 -- A vi-like binary file (hex)editor
bwbasic-2.60 -- The Bywater Basic interpreter
bwi-firmware-kmod-3.130.20 -- Broadcom AirForce IEEE 802.11 Firmware Kernel Module
bwidget-1.9.2 -- A high-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
bwm-ng-0.6 -- A small and simple bandwidth monitor
bwn-firmware-kmod-0.1.0 -- Broadcom AirForce IEEE 802.11 Firmware Kernel Module
bwping-1.6 -- Tool to measure bandwidth and RTT between two hosts using ICMP
bxpkg- -- bxPKG is a GTK+ based tool to manage binary packages on BSD systems.
byaccj-1.15 -- Java extension of BSD YACC-compatible parser generator
bygfoot-2.2.1_7 -- Football (soccer) management game
byobu-3.29_1 -- Profile and configuration utilities for GNU Screen
bzapi-16582.e75.b00.b_1 -- Bugzilla REST API
bzflag-2.4.2 -- A multiplayer 3D tank battle game
bzip-0.21 -- A block-sorting file compressor
bzip2-1.0.6 -- A block-sorting file compressor
bzr-2.5.1 -- Distributed version control system by Canonical
bzr-builder-0.7.3_1 -- A bzr plugin to construct a bzr branch based on a "recipe"
bzr-colo-0.4.0_1 -- Plugin for bzr to support colocated branches
bzr-explorer-1.3.0 -- Desktop application for using bzr
bzr-externals-1.3.3_1 -- Support external branches like svn:externals
bzr-git-0.6.8_1 -- Plugin for bzr to work with git trees
bzr-grep-0.4.0_2 -- Bazaar plugin to grep files
bzr-gtk-0.100.0_2 -- GTK interface to Bazaar-NG VCS
bzr-loom-2.2.0_1 -- Bazaar plugin to assist in developing focused patches
bzr-pipeline-1.4_1 -- Bzr tools for working with a sequence of branches
bzr-rewrite-0.6.3 -- A bzr plugin that provides rewriting existing revisions
bzr-scmproj-0.6.2_1 -- Organise and manage a collection of bzr branches
bzr-stats-0.1.0_1 -- Simple statistics plugin for bzr
bzr-svn-1.2.2_1 -- Plugin for bzr to work with svn
bzr-upload-1.1.0_1 -- Bzr plugin to incrementally upload changes to a dumb server
bzrtools-2.5_1 -- Extensions to devel/bzr
c-a-i-r-2.19 -- Content Aware Image Resizer is an implementation of seam carving
c-ares-config-1.9.1 -- An asynchronous DNS resolver library
c-gtk-utils-2.0.11 -- Lightweight library for programming GTK+ programs
c-hey-2.1 -- Terminal based instant messaging utility
c-icap-0.2.2 -- ICAP server implementation
c-icap-modules-0.2.2 -- c-icap modules virus_scan and srv_url_check
c-nocem-3.7_3 -- NoCeM for C News and INN
c-sig-emacs21-3.8_13 -- Signature insertion tool for Emacs
c-sig-emacs24-3.8_13 -- Signature insertion tool for Emacs
c-unit-1.1.1 -- A unit testing framework for C
c2html-0.9.6 -- C-language sources to HTML converter
c2ps-a4-4.0_1 -- A PostScript pretty-printer for C source
c2ps-letter-4.0_1 -- A PostScript pretty-printer for C source
c3270-3.3.12ga7 -- Full-screen curses-based remote login to IBM mainframes
c3p0- -- A library for augmenting JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources
c4-1.10_1 -- A CVS-like Frontend to Perforce
c64bdf-1.0_1 -- Commodore 64 X11 fonts
ca-aspell- -- Aspell Catalan dictionary
ca-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Catalan messages and documentation for Calligra
ca-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Catalan messages and documentation for KDE3
ca-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Catalan messages and documentation for KDE4
ca-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ca language pack for libreoffice
ca_XV-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ca_XV language pack for libreoffice
ca_root_nss-3.14 -- The root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
ca_valencia-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Valencian (southern Catalan) messages and documentation for Calligra
ca_valencia-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Valencian (southern Catalan) messages and documentation for KDE4
cabextract-1.4 -- A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
cacao-1.6.0 -- JIT compiler for JAVA
cacheboy-1.5.2_5 -- HTTP Caching Proxy (Squid Derivative) - Development Release
cacheboy-1.6_2 -- HTTP Caching Proxy (Squid Derivative) - Development Release
cacti-0.8.8a1 -- Web-driven graphing interface for RRDTool
cadaver-0.23.3_2 -- Commandline client for DAV
cadubi-1.3 -- ASCII drawing utility
cagibi-0.2.0 -- KDE SSDP/uPNP proxy
cairo-1.10.2_4 -- Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
cairo-clock-0.3.4_2 -- MacSlow's Cairo-Clock
cairo-dock- -- Cairo-Dock is a light and eye-candy dock
cairo-dock-plugins- -- Cairo-Dock-Plugins for Cairo-Dock
cairo-java-1.0.8_3 -- Java wrapper for the cairo graphics package
cairo-reference-1.10.2_4 -- Programming reference for graphics/cairo
cairomm-1.10.0_1 -- C++ interface to cairo
cake-2005.12.26_7 -- Quake3 map viewer (and powerful 3D game engine)
cakephp- -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
cakephp-1.2.10 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
cakephp-1.3.15 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
cakephp-2.1.3 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
cakephp-2.2.2 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
cal-3.5 -- Enhanced color version of standard calendar utility
cal3d-0.11.0_2 -- Skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++
cal3d-devel-20060720_2 -- Skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++ (devel)
calamaris-2.59 -- A perl script to produce statistics out of Squid log files
calc- -- Arbitrary precision calculator
calcoo-1.3.18_6 -- RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
calctool-2.4.13_5 -- A multi-GUI (terminal, X, XView) calculator program
calcurse-3.0.0 -- A text-based calendar and scheduling application
calf- -- Calf audio plugin pack
calibrator-0.9 -- Cache Profiling Tool
calibre-0.8.70 -- Ebook management application
calife- -- A lightweight alternative to sudo
calife-3.0.1 -- A lightweight alternative to sudo
callid-1.2_1 -- Utility to log incoming calls using ISDN and output to MySQL/PHP
calligra-2.5.2 -- KDE graphic art and office suite
calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Localized messages and documentation for Calligra
callsign-1.0.2 -- An amateur radio callsign lookup command
callweaver-1.2.1_7 -- Open source IP PBX
cam-1.02 -- Cpu's Audio Mixer [curses based]
camediaplay-20010211_1 -- Digital camera downloading tool for Epson/Sanyo/Olympus/Agfa camera
camera-0.8_2 -- GNUstep application for digital still cameras
camerakit-0.0.1_2 -- Framework that allows to access digital cameras
caml-0.75_4 -- A strongly typed functional language belonging to the ML family
caml-mode-3.01_12 -- An EMACS mode for editing OCaml programs
camserv-0.5.1_16 -- Camserv is a free program to do streaming video via the web
cantarell-fonts- -- Cantarell, a Humanist sans-serif font family
cantor-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 frontend to mathematical software
cantus-3.0.2_9 -- Tool for tagging and renaming MP3 and OGG/Vorbis files
caph-1.1 -- Physics-based sandbox game
caps-plugins-0.4.5 -- The C* Audio Plugin Suite
cardpics-0.4 -- Free cards for your free card games!
cartotheque-0.1_2 -- Managing notes on small cards
carve-1.4.0_1 -- A fast, robust constructive solid geometry library
cas-3.5.5_1 -- C++ Application Server, version 2
cascade-1.4 -- A simple tool to analyze noise and distortion of a RF system
cassandra-1.0.12 -- Open source distributed database management system
castget-1.0.1_3 -- Command-line podcast downloader
castor-1.3.2 -- Data binding for XML (JAXB) and SQL database (JDO)
castpodder-5.1_4 -- A podcast receiver written in Python
catapult-0.9.1 -- GUI for openMSX
catdoc-0.94.2_2 -- MS Word/Excel converter to plain ASCII or TeX. TK viewer included
catdvi-0.14_7 -- A DVI to text/plain translator
catseye-fm- -- Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0
caudium14-1.4.14_2 -- A free webserver based on the Roxen Challenger 1.3 code base
cave-1.0b -- Character Animation Viewer for Everyone
cave9-0.3_7 -- Gravity cave-exploration game
cavezofphear-0.5.1 -- Boulder Dash / Digger-like game written using ncurses
cbb-0.9.5.b -- Checkbook balancing tool
cbedic-1.2_2 -- An English-to-Bulgarian and Bulgarian-to-English dictionary
cbind-6 -- Translator for "thin" Ada bindings to C
cblas-1.0 -- Reference implementation of the C interface to the legacy Fortran BLAS
cblog-0.1.6 -- Simple weblog in C using markdown
cbrowser-0.8_4 -- Graphical front end for cscope and cscope clones
cbrpager-0.9.22_2 -- A viewer for cbr (comic book archive) files
cbview-0.06_8 -- A viewer/converter for CBR/CBZ comic book archives
cc65-2.13.3 -- Cross-compiler for 6502-based systems, includes 65816 assembler
ccache-3.1.8 -- A tool to minimize the compile time of C/C++ programs
ccaudio2-2.0.5_2 -- C++ class framework for manipulating audio files
cccc-3.1.4 -- C and C++ Code Counter
ccd2iso-0.9_1 -- A CloneCD to ISO converter
ccdoc-0.8r41 -- Extracting comments from C++ source and generating HTML
ccid-1.4.8 -- Generic USB CCID (Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices) driver
cciss_vol_status-1.10_1 -- Reports status of logical drives on ciss(4) controllers
ccl-1.8 -- Clozure CL is a free Common Lisp implementation
cclient-2007f -- Mark Crispin's C-client mail access routines
cclive-0.7.10 -- Lightweight command line video extraction tool
ccmath-2.2.1_1 -- A mathematics library with many different functions
ccmsn-0.3p3_1 -- A Tcl/Tk-based MSN messenger
ccons-r236 -- Interactive Console for the C Programming Language
ccrtp-1.7.1 -- Implementation of the real-time transport protocol
ccrypt-1.9_1 -- A command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting files and streams
ccsm-0.8.4_4 -- A Python/GTK based settings manager for CompizConfig
ccsrch-1.0.3 -- Is a tool that searches for credit card numbers (PAN) and track data
ccxstream-1.0.15_1 -- Stream media files to XBox Media Center via XBMSP
ccze-0.2.1_3 -- Fast log colorizer
cd-console-2.4 -- A curses-based console CD player
cd-discid-0.9 -- Backend utility to retrieve CDDB discid information
cd2mp3-0.82_3 -- Easy to use CD Ripping and MP3 Encoding tool
cdargs-1.35 -- Navigate the filesystem using a menu interface or a bookmark system
cdash-2.0.2_1 -- A web-based software testing server
cdb-0.75 -- A fast lookup database library & utilities
cdbkup-1.0_1 -- Simple but full-featured backup/restore perl scripts (uses gnu tar)
cdcat-2.0_1 -- A QT based tool for offline CD/DVD/disk catalogs
cdcl-5.4.5 -- Scientific graphic library for geoscience
cdcollect-0.6.0_6 -- A simple CD catalog for GNOME
cddb-bundle-0.2_3 -- CDDB client bundle GNUstep
cdecl-2.5 -- Explains complicated C/C++ declarations in plain English
cdent-0.5.7 -- A Portable Module Programming Language
cdeploy-0.2.1 -- Deploy a set of configuration files to a target file system
cdf-0.2 -- A colorized df
cdf3-3.3.0 -- Device independent view of the CDF data model
cdialog-1.1.20120215 -- An enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
cdif-1.19 -- Word context diff
cdiff-1.5 -- Diff readability enhancer for color terminals
cdircmp-0.3 -- Compare directories and select files to copy
cdk-5.0.20090215 -- Curses Development Kit for speedy development of full screen programs
cdlabelgen-4.2.0 -- Generate postscript for frontcards and traycards for CDs
cdls-4.2 -- A curses based file manager for system managers
cdo-1.5.5 -- Climate Data Operators
cdonkey-0.9.0_2 -- An open and free core client for the eDonkey protocol
cdparanoia-3.9.8_9 -- A CDDA extraction tool (also known as ripper)
cdpd- -- A daemon to send CDP/LLDP announces over ethernet
cdplay-0.92_2 -- CD-player with text-based user interface
cdpr-2.2.1 -- Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
cdr_read-1.09 -- Utility for reading of the call detail records from PBX
cdrdao-1.2.3_4 -- Record CD-R[W]s in disk-at-once mode
cdrkit-1.1.11 -- Command-line CD/DVD writing suite
cdroot-1.2.5 -- Scripts to automate setting up a bootable CD-ROM based FreeBSD system
cdrtools-3.00_2 -- CD/DVD/BluRay and ISO-9660 image creation and extraction tools
cdrtools-devel-3.01a08 -- CD/DVD/BluRay and ISO-9660 image creation and extraction tools
cduce-0.5.5 -- Efficient XML centric functional programming language
cedet-emacs24-1.1_3 -- Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools
ceferino-0.97.8_11 -- Game similar to Super Pang
cego-2.14.0 -- A relational and transactional database system
cegui-0.7.7 -- A library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs
celestia-glut-1.6.1_2 -- Scriptable space flight simulator for X
celestia-gnome-1.6.1_2 -- Scriptable space flight simulator for X
celestia-gtk-1.6.1_2 -- Scriptable space flight simulator for X
celestia-kde-1.6.1_2 -- Scriptable space flight simulator for X
celt-0.11.3_1 -- The CELT ultra-low delay audio codec
cenon-3.95 -- A vector graphics tool for GNUstep
centericq-4.21.0_14 -- A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
centerim-4.22.10 -- A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
centerim-devel- -- A text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
cfdg-2.2.2_1 -- Context Free Design Grammar compiler
cfengine-2.2.10 -- A systems administration tool for networks
cfengine-3.2.3_2 -- A systems administration tool for networks
cfengine-3.3.8 -- A systems administration tool for networks
cfengine-devel-3.4.0b2 -- A systems administration tool for networks
cfitsio-3.300 -- Library for reading and writing files in FITS data format
cflow-2.0_1 -- A call graph generator for C code
cflow2vcg-0.5_1 -- Convert the result of the cflow utility in a VCG format
cflowd-2.1.b1_10 -- Flow analysis tool used for analyzing Cisco's NetFlow switching
cfortran-4.3 -- An easy-to-use powerful bridge between C and FORTRAN
cftp-0.12_3 -- Comfortable FTP, a full screen ftp client
cfv-1.18.3 -- Utility to both test and create .sfv, .csv, and md5sum files
cg-0.4 -- Semi-automatic newsgroup binary downloader
cgal-3.6.1 -- A computational geometry library
cgdb-0.6.6 -- A curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger
cgi-lib-1.4_1 -- ANSI C Library for CGI Programming
cgi-lib_pl-2.18 -- De facto standard library for creating CGI in perl
cgic-2.05 -- ANSI C library for CGI programming
cgicc-3.2.9_2 -- A C++ class library for writing CGI applications
cgichk-2.60_1 -- A web site vulnerability scanner
cgihtml-1.69_2 -- Library that simplifies the task of writing CGI programs in C
cgiirc-0.5.10 -- IRC web gateway written in Perl
cgilib-0.7 -- A library of procedures for developing CGI programs in C
cgiparse-0.9b -- C library to parse CGI Forms
cgit- -- A fast webinterface for git
cgiwrap-4.1 -- Securely execute Web CGI scripts
cgnslib- -- CFD General Notation System library code
cgoban-1.9.14_4 -- Internet Go Server client and game editor
cgprof-1.2_4 -- Generates colored graphs for profiled executables using gcc and gprof
ch-7.0.0_1 -- An embeddable C/C++ interpreter/shell
chaco-2.2 -- Software for Partitioning Graphs
chanta-0.15_10 -- Free 2D jump and run game
chaosreader-0.94_1 -- A tool to extract data from tcpdump logs
chapping-0.43_9 -- Turn based board football game
charm-1.9.1 -- A menu-driven python-based livejournal client
charmap-0.2_2 -- Character map for GNUstep
charmtimetracker-1.6.0 -- Time tracker
charva-1.1.4_5 -- A Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals
charybdis-3.3.0_1 -- A powerful IRC daemon, based on ircd-ratbox
chattahoochie-1.5 -- Small group plain-text chat server
chbg-1.5_14 -- Change Background Picture with time period
check_logfiles- -- Nagios plugin which scans log files for specific patterns
check_memcached_paranoid-0.20091016_1 -- Nagios plugin for checking memcached
check_multi-0.19 -- A multi purpose wrapper plugin for Nagios
check_mysql_health- -- Nagios plugin to check various parameters of a MySQL database
checkbashisms- -- Script to check for Bash features not defined by POSIX
checkbot-1.80_1 -- A WWW link verifier, similar to momspider
checkdns-0.5_1 -- A domain name server analysis and reporting tool
checkheaders-1.0.1 -- Checks headers in C/C++ programs
checkmate-0.19 -- A command-line utility for checking mp3 files for errors
checkmol-0.4a_4 -- Analyze molecules for the presence of functional groups
checkpassword-0.90 -- A simple password-checking interface
checkpassword-pam-0.99 -- Implementation of checkpassword authentication program
checkrdf-39.4444_6 -- A tool for RDF site summaries based news-check
cheech-0.8_5 -- A multi-platform, networked Chinese Checkers game
cheese-2.32.0_3 -- A Photobooth-inspired app for taking pictures and videos from webcam
cheesetracker- -- An Impulse Tracker clone
chef-19930426 -- Feelter thet cunferts Ingleesh text tu Muck Cheenese-a
chemeq-1.50_1 -- Outputs LaTeX code for chemical reaction
chemical-mime-data-0.1.94_5 -- A collection of chemical MIME types for UNIX desktops
chems-0.x04 -- The geekest content helper management system
chemtool-1.6.11_4 -- Draw organic molecules easily and store them
chemtool-devel-1.7.20050716_7 -- Drawing organic molecules easily and store them (developer version)
cherokee-1.2.101_3 -- Extremely fast and flexible web server
chexedit-0.9.7 -- Full screen text mode Hex editor using the [n]curses library
chgrep-1.2.4 -- Fast string substitution across multiple files
chicken-4.8.0 -- A Scheme-to-C compiler
childsplay-0.90.2_1 -- Educative games for children
childsplay_plugins-0.90_1 -- Educative games for children
chillispot-1.0_5 -- Wireless LAN Access Point Controller
chimera-1.70p0_3 -- X/Athena World-Wide Web client
chipmunk-5.65 -- An electronic CAD system
chipvault-200607 -- A project organizer for VHDL and Verilog RTL hardware designs
chirp-0.2.3 -- Chirp is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio
chk4mail-2.25 -- A utility to quickly check multiple folders for new email
chkrootkit-0.49 -- A tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
chm2pdf-0.9.1_3 -- A Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files
chmlib-0.40 -- A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmsee- -- A viewer for Microsoft Help "CHM" files
chmview-2.0.b4 -- Extractor from .chm files
chntpw-110511 -- Utility to set the password and edit registry on Microsoft NT system
choparp-20021107_4 -- Simple proxy arp daemon
choqok-1.3_1 -- KDE micro-blogging client
chord2html-1.3_3 -- Convert CHORD input files to HTML
chordpack-0.8.1_1 -- Script to convert ChordPro files to HTML, ASCII, and TeX
chpasswd-2.2.4_1 -- Allow users to change their Squid or Web password using the browser
chpp-0.3.5_1 -- Non-intrusive full-featured text preprocessor
chroma-1.08_4 -- Abstract puzzle game
chromaprint-0.7 -- AcoustID audio fingerprinting library
chromium-23.0.1271.64 -- A mostly BSD-licensed web browser based on WebKit and Gtk+
chromium-bsu-0.9.15_2 -- An arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter
chroot_safe-1.4_1 -- A tool to chroot softwares easily
chrootuid-1.3 -- A simple wrapper that combines chroot(8) and su(1) into one program
chrpath-0.13_1 -- Tool to modify DT_RPATH in existing ELF binaries
chryzodus-0.32_2 -- A chryzode (http// explorer
chtml-0.0 -- Chunked HTML templating engine
chu-0.1.29 -- Synchronise computer clock to CHU radio station
cicquin-0.1 -- Look up users in the CenterICQ user database
cider-1.b1_7 -- A mixed-level circuit and device simulator (includes SPICE3)
cidr-2.3.2_1 -- RFC 1878 subnet calculator / helper
cil-1.5.1 -- Infrastructure for C Program Analysis and Transformation
cimg-1.5.2 -- The C++ Template Image Processing Library
cinc-2.1.3_1 -- Bell Laboratories cardiac computer emulator
cinepaint-0.22_9 -- An editing tool used for painting and retouching of movies
cingb-0.31 -- Yet another Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator
cint-5.16.19_1 -- C/C++ interpreter
circe-0.2.3 -- A captive portal-based network access control solution in perl
circuslinux-1.0.3_12 -- "Circus Linux!" is a clone of the Atari 2600 game "Circus Atari"
cisco_conf-1.2_1 -- Simple configuration editor for Cisco devices
ciscoconf-1.1 -- Fetches configuration from Cisco routers and stores them under RCS
ciso-1.0.0_1 -- A tool to compress ISO images to CSO format
citrix_ica-10.6_1 -- Citrix(R) Presentation Server(TM) client
cjc-1.2.1 -- The Console Jabber Client
cjk-lyx-1.4.4_9 -- Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
ck4up-1.2 -- Checks http and ftp sites for updates
ckl-0.9.1_1 -- A command line tool for noting when something was changed on a machine
ckpass-0.1 -- An ncurses based password database client
cksfv-1.3.14 -- Create or manipulate Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
cl-alexandria-2010.01.16_2 -- A collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
cl-alexandria-clisp-2010.01.16_2 -- A collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
cl-alexandria-sbcl-2010.01.16_6 -- A collection of portable public domain utilities for Common Lisp
cl-asdf-2.017 -- A system definition facility for Common Lisp
cl-asdf-clisp-2.017 -- A system definition facility for Common Lisp
cl-babel-2010.01.16_2 -- A charset encoding/decoding library written in Common Lisp
cl-babel-clisp-2010.01.16_1 -- A charset encoding/decoding library written in Common Lisp
cl-babel-sbcl-2010.01.16_5 -- A charset encoding/decoding library written in Common Lisp
cl-cffi-0.10.6_1 -- A portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp
cl-cffi-clisp-0.10.6_1 -- A portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp
cl-cffi-sbcl-0.10.6_5 -- A portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp
cl-clx-0.7.4_1 -- X11 client library for Common Lisp
cl-clx-sbcl-0.7.4_2 -- X11 client library for Common Lisp
cl-infix-19960628_3 -- A lisp macro for reading math expressions in infix form
cl-infix-clisp-19960628_2 -- A lisp macro to read math statements in infix notation
cl-infix-sbcl-19960628_9 -- A lisp macro to read math statements in infix notation
cl-lml-2.5.7_2 -- Lisp Markup Language
cl-lml-clisp-2.5.7_3 -- Lisp Markup Language
cl-lml-sbcl-2.5.7_7 -- Lisp Markup Language
cl-md5-1.8.5_1 -- A native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
cl-md5-clisp-1.8.5_2 -- A native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
cl-md5-sbcl-1.8.5_6 -- A native MD5 implementation in Common Lisp
cl-meta-0.1_3 -- A parser generator for Common Lisp
cl-meta-clisp-0.1_5 -- A parser generator for Common Lisp
cl-meta-sbcl-0.1_7 -- A parser generator for Common Lisp
cl-port-2002.10.02.1_3 -- Cross-Lisp portability package
cl-port-clisp-2002.10.02.1_5 -- Cross-Lisp portability package
cl-port-sbcl-2002.10.02.1_7 -- Cross-Lisp portability package
cl-ppcre-2.0.3_1 -- Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
cl-ppcre-clisp-2.0.3_1 -- Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
cl-ppcre-sbcl-2.0.3_5 -- Portable Perl-Compatible Regular Expression for Common Lisp
cl-split-sequence-20011114.1_2 -- Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
cl-split-sequence-clisp-20011114.1_5 -- Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
cl-split-sequence-sbcl-20011114.1_7 -- Partitioning Common Lisp sequences
cl-trivial-features-2010.01.16_1 -- Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
cl-trivial-features-clisp-2010.01.16_2 -- Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
cl-trivial-features-sbcl-2010.01.16_6 -- Ensures consistent *FEATURES* in Common Lisp
cl-trivial-gray-streams-2008.11.02_1 -- A thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
cl-trivial-gray-streams-clisp-2008.11.02_2 -- A thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
cl-trivial-gray-streams-sbcl-2008.11.02_6 -- A thin compatibility layer for Gray streams
cl-uffi-2.0.0_1 -- Universal Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp
cl-uffi-sbcl-2.0.0_5 -- Universal Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp (SBCL binaries)
clamassassin-1.2.4_5 -- A simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
clamav-0.97.6 -- Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
clamav-devel-20120917 -- Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
clamav-milter-0.97.6 -- Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
clamav-unofficial-sigs-3.7.1_1 -- Update script for third-party ClamAV databases
clamcour-0.3.8_6 -- ClamAV courier filter
clamd-stream-client-1.3 -- Standalone clamav client
clamfilter-0.5_4 -- A small, efficient clamav content filter for Postfix
clamsmtp-1.10_3 -- An ClamAV anti-virus SMTP Filter
clamtk-4.42 -- GTK front-end for Clam Antivirus
clamz-0.5 -- Command-line program to download MP3 files from Amazon's music store
clang-3.1_2 -- C, Objective-C, and (alpha-quality) C++ compiler
clang-devel-3.2.r163622_2 -- C, Objective-C, and (alpha-quality) C++ compiler
clanlib-1.0.0 -- Cross-platform game SDK
clanlib-2.2.12 -- Cross-platform game SDK
clanlib-2.3.6 -- Cross-platform game SDK
claraocr-20031214_4 -- Optical character recognition (OCR) utility
clarence-0.4.4_8 -- Programmer's calculator
claroline-1.10.2 -- Open Source eLearning and eWorking platform
classpath-0.99_1 -- A GNU project to create a free Java class library
claws-mail-3.8.1 -- A lightweight and very featureful GTK+ based e-mail and news client
claws-mail-address_keeper-1.0.6 -- Keeps all recipient addresses in an addressbook folder
claws-mail-archiver-0.6.12_1 -- mail archiver plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-att_remover-1.0.14 -- Attachments removing plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-attach_warner-0.2.24 -- Not attached file warning plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-bsfilter-1.0.8 -- bsfilter plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-cachesaver-0.10.9_16 -- Cache saving plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-clamd-3.5.4 -- This plugin scans messages using clamd (Clam AV)
claws-mail-fancy-0.9.16_1 -- Webkit based HTML renderer plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-fetchinfo-0.4.25 -- Header insertion plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-gdata-0.4 -- Plugin providing Google Contacts in the Tab-address completion
claws-mail-gtkhtml2_viewer-0.33_1 -- HTML renderer plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-mailmbox-1.14.7 -- Mbox maildir plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-newmail-0.0.15_17 -- Message header summary logging plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-notification-0.30 -- New/unread mail notification plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-pdf_viewer-0.9.2 -- This claws-mail plugin enables viewing of PDF and PS files
claws-mail-perl-0.9.19_2 -- Perl filtering plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-python-0.10 -- Python plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-rssyl-0.33 -- A RSS/Atom plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-spamreport-0.3.16_1 -- SpamReport plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-synce-0.7.5_17 -- Windows CE addressbook plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-themes-20120129 -- Claws-Mail Themes
claws-mail-tnef-0.3.13 -- TNEF parser plugin for claws-mail
claws-mail-vcalendar-2.0.13 -- vCalendar plugin for claws-mail
clawsker-0.7.8 -- Applet to edit Claws Mail's hidden preferences
clay-0.1.2 -- A language designed for generic programming
clean-3.4 -- Automatically remove unwanted files
cleanfeed-20110224 -- Spam filter for Usenet news servers
cleanq3-0.5.2_2 -- Cleaned up copy of the original Quake III Arena source code
clearlooks-0.6.2_11 -- GTK+ 2.x engine based on Bluecurve
clearlooks-metacity-2.0_7 -- Clearlooks Metacity theme
clearlooks-themes-0.6.2_11 -- Clearlooks themes with the engine coming from gtk-engines2
clearlooks-themes-extras-0.6_7 -- Extras colour schemes for Clearlooks engine theme
clearsilver-0.10.5 -- A fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system
clearsilver-python-0.10.5 -- A fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system
clementine-0.0.7_6 -- Has title bars, iconizing, and styles (unstable)
clementine-player-1.0.0_6 -- A cross-platform music player based on Amarok 1.4
clewn-1.14_1 -- Clewn provides Gdb support within Vim
clex-4.6.4 -- A command line file manager
clhep- -- Object-oriented toolkit for particle physics applications by CERN
cli-msn-2.3.2 -- Command line msn messenger
click-1.5.0 -- The Click Modular Router
clickheat-1.14 -- ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page
clig- -- Auto-generate an (argc, argv) processor, usage message, and manpage
climm-0.7.1_4 -- CLI-based Multi-Messenger
clint-0.1.2_4 -- A static source code checker for C++
clipgrab- -- Program to download videos from YouTube and etc
clisp-2.49_4 -- A Common Lisp implementation
clisp-hyperspec-7.0 -- A Common Lisp reference in HTML format, from LispWorks Ltd
clit-1.8 -- Microsoft Lit to HTML and Open eBooks converter
clive-0.4.10 -- A command line client for posting LiveJournal entries
clive-2.3.3 -- Command line video extraction tool for YouTube and others
cln-1.3.2 -- Class Library for Numbers
cloc-1.56 -- Counts lines of code
clockspeed-0.62_5 -- Uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for deviant system clock
clockspeed-conf-0.4.5 -- Supervise scripts for clockspeed to use daemontools
clog-1.6 -- Tcp connection logger daemon
clojure-1.4.0 -- A dynamic programming language for the JVM
clojure-contrib-1.2.0 -- Extensions and enhancements to the Clojure libraries
clojure-mode.el-20090718_9 -- Emacs lisp module for the Clojure language
clonehdd-2.0.3 -- Tool for clone HDD on FreeBSD
cloop-utils-2.01.2 -- Compressed loop FS utils
closure-compiler-20120430 -- Closure Compiler
closure-linter-2.3.5 -- JavaScript linter
clpbar-1.11.1 -- Command Line Progress Bar
clucene-0.9.21 -- CLucene is a C++ port of Lucene
clucene-contrib-0.9.16a -- CLucene Contrib Code and Tools
clunk-1.2.130_1 -- Real-time 3D sound generation library
clustalw-2.1_1 -- A multiple alignment program for DNA or proteins
clusterit-2.5 -- A collection of clustering tools
clusterssh-3.28_1 -- Controls multiple hosts simultaneously via xterms and ssh
clutter-1.4.0_1 -- OpenGL based interactive canvas library
clutter-box2d-0.10.0_3 -- Clutter Box2D integration library
clutter-gst-1.3.4_1 -- Clutter GStreamer integration
clutter-gtk-0.10.8_2 -- GTK+ Integration library for Clutter
cm-super-0.3.4_4 -- Computer Modern Font Families in Type 1 Fonts
cmake-2.8.9 -- A cross-platform Makefile generator
cmake-fedora-1.0.3 -- Set of cmake modules for fedora developers
cmake-gui-2.8.9 -- Qt4 GUI for cmake
cmake-modules-2.8.9 -- Modules and Templates for CMake
cmatrix-1.2a_1 -- Show a scrolling 'Matrix' like screen
cmd5checkpw-0.22 -- Checkpassword compatible authentication program that uses CRAM-MD5
cmdftp-0.9.8 -- Command line shell-like ftp client
cmdwatch-0.2.0_2 -- Watches the output from a command at specified intervals
cmios9-2.1 -- Ftp-like access to Fairlight image files and devices
cmospwd-5.1 -- A BIOS password recovery tool
cmp3-2.0.p6_2 -- An ncurses based frontend to mpg123
cmph-0.9 -- Minimal perfect hashes for C
cmsmadesimple-1.9.1 -- A Simple Open Source CMS
cmt-1.16 -- The Computer Music Toolkit - a collection of LADSPA plugins
cmucl-19f_2 -- The CMU implementation of Common Lisp
cmucl-extra-19c -- Optional extras for the CMU implementation of Common Lisp
cmunge-1.0_1 -- A tool for encrypting and compacting C source code
cmus-2.4.3 -- Console-based music player with really cool features -- submitter
cnagios-0.29 -- Curses-based interface for nagios
cnd-0.7 -- Console network display
cnet-2.0.10_2 -- A networking simulator
cnews-cr.g_9 -- An news server
cntlm-0.92.2 -- An NTLM / NTLM Session Response / NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
cnupm-3.12 -- The BPF Traffic Collector (IPv4/IPv6)
cobf-1.06 -- C and C++ code obfuscator
coccigrep-1.11 -- Semantic grep for the C language
coccinella-0.96.20 -- Jabber client with whiteboard communication
coccinelle-0.2.4.r5 -- Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine
coco-2.3_1 -- Code converter for any of Mule's code
cocoon-2.1.11_1 -- XML Web Development Framework
cocor-1.7_2 -- Compiler generator that combines the functionality of lex and yacc
cocot-20120313 -- Code Converter on TTY
coda-client-6.9.4_2 -- Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
coda-server-6.9.4_1 -- Server programs for a replicated high-performance network file system
code-browser-3.18_1 -- Folding text editor
code2000-1.171 -- Shareware demo Unicode TrueType font
code2001-0.919 -- Free Plane 1 Unicode-based Font
code2html-0.9.1 -- Sourcecode to HTML converter
codeblocks-10.05_1 -- Open source, cross-platform, free C/C++ IDE
codeeditor-0.4.4_2 -- CodeEditor is a text and code editor for GNUstep
codeigniter-1.7.3 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
codeigniter-2.1.3 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
codelite-4.1.5770 -- An Open Source IDE for C/C++
codespell-1.4 -- Source code spelling checker
codeworker-4.2 -- A parsing tool and a source code generator
cog-0.8.0_12 -- A program for editing advanced GNOME settings in an easy way
cole-2.0.1_1 -- A free C OLE library
collectd-4.10.4_7 -- Systems & network statistics collection daemon
collectd-5.1.0_3 -- Systems & network statistics collection daemon
color-mate-10.6.4_2 -- Color customizing module for Emacsen
color-theme.el-emacs-6.6.0_11 -- An Emacs-Lisp package with more than 50 color themes
colorcode-0.7.2_1 -- A free advanced MasterMind game and solver
colordiff-1.0.8 -- A tool to colorize diff output
colorgcc-1.3.2 -- Perl script to colorize the terminal output of GCC
colorize-0.3.4 -- A robust log colorizer
colormake-0.9 -- Wrapper to color gmake output
colortail-0.3.3 -- A colour-able replacement for tail(1)
colt-1.2.0_1 -- Java package for scalable scientific and technical computing
columns-1.2b_6 -- Nice little implementation of columns game for X Window System
combat-0.8.1 -- A CORBA ORB implementation in Tcl
comclear-1.2_2 -- A history cleaner for Netscape Navigator and Communicator
comconsole-0.1 -- Setup your PC to use serial port COM1 as its console device
comical-0.8_6 -- A sequential image viewer
comiccron-1.0.0 -- A cron like tool that performs a single pass on a cronfile
comix-4.0.4_4 -- GTK2 comic book viewer for .cbz, .cbr, and .cbt files
commonclipse-1.3.0_4 -- Commonclipse is an eclipse plugin for jakarta commons-lang users
commoncpp-1.7.3 -- GNU project portable class framework for C++
commons-utilities-1.0_2 -- Wikimedia Commons / MediaWiki utilities for bulk uploading
compat4x-i386-5.3_9 -- A convenience package to install the compat4x libraries
compat5x-i386- -- A convenience package to install the compat5x libraries
compat6x-i386-6.4.604000.200810_3 -- A convenience package to install the compat6x libraries
compat7x-i386-7.3.703000.201008_1 -- A convenience package to install the compat7x libraries
compat8x-i386-8.3.803000.201209 -- A convenience package to install the compat8x libraries
compat9x-i386-9.0.900000.201209_1 -- A convenience package to install the compat9x libraries
compiler-rt-0.r131639 -- Compiler runtime library with Blocks support
compiz-0.8.4_8 -- Compiz Composite/Window Manager
compiz-bcop-0.8.4 -- Code generator for Compiz Fusion Plugins
compiz-fusion-0.8.4_2 -- Metaport of compiz-fusion
compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.4_5 -- Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compiz-plugins-main-0.8.4_4 -- Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.4_4 -- Plugins for Compiz Composite Window Manager
compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4_3 -- The gconf backend for CompizConfig
compizconfig-python-0.8.4_3 -- Python bindings for the compizconfig library
compositeproto-0.4.2 -- Composite extension headers
compupic-5.1.1063 -- Digital content manager
comserv-1.4.3 -- Provide network access to local serial ports and make remote ports appear local
concentration-1.2_10 -- Find all matching pairs of icons as fast as possible
concorde-20031219 -- Combinatorial Optimization package
condor-7.6.6 -- High-throughput distributed batch system
conduit-0.3.17_6 -- Synchronization application for GNOME
cone-0.89_1 -- Console based mail client with POP3/IMAP/SMAP support
confctl-1.2 -- Utility to parse and modify C-like configuration files
confetti-0.0.20120801 -- Configuration file parser generator
confget-1.03 -- Read variables from INI-style configuration files
configkit-0.4.20080902 -- A somewhat prototypical facility for generating CLI interfaces
confman-1.9.4b -- A revision controlled configuration manager
confregdecode-1.2.1_3 -- Cisco Systems IOS(tm) configuration register decoder
conglomerate-0.9.1_11 -- GNOME2 visual XML editor with emphasis on DocBook editing
conkeror-20090821_5 -- A completely keyboard driven browser based on firefox
conky-1.8.1_5 -- An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X
conky-awesome-1.8.1_5 -- An advanced, highly configurable system monitor for X
conkyemail-2.07 -- Email script for conky
conkyforecast-2.20 -- Weather forecast script for conky
connectagram-1.0.1_2 -- Word unscrambling game
connectfive-1.0.2_5 -- Place five pieces in a row on a 3D board
conquest-7.2 -- A multi-player curses space warfare game similar to Netrek
cons-2.2.0_3 -- A Perl-based Make Replacement
cons-test-2.2.0_3 -- A test bed for `Cons' development
consed-16.0 -- A graphical tool for editing Phrap assemblies
conserver-8.5_4 -- Manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
conserver-com-8.1.18 -- Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
consolehm-1.31_1 -- Console based hardware monitor for FreeBSD
consolekit-0.4.3 -- Framework for defining and tracking users
construo-0.2.2_5 -- A fun construction toy
contact-lookup-applet-0.17_8 -- Gnome panel applet for easy Evolution contact book access
contacts-0.9_7 -- Simple yet powerful address book based on Evolution data server
contool-3.3a_2 -- Console tool for openlook
convertall-0.5.2 -- Another unit converter
convey-0.3_2 -- An Instant Message (IM) program using the Jabber protocol
convmv-1.15 -- Convert filenames from one encoding to another
cook-2.30_2 -- Like make(1), but more powerful and clean
cooledit-3.17.17_5 -- Suite of utilities, including a GUI editor
coolmail-1.3_3 -- A Xbiff like mail tool with animated 3D graphics
coovachilli-1.0.12_1 -- An access controller for wired & wireless clients
coppermine-1.5.20 -- A web picture gallery script
cops-1.04 -- A system secureness checker
copytape-1.0 -- A program that is used to duplicate magtapes
coq-8.3.3_1 -- Theorem prover based on lambda-C
coreutils-8.20_1 -- The Free Software Foundation's core utilities
corewars-0.9.13_4 -- A simulation game where the goal is to crash each other's programs
corkscrew-2.0_1 -- A HTTP tunnelling utility for SSH
corona-1.0.2_5 -- A graphics library that supports most image formats
corsixth-0.10 -- Open source clone of Theme Hospital
cos-2002.11.05_2 -- The O\'Reilly package of utility classes for servlet developers
cosmo-2.0.4_4 -- Clone of Cosmo Gang the Puzzle (Namco)
cosmoplayer-2.1.1_2 -- Java classes to support VRML
cosmosmash-1.4.5_2 -- A clone of the Intellivision(TM) game Astrosmash(TM)
cost-2.2p1_2 -- SGML/XML application programming tool
cotty-0.4c -- Simple command-line pseudo terminal manager
couchdb-1.2.0_1 -- A document database server, accessible via a RESTful JSON API
countrycodes-1.0.5 -- An ISO 3166 country code finder
courier-0.65.3 -- Courier SMTP IMAP POP3 HTTP mail server suite
courier-authlib-0.65.0 -- Meta-port for the courier authentication library
courier-authlib-base-0.65.0 -- Courier authentication library base
courier-authlib-ldap-0.65.0 -- LDAP support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-mysql-0.65.0 -- MySQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-pgsql-0.65.0 -- PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-userdb-0.65.0 -- Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-usergdbm-0.65.0 -- Userdb support for the Courier authentication library
courier-authlib-vchkpw-0.65.0 -- Vpopmail/vchkpw support for the Courier authentication library
courier-imap-4.11.0 -- IMAP (and POP3) server that provides access to Maildir mailboxes
courier-pythonfilter-1.6 -- Framework for courier filter development in python
couriergraph-20060202_3 -- A RRDtool frontend for Courier statistics
courierpassd-1.1.2 -- User authentication and password changing daemon utility
courierpasswd-1.1.2 -- User authentication and password changing utility
courieruserinfo-1.1.2 -- User account information retrieval utility
cowbell- -- An elegant music organizer
cowpatty-4.6 -- Brute-force dictionary attack against WPA-PSK
cowsay-3.03_1 -- Configurable talking characters in ASCII art
cp2fwb-0.6_1 -- Checkpoint FW1 to Firewall Builder ruleset converter
cpan-upload-2.2_1 -- Script for uploading distributions to CPAN
cpan-upload-http-2.4 -- Perl script to upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE
cparser-0.9.13 -- A C99 compiler using libFIRM as backend
cpdup-1.17_2 -- A comprehensive filesystem mirroring and backup program
cphone-0.3.2.c.20060407_10 -- H323 Video Conferencing Program which uses QT
cpige-1.5_1 -- Icecast/Shoutcast stream ripper
cpipe-3.0.2 -- Benchmarking tool for pipes
cplanet-0.9 -- RSS Feed Aggregator that generate static html
cplay-1.49_5 -- A curses based front-end for various audio players
cpmemu- -- Cpm emulator
cpmtools-1.1 -- Utility to transfer files from/to CP/M (R) diskettes
cpmtools-2.15 -- Tools to access CP/M disks and disk images
cpp-xmms2-0.8_6 -- C++ Bindings for XMMS2
cpp2latex-2.3 -- Converts C++ source to output that can be used in LaTeX documents
cppcheck-1.57 -- Static analysis of C/C++ code
cppi-1.17 -- A tool to indent the C preprocessor directives
cppunit-1.12.1 -- C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing
cproto-4.7j -- Generate C function prototypes and convert function definitions
cpu-1.4.3_3 -- Change Password Utility for LDAP
cpuburn-1.4 -- CPU/memory stress testing utilities
cpuflags-1.41 -- Determine compiler flags to best target current cpu
cpuid-3.3_6 -- CPU identification utility
cpulimit-1.4 -- A program to limit the CPU usage of a process
cpupowerd-0.2.1_1 -- A CPU over- and undervolting daemon
crack-5.0 -- The "Sensible" Unix Password Cracker
crack-attack-1.1.14_11 -- OpenGL game based on Super Nintendo classic Tetris Attack
cracklib-2.8.19 -- Password-checking library
crafty-23.4 -- Chess program for playing and analyzing games
crafty-open-enormous-20070924_1 -- The enormous opening book (about 85-90 MByte) for crafty
crafty-open-large-20070909_2 -- The large opening book for crafty
crafty-open-medium-20070909_2 -- The medium opening book (about 1.9 MByte) for crafty
crafty-tablebase-pawn-20070910 -- These are the pawn tablebases (3,4,5 man) for crafty
crafty-tablebases-no-pawn-20070910 -- These are the tablebases for crafty, minus the pawn tbs
cramfs-1.1_1 -- The compressed ROM filesystem
crank-0.2.1_6 -- CRyptANalysis toolKit
crashmail-0.71 -- CrashMail II FTN mail tosser
crashme-2.4_1 -- A tool to test an operating system's robustness
crawl-0.4_8 -- A small, efficient web crawler with advanced features
cre-1.2.b.r2 -- Corewars Redcode Evolver
cream-0.42_1 -- Gvim extension with many features
create-cert-2.2 -- Create openssl client key and certificates
createrepo-0.9.8 -- Creates a common metadata repository
createtorrent-1.1.4 -- Create BitTorrent files from the command line
credis-0.2.3 -- Library for communicating with Redis servers
credns-0.2.10 -- A verifier performing validation in the DNS notify/transfer-chain
creox-0.2.2.r2_5 -- A real-time sound processor
cretan-hubris-0.2_2 -- Maze on the Isle of Crete
crf-0.54 -- Yet Another CRF toolkit
cricket-1.0.5_9 -- A high performance, extremely flexible monitoring system
crimson-0.5.3_3 -- Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
crimson-1.1.3_1 -- Implements the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP)
crip-3.9_1 -- Terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger
cripple-0.06b_7 -- Command line CD ripper/encoder wrapper with cddb support
criticalmass-1.0.0_11 -- An SDL/OpenGL space shoot\'em up game
critterding-b12_3 -- Evolving Artificial Life
crlibm-1.0.b4_1 -- Correctly-rounded mathematics library
crm114-20100106_1 -- A Markov based SpamFilter
cromwell-20060308_1 -- Linux (and FreeBSD :-) BIOS images for the Microsoft Xbox
cronolog-1.6.2_4 -- A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
cronolog-devel-1.7.0 -- A web log rotation utility that provides datestamp filenames
croscorefonts-1.21.0 -- Fonts created from by Google for ChromeOS to replace MS TTF
cross-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
cross-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
cross-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
crossfire-client-1.70.0_2 -- A cooperative multiplayer graphical RPG and adventure game
crossfire-server-1.70.0_1 -- Server for multiplayer graphical arcade and adventure game
crossip-1.2_4 -- Java DNS update client for the ThatIP protocol
crosspad-19991202 -- Crosspad data downloader/converter
crossvc-1.5.2_5 -- Cross-platform Version Control
crp-20031012 -- Automates the process of being the program chair of a conference
crrcsim-0.9.11_1 -- Model-airplane flight simulation program
crtmpserver-0.545 -- C++ RTSP/RTMP/MPEG-TS Server
cruisecontrolrb-1.4.0_1 -- Continuous Integration Server For Rails Applications
crux-1.2.0_1 -- Software toolkit for phylogenetic inference
crw-1.03_2 -- A utility to process Canon camera RAW (.crw) files
cryptcat-1.2.1 -- Standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption
cryptix-jce-20050328_2 -- JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) by Cryptix
cryptlib-3.4.1 -- A powerful security programming toolkit
cryptopp-5.6.1_2 -- A free C++ class library of Cryptographic Primitives
cryptoslam-1.2 -- A curses-based tool for creating and solving the cryptograms
cryptstring-0.2 -- Crypto Strings for PHP
cs-0.9.5_2 -- Cross Stitch software
cs-aspell-20040614.1_1 -- Aspell Czech dictionary
cs-calligra-l10n-2.4.3 -- Czech messages and documentation for Calligra
cs-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Czech messages and documentation for KDE3
cs-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Czech messages and documentation for KDE4
cs-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- cs language pack for libreoffice
cs-mythes-2007.09.26_1 -- Czech thesaurus
csb-aspell-0.02.0_1 -- Aspell Kashubian dictionary
csb-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Cassubian messages and documentation for KDE3
csb-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Cassubian messages and documentation for KDE4
cscope-15.8 -- An interactive C program browser
cscout-2.7 -- Source code analyzer and refactoring browser for C program collections
csharp-mode.el-0.8.5_6 -- Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing C# source code
csmash-0.6.6_17 -- A 3D tabletennis game
csmith-2.1.0 -- Generates random C programs that conform to the C99 standard
csoap-1.1.0 -- A client/server SOAP library written in pure C
csocks-1.5 -- SOCKS Client v4/v5 RFC Compliant with many features
csound-5.18.02 -- Sound synthesizer
css-mode-elisp-0.11_1 -- A CSS(Cascade Style Sheet) editing mode for Emacsen
cssc-0.15a.0_1 -- A workalike for the source code control system SCCS
cssed-0.4.0_7 -- An application to help CSS style sheets creation and maintenance
csstidy-1.2 -- An opensource CSS parser and optimiser
cstream-3.0.0 -- Like dd(1) tool, precise bandwidth limiting/reporting, fifo, TCP
cstringbuffer-0.1.6 -- File-like IO for strings
csv2latex-0.18 -- Converts a well formed csv file to a LaTeX document
csv2xml-0.6 -- A simple but effective csv to xml converter
csvdiff-1.7 -- Compare/diff two (comma) separated files with each other
csync2-1.34_11 -- A cluster synchronization tool
ctags-5.8 -- A feature-filled tagfile generator for vi and emacs clones
ctcs-1.4.1 -- CTorrent monitoring and managing interface
ctemplate-0.5 -- Template system for C
cthumb-4.2_4 -- Themeable web picture album generator
ctorrent-3.3.2_3 -- BitTorrent Client written in C for FreeBSD and Linux
ctpl-0.3.3 -- C Template (Parser) Library
ctpp2-2.8.2 -- C++ library to use templates in C/C++ projects, version 2
ctrace-0.9 -- Multiprotocol traceroute tool
ctris-0.42 -- Colorized, small, and flexible Tetris(TM)-clone for the console
ctrlproxy-3.0.8_5 -- Flexible IRC proxy
ctronome-0.5.4 -- Programmable console-based metronome
ctwm-3.8.1_1 -- An extension to twm, with support for multiple virtual screens, etc
cube-2005.08.29_11 -- An OpenGL 3D First Person Shooter game
cuberok-0.0.11_6 -- A music player and a collection manager based on Qt4
cucipop-1.31_2 -- Cubic Circle's POP3 daemon (fully RFC1939 compliant)
cue2toc-0.1 -- Perl script that converts CUE files into TOC files for cdrdao
cuecat-1.1_3 -- Tools for decoding and using the output of a :Cue:Cat(TM) wand scanner
cueplayer-0.28_2 -- CUE player
cuetools-1.3.1_3 -- A set of utilities for working with cue files and toc files
cultivation-8_2 -- Unique game of conflict and cooperation in a gardening community
cuneiform-1.1.0_1 -- OCR system developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies
cunit-2.1.0_2 -- An automated unit testing framework for C
cups-1.5.2 -- Common UNIX Printing System: Metaport to install complete system
cups-base-1.5.2_2 -- Common UNIX Printing System: Server
cups-bjnp-0.5.3_4 -- CUPS backend for Canon USB over IP protocol
cups-client-1.5.2_2 -- Common UNIX Printing System: Library cups
cups-image-1.5.2_1 -- Common UNIX Printing System: Library cupsimage
cups-pdf-2.6.1_1 -- A virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files
cups-pk-helper-0.0.4_3 -- A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKit
cups-pstoraster-8.15.4_7 -- Postscript interpreter for CUPS printing to non-PS printers
cups-samba-6.0_7 -- The Common UNIX Printing System: MS Windows client drivers
cups-smb-backend-1.0_6 -- A CUPS backend for printing to Windows servers
curator-2.1_5 -- Static Image Gallery Generator for web or CD-ROM galleries
curl-7.24.0_1 -- Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S) servers
curl-hiphop-7.24.0_1 -- Static libcurl with custom patches for HipHop
curlpp-0.7.3_1 -- A C++ wrapper for libcurl
curly-3.4 -- Generalize listed filenames to csh-extended glob patterns
cursive-1.0 -- Create ASCII character cursive handwriting
cursor-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve X cursor themes
cursor-chameleon-anthracite-0.5 -- Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-darkskyblue-0.5 -- Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-pearl-0.5 -- Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-skyblue-0.5 -- Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-chameleon-white-0.5 -- Chameleon Xcursors theme
cursor-crystal-theme-1.1.1_5 -- KDE Crystal style X cursor theme
cursor-dmz-aa-theme-0.3_2 -- The DMZ AA style neutral scalable cursor theme
cursor-dmz-theme-0.3_2 -- The DMZ style neutral scalable cursor theme
cursor-ecliz-0.1 -- Ecliz X cursor theme
cursor-grounation-theme-0.3_2 -- Moshi's Grounation cursors
cursor-jimmac-theme-0.1_2 -- The beautiful Jimmac X cursor themes
cursor-neutral-theme-1.13.a_2 -- Extended Jaguar X cursor theme
cursor-neutral-white-theme-1.1 -- White cursor theme based on neutral
cursor-polar-theme-1.4_2 -- Polar is a smooth and simple cursor set
curvedns-0.88.b_2 -- Forwarder adding DNSCurve to an authoritative nameserver
cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.26 -- Cuse4BSD character device loopback driver for userspace
cut-2.6 -- Unit Testing Framework for C, C++, and Objective-C
cutecom-0.20.0_2 -- Graphical serial terminal
cutemaze-1.1.0_3 -- Simple, top-down game in which mazes are randomly generated
cutils-1.6 -- Miscellaneous C programmer's utilities
cutmp3-2.0.3 -- A small and fast command line MP3 editor
cutter-1.2.2 -- Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
cuttlefish-1.3_3 -- Plots diurnal and geographical patterns of supplied data
cutycapt-20100608_1 -- A command-line utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page
cuyo-2.1.1_6 -- Nice, innovative, challenging Tetris-like game
cvc3-2.4.1 -- An automatic theorem prover for the SMT problem
cvm-0.96 -- Credential Validation Modules
cvs-1.20120905 -- Version control system
cvs-devel-1.12.13_10 -- IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
cvs-syncmail-2.1 -- CVS notification tool
cvs2cl-2.73 -- CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
cvs2darcs-0.8_4 -- Convert CVS module to darcs repository
cvs2html-1.98_1 -- Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
cvs2p4-3.1 -- CVS to Perforce Converter
cvs2svn-2.4.0_2 -- CVS to Subversion Repository Converter
cvsadmin-1.0.3_2 -- A simple program to administrate users of a CVS repository
cvsbook-1.21_2 -- A tutorial and reference for CVS
cvschangelogbuilder-2.5 -- Utility to generate changelogs and reports from a CVS repository
cvschk-1.12 -- Quick offline checker for CVS modifications
cvsd-1.0.18 -- CVS pserver daemon
cvsdadm-0.3.2_1 -- Tool for CVSd pserver user administration
cvsdelta-1.7.0 -- Cvsdelta summarizes differences between local and in-cvs files
cvsdiff2patch-1.0.1 -- Turn cvs diff output into patch input
cvsgraph-1.7.0_4 -- Graph the life story of a file under CVS or RCS
cvsipv6-1.11.17_1 -- IPv6 enabled cvs. You can use IPv6 connection when using pserver
cvslines-1.6.9 -- Wrapper to ease merging of changes between CVS branches
cvsmail-2.2 -- A small program to add cvsweb links to FreeBSD commit messages
cvsmapfs-1.3_1 -- Helps keep track of modes and permissions of files in cvs
cvsmonitor-0.6.3_7 -- Monitor activity on a CVS Repository
cvsplot-1.7.4_4 -- A perl script which analyses the history of a CVS-managed project
cvsps-2.1_1 -- Create patchset information from CVS
cvsps-devel-2.2.b1 -- Create patchset information from CVS
cvsspam-0.2.12 -- Sends diffs when a change is committed to your CVS repository
cvsstat-2.24 -- Transforms the output of 'cvs status' to a sorted ASCII table
cvstrac-2.0.1 -- Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For CVS
cvsup-16.1h_4 -- File distribution system optimized for CVS (GUI version)
cvsup-mirror-1.3_8 -- A kit for easily setting up a FreeBSD mirror site using CVSup
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h_4 -- File distribution system optimized for CVS (non-GUI version)
cvsupchk-19990209_2 -- Check a CVSup directory hierarchy against the checkouts file
cvsutils-0.2.5 -- CVS utilities which facilitate working with local working directories
cvsweb-2.0.6_2 -- WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
cvsweb-3.0.6_3 -- WWW CGI script to browse CVS repository trees version 3
cvsweb-converters-0.3.4_1 -- Create hyperlinks to cvsweb from cvs[up] output or FreeBSD commitlogs
cvswrap-0.2 -- Helper for multiple CVS repositories
cvsync-0.24.19_1 -- A portable CVS repository synchronization utility
cw-1.0.16 -- A non-intrusive color wrapper for common commands
cwdaemon-0.9.4 -- Amateur Radio cw (Morse code) keyer daemon
cweb-3.64a.a -- Literate programming tools for the C language
cwirc-2.0.0_4 -- X-Chat Morse plugin
cwish-3.52_2 -- Curses based user friendly windowing shell
cwtext-0.96 -- Morse Code Generator
cx88-1.4.4 -- Drivers for Conexant CX23880/1/2/3/5/7/8-based TV/radio capture cards
cx_Freeze-4.3_1 -- The cx_Freeze is a set of utilities for freezing Python scripts
cxmon-3.2 -- Interactive file manipulation tool and disassembler
cxref-1.6c -- C program cross-referencing & documentation tool
cxxtest-3.10.1 -- Simple and powerful JUnit/CppUnit/xUnit-like framework for C++
cxxtools-2.1.1 -- Collection of general-purpose C++ classes
cy-aspell-0.50.3_1 -- Aspell Welsh dictionary
cy-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Welsh messages and documentation for KDE3
cy-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- cy language pack for libreoffice
cyassl-1.6.0 -- A embedded SSL C-Library
cyberbit-ttfonts-2.0.20050220_2 -- Bitstream Cyberbit is a TrueType font covers Unicode 2.0
cycle-0.3.1_5 -- A calendar program for women
cygne-sdl-0.1_4 -- The SDL port of Cygne, a free Bandai Wonderswan emulator
cymbaline-1.3e -- Console frontend for py-mad
cynthiune-0.9.5_10 -- Romantic music player for GNUstep
cyphesis-0.5.26_2 -- A server for WorldForge games
cyr-rfx-koi8-o-1.1_2 -- Cyrillic X11 bitmap fonts from CYR-RFX project
cyrus-imapd-2.1.18_2 -- The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd-2.2.13p1_3 -- The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd-2.3.18_1 -- The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imapd-2.4.16 -- The cyrus mail server, supporting POP3 and IMAP4 protocols
cyrus-imspd-1.8 -- The cyrus IMSP (Internet Message Support Protocol) server
cyrus-sasl-2.1.25_2 -- RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-ldapdb-2.1.25 -- SASL LDAPDB auxprop plugin
cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.25 -- SASL authentication server for cyrus-sasl2
cyrus2courier-1.4 -- A Cyrus-Imap to Maildir++ conversion utility
cython-0.17.1 -- Compiler for Writing C Extensions for the Python Language
czmq-1.3.1 -- High-level C Binding for zmq
d-feet-0.1.12_1 -- D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger written in PyGtk+ by John (J5) Palmieri
d2x-0.2.5_11 -- Unix port of Descent 2 Game
d2x-xl-1.14.121_7 -- Community Unix port of Descent 2 Game
da-aspell- -- Aspell Danish dictionary
da-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Danish messages and documentation for Calligra
da-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Danish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
da-hyphen-2007.09.30_1 -- Danish hyphenation rules
da-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Danish messages and documentation for KDE3
da-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Danish messages and documentation for KDE4
da-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- da language pack for libreoffice
daa2iso-0.1.7e -- Convert PowerISO DAA files to ISO9660
dact-0.8.42 -- Dynamic Adaptive Compression Tool
dadadodo-1.04 -- Text processor which analyses text and generates random sentences
dae-0.9 -- List and control system daemon
daedalus-2.0.1 -- Flexible process monitor/restart daemon written in ruby
daemonlogger-1.2.1 -- A packet sniffer capable of running as a daemon and as a software tap
daemontools-0.53 -- Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb
daemontools-0.76_16 -- Service monitoring and logging utilities by djb
dagrab-0.3.5_1 -- Read audio tracks from a CD into wav sound files
dahdi-2.4.0rc5_6 -- DAHDI userland utilities and libraries
dahdi-kmod-2.4.0rc5_6 -- Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface
dahdi-kmod26-2.6.1.r10709 -- Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface
dailystrips-1.0.28_2 -- Utility to download or view your favorite online comic strips daily
daimonin-0.10.5_2 -- Free open source Massively Multiplayer On-line Role-playing Game (MMORPG)
daimonin-music-20100827 -- Music for daimonin client
dalbum-140.152_3 -- Free, highly customizable PHP photo album
dalmp-2.0 -- Database Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP
damageproto-1.2.1 -- Damage extension headers
dancer-4.16_1 -- IRC bot written in C for UNIX, Windows, and AmigaOS
dangen-0.5_2 -- Shoot'em up game where accurate shooting matters
dangerdeep-0.3.0_9 -- Open source World War II German submarine simulation
dangerdeep-data-0.3.0 -- The Danger from the Deep data files
danpei-2.9.7_10 -- Image Viewer for X Window System with thumbnail preview feature
dansguardian- -- A fast, feature-rich web content filter for Squid proxy servers
dansguardian- -- A fast, feature-rich web content filter for Squid proxy servers
dante-1.3.2 -- A circuit-level firewall/proxy
daq-1.1.1 -- Data Acquisition abstraction library for snort 2.9+
dar-2.3.11 -- A full featured command-line backup tool, aimed for disks
darcnes-9b0401_6 -- multi-system emulator
darkbot-6f6.r6 -- IRC talking bot with a very fast algorithm for its database
darkice-1.1_2 -- An IceCast, IceCast2, and ShoutCast live audio streamer
darknock-0.3.0_3 -- A program that can detect edges in images
darkplaces-20110628_1 -- Quake engine modification
darkstat-3.0.715 -- Network statistics gatherer and reporter
darktable-1.0.5 -- Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
darts-0.32 -- A C++ template library that implements Double-Array
dash-0.5.7 -- A POSIX-compliant implementation of /bin/sh
dasher-4.10.1_6 -- Information efficient text-entry interface
datadraw-3.1.1 -- A feature rich persistent database generator
datamodeler- -- Database modeling tool
datapipe-1.0_1 -- Bind a local port and connect it to a remote socket
dataplot-20090821_1 -- A free software system for statistical visualization
davical-1.1.1 -- A simple CalDAV server using a postgres backend
davmail-4.1.0 -- POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP Exchange Gateway
dazuko-2.3.9 -- A common interface for 3rd party file access control
db-1.14 -- Manipulate db(3)'s btree(3) and hash(3) databases - NetBSD port
db2latex-0.8p1_1 -- DocBook to LaTeX XSL stylesheets
db4-4.0.14_1 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4
db41-4.1.25_4 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.1
db41-nocrypto-4.1.25_4 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.1
db42-4.2.52_5 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.2
db42-nocrypto-4.2.52_5 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.2
db43-4.3.29_1 -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.3
db44- -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.4
db46- -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.6
db47- -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.7
db48- -- The Berkeley DB package, revision 4.8
db4o-mono-5.5.20_1 -- A database engine for storing object into files
db5- -- The Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 5.3
dbXML-2.0 -- Java Native XML Database
dbacl-1.12_2 -- Digramic Bayesian classifier
dbconnect-0.3.5_4 -- Use C++ object API to allow applications to connect to databases
dbeacon- -- Distributed multicast beacon server
dbench-4.0_2 -- A simulation of the Ziff-Davis netbench benchmark
dbf-0.9.0 -- Show and convert the content of dBASE III, IV, and 5.0 files
dbf2mysql-1.14_5 -- Programs to convert .dbf files to MySQL tables and vice versa
dbh-1.0.24_1 -- Disk Based Hashtables
dbh-4.6.2 -- Disk Based Hashtables
dblatex-0.3.2_1 -- DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
dbmail-2.2.18 -- SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
dbmail-3.0.2_4 -- An SQL database-based mail system (POP3 and IMAP)
dbow-0.7_1 -- DBOW is a database object generator for C, Perl, PHP, etc
dboxfe-0.1.3_3 -- A Qt4 front-end to DOSBox
dbs-1.1.5_6 -- A distributed network benchmarking system
dbtool-1.7_2 -- Store and retrieve data in a key/value format in a hash database
dbus-1.4.14_4 -- A message bus system for inter-application communication
dbus-glib-0.94 -- GLib bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-qt3-0.70_6 -- Qt3 bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-sharp-0.7.0 -- Mono interface to the D-BUS messaging system
dbus-sharp-glib-0.5.0 -- D-Bus for .NET: GLib integration module
dbview-1.0.4 -- View dBase III files
dbvis-7.1 -- DbVisualizer database tool
dc20ctrl-0.4_5 -- Digital camera control and download tool for Kodak DC20 camera
dc20pack-1.0 -- Digital camera control and download tool for Kodak DC20/25 camera
dc3dd-7.1.614 -- A dd program useful for computer forensics
dcc-2.5.6_1 -- DCC support program for irchat-pj
dcc-dccd-1.3.141 -- Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse bulk email detector
dcd-0.99.2_2 -- A simple, programmable, intelligent CD player
dcdflib.c-1.1_1 -- Library of C Routines for Cumulative Distribution Functions
dcetest-1.2 -- Utility to dump MSRPC endpoint information from Windows systems
dcfldd- -- An enhanced dd tool with MD5 hashing capability
dcl-5.4.5 -- Scientific graphic library for geoscience
dclib-0.3.23_2 -- Direct connect interface library for valknut
dclock- -- A 7-segment digital clock with some optional features
dcmtk-3.6.0_1 -- A toolkit to work with DICOM files
dconf-0.5.1_4 -- A configuration database system for GNOME
dcraw-9.16 -- Decoder for RAW files from digital cameras
dd_rescue-1.28 -- A dd tool suitable for rescuing data from a medium with errors
ddate-2.21 -- Command to print the date in Discordian date format
ddclient-3.8.1_1 -- Update dynamic DNS entries
ddd-3.3.12_1 -- Data Display Debugger -- a common graphical front-end for GDB/DBX/XDB
ddos_scan-1.6_1 -- Scans for a limited set of distributed denial of service agents
ddrescue-1.16 -- Data recovery tool
de-BBBike-3.17_1 -- A route-finder for cyclists in Berlin and Brandenburg
de-MT-5.14 -- German localization of the MovableType publishing system
de-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (DEU)
de-acroread9-9.4.2_1 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (DEU)
de-alt-aspell-20030222.1_1 -- Aspell German Old Spelling (Deutsch - Alter Spelling) dictionary
de-aspell-20030222.1_1 -- Aspell German dictionary
de-bsdforen-firefox-searchplugin-0.3_7 -- Firefox search plugins for the board and wiki
de-bsdgroup-firefox-searchplugin-0.2_8 -- Firefox search plugins for the board
de-bsdpaste-1.0.1 -- Pastebin web application to upload and read text on a webserver
de-bugzilla-3.6.11 -- German localization for Bugzilla
de-bugzilla-4.0.8 -- German localization for Bugzilla
de-bugzilla-4.2.3 -- German localization for Bugzilla
de-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- German messages and documentation for Calligra
de-dict-1.2 -- Simple English/German dictionary
de-digibux-1.0.4_2 -- Reader for editions of Digitale Bibliothek
de-ding-1.7 -- A German-English dictionary program for X windows/Unix
de-dtaus-0.9 -- Belegloser DatenTraegerAUStausch
de-eric4-4.5.7 -- Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt4
de-freebsd-doc-39278 -- German translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
de-geonext-1.71_1 -- Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
de-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in German
de-hunspell-20120607 -- German hunspell dictionaries
de-hyphen-2007.02.17_1 -- German hyphenation rules
de-ispell-20071211-3.3.02_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
de-ispell-alt-19991219-3.3.02_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
de-ispell-neu-20071211-3.3.02_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
de-jdictionary-eng-ger-1.4_2 -- JDictionary plugin: English-German dictionary
de-jdictionary-ger-hun-1.4_2 -- JDictionary plugin: German-Hungarian dictionary
de-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- German messages and documentation for KDE3
de-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- German messages and documentation for KDE4
de-kheisereg-0.8_10 -- KDE utility to search within the Heise Register
de-ksteak-1.0.0.p2_9 -- KDE frontend for steak, an English - German dictionary
de-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- de language pack for libreoffice
de-manpages-de-0.5 -- German GNU and Linux manual pages
de-mediathek-3.0.0 -- Filme der oeff. rechtlichen Sender herunterladen und ansehen
de-mythes-2012.10.07 -- German thesaurus
de-phone-1.0 -- German phone code / Deutsche Telefonvorwahl (AVON)
de-schwobifyer-20050730 -- Utility for translating German into the Schwaebisch dialect
de-selfhtml-8.1.2 -- Extensive German HTML reference
de-steak-1.7.3_6 -- English <-> German dictionary under the GPL
de-tipp10-2.1.0_1 -- A 10 finger touch typing learning program
de-trytond_account_de_skr03-2.4.0 -- The SKR03 chart of account which is used in Germany
de-unix-connect-0.95 -- Unix-Connect - mail+news-gateway for Zconnect (tm)
de-vtiger-5.0.3.g.r.f.1_2 -- German messages for vtiger
de-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
de-wordpress-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
deadbeef-0.5.5_1 -- Ultimate music player for Unix-like systems
deadbeef-mpris-plugin-2.1.3_1 -- The MPRIS plugin for DeaDBeeF music player
deal-2.5 -- A calculator for card-draw probabilities
deb2targz-20100710 -- A command-line utility for converting a Debian .deb file to a .tar.gz
debootstrap-1.0.42 -- Install Debian base system into a directory
decibel-0.5.0_10 -- Realtime communications framework
decibel-audio-player-1.08 -- A fast GTK+ audio player with an clean and user friendly interface
deco-1.6.2_1 -- A program to extract various archive file formats
deco-3.9_4 -- Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
decomment-0.1.0 -- Removes comments and (optionally) whitespace from a file.
decss-1.0 -- Strip cascading style sheets from webpages
decurs-0.55.1_12 -- A program that lets you edit your X11 mouse cursors
deegree-csw-2.5_1 -- Deegree Catalogue Service(CSW)
deegree-igeoportal-2.5_1 -- Browser based client handling WMS, WFS, and proxy service
deegree-wcs-2.5_1 -- Deegree Web Coverage Service(WCS)
deegree-wfs-2.5_1 -- Deegree Web Feature Service(WFS)
deegree-wms-2.5_1 -- Deegree Web Map Service(WMS)
deegree-wps-2.5_1 -- Deegree Web Processing Service(WPS)
deegree-wpvs-2.5_1 -- Deegree Web Terrain Service(WTS)/Web Perspective View Service(WPVS)
defendguin-0.0.12_3 -- Your mission is to defend little penguinoids
deheader-0.6 -- Tool to find unnecessary includes in C/C++ files
dejagnu-1.5 -- Automated program/system tester
dejavu-2.33 -- Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters
dekagen-1.0.2_2 -- A frontend to rip, convert, and name MP3/Ogg
delatt-1.1.3 -- Strip attachments from email
delay-1.6 -- A delay program with feedback to the user
delegate-9.9.7 -- General purpose TCP/IP proxy system
delta-2006.08.03 -- Heuristically minimizes interesting files
deltup-0.4.4_1 -- Source delta update program
deluge-1.3.5_1 -- Bittorrent client using Python, GTK+2, and libtorrent-rasterbar
demonquake-0.16.1_7 -- Another improved Quake engine based on FuhQuake
demoroniser-1.0.20030916 -- Correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible HTML from MS applications
denature-0.6.5_2 -- A HTML to PDF converter
denemo-0.9.2_2 -- Graphical score editor
deng-1.9.0b6.9_2 -- Enhanced Doom, Heretic, and Hexen source port
denyhosts-2.6_4 -- Script to thwart ssh attacks
deputy-1.1_1 -- Advanced C compiler that enforces type and memory safety
deskbar-applet-2.32.0_3 -- Omnipresent versatile search interface
deskmenu-1.3.0_4 -- X11 application launcher
deskpaint-3.1 -- A tiny interactive paint program that draws as your desktop wallpaper
desktop-data-model-1.2.4_9 -- Engine providing live updates of online data to the desktop
desktop-file-utils-0.18 -- A couple of command line utilities for working with desktop entries
desktop-installer-0.4.3 -- Quickly configure a FreeBSD desktop system
desmume-0.9.8 -- Nintendo DS emulator
despoof-0.9_3 -- Command-line anti-spoofing detection utility
despotify-0.0.521 -- A command-line client for spotify
destroy-20050329 -- A program to securely destroy files on the hard disk
detach-1.3 -- Start a process detached from a terminal
detachtty-9 -- Run interactive programs non-interactively
detex-2.8 -- Strips TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
detox-1.2.0 -- Removes non-standard characters from filenames
deutex-4.4.0_1 -- WAD file manipulator for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
dev86-0.16.18 -- Robert de Bath's 8086 development tools
devcpu-data-0.6 -- Intel and AMD CPUs microcode updates
devd-notifier-0.1 -- A daemon notifying the user about devd(8) events with libnotify
devede-3.23.0 -- Create video DVDs, VCDs, sVCDs, or CVDs from any number of video files
devel-replay-1.0.4 -- Program that helps you fix a build interactively
devhelp-2.32.0_2 -- Developer help browser for GNOME 2
devil-1.7.8_9 -- A full featured cross-platform image library
devilspie-0.22_6 -- A window manipulation tool
devisor-2.1_2 -- Design and Visualization Software Resource for FeatFlow
devstat-0.3.3 -- Utility to display device statistics
devtodo-0.1.20_1 -- Tool to effectively maintain todo lists aimed at developers
dfc-3.0.0 -- Display file system space usage using graph and colors
dfm-0.99.9_8 -- OS/2 - like Desktop-File-Manager for X Window System
dfu-programmer-0.5.4 -- Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips
dfu-util-0.1.s20090212_1 -- Device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer
dfuife-curses- -- DFUI curses frontend
dgd-1.4.15 -- Dworkin\'s Game Driver
dgd-kernel-1.3.4_1 -- Kernel mudlib, for use with DGD
dgd-lpmud-2.4.5_4 -- LPmud mudlib, for use with DGD
dgen-sdl-1.30 -- A wonderful Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator
dgo-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- dgo language pack for libreoffice
dgpsip-1.35 -- Differential GPS over IP communication device
dgs- -- A display ghostscript system
dhcdrop-0.5 -- Tool for searching and suppressing false DHCP servers
dhcp6-20080615_1 -- KAME DHCP6 client, server, and relay
dhcpcd-3.2.3 -- DHCP client
dhcpd-pools-2.18 -- A tool to analyze isc-dhcp pool usage based on leases
dhcpdump-1.8 -- Decode and diagnose sniffed DHCP packets
dhcperf- -- DHCPerf delivers accurate performance metrics of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol service
dhcping-1.2 -- Send DHCP request to DHCP server for monitoring purposes
dhcprelay-1.2_1 -- Lightweight DHCP Relay Agent with GIF tunnel support
dhcprelya-4.4 -- Lightweight DHCP relay agent. Yandex edition
dhex-0.68 -- A ncurses-based hex-editor with diff mode
dhisd-5.1_5 -- DHIS server for dynamic updates on the server using specific engines
dht-0.21 -- Mainline variant of Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT)
dhttpd-1.02a -- Minimal secure webserver. Fast and efficient, no cgi-bin support
di-4.32 -- Disk Information Utility
dia-0.97.1_3 -- Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
dia2code-0.8.5 -- A small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
diablo-5.1 -- A comprehensive newsfeeding and newsreading software package
diablo-jdk- -- Java Development Kit 1.5.0_07.01
diablo-jdk- -- Java Development Kit 1.6.0_07.02
diablo-jre- -- Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0_07.01
diablo-jre- -- Java Runtime Environment 1.6.0_07.02
diacanvas2-0.15.4_3 -- A general drawing canvas from dia dialog editor
diakonos-0.9.0 -- A Linux editor for the masses
diamanda-0.0.20070426_3 -- A set of useful Django applications
diameter- -- Arcade-style game with elements of economy and adventure
diary-hercules-0.1.1_1 -- A personal workout diary program for bodybuilders
dice-3.15_1 -- DICE - The Amiga/embedded/generic 68000 C compiler
dict-1.12.0_1 -- Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client
dictd-1.12.0_1 -- Dict protocol (RFC 2229) server
dictd-database-20031009 -- Dictd words database
dictem-emacs24-1.0.2_10 -- DictEm is a dict client for [X]Emacs
dictem-xemacs21-mule-1.0.2_10 -- DictEm is a dict client for [X]Emacs
dictfmt-1.12.0_1 -- Formats a DICT protocol dictionary database
diction-1.11 -- GNU diction and style
dictionary-emacs24-1.8.7_13 -- A dictionary client for Emacs
didentd-0.2 -- Modular RFC1423 (identd) server sending encrypted audit tokens
diehard-0.1 -- Marsaglia's Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness
dieharder-3.31.1 -- A random number generator testsuite
diffmark-0.10 -- XML diff and merge package
diffsplit-1.0 -- Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
diffstat-1.55 -- Makes a histogram summarizing "diff" output
diffuse-0.4.6_2 -- A graphical N-way diff and merge tool written in python
diffutils-3.2 -- The GNU diff utilities
digest-20050323_1 -- Message digest wrapper utility
digger-20020314_3 -- FreeBSD graphics console (VGL) version of the famous Digger game
digikam-0.9.6_4 -- An advanced digital photo management application for KDE
digikam-2.9.0 -- KDE4 digital photo management application
digikam-doc-0.9.5_4 -- Documentation for Digikam
digitemp-3.6.0 -- Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
digitizer-4.1_8 -- Engauge Digitizer - Digitizing software to convert graphs into numbers
dikt-2j -- Dictionary for KDE4
dillo-0.8.6_7 -- A fast, small graphical Web browser built upon GTK+
dillo-3.0.2_1 -- A fast, small graphical Web browser built upon fltk
dillo-i18n- -- A fast, small graphical Web browser with support for i18n
dim-1.1 -- A directory lister which sorts the file list in 2D
dimes-0.5.2 -- Distributed research project for measurement topology of the Internet
ding-libs-0.1.3 -- A collection of useful libraries for developers
dinotrace-9.4c_1 -- A graphical signal trace waveform viewer
dir2ogg-0.11.8_3 -- Command-line {wav,mp3,m4a} to ogg converter
dirac-1.0.2 -- Open source video codec from the BBC
diradmin-1.5.1_13 -- A smart LDAP directory management tool
dirbuster-1.0r1 -- DirBuster allows file and directory brute forcing on web servers
dircproxy-devel-1.2.0.r1 -- A detachable irc proxy server with many features
dirdiff-2.1_3 -- A graphical diff tool
directfb-1.4.13_2 -- Graphic development lightweight API
dirmngr-1.1.0_8 -- A client for managing and downloading certificate revocation lists
dirvish-1.2.1_1 -- Network backup system based off of rsync
discid-1.3_1 -- Identify audio cd in your drive
disco-1.2_1 -- IP discovery and fingerprinting utility
discount- -- A C implementation of the Markdown markup language
diskcheckd-20110729 -- Daemon to check for disk read errors
diskprep-1.0.1_1 -- A program to prepare disks for use based on a config file
diskscrub-2.2 -- Writes patterns on files to make retrieving the data more difficult
disktool-2.0_3 -- XView sysadmin tool for monitoring diskfull situations
disktype-9 -- Disk formatting type autodetector
dislin-10.1 -- A scientific data plotting package
display-1.2a -- Runs command repeatedly; shows output
displaycalibrator-0.7_2 -- Frontend to xgamma
dissembler-0.9 -- A tool that polymorphs bytecode to a printable ASCII string
dissy-10_1 -- Graphical frontend to the objdump disassembler
distcache-1.4.5_1 -- Distributed OpenSSL session caching tools
distcache-devel-1.5.1_1 -- Distributed OpenSSL session caching tools - development version
distcc-3.1_3 -- Distribute compilation of C(++) code acrosss machines on a network
distel-2011.03.13_7 -- Distel extends Emacs Lisp with Erlang-style message passing
distilator-0.2_1 -- A command-line script to check the availability of a ports distfiles
distorm-20120514.r214 -- Fast x86 and x86-64 disassembler library
ditaa-0.9 -- Convert ASCII art diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
ditrack-0.8_2 -- Tracking system based on Subversion repository
dits-2.2.34 -- A data integrity verifying and disk exercising test suite
diveintopython-5.4 -- Free Python tutorial book that is "not For Dummies(tm)"
divxcalc-0.6_10 -- DivX Calculator
dixit-10.8_1 -- Romanian dictionaries databases and query application
djbdns-1.05_14 -- A collection of secure and reliable DNS tools
djbdns-tools-1.05 -- Resolver tools from djbdns package
djbfft-0.76_2 -- An extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
djgame2-3.2.0_2 -- bluedj contains many popular online games
djgpp-binutils-2.17 -- FSF binutils for DJGPP cross-development
djgpp-crx-2.03 -- Headers and Libraries for DJGPP cross-development
djmount-0.71_6 -- Mount UPnP A/V Media
djview-4.9_2 -- Standalone Djvu viewer and plugin based on Qt4 toolkit
djvulibre- -- DjVu base libraries and utilities
dk-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (DAN)
dk-milter-1.0.2 -- Domainkeys milter for Sendmail
dkfilter-0.11_1 -- Domainkeys filter for Postfix
dkftpbench-0.45_2 -- A FTP benchmark program
dkimproxy-1.4.1 -- DKIM filter for Postfix
dkns-1.89 -- Simple console text editor
dlint-1.4.0 -- Lint for DNS zones (Domain Name Server zone verification utility)
dlmalloc-2.8.4 -- Small, fast malloc library by Doug Lea
dlpolyclassic-1.8 -- Molecular dynamics simulation package
dlume-0.2.4_11 -- GTK2 address book
dlv-20111221 -- A Disjunctive Datalog System
dma-v0.7_1 -- DragonFly Mail Agent, a small MTA for local/outbound mail
dmachine-0.24 -- A non interactive, non graphical, batch download manager
dmake-4.12.2 -- Another hyper make utility
dmalloc-5.5.2 -- Portable debug memory allocation library
dmd-1.075 -- Official compiler for the D 1.0 programming language
dmd2-2.060 -- D 2.0 compiler, not officially validated for FreeBSD
dmenu-4.5 -- X11 menu application designed for the dwm window manager
dmg2img-1.6.2 -- DMG2IMG convert tool
dmidecode-2.11 -- A tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents in human-readable format
dmitry-1.3a -- Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
dmjava-1.05_2 -- Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic Dungeon Master by FTL
dmtx-utils-0.7.4_1 -- Software for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
dmucs-0.6.1_1 -- Distributed Multi-User Compilation System (for use with distcc)
dmxproto-2.3.1 -- DMX extension headers
dnetc-2.9110.519 -- distributed computing project client
dnews-5.7b1_1 -- Commercial nntp server with enhancements over inn and cnews
dnrd-2.20.3 -- A proxy DNS daemon
dns2tcp-0.5.2 -- Dns2tcp is a tool for relaying TCP connections over DNS
dns_balance-2.0 -- A dynamic load-balancing DNS server
dns_mre-1.0_1 -- DNS Cache Poisoner/Overwriter
dnscap-134 -- DNS network traffic capture utility
dnscheck-1.3 -- DNS zone sanity checker
dnscheckengine-1.1_1 -- DNS checker from the folks that run the .SE top level domain
dnscrypt-proxy-1.0.1 -- Boost privacy and security of DNS
dnsdoctor-1.0.1 -- Perform consistency checks on DNS zones
dnsflood-1.20 -- DNS flood detector
dnshijacker-1.3_4 -- A tool to hijack DNS requests
dnsjava-2.1.3 -- Implementation of DNS in Java
dnsmasq-2.63 -- Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
dnsmasq-devel-2.63.r6 -- Lightweight DNS forwarder, DHCP, and TFTP server
dnsmax-perl-1.0.1 -- DNSMax-perl is a perl DNS update client for the REST DNSMax protocol
dnsperf- -- DNSPerf and ResPerf deliver accurate performance metrics of Domain Name Services
dnsproxy-1.16 -- A proxy for DNS queries
dnsreflector-1.02 -- Listens for DNS queries on a UDP port and change the answer
dnstop-20120611 -- Captures and analyzes DNS traffic (or analyzes libpcap dump)
dnstracer-1.9 -- Trace a chain of DNS servers to the source
dnsutl-1.11 -- Programs to make using DNS easier
dnswalk-2.0.2_1 -- DNS debugger - requests a zone transfer and analyzes the result
dnswall-0.1.4_1 -- A daemon that filters out private IP addresses in DNS responses
doc-2.2.3 -- Diagnose unhealthy DNS domains
doc-mode.el-1.1_10 -- Asciidoc fontlocking for emacs
docbook-1.4 -- Meta-port for the different versions of the DocBook DTD
docbook-2.4.1_1 -- V2.4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-3.0_4 -- V3.0 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-3.1_4 -- V3.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.0_3 -- V4.0 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.1_4 -- V4.1 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.2 -- V4.2 of the DocBook DTD, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.3 -- DocBook/SGML DTD V4.3, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.4_2 -- DocBook/SGML DTD V4.4, designed for technical documentation
docbook-4.5_2 -- DocBook/SGML DTD V4.5, designed for technical documentation
docbook-5.0_1 -- DocBook 5.0, designed for technical documentation
docbook-sk-4.1.2_4 -- XML version of the DocBook DTD version controlled for ScrollKeeper
docbook-tdg-2.0.17 -- Norman Walsh's book "DocBook: The Definitive Guide"
docbook-to-man-1.0_2 -- A DocBook SGML DTD into nroff/troff -man macros converter
docbook-utils-0.6.14_11 -- Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
docbook-xml-4.2_1 -- XML version of the DocBook DTD
docbook-xml-4.3 -- DocBook/XML DTD V4.3, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xml-4.4_1 -- DocBook/XML DTD V4.4, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xml-4.5 -- DocBook/XML DTD V4.5, designed for technical documentation
docbook-xsd-1.0.b1 -- DocBook W3C XML Schema
docbook-xsl-1.76.1 -- XSL DocBook stylesheets
docbook2X-0.8.8_3 -- Convert DocBook documents into UNIX man page and GNU Texinfo formats
docbookide.el-0.1 -- Emacs lisp modules for editing DocBook documents
docdiff-0.4.0 -- Compares two text files by word, by character, or by line
docear-1.0.0.b06 -- Mind Mapping tool with Reference, Library, and PDF Management
docebo-4.0.2 -- An Open Source e-Learning platform (LMS and LCMS)
docker-1.5_8 -- A dockapp with support for GNOME2 and KDE3 tray icons
doclifter-2.8 -- Translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook
docproj-1.17_6 -- The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
docproj-jadetex-1.17_6 -- The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
docproj-nojadetex-1.17_6 -- The "meta-port" for the FreeBSD Documentation Project
docsis-0.9.5_5 -- DOCSIS(tm) binary configuration file encoder/decoder
doctorj-5.1.2_2 -- A tool for analyzing Java code and documentation
dodgindiamond2-0.2.2_8 -- An old school shoot'em up game
doinkd-0.01_5 -- A daemon that logs out idle users and those users hogging resources
dojo-1.8.1 -- An open-source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript
dojo-shrinksafe-1.4.2 -- JavaScript code compressor
dokeos-1.8.6 -- Dokeos is an elearning and course management web application
dokuwiki-20121013 -- A simple and easy to use wiki, no database required
dolly-0.58.c -- A program to clone harddisks/partitions over a fast switched network
dolphin-0.8.2_6 -- File manager for KDE
dolphin-emu-devel-3.0.r20121107 -- Gamecube and Wii Emulator
dom4j-1.6.1_2 -- Open Source XML framework for Java
domc-0.8.0_1 -- A light weight implementation of the DOM in ANSI C
domination- -- Board game that is a bit like the well known game Risk
dontspace-1.2_3 -- A solitaire game for X11 modeled after Free Space
doodle-0.6.7_4 -- Quickly search documents
doom-1.10_5 -- DOOM: the game and the sound server
doom-data-1.0_1 -- Doom data files (Doom, Doom II, Hexen, Heretic, and Strife)
doom-freedoom-0.7 -- Complete Doom-based game IWAD that is Free Software
doom-hacx-1.0 -- A full TC using the Doom II engine
doom-hr-1.0_1 -- Hell Revealed is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II
doom-hr2-1.0 -- Hell Revealed II is a megawad, a 32-level replacement for DooM II
doom-wolfendoom-1.0 -- Wolfenstein 3D levels ported to Doom II
doomlegacy-1.44.a3 -- Improved and extended version of Doom
doorman-0.81_1 -- A Port Knocking implementation, both daemon and client
dopewars-1.5.12_4 -- A UNIX rewrite of a game originally based on "Drug Wars"
dosbox-0.74_3 -- An emulator of a PC with DOS
doscan-0.3.1_2 -- Tool to quickly scan your network for machines listening on a TCP port
doscmd-20110826 -- DOS emulator
dosdetector-20060621_2 -- Detect suspicious network traffic
dosunix-1.0.14 -- Manipulation of text files in a mixed DOS/Windows and Unix environment
dot2tex-2.8.7_1 -- A Graphviz to LaTeX converter
dotclear-2.1.6 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
dotconf-1.3 -- A simple, powerful configuration-file parser
dotconfpp-0.0.5 -- Configuration file parser written in C++
dotfile-2.4.1_2 -- A GUI dotfile generator program to create .config files
dotlrn-2.5.0 -- OpenACS-based e-learning platform
dotproject-2.1.6 -- Open Source Project Management tool
dotter-20021204 -- A viewer for multiple sequence alignments
doublecmd-0.5.4 -- A Total Commander like file manager for the X Window System
dovecot-1.2.17 -- Secure and compact IMAP and POP3 servers
dovecot-2.1.10 -- Secure and compact IMAP and POP3 servers
dovecot-antispam-1.3_1 -- Dovecot plugin to train dspam about spam or false positives
dovecot-managesieve-0.11.13 -- Dovecot ManageSieve Server daemon
dovecot-pigeonhole-0.3.3 -- A Sieve plugin for the Dovecot 'deliver' LDA and LMTP
dovecot-sieve- -- A Sieve plugin for the Dovecot 'deliver' LDA
dovecot2-antispam-plugin-20101222_4 -- The dovecot 2.x plugin for spam systems training
downtime-0.4.0_2 -- A GTK-based shutdown manager using shutdown(8)
downtimed-0.5 -- System downtime monitoring and reporting tool
doxygen-1.8.2 -- A documentation system for C, C++, and other languages
dparser-1.26 -- A simple but powerful tool for parsing
dphys-config-20100216 -- Tool to distribute config files
dpkg- -- Debian package maintenance system
dprog-0.3.1_2 -- A language for specifying dynamic programming algorithms
dpsearch-4.53_2 -- Open source search engine for Internet and Intranet sites
drac-1.12_8 -- Dynamic Relay Authorization Control, a POP-before-SMTP implementation
dracmail-0.1.2 -- DracMail is a webmail interface built using PHP
dradis-2.6.1 -- Opensource framework to enable effective information gathering
dragon-1.3.8 -- Combined C++ scanner/parser generator for LR compliant grammars
dragonegg46-devel-3.2.r163622 -- GCC plugin to use the LLVM backend
dragstack-1.4_10 -- Drop stack applet for KDE
drawterm-20110822 -- Plan9 cpu client
drcreep-394_1 -- The Castles of Dr. Creep
dreampie-1.1.1_1 -- DreamPie is a Python shell which is designed to be reliable and fun
drexelsnmp-1.4.2_1 -- Java SNMP protocol implementation
drg2sbg-1.2.11 -- Convert propiatary .drg file format into SBaGen format
drgeo-1.1.0_14 -- GTK interactive geometry software
dri-7.6.1_2 -- OpenGL hardware acceleration drivers for the DRI
dri2proto-2.6 -- DRI2 prototype headers
driconf-0.9.1_7 -- Configuration program for DRI drivers
driftnet-0.1.6_7 -- A Tool to grab images out of (your) TCP connections
driglide-0.9.1_7 -- Libraries to support 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5/Banshee with the DRI
drivel-3.0.3_1 -- Blog editor for GNOME
drizzle-2010.05.1561_3 -- A database optimized for Cloud and Net applications
drjava-20100913.r5387 -- A lightweight IDE for writing Java programs
drm-1.0 -- Very simple Tetris-style game
droid-fonts-ttf-20110324 -- The Droid typeface family
drood-3.4_1 -- Lightweight kqueue-based http/1.1 server
dropbear-2012.55 -- An SSH 2 server, designed to be usable in small memory environments
dropbox-api-command-1.05 -- Dropbox API wrapper command
drpython-py27-3.11.3_1 -- Highly customizable cross-platform ide to aid programming in Python
drraw-2.2.b2_1 -- A simple web-based presentation front-end for RRDtool
drumpiler-0.9.0_5 -- Drum machine compiler
drupal6-6.26 -- A database driven web content management system (CMS)
drupal6-advanced_help-6.x.1.2_2 -- Allows to store module help pages outside the module system
drupal6-cck-6.x.2.8_1 -- Drupal 6 Content Construction Kit module
drupal6-ckeditor-6.x.1.1_1 -- Drupal 6.x Ckeditor WYSIWYG HTML editor
drupal6-content_access-6.x.1.2 -- Drupal 6.x Content Access module
drupal6-ctools-6.x.1.6_1 -- Drupal 6.x Chaos tool suite module
drupal6-geshifilter-6.x.1.2_1 -- Drupal 6 module for syntax highlighting
drupal6-google_analytics-6.x.2.2_1 -- Adds the Google Analytics web stats tracking system to your website
drupal6-image-6.x.1.0.b5 -- Drupal 6.x image upload module
drupal6-imce-6.x.1.4_1 -- Drupal 6.x image/file uploader module
drupal6-menu_block-6.x.2.2_1 -- Drupal module to provide configurable menu tree blocks
drupal6-mimedetect-6.x.1.3 -- An API for Consistent Server Side Mime Detection
drupal6-nice_menus-6.x.1.3_2 -- CSS / JavaScript pull-down menus for Drupal
drupal6-nodewords-6.x.1.11 -- A drupal module which allows the end-user to set meta tags for nodes
drupal6-page_title-6.x.2.3_1 -- Drupal module to provide fine-grained control of page titles
drupal6-panels-6.x.3.5_1 -- Drupal 6.x panels module
drupal6-path_redirect-6.x.1.0.b6 -- Drupal module to allow redirects
drupal6-pathauto-6.x.1.4 -- Automatically generates URLs for Drupal content
drupal6-print-6.x.1.0.r5_1 -- Drupal 6 module that add printer-friendly pages
drupal6-seo_checklist-6.x.2.0_1 -- Drupal module to provide checklist of actions for SEO
drupal6-services-6.x.2.2 -- Provide an API for creating drupal web services.
drupal6-tagadelic-6.x.1.2_1 -- Tagadelic module for Drupal 6
drupal6-token-6.x.1.12_1 -- Token module for Drupal
drupal6-views-6.x.2.12_1 -- Controls how content lists are generated
drupal6-webform-6.x.3.17_1 -- Drupal module to allow easy creation of forms
drupal6-wysiwyg-6.x.2.0_1 -- Allows implementation of WYSIWYG editors for editing Drupal content
drupal6-zeropoint-6.x.2.3_1 -- The zeropoint drupal theme
drupal7-7.16 -- Database driven web content management system (CMS)
drupal7-jailadmin-7.x.0.4.1 -- Drupal 7 module for administering FreeBSD vnet jails
drupal7-vulnscan-7.x.0.1 -- Drupal 7 module frontend for Skipfish
drupal7-wysiwyg-7.x.2.0 -- Allows implementation of WYSIWYG editors for editing Drupal content
drush-5.7 -- Drupal command line and scripting interface
dsbl-testers-0.9.5_1 -- Testing software configured to work with DSBL/DSBL-compliant services
dsnake-3.0.0_3 -- Deluxe Snake - snake clone with frogs and mushrooms
dsniff-2.3_4 -- Various sniffing utilities for penetration testing
dspam-3.9.0_2 -- Bayesian spam filter - stable maintenance version
dspam-devel-3.10.1_1 -- Bayesian spam filter - development version
dssi-1.1.1 -- API for audio processing plugins
dsss-0.78 -- D Shared Software System
dsssl-docbook-modular-1.79_1 -- DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norman Walsh
dt-17.07 -- Data Test Program - disk/tape error diagnostic tool
dtach-0.8_1 -- Emulates the detach feature of screen
dtc- -- A hosting web GUI for admin and accounting all hosting services
dtcp-20060109 -- Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol daemon and client
dtcpclient-20090812 -- Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol client
dtcyber-2.0b1_2 -- Desktop CYBER Emulator
dtd-catalogs-1.2 -- SGML DTDs catalogs
dtd2relax-1.1.1_2 -- DTD to RELAX converter for Java
dtdinst-2003.06.19_2 -- Converts DTDs to XML instance, in a specific or RELAX NG format
dtdparse-2.00 -- Parse a DTD and produce an XML document that represents it
dtiquery-1.1_5 -- Stanford DTI Visualization tool
dtmfdial-0.2 -- Generate DTMF dial tones from the command line
dtpstree-1.0.3 -- Display a tree of processes
dtse-1.3 -- An indexing search engine for use on small websites
dtv-0.50_2 -- A client/server based TV capture/display program
du2ps-3.1 -- Filter for converting output of du to PostScript file
dualserver-3.0 -- Combined DHCP/DNS server for small LANs
duel-0.98_6 -- An overhead, OpenGL space shooter
duff-0.5.2 -- Duplicate file finder
duhdraw-2.8.13 -- An ANSI graphic drawing program
duke3d-data-1.0 -- Duke Nukem 3D Data
dumb-0.9.3_3 -- IT, XM, S3M, and MOD player library
dumb-allegro-0.9.3_3 -- IT, XM, S3M, and MOD player library
dummyflash-1.0_5 -- Silently consume flash MIME types
dumpasn1-20110201 -- Dumps the contents of an ASN.1 encoded file, e.g. an SSL certificate
dumpmpeg-0.6_6 -- Dump frames from mpeg movies
duncan-0.1_2 -- English to Thai dictionary for GNUstep
dungeon-1.0_3 -- Text adventure game of ZORK
dungeoncrawl-4.0.0.b26 -- An old school roguelike game
duo-1.9 -- Duo unix integration package
duplicity-0.6.20 -- Backup tool that uses librsync and GnuPG
duplo-0.2.0 -- Find duplicated code blocks in large C/C++/Java/C
duply- -- Shell front end for the duplicity backup tool
dupmerge-1.73 -- Searches for files with equal content
dv2jpg-1.1_10 -- Convert Type-2 DV codec-encoded AVI streams to mjpeg-encoded AVI
dv2sub-0.3_4 -- Extracts info or subtitles from DV stream
dvbcut-0.6.1_2 -- Qt application for cutting of MPEG PS and MPEG TS streams (DVB)
dvbsnoop-1.4.50 -- DVB stream analyzer / MPEG analyzer
dvd-slideshow-0.8.2_5 -- Script that creates a slideshow-style DVD with some simple menus
dvda-author-09.05_8 -- Author and playback unencrypted and uncompressed Audio-DVDs
dvdauthor-0.7.1 -- Makes a DVD file structure from one or more MPEG2 streams
dvdauthorwizard-1.4.6_12 -- The tool for creating a DVD with fully animated menu from MPEG-2 files
dvdbackup-0.4.2 -- Backup content from DVD to hard disk
dvdid-0.1.1 -- Tool for calculating dvdids
dvdimagecmp-0.3 -- A simple tool for comparing an image to a burned disc
dvdisaster-0.72.4_1 -- A CD/DVD error recovery tool
dvdrip-0.98.11_5 -- A Perl Gtk+ based dvd-ripper
dvdrw-tools-7.1 -- DVD burning software
dvdstyler-2.1_2 -- WXGTK2 front end to dvd recoding and authoring programs
dvdvideo-20120126_3 -- Video DVD backup tool
dvi2tty-5.3.4 -- A dvi-file previewer for text only devices
dvipdfmx-20100328_1 -- Dvipdfm with Asian languages by CID-keyed font technology support
dvips-5.76 -- Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvips2ascii-1.3 -- PostScript (created by dvips) to ASCII converter
dvipsk-tetex-5.95a_6 -- Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dviselect-1.3_2 -- Extract pages from DVI files
dvisvg-0.7.1.d_5 -- Converter from DVI to SVG
dvorak7min-1.6.1 -- An ncurses-based Dvorak typing tutor
dvorakng-0.5.0_1 -- A Dvorak typing tutor
dvtm-0.8 -- Tiling window management for the console
dvts-1.0a_5 -- An implementation of Digital Video Transport System
dwarfdump-20100204 -- A tool to display DWARF debugging information in ELF files
dwatch-0.1.1_1 -- A Daemon Watcher
dwdiff-1.9_1 -- A delimited word diff program
dwm-6.0_1 -- Dynamic, small, fast and simple window manager
dwoo-1.1.1 -- Dwoo is a PHP5 template engine
dxf2fig-2.13 -- DXF to FIG converter
dxpc-3.9.2 -- Compressing X protocol proxy designed to support X11 over slow links
dynagen-0.11.0_2 -- Text-based front end for Dynamips development version
dynagui-0.4_1 -- GUI frontend to the dynamips router simulator
dynamag-1.1_2 -- Magnifying utility which updates continuously
dynamechs-4.0.p1_5 -- A Multibody Dynamic Simulation Library
dynamips-0.2.7_2 -- Cisco 3600/7200 Simulator
dynamips-community-0.2.8 -- Cisco 1700/2600/3600/3700/7200 Simulator
dynamips-devel-0.2.8.r2_3 -- Cisco 1700/2600/3600/3700/7200 Simulator
dynare-4.3.1 -- Software platform for handling a wide class of economic models
dyncall-0.7 -- Highly dynamic multi-platform foreign function call interface library
dz-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- dz language pack for libreoffice
dzen2-0.8.5_1 -- General purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X11
dzip-2.9 -- File compression utility specializing in Quake demo compression
e-0.02718 -- A tiny expression evaluator
e-uae-0.8.29.w4_7 -- Enhanced version of UAE, the Amiga emulator
e00compr-1.0.1 -- A Library to Read/Write Compressed E00 Files
e107-1.0.2 -- A content management system written in PHP
e16-1.0.11 -- A very artistic X window manager
e16-themes-1.0.1 -- A set of themes for the e16 window manager
e169-stats-0.6 -- Curses realtime statistics for the Huawei E169 modem
e16utils-0.16_12 -- Standalone menu and keybinding editors for enlightenment 0.16
e17-module-alarm-20111128 -- A module to set Alarms in Enlightenment 17
e17-module-calendar-20111128 -- Nice calendar module for e17
e17-module-comp-scale-20111128 -- A comp-scale module for Enlightenment 17
e17-module-cpu-20111128 -- An e17 module which allows users to monitor cpu load
e17-module-deskshow-20111128 -- E17 module that minimizes all windows to show the desktop
e17-module-diskio-20111128 -- Disk I/O visualization module for E17
e17-module-drawer-20111128 -- An e17 module to display/organize different types of information
e17-module-e-tiling-20111128 -- A tiling module for Enlightenment 17
e17-module-elfe-20111128 -- Enlightenment launcher for embedded devices
e17-module-empris-20111128 -- A module to control mpris music player in Enlightenment 17
e17-module-engage-20111128 -- MacOS X like taskbar module for e17
e17-module-eooorg-20111128 -- preload module for e17
e17-module-everything-aspell-20111128 -- An e17 aspell plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-everything-mpris-20111128 -- An e17 frontend module for mediaplayers that support mpris
e17-module-everything-pidgin-20111128 -- An e17 pidgin plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-everything-places-20111128 -- An e17 places plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-everything-shotgun-20111128 -- An e17 shotgun plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-everything-wallpaper-20111128 -- An e17 wallpaper plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-everything-websearch-20111128 -- An e17 websearch plugin for the "everything" module
e17-module-exebuf-20111128 -- Exebuf program launcher module for e17
e17-module-execwatch-20111128 -- An e17 module to show state of a periodically executed command
e17-module-flame-20111128 -- An e17 module which draws flames on your desktop
e17-module-forecasts-20111128 -- An e17 weather forecast display module
e17-module-iiirk-20111128 -- A taskbar-like module for e17
e17-module-itask-20111128 -- MS Windows like taskbar module for e17
e17-module-language-20111128 -- An e17 XKB language/layout control module
e17-module-mail-20111128 -- An e17 module to check your mailboxes (like xbiff does)
e17-module-mem-20111128 -- An e17 memory monitoring module
e17-module-moon-20111128 -- An e17 Moon Clock module
e17-module-mpdule-20111128 -- An MPD module for e17
e17-module-net-20111128 -- An e17 NIC monitoring module
e17-module-news-20111128 -- A module to display information feeds like Rss
e17-module-penguins-20111128 -- An e17 module that displays fancy penguins walking around your desktop
e17-module-photo-20111128 -- An e17 photo slideshow module
e17-module-places-20111128 -- An e17 module to manage disk volumes
e17-module-quickaccess-20111128 -- An e17 module to provide quick access to applications
e17-module-rain-20111128 -- An e17 module which draws raindrops on your screen
e17-module-screenshot-20111128 -- An e17 module which allows users to take screenshots
e17-module-slideshow-20111128 -- An e17 module which cycles desktop backgrounds
e17-module-snow-20111128 -- An e17 module which draws snowflakes on your screen
e17-module-taskbar-20111128 -- A classic taskbar module for e17
e17-module-tclock-20111128 -- A digital clock gadget module for e17
e17-module-tiling-20111128 -- A tiling-like windows control module for e17
e17-module-uptime-20111128 -- An e17 uptime and load average indicator module
e17-module-weather-20111128 -- An e17 weather module
e17-module-winlist-ng-20111128 -- A Winlist NG module for Enlightenment 17
e17-module-winselector-20111128 -- An e17 module to switch between windows
e17-module-wlan-20111128 -- An e17 wlan devices monitoring module
e17-module-xkbswitch-20111128 -- X keyboard switcher module for Enlightenment 0.17
e17-modules-20111128 -- Meta-port for e17 modules
e17-theme-cthulhain-0.4.5_3 -- Cthulhain theme for use with e17 window manager
e17-theme-darkness-0.99.042 -- Darkness theme for use with e17 window manager
e2fsprogs-1.42.6 -- Utilities & library to manipulate ext2/3/4 filesystems
e2fsprogs-libblkid-1.42.6 -- A blkid library from e2fsprogs package
e2fsprogs-libss-1.42.6 -- Command-line interface parsing library from e2fsprogs
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.42.6 -- UUID library from e2fsprogs package
e3-2.8 -- A full featured text editor written in assembler
e4graph-1.0a11_3 -- A C++ library that persistently stores graph like data
e93-1.4.2 -- A nifty editor based on Tcl
eGroupware- -- A web based GroupWare system
e_dbus-1.1.0 -- EFL DBUS connectivity library
eaccelerator- -- A free open-source PHP accelerator & optimizer
eaglemode-0.82.0_3 -- Futuristic zoomable user environment
easydiff-0.4.0 -- GNUstep graphical diff
easygit-0.98 -- Easy wrapper for git
easygtk-1.2_10 -- A wrapper library for GTK+ which provides simplified GUI API
easylatex-0.080 -- Perl script which transforms "pseudo-LaTeX" into proper LaTeX
easypaint-0.6.0_1 -- Easy graphic editing program
easypbi-1.0_2 -- Graphical PBI module and package creator
easypg-0.0.16_10 -- EasyPG is yet another GnuPG interface for Emacs
easysoap-0.8.0_3 -- C++ SOAP Library based on expat
easysok-0.3.5_8 -- A sokoban game for KDE3
easytag-2.1.7_3 -- GTK2 Tag editor for MP3 and OGG files
eawpats-12_3 -- Eric A. Welsh's collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
eawplus-12.1_3 -- E.A.W.+Izumo+Tamuki collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
ebnf2yacc-0.1.1 -- EBNF to YACC
eboard-1.1.1_4 -- GTK+ chess board interface (mainly for FICS and chessd)
ebook-tools-0.2.1_1 -- Accessing and converting various ebook file formats
ebook2cw-0.8.1_2 -- Convert text files into cw as an mp3 or ogg file
ec2-scripts-1.3 -- Startup scripts for FreeBSD/EC2 environment
ecartis-1.0.0.s20060813 -- The Ecartis Listserver \ Mailing List Manager
ecasound-2.9.0 -- Multitrack audio processing software
ecb-emacs24-2.40_10 -- Emacs Code Browser
ecg2png-0.30_11 -- Converts scanned 12-lead electrocardiograms into PNGs
echat-0.04.b1 -- LAN chat program over the TCP/IP networks
echinus-0.4.7 -- A dynamic window manager for X11 based on dwm
echolinux-0.17a_4 -- Amateur Radio Echolink client for UNIX
echolot-0.1.0_1 -- Packet sniffer that grabs ARP packets on any ethernet devices
echoping-6.0.0_4 -- A ping-like program that uses TCP and/or HTTP
ecl-12.7.1 -- An ANSI Common Lisp implementation
eclemma-1.5.3 -- Java code coverage tool for Eclipse
eclipse-3.7.1_3 -- An open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular
eclipse-EPIC-0.6.35_2 -- EPIC adds Perl support to the Eclipse IDE Framework
eclipse-PropertiesEditor-4.8.2_3 -- Properties editor for eclipse
eclipse-RDT-0.9.1_3 -- RDT adds Ruby support to the Eclipse IDE Framework
eclipse-ShellEd-1.0.2a_3 -- ShellEd is a superb shell script editor for Eclipse
eclipse-aptana- -- Aptana Web Development Tools (Eclipse plugin)
eclipse-aptana- -- Aptana Studio 2 Web Development Tools (Eclipse plugin)
eclipse-aptana-radrails- -- IDE for Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework (Eclipse plugin)
eclipse-cdt-6.0.2_1 -- C/C++ plugin for Eclipse IDE
eclipse-checkstyle- -- Integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into Eclipse
eclipse-clay-core-1.4.2_2 -- A database design tool for the Eclipse development environment
eclipse-datatools-1.9.2 -- Data Tools Platform for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-devel-4.2.0_2 -- An open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular
eclipse-drjava-0.9.8_5 -- DrJava plugin for Eclipse
eclipse-ecj-3.8 -- Eclipse Java Compiler
eclipse-emf-2.7.2 -- Eclipse Modeling Framework
eclipse-examples-3.0_6 -- Examples for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-findbugs- -- An Eclipse plug-in that provides FindBugs support
eclipse-gef-3.7.2 -- Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-gef-examples-3.0_6 -- Graphical Editing Framework for the Eclipse IDE (examples)
eclipse-hibernatetools-3.2.3.g_2 -- Hibernate3 Tools for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-jad-3.3.0_4 -- Jad Java decompiler plugin for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-langpack-3.2.1_5 -- Eclipse Language Pack Feature
eclipse-log4e-1.1.6_4 -- Eclipse plugin to use logger easily in Java projects
eclipse-lomboz-3.1.r2_5 -- A J2EE developer tool build as a plugin for the eclipse platform
eclipse-ocl-1.1_4 -- Implementation of the OCL OMG standard for EMF-based models
eclipse-pmd-2.0.5.v3_6 -- Scan Java source code and look for potential problems
eclipse-pydev-2.6.0_1 -- Eclipse plugin for Python and Jython development
eclipse-quantum-3.0.1_4 -- Database access and SQL editor for the Eclipse IDE
eclipse-sqlexplorer-2.2.4_5 -- A visual database query tool for Eclipse
eclipse-sysdeo-tomcat-3.1.0_4 -- Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher plugin for Eclipse
eclipse-uml-1.1.1_4 -- A framework creating UML diagrams in Eclipse
eclipse-vep-1.2_4 -- A framework for creating GUI builders for Eclipse
eclipse-vep-examples- -- Visual Editor Project for the Eclipse IDE (examples)
eclipse-viPlugin-1.14.0_4 -- Vi like keybinding Eclipse plugin FREETRIAL Version
eclipse-webtools-3.3.2 -- Webtools for eclipse
eclipse-windowsbuilder-1.1.0 -- A powerful and easy to use Java GUI designer for Eclipse
ecm-1.0_1 -- Compresses CD images by stripping unnecessary EDC/ECC data
ecofont-2.05 -- Environmentally friendly, ink saving typeface
ecore-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (meta port)
ecore-con-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (con module)
ecore-evas-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (evas module)
ecore-file-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (file module)
ecore-imf-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (IMF module)
ecore-imf_evas-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (IMF-Evas module)
ecore-input-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (input module)
ecore-input_evas-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (evas input module)
ecore-ipc-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (ipc module)
ecore-main-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (main library)
ecore-sdl-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (sdl module)
ecore-x11-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment core abstraction library (x11 module)
ecromedos-1.0.1_4 -- A document preparation system that allows concurrent publication
ecru-0.1.0_4 -- Flexible command line LiveJournal client
ecs-2.0.2 -- Code_Saturne Preprocessor
ed2k-hash-openssl-1.4 -- Calculates 'eMule' hashes or producing ed2k:// file links
edb-0.9.18_1 -- Cross-platform x86/x86-64 debugger based on Qt 4
ede-2.0 -- Equinox Desktop Environment
edenmath-1.1.1_2 -- Scientific calculator for GNUstep
edge-1.35_3 -- DOOM style engine aimed at the Total Conversion developer
edid-decode-0.1.20120605 -- Decodes binary EDID information from monitors
edith-1.58_2 -- A X11 GUI editor for binary and plain text files
editres-1.0.5 -- Dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit Applications
editss-2.2_3 -- An editor for XPilot shipshapes
edje-1.1.0 -- Edje is a complex graphical design and layout engine
edje_viewer-20111128 -- A simple viewer for .edj files
edonkey-tool-hash-0.4.0 -- Both calculates 'eDonkey/Overnet hashes' producing ed2k:// file links
eduke32-20110627_3 -- Duke Nukem 3D Port based on JFDuke and EDuke
eel-2.26.0_7 -- Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
eet-1.5.0 -- Enlightenment Data Handling Library
efax-0.9a-001114a7_5 -- Fax send/receive program
efax-gtk-3.2.10 -- GUI front end for the efax fax program
eflite-0.4.1 -- Speech server for Festival Lite used by yasr and Emacspeak
efreet-1.1.0 -- EFL compatibility layer
efront-3.6.6_1 -- A Elearning and Human Capital Development platform
eggcreator-0.1_6 -- Eggdrop.conf creator
eggdbus-0.6_1 -- D-Bus bindings for GObject
eggdrop-1.6.21 -- The most popular open source Internet Relay Chat bot
eggdrop-devel-1.8 -- The most popular open source Internet Relay Chat bot
egl-0.3.1_5 -- Enhanced OpenGL only Quake II engine
egoboo-2.7.5_8 -- A 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack
egypt-1.10 -- Create call graphs of C programs
ehnt-0.3_8 -- A simple Cisco NetFlow data collector
eiciel- -- A GNOME-based ACL editor, with integration into Nautilus
eieio-emacs21-0.17_6 -- Enhanced Integration of Emacs Interpreted Objects
eif-1.3.4 -- Empire text client
eiffelstudio-5.7_5 -- A Complete Integrated Development Environment for Eiffel
eigen-1.0.5_1 -- Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
eigen-2.0.17 -- Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
eigen-3.1.1 -- Lightweight library for vector and matrix math
eights-1.0 -- Text based card game, the objective is to get rid of all your cards
eina-1.1.0 -- Enlightenment API for data types
einstein-2.0_7 -- Remake of old DOS game Sherlock, which was inspired by Albert Einstein's puzzle
eio- -- Enlightenment Input/Output Library
eiskaltdcpp-cli-2.2.4 -- Shared data for EiskaltDC++ GUIs
eiskaltdcpp-daemon-2.2.4_1 -- EiskaltDC++ Direct Connect client daemon
eiskaltdcpp-data-2.2.4_1 -- Shared data for EiskaltDC++ GUIs
eiskaltdcpp-gtk-2.2.4_2 -- EiskaltDC++ Direct Connect client GTK GUI
eiskaltdcpp-lib-2.2.4_2 -- A Direct Connect client shared library
eiskaltdcpp-qt-2.2.4_2 -- EiskaltDC++ Direct Connect client Qt GUI
eispack-1.0_3 -- Eigenvalue system package
ejabberd-2.1.11 -- Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber server
eject-1.5_4 -- Utility for ejecting media from CD or optical disk drive
ekhtml-0.3.2 -- El-Kabong is a speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-style HTML parser
ekiga-2.0.11_13 -- VoIP phone for GNOME
ekiga3-3.2.6_8 -- VoIP and video conferencing application
el-192_3 -- Eternal Lands is a free 3D MMORPG
el-aspell-0.50.3_1 -- Aspell Greek dictionary
el-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Modern Greek messages and documentation for Calligra
el-data-192 -- Eternal Lands data, sound, and music files
el-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Greek translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
el-hyphen-2005.10.17_1 -- Greek hyphenation rules
el-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Modern Greek messages and documentation for KDE3
el-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Modern Greek messages and documentation for KDE4
el-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- el language pack for libreoffice
elan-1.7c -- Compiler for the Elan Programming Environment
eldav.el-0.8.1 -- An interface to WebDAV servers for Emacs
electric-7.0.0_4 -- A sophisticated electrical CAD system
electric-ng-8.11 -- A sophisticated VLSI design system
electriceyes-0.3.12_11 -- A graphic view base imlib & gtk
electricfence-2.2.2_2 -- Debugging malloc() that uses the VM hardware to detect buffer overruns
electrix-0.2.0_1 -- An application to view PDF files
elementary- -- Simple widget toolkit using EFL
elf-0.5.4p1_1 -- A commandline based ELF header analyzer
elfio-1.0.3_3 -- C++ library for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format
elfkickers-3.0_1 -- Collection of programs to manipulate ELF files
elfrc-0.7 -- Resource compiler for ELF systems
elfsh-0.51b3_1 -- Attractive toolkit for the analysis of ELF object files
elftoaout-2.3 -- ELF to a.out conversion tool by Jakub Jelinek and Pete Zaitcev
elgg- -- Blogging and social networking platform
elib-emacs21-1.0_15 -- Collection of useful routines for Emacs lisp programs
elib-emacs24-1.0_15 -- Collection of useful routines for Emacs lisp programs
elinks-0.11.7_3 -- Elinks - links text WWW browser with enhancements
elisp-manual-21.2.8_1 -- Emacs Lisp reference manual
elk-3.99.8 -- An embeddable Scheme interpreter
elm-2.5.8_2 -- A once-popular mail user agent, version 2.5.x
elmME-2.4.125 -- Modern branch of an old mail user agent
elmer-eio-5.4.0_3 -- ELMER FEM Package Data base Interface
elmer-hutiter-5.4.0_4 -- HUTIter library for use in the ELMER FEM package
elmer-matc-5.4.0_4 -- MatC language library used by ELMER FEM package
elmer-meshgen2d-5.0.0_5 -- A Mesh Generation Utility for use with the ELMER FEM package
elmer-umfpack-4.4_4 -- UMFPACK library used by ELMER FEM package
elmergrid-5.4.0_2 -- A Mesh Manipulation Utility for use with the ELMER FEM package
elmerpost-5.4.0_6 -- Visualization of Numerical Results in the ELMER FEM package
elmo-1.3.0_2 -- Receive, filter, read, compose, and send mail at the text console
elmo-devel-1.3.2_4 -- Receive, filter, read, compose, and send mail at the text console
elog- -- Fast and lightweight, extremely customizable weblog
elscreen-1.4.6_6 -- GNU screen like utility on Emacsen
elvis-2.2.0_3 -- A clone of the ex/vi text editor
emacs-21.3_16 -- GNU editing macros
emacs-22.3_6 -- GNU editing macros
emacs-23.4_2 -- GNU editing macros
emacs- -- GNU editing macros
emacs-24.2 -- GNU editing macros
emacs-calc-2.02f_6 -- Arbitrary-precision calculator for Emacs
emacs-koi8u-1.0 -- KOI8-U coding system for [X]Emacs.
emacs-lisp-intro-2.04 -- An introduction to Emacs Lisp programming
emacs-nox11-24.2_8 -- GNU editing macros
emacs-w3m-emacs21-1.4.471.b.20120306_3 -- Simple front-end to w3m for emacs21
emacs-w3m-emacs22-1.4.471.b.20120306_3 -- Simple front-end to w3m for emacs22
emacs-w3m-emacs24-1.4.471.b.20120306_3 -- Simple front-end to w3m for emacs
emacs-w3m-xemacs21-mule-1.4.471.b.20120306_3 -- Simple front-end to w3m for xemacs21-mule
emacs-wiki-emacs21-2.72_5 -- Create and use hyperlinks and simple formatting in plain text files
embassy-6.2.0_2 -- A collection of contributed EMBOSS applications
embedded_innodb- -- Standalone version of the MySQL storage engine InnoDB
ember-0.6.2_6 -- Ember is a WorldForge 3D client using the OGRE 3D library
emboss-6.2.0_2 -- A collection of open source tools for genetic sequence analysis
embryo-1.1.0 -- A C like scripting language used in Enlightenment
emc2-2.16.c -- A graphical editor of two-dimensional mesh geometries
emelfm2-0.8.1_1 -- The gtk2 port of emelfm, a fast graphical filemanager
emerald-0.8.4_7 -- Emerald Window Decorator
emerald-themes-0.6.0 -- Themes for the Emerald Window Decorator
emesene-1.6.3_2 -- A MSN Messenger client written in python
emh-emacs24-1.14.1_13 -- MIME extension of mh-e.el
emh-xemacs21-mule-1.14.1_13 -- MIME extension of mh-e.el
emiclock-2.0.2_3 -- Hyper-animated face analog clock for X11
emil-2.1b9_1 -- Mail format/encoding converter
emma-0.6_6 -- Extendable MySQL managing assistant
emms-3.0_12 -- The Emacs Multi-Media System
emotion- -- Video playback wrapper library for Enlightenment
emovix-0.9.0 -- Mini Linux distro to create bootable video CDs
empathy-2.32.2_3 -- GNOME IM client based around telepathy
empire-1.9_1 -- Simulation of a full-scale war between two emperors
empower-20111128 -- A graphical sudo tool based on the EFL
emprint-20111128 -- Utility for taking screenshots for E17
empty-0.6.18b -- Expect-like tool for pure shell
ems-flasher-0.03 -- Utility to flash ROM images to the EMS USB 64mb flash cart
emu-1.31_3 -- A terminal emulator for the X Window System
emu10kx-20051021 -- SBLive!, Audigy, and Audigy2 driver for FreeBSD
en-aspell-7.1.0_1 -- Aspell English dictionaries
en-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Documentation from the FreeBSD Documentation Project
en-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in English
en-hunspell-7.1_1 -- English hunspell dictionaries
en-mythes-2006.12.08_1 -- English thesaurus
en_GB-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- British messages and documentation for Calligra
en_GB-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- British messages and documentation for KDE3
en_GB-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- British messages and documentation for KDE4
en_GB-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- en_GB language pack for libreoffice
en_ZA-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- en_ZA language pack for libreoffice
enblend-4.0_1 -- A tool for image blending with multiresolution splines
enca-1.13 -- A package for detecting encoding of text files
enchant-1.6.0 -- Dictionary/spellchecking framework
encode-explorer-5.0 -- A PHP script to browse, create folders, upload files etc
encodings-1.0.4 -- X.Org Encoding fonts
endgame-singularity-0.30b_2 -- Simulates the life of a true AI
endgame-singularity-music-006 -- Music pack for endgame-singularity
endian-1.0 -- Report endianness of a system
enet-1.3.4 -- Simple and robust communication library based on UDP
enfle-20101006_4 -- Simple plugin-based graphics viewer
engine_pkcs11-0.1.8_1 -- An implementation of a PKCS#11 engine for OpenSSL
enigma-1.01_11 -- Enigma is a reimplementation of Oxyd, a puzzle game
enlightenment-0.16.999.65643 -- A very artistic X window manager
enlightenment-docs- -- Data files of enlightenment DOX
enma-1.2.0_1 -- A sender authentication milter supporting SPF and Sender ID
enscribe-0.1.0_4 -- Create digital audio watermark images from photographic images
enscript-a4-1.6.4_5 -- ASCII to PostScript filter
enscript-letter-1.6.4_5 -- ASCII to PostScript filter
enscript-letterdj-1.6.4_5 -- ASCII to PostScript filter
enscriptfonts-0.81 -- More than 120 free- and share-ware fonts to extend enscript-1.5
ensemblist-040126_7 -- Assemble given shapes from primitives
enteruser-1.0 -- Extensible script for adding new users
entity-0.7.2_4 -- A really rapid XML-based application development system
entitymib-20040109_2 -- Display the Entity MIB of an SNMP agent
entrans-0.3.2 -- Entrans is an online, collaborative translation tool
entropy-2.0 -- Calculate data entropy to benchmark compression algorithms
env4801-0.3_1 -- Output the voltages and temperatures of a Soekris Net4801 computer
enygma-1.04 -- A text-based puzzle game
eo-aspell-2.1.20000222_1 -- Aspell Esperanto dictionary
eo-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Esperanto messages and documentation for KDE3
eo-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Esperanto messages and documentation for KDE4
eo-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- eo language pack for libreoffice
eog-2.32.1_3 -- The Eye Of Gnome image viewer
eog-plugins-2.30.1_3 -- Plug-ins for the Eye of GNOME image viewer application
eos-movrec-0.3.1.b_3 -- Capture short movies with Canon DSLR camera
epdfview-0.1.8_4 -- A lightweight PDF document viewer
epeg- -- An immensely fast JPEG thumbnailing library
eperl-2.2.14_4 -- Embedded Perl 5 Language
ephem-4.28 -- An interactive terminal-based astronomical ephemeris program
ephemera-2.9 -- Blog server
epic4-2.10.1_1 -- The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
epic5-1.1.2 -- The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
epiphany-2.30.6_3 -- An extremely lightweight and simple web browser for GNOME 2
epiphany-extensions-2.30.2_4 -- A set of add-ons for the Epiphany web browser
epix-1.2.10_1 -- Creates math plots and line figures using easy-to-learn syntax
epkg-2.3.9_5 -- Encap Package Manager
epkowa-2.11.0_5 -- The sane-epkowa driver for FreeBSD
epm-4.2 -- A free UNIX software/file packaging program
epoch-1.6_1 -- Epoch is small and handy timeline application
epos-2.5.37 -- Text-to-Speech system
epplets-0.14 -- A collection of Enlightenment dock applications
eps-1.7 -- EPS is a Email Parsing System
eps2png-2.7_4 -- Converts EPS images to PNG
epsonepl-0.2.2_4 -- Printer filter for EPSON EPL-5700L etc
epstool-3.08_4 -- Create or extract preview bitmaps in EPS files
epstools-1.8 -- EPS (Email Parsing System) sample tools
epte-2.0.8 -- Electronic Periodic Table of the Elements
epydoc-3.0.1 -- Python API documentation generation tool
epylog-1.0.3_2 -- Epylog is a syslog parser which mails you the output
eqe-1.3.0_5 -- LaTeX equation editor
eqonomize-kde3-0.5.1_6 -- A personal accounting software package
eqonomize-kde4-0.6_8 -- A personal accounting software
eric4-4.5.7 -- Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt4
eris-1.3.19 -- WorldForge client entity library
erlang-14.b.04 -- A functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-15.b.02_1 -- A functional programming language from Ericsson
erlang-mysql-1.0_6 -- Native MySQL driver for Erlang
erlang_xmlrpc-1.13_11 -- A library for XMLRPC support in Erlang
erlyvideo-2.8.1_1 -- RTMP flash streaming server written in erlang
ermixer-0.8_7 -- A command-line, ncurses, and (optional) Qt-GUI OSS audio mixer
eroaster- -- A GNOME2 frontend to mkisofs/cdrecord
erwn-0.8_12 -- Simple GTK+-2 HTML editor
es-0.9.b1_4 -- An extensible shell, derived from plan9's rc
es-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (ESP)
es-aspell-1.11.2 -- Aspell Spanish dictionary
es-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Spanish messages and documentation for Calligra
es-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Spanish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
es-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Spanish
es-hunspell-0.5_1 -- Spanish hunspell dictionaries
es-hyphen-2005.11.18_1 -- Spanish hyphenation rules
es-ispell-1.10_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
es-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Spanish messages and documentation for KDE3
es-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Spanish messages and documentation for KDE4
es-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- es language pack for libreoffice
es-mythes-20121002 -- Spanish thesaurus
esdl-1.0.1_10 -- A library for accessing SDL and OpenGL through Erlang
esh-0.8.5 -- The "easy shell", a small shell with Lisp-like syntax
esmska-0.21 -- Program for sending SMS over the Internet
esmtp-1.2_1 -- Relay-only Mail Transfer Agent with sendmail compatible syntax
esniper-2.28.0 -- Lightweight console application for sniping ebay auctions
esound-0.2.41 -- A sound library for enlightenment package
espeak-1.46.02_1 -- A software speech synthesizer
esperanza- -- Advanced QT4 XMMS2 client
ess-12.09 -- R support for Emacsen
estic-1.61_1 -- Controller for ISDN TK-Anlage (PBX) made by Istec
estraier-1.2.30_1 -- A full-text search system for personal use
esvn-0.6.12_9 -- GUI frontend for the Subversion revision system
et-aspell- -- Aspell Estonian dictionary
et-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Estonian messages and documentation for Calligra
et-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Estonian messages and documentation for KDE3
et-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Estonian messages and documentation for KDE4
et-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- et language pack for libreoffice
etask-0.3.91_6 -- Manage your projects or tasks within GNU Emacs
etcd-1.0.1 -- Enhanced Tiny CD, a simple ncurses-based CD player
etcmerge-0.4 -- Automatic 3-way merge of /etc updates
etcupdate-0.4 -- Manage updates to /etc automatically
eterm-0.9.6_1 -- X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm
eterm-bg-0.9.6 -- Image files for background of Eterm
etherape-0.9.9_2 -- A graphical network traffic visualization tool for gnome
etherboot-5.2.6 -- Network boot of FreeBSD a.out/ELF kernels (improved netboot)
ethumb- -- Thumbnail generator library
etktab-3.2_2 -- Guitar tablature editor
etl-0.04.15 -- Voria Extended Class and Template Library
etlfonts-noncjk-1.0_2 -- X11 supplemental fonts
etrace-1.1 -- A configurable static port network tracing tool
etracer-0.4_8 -- The latest and greatest fork of the classic Tux Racer
ettercap-gtk2- -- A network sniffer/interceptor/injector/logger for switched LANs
eu-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Basque messages and documentation for KDE3
eu-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Basque messages and documentation for KDE4
eu-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- eu language pack for libreoffice
euchre-0.7_4 -- Very popular card game with variable skill levels
eukleides-1.5.3_4 -- A Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler-1.61.0_6 -- A program computes with real and complex numbers and matrices
eva-0.4.1_10 -- QQ IM Client for KDE3
eval-113 -- A full featured floating point expression evaluator
evangeline-1.1.4 -- IRC Bot based on Eggdrop
evas-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (meta-port)
evas-core-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (core library)
evas-engine-buffer-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (buffer engine)
evas-engine-opengl-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (OpenGL engine)
evas-engine-sdl-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (SDL engine)
evas-engine-x11-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (X11 engine)
evas-loader-bmp-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (BMP loader)
evas-loader-eet-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (EET loader)
evas-loader-generic-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (generic loader)
evas-loader-gif-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (GIF loader)
evas-loader-ico-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (ICO loader)
evas-loader-jpeg-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (JPEG loader)
evas-loader-pmaps-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (PMAPS loader)
evas-loader-png-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (PNG loader)
evas-loader-psd-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (PSD loader)
evas-loader-svg-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (SVG loader)
evas-loader-tga-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (TGA loader)
evas-loader-tiff-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (TIFF loader)
evas-loader-wbmp-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (WBMP loader)
evas-loader-xpm-1.1.0 -- A hardware accelerated canvas API (XPM loader)
evas_generic_loaders-gst-1.1.0 -- Additional loader for Evas (GStreamer)
evas_generic_loaders-pdf-1.1.0 -- Additional loader for Evas (pdf)
evas_generic_loaders-ps-1.1.0 -- Additional loader for Evas (ps)
evas_generic_loaders-raw-1.1.0 -- Additional loader for Evas (raw)
evas_generic_loaders-xcf-1.1.0 -- Additional loader for Evas (xcf)
eventlog-0.2.12 -- Replacement of the simple syslog() API providing structure to messages
eventum-2.2 -- Eventum issue tracking system
eventxx-1.0.1_1 -- A C++ wrapper for libevent
everygui-0.99.b_7 -- Dynamic GUI for an OS command
evieext-1.1.1 -- XEVIE extension headers
evilfinder-1.00_4 -- Numerologically determine the evilness of things
evilvte-0.5.0_1 -- A VTE based, super lightweight terminal emulator
evilwm-1.1.0 -- Minimalist window manager based on 9wm
evince-2.32.0_9 -- GNOME 2 multi-format document viewer
evolution-2.32.1_3 -- Integrated mail, calendar, and address book distributed suite
evolution-data-server-2.32.1_2 -- The data backends for the Evolution integrated mail/PIM suite
evolution-exchange-2.32.1_2 -- Evolution plugin to connect to Microsoft Exchange servers
evolution-gconf-tools-0.1.6_8 -- Scripts to make it easier to work with Evolution's configuration
evolution-jescs-2.28.0_4 -- Sun Java Enterprise System Calendar Server provider for Evolution
evolution-mapi-0.32.2_1 -- Evolution plugin to connect to Microsoft Exchange servers
evolution-webcal-2.32.0_2 -- Webcal(endar) handler for gnome
evolvotron-0.6.1_2 -- Generative software that evolves images/textures/patterns
evq3-1.3.20080810_7 -- The Marriage of XreaL and Q3 w/ Improvements
evtViewer-0.5_1 -- PERL-based Event viewer
exact-1.41 -- A program that implements POP Before SMTP Relay Authentication
exact-image-0.8.7_1 -- Fast image processing library
exaile-3.3.0 -- Full featured python-based music player for GTK+
examplep-0.04 -- LaTeX style files for typesetting verbatim source code listings
excido-0.1.5c_13 -- Portable fast-paced 3D shooter
execline-1.08 -- Lightweight non-interactive sh(1)-like scripting language
exempi-2.1.1 -- A port of Adobe XMP SDK to work on UNIX
exercisix-1.2 -- Innovative lightweight unit-test framework for C++
exfat-utils-0.9.7 -- Utilities to create, check, label and dump exFAT filesystem
exhaust-1.9.2 -- Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications
exhaust-doc-1.9.2 -- Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications (docs)
exhaust-ma-1.9 -- Redcode simulator easy to embed into applications
exif-0.6.20 -- Command line utility to read and manipulate EXIF data
exifprobe-2.0.1 -- Probes JPEG or TIFF images and reports contents and structure
exiftags-1.01 -- Parses a specified JPEG file for a JPEG APP1 section containing Exif data
exiftran-2.09 -- Command line utility to transform jpeg files
exilog-0.5_6 -- Tool to centralize and visualize Exim logs with a web front end
exim-4.80.1 -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exim-doc-html-4.71 -- Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-doc-info-4.71 -- Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-doc-pdf-4.71 -- Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-doc-postscript-4.71 -- Documentation for the Exim MTA in multiple formats
exim-ldap2-4.80.1 -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exim-monitor-4.80.1 -- The Exim monitor for the Exim MTA
exim-mysql-4.80.1 -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exim-postgresql-4.80.1 -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exim-sa-exim- -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exim-sqlite-4.80.1 -- High performance MTA for Unix systems on the Internet
exipick-20100323.0 -- Display messages from Exim queue based on a variety of criteria
exist-1.1.1_1 -- Open Source Native XML Database
exiv2-0.23 -- Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library and tools
exmars-0.01_1 -- Memory Array Redcode Simulator, just like exhaust and pMARS
exmh-2.7.2_5 -- X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH
exmpp-0.9.7 -- Fast and scalable library for XMPP written in Erlang/OTP
expat-2.0.1_2 -- XML 1.0 parser written in C
expect-5.43.0_3 -- A sophisticated scripter based on tcl/tk
expect- -- A sophisticated scripter based on tcl/tk
expedite-1.1.0 -- Expedite is a benchmark suite for Evas
expense-0.1_2 -- Application to track your expense under GNUstep
expiretable-0.6 -- Utility to remove entries from the pf(4) table based on their age
explosions-0.2005.07.31_12 -- 3D objects flying around resembling explosions with various effects
exrtools-0.4_6 -- Utilities for manipulating with HDR images in OpenEXR format
exslt-2003.10.24 -- Community initiative extensions to XSLT
extace-1.9.9_7 -- An Audio Visualization plugin for the X Window System
extipl-5.04 -- Partition-selectable boot loader for IBM-PC/AT compatibles
extjs-4.1.1 -- A JavaScript platform for rapid development of cross-browser web apps
extmail-1.2_1 -- A high performance webmail system
extman-1.1_3 -- Web interface to manage Virtual Accounts
extract-xiso-2.5 -- Tool for extracting and creating optimised Xbox ISO images
extsm-1.1_1 -- Extensible Site Manager (XSM)
exult-1.2_6 -- Ultima VII engine
eyeOS- -- Web Based Desktop System
eyeOS-themes-1.2_4 -- A themes collection for eyeOS
eyeclock-2.0_2 -- A clock with eyes following the mouse pointer
ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b8_3 -- Update your host name on any dynamic DNS service
ez-pine-gpg-0.4.h_1 -- A set of scripts to use gpg with Pine
ezbounce-1.99.15 -- A highly configurable IRC Proxy
ezfm-0.4.3_7 -- EZWGL-based file manager for X Window System
ezjail-3.2.3 -- Framework to easily create, manipulate, and run FreeBSD jails
ezm3-1.2_1 -- Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CVSup
ezmlm-0.53_1 -- An easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail
ezmlm-idx-7.1.1_1 -- Improved version of the ezmlm mailing list manager
ezmlm-web-3.2 -- Manage ezmlm-idx mailing lists through the web (using CGI)
ezpyinline-0.1 -- Easy embedded Inline C for Python
ezquake-1.9_5 -- Modern QuakeWorld client
ezradius- -- EzRADIUS is FreeRADIUS and Chillispot web-based management software
ezstream-0.5.6_3 -- A command line utility for streaming to icecast servers
ezxml-0.8.6 -- Easy to use C library for parsing XML documents
f-prot- -- F-Prot Antivirus for BSD Workstations
f-spot-0.8.2_1 -- Personal photo management to the GNOME desktop
f1spirit-remake-1.0_8 -- Remake of classic F1 Spirit racing game
f2c-20060810_3 -- Fortran-to-C converter and its run-time libraries
f4l-0.2.1_6 -- An open source development environment for Macromedia Flash
f77-0.3 -- Fortran 77 driver utility for f2c and gcc
f77flow-0.12_1 -- Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
f90gl-1.2.13_4 -- Official Fortran 90 bindings for OpenGL
fa-aspell-0.11.0_1 -- Aspell Persian (Farsi) dictionary
fa-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Persian messages and documentation for KDE3
fa-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Farsi (Persian) messages and documentation for KDE4
fa-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- fa language pack for libreoffice
faac-1.28_2 -- MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio encoder
faad2-2.7_3 -- MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC audio decoder
faces-1.7.7_9 -- Visual mail, user, and print face server
facile-1.1_2 -- A Functional Constraint Library
facter-1.6.11 -- A cross-platform Ruby library for retrieving facts from OS
fairymax-4.8Q_1 -- Chess engine for shatranj, courier chess, and others
fakebo- -- A fake BackOrifice client emulator
fakeident-1.7_1 -- Tool that replies with a standard answer to incoming identd requests
fakeroot-1.18.4 -- Simulate the root user behaviour
falconseye-1.9.3_8 -- NetHack derivative
fam-2.6.10_4 -- A file alteration monitor
fampp-1.1 -- A C++ wrapper for fam from SGI
fancybox-1.3.4 -- A JavaScript library for image/html/multimedia content display
fann-2.2.0 -- A free open source neural network library
fanout-0.6.1 -- Tool to run commands on multiple machines
fapg-0.41 -- Fast Audio Playlist Generator
farblazer-0.7_6 -- An action/arcade game originally based of StarBlazer on the Apple ][
farbot-1.0.b2_1 -- FreeBSD Automated Release Bot
fargoal-20040629_1 -- Remake of classic roguelike game "Sword of Fargoal"
farsifonts-0.4_2 -- Standard set of Unicode Persian fonts
farsight2-0.0.22_1 -- Collection of GStreamer modules and libraries for videoconferencing
fasm-1.70.01 -- Flat, multiple-pass assembler for IA-32 & x86-64 architectures
fasta-21.1.1 -- A collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases
fasta3-36.3.2 -- A collection of programs for searching DNA and protein databases
fastcap-2.0.w.011109 -- A three-dimensional capacitance extraction program
fastcrc-1.0 -- Fast CRC routines
fastdb-3.70 -- Main Memory Relational Database Management System
fastdep-0.16 -- Fast dependency generator for C/C++ files
fastdnaml-1.2.2_2 -- Faster DNAML, makes phylogenetic trees using maximum likelihood
fastest_cvsup-0.3.0 -- Finds fastest CVSup server
fastest_sites-20110317 -- Sort MASTER_SITE_* based upon TCP handshake times
fasthenry-3.0.w.011109 -- A multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program
fastjar-0.93.20060808 -- A version of JDK's `jar' command written entirely in C
fastresolve-2.10_4 -- Programs that process web logs to get DNS and domain ownership info
fatback-1.3_1 -- Recover deleted files from FAT filesystems
fb-1.5 -- Binary file viewer, editor, and manipulator (and a lot more)
fb303-0.8.0 -- The Facebook Bassline
fbbi-2003.0326_1 -- An interpreter for the Befunge-98 language
fbcmd-0.5.1_4 -- A commandline utility for controlling fluxbox
fbdesk-1.4.1_5 -- A Fluxbox utility to create and manage icons on the desktop
fbg2-0.4_2 -- Classic block-stacking arcade game
fbm-1.2_5 -- Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation utilities
fbm-20041110 -- Flexible Bayesian Modeling and Markov Chain Sampling
fbpager-0.1.4_2 -- Desktop pager for the Fluxbox window manager
fbpanel-6.1_1 -- Lightweight, NETWM compliant X11 desktop panel
fbreader-0.12.10_2 -- Powerful e-book reader
fbsdmon-0.93 -- Submit system and ports statistics to
fc-1.5 -- Functional Programming in C++
fceu-server-0.0.5_3 -- The network play server for the NES/Famicom emulator fceu
fceux-2.1.4a_3 -- A portable NES/Famicom emulator based on Bero's original FCE
fcgi-devkit-2.4.0 -- FastCGI Development Kit
fcgiwrap-1.0.3_4 -- Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts
fcheck-2.07.59 -- Intrusion detection and Policy enforcement / auditing software
fconfig-20080329 -- Read and modify RedBoot embedded boot configuration
fconv-1.1_1 -- Converts DOS or Mac-style files to Unix format, and vice-versa
fcplay-0.0.1_2 -- Future Composer Reference Player
fcrackzip-1.0_1 -- Portable, fast, and featureful ZIP password cracker
fcron-3.0.6_1 -- A periodic command scheduler
fd-3.01 -- A CUI-based file and directory management tool
fdk-aac-0.1.0_1 -- Port of the Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library
fdm-1.6_1 -- Fetches and delivers mail
fdmf-0.0.9.s_4 -- Find similar music by perceptual hashing
fdupes-1.50.p2 -- Fdupes is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files
feappv-3.1_1 -- Finite Element Analysis Program "personal version"
feather-1.0 -- A Python script for managing tarsnap backups
feedjack-0.9.16 -- Feed aggregator written in Python using the Django framework
feedonfeeds-0.5 -- Server side personal RSS (and Atom) aggregator
feh-2.7 -- An image viewer that utilizes Imlib2
felis-1.0 -- A tool which displays one or more files as a single line of text
felt-3.06_3 -- A system for Finite Element Analysis
fengoffice-2.0.0 -- An open source web-based collaboration software
fep-1.0 -- A general purpose front end for command line editing
ferite-1.0.2_2 -- An embeddable scripting language
festalon-0.5.5_7 -- A command line player for .nsf and .hes audio files
festdoc- -- Documentation for Festival
festival-1.96_3 -- Multi-lingual speech synthesis system
festival-freebsoft-utils-0.10_2 -- Festival utilities focused on interaction with Speech Dispatcher
festlex-cmu-1.95 -- CMU American English pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-czech-0.2.1 -- Czech language support for Festival
festlex-oald-1.4.1_1 -- Oxford Advanced Learner's pronunciation dictionary for Festival
festlex-ogi-2.2_2 -- Composite pronunciation dictionary from for Festival
festlex-poslex-1.4.1_2 -- English lexicon for Festival
festvox-czech-0.1 -- Czech male voice for Festival
festvox-don-1.4.0_2 -- British English male voice for Festival speech synthesis system
festvox-el11-1.4.0_2 -- Castilian Spanish male voice for Festival
festvox-kal16-1.4.0 -- American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
festvox-kal8-1.4.0_1 -- American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-ked16-1.4.0_1 -- American English male voice, sampled at 16 kHz, for Festival
festvox-ked8-1.4.0_1 -- American English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-rab16-1.4.1_2 -- 16 kHz British English male voice for Festival
festvox-rab8-1.4.1_2 -- British English male voice, sampled at 8 kHz, for Festival
festvox-us1-mbrola-20041012_1 -- The MBROLA us1 voice (American English, female) for Festival
festvox-us2-mbrola-20041012_1 -- The MBROLA us2 voice (American English, low-pitched male) for Festival
festvox-us3-mbrola-20041012_1 -- The MBROLA us3 voice (American English, high-pitched male) for Festival
fet-5.18.2 -- Free timetabling software
fetchconfig-0.22 -- Perl script for retrieving configuration of various network devices
fetchlog-1.4 -- Fetch and convert new messages of a logfile
fetchmail-6.3.22 -- Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP/POP3/ETRN/ODMR
fetchyahoo-2.13.9 -- Download e-mail from a Yahoo account to a Berkeley mailbox
fex-2.0.0 -- A powerful field extraction tool
ffcall-1.10_1 -- Foreign function call libraries
ffe-0.3.2 -- Flat file extractor
ffff-323_4 -- Fast Mandelbrot fractal generator
fflas-ffpack-1.4.3 -- A library for dense linear algebra over word-size finite fields
ffmpeg-0.7.13_6 -- Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
ffmpeg-011-0.11.1_1 -- Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
ffmpeg-devel-2012.10.13_1 -- Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
ffmpeg1-1.0 -- Realtime audio/video encoder/converter and streaming server
ffmpeg2theora-0.28_4 -- Reencode many media file formats to Ogg Theora
ffmpegthumbnailer-2.0.8_1 -- Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers
ffproxy-1.6 -- Filtering HTTP proxy server
ffs2recov-1.0 -- A utility to recover UFS2 filesystems
fftw-2.1.5_6 -- Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw-float-2.1.5_2 -- Fast C routines (Single Percision)
fftw3-3.3.2 -- Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw3-float-3.3.2 -- Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Single Precision C Routines)
fftw3-long-3.3.2 -- Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Long Double Precision C Routines)
fftw3-quad-3.3.2 -- Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (Quad Precision C Routines)
fga-1.4 -- Fast Genetic Algorithm library
fget-1.3.3 -- A commandline tool for mirroring remote files via FTP
fgkicker-1.0_8 -- A launcher frontend for FlightGear
fgrun-1.6.0_2 -- A graphical frontend to run FlightGear Flight Simulator
fhist-1.21 -- Utilities to maintain file history, do file comparisons, and merges
fhourstones-3.1_1 -- The Fhourstones Benchmark
fhttpd-0.4.2 -- C++-based FTP/HTTP server that supports modules
fi-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (SUO)
fi-aspell-0.7.0_1 -- Aspell Finnish dictionary
fi-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Finnish messages and documentation for Calligra
fi-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Finnish messages and documentation for KDE3
fi-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Finnish messages and documentation for KDE4
fi-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- fi language pack for libreoffice
fib-1.1 -- Fibonacci Heap Library
ficl-4.1.0 -- Forth Inspired Command Language
fidocadj-0.24 -- An easy to use graphical editor for electronics
fidogate-4.4.10 -- Fido-Internet Gateway and Tosser
fidogate-ds-5.1.7_1 -- Fido-Internet Gateway and Tosser
fife-0.3.3r3_2 -- Flexible Isometric Free Engine
fig2sxd-0.21 -- Convert .xfig files to the OpenOffice draw format
figlet-2.2.4 -- SysV banner-like program prints strings in large fancy ASCII art
figlet-fonts-20020913 -- Assorted fonts for the figlet(6) program
figurine-1.0.5_5 -- A drawing program for X11
fiked-0.0.5_2 -- A fake IKE PSK+XAUTH daemon based on VPNC
file-5.11 -- Utility to determine file type
file-roller-2.32.1_1 -- An archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
filebench- -- Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
filedupe-1.1_2 -- A utility for quickly finding duplicate files
filelight-1.0_7 -- Represent a file system as a set of concentric segmented-rings
filelight-4.8.4 -- Map of concentric segmented-rings representing your file system
filelike-0.4.1 -- Python module for building and manipulating file-like object
filepp-1.8.0 -- A generic file preprocessor
fileprune-1.9 -- Prune a file set according to a given age distribution
filerunner- -- Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk
fileschanged-0.6.5_1 -- Utility that reports when files have been altered
fileshuffle-0.1 -- A filter for shuffling lines in a text file into random order
filetype-0.1.3 -- New file-type detection system
filezilla-3.5.3_1 -- Fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS, and SFTP client
fillets-ng-1.0.1_2 -- A wonderful puzzle game
filtermail-0.8.2 -- Filter mail on a POP3 server: saves downloading spam
filters-2.48 -- A collection of filters, including B1FF, and the Swedish Chef
finch-2.10.6 -- Finch multi-protocol messaging client (Console UI)
finchtv-1.3.1 -- A chromatogram trace viewer
find_zlib-1.9 -- Scans files for statically linked zlib (libz) code
findhier-1.14 -- Hierarchy Viewer for magic/CIF/GDSII/PCSTR/GED/TeX
findmaildirs-0.1 -- Simple utility to create list of maildirs for mutt
findmtu-0.9 -- A tool for performing IPv6 path MTU discovery on *NIX
findutils-4.5.10_2 -- The GNU find utilities
finfo-0.1 -- Finfo displays potentially useful information about a file
fio-2.0.10 -- FIO - flexible IO tester
firebird-client-2.0.6_1 -- Firebird-2 database client
firebird-client-2.1.4 -- Firebird-2 database client
firebird-client-2.5.1_1 -- Firebird-2 database client
firebird-server-2.0.6_1 -- Firebird-2 relational database (server)
firebird-server-2.1.4 -- Firebird-2 relational database (server)
firebird-server-2.5.1_1 -- Firebird-2 relational database (server)
firedns-0.9.12 -- A C library for handling asynchronous DNS queries
fireflies-2.07_4 -- Extension of xscreensaver
firefly-1696_8 -- Open-source media server for the Roku SoundBridge and iTunes
firefox-10.0.10 -- Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
firefox-16.0.2 -- Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
firefox-i18n-10.0.10 -- Localized interface for Firefox
firefox-i18n-16.0.2 -- Localized interface for Firefox
firefox-remote-20040803_3 -- Wrapper scripts for firefox web browser
firemime-0.9.4_1 -- Callback-based interface for parsing MIME-encoded messages
firepay-0.9.5_1 -- Implementation of the HashCash/MIME specification
firestring-0.9.12 -- A library to make string handling easier in C
firetray-0.2.8_2 -- System tray add-on for firefox, thunderbird, seamonkey, etc
firewalk-5.0_3 -- A remote firewall auditing tool
firmware-utils-20111222 -- Create device firmware images
fisg-0.3.12 -- Fast IRC statistics generator
fish-1.23.1_9 -- A user friendly command line shell
fishsupper-0.1.6_2 -- Guide a cat across a series of rivers, jumping from log to log
fist-4.0 -- An emphatic message generator
fistgen-0.2.1 -- Language for describing stackable filesystems
fityk-0.9.4_2 -- Free peak fitting software
fix-mime-charset-0.5.3_1 -- Fix incorrect Content-Type MIME headers of e-mail messages
fixesproto-5.0 -- Fixes extension headers
fixrtf-0.1.20060303_2 -- A patch making it possible to embed PNGs into RTFs
fkiss-0.33a_2 -- Freely enjoy childlike KISS, French-KISS!
fl0p-0.0.2.b -- Passive L7 flow fingerprinting tool
fl_editor-0.4.5_9 -- Text editor widgets for the Fast Light ToolKit
fl_moxgen-0.05 -- Compute the dimensions of a Moxon Rectangle antenna
flac-1.2.1_3 -- Free lossless audio codec
flac123-0.0.11_4 -- Command-line player for flac audio files
flam3-2.7.18_2 -- A Flame Renderer
flamerobin-0.9.2_1 -- The GUI administration tool for firebird database
flare-017.1 -- Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine
flare-1.0.9_3 -- Flare - distributed and persistent key-value storage
flash-0.9.5 -- A ncurses-based restriction shell
flasher-1.3 -- Monitors log or mail files for writes, and flashes a keyboard LED
flashrom- -- Utility for reading, writing, verifying, and erasing flash ROM chips
flasm-1.62 -- Command line assembler/disassembler of flash actionscript bytecode
flat-frog-2.2.13 -- A templating engine working in php
flatzebra-0.1.5_2 -- A generic game engine for 2D double-buffering animation
flawfinder-1.27 -- Examines source code looking for security weaknesses
fldiff-1.1_8 -- A graphical diff program using FLTK
fldigi-3.21.59 -- Digital decoder for psk, cw, psk31, olivia
flex-2.5.37 -- Fast lexical analyzer generator
flex-sdk- -- Adobe Flex SDK
flex-sdk- -- Adobe Flex SDK
flex-sdk- -- Adobe Flex SDK
flex_compiler_shell-0.20070123_2 -- Adobe Flex Compiler Shell
flexbackup-1.2.1_5 -- Perl-based flexible backup system that can use dump/afio/cpio/tar/star
flexdock-1.1 -- Swing windowing and docking framework
flexjson-1.6_1 -- A lightweight Java library to write JSON
fli2gif-1.1_1 -- Automatic Flic to animated GIF converter
flick-2.1_1 -- The Flexible IDL Compiler Kit
flickcurl-1.22 -- C library for the Flickr API
flickrnet-2.2.0 -- Flickr .Net API Library
flightgear-2.8.0 -- The FlightGear flight simulator
flightgear-aircraft-20120830 -- Selection of additional aircraft for the FlightGear flight simulator
flightgear-data-2.8.0 -- FlightGear scenery, textures, and aircraft models
flightgear-mb339-pan-2.1_2 -- A simulation of the MB-339 PAN aerobatic jet
flim-emacs21-1.14.9_11 -- FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs21
flim-emacs22-1.14.9_11 -- FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs22
flim-emacs24-1.14.9_11 -- FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for emacs
flim-xemacs21-mule-1.14.9_11 -- FLIM, message representation or encoding elisp library for xemacs21-mule
flip-1.19 -- Convert text file line endings between Unix and DOS formats
flip-2.3.0_6 -- Load a sequence of TIFF files and play them back at a target frame rate
flite-1.4 -- A small run-time speech synthesis engine
floatator-0.2.1_2 -- An interactive fluid dynamics simulation
flobopuyo-0.20_11 -- Clone of the famous PuyoPuyo
flock-2.19 -- Manage locks from shell scripts
flog-1.8 -- A small STDIN-to-file logger with support for log rotation
flood-0.20041105_6 -- Profile-driven HTTP load tester
flops-2.0 -- Floating point benchmark to give your MFLOPS rating
florence-0.5.0_2 -- Florence OnScreen Keyboard
flot-0.7 -- JavaScript plotting library for jQuery
flounder-0.40_14 -- A quick way to visualize regularly spaced 4D data
flow-extract-2.61_1 -- Cisco NetFlow awk-like extracting tool
flow-tools-0.68_7 -- Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data
flow-tools-ng- -- Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data
flowcanvas-0.7.1_1 -- An interactive Gtkmm/Gnomecanvasmm widget
flowd-0.9.1_2 -- Small, fast, and secure NetFlow collector
flowdesigner-0.9.1_5 -- A free (GPL) "data flow oriented" development environment
flowgrep-0.9 -- TCP stream/UDP/IP payload 'grep' utility
flowtag-2.0.5 -- A collaborative attack-analysis tool for security researchers
flowviewer-3.3.1_4 -- Web-based user interface for the flow-tools NetFlow data
flphoto-1.3.1_8 -- A basic image management and display program
flpsed-0.7.0_1 -- WYSIWYG Postscript annotator
fltk-1.3.1 -- Cross-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit
fltk-2.0.r9166_1 -- Fast Light Toolkit version 2 (development snapshot)
fltk-threads-1.3.1 -- Cross-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit
fltk11-1.1.10_1 -- Cross-platform C++ graphical user interface toolkit
fluctuate-1.40 -- A program to fit population models
fluidsynth-1.1.5 -- Real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications
fluidsynth-dssi-1.0.0_7 -- Wrapper for FluidSynth allowing it to function as a DSSI plugin
fluxbb-1.4.4 -- A fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board
fluxbg-0.7_12 -- Background changer for fluxbox/blackbox
fluxbox-1.3.2 -- A small and fast window manager based on BlackBox
fluxbox-tenr-styles-pack-20071215_3 -- Tenner themes pack for fluxbox
fluxcms-1.6.0_7 -- An extensible and flexible CMS based on PHP 5 and XML/XSLT
fluxconf-0.9.9_7 -- A configuration program for the fluxbox window manager
fluxter-0.2.0 -- Desktop pager for the Fluxbox Slit
flvmeta-1.0.11 -- Manipulation tool for Adobe Flash Video files (FLV)
flvstreamer-2.1.c.1_1 -- An open source command-line RTMP client
flvtool-1.2.1 -- Tool for hinting and manipulating the metadata of FLV files
flvw-20000224_11 -- Virtual Widgets for the Fast Light ToolKit
flwm-1.02_6 -- The Fast Light Window Manager
flwrap-1.3.4 -- Flwrap is a companion utility for fldigi
fly-2.0.1_4 -- Simple drawing language to generate GIFs on the fly
flyback-0.4.0_5 -- A backup frontend like Apple's Time Machine
flyhard-0.42_4 -- Game resembling Thrust, but with lots of shooting and puzzles
flying-6.20_3 -- Pool/snooker/billiards/carrom/etc game
flyspray- -- A simple, easy-to-use web based bug tracking system
fmars-0.0.207_2 -- Fast Memory Array Redcode Simulator
fmio-2.0.8 -- FM radio card manipulation utility
fmirror-0.8.4_4 -- Program for mirroring files and directories from a remote FTP server
fmit-0.99.2_3 -- Free Music Instrument Tuner
fmsx-3.5.1_2 -- The Portable MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ Emulator
fnccheck-3.2.0 -- A profiling library/utilities for C/C++ programs
fnlib-0.5_10 -- Fonts and font libraries necessary for Enlightenment
fnord-1.10_1 -- Small and fast webserver with CGI-capability
fntsample-3.2_1 -- Show Unicode coverage of a font
fo-aspell- -- Aspell Faroese dictionary
foiltex-2.1.4b_5 -- A collection of LaTeX files for making foils
folks-0.2.1_1 -- library to aggregates people from multiple sources
fondu-051010 -- A series of programs to interconvert between mac fonts
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Adobe 100dpi font
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Adobe 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.4 -- X.Org Adobe Utopia 100dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.4 -- X.Org Adobe Utopia 75dpi font
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.4 -- X.Org Adobe Utopia Type1 font
font-alias-1.0.3 -- X.Org Font aliases
font-amsfonts-3.02_1 -- Computer Modern and standard fonts for TeX
font-arabic-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Arabic fonts
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow Holmes 100dpi font
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow Holmes 75dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 100dpi font
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow Holmes Lucida TypeWriter 75dpi font
font-bh-ttf-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow & Holmes TTF font
font-bh-type1-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bigelow Holmes Type1 font
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bitstream Vera 100dpi font
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bitstream Vera 75dpi font
font-bitstream-speedo-1.0.2 -- X.Org Bitstream Vera Speedo font
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.3 -- X.Org Bitstream Vera Type1 font
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.3 -- X.Org Cronyx Cyrillic font
font-cursor-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Cursor fonts
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Daewoo fonts
font-dec-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Dec fonts
font-gost-0.1_1 -- GOST TrueType fonts
font-ibm-type1-1.0.3 -- X.Org IBM Type1 font
font-isas-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous ISAS fonts
font-jis-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous JIS fonts
font-manager-0.5.7_3 -- A font management application for the GNOME desktop
font-micro-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Micro fonts
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Cyrillic font
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Ethiopic font
font-misc-meltho-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Meltho font
font-misc-misc-1.1.2 -- X.Org miscellaneous Misc fonts
font-mutt-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Mutt fonts
font-pingwi-0.1 -- PingWi Typography fonts
font-schumacher-misc-1.1.2 -- X.Org miscellaneous Schumacher fonts
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.4 -- X.Org Screen Cyrillic font
font-sony-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Sony fonts
font-sun-misc-1.0.3 -- X.Org miscellaneous Sun fonts
font-util-1.2.0 -- Create an index of X font files in a directory
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.3 -- X.Org Winitzki Cyrillic font
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.4 -- X.Org XFree86 Type1 font
font2svg-1.0_4 -- All font to svg-font converter
fontcacheproto-0.1.3 -- Fontcache extension headers
fontconfig-2.9.0 -- An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fontconfig-reference-2.9.0_6 -- Programming reference for x11-fonts/fontconfig
fonteditfs-1.2 -- Full screen syscons font editor
fontforge-20120731.b -- Type 1/TrueType/OpenType/bitmap font editor
fontmatrix-0.4.2_4 -- A graphical font manager
fonts-indic-2.1.5_1 -- The Lohit family of Indic fonts
fonts-te-1.0_2 -- Telugu fonts for te_IN.
fontsproto-2.1.1 -- Fonts extension headers
fonttosfnt-1.0.4 -- Wrap a bitmap font in a sftn wrapper
fonulator-2.0.1 -- A foneBRIDGE configuration utility
foo2zjs-20110609_2 -- Driver for printers that use the ZjStream wire protocol
foobillard-3.0a_6 -- Free OpenGL billiards game
foomatic-db-20090530_2 -- Foomatic database
foomatic-db-engine-4.0.7 -- Foomatic database engine
foomatic-db-hpijs-1.4 -- Foomatic data for the HPIJS printer drivers
foomatic-filters-4.0.7_1 -- Foomatic wrapper scripts
fop-1.1 -- Print formatter driven by XSL formatting
foremost-1.5.5 -- Console program to recover files based on their headers and footers
forg-0.5.1_3 -- A Gopher client
forkbomb-1.4 -- System stress testing tool
formication-1.0.b1_3 -- Formular processing tool written in perl
formido-1.0_9 -- 2D kill-em all with 3D rendered graphics
fortran-utils-1.1 -- Tools for use with Fortran code, from 4.4BSD
fortunate-3.1_2 -- Graphical front-end to the command-line BSD fortune
fortune-mod-bible-1.0_1 -- King James V Bible in fortune file format
fortune-mod-bofh-2.0_3 -- Compilation of excuses from the "Bastard Operator From Hell"
fortune-mod-culmea-culmilor-2005.12.15 -- Romanian "Culmea culmilor" jokes (in Romanian)
fortune-mod-ferengi_rules_of_acquisition-2006.01.26 -- Star Trek: The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
fortune-mod-futurama-0.2_4 -- Compilation of quotes from the TV series "Futurama"
fortuneit-1.99 -- A very funny fortune file in Italian
fortunelock-0.1.2 -- Locks a terminal while showing fortunes
fortytwo-0.2.0_2 -- Graph management system for GNUstep
fortytwo-bdb-0.2.1_2 -- Interface to Berkeley DB for GNUstep
fortytwo-encore-0.3.1_1 -- Utility classes for GNUstep
fossil-20121022124804 -- DSCM with built-in wiki, http interface and server, tickets database
foswiki-1.1.5 -- A free and open source enterprise wiki
foswiki-ModPerlEngineContrib-0.0.8600 -- Permits Foswiki to be executed under mod_perl
fotaq-1.0_1 -- Flight of the Amazon Queen: a classic graphical adventure
fotofix- -- Simple image viewer
fotoxx-11.03_1 -- Application to organize and edit image collections
founts-12 -- A demo/program inspired by Erics cascade
fowsr-1.0.20100718 -- Fine Offset Weather Station Reader
fox-1.4.35_5 -- Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
fox-1.6.46_2 -- Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit -- ver.1.6
fox-1.7.36 -- Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit -- devel version
foxtrotgps-1.1.1 -- A lightweight opensource gps moving map application
fpart-0.4 -- Sort files and divide them into partitions
fpc-2.6.0_2 -- Free Pascal compiler with Turbo and Delphi
fpc-a52-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to a52 library
fpc-aspell-2.6.0 -- Interface to aspell spelling checker
fpc-base-2.6.0 -- Meta package to install all of the Free Pascal base
fpc-bfd-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface for the GNU Binary Format description
fpc-bzip2-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal bzip2 unit
fpc-cairo-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to cairo library
fpc-chm-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to manipulate chm files
fpc-dbus-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to dbus library
fpc-docs-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal compiler Adobe Acrobat(tm) documentation
fpc-dts-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the dts library
fpc-fastcgi-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal fastcgi unit
fpc-fcl-async-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to async library
fpc-fcl-base-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-db-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-fpcunit-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-image-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-json-2.6.0 -- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) implementation in FreePascal
fpc-fcl-net-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-passrc-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-process-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to start and manipulate other programs
fpc-fcl-registry-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-res-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-web-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fcl-xml-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Component Library
fpc-fftw-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the FFTW3 library
fpc-fpgtk-2.6.0 -- Free Component Library for create programs with gtk
fpc-fpmkunit-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal build system unit
fpc-fppkg-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal package unit
fpc-fpvectorial-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal fpvectorial unit
fpc-fv-2.6.0 -- FreeVision is a Free Pascal unit for Delphi support
fpc-gdbint-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit providing interface to gdb
fpc-gdbm-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the GNU database system
fpc-ggi-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to libggi
fpc-gmp-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to gmp library
fpc-gnome1-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to create programs for GNOME 1
fpc-graph-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to graphical applications
fpc-gtk1-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the GTK libraries
fpc-gtk2-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to the GTK2 libraries
fpc-hash-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit for MD5 hash routines
fpc-hermes-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal hermes unit
fpc-httpd22-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal httpd unit
fpc-ibase-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to interbase
fpc-iconvenc-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to iconv library
fpc-ide-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal integrated IDE/compiler
fpc-imagemagick-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to ImageMagick
fpc-imlib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to imlib library
fpc-ldap-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to OpenLDAP
fpc-libcurl-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to libcurl
fpc-libgd-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to libgd for producing graphics files
fpc-libpng-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to libpng, for reading PNG image files
fpc-libxml2-2.6.0 -- Interface to xml2 library
fpc-lua-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the lua interpreter
fpc-mad-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to mad library
fpc-matroska-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to matroska library
fpc-modplug-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to modplug library
fpc-mysql-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to MySQL
fpc-ncurses-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the ncurses library
fpc-newt-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to newt library
fpc-numlib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to numerical methods
fpc-odbc-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to ODBC
fpc-oggvorbis-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to ogg & vorbis libraries
fpc-openal-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to openal library
fpc-opengl-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to the OpenGL library
fpc-openssl-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit for OpenSSL
fpc-oracle-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to Oracle
fpc-pasjpeg-2.6.0 -- Handling JPEG files with Pascal
fpc-paszlib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit for native compression IO
fpc-pcap-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit for libpcap library
fpc-postgres-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to PostGreSQL
fpc-proj4-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to proj library
fpc-pthreads-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal wrapper for the pthreads library
fpc-pxlib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to read various Paradox files
fpc-regexpr-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal regular expression routines
fpc-rexx-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the rexx-regina library
fpc-rsvg-2.6.0_1 -- Free Pascal interface to librsvg2 library
fpc-sdl-2.6.0_3 -- Free Pascal interface to SDL library
fpc-sndfile-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Interface to sndfile library
fpc-sqlite-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to SQLite
fpc-svgalib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the SVGA graphics library
fpc-symbolic-2.6.0 -- FreePascal unit for simple expression parsing and evaluating
fpc-syslog-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the system logger
fpc-tcl-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the tcl/tk interpreter
fpc-units-2.6.0_2 -- A meta port to install Free Pascal units
fpc-unzip-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal routines for unzipping zip files
fpc-users-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to manipulate system users
fpc-utils-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal Compiler utils
fpc-utmp-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal unit to gather information from the utmp file
fpc-uuid-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal uuid unit
fpc-x11-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to X windows server
fpc-xforms-2.6.0 -- X-Forms interface for Free Pascal
fpc-zlib-2.6.0 -- Free Pascal interface to the zlib compression library
fpdf-1.7 -- A free PHP class to generate PDF files with pure PHP
fpdns- -- FPDNS - Fingerprinting DNS servers
fping-3.4 -- Quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network
fpkg-0.2_1 -- Package Tool Wrapper for FreeBSD
fplib-20120911 -- fingerprint library
fpm-0.60_8 -- Figaro's Password Manager, an app to securely store your passwords
fpp-1.1_1 -- Fortran preprocessor for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 programs
fprint_demo-20080303_1 -- Demo and test application for libfprint
fprobe-1.1_1 -- Tool that collects network traffic data
fr-MT-5.14 -- French localization of the MovableType publishing system
fr-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (FRA)
fr-acroread9-9.4.2_1 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (FRA)
fr-alphabet_sounds_fr-0.3_10 -- Educative games for children. Alphabet sounds package (french)
fr-aspell-0.50.3_1 -- Aspell French dictionaries
fr-aster- -- Code_Aster finite element method solver
fr-belote-20061109_3 -- Un jeu de belote coinchц╘e contre l'ordinateur ou en rц╘seau
fr-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- French messages and documentation for Calligra
fr-dico-1.1_7 -- Interactive dictionary in french
fr-eficas- -- ASter Command FIle Editor
fr-eficas-doc- -- ASter Command FIle Editor - doc files
fr-eric4-4.5.7 -- Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt4
fr-facturier-2.1.2_4 -- Logiciel de facturation pour P.M.I. & P.M.E.
fr-fortune-mod-zarathoustra-20100905 -- Compilation of quotes from Nietzsche's Thus spoke Zarathustra
fr-freebsd-doc-39278 -- French translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
fr-geonext-1.71_1 -- Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
fr-gfaim-0.30_5 -- Gfaim est un logiciel de recherche de recettes de cuisine
fr-gibi-2003.2_18 -- GIBI est la partie mailleur et post de CASTEM
fr-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in French
fr-homard-10.1.1 -- A refinement and de-refinement mesh tool
fr-hunspell-4.6 -- Modern French hunspell dictionaries
fr-hyphen-3.0 -- French hyphenation rules
fr-ispell-1.4_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
fr-jdictionary-fre-hun-1.0_4 -- JDictionary plugin: French-Hungarian dictionary
fr-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- French messages and documentation for KDE3
fr-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- French messages and documentation for KDE4
fr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- fr language pack for libreoffice
fr-med-3.0.4 -- Modelisation et Echanges de Donnees
fr-mythes-2.3 -- French thesaurus
fr-trytond_account_fr-2.4.0 -- The chart of account which is used in France
fr-tvdownloader-0.7.2_3 -- Download podcasts and videos from French websites
fr-verbiste-0.1.33 -- French verb conjugator/deconjugator
fracplanet-0.4.0_3 -- An interactive generator of planets and terrain
fractorama-1.6.7_8 -- Fractal generation program
fragroute-1.2_11 -- Tool for intercepting, modifying, and rewriting egress traffic
fragrouter-1.6 -- Tool for testing network IDS implementations
frama-c-20111001_2 -- Extensible platform for source-code analysis of C
fraqtive-0.4.5_2 -- Draws Mandelbrot and Julia fractals
free-sa-1.6.2 -- Statistic analyzer for daemons log files similar to SARG
free-sa-devel-2.0.0b5.10 -- Statistic analyzer for daemons log files similar to SARG
freealut-1.1.0_2 -- The OpenAL Utility Toolkit
freebsd-doc-all-39278 -- Documentation from the FreeBSD Documentation Project
freebsd-snapshot-20091208.1_1 -- Convenience frontend tools for the management of UFS2 snapshots
freebsd-tftp-1.0 -- Upcoming replacement for tftp(1) and tftpd(8)
freebsd-uucp-1.07.3_1 -- FreeBSD-modified Taylor UUCP (unix-to-unix copy program)
freecell-solver-3.12.0 -- A program that automatically solves games of Freecell
freeciv-2.3.2_1 -- Free turn-based multiplayer strategy
freeciv-nox11-2.3.2_1 -- Free turn-based multiplayer strategy
freeciv-sounds-3 -- Freeciv standard sound set
freecode-submit-2.4 -- Submission of updates to Freecode via its JSON API
freecol-0.10.5 -- An open source version of Colonization
freecolor-0.8.8 -- Displays free memory as a bargraph
freedbd-0.1 -- A lightweight daemon for answering FreeDB queries
freedesktop-sound-theme-0.7_1 -- Sound theme based on the FreeDesktop specification
freedink-1.08.20080920_2 -- Metaport for FreeDink engine and data
freedink-data-1.08.20080920 -- Game data for games/freedink (Dink Smallwood)
freedink-dfarc-3.2.1_4 -- Frontend and .dmod installer for GNU FreeDink
freedink-engine-1.08.20080920_9 -- Dink Smallwood RPG and RPG Construction Set
freedoko-0.7.11_1 -- Play the card game Doppelkopf
freedroid-1.0.2_13 -- Freedroid is a clone of the classic game "Paradroid"
freedroidrpg-0.15_3 -- Modification of the classical Freedroid engine into an RPG
freedt-0.22 -- An experimental reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools
freefem-3.5.8_1 -- A language for the Finite Element Method
freefont-ttf-20120503 -- Free UCS Outline Fonts
freefonts-0.10_4 -- A collection of ATM fonts (not all free) from the CICA archives
freeglut-2.8.0 -- An alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library
freegrep-1.1 -- An implementation of grep(1) under a BSD-friendly license
freeguide-0.11_1 -- An interactive TV guide which will create personalized TV listings
freehdl-0.0.7 -- A free VHDL simulator
freeimage-3.15.1 -- An open source graphics library
freeipmi-1.1.7 -- Library and tools to support IPMI-capable hardware
freemind-0.9.0 -- Free mind-mapping software written in Java
freenet6-6.0.1 -- Hexago Freenet6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
freenx-0.6.0_4 -- Frontend (auth/session management) for nxserver libraries
freeocl-0.3.6 -- Free Open Computing Language (OpenCL) implementation for CPU
freepats-20060219 -- A free and open set of instrument patches
freera-080203_3 -- Westwood red alert game engine
freeradius-1.1.8_5 -- A free RADIUS server implementation
freeradius-2.2.0 -- A free RADIUS server implementation
freeradius-client-1.1.6 -- Client library and basic utilities for RADIUS AAA
freeradius-mysql-1.1.8_5 -- A free RADIUS server implementation with MySQL support
freerdp-0.8.2_1 -- A free remote desktop protocol client
freesbie-2.0.20070710_1 -- Yet another cool answer to the system-on-cd question
freesweep-0.92 -- Minesweeper-style game for text-mode terminals
freeswitch-1.0.6_1 -- FreeSwitch meta-port to pull in all the components
freeswitch-core- -- FreeSwitch SoftSwitch Port
freeswitch-core-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch SoftSwitch Port
freeswitch-curl-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch configuration files; curl variant
freeswitch-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch meta-port to pull in all the components
freeswitch-insideout-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch configuration files; insideout variant
freeswitch-music-1.0.8_2 -- FreeSwitch Music - All Bitrates
freeswitch-pizza- -- FreeSwitch pizza demo
freeswitch-pizzademo-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch pizza demo
freeswitch-sbc-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch configuration files; sbc variant
freeswitch-scripts- -- FreeSwitch Scripts
freeswitch-scripts-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch Scripts
freeswitch-sounds-1.0.20 -- FreeSwitch Sounds (All Bitrates)
freeswitch-vanilla-devel-1.2.3 -- FreeSwitch configuration files; vanilla variant
freesynd-0.2_6 -- FreeSynd GPLed reimplementation of the classic Bullfrog game Syndicate
freetalk-3.2_2 -- GNU console based Jabber client
freetar-0.9_2 -- TAR archiver for GNUstep
freetds-0.64_8 -- Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
freetds-devel-0.91_2 -- Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
freetds-msdblib-0.64_8 -- Sybase/Microsoft TDS protocol library
freetennis-0.4.8_7 -- A tennis simulation
freetuxtv-0.6.5_1 -- WebTV player based on GTK2+ and LibVLC
freetype-1.3.1_4 -- A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
freetype-tools-1.3.1_9 -- Tools for FreeType 1
freetype2-2.4.9_1 -- A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
freevo-1.9.0_7 -- Open source digital jukebox
freevrrpd-1.1 -- This a VRRP RFC2338 Compliant implementation under FreeBSD
freewais-sf-2.2.14_1 -- An enhanced Wide Area Information Server
freeway- -- A Advanced Open Source eCommerce Platform
freexl-1.0.0.d -- Library to extract valid data from within an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet
freeze-2.5_2 -- Compression program - often used in QNX
frei0r-1.3_1 -- Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
frei0r-plugins-1.3 -- Frei0r meta-port
frei0r-plugins-gavl-1.3_2 -- Frei0r gavl plugins
frei0r-plugins-opencv-1.3_2 -- Frei0r OpenCV plugins
freqsdwn-2.00 -- FREQSHIP-mini Mitsubishi Electric UPS controller daemon
frescobaldi-2.0.7 -- A music score editor for lilypond
fretsonfire-1.3.110_2 -- A game of musical skill and fast fingers
fretsonfire-data-1.3.110 -- Frets on Fire data files
fribidi-0.19.2_1 -- A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fricas-1.1.8 -- A computer algebra system, forked from axiom
frickin-2.0.b2_1 -- Frickin PPTP Proxy
frikqcc-2.6 -- Advanced QuakeC compiler/decompiler
frink-2.2.2p4 -- A tcl formatter and static tester
frodo-4.1b_8 -- Emulates a Commodore 64
frogatto-1.1.1_3 -- An old-school 2D classic adventure platformer game
frontbase-jdbc-2.5.6 -- The Java JDBC implementation for FrontBase
frontline-0.5.4_13 -- An autotrace GUI FRONTend like streamLINE(TM)
frost- -- Frost is a Freenet client that provides messenger and file services
frotz-2.43_1 -- Infocom games interpreter
frox-0.7.18_2 -- Transparent FTP proxy with caching support
froxlor-0.9.26 -- PHP-based ISP Server Management Panel
frozenbubble-2.2.0_6 -- Throw colourful bubbles to build groups and destroy the groups
fruity-1.0.r2_3 -- Fruity is a PHP based web-frontend to your Nagios configuration
fsbackup-1.2.1_1 -- File system backup and synchronization utility
fsc-1.0.1_1 -- The FreeBSD Services Control family of utilties.
fsh-1.2_3 -- Fast remote command execution
fsharp- -- Functional and object-oriented language for the .NET platform
fslsfonts-1.0.3 -- List fonts served by the X font server
fsmgenerator-1.0.b.7_1 -- Finite State Machine generating software
fspclient-0.93.0 -- A ftp-like client for the FSP service
fspd- -- FSP daemon, clients, and scanner
fsplib-0.11 -- Library implementing FSP protocol
fstobdf-1.0.4 -- Generate BDF font from X font server
fstyp-0.1 -- Detect which filesystem type a device/partition contains
fsv-0.9_6 -- 3D filesystem visualizer
fswatch-0.02.b5 -- File system checksum checker
fswiki-3.6.2 -- FreeStyle Wiki (perl based wiki clone)
ft2demos-2.4.9 -- Demo programs for FreeType2
ftasv-0.9.2_2 -- Is a commandline scoreboard viewer for the Apache server
ftdi-eeprom-1.1_1 -- A tool to program the eeprom on FTDI usb devices
fte-20051115_2 -- A full-featured text editor for X11
ftelnetd-0.0.2 -- A small server faking various telnet daemons
fteqw-3343_9 -- QuakeWorld client with cool features, but still compatible
ftgl-2.1.3.r5 -- An OpenGL FreeType fonts rendering library
ftimes-3.8.0_1 -- A system baselining and evidence collection tool
ftjam-2.5.2 -- Small build tool that can be used as a replacement for make(1)
ftjava-1.3_1 -- Full Thrust PBEM Client
ftnchek-3.3.1 -- Fortran 77 semantic checking utility
ftp-tls-20051021 -- Ftp client supporting FTP AUTH TLS
ftpcopy-0.6.7 -- Command line ftp tools for listing and mirroring
ftpcube-0.5.1_6 -- A graphical FTP Client
ftpd-tls-20031008_2 -- Ftp server supporting FTP AUTH TLS
ftpfind-0.996 -- Find directory&file on a ftp server
ftplib-3.1.1 -- A set of routines that implement the FTP protocol
ftplocate-2.02 -- A ftp search engine supporting filename and description search
ftpmirror-1.96_3 -- An utility to mirror directory hierarchy with FTP
ftpproxy-1.2.3_1 -- A ftp proxy
ftpsesame-0.95 -- Helper for pf firewall to pass FTP protocol
ftpsync-1.3.03 -- Synchronizes a local and a remote FTP directory trees
ftrack-3.1_2 -- FTN Messages tracker
ftwin-0.8.5_8 -- A useful tool to find duplicate files
fuel-0.9.6 -- A GUI front-end to fossil SCM tool
fugu-1.2.3 -- A graphical client for the Gale instant messaging system
fuhquake-0.31_8 -- An excellent QuakeWorld client
fujaba-4.3.2_2 -- Another UML CASE tool
fujiplay-1.33_1 -- Digital camera downloading tool for Fujifilm digital cameras
fung-calc-1.3.2b_15 -- Advanced graphic calculator
funktrackergold-1.5.2_1 -- A curses MOD/FNK music tracker
funnelweb-3.2 -- A powerful literate-programming macro pre-processor
funnyboat-1.5_3 -- A side scrolling shooter game starring a steamboat on the sea
fuse- -- Free Unix (Sinclair ZX-)Spectrum Emulator
fuse-utils-1.0.0 -- Utilities from the Free Unix Spectrum Emulator
fuse.gunzip-20070320 -- Fuse.gunzip provides transparent decompression of gzip compressed files
fusefs-afuse-0.2 -- An automounting file system implemented in user-space using FUSE
fusefs-chironfs-1.1.1_1 -- A FUSE based filesystem with replication at the filesystem level
fusefs-cryptofs-0.6.0_4 -- A encrypted filesystem for FUSE
fusefs-curlftpfs-0.9.2_3 -- Mount remote ftp directories
fusefs-encfs-1.7.4_1 -- An encrypted pass-through FUSE filesystem
fusefs-exfat-0.9.7 -- A full-featured exFAT FS implementation as a FUSE module
fusefs-ext4fuse-20120803 -- EXT4 implementation for FUSE
fusefs-funionfs-0.4.3 -- Union filesystem for the FUSE driver
fusefs-fur-0.4.6 -- FUSE-based filesystem for Windows CE based devices
fusefs-fusexmp_fh-2.7.4_1 -- Dummy driver from fusefs-libs example
fusefs-gnome-vfs-0.1_6 -- Interface between FUSE and the Gnome VFS 2.0
fusefs-gphotofs-0.4.0_1 -- Mount PTP camera as a file system
fusefs-gstfs-0.1 -- On-demand, transcoding filesystem (using GStreamer pipeline)
fusefs-httpfs- -- Fuse-based http filesystem
fusefs-ifuse-1.1.1 -- Mount iPod Touch / iPhone directories over USB
fusefs-kmod-0.3.9.p1.20080208_11 -- Kernel module for fuse
fusefs-libs-2.9.2 -- FUSE allows filesystem implementation in userspace
fusefs-mhddfs-0.1.37 -- Multi HDD [FUSE] File System
fusefs-mp3fs-0.31 -- FUSE-based filesystem for transcoding flac to mp3
fusefs-ntfs-2012.1.15 -- Mount NTFS partitions (read/write) and disk images
fusefs-pod-0.5.2_10 -- FUSE-based filesystem for iPod
fusefs-rar2fs-1.15.1 -- Mount rar archives as filesystem
fusefs-s3fs-1.19_1 -- FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
fusefs-smbnetfs-0.5.3_1 -- Mount smb shares (Fuse filesystem)
fusefs-sqlfs-1.1 -- SQLite backed FUSE file system
fusefs-sshfs-2.4 -- Mount remote directories over ssh
fusefs-unionfs-0.24 -- FUSE based implementation of the well-known unionfs
fusefs-wdfs-1.4.2_4 -- Mount remote WedDAV directories with Fuse
fusefs-wikipediafs-0.4 -- Mount mediawikis
fusenshi-0.9.0_10 -- A Post-it(R) like application with network support
fuser-1142334561_3 -- POSIX fuser utility for FreeBSD
fusionpbx-3.1.2 -- PHP5 Graphical User Interface for FreeSwitch
fuzz-0.6_1 -- Tool for testing software by bombarding the program with random data
fuzzdb-1.08 -- A comprehensive set of fuzzing patterns
fv-1.03_2 -- A viewer of hdr/pfm images
fvcool-1.0.4 -- VCool for FreeBSD - Cooling software for AMD Athlon/Duron CPUs
fvm-0.15.3 -- Code_Saturne Finite Volume Mesh
fvwm-1.24r_4 -- The fvwm window manager
fvwm-2.6.5_1 -- Popular virtual window manager for X
fvwm-crystal-3.0.6_7 -- Easy, eye-candy, light and powerful virtual wm for X
fvwm-themes-0.7.0_5 -- Themes for the Fvwm2 window manager
fvwm2-i18n-2.6.5_1 -- Popular virtual window manager for X
fwanalog-0.6.9_5 -- A firewall log summarizer that uses Analog
fwbuilder-5.1.0_1 -- Firewall Builder GUI and policy compilers
fwbuilder-devel-5.0.1.b3592 -- Firewall Builder GUI and policy compilers
fwipe-0.36_1 -- A djb-style file wiping utility
fwknop-1.8.3_2 -- SPA implementation for Linux and FreeBSD
fwlogwatch-1.1_2 -- A packet filter and firewall log analyzer
fwtk-2.1_3 -- A toolkit used for building firewalls based on proxy services
fxite-0.7_4 -- An advanced cross-platform text editor
fxload-20100510 -- Firmware download to EZ-USB devices
fxscintilla-2.28.0_3 -- A Fox toolkit reimplementation of Scintilla editing widget
fxsudoku-0.5.1_22 -- An implementation of the Sudoku game
fxt-2012.06.18 -- FFT code and related stuff
fxtv-1.03_11 -- X-based TV Display and Capture Application (for use with bt848 driver)
fy-aspell-0.12.0_1 -- Aspell Frisian (Frysk) dictionary
fy-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Frisian messages and documentation for KDE3
fy-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Frisian messages and documentation for KDE4
fyre-1.0.1_1 -- Chaos map rendering system with GTK+-2 interface
g-cows-1.9.1 -- Scripting language for creation of web sites
g-gcl-1.10 -- Sample counter scripts for Graphic Counter Language
g-wrap-1.9.6_6 -- A tool for exporting C libraries into Scheme interpreters
g2-0.40_8 -- Easy to use, portable, and powerful 2D graphics library
g2c-0.4_4 -- Glade to C translator
g2ipmsg-0.9.3_7 -- A popup style message communication tool for GNOME2
g3data-1.5.3_4 -- Utility for extracting data from graphs
g95-0.92.20090624 -- Fortran 95 compiler from
gTweakUI-0.4.0_11 -- A collection of simple dialogs as a front end to GConf
ga-aspell-4.5.0 -- Aspell Irish (Gaelic) dictionary
ga-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Irish messages and documentation for KDE3
ga-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Irish messages and documentation for KDE4
ga-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ga language pack for libreoffice
gaa-1.6.6 -- GPL Argument Analyser
gaddr-1.1.4_5 -- A GTK (and optionally, GNOME) address book
gadfly-1.0.0_4 -- An SQL database written in Python
gaeo-0.3 -- An open-source web framework running on Google App Engine
gaffitter-0.6.0 -- A bin packing utility that uses a genetic algorithm
gag-2.9 -- A stacheldraht (DOS attack) agent detector
gai-0.5.10_13 -- General Applet Interface Library
gai-leds-0.6_7 -- A GAI applet that displays the keyboard status leds
gajim-0.15.2 -- Jabber client based on a plugin system
gajim-devel-20101030_1 -- Gajim is a Jabber client based on a plugin system
gal2-2.5.3_10 -- A collection of widgets taken from GNOME 2 gnumeric
gal2-reference-2.5.3_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gal2
galaxis-1.8 -- Clone of the nifty little Macintosh game
galaxyhack-1.74_11 -- AI script based strategy game
galaxymage-0.3.0_7 -- Open source tactical and strategic RPG
galculator-2.0 -- GTK-based scientific calculator
gale-0.99f_2 -- A secure instant messaging system
gallery-1.5.10_1 -- A slick web based photo album written using PHP
gallery2-2.3.2_1 -- Web based photo album organizer written in PHP
gallery3-3.0.4_1 -- Web based photo album organizer written in PHP
gambas-1.0.19_12 -- Gambas Almost Means BASic
gambit-0.2010.09.01_1 -- A library of tools for doing computation in game theory
gambit-c-v4.6.6 -- Gambit programming system where the compiler generates portable C code
gamess-20090112.3_2 -- A freely obtainable ab-initio molecular orbital calculation program
gamin-0.1.10_4 -- A file and directory monitoring system
gammu-1.32.0 -- GNU All Mobile Management Utilities
gammu-devel-1.31.90 -- GNU All Mobile Management Utilities - Development version
ganglia-monitor-core-3.1.7_4 -- Ganglia cluster monitor, monitoring daemon
ganglia-webfrontend-3.1.7_3 -- Ganglia cluster monitor, web frontend
ganttproject-2.1.m3 -- Plan projects using a Gantt chart
ganyremote-5.11.7_1 -- GNOME frontend for anyRemote
gap- -- GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra
gapcmon-0.8.9_4 -- Monitor apcupsd with GTK+2 GUI
gaphor-0.9.2_10 -- UML modeling environment written in Python
garcon-0.2.0_1 -- Xfce 4 essential utilities and scripts
garith-2.1_5 -- Arithmetic quiz program for X Window System
garlic-1.6 -- Molecular viewer, editor, and visualization program
garmin-utils-2.5_1 -- Utilities for Garmin GPS receivers
gastex-2.7_4 -- Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
gate-2.06_1 -- A simple and unobtrusive line-oriented text editor
gatekeeper-2.2.8_2 -- GnuGK is GPL Gate Keeper for OhPhone, GnomeMeeting, NetMeeting, and H323
gateway6-6.0_1 -- Gateway6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
gather-0.4.1 -- Utility to store and display system statistics
gatling-0.12 -- A high performance webserver with scalability benchmark tools
gauche-0.9.2 -- Scheme script interpreter with multibyte character handling
gauche-gaunit-0.1.6 -- An unit testing framework in Gauche
gauche-gl-0.5.1_1 -- OpenGL binding for Gauche
gauche-readline-0.1_1 -- A pure gauche/scheme implementation of the Readline library
gaul-0.1849.0_3 -- Genetic Algorithm Utility Library
gaupol-0.19.2_1 -- Subtitle editor
gavl-1.4.0 -- A library for handling uncompressed video and audio data
gawk-4.0.1 -- The GNU version of Awk
gazpacho-0.7.2_4 -- GUI builder for the GTK+ toolkit
gbase-0.5_6 -- A program to convert between the 4 common bases used in programming
gbdfed-1.6 -- A GTK2 bitmap font editor
gbe-0.0.22_3 -- Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator with GNU source code
gbemol-0.3.2_9 -- Graphical frontend for the Music Player Daemon
gbirthday-0.6.5_3 -- A birthday reminder for Evolution and some others
gbottler-0.1.7_1 -- SSTP Bottle client
gbrainy-2.1.5 -- Brain teaser game and trainer
gbsdconv-1.0 -- GUI for bsdconv
gbsplay-0.0.8_5 -- Emulates the sound hardware of the Nintendo Game Boy(TM)
gbuffy-0.2.6_5 -- A GTK+ multiple mailbox "biff" program
gcal-3.6.2 -- The GNU Gregorian calendar program
gcalcli-1.4_2 -- Google Calendar Command Line Interface
gcalctool-5.32.2_1 -- A GNOME 2 calculator tool based on the old calctool for OpenWindows
gcap-0.1.1 -- Command line tool for downloading Youtube closed captions
gcb-0.2.8_7 -- A GTK+ tool for managing x11 cut-buffers
gcc-3.4.6_3 -- GNU Compiler Collection 3.4
gcc- -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.2
gcc-4.4.7 -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.4
gcc-4.6.3 -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.6
gcc- -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.6
gcc- -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.7
gcc- -- GNU Compiler Collection 4.8
gcc-aux-20120614_1 -- Version of GCC 4.7 with full Ada support
gccmakedep-1.0.2 -- Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -M'
gcdmaster-1.2.3_4 -- GNOME frontend for cdrdao
gcfilms-6.4_2 -- Tool to manage movie collections
gchemutils-0.12.10_1 -- C++ classes and Gtk2 widgets related to chemistry
gcipher-1.1_1 -- A simple encryption tool
gcl-2.6.7_7 -- GNU Common Lisp
gcolor-0.4_5 -- GTK-based color picker
gcolor2-0.4_9 -- A simple GTK+ 2.0 color selector
gcombust-0.1.55_6 -- A GTK+ frontend for mkisofs and cdrecord
gcompmgr-0.21_7 -- A GNOME interface to xcompmgr
gcompris-12.05_1 -- Gnome2 educational games and activities for kids ages 2 to 10
gconf-1.0.9_18 -- A configuration database system for GNOME
gconf-editor-2.32.0_1 -- A gconf database editor for the GNOME 2 environment
gconf2-2.32.0_3 -- A configuration database system for GNOME
gconf2-reference-2.32.0_1 -- Programming reference for devel/gconf2
gconfmm-2.0.2_11 -- C++ wrapper for gconf2 API library
gconfmm-2.28.2_1 -- C++ wrapper for gconf2 API library
gcpio-2.11_1 -- GNU cpio copies files to and from archives
gcstar-1.7.0 -- Open source application for managing your collections
gctpc-1.3_1 -- An USGS General Cartographic Transformation Package (GCTP)
gcube-0.4_7 -- Gamecube emulator
gcvs-1.0_12 -- High-end interface client for CVS
gd-2.0.35_8 -- A graphics library for fast creation of images
gd-aspell- -- Aspell Scottish Gaelic dictionary
gd-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- gd language pack for libreoffice
gdado-2.2_6 -- GTK2 dice roller
gdal-1.9.1_1 -- A translator library for geospatial data formats
gdal-grass-1.4.3_10 -- GDAL drivers for GRASS raster and vector files
gdam-0.942_9 -- DJ mixing software suitable for live performances
gdb-6.6_2 -- GNU GDB of newer version than comes with the system
gdb-7.5_1 -- GNU GDB of newer version than comes with the system
gdb-insight-6.6 -- Gnu debugger with the Insight GUI front-end
gdbm-1.9.1 -- The GNU database manager
gdbmods-20020824 -- Wrapper for gdb -k to provide kld symbol information
gdc-0.24_6 -- D Front End for GCC
gdcalc-2.15_6 -- Gnome-based scientific calculator
gdchart-0.11.5_6 -- Easy to use fast C API for creating charts and graphs
gdcm-2.2.1 -- Grassroots DICOM library
gdesklets-0.36.2_1 -- A framework for Gnome 2.x for desktop applets
gdesklets-clock-0.32_14 -- Various clock displays for Gnome 2.x
gdesklets-countdown-0.8_14 -- Countdown the remaining time until a configurable date
gdesklets-ebichuclock-0.1.1_14 -- A very simple clock with a small Ebichu picture in it
gdesklets-recentlyused-0.6_12 -- A toolbar for the most recently used items from ~/.recently-used
gdesklets-starterbar-0.31.3_3 -- An icon bar for GNOME 2.x where you can put starters into
gdesklets-tasklist-0.10_11 -- Displays the GNOME tasklist and floats above the other windows
gdialog-2.5 -- A Project X addon to read Siemens Gigaset M740AV video recordings
gdict-0.7_4 -- Small program that finds definitions of arbitrary (English) words
gdis-0.89_6 -- Display and manipulation of isolated molecules and periodic systems
gdisk-0.8.5 -- GPT fdisk
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0_12 -- A graphic library for GTK+
gdk-pixbuf-2.23.5_3 -- A graphic library for GTK+
gdkxft-1.5_7 -- An anti-aliased font support for gtk+
gdl-2.30.1_1 -- Components intended to be shared between GNOME development tools
gdl2-0.12.0_3 -- GNUstep Database Library 2 (Enterprise Objects Framework)
gdm-2.30.5_6 -- GNOME 2 version of xdm display manager
gdmap-0.7.5_7 -- Graphical disk map Utility
gdnsd-1.6.8 -- Authoritative-only GeoIP-aware DNS server
gdome2-0.8.1_6 -- Gnome DOM Engine
gdsreader-0.3.2 -- GDS2 stream file to Postscript and HP/GL converter
gdt-3.0.5 -- GDS2/GDT format translator
gdvrecv-1.2_8 -- DV Tools for FreeBSD
ge-x2212-0.0.2010.09.15 -- EEPROM programmer for GE Phoenix SX Radios
geany-1.22 -- Fast and lightweight GTK+ IDE
geany-plugin-addons-1.22 -- Geany plugin: various small addons
geany-plugin-codenav-1.22 -- Geany plugin: some facilities for navigating in the code
geany-plugin-debugger-1.22 -- Geany plugin: debugging support (via GDB currently)
geany-plugin-devhelp-1.22 -- Geany plugin: API documentation browser
geany-plugin-doc-1.22 -- Geany plugin: execute command on the word at cursor position
geany-plugin-extrasel-1.22 -- Geany plugin: additional selection tools
geany-plugin-gdb-1.22 -- Geany plugin: debugging support via the GNU Debugger
geany-plugin-gendoc-1.22 -- Geany plugin: generate documentation from the sources comments
geany-plugin-geniuspaste-1.22 -- Geany plugin: pastebins support
geany-plugin-gproject-1.22 -- Geany plugin: extension of Geany's project management
geany-plugin-insertnum-1.22 -- Geany plugin: replaces selection with integer numbers
geany-plugin-latex-1.22 -- Geany plugin: LaTeX support
geany-plugin-lipsum-1.22 -- Geany plugin: Lorem Ipsum generator
geany-plugin-lua-1.22 -- Geany plugin: Lua scripting
geany-plugin-macro-1.22 -- Geany plugin: user defined macros
geany-plugin-miniscript-1.22 -- Geany plugin: pipe text/documents via script (shell, perl, awk, etc.)
geany-plugin-multiterm-1.22 -- Geany plugin: multi-tabbed virtual terminals emulator
geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks-1.22 -- Geany plugin: additional numbered bookmarks
geany-plugin-pg-1.22 -- Geany plugin: encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPG
geany-plugin-pretty-printer-1.22 -- Geany plugin: formats XML and make it human-readable
geany-plugin-prj-1.22 -- Geany plugin: alternative project manager
geany-plugin-sendmail-1.22 -- Geany plugin: send a document as attachment
geany-plugin-shiftcolumn-1.22 -- Geany plugin: move blocks of text horizontally
geany-plugin-spellcheck-1.22 -- Geany plugin: spell check via Enchant
geany-plugin-tableconvert-1.22 -- Geany plugin: convert tabulator separated selection into a table
geany-plugin-treebrowser-1.22 -- Geany plugin: alternate file browser
geany-plugin-updatechecker-1.22 -- Geany plugin: check for new version of Geany
geany-plugin-vc-1.22 -- Geany plugin: access to different version-control systems
geany-plugin-webhelper-1.22 -- Geany plugin: web development facilities
geany-plugin-xmlsnippets-1.22 -- Geany plugin: XML/HTML tag autocompletion
geany-plugins-1.22 -- Geany plugins (meta port)
gearmand-0.41 -- Gearman C Server and Library
gecko-mediaplayer-1.0.0_2 -- Multimedia browser plugin for Gecko based browsers
gecko-sharp-0.13_6 -- Mono bindings to embed Mozilla
gecode-3.7.3 -- Generic Constraint Development Environment
geda-1.6.2 -- The GPL Electronic Design Automation tools
geda-docs-1.4.3 -- The gEDA's documentation
geda-examples-1.4.3 -- The gEDA's examples
geda-gattrib-1.4.3_7 -- The gEDA's attribute editor
geda-gschem-1.4.3_5 -- The gEDA's electronic schematic capture tool
geda-netlist-1.4.3_4 -- The gEDA's netlister
geda-symbols-1.4.3 -- The gEDA's symbols
geda-symcheck-1.4.3_4 -- The gEDA's symbol checking utility
geda-utils-1.4.3_4 -- The gEDA's utilities
gedit-2.30.4_2 -- A small but powerful text editor for GNOME 2 Desktop Environment
gedit-plugins-2.32.0_2 -- Plugins for GEdit 2
geekbench-2.1.13 -- Cross-platform benchmark suite
geekcode-1.7.3 -- A Geek Code Generator
geeklog-1.6.1 -- Web content management system
geeqie-1.1 -- Lightweight image viewer forked from GQview
geg-1.0.2_7 -- Visualise multiple 2D-functions of one variable
gegl-0.1.8_4 -- A graph based image processing framework
geglmm-0.1.0_2 -- C++ bindings for GEGL
gemdropx-0.9_9 -- Interesting one-player puzzle game for X (SDL)
gemrb-0.7.1_1 -- GemRB (Game engine made with preRendered Background)
generate-2.6 -- Simple text pre-processor
generator-0.35_12 -- SEGA Genesis emulator
generator-cbiere-0.35.r4_3 -- SEGA Genesis emulator
generatorrunner-0.6.16_1 -- Tool to create binding generators for C++ and Qt libraries
geneweb-5.02 -- An advanced genealogy software
gengetopt-2.22.5 -- A tool for generating a C function which parses command line arguments
genius-1.0.12_1 -- Arbitrary precision calculator for Gnome Desktop Environment
genmenu-1.0.7_1 -- Generating menus for Bbox, Fbox, Obox, WM and E
genpak-0.26_8 -- A set of small utilities to manipulate DNA sequences
genplist-0.6 -- Generates a static plist for a port
genproto-0.4.1 -- Generates prototypes from C/C++ code
gens-2.12a_10 -- Sega Genesis/CD/32X emulator
gensig-2.3_1 -- A random .signature generator
gentium-1.0.2_3 -- Gentium TrueType font collection
gentium-basic-1.1.0 -- Gentium Basic and Gentium Book Basic TrueType fonts
gentoo-0.19.13_1 -- Gtk+ based, file manager inspired by DirectoryOpus
geoapi-2.1.1 -- A Java interface API based upon OGC Standards
geogebra-i18n- -- Dynamic software that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus
geoid-1.0_6 -- Geodetic computer for amateur radio use
geoip-java-1.2.8 -- Java bindings for GeoIP API
geomWatch-1.3.0_1 -- Watches for and e-mails admins about GEOM/ZFS state changes
geomgui-0.12_9 -- Viewer for kernel geom layer
geomorph-0.50_5 -- Height field generator and editor
geomview-1.9.4_2 -- An interactive viewer for 3- and 4-D geometric objects
geonext-1.71 -- Interactive (dynamic) elementary Geometry Software
geos-3.3.3 -- GEOS implements all the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL"
geoserver-2.1.1 -- An Open Source GIS Server
geoserver-mysql-plugin-2.1.1 -- A MySQL DataStore implementation for GeoServer
gerbv-2.6.0_1 -- A Free Gerber Viewer
geronimo-3.0.b.1 -- Open-source Java EE 5 application server
gervill-1.0 -- A generic sound synthesizer for Java
get_flash_videos-1.24.20120610 -- Download videos from various Flash-based video hosting sites
geta-19990419_1 -- Geta(GET Address) - Simple IPv4/IPv6 address resolving tool
getdelta-0.7.8_5 -- Script for reducing bandwidth load while upgrading ports disfiles
getdp-2.2.1 -- A rather general finite element solver using mixed finite elements
geteltorito-1.0 -- El Torito image extractor
getleft-1.2 -- Web site downloader
getline-3.9 -- A small, portable, and easy to use command line library
getlive-0.59 -- Get mail from Hotmail (Live) mailboxes
getmail-4.32.0 -- POP3/IMAP4 mail retriever with Maildir and command delivery
getopt-1.1.4_2 -- A getopt(1) replacement that supports GNU-style long options
gettext- -- GNU gettext package
gettext-lint-0.4_1 -- Check the validity and consistency of PO and POT files
gettext-msghack-0.2 -- Alter gettext po files in special ways
getxml-1.0.4_1 -- An XML internationalization tool
gexiv2-0.4.1 -- GObject-based wrapper around Exiv2 library
gexpr-2.0.2_1 -- A shell calculator
gfe-0.0.4_5 -- GTK+-based .bdf font editor for X
gff2ps-0.98d_2 -- Converts gff-formated genomic data-sets to PostScript
gflags-1.6 -- Commandline flags module for C++
gfontview-0.5.0_10 -- An outline font viewer
gforth-0.7.0 -- Fast and portable Forth system
gfp-0.7.2_5 -- Personal finances administration software
gftp-2.0.19_5 -- A free multithreaded GTK-based GUI ftp and sftp client
ggiterm-0.7.1_3 -- A terminal emulator for GGI
ggobi-2.1.9_1 -- Data visualization system
ggrab-0.22a -- Records MPEG2 streams directly from your Dbox2 over Ethernet
ggv-2.12.0_9 -- GNOME 2 ghostscript viewer
ggz-client-libs- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - Core Client Libraries
ggz-gtk-client- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - GTK+ Frontend
ggz-gtk-games- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - GTK+ Games
ggz-kde-client- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - KDE Client
ggz-sdl-games- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - SDL-based games
ggz-txt-client- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - Console (Text) Frontend
ghc-7.4.1 -- A Compiler for the functional language Haskell
ghemical-2.99.2_4 -- Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package
ghex-2.24.0_5 -- GNOME 2 hex editor
ghfaxviewer-0.22.0_13 -- GNOME compliant fax viewer capable of displaying TIFF G3 faxes
ghmm-0.7.0b -- General Hidden Markov Model Library in C
ghostess-20120105_1 -- Graphical DSSI host with JACK MIDI support
ghostscript7-7.07_25 -- Ghostscript 7.x PostScript interpreter
ghostscript7-commfont-7.07_11 -- Common files for Ghostscript 7.x CJK font support
ghostscript7-jpnfont-7.07_9 -- Japanese font support for Ghostscript 7.x
ghostscript7-korfont-7.07_6 -- Korean font support for Ghostscript 7.x
ghostscript7-nox11-7.07_25 -- Ghostscript 7.x PostScript interpreter
ghostscript8-8.71_10 -- Ghostscript 8.x PostScript interpreter
ghostscript8-nox11-8.71_10 -- Ghostscript 8.x PostScript interpreter
ghostscript9-9.06_1 -- Ghostscript 9.x PostScript interpreter
ghostscript9-nox11-9.06_1 -- Ghostscript 9.x PostScript interpreter
ghostview-1.5_3 -- An X11 front-end for ghostscript, the GNU postscript previewer
ghtool-1.0 -- A command-line interface to the resolver library
giacxcas-0.9.8 -- Computer algebra system by Bernard Parisse
giblib-1.2.4_11 -- A utility library that includes a wrapper for imlib2
gif2png-2.5.4_1 -- Converts GIF images to a PNG format
giflib-4.2.0_2 -- Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
gifmerge-1.33 -- A tool for making a GIF Animation
gifsicle-1.63 -- Manipulates GIF images and animations
giftool-1.0 -- A tool for GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
gigabase-3.86_1 -- Object-Relational Database Management System
gigedit-0.2.0_6 -- An instrument editor for gig files
giggle-0.5_3 -- GTK+ frontend for git version control system
gigi- -- OpenGL Graphic User Interface Library
gillo-1.0.b1_5 -- Players are cars throwing a magnetic fuzzy ball into a goal
gimageview-0.2.27_12 -- Yet another GTK+ based image viewer
gimmage-0.2.3_8 -- Simple image viewer
gimmie-0.2.7_9 -- Gnome desktop organizer
gimmix- -- Gimmix is a graphical MPD client written in C using GTK+2
gimp-2.6.12 -- The "meta-port" for The Gimp
gimp-app-2.6.12_1 -- A GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-data-extras-2.0.2_5 -- Collection of additional brushes and patterns files for GIMP
gimp-focusblur-plugin-3.2.6_2 -- Gimp realistic focus blur plugin
gimp-gap-2.4.0_8 -- GIMP Animation Package
gimp-gmic-plugin- -- GREYC's Magic Image Converter
gimp-gutenprint-5.2.8 -- GutenPrint Printer Driver
gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The meta port for GIMP User Manual
gimp-lqr-plugin-0.7.1_1 -- Liquid rescale GIMP plug-in
gimp-resynthesizer-0.16_2 -- Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis
gimp-save-for-web-0.29.3_1 -- GIMP Save For Web plugin
gimpfx-foundry-2.6 -- A collection of scripts for The Gimp 2.6
gindent-2.2.10_2 -- GNU indent
gini-0.5.1_7 -- A lightweight media streaming server
gio-fam-backend-2.28.8_1 -- FAM backend for GLib\'s GIO library
gio-sharp-2.22.3_1 -- GIO bindings not available in gtk-sharp
giram-0.3.5_17 -- A POV-Ray oriented modeller
girara-0.1.4 -- GTK2 Interface Library for Zathura PDF Viewer
gish-demo-1.60 -- A platform game with a gelatinous 12-pound ball of tar named Gish (Demo version)
gist-3.1.0_2 -- A gist pastebin posting command
git-1.8.0 -- Distributed source code management tool
git-merge-changelog-20120404 -- Git "merge" driver for GNU style ChangeLog files
git-review-1.18 -- Allow to push review and interact with a Gerrit server
git-subversion-1.8.0 -- Distributed source code management tool with FreeBSD subversion bindings
gitg-0.0.8_1 -- GTK-based git repository viewer
gitolite-2.3.1 -- An access control layer on top of git
gitolite-3.1 -- An access control layer on top of git
gitphp-0.2.8 -- A web based git repository browser written in PHP
gittrac-2.0.1 -- Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For Git
givaro-3.5.0 -- A C++ library for computer algebra
gjs-0.7.7_2 -- GNOME JavaScript binding
gjstest-1.0.7 -- Lightweight JS unit testing using the V8 engine
gkermit-1.0 -- File transfer utility using the kermit protocol
gkfreq-1.0_7 -- A plugin for gkrellm2 which displays the current CPU speed
gkleds2-0.8.2_7 -- GKrellM Leds for CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock
gkrellfire-0.4.2_4 -- Gkrellm2 plugin which shows the system load as a flame
gkrellflynn-0.8_8 -- A tiny system load meter for gkrellm
gkrellkam-0.3.4_9 -- GKrellM plugin that display thumbnails of periodically updated images
gkrellkam-2.0.0_12 -- GKrellM plugin that display thumbnails of periodically updated images
gkrellm-1.2.13_11 -- A GTK based system monitor
gkrellm-2.3.5_3 -- A GTK based system monitor
gkrellm-gamma-2.03_13 -- XFree86 gamma correction plugin for GKrellM
gkrellm-helium-2.3.1_10 -- GKrellM plugin reading data from helium thermometer at Strahov, Prague
gkrellm-reminder-2.0.0_9 -- GKrellM2 plugin that reminds you of important events
gkrellm-trayicons-1.03_7 -- GKrellM2 plugin to display definable icons as notifiers or launchers
gkrellm-xkb-1.05_10 -- X keyboard layout plugin for GKrellM
gkrellmbgchg2-0.1.11_1 -- A plugin for GKrellM, which changes the desktop's background image
gkrellmfmonitor-0.3_8 -- GKrellM FMonitor plugin
gkrellmlaunch-0.4_8 -- An application launcher plugin for GKrellM
gkrellmlaunch2-0.5_8 -- An application launcher plugin for GKrellM2
gkrellmmailwatch-0.7.2_8 -- GKrellM mailwatch plugin
gkrellmmailwatch-2.4.3_10 -- GKrellM mailwatch plugin
gkrellmms-0.5.8_9 -- GKrellM XMMS Plugin
gkrellmms-2.1.22_9 -- GKrellM XMMS Plugin
gkrellmoon2-0.6_9 -- A moon clock plugin for Gkrellm2
gkrellmqst-0.4_9 -- Plugin for Gkrellm that displays updated info on several game servers
gkrellmss-2.7_2 -- A plugin for GKrellM with a VU meter showing left/right channel audio
gkrellmvolume-0.8_8 -- GKrellM volume plugin
gkrellmvolume-2.1.13_9 -- GKrellM volume plugin
gkrellmwho2-0.2.8_12 -- Displays logged in users
gkrellmwireless-2.0.2_13 -- GKrellM wireless plugin
gkrellshoot-0.3.2_9 -- A screen locking and screen capture plugin for GKrellM
gkrellshoot2-0.4.4_8 -- A screen locking and screen capture plugin for GKrellM 2
gkrelltop-2.2.6_12 -- Plugin for gkrellm 2.x shows top three processes, requires procfs
gkrellweather-2.0.7_9 -- GKrellWeather is a weather plugin for GKrellM
gkremldk-0.9.8_1 -- Shows current mldonkey donwload/upload rates and allows setting them
gksu-2.0.2_1 -- Graphical frontend to su
gkx86info2-0.0.2_8 -- GKrellM2 plugin that simply prints the current clock speed
gl-117-1.3.2_7 -- An OpenGL & SDL action flight simulator
gl-aspell-0.2_1 -- Aspell Galician dictionary
gl-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Gallegan messages and documentation for Calligra
gl-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Gallegan messages and documentation for KDE3
gl-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Gallegan messages and documentation for KDE4
gl-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- gl language pack for libreoffice
gl2ps-1.3.7 -- A C library providing vector output for OpenGL application
glFlow-0.1.4 -- A NetFlow tool for detecting DoS attacks
glabels-2.2.8_3 -- A program to create labels and business cards
glade2-2.12.2_7 -- A user interface builder for GTK+/GNOME
glade3-3.7.3_1 -- A user interface builder for GTK+/GNOME
glademm-2.6.0_3 -- A C++ code generator backend for glade and glade2
gladtex-1.2_1 -- A program to replace LaTeX formulas in HTML files with images
glame-2.0.1_22 -- A powerful, fast, stable, and easily extensible sound editor for GNOME
glark-1.8.0 -- Search text files for complex regular expressions
glaxium-0.5_11 -- An OpenGL based space-ship "shoot-em-up" game
glbsp-2.20_1 -- BSP node builder for OpenGL ports of the DOOM game engine
glchess-1.0.6_6 -- A 3D OpenGL based chess game
glclock-6.0.b6.0_3 -- OpenGL spinning pocket watch demo and benchmark utility
gld-1.8_1 -- Greylisting daemon for Postfix
gle-3.1.0_3 -- A GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
gle-graphics-4.0.12_7 -- A graphics language that produces images from script files
glest-3.2.2_6 -- Free 3D real-time customizable strategy game
glest-data-3.2.1 -- Glest data files
glew-1.9.0 -- The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
glexcess-1.0_4 -- An impressive OpenGL Demo
glfw-2.7.6 -- Portable framework for OpenGL development
glgraph-0.2.6_7 -- An OpenGL based function grapher
glib-1.2.10_13 -- Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable version)
glib-2.28.8_4 -- Some useful routines of C programming (current stable version)
glib-java-0.4.2_2 -- Java wrapper GLib 2
glib-networking-2.28.7_4 -- Network-related giomodules for glib
glib-reference-2.28.8_1 -- Programming reference for devel/glib20
glibmm-2.28.2 -- C++ interfaces for glib2
glibmm-reference-2.28.2 -- Programming reference for devel/glibmm
glide3-v5-20020113_6 -- Library to support 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5/Banshee with the DRI
glife-0.2.1_11 -- Conway's Game of Life for GNOME
glightoff-1.0.0_1 -- Simple (but not so easy to solve!) puzzle game
glimmer-1.2.1_13 -- A full featured code editor for GNOME with many advanced features
glimpse-4.13.1 -- Text search engine
glipper-1.0_9 -- Clipboard manager for the GNOME panel
glitz-0.5.6_2 -- OpenGL image compositing library
gliv-1.9.7_1 -- An image viewer that uses Gdk-Pixbuf and OpenGL
glm- -- C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL
glmaze-1.1a_8 -- Multiplayer OpenGL Maze Game
glob2- -- Globulation 2 - a free and innovative strategy game
global-6.2.4 -- A source code tag system
glog-0.3.1_1 -- A library of C++ classes for flexible logging
glom-1.12.2_6 -- GNOME database designer and user interface
gloox-1.0_2 -- Jabber/XMPP client library
glosm-0.0.2_2 -- 3D OpenGL renderer for OpenStreetMap
glpi-0.83.5 -- Free IT and asset management software
glpi-plugins-AdditionalReports-1.3.0 -- This plugin enables additional reports
glpi-plugins-DataInjection-1.7.2 -- This glpi plugin allows data import into GLPI using CSV files
glpi-plugins-fusioninventory-server- -- Plugin of glpi to get information of networking devices
glpi-plugins-tracker-agent-1.5.3_1 -- Agent get informations of networking devices by SNMP for GLPI
glpi-plugins-tracker-server-2.1.3 -- Plugin of glpi to get information of networking devices by SNMP
glpk-4.47 -- A GNU Linear Programming Kit
glpng-1.45_5 -- Library to easily load PNG files as an OpenGL textures
glproto-1.4.15 -- GLX extension headers
glrparser-1.4_1 -- A parser which works with the GLR(0) algorithm
glsfcave-1.0_2 -- Control a ribbon to avoid hitting walls
gltron-0.70_10 -- A 3D worm game for two players for X Window System
gltt-2.5.2_8 -- TrueType fonts rendering using OpenGL
glui-2.36_1 -- GLUT-based C++ user interface library
glunarclock-0.34.1_1 -- GNOME applet that displays the current phase of the Moon
glurp-0.12.3_2 -- Nice and clean GTK+-2.x based graphical client for musicpd
gma-0.6 -- Go-moku game which learns playing the game from studying its opponent
gmail-notify- -- GMail Notifier
gmake-3.82_1 -- GNU version of 'make' utility
gman-0.9.3_11 -- A user-friendly graphical front end for the man system
gmanedit-0.4.2_6 -- A GNOME manpages editor
gmap-2006.04.21 -- A Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST Sequences
gmapcatcher- -- Offline map viewer
gmastermind-0.6 -- The well-known mastermind game
gmcal-0.0.1_4 -- GMCAL is a GTK+ frontend for the libmcal package
gmencoder-0.1.0_15 -- Gmencoder is Gnome2 front-end to mplayer/mencoder
gmerlin-1.2.0 -- Multimedia framework
gmerlin-avdecoder-1.2.0 -- General purpose media decoding library
gmessage-0.2_5 -- Gtk+ clone of xmessage. displays a given text in a X11 window
gmetadom-0.2.6 -- A Collection of DOM Implementations
gmfsk-0.6_10 -- The Gnome MFSK terminal program
gmidimonitor-3.6_1 -- GTK+ application that shows MIDI events
gmime-1.0.8_3 -- Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
gmime-2.2.27 -- Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
gmime-24-2.4.32 -- Library (written in C) for parsing and creating messages using MIME
gmime-24-sharp-2.4.32_2 -- Mono bindings for gmime
gmime-sharp-2.2.27_2 -- Mono bindings for gmime
gmimms-0.0.9_5 -- A frontend to MiMMS (Multimedia Stream ripper)
gmines-0.2 -- Well-known minesweeper game for GNUstep
gmixer-0.98c_5 -- X11/gtk+ mixer control
gml-0.4 -- Mbox & Maildir to Gmail loader
gmm-4.2 -- A generic matrix template library
gmp-5.0.5 -- A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmp-ecm-6.3_1 -- Elliptic Curve Method for Integer Factorization
gmpc-11.8.16_1 -- Full featured GTK2 client for musicpd
gmpc-alarm-11.8.16_1 -- A Alarm plugin for gmpc
gmpc-albumview-11.8.16_1 -- Draws all album covers
gmpc-discogs-0.20.0_2 -- Album Image fetcher for gmpc
gmpc-extraplaylist-0.20.0_2 -- A favorites plugin for gmpc
gmpc-lastfm-0.20.0_2 -- Last.FM metadata fetcher plugin for gmpc
gmpc-libnotify-11.8.16_1 -- A libnotify for gmpc
gmpc-lyrics-11.8.16_1 -- A Lyrics Provider plugin for gmpc
gmpc-lyricsplugin-0.20.0_2 -- A fetch lyrics gmpc plugin
gmpc-lyricwiki-11.8.16_1 -- A Lyricswiki Provider plugin for gmpc
gmpc-magnatune-11.8.16_1 -- The Magnatune plugin let's you preview music from Magnatune
gmpc-mdcover-0.20.0_2 -- Collects metadata for gmpc
gmpc-mserver-0.20.0_6 -- Lets you stream music files to your mpd that are not in your database
gmpc-shout-0.20.0_2 -- Shoutcast stream for gmpc
gmpc-wikipedia-11.8.16_1 -- Wikipedia info for gmpc
gmrun-0.9.2_10 -- A customizable program to run programs, with tab-completion
gmsh-2.6.1 -- An automatic 3D finite element mesh generator
gmsh-occ-2.6.1 -- An automatic 3D finite element mesh generator
gmt-4.5.8_3 -- The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package
gmusicbrowser-1.1.9_1 -- Jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc files
gnake-0.94b -- A Nibbles clone for GNU/Linux and *BSD
gnarr-3 -- A program for generating battle cries
gnarwl-3.6_2 -- Email autoresponder that gets data from LDAP
gnash-0.8.10_2 -- GNU Flash movie player
gnat-2010 -- The GNU Ada Compiler system
gnat-aux-20120301_1 -- GNAT Ada compiler based on GCC 4.6
gnatdroid-armv5-20120301 -- C/Ada cross-compiler, target: Android ARMv5
gnatdroid-armv7-20120301 -- C/Ada cross-compiler, target: Android ARMv7
gnatdroid-binutils-2.21.1 -- Infrastructure for C/Ada Android cross-compiler
gnatdroid-sysroot-9 -- Android-9 sysroot for C/Ada Android cross-compiler
gnatpython-20110912 -- Python package used in Ada testsuites
gnats-4.1.0_2 -- GNATS, the GNU Problem Report Management System
gnatsweb-4.00_2 -- Gnatsweb, a GNATS web interface
gnaural-1.0.20110606_2 -- Binaural beat generator
gnet2-2.0.8_1 -- A simple network library built upon Glib-2
gnetcat-0.7.1_3 -- GPL'ed re-write of the well known networking tool netcat
gnewtellium-0.05b_4 -- A gnutella client
gngb-20060309_5 -- GameBoy(tm) emulator
gngeo-0.7_9 -- NeoGeo emulator
gnmm-0.1.2_12 -- A "nine mens' morris" implementation for the GNOME Desktop Environment
gno3dtet-1.96.1_10 -- GNOME version of the classic 3D-ified T*tris
gnochm-0.9.11_7 -- A GNOME viewer for CHM files
gnocky-0.0.7_2 -- A graphical (GTK+2) frontend for gnokii
gnocl- -- GTK+ and Gnome extension for Tcl
gnofin-0.8.4_10 -- Light-weight GNOME based financial management program
gnofract4d-3.14_1 -- Weird GNOME fractal generator
gnokii-0.6.31_1 -- Tools to talk to GSM cellular phones
gnome-applets- -- Applets components for the GNOME 2 Desktop Environment
gnome-audio-2.22.2 -- Sound files for use with GNOME 2
gnome-backgrounds-2.32.0 -- A collection of backgrounds for GNOME 2
gnome-blog-0.9.1_7 -- GNOME app to post to blogs
gnome-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve GNOME meta-theme
gnome-clipboard-daemon-1.0_11 -- Program that keeps the content of your X clipboard in memory
gnome-commander2- -- File manager for Gnome2
gnome-common-2.28.0_2 -- Common automake macros for GNOME and GNOME 2
gnome-control-center-2.32.1_1 -- Control center for GNOME 2 project
gnome-cups-manager-0.31_14 -- Administration tool for cups
gnome-db-0.2.96_15 -- Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME environment
gnome-desktop-2.32.1_2 -- Additional UI API for GNOME 2
gnome-desktop-reference-2.32.1_1 -- Programming reference for x11/gnome-desktop
gnome-desktop-sharp-2.26.0_7 -- GNOME desktop interfaces for the .NET runtime
gnome-devel-docs-2.32.0 -- Documents targeted for GNOME developers
gnome-device-manager-0.2_5 -- HAL device manager for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-doc-utils-0.20.3 -- GNOME doc utils
gnome-games-2.32.1_3 -- The game applications package for the GNOME 2 Desktop Environment
gnome-games-extra-data-2.30.0_2 -- Themes and artwork for the gnome-games package
gnome-globalmenu-0.7.10_2 -- Global menu for gnome
gnome-gmail-notifier-0.10.1_3 -- A Gmail Inbox Monitor for the GNOME2 desktop
gnome-gpg-0.5.0_8 -- Simple commandline wrapper around gpg for gnome-keyring
gnome-icon-theme-2.31.0_2 -- A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-icon-theme-extras-2.30.1_1 -- An additional collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-icons-20060914_3 -- Meta-port for Gnome iconsets
gnome-icons-aqua-fusion-20030216_3 -- AquaFusion Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-crystal-1.2.0_4 -- Crystal SVG Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-dropline-neu-0.6 -- Dropline Neu Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-dropline-nou-090208 -- Dropline Nou Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-elementary-2.5 -- Elementary icon set
gnome-icons-faenza-1.2_2 -- Faenza GNOME 2 icon themes
gnome-icons-gentoo-test-0.1_3 -- Gentoo-Test Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-gion-0.1.2 -- Gion Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-iris-20050420_1 -- Iris SVG Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-jini-0.8 -- Jini Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-lila-0.6.4 -- Lila Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-noia-full-20041102_2 -- Noia Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-noia-warm-20041102_2 -- NoiaWarm Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-refined-20030203_3 -- Refined Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-slick-20030209_3 -- Slick Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-snow-apple-20030202_3 -- Snow-Apple Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-snowish-1.0_1 -- A Mac inspired icon theme for GNOME
gnome-icons-stylish-20030129_2 -- Stylish Icons for Gnome
gnome-icons-ximian-south-1.3.6_3 -- Ximian-South Icons for Gnome
gnome-js-common-0.1.2_1 -- GNOME JavaScript common modules and tests
gnome-keyring-2.32.1_2 -- A program that keeps passwords and other secrets
gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0.2_1 -- Fully managed implementation of gnome-keyring
gnome-libs-1.4.2_18 -- Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
gnome-look-0.1.3_5 -- A GTK theme engine designed to look nice with the GNOME desktop
gnome-mag-0.16.3_1 -- GNOME screen magnifier
gnome-main-menu-0.9.12_8 -- Provides easy access to sets of GNOME applications
gnome-media-2.32.0_3 -- Multimedia applications for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-menus-2.30.5 -- Implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
gnome-mime-data-2.18.0_4 -- A MIME and Application database for GNOME
gnome-mount-0.8_10 -- A front-end to mount, umount, and eject using HAL
gnome-mplayer-1.0.0_3 -- GNOME frontend for MPlayer
gnome-mud-0.11.2_2 -- GTK-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors, etc
gnome-netstatus-2.28.2_1 -- A GNOME applet that shows network status
gnome-nettool-2.32.0_1 -- A GNOME utility that provides network information statistics
gnome-osd-0.20.0_1 -- An On-Screen-Display infrastructure using Pango text rendering
gnome-packagekit-2.32.0_3 -- PackageKit client programs for the GNOME desktop
gnome-panel-2.32.1_1 -- Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnome-panel-reference-2.32.1_1 -- Programming reference for x11/gnome-panel
gnome-password-generator-1.6_5 -- GNOME 2 password generator
gnome-pilot-2.0.17_6 -- PalmPilot conduit system for GNOME 2
gnome-pilot-conduits-2.0.17_5 -- Additional conduits for gnome-pilot
gnome-pkgview-1.0.7_5 -- Displays the version of GNOME components installed
gnome-power-manager-2.32.0_2 -- Power management system for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-print-0.37_12 -- Gnome print support library
gnome-schedule-2.1.5_1 -- GNOME GUI for configuring a users crontab
gnome-screensaver-2.30.2_3 -- GNOME screen saver and locker
gnome-session-2.32.1_2 -- Session component for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-settings-daemon-2.32.1_4 -- GNOME 2 settings daemon
gnome-sharp-2.24.2_1 -- GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
gnome-shell-2.31.2_1 -- Next generation GNOME desktop shell
gnome-specimen-0.4_3 -- Gnome Specimen is a simple tool to preview and compare installed fonts
gnome-speech-0.4.25 -- GNOME text-to-speech API
gnome-spell-1.0.8_7 -- A GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking
gnome-ssh-askpass-5.8p2_1 -- A graphical ssh askpass utility for Gnome2
gnome-subtitles-1.2_1 -- Subtitle editor with video preview
gnome-swallow-1.2_11 -- Applet that swallows any X11 application into the GNOME 2 panel
gnome-system-monitor-2.28.2_1 -- GNOME 2 system monitor program
gnome-system-tools-2.32.0_2 -- Tools to configure workstations
gnome-terminal-2.32.1_2 -- Terminal component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnome-themes-2.32.1_1 -- A collection of themes and icons for GNOME2
gnome-themes-extras-2.22.0_9 -- More themes for the GNOME 2 desktop environment
gnome-translate-0.99_15 -- A natural language translator
gnome-user-docs-2.32.0 -- GNOME 2 users guide
gnome-user-share-2.30.1_2 -- Personal file-sharing service for the GNOME Desktop
gnome-utils-2.32.0_1 -- GNOME 2 support utilities
gnome-vfs-1.0.5_17 -- GNOME Virtual File System
gnome-vfs-2.24.4_1 -- GNOME Virtual File System
gnome-vfs-monikers-2.15.3_10 -- Gnome-vfs monikers module
gnome-vfs-reference-2.24.4_1 -- Programming reference for devel/gnome-vfs
gnome-vfsmm-2.26.0_4 -- C++ wrapper for gnomevfs2 library
gnome-vnc-0.1_10 -- A GNOME/gtk viewer for VNC servers
gnome-web-photo-0.10.3_1 -- Tool to generate full-size image files and thumbnails
gnome2-2.32.1_4 -- The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 integrated X11 desktop
gnome2-fifth-toe-2.32.1_3 -- Additional GNOME 2 applications not included in the core desktop
gnome2-hacker-tools-2.32.1_1 -- GNOME 2 development tools
gnome2-lite-2.32.1 -- The "meta-port" of the GNOME desktop slimmed down for FreeBSD releases
gnome2-office-2.32.1 -- GNOME 2 office applications
gnome2-power-tools-2.32.1_2 -- The 'Geektoys' for the GNOME 2 power user
gnome2-reference-2.20_1 -- The "meta-port" for GNOME 2 programming references
gnome_subr-1.0 -- Common startup and shutdown subroutines used by GNOME scripts
gnomeattacks-0.3_13 -- GNOME 2 game featuring a bizarre flying GNOME logo
gnomebaker-0.6.4_5 -- A CD/DVD recording GUI for Gnome
gnomebreakout-0.5.3_11 -- GNOME version of the classic breakout game
gnomecanvas-0.22.0_12 -- A graphics library for GNOME
gnomechess-0.3.3_11 -- A GUI chess front-end to crafy, for the GNOME Desktop Environment
gnomehier-2.3_12 -- A utility port that creates the GNOME directory tree
gnomeiconedit-1.2.0_10 -- Small GNOME icon editor
gnomekiss-2.0_7 -- GNOME version of Kisekae Set System
gnomememoryblocks-0.2_10 -- Memory Blocks game for GNOME
gnomemm-2.6.2_8 -- The "meta-port" for the powerful C++ bindings to the GNOME2 libraries
gnomephotoprinter-0.7.0_9 -- Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way
gnomermind-1.0.1_10 -- A puzzle game for Gnome, loosely based on the classic MasterMind game
gnomesudoku-0.6.0_7 -- GNOME Sudoku game
gnomoradio-0.15.1_16 -- A program for finding and playing free music from the Internet
gnono-1.9.1_7 -- Uno card game
gnopernicus-1.1.2_10 -- Collection of accessibility apps for GNOME 2
gnormalize-0.63_7 -- An alternative for replaygain
gnote-0.7.6_2 -- A port of Tomboy to C++, note taking application
gnotepad-1.3.3_8 -- Simple GTK-based text/HTML editor
gnotime-2.3.0_8 -- A time tracker for gnome2
gns3- -- Graphical Cisco network simulator
gnu-dico-2.2 -- Flexible modular implementation of DICT server
gnu-radius-1.6.1_4 -- GNU RADIUS server
gnu-unifont-20080820 -- Unicode Font
gnu-unifont-ttf-20080907 -- Unicode TrueType Font
gnu-watch-3.2.8 -- GNU watch command
gnubc-1.06_1 -- The GNU bc/dc calculator
gnubg-0.15_11 -- GNU Backgammon
gnubiff-2.2.13_3 -- A mail notification program for Gnome
gnuboy-1.0.3_9 -- Nintendo GameBoy emulator
gnucap-2009.12.07 -- The GNU Circuit Analysis Package
gnucash-2.4.11_1 -- Quicken-like money and finance manager
gnucash-docs-2.4.1_1 -- Documentation for gnucash
gnucflow-1.4 -- Tool to chart control flow within the C program
gnuchess-6.0.2 -- "Classic" Gnu Chess
gnudatalanguage-0.9.2_2 -- GDL, a free IDL compatible incremental compiler
gnugo-3.8 -- The game of Go
gnugrep-2.12 -- GNU grep
gnuit-4.9.5 -- GNU Interactive Tools - a file system browser for UNIX systems
gnuitar-0.3.2_7 -- The real-time guitar processor
gnulib-20120404 -- GNU portability library
gnulibiberty-2.19.1_2 -- Miscellaneous GNU functions
gnuls-8.12 -- GNU colorized 'ls'
gnumail-1.2.0_4 -- GNUstep mail client
gnumeric-1.10.17_1 -- The GNOME 2 spreadsheet
gnump3d-3.0_5 -- Streaming server for MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and other streamable audio files
gnunet-0.9.3_1 -- An anonymous, distributed, reputation-based network
gnunet-gtk-0.9.3 -- GTK interface to GNUnet
gnupg-1.4.12 -- The GNU Privacy Guard
gnupg-2.0.19_2 -- The GNU Privacy Guard
gnupg-idea-1.0.6_3 -- IDEA extension module for gnupg (and RSA for demonstration)
gnuplot-4.6.0_2 -- A command-driven interactive function plotting program
gnuplot371-1.2.0_8 -- A command-driven interactive function plotting program
gnupod-0.99.8 -- Set of Perl scripts for using an Apple iPod
gnuradio-3.2.2_4 -- Amateur Radio Software defined radio
gnurobbo-0.66_2 -- Reimplementation of LK Avalon's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL
gnurobots-1.2.0_8 -- GNU diversion wherein Scheme-coded robots explore a world
gnuserv-emacs24-3.12.8_12 -- A standalone release of gnuserv for GNU Emacs
gnusget-0.5.1_1 -- Shell-extension for wget which uses download- and history-file
gnushogi-1.4.0 -- GNU version of Shogi
gnustep-1.24.0 -- Objective-C libraries based on the OpenStep standard
gnustep-back-0.22.0 -- GNUstep GUI backend
gnustep-back-art-0.22.0 -- GNUstep GUI backend
gnustep-back-cairo-0.22.0 -- GNUstep GUI backend
gnustep-back-xdps-0.22.0 -- GNUstep GUI backend
gnustep-base-1.24.0 -- GNUstep Foundation library
gnustep-cdplayer-0.5.1 -- GNUstep CD player with CDDB support
gnustep-examples-1.3.0 -- GNUstep example applications
gnustep-ftp-0.3 -- Compact and handy FTP client for GNUstep
gnustep-gui-0.22.0 -- GNUstep GUI library
gnustep-guile-1.1.4_7 -- GNUstep interface to the GUILE scheme interpreter
gnustep-ladder-1.0_2 -- GNU Go frontend for GNUstep
gnustep-make-2.6.2 -- GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-notebook-0.3_2 -- A place to store notes in an organized manner
gnustep-objcunit-1.2_2 -- ObjcUnit framework for GNUstep
gnustep-preview-0.8.5_2 -- Simple image viewer
gnustep-slideshow-0.3.5_2 -- SlideShow Viewer
gnustep-slideshowkit-0.0.1_20050209 -- SlideShow Framework
gnustep-sudoku-0.7 -- Sudoku solver and generator
gnustep-ticker-0.1_3 -- RSS monitor for RSS and Atom feeds
gnustep-wrapper-0.1.0_2 -- Create GNUstep app-wrappers of non-GNUstep applications
gnutls-2.12.18_1 -- GNU Transport Layer Security library
gnutls-devel-2.99.4 -- GNU Transport Layer Security library
go-1.0.3 -- A concurrent, garbage-collected language
go.crypto-20121001 -- Additional cryptography packages for Go -- Additional Net packages for Go
goaccess-0.5 -- Real-time Apache web log analyzer
gob2-2.0.17 -- A preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C
gobby-0.4.12_4 -- A free collaborative editor
gobject-introspection-0.10.8_2 -- Generate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
goblin-2.8.b30 -- A Graph Object Library for Network Programming Problems
gocr-0.49_1 -- An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program
godis-20120405 -- A Redis client library written in Go
gofer-2.30b_1 -- A lazy functional language
goffice-0.2.2_10 -- GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
goffice-0.4.3_12 -- GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
goffice-0.6.6_6 -- GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
goffice-0.8.17_2 -- GLib/GTK+ set of document centric objects and utilities
gofish-1.1 -- GoFish Gopher Server
gogglesmm-0.12.6_6 -- Music collection manager and player
gogoc-1.2 -- GogoCLIENT, connect to Freenet6 tunnel
gogopetit-3.13 -- New variant of well-known GOGO-no-coda mp3 encoder
gok-2.30.1_1 -- GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK)
golddig-2.0_3 -- Getting the Gold and Avoiding Death
golded-1.1.5.a20110223 -- GoldEd+ (FTN message editor)
goldendict-1.0.1_6 -- Feature-rich Qt4 based dictionary lookup program
golem-0.0.6 -- Small window manager with themes and plugins
gomoku-1.2.9 -- GNUstep Gomoku game
gomysql-0.3.2_3 -- A MySQL client library written in Go
gondola-1.1_2 -- Create and optimize a distribution network of gondolas
gone-1.3.6 -- A terminal locking utility with many improvements over lock(1)
gonvert-0.2.25_1 -- A conversion utility that allows conversion between many units
gonzui-1.2_2 -- A source code search engine
goobox-2.2.0_1 -- CD player and ripper for GNOME Desktop environment
goocanvas-0.15_4 -- Canvas widget for GTK+
goocanvasmm-0.15.4_1 -- C++ bindings for the goocanvas widget for GTK
google-appengine-1.7.2 -- Development tools for Google App Engine (SDK)
google-ctemplate-2.2 -- A simple but powerful template language for C++
google-earth- -- Explore, Search, and Discover
google-gadgets-0.11.2_7 -- Google Desktop Gadgets
google-gdata- -- .NET library for the Google Data API
google-perftools-1.8.3 -- Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools
google-sitemapgen-1.5 -- Script to analyze web server and generate Google Sitemap files
google-sparsehash-1.1 -- An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
google-styleguide-66 -- A tool to assist with Google style guide compliance
googlebook_dl-20100502 -- A command-line utility for downloading books from Google Books
googlecl-0.9.13 -- Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
googlemock-1.5.0 -- A library for writing and using C++ mock classes
googletest-1.5.0 -- A framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms
googlog-1.18_1 -- GoogLog is a simple tool to search inside your syslog files
googolplex-0.1.0 -- Query Google, parse it and returns the result as a list
goom-2k4.0_3 -- Visual effects library
goonies-1.0.1_8 -- Remake of the 8 bit classic game 'The Goonies'
goose-0.5_3 -- Command line Google search utility
gopchop-1.0.0_7 -- MPEG2 GOP-accurate editor
gopher-3.0.6_1 -- Gopher client for access to a distributed document service
gopod-1.4_3 -- Utility to cap/uncap an iPod
goprotobuf-20120409 -- Go support for Google's protocol buffers
gorilla- -- Password Gorilla is a cross-platform Password Manager
gorm-1.2.16 -- Graphical Object Relationship Modeller
gosa-2.6.10_1 -- Web Based LDAP Administration Program
gosqlite3-20120330 -- A Go interface for SQLite3
gotmail-0.9.0_2 -- A script to fetch mail from a Hotmail or MSN mailbox
gotoblas- -- A fast implementation of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
gottet-1.0.4 -- A Tetris clone
gotthard-1.3 -- Ssh through https proxy tunnel
gource-0.38 -- OpenGL-based 3D visualisation tool for source control repositories
gourmet-0.15.9_1 -- GNOME recipe manager
gozer-0.7_6 -- Commandline text rendering utility - creates images from text
gpa-0.9.3 -- GTK2+ frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard
gpac-libgpac-0.4.5_6 -- Gpac MPEG-4 Systems library and headers
gpac-mp4box-0.4.5_1 -- A tool for merge mpg4 from Gpac
gpaint-0.3.3_5 -- A small-scale painting program for GNOME
gpasman-1.3.1_4 -- A password manager that stores password information encrypted
gpass-0.5.1_10 -- A password manager for GNOME2
gpctool-1.0.1_3 -- Evaluation tool for the Generic Polygon Clipper library
gperf-3.0.3 -- Generates perfect hash functions for sets of keywords
gperiodic-2.0.10_7 -- Displays a periodic table of the elements
gpgme-1.3.2 -- A library to make access to GnuPG easier
gphoto2-2.4.14 -- A command-line frontend to libgphoto2
gphpedit-0.9.80_5 -- PHP, HTML, and CSS development environment for GNOME 2.x
gpicview-0.2.1_4 -- A Simple and Fast Image Viewer for X
gpkgdep-0.2_2 -- Shows package dependencies in tree views
gplcver-2.12.a -- A Verilog HDL simulator
gplink-1.5 -- A GP32 USB linker tool
gplot-4.3_3 -- Graphic utilities for the processing of CGM metafiles
gpodder-3.3.0 -- Media aggregator and podcast client
gpp-2.24 -- The Generic Preprocessor
gprbuild-aux-20101120 -- Adacore multi-language software build tool
gpredict-1.2_1 -- Amateur Radio satellite tracking and prediction
gprename-2.7 -- Perl script for renaming multiple files
gprolog-1.4.1 -- Free Prolog compiler
gps-0.9.3_4 -- Ghost Port Scan
gps-5.0.1_1 -- GNAT Programming Studio - IDE for Ada and many other languages
gpsbabel-1.4.3 -- A GPS file translating tool
gpscorrelate-1.6.1 -- A gps file gpx correlate exif tag in photos
gpsd-3.6_1 -- Daemon that monitors one or more GPSes attached to a host computer
gpsdrive-2.09_13 -- A GPS navigation system
gpsim-0.22.0_8 -- A software simulator for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
gpsk31-0.3_7 -- A gtk psk31 client
gpsman-6.4.3 -- A Tcl/Tk-based GPS management utility
gpsmanshp-1.2_2 -- Shapelib support for gpsman
gpstk-2.0 -- Toolkit for developing GPS applications
gpte-1.0 -- A simple command-line GPT partition editor
gputils-0.14.3 -- A set of utilities for Microchip PIC microcontrollers
gpxe-1.0.1 -- Create an open-source PXE implementation and bootloader
gpxloggerd-0.2 -- A daemon that connects to the GPSD daemon and logs GPS traces
gq-1.3.4_8 -- GTK-based LDAP client
gqlplus-1.12 -- SQL*PLUS with commandline editing, history, and name completion
gqmpeg-0.20.0_10 -- Another gtk-based MP3 frontend
gqmpeg-0.91.1_12 -- Another gtk-based MP3 frontend
gqradio-1.9.2_10 -- GTK2 based FM tuner
gqview-2.0.4_13 -- Another gtk2-based graphic file viewer
gqview-2.1.5_8 -- Another gtk2-based graphic file viewer
grabc-1.1_4 -- Grab a color from screen
grace-5.1.23 -- Powerful 2D plotting tool (successor of xmgr)
gracer-0.1.5_12 -- A 3D motor sport simulator
gracetmpl-0.3.2 -- Provide an easy way to use existing grace-files as a template
gracula-3.0_1 -- A Graphic Counter Language compiler/interpreter
grads-1.9b4_5 -- The Grid Analysis and Display System
grafx2-2.3.1781_2 -- A pixelart-oriented bitmap painting program
graid5-1.1.20110927.40_1 -- RAID5 geom class
grails-1.3.6 -- Web framework built on Groovy
grake-0.1.0 -- Command line tool for scanning webpages for Youtube links
gramofile-1.6P_8 -- Audio recording and tick/scratch reduction for e.g. vinyl records
gramps-3.3.0_1 -- A GTK/GNOME-based genealogy program
grantlee-0.2.0_1 -- String template engine for Qt4
granulate-0.2 -- Granulate is a program for splitting files in place
grap-1.44 -- An implementation of Kernigan & Bentley's grap language
graphicboot-1.1_8 -- Provides graphical X Window startup to FreeBSD during 'rc'
graphite2-1.1.3 -- Rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
graphopt-0.4.1_5 -- Graph Layout Optimizer
graphthing-1.3.2_8 -- Tool that allows you to create, manipulate, and study graphs
graphtool-2.2.12_1 -- Python module for complex network based on C++
graphviz-2.28.0_1 -- Graph Visualization Software from AT&T and Bell Labs
grappa-2.0 -- Genome Rearrangements Analysis and Phylogeny Software
grass-6.4.2_5 -- An open source Geographical Information System (GIS)
graveman- -- Another GTK2 frontend for cdrecord, mkisofs, readcd, and sox
grc-1.4 -- Generic Colouriser
grc-aspell-0.02.0 -- Aspell Ancient Greek dictionary
grdesktop-0.23_12 -- GNOME frontend for the remote desktop client (rdesktop)
greed-game-3.8 -- A text puzzle game with the aim of clearing the game field
gregarius-0.6.1_1 -- Web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM news aggregator
gregexp-0.3_12 -- A graphical regular expression explorer
grepcidr-1.3_1 -- Filter IP addresses matching IPv4 CIDR/network specification
grepip-1.0_1 -- Print lines contans IP matching a pattern in CIDR format
grepmail-5.3033 -- Search mailboxes for a given regexp and display matching emails
gretl-1.9.9 -- GNU Regression, Econometrics, and Time-series Library
gretools-1.2.4_12 -- GNOME vocabulary builder
greyfix-0.3.9 -- A greylisting policy daemon for Postfix
greylite-2.3_1 -- Modified greylisting for qmail and for any other MDA
grhino-0.16.1_1 -- GRhino Othello/Reversi Program
gri-2.12.18_4 -- An extensible plotting language for producing scientific graphs
gribouy-0.0.8_13 -- Gribouy is a Type1 font editor
gridlock-1.10_2 -- A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
griffith-0.13 -- Lightweight film collection manager
grig-0.8.0_1 -- Amateur Radio control front-end
gringotts-1.2.10_3 -- GTK application to securely store sensitive data
grip-3.3.1_5 -- GTK front-end to external cd rippers and audio encoders
grisbi-0.8.9_1 -- Personal accounting application
grn-0.0.28_9 -- A NNTP client for Gnome
groff-1.21_1 -- Software typesetting package
grok-1.20110708.1 -- An expert system for real-time log analysis
gromacs-4.5.5_1 -- Compute molecular dynamics
gromit-20041213_7 -- GRaphics Over Miscellaneous Objects (Gromit)
groonga-1.3.0 -- Open-source fulltext search engine and column store
groovy-2.0.1 -- Agile dynamic language for the JVM
groupoffice-3.7.24 -- A modular web application framework vor office
growl-for-linux-0.6.8 -- Notification system compatible with Growl
grpn-1.1.2_5 -- GTK+-based reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator
grpplaylist-0.1_10 -- A playlist for Noatun
grr-1.0 -- Rss reader for GNUstep
grsync-1.2.2 -- GTK frontend for rsync
gru-8087_3 -- Gru makes your eyes happy
grub-0.97_4 -- GRand Unified Bootloader
grub2-1.98_1 -- Multiboot boot loader
grubik-0.1_2 -- Virtual 3D Rubiks cube for GNUstep
grubinvaders-1.0.0 -- A multi boot compliant game for i386
gruftistats-0.2.4_1 -- Produces a web page of statistics and quotes from IRC channel logs
gruler-0.6_10 -- A simple customizable GTK screen ruler
grun-0.8.1_6 -- Gtk-launcher similar to the Windows(tm) "Run..." dialog
grx-2.4.9 -- A 2D graphics library
grzip-0.3.0_2 -- Efficient file compressor
gsasl-1.8.0 -- GNU SASL Library
gsbench-0.5.2_2 -- Benchmarking tool for GNUstep
gscan2pdf-1.0.4_1 -- Produce PDF from scanned documents
gscheme-0.6_1 -- GNUstep-aware scheme interpreter
gscmxx-0.4.1_8 -- A graphical frontend for scmxx
gscommander-0.1_3 -- GNUstep simple unix command monitor
gsculpt-0.99.47_1 -- An Opensource 3D modelling application
gsed-4.2.1_2 -- The GNU stream editor
gseen.mod-1.1.1.p3_4 -- A seen-module for the eggdrop IRC bot
gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.0.1 -- Collection of globally shared GSetting schemas
gsfonts-8.11_5 -- Standard Fonts for Ghostscript
gsfv-0.2.1_4 -- Create or verify Simple File Verification (SFV) checksum files
gshisen-1.3.0 -- Shisen-sho puzzle game for GNUstep
gsi-0.9.6_1 -- General sound interface
gsk-1.0.63 -- A C library for writing servers
gskrab-0.0.1_2 -- GNUstep Keyboard Grabber
gsl-1.15_1 -- The GNU Scientific Library - mathematical libs
gsm-1.0.13 -- Audio converter and library for converting u-law to gsm encoding
gsmartcontrol-0.8.7 -- Graphical user interface for smartmontools
gsmc-1.1_4 -- Smith chart program for impedance matching
gsmlib-1.10_5 -- A library to access GSM mobile phones through GSM modems
gsnapshot-1.1_4 -- A gtk+ based screen capture
gsnes9x-3.12_10 -- A GTK front-end for the Snes9X SNES emulator
gsnmp-0.2.0_1 -- SNMP library written on top of glib and gnet2
gsoap-2.8.10 -- Generator Tools for Coding SOAP/XML Web Services in C and C++
gspdf-0.5 -- A Postscript and Pdf Viewer for GNUstep
gspeakers-0.11_13 -- Gnome-based loudspeaker design program
gspiceui-1.0.00_1 -- GUI frontend for gnucap/ng-spice circuit simulators
gspoof-3.2_14 -- Console/GTK+ TCP/IP Packets Forger
gss-1.0.2 -- GNU Generic Security Service Library
gssdp-0.13.0 -- Framework for UPnP devices
gst123-0.2.1_1 -- A command-line tool to play audio and video files
gstopd-1.1 -- GEOM stop daemon
gstreamer-0.10.36 -- Development framework for creating media applications
gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13 -- GStreamer plug-in for manipulating MPEG video streams
gstreamer-plugins-0.10.36_2 -- GStreamer written collection of plugins handling several media types
gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer ATSC A/52 stream aka AC-3 (dvd audio) plugin
gstreamer-plugins-aalib-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer ASCII art plugin
gstreamer-plugins-all- -- Meta-port of all gstreamer plugins with options
gstreamer-plugins-amrnb-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer OpenCore based Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrow-Band plugin
gstreamer-plugins-amrwbdec-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer OpenCore based Adaptive Multi-Rate Wide-Band Decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-annodex-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer annodex CMML plugin
gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.23 -- Bad gstreamer-plugins
gstreamer-plugins-buzztard-0.6.0 -- Buzztard gstreamer plugins
gstreamer-plugins-bz2-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer bz2 plugin
gstreamer-plugins-cairo-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer vector graphics plugin
gstreamer-plugins-cdaudio-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer frontend to libcdaudio
gstreamer-plugins-cdio-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer compact disc input and control library
gstreamer-plugins-cdparanoia-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer CDDA extraction (aka audio ripping) plugin
gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13 -- Core set of typical audio and video gstreamer-plugins
gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer dts plugin
gstreamer-plugins-dv-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer dv plugin
gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer dvd plugin set
gstreamer-plugins-esound-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer enlightenment sound library plugin
gstreamer-plugins-faac-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC encoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-faad-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-flac-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer free lossless audio encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-flite-0.10.23_1 -- Gstreamer flite run-time speech synthesis engine plugin
gstreamer-plugins-fluendo-mp3-0.10.20 -- Mp3 gstreamer plugin from fluendo
gstreamer-plugins-fluendo-mpegdemux-0.10.71 -- MPEG2 demuxing gstreamer plugin from fluendo
gstreamer-plugins-gconf-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer gconf plugin
gstreamer-plugins-gdk_pixbuf-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer image decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-gio-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer gio (Glib I/O) plugin
gstreamer-plugins-gl-0.10.3_1 -- GStreamer OpenGL video plugin
gstreamer-plugins-gme-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer game-music-emu (libgme) frontend
gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer gnomevfs plugin
gstreamer-plugins-gnonlin-0.10.17 -- Gstreamer lib for writing non-linear audio and video
gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31 -- Good gstreamer-plugins
gstreamer-plugins-gsm-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer gsm encoding/decoding plugin
gstreamer-plugins-hal-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer hal plugin
gstreamer-plugins-jack-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer low-latency audio server plugin
gstreamer-plugins-jpeg-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer jpeg encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-ladspa-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer ladspa (Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API) plugin
gstreamer-plugins-lame-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer mp3 encode plugin
gstreamer-plugins-libcaca-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer color ASCII art plugin
gstreamer-plugins-libmms-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer mms:// and mmsh:// plugin
gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer png plugin
gstreamer-plugins-libvisual-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer libvisual plugin
gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer mp3 decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-moodbar-0.1.2_5 -- Shows the "moods" of audio tracks in Amarok
gstreamer-plugins-mp3-0.10.0_1 -- Gstreamer Plugins Mp3 decoder meta-port
gstreamer-plugins-mpeg2dec-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer mpeg decode plugin
gstreamer-plugins-mpeg2enc-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer mpeg encoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-musepack-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer musepack mpc encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-nas-0.10.23 -- GStreamer NAS (Network Audio System) plugin
gstreamer-plugins-neon-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer neon plugin
gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer Ogg bitstream plugin
gstreamer-plugins-opencv-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer opencv real time computer vision plugin
gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.36_1 -- Gstreamer pango textoverlay plugin
gstreamer-plugins-pulse-0.10.31 -- GStreamer plugin for pulseaudio
gstreamer-plugins-resindvd-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer resindvd plugin
gstreamer-plugins-schroedinger-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer Dirac high-speed codec plugin
gstreamer-plugins-sdl-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer SDL plugin
gstreamer-plugins-shout2-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer icecast plugin
gstreamer-plugins-sidplay-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer Commodore SID decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-sndfile-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer sndfile plugin
gstreamer-plugins-soundtouch-0.10.23 -- GStreamer soundtouch plugin
gstreamer-plugins-soup-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer soup http src plugin
gstreamer-plugins-spc-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer OpenSPC frontend
gstreamer-plugins-speex-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer speex voice plugin
gstreamer-plugins-taglib-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer taglib plugin
gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer theora plugin
gstreamer-plugins-twolame-0.10.19 -- Gstreamer High-quality free MP2 encoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-ugly-0.10.19 -- Ugly gstreamer-plugins
gstreamer-plugins-v4l2-0.10.31 -- Gstreamer Video 4 Linux 2 source plugin
gstreamer-plugins-vdpau-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer nvidia vdpau plugin
gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.36 -- Gstreamer vorbis encoder/decoder plugin
gstreamer-plugins-vp8-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer vp8 codec plugin
gstreamer-plugins-wavpack-0.10.31 -- GStreamer written collection of plugins handling several media types
gstreamer-plugins-x264-0.10.19_1 -- Gstreamer x264 plugin
gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.23 -- Gstreamer xvid plugin
gstreamer-qt4-0.10.2_1 -- Qt4 bindings for GStreamer multimedia library
gstreamermm- -- C++ wrapper library for the multimedia library GStreamer
gsview-4.9_4 -- A GUI to view, search, print, and convert PostScript and PDF documents
gsynaptics-0.9.16 -- GNOME Synaptics Touchpad setting tool
gsystem-0.5.1_7 -- A multi-user virtual reality evolution and life simulation framework
gtamsanalyzer-0.42_2 -- Qualitative Research Software for the Free World for GNUstep
gtar-1.26 -- GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
gtetrinet-0.7.11_9 -- Version of the popular TetriNET multiplayer Tetris clone
gtg-0.3 -- GTD organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
gtgt-3.2.0 -- General (or GNU) template generation tools
gthumb-2.14.1_4 -- An image viewer and browser for the GNOME 2 environment
gti-1.0.4 -- Just a silly git launcher, basically. Inspired by sl
gtic-1.3.b -- The GNU file forwarder (FSC-0087) for fidonet-like networks
gtick-0.5.1_2 -- A metronome application
gtimelapse-0.1_1 -- An application for capturing images to generate timelapse videos
gtimer-2.0.0_1 -- A timer for your personal activities
gtk-1.2.10_22 -- Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-2.24.6_2 -- Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-3.0.12_2 -- Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
gtk-aluminumalloy-cryogenic-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, cryogenic flavor
gtk-aluminumalloy-smog-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, smog flavor
gtk-aluminumalloy-toxic-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, toxic flavor
gtk-aluminumalloy-volcanic-theme-2004.01.04_7 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, volcanic flavor
gtk-aquaextremesunken-theme-1.0_7 -- A port of AquaExtreme Sunken theme
gtk-aqualightblue-theme-0.1_11 -- A port of the GTK+ AquaLightBlue theme to GTK+ 2.0
gtk-aurora-engine-1.5.1_3 -- Aurora GTK+ 2.x engine and "Aurora" theme
gtk-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve GTK+ themes
gtk-cleanice-engine-2.4.1_5 -- A simplistic GTK+ 2.x theme engine
gtk-digital-cream-theme-1.0_7 -- Very neat and clean theme for GNOME desktop
gtk-digital-harmony-theme-1.1_7 -- Another popular theme for GNOME desktop
gtk-doc-1.15 -- Code documentation system, originally for GTK+
gtk-engines-0.12_12 -- Theme engine for gtk+ toolkits
gtk-engines-collection-1.8_7 -- The "meta-port" for the collection of several GTK+ theme engines
gtk-engines2-2.20.2_1 -- Theme engine for the GTK+-2.0 toolkit
gtk-envy-theme-1.0.20060211_8 -- Envy theme for GTK+ 2.0
gtk-equinox-engine-1.50_2 -- Equinox GTK+ 2.x engine and themes
gtk-flat-theme2-0.1_13 -- A port of the Flat GTK+ engine to GTK+ 2.0
gtk-gnutella-0.96.9_2 -- GTK based Gnutella client
gtk-gopod-1.4_3 -- GTK Utility to cap/uncap an iPod
gtk-gray-theme-1.7_7 -- Gray theme for GTK+ 2.0
gtk-imonc- -- GTK2-based imond-client to control an on(e) disc fli4l router
gtk-knocker-0.6.6_4 -- A simple and easy to use TCP only port scanner (GTK+ version)
gtk-launch-1.1.b_4 -- A fast GTK+ program launcher
gtk-lila-theme-0.5.5_6 -- GTK+ 2.0 Lila theme
gtk-lila-theme-extras-0.4.5_7 -- GTK+ 2.0 Lila additional themes
gtk-longhorninspirat-theme-1.0_8 -- A port of Windows XP theme Longhorn Inspirat
gtk-milk-theme-2.1_7 -- A port of Milk, Mac OS X theme
gtk-murrina-aqua-0.1_5 -- Murrina Aqua GTK+ 2.x cairo based theme
gtk-murrina-fancy-clearlooks-0.5_5 -- Murrine fancy clearlooks themes pack
gtk-murrina-lightblue-0.3_5 -- Murrina LightBlue GTK+ 2.x cairo based theme
gtk-murrine-engine- -- Murrine GTK+ 2.x cairo based engine
gtk-murrine-themes-0.3_5 -- Murrine theme pack
gtk-nodoka-engine-0.7.5_1 -- GTK nodoka engine and themes
gtk-oxygen-engine-1.3.1 -- Oxygen-Gtk engine and theme
gtk-qnxtheme-0.1_5 -- QNX-inspired theme for GTK1 and GTK2
gtk-qt-engine-1.1_9 -- GTK+ 2.x theme engine allowing to use Qt/KDE styles
gtk-recordmydesktop-0.3.8_2 -- GTK+ frontend to recordMyDesktop
gtk-reference-2.24.6_2 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtk20
gtk-reference-3.0.12 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtk30
gtk-send-pr-0.4.9_6 -- GTK2 send-pr tool
gtk-sharp-1.0.10_21 -- GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
gtk-sharp-2.12.10_1 -- GTK+ and GNOME interfaces for the .NET runtime
gtk-sharp-beans-2.14.1 -- Extensions on top of GTK-sharp
gtk-theme-switch-1.0.1_6 -- A command line tool for switching GTK+ themes
gtk-theme-switch-2.0.0.r2_5 -- A command line tool for switching GTK+ 2.0 themes
gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.6_1 -- gtk-update-icon-cache utility from the Gtk+ toolkit
gtk-vnc-0.3.10_6 -- VNC viewer widget for GTK+
gtk-xfce-engine-3.0.1 -- Xfce gtk theme engine
gtk-youtube-viewer-2.0.5 -- GTK Search and play YouTube videos streaming in MPlayer
gtk2-qtcurve-theme-1.8.15 -- QtCurve GTK2 Theme Engine
gtk3-oxygen-engine-1.0.3_1 -- Oxygen GTK+ 3 engine and theme
gtkada-2.22_1 -- Ada graphical toolkit based on Gtk2+
gtkam-0.1.18_1 -- Download and view files from various digital cameras
gtkatlantic-0.4.3_1 -- A game like Monopoly(tm)
gtkballs-3.1.5_11 -- Lines-like simple logic game for X Window System
gtkchtheme-0.3.1_10 -- GTK2 theme changer
gtkdatabox- -- A GTK+2 widget to display large amounts of numerical data
gtkdiff-1.8.0_9 -- A frontend for diff(1)
gtkdps-0.3.4_7 -- Gtk bindings for the Display GhostScript System
gtkextra-2.1.2_1 -- A useful widget set complementary to GTK+ 2.0
gtkfind-1.1_6 -- The program to use to have to remember all the options to find(1)
gtkglarea-1.2.3_3 -- An OpenGL widget for the GTK+ GUI toolkit
gtkglarea-2.0.1_3 -- An OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
gtkglext-1.2.0_9 -- An OpenGL extension to GTK
gtkglextmm-1.2.0_7 -- C++ wrapper for GtkGLExt
gtkgraph-0.6.1_12 -- Graphing calculator using GTK+
gtkguitune-0.8_3 -- A guitar (and other instruments) tuner for GTK
gtkhtml3-3.32.1_2 -- Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
gtkhx-0.9.4_6 -- A GTK+ version of Hx, a UNIX Hotline Client
gtkimageview-1.6.4_3 -- Simple image viewer widget
gtkjournal-0.3.5.b_13 -- Gtk+-2 journal/diary
gtklife-5.1_4 -- A GTK+ implementation of Conway's Game of Life
gtklp-1.2.9_1 -- A gtk interface to cups
gtkmathview-0.8.0_4 -- A GTK Widget to Render MathML Documents
gtkmm-2.2.12_13 -- C++ wrapper for Gtk+, Pango, Atk, and Glib
gtkmm-2.24.2_1 -- C++ wrapper for Gtk+, Pango
gtkmm-3.0.1_1 -- C++ wrapper for Gtk+, Pango
gtkmm-reference-2.2.12_7 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtkmm20
gtkmm-reference-2.24.2_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtkmm24
gtkmm-reference-3.0.1_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtkmm30
gtkmmorse-0.9.27 -- Graphical Morse Code Trainer
gtkparasite-20090819_4 -- GTK+ UI debugging tool
gtkpasman-0.11_1 -- A GTK+ passwords manager for system and network administrators
gtkperf-0.40_9 -- Measure your system's GTK+ performance
gtkpod-1.0.0_2 -- GUI for Apple iPod using GTK2
gtkpool-0.5.0_6 -- A 2D pool game using the GTK+ toolkit
gtkportscan-1.2_4 -- A simple port scanner that prints out open ports
gtkradiant-1.5.0_9 -- Level design program developed by id Software and Loki Software
gtksourceview-1.8.5_8 -- A text widget that adds syntax highlighting to the GtkTextView widget
gtksourceview-reference-1.8.5_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtksourceview
gtksourceview-sharp-0.12_4 -- gtksourview bindings for Mono.
gtksourceview2-2.10.5_1 -- A text widget that adds syntax highlighting to the GtkTextView widget
gtksourceview2-reference-2.10.5 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/gtksourceview2
gtkspell-2.0.16_4 -- A GTK+ 2 spell checking component
gtkspell-reference-2.0.16_1 -- Programming reference for textproc/gtkspell
gtksql-0.3_6 -- Graphical query tool for PostgreSQL and/or MySQL
gtktalog-1.0.4_11 -- A tool to make disk catalogs
gtkterm2-0.2.3_11 -- A simple GTK-2 terminal with tabs
gtktetcolor-0.6.4_11 -- Game for GNOME that resembles well-known Tetris and Columns
gtkunique-0.9.1_7 -- Single instance application library
gtkwave-3.3.41 -- Electronic Waveform Viewer
gtkyahoo-0.18.3_4 -- Yahoo Messenger Client using GTK
gtodo-0.14_13 -- An Gtk2 Todo list manager
gtoolkit-0.9.5_5 -- Obj-C wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
gtorrentviewer-0.2b_15 -- GTK+2 viewer and editor for BitTorrent meta files
gtranslator-1.1.7_10 -- A GNOME application for creating GNU gettext translation files
gts-0.7.6_1 -- GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gtstarter- -- Start gnome-terminal from a list of configured profiles (incl. Applet)
gtubeclock-0.9.1_11 -- A nixie tube clock for GNOME
gturing-0.1.1_18 -- Simple Turing machine simulator for GNOME 2
gtypist-2.9.1 -- Interactive typing tutor
gu-aspell-0.03.0_1 -- Aspell Gujarati dictionary
gu-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Gujarati messages and documentation for KDE4
gu-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- gu language pack for libreoffice
gubby-0.5.5 -- A program showing where new mail has been placed
gucharmap-2.32.1_1 -- A Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
guichan-0.8.2_5 -- A small, efficient C++ GUI library designed for games
guikachu-1.5.10_5 -- Resource editor for PalmOS(tm) systems
guile-1.8.8 -- GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile-gtk-0.60_9 -- Guile binding library for GTK+
guile-lib-0.2.1 -- A down-scaled, limited-scope CPAN for Guile
guile-www-1.1.1_2 -- Guile modules for WWW interaction
guilib-1.2.1_2 -- A very simple GUI framework for use with SDL
guiloader-2.19.0_1 -- A high-performance and compact GuiXml loader library
guiloader-c-2.19.0_1 -- A C++ binding to the GuiLoader library
guitartex-2.8.2_3 -- GuitarTeX converts the Chord format into "normal" LaTeX format
gunfudeadlands-1.01_2 -- Far West themed 2D shooter featuring bullet time
gup-0.4 -- Allows remote sites to change their newsgroup subscriptions
gupnp-0.18.4 -- Framework for UPnP devices
gupnp-av-0.10.3 -- Helpers for audio/video applications using GUPnP
gupnp-igd-0.2.1 -- Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gupnp-ui-0.1.1_4 -- Framework for UPnP devices
gupsc-0.3.1_11 -- A free Gnome client for the Network UPS Tools
gurlchecker-0.10.1_19 -- A Gnome program to check a page/website for broken links
guspat-20000706_2 -- Izumo collection of Gravis Ultrasound MIDI patches
gutenfetch-1.5 -- Fetch listings and books from Project Gutenberg
gutenmark-20090510_1 -- Attractively formatting Project Gutenberg texts
gutenprint-5.2.8 -- The "meta-port" for GutenPrint
gutenprint-base-5.2.8 -- GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-cups-5.2.8_1 -- GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-foomatic-5.2.8_1 -- GutenPrint Printer Driver
gutenprint-ijs-5.2.8 -- GutenPrint Printer Driver
gv-3.7.3_1 -- A PostScript and PDF previewer
gv-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Manx Gaelic dictionary
gvfs-1.6.6_3 -- GNOME virtual file system
gwave-20080127_6 -- Waveform viewer for analogue electronic simulation tools
gwee-1.36 -- Tool to exploit command execution vulnerabilities in web scripts
gweled-0.7_11 -- GNOME version of the game called "Bejeweled" or "Diamond Mine"
gwenhywfar-4.3.3_3 -- Multi-platform helper library for networking and security applications
gwenhywfar-fox16-4.3.3 -- Gwenhywfar FOX-1.6 support library
gwenhywfar-gtk2-4.3.3 -- Gwenhywfar GTK2+ support library
gwenhywfar-qt4-4.3.3 -- Gwenhywfar Qt4 support library
gwenview-1.4.2_11 -- An image viewer and browser for the KDE environment
gwenview-4.8.4_1 -- Image viewer and browser for KDE 4
gwenview-i18n-1.4.2_6 -- Localized messages and documentation for Gwenview
gwget-1.0.4_6 -- GNOME wget front-end
gwhich-2.20 -- GNU Which - Everything you never wanted in a which
gwhois-20100728 -- Flexible whois client and proxy
gworkspace-0.9.1 -- GNUstep workspace manager
gworkspace-clipbook-0.8.3_2 -- ClipBook for GNUstep workspace manager
gworkspace-gwmetadata-0.9.1 -- GWMetadata for GNUstep workspace manager
gwrite-0.5.1_1 -- A simple HTML format editor
gwyddion-2.30 -- Gtk2 based SPM data visualization and analysis tool
gx-0.4.0_6 -- Lightweight image viewer
gxanim-0.50_5 -- Graphical front end to Xanim
gxditview-1.19.2_3 -- An X11 based previewer for groff output
gxemul-0.6.0 -- Instruction-level machine emulator
gxine-0.5.907_3 -- An alternative GUI for the Xine media player
gxmame-0.35.b2_12 -- GXmame is a GTK frontend for xmame
gxmessage-2.12.4_1 -- GTK2 substitute for xmessage
gxmlviewer-1.3.3_13 -- An xmlviewer with a netscape plugin, and now a bonobo control as well
gxmms-0.2.1_14 -- Simple GNOME panel applet for controlling XMMS
gxmms2-0.7.1_1 -- A GTK2 based XMMS2 client, written in C
gxneur-0.15.0_1 -- GTK frontend for XNeur keyboard layout switcher
gyach-0.9.8_9 -- Gyach is a GTK+ based Yahoo! Chat client
gzip-1.4_1 -- A compression utility designed to be a replacement for compress
gzrecover-0.6 -- A gzip recovery toolkit
gzstream-1.5_1 -- Provides zlib functionality in an iostream
h2n-1.29 -- Translate host table to name server file format
h5utils-1.12.1_1 -- A set of utilities for visualization and conversion of HDF5 format
ha-0.999b_1 -- The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
habari-0.8 -- Next-generation free software blogging platform
hachoir-core-1.3.3 -- Hachoir core parser
hachoir-metadata-1.3.3 -- Extract metadata from files
hachoir-parser-1.3.4 -- Parsers of most common file formats
hachoir-regex-1.0.5 -- Regular expression manipulation library
hachoir-subfile-0.5.3 -- Find subfiles in any binary stream
hachoir-urwid-1.1 -- Binary file explorer
hachoir-wx-0.3_3 -- Hachoir GUI
hackbot-2.21 -- A host exploration tool and bannergrabber
hackedbox-0.8.4_2 -- Hackedbox is a small and fast window manager based on Blackbox
hadoop-1.0.0 -- Apache Map/Reduce framework
hal-0.5.14_20 -- Hardware Abstraction Layer for simplifying device access
hal-info-20091130 -- Additional FDI files to further classify HAL devices
hamfax-0.6.4_7 -- QT application for sending and receiving facsimiles over radio
hamlib- -- Shared libraries for Amateur Radio Equipment Control Applications
hammerhead-2.1.4 -- A webserver stressing tool
hamster-applet-2.32.1_3 -- Time management applet for the GNOME Desktop
hamsterdb-1.1.15 -- A Lightweight Embedded Database Engine
hanazono-fonts-ttf-20120421 -- CJK Mincho-typeface developed by Hanazono University
handbrake-0.9.8_1 -- Versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder
hangman-0.9.2_10 -- Challenge your spelling skills in the old western style
happydoc-3.0.a1 -- A tool for extracting documentation from Python source code
haproxy-1.4.22_1 -- The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
haproxy-devel-1.5.d12 -- The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
hapy-0.0.8 -- A runtime parser generator
harbour-3.0.0_1 -- An open source Clipper-compatible compiler
hardlink-0.2.0 -- Replace file copies using hardlinks
harminv-1.3.1_1 -- Solver of harmonic inversion
harp-0.5.2 -- Minimalist audio player
harvest-1.9.14 -- Collect information from all over the Internet
hashcash-1.22 -- Anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
haskell-mode-2.8.0 -- An Emacs lisp mode for editing haskell programs
hastmon-0.3.0 -- Cluster monitoring daemon
hastymail-1.5_3 -- Small, fast and secure yet powerful IMAP webmail
hastymail2-1.1_1 -- Small, fast and secure yet powerful IMAP webmail
hastymail2-devel-1.1.20110822 -- Small, fast and secure yet powerful IMAP webmail
hatari-1.6.1 -- An Atari ST emulator
hatop-0.7.7 -- An interactive real-time monitoring tool for the HAProxy unix socket
havp-0.91_1 -- HTTP Antivirus Proxy
hawk-0.6_1 -- Track uptime and DNS status for machines on your networks
hawknl-1.68 -- Portable networking library
hawknl-devel-1.70 -- Portable networking library (devel)
hawkvoice-0.91 -- Portable sound and speech compression library
hb-1.88 -- A simple, but complete budget management in Python
hbiff-1.2_2 -- A replacement for xbiff that handles popup window with mail headers
hcidump-1.5.1 -- Bluetooth traffic dumper, similar to tcpdump
hcs12mem-1.4.1 -- Software to manipulate EEPROM/FLASH memory
hdf-4.2.7.p1 -- Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
hdf-java-2.8 -- Java interface to HDF5
hdf-szip-2.1_1 -- Lossless compression library for scientific data
hdf5-1.6.9_1 -- Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
hdf5-1.8.9 -- Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
hdrecover-0.4_1 -- Attempts to recover a hard disk that has bad blocks on it.
hdup-2.0.14_5 -- The little, spiffy, backup tool
he-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Hebrew messages and documentation for KDE3
he-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Hebrew messages and documentation for KDE4
he-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- he language pack for libreoffice
health-nut-18.3 -- Nutrition software to record what you eat
healthd-0.7.9_2 -- A daemon to monitor vital motherboard parameters
heartbeat-2.1.4_16 -- Subsystem for High-Availability Clustering
hebcal-3.7 -- Hebrew Calendar calculator
hedgewars-0.9.17_3 -- Free Worms-like turn based strategy game
heimdal-1.5.2_4 -- A popular BSD-licensed implementation of Kerberos 5
heirloom-070715_3 -- The Heirloom Toolchest is a collection of standard Unix utilities
heirloom-doctools-0.0.080407 -- Portable and enhanced troff, nroff, and related utilities
heirloom-mailx-12.4_3 -- BSD mail utility with MIME, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and S/MIME extensions
heirloom-sh-050706 -- Portable version of OpenSolaris' Bourne Shell
hellanzb-0.13_1 -- Nzb downloader and post processor
hello-2.8 -- A utility for saying hello to the world and reading email
helma-1.7.0 -- A Web application framework for fast and efficient scripting
help2man-1.40.12 -- Automatically generating simple manual pages from program output
helpviewer-0.3_2 -- An online help viewer for GNUstep programs
heme-0.4.2 -- Small and fast console hex editor for Unix-like systems
hercules-3.05_3 -- The Hercules System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator
heretic-1.2_7 -- Unix source-port of the famous Heretic game by id Software
heroes-0.21_14 -- A game of yore similar to the "Tron" and "Nibbles"
herrie-2.2_8 -- A small command line interface music player
hesiod-3.1.0 -- A directory service built on DNS and BIND
hevea-2.00 -- Convert LaTeX to HTML
hex-0.0.2_9 -- Clone of "Puzzle Bobble" for X11 that uses GTK/Imlib
hex-a-hop-1.1.0_1 -- A puzzle game based on hexagonal tiles
hexalate-1.0.1_2 -- A color matching game
hexcompare-1.0.2 -- Compare and identify differences between two binary files
hexcurse-1.55 -- A versatile ncurses-based hex editor
hexedit-1.2.12 -- View and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII
hexglass-1.2.1_1 -- Tetris-like puzzle game based on a hexagonal grid
hexinject-1.4.1 -- HexInject is a very versatile packet injector and sniffer
hexpert-2.4.1 -- Hexpert - a simple but flexible binary file editor
hexter-0.6.2_5 -- DSSI softsynth that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7
hextools-1.1 -- Useful tools for dealing with hex files
hexxagon-1.0.1_1 -- A strategy hexagon game
heybuddy-0.2.2_2 -- A supposedly light, feature free client
heyu2-2.10 -- Control a CM11A interface from the command line
hf-0.8_8 -- Amateur Radio soundcard fsk, pactor 1, amtor, gtor, mt63
hf6to4-1.5 -- Enables 6to4 IPv6 automatic tunnels
hffzip-1.01 -- File compressor based on Huffman coding
hfs-0.37_1 -- Read Macintosh HFS floppy disks, hard drives, and CDROMs
hfsexplorer-0.21 -- HFSExplorer read Mac-formatted harddisks and disk images
hfsutils-3.2.6_2 -- Yet Another HFS Utility
hgrep-1.0 -- A nice Highlighting Hack for grep
hgview-1.6.2 -- A fast Mercurial log navigator written in pyqt4
hhm-0.1.1 -- HTML Help Maker
hi-aspell-0.02.0_1 -- Aspell Hindi dictionary
hi-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Hindi messages and documentation for KDE3
hi-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Hindi messages and documentation for KDE4
hi-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- hi language pack for libreoffice
hiawatha-8.6 -- Advanced and secure webserver for Unix
hicolor-icon-theme-0.12 -- A high-color icon theme shell from the FreeDesktop project
hidentd-0.4 -- Simple and secure ident (RFC1413) server
hidesvn-1.2 -- Utility that uses LD_PRELOAD to hide .svn directories
highlight-2.16 -- Customizable syntax highlighter
highlighterkit-0.1_2 -- Framework needed by Project Manager
highlnk-0.2 -- A tool to save disk space on hard disks by using hardlinks
highmoon-1.2.4_9 -- Duel in the universe
hil-aspell-0.11.0_1 -- Aspell Hiligaynon dictionary
hilite-1.5 -- A command-line utility to highlight anything printed to stderr
himenobench-2004.08.16_3 -- Himeno bench benchmark, solves Poisson eq. with Jacobi's method
hinfo-1.0_3 -- Utility primarily designed to find the owner of an IP block
hinventory-client-1.2.5 -- H-Inventory Client for FreeBSD
hinversi-0.8.2 -- Reversi/Othello clone
hiphop-php-0.0.20120716_2 -- Hiphop PHP to C++ code transformer
hippo-canvas-0.3.0_5 -- A client stacker popup widget for GTK+ toolkit
hiredis-0.11.0 -- Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database
histring-1.1.0 -- A tool to highlight strings using the ANSI terminal escape sequences
hk_classes-0.8.3 -- C++ Library for rapid development of database applications
hla-1.103 -- High Level Assembly
hlextract-2.4.3 -- Utility to extract data from various Half-Life file formats
hlfl-0.60.1 -- High Level Firewall Language
hllib-2.4.3 -- Library to work with various Half-Life file formats
hlmaster-0.9.3 -- A Half-Life game master server daemon
hlstats-1.62 -- A real-time statistics generator for Half-Life and its mods
hlstatsx-1.20.r2_1 -- Real-time player and clan rankings and statistics for HL2 and mods
hmap-0.1_1 -- Web server fingerprinting utility
hmmer-2.3.2 -- Profile hidden Markov models for biological sequence analysis
hnb-1.9.17_1 -- Hierarchical NoteBook a data organizer
hobbes-icons-xpm3-1.0_1 -- Collection of over 3000 icons in XPM3 format
holotz-castle-1.3.13_7 -- A platform game with high doses of mystery
homebank-4.4_2 -- Manage your personal accounts at home
honeyd-1.5c_5 -- Simulate virtual network hosts (honeypots)
honggfuzz-0.3 -- A general-purpose fuzzer with simple, command-line interface
hope-1.1 -- Hope is lazy interpreter for HOPE applicative language
horde-4.0.15 -- Horde Application Framework
horde-ansel-1.1.2_1 -- Image gallery
horde-ansel-2.0.1 -- Horde Photo Management and Web Gallery
horde-base-3.3.13 -- Common code-base used by Horde applications
horde-chora-2.1.1_6 -- CVS web-viewer
horde-content-1.0.3 -- Horde tagging application
horde-dimp-1.1.8 -- Dynamic webmail system
horde-forwards-3.2.1_2 -- E-mail forward
horde-gollem-1.1.2_1 -- Web-based File Manager
horde-gollem-2.0.2 -- Horde Web-based File Manager
horde-groupware-4.0.8 -- Horde Groupware
horde-hermes-1.0.1_2 -- Time tracking application
horde-imp-4.3.11 -- Webmail system for IMAP/POP3 mailboxes
horde-imp-5.0.23 -- Horde web based webmail system
horde-ingo-1.2.6 -- Email-filter management application
horde-ingo-2.0.9 -- Horde email filter rules manager
horde-jeta-1.0_7 -- Horde wrapper around various Java SSH applets
horde-klutz-1.0_1 -- Comic strip viewer for horde
horde-kronolith-2.3.6 -- Calendar application
horde-kronolith-3.0.17 -- Horde web based calendar
horde-mimp-1.1.4 -- Mobile webmail system
horde-mnemo-2.2.5 -- Notes and memos application
horde-mnemo-3.0.6 -- Horde web based notes manager
horde-nag-2.3.7 -- Simple multiuser task list manager
horde-nag-3.0.8 -- Horde web based task list manager
horde-nic-0.1.b20070316_7 -- Network service monitor
horde-passwd-3.1.3_2 -- Password changing module
horde-passwd-4.0.1 -- Horde password changing application
horde-timeobjects-1.0.7 -- Horde timeobjects application
horde-trean-0.1.b20070316_7 -- Bookmark manager
horde-turba-2.3.6 -- Contact management application
horde-turba-3.0.15 -- Horde web based address book
horde-vacation-3.2.1_2 -- E-mail auto-responder
horde-webmail-4.0.8 -- Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
horde-whups-1.0.1_4 -- Bug tracking/ticketing system
horde-whups-2.0.2 -- Horde bug tracking/ticketing system
horde-wicked-0.0.20080730_6 -- Wiki module for Horde
horde-wicked-1.0.1 -- Horde Wiki Application
hornetq-2.2.14 -- Multi-protocol asynchronous messaging system
host-setup-4.0.2 -- System configuration setup/management utility
hostapd-1.0 -- IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator
hot-babe-0.2.2_8 -- Small utility which displays the system activity in a very special way
hotcrp-2.52 -- Web based conference management software
hotkeys- -- Allows usage of special keys on internet/multimedia keyboards
hotot- -- Lightweight, flexible microblogging client
hotssh-0.2.7_4 -- HotSSH is an interface to Secure Shell, for GNOME and OpenSSH
hotwayd-0.8.4 -- A Hotmail -> POP3 gateway
hourglass-1.0.1 -- A real-time application useful to learn how CPU scheduling works
howl-1.0.0_1 -- Zeroconf/Bonjour(tm) implementation
howm- -- Write fragmentarily and read collectively
hoz-1.65_7 -- File splitter, GTK and CLI versions
hp2xx-3.4.4_5 -- A HPGL to vector- and raster formats converter and previewer for X11
hp48cc-1.3_2 -- C-like compiler that translates input code to the HP48 RPL language
hp48xgcc-1.0.2_2 -- GNU C cross-compiler for HP48 calculators
hpack-0.79a -- Multi-System Archiver with open keys PGP-based security
hpacucli-7.50_3 -- HP ARRAY CONFIGURATION UTILITY for Smart Array RAID cards
hpijs-2.1.4_6 -- Drivers and support resources for HP Inkjet Printers
hping-2.0.0r3 -- Network auditing tool
hping-devel-3.0.20051105 -- Network auditing tool
hpl-2.0_8 -- High Performance Computing Linpack Benchmark
hplip-3.12.2_2 -- Drivers and utilities for HP Printers and All-in-One devices
hploscripts-3.0_2 -- HP Lights-Out management perl scripts
hppsmtools-1.1 -- Tool for HP PhotoSmart C5340A & Konica Q-EZ digital cameras
hr-aspell-0.51.0_1 -- Aspell Croatian dictionary
hr-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Croatian messages and documentation for KDE3
hr-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Croatian messages and documentation for KDE4
hr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- hr language pack for libreoffice
hs-ALUT- -- A Haskell binding for the OpenAL Utility Toolkit
hs-Agda- -- A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant
hs-Agda-executable- -- Command-line program for type-checking and compiling Agda programs
hs-BNFC- -- A Labelled BNF converter
hs-Boolean-0.0.1_5 -- Generalized booleans
hs-ConfigFile-1.1.1_2 -- Configuration file reading and writing
hs-Crypto-4.2.5_1 -- Collects together existing Haskell cryptographic functions
hs-DeepArrow-0.3.5_2 -- Arrows for "deep application"
hs-Diff-0.1.3_2 -- O(ND) diff algorithm in haskell
hs-GLUT- -- A Haskell binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
hs-HGL- -- A simple Haskell graphics library based on X11 or Win32
hs-HStringTemplate-0.6.8_2 -- StringTemplate implementation in Haskell
hs-HTTP-4000.2.3_1 -- A Haskell library for client-side HTTP
hs-HUnit- -- Unit testing framework for Haskell
hs-HaXml-1.23.3 -- A collection of utilities for using Haskell and XML together
hs-HsOpenSSL- -- (Incomplete) OpenSSL binding for Haskell
hs-IORefCAS-0.2_1 -- Atomic compare and swap for IORefs and STRefs
hs-IfElse-0.85_1 -- Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow
hs-MaybeT-0.1.2_2 -- Support for computations with failures
hs-MemoTrie-0.5_1 -- Trie-based memo functions
hs-MissingH- -- Large Haskell utility library
hs-MonadCatchIO-mtl- -- Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception Haskell module
hs-MonadCatchIO-transformers- -- Monad-transformer-compatible version of Control.Exception
hs-NumInstances-1.0_2 -- Instances of numeric classes for functions and tuples
hs-ObjectName- -- Explicitly handled object names for Haskell
hs-OpenAL- -- A binding to the OpenAL cross-platform 3D audio API
hs-OpenGL- -- A binding for the OpenGL graphics system
hs-PSQueue-1.1_3 -- Priority Search Queue
hs-QuickCheck-2.4.2_1 -- Library for random testing in haskell
hs-RSA- -- Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS
hs-SHA- -- Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions
hs-StateVar- -- State variables for Haskell
hs-Stream-0.4.6_2 -- A Haskell library for manipulating infinite lists
hs-Tensor- -- Tensor data types for Haskell
hs-TypeCompose-0.9.1_2 -- Type composition classes and instances
hs-X11- -- X11 bindings for Haskell programs
hs-X11-xft-0.3.1_2 -- Bindings to the Xft, Xrender and Freetype for Haskell programs
hs-abstract-deque-0.1.5_1 -- Abstract, parameterized interface to mutable Deques
hs-abstract-par-0.3.1_1 -- Type classes generalizing the functionality of the 'monad-par' library
hs-aeson- -- Fast JSON parsing and encoding
hs-alex-3.0.1_1 -- Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
hs-angel-0.3.2_1 -- Process management and supervision daemon
hs-ansi-terminal-0.5.5_4 -- Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility
hs-ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.4_2 -- The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output
hs-arrows- -- Haskell arrow classes and transformers
hs-asn1-data- -- ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER, DER, and CER forms
hs-attempt-0.4.0_1 -- Concrete data type for handling exceptions as failures
hs-attoparsec- -- Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings
hs-attoparsec-conduit- -- Turn attoparsec parsers into sinks
hs-attoparsec-enumerator-0.3_2 -- Pass input from an enumerator to an Attoparsec parser
hs-authenticate- -- Authentication methods for Haskell web applications
hs-base-unicode-symbols- -- Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators
hs-base16-bytestring- -- Fast base16 (hex) encoding and deconding for ByteStrings
hs-base64-bytestring- -- Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
hs-bio-0.5.2_1 -- A bioinformatics library
hs-bits-atomic-0.1.3_1 -- Atomic bit operations on memory locations
hs-blaze-builder- -- Efficient buffered output
hs-blaze-builder-conduit- -- Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings
hs-blaze-builder-enumerator- -- Enumeratees for the incremental conversion of builders to bytestrings
hs-blaze-html- -- A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell
hs-blaze-markup- -- A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell
hs-blaze-textual- -- A library for efficiently rendering Haskell datatypes to bytestrings
hs-bloomfilter- -- Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations
hs-brainfuck-0.1_6 -- Brainfuck interpreter written in Haskell
hs-bsd-sysctl-1.0.7_1 -- Access to the BSD sysctl(3) interface
hs-byteorder-1.0.3_2 -- Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system
hs-bytestring-csv-0.1.2_8 -- Parse CSV formatted data efficiently with Haskell
hs-bytestring-nums-0.3.5_2 -- Parse numeric literals from ByteStrings
hs-c2hs-0.16.3_3 -- C->Haskell, an Interface Generator for Haskell
hs-cabal-install-0.14.0_1 -- The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
hs-cairo- -- Binding to the Cairo library
hs-case-insensitive- -- Case insensitive string comparison
hs-categories-1.0.3_1 -- Categories from category-extras
hs-cereal- -- A binary serialization library for Haskell
hs-certificate-1.2.3_1 -- Certificates and Key Reader/Writer
hs-cgi-3001.1.7.4_4 -- A Haskell library for writing CGI programs
hs-checkers-0.2.9_1 -- Check properties on standard classes and data structures
hs-citeproc-hs-0.3.4_1 -- A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell
hs-clientsession-0.7.5_1 -- Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
hs-cmdargs-0.9.5_1 -- Command line argument processing
hs-comonad- -- Haskell 98 comonads
hs-comonad-transformers-2.1.2 -- Comonad transformers
hs-conduit-0.4.2_1 -- Streaming data processing library
hs-configurator- -- Configuration management
hs-contravariant- -- Haskell 98 contravariant functors
hs-convertible- -- Typeclasses and instances for converting between types
hs-cookie-0.4.0_1 -- HTTP cookie parsing and rendering
hs-cpphs-1.14 -- A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor
hs-cprng-aes-0.2.3_2 -- Crypto Pseudo Random Number Generator using AES
hs-cpu-0.1.1 -- Cpu information and properties helpers
hs-criterion- -- Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis
hs-crypto-api-0.10.2_1 -- A generic interface for cryptographic operations
hs-crypto-conduit-0.3.2_1 -- Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api)
hs-crypto-pubkey-types-0.1.1_1 -- Generic cryptography Public keys algorithm types
hs-cryptocipher-0.3.5 -- Symmetrical Block, Stream, and PubKey Ciphers
hs-cryptohash-0.7.5_1 -- A collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure, and practical
hs-css-text-0.1.1_2 -- CSS parser and renderer
hs-csv-0.1.2_4 -- A CSV library for Haskell
hs-curl-1.3.7_3 -- Haskell binding to libcurl
hs-darcs-2.8.1_1 -- A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
hs-data-default-0.4.0_1 -- A class for types with a default value for Haskell
hs-data-lens-2.10.0_1 -- Haskell 98 lenses
hs-data-lens-template-2.1.5_1 -- Utilities for Data.Lens
hs-dataenc- -- Data encoding library
hs-datetime-0.2.1_3 -- Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use in Haskell
hs-digest- -- Various cryptographic hashes for Bytestrings
hs-directory-tree-0.10.1 -- A simple directory-like tree datatype, with useful IO functions
hs-distributive-0.2.2_1 -- Haskell 98 distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable
hs-dlist-0.5_6 -- A list-like type supporting O(1) append for Haskell
hs-double-conversion- -- Fast conversion between double-precision floating point and text
hs-drift-2.2.3_6 -- A type sensitive preprocessor for Haskell
hs-edit-distance-0.2.1_1 -- Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances
hs-email-validate-0.2.8_1 -- Validating an email address string against RFC 5322
hs-entropy-0.2.1_2 -- A platform-independent entropy source
hs-enumerator-0.4.19_1 -- Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators
hs-epic-0.9.3_1 -- Compiler for a simple functional language
hs-erf- -- The error function, erf, and friends for Haskell
hs-failure- -- A simple type class for success/failure computations
hs-fast-logger-0.0.2_2 -- A fast logging system
hs-fastcgi-3001.0.2.3_5 -- A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs
hs-feed-0.3.8_6 -- Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds in Haskell
hs-fgl- -- Martin Erwig Functional Graph Library
hs-file-embed- -- Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly
hs-filemanip- -- Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell
hs-filestore-0.5_1 -- Interface for versioning file stores
hs-filesystem-conduit-0.4.0_1 -- Use system-filepath data types with conduits
hs-frantk-1.1_4 -- A GUI library for Haskell on top of Tcl-Tk
hs-gconf-0.12.1_3 -- Binding to the GNOME configuration database system
hs-ghc-events- -- Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC
hs-ghc-mtl- -- An mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monads and monad-transformers
hs-ghc-paths- -- Utility looking for GHC installation directories
hs-gio-0.12.3_1 -- Binding to the GIO
hs-git-annex-3.20120807 -- Manage files with git, without checking their contents into git
hs-gitit- -- Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc
hs-glade-0.12.1_3 -- Binding to the glade library
hs-glib- -- Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs
hs-gstreamer- -- Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework
hs-gtk- -- Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library
hs-gtk2hs-0.12.2_2 -- A GTK2 Binding for Haskell
hs-gtk2hs-buildtools- -- Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface Libraries
hs-gtkglext-0.12.1_3 -- Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension
hs-gtksourceview2- -- Binding to the GtkSourceView library
hs-hS3-0.5.6_3 -- Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)
hs-haddock-2.10.0_1 -- A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
hs-hamlet- -- Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked
hs-happstack-7.0.0_1 -- The haskell application server stack + code generation
hs-happstack-server-7.0.3 -- Web-related tools and services
hs-happy-1.18.9_1 -- Happy is a parser generator for Haskell
hs-hashable- -- A class for types that can be converted to a hash value
hs-hashed-storage-0.5.9_2 -- Hashed file storage support code
hs-hashtables- -- Mutable hash tables in the ST monad
hs-haskeline- -- A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell
hs-haskell-platform-2012.2.0.0_1 -- The Haskell Platform
hs-haskell-src- -- Support for manipulating Haskell source code
hs-haskell-src-exts-1.13.3_1 -- Manipulating Haskell source
hs-hastache-0.4.1 -- Haskell implementation of Mustache templates
hs-hat-nhc98-2.06_1 -- A source-level tracer for Haskell 98
hs-hdoc-0.8.3_6 -- HTML documentation tool for Haskell
hs-heist- -- An (x)html templating system
hs-highlighting-kate-0.5.1_1 -- Syntax highlighting
hs-hint- -- Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)
hs-hjsmin-0.1.2_1 -- Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier
hs-hlibev-0.4.0_3 -- FFI interface to libev
hs-hlint-1.8.30 -- Source code suggestions
hs-hoogle-4.2.11_1 -- Haskell API Search
hs-hostname-1.0_5 -- Cross-platform means of determining the hostname
hs-hs-bibutils-4.12_4 -- Haskell bindings to bibutils, the bibliography conversion utilities
hs-hscolour-1.20.2 -- Colourise Haskell code
hs-hslogger-1.1.5_2 -- Versatile logging framework for Haskell
hs-hspec- -- Behavior Driven Development for Haskell
hs-html- -- HTML combinator library
hs-html-conduit-0.0.1_1 -- Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes
hs-http-conduit- -- HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support
hs-http-date-0.0.2_1 -- HTTP Date parser/formatter
hs-http-server-1_5 -- A library for writing Haskell web servers
hs-http-types-0.6.11_1 -- Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)
hs-hxt-9.2.2_1 -- A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell
hs-hxt-charproperties-9.1.1_2 -- Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode
hs-hxt-regex-xmlschema-9.0.4_2 -- A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions
hs-hxt-unicode-9.0.2_2 -- Unicode functions for UTF-8, iso-latin-* and other encodings
hs-idoc-0.2.6_7 -- A No Frills Haskell Interface Documentation System
hs-ieee754-0.7.3_1 -- Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers
hs-json-0.5_1 -- Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON
hs-language-c- -- Analysis and generation of C code in Haskell
hs-language-javascript-0.5.4_1 -- Parser for JavaScript
hs-largeword-1.0.1_2 -- Provides a way of producing other large words
hs-lazysmallcheck-0.6_2 -- A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs
hs-lhs2tex-1.17_4 -- Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX
hs-libmpd-0.8.0_1 -- An MPD client library
hs-libxml-0.1.1_5 -- Binding to libxml2
hs-lifted-base-0.1.1_1 -- Lifted IO operations from the base library
hs-logict- -- A backtracking logic-programming monad
hs-math-functions- -- Special mathematical functions and Chebyshev polynomials
hs-mime- -- Working with MIME types
hs-mime-mail- -- Compose MIME email messages
hs-mmap-0.5.8 -- Memory-mapped files for POSIX and Windows
hs-monad-control- -- Lift control operations through monad transformers
hs-monad-par-0.3_1 -- A library for parallel programming based on a monad
hs-monad-par-extras-0.3.2_1 -- Combinators and extra features for Par monads
hs-monadcryptorandom-0.4.1_1 -- A monad for using CryptoRandomGen
hs-mtl-2.1.1_1 -- Monad transformer library
hs-mueval-0.8.2_1 -- Safely evaluate Haskell expressions
hs-murmur-hash- -- MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell
hs-mwc-random- -- Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation
hs-mysql- -- A low-level MySQL client library
hs-network- -- Low-level networking interface
hs-network-conduit- -- Stream socket data using conduits
hs-oeis-0.3.1_3 -- A Haskell interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
hs-pandoc- -- Conversion between markup formats
hs-pandoc-types-1.9.1_1 -- Types for representing a structured document
hs-pango-0.12.3_1 -- Binding to the Pango text rendering engine
hs-parallel- -- Parallel programming library
hs-parsec-3.1.2_1 -- Monadic parser combinators
hs-path-pieces-0.1.1_1 -- Components of paths
hs-pcap- -- A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
hs-pcre-light-0.4_5 -- A lightweight Haskell regex library compatible with Perl 5
hs-pem-0.1.1_1 -- Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
hs-persistent- -- Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization
hs-persistent-sqlite- -- Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3
hs-persistent-template- -- Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence
hs-pointed- -- Haskell 98 pointed and copointed data
hs-polyparse-1.8_1 -- A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries
hs-pool-conduit- -- Resource pool allocations via ResourceT
hs-porte-0.0.4_5 -- FreeBSD ports index search and statistical analysis tool
hs-primitive-0.4.1_2 -- Wrappers for primitive operations
hs-probability-0.2.4_1 -- Probabilistic Functional Programming
hs-pureMD5- -- Haskell implementation of MD5 algorithm
hs-pwstore-fast-2.2_2 -- Secure password storage
hs-random- -- Random number library
hs-ranges-0.2.4_2 -- Ranges and various functions on them
hs-reactive-0.11.5_6 -- Push-pull functional reactive programming
hs-readline- -- Haskell interface to the GNU readline library
hs-recaptcha-0.1_2 -- Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications
hs-regex-base-0.93.2_4 -- Interface API for regex-posix,pcre,parsec,tdfa,dfa
hs-regex-compat-0.95.1_2 -- Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
hs-regex-pcre-builtin- -- Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
hs-regex-posix-0.95.1_2 -- The posix regex backend for regex-base
hs-resource-pool- -- A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation
hs-resourcet- -- Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources
hs-safe-0.3.3_2 -- A Haskell library for safe (pattern match free) functions
hs-scgi-0.3.3_4 -- A Haskell library for writing SCGI programs
hs-semigroupoids-1.3.4 -- Haskell 98 semigroupoids: Category sans id
hs-semigroups- -- Haskell 98 semigroups
hs-sendfile-0.7.6_1 -- A portable sendfile library
hs-shakespeare- -- A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates
hs-shakespeare-css- -- Stick your Haskell variables into CSS at compile time
hs-shakespeare-i18n- -- A type-based approach to internationalization
hs-shakespeare-js- -- Stick your Haskell variables into JavaScript at compile time
hs-shakespeare-text- -- Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings
hs-show- -- Haskell Show instances for Lambdabot
hs-silently- -- Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles
hs-simple-sendfile-0.2.4 -- Cross-platform library for the sendfile() system call
hs-skein- -- Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions
hs-smallcheck-0.6.1_1 -- A property-based testing library
hs-snap- -- Snap: project starter executable and glue code library
hs-snap-core-0.9.0 -- Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)
hs-snap-server-0.9.0 -- A fast, iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework
hs-socks-0.4.1_1 -- Socks proxy (version 5) implementation
hs-soegtk-0.12.1_3 -- GUI functions as used in the book "The Haskell School of Expression"
hs-split- -- Combinator library for splitting lists
hs-statistics- -- A library of statistical types, data, and functions
hs-stm-2.3_1 -- Software Transactional Memory
hs-strict-0.3.2_2 -- Strict data types and String IO
hs-stringsearch- -- Boyer-Moore/Knuth-Morris-Pratt string search library
hs-svgcairo- -- Binding to the libsvg-cairo library
hs-syb- -- Scrap Your Boilerplate
hs-syb-with-class- -- Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class
hs-syb-with-class-instances-text-0.0.1_2 -- Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class Text instance
hs-system-fileio-0.3.8 -- Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions
hs-system-filepath-0.4.6_1 -- High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations
hs-tagged- -- Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments
hs-tagsoup-0.12.6_2 -- A Haskell library for extracting information from HTML documents
hs-tagstream-conduit-0.3.2_1 -- streamlined html tag parser
hs-tar- -- Reading, writing, and manipulating ".tar" archive files
hs-temporary- -- Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and Unix
hs-terminfo- -- Haskell bindings to the terminfo library
hs-test-framework-0.6_1 -- Framework for running and organising tests, with HUnit and QuickCheck support
hs-test-framework-hunit-0.2.7_2 -- HUnit support for the test-framework package
hs-test-framework-quickcheck2- -- QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package
hs-testpack-2.1.2_1 -- Test Utility Pack for HUnit and QuickCheck
hs-texmath- -- Conversion of LaTeX math formulas to MathML or OMML
hs-text- -- An efficient packed Unicode text type
hs-threadscope-0.2.1_3 -- A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs
hs-tls-0.9.5_1 -- TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
hs-tls-extra-0.4.6_1 -- TLS extra default values and helpers
hs-transformers- -- Concrete functor monad transformers
hs-transformers-base-0.4.1_2 -- Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack
hs-unamb-0.2.5_1 -- Unambiguous choice
hs-uniplate-1.6.7_1 -- Help writing simple, concise, and fast generic operations
hs-unix-compat- -- Portable POSIX-compatibility layer
hs-unlambda-0.1_6 -- Unlambda interpreter written in Haskell
hs-unordered-containers- -- Efficient hashing-based container types
hs-url-2.1.3_1 -- A library for working with URLs
hs-utf8-light- -- Unicode
hs-utf8-string-0.3.7_2 -- Support for reading/writing UTF-8 strings for Haskell programs
hs-utility-ht-0.0.8_1 -- Various small helper functions
hs-uuagc- -- Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht
hs-uuagc-bootstrap- -- Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht
hs-uuagc-cabal- -- Cabal plugin for the Universiteit Utrecht Attribute Grammar System
hs-uulib-0.9.14_2 -- Haskell Utrecht Tools Library
hs-vault- -- A persistent store for values of arbitrary types
hs-vector-0.9.1_2 -- Efficient Arrays
hs-vector-algorithms-0.5.4_1 -- Efficient algorithms for vector arrays
hs-vector-space-0.8.2 -- Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives in Haskell
hs-void-0.5.6 -- A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type
hs-vte-0.12.1_3 -- Binding to the VTE library
hs-wai- -- Web Application Interface
hs-wai-app-static- -- WAI application for static serving
hs-wai-extra- -- Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware
hs-wai-logger-0.1.4_1 -- A logging system for WAI
hs-wai-test- -- Unit test framework (built on HUnit) for WAI applications
hs-warp-1.2.2 -- A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications
hs-webkit-0.12.4_1 -- Binding to the Webkit library
hs-wx- -- wxHaskell
hs-wxc- -- wxHaskell C++ wrapper
hs-wxcore- -- wxHaskell core
hs-wxdirect- -- Helper tool for building wxHaskell
hs-xhtml-3000.2.1_1 -- An XHTML combinator library
hs-xml-1.3.12_2 -- A simple XML library for Haskell
hs-xml-conduit- -- Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package
hs-xml-types-0.3.2 -- Basic types for representing XML
hs-xml2html- -- blaze-html instances for xml-conduit types
hs-xmlhtml- -- XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode
hs-xmobar-0.14_2 -- A minimalistic text based status bar
hs-xmonad-0.10_3 -- Xmonad is a minimalist and tiling window manager for X
hs-xmonad-contrib-0.10_3 -- Third party tiling algorithms, configurations and scripts to xmonad
hs-xss-sanitize-0.3.2_1 -- Sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
hs-yaml- -- Low-level binding to the libyaml C library
hs-yesod- -- Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-auth- -- Authentication for Yesod
hs-yesod-core- -- Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications
hs-yesod-default- -- Default config and main functions for your yesod application
hs-yesod-form- -- Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework
hs-yesod-json- -- Generate content for Yesod using the aeson package
hs-yesod-persistent- -- Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod
hs-yesod-platform-1.0.5 -- Meta package for Yesod
hs-yesod-routes- -- Efficient routing for Yesod
hs-yesod-static- -- Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework
hs-yesod-test-0.2.1 -- integration testing for WAI/Yesod Applications
hs-zip-archive- -- Library for creating and modifying zip archives
hs-zlib- -- Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
hs-zlib-bindings- -- Low-level bindings to the zlib package
hs-zlib-conduit- -- Streaming compression/decompression via conduits
hs-zlib-enum- -- Enumerator interface for zlib compression
hsb-aspell-0.02.0 -- Aspell Upper Sorbian dictionary
hsetroot-1.0.2_10 -- Utility to compose wallpapers for X
hsftp-1.15_1 -- FTP emulator that uses ssh to transport commands/data
hso-kmod-20081023_3 -- Driver for Option HSDPA modem
hsqldb- -- An embeddable SQL database written in Java
htable-1.2 -- Lightweight implementation of hash tables in C
htdig-3.2.0.b6_4 -- WWW indexing and searching system
htdump-0.9x_1 -- A tool to retrieve WWW data
hte-2.0.20 -- A file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
html-4.01_2 -- All W3C published SGML DTDs for HTML
html-pretty-1.01 -- HTML and SGML prettyprinter and text-to-HTML/SGML converter
html2fo-0.4.2 -- HTML to xsl:fo converter
html2hdml-1.0.5 -- An i-mode HTML to EZweb HDML converter
html2latex-0.9c -- Convert HTML document into LaTeX
html2ps-A4-1.0.b7 -- HTML to PostScript converter
html2ps-letter-1.0.b7 -- HTML to PostScript converter
html2tex-2.7_1 -- HTML to LaTeX converter, last modified 2010
html2text-1.3.2a -- Converts HTML documents into plain text
html2wml-0.4.11 -- A CGI that can do on-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
htmlc-2.21.0 -- A text file generator
htmlcompressor-0.9.4 -- HTML/XML Compressor
htmlcxx-0.85 -- HTML and CSS APIs for C++
htmldoc-1.8.27_7 -- Converts HTML to PDF and/or PostScript
htmlise-0.2 -- Formats plain text as HTML
htmlize.el-1.39_1 -- Emacs major mode to create HTML files from Emacs buffers (in colour!)
htmlobject-2.29 -- HTML Document Object
htmlpp-4.2a -- A Perl script to allow easy creation of HTML from template files
htmlsection-1.1 -- Insert section numbers in HTML and make a table of contents
htmltolatex-1_16 -- HTML to LaTeX to PDF Converter
htop-1.0.1_2 -- A better top(1) - interactive process viewer
htpdate-1.0.4_1 -- Time synchronization over http utility
httest-2.2.7 -- HTTP Test Tool
http-analyze-2.01_11 -- A fast Log-Analyzer for web servers
http_get-1.0.20100619 -- Dump http-contents to stdout
http_load-20060312 -- Multiprocessing http performance test client
http_ping-20050629 -- Sends HTTP requests every few seconds and times how long they take
http_post-1.0.20110118 -- Do a POST operaion and Dump http-contents to stdout
httpclient-4.2.2 -- Java components implementing an advanced HTTP client
httpcore-4.2.2 -- Java components implementing the base HTTP protocol
httperf-0.9.0 -- A tool for measuring webserver performance
httpgrabber-1.0 -- HTTP network traffic grabber and extractor
httping-1.5.5 -- A ping-like tool for HTTP requests
httplog-2.1_1 -- Apache log rollover program with strftime(3) filename support
httprint-301 -- Web server fingerprinting tool
httpry-0.1.7 -- Packet sniffer designed for displaying and logging HTTP traffic
httpsqs-1.7 -- Simple Queue Service based on HTTP GET/POST protocol
httptunnel-3.3_2 -- Tunnel a TCP/IP connection through a HTTP/TCP/IP connection
httrack-3.46.1 -- Easy-to-use offline browser utility and website copier
htx-0.7.8 -- HTML to XHTML converter
hu-aspell- -- Aspell Hungarian dictionaries
hu-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Hungarian messages and documentation for Calligra
hu-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Hungarian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
hu-hunspell-1.6.1 -- Hunspell Hungarian dictionary
hu-hyphen-2007.05.17_1 -- Hungarian hyphenation rules
hu-ispell-1.6.1 -- Hungarian dictionary for ispell
hu-jdictionary-eng-hun-1.4_4 -- JDictionary plugin: Hungarian-English dictionary
hu-jdictionary-eng-hun-expr-1.4_4 -- JDictionary plugin: English-Hungarian expression dictionary
hu-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Hungarian messages and documentation for KDE3
hu-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Hungarian messages and documentation for KDE4
hu-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- hu language pack for libreoffice
hu-mythes-2003.09.29_1 -- Hungarian thesaurus
hu-phone-20020622 -- Phone codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi korzetszamok
hu-zipcodes-20020622 -- Postal codes in Hungary / Magyarorszagi iranyitoszamok
hub-1.10.2 -- Introduces git to GitHub
huc-3.21 -- PC Engine C compiler which can create ROMs (hucard) or CD images
hudson-1.395 -- An extensible continuous integration engine
hugelatex-1.0_5 -- LaTeX format files with large limits
hugin-2011.4.0_3 -- A GUI for Panorama Tools, to stitch panoramic images
hugo-2.12_12 -- A PC Engine (TurboGrafx 16) emulator
hugs98-200609_4 -- An interpreter for the functional programming language Haskell 98
hulgalugha-1.0 -- Very jerky text filter
humanzip-0.5 -- Compresses text to human readable output
hunch-1.1.8 -- Scan httpd log files for vulnerability probes, mail admins
hunspell-1.3.2_1 -- Improved spell-checker for Hungarian and other languages
hunt-1.0 -- Rogue-like multiplayer game
hupnp-1.0.0_1 -- A library for building UPnP devices and control points
husky-base-1.0_2 -- Common files for Husky Fidosoft Project
husky-base-devel-1.4_1 -- Common files for Husky Fidosoft Project. Development version
husky-bsopack-0.2.4_1 -- Binkley-style outbound netmail packer
husky-fidoconf-0.14.4_1 -- Configuration library for Husky Fidosoft Project
husky-fidoconf-devel-1.4.r5 -- Configuration library for Husky Fidosoft Project. Development version
husky-hpt-1.2.4_1 -- Highly Portable Tosser (full-featured FTN tosser)
husky-hpt-devel-1.4.r5 -- Highly Portable Tosser (full-featured FTN tosser). Development version
husky-hptkill-1.10.4_1 -- Area killing utility
husky-hptsqfix-1.2.4_1 -- Fix message base
husky-hpucode-1.2.4_1 -- Scan for UUE in message base
husky-htick-1.0.4_2 -- FTN file ticker
husky-htick-devel-1.4.r5 -- FTN File ticker, development version
husky-msged-6.2RC1_1 -- Msged/TE (full-featured FTN mail reader)
husky-nltools-1.2.4_1 -- Nodelist tools
husky-smapi-2.2.4_1 -- MSGAPI for Husky Fidosoft Project
husky-smapi-devel-2.4.r5 -- MSGAPI for Husky Fidosoft Project. Development version
husky-sqpack-1.2.4_1 -- Message base packer
hwloc-1.5.1 -- The Portable Hardware Locality software package
hwstat-0.5.1 -- Command line tool to display CPU temp and battery infos
hxplugin-20080318_2 -- Browser plugin for Real or Helix Players
hy-aspell- -- Aspell Armenian dictionary
hybserv-1.9.4 -- HybServ2 IRCD Services
hydra-0.1.8_7 -- A high performance multi-threaded web server
hydra-7.3 -- Brute force attack utility working on multiple network services
hydrogen-0.9.5 -- An advanced drum machine
hyena-0.5_1 -- Library of GUI and non-GUI C-sharp code
hylafax-6.0.6 -- Fax software
hyperestraier-1.4.13_1 -- A full-text search system
hyperic-sigar-1.6.4 -- SIGAR - System Information Gatherer and Reporter
hypermail-2.2.0_2 -- A program to generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
hypersrc-5.4.21_4 -- Source code browser
hypertable- -- High performance distributed data storage system
hyphen-2.8.6 -- Library for high quality hyphenation and justification
i18n-man-1.1 -- Browse I18N capable UNIX manual pages with Mule, Emacs, and XEmacs
i18ntools-1.0 -- Tools for the conversion to and from UTF-8 Unicode encoding
i2c-tools-3.1.0 -- A heterogeneous set of I2C tools
i2p-0.8.7 -- An anonymizing network
i3-4.2 -- An improved dynamic tiling window manager
i386-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
i386-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
i386-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
i3lock-2.4.1 -- Slightly improved screen locker based on slock
i3status-2.5.1 -- Small program for generating a status bar
iSiloXC-4.30 -- Converts documents from text/html files or URLs to iSilo format
ia-aspell-0.50.1_1 -- Aspell Interlingua dictionary
ia-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Interlingua messages and documentation for KDE4
ia64sim-0.5_1 -- IA64 simulator (Intel(R) Architecture 64)
iaikPkcs11Wrapper-1.2.18 -- A PKCS#11 Java wrapper
iat-0.1.7 -- Converter of many types of CD-ROM image file formats into ISO-9660
iaxmodem-1.2.0_2 -- Software modem that connects to IAX channel
ib-kmod-1.0.2 -- Driver for the Kyocera UTU Iburst modem
ibp-0.21_2 -- A little program for monitoring amateur radio beacons
ibsh-0.3e -- Restricted unix shell
ibus-1.4.1 -- Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-el-emacs24-0.3.2 -- IBus client for GNU Emacs
ibus-kmfl-1.0.3_4 -- KMFL IMEngine for IBus framework
ibus-m17n-1.3.3_2 -- The m17n IMEngine for IBus framework
ibus-qt-1.3.1_2 -- IBus input method module for Qt4
ibus-table- -- Table based input method framework for IBus
ical-2.2_3 -- A calendar application
ical2html-2.0 -- Manipulation commands for iCalendar files
icb-5.1.0_4 -- Internet CB - a mostly-defunct chat client
icbirc-1.8 -- Proxy IRC client and ICB server
icbm3d-0.4_3 -- Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, 3D
icc-8.1.038_1 -- Intels C/C++ compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
iceauth-1.0.5 -- ICE authority file utility for X
icebreaker-1.2.1_9 -- A game similar to Jezzball or Barrack
icecast-1.3.12_2 -- A streaming mp3 audio server
icecast2-2.3.2_9 -- A streaming mp3/ogg-vorbis audio server
icedtea-web-1.3.1 -- A free Java plug-in and Java Web Start for OpenJDK
icedtea6-stubs-1.6b -- IcedTea6 binary plugs for openjdk
icegenerator-0.5.5.p2 -- Direct streaming generator for Icecast/Shoutcast
iceicepenguin-1.5.1 -- Remake of an old SEGA Dreamcast game called Chu Chu Rocket
ices-0.4_10 -- An mp3 streaming source client for icecast 2
ices-2.0.2 -- Vorbis streaming source client for icecast 2
icewm-1.3.7_3 -- Window Manager designed for speed, usability and consistency
ici-4.1.2_1 -- An interpretive language with C's feel and high level data types
icinga-1.8.1 -- Enterprise grade open source monitoring system based on Nagios
icmake-7.12.5 -- An Intelligent C-like Maker
icmpchat-0.6 -- Simple console-based chat that uses ICMP protocol
icmpinfo-1.11 -- Looks at the icmp messages received by the host
icmpmonitor-1.2 -- A multiple host icmp monitoring tool
icmpquery-1.0.3 -- Small utility for finding out time & netmask through ICMP
ico-1.0.3 -- Displays a wire-frame rotating plyhedron
icoconvert-2.0_5 -- A small utility to convert Windows icon files into .xpm and .png files
icon-9.5.0 -- The Icon programming language
icon-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve icon set
icon-naming-utils-0.8.90 -- Utilities of the Tango project
icon-slicer-0.3_7 -- An utility for generating icon and cursor themes
icons-buuf-1.6r2_6 -- A cool set of icons for the most common usage
icons-human-azul-0.1_1 -- A set of icons from the Ubuntu human look
icons-tango-0.8.90_2 -- A basic set of icons for the most common usage
icons-tango-extras-0.1.0_5 -- A extra set of icons from the Tango project
icontact-1.5_3 -- Combines multiples images to create a single customisable image
iconv-2.0_3 -- Charset conversion library and utilities
iconv-extra-2.0 -- Additional charsets for the iconv library (those from the Unicode site)
iconv-rfc1345-2.0 -- Additional charset modules for the iconv library (from RFC1345)
icoutils-0.30.0_1 -- Convert/extract images in Microsoft Windows(R) icon/cursor files
icpld-1.1.5 -- Internet connection performance logging daemon
icqlib-1.0.0_2 -- A library required by kicq (not libicq)
icu- -- International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
id-aspell-1.2.0_1 -- Aspell Indonesian dictionary
id-hyphen-2004.08.12_1 -- Indonesian hyphenation rules
id-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Indonesian messages and documentation for KDE4
id-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- id language pack for libreoffice
id3ed-1.10.4 -- An id3 tag editor for mp3 files
id3el-0.05 -- An add-on to edit an id3 tag for mpg123-mode (mpg123.el) on Emacsen
id3lib-3.8.3_5 -- Library for manipulating ID3v1/v1.1 and ID3v2 tags
id3mtag-0.78 -- Mass tagging utility for audio files
id3ren-1.1b0 -- Mpeg Audio Layer 3 util: rename files, edit tags, search, etc
id3tool-1.2a -- A utility for manipulating mp3 ID3 Tags
id3v2-0.1.12 -- Command line id3v2 tag editor
ida-2.09_2 -- Small and fast motif-based image viewer and editor
idea-1.2_1 -- A command line idea encryption and decryption utility
identify-0.7 -- Client side ident protocol daemon wrapper
idesk-0.7.5_10 -- Place launch icons and background directly on your desktop
idnits-2.12.12 -- Looks for problems in internet draft formatting
idnkit-1.0_3 -- A library to handle internationalized domain names
idnkit-2.1 -- Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
idutils-4.6 -- The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
iec16022-0.2.4 -- Create 2D barcodes, also known as DataMatrix
iet- -- The iSCSI Enterprise Target
ifc-8.1.034 -- Intel's Fortran compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
ifd-slb_rf60-2.2.0_1 -- PC/SC Lite driver for the Reflex 62 serial smart card reader
ifd-test-1.0_3 -- IFD Test Suite for PC/SC Lite
ifdepd-20110412 -- Interface Dependency daemon
iffinder-1.37 -- Tools for find other interfaces for same router
ifgraph-0.4.10_4 -- Simple grapher of SNMP data with RRD
ifile-1.3.8 -- An application of machine learning to e-mail filtering
ifm-5.4 -- Interactive Fiction mapper and walkthrough generator
ifmail-2.15_5 -- FidoNet(tm) support package for UN*X platform
ifp-line- -- Command line interface to iRiver music players
ifstat-1.1_5 -- Network interface statistics monitoring tool
ifstated-5.1 -- Interface state daemon
iftop-0.17 -- Display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
ifxetex-20090124_4 -- The file ifxetex.sty tests whether XeTeX is being used
igal-1.4_7 -- A static html image gallery generator for *nix
igal2-2.1 -- A simple CLI image gallery generator
igbinary-1.1.1 -- Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
igmpproxy-0.1_1 -- Multicast forwarding IGMP proxy
igor-1.330 -- FreeBSD Documentation Project sanity check script
igraph-0.5.4 -- Package For Manipulating Undirected And Directed Graphs
ii-1.6 -- A minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client
iiview-0.28_1 -- Thumb viewer application
ikarus-0.0.3_3 -- Optimizing incremental native-code compiler for R6RS Scheme
ike-2.1.7_1 -- Shrew Soft IKE daemon and client tools
ike-scan-1.9 -- VPN scanner and identifier
ikiwiki-3.20110608_1 -- A wiki compiler
iksemel-1.4_3 -- XML parser library mainly designed for Jabber applications
ilbc-r3951 -- Internet Low Bit Rate codec (RFC3951)
ilias-3.10.14_1 -- Powerful, dynamic, PHP and MySQL based e-learning platform
ilias-4.2.5 -- Powerful, dynamic, PHP and MySQL based e-learning platform
ilmbase-1.0.2 -- ILM Base libraries a.k.a. Half, IlmThread, Imath, and Iex
ilohamail-0.8.13_1 -- IlohaMail is a lightweight multilingual webmail program
ilohamail-devel-0.9.20050415 -- IlohaMail is a lightweight webmail program (devel version)
im-151 -- Set of user interfaces of Email and NetNews
imageindex-1.1_5 -- A digital photo gallery tool
imagesort-2.0_11 -- A flexible X utility for managing many image files
imageviewer-0.6.3_2 -- GNUstep Image Viewer
imagination-3.0_2 -- A DVD slideshow maker
imake-1.0.4 -- Imake and other utilities from X.Org
imap-uw-2007f -- University of Washington IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
imapfilter-2.5.3 -- IMAP mail filtering utility
imapproxy-1.0_1 -- ImapProxy is a caching IMAP proxy daemon to be used with Horde/IMP
imapsync-1.487 -- IMAP synchronization copy or migration tool
imaptools-1.135 -- A number of tools and scripts for use with IMAP servers
imaputils-1.0.2 -- A number of tools and scripts for use with IMAP servers
imaze-xview-1.4_3 -- A multi-player network action game for TCP/IP with 3D graphics
imb-3.0_4 -- Intel MPI Benchmark
imc-4.3_6 -- Image Compiler
imcom-1.34 -- IMCom is a command-line Jabber client written in Python
imerge-0.2.2 -- A tool to help merge one file to another interactively
imgSeek-0.8.6_14 -- A photo manager and viewer with content-based search
imgsizer-2.8 -- A tool to autogenerate WIDTH and HEIGHT for IMG HTML tags
imgtops-1.0_3 -- Create efficient Encapsulated Postscript files from images
imgv-3.1.6 -- A unique and feature rich Image Viewer
imgvtopgm-2.0_4 -- Palm Pilot Image Viewer to PGM Converter
imlib-1.9.15_15 -- A graphic library for enlightenment package
imlib2-1.4.5_2 -- The next generation graphics library for Enlightenment
imlib2_loaders-1.4.5_1 -- Extra image loader plugins for Imlib 2
impact- -- Dynamic Finite Element Program Suite
import-pictures-1.4 -- Utility to copy/move pictures from a directory
impossible_mission_puzzle-1.0.1_1 -- This is a puzzle from the old C64 Impossible Mission game
impress-1.1b9_3 -- Publishing and presentation tool
impresscms-1.3.3 -- A Community Developed Content Management System
impressive-0.10.3_1 -- The stylish way of giving presentations
imspector-20111108 -- IM transparent proxy with monitoring, blocking, and content-filtering
imwheel-1.0.0.p12_2 -- Utility to translate mouse wheel actions into X keyboard events
inadyn-1.96.2_3 -- INADYN - Simple DYNAMIC DNS client
inconsolata-ttf-20090215 -- A monospaced truetype font
indic-ttf-fonts-0.5.14 -- A collection of truetype Indic fonts
ines-3.0_2 -- Nintendo Entertainment System emlator for X
info2html-2.0 -- Translate GNU info files into HTML pages
info2man-20040717 -- Translate GNU info files into man pages
info_to_html-0.9.6_1 -- Translate GNU info files into HTML pages
infobot-0.45.3 -- Bot written in Perl with a rabid AI
infobus-1.2_2 -- Enables dynamic exchange of data between JavaBeans(TM)
inform-6.32 -- Compiler for producing text adventure games
inform7-6G60_1 -- Inform 7 programming language (CLI edition)
inilib-1.0.7b3 -- A C++ lib which provides a method of saving the "state" of a program
iniparser-3.1 -- Free stand-alone ini file parsing library
initutil-2.1.b -- An STL Container Initialization Library
inkscape-0.48.2_2 -- A program seeks to become a full featured open source SVG editor
inn-2.5.2_3 -- InterNetNews -- the Internet meets Netnews
innerspace-0.2.0_2 -- GNUstep screensaver
innobackup-1.5.2 -- Making backups of InnoDB and MyISAM tables, indexes and .frm files
innotop-1.8.1_2 -- A MySQL and InnoDB monitoring program
inplace-1.2.2 -- A tool to edit files in-place through given filter commands
input-wacom- -- X.Org Wacom tablet driver and kernel module
inputproto-2.0.2 -- Input extension headers
inspircd-1.2.9 -- A modular C++ IRC daemon
inspircd-2.0.8 -- A modular C++ IRC daemon
installwatch-0.6.3_1 -- A file creation/modification logger
instant-server-1.0_10 -- Instant server installs a typical set of ports for a server
instead-1.8.0 -- Simple Text Adventure, The Interpreter
insub-15.1 -- Some scripts for expressing how you feel on IRC and the web
intclock-2.13_1 -- Multi-timezone clock
integrit-4.1 -- A file integrity verification program
intel2gas-1.3.3 -- Converts Intel assembly language (nasm) to AT&T syntax (gas)
intensityengine-r20100129_5 -- Engine that forms the basis of Syntensity, 3D games world
interGif-6.15 -- Efficient animated GIF optimiser
intercal-0.29 -- The C-INTERCAL compiler, ick, and supporting libraries
interchange-5.6.1_1 -- RedHat's database-enabled e-commerce server
interlogic-0.30_9 -- Move colored balls through the maze connecting it with each other
intlfonts-1.2.1_3 -- Free X11 fonts for all characters that Emacs can handle
intltool-0.41.1 -- Tools to internationalize various kinds of data files
inventor-2.1.5.p10_7 -- This is SGI's Open Inventor (TM)
io-2011.09.12 -- Small prototype-based programming language
io_lib-1.12.5 -- A general purpose trace file(and Experiment File) reading interface
iodine-0.6.0r1 -- Tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server
iog-1.03_1 -- Graphs Byte Counts for switches/routers/etc
iogen-3.1p0 -- Lightweight tool to generate heavily fragmented I/O
iograph-0.9.1 -- Creates HTML statistics of network transfer
ion-20020207_2 -- A window manager with a text-editorish, keyboard friendly interface
ioncube-4.2.2 -- ionCube loader for PHP code
ioping-0.6 -- Simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool
ioquake3-1.36_11 -- Cleaned-up and enhanced version of Quake 3
ioquake3-devel-1.36.s2318 -- Development SVN snapshots of ioquake3
ioquake3-devel-server-1.36.s2318 -- Ioquake3 development snapshot dedicated server
ioquake3-server-1.36_11 -- Ioquake3 dedicated server
iourbanterror-4.1.1.s2318 -- Quake 3 engine modified for Urban Terror (based on ioquake3)
iourbanterror-server-4.1.1.s2318 -- Quake 3 engine modified for Urban Terror (based on ioquake3)
iozone-2.01 -- Performance Test of Sequential File I/O (older version)
iozone-3.397 -- Performance Test of Sequential File I/O
ip4r-1.05 -- IPv4 and IPv4 range index type for PostgreSQL
ip6_int-1.0 -- Convert an IPv4/IPv6 address to an PTR value
ipa-2.1.2 -- Pluggable accounting system
ipa_conv-1.1 -- IPA accounting/database module for converting statistics
ipa_ip6fw-1.1 -- IPA accounting module for FreeBSD IPv6 Firewall
ipa_ipfw-1.1 -- IPA accounting module for FreeBSD IP Firewall
ipa_sdb-1.1.1 -- IPA simple database module
ipacco- -- Web based tool to analyze Cisco IP accounting data
ipacctd-1.47 -- IP accounting using divert socket
ipad_charge-1.1 -- An iPad/iPad2 USB charging utility
ipager-1.1.0_8 -- X11 pager program
ipaudit-0.95 -- IP traffic summarizer
ipbt-r8765 -- A high-tech ttyrec player with improvements over ttyplay
ipcad-3.7.3_1 -- IP accounting daemon with Cisco-like RSH and NetFlow export
ipcalc-0.41_2 -- IP Calculator
ipcheck-0.240 -- A fully compliant client for UNIX (supports NIC v2.0)
ipdf-1.0.0_7 -- Creates indexed pdf documents from text files
ipe-7.1.2_1 -- Extensible drawing editor
iperf-2.0.5 -- A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
ipex-3.0 -- Packet examination / sniffer utility
ipfcount-0.2.1_1 -- Summarise ipf logs by counting and sorting the fields
ipfilter2dshield-1.0 -- Official DShield client for ipfilter firewall logs
ipfm-0.11.5 -- A bandwidth analysis tool
ipfmeta-1.3 -- ipfmeta - use objects in IPfilter files
ipfw-graph-1.4_4 -- Graphical overview of traffic going through your IPFW rules
ipfw2dshield-0.5 -- A DShield client for ipfw logs
ipfwcount-0.2.1_1 -- Summarise ipfw logs by counting and sorting the fields
ipgrab-0.9.10 -- IPgrab is a verbose packet sniffer for UNIX hosts
ipguard-1.04 -- Tool designed to protect LAN IP address space by ARP spoofing
iplike-2.0.2 -- C implementation of the OpenNMS iplike stored procedure
iplog-2.2.3_3 -- TCP/IP traffic logging tool
ipmitool-1.8.12 -- CLI to manage IPMI systems
ipod-sharp-0.8.5_1 -- Manipulate iTunesDB used in Apple iPod devices
ipplan-4.92b -- IP address management and tracking
ipsc-0.4.3 -- An IP Subnet Calculator
ipsec-tools-0.8.0_3 -- KAME racoon IKE daemon, ipsec-tools version
ipsorc-1.7.5_4 -- A tool to create and send IP packets with a graphical GTK front-end
ipsumdump-1.82 -- Produce ASCII summary of network traffic or tcpdump(1) file
ipsvd-1.0.0 -- Internet protocol service daemons
ipv6calc-0.73.0_1 -- Convert, change, and calculate with IPv6 addresses
ipv6gen-1.0 -- IPv6 prefix generator
ipv6mon-1.0_1 -- Tool for monitoring IPv6 address usage
ipv6toolkit-1.2.3 -- A set of IPv6 security assessment tools
ipython-py27-0.13.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python shell
irc-2.11.2p3 -- The "Internet Relay Chat" Server
irc2dc-0.1 -- Provides intercommunication between DC++ hub and IRC channel
ircd-hybrid-7.2.1 -- A fast irc daemon with a number of new features
ircd-ratbox-3.0.7 -- Advanced, stable IRC daemon, used widely on EFnet
ircd-ratbox-devel-3.0.7 -- Advanced, stable IRC daemon, used widely on EFnet ('testing' release)
ircd-ru-1.0.7_6 -- An irc daemon with translation schemes and other useful features
irchat-jp-26.d_10 -- IRC client for Emacs, derived from irchat
irchat-pj-emacs21-2.5.6_6 -- IRC client which runs under Emacsen
irchat-pj-xemacs21-mule-2.5.6_6 -- IRC client which runs under Emacsen
ircii-20111115 -- The 'Internet Relay Chat' and 'Internet Citizens Band' Client
ircproxy-1.3.6 -- An IRC proxy/bouncer daemon
ircservices-5.1.18 -- A system of IRC services for IRC networks
ireport-3.7.6 -- A visual report builder/designer for JasperReports
iriverter-0.16_8 -- Cross-platform frontend to mencoder
iroffer-1.4.3 -- An IRC "bot" that makes sharing files via DCC extremely easy
iroffer-dinoex-3.28 -- An IRC "bot" that makes sharing files via DCC extremely easy
iroffer-lamm- -- An IRC "bot" that makes sharing files via DCC extremely easy
irrd-2.3.10_1 -- Internet Routing Registry database server
irrlamb-0.1.0_3 -- 3D physics-based puzzle game
irrlicht-1.7.3_1 -- High performance realtime 3D engine
irrtoolset-5.0.1 -- A suite of routing policy tools to interact with the IRR
irsim-9.7.74 -- An event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS circuis
irssi-0.8.15_5 -- A modular IRC client with many features
irssi-dcc_send_limiter-0.8.10_1 -- Irssi plugin to limit the transmit speed of DCC sends
irssi-devel-20120624_1 -- A modular IRC client with many features
irssi-fish-1.00.r5 -- An encryption plugin for irssi
irssi-otr-0.3_4 -- A plugin for irssi for Off-the-Record (OTR) messaging
irssi-scripts-20120326 -- Collection of useful scripts for the irssi IRC-client
irssi-themes-20101013 -- A collection of additional irssi themes
irssi-xmpp-0.51 -- Irssi-xmpp is an irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network
irssistats-0.75 -- Generate IRC statistics based on irssi logs
irstlm-5.40.02 -- The IRST Language Modeling Toolkit
is-aspell- -- Aspell Icelandic dictionary
is-hyphen-2004.04.15_1 -- Icelandic hyphenation rules
is-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Icelandic messages and documentation for KDE3
is-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Icelandic messages and documentation for KDE4
is-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- is language pack for libreoffice
isaac-4.2_4 -- Integrated Solution Algorithm for Arbitrary Configuration
isabella-ttf-1.202 -- Font by John Stracke based on the Isabella Breviary
isabelle-2009.2 -- A generic proof assistant
isakmpd-20041207_3 -- OpenBSD IKE daemon
isbg-0.99_1 -- Scan an IMAP inbox for spam using SpamAssassin
isc-cron-4.1 -- ISC Cron, former Vixie Cron
isc-dhcp41-client-4.1.e_2 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client
isc-dhcp41-relay-4.1.e_5 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay
isc-dhcp41-server-4.1.e_7 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
isc-dhcp42-client-4.2.4 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client
isc-dhcp42-relay-4.2.4 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol relay
isc-dhcp42-server-4.2.4_2 -- The ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
iscsi-target-20080207_2 -- Implementation of userland ISCSI target (from NetBSD)
ised-2.4.0 -- A tool for generating number sequences and arithmetic evaluation
iselect-1.4.0 -- Interactive Selection Tool
iserverd-2.5.5_3 -- Groupware ICQ server clone
ish-2.01a5 -- Binary-to-text file-encoder
ishido-1.1_2 -- Tile placement game
isic-0.07_1 -- IP Stack Integrity Checker
ismail-2.1_2 -- PHP-based webmail client
isnprober-1.02 -- PenTest tool for TCP Initial Sequence Numbers research
iso-codes-3.37 -- Lists of the country, language, and currency iso names
iso12083-1993_2 -- SGML DTDs from the The Electronic Publishing Special Interest Group
iso2mkv-2007.04.25 -- Script to convert DVD image, device, or VIDEO_TS to mkv
iso8879-1986_3 -- Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
isomaster-1.3.7_4 -- GTK2 (bootable) CD ISO Image editor
isomd5sum-1.0.4_1 -- Implanting and checking checksums within an ISO9660 image
isoqlog-2.2.1_1 -- A qmail, postfix, sendmail, exim MTA log analysis program
ispell-3.3.02_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
ispell-uk-0.7_1 -- Ukrainian (KOI8-U) dictionary for ISPELL
ispman-1.3r2_2 -- ISP management software
isql-viewer-2.1.8_4 -- JDBC 2.x compliant database front end
istatd-0.5.7 -- Daemon for iStat iPhone application
istgt-20121028 -- iSCSI target for openSUSE/Debian/NetBSD/FreeBSD
istream-0.10_4 -- Internet radio player applet for GNOME Panel
isync-1.0.5 -- Maintain local copies of remote IMAP folders w/synchronized flags
it-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (ITA)
it-aspell-2.2.20050523.0_1 -- Aspell Italian dictionary
it-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Italian messages and documentation for Calligra
it-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Italian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
it-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Italian
it-hunspell-2.4.2007.09.01_1 -- Italian hunspell dictionaries
it-hyphen-2007.11.26_1 -- Italian hyphenation rules
it-ispell-2.3_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
it-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Italian messages and documentation for KDE3
it-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Italian messages and documentation for KDE4
it-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- it language pack for libreoffice
it-mythes-02.09.l_1 -- Italian thesaurus
itcl-3.4b1_1 -- Object-oriented extension to Tcl [incr Tcl]
itext-4.2.0_4 -- A Java-PDF Library
ithought-a5_4 -- An extensible text management system
itk-3.3_3 -- Object-oriented extension to Tk [incr Tk]
itl- -- Iterative Template Library (based on MTL)
its-1.0 -- Bootable ITS filesystem for KLH-10 PDP-10 emulator
itstool-1.2.0 -- Make XML documents translatable through po files
iulib-0.4_11 -- A library of image understanding-related algorithms
ivan-0.50_4 -- A graphical roguelike game
iverilog-0.9.6 -- A Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
ivtools-1.2.9_1 -- Drawing editors derived from idraw
iw-aspell-1.0.0_1 -- Aspell Hebrew dictionaries
iw-culmus-0.101_2 -- Free Hebrew Type1 fonts
iw-elmar-fonts-3.3_2 -- A collection of Hebrew fonts from El-Mar software Ltd
iw-he2-0.61_2 -- An editor for editing (primarily LaTeX) Hebrew files
iw-hspell-1.1 -- Hebrew spellchecker and morphology engine
iw-hunspell-1.2 -- Hebrew hunspell dictionaries
iwebcal-2.1 -- Webbased iCal calendar viewer
iwidgets-4.0.1_1 -- Iwidgets - [incr Widgets]
ixlib-0.96.2_6 -- A small C++ tools library based on STL
j2sdkee-1.3.1_6 -- Java 2 SDK Enterprise Edition
jToolkit-0.7.8_1 -- Webapp framework with modpython-based and stand-alone modes
ja-ASCIIdates98-fpw-1.0_1 -- A Japanese dictionary for PC terms in '98 ASCII Dates Book (EPWING V1 format)
ja-CGdic-fpw-1.0_1 -- A Japanese dictionary for CG (EPWING V1 format)
ja-FreeWnn-lib-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client libraries)
ja-FreeWnn-server-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese server)
ja-MT-5.14 -- Japanese localization of the MovableType publishing system
ja-VTPSfont-1.3_2 -- Create Virtual PostScript fonts produced by VFlib (Truetype fonts)
ja-Wnn6-97.6.6 -- A Japanese input method (this is not free)
ja-Wnn6-lib-2000.9.1_2 -- Wnn6 client library
ja-Wnn7-lib-2001.10.17_2 -- Wnn7 client library
ja-a2ps-1.45_2 -- Text file to postscript converter (with Japanese support)
ja-ack-1.39_1 -- Kanji code converter
ja-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (JPN)
ja-acroread9-9.4.2_1 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (JPN)
ja-ajaxzip2-core-20081102 -- ajaxzip2 (Japanese ZIP code utility) core scripts
ja-ajaxzip2-data-20121031 -- ajaxzip2 (Japanese ZIP code utility) ZIP data
ja-alias-fonts-1.0_7 -- A meta-port which setups Japanese fonts
ja-another-htmllint-20060601 -- Another HTML-lint (all messages are written in Japanese)
ja-anthy-9100h -- Another Kana-Kanji conversion system
ja-asterisk-sounds-1.8 -- Japanese sound files for Asterisk
ja-aterm-0.4.2_9 -- A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
ja-awffull-3.10.2_7 -- AWFFull is a webserver log analysis tool forked from Webalizer
ja-bible_names-fpw-1.1.3 -- A dictionary for HITCHCOCK'S BIBLE NAMES (EPWING V1 format)
ja-bookview-3.2.1_1 -- NDTP client written in Tcl/Tk
ja-bugzilla-3.6.11 -- Japanese localization for Bugzilla
ja-bugzilla-4.0.8 -- Japanese localization for Bugzilla
ja-bugzilla-4.2.3 -- Japanese localization for Bugzilla
ja-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Japanese messages and documentation for Calligra
ja-canna-lib-3.7p3_8 -- A Kana-to-Kanji conversion system, library part
ja-canna-server-3.7p3_9 -- A Kana-to-Kanji conversion system, binary part
ja-cannadic-0.95c_2 -- A canna dictionary containing a lot of words
ja-cdrom2-1996.06.16_1 -- A tool to lookup CD-ROM dictionaries
ja-celrw-0.16 -- Cellular phone-number read/write tool (in Japan only)
ja-chasen-2.4.4 -- Japanese Morphological Analysis System
ja-chasen-base-2.4.4 -- Japanese Morphological Analysis System
ja-cmigemo-20110227 -- C implementation of Migemo Japanese incremental search tool
ja-cmigemo-dict-20110227 -- C implementation of Migemo Japanese incremental search tool
ja-csrd-1.0 -- Utility for Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary
ja-ctags-5.8j2 -- A feature-filled tagfile generator with Japanese support
ja-dbskkd-cdb-2.00_1 -- Yet another dictionary server for SKK
ja-ddskk-emacs24-14.3_5 -- Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program on Emacsen
ja-devil-fpw-1.0.3 -- Devil's dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-dvi2dvi-1.1_1 -- A DVI to DVI transformer
ja-dvi2tty-ascii-5.0 -- Character-based DVI file previewer
ja-dvipsk-tetex-5.95b_13 -- A DVI to PostScript translator + Japanese patch
ja-e2ps-4.34 -- Text file to postscript converter (with Japanese support)
ja-eb-4.4.3 -- C library for accessing EB, EBG, EBXA, and EPWING CD-ROM dictionaries
ja-ebd-fpw-1.0_1 -- Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-eblook-1.6.1_7 -- Interactive EB interface command for searching words in electronic dictionaries
ja-ebnetd-1.0_7 -- Servers for accessing CD-ROM books via TCP/IP
ja-ebview-0.2.1_15 -- Electronic Book Viewer
ja-ebview-gtk2-0.3.6_17 -- Electronic Book Viewer
ja-edict-19990714_5 -- Japanese-English dictionaries with access and maintenance utilities
ja-edict-fpw-1.2.2 -- A Japanese <-> English Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-edict-utf-8-20100420 -- Japanese-English edict UTF-8 dictionaries
ja-edyvalue-2007.01.06_1 -- Utility to print a statement of Edy card
ja-egg-canna-emacs24-20011110_13 -- Canna Conversion Facility in Egg Input Method Architecture
ja-eijiro-fpw-1.0b_4 -- EIJIRO English - Japanese Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-elisa8x8-1.0_3 -- X11 8-dot Kanji font 'elisa font'
ja-elvis-1.8.4_2 -- A clone of vi/ex, the standard UNIX editor, with Japanese patch
ja-emcws-21.3_16 -- Emacs + Canna + Wnn + Sj3
ja-epwutil-1.1 -- Utilities to manage Japanese EPWING or Electric-Book based CD-ROM
ja-esecanna-1.0.1_5 -- Pseudo cannaserver which wraps some other input engines
ja-esecanna-module-vje25-0.14.6_2 -- Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 2.5
ja-esecanna-module-vje30-1.0.1_2 -- Esecanna module for VJE-Delta 3.0
ja-esecanna-module-wnn6-1.0.0_4 -- Esecanna module for Wnn6
ja-eterm-0.9.6_1 -- X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports Japanese
ja-exmh-2.7.2_5 -- X11/TK based mail reader front end to MH for Japanese environments
ja-fcitx-anthy-0.1.1 -- Anthy support for Fcitx
ja-fcitx-mozc-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc engine for Fcitx
ja-flex-sdk-2.0.1_2 -- Adobe Flex SDK (with Japanese language)
ja-flower-fpw-1.0_1 -- A dictionary for flowers (EPWING V1 format)
ja-foldoc-fpw-1.0.2 -- The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (EPWING V1 format)
ja-font-ipa-00303 -- IPA Japanese fonts
ja-font-ipa-uigothic-00203 -- IPA Japanese fonts, UIGothic
ja-font-ipaex-00103 -- IPAex Japanese fonts
ja-font-kochi-20030809 -- Kochi Japanese TrueType font
ja-font-migmix-1.0.20120411 -- Mixed Japanese font with IPA Gothic and M-plus outline
ja-font-migu-1.0.20120411 -- Another Japanese font set based on MigMix
ja-font-mona-ipa-1.0.8_1 -- IPA Japanese TrueType fonts with Mona font
ja-font-motoya-al-0.0.20100921 -- Free Japanese fonts by MOTOYA
ja-font-mplus- -- M+ Bitmap and Outline Fonts
ja-font-mplus-ipa-1.0.20060520.p1_1 -- Mixed Japanese font with IPA, M-plus outline, and Bitstream Vera
ja-font-ricty-3.2.1b -- Ricty - fonts for programming
ja-font-sazanami-20040629 -- Sazanami Japanese TrueType fonts
ja-font-shinonome-0.9.11.p1 -- Shinonome Japanese fonts, 12/14/16 dots
ja-font-std-0.0.20090602 -- Japanese Standard Fonts
ja-font-takao-003.02.01 -- An improved IPA Japanese fonts
ja-font-ume-0.0.441 -- Ume Japanese TrueType fonts
ja-font-vlgothic-20120629 -- VLGothic Japanese TrueType fonts
ja-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Japanese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
ja-freepwing-1.4.4_1 -- Free JIS X 4081 (subset of EPWING V1) Formatter
ja-fumeikai-fpw-1.0_1 -- An abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-gawk-3.0.6 -- GNU awk + multi-byte extension
ja-gd-2.0.35_8 -- A graphics library for fast image creation with Japanese support
ja-gedy-0.9.0 -- GNOME Edy Viewer
ja-gicq-0.33_5 -- GTK based ICQ program
ja-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Japanese
ja-gjiten-2.6 -- Japanese dictionary program for GNOME
ja-gorua-0.17_3 -- Gtk+ on Ruby User Agent for 2ch BBS
ja-gqmpeg-0.20.0_10 -- Another gtk-based MP3 frontend with Japanese support
ja-grep-2.4.2 -- GNU grep + multi-byte extension
ja-groff-1.18.1_14 -- Japanese enhancement of GNU groff
ja-gskk-20041208 -- SKK's dictionary for Canna
ja-gsuica-0.9.1 -- GNOME SUICA Viewer
ja-gtkicq-0.60_5 -- Icq clone for Japanese user
ja-guesswork-classic-0.0.3_1 -- A PHP lightweight framework
ja-hns-2.19.9 -- Hyper NIKKI System, a CGI system for Electric Diary Interchange
ja-ibus-anthy-1.2.7_2 -- Anthy engine for IBus
ja-ibus-mozc-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc engine for IBus
ja-ibus-skk-1.4.1_2 -- A Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
ja-icanna-0.9.0 -- Canna connector for yc.el via unix domain socket
ja-im-ja-1.5_10 -- A Japanese input module for GTK2
ja-ipadic-2.7.0_1 -- Japanese Morphological Dictionary for ChaSen
ja-ja6-2003.03.09.l -- A Japanese Symbols Trainer -- Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
ja-jadetex-ptex-3.13_10 -- A pTeX backend for Jade, for typesetting SGML documents
ja-japana-2.0.6 -- Web proxy converting Japanese into Romaji
ja-japaneseAFM-1.0 -- Japanese AFM fonts
ja-jargon-fpw-2.0 -- The famous jargon file (EPWING V1 format) -- Perl library for Japanese character code conversion
ja-jd-2.8.5 -- A 2ch browser
ja-jed-0.99.8.j067_5 -- A SLang-based text editor (w/ Japanese support)
ja-jishyo-0.1_2 -- English to Japanese dictionary for GNUstep
ja-jisx0213-fonts-20040425_2 -- Japanese jisx0213 fonts
ja-jmode-0.6.7_7 -- XIM server for Anthy input method
ja-jmode-skk-0.6.7_7 -- XIM server for SKK input method
ja-jpilot-1.8.1_1 -- Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot
ja-jstrings-0.6 -- Japanese enhancement of strings(1) command
ja-jvim-3.0.j2.1a_4 -- Japanized Vim-3.0
ja-jyuroku-1.32_6 -- Japanese address book
ja-k20fonts-0.396_5 -- X11 20-dot Kanji font 'Kappa20dot + ayu font'
ja-kakasi-2.3.4 -- Kanji-Kana Simple Inverter, language filter for Japanese
ja-kana-no-quiz-1.9_6 -- A little tool to memorize Japanese KANA (Hiragana/Katakana)
ja-kaname12-1.1_3 -- X11 12-dot Kanji font
ja-kanji18-1.0_4 -- X11 18-dot Kanji font
ja-kanji26-1.0_4 -- X11 26-dot Kanji font
ja-kanjipad-2.0.0_7 -- Japanese Handwriting recognition
ja-kasumi-2.5_4 -- A dictionary management tool for anthy
ja-kbanner-2.1_5 -- Displays large Japanese letters on the standard output
ja-kcc-1.0_1 -- Kanji code conversion Filter
ja-kcode-1.0 -- A handy utility to show codepoint information of given characters
ja-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Japanese messages and documentation for KDE3
ja-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Japanese messages and documentation for KDE4
ja-kdrill-6.4_2 -- A program to quiz you on the meanings of Kanji
ja-kinput2-3.1_13 -- A Japanese text input server for X11 applications
ja-kiten-4.8.4 -- Japanese reference/study tool for KDE 4
ja-kon2-14dot-0.3_6 -- Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
ja-kon2-16dot-0.3_6 -- Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
ja-kpcal-2.0_2 -- Make Calendar in Postscript format
ja-kterm-6.2.0_11 -- An xterm variant with Japanese support
ja-lambdamoo-1.8.1_1 -- The most commonly used program to run MOOs
ja-latex2html-2002.2.1j2.0_12 -- Japanese LaTeX2HTML with JA patch
ja-leafrogue-0.72_2 -- LeafRogue for message separated version of Rogue-clone
ja-lessiso-382.262_1 -- Less + zcat + ISO-2022 - a pager similar to more and pg
ja-libicq-0.33_1 -- Library to add ICQ communication support to your software
ja-libjcode-1.00 -- Japanese charset conversion library
ja-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ja language pack for libreoffice
ja-libskk-1.0.0 -- Library to deal with Japanese Kana-to-Kanji conversion method
ja-libslang-1.4.5.j2 -- A library permits a programmer to develop software
ja-libtomoe-gtk-0.6.0_6 -- TOMOE GTK+ library
ja-lipsf-2.00_1 -- Text to LIPS filter
ja-lookup-emacs21-1.4.1_14 -- Search interface on emacs21 for CD-ROM books, etc
ja-lookup-emacs24-1.4.1_14 -- Search interface on emacs24 for CD-ROM books, etc
ja-ls-0.5 -- Japanized ls
ja-lsd-fpw-3.0.1 -- A Japanese - English Dictionary for Life Science (EPWING V1 format)
ja-lynx-2.8.7.r1 -- A terminal-based World-Wide Web Client with multi-byte modification
ja-lynx-2.8.8.d3 -- A terminal-based World-Wide Web Client with multi-byte modification (development version)
ja-mailman-2.1.14.j7 -- Japanized mailman which is a mailing list manager with a web front-end
ja-makejvf-fkr-1.0_2 -- Japanese Virtual Font file maker
ja-man-1.1j_9 -- A manual display command for Japanese (EUC)
ja-man-doc-5.4.20050911_3 -- Japanese translation of FreeBSD manual pages
ja-marumoji-fonts-1.0_5 -- Japanese marumoji fonts
ja-mecab-0.994 -- Yet Another Part-of-Speech and Morphological Analyzer
ja-mecab-ipadic- -- Japanese Morphological Dictionary for MeCab
ja-mell-1.0.0_2 -- Emacs Lisp for taiyaki-elisp, especially for the prime
ja-mendexk-2.6c -- Index formatter for Japanese
ja-mg- -- Multi-line grep suitable for Japanese text
ja-mh-6.8.4.j3.05_1 -- Rand MH mail handling system + Japanese patches
ja-migemo-0.40_9 -- Japanese incremental search tool
ja-migemo-emacs21-0.40_9 -- Japanese incremental search tool for emacs21
ja-migemo-emacs22-0.40_9 -- Japanese incremental search tool for emacs
ja-migemo-emacs24-0.40_9 -- Japanese incremental search tool for emacs
ja-migemo-xemacs-devel-mule-0.40_9 -- Japanese incremental search tool for xemacs-devel-mule
ja-mikachan-ttfonts-8.7_2 -- Handwritten Japanese TrueType fonts by Mika-chan
ja-ming-0.1.5_7 -- LGPL'ed Flash 4/5 movie output library with Japanese languages support
ja-mobileimap-2.7 -- An IMAP-based webmail system for mobile-phones
ja-monafonts-2.90_2 -- X11 12,14,16-dot Kanji fonts
ja-monafonts-ttf-2.90_2 -- X11 TrueType Kanji fonts
ja-mozc-additions-1.3.911.102_1 -- Additional tools and images for Mozc Japanese Input Method
ja-mozc-el-emacs24-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc for GNU Emacs
ja-mozc-server-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc server for IBus and others
ja-mozc-tool-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc tool for IBus, SCIM, and others
ja-mtools-3.9.6_1 -- Tools for manipulating MSDOS files + support 1232KB , Unicode LFN
ja-multiskkserv-0.20020201_1 -- Multiple dictionary server for the SKK
ja-mutt-devel-1.5.21.j1_2 -- Text-based mail client (Japanised development version)
ja-mypaedia-fpw-1.4.3_2 -- An encyclopedia "Mypaedia" (EPWING V1 format)
ja-mypaedia-fpw-package-1.0.7_6 -- A supplement file to use "mypaedia" on lookup
ja-naga10-1.1_4 -- X11 10-dot Kanji font 'naga10 font'
ja-namazu- -- Search engine software intended for easy use
ja-namazu2-2.0.21 -- Meta-port of Namazu and Japanese support modules
ja-navi2ch-emacs21-1.8.4_3 -- and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
ja-navi2ch-emacs24-1.8.4_3 -- and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
ja-navi2ch-xemacs21-mule-1.8.4_3 -- and 2ch-like BBS navigator for Emacsen
ja-ne-3.05 -- A VZ like full-screen text editor with Japanese support
ja-nethack-3.4.3_5 -- Japanized NetHack
ja-netype-0.1.1_8 -- Network Type Trainer client program
ja-newosaka-1.0 -- Translator of Japanese EUC documents into Osaka language
ja-ng-1.4.4_2 -- A very light Emacs-clone with Japanese support
ja-ng-1.5.b1 -- A very light Emacs-clone with Japanese support
ja-ng-canna-1.4.4_2 -- A very lightweight Emacs-clone with Japanese and Canna support
ja-ngraph-fonts-1.0_3 -- Japanese Font Setup for math/ngraph
ja-nhocr-0.16 -- OCR engine for Japanese language
ja-nkf-2.1.2 -- Network Kanji code conversion Filter
ja-ochusha- -- A GUI BBS browser for
ja-onew-2.2.10_2 -- A library for Japanese Input Methods
ja-p5-Acme-Lou-0.03_1 -- Let's together with Lou Ohshiba
ja-p5-Date-Japanese-Era-0.06 -- Conversion between Japanese Era / Gregorian calendar
ja-p5-Date-Japanese-Holiday-0.05_1 -- Perl module for Calculate Japanese Holiday
ja-p5-DateTime-Calendar-Japanese-Era-0.08001_1 -- DateTime Extension for Japanese Eras
ja-p5-DateTime-Format-Japanese-0.04000 -- A Japanese DateTime Formatter
ja-p5-Encode-EUCJPMS-0.07_2 -- A Perl5 module defining Microsoft compatible encodings for Japanese
ja-p5-Encode-JP-Emoji-0.60 -- Perl extension for Emoji encodings and cross-mapping tables
ja-p5-Encode-JP-Mobile-0.30 -- Perl extension for encoding for mobile phones in Japan
ja-p5-HTML-MobileJp-0.08 -- Generate mobile-jp html tags
ja-p5-Jcode-2.07 -- Perl extension interface to convert Japanese text
ja-p5-Lingua-JA-Kana-0.07 -- Converts between Kanas and Romaji
ja-p5-Lingua-JA-Summarize-Extract-0.02_1 -- Summary generator for Japanese
ja-p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.2_2 -- SpamAssassin with patches to handle multibyte character
ja-p5-MeCab-0.994 -- MeCab library module for Perl5
ja-p5-Number-Phone-JP-0.12 -- Perl5 module to validate Japanese phone numbers
ja-p5-PDFJ-0.90_2 -- PDFJ module provides methods to generate Japanese PDF file
ja-p5-Text-ChaSen-1.03_4 -- ChaSen library module for Perl5
ja-p5-Text-Kakasi-2.04 -- Kakasi library module for Perl5
ja-p5-Text-MeCab-0.20009 -- Alternate Interface To libmecab
ja-p5-Unicode-Japanese-0.49 -- A Perl5 module to handle Japanese character encodings
ja-p5-WWW-MobileCarrierJP-0.62 -- Scrape Japanese mobile carrier information
ja-p5-man-5.000 -- Perl5 Japanese manual
ja-p5-mime_pls-2.02 -- Perl Library for MIME encode/decode
ja-p5-nkf-2.1.2 -- A perl extension module to use NKF
ja-pejv-fpw-1.0.4 -- An Esperanto-Japanese dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-perl-5.005.03_5 -- Pattern Extraction and Recognition Language + Japanese patches
ja-php5-mecab-0.4.0 -- A PHP5 extension for MeCab Morphological Analyzer
ja-plain2-2.54.1_2 -- A text converter from plain to any format
ja-plan-1.10.1_2 -- An X/Motif schedule planner with calendar
ja-platex-otf-1.2.4_7 -- A pLaTeX package for OpenType font support
ja-platex209-1.0_8 -- Old version of ASCII Japanese pLaTeX (based on LaTeX 2.09)
ja-postgresql82-man-8.2.4 -- Japanese online manual pages for PostgreSQL
ja-prime- -- PRedictive Input Method Editor(PRIME)
ja-prime-dict-1.0.0_2 -- A dictionary set for the prime
ja-prime-el- -- Emacs lisp set for the prime
ja-prn-1.0 -- A yet another converter from text file to postscript (with Japanese support)
ja-ptex-tetex-3.1.10_5 -- ASCII Japanese pTeX which supports teTeX distribution
ja-py27-mecab-0.994 -- Python bindings for MeCab
ja-qkc-1.0 -- Quick Kanji Code Converter (C version)
ja-quit-1.2a_1 -- A bicycle with trailers like "sl"
ja-rbnamazu-0.4 -- A client of the "Namazu" full-text search engine written in Ruby
ja-roget-fpw-1.0.2 -- Roget's Thesaurus (EPWING V1 format)
ja-rogue_s-1.3a_2 -- Japanized and message separated version of Rogue-clone: Version II
ja-rskkserv-2.95.4 -- An alternative implementation of skkserv written in Ruby
ja-ruby-man-1.4.6 -- Ruby reference manual (Japanese version), in HTML format
ja-ruby-usersguide-980206 -- Ruby users guide (Japanese version), in HTML format
ja-ruby18-chasen-1.7 -- ChaSen module for Ruby
ja-ruby18-eb-2.6_5 -- Ruby bind of EB library
ja-ruby18-mecab-0.994 -- MeCab library module for Ruby
ja-ruby18-ming-0.2a.0.1.6_2 -- Yet another Ming module for Ruby built with Japanese support
ja-ruby18-rdic-0.1.8_2 -- A search tool for Eijiro by ruby
ja-ruby18-romkan-0.4 -- A Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby
ja-ruby18-slang-0.52 -- S-Lang extension module for Ruby
ja-ruby18-uconv-0.5.3 -- Unicode conversion library with Japanese codesets support for Ruby
ja-rubygem-jpmobile-3.0.6 -- A Rails plugin for Japanese mobile-phones
ja-rubygem-jpmobile-ipaddresses-0.0.2 -- Carrier IP Address List for jpmobile
ja-rubygem-jpmobile-terminfo-0.0.3 -- Carrier terminal information List for jpmobile
ja-rubygem-myrurema-0.3.0 -- A tool which helps searching/browsing/writing the Japanese Ruby docs
ja-ryaku-fpw-1.0.1_1 -- An abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-scim-anthy-1.2.7_1 -- SCIM IMEngine module using Anthy
ja-scim-canna-1.0.0_12 -- SCIM IMEngine module using Canna
ja-scim-honoka-0.9.1_10 -- SCIM IMEngine module using various input methods
ja-scim-honoka-plugin-romkan-0.9.0_9 -- Honoka plugin for romaji input
ja-scim-honoka-plugin-wnn-0.9.0_10 -- Honoka plugin for using wnn7
ja-scim-mozc-1.6.1187.102_2 -- Mozc engine for SCIM
ja-scim-prime-0.3.0_11 -- SCIM IMEngine module using PRIME
ja-scim-skk-0.5.2_9 -- SCIM IMEngine module like SKK
ja-scim-tables-0.5.10_1 -- SCIM table based Japanese input methods
ja-scim-tomoe-0.6.0_8 -- SCIM IMEngine module using Tomoe
ja-scim-uim-0.2.0_7 -- SCIM IMEngine module using UIM input method library
ja-seaside-080908.s39 -- Seaside: squeak based WWW application framework with Japanized patch
ja-sed-3.02_2 -- GNU sed + multi-byte extension
ja-sj3-lib- -- A Japanese input method, library part
ja-sj3-server- -- A Japanese input method, binary part
ja-skk-9.6_3 -- The "meta-port" for the SKK Japanese-input software
ja-skk-jisyo-201204 -- Jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
ja-skk-jisyo-cdb-201204 -- CDB jisyo (dictionary) files for the SKK Japanese-input software
ja-skk-tools-1.3.2 -- Jisyo-tools for the SKK Japanese-input software
ja-skkfep-0.87_2 -- SKK-like Kana-to-Kanji FrontEnd Processor
ja-skkinput-2.06.4_2 -- An SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
ja-skkinput3-3.0.6_2 -- An SKK-like Japanese input method for X11
ja-skkserv-9.6_4 -- Dictionary server for the SKK Japanese-input software
ja-slimeforest-0.60_1 -- NES RPG game for learning KANA and KANJI (Linux version)
ja-slrn- -- A newsreader based by S-Lang
ja-srd-fpw-1.1.5_2 -- A English - Japanese Dictionary "Random House" (EPWING V1 format)
ja-srd-fpw-package-1.0.8_5 -- A supplement file for lookup to use "Random House"
ja-suicavalue-2007.05.15 -- Utility to print a statement of Suica
ja-suikyo-2.1.0_2 -- Romaji-Kana conversion Library for the prime
ja-t2ps-1.6d -- Converts text files to PostScript including Japanese
ja-tcl-7.6 -- Japanized Tcl (Tool Command Language)
ja-tcl-8.0.5_2 -- Japanized Tool Command Language, version 8.0
ja-tdiary-3.2.0 -- A Web-based diary system (like weblog) written in Ruby
ja-teTeX-1.6_4 -- A meta port for teTeX suite for Japanese (including pTeX and JTeX)
ja-tegaki-recognize- -- Open-Source Chinese and Japanese Handwriting Recognition
ja-tegaki-zinnia-japanese-0.3 -- Handwriting Recognition Models for Tegaki
ja-texfamily-tetex-1.2_7 -- A Japanese TeX, NTT JTeX (TeXfamily)
ja-texfamily-vfn2a-1.3_8 -- Virtual fonts for NTT JTeX
ja-texinfo-4.7_7 -- Typeset Texinfo files for printing. Uses TeX
ja-tgif-resource-4.2.2 -- Japanese Resource and Configuration for TGIF
ja-tiarra-20100212_1 -- IRC Proxy software
ja-timidity-slang-2.13.2_11 -- Slang interface for TiMidity++ with Japanese support
ja-timidity-tcltk-2.13.2_11 -- Tcl/Tk interface for TiMidity++ with Japanese support
ja-tk-8.0.5_5 -- Graphical toolkit for Japanized TCL, version 8.0
ja-tkhonyaku-1.8_1 -- Yet another Honyaku-Damashii client with rich functionality
ja-today-2.12 -- Tells you what day today is
ja-tomoe-0.6.0_4 -- Tegaki Online MOji-ninshiki Engine
ja-trac-0.12.3 -- An enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software projects
ja-uim-anthy-1.8.2 -- Uim plugin using Anthy input method
ja-uim-tomoe-gtk-0.6.0_11 -- UIM helper program for Tomoe
ja-vera-fpw- -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Aconyms (EPWING V1 format)
ja-vflib-2.25.6_12 -- Japanese Vector font library
ja-vftool-1.2_1 -- Virtual font kit (n2a,a2n,a2bk,p2pn)
ja-w3m-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser with Japanese support
ja-w3m-img-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser with Japanese and inline image support
ja-waeijiro-fpw-1.1_4 -- WAEIJIRO English - Japanese Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-wdic-fpw-1.4 -- Wired and Wireless Dictionary in Japanese (EPWING V1 format)
ja-web1913-fpw-1.1.2 -- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) (EPWING V1 format)
ja-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
ja-wnn7egg-1.02 -- A Wnn7 elisp client
ja-wordnet-fpw- -- A English - English Dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-wordpress-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
ja-wwasw-fpw-1.0.2 -- A biographical dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
ja-xchat-1.8.11_12 -- X11 IRC client using the GTK+ toolkit, and optionally, GNOME
ja-xdtp-1.3.1_4 -- XDTP (XML Document Transfer Program)
ja-xdvik-tetex-22.40y1.1.21_14 -- DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X. + freetype support
ja-xemacs-mule-canna-21.4.22_9 -- XEmacs (stable version) text editor (SJ3, SKK, and Canna)
ja-xgate-3.7pl6 -- xGate webmail system implemented by Servlet over IMAP4/POP3
ja-xjtext-1.3_11 -- A text viewer for Japanese vertical writings
ja-xlockmore-5.40_1 -- Like XLock session locker/screen saver, but just more
ja-xpdf-jafont-3.02_3 -- Japanese font support for xpdf
ja-xshodou-1.11_4 -- A Japanese shodou program for X based on Tcl/Tk
ja-xtr-1.50e.0.2 -- A powerful Japanese text formatting processor
ja-xv-3.10a_15 -- An X11 program that displays images of various formats with japanization
ja-xyaku-1.4.0_5 -- A general dictionary/search engine front-end for X
ja-yasou-fpw-1.0.b0 -- Yasou picture book (EPWING V1 format) by SAS
ja-yc.el-5.2.1_7 -- Yet another Canna client for Emacs/XEmacs
ja-zangband-2.4.0.j020104_2 -- Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with Japanese, color, X11 support
ja-zinnia-0.06 -- Simple, customizable, and portable online hand recognition system
ja-zinnia-tomoe-0.6.0 -- Handwriting Recognition files for Zinnia (Tomoe Data)
ja-zipcodes-20121031 -- Japanese zipcode tables. includes both 3/5 and 7 digits form
ja2-0.12.1_1 -- A port of "Jagged Alliance 2" using SDL
jabber- -- XMPP/Jabber server daemon
jabber-pyaim-transport-0.8a_1 -- Python AIM-Transport for Jabber
jabber-pyicq-transport- -- Python ICQ-Transport for Jabber
jabber-pymsn-transport-0.11.3_2 -- Python MSN-Transport for Jabber
jabber.el-0.8.0_11 -- A minimal jabber client for [X]Emacs
jabberd-2.2.16_2 -- Online presence and instant messaging server
jabref-2.8.1 -- BibTeX native bibliographic reference manager
jacal-1c2 -- Symbolic mathematics program written in Scheme
jack-keyboard-2.7.1_1 -- Virtual keyboard for JACK MIDI
jack-rack-1.4.7_5 -- A LADSPA effects rack for the JACK audio server
jack-smf-utils-1.0_5 -- Standard MIDI File file player and recorder for JACK MIDI
jack_ghero-1.0.3 -- Daemon that converts a GuitarHero device into a JACK MIDI device
jack_mixer-9_1 -- A mixer for the jack audio connection kit
jack_umidi-1.0.4 -- Daemon that converts a raw MIDI device into a JACK MIDI device
jackit-0.121.3_2 -- A low-latency audio server
jad-1.5.8c -- A Java Decompiler
jade-1.2.1_9 -- An object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
jadetex-3.13_8 -- A TeX backend for Jade, for typesetting SGML documents
jaf-1.1.1 -- JavaBeansTM Activation Framework
jag-0.3.2_1 -- 2D arcade-puzzle game like KDiamonds
jags-0.22.1_5 -- JAGS - Just Another GTK+ Samba Client
jai-1.1.3_1 -- High performance image processing libraries for Java
jai-imageio-1.0_2 -- Plug-ins for the Java Image I/O Framework
jailadmin-1.8_5 -- A system for managing a set of named jails
jailaudit-1.2 -- Script to generate portaudit reports for jails
jailctl-0.80 -- Jail management tool
jailer-1.2 -- Manage FreeBSD jail startup, shutdown and console
jailkit-2.14 -- Jailkit is a set of utilities to limit user account
jailme-0.1 -- A setuid version of jexec to allow normal users access to jails
jailrc-1.0 -- Improved jail startup/shutdown script
jailuser-1.9_1 -- Builds a chrooted environment
jailutils-1.6 -- Several utilities for managing jails
jakarta-bcel-5.2_2 -- A library for generating Java bytecode
jakarta-commons-beanutils-1.8.3 -- JavaBeans utility library
jakarta-commons-chain-1.2 -- API implementing Chain of Responsiblity design pattern
jakarta-commons-cli-1.2 -- Java library for command line arguments and options
jakarta-commons-codec-1.7 -- An implementations of common encoders and decoders
jakarta-commons-collections-3.2.1 -- Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
jakarta-commons-configuration-1.3_2 -- Java package for the reading of configuration/preferences files
jakarta-commons-daemon-1.0.10_1 -- Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
jakarta-commons-dbcp-1.4 -- The DBCP Component
jakarta-commons-dbutils-1.1_2 -- JDBC helper library
jakarta-commons-digester-1.8_2 -- XML-to-Java-object mapping utility package
jakarta-commons-discovery-0.5 -- A Java library for locating resources (including classes)
jakarta-commons-httpclient-3.1_1 -- A package implementing the client side of the HTTP standard
jakarta-commons-io-2.4 -- A collection of I/O utilities for Java
jakarta-commons-jelly-1.0_2 -- XML based scripting engine
jakarta-commons-jxpath-1.3 -- Utilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax
jakarta-commons-lang-2.6 -- Jakarta library with helper utilities for the java.lang API
jakarta-commons-logging-1.1.1 -- Generic logging wrapper library
jakarta-commons-math-2.2 -- Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics components
jakarta-commons-math3-3.0 -- Java library of self-contained mathematics and statistics components
jakarta-commons-modeler-2.0.1_1 -- Mechanisms to create Model MBeans compatible with JMX specification
jakarta-commons-net-1.4.1_3 -- Collection of network protocol implementations for Java
jakarta-commons-pool-1.6 -- Jakarta Object-pooling API
jakarta-commons-primitives-1.0_3 -- A library supporting Java primitive types
jakarta-oro-2.0.8_2 -- Perl/awk/sh regular expressions for Java
jakarta-poi-2.5.1_2 -- Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files
jakarta-regexp-1.5_3 -- Regular expressions for Java
jakarta-struts-1.2.4_2 -- Struts framework
jalbum-10.10.7 -- Web photo album generator
jalingo-0.6.0_2 -- Free OS independent dictionary application
jalview-2.07_2 -- A viewer and editor for multiple sequence alignments
jam-2.5_2 -- A build utility like make(1)
jama-1.2.5 -- Java-like Matrix C++ Templates
james-2.3.1_1 -- Java SMTP and POP3 Mail server and NNTP News server
jamin-0.95.0_8 -- JACK Audio Mastering interface
jamlib-1.4.7_1 -- A JAM subroutine library
jamvm-1.5.4 -- A compact Java virtual machine
jansson-2.3.1 -- A C library for encoding, decoding, and manipulating JSON data
jargon-4.4.7 -- The famous jargon file
jarl-0.5001_5 -- A Perl/Tk Jabber client
jarnal-999 -- A tool to take notes, annotate documents (including PDF), and more
jasmin-2.4 -- Java Assembler Interface
jasper-1.900.1_10 -- An implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 standard
jasperreports-3.7.6 -- JasperReports is a powerful open source Java reporting tool
jasperserver-4.7.0 -- Open Source Java Reporting Library
java-access-bridge-1.18.0_7 -- Gnome Java Accessibility Bridge
java-beepcore-0.9.08_3 -- An implementation of BEEP core and BEEP mapping for TCP in Java
java-checkstyle-5.5 -- Java style checker
java-commapi-2.0.3_3 -- Sun's Java Communications API
java-commapi-freebsd-0.9 -- Java Communication API for FreeBSD
java-cup-11.a_2 -- An LALR parser generator in Java
java-findbugs-1.3.9 -- Find Bugs in Java Programs
java-getopt-1.0.13_4 -- Java version of GNU getopt family functions
java-mybatis-3.0.3_1 -- SQL Mapping Framework
java-util-concurrent-1.3.4_2 -- Utility classes for concurrent Java programming
java-zoneinfo-2012.h -- Updated Java timezone definitions
java2html-0.9.2_1 -- Java sources to HTML converter
java3d-1.5.2_1 -- Provides API for creating and manipulation of 3D geometry
javahelp-2.0.05_1 -- A system to add online help to Java applications
javamail-1.4.5 -- A Reference Implementation of JSR 919
javanns-1.1 -- Fully featured neural network simulator
javaservicewrapper-3.5.7 -- Application to solve problems common to many Java applications
javatar-2.5_1 -- A Java tar archive io package
javaview-lite-3.95_2 -- A 3D viewer and a mathematical visualization software
javavmwrapper-2.4_2 -- Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
jave6-0.1_3 -- Java ASCII-Art-Generator
javolution-5.5.1 -- A Java solution for real time and embedded systems
jawstats-0.7.b -- JAWStats is a Free Web Site Statistics tool
jaxen-1.0_4 -- Java XPath Engine
jaxup-1.01_3 -- Java XUpdate engine
jbidwatcher-2.5_1 -- A Java-based application allowing you to monitor eBay auctions
jbig2dec-0.11_1 -- Decoder implementation of the JBIG2 image compression format
jbigkit-1.6 -- Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pages, faxes
jboss-2.4.11_3 -- JBoss 2.x, an open-source J2EE application server
jboss-5.1.0.GA_1 -- Open-source J2EE application server (5.x family)
jboss-as-7.1.1 -- JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final Brontes
jbrofuzz-2.1 -- JBroFuzz is a web application fuzzer
jc-1.4.7_7 -- JVM that converts class files to C source and compiles them with GCC
jcalendar-1.3.3 -- Java Date Chooser
jcckit-1.1_2 -- Java Chart Construction Kit
jchessboard-1.5_2 -- Chess game and PGN viewer/editor written in Java
jcifs-1.3.17 -- The Java CIFS Client Library
jclassinfo-0.19.1 -- Shows information about Java class, dependencies, and more
jcmdline-2.0.0 -- A Java command line processor
jcommon-1.0.18 -- A collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart and JFreeReport
jday-2.4 -- Astronomical Julian date calculator
jdb-1.14 -- JDB manipulates flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts
jdbc-oracle10g- -- The JDBC drivers for Oracle 10g
jdbc-oracle11g- -- JDBC drivers for Oracle 11g
jdbc-oracle8i- -- The JDBC drivers for Oracle 8i
jdbc-oracle9i- -- The JDBC drivers for Oracle 9i
jdbcpool-0.99_3 -- JDBC connection pool
jdbm-2.4 -- A fast, simple, and transactional Java persistence engine
jdictionary-1.8_4 -- Platform independent, plugin based dictionary
jdictionary-int-eng-1.0_4 -- JDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary
jdiskreport-1.4.0 -- Java program to graphically display disk usage statistics
jdk- -- Java Development Kit 1.5.0
jdk- -- Java Development Kit 1.6.0
jdk-doc-1.5.0_1 -- Java Development Kit 1.5 Documentation
jdk-doc- -- Java Development Kit 1.6 Documentation
jdom-1.1.1 -- Java library for accessing and manipulating XML documents
jdraw-1.1.5_2 -- A pixel oriented graphics editor
jdresolve-0.6.1_1 -- A IP addresse to hostname program for httpd log files
je-3.2.76_1 -- Berkeley DB Java Edition
jed-0.99.19_4 -- A SLang-based text editor
jedit-4.3.p18 -- Powerful programmer\'s text editor written in Java
jedit-4.5.2 -- Powerful programmer\'s text editor written in Java
jenkins-1.489 -- Open-source continuous integration server
jep-2.4 -- Java Embedded Python
jericho-html-3.2 -- Java library to analyse and manipulate HTML
jerm-8096 -- Communication terminal through serial and TCP/IP interfaces
jesred-1.2.1_1 -- A redirector for Squid
jetpack-1.0_2 -- Arcade action game for X11
jetspeed-1.6_5 -- Jetspeed is an Open Source Portal, written in Java and XML
jetty-6.1.26 -- Full-featured web server implemented entirely in Java
jeuclid-3.1.9 -- Java based MathML rendering solution
jewel-0.12.41_3 -- Window manager based on aewm++
jext-3.0.2_6 -- Powerful 100% pure Java text editor
jfbterm-0.6.1_5 -- Multilingual terminal emulator for framebuffer
jfk-0.1.1_10 -- A multiplayer 2D shoot'em up game
jflex-1.4.2 -- The Fast Lexical Analyser Generator for Java[tm]
jfreechart-1.0.14 -- A free Java class library for generating charts
jfsw-20051009_2 -- Jonathon Fowler's Shadow Warrior Port
jftp-1.56 -- Java Network Browser
jftpgw-0.13.5_4 -- Highly configurable FTP proxy
jggtrans-2.2.4_2 -- Jabberd XMPP to GG instant messaging service gateway
jgnash-2.10.0 -- A free personal finance manager
jgraph- -- The Java Graph Diagram Component
jgraph-8.3 -- A program that generates postscript graphs
jgrapht-0.7.3_1 -- Java package for mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms
jgraphx- -- The Java Graph Diagram Component version X (jgraph v6+)
jgroups-2.12.0 -- A Java toolkit for reliable multicast communication
jhead-2.96 -- Exif Jpeg camera setting parser, rotator, and much more
jicmp-1.2.0 -- A Java native interface (JNI) to ICMP (ping)
jicmp6-1.0.1 -- Java native interface (JNI) to ICMPv6
jid3lib-0.5.4_2 -- Java ID3 Tag Library
jigdo-0.7.3_5 -- A utility used to retrieve very large files over the Internet
jigsaw-0.8 -- Simulates a jigsaw puzzle and illustrates the use of clipping paths
jigzo-0.6.1_6 -- An OpenGL jigsaw puzzle game
jiic-20120110 -- A streaming-based Java implementation of ISO 9660
jikes-1.22_1 -- A very fast Java source to byte-code compiler made available by IBM
jin-2.14.1_2 -- A graphical client for chess servers
jing-2008.10.28 -- A RELAX NG validator in Java
jinput-20110801.r247 -- Java Game Controller API
jinzora-3.0_1 -- A web based media streaming and management system
jive-1.1 -- Filter that converts English text to Jive
jjclient-1.0.2_1 -- A command line client for posting JustJournal entries
jkill-1.0 -- Shutdowns a running jail and all its processes
jlatexmath-0.9.7 -- Java API to display mathematical formulas written in LaTeX
jlex-1.2.6_3 -- A lexical analyzer generator, written for Java, in Java
jline-0.9.94 -- JLine is a Java library for handling console input
jlint-3.1.2 -- Java program analyzer and checker
jlj-2.12 -- Jerry's command-line entry system
jmba-0.5.5 -- Junk Mail Buffering Agent
jmf-2.1.1e_2 -- Java Media Framework
jmk-x11-fonts-3.0_3 -- Jim Knoble's font package for X
jmol-12.2.23 -- An Open-Source Java Viewer for Chemical Structures in 3D
jmp-0.51_9 -- Java Memory Profiler
jmref-18.4 -- JM Reference Software
jmusic-1.5_2 -- Composition in Java
jna-3.2.7_1 -- Java access to native shared libraries
jnettop-0.13.0 -- Traffic visualizer, similar to nettop
jode- -- Java package containing a decompiler and an optimizer for Java
joe-2.9.8 -- Joe's Own Editor
joe-3.7_1 -- Joe's Own Editor
joequake-0.15b1329_6 -- Improved NQ engine with ZQuake and FuhQuake graphical effects
jogamp-jogl-2.0.20100914 -- Java bindings for OpenGL
jogl-1.1.1_1 -- Java bindings for OpenGL
john-1.7.9.j.5 -- Featureful Unix password cracker
jokosher-0.11.5_2 -- Multi-track non-linear audio editing
jomp-1.0b_2 -- Prototype OpenMP implementation for Java
jools-0.20_6 -- Addictive jewel-swapping puzzle game
joomla-2.5.6 -- A dynamic web content management system (CMS)
joomla15-1.5.24 -- A dynamic web content management system (CMS)
josm-5531 -- A comprehensive editor for database
jove-4.16_1 -- Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs
jovie-4.8.4 -- KDE text-to-speech system
joytran-0.8.7 -- Joystick to keyboard/mouse events translator written in C
jp2a-1.0.6_5 -- Converts JPG images to ASCII
jpatch-0.4.p1_2 -- A spline based 3D modeling tool
jpcap-0.7_1 -- JNI wrapper around libpcap
jpeg-8_3 -- IJG's jpeg compression utilities
jpeg2pdf-0.12 -- Converts a directory of JPEG (JPG) files to a PDF file
jpeg2ps-a4-1.9_2 -- Converter for JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
jpeg2ps-letter-1.9_2 -- Converter for JPEG compressed images to PostScript Level 2
jpeginfo-1.6.1_1 -- Generate listing and MD5, check jpegs for error, delete broken ones
jpegoptim-1.2.4 -- Utility to optimize jpeg files
jpg2pdf-20090113 -- Plain C converter of jpeg images to PDF or PostScript
jpgraph-3.0.7 -- Draw both "quick and dirty" graphs with a minimum of code
jpgtn-2.06_2 -- Creates thumbnails of JPEG images
jpilot-1.8.1_1 -- Desktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot
jpilot-db-1.3.20_2 -- A desktop app for pilot-db
jpilot-picsnvideos-0.2_3 -- JPilot plugin to download photos and videos
jps-1.0 -- Wrapper to ps(1) that maps pids to jails
jrdesktop-0.2.0030 -- View and/or control a remote PC
jrefentry-1.1_2 -- DocBook XML JRefEntry DTD
jrobin-1.5.14 -- A pure Java alternative to RRDTool
jrosetta-1.0.4_1 -- API for building a graphical console in Swing
jrrd-1.0.5_1 -- A Java native interface (JNI) to RRDtool
jrtplib-3.7.1 -- Object-oriented RTP library written in C++
jruby-1.6.6 -- An implementation of Ruby Interpreter in Pure Java
jsMath-3.6.e -- JavaScript tool for including mathematics in web pages
jsMath-fonts-1.3 -- A raster fonts pack for jsmath
jsMath-fonts-sprite-1.0 -- A sprite fonts pack for jsMath
jsap-2.1_2 -- Java package to parse command-line arguments
jsch-0.1.49 -- A pure Java implementation of SSH2
jsl-0.3.0_1 -- Analyzes JavaScript code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
jslice-1.0.0_2 -- Graphics tool to split up a JPEG image and provide HTML for the slices
jsmin-20120702 -- The JavaScript Minifier
json-c-0.9 -- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) implementation in C
json-glib-0.12.6 -- JSON (RFC 4627) interface for Glib
jspacker-1.00.b -- JavaScript compressor/obfuscator (Perl version)
jspice3-2.5.011109 -- An adaptation of the Berkeley Spice3f4 with superconductivity
jspwiki-2.8.4 -- A feature-rich and extensible Wiki engine built around J2EE
jstrack-3.3.4 -- A freeware hurricane tracking program
jta-1.0.1 -- Java Transaction API (JTA)
jtag-0.5.1_4 -- Utility to work with JTAG-aware boards
jtans-1.0_3 -- A (not so) ancient puzzle
jtiger-2.1.0376 -- A Unit Test Framework and Tools for the Java2 Platform
jtop-1.0 -- Wrapper to top(1) that maps pids to jails
jtopen-6.2 -- JTOpen is a Java library to access OS/400 or i5/OS system
jtransforms-2.4 -- A multithreaded FFT library written in pure Java
jts-1.12 -- JTS Topology Suite
juke-0.7 -- A simple curses/ncurses based juke box program
julius-4.1.2 -- Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Engine
jump-0.5_2 -- Java library for arbitrary precision computations
jumpgate-0.7 -- TCP connection forwarder
jumpgis-1.1.2_5 -- A GUI based application for viewing and processing spatial data
jumpgis-postgis-1.1.0_2 -- JUMP support for reading and writing a PostGIS database
junicode-0.7.6 -- Unicode/MUFI OpenType font for medievalists (Latin, IPA, Runic, Greek)
junit-4.10 -- A regression testing utility for use with the Java(TM) Language
junkbuster-2.0.2_7 -- An HTTP proxy server that eliminates ads
junkfilter-20030115 -- Spam filtering software for procmail
jupp-3.1.22 -- Portable version of Joe's Own Editor from MirBSD
jutils-20070610.r26 -- Common utilities for Java Game Technology Group projects
jvgs-0.4_3 -- A minimalistic platform game
jwasm-207a -- Fork of OpenWatcom's x86 assembler with AMD64 support
jwhois-4.0_3 -- An improved WHOIS client capable of selecting server to query
jwm-2.0.1_4 -- Joe's Window Manager
jx-1.23 -- Wrapper to jexec with more feature in interpreting jail id
jxm-1.4_1 -- XMPCR (USB XM radio) control software
jython-2.5.2 -- An implementation of Python Interpreter in Pure Java
jzintv-1.0b3_2 -- Portable Intellivision(TM) Emulator
jzip-2.0.1g -- A text-mode Infocom game interpreter -- WinZip like program written in Java
jzlib-1.1.0 -- A re-implementation of zlib in pure Java
jzmq-2011.04.26 -- Java bindings for ZeroMQ
k3b-1.0.5_16 -- A CD/DVD recording GUI for KDE
k3b-2.0.2_10 -- A CD/DVD recording GUI for KDE4
k3b-i18n-1.0.5_5 -- Localized messages and documentation for K3b
k3bmonkeyaudioplugin-3.1_7 -- K3b plugin for Monkey's Audio files
k3d- -- 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system
k3dsurf-0.6.2_5 -- Visualize and manipulate Mathematical surfaces or curves
k8048-1.04 -- Programs Microchip PICs using Velleman K8048 board
k8temp-0.4.0 -- Athlon 64 and Opteron on-die temperature reader
k9copy-1.2.4_1 -- A DVD-9 to DVD-5 shrinking application for KDE
k9copy-2.3.4_9 -- A DVD-9 to DVD-5 shrinking application for KDE
kBuild-0.1.5.p2_2 -- Makefile framework
kBuild-devel-0.1.9998 -- Makefile framework
ka-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ka language pack for libreoffice
kaccessible-4.8.4 -- Accessibility services for KDE
kactivities-4.8.4 -- Kactivities library
kaffeine-1.2.2_4 -- A xine-base multimedia player
kaffeine-mozilla-0.2_15 -- Kaffeine Mozilla plugin
kaid- -- XLink Kai tunneling server
kajaani-kombat-0.7 -- Kajaani Kombat is a funny multiplayer game... and much more
kajongg-4.8.4 -- Ancient Chinese board game for KDE 4
kalbum-0.8.0_10 -- Create albums from a collection of images
kalgebra-4.8.4_1 -- KDE graph calculator
kallers-0.3.0_13 -- KDE Applet that displays Caller IDs
kalzium-4.8.4 -- Periodic table of elements for KDE 4
kamera-4.8.4 -- Digital camera manager for KDE 4
kamikaze-0.2.2_1 -- Multiplayer bomberman-style game for KDE
kanagram-4.8.4 -- Letter order game for KDE 4
kanatest-0.4.8_1 -- A Japanese kana (Hiragana and Katakana) simple flashcard tool
kannel-1.5.0_1 -- WAP / SMS Gateway
kaptain-0.72_7 -- A tool for building/running QT GUIs for command line programs
kaputa-1.000 -- Free Unicode font for Sinhala script
karamba-0.17_11 -- Display various information right on your desktop
kardsgt-0.7.1_2 -- Card game suite
kartofel-1.2_10 -- Connect the dots in order without crossing over yourself
kasablanca- -- Graphical ftp client for KDE
kash3-2008.07.31 -- A computer algebra system for computing in algebraic number fields
katalog-0.4_8 -- CD organizer for KDE
katapult- -- Fast, extensible launcher for KDE similar to Quicksilver on OSX
kate-4.8.4 -- Basic editor framework for the KDE system
kaudiocreator-1.2.90_5 -- An audio-cd ripper and encoder for KDE4
kawa-1.12 -- Java-based Scheme implementation
kb-8.04_7 -- Amateur Radio contest logger
kb2mb2-1.0_3 -- Redirect any key to second mouse button
kbackup-0.5.4_6 -- A program for back up of directories or files
kbarcode-2.0.7_7 -- A barcode and label printing application for KDE
kbdscan-20110507 -- Kbdscan shows the scancodes of keys pressed
kbear-3.0.a.1_12 -- Graphical FTP client for KDE
kbedic-4.0_8 -- An English-Bulgarian-English dictionary
kbfx- -- A new K-menu for KDE
kbibtex-0.4.1 -- Bibliography editor for KDE
kbiff-4.0_1 -- Mail notification utility for KDE with nice features
kbilliards-0.8.7b_6 -- Funny billiards simulator game for KDE
kbirthday-0.7.3_9 -- KDE kicker-applet that reminds you of birthdays and anniversaries
kblticker-0.2.1_8 -- KDE bloglines notifier
kbproto-1.0.5 -- KB extension headers
kbruch-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 application to exercise fractions
kcachegrind-0.7.0_2 -- Profiling Visualization Tool
kcalc-4.8.4 -- Scientific calculator for KDE
kcd-7.15.0 -- Change directory in full-screen visual mode
kcdlabel-2.12_10 -- Create covers, labels, and booklets for your CD cases
kcemu-0.5.1_3 -- KC85 emulator
kcharselect-4.8.4 -- Character selector for KDE
kcheckers-0.8.1_1 -- Qt version of the classic boardgame checkers
kcheckgmail-0.5.7_6 -- A Gmail Notifier for KDE
kchm-0.6.5_12 -- A KDE viewer for CHM files
kchmviewer-3.1_5 -- A Qt/KDE viewer for CHM files
kchmviewer-6.0_2 -- A Qt/KDE viewer for CHM files
kcolorchooser-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 application to select colors from the screen or from a palette
kcoloredit- -- Palette files editor for KDE
kcpuload-1.99_13 -- CPU meter for Kicker
kdbg-2.5.2 -- Graphical user interface around gdb using KDE
kdc2tiff-0.35_2 -- Converts Kodak .kdc to TIFF or JPEG formats
kde-3.5.10_8 -- The "meta-port" for KDE
kde-4.8.4 -- The meta-port for KDE Software Compilation 4
kde-baseapps-4.8.4 -- Basic applications for the KDE system
kde-i18n-3.5.10_4 -- Localized messages and documentation for KDE
kde-icons-IcOsX-0.7 -- KDE IcOsX iconset
kde-icons-amaranth-0.8 -- KDE smooth iconset
kde-icons-amaranth-althaea-0.5 -- KDE iconset like Crystal SVG, but simpler and with more shadows
kde-icons-black-and-white-2.0.a -- KDE Black And White iconset
kde-icons-cezanne-0.3b -- KDE Cezanne iconset
kde-icons-crystal-project-0.2007052000 -- KDE Crystal Project iconset
kde-icons-dark-glass-2.72 -- KDE Dark Glass iconset
kde-icons-exquisite-0.2004081000 -- KDE Exquisite iconset
kde-icons-gartoon-blue-svg-1.3 -- KDE Gartoon Blue SVG iconset
kde-icons-gartoon-svg-1.3 -- KDE Gartoon SVG iconset
kde-icons-graphite-rade8-1.03 -- KDE Mac OS X like iconset, most from rad-e8 design
kde-icons-kool-gorilla-1.3.5 -- KDE Kool Gorilla iconset
kde-icons-krystaline-1.1.6 -- KDE Krystaline iconset
kde-icons-lime-rade8-1.01 -- KDE Mac OS X like iconset, most from rad-e8 design
kde-icons-lush-0.1.0 -- KDE Lush complete iconset
kde-icons-marbles-translucent-0.1.3 -- KDE Marbles Translucent iconset
kde-icons-noia-1.00 -- KDE Noia complete iconset
kde-icons-noia-warm-0.95 -- KDE iconset variation of the 'Noia' icons using warm colors
kde-icons-nuoveXT-1.6 -- KDE nuoveXT iconset
kde-icons-nuoveXT2-2.2 -- KDE nuoveXT 2 iconset
kde-icons-nuvola-1.0_1 -- KDE Nuvola iconset, SVG evolution of SKY
kde-icons-os-k-1.15 -- KDE OS-K iconset
kde-icons-realistic-0.10 -- KDE Realistic complete photo-based iconset
kde-icons-sky-0.7.3 -- KDE SKY iconset
kde-icons-steel-1.2.5 -- KDE iconset comprised of Steel/Silver icons with shadows
kde-icons-umicons-2.0 -- KDE Umicons iconset
kde-icons-vista-inspirate-1.0 -- KDE Vista Inspirate iconset
kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Localized messages and documentation for KDE
kde-lite-3.5.10_8 -- The FreeBSD release "meta-port" for (a subset of) KDE
kde-runtime-4.8.4_2 -- Basic applications for the KDE system
kde-style-comix-1.3.8_8 -- Flat KDE style and window decoration
kde-style-lipstik-2.2.3_7 -- Modified Plastik KDE style
kde-style-polyester-1.0.5_1 -- KDE style and window decoration
kde-style-qtcurve-1.8.5_1 -- QtCurve KDE3 widget style
kde-style-tiblit-1.2_11 -- KDE style focused on customization
kde-thumbnailer-chm-0.2 -- KDE thumbnail generator for CHM files
kde-wallpapers-4.8.4 -- Set of wallpapers for the KDE Plasma workspace
kde-windeco-activeheart-1.1_9 -- Nice KDE window decoration with thin borders
kde-windeco-crystal-1.0.7_5 -- Transparent KDE window decoration
kde-windeco-crystal-2.1.0_2 -- Transparent KDE window decoration
kde-windeco-knifty-0.4.2_11 -- Lightweight KDE window decoration
kde-windeco-neos-0.2b_11 -- KDE window decoration
kde-windeco-smoothblend-1.2_11 -- A window decoration for KDE
kde-workspace-4.8.4 -- Basic applications for the KDE system
kde-xdg-env-1.0_3 -- Script which hooks into startkde and helps KDE pick up XDG apps/menus
kde4-freebsd-carddeck-1.0 -- FreeBSD themed deck for KDE card games
kde4-icons-oxygen-4.8.4 -- The Oxygen icon theme for KDE
kde4-shared-mime-info-1.2 -- Handles shared MIME database under ${KDE4_PREFIX}
kde4-style-bespin-200912030441_5 -- A configurable KDE style
kde4-style-nitrogen-1.0.5_4 -- KDE style with animations
kde4-style-polyester-2.0.0_6 -- KDE style and window decoration
kde4-style-qtcurve-1.8.13 -- QtCurve KDE4 widget style
kde4-style-skulpture-0.2.3_6 -- KDE style featuring 3D artwork and enhanced the visual experience
kde4-windeco-dekorator-0.5.1_2 -- Transparent KDE4 window decoration
kde4-windeco-nitrogen-3.3.3_4 -- KDE4 window decoration
kde4-xdg-env-1.0.1 -- Script which hooks into startkde and helps KDE pick up XDG apps/menus
kde_poster-1.0 -- KDE version of the poster utility
kdeaccessibility-3.5.10_5 -- Accessibility applications for KDE
kdeaccessibility-4.8.4 -- Accessibility applications for KDE4
kdeaddons-3.5.10_5 -- Additional plugins and scripts for some KDE applications
kdeaddons-atlantikdesigner-3.5.10_4 -- Editor for Atlantik
kdeaddons-kaddressbook-plugins-3.5.10_6 -- Plugins for KAddressbook
kdeaddons-kate-plugins-3.5.10_6 -- Additional plugins and features for kate
kdeaddons-kfile-plugins-3.5.10_6 -- Plugins for Konqueror (in filemanager mode)
kdeaddons-kicker-applets-3.5.10_6 -- Additional applets for Kicker
kdeaddons-knewsticker-scripts-3.5.10_4 -- Additional scripts for KNewsTicker
kdeaddons-konq-plugins-3.5.10_6 -- Additional plugins and features for Konqueror
kdeaddons-ksig-3.5.10_4 -- Signature randomiser, available standalone or as a plugin within KMail
kdeaddons-noatun-plugins-3.5.10_4 -- Various plugins for Noatun
kdeaddons-renamedlg-plugins-3.5.10_4 -- Plugins for Konqueror's rename dialog
kdeadmin-3.5.10_4 -- KDE applications related to system administration
kdeadmin-4.8.4 -- KDE Admin applications
kdeartwork-3.5.10_6 -- Additional themes, sounds, wallpapers and window styles for KDE
kdeartwork-4.8.4 -- KDE Artworks Themes
kdeartwork-xscreensaver-kde-3.5.10_7 -- Support for xscreensaver blankers in KDE
kdebase-3.5.10_11 -- Basic applications for the KDE system
kdebase-kompmgr-3.5.10_4 -- Utility needed to enable XComposite support in KDE
kdebindings-4.8.4 -- KDE bindings meta port
kdebindings-smoke-smokegen-4.8.4 -- SMOKE bindings for KDE
kdebindings-smoke-smokekde-4.8.4 -- SMOKE bindings for KDE
kdebindings-smoke-smokeqt-4.8.4 -- SMOKE bindings for Qt
kdeedu-3.5.10_5 -- Collection of entertaining, educational programs for KDE
kdeedu-4.8.4 -- Set of entertaining, educational programs for KDE 4 (meta-port)
kdegames-3.5.10_4 -- Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdegames-4.8.4 -- Games for KDE 4
kdegraphics-3.5.10_11 -- Graphics utilities for the KDE3 integrated X11 desktop
kdegraphics-4.8.4 -- Graphics utilities for KDE 4 (meta-port)
kdegraphics-kamera-3.5.10_4 -- Digital camera support for KDE
kdegraphics-kooka-3.5.10_4 -- Raster image scan program for KDE
kdegraphics-kuickshow-3.5.10_4 -- KDE image viewer
kdegraphics-mobipocket-4.8.4 -- Mobipocket plugins for Strigi indexing, Okular, and thumbnails
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-4.8.4 -- Strigi analyzers for various graphics file formats
kdegraphics-svgpart-4.8.4 -- SVG KPart
kdegraphics-thumbnailers-4.8.4 -- Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
kdehier-1.0_11 -- Utility port which installs a hierarchy of shared KDE directories
kdehier4-1.0.10 -- Utility port that creates hierarchy of shared KDE4 directories
kdelibs-3.5.10_10 -- Base set of libraries needed by KDE programs
kdelibs-4.8.4_1 -- Base set of libraries needed by KDE programs
kdelibs-nocups-3.5.10_10 -- Base set of libraries needed by KDE programs
kdemultimedia-3.5.10_7 -- Multimedia utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdemultimedia-4.8.4_1 -- KDE Multimedia applications
kdemultimedia-juk-3.5.10_7 -- KDE audio player
kdemultimedia-mpeglib_artsplug-3.5.10_6 -- Legacy KDE audio backend
kdemultimedia-xine_artsplugin-3.5.10_8 -- Xine-based multimedia backend for KDE
kdenetwork-3.5.10_4 -- Network-related programs and modules for KDE
kdenetwork-4.8.4_2 -- KDE Network applications
kdenetwork-kopete-0.12.8_7 -- KDE multi-protocol instant messenger (IM)
kdenetwork-lanbrowsing-3.5.10_9 -- Lanbrowsing facility and backend for KDE
kdenlive-0.9.2_1 -- KDE professional quality non-linear video editing suite
kdepim-3.5.10_11 -- Personal Information Management tools for KDE
kdepim- -- Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
kdepim-4.8.4 -- Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
kdepim-runtime- -- Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
kdepim-runtime-4.8.4 -- Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
kdepimlibs-4.8.4 -- Libraries for KDE-PIM applications
kdeplasma-addons-4.8.4 -- Extra plasmoids for KDE4
kdesdk-3.5.10_8 -- KDE Software Development Kit
kdesdk-4.8.4 -- KDE Software Development Kit
kdesvn-1.6.0 -- KDE frontend for Subversion
kdetoys-3.5.10_4 -- Small applications for KDE
kdetoys-4.8.4 -- Collection of entertaining programs for KDE
kdeutils-3.5.10_10 -- Utilities for the KDE integrated X11 desktop
kdeutils-4.8.4 -- Collection of utilities for KDE 4
kdeutils-klaptopdaemon-3.5.10_4 -- APM monitor for KDE
kdeutils-kmilo-3.5.10_4 -- Enables special keys on custom keyboards
kdeutils-printer-applet-4.8.4 -- Printer system tray utility for KDE4
kdevelop-3.5.4_9 -- IDE for a wide variety of programming tasks
kdevelop-4.3.1_2 -- Opensource IDE based on KDevPlatform, KDE, and Qt libraries
kdevelop-pg-qt-1.0.0_1 -- Parser-generator from KDevplatform
kdevelop-php-1.3.1_1 -- PHP support for KDevelop
kdevelop-php-docs-1.3.1_1 -- PHP documentation for KDevelop
kdevplatform-1.3.1_2 -- KDE development platform
kdewebdev-3.5.10_9 -- Comprehensive html/website development environment
kdewebdev-4.8.4 -- Comprehensive html/website development environment
kdf-4.8.4 -- Shows free space of devices for KDE
kdiff3-0.9.95_4 -- A KDE4 graphical frontend for diff
kdirstat-2.4.4_7 -- A small KDE utility that sums up disk usage for directory trees
kdissert-1.0.7_7 -- KDE mindmapping tool
kdmtheme-1.2.2_6 -- KDM Theme Manager
kedpm-0.4.0_7 -- A simple application for managing personal data
keep-0.4.0_7 -- A backup system for KDE
keitairc-1.33_1 -- IRC proxy for mobilephone that have a web interface
keitairc-2.0 -- IRC proxy for mobilephone that have a web interface
kenny-1.7 -- Translate text both to and from KennySpeak
kermit-9.0.302 -- Portable scriptable network and serial communication program
kevedit-0.5.1_2 -- Modern ZZT editor with necessary features
kexchange-1.0_10 -- KDE currency converter
kexis-0.2.2 -- Lossless WAV file compressor
keybinder-0.2.2_1 -- Library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keyboardcast-0.1.1_1 -- Broadcast keystrokes to multiple X windows for Gnome2
keychain-2.7.1 -- A user-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)
keylaunch-1.3.0_3 -- An X utility for binding commands to a hot key
keynav-0.20110708.0_1 -- Quickly select a portion of the screen using minimal keystrokes
keynote-2.3_1 -- A Trust-Management System
keyprint-1.0 -- Print S/Key keys on a piece of paper, twice the size of a credit card
kfloppy-4.8.4 -- Floppy disk formatter for KDE
kfreerings-1.0_9 -- A small puzzle game
kftpgrabber-0.8.1_5 -- Graphical FTP client for KDE
kgamma-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 monitor calibration tool
kgeography-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 geography trainer
kgpg-1.0.0_12 -- A simple KDE frontend for GnuPG
kgpg-4.8.4 -- Encryption tool for KDE
kgraphviewer- -- GraphViz dot graph viewer for KDE
kgrubeditor-0.8.5_6 -- GRUB configuration utility for KDE
kgtk-0.9.4_12 -- Daemon to use KDE dialogs in GTK applications
khacc-3.3_11 -- Simple KDE-based financial manager
khangman-4.8.4 -- Hangman game for KDE 4
khmeros-5.0 -- Khmer OS fonts
khtml2png-2.7.7_1 -- Command line program to create screenshots of webpages
kiax-0.8.51_6 -- An Asterisk (IAX) client written in QT for KDE
kicad-2010.05.05.b2356_3 -- Schematic and PCB editing software
kicad-devel-r3060_2 -- Schematic and PCB editing software
kicad-library-1.0 -- Library modules for Kicad EDA
kickpim-0.5.3_12 -- Panel applet for editing and accessing the KDE addressbook
kiconedit-4.4.0_2 -- A KDE icon editor
kiconvtool-0.96 -- Tool to preload kernel iconv charset tables
kid3-1.6_3 -- MP3/Ogg/FLAC tag editor for KDE
kid3-2.2_1 -- MP3/Ogg/FLAC tag editor for KDE
kig-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 interactive geometry application
kiki-1.0.2_13 -- Kiki the nanobot is a 3-D puzzle game
kile-2.0.3_4 -- A LaTeX source editor for KDE
kile-2.1.3 -- A LaTeX source editor for KDE
kimboot-0.74_4 -- A sick and addictive arcade game
kimwitu-4.6.1 -- A tool for processing trees (i.e. terms)
kino-1.3.4_12 -- A DV non-linear video editor
kio-upnp-ms-1.0.0.g20110808_2 -- KIO slave to access UPnP MediaServers
kio_p7zip-0.3.1_6 -- Kioslave for KDE to handle 7zip files
kipi-plugins-0.1.7_11 -- KDE Image Plugin Interface plugins
kipi-plugins-2.9.0 -- KDE4 kipi graphics plugins
kirocker-4.0_9 -- Kicker applet for displaying Amarok info
kismet-2011.03.r2 -- 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS
kisomandel-0.66_8 -- Fractal rendering program with nice 3D-display in realtime
kissd-0.3 -- A daemon for providing multimedia files to KiSS DP-50x players
kissdx-0.13.10a_7 -- A multimedia streaming server for KiSS/Linksys player
kix-kmod-1.0_1 -- A graphical screensaver kernel module
kk-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Kazakh messages and documentation for Calligra
kk-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Kazakh messages and documentation for KDE3
kk-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Kazakh messages and documentation for KDE4
kk-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- kk language pack for libreoffice
kkbswitch-1.4.3_9 -- Keyboard layout switcher and indicator for KDE 3.x
kkeyled-0.8.11_6 -- Panel applet to display the keyboard's LED states
kktdirect-0.5 -- A direct solver package for saddle-point (KKT) matrices
klamav-0.46_6 -- A KDE 3 front-end to Clam Anti-Virus
klat-0.5.1_6 -- A LaTeX source editor for KDE
klat4-0.6.1_9 -- A LaTeX source editor for KDE4
klatexformula-3.1.2_3 -- Convert LaTeX formula to image
klavaro-1.9.5 -- Touchtyping trainer
klayout-0.21.19 -- A Qt-based GDS2 Viewer
kldfind-0.61 -- Find kernel modules by string
kldpatch-20090116 -- Utility to patch modules and kernel
kleansweep-0.2.9_8 -- KleanSweep allows you to reclaim disk space by finding unneeded files
klettres-4.8.4 -- Alphabet learning tool for KDE 4
klh10-2.0a -- Emulator for DEC PDP-10
klibido-0.2.5_9 -- A very fast and efficient KDE/QT-based downloader for Usenet binaries
klineakconfig-0.9_6 -- Configure lineakd through a KDE interface
klipoquery-0.2.4_8 -- Panel applet for web searches using clipboard entries
klog-0.4.2_6 -- A ham radio logging application for KDE
klogoturtle-0.6_10 -- LOGO Interpreter for the KDE Desktop
klondike-1.9_3 -- A solitaire game for X11
klone-2.1.359_1 -- Small, Lisp-like interpreted language
kludge3d-20040822_11 -- Simple 3D editor
kluje-0.8_6 -- A KDE client for the popular online journal site LiveJournal
km-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Khmer messages and documentation for KDE3
km-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Khmer messages and documentation for KDE4
km-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- km language pack for libreoffice
kmag-4.8.4 -- KDE Screen magnifier
kmancala-1.0.2_2 -- A board game for KDE, also known as Mancala or Kalah
kmastermind-2.2_8 -- Mastermind game designed for K Desktop Environment
kmatrix3d-0.1_10 -- Eye candy for KDE, a new Matrix screensaver
kmenc15-0.04_7 -- KDE advanced MEncoder frontend, ala, VirtualDub
kmerlin-1.4.2_9 -- An IM (Instant Messenger) KDE client for the Microsoft MSN Network
kmess-1.5.p.1_6 -- MSN Messenger Client for KDE3
kmess- -- MSN Messenger client for KDE
kmfl-european-latin-1.6 -- Paneuropean Latin KMFL keyboard covering 120 languages
kmfl-khmer-1.0 -- KMFL SCIM IMEngine keyboard for Khmer language
kmfl-sil-ezra-2.4_4 -- KMFL keyboard for Unicode Biblical Hebrew
kmfl-sil-galatia-1.03 -- KMFL Unicode keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek
kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode-1.2_3 -- IPA Unicode 5.1 mnemonic keyboard for KMFL IMEngine
kmfl-sil-panafrican-latin-20090831_3 -- KMFL keyboard for African Latin writing systems
kmfl-sil-yi-20020903_3 -- KMFL Unicode keyboard for standardized Yi script
kmfl-varamozhi-malayalam-1.1.1_4 -- KMFL Malayalam keyboard according to the Mozhi scheme
kmflcomp-0.9.9 -- Compiler of Keyman KMFL keyboard sources to use with SCIM/IBus
kmldonkey-0.11_4 -- KDE integration for MLDonkey eDonkey P2P client
kmobiletools- -- Control mobile phones with your PC
kmousetool-4.8.4 -- Automatic mouse click tool for KDE
kmouth-4.8.4 -- Speech synthesizer frontend for KDE
kmovisto-0.7.0_8 -- A real 3-D molecule viewer
kmp-0.01_6 -- A graphical interface to musicpd written with Qt
kmplayer-0.10.0c_8 -- KDE frontend to MPlayer, Xine, GStreamer
kmplayer-kde4-0.11.2b_2 -- KDE frontend to Phonon / KDE4
kmplot-4.8.4 -- Mathematical function plotter for KDE 4
kmquake2-0.19_16 -- Enhanced Quake2 OpenGL only engine with Lazarus support
kmyirc-0.2.9_11 -- Easy to use IRC client for KDE
kmymoney-4.6.3 -- KDE4 personal finance manager
kmymoney2-1.0.5_2 -- KDE-based personal finance assistant
kmysqladmin-0.7.2_10 -- A graphical frontend for administration of MySQL servers
kn-aspell-0.01.1 -- Aspell Kannada dictionary
kn-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Kannada messages and documentation for KDE4
kn-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- kn language pack for libreoffice
knemo-0.4.1_6 -- Network monitor for KDE
knemo-0.7.4 -- KDE network monitor
knews-1.0b.1_12 -- A threaded nntp newsreader for X
knightcap-3.6_5 -- Chess program with 3D interface for X Window System
knights-0.6_11 -- A KDE chess interface (gnuchess/crafty)
knights-2.3.1_2 -- A KDE4 chess interface
knock-0.5_1 -- A flexible port-knocking server and client
knocker-0.7.1 -- A simple and easy to use TCP only port scanner (Console version)
knoda-0.8.3_1 -- Database frontend for KDE
knot-1.1.0 -- Knot DNS is a high performance authoritative-only DNS server
knowit-0.10_10 -- A note manager with tree organization that uses RTF for storage
knutclient-0.9.4_5 -- A visual client for UPS system NUT
knutclient-1.0.4_3 -- A visual client for UPS system NUT
ko-FreeWnn-lib-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Korean client libraries)
ko-FreeWnn-server-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Korean server)
ko-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (KOR)
ko-aleefonts-ttf-12 -- A-Lee's Hangul truetype fonts
ko-ami-1.2.3_1 -- Well-known Korean X11 Input Method
ko-baekmukfonts-bdf-2.0_5 -- Free Hangul fonts for X11(baekmuk)
ko-baekmukfonts-ttf-2.2 -- Baekmuk family Korean TrueType Fonts
ko-engdic-0.2 -- An English dictionary utility for Korean
ko-eterm-0.8.9_11 -- X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports korean
ko-fcitx-hangul-0.1.2 -- Hangul support for Fcitx
ko-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Korean
ko-gtkcomm-0.8.1_1 -- Serial controlling software, with gtk+ widget
ko-h2ps-2.06 -- Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer with Korean char
ko-hanyangfonts-1.0_2 -- Hanyang Hangul fonts for X11
ko-hcode-2.1.3 -- Hangul code conversion utility
ko-hmconv-1.0.3 -- Hangul code conversion utility for E-mail
ko-hpscat-1.3jshin -- Hangul Text Printing Utility
ko-hunspell-0.5.6 -- Korean hunspell dictionaries
ko-ibus-hangul-1.4.1_3 -- Hangul input engine for IBus
ko-imhangul-2.1.0_1 -- GTK+-2.0 Hangul input module
ko-kaistfonts-ksc-1.0_3 -- X11 KAIST font(ksc5601.1987-0 encoding) collection
ko-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Korean messages and documentation for KDE3
ko-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Korean messages and documentation for KDE4
ko-ko.TeX- -- Korean TeX macro and utilities
ko-ko.TeX-fonts-base- -- Korean TeX base fonts
ko-ko.TeX-fonts-extra-0.1.0_4 -- Korean TeX extra fonts
ko-libhangul-0.1.0 -- Library for Hangul processing
ko-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ko language pack for libreoffice
ko-man-doc-021120_3 -- Korean online manual pages
ko-munhwafonts-cid-1.0_3 -- Munhwa CID fonts collection(Basic set)
ko-nabi-0.99.11_1 -- Hangul X Input Method for Everywhere
ko-nanumcoding-ttf-2.0 -- NanumGothic Coding Hangul font (TrueType)
ko-nanumfonts-otf-3.0 -- Nanum family Hangul fonts (OpenType)
ko-nanumfonts-ttf-3.0 -- Nanum family Hangul fonts (TrueType)
ko-nhpf-1.42_1 -- Hangul Printing Filter for Netscape with embedded font
ko-scim-hangul-0.4.0 -- SCIM IMEngine module for Korean(Hangul) input
ko-scim-tables-0.5.10_1 -- SCIM table based Korean input methods
ko-unfonts-core- -- GPL'd Korean TrueType Fonts by UN Koaunghi (core)
ko-unfonts-extra-1.0.1 -- GPL'd Korean TrueType Fonts by UN Koaunghi (extra)
ko-uniksc-0.9 -- Converts data between Korean KSC-5601 and Unicode 3.0 UTF-16
ko-unzip-6.0_1 -- ZIP archive extractor with localized patches
ko-xpdf-kofont-3.02_4 -- Korean font support for xpdf
kobodeluxe-0.5.1_8 -- An SDL port of the scrolling game XKobo
koctave-0.70_5 -- KDEGUI for octave
kodos-2.4.9_7 -- The Python Regular Expression Debugger
koi8-u-gemini-x11-1.0_3 -- Ukrainian KOI8 fonts for X11R6 (koi8-u)
koi8-u-monaco-x11-1.0_2 -- A collection of 5 "fixed" fonts for X11 from
kojoney- -- A low level interaction honeypot that emulates an SSH server
kok-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- kok language pack for libreoffice
kolourpaint-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 paint program
komclean-1.2.0_1 -- Web based LysKOM client
komodo-edit-6.1.2_3 -- Multi-language editor from ActiveState
komodo-ide-6.1.1 -- Multi-language editor from ActiveState
komparator-0.9_1 -- KDE app that searches and synchronizes two directories
kompose-0.5.3_7 -- Full-screen task manager similar to Expose(tm)
kompozer-0.8.b3_3 -- Complete Web Authoring Suite
konsole-4.8.4 -- KDE terminal emulator
konversation-1.1_4 -- A user friendly IRC client for KDE
konversation-1.4_2 -- A user friendly IRC client for KDE
konverse-0.2_11 -- KDE Jabber Client
konverter-0.92.b1_19 -- KDE MEncoder frontend
konwert-1.8_11 -- Modular converter between charsets and filter
kooldock-0.4.7_6 -- OS-X dock-like for KDE
kopete-otr-0.7_6 -- Allows deniable private conversations using Kopete
koth-0.8.0_2 -- Multiplayer tank artillery game similar to Scorched Earth
kover-4_1 -- WYSIWYG CD cover printer
kovpn-0.3_10 -- A simple GUI for OpenVPN clients
kpartsplugin-0.0.20120723_1 -- Browser file viewer using KDE technology
kpcli-1.4 -- Command line interface to KeePassX and KeePass 1.x database files
kpdftool-0.23.1_2 -- Simple utility to manipulate PS and PDF files
kphone-4.2_6 -- A voice over internet phone
kphotoalbum- -- Image viewer and organizer for KDE
kpicframer-0.5_13 -- KDE card game
kpictorial-0.9.1_10 -- Little logical game for KDE
kplayer-0.6.3_7 -- Movie player based on mplayer
kplayer-0.7_3 -- Movie player based on mplayer
kplaylist-1.8.505_1 -- A PHP based music database
kpopup- -- KDE program for sending and receiving MS Windows WinPopup messages
kports-0.6.1_10 -- KDE3-Version of your favorite frontend to the Ports
kports-0.8.2_5 -- Qt4-Version of your favorite frontend to the Ports
kpovmodeler- -- KDE editor/frontend for Povray
kprof-1.3.1_12 -- A profiling tool for KDE
kpsk-1.0_10 -- A PSK31 digital radio communications application for the KDE
kpum- -- KDE pureftpd user manager
kpuzzle-0.4_9 -- Jigsaw puzzle game for KDE
kqemu-kmod-1.3.0.p11_12 -- Kernel Accelerator for QEMU CPU Emulator
kqemu-kmod-devel-1.4.0.p1_5 -- Kernel Accelerator for QEMU CPU Emulator (development version)
kradview-1.1.0_5 -- A free DICOM viewer for KDE
krank-07_1 -- A little casual game
krb5-1.10.3_1 -- An authentication system developed at MIT, successor to Kerberos IV
krb5-appl-1.0.3 -- An authentication system developed at MIT, successor to Kerberos IV
krdesktop-1.8_10 -- KDE GUI for rdesktop and VNC
krecipes-0.9.1_6 -- Recipe database for cooks
krecipes-2.0.b2_2 -- Recipe database for KDE4
krefty-0.2_11 -- Quick Reference sheets for KDE
kremotecontrol-4.8.4 -- KDE frontend for your remote controls
krename-3.0.14_6 -- Very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3
krename-4.0.9_3 -- Very powerful batch file renamer for KDE
kripp-0.6.1 -- Lightweight network password sniffer
kroc-1.5.r6372_4 -- The Kent Retargetable occam-pi Compiler
krss-3.0_1 -- KDE Rich Site Summary viewer
kruler-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 screen ruler
krusader-1.90.0_6 -- A two window file-manager for KDE, like midnight or norton commander
krusader-2.4.0.b1_2 -- A two window file-manager for KDE, like midnight or norton commander
ks-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ks language pack for libreoffice
ksaneplugin-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 plugin for scanning through libksane
kscope-1.6.1_7 -- KDE front-end to Cscope
kseg-0.403_7 -- A simulator of euclidean geometry
ksh93-20120801 -- Official AT&T release of KornShell 93
kshowmail-4.1_1 -- POP3 mail checker for KDE
kshutdown-1.0.4_4 -- Advanced shutdown utility for KDE
kshutdown-3.0.b4_1 -- Advanced shutdown utility for KDE
ksmoothdock-4.5_8 -- A dock program for KDE with smooth zooming
ksmp3play- -- An curses-based MP3 player
ksnapshot-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 screen capture program
ksqlanalyzer-0.2.2_7 -- MSSQL database client for KDE
ksqlshell-0.2_8 -- MySQL and PostgreSQL client for KDE
kssh-0.7_10 -- KDE frontend to ssh
ksshaskpass-0.5.3_2 -- A KDE 4 version of ssh-askpass with KWallet support
kst-1.9.1_5 -- Data viewing program for KDE
kst-2.0.6 -- Data viewing and plotting tool
kstars-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 desktop planetarium
kstreamripper-0.7.1_2 -- A program for recording streams for KDE4
ksudoku-0.4_6 -- A Sudoku generator and solver for KDE
ksynaptics-0.3.1_6 -- KDE control center module for Synaptics touchpads
ksysguardd-4.8.4 -- KDE System Guard Daemon
ktagebuch-0.74_10 -- A diary program for KDE 3
ktextdecode-3.0_10 -- The simple text conversion utility for KDE 3
ktimer-4.8.4 -- Countdown launcher for KDE
ktoblzcheck-1.40 -- Check bank codes of German banks
ktorrent-2.2.8_6 -- BitTorrent client for KDE
ktorrent-4.3.0_1 -- BitTorrent client for KDE
ktouch-4.8.4 -- Touch typing tutor for KDE 4
ktrack-0.3.0r1_9 -- Amateur Radio satellite tracking and prediction
ktritoc-1.0_12 -- A Tic-tac-toe like boardgame
kturtle-4.8.4 -- Educational programming environment for KDE 4
ku-aspell-0.20.1_1 -- Aspell Kurdi dictionary
ku-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ku language pack for libreoffice
kudu-0.1.2_7 -- 3D skeletal animation tool, powered by GTK+ and OpenGL
kuickshow- -- KDE image viewer
kuklomenos-0.4.5_1 -- Simple but challenging abstract shoot-em-up game
kumofs-0.4.13 -- Scalable and highly available distributed key-value store
kvirc-4.2.0 -- IRC client for KDE4
kvirc-qt4-4.2.0 -- Qt4 based IRC client
kwallet-4.8.4 -- Password manager for KDE
kwappen-1.1.5_11 -- KDE board game
kwatch-2.3.3_9 -- KDE/Qt log file viewer
kwebkitpart-1.3.0 -- Web browser component for KDE SC based on QtWebKit
kwirc-0.1.0_10 -- IRC client for KDE
kwooty-0.8.3 -- Usenet binary downloader for KDE4
kwordquiz-4.8.4 -- Flash card trainer for KDE 4
kxmleditor-1.1.4_9 -- XML editor for KDE
ky-aspell-0.01.0 -- Aspell Kirghiz dictionary
kye-data-20120818 -- Original extra Levels for Python Kye
kyotocabinet-1.2.76 -- A straightforward implementation of DBM
kyototycoon-0.9.56 -- A handy cache/storage server
kyra-2.0.7_12 -- A simple Sprite engine written in C++
kzip-20070805 -- PKZIP-compatible compressor focusing on space over speed
l0pht-watch-1.1 -- A program to report on what goes on in /tmp
l0phtcrack-1.5 -- Cracks SAMBA or Windows NT passwords
l2a-1.2 -- L2a - LaTeX to ASCII converter
l2p-1.1.1_3 -- Create PNG images from LaTeX math expressions
l2tpd-0.69_3 -- An implementation of the layer two tunneling protocol
l4ip-1.0.294 -- L4 health check daemon for IPFILTER
l5-1.2 -- File Integrity Assessment Tool
la-aspell-20020503.0_1 -- Aspell Latin dictionary
labyrinth-0.5 -- Mind-mapping tool for GNOME
lacheck-1.26 -- A tool for finding common mistakes in LaTeX documents
ladder-1.00_1 -- The old "ladder" game
ladspa-1.13 -- Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API
ladvd-1.0.2 -- A minimal LLDP/CDP daemon
lafontaine-0.4.1_8 -- Graphical logo interpreter
lagan-1.2 -- Efficient tools for large-scale multiple alignments of genomic DNA
lam-7.1.5b2 -- Local Area Multicomputer MPI implementation
lamarc-2.1.8 -- A package of programs for computing population parameters
lambda-0.1.4 -- A lambda calculus interpreter
lambdamoo-1.8.1_1 -- The most commonly used program to run MOOs
lame-3.99.5 -- Fast MP3 encoder kit
lamprop-1.3.3 -- Calculates properties of fiber reinforced composites
lander-0.6.2_2 -- Lunar Lander clone
landscape-0.7_13 -- A program for generating and rendering fractal landscapes
langspec-3.0 -- The Java Language Specification
lanmap-2006.03.07.r81_4 -- Lanmap sits quietly on a network and builds a picture of what it sees
lapack-2.5.3_3 -- Linear Algebra PACKage in C++, a wrapper for LAPACK
lapack-3.4.1 -- A library of Fortran 77 subroutines for linear algebra
lapack95-1.0_6 -- LAPACK95, Fortran90/95 wrapper for LAPACK
lapacke-3.4.0 -- Standard C language APIs for LAPACK
lapispuzzle-1.2 -- Tetris-like game for GNUstep
larbin-2.6.3_1 -- A powerful HTTP crawler with an easy interface
larswm-7.5.3_2 -- Tiling Window Manager for X
lash-0.5.4_8 -- Session management system for JACK audio applications
lasi-1.1.1_1 -- C++ stream output interface for creating Postscript documents
laspack-1.12.2 -- Package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations
lasso-2.1.1_1 -- Free Liberty Alliance Implementation
last-cmus-1.0 -- Cmus plugin for submitting songs into -- Official radio player
laszip-2.1.0 -- A library for lossless LAS compression
latd-1.29 -- The Linux-DECnet project LAT protocol suite
laternamagica-0.4 -- Image viewer and slideshow application
latex-aa-6.1_3 -- LaTeX class for submission to "Astronomy and Astrophysics"
latex-aastex-5.2_3 -- LaTeX class for American Astronomical Society (AAS) journals
latex-acm-1.1 -- LaTeX styles for ACM journals
latex-arydshln-1.71.20040831_6 -- A LaTeX package that draws dash-lines in array/tabular
latex-auto-greek-1.0b_4 -- A LaTeX package for switching between greek/latintext automatically
latex-beamer-3.07_4 -- A LaTeX class to create a beamer presentation
latex-biblatex-0.9e -- Reimplementation of the LaTeX bibliographic facilities
latex-biblist-1.4.19920113_5 -- A LaTeX package for printing all of a BibTeX database entries
latex-bytefield-1.2.20050731_6 -- A LaTeX package that utilization diagram of data fields
latex-caption-3.1.20100114_2 -- A LaTeX package that supports customization of captions
latex-chapterfolder-2.0.20051124_1 -- A LaTeX package that ties section structures and folders
latex-circ-1.0f_6 -- A LaTeX package for typesetting circuit diagrams
latex-cjk-4.8.2_6 -- A LaTeX2e macro package which enables the use of CJK scripts
latex-csquotes-5.0b -- Context sensitive quotation facilities
latex-etoolbox-2.0.a -- A toolbox providing programming facilities for LaTeX
latex-feynmf-1.08.19961202_8 -- A LaTeX package for drawing of Feynman diagrams
latex-keystroke-1.0.20001109_5 -- A LaTeX package for the graphical representation of the keys
latex-logpap-0.6.20040201_6 -- A LaTeX package for drawing logarithmic graph paper
latex-logreq-1.0 -- Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow
latex-ltablex-1.0_1 -- Combines the features of both the tabularx and longtable packages
latex-mathabx-1.0.20050518_4 -- Math series, aka mathabx MetaFont fontset for TeX/LaTeX
latex-mk-2.1_3 -- A collection of makefile and scripts for LaTeX documents
latex-nomencl-4.2.20050922_1 -- A LaTeX package to generate a nomenclature using MakeIndex
latex-pgf-2.10 -- A LaTeX package for TeX Portable Graphic Format
latex-prettyref-3.0_5 -- Improved reference formatting for LaTeX2e
latex-resume-20010823_3 -- A resume class for LaTeX
latex-service-0.1_2 -- LaTeX service for GNUstep
latex-subfloat-2.14.20030821_6 -- A LaTeX package that enables subnumbering of different floats
latex-supertabular-1_4 -- A LaTeX package for a tabular that spans multiple pages
latex-svninfo-0.7.4_4 -- A LaTeX package for Subversion support
latex-texpower-0.2_5 -- Creating dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
latex-timing-1.0.19940515_6 -- A LaTeX package for drawing timing diagrams
latex-tipa-1.3_4 -- Package which provides T3-encoded fonts to be used with LaTeX2e
latex-ucs-20041017_5 -- A LaTeX package for using UTF-8 as input encoding
latex2e-2003.12_1 -- TeX macro package
latex2html-2008_1 -- Convert LaTeX documents to HTML
latex2rtf-2.0.0 -- Translator from LaTeX to RTF
latex2slides-1.0_5 -- Produces a set of HTML/JPEG slides from a TeX or LaTeX source
latexdiff-0.5_2 -- Determine and mark up significant differences between latex files
latexmk-431 -- A tool to completely automate generating output from LaTeX documents
latrine-1.0.0 -- Curses-based LAnguage TRaINEr
laudio-0.4 -- A free lossless audio codec
launchy-2.5_1 -- An open source keystroke launcher
lavaps-2.7_6 -- A lava lamp of currently running processes
layouteditor-0.0.20110614_1 -- IC/MEMS layout editor
lazarus- -- A portable Delphi-like IDE for the FreePascal compiler
lazarus-lcl-gtk- -- Lazarus components library - GTK backend
lazarus-lcl-gtk2- -- Lazarus components library - GTK2 backend
lazarus-lcl-nogui- -- Lazarus components library - No gui backend
lazarus-lcl-qt- -- Lazarus components library - QT backend
lazarus-lcl-units- -- Lazarus components library units
lb-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- lb language pack for libreoffice
lbdb-0.37 -- Set of tools for use with mutt's external mail address query feature
lbl-cf-1.2.1 -- Unix time to formated time and date filter
lbl-hf-1.3 -- Address to hostname filter
lbpp-0.0.6b_8 -- A front end to GCC from Liberty Basic source code
lbrate-1.1_2 -- Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives
lbreakout-010315_6 -- A nice clone of classical Breakout game
lbreakout2-2.6_4 -- The polished successor to LBreakout
lbzip2-0.23 -- A multi-threaded bzip2/bunzip2 filter
lc-1.0 -- An alternative to ls(1)
lcab-1.0.b12 -- Microsoft .CABinet file creator
lcdproc-0.5.6 -- A client/server suite for LCD devices
lcdtest-1.18_4 -- LCD monitor test pattern generator
lcms-1.19_1 -- Light Color Management System -- a color management library
lcms-python-1.19 -- Light Color Management System (python bindings)
lcms2-2.4 -- Accurate, fast, and small-footprint color management engine
lcov-1.10 -- The Linux Test Project GCOV extension
ldap-account-manager-3.8 -- Webfrontend for managing accounts stored in an OpenLDAP server
ldap-stats-5.2 -- Program to generate OpenLDAP statistics reports
ldap2dns-0.4.2 -- Maintain DNS zones using an LDAP directory
ldapbrowser-2.8.2_3 -- Java/Swing-based LDAP browser/editor
ldapdiff-1.4.1_1 -- A utility for patching LDAP directories using LDIF files
ldapdns-2.06_2 -- LDAP-backed DNS server
ldapenter-0.2.0 -- Add/Modify LDAP entries using template forms
ldapscripts-2.0.1 -- Scripts to manage posix accounts in an OpenLDAP directory
ldapsdk-6.0.7 -- Mozilla LDAP sdk
ldapsh-2.00_3 -- Interactive shell used to administer ldap directories
ldapvi-1.7_3 -- A tool to update LDAP entries with a text editor
ldb-1.1.0 -- An LDAP-like embedded database
ldc-devel-0.9.2.r1697_1 -- D frontend for llvm, with the Tango standard library
ldmud-3.3.720 -- A modern version of the LPMud game driver
ldns-1.6.15_1 -- A library for programs conforming to DNS RFCs and drafts
ldnsm-0.2.1 -- Manages LDAP enteries for the BIND9 SDB LDAP patch
ldouble-0.1_2 -- Long double math precision functions
le-1.14.7 -- Text editor with block and binary operations
leafnode-1.11.8_1 -- NNTP package for offline news caching and reading
leafpad- -- GTK+ based simple text editor
leafpak-1.1.1 -- Graphic file cutter for LEAF/AQUAPLUS PAK format archives
leaktracer-2.4 -- Trace and analyze memory leaks in C++ programs
led-2.0 -- A tiny text editor, with a number of useful programming features
ledger-2.6.3 -- John Wiegley's command line accounting program
ledger-smb-1.1.12_1 -- A double entry accounting system
ledgersmb-1.2.17 -- A double entry accounting system
ledit-2.03 -- Line editor to be used with interactive commands
legends- -- Fast-paced first-person-perspective online multiplayer game
legesmotus-0.4.0_2 -- A team-based, networked, 2D shooter set in zero-gravity
lemmatizer-1.0_1 -- Russian / German / English lemmatizer library
lemmatizer2-2.0.1_1 -- Russian / German / English lemmatizer library
lemon-1.69 -- An LALR(1) parser generator. Similar in function to yacc and bison
lens-0.2_1 -- A mail filter written in Ruby
lensfun-0.2.5_3 -- Library for fixing lens geometry distortions
lensnns-2.63_1 -- Light Efficient Neural Network Simulator
leo-4.10_3 -- Advanced outline editor for programmers
leocad-0.77.0_1 -- A CAD program that uses bricks similar to those found in many toys
lep-0.41 -- Lesser Encryption Project
leptonica-1.68_1 -- C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations
less-436 -- A better pager utility
lesspipe-1.55 -- A preprocessor for less
lesstif-0.95.2_2 -- API compatible clone of the Motif toolkit
leveldb-1.5.0 -- A fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
levmar-2.5_3 -- A GPL-licensed library implementing the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
lexi-1.2 -- A lexical analyser tool
lexter-1.0.3_5 -- A real-time word puzzle for text terminals
lexxia-0.901 -- A Multiformat Text Processor (XML, [X]HTML, LaTeX)
lfc-1.3.3 -- A collection of basic c++ classes, used for databases/cego
lfcxml-1.0.27 -- C++ XML library, used for databases/cego
lfhex-0.42_1 -- Large file hex editor
lfm-2.3 -- Last File Manager, a simple 'commander'-type file manager
lfpfonts-fix-0.82_2 -- Fixed width fonts from the Linux Font Project
lfpfonts-var-0.83_2 -- Variable width fonts from the Linux Font Project
lft-3.33 -- Layer 4 Traceroute program
lftp-4.4.0 -- Shell-like command line ftp client
lfview-1.1a_2 -- Graphic viewer for Leaf products
lgeneral-1.2.3 -- A turn-based strategy engine inspired by Panzer General
lgrind-3.67_7 -- Produce beautiful listings of source code with LaTeX
lha-1.14i_6 -- Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh files)
lha-ac-1.14i_10 -- Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression (.lzh files)
lianliankan-2.3.b1_7 -- Tile matching game
lib3ds-1.3.0_2 -- A library for handling 3DS (3D Studio) files
lib765-0.4.2 -- Emulation of uPD765a Floppy Disc Controller
libEMF-1.0 -- Enhanced Metafile Library
libFS-1.0.3 -- The FS library
libGL-7.6.1_2 -- OpenGL library that renders using GLX or DRI
libGLU-7.6.1_1 -- OpenGL utility library
libGLw-7.6.1_1 -- OpenGL widgets library
libHX-3.10.1 -- Library C with some additional C++ bindings available
libICE-1.0.7 -- Inter Client Exchange library for X11
libIDL-0.8.14_1 -- A library for creating trees of CORBA IDL files
libR-2.15.1_1 -- The static libR library from R
libRmath-2.15.1_1 -- The standalone math library from R
libSM-1.2.0 -- Session Management library for X11
libX11-1.4.4 -- X11 library
libXGP-0.9.42_1 -- Yet another General Purpose library
libXScrnSaver-1.2.1 -- The XScrnSaver library
libXTrap-1.0.0 -- The XTrap library
libXau-1.0.6 -- Authentication Protocol library for X11
libXaw-1.0.9 -- X Athena Widgets library
libXcomposite-0.4.3 -- X Composite extension library
libXcursor-1.1.12 -- X client-side cursor loading library
libXdamage-1.1.3 -- X Damage extension library
libXdmcp-1.1.0 -- X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXevie-1.0.3 -- The Xevie library
libXext-1.3.0_1 -- X11 Extension library
libXfixes-5.0 -- X Fixes extension library
libXfont-1.4.4_1 -- X font library
libXfontcache-1.0.5 -- The Xfontcache library
libXft-2.1.14 -- A client-sided font API for X applications
libXi-1.4.5 -- X Input extension library
libXinerama-1.1.1 -- X11 Xinerama library
libXmu-1.1.0 -- X Miscellaneous Utilities libraries
libXp-1.0.1 -- X print library
libXpm-3.5.9 -- X Pixmap library
libXprintAppUtil-1.0.1 -- The XprintAppUtil library
libXprintUtil-1.0.1 -- The XprintUtil library
libXrandr-1.3.2 -- X Resize and Rotate extension library
libXrender-0.9.6 -- X Render extension library
libXres-1.0.5 -- X Resource usage library
libXt-1.1.1 -- X Toolkit library
libXtrans-0.1_2 -- Network API translation layer for X applications and libraries
libXtst-1.2.0 -- X Test extension
libXv-1.0.6 -- X Video Extension library
libXvMC-1.0.6 -- X Video Extension Motion Compensation library
libXxf86dga-1.1.2 -- X DGA Extension
libXxf86misc-1.0.3 -- X XF86-Misc Extension
libXxf86vm-1.1.1 -- X Vidmode Extension
libYGP-0.9.42_1 -- Yet another General Purpose library
liba52-0.7.4_2 -- A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
libaacplus-2.0.2_1 -- HE-AAC+ Codec as Shared Library
libaacs-0.3.0 -- Advanced Access Content System implementation
libadplug-2.2.1 -- AdLib emulator library supporting many formats
libafterbase-0.92_2 -- AfterStep basic functionality library
libafterimage-1.20_1 -- Generic imaging library originally designed for AfterStep
libaiff-5.0 -- Read and write AIFF files
libalkimia-4.3.2_1 -- Financial data handling library for KDE4
libamrnb- -- 3GPP floating-point Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) Speech Codec
libamrwb- -- 3GPP Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) Speech Codec
libao-1.1.0_1 -- Portable audio output library
libapreq2-2.13_2 -- Generic Apache2 Request Library
libarc-2.0.2_1 -- Tiny C decompression library for several popular compression formats
libarchive-3.0.4_1 -- Library to create and read several streaming archive formats
libarena-0.3.5 -- Custom Memory Allocator Interface
libarms-5.01 -- SMFv2/ARMS client library for C
libart_lgpl-2.3.21 -- Library for high-performance 2D graphics
libass-0.10.0 -- Portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassa- -- An C++ networking library and application framework
libassetml-1.2.1_10 -- Devel Library to share image and audio files between projects
libassuan-2.0.3 -- IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libast-0.7_10 -- A library of assorted spiffy things
libatomic_ops-7.2.a6 -- Atomic operations access library
libaudiofile-0.2.7 -- A sound library for SGI audio file
libaura-3.1.20051222 -- Library of Assorted Useful Reusable Abstractions
libaux-1.0_5 -- A Nano Window Toolkit and Auxiliary Library for OpenGL
libavl-1.4.0 -- A library for balanced binary trees
libb64-1.2 -- A library of ANSI C routines for fast encoding/decoding data
libbegemot-1.11_3 -- A function library for begemot tools
libbf-0.8.2b -- The Blowfish block cipher Library
libbfd-2.19.1 -- Universal BFD library from GNU binutils
libbgpdump- -- Analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT
libbind-6.0_1 -- Standard C resolver library
libbinio-1.4_1 -- Binary I/O stream class library
libbluray-0.2.2 -- Blu-Ray discs playback library for media players
libbnr-2.0.3_1 -- GPL implementation of the Bayesian Noise Reduction algorithm
libboard-0.9.0_1 -- A vector graphics C++ library
libbobcat-2.18.00 -- Brokken's Own Base Classes And Templates
libbonobo-2.32.0 -- A component and compound document system for GNOME2
libbonobo-reference-2.32.0 -- Programming reference for devel/libbonobo
libbonobomm-1.3.8_14 -- C++ interfaces for libbonobo
libbonoboui-2.24.4_1 -- GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME 2
libbonoboui-reference-2.24.4_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/libbonoboui
libbonobouimm-1.3.7_14 -- C++ interfaces for libbonoboui
libbpm-0.3 -- C-library contains low level beam position monitor signal processing
libbs2b-3.1.0_1 -- Bauer Stereophonic-to-Binaural DSP
libbt-1.05_3 -- C library implementing the core BitTorrent protocol
libburn-1.2.4 -- Libburnia library to read/write optical discs
libcabinet-0.30 -- A portable library and utility to use Microsoft cabinet files (.cab)
libcaca-0.99.b18_1 -- Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels
libcanberra-0.28_3 -- Implementation of the Freedesktop sound theme spec
libcanberra-gtk3-0.28_3 -- Implementation of the Freedesktop sound theme spec
libcdaudio-0.99.12p2_2 -- A library for playing audio CDs
libcddb-1.3.2_1 -- A library to access data on a CDDB server
libcddb-doc-1.3.0 -- Libcddb documentation
libcdio-0.83_1 -- Compact Disc Input and Control Library
libcfg-0.6.2_2 -- Library for command line and configuration file parsing
libchamplain-0.8.1_2 -- A C library provides a Gtk+ widget to display rasterized maps/markers
libcheck-0.9.8 -- A unit test framework for C
libchipcard-5.0.2_2 -- Library for easy access to chipcards
libchk-1.10.3 -- A tool to check shared library links
libcidr-1.2.1 -- A library to handle manipulating CIDR netblocks
libcii-1.1 -- Library from "C Interfaces and Implementations" by David Hanson
libclaw-1.7.1 -- C++ Library Absolutely Wonderful
libcli-1.9.6_1 -- Emulates a Cisco style command-line interface
libcmis-0.1.0 -- Client library for the CMIS interface
libcompizconfig-0.8.4_6 -- An alternative configuration system for Compiz
libcomprex-0.3.3_8 -- Transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files
libconfig-1.4.8 -- A simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
libconfuse-2.7 -- Configuration file parsing library
libconvolve-0.0.8_3 -- Simple C library for partitioned convolution
libcoverart-1.0.0 -- Library for accessing the MusicBrainz cover art archive
libcroco-0.6.2_1 -- CSS2 parsing library
libcsv-3.0.1 -- Small, simple and fast CSV library
libctl-3.1_1 -- Control Language Library
libcue-1.4.0 -- CUE Sheet Parser Library
libcwd-1.0.4 -- The C++ Debugging Support Library
libcyrillic-1.9 -- Text manipulation and autodetection for 6 major Cyrillic charsets
libdaemon-0.14 -- Lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdap-3.11.5 -- SDK which contains an implementation of DAP 2.0 and 3.1
libdasm-1.5_1 -- A simple x86 disassembly library
libdbi-0.8.4 -- Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
libdbi-drivers- -- Drivers for libdbi
libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.2_1 -- Qt4 implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
libdc1394-2.2.0 -- 1394-based DC Control Library
libdca-0.0.5 -- Free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libdfui-4.1.20060122 -- Abstract user interface protocol library
libdict-0.2.1_1 -- Library providing access to ``dictionary'' data structures
libdisasm-0.23 -- The Bastard Disassembly Environment x86 disassembler library and CLI
libdiscid-0.2.2_1 -- A library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
libdisorder-0.0.2_1 -- A simple C library for entropy measurement
libdispatch-210_1 -- Grand Central Dispatch API support library
libdjbdns-1.05_1 -- Public domain DNS client library
libdkim-1.0.21 -- DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) library
libdlna-0.2.3_4 -- Reference DLNA open-source implementation
libdmtx-0.7.4_2 -- Library for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
libdmx-1.1.1 -- DMX extension library
libdnd-1.1_4 -- Drag and drop library
libdnet-1.11_3 -- A simple interface to low level networking routines
libdnsres-0.1a_5 -- Provides a non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names
libdockapp-0.6.2 -- Standard library for Window Maker dock apps
libdomainkeys-0.69 -- DomainKeys library
libdombey-2.2 -- SCGI application server in a library
libdrizzle-0.8_1 -- Client and protocol library for the Drizzle database
libdrm-2.4.17_1 -- Userspace interface to kernel Direct Rendering Module services
libds-1.0 -- ANSI Generic Data Structures Library
libdsk-1.2.1 -- Enables access to disks and disk images; also via serial line
libdsp-5.0.2 -- C++ class library of common digital signal processing functions
libdssialsacompat-1.0.8a -- Alsa compatibility library to build DSSI
libdungeonmaker-2.05 -- A program/library that "grows" dungeons for use in isometric games
libdv-1.0.0_3 -- Quasar DV codec (libdv): software codec for DV video encoding format
libdvbpsi-0.2.2 -- A library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
libdvdcss-1.2.10_1 -- Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdnav-4.2.0_1 -- MPlayer version of the libdvdnav project
libdvdplay-1.0.1_5 -- Portable abstraction library for DVD navigation
libdvdread-4.2.0_2 -- MPlayer version of the libdvdread project
libdwarf-20100204_1 -- A library to analyze DWARF debugging information in ELF files
libdynamite-0.1.1 -- Decompress data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library
libeXosip2-3.6.0 -- GPL library that extends the capability of the oSIP library
libeatmydata-9 -- a small LD_PRELOAD library designed to (transparently) disable fsync
libebml-1.2.2 -- EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language), sort of binary version of XML
libecap-0.2.0 -- Library for module based network content analysis
libecc-0.14.0 -- C++ Elliptic Curve Library
libecwj2-3.3_1 -- Erdas ECW and JPEG2000 support library
libedit-2.6.10_2 -- Command line editing library
libee-0.4.1 -- An event expression library inspired by CEE
libelf-0.8.13_1 -- A public ELF file access library similar to libelf(3) in Solaris
libepc-0.3.11_2 -- The Easy Publish and Consume library
libepp-nicbr-1.11 -- Partial Extensible Provisioning Protocol to .br domains
liberation-fonts-ttf-1.07.0 -- Liberation fonts from Red Hat to replace MS TTF fonts
liberator-2.0.2_1 -- Command line client to FreeNet Network
libesmtp-1.0.6 -- A library for posting electronic mail
libestr-0.1.4 -- A library for some string essentials
libetpan-1.1 -- A mail library
libev-4.11 -- A full-featured and high-performance event loop library
libevent-1.4.14b_2 -- Provides an API to execute callback functions on certain events
libevent-hiphop-1.4.14b_2 -- Static libevent with custom patches for HipHop
libevent2-2.0.20 -- API for executing callback functions on events or timeouts
libewf-20120813 -- A library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
libexecinfo-1.1_3 -- A library for inspecting program's backtrace
libexif-0.6.20 -- Library to read digital camera file meta-data
libexif-gtk-0.3.5_10 -- GTK+ widgets to display/edit EXIF tags
libexo-0.8.0_2 -- Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
libexplain-0.46 -- Library which may be used to explain Unix and Linux system call errors
libextractor-0.6.2_9 -- Library for keyword extraction
libexttextcat-3.3.1_1 -- Language guessing by N-Gram-Based Text Categorization
libfame-0.9.1_3 -- A video encoding library
libfb-2.0.2 -- A foneBRIDGE configuration library
libfec-3.0.1 -- Several forward error correction (FEC) decoders
libffi-3.0.9 -- Foreign Function Interface
libfirm-1.20.0 -- A graph-based SSA intermediate representation library for compilers
libfishsound-1.0.0_1 -- A programing interface to decode/encode audio data
libfixbuf-1.0.2 -- Library for using the IP Flow Information Export protocol
libflame-r7421 -- FLAME dense linear algebra library
libfm-1.0 -- The libFM backend library to PCManFM
libfontenc-1.1.0 -- The fontenc Library
libfov-1.0.4 -- C library for calculating fields of view on low resolution rasters
libfprint-0.4.0_2 -- Library for fingerprint reader devices
libfpx- -- Library routines for working with Flashpix images
libfreefare-0.3.1_1 -- MIFARE contactless tag access library
libftdi-0.18 -- A library (using libusb) to talk to FTDI chips
libfvde-20120519 -- Library and tools for reading FileVault (FVDE) encrypted volumes
libg19-1.1.1 -- G19 library
libg19draw-1.0.0 -- G19 draw library
libgaiagraphics-0.4b -- Library supporting common-utility raster handling methods
libgail-gnome-1.20.3_1 -- An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GNOME widgets
libgal-0.5.0 -- General Astrodynamics Library
libgalago-0.5.2_3 -- Galago desktop presence library
libgamepad-0.1.1 -- Generic gamepad API
libgcal-0.9.6 -- Library allowing communication with Google calendar and contacts
libgconf-java-2.12.6_6 -- Java wrapper for GConf
libgcrypt-1.5.0_1 -- General purpose crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgda-0.2.96_16 -- Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda2-1.2.4_6 -- Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda2-reference-1.2.4_1 -- Programming reference for databases/libgda2
libgda3-3.0.4_2 -- Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda3-firebird-3.0.4_1 -- Provides firebird backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-freetds-3.0.4_1 -- Provides freetds backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-ldap-3.0.4_2 -- Provides ldap backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-mdb-3.0.4_1 -- Provides mdb backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-mysql-3.0.4_2 -- Provides MySQL backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-odbc-3.0.4_1 -- Provides odbc backend for the libgda3 library
libgda3-postgresql-3.0.4_1 -- Provides postgresql access for the libgda3 library
libgda3-reference-3.0.4_1 -- Programming reference for databases/libgda3
libgda4-4.2.5_2 -- Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda4-bdb-4.2.5_1 -- Provides Berkeley DB backend for the libgda4 library
libgda4-jdbc-4.2.5_1 -- Provides Berkeley DB backend for the libgda4 library
libgda4-mdb-4.2.5_1 -- Provides mdb backend for the libgda4 library
libgda4-mysql-4.2.5_2 -- Provides MySQL backend for the libgda4 library
libgda4-postgresql-4.2.5_1 -- Provides postgresql access for the libgda4 library
libgda4-reference-4.2.5 -- Programming reference for databases/libgda4
libgdamm-3.99.21_1 -- C++ wrapper for libgda4 library
libgdata-0.6.6_1 -- GLib based implementation of the GData protocol
libgdiplus-2.10_2 -- GDI+ API for System.Windows.Forms in Mono
libgeda-1.4.3_6 -- The gEDA's tools base utility library
libgee- -- GObject collection library
libgenome-0.5.2_1 -- Toolkit for developing bioinformatic related software in C++
libgeotiff-1.4.0_1 -- Library for reading and writing GeoTIFF information tags
libgfx-1.1.0_7 -- OpenGL/FLTK development
libggi-2.2.2_3 -- A flexible drawing library
libggigcp-1.0.2_1 -- A libggi extension for advanced color and palette handling
libggimisc-2.2.2_1 -- A libggi extension providing support for hard to categorize features
libggiwmh-0.3.2_2 -- A libggi extension, wmh stands for Window Manager Hints
libggz- -- The GGZ Gaming Zone - Base Library
libghemical-2.99.1_2 -- Support libraries of science/ghemical port
libghthash-0.6.2_1 -- Generic Hash Table
libghttp-1.0.9_1 -- GNOME http client library
libgig-3.3.0_1 -- Gigasampler file loader library
libgii-1.0.2_2 -- GGI API for input sources
libgiigic-1.1.2_1 -- A library on top of libgii, gic stands for General Input Configuration
libgit2-0.17.0 -- Portable, pure C implementation of the Git core
libgksu-2.0.9_1 -- Library providing su and sudo functionality
libglade-0.17_13 -- GNOME glade library
libglade-java-2.12.8_6 -- Java wrapper for libglade
libglade2-2.6.4_5 -- GNOME glade library
libglade2-reference-2.6.4_1 -- Programming reference for devel/libglade2
libglademm-2.1.3_10 -- C++ wrapper for libglade2 library
libglademm-2.6.7_4 -- C++ wrapper for libglade2 library
libgltext-0.3.1_4 -- Portable font rendering library for C++
libgme-0.5.5 -- A collection of video game music emulators
libgnetwork-0.0.9_8 -- A GLib-based networking wrapper
libgnome-2.32.0_1 -- Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
libgnome-java-2.12.7_6 -- Java wrapper for GNOME 2
libgnome-keyring-2.32.0_2 -- A program that keeps passwords and other secrets
libgnome-reference-2.32.0_1 -- Programming reference for x11/libgnome
libgnomecanvas-2.30.3_1 -- A graphics library for GNOME
libgnomecanvas-reference-2.30.3_1 -- Programming reference for graphics/libgnomecanvas
libgnomecanvasmm-2.0.1_12 -- C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas library
libgnomecanvasmm-2.26.0_4 -- C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas library
libgnomecups-0.2.3_4 -- Support library for gnome cups administration
libgnomedb-3.0.0_7 -- Library components for the GNOME database frontend
libgnomedb-reference-3.0.0_1 -- Programming reference for databases/libgnomedb
libgnomekbd-2.32.0_1 -- GNOME keyboard shared library
libgnomemm-2.0.1_13 -- C++ wrapper for libgnome library
libgnomemm-2.30.0_1 -- C++ wrapper for libgnome library
libgnomeprint-2.18.8_1 -- Gnome print support library
libgnomeprint-reference-2.18.8_1 -- Programming reference for print/libgnomeprint
libgnomeprintmm-2.5.1_9 -- C++ bindings for the GNOME print support library
libgnomeprintui-2.18.6_1 -- Gnome print support library
libgnomeprintuimm-2.5.2_9 -- C++ wrappers for the GNOME print support library
libgnomesu-1.0.0_10 -- Library and frontend for running commands as root
libgnomeui-2.24.4_1 -- Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment
libgnomeui-reference-2.24.4_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/libgnomeui
libgnomeuimm-2.0.0_13 -- C++ wrapper for libgnomeui library
libgnomeuimm-2.28.0_3 -- C++ wrapper for libgnomeui library
libgpc-2.32 -- Generic Polygon Clipper
libgpg-error-1.10 -- Common error values for all GnuPG components
libgphoto2-2.4.14 -- A universal digital camera picture control tool
libgpod-0.8.2 -- A library for direct access of iPod/iPhone contents
libgringotts-1.2.1 -- Library for encapsulating/safekeeping data in encrypted/compressed form
libgsf-1.14.21_1 -- An extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured file formats
libgsf-gnome-1.14.21_1 -- A GNOME wrapper for libgsf
libgta-1.0.2 -- Libgta is a portable library that implements the GTA file format
libgtk-java-2.10.2_6 -- Java wrapper for Gtk+, Pango, Atk, and Glib
libgtkhtml-2.11.1_6 -- Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgtksourceviewmm-1.9.5_6 -- C++ binding of GtkSourceView
libgtop-2.28.3_2 -- GNOME 2 top library
libguess-1.1 -- A high-speed character set detection library
libgutenfetch-1.2_3 -- A library that allows application developers to connect to PG
libgweather-2.30.3_1 -- Library to accessing online weather informations
libharu-2.2.1_1 -- Haru Free PDF Library
libhash-1.0.3 -- A library for manipulating hash tables
libhid-0.2.16_1 -- A user-space HID access library written in C
libhoard-3.8 -- Fast, scalable, and memory-efficient allocator for MP
libhome-0.10.2_2 -- Library providing a getpwname() emulation
libhsclient-1.0.6_20110614 -- Client Library of HandlerSocket Plugin
libhtp-0.3.0_2 -- Security-aware parser for the HTTP protocol
libical-0.44 -- An implementation of the IETF's Calendaring and Scheduling protocols
libiconv-1.14 -- A character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1b -- ID3 tags library (part of MAD project)
libident-0.32_1 -- A small library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn-1.25 -- Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libieee1284-0.2.10 -- IEEE1284 communications library
libijs-0.35_1 -- C library that supports plugin printer driver for Ghostscript
libimg-1.2.4_9 -- A library of image format handlers for Tk4.1 and later
libimobiledevice-1.0.7 -- Library to communicate with Apple iPhone/iPod Touch devices
libinotify-20110829 -- Kevent based inotify compatible library
libint-1.1.4 -- Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory
libiodbc-3.52.8 -- An ODBC 3.x driver manager, for universal data source access
libiptcdata-1.0.4 -- Library for manipulating IPTC metadata stored in image files
libiqxmlrpc-0.11.1 -- Free, object-oriented XML-RPC implementation written in C++
libircclient-1.6 -- An IRC library to create IRC clients
libirman-0.4.4 -- Library for Evation's Irman infrared receiver
libisofs-1.2.4 -- Libburnia ISO9660 filesystem creation library
libixp-0.5 -- Standalone client/server 9P library
libjbigi-0.8.7 -- i2p JNI to GNU MP Bignum library (libgmp)
libjingle-0.4.0_1 -- Google Talk's implementation of Jingle and Jingle-Audio
libjit-0.1.2 -- Libjit implements Just-In-Time compilation functionality
libjpeg-turbo-1.2.1 -- SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec which provides both the libjpeg,TurboJPEG
libjreen-1.1.0 -- Qt4 based jabber library
libjson-0.3.4 -- Small C++ library to handle JSON serialized data
libk8055-0.2 -- Velleman K8055 USB experimental board support and command line tool
libkate-0.4.1_2 -- Codec for karaoke and text encapsulation for Ogg
libkdcraw-0.1.9_5 -- A C++ interface around the LibRaw library
libkdcraw-4.8.4 -- A LibRaw interface for KDE
libkdeedu-4.8.4 -- Libraries used by KDE educational applications
libkexif-0.2.5_10 -- Library for manipulating EXIF information embedded in images
libkexiv2-0.1.9_8 -- A wrapper library to manipulate pictures metadata
libkexiv2-4.8.4_1 -- Exiv2 library interface for KDE
libkface-2.9.0 -- KDE4 library for face recognition
libkgeomap-2.9.0 -- KDE4 library for browsing photos on a map
libkipi-0.1.6_6 -- KDE Image Plugin Interface
libkipi-4.8.4 -- KDE Image Plugin Interface
libkmfl-0.9.9_1 -- An engine to interpret compiled KMFL keyboard tables
libkml-1.2.0 -- Library for parse, generate, and operate on KML
libkonq-4.8.4 -- Core library for Konqueror
libkpass-3 -- Library for a reading/writing KeePass 1.x DB
libksane-4.8.4 -- SANE library interface for KDE
libksba-1.3.0 -- KSBA is an X.509 Library
libktorrent-1.3.0 -- Torrent library split from KTorrent
libkvkontakte-2.9.0 -- KDE4 library for accessing
liblas-1.2.1 -- A Library For Reading And Writing LAS-Format Data
liblastfm-0.3.3_4 -- Collection of libraries to help integrate services
liblbfgs-1.10 -- A library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
liblcfg-0.2.2 -- Lightweight configuration file library written in C99
libleaftag-0.3.1_1 -- Leaftag is a library for tagging files on the desktop
liblinear-1.80 -- A library for Large Linear Classification
liblinebreak-2.0 -- Implementation of the line breaking algorithm for Unicode
liblingoteach-0.2.1_3 -- A library for parsing lesson files based on the LingoTeach DTD
liblo-0.26 -- Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation
liblogging-0.7.1 -- Easy to use system logging library
liblouis-1.5.2 -- An Open-source Braille Translator And Back-translator
liblouisxml-1.8.0 -- Library Provide Complete Braille Transcription Services
liblqr-1-0.4.1_3 -- An easy to use C/C++ seam carving library
liblrdf-0.5.0 -- Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
liblscp-0.5.6 -- Wrapper around the LSCP network protocol
libltdl-2.4.2 -- System independent dlopen wrapper
liblug-1.0.6_5 -- A multi-format graphics manipulation library
liblzxcomp-20020619 -- LZX compression library
libmaa-1.3.2 -- Provides a few data structures and helpful functions
libmad-0.15.1b_2 -- Libmad library (part of MAD project)
libmaitretarot-0.1.98_4 -- Core library of MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
libmal-0.44.1 -- A library encapsulating malsync
libmapi-0.9_3 -- Open Source implementation of Microsoft Exchange protocols
libmath-0.0.3 -- C++ Library for Symbolic and Numeric Calculus Applications
libmatheval-1.1.7_1 -- A library of procedures for evaluating mathematical functions
libmatroska-1.3.0 -- Extensible Multimedia Container Format
libmba-0.9.1 -- A collection of C modules potentially useful to any project
libmcal-0.7_2 -- Modular Calendar Access Library
libmcrypt-2.5.8 -- Multi-cipher cryptographic library (used in PHP)
libmcs-0.7.2_2 -- A BSD licenced configuration database system
libmediawiki-2.9.0 -- KDE4 library for accessing MediaWiki sites
libmemcache-1.4.0.r2_1 -- The C library for accessing a memcache cluster
libmemcached-1.0.7 -- A C and C++ client library to the memcached server
libmetalink-0.0.3 -- Metalink library written in C language
libmicro-0.4.0 -- Set of utilities to benchmark productivity of system calls
libmicrohttpd-0.9.22 -- C library for embedding HTTP server functionality
libmikmod-3.1.12 -- MikMod Sound Library
libmimedir-0.5.1 -- Library for parsing RFC2425 MIME Directory Profile information
libmms-0.6.2 -- Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
libmng-1.0.10_2 -- Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmodplug- -- ModPlug mod-like music shared libraries
libmonetra-7.0.4 -- Library for credit card processing through Monetra (formerly MCVE)
libmorph-0.1.2_1 -- Library for loading (and saving) 3D modeller object files
libmovtar-0.1.3_9 -- Supports reading/writing of MJPEG video in YUV 4:2:2 JPEG
libmowgli-1.0.0 -- A development framework for C
libmp3-archive-perl-0.9 -- Perl module to manipulate filenames containing music metadata
libmp3splt-0.7.2_1 -- Library for mp3splt and mp3splt-gtk
libmpcbdm-0.0.3 -- Standalone library to control various mpc8xx boards
libmpd-11.8.17 -- Abstraction around libmpdclient
libmpdclient-2.7 -- API library for interfacing MPD
libmpeg2-0.5.1_1 -- A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmpeg3-1.8 -- Advanced editing and manipulation of MPEG streams
libmrss-0.19.2_3 -- A C library for parsing, writing, and creating RSS
libmsn-4.2.1 -- A library for connecting to MSN Messenger service
libmsocket-0.4_1 -- A socket abstraction library for C programmers
libmspack-0.3 -- A library for Microsoft compression formats
libmt_client-0.1.98_4 -- Client-side library of MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
libmtp-1.1.5 -- Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
libmtrie-1.0.3 -- Library to build an IP-netmask based mtrie
libmusicbrainz-3.0.3_2 -- MusicBrainz client library for audio metadata lookup
libmusicbrainz-4.0.3 -- MusicBrainz client library for audio metadata lookup
libmusicbrainz-5.0.1 -- MusicBrainz client library for audio metadata lookup
libmxp-0.2.4 -- Parser for the MUD eXtension protocol
libnaji-0.6.4 -- A library that generates, converts, and filters files
libnatpmp-20120821 -- An NAT-PMP lightweight library
libnet-1.1.6 -- A C library for creating IP packets (development version)
libnet10-1.0.2a_5 -- A C library for creating IP packets
libnet11- -- A C library for creating IP packets
libnetdude-0.12 -- A library for manipulating libpcap/tcpdump trace files
libneural-1.0.3_1 -- C++ implementation of the classic 3-layer perceptron in library form
libnfc-1.4.2 -- Near Field Communication (NFC) library
libnice-0.0.13_3 -- Library and transmitter that implements ICE-19
libnids-1.24 -- Network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
libnjb-2.2.7_3 -- C library, API for communicating with Creative and Dell audio players
libnoise-1.0.0 -- Generates three-dimensional coherent noise
libnotify-0.7.3_2 -- A library for desktop notifications
libnova-0.15.0 -- Astronomical Calculation Library
libnss-mysql-1.5_3 -- NSS module using a MySQL database for backend
libntlm-1.2 -- A library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication
libnxml-0.18.3_1 -- A C library for writing XML 1.0/1.1 files or streams
libnxt-0.3 -- Lego NXT library
liboauth-0.9.7 -- C library implementing the OAuth Core standard
libobjc2-1.6 -- Replacement Objective-C runtime supporting Obj-C 2 features
libocas-0.96 -- Efficient training of SVM classifiers
libodbc-0.2.5 -- A C++ class library and toolset for ODBC access to data sources
libofa-0.9.3_7 -- The Open Fingerprint Architecture Library
libofx-0.9.5 -- OpenSource implementation of the OFX (Open Financial eXchange)
libogg-1.3.0 -- Ogg bitstream library
liboggz-1.1.1_2 -- Simple Ogg API
liboglappth-0.98_4 -- Support libraries of science/ghemical port
liboil-0.3.17 -- Library of optimized inner loops
libol-0.3.18 -- Library needed by syslog-ng
liboldX-1.0.1 -- Old X library
libole2-0.2.4_2 -- Support library for OLE functions (MS-Excel) for gnumeric
liboobs-2.32.0 -- Wrapping library to the System Tools Backends
liboop-1.0_8 -- A low-level event loop management library for POSIX-based OS
libopendaap-0.4.0_1 -- C lib used to connect to iTunes(R) music shares
libopennet-0.9.9 -- A library for opening files over a network
libopenraw-0.0.8_4 -- Library for camera RAW files decoding
libopenspc-0.3.99a -- Library for playing SPC (SNES audio) files
libopensync-0.22_2 -- Freedesktop synchronization framework
libopensync-0.36_2 -- A PIM data synchronization framework
libopensync-plugin-evolution2-0.22_7 -- Evolution 2 plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-evolution2-devel-0.36_8 -- Evolution 2 plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-file-0.22 -- File-Sync plugin for the opensync framework
libopensync-plugin-python-0.22 -- Python plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-python-devel-0.36_2 -- Python plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-sunbird-0.22_1 -- Sunbird plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-synce-0.14 -- SynCE plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-synce-devel-0.14 -- SynCE plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-synce-legacy-0.22.1 -- SynCE legacy plugin for the OpenSync framework
libopensync-plugin-vformat-devel-0.36_1 -- Vformat plugin for the OpenSync framework
liboping-0.3.5 -- C library to generate ICMP echo requests
libopkele-2.0.4 -- A c++ implementation of an OpenID decentralized identity system
liborange-0.4 -- Library to extract CAB files from self-extracting installers
liborigin-20070926_1 -- Tools for importing OriginLab .OPJ files
libosip-3.6.0 -- A low layer of SIP implementation
libosmesa-8.0.4 -- Off-Screen Mesa implementation of the OpenGL API
libotf-0.9.12 -- Library for handling OpenType fonts
libotr-3.2.1 -- Portable OTR Messaging Library and toolkit
libotr-4.0.0_1 -- Portable OTR Messaging Library and toolkit
libowfat-0.28 -- A general purpose library based on code by D. J. Bernstein
libp11-0.2.8 -- A small layer on top of PKCS#11 API
libpafe-0.0.8 -- FeliCa read/write library for Sony RC-S320 USB FeliCa R/W(PaSoRi)
libpanelappletmm-2.26.0_4 -- C++ wrapper for libpanelapplet library
libpano12-2.8.6_7 -- Panorama Tools to make panorama pictures
libpano13-2.9.18_1 -- Cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools and other photo stitchers
libpaper-1.1.24_1 -- A library providing routines for paper size management
libpar2-0.2_3 -- A library for manipulating par2 files, extracted from par2cmdline
libparserutils-0.1.1_1 -- A library useful when writing parsers (formerly a part of NetSurf)
libparsifal-1.1.0 -- Lightweight XML Parser
libpasori-02_2 -- FeliCa read/write library for Sony RC-S320 USB FeliCa R/W(PaSoRi)
libpathan-2.0_1 -- Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
libpbl-1.04.04 -- Peter Graf's Program Base Library
libpcap-1.3.0 -- Ubiquitous network traffic capture library
libpcapnav-0.8 -- A libpcap wrapper library
libpcbsd-8.0 -- PC-BSD Support Library
libpcd-1.0.1 -- A library for reading PhotoCD images
libpci-3.1.10 -- PCI configuration space I/O made easy
libpciaccess-0.12.1 -- Generic PCI access library
libpdel-0.5.3_4 -- Packet Design multi-purpose C library for embedded applications
libpdtp-0.1.20040808 -- Client library for Peer Distributed Transfer Protocol (PDTP)
libpeak-0.1.2 -- Parallel Events and Asynchronous tasKing Library
libpgf-6.12.24 -- Progressive Graphics Format (PGF) library
libphish-0.1.0 -- A cross-platform library to interact with the Open Phishing Database
libphk-0.3.20080902_1 -- PHK's utilities functions
libplist-1.8 -- A library to handle Apple Property List format
libppd-0.10_2 -- A library providing routines for ppd files
libprelude- -- Framework library for Prelude NIDS
libpreludedb- -- Framework library for access to Prelude NIDS database
libpri-1.4.13 -- A C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN specification
libprojectM-2.0.1_1 -- An awesome music visualiser
libproplist-0.10.1_1 -- Property library for gnome and Window Maker
libproxy-0.4.6 -- Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
libproxy-gnome-0.4.6_1 -- GNOME plug-in for libproxy
libproxy-kde-0.4.6_2 -- KDE plug-in for libproxy
libproxy-mozjs-0.4.6_2 -- Mozilla JavaScript plug-in for libproxy
libproxy-perl-0.4.6 -- Perl binding for libproxy
libproxy-python-0.4.6 -- python binding for libproxy
libproxy-webkit-0.4.6_2 -- WebKit JavaScript plug-in for libproxy
libpst-0.6.53 -- A tool for converting Outlook .pst files to mbox and other formats
libpthread-stubs-0.3_3 -- This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions
libpurple-2.10.6 -- Backend library for the Pidgin multi-protocol messaging client
libpuzzle-0.11_4 -- A library to find similar pictures
libpwstor-0.1 -- A password storage library for C programmers
libqalculate-0.9.7_2 -- Multi-purpose desktop calculator (backend library)
libqglviewer- -- A C++ library helps development of 3D applications
libqrencode-3.4.0 -- A C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
libquantum-1.1.0 -- C library for quantum computing and quantum simulation
libquicktime-1.2.4_4 -- A library for reading and writing quicktime files
libquicktime-lame-1.2.4_2 -- A library for reading and writing quicktime files
libquvi-0.4.1 -- Cross-platform library for parsing flash media stream URLs
libquvi-scripts-0.4.9 -- Embedded lua scripts for libquvi and utility scripts
libranlip-1.0 -- A random variate generator for Lipschitz-continuous densities
libraw-0.14.7 -- Library for manipulating raw images
librcc-0.2.9_6 -- Library used by rusxmms for language autodetection
librcd-0.1.13 -- Library used by rusxmms for autodetection of Russian charset
libreadline-java-0.8.0_1 -- JNI wrapper around GNU Readline / libedit / libgetline
librecad-1.0.0_1 -- 2D CAD system
libredblack-1.3_1 -- Library that provides the red-black balanced tree algorithm
librelp-1.0.1 -- Reliable event logging protocol library
libreoffice-3.5.7 -- Full integrated office productivity suite
libreoffice-i18n-3.5.7 -- Localized interface for libreoffice
librep-0.92.1b -- An Emacs Lisp like runtime library
libretto-config-1.0.b5_1 -- Libretto BIOS Setting Program
librfc822-1.2 -- A complete parser for RFC822 addresses
libroadnav-0.19_4 -- Helper library for Roadnav (3D GPS mapping program)
librouteros-1.1.2 -- Library for communicating with network devices by MikroTik
libroxml-2.2.0 -- A minimum, easy-to-use, C implementation for xml file parsing
librsvg2-2.34.1_1 -- Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
librsync-0.9.7_2 -- Library for delta compression of streams
librtfcomp-1.1 -- LZRTF compression library
libruin-0.1.4_1 -- Renderer for User Interfaces in Ncurses
libs11n-1.2.10 -- A C++ library for easily serializing a wide variety of objects
libsamplerate-0.1.8_3 -- Secret Rabbit Code: a Sample Rate Converter for audio
libsbml-4.2.0 -- An API Library for Working with SBML File
libsdb-0.10.0 -- Simple database library
libsectok-20030619_1 -- ISO 7816 Smartcard API Library
libserver-1.12 -- Generic TCP server in a library
libsexy-0.1.11_6 -- Extension widgets for GTK+
libsexymm-0.1.9_6 -- C++ bindings for libsexy
libshbuf-0.0.2_2 -- Library for Shared Buffer IPC
libshhcards-1.0.5_2 -- Library for displaying game cards on X Window System
libshhmsg-1.4.1 -- Library for displaying messages
libshhopt-1.1.7 -- A library for parsing command line options
libshout-1.0.7 -- Connect and transmit data to an Icecast media streaming server
libshout2-2.3.1_1 -- Connect and transmit data to an Icecast media streaming server
libsidplay-1.36.59 -- A Commodore SID-chip emulator library to play SID music files
libsidplay2-2.1.1_2 -- Library to play Commodore 64 SID-tunes cycle accurate
libsieve-2.3.1 -- Library for parsing, sorting, and filtering mail
libsigc-1.2.7_1 -- Callback Framework for C++
libsigc-2.2.10 -- Callback Framework for C++
libsigcx-0.6.6_5 -- An extension of libSigC++
libsigsegv-2.10 -- Handling page faults in user mode
libslang2-2.2.4_3 -- Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libsmf-1.3 -- Standard MIDI File format library
libsmi-0.4.8 -- A library to access SMI MIB information
libsndfile-1.0.25_2 -- Reading and writing files containing sampled sound (like WAV or AIFF)
libsocket-1.12.13 -- A C++ wrapper library to the sockets
libsocketcpp-1.0.7 -- A C++ wrapper library to the sockets
libsoldout-1.2 -- Flexible C library for markdown
libsoup-2.34.3 -- A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
libsoup-gnome-2.34.3_2 -- A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
libsoup-reference-2.34.3 -- Programming reference for devel/libsoup
libspamtest-20080808 -- Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.x library
libspectre-0.2.6_1 -- A small library for rendering Postscript documents
libspectrum-1.0.0_1 -- Handling of ZX-Spectrum emulator files formats
libspf-1.0.0.p5 -- Sender Policy Framework (SPF) library and client
libspf2-1.2.9_1 -- Sender Rewriting Scheme 2 C Implementation
libsphinxclient-2.0.5 -- Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine C++ client library
libspiro-20071029 -- Library to convert clothoid splines into Bezier splines
libsrs2-1.0.18_1 -- Sender Rewriting Scheme 2 C Implementation
libsrs_alt-1.0 -- Sender Rewriting Scheme C Implementation
libsrtp-1.4.4_1 -- A library implementing Secure RTP
libssh-0.5.2 -- A library implementing the SSH1 and SSH2 protocol
libssh2-1.4.2 -- A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libstatgrab-0.17 -- Provides a useful interface to system statistics
libstdc_stldoc_3.4.0-20040609_1 -- GNU libstdc++ API documentation
libstdc_stldoc_4.2.2-20071101_1 -- GNU libstdc++ API documentation
libstocks-0.5.0 -- A C library which can be used to fetch stocks quotes
libstree-0.4.2 -- A Generic Suffix Tree Library
libstrfunc-8.3 -- Handles CGI forms, MIME, templates, date conversions, etc
libstroke-0.5.1_4 -- A stroke translation library
libsunacl-1.0 -- Wrapper providing SunOS NFSv4 ACL API
libsupertone-0.0.2 -- A library for supervisory tone generation and detection
libsvg-0.1.4_5 -- A parser for SVG content in files or buffers
libsvg-cairo-0.1.6_7 -- SVG rendering library
libsvm-3.10 -- A library for Support Vector Machines
libsvm-python-3.10 -- A library for Support Vector Machines
libsx-1.1_4 -- Simple X11 library
libsynaptics-0.14.6b_2 -- Library to access the Xorg/XFree86 Synaptics TouchPad Driver
libsysinfo-0.0.2 -- GNU libc's sysinfo port for FreeBSD
libtai-0.60_4 -- A library for storing and manipulating dates and times in second/attosecond
libtap-1.01_1 -- Library implementing the Test Anything Protocol
libtar-1.2.11_2 -- A library for manipulating POSIX and GNU tar files
libtasn1-2.13 -- ASN.1 structure parser library
libtcp4u-3.3.1 -- TCP interface library
libtecla-1.6.2 -- Interactive command line editing facilities
libtelepathy-0.3.3_1 -- Flexible Communications Framework
libtext-charwidth-perl-0.04 -- Documentation gettext tools
libtext-wrapi18n-perl-0.06 -- Documentation gettext tools
libtextcat-2.2_5 -- Language guessing by N-Gram-Based Text Categorization
libthai-0.1.5_4 -- Thai language support library
libtheora-1.1.1_3 -- Theora video codec for the Ogg multimedia streaming system
libticables-3.9.7_3 -- TI calculator link cables library
libticables2-1.3.3 -- TI calculator link cables library
libticalcs-4.6.1_2 -- TI calculator library
libticalcs2-1.1.7 -- TI calculator library
libticonv-1.1.3 -- TI calculator character set library
libtifiles-0.6.5_3 -- TI calculator file types library
libtifiles2-1.1.5 -- TI calculator file types library
libtnl-1.5.0 -- A robust, secure, easy to use cross-platform C++ networking API
libtomcrypt-1.17_2 -- Comprehensive, modular, and portable cryptographic toolkit
libtommath-0.42.0 -- Comprehensive, modular, and portable mathematical routines
libtool-2.4.2 -- Generic shared library support script
libtorrent-0.13.2_1 -- BitTorrent Library written in C++
libtorrent-devel-0.13.1_1 -- BitTorrent Library written in C++ (development version)
libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.9_1 -- C++ library implementing a BitTorrent client
libtorrent-rasterbar-0.16.4 -- C++ library implementing a BitTorrent client
libtpl-1.5 -- Tpl is a library for serializing C data
libtrace-3.0.6 -- C library for network device, raw & compressed network flows
libtranslate-0.99_6 -- A natural language translation library
libtre-0.8.0_1 -- A lightweight fully POSIX compliant regexp matching library
libtremor- -- Integer-only fully Ogg Vorbis compliant decoder library
libtsnnls-2.3.3 -- Fast Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares Solver
libtuner-1.0.9 -- Userspace drivers for various TV/radio tuner ICs
libublio-20070103 -- User space caching library
libukcprog-1.0.2_4 -- Generally useful low level routines
libumberlog-0.2.1 -- CEE-enhanced syslog API
libumidi-2.0.5 -- A universal general purpose MIDI library
libunicode-0.4_9 -- A library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
libuninameslist-20091231 -- A library of Unicode annotation data
libuninum-2.7_2 -- Library for converting Unicode strings to numbers
libunistring-0.9.3 -- Unicode string library
libunp-1.0_1 -- The networking library used in UNIX Network Programming Volume 1 2e
libunrar-3.9.10 -- Library to work with RAR archives
libunrar4-4.2.4 -- Library to work with RAR archives
libunwind-20110911 -- A generic stack unwinding library
libusb-0.1.12_4 -- Library giving userland programs access to USB devices
libutempter-1.1.5_1 -- Interface to record user sessions to utmp and wtmp files
libutf-2.10_1 -- UTF-8 character set support library, including regular expressions
libutf-8-1.0 -- Unicode conversion routines between UCS-4 and UTF-8
libv4l-0.8.8_1 -- Video4Linux library
libva-1.1.0_2 -- VAAPI wrapper and dummy driver
libva-intel-driver-1.0.18 -- VAAPI intel driver
libva-vdpau-driver-0.7.4_1 -- VDPAU-based backend for VAAPI
libvanessa_adt-0.0.7 -- Library that provides ADTs (queues, dynamic arrays, and more)
libvanessa_logger-0.0.7 -- Library that provides a generic logging layer
libvanessa_socket-0.0.7_1 -- Library that provides a simple layer for TCP/IP socket operations
libvc-003_2 -- A vCard library
libvdpau-0.5_1 -- VDPAU wrapper and tracing library
libvirt-0.10.2 -- Toolkit to interact with virtualization capabilities
libvirt-java-0.4.9 -- Java bindings for the libvirt virtualization API
libvisio-0.0.19 -- Library and tools for parsing the visio file format structure
libvisual-0.2.0_3 -- Abstraction library that sits between apps and visual plugin
libvisual04-0.4.0_3 -- Abstraction library that sits between apps and visual plugin
libvisual04-plugins-0.4.0_2 -- Set of plugins for the libvisual framework
libvmime-0.9.1_3 -- An all-in-one Internet mail library
libvncserver-0.9.9_2 -- Provide an easy API to write one's own vnc server
libvolume_id-0.81.1 -- Library to provide file system type information
libvorbis-1.3.3_1 -- Audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.1.0 -- VP8 Codec SDK
libvshadow-20120511 -- A library to support the Volume Service Snapshot (VSS) format
libwfut-0.2.2 -- WorldForge update library
libwhisker-2.5 -- Perl module to create HTTP test scripts
libwmf- -- Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows metafile)
libwmf-nox11- -- Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows metafile)
libwnck-2.30.6_1 -- Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
libwnck-reference-2.30.6_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/libwnck
libworkman-1.4_2 -- Workman library required by some audio apps
libwpd-0.8.14_4 -- Tools for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpd-0.9.4_1 -- Tools for importing and exporting WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpg-0.1.3_7 -- Library for importing and converting Corel WordPerfect(tm) Graphics images
libwpg-0.2.1_2 -- Library and tools to work with WordPerfect Graphics (WPG) files
libwps-0.2.7 -- A Microsoft file word processor format import filter library
libwraster-0.95.3 -- libwraster from Window Maker
libwww-5.4.0_4 -- The W3C Reference Library
libx3dtk-1.0.1_7 -- An LGPL C++ Toolkit for X3D
libx86-1.1 -- A hardware-independent library for executing real-mode x86 code
libxalloc-1.0.4 -- A memory allocation library with error checking
libxaw3dxft-1.3.3 -- 3D Xaw (Athena Widget Set) replacement with extended fonts
libxcb-1.7 -- The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) library
libxdg-basedir-1.1.1 -- An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
libxdiff-0.23 -- Create file differences/patches to both binary and text files
libxfce4gui-4.10.0_1 -- Xfce 4 widget library required by Xfce4 and Xfwm4
libxfce4menu-4.10.0_2 -- Widgets library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxfce4util-4.10.0_1 -- Extension library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxine-1.2.2_1 -- Libraries for xine multimedia player
libxkbfile-1.0.7 -- XKB file library
libxkbui-1.0.2_1 -- The xkbui library
libxklavier-5.0 -- An utility library to make XKB stuff easier
libxml-1.0.5_1 -- XML API for C++
libxml-1.8.17_5 -- XML parser library for GNOME
libxml-2.34.2 -- XML API for C++
libxml-reference-2.34.2 -- Programming reference for textproc/libxml++26
libxml2-2.7.8_5 -- XML parser library for GNOME
libxml2-reference-2.7.8 -- Programming reference for textproc/libxml2
libxode-0.71_4 -- An XML library which wraps expat
libxslt-1.1.26_3 -- The XSLT C library for GNOME
libxslt-reference-1.1.26 -- Programming reference for textproc/libxslt
libxspf-1.2.0 -- An XSPF parsing library
libxul- -- Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM apps
libxul-10.0.10 -- Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM apps
libyahoo2-1.0.1 -- A C library that handles the new Yahoo! Messenger protocol
libyaml-0.1.4_2 -- A YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libytnef-1.5_2 -- Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
libzdb-2.10.5 -- Thread-safe connection pool library
libzeitgeist-0.3.14 -- Zeitgeist client library
libzip-0.10.1 -- A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
libzrtp-0.81.514_1 -- ZRTP library from the Zfone SDK
libzrtpcpp-1.4.6_3 -- ZRTP extension for GNU ccRTP
libzvbi-0.2.33_4 -- Routines to access raw VBI capture devices
libzvt-2.0.1_21 -- Library components for Zed's Virtual Terminal
licq-base-1.6.1 -- A popular ICQ-compatible plugin-based program
licq-console-1.6.1 -- Ncurses-based console plugin for Licq
licq-jabber-1.6.1 -- Jabber (XMPP) plugin for Licq
licq-osd-1.6.1 -- OnScreenDisplay messages in licq
licq-qt4-gui-1.6.1 -- Qt plugin for licq
lifelines-3.0.51_1 -- An advanced genealogical system
liferea-1.8.7 -- Simple RSS/RDF feed reader
lifetype-1.2.11 -- A PHP and MySQL based blogging platform
lightning-1.2 -- Generates assembly language code at run-time
lightsquid-1.8_2 -- A light and fast web based squid proxy traffic analyser
lighttpd-1.4.31_5 -- A secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible Web Server
lighttpd-mod_geoip-1.4.31_5 -- GeoIP module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod_h264_streaming-1.4.31_5 -- H264 streaming module for lighttpd
lilurl-0.1.1 -- A simple PHP/MySQL script for generating lil? URLs
lilypond-2.16.0 -- The GNU music typesetter
limesurvey-1.91 -- A PHP-based survey building and runing system
limewire-5.4.6 -- A Java based Gnutella client
linc-1.0.3_7 -- A library for writing networked servers & clients
linc-reference-1.0.3 -- Programming reference for net/linc
lincity-1.13.1_6 -- Rich city simulation game for X
lincity-ng-2.0_7 -- Improved rich city simulation game for X
lineak-defaultplugin-0.9_2 -- Default plugins for lineakd
lineak-kdeplugins-0.9_6 -- KDE plugins for lineakd
lineak-xosdplugin-0.9_7 -- Xosd-plugin for lineakd
lineakd-0.9_2 -- Lineakd is a daemon which enables special keys on internet keyboards
lingot-0.9.1_1 -- LINGOT is a musical instrument tuner
lingoteach-0.3.9_13 -- A language teaching program with sound
link-grammar-4.7.4 -- A grammar checking library
link-monitor-applet-2.1_9 -- A GNOME applet displaying the round-trip time to one or more hosts
linkcheck-1.4 -- Checks a web site for bad links
linkchecker-6.6 -- Check HTML documents for broken links
linklint-2.3.6.d -- Perl script that checks links on web sites
linknx- -- Rule-based event handling in a KNX installation
links-0.98 -- Lynx-like text WWW browser
links-2.7 -- Lynx-like text WWW browser
links-hacked-101110_1 -- Hacked version of a Links WWW browser
linm- -- Clone of Mdir, mc-style terminal file manager
linnya-2.2.1 -- A Linnya Audio Player
linpack-1.0_3 -- Linear Algebra package
linphone-3.2.1_4 -- A web phone that supports SIP protocol
linphone-base-3.2.1_2 -- A web phone that supports SIP protocol
linplasma-1.0_1 -- Sinus plasma, an SVGAlib demo
linpopup-1.2.0_8 -- X11 port of WinPopup
linpsk-0.8.1_10 -- A qt psk31 client
linrad-3.08 -- Amateur Radio DSP utility (SDR)
linrename-2.22 -- Rename multiple files using substitution
linsmith-0.99.22_1 -- Smith charting program
linux-XnViewMP-0.015_1 -- XnView Multi Platform, graphics viewer and converter
linux-adobesvg-3.01.x88 -- The Adobe SVG browser plugin (Linux version)
linux-afaapps-2.7_4 -- DELL PowerEdge Raid Controller 2 (apps)
linux-allegro-4.0.3_4 -- Cross-platform game programming library (linux version)
linux-alsa-lib- -- The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries
linux-americasarmy-2.5.0_1 -- America's Army (Linux version)
linux-arts- -- Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop (Linux version)
linux-aspell- -- Spelling checker with better logic than ispell (linux version)
linux-atk-1.9.1_3 -- Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary
linux-baudline-1.08 -- Real-time signal analysis and time-frequency browser
linux-cairo-1.0.2_4 -- Linux cairo binary
linux-candycruncher-demo-1.56 -- Candy Cruncher Demo - a fast puzzle game with lots of candies
linux-coldwar-demo-1.1 -- Coldwar Demo - a third-person sneaker like Splinter Cell
linux-curl-7.13.1_2 -- Curl linux version
linux-darwinia-demo-1.3.0 -- Real-time action strategy with programs
linux-defcon-1.42 -- Defcon for Linux
linux-doom3- -- Doom III for Linux
linux-doom3-demo-1.1.1286_2 -- DOOM III demo for Linux
linux-dri-7.4_1 -- Mesa-based DRI libraries, drivers, and binaries (Linux Ubuntu 9.0.4)
linux-eagle5-5.12.0_2 -- An easy to use, yet powerful tool for designing printed circuit boards
linux-enemyterritory-2.60b_1 -- Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (Linux version)
linux-enemyterritory-etpro-3.2.6 -- ET Pro - The Enemy Territory Competition Mod
linux-enemyterritory-jaymod-2.2.0 -- Jaymod - An Enemy Territory Modification
linux-enemyterritory-jaymod-217-2.1.7_3 -- Jaymod - An Enemy Territory Modification
linux-enemyterritory-omni-bot-0.820 -- Omni-Bot is a bot for Enemy Territory
linux-enemyterritory-omni-bot-0660-0.660_1 -- Omni-Bot is a bot for Enemy Territory
linux-enemyterritory-shrub-1.2_1 -- Shrub - An Enemy Territory Modification
linux-enemyterritory-tce-0.49 -- A modern tactical Enemy Territory modification
linux-epsxe-1.6.0_3 -- A Sony Playstation emulator (Linux version)
linux-esound-0.2.36_2 -- RPM of esound
linux-etqw-demo-server-2.0.r1 -- Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Demo Server for Linux
linux-etqw-server-1.5 -- Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Server for Linux
linux-expat-1.95.8_2 -- Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library
linux-f10-allegro-4.2.2 -- Cross-platform game programming library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-alsa-lib-1.0.21_1 -- The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-alsa-plugins-oss-1.0.21_3 -- OSS plugin for ALSA (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-arts-1.5.10 -- Audio system for the KDE integrated X11 desktop (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-aspell-0.60.6 -- Spelling checker with better logic than ispell (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-atk-1.24.0 -- Accessibility Toolkit, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-blt-2.4 -- BLT widget extension to Tcl/Tk scripting language development (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-cairo-1.8.0_2 -- Vector graphics library Cairo (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-cups-libs-1.3.11_1 -- Common UNIX Printing System libraries
linux-f10-curl-7.19.6_1 -- The command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-cyrus-sasl2-2.1.22_1 -- RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-dbus-glib-0.76 -- GLib bindings for D-Bus (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-dbus-libs-1.2.4 -- Libraries for accessing D-BUS (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-dri-7.2_1 -- Mesa libGL runtime libraries and DRI drivers (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-esound-0.2.41 -- RPM of esound (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-expat-2.0.1 -- Linux/i386 binary port of Expat XML-parsing library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-flashplugin-11.2r202.251 -- Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
linux-f10-fontconfig-2.6.0 -- An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-freealut-1.1.0 -- A free implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0 -- Image loading library for GTK+ (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-glew-1.5.1_1 -- OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-gnutls-2.4.2_1 -- GNU Transport Layer Security library
linux-f10-gtk-1.2.10 -- Gtk library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-gtk2-2.14.7_4 -- GTK+ library, version 2.X (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-hicolor-icon-theme-0.5 -- A high-color icon theme shell from the FreeDesktop project
linux-f10-imlib-1.9.15 -- RPM of imlib (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-jpeg-6b -- RPM of the JPEG lib (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libGLU-7.2 -- Mesa libGLU runtime library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libasyncns-0.7 -- C library for executing DNS queries asynchronously (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libaudiofile-0.2.6 -- An implementation of the Audio File Library from SGI (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libg2c-3.4.6 -- Fortran 77 shared library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libgcrypt-1.4.4 -- General purpose crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
linux-f10-libglade-0.17 -- RPM of libglade (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libglade2-2.6.3_1 -- RPM of libglade2 (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libgpg-error-1.6 -- Common error values for all GnuPG components
linux-f10-libmng-1.0.9 -- RPM of libmng (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libogg-1.1.3 -- Ogg bitstream library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libsigc20-2.2.2 -- Callback Framework for C++ (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libssh2-0.18 -- The library implementing the SSH2 protocol (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libtasn1-1.5 -- ASN.1 structure parser library
linux-f10-libtheora-1.0rc1 -- Theora Video Compression Codec (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libv4l-0.6.2 -- Collection of video4linux support libraries (Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libvorbis-1.2.0 -- Audio compression codec library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libxml-1.8.17 -- Old libXML library for Gnome-1 application compatibility (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-libxml2-2.7.3_2 -- Library providing XML and HTML support (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-mikmod-3.2.0 -- MikMod Sound Library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-nas-libs-1.9.1 -- Runtime libraries for NAS (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-nspr-4.7.6 -- Netscape Portable Runtime (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-nss- -- Network Security Services (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-nss_ldap-264 -- RFC 2307 NSS Module (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-openal-0.0.9 -- A 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-openal-soft-1.8.466 -- A 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-openldap-2.4.12_1 -- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol libraries (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-openmotif-2.3.3 -- Motif toolkit Linux libraries
linux-f10-openssl-0.9.8g -- The OpenSSL toolkit (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-pango-1.28.3 -- The pango library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-png-1.2.37_2 -- RPM of the PNG lib (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-png10-1.0.43 -- RPM of the PNG lib (old 1.0 version, Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-pulseaudio-libs-0.9.14 -- Libraries for PulseAudio clients
linux-f10-qt33-3.3.8b_2 -- RPM of QT3 (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-qtcurve-gtk2-0.69.2_1 -- QtCurve GTK2 Theme Engine (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-scim-gtk-1.4.7_2 -- Smart Common Input Method platform, gtk module, (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-scim-libs-1.4.7_2 -- Smart Common Input Method libraries (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-sdl-1.2.13 -- Cross-platform multi-media development API (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-sdl_image-1.2.6_3 -- A simple library to load images as SDL interfaces (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-sdl_mixer-1.2.8_1 -- A sample multi-channel audio mixer library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-sqlite3-3.5.9_1 -- The library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-tcl85-8.5.3_2 -- Tool Command Language (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-tiff-3.8.2 -- The TIFF library, Linux/i386 binary (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-tk85-8.5.3_1 -- Graphical toolkit for TCL (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-ucl-1.03 -- UCL, a lossless data compression library (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-ungif-4.1.3 -- RPM of gif and ungif libs (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-upx-3.03 -- UPX, a high-performance executable packer (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-f10-xorg-libs-7.4_1 -- Xorg libraries (Linux Fedora 10)
linux-firefox-10.0.10 -- Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
linux-flashplugin-9.0r289_1 -- Adobe Flash Player NPAPI Plugin
linux-fmodapi-4.24.16_1 -- Music & Sound effects system
linux-foldingathome-5.04 -- Distributed client for Protein Folding
linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_9 -- Linux/i386 binary of Fontconfig
linux-freealut-1.1.0_2 -- A free implementation of OpenAL's ALUT standard (Linux version)
linux-gdk-pixbuf- -- Linux version of the graphic library for GTK+
linux-geepee32-30_3 -- The only GP32 emulator for i386
linux-genpuid-1.4 -- Application for generating MusicIP puids
linux-gorky17-demo-1.0.1 -- Tactical shooter similar to Jagged Alliance
linux-gspca-kmod-1.0.20_1 -- A port of the linux gspcav1 webcam driver
linux-gtk-1.2.10_6 -- RPM of the Gtk lib
linux-gtk-bluecurve-theme-0.117.1 -- The Bluecurve GTK+ 1.x and 2.x themes (Linux version)
linux-gtk2-2.6.10_5 -- GTK+ library, version 2.X, Linux binary
linux-hamachi- -- Fast, secure, simple VPN software with NAT-traversal
linux-hdb-demo-1.0 -- Hyperspace Delivery Boy Demo - deliver mail and packages
linux-hicolor-icon-theme-0.5_3 -- A high-color icon theme shell from the FreeDesktop project
linux-hohlin-1.01_1 -- Remake of the classic spectrum game Head over Heels
linux-huludesktop-0.9.8_3 -- Streaming video client for TV and movies on
linux-imlib-1.9.13_4 -- RPM of imlib
linux-j-504b_2 -- A general purpose programming language
linux-jigdo-0.7.3_1 -- A tool designed to ease the distribution of very large files
linux-jpeg-6b.34_2 -- RPM of the JPEG lib
linux-js-2.2 -- The Linux joystick interface ported to FreeBSD
linux-kmod-compat-20080408 -- Adaptation layer to build Linux drivers on FreeBSD
linux-libGLU-6.8.2_3 -- OpenGL utility library (Linux version)
linux-libaio- -- Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library, Linux binary
linux-libaudiofile-0.2.6_4 -- RPM of audiofile
linux-libg2c-3.2.3_2 -- Fortran 77 compatibility runtime
linux-libglade-0.17_3 -- RPM of libglade
linux-libglade2-2.5.1_2 -- RPM of libglade2
linux-libgtkembedmoz-0.0.20100806 -- HTML rendering library
linux-libmad-0.15.1.b.3.2 -- Libmad library (part of MAD project)
linux-libmng-1.0.9_2 -- RPM of libmng
linux-libogg- -- Ogg bitstream library (Linux version)
linux-libsigc-2.0.17_2 -- Callback Framework for C++ (linux version)
linux-libtheora-1.0.a4.2_2 -- Video codec
linux-libvorbis- -- Audio compression codec library (Linux version)
linux-libxml-1.8.17_4 -- RPM of libxml
linux-libxml2-2.6.19_2 -- RPM of libxml2
linux-majesty-demo-1.0.0 -- Majesty Gold Demo
linux-mbrola-3.0.1 -- MBROLA speech synthesizer for Linux
linux-megamgr-5.20 -- LSI MegaRAID controller management utility
linux-mikmod-3.1.6_2 -- MikMod Sound Library (Linux version)
linux-mplayerplug-in-3.55_3 -- Embed MPlayer into browser
linux-musicipserver-1.8 -- Application for generating playlists based upon musical content
linux-nas-libs-1.8 -- Runtime libraries for NAS (Linux Fedora Core 4)
linux-nero- -- CD/DVD disk burner
linux-neroaaccodec-1.5.1 -- Nero AAC reference quality MPEG-4 and 3GPP audio codec
linux-nerogame-2.0 -- Neuro evolving robotic operatives the game
linux-ningpo-demo-1.05.04 -- NingPo Mahjong Demo - a feature rich Mahjong game
linux-nwnclient-1.69_1 -- Neverwinter Nights Linux (x86) Client
linux-nwserver-1.32_2 -- Neverwinter Nights Linux (x86) Dedicated Server
linux-nx-client-3.4.0_2 -- The NoMachine NX client
linux-openal- -- A 3D positional spatialized sound library (Linux version)
linux-openmotif-2.2.4_4 -- Motif toolkit Linux libraries
linux-openssl-0.9.7f_2 -- SSL and crypto library (Linux Version)
linux-opera-11.62_1 -- A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
linux-opera-devel-12.00_5 -- A blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser (next version)
linux-oracle-instantclient-basic- -- Oracle 10 InstantClient basics. Works with Oracle RDBMS 8.1.2+
linux-oracle-instantclient-sdk- -- Oracle 10 InstantClient SDK. Works with Oracle RDBMS 8.1.2+
linux-oracle-instantclient-sqlplus- -- Oracle 10 InstantClient SQLPlus. Works with Oracle RDBMS 8.1.2+
linux-ov511-kmod-1.0_1 -- Linux ov511 webcam driver
linux-pam-docs-1.1.4 -- Linux-PAM offline documentation
linux-pango-1.10.2_4 -- Linux pango binary
linux-panorama-tools-2.6b1_4 -- Software to view, create, edit, and remap panoramic images
linux-peops-softgpu-1.17_1 -- A PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a software X11 renderer (Linux version)
linux-peops-spu-1.9_2 -- A PSEmu Pro SPU plugin using the OSS interface (Linux version)
linux-pete-mesagpu-1.76_1 -- A PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using an OpenGL renderer (Linux version)
linux-pete-xgl2gpu-2.8 -- A PSEmu Pro GPU plugin using a modern OpenGL renderer (Linux version)
linux-png-1.0.18_3 -- RPM of the PNG lib (old 1.0 version)
linux-png-1.2.8_6 -- RPM of the PNG lib
linux-procps-3.2.5 -- Linux psproc binaries
linux-qt33-3.3.4_4 -- RPM of QT3
linux-quake3-1.32c -- Quake III Arena for Linux
linux-quake3-demo-1.11.6_5 -- Quake III Arena Demo
linux-quake4-1.4.2 -- Quake 4 for Linux
linux-quake4-demo-1.0_1 -- Quake 4 for Linux Demo
linux-realplayer- -- Linux RealPlayer 10 from RealNetworks
linux-relview-7.0.2_2 -- An interactive tool for manipulation of relations
linux-savage-2.00e_2 -- The Savage game (Linux version)
linux-savage-samuraiwars-2.00c -- An official mod for Savage (Linux version)
linux-scim-gtk-fc4-1.4.4_3 -- Smart Common Input Method platform, gtk module, Linux binary
linux-scim-libs-fc4-1.4.4_4 -- Smart Common Input Method platform, library part, Linux binary
linux-sdl-1.2.15 -- Cross-platform multi-media development API (linux version)
linux-sdl_image-1.2.5_3 -- A simple library to load images as SDL interfaces (linux version)
linux-sdl_mixer-1.2.6_2 -- A sample multi-channel audio mixer library (Linux version)
linux-sdl_ttf-2.0.8 -- Library to use TrueType fonts in SDL applications (Linux version)
linux-seamonkey-2.13.2 -- The open source, standards compliant web browser
linux-seatools-2.54 -- Seagate's SeaTools for Linux
linux-sof-1.06a -- Soldier of Fortune for Linux
linux-spheresofchaos-demo-2.06_1 -- An unusual and spectacular shoot-em-up for the PC
linux-ssamtfe-1.05b3 -- Serious Sam: The First Encounter
linux-ssamtse-1.07b1 -- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter for Linux
linux-steam-1.1 -- Half Life and Source dedicated server using steam
linux-sun-jdk- -- Sun Java Development Kit 1.5 for Linux
linux-sun-jdk- -- Sun Java Development Kit 1.6 for Linux
linux-sun-jdk-7.9 -- Oracle Java 7 Development Kit for Linux
linux-sun-jre- -- Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.5 for Linux
linux-sun-jre- -- Sun Java Runtime Environment 1.6 for Linux
linux-sun-jre-7.9 -- Oracle Java 7 Runtime Environment for Linux
linux-systemsimcell-3.1.25 -- System simulator for the Cell Broadband Processor
linux-thunderbird-10.0.10 -- Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
linux-tiff-3.7.1_2 -- TIFF library, Linux/i386 binary
linux-tsmuxer-1.10.6 -- Utility to create TS and M2TS files for IP broadcasting
linux-ucl-1.03_2 -- RPM of UCL, a lossless data compression library
linux-ungif-4.1.3_3 -- RPM of the ungif lib
linux-unrealgold-436_1 -- Unreal Gold for Linux
linux-uplink-demo-1.55 -- High tech computer crime and industrial espionage on the Internet
linux-upx-1.25_2 -- RPM of UPX, a high-performance executable packer
linux-ut-436_4 -- Unreal Tournament for Linux
linux-ut2003-demo-2206 -- Unreal Tournament 2003 demo
linux-ut2004-demo-3334 -- Unreal Tournament 2004 demo
linux-virtual-jay-peak-1.1a -- A simulation of snowboarding at the Jay Peak resort in Vermont
linux-vmware-toolbox- -- VMware toolbox for guest OS (for VMware 4.x, Linux version)
linux-vmware-toolbox- -- VMware toolbox for guest OS (VMware Workstation 5.x, Linux version)
linux-vmware-toolbox- -- VMware toolbox for guest OS (VMware Workstation 6.x, Linux version)
linux-warsow-0.12_2 -- Free multiplayer first person shooter with cartoon design
linux-worldofgoo-1.41_1 -- Demo version of incredible physics based puzzle/construction game
linux-xerces-c2-2.7.0_1 -- Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project (linux version)
linux-xjoypad-1_2 -- Joy-Device to X mapping (lets you play Linux games with a joypad)
linux-xmovie- -- Movie player for AVI, MPEG-2/4, and MOV movies
linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_7 -- Xorg libraries, linux binaries
linux-ymessenger- -- An RPM of Yahoo! Messenger instant messaging client
linux_base-c6-6.2 -- Base set of packages needed in Linux mode for i386/amd64 (Linux CentOS 6.2)
linux_base-f10-10_5 -- Base set of packages needed in Linux mode for i386/amd64 (Linux Fedora 10)
linux_base-fc-4_16 -- Base set of packages needed in Linux mode (for i386/amd64)
linux_base-gentoo-stage3-20120710 -- Files from Gentoo distribution, for Linux compatibility
linux_dist-gentoo-stage3-20120710 -- Files from Gentoo distribution, for Linux compatibility
linux_dri-7.0_2 -- Binary Linux DRI libraries for 3D hardware acceleration of Linux apps
linux_dvbwrapper-kmod-1.0_1 -- Linux compatibility layer - DVB ioctl handler
linux_glide-2.4_2 -- Linux library implementing the GLIDE interface to 3dfx video cards
linux_kdump-1.5_2 -- Linux-compatibility ktrace.out processor
linux_v4l2wrapper-kmod-1.0_2 -- Linux compatibility layer - V4L2 ioctl handler
linuxdcpp-1.1.0_1 -- A port of the DC++ Direct Connect client to Unix-like systems
linuxdoc-1.1_1 -- The Linuxdoc SGML DTD
linuxfdisk-2.11z -- Fdisk, a partition tables manipulator, from util-linux
linuxigd-1.0_9 -- Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device
linuxlibertine-4.7.5 -- Linux Libertine Open Fonts
linuxlibertine-g-20120116 -- Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G fonts
linuxsampler-1.0.0_1 -- Modular MIDI sampler
linuxthreads-2.2.3_24 -- POSIX pthreads implementation using rfork to generate kernel threads
linwarrior-20100320_1 -- Navigate a mech through a 3D world and fire at enemies
lion-20060630 -- Multi-platform, event-driven, simple networking library
lionwiki-3.2.7 -- Minimalis wiki, extensible, templatable and file based
liquidsoap-1.0.0_2 -- The audio stream generator of the Savonet project
liquidwar-5.6.4_3 -- You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents
lirc-0.9.0_3 -- Linux Infrared Remote Control
lire-2.1_5 -- Logfile analyse toolkit for multiple applications
lisaem-1.2.6_5 -- Apple Lisa 2 Emulator
listadmin-2.40 -- Command-line alternative to Mailman Web interface
listener-1.7.2 -- A program to listen for and record sound activity
listmanager-2.109_1 -- Fully-featured mailing list manager
listres-1.0.2 -- List resources in widgets
liteamp- -- Light-weight Music Player for GNOME2
liveMedia-2012.04.04 -- LIVE.COM Streaming Media
livecd-1.2.4b_2 -- Tool Set to create custom FreeBSD LiveCD
lives-1.6.4 -- Video editing system
ljdeps-1.0_6 -- A meta-port to install all the perl modules used by LiveJournal
ljdump-1.5 -- Tool to download LiveJournal entries and comments
ljit-0.2.5_14 -- GUI tool to help LiveJournal users post images
lla-0.99.1 -- Perl-based LDAP log statistics generator
llgal-0.13.17_1 -- Command-line online gallery generator
lll_spect-1.0_1 -- LLL-spectral test of linear congruential random number generators
llnlxdir-2.1.2_3 -- Motif FTP client with drag-and-drop file transfer
llnlxftp-2.1_4 -- Motif FTP client
llvm-3.1 -- Low Level Virtual Machine
llvm-devel-3.2.r163622 -- Low Level Virtual Machine
llvm-gcc4-2.9 -- A gcc4 frontend for LLVM
llvm29-2.9_1 -- Low Level Virtual Machine
lm-solve-0.8.4 -- A Computerized Solver for Logic Mazes
lmarbles-1.0.8_2 -- A challenging puzzle game similar to Atomix
lmbench-3.0.a9_1 -- A system performance measurement tool
lmclock-1.2_2 -- A Xerox Lisp machine clock clone
lmdbg-1.0.0 -- Lightweight malloc debugger
lmmon-0.65_1 -- Display information gathered from MB power management controller
lmms-0.4.13_2 -- All-in-one sequencer, drum machine, sampler, and more
lmon-1.2 -- Near-realtime log monitoring tool, sends alerts on hits and misses
lmpc-3.4.4 -- A tool to manipulate games demo recordings
lmtp2nntp-1.4.1 -- OSSP mail to news gateway
lndir-1.0.3 -- Create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
lo-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- lo language pack for libreoffice
localedata-5.4 -- Legacy locale data for FreeBSD 6+
localize-0.0.1_2 -- Application to aid in the translation of .strings files
locator-0.1 -- Grid square calculator program used in Amateur Radio and GPS work
lockdown-2.0.0 -- Hardening script for FreeBSD
lockfree-malloc-0.0.20120802 -- Scalable drop-in replacement for malloc/free
loemu-0.3.1_5 -- Simple frontend for various game emulators
log2timeline-0.64 -- A log file parser for computer forensic investigations
log4c-1.2.2 -- Logging for C Library
log4cplus-1.0.4 -- A logging library for C++
log4cpp-1.0 -- A library of C++ classes for flexible logging
log4cxx-0.10.0_4 -- Log4cxx is a port to C++ of the Log4j project
log4j-1.2.16 -- A fast and flexible logging library for Java
log4net-1.2.10_1 -- Port for .NET of the Apache Logging Services project
log4sh-1.4.2 -- A common logging library for Bourne shell scripts
log4shib-1.0.4 -- A library of C++ classes for flexible logging
log_analysis-0.46 -- A utility that extracts a summary of useful data from logs
loganalyzer-3.0.0 -- Web based Syslog browsing and analysis
logcheck-1.3.15 -- Auditing tool for system logs on Unix boxes
logjam-4.6.2_1 -- A GTK2 interface to livejournals, ie
logmon-0.4.4 -- Ncurses-based split window log monitoring program
logrotate-3.7.9 -- Daemon to rotate, compress, remove, and mail system log files
logstalgia-1.0.3_4 -- A website access log visualization tool
logsurfer-1.7 -- Process logfiles and conditionally perform certain actions
logtool-1.3.1 -- Parse ASCII logfiles into ANSI, CSV, HTML formats
logtools-0.13d -- Useful tools to deal with CLF files (Common Log File format)
logwatch-7.4.0 -- A log file analysis program
loki-0.1.7 -- A C++ library of common design patterns
lookat-1.4.1 -- A program to view Un*x text files and manual pages
lookout-1.4 -- Convert Outlook97 addressbook export files to KDE KAB/GNOME gnomecard
looks-2.0.4_2 -- The JGoodies Looks improve the appearance of your Java applications
lookupd-0.3.c_1 -- Lookupd daemon - IPC nsswitch implementation with system-wide caching
lookupd_ldap-0.1.a_4 -- The LDAP plugin for the lookupd daemon
loop-1.0 -- Prints to stdout a series of numbers from `start' to `end'
lopster-1.2.2_10 -- GTK+ client for Napster and free alternatives
lordsawar-0.1.9_2 -- A Warlords II clone
lostirc-0.4.6_9 -- A simple and minimal IRC client for X
lottanzb-0.6_2 -- A pyGTK usenet frontend for hellanzb
loudmouth-1.4.3_6 -- Lightweight Jabber client library
lout-3.39 -- LaTeX like document creation system with PostScript/PDF output
love-0.5.0_9 -- Open-source 2D game engine
love-0.7.2_3 -- Open-source 2D game engine
love-0.8.0_2 -- Open-source 2D game engine
lp_solve- -- Linear Programming Solver
lpac-1.40 -- Lossless audio codec
lpairs-1.0.4_2 -- Classical memory game
lpc21isp-1.64 -- ISP programmer tool for flashing NXP & Analog Devices ARM7 CPUs
lplayer-1.01_8 -- A QT program to queue lots of MP3s for random XMMS play
lpr-wrapper-0.7_1 -- A user level printer frontend
lprof-devel-20080514_10 -- Open source color profiler
lprps-a4-2.5 -- PostScript printer filter package supporting a bidirectional serial channel
lprps-letter-2.5 -- PostScript printer filter package supporting a bidirectional serial channel
lr-2.0 -- Lazyread can auto-scroll files on your screen in movie credit fashion
lrmi-0.10 -- LRMI is a library for calling real mode BIOS routines
lrng-20111031 -- Uniform random number generators of P. L'Ecuyer and his colleagues
lrzip-0.614 -- Long Range ZIP or Lzma RZIP
lrzsz-0.12.20_4 -- Receive/Send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
lsdb-emacs24-0.11_6 -- Lovely Sister Database
lsdvd-0.16_6 -- Print information about the contents and structure of a DVD
lsh-2.0.4_5 -- A secure (encrypted) remote shell compatible with ssh 2.0
lshell- -- Shell environment to limited sets of commands to user's
lsknobs-1.0 -- Simple script to help configure ports knobs and options
lsof-4.87.a -- Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
lsw-0.2 -- Lists the titles of all running X windows to stdout, similar to ls(1)
lt-aspell- -- Aspell Lithuanian dictionary
lt-hyphen-2004.04.15_1 -- Lithuanian hyphenation rules
lt-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Lithuanian messages and documentation for KDE3
lt-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Lithuanian messages and documentation for KDE4
lt-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- lt language pack for libreoffice
ltl-1.9.1_1 -- A C++ class SSE library for scientific computing
ltl2ba-1.1 -- Fast translation from LTL formulae to Buechi automata
ltm- -- Statseeker Real Time LAN Analyser
ltrace-0.4_1 -- Track runtime library calls in dynamically linked programs
ltris-1.0.15_1 -- Another Tetris clone but a good one with bunch of cool features
lttoolbox-3.2.0 -- A tool for lexical, morphological analysis and generation of words
ltxml-1.2.9 -- XML Toolkit
lua-4.0.1_1 -- Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lua-5.0.3 -- Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lua-5.1.5_4 -- Small, compilable scripting language providing easy access to C code
lua-mode.el-1.26_1 -- Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Lua scripts
lua-sysctl-0.2 -- A small sysctl(3) interface for lua
lua50-app-1.72 -- App framework for Lua 5.0.x
lua50-compat-5.1.r5_1 -- Lua 5.1 package compatibility layer for Lua 5.0.x
lua50-dfui-0.1.20050901 -- DFUI binding for Lua 5.0.x
lua50-filename-1.2 -- Filename-manipulating functions for Lua 5
lua50-gettext-1.5_2 -- Gettext binding for Lua 5
lua50-luasocket-2.0.2_1 -- IPv4 Sockets support for the Lua language
lua50-posix-5.0 -- A POSIX layer for Lua
lua50-pty-1.25 -- Pty (pseudo-terminal) bindings for Lua 5
lua51-alien-0.5.1 -- Lua -> C FFI
lua51-bitlib-24 -- A tiny library for bitwise operations
lua51-cjson-2.1.0 -- Fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua
lua51-filename-1.2 -- Filename-manipulating functions for Lua 5
lua51-gettext-1.5_2 -- Gettext binding for Lua 5
lua51-iconv-6 -- Iconv binding for Lua 5
lua51-luaexpat-1.2.0 -- LuaExpat is a SAX XML parser based on the Expat library
lua51-luafilesystem-1.4.2 -- Library to access directory structure and file attributes
lua51-luasec-0.4 -- A Lua binding for the OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication
lua51-luasocket-2.0.2_1 -- IPv4 Sockets support for the Lua language
lua51-posix-5.0 -- A POSIX layer for Lua
lua51-pty-1.25 -- Pty (pseudo-terminal) bindings for Lua 5
lua51-rds-parser-0.0.4 -- Resty-DBD-Stream (RDS) parser for Lua written in C
lua51-redis-parser-0.09.r7 -- Redis reply parser and request constructor library for Lua
luabind-0.9.1 -- Library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua
luajava-1.1_1 -- Lua scripting tool for Java
luajit-2.0.0.r3 -- A Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
luakit-2011.07.22_1 -- Fast, small, webkit based browser framework extensible by Lua
luasql-mysql-2.1.1_1 -- Lua interface to MySQL
luasql-postgres-2.1.1_1 -- Lua interface to PostgreSQL
luasql-sqlite3-2.1.1_1 -- Lua interface to SQLite3
lucene-3.6.1 -- A full-text search engine for Java
lucidlife-0.9.2_4 -- A GTK2 implementation of Conway's Game of Life
luckybackup-0.4.7_1 -- QT4 frontend to the backup utility rsync
ludia-1.5.2 -- PostgreSQL extension for full-text search indexing
luit-1.1.0_1 -- Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
luma-2.3_9 -- A graphical tool for accessing and managing LDAP servers
luminance-hdr-2.3.0 -- Complete open source solution for HDR photography
luna-1.9 -- Display the moon's phase
luola-1.3.0_12 -- Multiplayer Cave-flying game
lupe-0.08c -- Real-time magnifying glass for X11
lurker-2.3 -- A mailing list archiver
lusca-head-r14809_5 -- HTTP Caching Proxy (Squid Derivative) - Stable Release
lusernet-0.4.2_2 -- GNUstep news reader
lush-1.2.1_9 -- A high level object-oriented programming language
luxrender-0.7.1_1 -- A physically based and unbiased rendering system
lv-4.51_3 -- Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
lv-aspell- -- Aspell Latvian dictionary
lv-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Latvian messages and documentation for KDE3
lv-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Latvian messages and documentation for KDE4
lv-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- lv language pack for libreoffice
lv2core-6.0 -- LV2 Core Package
lvwimax-0.1_1 -- A userland driver for Samsung WiMAX modems
lwjgl-2.7.1 -- The Lightweight Java Game Library
lwm-1.2.2 -- A lightweight window manager
lwp-2.6 -- A userspace thread library
lxappearance-0.5.2_1 -- A desktop-independent theme switcher for GTK+
lxde-common-0.5.5_3 -- LXDE Common files
lxde-icon-theme-0.0.1_1 -- LXDE Icon Theme
lxde-meta-1.0_4 -- The "meta-port" of the LXDE desktop slimmed down for FreeBSD releases
lxdvdrip-1.62_11 -- Command Line Tool to make a copy from a Video DVD
lxinput-0.3.1_1 -- A keyboard and mouse config tool from the LXDE project
lxmenu-data-0.1.2 -- Menu data used by lxpanel
lxmusic-0.4.5 -- LXDE music player based on xmms2
lxpanel-0.5.10 -- LXPanel is a lightweight X11 desktop panel
lxr-0.10.2 -- Source code indexer and cross-referencer
lxrandr-0.1.2 -- LXDE screen manager
lxsession- -- LXDE Session Manager
lxsplit-0.2.4 -- Simple program to split or join files
lxtask-0.1.4_1 -- A lightweight desktop-independent task manager
lxterminal-0.1.11_1 -- A lightweight terminal emulator from the LXDE project
lybniz-1.3.2_5 -- Mathematical function graph plotter
lynis-1.2.9 -- Security and system auditing tool
lynx- -- A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
lynx-2.8.8d12_1 -- A non-graphical, text-based World-Wide Web client
lyx-1.6.10_2 -- Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG) (stable)
lyx-2.0.4 -- Document processor interfaced with LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
lzip-1.13 -- Is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzlib-1.1 -- Provides in-memory LZMA compression and decompression functions
lzma-9.22 -- High-ratio LZMA compressor
lzmalib-0.0.1 -- Thin wrapper library of LZMA
lzo2-2.06 -- Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
lzop-1.03 -- Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
m17n-contrib-1.1.13 -- User-contributed input methods for the m17n library
m17n-db-1.6.3 -- Data files for the m17n library
m17n-docs-1.5.5 -- The m17n library documentation
m17n-im-config-0.9.0_6 -- A GUI for per-user configuration of m17n-lib input methods
m17n-lib-1.6.3_1 -- A library for the multilingual text handling
m2000-0.6_2 -- A portable emulator for the Philips P2000 home computer
m2tstoavi-2009121901_2 -- Utility which eases conversion of AVCHD (m2ts) to AVI
m2vrequantiser-1.1 -- Requantize MPEG-2 streams without recompressing
m4-1.4.16_1 -- GNU m4
m6811-binutils-2.15 -- The binutils cross-toolchain for the 6811
m68k-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
m68k-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
m68k-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
mDNSResponder-333.10 -- Apple's mDNSResponder
mac- -- Monkey's Audio lossless codec
mac-robber-1.00 -- A tool for listing Modify, Access, Create timestamps from files
macopix-1.7.4_7 -- Window sitter for X11
macroscope-1.0.3787_6 -- User and IP traffic management with Web interface
macutils-2.0b3 -- Utilities for Apple Macintosh files
mad-0.15.0b_1 -- The "meta-port" for the MAD sound playback system
mad_fcl-1.3_1 -- FLUTE - File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport implementation
madbomber-0.2.5_12 -- A clone of Activision's classic Atari 2600 console game "Kaboom!"
madedit-0.2.9_7 -- An open-source and cross-platform text/hex editor
madfufw-1.0_1 -- M-Audio DFU Firmware for Transit, Ozone, Sonica, MobilePre
madman-0.93_11 -- An advanced digital music manager
madplay-0.15.2b_3 -- Madplay MP3 player (part of MAD project)
maelstrom-3.0.6_8 -- Asteroids-style game for X Window System
mafft-6.903 -- Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
magento- -- A feature-rich eCommerce platform
magic-7.5.220 -- An interactive editor for VLSI layouts
magiccube4d-2.2_3 -- MagicCube4D is a four-dimensional analog of Rubik's cube
magicfilter-2.3.h_6 -- Customizable, extensible automatic printer filter
magicor-1.1_3 -- Old-school, puzzle game similar to Solomon's Key
magicpoint-1.13a_9 -- An X11-based presentation tool
magicrescue-1.1.9 -- A file recovery tool which recovers deleted files from a block device
magit-1.1.1_3 -- Interface to Git for Emacs
mahara-1.1.8 -- An open source ePortfolio system
mahjong-1.12.1_1 -- A networked Mah Jong program, together with a computer player
mahogany-0.67_7 -- An X11 mail and news client
mai-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Maithili messages and documentation for KDE4
mai-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- mai language pack for libreoffice
maia-1.0.3.r1575_3 -- A web-based management system based on amavisd-new and SpamAssassin
mail-notification-5.4_9 -- A mail notification for system trays
mail2procmailrc-0.9 -- mail to procmailrc generator
mail2sms-1.3.5 -- Mail to SMS converter
mailagent-3.1.71 -- A sophisticated automatic mail-processing tool
mailcrypt-3.5.9_4 -- An Emacs/PGP interface
maildirsync-1.2 -- Online synchronizer for Maildir-format mailboxes
maildrop-2.6.0_1 -- Mail delivery agent (MDA) with filtering abilities
mailfmt-1.3_1 -- Remove leading quotations from mail/news and wrap lines to fixed width
mailfront-1.18 -- Mail server network protocol front-ends
mailgraph-1.14_5 -- A RRDtool frontend for Postfix statistics
mailman-2.1.14_6 -- A mailing list manager (MLM) with a user-friendly web front-end
mailmgr-1.2.3 -- Sendmail Analysis Report Generator
mailsync-5.2.1_3 -- Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized
mailtray-1.4_1 -- Display email status in tray
mailutils-2.2 -- Mailutils offers utilities and daemons for processing e-mail
mailx-0.5_1 -- Mail command with mailx extensions
mailzu-0.8.r3_2 -- A simple and intuitive web interface to manage amavisd-new quarantine
mairix-0.22 -- Indexing and searching in Maildir, MH, or mbox folders
maitretarot-0.1.98_3 -- Server side of MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
majordomo-1.94.5_6 -- A mailing list manager
make-2.0 -- A drop-in replacement for GNU make
makedepend-1.0.3 -- A dependency generator for makefiles
makefaq-2.5 -- Makefaq is a Python program that creates a (FAQ)
makefs-20040704 -- Builds FFS images
makehuman-0.9.1.r1.a_5 -- Application for parametrical modeling of 3D humanoid characters
makeindex-3.0.8_1 -- A general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
makepasswd-1.10_4 -- Random password generator
makepatch-2.04 -- Perl scripts to assist in the generation and application of patches
makeself-2.1.5_1 -- A neat script to make self-extracting archives
makeztxt-1.62 -- Command line utility to create GutenPalm's zTXT format databases
malbolge-0.1.1 -- An esoteric language
malint-0.2 -- MPEG Audio stream validator
mambo-4.6.5 -- A dynamic web content management system (CMS)
mame-0.147 -- The popular MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator)
man2html-3.0.1_1 -- Convert nroff(1) man pages to HTML
man2web-0.88_2 -- Convert man pages to HTML
managepkg-1.1 -- Script for maintaining ports
manck-1.2 -- Manual page consistency checker
mandvd-2.4_11 -- Utility to simply create dvd-video
manedit-0.8.1_2 -- A UNIX manual page editor and viewer
mangband-1.1.2 -- Free online multiplayer real-time roguelike game
mangler-1.2.3_1 -- A Ventrilo VOIP compatible client
mangos-5101_2 -- Free dedicated-server for World of Warcraft
manipulate_data-1.3 -- Search/extract/write raw data
mantis-1.2.11 -- A bug tracking system written in PHP
manu-gothica-0_2 -- Old German blackletter handwriting (Suetterlin)
manued.el-0.9.5 -- Emacs minor mode for manued proofreading method
mapagi-0.6_8 -- Pagination utility that prints your images/comics in 'in folio' format
mapchan-2.0 -- Implementation of the utility "mapchan" from SCO Unix
maplay-1.2 -- MPEG audio player/decoder decoding layer I and II MPEG audio streams
mapm3-3.0 -- Constructs linkage maps of markers segregating in experimental crosses
mapnik-2.1.0 -- A Free Toolkit For Developing Mapping Applications
mapserver-6.0.3 -- System for developing web-based GIS applications
mapyrus-1.202 -- A software for creating plots of points, lines, etc
mar-0.5 -- A simple binary file format for storing arbitrary meta and user data
maradns-1.4.12 -- DNS server with focus on security and simplicity
marble-4.8.4 -- Virtual globe and world atlas for KDE
mariadb-client-5.3.8 -- Database server - drop-in replacement for MySQL
mariadb-scripts-5.3.8 -- Database server - drop-in replacement for MySQL
mariadb-server-5.3.8 -- Database server - drop-in replacement for MySQL
markdown-1.0.1_1 -- A text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
markdown-mode.el-1.8.1_6 -- Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Markdown-formatted text
mars-2.1_3 -- Maryland Routing Simulator
mars_nwe-0.99.b20_1 -- Netware server emulator for Un*x systems
marsnomercy-0.2.1_9 -- A turn-based strategy game setting on Mars
masqmail-0.3.4 -- Mail server for hosts, not permanently connected to the internet
massadmin-2.3 -- Send system commands to a group of remote servers simultaneously
massh-2.0.57_1 -- Parallel ssh command execution and file transfer on multiple hosts
massxpert-3.1.0_1 -- The massXpert software for (bio)chemists
mastergear-2.0_2 -- SEGA Master System and Game Gear emulator for X
masterserver-0.4.1 -- Masterserver for IdSoftware games (D3, EF, H2, Q2, Q3, QW)
match-0.16 -- Program for matching star lists
matharray-1.2 -- Class library for mathematical manipulation of matrices
mathml-xsd-2_1 -- The MathML XML Schema
mathomatic-16.0.5 -- Highly portable, general purpose CAS (Computer Algebra System)
mathopd-1.5p8 -- A very small, yet very fast HTTP server
matio-1.3.4 -- Library for reading/writing Matlab files
matrices-1.0_6 -- Matrix calculator (with both GUI & console-interface)
matrix-1.0 -- C++ library to manipulate matrices and vectors
matrixssl-1.8.8 -- Small alternative SSL implementation
matwm2-0.1.0 -- A minimalistic, yet functional window manager for x11
maude-2.6 -- A high-performance reflective language
mavbiff-1.2_4 -- Small screen with active mailboxes and bring-to-front-facility
maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3 -- Allows Maven's artifact handling to be used from within an Ant build
maven-wrapper-1_2 -- Wrapper script for the various installations of Maven
maven2-2.2.1_1 -- Java project management tool, 2.0 branch
maven3-3.0.4 -- Java project management tool, 3.x branch
maverik-6.2_3 -- A publicly available virtual reality (VR) system
mawk-1.3.3 -- An implementation of new/posix awk
mawstats-0.8 -- MAWStats is a Free Web Site Statistics tool
maxima-5.28.0 -- Symbolic mathematics program
maxr-0.2.8 -- Mechanized Assault and Exploration Reloaded
mayavi-1.5_5 -- A scientific data visualizer
mb2md-3.20_1 -- Converts mbox mailboxes to Maildir
mbasecalc-1.1_7 -- Simple calculator program inspired by basecalc
mbdyn-1.4.0 -- A MultiBody Dynamics analysis system
mbmon-205_6 -- Motherboard monitor for LM78/79, W8378x, AS99127F, VT82C686 and ADM9240
mbox-0.7.2_7 -- Program intended to help with organizing your music files
mbox2imap-1.0 -- Upload email stored in mbox file format to an IMAP server
mbox2mdir-1.4 -- Mbox to qmail's Maildir converter written in C++
mboxcheck-applet-0.3_12 -- Mailbox checking applet for GNOME 2
mboxgrep-0.7.9_2 -- Utility to scan mailboxes for messages matching a regular expression
mboxstats-3.1 -- Creates top-10 lists of the messages in a mailbox
mbpurple-0.3.0_2 -- Integrate Twitter with Pidgin (AKA microblog-purple)
mbrolavox-3.0.1 -- Voices for MBROLA voice synthesizer
mbrowse-0.4.0_3 -- An SNMP MIB Browser for X
mbuffer-2011.07.24_1 -- A tool for buffering data streams
mbx2mbox-0.34 -- MS Outlook Express .mbx to mbox file converter
mc- -- Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone
mc-light-4.1.40.p9_9 -- A lightweight Midnight Commander clone
mcabber-0.10.1_3 -- Small Jabber console client
mcal-0.3 -- A libmcal powered cal replacement
mcast-tools-20061214_1 -- IPv6 multicast routing daemons and tools
mcelog-1.0.p3 -- Collects and decodes Machine Check Exception data
mcmc-jags-3.3.0 -- Just Another Gibbs Sampler
mcollective-2.1.1_1 -- A modern scalable datacenter orchestration framework
mcplay-0.3.i -- A curses based front-end to various audioplayers
mcpp-2.7.2_1 -- Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
mcron-1.0.4_3 -- A 100% compatible replacement for Vixie cron
mcrypt-2.6.8_1 -- Replacement for crypt(1)
mcstas-1.12c_1 -- A neutron ray-trace simulation package
mctoolame-decoder-0.1.a_2 -- A LayerII MPEG Audio decoder which supports multi-channel encoding
mctoolame-encoder-0.1.a_1 -- A LayerII MPEG Audio encoder which supports multi-channel encoding
mcweject-1.0 -- Removable media eject
mcwm-20111124_1 -- A small window manager inspired by CTWM, evilwm, and tinywm
md4coll-0.1 -- Fast MD4 collision generator
md5coll-0.1 -- Fast MD5 collision generator
md5deep-4.3 -- Program to compute various message digests recursively
mdbconv-1.6 -- Converts CSV to MobileDB database
mdbtools-0.5_14 -- Utilities and libraries to export data from MS Access databases (.mdb)
mdcached-1.0.6 -- A high performance cache server similar to memcached
mdcp- -- A fastest utility for copy from a disk device for many
mdcrack-1.2_1 -- Bruteforce password MD5 hashes
mdds-0.6.1 -- Multi-dimensional data index algorithm
mdf2iso-0.3.0 -- A Alcohol 120% to ISO converter
mdh-1.9.60_5 -- GTK2-based toolbar, like a smaller GNOME panel
mdk-1.2.6 -- A set of utilities for developing programs using MIX and MIXAL
mdnsd-0.7G_1 -- Advertise a service via Rendezvous
mdocml-1.12.1 -- mdoc macro compiler
mdpop3d-0.97 -- A simple and small POP3 daemon implementation with Maildir support
mdtest-1.8.3 -- A filesystem metadata benchmark utility
meandmyshadow-0.4 -- Me and My Shadow puzzle/platform game
meanwhile-1.0.2_2 -- Open Source implementation of the Lotus Sametime protocol
mediadownloader-1.5.2_1 -- Search, watch, and download from Google Image and YouTube
mediainfo-0.7.52 -- Supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
mediaproxy-1.8.2_4 -- A far-end NAT traversal solution for SER/OpenSER
mediatomb-0.12.1_8 -- UPnP AV MediaServer
mediawiki-1.18.5 -- The wiki engine used by Wikipedia
mediawiki-1.19.2_1 -- The wiki engine used by Wikipedia
medit-2011.03.06_1 -- Interactive meshes visualization
mednafen-0.8.B_8 -- Portable multi-system emulator
medusa-2.1 -- A speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer
meep-1.1.1_4 -- FDTD simulation software to model electromagnetic systems
megacli-8.02.16 -- SAS MegaRAID FreeBSD MegaCLI
megaglest- -- Open source 3D real-time strategy game
megaglest-data- -- MegaGlest data files
megapov-1.2.1_7 -- Unofficial extensions of POV-Ray
megarc-1.51 -- LSI Logic's MegaRAID controlling software
mehdiaplayer-0.2_2 -- A simple media player using Qt/Phonon
mei-1.0.3 -- Code_Saturne Mathematical Expression Interpreter
meld-1.6.1 -- GNOME 2 visual diff and merge tool
memcached-1.2.8_2 -- High-performance distributed memory object cache system
memcached-1.4.15 -- High-performance distributed memory object cache system
memcachedb-1.2.0_1 -- Distributed storage system designed for persistent
memcacheq-0.2.0_2 -- Simple queue service over Memcache
memcheck-0.2.4 -- Memory Allocation Checker
memdump-1.01 -- Forensic utility for memory-dumping
memfetch-0.05b -- Utility to dump process memory
memonix-1.6.070713_8 -- Brain teasers, puzzle, and memory games for kids in one pack
memtest-4.2.2 -- Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
memtest86-4.0b -- Stand alone memory test for x86 architecture computers
memtest86-4.20_1 -- Stand-alone memory test for x86 architecture computers
mencal-2.4 -- A variation of the unix command cal
mencoder-1.1.r20120721_1 -- Convenient video file and movie encoder
menhir-20080912 -- LR(1) parser generator for OCaml
menu-cache-0.3.3 -- The menu-cache portion of LXDE
menumaker-0.99.7 -- Menu generator for X Window Managers and desktop environments
meqcc-1.4 -- MrElusive's QuakeC compiler
mercator-0.3.0 -- A procedural terrain library
mercurial-2.4 -- Fast, lightweight source control management system
mercurialeclipse-1.4.1286_3 -- A mercurial plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
mercury-2.0.r8.a -- Java Based MSN client
mergeant-0.67_6 -- Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME 2 environment
mergelog-4.5_2 -- A tool to merge and sort by date http log files
meritous-1.2_8 -- Action-adventure dungeon crawl game
merkaartor-0.18.1_1 -- An openstreetmap mapping program
mesa-demos-7.6.1_1 -- OpenGL demos distributed with Mesa
mesagl-mangled-5.0.2 -- A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL - mangled version
meshdev-0.5 -- A mesh comparison software
meshlab-1.3.0 -- A tool for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes
meshviewer-0.3.3_3 -- Mesh Viewer
mess-0.147 -- The popular MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System)
mess822-0.58_1 -- RFC 822 mail message parsing library and rewriting utilities
meta-1.0_11 -- Meta port for the horde framework
meta-cvs-1.1.98 -- A more capable version control system than CVS, built around CVS
meta1-db42-1.0.0a.11.0 -- Secure and efficient mail gateway
metabar-0.8_10 -- Sidebar plugin for Konqueror
metacafe_dl-2007.09.13_2 -- A program for downloading videos from
metacam-1.2 -- A digital camera EXIF meta-information reader
metacity-2.30.3_1 -- A window manager for the adult in you
metacity-aluminumalloy-cryogenic-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, cryogenic flavor
metacity-aluminumalloy-smog-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, smog flavor
metacity-aluminumalloy-toxic-theme-2004.01.04_5 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, toxic flavor
metacity-aluminumalloy-volcanic-theme-2004.01.04_7 -- A port of wonderful MacOS X theme Aluminum Alloy, volcanic flavor
metacity-aquaextremesunken-theme-1.0_7 -- A port of AquaExtreme Sunken theme
metacity-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve Metacity themes
metacity-digital-cream-theme-1.0_7 -- Very neat and clean theme for GNOME desktop
metacity-digital-harmony-theme-1.1_7 -- Another popular theme for GNOME desktop
metacity-longhorninspirat-theme-1.0_8 -- A port of Windows XP theme Longhorn Inspirat
metacity-milk-theme-2.1_7 -- A port of Milk, Mac OS X theme
metacity-theme-microgui-1.0_2 -- The microGUI Sawfish theme for Metacity
metacity-themes-20040306_5 -- Meta-port for Gnome Metacity themes
metaf2xml-1.42 -- Parses METAR, TAF, and SYNOP messages and stores the components in XML
metakit- -- C++ embedded database engine, supports Python and Tcl
metalink-checker-1.3 -- Python script to check metalink files and complete a basic download
metalink-editor-1.2.0_3 -- GUI editor to create and edit metalinks
metalink-tools-0.3.6_2 -- Metalink generation tool
metalock-0.8.0_1 -- Enhanced X11 screen locker
metalog-0.8_1 -- Modern syslogd replacement with PCRE support
metamail-2.7_10 -- Implementation of MIME, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
metaocaml-3.09.a30_2 -- The MetaOCaml compiler and programming environment
metapixel-1.0.2_5 -- Photomosaic generator
metasploit-4.4.0 -- Exploit-Framework for Penetration-Testing
metauml-0.2.5_5 -- A MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
metis-4.0.3_1 -- A package for unstructured graph partitioning
metis-5.0.2 -- A package for unstructured graph partitioning
metis-edf-4.1.2_3 -- Meshes partitioning tool used by Code_Aster
metisse-0.4.1_1 -- An innovative X-based window system
metromap-0.1.4_1 -- A simple application for finding paths in different subways maps
mew-emacs24-6.5_3 -- Messaging in the Emacs World for emacs
mftrace-1.2.18_1 -- Scalable PostScript (Type1) Fonts for MetaFont
mg-20110905 -- A small, fast Emacs-like editor
mga_hal-4.4.0_2 -- Module for additional features with X.Org/XFree86 Matrox driver
mgapdesk-1.0.7_5 -- Matrox Powerdesk for *nix
mgdiff-1.0_3 -- A graphical front end to the Unix diff command
mgen-4.2b6 -- An IP network performance tests and measurements
mget-1.4.2 -- Multithreaded commandline web-download manager
mgetty-1.1.35_5 -- Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
mgeupsd-0.3_1 -- monitor a state of MGE Pulsar UPS connected to RS-232 port
mgopen-1.0_2 -- MgOpen greek fonts collection
mgstat-0.12_5 -- Produce graphs from mod_gzip log files
mguesser-0.4 -- A tool for guessing a text's charset and language
mhash- -- An easy-to-use library for strong hashes such as MD5 and SHA1
mhgui-0.2_5 -- GUI widget library for MakeHuman
mhonarc-2.6.18_1 -- WWW front end for mail archives
mhwaveedit-1.4.21_2 -- A graphical program for editing sound files
mi-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Maori dictionary
miau-0.6.6 -- A fully featured easy to use IRC-bouncer
mico-2.3.12_4 -- Secure, reliable, production-quality, standards-based CORBA middleware
micro_httpd-2001.12.14 -- An extremely small web server
micro_inetd-2005.06.29 -- A inetd-like program intended for temporarily usage
micro_proxy-20021030 -- A really small HTTP/HTTPS proxy
microdc2-0.15.6_4 -- A command-line based Direct Connect client
middleman-1.9.1_1 -- A robust proxy server
midipp-1.0.16 -- A MIDI playback, recording, and live performance tool
midori-0.4.7 -- Lightweight web browser using WebKit browser engine
mifluz-0.24.0 -- C++ library to build and query a full text inverted index
migrate-3.1.6 -- A program to estimate population sizes and migration rates
mikmod-3.2.1_1 -- Mod player which plays MTM, STM, XM, MOD, S3M, ULT, UNI, and IT mods
mikutter- -- Simple, powerful, and moeful Twitter client
mikutter- -- Simple, powerful, and moeful Twitter client
milkytracker-0.90.85_2 -- A free music creation tool inspired by Fast Tracker 2
milter-bogom-1.9.2_2 -- Simple sendmail milter to interface bogofilter
milter-callback-1.6.0 -- Milter to perform a envelope-from sender verification on target MX
milter-greylist-4.2.7 -- Easy-to-use greylist milter for sendmail and postfix
milter-greylist-devel-4.3.9 -- Easy-to-use greylist milter for sendmail and postfix (development)
milter-manager-1.8.3 -- A super milter that can invoke several milters selectively
milter-regex-1.9 -- Milter plugin to sendmail for regular expression filtering
mime-1.1_3 -- C library to parse mime data
mime-construct-1.11 -- Construct and optionally send MIME messages from command line
mime-support-3.52.2 -- MIME Media Types list
mime4j-0.7.2 -- A Java parser for e-mail message streams
mimedefang-2.73 -- Milter based anti-spam and anti-virus filtering program
mimelib-1.1.2_1 -- C++ class library for manipulating messages in MIME format
mimetex-20120331.1.74 -- A CGI script that lets you embed LaTeX math in your HTML pages
mimir-2.15 -- Data-structure library used by the Elan Programming Environment
mimms-3.2.1 -- Download streams using the MMS protocol
min12xxw-0.0.9 -- Print driver for the Minolta PagePro 1(2/3/4)xxW printers
minbif-1.0.3_5 -- An IRC to instant messaging gateway
minc-1.5.1 -- Medical Imaging NetCDF
minc-2.0.18 -- Medical Imaging NetCDF
minder-2.0.2 -- A small network application for automatic maintenance of peer lists
mindfocus-0.88_2 -- Lovely characters stay on top of active window
mindguard- -- Helpful utility for detecting and jamming harmful mind-control rays
mindterm-binary-1.2.1_1 -- A full vt220 compatible Java SSH-1 client (not only for websites)
minecraft-client-1.0.0 -- Client for the block building game
minecraft-server-1.2.3_1 -- Server for the block building game
mined-2012.22 -- Text mode editor with Unicode support
minetest-0.4.d.20120122.1_1 -- An Infiniminer/Minecraft inspired game
ming-0.4.4_2 -- Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages support
mingplot-0.4_1 -- A tool to generate a flash-based chart
mingw32-bin-msvcrt-r3.20.a3.17.2 -- Headers and Libraries for Windows cross-development
mingw32-binutils-2.23 -- GNU Binutils for Windows cross-development
mingw32-directx-20020518 -- DirectX header files for use with MinGW
mingw32-gcc-4.5.0_1 -- FSF gcc-4 for Windows cross-development
mingw32-libffi-3.0.9_1 -- The libffi library cross-compiled for MinGW32
mingw32-libgmp-5.0.5 -- Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (MinGW32)
mingw32-libyaml-0.1.4 -- The libyaml library cross-compiled for MinGW32
mingw32-openssl-1.0.0e_1 -- The OpenSSL library cross-compiled for MinGW32
mingw32-pdcurses-3.4 -- Curses and Panel terminal library for Windows
mingw32-pthreads-2.8.0 -- POSIX threads library for Windows compiled with MinGW32
mingw32-zlib-1.2.5 -- The zlib library cross-compiled for MinGW32
mini_httpd-1.19 -- Small HTTP server with support for GET, HEAD, POST, CGI, SSL, IPv6
mini_sendmail-1.3.6_1 -- Tiny MTA with only smart relay capability
minicom-2.6.1 -- An MS-DOS Telix serial communication program "workalike"
minidlna-1.0.24_2 -- Media-server compatible with "Digital Life Network Alliance"
minimalist-2.5.3 -- A minimalistic mailing list manager
minirsyslogd-1.02 -- Minimal, fast and secure syslog receiver
minisapserver-0.3.8 -- SAP and SLP announcement for the VLC Media Player
minised-1.13 -- Smaller, cheaper, faster sed implementation
minissdpd-1.2 -- UPnP IGD discovery speed enhancer
minitube-1.9 -- TV-like client for YouTube
minitunes-0.1.1_1 -- Minitunes is just another music player
miniupnpc-1.7 -- UPnP IGD client lightweight library
miniupnpd-1.7 -- A UPnP IGD implementation which uses pf/ipf
minivmac-3.0.0 -- A miniature Macintosh emulator
mips-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
mips-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
mips-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
miracl-5.6 -- Multiprecision Integer and Rational Arithmetic C/C++ Library
mirage- -- Fast and simple image viewer
mird-1.0.7_3 -- A free database library with transaction support
miredo-1.2.5_2 -- Opensource Teredo (IPv6 tunneling) implementation
mirmon-2.6 -- Monitor the status of mirrors
miro-5.0_1 -- A video player to get internet TV broadcasts
mirror-2.9_1 -- Mirror packages on remote sites
mirrormagic-2.0.2_11 -- An arcade style game with stereo sound for X Window System
miscom-1.0 -- Atari "Missile Command" clone
missey-1.2.0_1 -- Secure small and high performance POP3 server
misterproper-0.4_10 -- A GNOME application designed to manage cyclic tasks
mit-scheme-9.0.1_1 -- MIT Scheme: includes runtime, compiler, and edwin binaries
mixal-1.11 -- Assembler and interpreter for Donald Knuth's mythical MIX computer
mixer-1.0 -- A startup/shutdown script to preserve mixer settings across reboots -- Another mixer intended for the windowmaker dockapp
mixmaster-2.9.1_1 -- A cryptographically secure anonymous remailer
mixmos-0.2.0_9 -- A GTK2 audio mixer
mixxx-1.10.0_3 -- A DJ mixing application
mjpegtools-2.0.0_4 -- Set of tools to record/playback/edit videos in MPEG format
mk-1.5 -- Andrew Hume's mk by way of Research Unix, Plan 9, & Inferno
mk-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Macedonian dictionary
mk-configure-0.23.0 -- Lightweight, easy to use replacement for GNU autotools
mk-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Macedonian messages and documentation for KDE3
mk-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Macedonian messages and documentation for KDE4
mk-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- mk language pack for libreoffice
mk-livestatus-1.2.0p3_1 -- Nagios event broker module
mkapachepw-1.121 -- A Group & Password Management Tool For Apache
mkbold-1.0_2 -- Perl script to make BDF font bold
mkbold-mkitalic-0.11_1 -- Programs to make BDF font bold/italic
mkcatalog-1.1 -- A maintenance utility for sgml catalog files
mkclean-0.8.7 -- Clean and optimize Matroska and WebM files
mkcmd-8.14 -- Command-line parser and manual page generator
mkcomposecache-1.2.1 -- Program to create Compose cache files
mkfile-1.1 -- Create files suitable for use as swap files
mkfontdir-1.0.6 -- Create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale-1.0.9 -- Creates an index of scalable font files for X
mkfwimage-r1_1 -- Ubiquiti Embedded Board Image Generator
mkgichessclub-2.2.0 -- A chess playing server with a pure web interface
mkgmap-r2164 -- Convert OpenStreetMap data into a Garmin format
mkgmap-splitter-r198 -- Tile splitter for mkgmap
mkhexgrid-0.1.1_6 -- A fully-configurable hex grid generator
mkitalic-1.0_2 -- Perl script to make BDF font italic
mknbi-1.4.4 -- Creates tagged boot images for net/ether boot
mknmz-wwwoffle-0.7.2_1 -- WWWOFFLE cache indexer for full-text search system Namazu
mkntpwd-1.0 -- A utility to create Samba password hashes
mkreadmes-1.3 -- A speedy substitute for "make readmes"
mksh-r40.f -- A MirBSD enhanced shell based on pdksh
mksunbootcd-1.0_1 -- Makes ISO images suitable to boot on sparc systems
mktool-0.0.25_1 -- Portable tools to manage processes and networked services
mktorrent-1.0 -- A command-line utility for creating BitTorrent metainfo files
mkvalidator-0.4.1 -- Command line tool to verify Matroska and WebM files
mkvtoolnix-5.8.0 -- Tools to extract from/get info about/create Matroska media streams
mkxvcd-2.0.2_9 -- Makes high quality X/K/S/VCD movies from many formats
ml-3.4_3 -- An X11 IMAP client
ml-aspell-0.03.1_1 -- Aspell Malayalam dictionary
ml-doc-2.0_1 -- Language and tools for documenting Standard ML libraries
ml-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Malayalam messages and documentation for KDE4
ml-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ml language pack for libreoffice
ml-pnet-0.8.0_1 -- Mono's upper-level libraries
ml1-4.10 -- The original general purpose macro processor
mlan-1.03 -- API for Dallas Semiconductors 1-wire lan devices
mlan3-1.00 -- Version 3.00 beta API for Dallas Semiconductors 1-wire lan devices
mlclock-1.1_2 -- Clock for mlvwm window manager
mldonkey-3.1.2 -- A OCAML client for multiple peer-to-peer networks
mldonkey-core-3.1.2 -- Client 'core' for the MLDonkey peer-to-peer network
mldonkey-gui-3.1.2 -- A OCAML/GTK GUI for the MLdonkey peer-to-peer network client
mldonkey-perlreactor-0.2 -- Automatically add links found in web pages to MLDonkey queue
mldonkey-urlslave-0.0.1_4 -- GTK+ enabled Perl script for adding ed2k:// links to MLDonkey
mlmmj- -- Mailing list managing made joyful
mls-1.3_1 -- Program for generating various statistics on emails
mlt-0.8.2_1 -- Multimedia framework for TV broadcasting
mlterm-3.1.4 -- Multilingual X11 terminal emulator
mlton-20070826_10 -- An optimizing Standard ML compiler
mlview-0.8_14 -- A tree oriented XML editor for Gnome
mm-1.4.2 -- Shared memory allocation library for pre-forked process models
mm-common-0.9.2_1 -- Common build infrastructure for the GNOME C++ binding libraries
mma-12.02 -- Musical MIDI Accompaniment generator
mmail-0.49 -- Offline BBS mail packet reader supporting QWK/OMEN/SOUP/OPX/BLUEWAVE
mmake-2.3_1 -- Create a Makefile for Your Java files, ready to compile
mmc-0.5_10 -- A tiny mail client for Gnome Desktop
mmencode-2.7 -- Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
mmix-20110831 -- A RISC computer designed by Donald E. Knuth
mmore-1.01_3 -- An Motif/X file/stream viewer
mmr-1.6.0 -- Curses based MIME Mail Reader
mmrecover-1.0 -- Recover lost JPEG images from device dumps
mmsclient-0.0.3 -- Tool to download Microsoft Media streams
mmsrip-0.7.0 -- MMS ripper - a client for the proprietary protocol mms://
mmucl-1.5.2_1 -- Powerful GUI MUD client written in TCL
mmv-1.01b.15 -- Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files
mn-aspell-0.06.2 -- Aspell Mongolian dictionary
mn-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Mongolian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
mn-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Mongolian messages and documentation for KDE3
mn-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- mn language pack for libreoffice
mni-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- mni language pack for libreoffice
mnogosearch-3.3.12 -- Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
moagg-1.95b -- Pilot a small space ship
moc-2.4.4_9 -- A console audio player designed to be powerful and easy to use
mod_amazon_proxy-20100913 -- Amazon Auth Proxy for Product Advertising API
mod_auth_mellon-0.3.0 -- Apache auth module for identifying SSO users
mod_ftp-0.9.6.b -- Serve web-server's content via FTP
mod_pagespeed- -- An Apache module that automatically optimizes web pages
mod_rivet-2.0.5_1 -- Embeds a Tcl interpreter in the Apache server
mod_spdy- -- A SPDY module for the Apache HTTP server v2.2
mode-info-0.8.5_12 -- Functions to refer Manuals on Emacsen with describe-* like interface
modlogan-0.8.13_12 -- A modular log file analysis program
modplugplay-1.0_3 -- A commandline music mod player using libmodplug
modules-3.1.6 -- Dynamic modification of a user's environment
mohawk-2.0.1 -- Simple and lightweight HTTP daemon
moinmoin-1.9.5 -- A Python clone of WikiWiki
mol2ps-0.1e_4 -- Read molecular structure files and generate Postscript output
molden-4.6_3 -- Display molecular orbitals and electron densities in 2D and 3D
momspider-1.00 -- WWW Spider for multi-owner maintenance
monast-1.4_2 -- A monitoring and an operator panel interface for AsteriskTM
mondulkiri-2 -- Mondulkiri Khmer fonts
mongodb-2.2.0 -- A NOSQL distributed document-oriented database
mongrel2-1.7.5 -- Is an application, language, and network arch
monit-5.5 -- Unix system management and proactive monitoring
monitord-0.4.1_3 -- Service that restarts other standalone services
monitorix-2.6.0 -- A web based monitoring system
monkeybubble-0.4.0_6 -- GTK2 Puzzle Bobble clone with monkeys
monkeysphere-0.24 -- Use the OpenPGP web of trust to verify ssh connections
monkeytail-0.3.2_1 -- A multi-file tail on both local and remote hosts
mono-2.11.4 -- An open source implementation of .NET Development Framework
mono-addins-0.6.2 -- Mono framework to create extensible applications
mono-basic-2.10 -- VisualBasic.NET support for Mono
mono-kmod-20070416 -- Execute .NET applications from command line
mono-tools-2.10 -- Documentation browser for Mono and Mono libraries
mono-zeroconf-0.9.0 -- Cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono
monodevelop-3.0.2_1 -- IDE for the .NET platform
monodevelop-database-3.0.2_1 -- MonoDevelop database support
monodevelop-java- -- MonoDevelop Java/IKVM language support
monodevelop-python- -- MonoDevelop Python support
monodevelop-vala-2.8_1 -- Vala language support for Monodevelop
monotone-1.0_1 -- A distributed version control system with digital signatures
monotone-viz-1.0.2_2 -- Visual interface for Monotone VCS with revision graphs
monster-masher-1.8.1_1 -- Gnomemm puzzle game where you have to clean the caves of monsters
monsterz-0.7.1_4 -- Monsterz - arcade puzzle game
montecarlo_fonts-1.0 -- A monospace font
moo-1.3 -- Calculator that accepts C-like syntax as input
moodin-0.4.2_8 -- Splash screen engine for KDE
moodle-1.9.19 -- Course management system based on social constructionism
moodle-2.2.5 -- Course management system based on social constructionism
moodle-2.3.2 -- Course management system based on social constructionism
moodriver-0.20.1_2 -- C++ museekd client library
moon-buggy-1.0.51_2 -- Drive a buggy across the moons surface
moonlander-1.0_12 -- Land a spacecraft on the moon
moonshine-0.7_4 -- Windows Media playback through Moonlight and Firefox
mooseekd-0.05_1 -- A daemon to connect to the Soulseek network
moosefs-chunkserver-1.6.26 -- Storing files data and synchronizing it among themselves
moosefs-client-1.6.26 -- Moosefs client tools
moosefs-master-1.6.26 -- Managing the whole filesystem and storing metadata
mopac-7.1.11_1 -- Semi-empirical (MNDO, etc.) molecular orbital calculation
mopd-2.5.3_1 -- MOP Loader Daemon for netbooting DEC machines
mopesnake-0.5_1 -- Classic snake game in which you attempt to eat all the pain
morebalance-0.4_9 -- A modular open source user-space load balancing system
moregroupware-0.7.4_3 -- A web based GroupWare system
moreutils-0.46 -- Additional Unix utilities
moreutils-parallel-0.44 -- Run programs in parallel
moria-5.5.2 -- A dungeon exploration game
morla-0.16.1_2 -- A RDF editor
morpheus-0.3_12 -- A mesh (3D model) viewer for GNOME desktop
morse-2.4 -- Morse Code Trainer
moscow_ml-2.01_5 -- Moscow ML, a lightweight implementation of Standard ML
mosh-0.2.7_1 -- A Fast R6RS Scheme interpreter
mosh-1.2.3_1 -- Mobile terminal that supports intermittent connectivity
mosref-2.0.b3 -- A secure remote execution framework using a compact Scheme-influenced VM
most-5.0.0_2 -- A pager (like less) which has support for windows and binary files
motion-3.2.12 -- A motion detection application
motogt-20110505_2 -- 2D top-viewed motorcycle racing game
motor-3.4.0_3 -- A powerful text mode based programming IDE
mountapp-3.0_9 -- Windowmaker application, Resembles wmmount with extra functionality
mountsmb2-0.90.2 -- SMB/CIFS shares mounting scripts to do it at login
mous-1.1a -- A simple yet powerful audio player
mouseclock-1.0_4 -- Display the current time using the X root cursor
mousepad-0.2.16_11 -- Simple Xfce editor
mousetweaks-2.32.1_1 -- Mouse accessibility enhancements for the GNOME desktop
moveable-type-fonts-20100801 -- A collection of open source fonts
movemail-1.0_1 -- Move your mail box to another location
movingmotif-2.3.0_1 -- Display scientific data as dynamic plot
mozplugger-1.14.6 -- Framework for loading web content in external viewers
mp-5.2.3 -- A programming text editor
mp-a4-3.0.1 -- A PostScript printing util for ASCII files, email, USENET news articles, etc
mp-letter-3.0.1 -- A PostScript printing util for ASCII files, email, USENET news articles, etc
mp-player-0.6 -- A curses based module tracker using libmikmod
mp3-archive-tools-0.9_1 -- A set of tools to ease organising a collection of audio files
mp32ogg-0.11_2 -- Convert MP3 files to Ogg Vorbis files
mp3_check-1.98_1 -- Verifies the integrity of mp3 audio files
mp3asm- -- MP3 frame level editor
mp3blaster-3.2.5_4 -- MP3 console ncurses-based player
mp3burn-0.4.2_1 -- Command line tool to burn audio CDs from MP3, Ogg, Vorbis, FLAC files
mp3c-0.31_1 -- A CD to mp3c converter with a console frontend
mp3cd-1.027 -- Perl script that burns MP3 to audio CDs
mp3check-1.6 -- A tool for checking and fixing mp3 archive inconsistencies
mp3ck-0.04 -- A consistency check utility for MPEG Layer 2 or 3 files or streams
mp3gain-1.5.2 -- A tool to normalize the gain of MP3 files
mp3guessenc-0.21 -- Utility for guessing which encoder was used to encode an mp3 file
mp3info-0.8.5 -- Tool to manipulate ID3 tags for MP3 files
mp3lint-0.9 -- A configurable tool to check collections of audio files
mp3mover-2.1.1 -- Rename mp3s and manipulate them
mp3plot-0.6.0_7 -- Mp3 bitrate plot tool
mp3rename-0.6 -- A renaming program for mp3 files based on their id3tag
mp3riot-1.3 -- Mp3riot creates mp3 playlists, HTML files, etc
mp3splt-2.4.2 -- Utility to split mp3 and ogg files (via CUE sheets)
mp3splt-gtk-0.7.2_2 -- Utility to split mp3 and ogg files (via GTK Interface)
mp3stat-2.6.01_11 -- Read information about mp3s and oggs bitstream
mp3towav-bundle-0.4.1_2 -- MP3ToWav plugin for
mp3unicode-1.2_3 -- ID3 tags charset converter
mp3val-0.1.8 -- A program for MPEG audio stream validation
mp3wrap-0.5 -- Utility to merge mp3 files (and other formats)
mp4split-1.0.8 -- Converts MP4 files to Fragmented MP4 and creates manifest files
mp4v2-1.9.1 -- Library and tools to read, create, and modify mp4 files
mpack-1.6_3 -- External MIME packer/unpacker
mpage-2.5.6 -- Print multiple pages per sheet of paper
mpatrol-1.4.8_3 -- A dynamic memory debugging and profiling library
mpb-1.4.2_11 -- MIT Photonic-Bands
mpc-0.21 -- Command line client for the musicpd
mpc-0.9 -- Library of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision
mpd-1.0.1_2 -- A concurrent programming language
mpd-5.6 -- Multi-link PPP daemon based on netgraph(4)
mpd-l2tp-ipv6pd-client-20081105 -- Sample implementation set of "L2TP-IPv6PD" client using mpd
mpdas-0.3.0_3 -- MPD AudioScrobbler written in C++ supporting the latest protocol
mpdcon-1.1.99_2 -- A GNUstep MPD client
mpdscribble-0.22 -- Musicpd client
mpeg2codec-1.2_4 -- An MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder
mpeg2play-1.1b_4 -- A program to play mpeg-2 movies on X displays
mpeg4ip-1.6.1_26 -- Standards-based system to encode, stream, and play MPEG-4 audio/video
mpeg_encode-1.5b -- UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
mpeg_play-2.4_2 -- A program to play mpeg movies on X displays
mpeg_stat-2.2b -- An MPEG-I statistics gatherer
mpexpr-1.1 -- Multiple precision math for Tcl
mpfr-3.1.1 -- A library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123-1.14.4 -- Command-line player for mpeg layer 1, 2, and 3 audio
mpg123.el-1.52 -- Front-end to mpg123/ogg123 audio player for Emacsen
mpg321-0.2.10_8 -- A free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123
mpgtx-1.3.1_2 -- A command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
mph-1.2 -- Minimal perfect hashing code generator
mpich2-1.3.2.p1_1 -- A portable implementation of MPI-1 and MPI-2
mpiexec-0.84 -- A tool to run a parallel job from within a PBS environment
mping-2.01 -- Mping network statistics collector
mpiosh-0.7.1.p2_2 -- Digit@lway MPIO MP3 player tool
mplayer-1.1.r20120721_1 -- High performance media player supporting many formats
mplayer-fonts-0.50 -- A font pack for the mplayer OSD and SUB
mplayer-skins-1.1.3 -- Skins for MPlayer's Graphical User Interface (GUI)
mplayer2-2.0.20121103 -- Advanced general-purpose video player
mplayerxp-0.7.2_9 -- Multi-threaded branch of the well known mplayer media player
mplex-1.1 -- Multiplexes MPEG component streams into system layers
mpop-1.0.27 -- MPOP is a small and fast POP3 client
mpqc-2.3.1_15 -- The massively parallel quantum computing library and program
mpqc-mpich-2.3.1_15 -- The massively parallel quantum computing library and program
mprime- -- distributed Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
mq4cpp-1.16 -- Message Queuing for C++
mr-aspell-0.10.0_1 -- Aspell Marathi dictionary
mr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- mr language pack for libreoffice
mrbayes-3.1.2_1 -- Bayesian inference of phylogeny
mreport-0.9 -- Sendmail logfile summary tool
mrouted-3.9.5 -- Multicast routing daemon providing DVMRP for IPv4
mrtg-2.17.4_3 -- The multi-router traffic grapher
mrtg-mysql-load-1.02_4 -- A MySQL load analysis fetcher for MRTG
mrtg-ping-probe-2.2.0_5 -- A Round Trip Time and Packet Loss Probe for MRTG
mrundlg-1.0_3 -- An application / program launcher for Motif
mrxvt-0.4.2_8 -- A tabbed version of rxvt
mrxvt-devel-0.5.4_7 -- Development version of mrxvt
ms-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Malay dictionary
ms-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Malay messages and documentation for KDE3
mscgen-0.20_1 -- A Message Sequence Chart Renderer
mscompress-0.3 -- Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
msdl-1.2.7 -- Streaming multimedia files downloader
msend-3.0_1 -- A client and server for the RFC1312 message protocol
msgconvert-20060330_1 -- Convert .MSG files to multipart MIME messages (mbox)
msgpack-0.5.7 -- Binary-based efficient data interchange format focused on performance
mshell-1.0_2 -- A Unix menuing shell
msieve-1.50 -- Fast factorization of big integers using MPQS and GNFS
msilbc-2.0.3 -- Mediastreamer plugin for the iLBC audio codec
msktutil-0.4.1 -- A utility to manage Active Directory interoperability
msmtp-1.4.29 -- SMTP plugin for MUAs
msn-proxy-0.7_2 -- Messenger proxy/control daemon
msort-8.53_1 -- Sorting files in sophisticated ways
msp430-binutils-2.21.1a.20120406 -- GNU binutils for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
msp430-gcc- -- FSF gcc-3.4 for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
msp430-gcc- -- FSF gcc-4.6 for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
msp430-gdb-7.2.20110103 -- FSF GDB for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
msp430-libc-gcc4-1.0.20120224_1 -- Libc for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
msp430mcu-1.0.20120406_1 -- Header files for TI's msp430 MCUs cross-development
mspdebug-0.19 -- Debugger for use with MSP 430 MCUs
msql-2.0.12_4 -- The Mini SQL server, version 2
msql-3.8 -- Version 3 of the Mini SQL relational database system
msrc0-0.7 -- Meta source fake-out script for building ksb tools
msynctool-0.22 -- A command line client for the OpenSync framework
msynctool-devel-0.36_1 -- A command line client for the OpenSync framework
msyslog-1.08g_2 -- Flexible and easy to integrate syslog daemon
mt-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Maltese dictionary
mt_dolphin_ia-0.1.98_3 -- A basic AI for MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
mt_gtk_client-0.1.98_10 -- GTK+ client for MaitreTarot, a Tarot card game
mtail-1.1.1 -- Small tail workalike that performs output coloring
mtasc-1.14_1 -- Motion-Twin ActionScript 2 Compiler
mtaserver-0.5_1 -- Multi Theft Auto: Vice City and GTA3 dedicated server
mtf-0.2.1_1 -- A Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup
mtl- -- The Matrix Template Library, Version 2
mtools-4.0.10_3 -- A collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files
mtoolsfm-1.9.5_2 -- A graphical frontend to mtools
mtop-0.6.6_2 -- MySQL Monitoring Tool
mtpaint-3.40_1 -- Simple painting program
mtpfs-0.9_2 -- MTP device filesystem
mtr-0.82_1 -- Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mtr-nox11-0.82_1 -- Traceroute and ping in a single graphical network diagnostic tool
mtrace-5.2 -- Multicast traceroute program for IPv4
mtrxmath-1.0.2 -- Small tool for matrix mathematics
mtx-1.3.12 -- Control SCSI media changer devices
mtxorbd-1.0.2 -- Control Daemon for Matrix Orbital LCD screens
mu-0.9.9 -- Mail searching frontend for Xapian
mu-conference-0.8_3 -- Multi-User Conferencing component for Jabber
mucommander-0.8.5 -- Lightweight file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface
mudmagic-1.9_10 -- A GTK+ based MUD client
muh-2.2a -- A smart irc-bouncing-tool that remains on IRC all the time
muine-0.8.11_11 -- Mono based Gnome audio player
mulberry-4.0.8_1 -- A scalable high-performance GUI internet Mail User Agent
mule-ucs-emacs21-0.85.r3_5 -- Universal encoding system for GNU Emacs 21
multi-aterm-0.2.1_2 -- A multi terminal based on aterm
multican-0.0.5 -- Remote control utility for Canon DSLR cameras
multiget-1.1.3_6 -- An http/ftp downloader with a nice GUI
multimarkdown-3.6 -- Extended Markdown processor with more features, written in C
multisort-1.1 -- A small program to take multiple httpd logfiles into one
multisuck-1.0.4 -- Multi-server/conn news suck
multisync-0.82_11 -- Synchronize calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data
multisync-backup-0.82_11 -- Multisync backup plugin
multisync-syncml-0.82_11 -- Multisync plugin for SyncML targets
multitail-5.2.9 -- Tail multiple files on console with ncurses
multiwatch-1.0.0 -- Spawn-fcgi helper for forking multiple workers
mumble-1.2.3_1 -- A voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming
mummer-3.23 -- A modular system for rapid whole genome alignment
mumps-4.8.4_2 -- MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
mumps-mpich-4.8.4_2 -- MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver
munge-0.5.10_1 -- Authentication service for creating and validating credentials
munger-4.193 -- Static lisp interpreter with text processing abilities
munin-common-2.0.7 -- Common components between a munin node and server
munin-master-2.0.7 -- Collector part of Munin
munin-node-2.0.7 -- Node-specific part of Munin
mup-5.5 -- A shareware program for typesetting music
muparser-2.2.0 -- Mathematical expressions parser library written in C++
mupdf-1.1 -- Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit
mupen64-0.5_3 -- Mupen64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator with plugins (meta port)
mupen64-base-0.5_2 -- Mupen64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator
mupen64-dummyaudio-0.5_2 -- Dummy audio plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-glide-0.7_7 -- Glide64 graphics plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-gln64-0.4.1_8 -- The glN64 graphics plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-input-0.5_1 -- Input plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-rice-5.2.0_6 -- Rice Daedalus graphics plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-rsp-0.5_2 -- RSP plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-sdlaudio-1.3_3 -- JttL's SDL audio plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-sdlinput-0.0.10_3 -- Blight's SDL input plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-softgfx-0.5_1 -- Soft gfx plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-sound-0.5_2 -- Sound plugin for Mupen64
mupen64-tr64-0.7.8_3 -- Tr64 graphics plugin for Mupen64
mupen64plus-1.99.4_3 -- A fork of Mupen64 Nintendo 64 emulator with plugins (meta port)
mupen64plus-audio-sdl-1.99.4_5 -- Mupen64plus audio sdl plugin
mupen64plus-core-1.99.4_5 -- A fork of Mupen64 Nintendo 64 emulator
mupen64plus-input-sdl-1.99.4_5 -- Input plugin for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-plugins-1.99.4 -- Third party plugins for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-rsp-hle-1.99.4_5 -- RSP plugin for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-rsp-z64-1.99.4_2 -- Low-level RSP processor plugin for the Mupen64Plus
mupen64plus-ui-console-1.99.4_5 -- UI for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-video-arachnoid-1.99.4_2 -- The arachnoid video plugin for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-video-glide64-1.99.4_2 -- Glide64 video plugin for Mupen64Plus
mupen64plus-video-rice-1.99.4_5 -- The rice graphics plugin for Mupen64plus
mupen64plus-video-z64-1.99.4_2 -- Low-level RDP plugin for the Mupen64Plus
murmur-1.2.3_2 -- Murmur is the server component of Mumble
murrine-configurator-0.5_6 -- GUI gtkrc configuration tool for the Murrine GTK engine
musca-0.9.24 -- A simple window manager for X, with features from ratpoison and dwm
muscle-3.6 -- Multiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation
muse-0.2 -- Shows memory usage data
muse-emacs24-3.20_7 -- An authoring and publishing environment for Emacs
museekplus-0.1.13_8 -- SoulSeek client with separate terminal and Qt based interface
musepack-2009.03.01_1 -- Decoder, encoder, and replaygain for musepack (mpc)
musescore-1.2 -- Free music composition & notation software
musica-1.1.4_1 -- GTK based midi player
musicbox-tag-editor-0.2.3_15 -- A simple GTK+ audio tag editor
musiccontrol-0.3_2 -- An advanced music player
musicpd-0.17.2 -- A remote-controllable music daemon
musixtex-T112_1 -- A set of TeX macros to typeset music
mussh-1.0 -- A tool for easily running the same commands on multiple hosts
mutt- -- The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc.)
mutt-1.5.21 -- The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (development version)
mutt-lite- -- mutt, the Mongrel of Mail User Agents (lite package)
mutt-lite-1.5.21 -- The Mongrel of Mail User Agents (development version, lite package)
mutt_vc_query-002 -- A vCard query utility for mutt
mutter-2.31.2_2 -- Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
muttprint-0.72d_6 -- Utility to print mail for most any mail client
muttzilla-0.40 -- Mutt MUA plugin for Netscape for use on "mailto:" URLs
mvdsv-0.29 -- Enhanced QuakeWorld server with multi-view demos capability
mx4j-3.0.2_1 -- Open Source implementation of the Java Management Extensions (JMX)
mxflib-1.0.1 -- A C++ library for MXF file I/O
mxico-1.0.1_2 -- Rotating Object on the screen (Zalgaller polyhedra)
mxml-2.6 -- Small XML parsing library
mxp-1.3_3 -- Application for computing/exploring Mandelbrot set
my-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- my language pack for libreoffice
my2cego-1.1.0 -- Imports mysqldump files into cego
myBudget-0.60_8 -- Gtk+-2 finance manager
mySAR-2.1.4_2 -- MySQL Squid Access Report
mybashburn-1.0.2_3 -- Ncurses CD burning bash script
mybb-1.6.6 -- A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
mydbf2mysql- -- Flexible tool for DBF import into MySQL
mydns-mysql-1.1.0_6 -- DNS server designed to utilize the MySQL database
mydns-ng-mysql- -- A Next Generation DNS Server for sql based DNS services
mydumper-0.5.1_1 -- MySQL Data Dumper
myfaces-1.1.1_2 -- Free open source JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation
myitcrm- -- MyIT CRM is a CRM project designed for Computer Servicing and Repairs
mylibrary-0.4.5_2 -- Wiki-style data management application for GNUstep
mymoon-1.2.a_5 -- Show latitude and longitude of the moon
mypaint-1.0.0_1 -- Fast painting/scribbling program
myphpmoney-1.3.r3 -- A PHP script for managing your accounts
mysac-1.1.1 -- MySAC: MySQL Simple Asynchronous Client
mysql-client-4.1.25 -- Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-client-5.0.95 -- Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-client-5.1.66 -- Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-client-5.5.28 -- Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-connector-c-1.1.1 -- A MySQL database connector for C++
mysql-connector-java-5.1.21 -- MySQL Connector/J: JDBC interface for MySQL
mysql-connector-odbc-unixodbc-mysql51-5.1.9 -- ODBC driver for MySQL51 / unixodbc
mysql-mysql55-1.7.40_2 -- Complex C++ API for MySQL55
mysql-mysql55-3.1.0 -- Complex C++ API for MySQL55
mysql-navigator-1.4.2_11 -- MySQL database server administration package for KDE
mysql-proxy-0.8.3 -- Monitor, analyze, or transform the communication of MySQL
mysql-scripts-4.1.25 -- Multithreaded SQL database (scripts)
mysql-scripts-5.0.95 -- Multithreaded SQL database (scripts)
mysql-scripts-5.1.66 -- Multithreaded SQL database (scripts)
mysql-server-4.1.25 -- Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql-server-5.0.95 -- Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql-server-5.1.66 -- Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql-server-5.5.28 -- Multithreaded SQL database (server)
mysql-udf-0.3_2 -- Set of user-defined functions for the MySQL server
mysql-udf-preg-1.0.1_1 -- Library of MySQL UDFs providing access to PCRE
mysql-udf-sys-0.0.3 -- System access UDFs
mysql-workbench-oss51-5.1.16_7 -- The MySQL Workbench
mysql-workbench-oss52-5.2.1_7 -- The MySQL Workbench
mysql-xql-1.0.0_1 -- Library provides XML output functions to MySQL server
mysql2odbc-0.99.2_4 -- Openlink MySQL-ODBC Gateway
mysql2pgsql-1.2 -- Convert a MySQL dump to a PostgreSQL dump
mysql51-q4m-0.9.5 -- A message queue that works as a pluggable storage engine of MySQL
mysqlard-1.0.0_6 -- A tool to collect and graph database statistics from MySQL
mysqlbackup-2.6 -- Program to create everyday MySQL-database servers backup
mysqlcppapi-1.9.3_3 -- A fork of mysql++ C++ API for MySQL
mysqldumper-1.24.2_2 -- MySQLDumper is tool for backing up MySQL databases
mysqlidxchk-1.0_1 -- Checks MySQL databases/tables for unused indexes
mysqlphp2postgres-0.95 -- Convert MySQL calls in a PHP page into PostgreSQL calls
mysqlreport-3.5_2 -- Mysqlreport makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
mysqlsla-2.03_2 -- Mysqlsla analyzes general, slow, and raw MySQL statement logs
mysqlsniffer-1.2 -- Tcpdump clone specifically for MySQL
mysqltcl-3.05_2 -- TCL module for accessing MySQL databases based on msqltcl
mysqltuner-1.2.0_2 -- A Script Assist You with MySQL Configuration
mythes-1.2.3 -- Simple thesaurus library
mythplugin-mythmusic-0.26.0 -- Music playing plugin for MythTV
mythplugin-mythweb-0.26.0 -- A frontend for scheduling and managing recordings on your MythTV Box
mythtv-0.26.0 -- MythTV is a homebrew PVR project
mythtv-frontend-0.26.0 -- MythTV is a homebrew PVR project
mytop-1.6_9 -- A top clone for MySQL
mywiki-0.9_2 -- Personal wiki on GNUstep
mywwwatcher-3.2 -- Simple web-based MySQL client + tools (dump, import, scheme, ...)
nInvaders-0.1.1 -- The nIvaders game is a Space Invaders clone for ncurses
nacl-20110221 -- High speed cryptography library
nadar-2.0_2 -- A network tank battle game
naev-0.5.3 -- 2D action/rpg space game
naev-data-0.5.3 -- Naev game data file
nagaina-0.1.2_4 -- Notes-taking application based on Qt4
nagcon-0.0.30 -- Nagios console monitor
nagios-3.4.1 -- Extremely powerful network monitoring system
nagios-base-logos-1.0 -- A collection of basic OS and device logos for Nagios
nagios-certexp-plugin-1.1 -- Nagios plugin for checking SSL server certificate expiration
nagios-check_bacula-5.2.12 -- Nagios plugin for Bacula
nagios-check_clamav-1.2_1 -- Nagios plugin that verifies ClamAV local signature database revision
nagios-check_cpu_usage-1.0 -- Nagios plug-in to check CPU usage
nagios-check_email_delivery-0.7.1b -- Nagios Plugin to monitor your mail environment
nagios-check_hdd_health-1.1 -- Nagios plug-in to check HDD health from S.M.A.R.T
nagios-check_hp_bladechassis-1.0.1 -- Nagios Plugin to monitor your HP Blade Enclosure
nagios-check_ice-1.5 -- Nagios plug-in to check a shoutcast or icecast server
nagios-check_kumofs-0.20100118 -- Nagios plugin for kumofs manager/server
nagios-check_mysql_slave-0.1.1 -- Nagios Plugin to monitor MySQL replication on a slave
nagios-check_netsnmp-1.0 -- Nagios plug-in to get some common NetSNMP-exported information
nagios-check_ports-0.6.1_1 -- Nagios Plugin to monitor your FreeBSD Ports
nagios-check_postgres_replication-2010.12.16 -- Nagios plugin to check the lag between a postgresql replica and master
nagios-check_puppet-1.2 -- Nagios plugin for checking Puppet daemon availability
nagios-check_smartmon-20100318_1 -- Nagios plug-in to get status from smartmontools
nagios-check_snmp_pkgvuln-plugin-0.01_1 -- Security vulnerability plugin for Nagios
nagios-check_tftp-1.0.1 -- Nagios plugin to check tftp servers
nagios-devel-20101122 -- Extremely powerful network monitoring system
nagios-geom-1.3 -- Nagios plug-in to get geom(8) components status
nagios-openldap-plugins-0.3 -- Nagios Plugins to monitor OpenLDAP
nagios-pf-plugin-0.1_1 -- Nagios plugin for checking PF
nagios-plugins-1.4.16 -- Plugins for Nagios
nagios-portaudit-1.0_1 -- Nagios plug-in to get portaudit/portupgrade status
nagios-silfreed-plugins-1.1 -- Additional SNMP plugins for Nagios from
nagios-snmp-plugins-1.2_4 -- Additional SNMP plugins for Nagios
nagios-snmp-plugins-extras-1.1.2_1 -- A set of Nagios plugins written in Perl to check devices with SNMP
nagios-spamd-plugin-1.4_2 -- Nagios plugin for checking SpamAssassins spamd
nagios-statd-3.12_1 -- Daemon/client to check remote host information for Nagios
nagiosgraph-1.4.4_1 -- Generate rrdtool\'s graphs by performance data from nagios plugins
nagiosgrapher-1.7.1_6 -- Collects the output from Nagios and generates graphs
nagiosql-3.2.0 -- A web based administration tool for Nagios
nagiostat-1.0.0_6 -- Nagiostat parses performance-data from Nagios and generates graphs
nagircbot-0.0.33 -- IRC bot for Nagios
nagstamon-0.9.9_2 -- Nagios status monitor for your desktop
nagtail-0.0.31 -- Tail for the nagios status.dat file
nagvis-1.7.2 -- Visualization addon for Nagios
naim- -- Console ncurses-based AIM, ICQ, IRC, and Lily client
najitool-0.8.4 -- A tool that generates, converts, and filters files
nakenchat-2.12 -- Small (under 50k) chat server with many features
nam-1.15 -- Animation tool for network simulation traces
namazu2-2.0.21 -- Full-text search system intended for easy use
namefix-4.0.2 -- Batch renamer
nana-2.5 -- Support for assertion checking and logging using GNU C and GDB
nano-2.2.6 -- Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
nano-devel-2.3.1 -- Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
nanoblogger-3.4.2_1 -- Small weblog engine written in Bash for the command line
nanoblogger-extra-3.4.2 -- Extras for nanoblogger, a small weblog engine
nant-0.91 -- A .NET build tool inspired by Ant
nap-1.5.4 -- An MP3 sharing, search, and chat client for the OpenNAP network
napshare-1.3_1 -- A GTK based Gnutella client
narval-2.0.2_7 -- Network Assistant Reasoning with a Validating Agent Language
nas-1.9.3 -- Network Audio System
nasawash-0.50 -- Amateur Radio keplerian file cleanup program
nasm-2.10.03 -- General-purpose multi-platform x86 and amd64 assembler
nast-0.2.0_3 -- A packet sniffer
nat-20 -- NetBIOS auditing tool
nathive-0.813_4 -- Lightweight image editor
naturaldocs-1.52 -- An extensible, multi-language source code documentation generator
naturalmath-0.5_6 -- Script to turn intuitively written math into latex
nautilus- -- File manager for the GNOME desktop
nautilus-actions-2.30.3_1 -- Extension for Nautilus to configure programs to launch on files
nautilus-cd-burner-2.24.0_8 -- CD burner view for Nautilus
nautilus-locked-folder-1.0.0_11 -- Nautilus plugin that allows you to encrypt the contents of a folder
nautilus-open-terminal-0.18_5 -- Nautilus extension which allows you to open a terminal
nautilus-sendto-2.32.0_2 -- Integration between nautilus, evolution, and pidgin
nauty-2.4r2 -- Brendan McKay's graph isomorphism tester
nawk-20110810 -- Brian Kernighan's pattern scanning and processing language
nazghul-0.7.1_2 -- A computer role-playing game engine
nb-aspell- -- Aspell Norwegian Bokmal dictionary
nb-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for Calligra
nb-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for KDE3
nb-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Norwegian Bokmaal messages and documentation for KDE4
nb-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- nb language pack for libreoffice
nbaudit-1.0_1 -- NetBIOS Auditing Tool / Security Kit
nbc-1.2.1.r4_4 -- NBC is a programming language for the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT product
nbd-server-2.8.5_1 -- Server for the Linux network block device (nbd)
nbench-2.2.3 -- BYTE Magazine's native benchmarks
nbfc-0.1 -- New Brainfuck Compiler
nbosd-0.5.0_5 -- Displays battery life and CPU frequency with an OSD
nbsmtp-1.00_1 -- Simple program for outgoing SMTP delivery
nbtscan-1.5.1_1 -- NetBIOS name network scanner
nc-1.0.1_1 -- Network aware cat
nc6-1.0_2 -- Netcat clone with IPv6 support
ncbi-toolkit-2009.03.01_1 -- NCBI development toolkit, including BLAST 2 and GenBank/Entrez support
ncc-2.8 -- Program analysis tool and call-graph navigator
ncdc-1.13 -- Lightweight direct connect client with ncurses interface
ncdu-1.9 -- Ncurses du(1)
ncftp-1.9.5 -- FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ncftp-2.4.3_2 -- FTP replacement with advanced user interface
ncftp-3.2.5 -- ftp replacement with advanced user interface
ncftpd-2.8.7 -- Commercial FTP daemon with a 30-day evaluation license
ncid-0.84 -- Network based Caller ID package
ncmpc-0.20 -- Ncurses client for the musicpd
ncmpcpp-0.5.10 -- A ncurses mpd client, clone of ncmpc with some new features
ncnf-3.0.1_3 -- Generic configuration management library
ncp-1.2.4 -- A fast file copy tool for LANs
ncplib-1.3.4 -- Utilities to work with Novell NetWare servers
ncrack-0.4 -- A high-speed network authentication cracking tool
ncrypt-0.7.0_2 -- Advanced AES file encryption tool
ncs-2.0.4 -- Code_Saturne Kernel
ncurses-5.9_1 -- Library for terminal-independent, full-screen output
ncurses-devel-5.9.20110507_1 -- Library for terminal-independent, full-screen output (development version)
nd-0.8.2 -- A simple command line interface for WebDAV (RFC2518) server
ndesk-dbus-0.6.1a -- A C# implementation of D-Bus
ndesk-dbus-glib-0.4.1_1 -- GLib main loop integration for Managed D-Bus
ndiff-2.00_4 -- Compare putatively similar files, ignoring small numeric differences
ndisc6-1.0.2_1 -- IPv6 network diagnostic tools
ndoutils-1.4b8_6 -- Keep Nagios perfdata in MySQL or Postgresql database
ndpmon-1.4.0_1 -- On-link icmpv6 message monitoring and reporting daemon
nds-aspell-0.01.0_1 -- Aspell Low Saxon dictionary
nds-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Low German messages and documentation for Calligra
nds-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Low German localized messages and documentation for KDE3
nds-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Low German localized messages and documentation for KDE4
ne-2.4 -- Nice and powerful editor
ne-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ne language pack for libreoffice
neXtaw-0.15.1_3 -- Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
nec2c-.9_1 -- Used to calculate antenna patterns useful to ham radio
nedi-1.0.w_1 -- Network Discovery and Monitoring tool
nedit-5.5_4 -- An X11/Motif GUI text editor for programs and plain text files
nefu-1.5_1 -- A network monitoring daemon
nehquake-1.0_5 -- Quake engine designed for playing Nehahra
neko-1.8.1_4 -- The Neko Programming Language
nekobee-0.1.7_5 -- DSSI plugin that emulates the sound of the TB-303 Bassline
nelly-1.0_1 -- Nelly's Rooftop Garden, physics-based puzzle game
nemesis-1.4_2 -- Command-line network packet creation and injection suite
nemiver-0.8.2_3 -- A C/C++ Debugger for GNOME
nenscript-1.13.3 -- A clone of the proprietary enscript program from Adobe Systems
neon29-0.29.6_4 -- An HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
nepenthes-0.2.2_4 -- Determine the malware activity on a network
nepim-0.53 -- Tool for measuring available bandwidth between hosts
nesasm-20040314_1 -- The nesasm assembler is a 6502 assembler with specific NES support
nessus-2.2.9_1 -- A security scanner: looks for vulnerabilities in a given network
nessus-libnasl-2.2.9_1 -- Nessus Attack Scripting Language
nessus-libraries-2.2.9_1 -- Libraries for Nessus, the security scanner
nessus-plugins-2.2.9_2 -- Plugins for Nessus, the security scanner
net-http-0.3.1_3 -- A library for doing HTTP client-side programming in Guile
net-snmp-5.7.2 -- An extendable SNMP implementation
net2ftp-0.98 -- PHP scripts to work with ftp
net6-1.3.14 -- Network access framework for IPv4/IPv6
netams-3.4.5_2 -- Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
netams-front-0.4 -- PHP-based web interface for NeTAMS software
netatalk-2.2.4 -- File server for Mac OS X
netatalk-3.0.1 -- File server for Mac OS X
netbeans-6.1_2 -- A full-featured integrated environment for Java
netbeans-7.2.1 -- A full-featured integrated environment for Java
netbeans-devel-7.3.b -- A full-featured integrated environment for Java
netbeans55-5.5.1_1 -- A free and open-source IDE for Java
netbsd-pkgsrc-mk-files-20100117_1 -- Collection of mk-files from pkgsrc project
netcat-1.10_3 -- Simple utility which reads and writes data across network connections
netcdf-3.6.3_4 -- Library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access
netcdf-4.1.3_1 -- Library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access
netcdf-ftn-3.6.3_4 -- NetCDF (network Common Data Form), with Fortran support
netcdf-ftn-4.1.3_1 -- NetCDF (network Common Data Form), with Fortran support
netclasses-1.06 -- Objective-C framework for socket programming with GNUstep
netcomponents-1.3.8_2 -- Java library with common network protocol implementations
netdisco-1.1 -- Web-based network management tool for moderate to large networks
netdisco-mibs-1.0 -- Mibs for use with ports-mgmt/netdisco (and snmp)
netdot-1.0.2 -- An open source tool to organize and maintain network information
netdude-0.5.1 -- NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor for tcpdump tracefiles
netembryo-0.0.5 -- A network abstraction library used by for feng, libnemesi, felix
netgen-4.9.13_7 -- An automatic 3D tetrahedral mesh generator
nethack-3.2.3_6 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-3.3.1_10 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-3.4.3_8 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-gnome-3.3.1_10 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-gnome-3.4.3_8 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-nox11-3.3.1_10 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-nox11-3.4.3_8 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
nethack-qt-3.4.3_8 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
netherearth-0.51_4 -- Remake of the very first real time strategy game on the SPECTRUM
netident-0.1.0 -- A tool for helping identify what network a machine is on
netio-1.26 -- Network benchmark
netleak-0.1a_1 -- Tool to detect connectivity between network segments
netmagis-common-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis common infrastructure
netmagis-database-2.1.0_1 -- Utilities for the netmagis database server
netmagis-detecteq-2.1.0_1 -- Files for detection of equipment modifications
netmagis-metro-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis metrology module
netmagis-servers-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis module for dhcp, bind and mail servers
netmagis-topo-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis topology module
netmagis-utils-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis command-line utilities
netmagis-www-2.1.0_1 -- Netmagis web module
netmap-0.1.3_1 -- Make a graphical representation of the surrounding network
netmask-2.4_1 -- Tool for generating terse netmasks in several common formats
netmond-2.2b6_5 -- Netmond - IP network monitoring daemon
netoffice-2.6.0b2_1 -- NetOffice is a free web based project-management environment
netpanzer-0.8.4_1 -- Real time, isometric view, tank multiplayer strategy game
netpbm-10.35.86 -- A toolkit for conversion of images between different formats
netperf-2.6.0 -- Network performance benchmarking package
netperfmeter-1.1.7 -- Network Performance Meter
netpgp-20101107 -- PGP signing, verification, encryption, and decryption program
netpipes-4.2 -- A group of shell utilities to connect programs to sockets
netrek-BRMH-2.2.2_2 -- A 16-player network space battle/conquest game with a Star Trek theme
netrek-client-cow-3.3.1_1 -- A multi-player battle simulation with a Star Trek theme
netrik-1.16.1 -- A text web browser, very ambitious, in active development
netris-0.52 -- A network head to head version of T*tris
netscape-java40-1999.11.15_2 -- Classes to allow a Java applet access to JavaScript objects
netscript-1.7.1_2 -- Portable/multi-platform lightweight TCP socket scripting
netsed-0.01_1 -- Alters the contents of network packets in real time
netselect-0.3 -- Ultrafast implementation of ping
netspeed_applet-0.16_1 -- Applet that shows how much network traffic occurs on an interface
netspoc-3.2 -- A Network Security Policy Compiler
netstiff-20080331 -- A powerful web page update checker
netstrain-3.0 -- Tool to measure practical TCP throughput between two machines
netsurf-2.9_1 -- A lightweight web browser
nettest-92.11.09 -- Performs client and server functions for timing data throughput
nettle-2.5 -- A low-level cryptographic library
nettoe-1.3.2 -- A tic-tac-toe game playable over the network
nettop-0.2.3_3 -- A program which looks like top, but is for network packets
netty-3.5.5 -- Java NIO client server framework
netustad-0.3.1_5 -- A Web based admin tool that manages network services
netwag-5.38.0 -- A graphical front end for netwox
netwalk-0.4.10 -- Game where the object is to connect every terminal to the main server
netwalker-ircc-0.5.0 -- A lightweight curses-based IRC client
netwib-5.38.0 -- Netwib network programming library
netwox-5.38.0 -- Netwox a network testing toolbox
netxms-1.0.13_2 -- Network monitoring system
neubot- -- Measures neutrality of your network connection in the background
neverball-1.5.4_8 -- Tilt the floor to guide a ball through an obstacle course
newer-1.0 -- An implementation of AT&T Research UNIX V8 newer(1)
newfile-1.0.14_3 -- A tool for creating starter files in various languages
newlisp-10.4.4 -- LISP like scripting language
newmail-1.0.2 -- A tool for checking for new mail in multiple mail boxes
newmat-1.1_1 -- A C++ matrix library
news-1.2 -- Print news items
newsbeuter-2.5_1 -- An RSS feed reader for the text console
newscache-1.2.r.6_4 -- NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News
newsfetch-1.21_2 -- Download news articles from NNTP server
newsfish-1.2.6 -- Batch USENET news reader with filter capabilities
newsgrab-0.4.0_1 -- Download and uudecode binary files from USENET using regexps
newspost-2.1.1_1 -- Newspost is a full-featured USEnet binary autoposter
newsstar-1.5.4_1 -- Transfer news between a local NNTP server (INN, sn, s-news)
newsx-1.6_2 -- A program to fetch news from and post news to a remote NNTP server
newt-0.52.11_3 -- Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit: console I/O handling library
newvox-1.0_6 -- Voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
nexfontsel-3.0.1_3 -- A neXtaw based replacement for xfontsel
nextgo-3.0_2 -- classic Go game for OPENSTEP/GNUstep
nexuiz-2.5.2_11 -- A fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter
nfdump-1.6.6_2 -- Command-line tools to collect and process NetFlow data
nfdump-devel-20070808_4 -- Development version of tools to collect and process NetFlow data
nfsen-1.3.5_3 -- Web based frontend to nfdump netflow collector
nfsshell-19980519 -- Userland NFS command tool
ng_daphne-1.0_1 -- A simple netgraph module for multihop ad hoc networks
ng_ipacct-20061223 -- Netgraph IP accounting
ng_mikrotik_eoip-1.0 -- Netgraph node for Mikrotik EoIP tunneling
nget-0.27.1_2 -- Auto-resuming command line nntp file grabber
nginx-1.2.4 -- Robust and small WWW server
nginx-devel-1.3.8 -- Robust and small WWW server
ngircd-0.19.2 -- Free open source daemon for Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
ngraph-6.3.51_1 -- XY plotting tool for students, scientists, and engineers
ngrep-1.45 -- Network grep
ngrep-lib-1.3 -- Easy packet filtering library based on ngrep
ngspice_rework-18_1 -- A circuit simulator derived from spice3f5
nhc98-1.18_2 -- A fully-fledged compiler for Haskell 98
nibbleblog-3.0.2_1 -- A lightweight blog system for general use
nibbles-1.2 -- Nibbles is a simple ncurses-based console game
nickle-2.77 -- A numeric oriented programming language
nickleby-2.1 -- Simple window manager
nicotine-plus-1.2.16 -- A fork of nicotine soulseek client
nifmon-1.4 -- A curses based network interface monitoring tool
nifticlib-1.1.0 -- Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative data format
nightfall-1.70_7 -- An interactive binary star application
nighthawk-3.0.0_2 -- An X11 shoot-'em up which requires some lateral thinking
nikto-2.1.4 -- Web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
nil-20050603.1400_9 -- A multiplayer game like Quake in 2D or Worms done right
nimbus-0.1.7_1 -- GTK+ 2.x engine from the OpenSolaris project
nimuh-1.02_8 -- Puzzle game destined to improve the knowledge of Andalusia
nini-1.1.0 -- NET configuration library
ninix-aya-4.3.9_1 -- Ninix-aya is a compatible with desktop mascot program "Ukagaka"
ninja-1.0.0 -- Ninja is a small build system closest in spirit to Make
ninja- -- Another ircII based irc client
ninja-ide-2.1.1 -- A cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE)
nip2-7.26.3_1 -- Graphical user interface for VIPS
nitpicker-1.2.1 -- IP flow Accounting tools
nitrogen-1.5.2 -- Background browser and setter for X windows
njam-1.25_9 -- Fast paced multiplayer pac-man clone
njplot-2.1_2 -- Phylogenetic tree drawing program capable of interactive manipulation
nl-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (NLD)
nl-aspell-0.50.2_1 -- Aspell Dutch dictionary
nl-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Dutch messages and documentation for Calligra
nl-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Dutch translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
nl-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Dutch
nl-hunspell-2.10 -- Dutch hunspell dictionaries
nl-hyphen-2005.10.16_1 -- Dutch hyphenation rules
nl-ispell-1.0.0_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
nl-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Dutch messages and documentation for KDE3
nl-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Dutch messages and documentation for KDE4
nl-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- nl language pack for libreoffice
nl-mythes-2012.10.07 -- Dutch thesaurus
nlarn-0.7 -- Roguelike game and as such a remake of the classic game Larn
nload-0.7.4 -- Console application which monitors network traffic in real time
nltk-2.0.2 -- Natural language toolkit written in python
nmap-6.01 -- Port scanning utility for large networks
nmapsi4-0.3_2 -- GUI frontend for the nmap scanning utility
nmh-1.3 -- A cleaned up MH mailer suite
nml-0.92b -- A dialect/harmony of Standard ML of New Jersey and Objective Caml
nmzmail-0.1.3_3 -- Fast mail searching for mutt
nn-6.7.3_1 -- Newsreader
nn-aspell- -- Aspell Norwegian Nynorsk dictionary
nn-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Norwegian:Ninorsk
nn-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Norwegian Nynorsk messages and documentation for KDE3
nn-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Norwegian Nynorsk messages and documentation for KDE4
nn-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- nn language pack for libreoffice
nnap-1.1 -- Nnap is a lightweight NNTP authentication proxy
nntp- -- NNTP with NOV support
nntpbtr-1.7 -- NNTP bulk transfer
nntpcache-3.0.2_6 -- News caching/anti-spam/server-merging system
no-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (NOR)
no-hunspell-2.0.10_1 -- Norwegian (Nynorsk and Bokmaal) hunspell dictionaries
noattach-1.2_1 -- An attachment filter for Sendmail Milter
noc-0.6.4_1 -- Operation Support System (OSS) for the Telco, SP, and Enterprise NOC
nocatsplash-0.82_2 -- Open 802.11 Splash Screen
nocc-1.9.3 -- A webmail system which access POP3 and IMAP mail servers
nocol-4.3.1 -- Network/Service monitoring software
node-0.4.12_1 -- V8 JavaScript for client and server
node-0.6.21 -- V8 JavaScript for client and server
node-0.8.14 -- V8 JavaScript for client and server
node-devel-0.9.3 -- V8 javascript for client and server
node-thrift-0.8.0 -- Node.js bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
noegnud-addons-0.8.0 -- The addons (tilesets and sound themes) for noeGNUd
noegnud-data-0.8.3 -- The noeGNUd Data Files
noegnud-littlehack-0.8.3_10 -- The noeGNUd UI for the LittleHack variation of Nethack
noegnud-nethack-0.8.3_10 -- The noeGNUd UI for the vanilla Nethack
noegnud-nethack-deet-0.8.3_10 -- The noeGNUd UI for Nethack with DeeT's hack font patch
noegnud-slashem-0.8.3_10 -- The noeGNUd UI for the SLASH'EM variant of Nethack
noffle-1.1.5_1 -- News server for low speed dial-up connections
nohtml-1.11 -- Strip HTML attachments from email
noip-2.1.9_2 --'s dynamic DNS update client
nokryptia-1.3 -- A tool for fast loading mp3s into Nokia 5510
nologin-1.0_1 -- Refuse a login to a user, and make a note of it in syslog
nologinmsg-1.0 -- More functional native binary replacement for /sbin/nologin
nomacs-0.4.0 -- Small, fast and free image viewer
nomarch-1.4 -- Extracts files from the old `.arc' archive format
nomyso-4.3 -- Convert MASM/TASM files to NASM compatible sources
nonpareil-0.79_2 -- Simulator for many HP calculators
nonsense-0.6 -- A nonsense text generator
normalize-0.7.7_6 -- A tool for adjusting the volume of wave/MP3 files to a standard level
normalizemime-1.19 -- Mime normalizer to be used as a preprocessor for email classification
nos-ttb-0.9.5_3 -- NOS teletekst browser
nosefart-1.92f_1 -- A player for NES Sound Format (NSF)
nostromo-1.9.5 -- A fast, secure HTTP/1.1 CGI/1.1 SSL IPv4/IPv6 webserver
notecase-1.9.8_7 -- A hierarchical text notes manager
notftp-1.3.1 -- An easy to use Web to FTP gateway written in PHP
notification-daemon-0.7.2_1 -- Send small notifications to your desktop
notify-osd-0.9.29_3 -- On-screen-display notification agent using libnotify
notify-sharp-0.4.0_1 -- C# client library for notification-daemon
notmuch-0.11_1 -- Thread-based email index, search, and tagging application
nova-0.4_17 -- An Integrated Observational Environment for amateur astronomers
noweb-2.11b -- A simple, extensible literate-programming tool
npadmin-0.8.7_1 -- An SNMP based command line network printer management tool
npapi-xine-1.0.2_8 -- Embed Xine player into browser
npc-0.83 -- An animated web counter
nph-1.2.3_1 -- New PH Client and API Library
npm-1.1.62 -- Node package manager
npretty-0.9.3_6 -- A simple web-gallery generator written in perl
npth-0.91 -- New GNU Portable Threads
npush-0.7 -- A curses-based logic game similar to Sokoban and Boulder Dash
nqc-3.1.r6 -- A compiler for writing programs for the Lego RCX
nqueens-1.0 -- N-queens benchmark
nr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- nr language pack for libreoffice
nrg2iso-0.4 -- Convert Nero .nrg CD-Image format to ISO
nrpe-2.13_2 -- Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
nrpep-0.2 -- A netsaint addon for running plugins on remote hosts
ns-2.35 -- Discrete event simulator for networking research
ns2-2.35 -- Discrete event simulator for networking research
nsca-2.9.1_1 -- Nagios Service Check Acceptor
nsca-client-2.9.1_1 -- Nagios Service Check Acceptor
nscache-0.6_8 -- Netscape cache browser
nsd-3.2.14 -- An authoritative only non-recursive name server
nsf-1.0 -- NAKAMURA's Shell Form input
nslint-3.1 -- Perform consistency checks on DNS zone files
nsnake-1.4 -- Snake game written in C and ncurses
nso-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- nso language pack for libreoffice
nsping-0.8_2 -- DNS "ping"
nspluginwrapper-1.3.2 -- A compatibility plugin for Mozilla NPAPI (development version)
nspluginwrapper-1.4.4 -- A compatibility plugin for Mozilla NPAPI plugins
nspmod-0.1 -- MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does its own DSP, uses VoxWare v2.90+
nspr-4.9.3 -- A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
nss-3.14 -- Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
nss-pam-ldapd-0.8.10 -- Advanced fork of nss_ldap
nss-pam-ldapd-sasl-0.8.10 -- Advanced fork of nss_ldap with sasl support
nss_ldap-1.265_7 -- RFC 2307 NSS module
nss_mdns-0.10_2 -- NSS module implementing multicast DNS name resolution
nss_resinit-20060412 -- Resolver re-initialization NSS module
nstreams-1.0.4 -- Analyses network traffic and produces ipfw rules to allow it
nstxd-1.1b6 -- DNS tunnel server
ntfsprogs-2.0.0_3 -- Utilities and library to manipulate NTFS partitions
ntl-5.5.2_2 -- Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
ntlmaps- -- A proxy that authenticates the user using the NTLM protocol
ntop-4.1.0_5 -- Network monitoring tool with command line and web interfaces
ntp-4.2.6p5.r1_3 -- The Network Time Protocol Distribution
ntp-4.2.6p5_1 -- The Network Time Protocol Distribution
ntp-4.2.7p304 -- The Network Time Protocol Distribution
ntraceroute-6.4.2_1 -- Ubiquitous network routing analysis tool
nttcp-1.47_2 -- A client/server program for testing network performance
nuclearchess-1.0.0_6 -- A chess variant designed to be short and fun for all players
nucleo-0.7.6_5 -- Toolkit to explore video and human-computer interaction
nucleus-0.77_4 -- Another font package for X
nulib-3.25 -- NuFX archive utility
nullmailer-1.05_4 -- MTA for hosts which relay to a fixed set of smart relays
nullpop-0.3 -- A POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email
numchar-1.0 -- Converts phone numbers between digits and characters
numdiff-5.2.1 -- Compare putatively similar files, ignoring small numeric differences
numlockx-1.2 -- Turns on numlock in X
numptyphysics-0.3.r20090104_7 -- Drawing physics-based puzzle game
numptyphysics-npcomplete-0.0.r20090116_2 -- Level pack for Numpty Physics
nurbs-3.0.11_2 -- A C++ library for representing curves or surfaces
nusoap-0.9.5 -- SOAP Toolkit for PHP
nut-2.2.2_6 -- Network UPS Tools
nut-2.6.4 -- Network UPS Tools
nuttcp-6.1.2 -- TCP/UDP network testing tool
nux-1.6_2 -- Small open-source XQuery extension of the XOM library
nvclock-0.8.b4_5 -- NVidia graphic card status and overclocking tool
nvi-1.81.6_5 -- Development snapshot of the world-renown nvi editor
nvi-m17n-1.79.20040608 -- A clone of vi/ex, with multilingual patch, no default settings
nvidia-driver-173.14.35_1 -- NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
nvidia-driver-304.60 -- NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
nvidia-driver-71.86.15_2 -- NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
nvidia-driver-96.43.23 -- NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
nvidia-settings-310.14 -- Display Control Panel for X NVidia driver
nvidia-texture-tools- -- Texture Tools with support for DirectX 10 texture formats
nvidia-xconfig-310.14 -- Tool to manipulate X configuration files for the NVidia driver
nvramtool-r6440 -- A utility for reading, writing the contents of CMOS memory
nvtv-0.4.7_5 -- TV output on nvidia card
nwcc-0.7.5 -- Nils Weller's C compiler for Unix systems
nwndata-1.29_3 -- Neverwinter Nights Data Files
nwreckdum-0.0.6_2 -- Utility for manipulating of Quake packed data files
nxml-mode-emacs21-20041004_12 -- A major mode for editing XML documents for emacs21
nxml-mode-emacs24-20041004_12 -- A major mode for editing XML documents for emacs24
nxproxy- -- An x2go helper program
nxserver-2.1.0_8 -- Low-bandwidth X network server
nxt-python-2.1.0 -- Python interface for the Lego Mindstorms NXT robot
nxtvepg-2.8.0 -- Viewer for Nextview Electronic TV Programme Guide (needs bktr driver)
ny-aspell-0.01.0_1 -- Aspell Nyanja dictionary
nyancat-20120330 -- Animated telnet server that renders a loop of the nyan cat animation
nyh-hoc-9.2 -- High Order Calculator
nylon-1.21_5 -- A Unix SOCKS 4 and 5 proxy server
nzbget-0.8.0 -- A binary newsreader supporting NZB files
nzbperl-0.6.8_1 -- A perl script for downloading nzb files
o2em-1.17_2 -- An Odyssey2 / Videopac console emulator
o2sms-3.36 -- Send SMS messages via the websites of Irish mobile operators
o3read-0.0.4 -- Standalone converter for the writer and scalc formats
oaf-0.6.10_9 -- Object Activation Framework for GNOME
oak-1.5.0 -- System Log Reporting Tool
oath-toolkit-2.0.1 -- Library, tools, and PAM module for OATH authentication
obby-0.4.8 -- A library for synced document buffers
obconf-2.0.3_8 -- Preferences manager for the Openbox window manager
obexapp-1.4.15_1 -- Obex application to transfer objects to mobile equipment
obfsproxy-0.1.4 -- Tool to obfuscate Tor traffic
obfuscatejs-0.3.6_1 -- A JavaScript code obfuscator
objc-3.2.11 -- Portable Object Compiler
objectivelib-1.0.0 -- Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C
obliterate-0.5 -- Securely delete file[s]
obmenu-1.0_5 -- Menu manager for Openbox supporting both static and pipe menus
obpager-1.8 -- A lightweight pager for netwm compatible window managers
observium- -- An autodiscovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP based network monitoring
oc-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- oc language pack for libreoffice
ocaml-3.12.1_1 -- The Objective Caml compiler and programming environment
ocaml-annexlib-0.13.2_2 -- OCaml subroutines collection
ocaml-autoconf-1.1 -- Autoconf module for ocaml
ocaml-bz2-0.6.0_1 -- OCaml library to manipulate bz2 files
ocaml-calendar-2.03_1 -- A date and time library for OCaml
ocaml-camlidl-1.05_2 -- A stub code generator for using C/C++ libraries from ocaml
ocaml-camljava-0.3_3 -- An OCaml-Java library interface
ocaml-camlp5-6.07.p1 -- A preprocessor-pretty-printer of OCaml
ocaml-camomile-0.8.3 -- A comprehensive Unicode library for objective caml language
ocaml-camomile-examples-0.4.1 -- Example programs for Camomile library
ocaml-cfg-1.7.4_2 -- Library for manipulation of context-free grammars
ocaml-classes-3.05_3 -- Ocaml Object interface for ocaml's standard library modules
ocaml-cppo-0.9.2 -- A simple preprocessor for OCaml
ocaml-cryptgps-0.2.1_2 -- Symmetric cryptographic algorithms package for OCaml
ocaml-cryptokit-1.6 -- A variety of cryptographic primitives for Objective Caml
ocaml-csv-1.2.1_2 -- An OCaml library to read and write CSV files
ocaml-doc-3.12 -- Documentation (HTML, PS) for the Objective Caml
ocaml-equeue-2.1.4_3 -- The Equeue library for OCaml
ocaml-event-0.6.0_2 -- An ocaml wrapper for the libevent API
ocaml-examples-3.12 -- Example programs for the Objective Caml
ocaml-expat-0.9.1_3 -- A stub for the expat parser in OCaml
ocaml-extlib-1.5.2 -- A complete - yet small - standard library for OCaml
ocaml-findlib-1.3.3 -- OCaml package manager
ocaml-images-3.0.2_8 -- Objective Caml image processing library
ocaml-lablgl-20120306_1 -- OpenGL interface for Objective Caml
ocaml-lablgtk2-2.14.2_3 -- An Objective Caml interface to GTK+ 2.x
ocaml-lacaml-5.4.7_1 -- OCaml interface to BLAS and LAPACK libraries
ocaml-lwt-1.1.0_1 -- Cooperative threading library for OCaml
ocaml-magic-0.7.3_1 -- An OCaml binding for libmagic(3)
ocaml-mysql-1.1.1 -- OCaml bindings to libmysqlclient
ocaml-net-3.5.1 -- OCaml modules for Internet applications
ocaml-nox11-3.12.1_1 -- Objective Caml compiler and programming environment (no X11)
ocaml-ocamlgraph-1.8.2 -- Graph manipulation library for OCaml
ocaml-ocurl-0.5.3_1 -- An interface for OCaml to the curl lib
ocaml-ounit-1.0.3_1 -- OCaml unit test framework
ocaml-pcre-6.2.5_1 -- Perl compatible regular expressions for Objective Caml
ocaml-pgocaml-1.5 -- An OCaml interface to PostgreSQL
ocaml-pomap-2.9.8_1 -- OCaml library to maintain a list of partially ordered elements
ocaml-pxp-1.2.3 -- Validating XML parser for OCaml
ocaml-react-0.9.2_1 -- OCaml module for functional reactive programming
ocaml-res-3.2.0_1 -- Automatically Resizing Contiguous Memory for OCaml
ocaml-sdl-0.7.2_11 -- An OCaml interface to the SDL
ocaml-sem-0.0.2_2 -- POSIX semaphores for OCaml
ocaml-sexplib-3.0.0_1 -- An OCaml library for working with S-expressions
ocaml-sqlite3-1.6.1 -- OCaml bindings to sqlite3 library
ocaml-ssl-0.4.6 -- OpenSSL bindings for OCaml
ocaml-text-0.5 -- OCaml library for dealing with text
ocaml-type-conv-1.0.0_1 -- Type conversion routines for OCaml
ocaml-tyxml-2.0.1 -- OCaml XML typing library
ocaml-ulex-1.1_1 -- A lexer generator for Unicode and OCaml
ocaml-xstr-0.2.1_2 -- Thread-safe implementation of string searching/matching
ocaml-xstrp4-1.7_1 -- An OCaml extension to expands brace expansions
ocaml-zip-1.04_1 -- OCaml library to manipulate ZIP/GZIP/JAR archives
ocamlgsl-0.6.0 -- An interface to GSL for the Objective Caml language
ocamlweb-1.34_5 -- A literate programming tool for Objective Caml
ocfpcsc-0.0.1_1 -- Open Card Framework to PC/SC bridge
oclock-1.0.3 -- Round clock application for X
ocp-0.1.20_4 -- The legendary Open Cubic Player
ocrad-0.21 -- OCR program implemented as filter
ocre-0.042 -- Simple optical character recognition solution
ocrfeeder-0.7.7_1 -- Document layout analysis and optical character recognition
ocropus-0.4_10 -- The OCRopus(tm) open source document analysis and OCR system
ocs-2.3k_1 -- The OPAL Compilation System
ocsigen-1.1.0_1 -- Web programming framework for OCaml
ocsinventory-ng-2.0.5 -- Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation
octave-3.6.3 -- High-level interactive language for numerical computations
octave-devel-3.3.50_8 -- Developer's version of math/octave
octave-forge-20121015 -- Octave-forge metaport for math/octave
octave-forge-actuarial-1.1.0_4 -- Octave-forge package actuarial
octave-forge-ad-1.0.6_7 -- Octave-forge package ad
octave-forge-audio-1.1.4_7 -- Octave-forge package audio
octave-forge-base-1.2_1 -- Octave-forge baseport for all packages
octave-forge-benchmark-1.1.1_7 -- Octave-forge package benchmark
octave-forge-bim-1.1.1 -- Octave-forge package bim
octave-forge-bioinfo-0.1.2_7 -- Octave-forge package bioinfo
octave-forge-civil-engineering-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package civil-engineering
octave-forge-communications-1.1.1_1 -- Octave-forge package communications
octave-forge-control-2.4.1 -- Octave-forge package control
octave-forge-data-smoothing-1.3.0_1 -- Octave-forge package data-smoothing
octave-forge-dataframe-0.9.1_2 -- Octave-forge package dataframe
octave-forge-dicom-0.1.1_3 -- Octave-forge package dicom
octave-forge-econometrics-1.0.8_7 -- Octave-forge package econometrics
octave-forge-engine-1.0.9_7 -- Octave-forge package engine
octave-forge-es-0.0.4_4 -- Octave-forge package es
octave-forge-fenv-0.1.0_4 -- Octave-forge package fenv
octave-forge-financial-0.4.0_1 -- Octave-forge package financial
octave-forge-fits-1.0.2 -- Octave-forge package fits
octave-forge-fl-core-1.0.0_4 -- Octave-forge package fl-core
octave-forge-fpl-1.3.3 -- Octave-forge package fpl
octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit-0.4.2 -- Octave-forge package fuzzy-logic-toolkit
octave-forge-ga-0.10.0_1 -- Octave-forge package ga
octave-forge-general-1.3.2 -- Octave-forge package general
octave-forge-generate_html-0.1.5 -- Octave-forge package generate_html
octave-forge-geometry-1.6.0 -- Octave-forge package geometry
octave-forge-gnuplot-1.0.1_4 -- Octave-forge package gnuplot
octave-forge-gsl-1.0.8_10 -- Octave-forge package gsl
octave-forge-ident-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package ident
octave-forge-image-2.0.0 -- Octave-forge package image
octave-forge-informationtheory-0.1.8_7 -- Octave-forge package informationtheory
octave-forge-integration-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package integration
octave-forge-io-1.0.20 -- Octave-forge package io
octave-forge-irsa-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package irsa
octave-forge-java-1.2.9 -- Octave-forge package java
octave-forge-linear-algebra-2.2.0 -- Octave-forge package linear-algebra
octave-forge-lssa-0.1.2 -- Octave-forge package lssa
octave-forge-mapping-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package mapping
octave-forge-mechanics-1.3.1 -- Octave-forge package mechanics
octave-forge-miscellaneous-1.2.0 -- Octave-forge package miscellaneous
octave-forge-missing-functions-1.0.2_7 -- Octave-forge package missing-functions
octave-forge-msh-1.0.6 -- Octave-forge package msh
octave-forge-multicore-0.2.15_7 -- Octave-forge package multicore
octave-forge-nan-2.5.5_1 -- Octave-forge package nan
octave-forge-ncarray-1.0.0 -- Octave-forge package ncarray
octave-forge-nlwing2-1.2.0_4 -- Octave-forge package nlwing2
octave-forge-nnet-0.1.13_4 -- Octave-forge package nnet
octave-forge-nurbs-1.3.6_1 -- Octave-forge package nurbs
octave-forge-ocs-0.1.3_2 -- Octave-forge package ocs
octave-forge-oct2mat-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package oct2mat
octave-forge-octcdf-1.1.5_1 -- Octave-forge package octcdf
octave-forge-octclip-1.0.3 -- Octave-forge package octclip
octave-forge-octgpr-1.2.0_4 -- Octave-forge package octgpr
octave-forge-octproj-1.1.2 -- Octave-forge package octproj
octave-forge-odebvp-1.0.6_7 -- Octave-forge package odebvp
octave-forge-odepkg-0.8.2_1 -- Octave-forge package odepkg
octave-forge-optim-1.2.2 -- Octave-forge package optim
octave-forge-optiminterp-0.3.3_4 -- Octave-forge package optiminterp
octave-forge-outliers-0.13.9_7 -- Octave-forge package outliers
octave-forge-parallel-2.0.5_4 -- Octave-forge package parallel
octave-forge-pdb-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package pdb
octave-forge-plot-1.1.0_2 -- Octave-forge package plot
octave-forge-pt_br-1.0.9_5 -- Octave-forge package pt_br
octave-forge-quaternion-2.0.2 -- Octave-forge package quaternion
octave-forge-queueing-1.2.0 -- Octave-forge package queueing
octave-forge-secs1d-0.0.9_1 -- Octave-forge package secs1d
octave-forge-secs2d-0.0.8_7 -- Octave-forge package secs2d
octave-forge-secs3d-0.0.1_3 -- Octave-forge package secs3d
octave-forge-signal-1.2.0 -- Octave-forge package signal
octave-forge-simp-1.1.0_7 -- Octave-forge package simp
octave-forge-sockets-1.0.8 -- Octave-forge package sockets
octave-forge-specfun-1.1.0_2 -- Octave-forge package specfun
octave-forge-special-matrix-1.0.7_7 -- Octave-forge package special-matrix
octave-forge-spline-gcvspl-1.0.8_7 -- Octave-forge package spline-gcvspl
octave-forge-splines-1.1.0 -- Octave-forge package splines
octave-forge-statistics-1.1.3_1 -- Octave-forge package statistics
octave-forge-strings-1.1.0_1 -- Octave-forge package strings
octave-forge-struct-1.0.10_1 -- Octave-forge package struct
octave-forge-symband-1.0.10_7 -- Octave-forge package symband
octave-forge-symbolic-1.1.0_3 -- Octave-forge package symbolic
octave-forge-tcl-octave-0.1.8_7 -- Octave-forge package tcl-octave
octave-forge-tsa-4.2.4_1 -- Octave-forge package tsa
octave-forge-video-1.0.2_10 -- Octave-forge package video
octave-forge-xraylib-1.0.8_7 -- Octave-forge package xraylib
octave-forge-zenity-0.5.7_7 -- Octave-forge package zenity
odamex-0.5.6 -- The Standard in Online Multiplayer Doom
ode-0.11.1 -- Articulated rigid body dynamics library
ode-devel-0.5.060223_3 -- Articulated rigid body dynamics library (devel)
ods2-1.3 -- An utility for manipulating ODS-2 filesystems
ods2reader-19930601 -- Copies files from VMS Files-11 (ODS2) file systems
odsclient-1.03 -- ODS Dynamic DNS Client
odt2txt-0.4_1 -- A simple converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text
ofc-0.8.1_6 -- The Objective-C Foundation Classes library
offlineimap-6.5.4 -- Powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
oftpd-0.3.7 -- A threaded, anonymous only FTP server designed for security
ogg2mp3-0.6.1_2 -- Perl script that converts Ogg Vorbis files to MP3 format
oggsplit-0.1.0_5 -- Split multiplexed (grouped or chained) Ogg files into separate streams
oggvideotools-0.8_5 -- A toolbox for manipulating Ogg video files
ogmrip-0.13.8 -- Application and libraries for encoding DVDs into DivX/OGM files
ogmtools-1.5_10 -- Tools to extract from/get info about/create OGG media streams
ogre3d-1.7.4_1 -- A scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++
ohphone-1.4.5_7 -- H323 Video Conferencing Program, compatible with NetMeeting
ohugs-0.5_8 -- Interpreter for Haskell with object-oriented features
oidentd-2.0.8_2 -- Ident server that supports user-defined ident strings
oinkmaster-2.0_1 -- Help you update your snort rules after each update
ois-1.2.0_3 -- Object Oriented Input System
ojs2-2.2.1_1 -- A journal management and publishing system
okular-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 universal document viewer
oldrunner-20120131 -- A textmode remake of Broderbund's LodeRunner
oleo-1.99.16_7 -- The GNU spreadsheet for X11 and terminals
olsrd-0.6.3 -- OLSR routing daemon
olvwm-4.2_1 -- OpenLook Virtual Window manager
om-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- om language pack for libreoffice
omake- -- A flexible build system
omcmd-0.4.8 -- CLI utility for performing OMAPI queries and updates on a ISC DHCP
omega-0.90.4 -- A complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration
omegaT- -- Powerful translation memory application written in Java
omi-20030719 -- "mirror" subtrees of FTP servers
omnetpp-3.3_6 -- A discrete event simulation environment
omniNotify-2.1.01 -- CORBA Notification Service (CosNotification) for omniORB
omniORB-4.1.6 -- A robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python
omnitty-0.3.0_2 -- A curses-based SSH multiplexer
ompload-20100913 -- Upload files to
ondir-0.2.2 -- Automatically executes scripts as you traverse directories
oneko-1.2_2 -- A cat, Sakura or Tomoyo chasing a mouse all over the screen
oneko-2.0b_5 -- A cat chasing a mouse all over the screen
onenetd-1.11 -- A single-server inetd
oniguruma-2.5.8 -- A BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
oniguruma-4.7.1 -- A BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
oniguruma-5.9.2 -- A BSDL Regular Expressions library compatible with POSIX/GNU/Perl
onioncat-0.2.2.r553 -- IP-transparent Tor Hidden Service connector
onis-0.8.2 -- A script that converts IRC logfiles into an HTML statistics page
online-desktop-0.3.2_7 -- GNOME Online Desktop
ontv-3.2.0_1 -- A GNOME Applet for monitoring current and upcoming TV programs
onyx-5.1.2_1 -- Embeddable stack-based threaded interpreted language
oo2c-2.1.11 -- Optimizing Oberon-2 compiler of University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
oolite-1.76_1 -- Trade and combat space simulator, clone of Elite
oonsoo-1.2_3 -- A solitaire card game for X
oooqs-2.0.3_11 -- Quick launcher for Open Office
oooqs2-1.0_7 -- KDE Quick launcher for Open Office 2.x
oops-1.5.24_11 -- A caching web proxy server
oorexx-3.0.0 -- A powerful typeless object-oriented scripting language
ooxcb-1.1 -- Python binding to the X server using xcb
op-1.32 -- Controlled privilege escalation tool
opa- -- Open source, simple, and unified platform for writing web apps
opal-2.2.11_7 -- VoIP abstraction library
opal3-3.6.6_17 -- VoIP abstraction library
open-1.4 -- Open opens a new vt and runs a command on it
open-axiom-1.4.1_5 -- A computer algebra system
open-beagle-3.0.3 -- An Evolutionary Computation Framework
open-cobol-1.1 -- An open-source COBOL compiler
open-motif-2.3.4 -- Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI (IEEE 1295))
open-usp-tukubai-20120802_1 -- Open usp Tukubai is OSS version of Tukubai commands set
open-vm-tools-425873_2 -- Open VMware tools for FreeBSD VMware guests
open-vm-tools-nox11-425873_2 -- Open VMware tools for FreeBSD VMware guests
openacs-5.7.0 -- A modular web application platform for communities
openafs- -- AFS implementation from
openal-20060211_12 -- A 3D positional spatialized sound library
openal-soft-1.14_1 -- A software implementation of the OpenAL specification
openalchemist-0.3_13 -- Tetris-like game
openam-1.1.18_3 -- H323 Answer Machine
openarena-0.8.8.s1910 -- Quake3 total conversion based on the ioquake3 engine
openarena-data-0.8.8 -- OpenArena game data files
openarena-oax-B50 -- OpenArena Mod: OpenArena Xpanded
openarena-server-0.8.8.s1910 -- Quake3 total conversion based on the ioquake3 engine
openark-kit-111 -- Common utilities for MySQL
openastromenace-1.2.0_11 -- Hardcore 3D space shooter with spaceship upgrade possibilities
openbabel-2.2.3 -- Chemistry file translation program
openbase-jdbc-2006.10 -- The Java JDBC implementation for OpenBase
openbgpd-5.2.20121014 -- Free implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol, Version 4
openblas-0.2.4 -- An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2
openbox-3.5.0_3 -- Small, fast, standards compliant, extensible window manager
openbox-themes-1.0.1_5 -- Themes for Openbox
openbravoerp-2.40 -- Openbravo ERP is a Web based ERP
openbsm-1.1.p2 -- Open Source Basic Security Module (BSM) Audit Implementation
opencart-1.5.3 -- An open source PHP-based online shopping cart system
opencascade-6.3_11 -- Open CASCADE Technology, 3D modeling & numerical simulation
opencascade-tutorial-6.3_3 -- OpenCascade sample tutorial
opencdk-0.6.6_3 -- Open Crypto Development Kit
opencinematools-1.1.2 -- Tools for creating multi-reel DCPs from MXF source material
opencity- -- Free 3D city simulator
opencl-1.2 -- Open Computing Language (OpenCL) specifications
openclipart-2.0 -- Open Clip Art Library
opencolorio-1.0.7 -- Complete color management solution
openconnect-4.07 -- A client for Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN
opencore-amr-0.1.3 -- OpenCORE implementation of AMR Narrowband & Wideband speech codec
opencryptoki-2.3.2_3 -- An open PKCS#11 implementation library
opencsg-1.3.2_1 -- Constructive Solid Geometry rendering library
openct-0.6.20 -- A middleware framework for smart card terminals
opencv-2.3.1_4 -- Open Source Computer Vision library from Intel
opencv-core-2.3.1_4 -- OpenCV core libraries
opencvs-20120705 -- BSD-licensed CVS implementation
opencyc-0.7.0_3 -- General knowledge base and commonsense reasoning engine
opendbx-1.4.5_2 -- A C library for accessing databases with a single API
opendchub-0.8.2 -- Unofficial Unix version of the Direct Connect Hub software
opendd-0.7.9_1 -- A small DynDNS client
opendis-0.0.3_1 -- Access Flashpoint Digita-based cameras, download images, and more
opendkim-2.5.2 -- DKIM library and milter implementation
opendnssec-1.3.10_1 -- Tool suite for maintaining DNSSEC
opendpi-1.2.0 -- An open source deep packet inspection engine
opendx-4.4.4_9 -- IBM's Open Visualization Data Explorer
opendylan-2011.1 -- Open Dylan project native command-line compiler for Dylan
openerp-server-6.0.3_2 -- Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql
openexr_ctl-1.0.0 -- Simplified OpenEXR interface to CTL
openfetion-2.0.7_1 -- An open source client for China Mobile's Fetion IM
openfire-3.7.1_1 -- Enterprise instant messaging server
openfire-devel-3.7.0.b -- Enterprise instant messaging server (development version)
openfts-0.40_1 -- Open Source Full Text Search engine
openfwtk-2.0_1 -- Application proxy toolkit which inherits the ideology of TIS fwtk
opengfx-0.4.4 -- Free alternative graphics for OpenTTD game engine
opengl-man-657.2 -- Section 3 manpages for OpenGL: gl, glx, glu, gle, glut
openglad-0.98_7 -- SDL port of an old DOS game called Gladiator
opengrok-0.11.1 -- Fast and powerful code search and cross-reference engine
opengtl-0.9.17 -- Graphics Transformation Languages
openh323- -- A H323 Video Conferencing library
openhbci- -- HBCI is a bank-independent homebanking standard
openimageio-1.0.9 -- OpenImageIO graphics library
openipmi-2.0.19 -- Complex IPMI management software
openistgt-20120516 -- An iSCSI target for FreeBSD
openjade-1.3.3p1_2 -- Object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine
openjazz-20120730 -- Free re-implementation of the Jazz Jackrabbit(tm) game engine
openjdk-7.9.05_1 -- Java Development Kit 7
openjdk6-b27 -- Oracle's Java 6 virtual machine release under the GPL v2
openjdk6-jre-b27_2 -- Oracle's Java 6 Runtime Environment under the GPL v2
openjpeg-1.5.0_1 -- An open-source JPEG 2000 codec
openldap-client-2.3.43 -- Open source LDAP client implementation
openldap-client-2.4.33 -- Open source LDAP client implementation
openldap-sasl-client-2.3.43 -- Open source LDAP client implementation with SASL2 support
openldap-sasl-client-2.4.33 -- Open source LDAP client implementation with SASL2 support
openldap-server-2.3.43 -- Open source LDAP server implementation
openldap-server-2.4.33 -- Open source LDAP server implementation
openlierox-0.59.b9_2 -- Extremely addictive realtime worms shoot-em-up
openlldp-0.4.a_1 -- Link Layer Discovery Protocol daemon
openmap-4.6.4 -- Java toolkit for manipulating and displaying geographic data
openmcu-2.2.1_3 -- OpenMCU hosts a conference call for H323 Video Conferencing users
openmortal-0.7_9 -- A parody of the once popular coin-up fighting game, Mortal Kombat
openmovieeditor-0.0.20090105_9 -- Simple non-linear movie editor
openmpi-1.6.1_1 -- A High Performance Message Passing Library
openmq-4.5.1.b.3 -- Open Message Queue - Java Message Service Broker
openmq-client-4.5.1.b.3 -- Open Message Queue - Java Message Service Broker (Client)
openmsx-0.3.1_3 -- Free alternative music for OpenTTD game engine
openmsx-0.9.1 -- Open source MSX emulator
opennap-0.44_1 -- Open-source Napster server
openntpd-4.6_2 -- OpenBSD's Network Time Protocol daemon
opennurbs-20121024 -- Tools to accurately transfer 3-D geometry between applications
opennx- -- Open source drop in replacement for NoMachine\'s NX client
openobex-1.6 -- Open source implementation of the OBEX protocol
openocd-0.6.0 -- Open On-Chip Debugger -- Automated testtool for the
openospfd-4.3_1 -- Free implementation of the Open Shortest Path First Protocol
openpgpsdk-0.9 -- OpenPGP SDK
openpref-0.1.3_1 -- Preferans game
openprinting-1.0_3 -- Sun's implementation of the OpenPrinting API (PAPI)
openproj-1.4 -- A free, open source Project Manager
openquicktime-1.0_6 -- Portable library for handling Apple's QuickTime(TM) files
openr2-1.3.2 -- MFC/R2 call setup library
openradius-0.9.12c_1 -- A RADIUS server with some actual documentation
openresolv-1.1 -- A resolvconf compatible framework for managing resolv.conf
openrm- -- Development environment used to build 2D/3D/stereo graphics
opensaml2-2.4.3_1 -- Open source implementation of SAML2
opensc-0.12.2 -- Libraries and utilities to access smart cards
openscad-2011.12_1 -- The programmer's solid 3D CAD modeller
openscep-0.4.2_7 -- Open source scep server
opensched-0.1.0_8 -- A project scheduler
openser-1.2.3_2 -- A very fast and configurable SIP proxy with TLS support
opensfx-0.2.3_2 -- Free alternative sounds for OpenTTD game engine
openshot-1.4.3 -- Non-linear video editor
openslp-1.2.1_3 -- Open-source implementation of the Service Location Protocol
opensmtpd-201210090136 -- OpenSMTPD is a free MTA
opensonic-0.1.2_3 -- Game based on the "Sonic the Hedgehog" universe
openspc-0.3.1_1 -- A command line player for .spc and .zst files
openssh-portable-5.8.p2_3 -- The portable version of OpenBSD's OpenSSH
openssl-1.0.1_4 -- SSL and crypto library
openssl_tpm_engine-0.4.1_1 -- OpenSSL TPM engine
openssn-0.7_2 -- A modern submarine simulator
opentaxsolver-9.01 -- US tax prep software
opentracker-0.2010.05.30_1 -- A free lightweight bittorrent tracker using libowfat
openttd-1.2.3 -- An open source clone of Microprose Transport Tycoon Deluxe
openuniverse-1.0.b3_8 -- OpenGL Solar System simulator for X Window System
openupsd-0.3.1_1 -- A UPS daemon for some Belkin UPS's
openvanilla-framework- -- Development header files for OpenVanilla
openvanilla-modules- -- Input method modules for OpenVanilla
openvas-client-2.0.4_3 -- A GUI client for OpenVAS
openvas-libnasl-2.0.1_5 -- NASL libraries for OpenVAS
openvas-libraries-2.0.3_1 -- Libraries for OpenVAS
openvas-plugins-1.0.7_3 -- Plugins for OpenVAS
openvas-server-2.0.2_2 -- A security scanner: a fork of Nessus
openvex-0.5.1 -- Open source firmware for Vex robotics controllers
openvmps-1.4.04 -- GPL implementation of the VMPS protocol
openvpn-2.0.9_2 -- Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
openvpn-2.2.2 -- Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
openvpn-admin-1.9.4_5 -- GUI frontend to openvpn
openvpn-auth-ldap-2.0.3_3 -- LDAP authentication plugin for OpenVPN
openvpn-auth-radius-2.1 -- RADIUS authentication plugin for OpenVPN
openvpn-beta-2.3.b1_1 -- Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
openvpn-devel-201240 -- Secure IP/Ethernet tunnel daemon
openvrml-0.18.9_3 -- VRML97 runtime and browser
openvsp-2.2.0 -- Create a 3D model of an aircraft defined by engineering parameters
openvswitch-1.7.1 -- A production quality, multilayer virtual switch
openwebmail-2.53_2 -- A webmail system designed to manage big mail folder files efficiently
openwince-include-0.4.2 -- A collection of the useful include files for embedded developers
openx-2.8.10 -- Free, opensource ad server in PHP
openxmldir-1.2 -- PHP based XML menuing system for Cisco 79xx IP phones
openyahtzee-1.9.1_1 -- Full-featured classic dice game Yahtzee
openzz- -- An interpreted dynamic parser
opera-12.10 -- Blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser
opera-devel-12.00_5 -- Blazingly fast, full-featured, standards-compliant browser (Next version)
opera-linuxplugins-12.10 -- Linux plugin support for the native Opera browser
ophcrack-3.4.0_1 -- Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables
opieprint-1.0_1 -- Output postscript with 100 OPIE passwords credit card sized
optar-1.0_3 -- A tool for encoding data on paper
optimax-0.63_4 -- A Core War optimizer written in Perl
optimfrog-4.520.b1 -- Lossless audio codec
optipng-0.7.1 -- An optimizer for PNG files
opus-1.0.1 -- Interactive speech and audio codec
opus-tools-0.1.5 -- Encode, inspect, and decode Opus files
or-aspell-0.03.1_1 -- Aspell Oriya dictionary
or-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- or language pack for libreoffice
oracle7-client-0.02 -- Oracle 7 client
oracle8-client-0.2.0_1 -- Oracle 8 client
oracle_odbc_driver-0.5.6_2 -- Oracle Open Source ODBC driver
orage-4.8.3_1 -- A calendar application to manage your time with Xfce 4
orangehrm-2.7 -- Open Source Human Resource Management
orbital_eunuchs_sniper-1.30_7 -- An overhead shooting game
orbitcpp-1.3.9_4 -- C++ bindings for ORBit, a CORBA 2.2-compliant ORB
orc-0.4.16 -- Library and toolset to operate arrays of data
orca-0.27_2 -- Tool for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto a Web server
orca-2.32.1_2 -- Scriptable screen reader
org-mode.el-emacs24-7.8.11_2 -- An Emacs mode for notes and project planning
oroborus-2.0.18_1 -- A small and simple GNOME-compatible window manager
orpie-1.5.1_5 -- A fullscreen RPN calculator for the console
orsa-0.7.0_22 -- Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis
ortep3-1.0.3_5 -- The Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot Program for Crystal Structure
ortp-0.13.0_1 -- A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) stack
orville-write-2.55 -- Advanced replacement for write/mesg
osalp-0.7.5_5 -- Open Source Audio Library Project
osbf-lua-2.0.4 -- This tool is used as classifier for mails, primarily as Anti Spam
oscommerce-2.2.r2.a -- An full-featured open source e-commerce system
osdclock-0.5_9 -- Small clock which uses libxosd to render text to the root window
osdlyrics-0.4.3 -- On-screen lyrics display program for various media players
osdmixer-0.9_6 -- Displays audio volume with an OSD
osg-3.0.1_2 -- C++ OpenGL scene graph library for real-time rendering
osg-devel-3.1.3 -- C++ OpenGL scene graph library for real-time rendering
osgg-0.99_7 -- OldSkool Gravity Game
osh-20120102 -- An implementation of the UNIX 6th Edition shell
osiris-4.2.3_1 -- The Shmoo client/server host integrity checker
osm2mp-r475 -- OpenStreetMap data into Polish map format (MP) converter
osm2pgsql-r28721 -- Convert OSM XML data to PostgreSQL database
osmo-0.2.10_4 -- A personal organizer
osmose-0.9.96_1 -- Sega Master System emulator
osmosis-0.41 -- Command line Java app for processing OpenStreetMap data
osrtspproxy-2.0_1 -- The RTSP Proxy Kit - A reference implementation of an RTSP proxy
oss-4.2.b2007 -- Open Sound System
ossec-hids-client-2.6_2 -- The client port of ossec-hids
ossec-hids-local-2.6_2 -- The client and server (local) port of ossec-hids
ossec-hids-server-2.6_2 -- A security tool to monitor and check logs and intrusions
osslsigncode-1.3_2 -- OpenSSL-based signcode utility
ossp-al-0.9.3 -- Defines an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying
ossp-cfg-0.9.11 -- A library for parsing arbitrary C/C++-style configuration files
ossp-ex-1.0.6 -- OSSP ex is a small exception handling library for use in C
ossp-l2-0.9.13 -- A C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility
ossp-sa-1.2.6 -- An abstraction library for the Unix socket API
ossp-uuid-1.6.2_2 -- ISO-C & Perl API and CLI for generating Universally Unique Identifiers
ossp-val-0.9.4 -- A flexible name to value mapping library for C variables
ossp-var-1.1.3 -- A flexible, full-featured, and fast variable expansion library
ossp-xds-0.9.3 -- A generic and extensible framework for serialization
otcl-1.14 -- MIT Object Tcl
otk-0.95_1 -- Widget library based on OpenGL
otrs-3.1.6 -- Open Ticket Request System
ots-0.5.0_2 -- Open Text Summarizer
otter-3.3f_1 -- A theorem prover and finite model searcher
ourmon-2.8.1_7 -- A libpcap-based network monitoring and anomaly detection system
outerspace-0.2.2_3 -- On-line strategy game
outguess-0.2 -- Steganographic tool
ovs-1.03_2 -- A RRDtool frontend for mail statistics
ovt-2.3_9 -- The Orbit Visualization Tool
owncloud-4.5.0 -- Personal cloud which runs on your own server
p0f-3.06b -- Passive OS fingerprinting tool
p0f2-2.0.8 -- Passive OS fingerprinting tool
p11-kit-0.14 -- Library for loading and enumerating of PKCS#11 modules
p2c-1.21a_2 -- Pascal to C translator
p3scan-2.3.2_5 -- A transparent POP3-Proxy with virus-scanning capabilities
p4-2012.1.473528 -- Perforce client
p4.el-10.6 -- Perforce-Emacs Integration
p4api-08.1 -- Perforce API (static libraries and header files)
p4d-2012.1.549175 -- Perforce server
p4db-2.01 -- Web/Perforce Browser
p4delta-1.3.2 -- Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Perforce
p4ftpd-2012.1.442152 -- Perforce server
p4genpatch-1 -- Helper scripts for generating RCS patches from Perforce
p4p-2012.1.549175 -- Perforce server
p4v-2010.1.276058 -- Visual client for Perforce SCM
p4web-2012.1.533841 -- Perforce server
p5-AI-Categorizer-0.09_1 -- Automatic Text Categorization
p5-AI-DecisionTree-0.11 -- Perl module for Automatically Learning Decision Trees
p5-AI-Genetic-0.05 -- A pure Perl genetic algorithm implementation
p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp-0.89 -- Perl module implementing a back-propagation feed-forward neural network
p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar-0.10 -- Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm
p5-AI-Perceptron-1.0 -- Perl module for introducing to internal operations of neural networks
p5-AI-Prolog-0.741 -- Perl extension for logic programming
p5-AMF-Perl-0.15_1 -- Flash Remoting in Perl
p5-AcePerl-1.92_2 -- Perl5 interface to the ACEDB genome database system
p5-Acme-6502-0.76 -- Pure Perl 65C02 simulator
p5-Acme-ButFirst-1.00 -- Do something, but first do something else
p5-Acme-Comment-1.04 -- Allow multi-line comments which are filtered out
p5-Acme-Damn-0.05 -- Unblessing perl objects
p5-Acme-GuessNumber-0.03 -- Automatic number guessing game robot
p5-Acme-MetaSyntactic-1.007 -- Themed metasyntactic variables names
p5-Acme-Monta-0.01 -- Monta Method reproduced in web
p5-Acme-Steganography-Image-Png-0.06_5 -- Hide data (badly) in Png images
p5-AddressBook-0.16 -- Perl5 module providing an LDAP addressbook interface
p5-Agent-3.20 -- Perl module that provides a foundation for software agent developers
p5-Algorithm-Accounting-0.08_6 -- Generate accounting statistic for general logs
p5-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10 -- Represent a series of changes in annotate form
p5-Algorithm-BinPack-0.5 -- Efficiently pack items into bins
p5-Algorithm-Bucketizer-0.12 -- Distribute sized items to buckets with limited size
p5-Algorithm-C3-0.08 -- A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
p5-Algorithm-CheckDigits-1.2.0_1 -- Perl extension to generate and test check digits
p5-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets-0.02 -- Perl algorithm to iterate through subsets of a list
p5-Algorithm-Cluster-1.50 -- A perl interface to C clustering library
p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.27 -- Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
p5-Algorithm-CurveFit-1.05 -- Nonlinear Least Squares Fitting
p5-Algorithm-Dependency-1.110 -- Base class for implementing various dependency trees
p5-Algorithm-Dependency-Objects-0.04_1 -- An implementation of an Object Dependency Algorithm
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1902 -- Perl interface to compute differences between two objects
p5-Algorithm-Evolutionary-0.78 -- A library for doing evolutionary computation in Perl
p5-Algorithm-FloodControl-2.001000 -- Robot protection
p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude-0.01 -- Build and evaluate include/exclude lists
p5-Algorithm-Interval2Prefix-0.02 -- Generate prefixes from intervals
p5-Algorithm-KMeans-1.40 -- Clustering multi-dimensional data with a pure-Perl implementation
p5-Algorithm-LCS-1.04 -- Fast (XS) implementation of the Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
p5-Algorithm-LUHN-1.00 -- Calculate the Modulus 10 Double Add Double checksum
p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain-0.06_1 -- Perl class capable of creating Markov chains and output based on them
p5-Algorithm-Merge-0.08 -- Three-way merge and diff
p5-Algorithm-MinMax-0.01 -- Perl modules to find the minimum and maximum of an array
p5-Algorithm-Munkres-0.08 -- Perl Extension for Munkres' Solution to Classical Assignment Problem
p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes-0.04 -- Perl class performing Bayesian prediction of categories
p5-Algorithm-Networksort-1.23 -- A perl module that will create sorting networks
p5-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle-1.4 -- Shuffle a list
p5-Algorithm-Pair-Best-1.036 -- Perl module to generate tournament pairings
p5-Algorithm-Pair-Best2-2.035 -- Select tournament pairings
p5-Algorithm-Pair-Swiss-0.14 -- Generate unique pairings for tournaments
p5-Algorithm-Permute-0.12 -- Perl interface to handy and fast permutation
p5-Algorithm-RabinKarp-0.41 -- Rabin-Karp streaming hash
p5-Algorithm-SVM-0.13 -- Perl bindings for the libsvm Support Vector Machine library
p5-Algorithm-SVMLight-0.09 -- Perl interface to SVMLight Machine-Learning Package
p5-Alias-2.32_1 -- A perl module that performs aliasing services
p5-Alien-wxWidgets-0.51_1 -- Perl5 module for building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
p5-Alzabo-0.92 -- A data modelling tool and RDBMS-OO mapper
p5-Alzabo-GUI-Mason-0.12.01 -- A GUI for Alzabo using Mason
p5-Amazon-SQS-Simple-1.06 -- OO API for accessing the Amazon Simple Queue Service
p5-Amazon-SimpleDB-0.03 -- Low-level perlish interface for working with Amazon SimpleDB service
p5-Any-Moose-0.18 -- Perl extension for/to use Moose or Mouse modules
p5-Any-Moose-Convert-0.004_1 -- Convert Moose libraries to Mouse ones, or vice versa
p5-Any-Template-1.015 -- Provide a consistent interface to a wide array of templating languages
p5-AnyData-0.10 -- Easy access to data in many formats
p5-AnyEvent-7.02 -- Provide framework for multiple event loops
p5-AnyEvent-AIO-1.1 -- Asynchronous file and directory I/O with AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-BDB-1.1 -- Truly asynchronous Berkeley DB access
p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB-1.30 -- A non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
p5-AnyEvent-DBD-Pg-0.03 -- Perl extension for AnyEvent interface to DBD::Pg async interface
p5-AnyEvent-DBI-2.2 -- AnyEvent::DBI - asynchronous DBI access
p5-AnyEvent-DBI-Abstract-0.01 -- AnyEvent::DBI + SQL::Abstract
p5-AnyEvent-DBus-0.31 -- Seamlessly integrate Net::DBus into AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-Filesys-Notify-0.09 -- Perl extension for AnyEvent compat to monitor file/dir changes
p5-AnyEvent-Gearman-0.09 -- Asynchronous Gearman client/worker module for AnyEvent applications
p5-AnyEvent-Graphite-0.08 -- A non-blocking Graphite client
p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.14 -- Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
p5-AnyEvent-HTTPD-0.93 -- A simple lightweight event based web server
p5-AnyEvent-I3-0.09 -- Communicate with the i3 window manager
p5-AnyEvent-IRC-0.96 -- Event system independent IRC protocol module
p5-AnyEvent-MPRPC-0.18 -- Perl extension for simple TCP-based MPRPC client/server
p5-AnyEvent-Mojo-0.8003_1 -- Perl extension to start async Mojo servers easily
p5-AnyEvent-RabbitMQ-1.08 -- An asynchronous and multi channel Perl AMQP client
p5-AnyEvent-Redis-0.23 -- AnyEvent::Redis - Non-blocking Redis client
p5-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP-0.05 -- Perl extension of reversehttp for AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-Run-0.01 -- Run a process or coderef asynchronously
p5-AnyEvent-SCGI-1.1 -- Perl extension for Event based SCGI server
p5-AnyEvent-SNMP-6.0 -- Adaptor to integrate Net::SNMP into AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-Subprocess-1.102912 -- Flexible, OO, asynchronous process spawning and management
p5-AnyEvent-Twitter-0.62 -- Implementation of the Twitter API for AnyEvent
p5-AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream-0.22 -- A perl module to receive Twitter streaming API in an event loop
p5-AnyEvent-XMPP-0.52 -- An implementation of the XMPP Protocol
p5-AnyMQ-0.34 -- Non-blocking message queue system based on AnyEvent
p5-AnyMQ-AMQP-0.30 -- AMQP binding for AnyMQ
p5-Apache-ASP-2.61_4 -- Active Server Pages for Apache
p5-Apache-Admin-Config-0.95 -- A perl module to manipulate Apache configuration files
p5-Apache-AuthCookie-3.18_1 -- A perl module to provide custom forms for reauthentication
p5-Apache-AuthTicket-0.93_1 -- Perl modules that implement a cookie-based authentication system
p5-Apache-Clean-2.00_2 -- A mod_perl interface into HTML::Clean
p5-Apache-ConfigFile-1.23 -- Apache::ConfigFile - Parse Apache style httpd.conf configuration files
p5-Apache-ConfigParser-1.01 -- Load Apache configuration files
p5-Apache-DB-0.14_2 -- Debugging and profiling tools for mod_perl
p5-Apache-DBI-1.11 -- DBI persistent connection, authentication and authorization
p5-Apache-Gallery-1.0.2_1 -- Apache::Gallery - mod_perl handler to create an image gallery
p5-Apache-GopherHandler-0.1_1 -- Gopher protocol implementation for Apache2
p5-Apache-Htgroup-1.23 -- Manage Apache authentication group files
p5-Apache-Htpasswd-1.8 -- Manage Unix crypt-style password file
p5-Apache-MP3-4.00_1 -- MP3 browsing and streaming under mod_perl and Apache
p5-Apache-ParseFormData-0.09_1 -- Module allows you to easily decode/parse form and query data
p5-Apache-ParseLog-1.02 -- Perl5 module to parse Apache log files
p5-Apache-Profiler-0.10 -- Profiles time seconds needed for every request
p5-Apache-Session-1.89 -- A persistence framework for session data
p5-Apache-Session-PHP-0.05 -- Glue Apache::Session with PHP::Session
p5-Apache-Session-SQLite3-0.03 -- Use DBD::SQLite 1.x for Apache::Session storage
p5-Apache-Session-SharedMem-0.6 -- Apache::Session extension that store session in shared memory
p5-Apache-Session-Wrapper-0.34 -- A simple wrapper around Apache::Session
p5-Apache-SessionX-2.01 -- An extented persistence framework for session data
p5-Apache-Singleton-0.11 -- Singleton class for mod_perl
p5-Apache2-SOAP-0.73_2 -- Apache2 mod_perl2 SOAP Server
p5-Apache2-Scoreboard-2.09.2_2 -- Perl interface to the Apache scoreboard structure
p5-Apache2-SiteControl-1.05_1 -- Perl web site authentication/authorization system
p5-ApacheBench-0.72 -- Perl module for HTTP benchmarking
p5-App-Build-0.74 -- Build and install Perl applications
p5-App-CLI-0.313 -- App::CLI - Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
p5-App-CLI-Extension-1.42.1 -- Extension for App::CLI extension module
p5-App-Cache-0.37 -- Easy application-level caching
p5-App-Cmd-0.318 -- App::Cmd - Write command line apps with less suffering
p5-App-Control-1.02 -- An apachectl style control of another script or executable
p5-App-Genpass-2.32 -- Quickly and easily create secure passwords
p5-App-GitGot-1.04 -- Tool to make it easier to manage multiple git repositories
p5-App-GitHub-1.0.1 -- GitHub Command Tools
p5-App-Info-0.57 -- Interface for providing metadata about installed software packages
p5-App-Nopaste-0.35 -- Easy access to any pastebin
p5-App-Options-1.12 -- Combine command line options, environment vars, and option file values
p5-App-Pm2Port-0.29_2 -- Creating port from perl module
p5-App-Rad-1.04 -- Rapid (and easy!) creation of command line applications
p5-App-SD-0.75_1 -- App::SD is a peer-to-peer replicated distributed issue tracker
p5-App-SVN-Bisect-1.1 -- Binary search through svn revisions
p5-App-TLSMe-0.100000 -- Perl extension for TLS/SSL tunnel
p5-App-Trace-0.50 -- Embedded debug statements, including call/return tracing
p5-App-cpanminus-1.5018 -- Perl extension to get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN
p5-App-gist-0.13 -- GitHub Gist creator
p5-AppConfig-1.66 -- A Perl module for reading configuration files
p5-AppConfig-Std-1.07_2 -- A subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
p5-Archive-Any-0.09.32 -- Single interface to deal with file archives
p5-Archive-Extract-0.60 -- A generic archive extracting mechanism
p5-Archive-Extract-Libarchive-0.38 -- A generic archive extracting mechanism (using libarchive)
p5-Archive-Peek-0.35 -- Peek into archives without extracting them
p5-Archive-Rar-2.02 -- Interface with the 'rar' command
p5-Archive-SimpleExtractor-0.11 -- Simple module for extract archives
p5-Archive-Tar-1.90 -- Perl module for creation and manipulation of tar files
p5-Archive-Zip-1.30_1 -- Perl module to create, manipulate, read, and write Zip archive files
p5-Ark-0.1.r1_1 -- Perl web application framework
p5-Array-Compare-2.02 -- Perl extension for comparing arrays
p5-Array-Diff-0.07 -- Diff two arrays
p5-Array-FileReader-0.03 -- Lazily tie files to arrays for reading
p5-Array-Group-2.0a -- Convert an array into array of arrayrefs of uniform size N
p5-Array-IntSpan-2.002 -- Module for handling arrays using IntSpan techniques
p5-Array-Iterator-0.08 -- A set of array iterators
p5-Array-LineReader-1.01 -- Access lines of a file via an array
p5-Array-PrintCols-2.1 -- Perl5 module to print arrays of elements in sorted columns
p5-Array-RefElem-1.00 -- Set up array elements as aliases
p5-Array-Unique-0.08 -- Tie-able array that allows only unique values
p5-Array-Window-1.02 -- Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
p5-AsciiDB-TagFile-1.06 -- Perl tie class for a simple ASCII database
p5-Asterisk-1.03 -- Asterisk perl library
p5-Astro-0.74 -- A collection of useful astronomical routines in Perl
p5-Astro-ADS-1.20.7 -- An OO Perl interface to the ADS abstract service
p5-Astro-Catalog-4.2.4 -- A generic stellar catalogue object
p5-Astro-Constants-0.09 -- Physical constants for use in astronomy
p5-Astro-Coords-0.17 -- Class for handling astronomical coordinates
p5-Astro-DSS-1.6.1 -- An OO interface to the 1st and 2nd Digital Sky Surveys
p5-Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.09 -- Perl extension for using the cfitsio library
p5-Astro-FITS-Header-3.07 -- Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs
p5-Astro-Flux-0.01 -- Class for handling astronomical flux quantities
p5-Astro-Hipparcos-0.09 -- Perl extension for reading the Hipparcos star catalog
p5-Astro-MoonPhase-0.60 -- Perl interface to calculate information about the phase of the moon
p5-Astro-PAL-1.05 -- Perl interface to Starlink PAL positional astronomy library
p5-Astro-SIMBAD-2.0.0 -- An OO Perl interface to the SIMBAD astronomical database
p5-Astro-SIMBAD-Client-0.025 -- An object-oriented interface to SIMBAD4
p5-Astro-SpaceTrack-0.066 -- Retrieve orbital data from
p5-Astro-SunTime-0.01 -- Perl interface to calculate sunrise/sunset times
p5-Astro-Sunrise-0.91 -- Perl extension for computing the sunrise/sunset on a given day
p5-Astro-Telescope-0.71 -- Class for obtaining telescope information
p5-Astro-WaveBand-0.08 -- Transparently work in waveband, wavelength, or filter
p5-Astro-satpass-0.054 -- Classes and app to compute satellite visibility
p5-Async-Interrupt-1.10 -- Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
p5-Async-MergePoint-0.04 -- Perl modules that resynchronise diverged control flow
p5-AtExit-2.01 -- AtExit - Perform exit processing for a program or object
p5-Attribute-Handlers-0.93 -- Simpler definition of attribute handlers
p5-Attribute-Handlers-Prospective-0.01_1 -- Richer semantics for attribute handlers
p5-Attribute-Persistent-1.1 -- Attribute::Persistent - Really lazy persistence
p5-Audio-1.029_2 -- An audio manipulation routines for perl
p5-Audio-Beep-0.11 -- A module to use your computer beeper in fancy ways
p5-Audio-CD-0.04_1 -- Perl interface to libcdaudio (cd + cddb)
p5-Audio-Ecasound-1.01 -- Perl extension for ecasound sampler, recorder, fx-processor
p5-Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4 -- Interface to FLAC header metadata
p5-Audio-M4P-0.51 -- M4P / MP4 / m4a Quicktime audio and video tools
p5-Audio-MPD-1.120610 -- Class to talk to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers
p5-Audio-MPD-Common-1.120881 -- A bunch of common helper classes for mpd
p5-Audio-Mixer-0.7 -- Perl extension for Sound Mixer control
p5-Audio-Musepack-1.0.1 -- Interface to Musepack file information and APE tag fields
p5-Audio-Scan-0.93 -- Scanner for audio file metadata and tag information
p5-Audio-Scrobbler-0.01_2 -- A Perl interface to / AudioScrobbler
p5-Audio-WMA-1.3 -- Fetch info from WMA audio files
p5-Audio-Wav-0.13 -- Perl modules for reading and writing Microsoft WAV files
p5-Auth-YubikeyDecrypter-0.07 -- Decrypting the output from the yubikey token
p5-AuthCAS-1.6 -- A Perl API to Yale's Central Authentication System (CAS)
p5-Authen-Bitcard-0.90 -- Bitcard authentication verification
p5-Authen-Captcha-1.023_8 -- Perl module to verify the human element in transactions
p5-Authen-CyrusSASL-0.01 -- Perl5 module for accessing the SASL authentication daemon
p5-Authen-DecHpwd-2.006 -- Perl module for DEC VMS password hashing
p5-Authen-Htpasswd-0.171 -- Authen::Htpasswd - interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
p5-Authen-Krb5-1.9 -- Perl extension for Kerberos 5
p5-Authen-Libwrap-0.22 -- Authen::Libwrap - access to TCP Wrappers library
p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09 -- An NTLM authentication module
p5-Authen-OATH-1.0.0 -- OATH one time passwords implementation
p5-Authen-PAAS-1.1.1 -- Perl Authentication & Authorization Service
p5-Authen-PAM-0.16_1 -- A Perl interface to the PAM library
p5-Authen-Passphrase-0.008 -- Perl module for handling hashed passwords/passphrases as objects
p5-Authen-PluggableCaptcha-0.05_2 -- A pluggable Captcha framework for Perl
p5-Authen-Radius-0.20_1 -- A perl5 module to provide simple Radius client facilities
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16 -- Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-Authen-SASL-Cyrus-0.13 -- XS SASL Authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-0.5 -- Simple authentication framework
p5-Authen-Simple-DBI-0.2 -- Simple DBI authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-DBM-0.2 -- Simple DBM authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-HTTP-0.2 -- Simple HTTP authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-LDAP-0.3 -- Simple LDAP authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-Net-0.2_1 -- Simple authentication via FTP, POP3, or SMTP
p5-Authen-Simple-PAM-0.2 -- Simple PAM authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-Passwd-0.6 -- Simple Passwd authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-RADIUS-0.1 -- Simple RADIUS authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-SMB-0.1 -- Simple SMB authentication
p5-Authen-Simple-SSH-0.1 -- Simple SSH authentication
p5-Authen-Smb-0.91 -- Perl extension to authenticate against an SMB server
p5-Authen-TacacsPlus-0.23 -- A perl module that provides authentication using a tacacs+ server
p5-Authen-Ticket-0.02 -- Perl module providing the framework for implementing a ticketing system
p5-Authen-TypeKey-0.05_2 -- TypeKey authentication verification
p5-AutoLoader-5.72 -- Load subroutines only on demand
p5-AutoXS-Header-1.02 -- Container for the AutoXS header files
p5-B-Compiling-0.02 -- Perl extension to expose PL_compiling to perl
p5-B-Deobfuscate-0.20 -- Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating source code
p5-B-Generate-1.44 -- Create your own Perl op trees
p5-B-Graph-0.51 -- Perl Compiler backend to diagram OP trees
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.11 -- Execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation-0.44 -- Annotate and delegate hooked OPs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.19 -- Wrap OP check callbacks
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV-0.09 -- Perl extension to invoke callback on construction of entersub OPs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr-0.03 -- Hook into opcode execution
p5-B-Hooks-Parser-0.11 -- Interface to perls parser variables
p5-B-Keywords-1.12 -- Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-B-OPCheck-0.29 -- PL_check hacks using Perl callbacks
p5-B-Utils-0.21 -- Helper functions for op tree manipulation
p5-BBS-Client-0.03 -- A Client Module For BBS Systems
p5-BBS-UserInfo-0.01 -- Base class of BBS::UserInfo::XXX
p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3-0.01 -- Get user information of Maple3-style BBS
p5-BBS-UserInfo-Maple3itoc-0.01 -- Get user information of Maple3itoc-style BBS
p5-BBS-UserInfo-Ptt-0.06 -- Get user information of PTT-style BBS
p5-BBS-UserInfo-SOB-0.01 -- Get user information of SOB-style BBS
p5-BBS-UserInfo-Wretch-0.03 -- Get user information of Wretch-style BBS
p5-BDB-1.90 -- Asynchronous Berkeley DB access
p5-BFD-0.31 -- Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
p5-BIND-Conf_Parser-0.95 -- Perl5 module to parse BIND 8 configuration files
p5-BIND-Config-Parser-0.01 -- Parse BIND Config files
p5-BS-Event-0.3 -- A class that provides an event callback interface
p5-BSD-Jail-Object-0.02_1 -- An object oriented perl interface to jail(2)
p5-BSD-Process-0.06 -- Information about running processes on BSD platforms
p5-BSD-Resource-1.2904 -- Perl module to access BSD resource limit and priority functions
p5-BSD-Sysctl-0.10 -- Fetch sysctl values from BSD-like systems
p5-BSD-devstat-0.02_1 -- Perl extension of devstat(3) API
p5-BSD-stat-1.33 -- A stat() with BSD 4.4 extensions
p5-BSON-0.11 -- Pure Perl implementation of MongoDB BSON serialization
p5-BZ-Client-1.04 -- Client for the Bugzilla web services API
p5-Badger-0.09 -- Perl Application Programming Toolkit
p5-Baseball-Sabermetrics-0.03 -- A Baseball Statistics Module
p5-Bash-Completion-0.008 -- Extensible system to provide bash completion
p5-Beanstalk-Client-1.06 -- Perl API for beanstalkd, a distributed queue daemon
p5-Benchmark-Forking-1.01 -- Run benchmarks in separate processes
p5-Benchmark-Stopwatch-0.05 -- Simple timing of stages of your code
p5-Benchmark-Timer-0.7102 -- Code benchmarking tool
p5-BerkeleyDB-0.51 -- Perl5 interface to the Berkeley DB package
p5-Best-0.14 -- Fallbackable module loader
p5-BibTeX-Parser-0.64 -- A pure perl BibTeX parser
p5-Bigtop-0.38 -- A web application data language processor
p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.091 -- Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
p5-Bio-Das-1.17_2 -- Client-side library for Distributed Genome Annotation System
p5-Bio-Das-Lite-2.11 -- Perl extension for the DAS (HTTP+XML) Protocol
p5-Bio-GFF3-1.4 -- Fast low-level functions for parsing and formatting GFF3
p5-Bio-Glite-0.10_1 -- An Perl Interface to G-language
p5-Bio-Graphics-2.29 -- Generate GD Images of Bio::Seq Objects
p5-Bio-MAGETAB-1.26 -- A data model and utility API for the MAGE-TAB format
p5-Bio-NEXUS-0.78 -- An object-oriented Perl API for the NEXUS file format
p5-Bio-Phylo-0.50 -- Phylogenetic analysis using perl
p5-Bio-SCF-1.03 -- Read and Update SCF Chromatographic Sequence Files
p5-Bit-ShiftReg-2.0 -- Perl module implementing various bit shifting operations
p5-Bit-Vector-7.2 -- Library of advanced math functions that includes a Perl OO module
p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal-1.3 -- Object-oriented wrapper around Perl's vec()
p5-Blog-Spam-1.0.2 -- Blog & Forum SPAM Detection
p5-Bloom-Filter-1.0 -- A probabilistic algorithm for doing existence tests
p5-Bot-BasicBot-0.89 -- Simple irc bot baseclass
p5-Bot-Training-0.04_1 -- Plain text training material for bots like Hailo and MegaHAL
p5-Bot-Training-MegaHAL-0.02 -- Provide megahal.trn via Bot::Training
p5-Bot-Training-StarCraft-0.02 -- Provide starcraft.trn via Bot::Training
p5-Boulder-1.30 -- An API for hierarchical tag/value structures
p5-Brackup-1.10_1 -- Flexible backup tool
p5-Bread-Board-0.25 -- A solderless way to wire up your application components
p5-Bread-Board-Declare-0.12 -- Create Bread::Board containers as normal Moose objects
p5-Bundle-Perl6-0.12 -- A bundle to install Perl6-related modules
p5-Bundle-Sledge-0.04_3 -- A bundle to install all modules used for Sledge
p5-Business-CreditCard-0.31 -- Perl5 module to validate/generate credit card checksums/names
p5-Business-EDI-0.05 -- Class for generating EDI objects and subobjects
p5-Business-Hours-0.10 -- Calculate business hours during a time period
p5-Business-ISBN-2.05 -- Work with International Standard Book Numbers
p5-Business-ISBN-Data-20120719.001 -- Data pack for Business::ISBN
p5-Business-ISIN-0.20 -- Validate International Securities Identification Numbers
p5-Business-ISSN-0.91 -- Perl extension for International Standard Serial Numbers
p5-Business-MaxMind-CreditCardFraudDetection-1.54_1 -- Interface to MaxMind minFraud service
p5-Business-OCV-0.1 -- An interface to the Ingenico OCV Server
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-2CheckOut-0.02_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for 2CheckOut authorization service
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-3.02 -- A generic interface for processing online credit card payments
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-AuthorizeNet-3.22 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Authorize.Net
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-BankOfAmerica-1.02_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Bank of America eStores
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Beanstream-0.02 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Beanstream
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Cardstream-1.0_2 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Cardstream
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Jettis-0.02 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Jettis
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-LinkPoint-0.10 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for LinkPoint
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-MerchantCommerce-0.01_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for MerchantCommerce authorization service
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-Network1Financial-0.02_2 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Network1 Financial
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-OCV-0.01_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for OCV
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayConnect-0.02_2 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PaymentOne PayConnect
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PayflowPro-0.03 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for PayflowPro
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymenTech-2.04_1 -- PaymenTech backend for Business::OnlinePayment
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-PaymentsGateway-0.02_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for ACH Direct
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-SurePay-0.01 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for SurePay authorization service
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-TCLink-1.03_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for TrustCommerce
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-VirtualNet-0.02_2 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Vital VirtualNet
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-eSec-0.02_2 -- An Business::OnlinePayment backend module for eSec
p5-Business-OnlinePayment-iAuthorizer-0.2.1_1 -- A Business::OnlinePayment backend module for iAuthorizer
p5-Business-PayPal-0.05 -- Perl extension for automating PayPal transactions
p5-Business-PayPal-EWP-1.02 -- Perl extension for PayPal Encrypted Website Payments
p5-Business-PayPal-IPN-1.94 -- Perl extension that implements PayPal IPN v1.5
p5-Business-TW-Invoice-U420-0.01 -- Print Taiwan Unified Invoice with U420 printer
p5-Business-TW-TSIB-CStorePayment-0.04 -- Module for Taishin Bank Convenient Store Payment Management
p5-Business-TW-TSIB-VirtualAccount-0.04b_1 -- Module for Taishin Bank Virtual Account Management
p5-Business-UPS-2.0 -- A UPS Interface Module
p5-Business-WorldPay-Junior-1.07 -- Perl module to handle WorldPay Junior for payment services
p5-C-Scan-0.74 -- Perl5 module to scan C language files for easily recognized constructs
p5-CACertOrg-CA-20110724.001 -- CA root certificate in PEM format
p5-CAD-Calc-0.27_1 -- Generic cad-related geometry calculations
p5-CAD-Drawing-0.26_7 -- Methods to create, load, and save vector graphics
p5-CAD-Drawing-Template-0.01_5 -- Replace tags with text and geometry
p5-CAM-PDF-1.58 -- PDF manipulation library
p5-CDB_File-0.97 -- Perl5 interface to the CDB package
p5-CDB_File-Generator-0.030 -- Generate massive sorted CDB files simply
p5-CDDB-1.220 -- A high-level interface to the Compact Disc Database
p5-CDDB-File-1.05_1 -- Parse a CDDB/freedb data file
p5-CDDB_get-2.28 -- A high-level interface to the Compact Disc Database
p5-CGI-Ajax-0.707 -- A module for writing AJAX/DHTML-based web apps
p5-CGI-Application-4.50 -- Perl module intended to make it easier to create reusable web apps
p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch-3.07 -- Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based objects
p5-CGI-Application-Dispatch-Server-0.53 -- A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application::Dispatch
p5-CGI-Application-PSGI-1.00 -- Perl extension of PSGI Adapter for CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AnyTemplate-0.18_1 -- Use any templating system in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Apache-1.02 -- Provides easy access to Apache::* modules for CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication-0.20 -- Support for authenticating requests in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authorization-0.07_1 -- Support for authorization of requests in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode-0.18 -- CGI::App plugin to automatically register runmodes
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML-0.01 -- Add Config::YAML support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto-1.33 -- Plugin that adds Config::Auto support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH-4.00 -- Easy DBI access from CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DebugScreen-1.00 -- This plug-in add DebugScreen support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DevPopup-1.07 -- Runtime cgiapp info in a popup window
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward-1.06 -- Support for forwarding requests in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTDot-0.07 -- Enable "magic dot" notation in CGI::Application-derived applications
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HTMLPrototype-0.20 -- Access to the prototype JavaScript library using HTML::Prototype
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-HtmlTidy-1.05 -- Add HTML::Tidy support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-JSON-1.02 -- Easy manipulation of JSON headers for CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LinkIntegrity-0.06_1 -- Make tamper-resistent links in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch-1.02 -- Plugin that adds Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack-0.34 -- A message stack for your CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Redirect-1.00 -- Easy external redirects in CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session-1.03_1 -- Plugin that adds session support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream-2.10 -- Plugin that adds file streaming support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-TT-1.05 -- Add Template Toolkit support to CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.5 -- Help validate forms with the CGI::Application framework
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ViewCode-1.02 -- View the source of the running application
p5-CGI-Application-Server-0.062_1 -- A simple HTTP server for developing with CGI::Application
p5-CGI-ArgChecker-0.02 -- Perl module implementing a cgi interface to String::Checker
p5-CGI-Builder-1.36 -- Perl module intended to make it easier to create reusable web apps
p5-CGI-Builder-TT2-0.03 -- CGI::Builder and Template Toolkit 2 integration
p5-CGI-Cache-1.42.01 -- Perl extension to cache output of time-intensive CGI scripts
p5-CGI-Compile-0.15 -- Perl extension to compile .cgi scripts to a code reference
p5-CGI-Compress-Gzip-1.03_1 -- CGI::Compress::Gzip - CGI with automatically compressed output
p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter-0.02 -- Split big cookies into smaller ones
p5-CGI-Cookie-XS-0.18 -- HTTP Cookie parser in C
p5-CGI-Deurl-XS-0.07 -- Fast decoder for URL parameter strings
p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.15 -- Perl extension of PSGI adapter for CGI
p5-CGI-EncryptForm-1.02_1 -- Implement trusted stateful CGI Form Data using cryptography
p5-CGI-Ex-2.38 -- CGI utility suite - makes powerful application writing fun and easy
p5-CGI-Expand-2.03 -- Convert flat hash to nested data using TT2's dot convention
p5-CGI-FCKeditor-0.02 -- This's FCKeditor Controller for Perl OOP
p5-CGI-FastTemplate-1.09 -- Perl module for manage templates and parses templates
p5-CGI-FormBuilder-3.0501_1 -- FormBuilder for CGI
p5-CGI-Framework-0.23 -- A simple-to-use, lightweight web CGI framework
p5-CGI-Kwiki-0.18_1 -- A Quickie Wiki Package that's not too Tricky
p5-CGI-Lite-2.02 -- Process and decode WWW forms and cookies
p5-CGI-Minimal-1.29 -- Extremely lightweight CGI processing package
p5-CGI-PSGI-0.15 -- Perl extension to enable applications to adapt PSGI
p5-CGI-Pager-1.00_1 -- Perl extension to generate HTML pagination linkage easily
p5-CGI-Prototype-0.9054 -- Create a CGI application by subclassing
p5-CGI-Response-0.03 -- Perl module allowing response construction for CGI applications
p5-CGI-SSI-0.92_1 -- Use SSI from CGI scripts
p5-CGI-Session-4.48 -- Perl extension for persistent session management
p5-CGI-Session-ExpireSessions-1.12 -- Perl module to delete expired CGI::Session-type sessions
p5-CGI-Simple-1.113 -- A simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant
p5-CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.22_7 -- Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently
p5-CGI-Thin-0.52 -- A very lightweight Parser for CGI Forms
p5-CGI-Untaint-1.26_1 -- Process CGI input parameters
p5-CGI-Untaint-date-1.00 -- Validate a date
p5-CGI-Untaint-email-0.03 -- Validate an email address in a CGI form
p5-CGI-Upload-1.11 -- CGI class for handling browser file uploads
p5-CGI-Utils-0.12 -- Utilities for retrieving information through the CGI
p5-CGI-XMLApplication-1.1.3 -- Object Oriented Interface for CGI Script Applications
p5-CGI-modules-2.76 -- Modules for perl5, for use in writing CGI scripts -- Simple Common Gateway Interface Class for Perl
p5-CGP-CLI-2.7.5 -- CommunigatePro Command Line Interface perl module
p5-CHI-0.560 -- Perl extension for unified cache interface
p5-CIF-Client-0.15 -- Extends REST::Client for use with the CI-Framework REST interface
p5-CLASS-1.00 -- Alias for __PACKAGE__
p5-CPAN-Changes-0.19 -- Read and write CPAN Changes files
p5-CPAN-Checksums-2.08 -- Perl module to write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12 -- Extract distribution name and version from a CPAN filename
p5-CPAN-Inject-1.13 -- Base class for injecting distributions into CPAN sources
p5-CPAN-Meta-2.120921 -- The distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
p5-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.004 -- Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
p5-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122 -- A set of version requirements for a CPAN distribution
p5-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008 -- Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
p5-CPAN-Mini-1.111010 -- CPAN::Mini - create a minimal mirror of CPAN
p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases-0.78 -- Perl module for mapping Perl releases to the location of the tarballs
p5-CPAN-Recent-Uploads-0.06 -- Find the distributions recently uploaded to CPAN
p5-CPAN-Reporter-1.2006 -- Adds CPAN Testers reporting to
p5-CPAN-Reporter-Smoker-0.24 -- Turnkey CPAN Testers smoking
p5-CPAN-SQLite-0.199 -- Search CPAN using a SQLite database
p5-CPAN-Testers-Report-1.999001 -- CPAN Testers report object
p5-CPAN-Uploader-0.103001 -- Upload things to the CPAN
p5-CPAN-YACSmoke-0.03_1 -- Yet Another CPAN Smoke Tester
p5-CPANPLUS-0.9130 -- Ameliorated interface to the CPAN
p5-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-0.62 -- CPANPLUS plug-in to use Module-Build
p5-CPS-0.17 -- Manage flow of control in Continuation-Passing Style
p5-CQL-Parser-1.10 -- Compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypes
p5-CSP-0.34 -- A Perl tool for managing Certificate Authorities
p5-CSS-1.09 -- Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
p5-CSS-Croco-0.09 -- Quick CSS parser
p5-CSS-DOM-0.14 -- Document Object Model for Cascading Style Sheets
p5-CSS-Inliner-3674 -- Library for converting CSS blocks and files to inline styles
p5-CSS-Minifier-0.01 -- Perl extension for minifying CSS
p5-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.08 -- XS based CSS minifier
p5-CSS-Packer-1.002.001 -- Another CSS minifier
p5-CSS-SAC-0.08_1 -- SAC CSS (Simple API for CSS) parser
p5-CSS-Simple-3211 -- Interface through which to read/write/manipulate CSS files
p5-CSS-Squish-0.10 -- Compact many CSS files into one big file
p5-CSS-Tiny-1.19 -- Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible
p5-Cache-2.04_1 -- A Perl Cache interface
p5-Cache-AgainstFile-1.016 -- Cache data structures parsed from files, watching for updates
p5-Cache-BDB-0.04 -- An object caching wrapper around BerkeleyDB
p5-Cache-Cache-1.06 -- Cache::Cache -- Perl Cache interface
p5-Cache-FastMmap-1.40 -- Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache
p5-Cache-LRU-0.03 -- A simple, fast implementation of an in-memory LRU cache
p5-Cache-Memcached-1.30 -- Perl API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
p5-Cache-Memcached-Fast-0.19_1 -- Fast Perl client for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
p5-Cache-Memcached-Managed-0.24 -- Provide API for managing cached information
p5-Cache-Memcached-Tie-0.09 -- Use Cache::Memcached::Fast like hash
p5-Cache-Memcached-XS-0.01 -- Client library for memcached using libmemcache
p5-Cache-Memcached-libmemcached-0.02011 -- Cache::Memcached compatible interface to libmemcached
p5-Cache-Mmap-0.11 -- Cache::Mmap - Shared data cache using memory mapped files
p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27 -- A lightweight cache with timed expiration
p5-Cairo-1.100 -- Perl bindings to the cairo graphics library
p5-Cairo-GObject-1.001_1 -- Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
p5-Calendar-Simple-1.21 -- Perl extension to create simple calendars
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.94 -- A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-Mailhide-0.94 -- A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA Mailhide API
p5-Capture-Tiny-0.19 -- Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
p5-Carp-1.26 -- Alternative warn and die for modules
p5-Carp-Always-0.12 -- Perl extension to warn and die noisily with stack backtraces
p5-Carp-Always-Color-0.06 -- Carp::Always, but with color
p5-Carp-Assert-0.20 -- Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
p5-Carp-Assert-More-1.12_1 -- Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
p5-Carp-Clan-6.04 -- Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" of modules
p5-Carp-Clan-Share-0.013 -- Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan
p5-Carp-Datum-0.1.3 -- Debugging And Tracing Ultimate Module
p5-Carp-REPL-0.15 -- Read-Eval-Print-Loop on die and/or warn
p5-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.05 -- Automated REST Method Dispatching for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.16 -- Sensible default end action for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL-0.07 -- User role-based authorization action class
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-1.015 -- HTTP plain and digest authentication plugin for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID-0.17 -- OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication framework
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.1503 -- A storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP-1.012 -- Authentication from an LDAP Directory for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT-0.07 -- Make the Catalyst request context available in Models and Views
p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001 -- Return a new instance a component on each request
p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole-0.15 -- Apply roles to action instances
p5-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex-0.03 -- Stash your lexical goodness
p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-0.06 -- Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-0.09003_1 -- Catalyst FormFu Base Controller
p5-Catalyst-Controller-RateLimit-0.28_1 -- Protect your site from robots
p5-Catalyst-Controller-RequestToken-0.07 -- Generate and validate unique tokens across HTTP requests (anti-CSRF)
p5-Catalyst-Devel-1.37 -- Catalyst Development Tools
p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.16 -- Catalyst Apache Engines
p5-Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork-0.51 -- High-performance pre-forking Catalyst engine
p5-Catalyst-Engine-PSGI-0.13 -- Perl extension of PSGI engine for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Enzyme-0.11_1 -- CRUD framework for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold-0.04 -- Catalyst helper for Scaffolding
p5-Catalyst-Manual-5.9004 -- The Catalyst developer\'s manual
p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10 -- Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-0.12 -- CDBI model class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Plain-0.03 -- Catalyst plain base class for Class::DBI models
p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-Sweet-0.06 -- CDBI model class for Catalyst that makes things sweeter
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Plain-0.03 -- DBIx::Class model class for Catalyst, without loader
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.60 -- DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
p5-Catalyst-Model-DynamicAdaptor-0.02_1 -- Dynamically load adaptor modules
p5-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-0.17 -- LDAP model class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-Memcached-0.02 -- Wrapper for memcached imitating Catalyst models
p5-Catalyst-Model-Oryx-0.01 -- Oryx model component for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-XML-Feed-0.04 -- Use RSS/Atom feeds as a Catalyst Model
p5-Catalyst-Model-Xapian-0.06_1 -- Catalyst model for Search::Xapian
p5-Catalyst-Model-Xapian10-0.06_1 -- Catalyst model for Search::Xapian
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AtomServer-0.04 -- Atom API server for Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10019 -- Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI-0.10 -- CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-OpenID-0.02 -- OpenID Authentication
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-0.020_1 -- Use .htpasswd with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.15 -- ACL support for Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09 -- Role based authorization for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD-2.113.450 -- Instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Browser-0.08 -- Browser Detection for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3-0.03 -- Catalyst Plugin to subvert NEXT to use Class::C3
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.11 -- Flexible caching support for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap-0.9_1 -- Mmap cache for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-0.8_1 -- Distributed cache for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-Fast-0.14 -- Catalyst Plugin for Cache::Memcached::Fast
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha-0.04_1 -- Create and validate Captcha for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.30 -- Load config files of various types
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment-0.07 -- Configure your application with environment variables
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession-0.35_1 -- Catalyst Plugin for storing sessions in a browser cookie
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DateTime-0.03 -- DateTime support for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd-0.08 -- Sensible default end action
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email-0.08_1 -- Send emails with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ErrorCatcher- -- Catch application errors and emit them somewhere
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm-0.12 -- Automatically fill in forms in Catalyst using HTML::FillInForms
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormBuilder-1.07_1 -- FormBuilder for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-0.094 -- FormValidator for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10 -- I18N for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Dispatch-0.121 -- Log module of Catalyst that uses Log::Dispatch
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Log-Handler-0.08 -- Catalyst log handler
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings-0.03_1 -- Log perl warnings to your Catalyst log object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.31_1 -- Cache the output of entire pages
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Params-Nested-0.05 -- Nested params (ala Ruby on Rails or PHP-style param arrays)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable-0.04 -- A plugin for pluggable Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype-1.33 -- Catalyst plugin for Prototype
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-RunAfterRequest-0.04 -- Run code after the response has been sent
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Scheduler-0.10_1 -- Schedule events to run in a cron-like manner
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Server-0.28_1 -- Catalyst Server Plugin: Base & XMLRPC
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.35 -- Generic Catalyst Session plugin
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap-0.13 -- FastMmap sessions for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie-0.17 -- Stores a Catalyst Session in a Cookie
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI-0.15 -- Saves Catalyst Session IDs by rewriting URIs
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache-0.01 -- Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI-0.16 -- Store your sessions in a database
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC-0.12 -- Store your sessions via DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate-0.06 -- Delegate session storage to an application model object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap-0.16 -- FastMmap session storage backend
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.18 -- File storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached-0.05 -- Memcached storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached-Fast-0.02_1 -- Memcached storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv-0.03 -- Set up the environment from Catalyst's config file
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton-0.1 -- Singleton accessors to context
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SmartURI-0.036 -- Configurable URIs for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.11 -- Display a stack trace on the debug screen
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-0.11_1 -- Serve static files with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.30 -- Make serving static pages painless
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.20 -- Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile-0.01_1 -- Textile for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-0.93 -- Unicode aware Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding-1.8 -- Unicode aware Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC-2.01_1 -- Dispatch XMLRPC methods with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Runtime-5.90016 -- The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework (Runtime)
p5-Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-DBIC-DoesPaging-1.001000 -- Helps you paginate, search, sort, and more easily using DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-BrowserDetect-0.02 -- Browser detection for Catalyst::Requests
p5-Catalyst-View-ClearSilver-0.02 -- ClearSilver view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Email-0.31_1 -- Catalyst View for Email
p5-Catalyst-View-GraphViz-0.05_6 -- Catalyst::View::GraphViz - GraphViz View Class
p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-0.03 -- HTML::Template view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-HTML-Template-Compiled-0.16 -- HTML::Template::Compiled View Class
p5-Catalyst-View-JSON-0.33 -- Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in JSON format
p5-Catalyst-View-Jemplate-0.06 -- Jemplate files server
p5-Catalyst-View-Mason-0.18_1 -- Mason view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-REST-XML-0.02 -- Perl extension for Catalyst XML View Class
p5-Catalyst-View-RRDGraph-0.05_2 -- RRD graph view class for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-0.39 -- Template Toolkit view class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ControllerLocal-0.02_1 -- Catalyst TT View with template names relative to the Controller
p5-Catalyst-View-Template-Declare-0.04 -- Perl module to use Template::Declare with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-Templated-0.02 -- Generic base class for template-based views
p5-Catalyst-View-XML-Simple-0.01_1 -- Perl extension for Catalyst XML View Class
p5-Catalyst-View-XSLT-0.08 -- XSLT view class for Catalyst
p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.16 -- Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
p5-CatalystX-InjectComponent-0.025 -- Inject components into your Catalyst application
p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.06 -- Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
p5-CatalystX-Profile-0.01 -- Profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf
p5-CatalystX-REPL-0.04 -- Read-Eval-Print-Loop for debugging your Catalyst application
p5-CatalystX-RoleApplicator-0.005 -- Apply roles to your Catalyst application-related classes
p5-CatalystX-SimpleLogin-0.18 -- Provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
p5-Cdk-4.9.10_1 -- Perl5 module for Curses Development Kit
p5-Cflow-1.053_1 -- Analyze raw flow files written by cflowd (Cisco NetFlow data)
p5-Chart-2.4.5_1 -- A perl5 interface to build chart graphics
p5-Chart-Clicker-2.83 -- Powerful, extensible charting
p5-Chart-Graph-3.2_5 -- Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace
p5-Chart-Math-Axis-1.06 -- Implements an algorithm to find good values for chart axis
p5-Chart-PNGgraph-1.21_7 -- A Perl module for generating presentation graphics (i.e., charts)
p5-Chatbot-Eliza-1.04 -- A clone of the classic Eliza program
p5-Check-ISA-0.04 -- DWIM, correct checking of an object's class
p5-Chemistry-3DBuilder-0.10 -- Generate 3D coordinates from a connection table
p5-Chemistry-Bond-Find-0.23 -- Detect bonds in a molecule and assign formal bond orders
p5-Chemistry-Canonicalize-0.11 -- Number the atoms in a molecule in a unique way
p5-Chemistry-Elements-1.07 -- Perl extension for working with Chemical Elements
p5-Chemistry-File-MDLMol-0.21 -- MDL molfile reader/write
p5-Chemistry-File-Mopac-0.15 -- MOPAC 6 input file reader/writer
p5-Chemistry-File-PDB-0.23 -- Perl module to read and write PDB files
p5-Chemistry-File-SLN-0.11 -- SLN linear notation parser/writer
p5-Chemistry-File-SMARTS-0.22 -- SMARTS chemical substructure pattern linear notation parser
p5-Chemistry-File-SMILES-0.47 -- SMILES linear notation parser/writer
p5-Chemistry-File-VRML-0.10 -- Generate VRML models for molecules
p5-Chemistry-File-XYZ-0.11 -- XYZ molecule format reader/writer
p5-Chemistry-FormulaPattern-0.10 -- Match molecule by formula
p5-Chemistry-InternalCoords-0.18 -- Represent the position of an atom using internal coordinates
p5-Chemistry-Isotope-0.11 -- Table of the isotopes exact mass data
p5-Chemistry-MacroMol-0.06 -- Perl toolkit to describe macromolecules
p5-Chemistry-MidasPattern-0.11 -- Select atoms in macromolecules
p5-Chemistry-Mok-0.25 -- Molecular awk interpreter
p5-Chemistry-Mol-0.37 -- Perl toolkit to describe molecules
p5-Chemistry-Pattern-0.27 -- Chemical substructure pattern matching
p5-Chemistry-Reaction-0.02 -- Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
p5-Chemistry-Ring-0.20 -- Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule
p5-Chess-PGN-Parse-0.19 -- Reads and parses PGN (Portable Game Notation) Chess files
p5-Child-0.009 -- Object oriented simple interface to fork()
p5-Chooser-2.0.0 -- Takes a string composed of various tests, arguments, etc and returns a value
p5-Cisco-Hash-0.02 -- De- and encrypts Cisco type 7 hashes
p5-Cisco-IPPhone-0.05 -- Package for creating Cisco IPPhone XML objects
p5-Cisco-Reconfig-0.91 -- Parse and generate Cisco configuration files
p5-Cisco-UCS-0.031 -- A Perl interface to the Cisco UCS XML API
p5-Clamd-1.04_2 -- Clamd - Connect to a local clamd service and send commands
p5-Class-Accessor-0.34 -- Automated accessor generation
p5-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01_1 -- Make chained accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Children-0.02 -- Automated child-class/accessor generation
p5-Class-Accessor-Complex-1.100880_1 -- Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets, and more
p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-Contained-1.01 -- Fast accessors with data containment
p5-Class-Accessor-Fast-XS-0.04 -- XS replacement for Class::Accessor::Fast
p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10005 -- Lets you build groups of accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Installer-1.100880 -- Install an accessor subroutine
p5-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.05 -- Minimalistic variant of p5-Class-Accessor
p5-Class-Accessor-Lvalue-0.11 -- Create Lvalue accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Named-0.009 -- Better profiling output for Class::Accessor
p5-Class-Adapter-1.08 -- Perl implementation of the "Adapter" Design Pattern
p5-Class-AlzaboWrapper-0.14 -- Higher level wrapper around Alzabo Row and Table objects
p5-Class-ArrayObjects-1.03 -- Utility class for array based objects
p5-Class-AutoClass-1.01 -- Automatically define simple get and set methods in an inheritance structure
p5-Class-Autouse-2.01 -- Defer loading of one or more classes
p5-Class-Base-0.05 -- Useful base class for deriving other modules
p5-Class-BlackHole-0.04 -- Base class to treat unhandled method calls as no-ops
p5-Class-C3-0.24 -- A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.13 -- Make NEXT suck less
p5-Class-C3-Componentised-1.0009 -- Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
p5-Class-C3-XS-0.13 -- XS speedups for Class::C3
p5-Class-CSV-1.03 -- Class based CSV parser/writer
p5-Class-Closure-0.30 -- Encapsulated, declarative classes in Perl
p5-Class-CodeStyler-0.27 -- Perl extension for code generation program formatting and execution
p5-Class-Component-0.17 -- Pluggable component framework
p5-Class-Constant-0.06 -- Build constant classes
p5-Class-Container-0.12 -- Glues object frameworks together transparently
p5-Class-Contract-1.14 -- Design-by-Contract OO in Perl
p5-Class-DBI-3.0.17_1 -- Simple Database Abstraction
p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch-0.07 -- Abstract Class::DBI SQL with SQL::Abstract
p5-Class-DBI-AsForm-2.42 -- Produce HTML form elements for database columns
p5-Class-DBI-AutoLoader-0.12 -- Generates Class::DBI subclasses dynamically
p5-Class-DBI-BaseDSN-1.22_1 -- DSN sensitive base class
p5-Class-DBI-DATA-Schema-1.00 -- Execute Class::DBI SQL from DATA sections
p5-Class-DBI-DDL-1.02 -- DDL for Class-DBI
p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI-1.00_1 -- Update Class::DBI data using CGI::Untaint
p5-Class-DBI-FromForm-0.04 -- Update Class::DBI using Data::FormValidator or HTML::Widget
p5-Class-DBI-LazyInflate-0.06 -- Defer inflating of columns until they are used
p5-Class-DBI-Lite-1.034 -- Lightweight ORM for Perl
p5-Class-DBI-Loader-0.34_1 -- Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship-1.3 -- Easier relationship specification in CDBI::L
p5-Class-DBI-Oracle-0.51 -- Extensions to Class::DBI for Oracle
p5-Class-DBI-Pager-0.08 -- Pager utility for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Pg-0.09_1 -- Extensions to Class::DBI for PostgreSQL
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-0.03 -- Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-AbstractCount-0.08 -- Get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-DeepAbstractSearch-0.08 -- Provides deep_search_where() for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Iterator-0.13 -- New iterator for p5-Class-DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager-0.566 -- Perl extension to paged queries for CDBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll-1.04 -- More complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Senna-0.01 -- Add Instant Fulltext Search Capability With Senna to Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02 -- Determine type information for columns
p5-Class-DBI-Replication-0.01 -- Class::DBI for replicated database
p5-Class-DBI-SAK-1.4 -- Class::DBI Swiss Army Knife (SAK)
p5-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11_1 -- Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
p5-Class-DBI-Sweet-0.11 -- Extra sweet features for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-ToSax-0.10 -- Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite
p5-Class-DBI-Untaint-1.00 -- Class::DBI constraints using CGI::Untaint
p5-Class-DBI-mysql-1.00 -- Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
p5-Class-Data-ConfigHash-0.00002 -- Add Catalyst-Style Config To Your Class
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08 -- Inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-Date-1.1.10 -- A Perl class for easy date and time manipulation
p5-Class-Declare-0.17 -- Perl module for declare classes
p5-Class-Default-1.51 -- Static calls apply to a default instantiation
p5-Class-Delegation-1.7.1 -- Object-oriented delegation
p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.01 -- Base class for error handling
p5-Class-Factory-1.06 -- Base class for dynamic factory classes
p5-Class-Factory-Util-1.7 -- Utility functions for (factory) classes
p5-Class-Field-0.15 -- Class Field Accessor Generator
p5-Class-Fields-0.204 -- Set of modules to operate with class fields and members access
p5-Class-Forward-0.08 -- Perl extension for class dispatcher that handles namespaces like paths
p5-Class-Generate-1.11 -- A Perl5 module to simplify creating class hierarchies
p5-Class-Gomor-1.02 -- Class and object builder
p5-Class-Handle-1.07 -- Create objects that are handles to classes
p5-Class-Hook-0.03 -- Add hooks on methods from other classes
p5-Class-ISA-0.36 -- Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
p5-Class-Inflate-0.07 -- Inflate HASH Object from Values in Database
p5-Class-Inner-0.200001 -- A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
p5-Class-InsideOut-1.10 -- A safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
p5-Class-Inspector-1.27 -- Provides information about classes
p5-Class-Interfaces-0.04 -- A module for defining interface classes inline
p5-Class-Load-0.20 -- A working (require Class::Name) and more
p5-Class-Load-XS-0.05 -- XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
p5-Class-Loader-2.03 -- Load modules and create objects on demand
p5-Class-MakeMethods-1.010 -- Generate common types of methods
p5-Class-Measure-0.05 -- Create, compare, and convert units of measurement
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-1.12 -- Provides Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-Fast-0.041 -- Perl extension to provide Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-MethodMaker-2.18 -- Perl module for creating generic methods
p5-Class-MethodMapper-1.0 -- Perl module for abstract Class wrapper for AutoLoader
p5-Class-Mix-0.005_1 -- Perl module for dynamic class mixing
p5-Class-MixinFactory-0.92 -- Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
p5-Class-Multimethods-1.70 -- Support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
p5-Class-Multimethods-Pure-0.13 -- Method-ordered multimethod dispatch
p5-Class-NamedParms-1.06 -- A lightweight named parameter handling system
p5-Class-Null-2.110730 -- Perl module which implements the Null Class design pattern
p5-Class-OOorNO-0.011 -- Perl module that give your module classic AND OO interfaces
p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-0.7 -- An optimized template builder base class
p5-Class-ObjectTemplate-DB-0.27 -- An optimized template builder base class with lookup capability
p5-Class-Observable-1.04 -- Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yours
p5-Class-ParmList-1.05 -- A module for processing named parameter lists for method calls
p5-Class-Prototyped-1.11 -- Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
p5-Class-ReturnValue-0.55 -- A return-value object that can be treated as a boolean, array, or object
p5-Class-Roles-0.30_1 -- Provides a role-based system of OOP (emulates Perl6)
p5-Class-STL-Containers-0.35 -- Perl extension for STL-like object management
p5-Class-Singleton-1.4 -- Perl module that describes a singular object class
p5-Class-Spiffy-0.15 -- Class::Spiffy - Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
p5-Class-StateMachine-0.19 -- Class::StateMachine - define classes for state machines
p5-Class-Std-0.011 -- Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes
p5-Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8_1 -- Faster but less secure than Class::Std
p5-Class-Std-Utils-v0.0.3 -- Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects
p5-Class-StrongSingleton-0.02 -- A stronger and more secure Singleton base class
p5-Class-Tangram-1.57 -- Create constructors, accessor, update methods for objects from Tangram
p5-Class-Throwable-0.11 -- A minimal lightweight exception class
p5-Class-Tom-3.02_1 -- A perl module to transport objects from one system to another
p5-Class-Trigger-0.14 -- Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers
p5-Class-Unload-0.07 -- Perl5 module for unloading classes
p5-Class-Virtual-0.06 -- Base class for virtual base classes in Perl
p5-Class-WhiteHole-0.04 -- Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
p5-Class-Workflow-0.11 -- Lightweight workflow system
p5-Class-XPath-1.4 -- Base class to add xpath matching to object trees
p5-Class-XSAccessor-1.13 -- Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
p5-Class-XSAccessor-Array-1.04 -- Perl5 module for unloading classes
p5-ClearSilver-0.10.5_1 -- Perl bindings for fast and powerful template system
p5-Clipboard-0.13 -- Access to X11 clipboard from Perl
p5-Clone-0.31 -- Clone - recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Clone-Fast-0.96 -- Natively copying Perl data structures
p5-Clone-More-0.90.2 -- Perl module for natively copying Perl data structures
p5-Clone-PP-1.02 -- Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Code-Perl-0.03 -- Produce Perl code from a tree
p5-Color-Library-0.02.1_1 -- An easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
p5-Color-Palette-0.100002 -- Handle sets of named colors in Perl
p5-Color-Rgb-1.4 -- Simple rgb.txt parsing class
p5-Color-Scheme-1.02 -- Generate pleasant color schemes
p5-Commands-Guarded-1.01 -- Deterministic guarded commands for Perl
p5-CommitBit-0.02_2 -- A project administration tool
p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.09 -- Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-LZF-3.43 -- Extremely lightweight Lempel-Ziv-Free compression
p5-Compress-LZO-1.08_2 -- Interface to the LZO compression library
p5-Compress-LZW-0.01_1 -- Pure perl implementation of LZW
p5-Compress-LeadingBlankSpaces-0.06 -- Perl class to compress leading blank spaces in web content
p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.055 -- Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-Raw-Lzma-2.055 -- Low-Level Interface to lzma compression library
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.056 -- Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
p5-Compress-Snappy-0.19 -- Perl interface to Google Snappy (de)compressor
p5-Config-Any-0.23 -- Load class configuration data from a number of file formats
p5-Config-ApacheFormat-1.2 -- Parse a configuration file in the same syntax as the Apache web server
p5-Config-Auto-0.42 -- Magical config file parser
p5-Config-AutoConf-0.19 -- Perl module to implement some of AutoConf macros
p5-Config-Fast-1.07 -- Extremely fast configuration file parser
p5-Config-General-2.51 -- Perl5 module for handling Apache-style configuration files
p5-Config-GitLike-1.05 -- Simple git-compatible config file parser for Perl
p5-Config-Grammar-1.10 -- A grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
p5-Config-INI-0.019 -- Simple .ini files emitter and parser for Perl
p5-Config-INI-Simple-0.02 -- Simple reading and writing from an INI file
p5-Config-IniFiles-2.78 -- Perl5 module for reading .ini-style configuration files
p5-Config-IniHash-3.01.01 -- Perl extension for reading and writing INI files
p5-Config-IniRegEx-0.01 -- Ini workaround, regex search for parameters and sections
p5-Config-JFDI-0.065 -- A Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any
p5-Config-JSON-1.5100 -- A JSON based config file system
p5-Config-MVP-2.200002 -- Multivalue-property package-oriented configuration
p5-Config-MVP-Reader-INI-2.101461 -- An MVP config reader for .ini files
p5-Config-Model-2.023 -- Model to create configuration validation tool
p5-Config-MySQL-0.02 -- Perl extension to read/write MySQL-style configuration files
p5-Config-Objective-0.9.1_2 -- Configuration data as perl objects
p5-Config-Options-0.08 -- Provide a configuration hash with options
p5-Config-Perl-V-0.15 -- Structured data retrieval of perl -V output
p5-Config-Properties-1.75 -- Read and write property files
p5-Config-Record-1.1.2 -- Configuration file access
p5-Config-Setting-0.04_1 -- A class that provides an easy interface to use config files
p5-Config-Simple-4.59 -- Simple configuration file class
p5-Config-Std-0.0.4_1 -- Load and save configuration files in a standard format
p5-Config-Tiny-2.14 -- Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
p5-Config-Wrest-1.036_1 -- Perl module for reading and writing configuration data
p5-Config-YAML-1.42 -- Simple configuration automation
p5-ConfigReader-0.5_1 -- Perl5 module to read directives from a configuration file
p5-ConfigReader-Simple-1.28 -- Simple configuration file parser
p5-Const-Fast-0.013 -- Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
p5-Context-Preserve-0.01 -- Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine
p5-Contextual-Return-0.004.002 -- Create context-sensitive return values
p5-Continuity-1.5 -- Stateful Web applications in Perl
p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4_2 -- Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
p5-Convert-ASN1-0.26 -- Perl5 module to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures
p5-Convert-BER-1.32 -- Perl5 module to encode and decode objects using Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
p5-Convert-Bencode-1.03_1 -- Module to encode and decode bencoded strings
p5-Convert-Bencode_XS-0.06 -- Faster conversions to/from Bencode format
p5-Convert-BinHex-1.119 -- Perl module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
p5-Convert-Binary-C-0.76 -- Binary Data Conversion using C Types
p5-Convert-Color-0.08 -- Perl extension for color space conversions and named lookups
p5-Convert-Cyrillic-1.05 -- Routines for converting from one Cyrillic charset to another
p5-Convert-IBM390-0.27 -- Functions for manipulating mainframe data
p5-Convert-Morse-0.06 -- Perl module to convert between ASCII and Morse codes
p5-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT-0.05 -- Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime format strings
p5-Convert-PEM-0.08 -- Read/write access to ASN.1-encoded PEM files with optional encryption
p5-Convert-Recode-1.04_1 -- Front end to the GNU recode program
p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18 -- Perl module to read TNEF files
p5-Convert-UU-0.52.01 -- Perl5 module for uuencode and uudecode
p5-Convert-UUlib-1.40 -- Perl5 interface to the uulib library (a.k.a. uudeview/uuenview)
p5-Coro-6.08 -- Coroutine process abstraction for perl
p5-Corona-0.1004 -- Perl extension for Coro based PSGI web server
p5-CouchDB-View-0.003 -- Handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
p5-Crypt-Anubis-1.0.4 -- Crypt::CBC-compliant block cipher
p5-Crypt-AppleTwoFish-0.051 -- Perl extension for Apple iTMS internal key descrambling algorithm
p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.12 -- Perl5 interface to the Blowfish encryption alogorithm
p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12 -- Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl
p5-Crypt-CAST5-0.05 -- CAST5 block cipher
p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04 -- CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-CBC-2.30 -- Perl5 interface to Cipher Block Chaining with DES and IDEA
p5-Crypt-CBCeasy-0.24 -- Easy things make really easy with Crypt::CBC
p5-Crypt-CFB-0.02 -- Perl extension for encrypting data in Cipher Feedback Mode
p5-Crypt-Caesar-0.01 -- Perl extension for decrypting rot-N strings
p5-Crypt-Camellia_PP-0.02 -- Perl extension for Camellia Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-Chimera-1.01 -- Perl extension for Chimera key exchange protocol
p5-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.00 -- Perl module providing an OO interface to CipherSaber encryption
p5-Crypt-Cracklib-1.7_1 -- Perl interface to Alec Muffet's cracklib library
p5-Crypt-Ctr-0.01_1 -- Perl extension for encrypting data in Counter Mode
p5-Crypt-DES-2.05 -- Perl5 interface to DES block cipher
p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01_1 -- Perl5 interface to a implementing 3-DES EDE encryption and decryption
p5-Crypt-DES_PP-1.00 -- Perl extension for DES encryption in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-DH-0.07 -- Perl5 interface to a Diffie-Hellman key exchange system
p5-Crypt-DH-GMP-0.00010 -- Crypt::DH Using GMP Directly
p5-Crypt-DSA-1.17 -- DSA signature and key generation
p5-Crypt-Dining-1.01 -- The Dining Cryptographers' Protocol
p5-Crypt-ECB-1.45 -- Perl module implementing the ECB encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009 -- Perl module for the Eksblowfish block cipher
p5-Crypt-Enigma-1.4 -- Perl extension for the Enigma cipher
p5-Crypt-GCrypt-1.25 -- Perl interface to the GNU Cryptographic library
p5-Crypt-GOST-1.00 -- Perl extension for GOST Encryption Algorithm
p5-Crypt-GOST_PP-1.10 -- Perl extension for GOST Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-GPG-1.63_2 -- Perl extension for GnuPG
p5-Crypt-GeneratePassword-0.03 -- Generate secure random pronounceable passwords
p5-Crypt-HCE_MD5-0.70 -- Perl extension implementing one way hash chaining encryption using MD5
p5-Crypt-HCE_SHA-0.70 -- Perl5 interface to one way hash chaining block cipher
p5-Crypt-IDEA-1.08_1 -- Perl5 interface to IDEA block cipher
p5-Crypt-Imail-0.01 -- Perl extension to encrypt and decrypt Imail passwords
p5-Crypt-Juniper-0.02 -- Encrypt and decrypt Juniper secrets
p5-Crypt-Khazad-1.0.3 -- Perl extension for Khazad block cipher
p5-Crypt-License-2.04 -- Perl extension to examine a license
p5-Crypt-Lite-0.82.11 -- Perl extension for a symmetric data encryption and decryption
p5-Crypt-Loki97-1.0.1 -- Perl extension for Loki97 block cipher
p5-Crypt-MySQL-0.04 -- Perl extension to compare MySQL passwords without libmysqlclient
p5-Crypt-NULL-1.02 -- Perl implementation of the NULL encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-OFB-0.01 -- Encrypt Data using OFB Mode
p5-Crypt-OICQ-1.1 -- Cryptographic algorithm used by OICQ protocol
p5-Crypt-OTP-2.00 -- Perl implementation of the One Time Pad (hence, OTP) encryption method
p5-Crypt-OpenPGP-1.06 -- Pure-Perl OpenPGP-compatible PGP implementation
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02 -- A Perl wrapper around OpenSSL's AES library
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.04 -- OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-CA-0.23_1 -- Perl extension for OpenSSL CA API
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.13 -- Perl5 module to DSA signature verification using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.28 -- Perl5 module to RSA encode and decode strings using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.04 -- Perl5 interface to the OpenSSL pseudo-random number generator
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509-1.8.2 -- Perl extension for OpenSSL X509 API
p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.121930 -- The PBKDF2 password hashing algorithm
p5-Crypt-PGPSimple-0.13 -- Crypt::PGPSimple provides a simple object-oriented interface to PGP
p5-Crypt-PassGen-0.06 -- Crypt::PassGen - Generate a random password that looks like a real word
p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3_1 -- Perl module that provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() function
p5-Crypt-Primes-0.50 -- Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications
p5-Crypt-RC4-2.02 -- Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RC5-2.00 -- Perl implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RC6-1.0 -- Perl implementation of the RC6 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.05 -- RIPEMD-160 message digest algorithm
p5-Crypt-RSA-1.99_1 -- RSA public-key cryptosystem
p5-Crypt-Rabbit-1.0.0 -- Perl extension for Rabbit stream cipher
p5-Crypt-RandPasswd-0.02_2 -- An implementation of the Automated Password Generator standard
p5-Crypt-Random-1.25_1 -- Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator
p5-Crypt-Random-Source-0.07_1 -- Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources
p5-Crypt-Rijndael-1.11 -- Perl module that implements the Rijndael cipher
p5-Crypt-Rijndael_PP-0.05 -- Perl implementation of Rijndael
p5-Crypt-SKey-0.10_2 -- Perl S/Key calculator
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.64 -- Perl5 interface to allow p5-libwww LWP to make https connections
p5-Crypt-Salt-0.01 -- Perl extension to generate a salt to be fed into crypt
p5-Crypt-SaltedHash-0.06 -- Perl extension to work with salted hashes
p5-Crypt-Serpent-1.01 -- Perl implementation of the Serpent encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-Shark-1.0.1 -- Perl extension for Shark block cipher
p5-Crypt-Simple-0.06_1 -- Perl encrypt stuff simply
p5-Crypt-SmbHash-0.12 -- Perl module implementing lanman and nt md4 hash functions
p5-Crypt-Solitaire-2.0 -- Solitaire encryption
p5-Crypt-TEA-1.25 -- Perl extension to Tiny Encryption Algorithm
p5-Crypt-T_e_a-2.12 -- The Tiny Encryption Algorithm in Perl and JavaScript
p5-Crypt-TripleDES-0.24 -- Perl module implementing the Triple-DES cipher
p5-Crypt-Twofish-2.15 -- Perl module implementing the Twofish cipher
p5-Crypt-Twofish2-1.02 -- Perl implementation of the Twofish encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-Twofish_PP-0.17_1 -- The Twofish Algorithm in Pure Perl
p5-Crypt-UnixCrypt-1.0 -- Perl module implementing crypt(3) function
p5-Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS-0.09 -- Perl XS interface for a portable traditional crypt function
p5-Crypt-X509-0.51 -- Perl extension to parse X.509 certificates
p5-Crypt-xDBM_File-1.02 -- Perl module encrypt almost any kind of dbm file
p5-Cstools-3.42 -- Tools for dealing with Czech encodings in Perl
p5-Curses-1.28 -- Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
p5-Curses-Application-0.2 -- Curses application development framework
p5-Curses-Forms-1.997 -- Provide high level APIs for rapid UI design on the console
p5-Curses-UI-0.9609 -- A curses based OO user interface framework
p5-Curses-Widgets-1.997 -- Curses-based widgets and functions
p5-Cvs-0.07_1 -- Cvs - Object oriented interface to the CVS command
p5-DBD-AnyData-0.110 -- DBI access to XML, CSV, and other formats
p5-DBD-CSV-0.36 -- DBI driver for CSV files
p5-DBD-Excel-0.06 -- A class for DBI drivers that acts on Excel files
p5-DBD-FrontBase-1.39 -- DBI driver for FrontBase RDBMS server
p5-DBD-Google-0.51_1 -- Treat Google as a datasource for DBI
p5-DBD-InterBase-0.48 -- DBI driver for InterBase RDBMS server
p5-DBD-LDAP-0.20 -- DBI interface for accessing LDAP servers
p5-DBD-Mock-1.45 -- Simple mock DBD implementation used for testing
p5-DBD-Multi-0.16 -- Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load Balancing
p5-DBD-ODBC-1.39 -- DBD module interfacing the ODBC databases
p5-DBD-Oracle-1.14_3 -- DBI driver for Oracle RDBMS server
p5-DBD-Pg-2.19.3 -- Provides access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
p5-DBD-PgLite-0.11_1 -- PostgreSQL emulation mode for SQLite
p5-DBD-PgPP-0.08 -- Pure Perl PostgreSQL driver for the DBI
p5-DBD-SQLite-1.37 -- Provides access to SQLite3 databases through the DBI
p5-DBD-SQLite2-0.33 -- Provides access to SQLite2 databases through the DBI
p5-DBD-Sybase-1.14 -- A Sybase DBI driver for Perl 5
p5-DBD-XBase-1.03 -- Provides access to XBase (dBase, Fox*) database files through DBI
p5-DBD-cego-1.2.0 -- A Cego DBI driver for Perl 5
p5-DBD-mysql-4.021 -- MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-mysql41-4.021 -- MySQL 4.1 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-mysql50-4.021 -- MySQL 5.0 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-mysql51-4.021 -- MySQL 5.1 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-mysql52-4.021 -- mariadb driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBD-mysql55-4.021 -- MySQL 5.5 driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
p5-DBI-1.622 -- The perl5 Database Interface. Required for DBD::* modules
p5-DBI-Shell-11.95 -- Interactive command shell for the DBI
p5-DBICx-Deploy-0.02_3 -- Perl 5 module to deploy a DBIx::Class schema
p5-DBICx-MapMaker-0.03 -- Perl 5 module to automatically create a DBIx::Class mapping table
p5-DBICx-TestDatabase-0.04_1 -- Module to create temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
p5-DBICx-TxnInsert-0.02_1 -- Wrap all inserts into transaction
p5-DBIWrapper-0.24_1 -- Perl extension for generic DBI database access
p5-DBIx-Abstract-1.010 -- DBIx::Abstract - DBI SQL abstraction
p5-DBIx-AnyDBD-2.01 -- DBD independent class
p5-DBIx-Browse-2.09 -- DBIx::Browse - Perl extension to browse tables
p5-DBIx-Class-0.08198 -- Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
p5-DBIx-Class-AsFdat-0.03_1 -- Perl extension like CDBI::Plugin::AsFdat
p5-DBIx-Class-Candy-0.002101 -- Sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached-1.001.001 -- Cursor class with built-in caching support
p5-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch-0.09 -- Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based DateTime objects
p5-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-0.002202 -- Perl extension for extensible DBIx::Class deployment
p5-DBIx-Class-DigestColumns-0.06000_1 -- Automatic digest columns
p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.04 -- Automatically set and update fields
p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicSubclass-0.03 -- Use dynamic subclassing with DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-EncodeColumns-0.02 -- Handle column encodings
p5-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-0.00011 -- Automatically encode columns
p5-DBIx-Class-Fixtures-1.001018 -- Perl extension to use fixtures with DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-FrozenColumns-0.09 -- Store virtual columns inside another column
p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS-0.01007 -- Perl extension to {in,de}flate columns to Path::Class::File objects
p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP-0.02002 -- Component to auto-create NetAddr::IP objects from columns
p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.001001_1 -- Introspect many-to-many shortcuts
p5-DBIx-Class-Loader-0.21_1 -- Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes
p5-DBIx-Class-Migration-0.034 -- Perl extension to make migrating your DBIx::Class databases easier
p5-DBIx-Class-MooseColumns-0.22_1 -- Allow write DBIC add_column definitions as attribute options
p5-DBIx-Class-QueryLog-1.3.2 -- Log queries for later analysis
p5-DBIx-Class-QueryProfiler-0.05 -- DBIx::Class profiler
p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-HashRef-1.002 -- Adds syntactic sugar to skip the fancy objects
p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate-0.25 -- Like update_or_create - but recursive
p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07025 -- Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema
p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-PopulateMore-0.17_2 -- An enhanced populate method
p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14_1 -- DBIx::Class extension to handle date and time based fields
p5-DBIx-Class-Tree-0.03003 -- Perl extension to manipulate and analyze tree structured data
p5-DBIx-Class-Tree-NestedSet-0.10 -- Perl extension to manage trees of data using the nested set model
p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns-0.02006 -- DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns - Implicit uuid columns
p5-DBIx-Class-WebForm-0.02_1 -- CRUD methods for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Connector-0.52 -- Perl extension for fast, safe DBI connection management
p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03 -- Add contextual fetches to DBI
p5-DBIx-Custom-0.2600 -- Customizable DBI
p5-DBIx-DBHResolver-0.16 -- Perl extension to resolve DB connection with many database servers
p5-DBIx-DBSchema-0.40 -- An OO-interface to database schemas
p5-DBIx-DataSource-0.02 -- Database-independent create and drop functions
p5-DBIx-Ease-0.07 -- Less-code DBI interactions for all drivers
p5-DBIx-HA-1.1 -- High Availability package for DBI
p5-DBIx-Inspector-0.08 -- Perl extension to get information from bh
p5-DBIx-Log4perl-0.26 -- For DBI to selectively log SQL, parameters, result-sets, transactions
p5-DBIx-MySQLSequence-1.04 -- Proper and correct (emulated) sequence support for MySQL
p5-DBIx-NoSQL-0.0018 -- NoSQL-ish overlay for an SQL database
p5-DBIx-Password-1.9 -- Allows you to create a global password file for DB passwords
p5-DBIx-Perlish-0.59 -- A perlish interface to SQL databases
p5-DBIx-QueryLog-0.29 -- Perl extension for logging queries for DBI
p5-DBIx-Recordset-0.26 -- Perl module for abstraction and simplification of database access
p5-DBIx-RetryOverDisconnects-0.07 -- Keeps database connection persistent
p5-DBIx-SQLEngine-0.93 -- Extends DBI with high-level operations
p5-DBIx-SQLite-Simple-0.34 -- Easy access to SQLite databases using objects
p5-DBIx-Safe-1.2.5 -- Safer access to your database through a DBI database handle
p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.63 -- Perl extension for easy SQL SELECT Statement generation
p5-DBIx-Sequence-1.5 -- DBIx::Sequence - A simple SQL92 ID generator
p5-DBIx-Simple-1.35 -- Simplified object oriented interface to Perl DBI
p5-DBIx-Skinny-0.0742 -- Perl extension for simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
p5-DBIx-Skinny-InflateColumn-DateTime-0.06 -- Perl extension to inflate/deflate DateTime for DBIx::Skinny
p5-DBIx-Skinny-Mixin-DBHResolver-0.04 -- Perl extension of DBIx::DBHResolver mixin for DBIx::Skinny
p5-DBIx-Skinny-Pager-0.11 -- Perl extension of resultset pager for DBIx::Skinny
p5-DBIx-Skinny-Schema-Loader-0.24 -- Perl extension to load schema for DBIx::Skinny
p5-DBIx-Sunny-0.17 -- A simple DBI wrapper supports SQLite and MySQL
p5-DBIx-TableHash-1.05 -- Tie a hash to a MySQL table + SQL utils
p5-DBIx-TransactionManager-1.11 -- Perl extension for database transaction handling
p5-DBIx-Tree-1.94 -- Perl module for generating a tree from a self-referential table
p5-DBIx-VersionedDDL-0.16_1 -- Upgrade and downgrade database schemas to a specified version
p5-DBIx-Wrapper-0.28 -- A wrapper around Perl's DBI module
p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table-1.36 -- Create XHTML tables from SQL queries
p5-DBIx-XML_RDB-0.05 -- Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources
p5-DBM-Deep-2.0008 -- A pure perl persistent multi-level hash/array DBM
p5-DBZ_File-1.1 -- Perl module to access a DBZ database
p5-DB_File-Lock-0.05 -- Perl module to use the DB_File with Lock
p5-DJabberd-0.85_1 -- Scalable, extensible Jabber/XMPP server framework
p5-DMOZ-ParseRDF-0.14 -- Parse the gigantic content file into smaller parts
p5-DNS-Config-0.66 -- DNS::Config is set of perl modules for name service configurations
p5-DNS-EasyDNS-0.04 -- Update your EasyDNS dynamic DNS entries
p5-DNS-Zone-0.85 -- DNS::Zone is set of perl modules for name service zone files
p5-DNS-ZoneParse-1.10 -- Parse and manipulate DNS Zone Files
p5-DWH_File-0.24_1 -- Store deep and wide hashes in single level tied hash
p5-Daemon-Control-0.000.009 -- Create init scripts in Perl
p5-Daemon-Generic-0.82 -- Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
p5-Dancer-1.3110 -- Perl extension for minimal-effort oriented web application framework
p5-Dancer-Debug-0.03 -- Dancer::Debug - Extend Plack::Middleware::Debug
p5-Dancer-Plugin-DBIC-0.1504 -- DBIx::Class interface for Dancer applications
p5-Dancer-Plugin-DataFu-1.103070 -- Dancer HTML Form and Grid/Table engine with Input Validation
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-1.82 -- Easy database connections for Dancer applications
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Email-1.0000 -- Simple email handling for Dancer applications
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Feed-0.8 -- Dancer plugin for generating RSS or Atom feeds
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Passphrase-1.0.0 -- Passphrases and Passwords as objects for Dancer
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Redis-0.02_1 -- Redis database connector for Dancer
p5-Dancer-Plugin-SiteMap-0.11 -- Automated site map for the Dancer web framework
p5-Dancer-Plugin-ValidationClass-0.120490 -- Perl extension for centralized input validation for Dancer
p5-Dancer-Session-Cookie-0.15 -- Perl extension for encrypted cookie-based session backend for Dancer
p5-Dancer-Session-Memcached-0.2.02 -- Memcached-based session backend for Dancer
p5-Dancer-Template-Xslate-0.03 -- Text::Xslate wrapper for Dancer
p5-Danga-Socket-1.61 -- Event loop and event-driven async socket base class
p5-Danga-Socket-Callback-0.01200 -- Use Danga::Socket From Callbacks
p5-Data-ACL-0.02 -- Data::ACL - Perl extension for simple ACL lists
p5-Data-AMF-0.09 -- Perl extension to serialize, deserialize AMF data
p5-Data-Alias-1.16 -- Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
p5-Data-Average-0.03000_1 -- Hold Data Set To Calculate Average
p5-Data-Bind-0.30_1 -- A perl module to bind and alias variables
p5-Data-Buffer-0.04 -- Read/write buffer class
p5-Data-Capture-0.27 -- Perl6 Capture objects
p5-Data-ClearSilver-HDF-0.04_1 -- Convert from Perl Data Structure to ClearSilver HDF
p5-Data-Clone-0.003 -- Polymorphic data cloning
p5-Data-Compare-1.2200 -- Data::Compare - compare perl data structures
p5-Data-Currency-0.04002_1 -- Container class for currency conversion/formatting
p5-Data-Domain-0.16 -- Data description and validation
p5-Data-Dump-1.21 -- Pretty printing of data structures
p5-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.34 -- Stream a highly accurate breadth first data dump in Perl code
p5-Data-DumpXML-1.06_1 -- Dump arbitrary data structures as XML
p5-Data-Dumper-2.136 -- Stringified perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.020 -- Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
p5-Data-Dumper-Perltidy-0.01 -- Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures
p5-Data-Dumper-Simple-0.11 -- Easily dump variables with names
p5-Data-Entropy-0.007 -- Entropy (randomness) management
p5-Data-Float-0.012 -- Details of the floating point data type
p5-Data-Flow-1.02 -- Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
p5-Data-FormValidator-4.70 -- Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) based
p5-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime-1.11 -- Data::FormValidator constraints for dates and times
p5-Data-GUID-0.046 -- Generate globally unique identifiers
p5-Data-Grouper-0.06 -- Data aggregator for perl objects
p5-Data-HashArray-1.0 -- Array class of hashes with properties via overloading and AUTOLOAD
p5-Data-HexDump-0.02 -- A simple hexadecimal dumper
p5-Data-Hexdumper-3.00.01 -- A module for displaying binary data in a readable format
p5-Data-Hexify-1.00 -- A Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
p5-Data-Hierarchy-0.34 -- Handle data in a hierarchical structure
p5-Data-ICal-0.18 -- Data::ICal - Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
p5-Data-IPV4-Range-Parse-1.05 -- Perl extension parsing IPv4 ranges
p5-Data-Inspect-0.04 -- Another pretty-printer for perl objects
p5-Data-Integer-0.004 -- Perl module for details of the native integer data type
p5-Data-JavaScript-1.13 -- Data::JavaScript - Dump perl structures to JavaScript code
p5-Data-JavaScript-Anon-1.03 -- Dump big dumb Perl structs to anonymous JavaScript structs
p5-Data-Lazy-0.6 -- "lazy" variables
p5-Data-Localize-0.00022 -- Perl extension for alternate data localization API
p5-Data-MessagePack-0.46 -- Perl extension for MessagePack
p5-Data-MessagePack-Stream-0.07 -- Perl extension for yet another messagepack streaming deserializer
p5-Data-Miscellany-1.100850 -- Collection of miscellaneous subroutines
p5-Data-Model-0.00007 -- Perl extension for model interface which had more data sources unified
p5-Data-ObjectDriver-0.09 -- Simple, transparent data interface, with caching
p5-Data-OptList-0.107 -- Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
p5-Data-Page-2.02 -- Pager utility for Class::DBI
p5-Data-Page-NoTotalEntries-0.02 -- Perl extension for paging results without total entries
p5-Data-Pageset-1.06 -- Page numbering and page sets
p5-Data-ParseBinary-0.31 -- Yet Another parser for binary structures
p5-Data-Password-1.07 -- A Perl extension for assessing password quality
p5-Data-Path-1.4.1 -- XPath-like access to complex data structures
p5-Data-Peek-0.38 -- A collection of low-level debug facilities
p5-Data-Phrasebook-0.33 -- Accessing phrasebooks from various data sources
p5-Data-Phrasebook-Loader-YAML-0.11 -- A loader class for phrasebook implementations using YAML
p5-Data-Printer-0.30 -- Colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
p5-Data-Properties-0.02 -- Data::Properties - persistent properties
p5-Data-Rand-0.0.4 -- Perl module for generating random strings or arrays
p5-Data-Rand-Obscure-0.021 -- Perl module for generating (fairly) random strings easily
p5-Data-Random-0.08 -- Perl module for generating random data
p5-Data-Range-Compare-1.030 -- Find gaps & intersections in lists of ranges
p5-Data-Recursive-Encode-0.04 -- Perl extension to encode/decode values in a structure
p5-Data-Remember-0.07 -- Remember complex information without giving yourself a headache
p5-Data-Report-0.10_1 -- Data::Report - Framework for flexible reporting
p5-Data-Rmap-0.62 -- Recursive map, apply a block to a data structure
p5-Data-RoundRobin-0.03 -- Serve data in a round robin manner
p5-Data-Rx-0.100110 -- Perl implementation of Rx schema system
p5-Data-SExpression-0.41 -- Perl extension to parse lisp S-expressions into perl data structures
p5-Data-Section-0.101621 -- Read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
p5-Data-Section-Simple-0.03 -- Read data from __DATA__
p5-Data-Serializer-0.59 -- Modules that serialize data structures
p5-Data-ShowTable-3.3 -- Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
p5-Data-SpreadPagination-0.1.2 -- Page numbering and spread pagination
p5-Data-Stag-0.11 -- Structured Tags datastructures
p5-Data-Stream-Bulk-0.11 -- N at a time iteration API
p5-Data-Structure-Util-0.15_1 -- Perl5 module to change the nature of data within a structure
p5-Data-Swap-0.08 -- XS module to swap the contents and types of referenced variables
p5-Data-Table-1.68 -- Data type related to database tables, HTML table displays, etc
p5-Data-Taxonomy-Tags-0.05 -- Represents a set of tags for any item
p5-Data-TemporaryBag-0.09 -- Handle long size data using temporary file
p5-Data-Throttler-0.05 -- Limit data throughput
p5-Data-Throttler-Memcached-0.00003_2 -- Memcached-Based Data::Throttler
p5-Data-TreeDumper-0.40 -- Dumps a data structure in a tree fashion
p5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-DHTML-0.09 -- DHTML renderer for Data::TreeDumper
p5-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK-0.02_4 -- GTK renderer for Data::TreeDumper
p5-Data-Types-0.09 -- Validate and convert data types
p5-Data-UUID-1.218 -- Generate Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs)
p5-Data-Uniqid-0.12 -- Perl extension for simple genrating of unique id's
p5-Data-Util-0.60 -- Perl extension for utilities for data and data types
p5-Data-Validate-0.08_2 -- Common data validation methods
p5-Data-Validate-Domain-0.10 -- Data::Validate::Domain - domain validation methods
p5-Data-Validate-Email-0.04 -- A common email validation written in Perl
p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.14 -- Common data validation methods for IPs
p5-Data-Validate-URI-0.06 -- Common data validation methods for URIs
p5-Data-Validator-0.09 -- Rule based validator on type constraint system
p5-Data-Visitor-0.28 -- Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
p5-Data-Visitor-Encode-0.10007 -- Perl extension to encode/decode values in a structure
p5-Data-Walk-1.00 -- Traverse Perl data structures
p5-Date-Business-1.2 -- Fast calendar and business date calculations
p5-Date-Calc-6.3 -- Gregorian calendar date calculations
p5-Date-Calc-Iterator-1.00 -- Iterate over a range of dates
p5-Date-Calc-XS-6.3 -- XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc
p5-Date-Chinese-1.12 -- Perl module to calculate dates in the Chinese calendar
p5-Date-DayOfWeek-1.22 -- Determine the day of the week for any date
p5-Date-Easter-1.14 -- Calculates Easter for any given year
p5-Date-EzDate-1.11 -- Date and time manipulation made easy
p5-Date-Handler-1.2 -- Perl module for calculating time differences
p5-Date-Holidays-DK-0.03 -- Determine Danish public holidays
p5-Date-ICal-2.678 -- Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
p5-Date-ISO-1.30_1 -- Converts dates between ISO and Gregorian formats
p5-Date-Leapyear-1.72 -- Perl module to determine if a particular year a leap year
p5-Date-Manip-6.34 -- Perl5 module containing date manipulation routines
p5-Date-Pcalc-6.1 -- Gregorian calendar date calculations
p5-Date-Range-1.41 -- Date::Range - work with a range of dates
p5-Date-Roman-1.06 -- Perl module to play with Roman dates
p5-Date-Simple-3.03 -- A simple date object
p5-DateConvert-0.16 -- Perl5 module to convert dates between any two calendar formats
p5-DateTime-0.77 -- A date and time object
p5-DateTime-Astro-0.99.999 -- Functions For Astromical Calendars
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Chinese-1.00 -- Traditional Chinese Calendar Implementation
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Christian-0.04 -- Dates in the Christian calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian-1.0 -- Perl extension for the Discordian Calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary-0.10 -- Dates in the French Revolutionary Calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Hebrew-0.05 -- Dates in the Hebrew calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Japanese-0.06001_1 -- DateTime Extension for Traditional Japanese Calendars
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Julian-0.04 -- Dates in the Julian calendar
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.06.01 -- The Mayan Long Count, Haab, and Tzolkin calendars
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical-0.04 -- Dates in the pataphysical calendar
p5-DateTime-Event-Chinese-1.00 -- DateTime Extension for Calculating Important Chinese Dates
p5-DateTime-Event-Cron-0.08 -- DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab
p5-DateTime-Event-Easter-1.04 -- Returns Easter events for DateTime objects
p5-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.10 -- Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
p5-DateTime-Event-Lunar-0.06 -- Compute Lunar Events
p5-DateTime-Event-NameDay-0.02_1 -- Perl DateTime extension to work with namedays from various countries
p5-DateTime-Event-Random-0.03 -- DateTime extension for creating random datetimes
p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence-0.16 -- Perl DateTime extension for computing basic recurrences
p5-DateTime-Event-SolarTerm-0.05 -- DateTime Extension to Calculate Solar Terms
p5-DateTime-Event-Sunrise-0.05.01 -- DateTime Objects for sunrise and sunset for a given day
p5-DateTime-Event-Zodiac-1.02 -- Return zodiac for a given date
p5-DateTime-Fiscal-Year-0.02 -- Calculate the day or week of the Fiscal Year with an arbitrary start date
p5-DateTime-Format-Baby-1.0100 -- Parse and format baby-style time
p5-DateTime-Format-Bork-0.02_1 -- Formats datetimes for that guy from The Muppet Show
p5-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.80 -- Create DateTime parser classes and objects
p5-DateTime-Format-DBI-0.040 -- Find a parser class for a database connection
p5-DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.04 -- Convert Date::Manip dates and durations to DateTimes and vice versa
p5-DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.05_1 -- This module is a compatibility wrapper around Date::Parse
p5-DateTime-Format-Duration-1.03a -- Format and parse DateTime::Durations
p5-DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.13_2 -- Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
p5-DateTime-Format-Excel-0.31.00 -- Convert between DateTime and Excel dates
p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.23 -- Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.40 -- HTTP date conversion routines
p5-DateTime-Format-IBeat-0.16.1 -- Format times in .beat notation
p5-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09 -- Parse and format ICal datetime and duration strings
p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.08 -- Parse ISO8601 formats
p5-DateTime-Format-Mail-0.30.01 -- Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats
p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.04 -- Parse and format MySQL dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.01 -- Create machine readable date/time with natural parsing logic
p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06 -- Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
p5-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16.007 -- Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-RFC3339-1.0.5 -- Parse and format RFC3339 times
p5-DateTime-Format-Roman-0.03 -- Roman day numbering for DateTime objects
p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11 -- Parse and format SQLite dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.50.00 -- Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.06 -- Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
p5-DateTime-Format-XSD-0.2 -- Format DateTime according to xsd:dateTime
p5-DateTime-Functions-0.10 -- Procedural interface to DateTime functions
p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.01 -- Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution
p5-DateTime-Incomplete-0.07.00 -- An incomplete DateTime, like January 5
p5-DateTime-Locale-0.45 -- Localization support for DateTime
p5-DateTime-Precise-1.05 -- Perform common time and date operations with additional GPS operations
p5-DateTime-Set-0.31 -- Datetime sets and set math
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-1.50 -- Time zone object base class and factory
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-Alias-0.06 -- Create aliases for DateTime timezones
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-LMT-1.00 -- A Local Mean Time time zone for DateTime
p5-DateTime-Util-Astro-0.12000_1 -- Utilities for Astronomical Calculations
p5-DateTime-Util-Calc-0.13002_2 -- DateTime Calculation Utilities
p5-DateTimeX-Easy-0.089 -- Parse a date/time string using the best method available
p5-Debug-Client-0.12 -- Client for the standard Perl debugger
p5-Decision-ACL-0.02 -- Manage and Build Access Control Lists
p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03_1 -- Declarative Validation of Perl Data Structures
p5-DelimMatch-1.05 -- Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting
p5-Dev-Bollocks-0.06 -- Perl module to generate bollocks straight from middle management
p5-Devel-ArgNames-0.03_1 -- Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines
p5-Devel-Autoflush-0.05 -- Set autoflush from the command line
p5-Devel-Backtrace-0.12_1 -- Object-oriented backtrace
p5-Devel-BeginLift-0.001003 -- Perl extension to make selected sub calls evaluate at compile time
p5-Devel-CallChecker-0.005 -- Custom op checking attached to subroutines
p5-Devel-Caller-2.05 -- A perl module which is meatier versions of caller
p5-Devel-Caller-IgnoreNamespaces-1.0 -- Make available a magic caller which can ignore namespaces
p5-Devel-Caller-Perl-1.4 -- Perl extension to implement Devel::Caller with Perl only
p5-Devel-Callsite-0.06 -- Gets current callsite and interpreter context
p5-Devel-CheckLib-0.98 -- Perl5 module to check that a library is available
p5-Devel-CheckOS-1.64 -- Perl5 module to check currently running OS
p5-Devel-Constants-1.01 -- Perl module to translate constants back to their named symbols
p5-Devel-CoreStack-1.3 -- A perl5 module that generates a stack dump from a core file
p5-Devel-Cover-0.93 -- Code coverage metrics for Perl
p5-Devel-Cover-Report-Clover-0.35 -- Perl extension for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
p5-Devel-Cycle-1.11 -- Find memory cycles in objects
p5-Devel-DProfPP-1.3 -- Parse Devel::DProf output
p5-Devel-Declare-0.006011 -- Adding keywords to perl, in perl
p5-Devel-Declare-Parser-0.017 -- Perl extension for higher level interface to Devel-Declare
p5-Devel-Diagram-1.00 -- Discover the classes of an arbitrary suite of Perl modules
p5-Devel-Ditto-0.06 -- Devel::Ditto - Identify where print output comes from
p5-Devel-Dumpvar-1.06_1 -- A pure-OO reimplementation of
p5-Devel-EvalContext-0.09 -- Save lexicals and hints between calls to eval
p5-Devel-Events-0.08_1 -- Perl 5 module providing an extensible instrumentation framework
p5-Devel-Events-Objects-0.05_2 -- Perl module providing object tracking support for Devel::Events
p5-Devel-Gladiator-0.01 -- Perl 5 module to walk Perls arena
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.09 -- Expose PL_dirty, the flag which marks global destruction
p5-Devel-KYTProf-0.02 -- Perl extension for simple profiler
p5-Devel-Leak-0.03 -- Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed
p5-Devel-Leak-Object-1.01 -- Detect leaks of objects
p5-Devel-LeakGuard-Object-0.06_1 -- Scoped checks for object leaks
p5-Devel-LeakTrace-0.05_1 -- Indicate where leaked variables are coming from
p5-Devel-LeakTrace-Fast-0.11 -- Indicate where leaked variables are coming from
p5-Devel-LexAlias-0.04 -- A perl module which does alias lexical variables
p5-Devel-Messenger-0.02 -- Let Your Code Talk to You
p5-Devel-Modlist-0.801 -- Perl extension to collect module use information
p5-Devel-NYTProf-4.08 -- Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
p5-Devel-PPPort-3.20 -- Perl/Pollution/Portability
p5-Devel-PackagePath-0.03 -- Inspect and manipulate a Path based on a Package name
p5-Devel-PartialDump-0.15_1 -- Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument printing
p5-Devel-PatchPerl-0.76 -- Perl module to patch perl source
p5-Devel-Pointer-1.00 -- Fiddle around with pointers
p5-Devel-Profile-1.05_1 -- Tell me why my perl program runs so slowly
p5-Devel-Profiler-0.04 -- A Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp
p5-Devel-REPL-1.003013 -- A modern perl interactive shell
p5-Devel-Refactor-0.05 -- Perl extension for refactoring Perl code
p5-Devel-Required-0.13 -- Automatic update of required modules documentation
p5-Devel-RingBuffer-0.31 -- Shared memory ring buffers for Perl scripts diagnosis/debug
p5-Devel-STrace-0.31 -- strace(1)-like runtime call trace for Perl applications
p5-Devel-SimpleTrace-0.08 -- Perl module for better stack traces on interpreter-generated warn/die
p5-Devel-Size-0.78 -- Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables
p5-Devel-Size-Report-0.13_2 -- Extension to generate a size report for all elements in a structure
p5-Devel-SmallProf-2.02 -- Per-line Perl profiler
p5-Devel-StackTrace-1.27 -- Stack trace and stack trace frame objects
p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.11 -- Perl extension to display stack trace in HTML
p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-0.10 -- Perl extension for Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
p5-Devel-StealthDebug-1.008 -- Simple non-intrusive debug module
p5-Devel-Symdump-2.0800 -- A perl5 module that dumps symbol names or the symbol table
p5-Devel-Timer-0.04_1 -- Track and report execution time for parts of code
p5-Devel-Trace-0.12 -- Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
p5-Devel-TraceCalls-0.04 -- Track calls to subs, classes, and object instances
p5-Devel-TraceSAX-0.021 -- Trace SAX events
p5-Devel-TraceUse-2.08 -- This module shows the modules your program loads, recursively
p5-Devel-ebug-0.53 -- A simple, extensible Perl debugger
p5-Devel-ptkdb-1.1091_4 -- Tk debugger for Perl
p5-Device-Gsm-1.58 -- Perl interface to GSM phones/modems on serial ports
p5-Device-Modem-1.56 -- Perl class to interface generic modems (AT-compliant)
p5-Device-SerialPort-1.040000 -- A perl5 module for simple serial port control
p5-Device-USB-0.35 -- Perl wrapper for libusb
p5-Dialog-0.03 -- Perl interface to dialog(3)
p5-Digest-1.17 -- Modules that calculate message digests
p5-Digest-Adler32-0.03_1 -- Perl extension for Adler32 hash algorithm
p5-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02 -- Perl5 interface to a fingerprint in "bubble babble" format
p5-Digest-CRC-0.18 -- Perl extension for calculating CRC checksums
p5-Digest-Crc32-0.01 -- Perl extension for calculating 32-bit CRC checksums
p5-Digest-DJB-1.00 -- Perl extension for D.J Bernstein's hash algorithm
p5-Digest-DMAC-1.1.4 -- Perl5 interface to DMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-EMAC-1.2 -- Perl5 interface to EMAC Double Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-Elf-1.4 -- Perl extension for ElfHash hash algorithm
p5-Digest-FNV-2.00 -- Perl extension for Fowler/Noll/Vo hash algorithm
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03 -- Perl5 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-Digest-Hashcash-0.04 -- Perl extension for Hashcash hash algorithm
p5-Digest-Haval256-1.0.5 -- Perl extension for Haval256 hash algorithm
p5-Digest-JHash-0.07 -- Perl extension for JHash hash algorithm
p5-Digest-MD2-2.03 -- Perl5 interface to the MD2 message digest algorithm
p5-Digest-MD4-1.5 -- Perl5 interface to the MD4 message digest algorithm
p5-Digest-MD5-2.52 -- Perl5 interface to the MD5 algorithm
p5-Digest-MD5-File-0.08 -- Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls
p5-Digest-MD5-M4p-0.01_1 -- Perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm
p5-Digest-MD5-Reverse-1.3 -- Perl extension that looks for MD5 hashes in several databases
p5-Digest-ManberHash-0.7 -- Perl extension for ManberHash hash algorithm
p5-Digest-MurmurHash-0.11 -- Perl extension for XS interface to the MurmurHash algorithm
p5-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06 -- Perl version of Nilsimsa code
p5-Digest-Pearson-1.00 -- Perl extension for Peter K. Pearson's hash algorithm
p5-Digest-Pearson-PurePerl-1.00 -- Perl extension for Peter K. Pearson's hash algorithm in pure Perl
p5-Digest-Perl-MD4-1.4 -- Perl extension for MD4 hash algorithm in pure Perl
p5-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.8 -- Perl extension for MD5 hash algorithm in pure Perl
p5-Digest-SHA-5.72 -- Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
p5-Digest-SHA-PurePerl-5.71 -- Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 in pure Perl
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13 -- Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm
p5-Digest-SV1-0.01 -- Perl extension for SV1 hash algorithm
p5-Digest-Tiger-0.03 -- Perl extension for Tiger hash algorithm
p5-Digest-TransformPath-1.00_1 -- Implements the TransformPath concept
p5-Digest-Whirlpool-1.09 -- Perl extension for Whirlpool hash algorithm
p5-Dir-Project-3.024 -- Project Environment determination
p5-Dir-Purge-1.02 -- Purge directories to a given number of files
p5-Dir-Self-0.10 -- A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in
p5-Dir-Watch-0.0.0 -- Watches the current directory for file/dir additions or removals
p5-Directory-Queue-1.6 -- Object oriented interface to a directory based queue in Perl
p5-Directory-Scratch-0.14 -- Easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
p5-Directory-Scratch-Structured-0.04 -- Creates temporary files and directories from a structured description
p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.02 -- Declare version conflicts for your dist
p5-Dist-Joseki-0.20 -- Tools for the prolific module author
p5-Dist-Metadata-0.923 -- Perl extension for information about a perl module distribution
p5-Dist-Zilla-4.300028 -- Distribution builder
p5-DocSet-0.19 -- Documentation projects builder in HTML, PS, and PDF formats
p5-DynaLoader-Functions-0.001 -- Deconstructed dynamic C library loading
p5-EBook-Tools-0.4.9 -- Object class for manipulating and generating E-books
p5-EV-4.11 -- Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
p5-EasyTCP-0.26_1 -- Easily create TCP/IP clients and servers
p5-Email-Abstract-3.004_1 -- Unified interface to mail representations
p5-Email-Address-1.89.5 -- RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
p5-Email-AddressParser-0.04 -- RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation
p5-Email-Date-1.10.3_1 -- Find and Format Date Headers
p5-Email-Date-Format-1.002 -- Produce RFC 2822 date strings
p5-Email-Delete-2.00.1 -- Delete Messages from Folders
p5-Email-Filter-1.03.2 -- Library for creating easy email filters
p5-Email-Find-0.10 -- Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
p5-Email-Folder-0.85.5 -- Read all the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects
p5-Email-Folder-IMAP-1.10.2 -- Email::Folder Access to IMAP Folders
p5-Email-Folder-IMAPS-1.10.2 -- Email::Folder access to IMAP over SSL folders
p5-Email-Folder-POP3-1.01.3 -- Email::Folder access to POP3 folders
p5-Email-FolderType-0.8.13_1 -- Determine the type of a mail folder
p5-Email-FolderType-Net-1.04.1 -- Recognize folder types for network based message protocols
p5-Email-LocalDelivery-0.21.7 -- Deliver a piece of email - simply
p5-Email-LocalDelivery-Ezmlm-0.10 -- Deliver mail into ezmlm archives
p5-Email-MIME-1.911 -- Easy MIME message parsing
p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.31.6_1 -- Strip the attachments from a mail
p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.01.5 -- Parse a MIME Content-Type Header
p5-Email-MIME-CreateHTML-1.030_1 -- Multipart HTML Email builder
p5-Email-MIME-Creator-ISO_2022_JP-0.02 -- Perl extension of Email::MIME mixin to create an iso-2022-jp mail
p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.313 -- A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
p5-Email-MessageID-1.402 -- Generate world unique message-ids
p5-Email-Reply-1.202_1 -- Email::Reply - Reply to a Message
p5-Email-Send-2.198_1 -- Email::Send - Simply Sending Email
p5-Email-Sender-0.120001 -- A library for sending email
p5-Email-Sender-Transport-SQLite-0.092000 -- Deliver mail to an SQLite db for testing
p5-Email-Simple-2.102 -- Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
p5-Email-Stuff-2.102_1 -- A more casual approach to creating and sending Email
p5-Email-Valid-0.190 -- Check validity of Internet email addresses
p5-Email-Valid-Loose-0.05 -- A variation of Email::Valid which allows dot before at mark
p5-Emplacken-0.01 -- Manage multiple plack apps with a directory of config files
p5-Encode-2.47 -- Provides interfaces between strings and the rest of the system
p5-Encode-CNMap-0.32 -- Enhanced Chinese encodings with Simplified-Traditional auto-mapping
p5-Encode-Detect-1.01 -- An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
p5-Encode-Detect-CJK-2.0.2 -- A charset detector for East Asia charsets and website contents
p5-Encode-DoubleEncodedUTF8-0.05 -- Fix double encoded UTF-8 bytes to the correct ones
p5-Encode-HanConvert-0.35 -- Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings
p5-Encode-HanExtra-0.23 -- Extra sets of Chinese encodings
p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.05 -- Modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
p5-Encode-JIS2K-0.02 -- JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings
p5-Encode-Locale-1.03 -- Determine the locale encoding
p5-Encode-Punycode-1.001 -- Encode plugin for Punycode
p5-Encode-compat-0.07 -- Compatibility interfaces for on Perl < 5.7.1
p5-Encoding-FixLatin-1.02 -- Takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 output
p5-Env-PS1-0.06 -- Prompt string formatter
p5-Env-Path-0.18 -- Advanced operations on path variables
p5-Errno-1.10 -- A perl5 module providing access to System errno constants
p5-Error-0.17018 -- Perl module to provide Error/exception support for perl: Error
p5-Error-Helper-1.0.0 -- Provides some easy error related methods
p5-Eval-Closure-0.08 -- Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
p5-Eval-Context-0.09.11 -- Evaluate Perl code in context wrapper
p5-Eval-LineNumbers-0.31 -- Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source code
p5-Event-1.20 -- A Generic Perl Event Loop
p5-Event-ExecFlow-0.64 -- API for complex flow controls with asynchronous execution of external programs
p5-Event-Join-0.06 -- Join multiple "events" into one
p5-Event-Lib-1.03_3 -- Makes libevent(3) accessible with Perl
p5-Event-Notify-0.00004 -- Simple Observer/Notifier
p5-Event-RPC-1.01 -- Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
p5-Event-tcp-0.14 -- Glue code to build client-server style TCP-based services
p5-Every-0.08 -- Return true every N cycles or S seconds
p5-Excel-Template-0.34 -- Perl module for templating Excel files
p5-Excel-Writer-XLSX-0.51 -- Create a new file in the Excel 2007+ XLSX format
p5-Exception-Class-1.35 -- A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
p5-Exception-Class-DBI-1.01 -- DBI Exception objects
p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.12 -- Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
p5-Exception-Handler-1.004 -- Perl module that report exceptions with formatted text call-stack
p5-Expect-1.21 -- Perl module inspired by the Tcl version of Expect
p5-Expect-Simple-0.04 -- Wrapper around the Expect module
p5-Exporter-5.66 -- Implements default import method for modules
p5-Exporter-Declare-0.105 -- Perl extension for exporting done right
p5-Exporter-Easy-0.16 -- Takes the drudgery out of Exporting symbols
p5-Exporter-Lite-0.02 -- Lightweight exporting of variables
p5-Exporter-Tidy-0.07 -- Another way of exporting symbols
p5-ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.63_1 -- Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.2802.05 -- Compile and link C code for Perl modules
p5-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.08 -- Configure-time utilities for using C headers, libraries, OS features
p5-ExtUtils-Command-1.17 -- Utilities to replace common UNIX commands
p5-ExtUtils-Constant-0.23 -- Generate XS code to import C header constants
p5-ExtUtils-Depends-0.304 -- Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
p5-ExtUtils-F77-1.17_1 -- Helps link C programs with Fortran subroutines
p5-ExtUtils-Install-1.54_2 -- Perl extension to install files from here to there
p5-ExtUtils-LibBuilder-0.04 -- Perl module to build C libraries
p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.62 -- Designed to write a Makefile for an extension module
p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-Coverage-0.05 -- Add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover
p5-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.61 -- Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.15 -- Converts Perl XS code into C code
p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.13 -- Simplistic interface to pkg-config
p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28_1 -- Autogenerating XS-glue Code
p5-ExtUtils-XSpp-0.15 -- XS for C++ in Perl
p5-FAQ-OMatic-2.719 -- Perl API to manipulate FAQ-O-Matics
p5-FCGI-0.74 -- Modules for perl5, for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
p5-FCGI-Async-0.22_1 -- Module to allow use of FastCGI asynchronously
p5-FCGI-Client-0.08 -- Perl extension for fastcgi protocol client library
p5-FCGI-Engine-0.19 -- A flexible engine for running FCGI-based applications
p5-FCGI-ProcManager-0.24 -- Functions for managing FastCGI applications
p5-FCGI-Spawn-0.16.1 -- FastCGI server for CGI-like applications multiprocessing
p5-FEAR-API-0.489_2 -- Web Scraping Zen
p5-FFmpeg-Command-0.18_1 -- A wrapper class for ffmpeg command line utility
p5-FLV-Info-0.24 -- Extract metadata from Flash Video files
p5-FSA-Rules-0.31_1 -- Build simple rules-based state machines in Perl
p5-Facebook-Graph-1.0401 -- Perl extension to integrate your apps with Facebook
p5-Fax-Hylafax-Client-1.02 -- A simple Perl client for the HylaFAX fax server
p5-Feed-Find-0.07 -- Syndication feed auto-discovery
p5-Feersum-1.400 -- A PSGI engine for Perl based on EV/libev
p5-Fennec-Lite-0.004 -- Perl extension for minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits
p5-File-Append-TempFile-0.05_1 -- Append data to files using a temporary copy
p5-File-Assets-0.064_1 -- Perl module to Manage .css and .js assets
p5-File-Attributes-0.04_1 -- File::Attributes - Manipulate file metadata
p5-File-Attributes-Recursive-0.02 -- Inherit file attributes from parent directories
p5-File-BOM-0.14 -- Perl module to handle Unicode byte order marks
p5-File-BaseDir-0.03 -- Use the freedesktop basedir spec
p5-File-BasicFlock-98.1202 -- Perl5 module for file locking with flock
p5-File-Binary-1.7 -- Perl interface to modify and read binary files
p5-File-Cache-0.16 -- Perl module implementing a persistent object store
p5-File-Cat-1.2 -- Perl implementation of cat
p5-File-ChangeNotify-0.22 -- Watch for changes to files
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.38 -- Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
p5-File-CountLines-0.0.2 -- Efficiently count the number of line breaks in a file
p5-File-CounterFile-1.04 -- Perl module for persistent counter class
p5-File-CreationTime-2.04 -- Keeps track of file creation times
p5-File-DesktopEntry-0.04_1 -- Object to handle desktop files
p5-File-Dir-Dumper-0.0.7 -- Perl5 module to dump directory structures meta-data
p5-File-DirCompare-0.7 -- Perl module to compare two directories using callbacks
p5-File-DirSync-1.22 -- Perl5 module for synchronizing two directories rapidly
p5-File-ExtAttr-1.09 -- Access to extended attributes of the files
p5-File-Fetch-0.36 -- A generic file fetching mechanism
p5-File-Find-Closures-1.09 -- Functions you can use with File::Find
p5-File-Find-Object-0.2.5 -- An object oriented File::Find replacement
p5-File-Find-Rule-0.33 -- Alternative interface to File::Find
p5-File-Find-Rule-Filesys-Virtual-1.22 -- File::Find::Rule adapted to Filesys::Virtual
p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.12_1 -- Common rules for searching for Perl things
p5-File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.08 -- Exclude files and directories for Version Control Systems
p5-File-Finder-0.53_1 -- Nice wrapper for File::Find ala find(1)
p5-File-Flat-1.04_1 -- Implements a flat filesystem
p5-File-Flock-2008.01 -- Perl5 module for file locking with flock
p5-File-FnMatch-0.02 -- Simple filename and pathname matching
p5-File-Format-RIFF-1.0.1 -- Read, manipulate, and write RIFF files
p5-File-Grep-0.02 -- Perl Module that Find matches to a pattern in files or function
p5-File-HStore-0.10_1 -- Store files on a filesystem using a very simple hash-based storage
p5-File-HomeDir-1.00 -- Get home directory for self or other users
p5-File-HomeDir-PathClass-1.112.060 -- File::HomeDir returning Path::Class objects
p5-File-Inplace-0.20 -- Perl module for in-place editing of files
p5-File-Iterator-0.14 -- Module for iterating across files in a directory tree
p5-File-KeePass-0.03 -- Interface to KeePass V1 and KeePassX database files
p5-File-LibMagic-0.96 -- Nice wrapper for libmagic
p5-File-Listing-6.04 -- Parse directory listings
p5-File-Lock-0.9 -- Perl5 module for file locking (flock,fcntl)
p5-File-Log-1.05 -- A simple Object Orientated Logger
p5-File-MMagic-1.29 -- Perl5 module to guess file type like file(1)
p5-File-MMagic-XS-0.09006 -- Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
p5-File-Map-0.52 -- Memory mapping made simple and safe
p5-File-MimeInfo-0.16 -- Determine file type
p5-File-Modified-0.07_1 -- Perl module for checking intelligently if files have changed
p5-File-Monitor-1.00 -- Monitor files and directories for changes
p5-File-Mork-0.3 -- A module to read Mozilla URL history files
p5-File-NCopy-0.36_1 -- Copy file(s) to directories/file
p5-File-NFSLock-1.21 -- File::NFSLock - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
p5-File-Next-1.10 -- File-finding iterator
p5-File-Path-2.08 -- Create or remove directory trees
p5-File-Path-Expand-1.02 -- Expand filenames
p5-File-Path-Tiny-0.5 -- Lightweight File::Path alternative
p5-File-PathConvert-0.9 -- File::PathConvert - Various path conversion routines
p5-File-Pid-1.01_1 -- Pid File Manipulation
p5-File-Pid-Quick-1.02 -- Associates a PID file with your script
p5-File-Policy-1.005 -- Simple policy for file I/O functions
p5-File-Random-0.17_1 -- Perl module for random selecting of a file
p5-File-ReadBackwards-1.05 -- File::ReadBackwards -- read a file backwards by lines
p5-File-Remove-1.52 -- Perl5 module to easily removes files and directories
p5-File-Rsync-0.43 -- Perl convenience wrapper for the rsync(1) program
p5-File-RsyncP-0.70 -- Perl Rsync client
p5-File-SafeDO-0.12 -- Safer do file for perl
p5-File-Scan-1.43 -- Perl5 anti-virus file scanning package
p5-File-Scan-ClamAV-1.9.1_1 -- Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner
p5-File-SearchPath-0.06 -- Search for a file in an environment variable path
p5-File-ShareDir-1.03 -- Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.04 -- Install read-only data files from a distribution
p5-File-ShareDir-PAR-0.06 -- Perl5 File::ShareDir module with PAR support
p5-File-ShareDir-PathClass-1.112440 -- File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects
p5-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir-0.3.2 -- Perl extension for set-and-forget using a directory in projects root
p5-File-Signature-1.009 -- Detect changes to a file's content or attributes
p5-File-Slurp-9999.19 -- Perl5 module for single call read & write file routines
p5-File-Slurp-Tree-1.24 -- Slurp and emit file trees as nested hashes
p5-File-Sort-1.01 -- Sort a file or merge sort multiple files
p5-File-Spec-Native-1.003 -- Perl extension for native OS implementation of File::Spec
p5-File-Stat-Bits-1.01 -- Perl5 module interface to the major()/minor() C routines
p5-File-Stat-ModeString-1.00 -- Converts file stat(2) mode to/from string representation
p5-File-Stream-2.30 -- Regular expression delimited records from streams
p5-File-Sync-0.11 -- Perl5 module interface to the UNIX sync(2) and POSIX.1b fsync(2)
p5-File-Tail-0.99.3 -- Perl Module to read the end of a file as it\'s appended to
p5-File-Tail-Dir-0.12 -- Tail all matching files in a given set of directories
p5-File-Tee-0.07 -- Replicate data sent to a Perl stream
p5-File-Temp-0.22 -- Perl5 module to generate temporary files or directories safely
p5-File-Tempdir-0.02 -- Perl5 module to provide an object interface for File::Temp
p5-File-Touch-0.08 -- Module to 'touch' files
p5-File-Type-0.22 -- Determine file type using magic
p5-File-Util-3.27_1 -- Perl5 module for easy, versatile, portable file handling
p5-File-Which-1.09 -- Portable implementation of `which' in Perl
p5-File-chdir-0.1007 -- A more sensible way to change directories
p5-File-chmod-0.32 -- File::chmod - Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
p5-File-pushd-1.002 -- File::pushd - temporary chdir for a limited scope
p5-FileHandle-Fmode-0.11 -- Module to determine if a filehandle is opened for reading, writing
p5-FileHandle-Unget-0.1623 -- A FileHandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
p5-Filesys-Df-0.92 -- Perl extension for filesystem space
p5-Filesys-DfPortable-0.85 -- Filesys::DfPortable - Perl extension for filesystem disk space information.
p5-Filesys-DiskFree-0.06_1 -- Perl equivalent of df(2)
p5-Filesys-DiskSpace-0.05 -- Perl equivalent of statfs(2)
p5-Filesys-DiskUsage-0.05 -- Perl equivalent of du(1)
p5-Filesys-Notify-KQueue-0.08 -- Perl extension to wrap IO::KQueue for watching file system
p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.08 -- Perl extension for simple and dumb file system watcher
p5-Filesys-SmbClient-3.1 -- Interface for access Samba filesystem with
p5-Filesys-Statvfs-0.82 -- Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Filesys-Virtual-0.06 -- Perl extension to provide a framework for a virtual filesystem
p5-Filesys-Virtual-DAAP-0.04_1 -- Present a DAAP share as a VFS
p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain-0.10 -- A Plain virtual filesystem
p5-Filter-1.45 -- A number of source filters for perl5 programs
p5-Filter-CBC-0.10 -- Source filter for Cipher Block Chaining
p5-Filter-Crypto-2.00 -- Create runnable Perl files encrypted with OpenSSL libcrypto
p5-Filter-Simple-0.88 -- Simplified source filtering
p5-Filter-Template-1.040 -- A source filter for inline code templates (macros)
p5-Finance-Amortization-0.5 -- Simple amortization schedules
p5-Finance-Bitcoin-0.004 -- Perl interface to a bitcoin instance
p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-1.08 -- Convert currencies and fetch their exchange rates
p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX-0.07001 -- Lightweight currency conversion using WebserviceX.NET
p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-XE-0.21 -- Finance::Currency::Convert::XE - Currency conversion module
p5-Finance-Quote-1.18 -- Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
p5-Finance-QuoteHist-1.19 -- Perl module for fetching historical stock quotes
p5-Finance-QuoteTW-0.09_1 -- Fetch quotes of mutual funds in Taiwan
p5-Finance-TW-EmergingQuote-0.26 -- Check stock quotes from Taiwan Emerging Stock
p5-Finance-TW-TSEQuote-0.2.8_1 -- Check stock quotes from Taiwan Security Exchange
p5-Finance-YahooQuote-0.24 -- Get stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance
p5-Find-Lib-1.04 -- Helper to smartly find libs to use in the filesystem tree
p5-FindBin-libs-1.6400 -- Perl extension to locate and use lib directories
p5-Flea-0.04_1 -- Perl extension for minimalistic sugar for your Plack
p5-Flickr-API-1.05 -- Perl interface to the Flickr API
p5-Flickr-Upload-1.32 -- Upload images to
p5-Fliggy-0.009003 -- Perl extension for Fliggy: Twiggy with inlined flash policy server
p5-Font-AFM-1.20 -- An interface to Adobe font metrics files
p5-Font-FreeType-0.03 -- Perl extension to read font files and render glyphs using FreeType2
p5-Font-TTF-0.48 -- Perl module for TrueType font hacking
p5-Font-TTFMetrics-0.1 -- A parser for the TTF file
p5-Forest-0.09 -- A collection of n-ary tree related modules
p5-Form-Sensible-0.20.023 -- A sensible way to handle form based user interface
p5-FormValidator-Lite-0.29 -- Lightleight form validation library
p5-Format-Human-Bytes-0.06 -- Perl module to format a bytecount and make it human readable
p5-FreeBSD-Pkgs-0.2.0 -- Parses the contents of FreeBSD package DB under /var/db/pkg
p5-FreeBSD-Pkgs-FindUpdates-0.3.0 -- Finds updates for FreeBSD pkgs by checking the ports index
p5-FreeBSD-Portindex-2.9 -- Incremental FreeBSD ports INDEX file generation
p5-FreeBSD-Ports-0.04 -- Perl modules for parsing FreeBSD's Ports INDEX file
p5-FreeBSD-Ports-INDEXhash-1.2.2 -- Make a hash out of the index file for the ports tree
p5-FreeBSD-i386-Ptrace-0.03 -- Perl module for ptrace on FreeBSD-i386
p5-FreezeThaw-0.50.01 -- A module for converting Perl structures to strings and back
p5-Frontier-RPC-0.07.b4 -- Frontier::RPC implements UserLand Software's XML RPC
p5-Furl-1.00 -- Perl extension of lightning-fast URL fetcher
p5-FurlX-Coro-0.01 -- Perl extension for multiple HTTP requests with Coro
p5-Fuse-0.14_1 -- Write filesystems in Perl using FUSE
p5-Fuse-Simple-1.00 -- Simple way to write filesystems in Perl using FUSE
p5-FusionInventory-Agent-2.2.5 -- Agent for OCS Inventory server and FusionInventory for GLPI servers
p5-FuzzyOcr-2.3.b_9 -- Plugin for SpamAssassin which scans image attachments for spam
p5-FuzzyOcr-devel-3.6.0_5 -- Plugin for SpamAssassin which scans image attachments for spam
p5-GD-2.46_1 -- A perl5 interface to Gd Graphics Library version2
p5-GD-Arrow-0.01_4 -- Draw arrows using GD
p5-GD-Barcode-1.15_5 -- GD::Barcode - Create barcode image with GD
p5-GD-Graph-1.44.01_5 -- Graph plotting module for perl5
p5-GD-Graph-histogram-1.1_4 -- Histogram plotting module for perl5
p5-GD-Graph-ohlc-0.9605_3 -- Create charts displaying the open, high, low, and close
p5-GD-Graph3d-0.63_5 -- Creates 3D charts with GD::Graph and GD
p5-GD-SVG-0.33_4 -- Seamlessly enable SVG output from scripts written using GD
p5-GD-SecurityImage-1.72 -- Perl5 module for creating CAPTCHA security images
p5-GD-TextUtil-0.86_4 -- Text utilities for use with GD drawing package
p5-GD-Thumbnail-1.35_3 -- Thumbnail maker for GD
p5-GDBM-1.14_2 -- GNU Data Base Manager (gdbm) interface
p5-GDS2-3.00 -- GDS2 - GDS2 stream module
p5-GIS-Distance-0.08 -- Calculate geographic distances
p5-GIS-Distance-Fast-0.07 -- C implementation of GIS::Distance formulas
p5-GIS-Distance-Lite-1.0 -- Calculate geographic distances in geodetic WGS84 format
p5-GMail-IMAPD-0.94 -- Perl IMAP4 gateway to Google's webmail service
p5-GPS-0.17 -- Perl interface to GPS receivers
p5-GPS-Babel-0.11 -- Perl interface to gpsbabel
p5-GPS-OID-0.07 -- Package for GPS PRN - Object ID conversions
p5-GRNOC-TL1-1.2.2 -- Module supports retrieval of data from different models of TL1 devices
p5-GSSAPI-0.28 -- Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
p5-GStreamer-0.17 -- A set of Perl5 bindings for gstreamer
p5-Games-Alak-0.19 -- Simple game-tree implementation of a gomoku-like game
p5-Games-AlphaBeta-0.4.7 -- Game-tree search with object oriented interface
p5-Games-Bingo-0.15 -- A bingo game Perl implementation
p5-Games-Bingo-Bot-0.01 -- A simple class holding IRC related methods for bingo
p5-Games-Bingo-Print-0.04_1 -- Games::Bingo::Print - PDF Generation Class
p5-Games-Dice-0.02 -- Perl module to simulate die rolls
p5-Games-Dissociate-0.19 -- A Dissociated Press algorithm and filter
p5-Games-GuessWord-0.16 -- Guess the letters in a word (ie Hangman)
p5-Games-Tournament-RoundRobin-0.02 -- Round-Robin Tournament Schedule Pairings
p5-Gantry-3.64 -- Web application framework for mod_perl, cgi, etc
p5-Gearman-1.11 -- Gearman client libraray for Perl
p5-Gearman-Client-Async-0.94_1 -- Asynchronous client module for Gearman for Danga::Socket applications
p5-Gearman-Server-1.11_1 -- Gearman server daemon
p5-Gearman-XS-0.12_1 -- Perl front end for the Gearman C library
p5-Genezzo-0.72 -- An extensible database with SQL and DBI
p5-Geo-BUFR-1.21 -- Perl extension for handling of WMO BUFR files
p5-Geo-Cache-0.11 -- Object interface for GPS waypoints
p5-Geo-Caching-0.11_1 -- Object interface for querying website
p5-Geo-Coder-Bing-0.11 -- Geocode addresses with the Bing Maps API
p5-Geo-Coder-Geocoder-US-0.003 -- Geocode a location using
p5-Geo-Coder-Google-0.11 -- Google Maps Geocoding API
p5-Geo-Coder-Googlev3-0.11 -- Google Maps v3 Geocoding API
p5-Geo-Coder-Many-0.29 -- Module to tie together multiple Geo::Coder::* modules
p5-Geo-Coder-Mapquest-0.05 -- Geocode addresses with Mapquest
p5-Geo-Coder-Multimap-0.01 -- Geocode addresses with the Multimap Open API
p5-Geo-Coder-Multiple-0.60 -- Perl module to tie together multiple Geo::Coder modules
p5-Geo-Coder-Navteq-0.03 -- Geocode addresses with the Navteq MapTP AJAX API
p5-Geo-Coder-OSM-0.02 -- Geocode addresses with the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API
p5-Geo-Coder-Ovi-0.03 -- Geocode addresses with the Ovi Maps API
p5-Geo-Coder-PlaceFinder-0.05 -- Geocode addresses with Yahoo PlaceFinder
p5-Geo-Coder-TomTom-0.03 -- Geocode addresses with the TomTom route planner
p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-0.13 -- Simple converter of geo coordinates
p5-Geo-Coordinates-Converter-iArea-0.14 -- Some utility functions around iArea
p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.09 -- Perl extension for converting latitude/longitude to UTM
p5-Geo-Distance-0.19 -- Calculate Distances and Closest Locations
p5-Geo-Distance-XS-0.11 -- Calculate Distances and Closest Locations faster
p5-Geo-EOP-0.13_2 -- Perl Module to Process Earth Observation Products Meta-data
p5-Geo-GDAL-1.9.1 -- Perl binding for GDAL
p5-Geo-GML-0.15_2 -- Perl Module to Process Geography Markup Language
p5-Geo-Gpx-0.26_4 -- Perl Module to Create and Parse GPX Files
p5-Geo-IP-1.40 -- Gets country name by IP or hostname
p5-Geo-IP-PurePerl-1.25 -- Look up country by IP Address
p5-Geo-IPfree-1.121660 -- Look up country from an IP Address
p5-Geo-KML-0.94 -- Perl Module to Create Google Earth KML/KMZ
p5-Geo-METAR-1.15 -- A perl module that processes METAR information from NOAA sources
p5-Geo-Parse-OSM-0.42 -- OpenStreetMap XML file regexp parser
p5-Geo-Point-0.93_1 -- Perl Module Tries To Abstract Coordinate Systems
p5-Geo-Postcodes-0.320 -- Base class for the Geo::Postcodes::XX modules
p5-Geo-Postcodes-DK-0.32 -- Danish postcodes with associated information
p5-Geo-Postcodes-NO-0.31 -- Norwegian postcodes with associated information
p5-Geo-Proj4-1.04 -- Perl cartographic projections wrapper for Proj library
p5-Geo-ReadGRIB-1.21 -- Perl module provides read access to GRIB files
p5-Geo-ShapeFile-2.52 -- Perl extension for handling ESRI GIS Shapefiles
p5-Geo-Weather-1.41 -- Perl module to retrieve weather information from
p5-Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS-0.010 -- Perl extension for elevation queries against USGS web services
p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301 -- Handle ISO-3166 country codes
p5-Geometry-Primitive-0.22 -- Primitive Geometry Entities
p5-Getargs-Long-1.1003 -- Parse routine arguments
p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11 -- Perl module for processing argument vectors
p5-Getopt-Attribute-2.101700 -- Attribute wrapper for Getopt::Long
p5-Getopt-Compact-0.04 -- Getopt processing in a compact statement with long and short options
p5-Getopt-Compact-WithCmd-0.20 -- Sub-command friendly, like Getopt::Compact
p5-Getopt-Declare-1.14 -- Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
p5-Getopt-Euclid-0.3.7 -- Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
p5-Getopt-GUI-Long-0.92 -- Wrapper around Getopt::Long
p5-Getopt-Long-2.38 -- Perl module for extended processing of command line options
p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.092 -- Getopt::Long with usage text
p5-Getopt-Lucid-1.01_1 -- Getopt::Lucid - Clear, readable syntax for command line processing
p5-Git-PurePerl-0.41_2 -- A Pure Perl interface to Git repositories
p5-Git-Repository-1.26 -- Perl interface to Git repositories
p5-Git-Wrapper-0.025 -- Wrap git(7) command-line interface
p5-Glade2-1.007_3 -- Gtk2-Perl bindings to libglade2
p5-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.010 -- Dynamically create Perl language bindings
p5-Glib2-1.261 -- This module provides access to Glib and GObject libraries
p5-Gnome2-1.042_5 -- Allows a perl developer to use the Gnome libraries
p5-Gnome2-Canvas-1.002_7 -- Allows a perl developer to use the GnomeCanvas widget with Gtk2-Perl
p5-Gnome2-GConf-1.044_5 -- Perl bindings for the GConf2 configuration engine
p5-Gnome2-VFS-1.081_4 -- Allows you to use the GNOME Virtual File System library from Perl
p5-GnuPG-0.19 -- Perl module for interfacing with GnuPG
p5-GnuPG-Interface-0.45 -- Perl module for interfacing with GnuPG
p5-Goo-0.09_1 -- Stick Things together with The Goo
p5-Goo-Canvas-0.06_2 -- Perl interface to the GooCanvas
p5-Google-Chart-0.05014_3 -- Perl Interface to Google Charts API
p5-Google-Checkout-1.1.1 -- Perl implementation of Google Checkout (GCO)
p5-Google-Code-Upload-0.07 -- Uploading files to a Google Code project
p5-Google-Data-JSON-0.1.10 -- General XML-JSON converter based on Google Data APIs
p5-Google-ProtocolBuffers-0.08 -- Simple interface to Google Protocol Buffers
p5-Google-SAML-Request-0.04_2 -- Create or parse Google\'s SAML requests
p5-Google-SAML-Response-0.12 -- SAML responses for Google\'s SSO implementation
p5-Google-Search-0.028 -- Interface to the Google AJAX Search API and suggestion API
p5-Gopher-Server-0.1.1 -- Backend for Gopher Servers
p5-Graph-0.94 -- Graph, the Perl module for graph operations
p5-Graph-Easy-0.71 -- Render graphs as ASCII, HTML, SVG, or Graphviz
p5-Graph-ReadWrite-2.03 -- Reading and Writing a variety of graph file formats
p5-Graph-SocialMap-0.12_6 -- Easy tool to create social network maps
p5-Graph-Writer-GraphViz-0.11_1 -- GraphViz Writer for Graph object
p5-GraphViz-2.10_1 -- GraphViz - Perl interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
p5-GraphViz-DBI-1.100860_1 -- GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and relations
p5-GraphViz-Data-Structure-0.17_5 -- Visualise data structures
p5-GraphViz-Traverse-0.02_6 -- Build a GraphViz object via callback traversal
p5-GraphViz2-2.05 -- A wrapper for AT&T Graphviz
p5-Graphics-Color-0.29 -- Device and library agnostic color spaces
p5-Graphics-ColorNames-2.11 -- A perl class that defines RGB values for common color names
p5-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW-1.13 -- WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
p5-Graphics-GnuplotIF-1.7 -- A dynamic Perl interface to gnuplot
p5-Graphics-Primitive-0.61 -- Device and library agnostic graphic primitives
p5-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo-0.44_1 -- Cairo backend for Graphics::Primitive
p5-Gravatar-URL-1.06 -- Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
p5-Growl-GNTP-0.15 -- Perl implementation of the Growl GNTP Protocol (Client Part)
p5-Gtk-0.7009_4 -- The base module of Gtk-Perl
p5-Gtk2-1.243 -- Perl module for Gtk+ 2.x graphical user interface library
p5-Gtk2-Chmod-0.0.0_4 -- Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod
p5-Gtk2-Ex-Dialogs-0.11_5 -- Useful tools for Gnome2/Gtk2 Perl GUI design
p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67_1 -- Makes building complex GUI more easy
p5-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer-0.18_3 -- Displays plain old documentation
p5-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50_6 -- A simple interface to complex MVC list widget
p5-Gtk2-Ex-Utils-0.09_6 -- Extra Gtk2 utilities for Gtk2 in perl
p5-Gtk2-GladeXML-1.007_3 -- Creates users interfaces directly from Glade XML files
p5-Gtk2-Html2-0.03_9 -- Perl module for gtkhtml2 html display widget with Gtk2-Perl
p5-Gtk2-ImageView-0.05_5 -- Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget
p5-Gtk2-Notify-0.05 -- Perl interface to libnotify
p5-Gtk2-PathButtonBar-0.1.2_3 -- Creates a bar for path manipulation
p5-Gtk2-Spell-1.03_6 -- Perl interface to the Gtk2Spell library
p5-Gtk2-TrayIcon-0.06_5 -- Perl interface to the EggTrayIcon library
p5-Gtk2-WebKit-0.09_1 -- Web content engine library for Gtk2
p5-Guard-1.022 -- Safe cleanup blocks
p5-Gungho-0.09.008 -- Event Based High Performance Web Crawler Framework
p5-GunghoX-FollowLinks-0.00006 -- Perl extension to follow links within responses for Gungho
p5-HOP-Lexer-0.032_1 -- Higher Order Perl Lexer
p5-HOP-Stream-0.03 -- Higher Order Perl Streams
p5-HTML-Adsense-0.2 -- Create adsense widgets easily
p5-HTML-Breadcrumbs-0.7 -- Module to produce HTML 'breadcrumb trails'
p5-HTML-CTPP2-2.6.7 -- Perl interface module to CTPP2 library
p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.25 -- HTML::CalendarMonthSimple - Perl Module for Generating HTML Calendars
p5-HTML-Chunks-1.55.1 -- A simple nested template engine for HTML, XML and XHTML
p5-HTML-Clean-0.8 -- Cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
p5-HTML-ContentExtractor-0.03 -- Extract text contained within an HTML document
p5-HTML-Copy-1.30 -- Copy a HTML file without breaking links
p5-HTML-DOM-0.053 -- Implementation of the HTML Document Object Model
p5-HTML-Declare-2.4 -- A very simple micro language to generate HTML
p5-HTML-Defaultify-1.01 -- Perl module to populate HTML forms with default values
p5-HTML-Diff-0.561 -- A Perl module for finding changes between two strings of HTML
p5-HTML-Display-0.39 -- Display HTML locally in a browser
p5-HTML-Element-Extended-1.18 -- An extended interface to HTML::Tree's HTML::Element class
p5-HTML-Element-Library-5.112.170 -- HTML::Element convenience functions
p5-HTML-Element-Replacer-0.06 -- A Perl HTML::Element replacer
p5-HTML-Email-Obfuscate-1.00 -- Obfuscates HTML email addresses that look normal
p5-HTML-Encoding-0.61 -- Determine the encoding of HTML/XML/XHTML documents
p5-HTML-Entities-ImodePictogram-0.06 -- HTML::Entities::ImodePictogram - encode / decode i-mode pictogram
p5-HTML-Entities-Interpolate-1.04 -- Call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string
p5-HTML-Entities-Numbered-0.04 -- HTML::Entities::Numbered - Conversion of numbered HTML entities
p5-HTML-EscapeEvil-0.05 -- Escape evil HTML tags
p5-HTML-ExtractContent-0.10 -- Perl extension for HTML content extractor with scoring heuristics
p5-HTML-ExtractMain-0.62 -- Perl extension to extract main content of a web page
p5-HTML-Field-1.19 -- A perl module to generate HTML form elements
p5-HTML-FillInForm-2.1 -- Perl5 module for auto-filling HTML form fields from previous values
p5-HTML-FillInForm-ForceUTF8-0.02_1 -- FillInForm with UTF-8 encoding
p5-HTML-Form-6.03 -- Class that represents an HTML form element
p5-HTML-FormFu-0.09010 -- HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework
p5-HTML-FormFu-Imager-0.03006_4 -- helpers for HTML::FormFu file uploads
p5-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC-0.09010 -- Set a forms default values from a DBIx::Class row object
p5-HTML-FormHandler-0.35005 -- Form handler written in Moose
p5-HTML-FormHandler-Model-DBIC-0.19 -- Model class for FormHandler unsing DBIx::Class
p5-HTML-Format-2.10_1 -- A module to format HTML to text or PS
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.14 -- Perl5 module to convert HTML to text with links as footnotes
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.02 -- Perl5 module to convert HTML to text with tables in tact
p5-HTML-Fraction-0.50 -- HTML::Fraction - Encode fractions as HTML entities
p5-HTML-FromANSI-2.03 -- Mark up ANSI sequences as HTML
p5-HTML-FromText-2.05_1 -- Mark up text as HTML
p5-HTML-GenToc-3.20 -- Generate a Table of Contents for HTML documents
p5-HTML-GenerateUtil-1.11 -- Perl5 module for generating HTML on the fly
p5-HTML-GoogleMaps-10 -- A simple wrapper around the Google Maps API
p5-HTML-HTML5-Entities-0.003 -- Pure Perl drop-in replacement for HTML::Entities
p5-HTML-HTML5-Parser-0.206 -- A named entity list for HTML parser
p5-HTML-HTMLDoc-0.10_1 -- Perl interface to the htmldoc program
p5-HTML-Highlight-0.20 -- A module to highlight words or patterns in HTML documents
p5-HTML-LinkExtractor-0.130 -- HTML::LinkExtractor is used for extracting links from HTML
p5-HTML-LinkList-0.1503 -- Create a 'smart' list of HTML links
p5-HTML-Lint-2.20 -- HTML::Lint - check for HTML errors in a string or file
p5-HTML-Location-1.03_1 -- Working with disk to URI file mappings (deprecated: see URI::ToDisk)
p5-HTML-Macro-1.27 -- Process HTML templates with loops, conditionals, macros and more
p5-HTML-Mason-1.50 -- High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler-0.52 -- PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
p5-HTML-MobileConverter-0.011 -- HTML Converter for mobile agent
p5-HTML-Packer-1.004.001 -- Another HTML code cleaner
p5-HTML-Pager-0.03 -- Perl module for handling CGI HTML paging of arbitrary data
p5-HTML-Parser-3.69 -- Perl5 module for parsing HTML documents
p5-HTML-Parser-Simple-1.06 -- Parse nice HTML files without needing a compiler
p5-HTML-Perlinfo-1.62 -- Display a lot of Perl information in HTML format
p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter-0.03 -- Generate nice HTML files from HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-Prototype-1.48 -- Generate HTML and JavaScript for the Prototype library
p5-HTML-QRCode-0.01_1 -- Generate HTML based QR Code
p5-HTML-Query-0.08 -- JQuery-like selection queries for HTML::Element
p5-HTML-QuickCheck-1.0b1 -- A simple and fast HTML syntax checking package for perl 4 and perl 5
p5-HTML-Quoted-0.03 -- Extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
p5-HTML-RSSAutodiscovery-1.21 -- Methods for retrieving RSS-ish information from an HTML document
p5-HTML-ResolveLink-0.05_1 -- Resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URI
p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.04 -- Simple yet powerful HTML attribute rewriting
p5-HTML-RobotsMETA-0.00004 -- Parse HTML For Robots Exclusion META Markup
p5-HTML-SBC-0.15_1 -- Simple blog code to valid XHTML
p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.09 -- Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html
p5-HTML-Seamstress-5.0h_1 -- HTML::Tree subclass for HTML templating via tree rewriting
p5-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.14 -- HTML::Selector::XPath - CSS Selector to XPath compiler
p5-HTML-Shakan-0.15 -- Perl extension of form html generator/validator
p5-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor-1.25 -- This is a simple HTML link extractor
p5-HTML-SimpleParse-0.12 -- HTML::SimpleParse - a bare-bones HTML parser
p5-HTML-StickyQuery-0.13 -- Add sticky QUERY_STRING to a tag href attributes
p5-HTML-StickyQuery-DoCoMoGUID-0.03 -- Perl extension to add guid in query for DoCoMo imode
p5-HTML-Stream-1.60 -- Perl5 HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities
p5-HTML-Strip-1.06 -- Perl5 module for strip HTML tag
p5-HTML-StripScripts-1.05 -- Strip scripting constructs out of HTML
p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.03 -- XSS filter using HTML::Parser
p5-HTML-Summary-0.017 -- Produces summaries from the textual content of web pages
p5-HTML-SuperForm-1.09 -- HTML form generator
p5-HTML-Table-2.08a_1 -- Generate HTML tables for CGI scripts
p5-HTML-TableContentParser-0.13 -- Do interesting things with the contents of tables
p5-HTML-TableExtract-2.11 -- Extract text contained in tables within an HTML document
p5-HTML-TableLayout-1.001008 -- Layout manager for CGI-based web applications
p5-HTML-TableParser-0.38 -- Extract data from an HTML table
p5-HTML-TableTiler-1.21 -- A Module generate a HTML table from bidimensional array data
p5-HTML-TagCloud-0.37 -- HTML::TagCloud - Generate An HTML Tag Cloud
p5-HTML-TagCloud-Extended-0.10 -- HTML::TagCloud extension for time-stamp based coloring of tags
p5-HTML-TagFilter-1.03 -- A fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator
p5-HTML-TagParser-0.20 -- Yet another HTML tag parser by pure Perl implementation
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.20 -- Some useful data table in parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Template-2.91 -- Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
p5-HTML-Template-Associate-2.01 -- Bridges gap between HTML::Template and other modules
p5-HTML-Template-Compiled-0.99 -- Templating system that compiles HTML::Template files to Perl code
p5-HTML-Template-Expr-0.07_1 -- Perl module to use HTML Templates which allows expressions
p5-HTML-Template-HashWrapper-1.3 -- Easy way to use the associate option from HTML::Template
p5-HTML-Template-JIT-0.05_1 -- Perl module to compile HTML Templates with Inline::C
p5-HTML-Template-Pluggable-0.17 -- Extends HTML::Template with plugin support
p5-HTML-Tidy-1.54 -- Web validation in a Perl object using tidy
p5-HTML-Tiny-1.05 -- Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation
p5-HTML-Toc-1.12 -- Generate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents
p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.15 -- Subclass of HTML::TokeParser with easy-to-remember method calls
p5-HTML-Tree-4.2 -- Collection of modules to manipulate HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML-0.17 -- HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath compatible interface with libxml
p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.14 -- Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
p5-HTML-Truncate-0.20 -- Truncate HTML by character count while preserving well-formedness
p5-HTML-WebMake-2.3_2 -- A simple perl based website content management system
p5-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers-0.07 -- Implements an HTML widget with multiple layers
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-0.68 -- An HTML to wiki markup converter
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-DokuWiki-0.53 -- Convert HTML to DokuWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-GoogleCode-0.12 -- Convert HTML to Google Code wiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Kwiki-0.51 -- Convert HTML to Kwiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown-0.05 -- Convert HTML to Markdown markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MediaWiki-0.59 -- Convert HTML to MediaWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-MoinMoin-0.54 -- Convert HTML to MoinMoin markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Oddmuse-0.52 -- Convert HTML to Oddmuse markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PbWiki-0.01 -- Convert HTML to PbWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PhpWiki-0.51 -- Convert HTML to PhpWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-PmWiki-0.51 -- Convert HTML to PmWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-SnipSnap-0.50 -- Convert HTML to SnipSnap markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-Socialtext-0.03 -- Convert HTML to Socialtext markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-TikiWiki-0.50 -- Convert HTML to TikiWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-UseMod-0.50 -- Convert HTML to UseMod markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WakkaWiki-0.50 -- Convert HTML to WakkaWiki markup
p5-HTML-WikiConverter-WikkaWiki-0.50 -- Convert HTML to WikkaWiki markup
p5-HTTP-Async-0.10 -- Process multiple HTTP requests in parallel without blocking
p5-HTTP-Body-1.17 -- HTTP Body Parser
p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect-1.44 -- Determine the Web browser, version, OS from an HTTP user agent string
p5-HTTP-Cache-Transparent-1.0 -- Implementation of http get that keeps a local cache of fetched pages
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.01 -- HTTP Cookie jars
p5-HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla-2.03_1 -- Cookie storage and management for Mozilla
p5-HTTP-Cookies-iCab-1.131_1 -- Cookie storage and management for iCab
p5-HTTP-Cookies-w3m-0.01_1 -- Cookie storage and management for w3m
p5-HTTP-DAV-0.47 -- WebDAV client library
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.01 -- Simple HTTP server class
p5-HTTP-Daemon-SSL-1.04 -- A simple http server class with SSL support
p5-HTTP-Date-6.02 -- Conversion routines for the HTTP protocol date formats
p5-HTTP-Engine-0.03005_2 -- Perl extension for HTTP Server Engine Drivers
p5-HTTP-Engine-Middleware-0.22 -- Perl extension for official distribution of HTTP::Engine
p5-HTTP-Exception-0.04004 -- Perl extension to throw HTTP-Errors as (Exception::Class-) Exceptions
p5-HTTP-GHTTP-1.07 -- Perl interface to the gnome ghttp library
p5-HTTP-HeaderParser-XS-0.20 -- XS extension for processing HTTP headers
p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.16 -- Perl extension for faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
p5-HTTP-Lite-2.4 -- Perl5 modules for Lightweight HTTP implementation
p5-HTTP-MHTTP-0.15 -- Low level access to the HTTP protocol
p5-HTTP-Message-6.06 -- Representation of HTTP style messages
p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-0.36 -- An HTTP mobile user agent string parser for Perl
p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Charset-0.04 -- Perl extension to plugin Encode::JP::Mobile for HTTP::MobileAgent
p5-HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Locator-0.04 -- Mobile location information plugin for p5-HTTP-MobileAgent
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01 -- Implementation of the HTTP content negotiation algorithm
p5-HTTP-Parser-0.06 -- Parse HTTP/1.1 request into HTTP::Request/Response object
p5-HTTP-Parser-XS-0.14 -- Perl extension of fast, primitive HTTP request parser
p5-HTTP-Proxy-0.25 -- A pure Perl HTTP proxy
p5-HTTP-Recorder-0.06 -- Record interaction with websites
p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI-1.2 -- Setup a CGI environment from a HTTP::Request
p5-HTTP-Request-Params-1.01_2 -- Retrieve GET/POST Parameters from HTTP Requests
p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding-0.06_1 -- Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response
p5-HTTP-Router-0.05_1 -- Perl extension of Yet Another Path Router for HTTP
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.44 -- A very simple standalone HTTP daemon
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen-0.04 -- Authentication plugin for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14 -- An abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.14 -- PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder-0.03 -- Mixin to record HTTP::Server::Simple's sockets
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Static-0.07 -- Serve static files with HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Session-0.46 -- Perl extension of yet another session manager
p5-HTTP-Session-State-MobileAgentID-0.46 -- Perl extension to maintain session IDs using mobile phone unique id
p5-HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker-1.16 -- Check the HTTP response code for a link
p5-HTTP-Size-1.13 -- Get the byte size of an internet resource
p5-HTTP-Tiny-0.022 -- A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
p5-HTTP-WebTest-2.04_1 -- Tests remote URLs or local web files
p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter-1.08 -- Perl module to filter entries out of an httpd log
p5-HTTPD-User-Manage-1.66 -- Perl modules for managing access control with the web server
p5-Hailo-0.70_1 -- A pluggable Markov engine analogous to MegaHAL
p5-Hash-AsObject-0.13 -- Hashes with accessors/mutators
p5-Hash-AutoHash-1.15 -- Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
p5-Hash-Case-1.010 -- Base class for hashes with key-casing requirements
p5-Hash-Diff-0.005 -- Return the difference between two hashes as a hash
p5-Hash-FieldHash-0.12 -- A lightweight field hash implementation
p5-Hash-Flatten-1.19 -- Flatten, unflatten complex data hashes
p5-Hash-Merge-0.12 -- Merges hashes
p5-Hash-Merge-Simple-0.051 -- Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
p5-Hash-MoreUtils-0.02 -- Perl extension to provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util
p5-Hash-MultiKey-0.06 -- Hashes whose keys can be multiple
p5-Hash-MultiValue-0.13 -- Perl extension to store multiple values per key
p5-Hash-NoRef-0.03 -- A HASH that store values without increase the reference count
p5-Hash-Union-0.03 -- Smart hashes merging
p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.03 -- Use Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties, depending on availability
p5-Hash-WithDefaults-0.04 -- Class for hashes with key-casing requirements supporting defaults
p5-Hatena-Keyword-0.05_1 -- Extract Hatena Keywords in a string
p5-Heap-0.80 -- Perl extensions for keeping data partially sorted
p5-Heap-Simple-0.13 -- Fast and easy to use classic heaps
p5-Heap-Simple-Perl-0.14 -- A pure perl implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
p5-Heap-Simple-XS-0.10 -- An XS implementation of the Heap::Simple interface
p5-Hook-LexWrap-0.24 -- Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers for Perl
p5-I18N-AcceptLanguage-1.04 -- Perl extension to matches language preference (HTTP Accept-Language)
p5-I18N-Charset-1.39.4 -- Module which maps CharSet names to the names registered with IANA
p5-I18N-LangTags-0.35 -- Functions for dealing with RFC-1766-style language tags
p5-IDNA-Punycode-0.03_2 -- Perl module to encode Unicode string in Punycode
p5-IMAP-Admin-1.6.7 -- Perl module for basic IMAP server administration
p5-IMAP-Client-0.13 -- Advanced manipulation of IMAP services w/ referral support
p5-IMAP-Sieve-0.4.9_2 -- Perl module to edit Sieve scripts on an Cyrus IMAP server
p5-IMDB-Film-0.52 -- OO Perl interface to the movies database IMDB
p5-IO-1.25 -- Various IO modules for Perl
p5-IO-AIO-4.15 -- Asynchronous Input/Output
p5-IO-All-0.46 -- IO::All combines all of the best Perl IO modules
p5-IO-All-LWP-0.14 -- IO::All interface to LWP
p5-IO-Any-0.04 -- IO::Any opens anything
p5-IO-Async-0.52 -- Perl modules that implement asynchronous filehandle IO
p5-IO-Async-SSL-0.06 -- Use SSL/TLS with IO::Async
p5-IO-BufferedSelect-1.0 -- Line-buffered select interface
p5-IO-CSVHeaderFile-0.04 -- Perl module to automate reads from CSV formatted text files
p5-IO-Callback-1.10 -- Perl extension to emulate file interface for a code reference
p5-IO-Capture-0.05 -- Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output
p5-IO-CaptureOutput-1.11.02 -- Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules
p5-IO-Compress-2.055 -- Perl5 compression modules (bzip2, deflate, gzip, zlib, zip)
p5-IO-Compress-Lzf-2.055 -- Write lzf files / buffers
p5-IO-Compress-Lzma-2.055 -- Write lzma files / buffers
p5-IO-Compress-Lzop-2.055 -- Write lzop files / buffers
p5-IO-Digest-0.10 -- Calculate digests while reading or writing
p5-IO-HTML-0.04 -- Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
p5-IO-Handle-Util-0.01 -- Perl extension for working with IO::Handle like objects
p5-IO-Interactive-0.0.6 -- Utilities for interactive I/O
p5-IO-Interface-1.06_1 -- Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
p5-IO-KQueue-0.34 -- Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
p5-IO-Lambda-1.23 -- Non-blocking I/O in lambda style
p5-IO-LockedFile-0.23 -- IO::LockedFile - supply object methods for locking files
p5-IO-MultiPipe-0.0.0 -- Check for errors when running a command through multiple pipes
p5-IO-Multiplex-1.13 -- IO::Multiplex - Manage IO on many file handles
p5-IO-NestedCapture-1.03 -- Perl module for performing nested STD\* handle captures
p5-IO-Null-1.01 -- IO::Null - class for null filehandles
p5-IO-Pager-0.24 -- Select a pager, optionally pipe it output if destination is a TTY
p5-IO-Prompt-0.99.7001 -- Interactively prompt for user input
p5-IO-Pty-Easy-0.09 -- Easy interface to IO::Pty
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.69 -- Perl module with object interface to AF_INET6 domain sockets
p5-IO-Socket-IP-0.17 -- A drop-in replacement for IO::Socket::INET supporting IPv4 and IPv6
p5-IO-Socket-Multicast-1.12 -- Perl module to send and receive multicast messages
p5-IO-Socket-Multicast6-0.03_1 -- Send and receive IPv4 and IPv6 multicast messages
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.76 -- Perl5 interface to SSL sockets
p5-IO-String-1.08 -- Simplified Perl5 module to handle I/O on in-core strings
p5-IO-Stty-0.03 -- Change and print terminal line settings
p5-IO-Tee-0.64_2 -- Multiplex output to multiple output handles
p5-IO-TieCombine-1.002 -- Perl 5 module to produce tied separate but combined variables
p5-IO-Toolkit-1.008_1 -- IO::Toolkit - Perl extension to create logfiles
p5-IO-Tty-1.10 -- Flexible I/O Perl5 module that allows manipulation of pseudo-TTYs
p5-IO-Util-1.5_1 -- A selection of general-utility IO function
p5-IO-YAML-0.08 -- Read and write YAML streams incrementally
p5-IO-Zlib-1.10_1 -- IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
p5-IO-stringy-2.110 -- Perl5 module for using IO handles with non-file objects
p5-IOC-0.29_1 -- Lightweight IOC (Inversion of Control) framework
p5-IP-Anonymous-0.04 -- Perl extension to provide anonymous IP addresses
p5-IP-Country-2.27 -- Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
p5-IPC-Cache-0.02 -- Persist data across processes via shared memory
p5-IPC-Cmd-0.78 -- Finding and running system commands made easy
p5-IPC-DirQueue-1.0 -- IPC::DirQueue - disk-based many-to-many task queue
p5-IPC-Locker-1.491 -- Provide a server for locks and clients to access that server
p5-IPC-MM-0.03 -- Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
p5-IPC-MMA-0.81 -- Improved Perl interface to Ralf Engelschall's mm library
p5-IPC-Mmap-0.21 -- Provides a minimal mmap() interface for both POSIX and Win32
p5-IPC-Mmap-Share-0.03 -- Safely share structures among processes using anonymous mmap
p5-IPC-Open3-Simple-0.04 -- A simple alternative to IPC::Open3
p5-IPC-PubSub-0.29_1 -- Interprocess Publish/Subscribe channels
p5-IPC-Run-0.92 -- IPC::Run - Run subprocesses with piping and redirection
p5-IPC-Run-SafeHandles-0.02 -- IPC::Run::SafeHandles - Safe guarding for IPC::Run(3)
p5-IPC-Run3-0.045 -- Run a subprocess in batch mode
p5-IPC-Session-0.05 -- Drive ssh or other interactive shell, local or remote (like 'expect')
p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17 -- A simple interface to access shared memory
p5-IPC-Shareable-0.60_1 -- Share Perl variables between processes
p5-IPC-SharedCache-1.3 -- Perl module for managing a SysV IPC shared memory cache
p5-IPC-Signal-1.00 -- IPC::Signal - Utility functions dealing with signals
p5-IPC-System-Simple-1.21 -- Perl extension to run commands simply with detailed diagnostics
p5-IRC-Bot-Hangman-0.1 -- An IRC hangman bot
p5-IRC-Utils-0.12 -- Common utilities for IRC-related tasks
p5-Ima-DBI-0.35 -- Database connection caching and organization
p5-Ima-DBI-Contextual-1.006 -- Lightweight context-aware dbi handle cache and utility methods
p5-Image-Base-1.17 -- Base class for loading, manipulating, and saving images
p5-Image-Base-SVG-4 -- SVG image file output
p5-Image-Caa-1.01 -- Colored ASCII Art
p5-Image-Compare-0.9_1 -- Compare two images in a variety of ways
p5-Image-Delivery-0.14_1 -- Efficient transformation and delivery of web images
p5-Image-ExifTool-9.01 -- Perl module for getting EXIF data from image files
p5-Image-ExifTool-devel-8.65 -- Perl module for getting EXIF data from image files
p5-Image-Grab-1.4.2_3 -- Perl extension for Grabbing images off the Internet
p5-Image-Heatmap-0.565_1 -- Convert geographic coordinates into a graphical heatmap
p5-Image-IPTCInfo-1.95 -- Perl extension for extracting IPTC image meta-data
p5-Image-Imgur-0.01 -- Perl extension for uploading images to
p5-Image-Imlib2-2.03_3 -- Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library
p5-Image-Info-1.32 -- Perl module for getting image information
p5-Image-Magick-Iterator-0.01_4 -- Sequentially read Image::Magick object from a filehandle
p5-Image-Math-Constrain-1.02 -- Scaling math used in image size constraining (such as thumbnails)
p5-Image-MetaData-GQview-1.9 -- Perl extension for GQview image metadata
p5-Image-MetaData-JPEG-0.153 -- Perl extension for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data]
p5-Image-PBMlib-2.00 -- Helper functions for PBM/PGM/PPM image file formats
p5-Image-Pngslimmer-0.30_1 -- Slims (dynamically created) PNGs
p5-Image-Scale-0.08_1 -- Perl module for fast, high-quality fixed-point image resizing
p5-Image-Size-3.232 -- Perl5 module to determine the size of images in several common formats
p5-Image-Size-FillFullSelect-0.1.0 -- Pick whether an image fill setting for a image should be fill or full
p5-Imager-0.92 -- Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and rgba format images
p5-Imager-AverageGray-0.0.0_3 -- Finds the average gray for a Imager object or image
p5-Imager-Graph-0.10 -- Perl extension for producing Graphs using the Imager library
p5-Imager-Plot-0.09_5 -- Perl extension for generating fancy graphic plots in color
p5-Imager-QRCode-0.03.3_1 -- Generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
p5-Imlib2-1.0.0_9 -- Perl bindings for Imlib2
p5-Import-Into-1.001000 -- Import packages into other packages
p5-Inline-0.50 -- Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
p5-Inline-ASM-0.03 -- Write Perl Subroutines in assembler
p5-Inline-CPP-0.39 -- Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++
p5-Inline-Files-0.68 -- Multiple virtual files at the end of your code
p5-Inline-Filters-0.12 -- Common source code filters for Inline Modules
p5-Inline-Java-0.53 -- Write Perl subroutines and classes in Java
p5-Inline-TT-0.07 -- Provides inline support for template toolkit 2.x
p5-Inline-Tcl-0.09 -- Write Perl subroutines in Tcl
p5-InlineX-C2XS-0.22 -- Perl module to create an XS file from an Inline C file
p5-InlineX-CPP2XS-0.23 -- Convert from Inline C++ code to XS
p5-Interpolation-0.74 -- Implement arbitrary string interpolation semantics for Perl
p5-Ioctl-0.81 -- Perl module that provides a way to get the value of C ioctl constants
p5-Iterator-0.03 -- A general-purpose iterator class
p5-Iterator-DBI-0.02 -- An iterator for returning DBI query results
p5-Iterator-File-1.01 -- A file iterator, optionally stateful and verbose
p5-Iterator-IO-0.02 -- Filesystem and stream iterators
p5-Iterator-Misc-0.03 -- Miscellaneous iterator functions
p5-Iterator-Util-0.02 -- Essential utilities for the Iterator class
p5-JE-0.060 -- Pure-Perl ECMAScript (JavaScript) Engine
p5-JIRA-Client-0.25 -- An extended interface to JIRA's SOAP API
p5-JQuery-1.06_1 -- Interface to Jquery, a language based on JavaScript
p5-JSAN-0.07_7 -- JavaScript Archive Network (JSAN) Shell
p5-JSON-1.15 -- Perl extension to convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
p5-JSON-2.53 -- Perl extension to convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
p5-JSON-Any-1.29 -- Perl Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes
p5-JSON-DWIW-0.47 -- JSON converter that Does What I Want
p5-JSON-PP-2.27200_1 -- A JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module
p5-JSON-RPC-1.03 -- Perl implementation of JSON-RPC 1.1 protocol
p5-JSON-RPC-Common-0.10 -- Transport agnostic JSON RPC helper objects
p5-JSON-RPC-Dispatcher-0.0505 -- A JSON-RPC 2.0 server
p5-JSON-XS-2.33 -- JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo-0.31 -- Support versions 1 and 2 of JSON::XS
p5-Jabber-Connection-0.04 -- Jabber Perl library for client/component connectivity
p5-Jabber-Lite-0.8 -- Standalone library for communicating with Jabber servers
p5-Jabber-SimpleSend-0.03 -- Send a Jabber message simply
p5-Java-4.7_3 -- Perl extension for accessing a JVM remotely or locally
p5-JavaScript-Minifier-1.05 -- JavaScript whitespace/comment eliminator
p5-JavaScript-Minifier-XS-0.09 -- XS based JavaScript minifier
p5-JavaScript-Packer-1.006.003 -- Perl version of Dean Edwards' Packer.js
p5-JavaScript-RPC-0.3 -- Remote procedure calls from JavaScript
p5-JavaScript-SpiderMonkey-0.21_1 -- Perl interface to Mozilla JavaScript implementation
p5-JavaScript-Squish-0.07 -- Reduce/Compact JavaScript code to as few characters as possible
p5-JavaScript-Value-Escape-0.06 -- Perl extension to avoid XSS with JavaScript value interpolation
p5-Jemplate-0.270 -- JavaScript Templating with Template Toolkit
p5-Jifty-1.10518_1 -- Jifty -- Just Do It -- Yet another web framework
p5-Jifty-DBI-0.74 -- Jifty::DBI - An object-relational persistence framework
p5-Jifty-Plugin-Authentication-Ldap-1.01 -- LDAP Authentication Plugin for Jifty Apps
p5-Jifty-Plugin-OpenID-1.02_1 -- Provides OpenID authentication for your Jifty App
p5-Jonk-0.05 -- Perl extension for simple job tank manager
p5-KinoSearch-0.165_1 -- A Perl search engine library
p5-KinoSearch1-1.01 -- A Perl search engine library
p5-Kwalify-1.21 -- Implementation of Kwalify parser, validator and data binding tool
p5-Kwiki-0.39 -- The Kwiki Wiki Building Framework
p5-KyotoCabinet-1.18_5 -- Perl extension for KyotoCabinet
p5-LEGO-RCX-1.01 -- Perl module for communicating with the Lego RCX brick via the IR tower
p5-LMAP-CID2SPF-0.9 -- Module to convert between Microsoft's Caller-ID and SPF
p5-LWP-Authen-OAuth-1.01 -- Perl extension to generate signed OAuth requests
p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse-0.05 -- Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
p5-LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests-0.33 -- A connection cache that enforces a max keep alive limit
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02 -- Guess media type for a file or a URL
p5-LWP-Online-1.08 -- Checks if process has access to the web
p5-LWP-Protocol-http10-6.03 -- Legacy HTTP/1.0 support for LWP
p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.03 -- Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent
p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined-1.06 -- A virtual browser that retries errors
p5-LWP-UserAgent-POE-0.03 -- Drop-in LWP::UserAgent replacement in POE environments
p5-LWP-UserAgent-WithCache-0.12 -- LWP::UserAgent extension with local cache
p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent-1.07 -- Subclass of LWP::UserAgent that protects you from harm
p5-LWPx-TimedHTTP-1.8 -- Time the different stages of an HTTP request
p5-LaTeX-Driver-0.10_1 -- Perl module of LaTeX Driver
p5-LaTeX-Encode-0.08 -- Encode characters for LaTeX formatting
p5-LaTeX-Pod-0.21_1 -- Transform LaTeX source files to POD
p5-LaTeX-TOM-1.03 -- Perl module for parsing, analyzing, and manipulating LaTeX documents
p5-LaTeX-Table-1.0.6_1 -- Perl extension for the automatic generation of LaTeX tables
p5-LaTeX-ToUnicode-0.03 -- Convert LaTeX commands to Unicode
p5-Layout-Manager-0.34 -- 2D Layout Management
p5-Lchown-1.01_1 -- A perl5 module providing access to lchown(2)
p5-Lexical-Alias-0.04 -- Makes a lexical an alias for another variable
p5-Lexical-Import-0.002 -- Clean imports from package-exporting modules
p5-Lexical-Persistence-1.020 -- Persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls
p5-Lexical-SealRequireHints-0.007 -- Perl module to prevent leakage of lexical hints
p5-Lexical-Var-0.007 -- Perl module for static variables without namespace pollution
p5-Lingua-Conjunction-2.00 -- Convert Perl lists into linguistic conjunctions
p5-Lingua-DetectCyrillic-0.02 -- Detects 7 Cyrillic codings as well as the language
p5-Lingua-EN-AddressParse-1.16 -- Perl module to manipulate geographical addresses
p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.15 -- Lingua::EN::Fathom - Measure readability of English text
p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.2 -- Locate (written) numbers in English text
p5-Lingua-EN-Gender-0.02_1 -- Inflect pronouns for gender
p5-Lingua-EN-Infinitive-1.11 -- Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.89.3 -- Convert singular words to their plural form
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.1 -- Force number of words to singular or plural
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase-0.15 -- Perl extension to inflect short English Phrases
p5-Lingua-EN-MatchNames-1.12 -- Smart matching for human names
p5-Lingua-EN-NameCase-1.15 -- Perl module to fix the case of people's names
p5-Lingua-EN-NameParse-1.30 -- Perl routines for manipulating a person's name
p5-Lingua-EN-NamedEntity-1.9_1 -- Basic Named Entity Extraction algorithm
p5-Lingua-EN-Nickname-1.16 -- Genealogical nickname matching (Liz=Beth)
p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-1.04 -- Converts numeric values into their English string equivalents
p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy-2009110701 -- A perl module providing hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects
p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.02 -- Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd")
p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.25 -- Module for splitting text into sentences
p5-Lingua-EN-Squeeze-2006.0704 -- Shorten text to minimum syllables by using hash table
p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize-0.2_1 -- A simple tool for summarizing bodies of English text
p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251 -- Routine for estimating syllable count in words
p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.23 -- Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing
p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18 -- Convert English text to numbers
p5-Lingua-Han-PinYin-0.16 -- Retrieve the Mandarin (PinYin) of Chinese character (HanZi)
p5-Lingua-Han-Utils-0.12 -- The utility tools of Chinese character(HanZi)
p5-Lingua-Ident-1.7 -- Statistical language identification
p5-Lingua-Identify-0.51 -- Lingua::Identify - Language identification
p5-Lingua-Ispell-0.07_1 -- A Perl module that encapsulates access to the Ispell program
p5-Lingua-JA-Fold-0.08_1 -- Lingua::JA::Fold - fold a Japanese text
p5-Lingua-JA-Numbers-0.04 -- Converts numeric values to and from their Japanese string equivalents
p5-Lingua-JA-Regular-Unicode-0.09 -- Perl extension to convert Japanese chars
p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.01 -- Stemmers for Portuguese and Galician
p5-Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4 -- Perl extension to choose a language
p5-Lingua-RU-Charset-0.02 -- Perl extension for detecting and converting various Russian character sets
p5-Lingua-Stem-0.84 -- Provides word stemming algorithms localized by language
p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02 -- Perl French Stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02 -- Stemmer for Italian
p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.01 -- Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-0.952 -- Lingua::Stem::Snowball - Perl interface to Snowball stemmers
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01 -- A stemmer for Danish
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No-1.2 -- A stemmer for Norwegian
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se-1.2 -- A stemmer for Swedish
p5-Lingua-StopWords-0.09 -- Stop words for several languages
p5-Lingua-Treebank-0.16 -- Perl extension for manipulating the Penn Treebank format
p5-Lingua-ZH-BPMFConvert-0.01 -- Rule-based conversion of BPMF (bopomofo) into Hanyu Pinyin
p5-Lingua-ZH-HanDetect-0.04 -- Guess Chinese text\'s variant and encoding
p5-Lingua-ZH-Keywords-0.04_1 -- Chinese Keywords Extraction via Lingua::ZH::TaBE
p5-Lingua-ZH-Numbers-0.04 -- Converts numeric values into their Chinese string equivalents
p5-Lingua-ZH-Segment-0.02 -- Chinese Text Segmentation
p5-Lingua-ZH-Summarize-0.01_1 -- Chinese Text Summarization
p5-Lingua-ZH-TaBE-0.07_2 -- Chinese processing via libtabe
p5-Lingua-ZH-Toke-0.02_1 -- A Chinese Tokenizer on steroids
p5-Lingua-ZH-WordSegmenter-0.01 -- Simplified Chinese Word Segmentation
p5-Lingua-ZH-Wrap-0.03 -- A simple Chinese text Wrapper
p5-List-AllUtils-0.03 -- Combines List::Util and List::MoreUtils in one bite-sized package
p5-List-Compare-0.37 -- Perl extension for comparing lists
p5-List-Cycle-1.00 -- List::Cycle - Objects for cycling through a list of values
p5-List-Gen-0.974 -- Functions for generating lists
p5-List-Group-1.3 -- Perl module that allows you to group a list by columns or rows
p5-List-MoreUtils-0.33 -- Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-Permutor-0.022 -- Allow you to process all possible permutations of a list
p5-List-PowerSet-0.01 -- Perl module that allows you to generate the power set of a list
p5-List-Rotation-Cycle-1.009 -- Cycle through a list of values
p5-List-Uniq-0.20 -- Extract the unique elements of a list
p5-List-Util-WeightedRoundRobin-0.4 -- Creates a list based on weighted input
p5-List-UtilsBy-0.09 -- Perl extension for higher-order list utility functions
p5-Locale-Codes-3.17 -- Perl5 module providing access to ISO3166 and ISO639 Country Codes
p5-Locale-Currency-Format-1.30 -- Perl functions for formatting monetary values
p5-Locale-Geocode-1.20 -- Find codes and information on geographical location
p5-Locale-Maketext-1.22 -- A framework for software localization and inheritance-based lexicons
p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11 -- Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy - Maketext from already interpolated strings
p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.28_1 -- Joins gettext and Maketext frameworks
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-0.91 -- Use other catalog formats in Locale::Maketext
p5-Locale-Maketext-Simple-0.21 -- Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
p5-Locale-Msgfmt-0.15_1 -- Compile .po files to .mo files
p5-Locale-PGetText-0.16 -- Pure perl implementation of GNU gettext
p5-Locale-PO-0.22 -- Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
p5-Locale-SubCountry-1.56 -- Convert state, province, county etc. names to/from code
p5-Locale-US-2.112.150 -- Two letter codes for state identification in the United States
p5-Locale-gettext-1.05_3 -- Message handling functions
p5-Locale-libintl-1.20_2 -- Internationalization library for Perl
p5-LockFile-Simple-0.2.7 -- Perl module implementing simple file locking
p5-Log-Accounting-SVK-0.05_9 -- Perl module for accounting SVK repository
p5-Log-Accounting-SVN-0.01_10 -- Perl module for accounting SVN repository
p5-Log-Agent-0.307 -- A set of perl modules that allows you to enhance logging capabilities
p5-Log-Agent-Logger-0.2 -- Log::Agent::Logger - a logging interface for perl
p5-Log-Any-0.14 -- Perl extension to bring loggers and listeners together
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-0.10 -- Perl extension to log anywhere
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch-0.06 -- Perl extension for adapter to use Log::Dispatch with Log::Any
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl-0.06 -- Log::Any adapter for Log4perl
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog-1.3 -- Send Log::Any logs to syslog
p5-Log-Any-App-0.40 -- An easy way to use Log::Any in applications
p5-Log-Contextual-0.004300 -- Perl extension for simple logging interface with a contextual log
p5-Log-Dispatch-2.32 -- A suite of OO modules for logging messages to multiple outputs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Array-1.001 -- Log events to an array (reference)
p5-Log-Dispatch-Colorful-0.03_1 -- Perl extension for logging to screen
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04 -- A log4j equivalent for Perl
p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Any-1.110.690 -- Configurator implementation with Config::Any
p5-Log-Dispatch-Configurator-YAML-0.03 -- Configurator implementation with YAML
p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI-0.02 -- A Log::Dispatch output class for logging to database via DBI interface
p5-Log-Dispatch-Dir-0.10 -- Log messages to separate files in a directory, with rotate options
p5-Log-Dispatch-Email-EmailSend-0.03_1 -- Subclass of Log-Dispatch-Email that uses Email-Send
p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Rolling-1.06 -- Object for logging to date/time/pid stamped files
p5-Log-Dispatch-File-Stamped-0.10 -- Logging to date/time stamped files
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-1.19 -- A Log::Dispatch plug-in for files that archive/rotate themselves
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileShared-1.02 -- A Log::Dispatch output class for logging to shared files
p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl-0.04 -- A Log::Dispatch plug-in using core Perl functions for logging
p5-Log-Dispatch-Screen-Color-0.04 -- Perl extension to support color for Log::Dispatch::Screen
p5-Log-Dispatch-Scribe-0.05 -- Logging via Facebook\'s Scribe server software
p5-Log-Dispatchouli-2.005_1 -- Log events to an array (reference)
p5-Log-Handler-0.75 -- An object-oriented handler for logging, tracing, and debugging in Perl
p5-Log-Log4perl-1.39 -- Log4j implementation for Perl
p5-Log-Log4perl-Appender-RabbitMQ-0.102220 -- Perl module which allows logging to RabbitMQ via log4perl
p5-Log-Message-0.04 -- Powerful and flexible message logging mechanism
p5-Log-Message-Simple-0.08 -- Provides standardized logging facilities using the Log::Message module
p5-Log-Minimal-0.11 -- Minimal but customizable logger
p5-Log-Procmail-0.11 -- Perl extension for reading procmail logfiles
p5-Log-Report-0.99 -- Report a problem, pluggable handlers and language support
p5-Log-Simple-1.8 -- Basic runtime logger
p5-Log-Trace-1.070 -- Provides a unified approach to tracing
p5-Log-TraceMessages-1.4 -- Perl extension for trace messages used in debugging
p5-Logfile-Rotate-1.04 -- Perl module to rotate logfiles
p5-Lucene-0.18 -- API to the C++ port of the Lucene search engine
p5-Luka-1.08 -- Exception handling and reporting framework
p5-MARC-1.15 -- A module for manipulating bibliographic records in the USMARC format
p5-MARC-Charset-1.33 -- Convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
p5-MARC-Lint-1.44 -- A mechanism for validating MARC records
p5-MARC-Record-2.0.3 -- The core class for representing a single MARC record
p5-MARC-XML-0.93 -- An extension to the MARC-Record distribution for working with XML data
p5-MD5-2.03 -- wrapper to the Digest::MD5 module
p5-MIDI-0.82 -- Perl5 module for handling MIDI files
p5-MIME-AltWords-0.12 -- Perl module for encoding and decoding MIME words
p5-MIME-Base32-1.01_1 -- Perl5 module for Base32 encodings
p5-MIME-Base64-3.13 -- Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-MIME-Base64-URLSafe-0.01 -- Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
p5-MIME-Charset-1.008 -- Charset Informations for MIME
p5-MIME-EncWords-1.011.1 -- Deal with RFC 2047 encoded words (improved)
p5-MIME-Explode-0.39 -- Perl extension for explode MIME messages
p5-MIME-Fast-1.6_5 -- Create, edit, and parse MIME messages (via gmime2 C library)
p5-MIME-Lite-3.02.9 -- A simple interface for creating (not parsing!) MIME messages
p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24 -- Provide routine to transform a HTML page into a MIME mail
p5-MIME-Lite-TT-0.02_1 -- TT enabled MIME::Lite wrapper
p5-MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04 -- Create html mail with MIME::Lite and TT
p5-MIME-Tools-5.503 -- A set of perl5 modules for MIME
p5-MIME-Types-1.35 -- Perl extension for determining MIME types
p5-MKDoc-XML-0.75 -- The MKDoc XML Toolkit
p5-MLDBM-2.04 -- Store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash
p5-MLDBM-Sync-0.30 -- MLDBM::Sync - safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
p5-MP3-Find-0.07 -- Search and sort MP3 files based on their ID3 tags
p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag-1.11 -- Edit ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG Layer 3
p5-MP3-Info-1.24 -- Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
p5-MP3-Tag-1.13 -- Module for reading tags of MP3 audio files
p5-MP4-Info-1.13 -- Fetch info from MPEG-4 files
p5-MPEG-ID3v2Tag-0.39 -- Perl module that provides a way to write/read ID3 v2.3 tags
p5-MRO-Compat-0.11 -- Add mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
p5-MRO-Define-0.01 -- Define your own method resolution order
p5-MRTG-Parse-0.03 -- Parsing and utilizing logfiles generated by MRTG Tool
p5-Mac-FileSpec-Unixish-1.12 -- Perl module with functions to manipulate pathspecs in Unixish style
p5-Mac-Macbinary-0.06 -- Perl module that can extract info from Macbinary files
p5-Mac-PropertyList-1.37 -- A Perl extension for parsing Mac OS X property lists
p5-Mail-Address-MobileJp-0.09 -- An utility to detect an e-mail is mobile one or not
p5-Mail-Alias-1.12 -- Mail::Alias
p5-Mail-Audit-2.2.27 -- Perl module for creating easy mail filters
p5-Mail-Audit-Attach-0.96 -- Mail::Audit plugin for attachment handling
p5-Mail-Box-2.106 -- Perl module implementing a modern mail folder management
p5-Mail-Box-Parser-C-3.006 -- Parsing folders for Mail::Box with C routines
p5-Mail-Bulkmail-3.12 -- Perl module for mailing lists
p5-Mail-CClient-1.12_1 -- Perl interface to the c-client mailbox API
p5-Mail-Cache-0.1.2 -- Caches mail information
p5-Mail-CheckUser-1.21_1 -- Perl module to check email addresses for validity
p5-Mail-ClamAV-0.29_1 -- Perl extension for the clamav virus scanner
p5-Mail-DKIM-0.39 -- Perl5 module to process and/or create DKIM email
p5-Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser-1.5.24 -- Perl extension to analyze bounce messages
p5-Mail-DomainKeys-1.0_1 -- Perl implementation of DomainKeys
p5-Mail-Ezmlm-0.08.2_1 -- Perl module to allow object methods for ezmlm-idx mailing lists
p5-Mail-Field-Received-0.26 -- Perl5 modules for parsing of `Received' headers in e-mails
p5-Mail-FilterXML-0.3 -- Perl module that allows writing mail filter rules in XML
p5-Mail-Folder-0.07 -- Perl module for a folder-independant interface to email folders
p5-Mail-Freshmeat-1.20 -- Perl module to parse daily newsletters from
p5-Mail-GnuPG-0.18 -- Perl5 interface to process and/or create PGP email
p5-Mail-Graph-0.14_7 -- Perl module for drawing graphical stats for mails/spams
p5-Mail-IMAPClient-3.32 -- Perl5 module to talk to a IMAP4rev1 (RFC2060) server
p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-3.01 -- IMAP client interface with lots of features
p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-MailCache-0.0.1 -- Caches mail information for Mail::IMAPTalk using Mail::Cache
p5-Mail-LMLM-0.6802 -- List of Mailing Lists Manager
p5-Mail-ListDetector-1.04 -- Perl module for detecting mailing list messages
p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5002_1 -- A fast and simple mbox folder reader
p5-Mail-MboxParser-0.55_1 -- A module for working with UNIX-flavoured mailboxes
p5-Mail-OpenDKIM-3680 -- Perl interface to OpenDKIM C library
p5-Mail-OpenRelay-Simple-0.02 -- Check if a mail server runs as an open relay
p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.18 -- Perl5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
p5-Mail-Procmail-1.08_1 -- Perl5 module provides procmail-like tools
p5-Mail-Procmailrc-1.09 -- A Perl OO interface to procmail rc files
p5-Mail-RBL-1.10_1 -- Perl extension to access RBL-style host verification services
p5-Mail-RFC822-Address-0.3 -- Perl5 module to validate RFC822 conformance of email addresses
p5-Mail-SPF-2.007 -- Reference implementation of the RFC 4408 SPF protocol
p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1 -- Query Sender Permitted From for an IP,email,helo
p5-Mail-SRS-0.31_1 -- Sender Rewriting Scheme
p5-Mail-SendEasy-1.2 -- Send plain/html e-mails through SMTP servers
p5-Mail-Sender-0.8.16 -- Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server
p5-Mail-Sendmail-0.79 -- Perl module implementing a simple, platform-independent mailer
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.3.2_6 -- A highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-Alt-3.3.2 -- Provides optional SpamAssassin tuning
p5-Mail-Spool-0.50 -- "Pure Perl" implementation of mail spooling, unspooling, and sending
p5-Mail-Tools-2.11 -- Perl5 modules for dealing with Internet e-mail messages
p5-Mail-Transport-Dbx-0.07 -- Mail::Transport::Dbx - Parse Outlook Express mailboxes
p5-Mail-Verify-0.02 -- Perl module to verify email addresses
p5-Mail-Verp-0.06 -- Encodes and decodes Variable Envelope Return Paths (VERP) addresses
p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail-1.09 -- Perl interface to Google webmail service
p5-MailStats-0.02 -- Perl module to detect newer messages in procmail-generated mailboxes
p5-Make-1.00 -- Perl module implementing 'make' and script
p5-Makefile-DOM-0.006 -- Simple DOM parser for Makefiles
p5-Makefile-Parser-0.215 -- Makefile::Parser - A Simple Parser for Makefiles
p5-Markapl-0.14 -- Markup as Perl
p5-Markup-Perl-0.5 -- Support perl code inside CGI scripts using simple tags
p5-Marpa-0.208 -- Parse any Language You Can Describe in BNF
p5-Marpa-HTML-0.112 -- High-level HTML Parser
p5-Marpa-PP-0.014 -- Pure Perl version of Marpa
p5-Marpa-XS-1.008000 -- XS version of Marpa
p5-Mason-2.20 -- High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks-1.19 -- Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
p5-MasonX-Profiler-0.06 -- Mason per-component profiler
p5-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession-0.31_1 -- An interface to Apache::Session for HTML::Mason
p5-MasonX-WebApp-0.12_4 -- Works with HTML::Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
p5-Math-Algebra-Symbols-1.21 -- Symbolic Algebra in Pure Perl
p5-Math-Base36-0.10 -- Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
p5-Math-Base85-0.2 -- Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
p5-Math-BaseCalc-1.016 -- Convert numbers between various bases
p5-Math-BaseCnv-1.4.75 -- Fast functions to convert between number Bases
p5-Math-Bezier-0.01 -- Perl module to solve Bezier curves
p5-Math-Bezier-Convert-0.02 -- Convert cubic and quadratic Bezier each other
p5-Math-BigInt-1.997 -- Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
p5-Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0.30 -- Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.37 -- Math::BigInt::GMP - Use the GMP library for Math::BigInt routines
p5-Math-BigInt-Pari-1.17 -- Use Math::Pari for Math::BigInt routines
p5-Math-BigRat-0.26.02_1 -- Arbitrary big rational numbers
p5-Math-CDF-0.1 -- Generate probabilities and quantiles from several statistical probability functions
p5-Math-Calc-Units-1.07 -- Human-readable unit-aware calculator
p5-Math-Cephes-0.52 -- Perl interface to the cephes math library
p5-Math-Combinatorics-0.09 -- Perform combinations and permutations on lists
p5-Math-Complex-1.59 -- Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
p5-Math-ConvexHull-1.04 -- Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n))
p5-Math-Currency-0.47 -- Perl module for exact currency math with formatting and rounding
p5-Math-Derivative-0.01 -- Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
p5-Math-Evol-1.12 -- Perl module implements the evolution search strategy
p5-Math-Expr-0.4 -- Perl module for parsing mathematical expressions into a tree structure
p5-Math-FFT-1.28 -- Perl module providing an interface to Fast Fourier Transform routines
p5-Math-Financial-0.76 -- Perl module containing common functions for loans and annuities
p5-Math-FixedPrecision-0.21_1 -- Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors
p5-Math-GMP-2.06_1 -- Perl module that provides an interface to the GMP library
p5-Math-GMPf-0.35 -- Perl interface to the GMP library floating point (mpf) functions
p5-Math-GMPq-0.35 -- Perl interface to the GMP library rational (mpq) functions
p5-Math-GMPz-0.35 -- Perl interface to the GMP library integer (mpz) functions
p5-Math-GSL-0.27 -- A perl interface to GNU Scientific Library
p5-Math-Geometry-0.04 -- Geometry related functions
p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-1.18 -- A collection of planar geometry functions
p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-1.04 -- Perl wrapper for Alan Murta's gpc library
p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-Polygon-0.05_1 -- OO wrapper to gpc library
p5-Math-Geometry-Planar-Offset-1.05 -- Calculate offset polygons
p5-Math-Geometry-Voronoi-1.3_1 -- Perl Module to compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
p5-Math-Gradient-0.04 -- Calculating gradients for color transitions and the like
p5-Math-Int64-0.26 -- Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
p5-Math-Interpolate-1.05 -- Perl routines for data sets interpolation and interval search
p5-Math-Intersection-StraightLine-0.04 -- Calculate intersection point for two lines
p5-Math-LinearCombination-0.03 -- Sum of variables with a numerical coefficient
p5-Math-Logic-1.19 -- Perl module providing pure 2, 3, or multi-value logic
p5-Math-MPC-1.00 -- A perl interface to MPC Library
p5-Math-MPFR-3.15 -- A perl interface to MPFR Library
p5-Math-Matrix-0.5 -- Math::Matrix - multiply and invert matrices
p5-Math-NumberCruncher-5.00_1 -- Collection of useful math-related functions
p5-Math-Pari-2.01080605 -- PARI - numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations
p5-Math-Polygon-1.02 -- Class for Maintaining Polygon Data
p5-Math-Polygon-Tree-0.041 -- Class for fast check if point is inside polygon
p5-Math-Polynomial-Solve-2.61 -- Find the roots of polynomial equations
p5-Math-Prime-XS-0.26_1 -- Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
p5-Math-RPN-1.11 -- Reverse polish math expression evaluation
p5-Math-Random-0.71 -- Random number generators
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004 -- Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS-1.004 -- C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG Algorithm
p5-Math-Random-MT-1.16 -- The Mersenne Twister PRNG
p5-Math-Random-MT-Auto-6.21 -- Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
p5-Math-Random-OO-0.21 -- Consistent object-oriented interface for generating random numbers
p5-Math-Random-Secure-0.06 -- Cryptographically-secure rand function
p5-Math-RandomOrg-0.04_1 -- Retrieve random numbers and data from
p5-Math-Round-0.06 -- Perl extension for rounding numbers
p5-Math-Round-Var-1.0.0 -- Variations on rounding
p5-Math-Sequence-1.00 -- Perl extension dealing with mathematic sequences
p5-Math-Series-1.01 -- Perl extension dealing with mathematic series
p5-Math-SigFigs-1.09 -- Do math with correct handling of significant figures
p5-Math-SimpleVariable-0.03_1 -- Simple representation of mathematical variables
p5-Math-Spline-0.01 -- Cubic Spline Interpolation of data
p5-Math-String-1.28 -- Perl module to calculate with strings as if they were big integers
p5-Math-Symbolic-0.606 -- Symbolic calculations
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-CCompiler-1.02 -- Compile Math::Symbolic trees to C
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Contains-1.00_1 -- Find subtrees in Math::Symbolic expressions
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-ErrorPropagation-0.10 -- Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-LaTeXDumper-0.207 -- Math::Symbolic LaTeX output
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Pattern-2.00 -- Pattern matching on Math::Symbolic trees
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Simplification-1.01 -- User defined simplification routines
p5-Math-Symbolic-Custom-Transformation-2.01 -- Transform Math::Symbolic trees
p5-Math-SymbolicX-BigNum-0.02 -- Big number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
p5-Math-SymbolicX-Complex-1.00 -- Complex number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
p5-Math-SymbolicX-Error-1.01 -- Parser extension for dealing with numeric errors
p5-Math-SymbolicX-Inline-1.11 -- Inlined Math::Symbolic functions
p5-Math-SymbolicX-NoSimplification-1.01 -- Turn off Math::Symbolic simplification
p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory-3.02 -- Generate parser extensions
p5-Math-SymbolicX-Statistics-Distributions-1.02 -- Statistical distributions
p5-Math-TrulyRandom-1.0 -- Perl interface to a truly random number generator function
p5-Math-Units-1.3 -- Unit conversion
p5-Math-Vec-1.01 -- Object-Oriented Vector Math Methods in Perl
p5-Math-VecStat-0.08 -- Basic statistics on vectors
p5-Math-VectorReal-1.02 -- Perl Module to handle 3D Vector Mathematics
p5-MathML-Entities-0.17 -- Convert XHTML+MathML Named Entities to Numeric Character References
p5-MatrixReal-2.09 -- A perl module implementing a Matrix of Reals
p5-Maypole-2.13_4 -- MVC web application framework
p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie-1.4 -- Track sessions and, optionally, users
p5-Maypole-Component-0.03 -- Run Maypole sub-requests as components
p5-Mcrypt- -- Perl extension for the Mcrypt cryptography library
p5-MediaWiki-1.13 -- OOP MediaWiki engine client
p5-MediaWiki-API-0.39 -- OOP MediaWiki engine client
p5-Memcached-libmemcached-0.44.06 -- Thin fast full interface to the libmemcached client API
p5-Memoize-1.03 -- Transparently speed up perl functions by caching return values
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.55_1 -- Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Meta-Builder-0.003_1 -- Perl extension for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics
p5-MetaCPAN-API-0.43_1 -- A comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN
p5-Metabase-Client-Simple-0.009 -- Client that submits to Metabase servers
p5-Metabase-Fact-0.021 -- Metabase Facts
p5-Metadata-0.24 -- Perl implementation of Dublin Core compatible metadata
p5-Method-Alias-1.03 -- Create method aliases (and do it safely)
p5-Method-Signatures-Simple-1.02_1 -- Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters
p5-Misc-Quality-0.1 -- Class for handling quality flags for astronomical objects
p5-Mixin-Linewise-0.003_1 -- Write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
p5-Mknod-0.02 -- Perl module interface to the mknod(2) system call
p5-Mobile-UserAgent-1.05 -- Parses a mobile user agent string into its basic constituent parts
p5-Mock-Quick-1.104 -- Quickly mock objects and classes
p5-ModPerl-VersionUtil-0.03 -- Makes it easier to investigate your mod_perl version
p5-Modern-Perl-1.03 -- Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one command
p5-Module-Build-0.4003 -- Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-Convert-0.49_1 -- Makefile.PL to Build.PL converter
p5-Module-Build-Kwalitee-0.24 -- Module::Build subclass with prepackaged tests
p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.86 -- Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
p5-Module-CheckDeps-0.08 -- Very simple dependencies checker for Perl code
p5-Module-Collect-0.06 -- Perl extension to collect module files from some directories
p5-Module-Compile-0.23 -- Provide a system for writing modules that compile other Perl modules
p5-Module-CoreList-2.75 -- See what modules shipped with versions of perl
p5-Module-Dependency-1.86 -- Collection of modules for examining dependencies
p5-Module-Depends-0.16 -- Identify the dependencies of a distribution
p5-Module-Extract-0.01_1 -- Base class for working with Perl distributions
p5-Module-ExtractUse-0.28 -- Find out what CPAN modules are used
p5-Module-Find-0.11 -- Lets you find and use modules in categories
p5-Module-Implementation-0.06 -- Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
p5-Module-Info-0.32 -- Provides information about Perl modules
p5-Module-Info-File-0.11 -- Retrieves module information from a file or script
p5-Module-Inspector-1.05 -- An integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions
p5-Module-Install-1.06 -- Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
p5-Module-Install-AuthorRequires-0.02 -- Perl extension to declare author-only dependencies
p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002 -- Perl extension to designate tests only run by module authors
p5-Module-Install-Repository-0.06 -- Perl extension to set repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout
p5-Module-Install-Template-0.08 -- Treat module source code as a template
p5-Module-Install-XSUtil-0.43 -- Utility functions for XS modules
p5-Module-List-0.003 -- Module 'directory' listing
p5-Module-Load-0.22 -- Module::Load - runtime require of both modules and files
p5-Module-Load-Conditional-0.54 -- Looking up Perl modules information/loading at runtime
p5-Module-Loaded-0.08 -- Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
p5-Module-Manifest-1.08_1 -- Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
p5-Module-Math-Depends-0.02_1 -- Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies
p5-Module-Metadata-1.000011 -- Perl extension to gather package information from perl module files
p5-Module-Pluggable-4.3 -- Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19 -- Fast plugins with instantiation
p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered-1.5_1 -- Call module plugins in a specified order
p5-Module-Recursive-Require-0.04 -- Require module recursively
p5-Module-Refresh-0.17 -- Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
p5-Module-Release-2.06 -- Upload files to CPAN and SourceForge
p5-Module-Reload-1.07 -- Reload perl library files when updated on disk
p5-Module-Reload-Sel-1.02 -- Reload perl library files when updated on disk
p5-Module-Runtime-0.013 -- Perl module for runtime module handling
p5-Module-ScanDeps-1.08 -- Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
p5-Module-Setup-0.09 -- Perl extension for a simple module maker
p5-Module-Signature-0.69 -- Module signature file manipulation
p5-Module-Starter-1.58 -- A simple starter kit for any Perl module
p5-Module-Starter-PBP-0.0.3 -- Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-SimpleStore-0.144 -- Provide methods of retrieving templates for Module::Starter
p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-TT2-0.125 -- TT2 templates for Module::Starter::Template
p5-Module-Used-v1.2.0_1 -- Find modules loaded by Perl code without running it
p5-Module-Util-1.08 -- Perl module name tools and transformations
p5-Module-Version-0.12 -- Get module versions
p5-Module-Versions-0.02 -- Perl extension to handle versions of loaded modules
p5-Module-Versions-Report-1.06 -- Report versions of all modules in memory
p5-MogileFS-Client-1.16 -- Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system
p5-MogileFS-Network-0.06 -- Network awareness and extensions for p5-MogileFS-Server
p5-MogileFS-Server-2.65 -- MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server
p5-MogileFS-Utils-2.26 -- MogileFS tools
p5-Mojo-Server-FastCGI-0.2 -- Mojo Server FastCGI
p5-MojoMojo-1.05_2 -- A Catalyst & DBIx::Class powered Wiki
p5-Mojolicious-3.34 -- A high level MVC web framework written in Perl
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Database-1.06 -- Handling of DBI based connections in Mojolicious
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb-1.12 -- Use MongoDB in Mojolicious
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-YamlConfig-0.1.5 -- YAML Configuration Plugin
p5-Mon-0.11 -- A perl module that supports mon, a network and system monitoring daemon
p5-MongoDB-0.45 -- Mongo Driver for Perl
p5-Monitor-Simple-0.2.5 -- Simple monitoring of applications and services
p5-Moo-1.000005 -- Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.15 -- Some Moosish types and a typer builder
p5-Moose-2.0604 -- A complete modern object system for Perl 5
p5-Moose-Autobox-0.12 -- Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
p5-Moose-Policy-0.05 -- Moose-mounted police
p5-Moose-Test-0.01 -- A Test Runner for the Moose test suite
p5-MooseX-Aliases-0.10 -- Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
p5-MooseX-App-1.07 -- Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
p5-MooseX-App-Cmd-0.09 -- Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
p5-MooseX-Async-0.07 -- The Orphanange of Asynchronous Love Children
p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.1 -- Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
p5-MooseX-Attribute-ENV-0.02 -- Set default of an attribute to a value from %ENV
p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers-0.23 -- Extend your attribute interfaces
p5-MooseX-AttributeShortcuts-0.015 -- Shorthand for common attribute options
p5-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods-0.006 -- Syntax sugar for authorized methods
p5-MooseX-ChainedAccessors-0.02 -- Accessor class for chained accessors with Moose
p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute-0.26 -- Declare class attributes Moose-style
p5-MooseX-Clone-0.05 -- Fine grained cloning support for Moose objects
p5-MooseX-CompileTime-Traits-1.102570 -- Perl extension to allow compile time traits for classes/roles
p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.04 -- Perl extension to abstract Moose role attribute setting from file
p5-MooseX-Daemonize-0.15 -- Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
p5-MooseX-Declare-0.35 -- Declarative syntax for Moose
p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast-0.00903 -- Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
p5-MooseX-FollowPBP-0.05 -- Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-Getopt-0.47 -- A Moose role for processing command line options
p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar-0.05070421 -- Sugar Syntax for moose has fields
p5-MooseX-HasDefaults-0.03 -- Default "is" to "ro" or "rw" for all attributes
p5-MooseX-IOC-0.03_1 -- Moose attributes with IOC integration
p5-MooseX-InsideOut-0.106_1 -- Inside-out objects with Moose
p5-MooseX-LazyRequire-0.08 -- Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
p5-MooseX-Lists-0.05 -- Treat arrays and hashes as lists
p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl-0.46 -- A logging role for Moose based on Log::Log4perl
p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods-0.15 -- Mark overload code symbols as methods
p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion-0.01 -- Force coercion when validating type constraints
p5-MooseX-MetaDescription-0.05 -- A framework for adding additional metadata to Moose classes
p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.43 -- Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter
p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.28 -- Code attribute introspection
p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg-0.01 -- Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments for MooseX
p5-MooseX-MultiMethods-0.10 -- Multi Method Dispatch based on Moose type constraints
p5-MooseX-NonMoose-0.22 -- Easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable-0.0011_1 -- Make your classes pluggable
p5-MooseX-OneArgNew-0.002 -- Teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
p5-MooseX-POE-0.215 -- The Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
p5-MooseX-Params-Validate-0.16 -- An extension of Params::Validate for using Moose types
p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles-0.004_1 -- Apply roles to a class related to yours
p5-MooseX-Role-Loggable-0.009 -- Extensive, yet simple, logging role using Log::Dispatchouli
p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.00 -- Roles with composition parameters
p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading-0.09 -- Roles which support overloading
p5-MooseX-Runnable-0.03 -- Tag a class as a runnable application
p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.09 -- Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-SetOnce-0.200001 -- Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig-0.09 -- A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
p5-MooseX-Singleton-0.29 -- Turn Moose class into a singleton
p5-MooseX-Storage-0.31 -- An serialization framework for Moose classes
p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.19 -- Make your MooseX object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
p5-MooseX-Traits-0.11 -- Moose eXtension to automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.10_1 -- An extension to MooseX::Traits
p5-MooseX-TransactionalMethods-0.008 -- Syntax sugar for transactional methods
p5-MooseX-Types-0.35 -- Organise your Moose types in libraries
p5-MooseX-Types-Common-0.001008 -- A set of commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with p5-Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.07 -- DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained-0.16 -- DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions-0.10 -- Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX-0.10 -- Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
p5-MooseX-Types-ISO8601-0.10 -- ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions
p5-MooseX-Types-JSON-0.02 -- JSON and relaxedJSON datatype for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass-0.008 -- ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.06 -- A Path::Class type library for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Perl-0.101341 -- Moose types that check against Perl syntax
p5-MooseX-Types-PortNumber-0.02_1 -- Port number type for Moose classes by the IANA
p5-MooseX-Types-Set-Object-0.03 -- Set::Object type with coercions and stuff
p5-MooseX-Types-Signal-1.101932 -- A type to represent valid UNIX or Perl signals
p5-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.28 -- Moose Type Constraint classes for Structured Types
p5-MooseX-Types-VariantTable-0.04 -- Type constraint based variant table
p5-Mouse-1.02 -- Moose minus the antlers
p5-MouseX-App-Cmd-0.11 -- Mashes up MouseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
p5-MouseX-AttributeHelpers-0.07 -- Perl extension to extend your attribute interfaces
p5-MouseX-ConfigFromFile-0.05 -- An abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile
p5-MouseX-Foreign-0.007 -- Extends non-Mouse classes as well as Mouse classes
p5-MouseX-Getopt-0.3400 -- Perl extension for a Mouse role to process command line options
p5-MouseX-NativeTraits-1.07 -- Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
p5-MouseX-StrictConstructor-0.02 -- Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
p5-MouseX-Traits-0.1102 -- Automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MouseX-Types-0.06 -- Perl extension to organize your Mouse types in libraries
p5-MouseX-Types-Path-Class-0.07 -- A Path::Class type library for Mouse
p5-Mozilla-CA-20120823_1 -- Perl extension for Mozilla CA cert bundle in PEM format
p5-Mozilla-PublicSuffix-0.1.8 -- Get public suffix of domain name via Mozilla Public Suffix List
p5-Msgcat-1.03 -- Perl module for systems to support the XPG4 message catalog functions
p5-Multiplex-CMD-0.03 -- Perl5 module which provides Multiplexed Fork Client
p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD-0.13_2 -- Module to submit songs to from MPD
p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit-0.05_1 -- Module to submit songs to from MPD
p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.03_1 -- Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
p5-MySQL-Diff-0.43 -- Perl module for comparing the table structure of two MySQL databases
p5-NEXT-0.65 -- Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
p5-NNML-1.14 -- A minimal NNTP server
p5-NNTPClient-0.37 -- Client interface to NNTP (RFC977)
p5-NSNMP-0.5 -- NSNMP - fast, flexible, low-level, pure-Perl SNMP library
p5-Nagios-Object-0.21.16 -- Perl objects to represent Nagios configuration
p5-Nagios-Plugin-0.36 -- Modules to streamline writing Nagios plugins
p5-Nagios-Plugin-LDAP-0.04 -- Nagios plugin to observe LDAP
p5-Nagios-Plugins-Memcached-0.02_1 -- Module to check memcached via nagios
p5-Net-1.22_2 -- Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-ACL-0.07_1 -- Class representing a generic access-list/route-map
p5-Net-AIM-1.22 -- Perl extension for the AOL Instant Messenger TOC protocol
p5-Net-AMQP-0.04 -- Advanced Message Queue Protocol (de)serialization and representation
p5-Net-AOLIM-1.61 -- Perl OO interface to the AOL Instant Messenger TOC client protocol
p5-Net-APNS-0.0202 -- Perl extension for Apple Push Notification Service
p5-Net-ARP-1.0.6 -- Perl extension for creating ARP packets
p5-Net-Abuse-Utils-0.12 -- Routines useful for processing network abuse
p5-Net-Address-Ethernet-1.114_1 -- Find hardware ethernet address
p5-Net-Address-IPv4-Local-0.12 -- A class for discovering the local system's IP address
p5-Net-Akismet-0.05 -- A Perl interface to the Akismet comment and trackback spam blocker
p5-Net-Amazon-0.61 -- Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP
p5-Net-Amazon-AWIS-0.36 -- Use the Amazon Alexa Web Information Service
p5-Net-Amazon-AWSSign-0.12 -- Perl extension to create signatures for AWS requests
p5-Net-Amazon-EC2-0.20 -- Perl interface to the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
p5-Net-Amazon-MechanicalTurk-1.01_1 -- Perl interface to the Amazon Mechanical Turk
p5-Net-Amazon-Route53-0.122310 -- Manage your DNS entries on Amazon's Route53 service
p5-Net-Amazon-S3-0.56 -- Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service
p5-Net-Amazon-Signature-0.03 -- Perl interface to create Amazon AWS signatures
p5-Net-Amazon-Thumbnail-0.06_1 -- Perl interface to Amazon Alexa Site Thumbnail web service
p5-Net-Analysis-0.41 -- Modules for analysing network traffic
p5-Net-Appliance-Phrasebook-2.103.642 -- Network appliance command-line phrasebook
p5-Net-Appliance-Session-3.122.100 -- Run command-line sessions to network appliances
p5-Net-Async-FastCGI-0.24 -- Perl module to use FastCGI with IO::Async
p5-Net-Async-XMPP-0.002_1 -- Asynchronous XMPP client and server
p5-Net-BGP-0.14 -- Border Gateway Protocol version 4 speaker/listener library
p5-Net-BitTorrent-0.052_2 -- BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol class
p5-Net-BitTorrent-File-1.02 -- Perl5 module for handles loading and saving of .torrent file
p5-Net-BitTorrent-PeerPacket-1.2 -- Parse/Build Peer Packets from BitTorrent
p5-Net-Blogger-1.02_1 -- An OOP-ish interface for accessing a weblog via the XML-RPC API
p5-Net-Bonjour-0.96 -- Module for DNS service discovery
p5-Net-CIDR-0.16 -- Perl module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.21 -- Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-CIDR-MobileJP-0.24 -- Perl extension for mobile IP address in Japan
p5-Net-CLI-Interact-1.122.100 -- Toolkit for CLI Automation
p5-Net-CSTA-0.04 -- Perl extension for ECMA CSTA
p5-Net-CUPS-0.61_1 -- Interface to the CUPS API
p5-Net-CascadeCopy-0.2.6_1 -- Rapidly propagate files to many servers in multiple locations
p5-Net-Cassandra-0.35 -- Interface to Cassandra
p5-Net-Cassandra-Easy-0.15 -- Perlish interface to the Cassandra database
p5-Net-DAAP-Client-0.42_2 -- Client for Apple iTunes DAAP service
p5-Net-DAAP-DMAP-1.27_1 -- Perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures
p5-Net-DAV-Server-1.30.2 -- Provide a DAV Server
p5-Net-DBus-1.0.0 -- Perl extension for the DBus message system
p5-Net-DHCP-0.691 -- A DHCP set of classes designed to handle basic DHCP handling
p5-Net-DHCPClient-1.0 -- A Perl implementation of a DHCP client API
p5-Net-DLookup-1.01 -- Perform domain lookups on 2-letter and 3-letter TLDs
p5-Net-DNS-0.68 -- Perl5 interface to the DNS resolver, and dynamic updates
p5-Net-DNS-Async-1.07 -- Asynchronous DNS helper for high volume applications
p5-Net-DNS-Check-0.45 -- Module for easy domain name checking
p5-Net-DNS-Codes-0.11 -- Collection of C library DNS codes
p5-Net-DNS-Lite-0.09 -- Pure-perl DNS resolver with support for timeout
p5-Net-DNS-RR-SRV-Helper-0.0.0_1 -- Orders SRV records by priority and weight for Net::DNS
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.003 -- Programmable DNS resolver for off-line testing
p5-Net-DNS-SEC-0.16 -- DNSSEC extensions to Net::DNS
p5-Net-DNS-TestNS-1.10_1 -- Perl extension for simulating simple Nameservers
p5-Net-DNS-ToolKit-0.45 -- Tools for working with DNS packets
p5-Net-DNS-Zone-Parser-0.02 -- A Perl5 preprocessor for normalising a zone file
p5-Net-DNS-ZoneCheck-0.01 -- Validate a DNS zone composed of Net::DNS::RR records
p5-Net-DNS-ZoneFile-1.04_1 -- Perl extension to convert a zone file to a collection of RRs
p5-Net-DNS-ZoneFile-Fast-1.17 -- Perl module to parse BIND8/9 zone files
p5-Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon-0.29 -- Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon - multi DNSBL prioritization
p5-Net-DNSBL-Statistics-0.12 -- Gather DNSBL Statistics
p5-Net-Daemon-0.48 -- Perl5 extension for portable daemons
p5-Net-Daemon-SSL-1.0 -- Perl5 extension for portable daemons
p5-Net-Delicious-1.1.3_1 -- OOP for managing posts on
p5-Net-Dict-2.09 -- A simple client API for the DICT protocol
p5-Net-DirectConnect-0.13 -- Perl Direct Connect lib and client
p5-Net-DirectConnect-TigerHash-0.06 -- Perl Direct Connect TigerHash module
p5-Net-Divert-0.01_1 -- A module to deal with divert(4) sockets
p5-Net-Domain-ExpireDate-1.02 -- Perl module obtain expiration date of domain names
p5-Net-Domain-TLD-1.69 -- Look up and validate TLDs
p5-Net-Dropbox-API-1.9 -- A dropbox API interface
p5-Net-EPP-0.19 -- Client library for the TCP transport for EPP
p5-Net-EPP-Proxy-0.04 -- A proxy server for the EPP protocol
p5-Net-FS-Flickr-0.1_6 -- A Perl interface for store and retrieve files on Flickr
p5-Net-FS-Gmail-0.2 -- A Perl interface for store and retrieve files on Gmail
p5-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect-0.3 -- A Perl5 FTP client class with automatic reconnect on failure
p5-Net-FTP-Common-7.0.d -- Perl module to provide simplify common usages of Net::FTP
p5-Net-FTP-File-0.06_1 -- Perl extension for simplifying FTP file operations
p5-Net-FTP-Recursive-2.04 -- Perl module to provide recursive FTP client class
p5-Net-FTPSSL-0.22 -- A FTP over SSL/TLS class
p5-Net-FTPServer-1.122_3 -- A full-featured, secure, extensible, and configurable Perl FTP server
p5-Net-FastCGI-0.13 -- Perl extension for FastCGI Toolkit
p5-Net-Finger-1.06 -- A Perl implementation of a finger client
p5-Net-FireEagle-1.6_1 -- Access Yahoo's FireEagle location service
p5-Net-Flickr-API-1.7_1 -- Base API class for Net::Flickr::* libraries
p5-Net-Flickr-Backup-3.1 -- OOP for backing up your Flickr photos locally
p5-Net-Flickr-RDF-2.2 -- Describe Flickr photos as RDF
p5-Net-Flow-0.04 -- Decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams
p5-Net-Frame-1.09 -- Base framework for frame crafting
p5-Net-Frame-Dump-1.10 -- Tcpdump like perl implementation
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6-1.06 -- Perl encoding/decoding implementation of the ICMPv6 layer
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6-1.04 -- Perl encoding/decoding implementation of the IPv6 layer
p5-Net-FreeDB-0.08_2 -- Get the CDID of an audio CD and query the FreeDB servers
p5-Net-FreshBooks-API-0.23_1 -- Easy OO access to the API
p5-Net-GeoPlanet-0.2 -- Access Yahoo's GeoPlanet location service
p5-Net-GitHub-0.46 -- Perl interface to
p5-Net-Gnats-0.06 -- Perl interface to GNU Gnats daemon
p5-Net-Google-1.0.1 -- Simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
p5-Net-Google-Analytics-3.01 -- Perl extension for Google Analytics Data Export API
p5-Net-Google-AuthSub-0.5_1 -- Interact with sites that implement Google style AuthSub
p5-Net-Google-Calendar-1.01 -- Programmatic access to Google's Calendar API
p5-Net-Google-Code-0.19 -- Simple client library for Google code
p5-Net-Google-DataAPI-0.28.01 -- Base implementations for modules to negotiate with Google Data APIs
p5-Net-Google-Spreadsheets-0.15.01 -- Perl module for using Google Spreadsheets API
p5-Net-Gopher-1.15 -- Net::Gopher is the Perl Gopher/Gopher+ API
p5-Net-Growl-0.99 -- Growl Notifications over the network
p5-Net-GrowlClient-0.02_1 -- Perl implementation of Growl Network Notification Protocol
p5-Net-HL7-0.75 -- Net::HL7 - A simple yet flexible API for non-XML HL7 applications
p5-Net-HTTP-6.03_1 -- Low-level HTTP client
p5-Net-HTTPS-NB-0.12 -- Non-blocking HTTPS client
p5-Net-Hiveminder-0.08_2 -- Perl interface to
p5-Net-ICQ2000-0.2.1 -- A perl5 module for ICQv7 protocol realisation
p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.003 -- Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (RFC 3490)
p5-Net-IDN-Nameprep-1.101 -- Normalization of domain names (Nameprep, RFC 3491)
p5-Net-ILO-0.54 -- Interface to HP Integrated Lights-Out
p5-Net-IMAP-Client-0.9501 -- Not so simple IMAP client library
p5-Net-IMAP-Server-1.34 -- A single-threaded multiplexing IMAP server implementation
p5-Net-IMAP-Simple-1.2030 -- Perl extension for simple IMAP account handling
p5-Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL-1.3 -- SSL support for Net::IMAP::Simple
p5-Net-INET6Glue-0.5 -- Make common modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
p5-Net-IP-1.25_3 -- Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp-1.01_1 -- Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges via regexp
p5-Net-IP-Match-XS-0.03 -- Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges
p5-Net-IP-Minimal-0.04 -- Minimal functions from Net::IP
p5-Net-IP-RangeCompare-4.025 -- Perl extension for IP Range Comparisons
p5-Net-IP-Resolver-0.02 -- Net::IP::Resolver - Resolve IPs to a particular network
p5-Net-IPTrie-0.7 -- Module for building IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies
p5-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10 -- Perl extension for manipulating IPv4 addresses
p5-Net-IPv6Addr-0.2 -- Perl extension for manipulating IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-IRR-0.08 -- Perl interface to the Internet Route Registry Daemon
p5-Net-Ident-1.23 -- Lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection
p5-Net-Ifconfig-Wrapper-0.11 -- Perl module provides a unified way to configure network interfaces
p5-Net-Interface-1.012 -- Perl extension to access network interfaces
p5-Net-Jabber-2.0 -- Net::Jabber provides Perl Developer access to the Jabber protocol
p5-Net-Jaiku-0.0501 -- A perl interface to's API
p5-Net-Jifty-0.14 -- Perl interface to online Jifty applications
p5-Net-LDAP-AutoDNs-0.2.2 -- Automatically make some default decisions some LDAP DNs and scopes
p5-Net-LDAP-AutoServer-0.2.1 -- Automatically make some default decisions some LDAP server information
p5-Net-LDAP-Express-0.11_1 -- A module to simplify connecting up to a LDAP server
p5-Net-LDAP-LDAPhash-1.0.3 -- Make a hash out of the return from a search using Net::LDAP::Search
p5-Net-LDAP-Makepath-1.0.1_1 -- Provides a method for creating paths in LDAP simply
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-0.43 -- Perl module for LDAP server side protocol handling
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test-0.14 -- Perl module to test Net::LDAP code
p5-Net-LDAP-posixAccount-0.0.2 -- Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixAccount entry
p5-Net-LDAP-posixGroup-0.0.2 -- Creates new Net::LDAP::Entry objects for a posixGroup entry
p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12_1 -- This module provides access to the libidn library
p5-Net-LibLO-0.06 -- Perl extension for liblo Lightweight OSC library
p5-Net-Libdnet-0.96 -- Libdnet interface
p5-Net-LimeLight-Purge-0.03 -- LimeLight Purge Service API
p5-Net-MAC-2.103622 -- Perl 5 module for representing and manipulating MAC addresses
p5-Net-MAC-Vendor-1.1901 -- Look up the vendor for a MAC
p5-Net-MSN-1.022_1 -- Net::MSN interface
p5-Net-ManageSieve-0.12 -- ManageSieve Protocol Client
p5-Net-Mosso-CloudFiles-0.44 -- Perl interface to the Mosso CloudFiles service
p5-Net-MovableType-1.74 -- A lightweight MovableType client Perl module
p5-Net-NBName-0.26 -- Performs simple NetBIOS Name Service Requests
p5-Net-NBsocket-0.21 -- Non-Blocking Sockets
p5-Net-NIS-0.43 -- Interface to Sun's Network Information Service
p5-Net-NIS-Listgroup-1.0.0_1 -- Lists hosts/users in a netgroup group
p5-Net-NSCA-Client-0.009002 -- Perl extension for sending passive service checks to nagios
p5-Net-Nessus-XMLRPC-0.30_1 -- Perl5 interface for communication with Nessus scanner over XMLRPC
p5-Net-NetSend-0.12 -- Perl extension for sending Windows Popup Messages
p5-Net-Netmask-1.9016 -- Perl module to parse, manipulate, and lookup IP network blocks
p5-Net-Nslookup-2.01 -- Provides the capabilities of the standard tool nslookup(1)
p5-Net-OAuth-0.28 -- An implementation of the OAuth protocol
p5-Net-OAuth-Simple-1.5 -- Simple wrapper around the OAuth protocol
p5-Net-OAuth2-0.07 -- OAuth 2.0 for Perl
p5-Net-OSCAR-1.928 -- Perl extension for the AOL Instant Messenger OSCAR protocol
p5-Net-OpenID-Common-1.14 -- Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server
p5-Net-OpenID-Consumer-1.13 -- Library for consumers of OpenID identities
p5-Net-OpenID-JanRain-1.1.1_2 -- OpenID JanRain and Consumer with JanRain API
p5-Net-OpenID-Server-1.09 -- Reference implementation of OpenID server
p5-Net-OpenSSH-0.57 -- Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
p5-Net-OpenSSH-Parallel-0.12 -- Run SSH jobs in parallel
p5-Net-POP3-SSLWrapper-0.06 -- Perl extension for simple POP3S wrapper for Net::POP3
p5-Net-Packet-3.27 -- Send and receive frames from layer 2 to layer 7
p5-Net-Packet-Target-1.01 -- Target object for all Net-Packet related stuff
p5-Net-ParseWhois-0.70 -- Extendable perl5 module for parsing whois information
p5-Net-Patricia-1.20 -- Perl module for fast IP address lookups
p5-Net-Pcap-0.16 -- Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library
p5-Net-PcapUtils-0.01 -- Utility routines for Net::Pcap module
p5-Net-Ping-2.36 -- A perl module to check a remote host for reachability
p5-Net-Ping-External-0.13 -- Perl cross-platform interface to ICMP "ping" utilities
p5-Net-Plurk-0.11 -- A perl interface to Plurk API
p5-Net-Printer-1.05 -- Perl extension for direct-to-lpd printing
p5-Net-Proxy-0.12 -- Framework for proxying network connections in many ways
p5-Net-PubSubHubbub-Publisher-0.91 -- Client library to ping a PubSubHubbub hub
p5-Net-QMTP-0.06 -- Perl module to provide a Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client
p5-Net-RBLClient-0.5 -- Queries multiple Realtime Blackhole Lists in parallel
p5-Net-RTP-0.09 -- Send and receive RTP packets (RFC3550)
p5-Net-RabbitMQ-0.2.0 -- Perl module to interact with RabbitMQ over AMQP using librabbitmq
p5-Net-Radius-2.103 -- A perl module to manipulate RADIUS packets
p5-Net-Radius-Server-1.116 -- Framework for RADIUS Servers
p5-Net-Random-2.2.2 -- A perl5 module to get random data from online sources
p5-Net-RawIP-0.25 -- A perl module to manipulate raw IP packets
p5-Net-RawSock-1.0 -- Net::RawSock provides a base function to send raw IP packets from Perl
p5-Net-Rendezvous-Publish-0.04_1 -- Publish Rendezvous services
p5-Net-Riak-0.15.02 -- Interface to Riak
p5-Net-Rsh-0.05 -- Perl5 module to access and use rsh protocol
p5-Net-SAML-1.05 -- Perl extension for using SAML SSO
p5-Net-SAP-0.10_2 -- Session Announcement Protocol (rfc2974) packet parser
p5-Net-SCP-0.08 -- Perl5 module to access and use scp protocol
p5-Net-SCP-Expect-0.16_1 -- Perl5 wrapper for scp that allows passwords via Expect
p5-Net-SDP-0.07 -- Session Description Protocol (RFC 2327) packet parser/generator
p5-Net-SFTP-0.10 -- Perl5 module implementing Secure File Transfer Protocol client
p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.73 -- Net::SFTP::Foreign - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
p5-Net-SIP-0.67 -- Framework SIP (Voice Over IP, RFC3261)
p5-Net-SMPP-1.19 -- Net::SMPP - pure Perl implementation of SMPP 3.4 over TCP
p5-Net-SMS-Clickatell-0.05 -- Access to Clickatell SMS messaging service
p5-Net-SMS-PChome-0.11 -- Send SMS messages via the service
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.01_1 -- An SMTP client supporting SSL
p5-Net-SMTP-Server-1.1 -- A native Perl SMTP Server
p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-0.12_1 -- An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH
p5-Net-SMTP_auth-0.08 -- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Client with AUTHentication
p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1 -- Object oriented interface to SNMP
p5-Net-SNMP-Util-1.04 -- Utility functions for Net::SNMP
p5-Net-SNPP-1.17 -- Net::SNPP - Perl Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
p5-Net-SSH-0.09 -- Perl5 module to access and use ssh protocol
p5-Net-SSH-Expect-1.09 -- SSH wrapper to execute remote commands
p5-Net-SSH-Perl-1.34_2 -- Perl5 module implements both the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
p5-Net-SSH2-0.45 -- Support for the SSH 2 protocol via libSSH2
p5-Net-SSL-ExpireDate-1.10 -- Obtain expiration date of certificate
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.49 -- Perl5 interface to SSL
p5-Net-STF-Client-1.01 -- Perl extension for STF Client
p5-Net-STOMP-Client-1.8 -- Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
p5-Net-SenderBase-1.02 -- Query the SenderBase service
p5-Net-Server-2.006 -- A configurable base class for writing internet servers in Perl
p5-Net-Server-Coro-1.2 -- Perl extension for co-operative multithreaded server using Coro
p5-Net-Server-Mail-0.18 -- Implementation of SMTP, ESMTP, and LMTP protocols
p5-Net-Server-Mail-ESMTP-AUTH-0.1 -- Plain and login auth methods for Net::Server::Mail::ESMTP
p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05 -- A hot-deployable variant of Net::Server::PreFork
p5-Net-SinFP-2.09 -- Full operating system stack fingerprinting suite
p5-Net-Stomp-0.45 -- Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol Client
p5-Net-Subnet-1.02 -- Fast IP-in-subnet matcher for IPv4 and IPv6, CIDR or mask
p5-Net-TCLink-3.4 -- A module to for connecting to the TrustCommerce payment gateway
p5-Net-TcpDumpLog-0.11 -- Read tcpdump/libpcap network packet logs
p5-Net-Telnet-3.03 -- Perl5 module to access and use telnet protocol
p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.10_1 -- Perl5 module to telnet to Cisco routers
p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-IOS-0.6 -- Manage Cisco IOS Devices
p5-Net-Telnet-Netscreen-1.2 -- A Perl interface for interact with a Netscreen firewall
p5-Net-TiVo-0.11 -- Framework for accessing TiVo using XML/HTTP
p5-Net-Todoist-0.04 -- Todoist API
p5-Net-Trac-0.16 -- Interact with a remote Trac instance
p5-Net-Traceroute-1.14 -- Perl module to parse traceroute(8)
p5-Net-Traceroute-PurePerl-0.10 -- Traceroute(1) functionality in perl via raw sockets
p5-Net-Traceroute6-0.03_1 -- Perl module to parse traceroute6(8) output
p5-Net-Trackback-1.01 -- An interface for developing Trackback clients and servers
p5-Net-Twitter-3.18003 -- Perl interface to
p5-Net-Twitter-Lite-0.11002 -- A perl interface to the Twitter API
p5-Net-UPnP-1.4.2 -- Perl extension for UPnP
p5-Net-VNC-0.40_1 -- A simple VNC client
p5-Net-Wake-0.02 -- Send Wake On Lan (WOL) packets to power on computers
p5-Net-WhitePages-1.04_1 -- Provides access to the XML API for
p5-Net-Whois-1.9 -- A perl5 module to get information using the Whois protocol
p5-Net-Whois-ARIN-0.12 -- ARIN whois client
p5-Net-Whois-IP-1.10 -- Perl extension for looking up the whois information for IP addresses
p5-Net-Whois-RIPE-2.00015 -- Implementation of RIPE Whois
p5-Net-Whois-Raw-2.43 -- Very simple Perl interface to query raw whois data
p5-Net-Write-1.05 -- An interface to open and send raw frames to the network
p5-Net-XMPP-1.02.04 -- Net::XMPP provides Perl Developer access to the XMPP protocol
p5-Net-XMPP2-0.14_1 -- An implementation of the XMPP Protocol
p5-Net-XWhois-0.90_4 -- Whois Client Interface for Perl5
p5-Net-YAP-0.6 -- Conduit to communicate with the Yahoo! Application Platform
p5-Net-YASA-0.03 -- Perl interface to YASA (Yet Another Suffix Array)
p5-Net-Yadis-1.0_1 -- Yadis service discovery protocol, and parses XRDS xml documents
p5-Net-Z3950-SimpleServer-1.12_1 -- A Perl module for developing Z39.50 servers
p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM-1.28 -- A perl interface to the Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model (ZOOM)
p5-Net-ZooKeeper-0.35 -- Perl extension for Apache ZooKeeper
p5-Net-eBay-0.61 -- Perl Interface to XML based eBay API
p5-Net-ext-1.011_1 -- Perl modules for using sockets
p5-Net-sFlow-0.11 -- Decode sFlow datagrams
p5-Net-uFTP-0.161 -- A universal interface for FTP-like modules (FTP, SFTP, SCP)
p5-Net-vCard-0.5 -- Read and write vCard files (RFC 2426)
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.066 -- Perl module for working with IP addresses and blocks thereof
p5-NetAddr-IP-Count-2.01 -- NetAddr::IP::Count - Count hosts in named subnets
p5-NetAddr-IP-Find-0.03 -- Iterates over all IP addresses in a text similar to Email::Find
p5-NetAddr-IP-Lite-1.01 -- IPv4/6 and 128 bit number utilities
p5-NetApp-1.1.2_2 -- Perl interface to manage NetApp NAS devices
p5-NetCDF-1.2.4_1 -- Perl5 module to read and write netCDF files
p5-NetPacket-1.3.1 -- Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level
p5-News-Article-1.27_2 -- Object for handling Usenet articles in mail or news form
p5-News-Article-NoCeM-0.08 -- A module to generate accurate NoCeM notices
p5-News-Newsrc-1.09 -- Manage newsrc files
p5-Newsletter-0.03.3 -- A Simple website based Newsletter interface
p5-Nexmo-SMS-0.06 -- Send SMS via API
p5-Nginx-ReadBody-0.07 -- Nginx embeded perl module to read and evaluate a request body
p5-Nmap-Parser-1.21 -- Parse nmap scan data with perl
p5-Nmap-Scanner-1.0_4 -- Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl
p5-Norge-1.08 -- Misc. Norwegian methods for Perl, conversion/dates/numbers etc.
p5-Number-Bytes-Human-0.07 -- Convert byte count to human readable format
p5-Number-Compare-0.03 -- Numeric comparisons
p5-Number-Format-1.73 -- Perl extension for formatting numbers
p5-Number-Fraction-1.14 -- Perl extension to model fractions
p5-Number-Nary-1.100311 -- Encode and decode numbers as n-ary strings
p5-Number-RecordLocator-0.005 -- Encodes integers into a short locator string
p5-Number-Spell-0.04 -- Perl extension for spelling out numbers
p5-Number-Tolerant-1.701_1 -- Provides inexact number comparisons with tolerance ranges
p5-Number-Uncertainty-0.1 -- An object-orientated uncertainty object
p5-Number-WithError-1.01 -- Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
p5-Number-WithError-LaTeX-0.06_1 -- LaTeX output for Number::WithError
p5-OAI-Harvester-1.15 -- A module to harvest using the OAI protocol
p5-ODF-lpOD-1.121 -- An OpenDocument management interface
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19 -- Perl module for OLE document interface
p5-OOTools-2.21 -- A Perl module collection to easily create constructors methods
p5-ORLite-1.97 -- Perl5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM
p5-ORLite-Migrate-1.10_1 -- Perl5 extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration
p5-Object-AUTHORITY-0.004 -- Perl module that adds an AUTHORITY method to your class
p5-Object-Accessor-0.44 -- Interface to create per object accessors
p5-Object-Array-0.060_1 -- Array references with accessors
p5-Object-Container-0.14 -- Simple object container
p5-Object-Declare-0.22 -- Declarative object constructor
p5-Object-Destroyer-2.01 -- Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally
p5-Object-Enum-0.07.2 -- Replacement for if ($foo eq 'bar')
p5-Object-Event-1.220 -- A class that provides an event callback interface
p5-Object-InsideOut-3.96 -- Object::InsideOut - Comprehensive inside-out object support module
p5-Object-MultiType-0.05 -- Perl Objects as Hash, Array, and Scalar at the same time
p5-Object-Pluggable-1.29 -- A base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
p5-Object-Realize-Later-0.18 -- Delayed creation of objects
p5-Object-Role-0.001 -- A Perl base class for non-Moose roles
p5-Object-Signature-1.07 -- Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
p5-Object-Simple-3.0626 -- Simple class builder
p5-Object-Tiny-1.08 -- Class building as simple as it gets
p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-0.03_4 -- Manipulate / fetch info from Ogg-Vorbis audio files
p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl-1.0_3 -- Manipulate / fetch info from Ogg-Vorbis audio files
p5-Olson-Abbreviations-0.03 -- Globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
p5-Oogly-0.31_1 -- A Data validation idea that just might be ideal
p5-OpenCA-CRL-0.9.17 -- CRL Management module
p5-OpenCA-CRR-0.0.2 -- Perl extension to handle CRR objects
p5-OpenCA-OpenSSL-2.0.29 -- Perl crypto extension to OpenSSL
p5-OpenCA-PKCS7-0.9.13_1 -- Perl extension for basic handling PKCS
p5-OpenCA-REQ-0.9.52 -- Perl extension to easily manage Cert REQUESTs
p5-OpenCA-X509-0.9.10 -- Perl extension for handling X509 Certificates
p5-OpenGL-0.66_1 -- Perl module to display 3D data using OpenGL, GLU, GLUT, and GLX
p5-OpenOffice-OODoc-2.124 -- The Perl Open OpenDocument Connector
p5-Oryx-0.24_1 -- Meta-Model Driven Object Persistance with Multiple Inheritance
p5-Ouch-0.0401 -- Perl extension for exceptions that don\'t hurt
p5-OurNet-BBS-1.66_3 -- Component Object Model for BBS systems
p5-OurNet-BBSAgent-1.61 -- Scriptable telnet-based virtual users
p5-PAR-1.00.5 -- Perl Archive Toolkit
p5-PAR-Dist-0.49 -- Create and manipulate PAR distributions
p5-PAR-Packer-1.01.2 -- PAR Packager
p5-PCSC-Card-1.4.12 -- Perl bindings for the PC/SC Lite Framework
p5-PDF-API2-2.019 -- 'The Next Generation' of Text::PDF::API
p5-PDF-API3-3.001 -- The Next Generation of Text::PDF::API2
p5-PDF-Create-1.06 -- A perl script to convert text files to PDF files
p5-PDF-FromHTML-0.31 -- Convert HTML documents to PDF
p5-PDF-Table-0.9.5 -- A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object
p5-PDF-Template-0.22 -- PDF layout system that uses the same data structures as HTML::Template
p5-PDF-Writer-0.06 -- PDF writer abstraction layer
p5-PDFLib-0.14 -- More OO interface to
p5-PFProAPI-0.03_1 -- Perl bindings for VeriSign's PayFlow Pro SDK
p5-PGP-0.3a -- Perl5 module to work with PGP messages
p5-PGP-Sign-0.20_1 -- Create detached PGP signatures for data
p5-PGPLOT-2.21_2 -- A perl5 extension which makes available the pgplot library
p5-PHP-Serialization-0.34 -- Converting the output of PHP serialize() into the Perl
p5-PHP-Session-0.27 -- Read / write PHP session files
p5-POD2-Base-0.043 -- Base module for translations of Perl documentation
p5-POE-1.354 -- Multitasking and networking framework for perl
p5-POE-API-Hooks-1.0800 -- Implement lightweight hooks into POE
p5-POE-API-Peek-2.20 -- Peek into the internals of a running POE environment
p5-POE-Component-Child-1.39 -- POE child management
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.051 -- POE component for non-blocking/concurrent DNS queries
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-Recursive-1.04 -- A recursive DNS client for POE
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNSBL-1.08 -- A Perl POE component that provides non-blocking DNSBL lookups
p5-POE-Component-Client-FTP-0.22 -- Implements an FTP client POE Component
p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP-0.9470 -- POE component for non-blocking/concurrent HTTP queries
p5-POE-Component-Client-Ident-1.16 -- POE component for non-blocking ident lookups
p5-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive-0.2710 -- POE component for managing connections, with keep-alive
p5-POE-Component-Client-MSN-0.03_2 -- POE Component for MSN Messenger
p5-POE-Component-Client-NNTP-2.22 -- POE component for non-blocking NNTP access
p5-POE-Component-Client-POP3-0.02 -- Implement a POP3 client POE component
p5-POE-Component-Client-Ping-1.171 -- POE component for non-blocking/concurrent ICMP ping
p5-POE-Component-Client-SMTP-0.22 -- SMTP client POE component
p5-POE-Component-Client-Telnet-0.06_2 -- A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Net::Telnet
p5-POE-Component-Client-Traceroute-0.21 -- A non-blocking traceroute client
p5-POE-Component-Client-Twitter-0.01_1 -- POE chat component for
p5-POE-Component-Client-UserAgent-0.08 -- LWP and LWP::Parallel based POE component
p5-POE-Component-Client-Whois-1.28 -- A one shot non-blocking RFC 812 WHOIS query
p5-POE-Component-ControlPort-0.01 -- Network control port for POE applications
p5-POE-Component-Cron-0.021 -- Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
p5-POE-Component-DBIAgent-0.26_1 -- POE Component for running asynchronous DBI calls
p5-POE-Component-Daemon-0.1300 -- Handles all the housework for a daemon in POE
p5-POE-Component-DebugShell-1.412 -- Interactive peeking into a running POE application
p5-POE-Component-DirWatch-0.300001 -- POE directory watcher
p5-POE-Component-EasyDBI-1.23_1 -- POE Component for simplified DBI usage
p5-POE-Component-Generic-0.14.01 -- Provides non-blocking access to a blocking object
p5-POE-Component-Hailo-0.10 -- A non-blocking wrapper around Hailo
p5-POE-Component-IKC-0.2302 -- POE Inter-Kernel Communication
p5-POE-Component-IRC-6.80 -- A fully event-driven IRC client module
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Object-0.02 -- A slightly simpler OO interface to POE::Component::IRC
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Blowfish-0.01 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin tthat provides blowfish encryption
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Bollocks-1.00_1 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin that talks bollocks
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-CoreList-1.02 -- IRC plugin that provides CoreList goodness
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-Hailo-0.17 -- A PoCo-IRC plugin for a Hailo conversation simulator
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-POE-Knee-1.08_1 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin that runs Acme::POE::Knee races
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-QueryDNS-1.04 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNS queries
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-QueryDNSBL-1.04 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin for IRC based DNSBL queries
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-RSS-Headlines-1.08_1 -- A POE::Component::IRC plugin that provides RSS headline retrieval
p5-POE-Component-Jabber-3.00_1 -- A POE Component for communicating over Jabber
p5-POE-Component-JobQueue-0.5500 -- POE component to manage queues and worker pools
p5-POE-Component-LaDBI-1.2.1 -- Perl extension for asynchronous non-blocking DBI calls in POE
p5-POE-Component-Logger-1.10 -- A POE logging class
p5-POE-Component-Pcap-0.04 -- POE component for non-blocking use of Net::Pcap
p5-POE-Component-Pluggable-1.26 -- A base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
p5-POE-Component-PubSub-0.05 -- A generic publish/subscribe POE::Component
p5-POE-Component-RRDTool-0.18_4 -- POE interface to Round Robin Database Tools
p5-POE-Component-RSS-0.09 -- A module for event based RSS parsing
p5-POE-Component-RSSAggregator-1.11 -- Watch Muliple RSS Feeds for New Headlines
p5-POE-Component-Resolver-0.921 -- A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
p5-POE-Component-SMTP-1.6_1 -- SMTP Protocol Implementation
p5-POE-Component-SNMP-1.1006 -- Event-driven SNMP interface
p5-POE-Component-SSLify-1.008 -- Integrate SSL into POE
p5-POE-Component-Schedule-0.95 -- Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS-0.22 -- Non-blocking, concurrent DNS server component
p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTP-0.09_1 -- POE Component to create HTTP Servers
p5-POE-Component-Server-HTTPServer-0.9.2 -- POE Component to server HTTP requests
p5-POE-Component-Server-IRC-1.54 -- A fully event-driven networkable IRC server daemon module
p5-POE-Component-Server-NNTP-1.04 -- A component that provides NNTP server functionality
p5-POE-Component-Server-PSGI-0.6 -- Perl extension to PSGI Server implementation for POE
p5-POE-Component-Server-SOAP-1.14 -- Publish POE event handlers via SOAP over HTTP
p5-POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-2.16 -- Perl extension to serve HTTP requests in POE
p5-POE-Component-Server-Twirc-0.15 -- Twitter/IRC gateway
p5-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC-0.05 -- POE Component to create XMLRPC Servers
p5-POE-Component-Spread-0.02 -- Handle Spread communications in POE
p5-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06 -- A POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern
p5-POE-Component-TSTP-0.02 -- POE component to correctly handle Ctrl-Z in your program
p5-POE-Devel-Profiler-0.02 -- Profiles POE programs
p5-POE-Filter-Bzip2-1.5.8 -- A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Bzip2
p5-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.06 -- A HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
p5-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.42 -- A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
p5-POE-Filter-LZF-1.6.8 -- A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZF
p5-POE-Filter-LZO-1.6.8 -- A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZO
p5-POE-Filter-LZW-1.7.2 -- A POE filter wrapped around Compress::LZW
p5-POE-Filter-SSL-0.24 -- The easiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POEIntegrate SSL into POE
p5-POE-Filter-Transparent-SMTP-0.2 -- SMTP transparency POE filter
p5-POE-Filter-XML-1.102960 -- A POE Filter for parsing XML
p5-POE-Filter-Zlib-2.0.2_1 -- A POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
p5-POE-Loop-Glib-0.038 -- A bridge that supports Glib event loop from POE
p5-POE-Loop-Tk-1.304_1 -- A bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
p5-POE-Quickie-0.18 -- A lazy way to wrap blocking code and programs
p5-POE-Session-Irssi-0.50 -- Emit POE events for Irssi signals
p5-POE-Session-MultiDispatch-1.3 -- Callback dispatch for session events
p5-POE-Stage-0.0600 -- Base class for formalized POE components
p5-POE-Test-Loops-1.351 -- Reusable tests for POE Loop authors
p5-POE-XS-Loop-Poll-1.000 -- XS implementation of POE::Loop, using poll(2)
p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006 -- XS implementation of POE::Queue::Array
p5-POEx-Role-PSGIServer-1.110670 -- Perl extension for encapsulated PSGI server behaviors for POE
p5-POEx-Role-SessionInstantiation-1.102610 -- Perl extension of Moose role for turning objects into POE sessions
p5-POEx-Role-Streaming-1.102610 -- Perl extension for streaming from one filehandle to another
p5-POEx-Role-TCPServer-1.102740 -- Perl extension for TCPServer Moose role on POE
p5-POEx-Types-1.100910 -- Perl extension to provide MooseX::Types types for modern POE
p5-POSIX-Regex-1.0001 -- OO interface for the gnu regex engine
p5-POSIX-strptime-0.10 -- Perl interface to strptime(3)
p5-PPI-1.215_2 -- Analyze and manipulate Perl code without using perl itself
p5-PPI-HTML-1.08 -- Generate syntax-highlighted HTML for Perl using PPI
p5-PPI-XS-0.901 -- XS acceleration for the PPI perl parser
p5-PPIx-EditorTools-0.11 -- Utility methods and base class for manipulating Perl via PPI
p5-PPIx-Regexp-0.028 -- PPI regular expression parser
p5-PPIx-Utilities-1.001000 -- Extensions to PPI
p5-PPerl-0.25_2 -- Make perl scripts persistent in memory
p5-PSGI-1.101 -- Pod documentation for Perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification
p5-PV-1.5 -- A perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
p5-Package-Constants-0.02 -- List all constants declared in a package
p5-Package-DeprecationManager-0.13 -- Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
p5-Package-Generator-0.103 -- This module lets you quickly and easily construct new packages
p5-Package-Stash-0.33 -- Routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.25 -- Faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API
p5-Package-Variant-1.001002 -- Parameterizable packages
p5-PadWalker-1.96 -- PadWalker - play with Perl lexical variables
p5-Padre-0.62_1 -- Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
p5-Palm-1.3.0 -- Perl 5 modules for reading and writing Palm database files
p5-Palm-PalmDoc-0.13 -- Perl 5 modules for reading and writing PalmDoc files
p5-Pango-1.223_1 -- Perl module for layout and render i18n text
p5-Parallel-ForkManager-0.7.9 -- A simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Parallel-Iterator-1.00 -- Simple parallel execution
p5-Parallel-Prefork-0.13 -- A simple prefork server framework
p5-Parallel-Pvm-1.4.0_1 -- Perl extension for the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
p5-Parallel-Scoreboard-0.03 -- Perl extension of scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
p5-ParallelUA-2.57_2 -- Perl5 Parallel LWP User Agent for WWW access
p5-Params-CallbackRequest-1.20 -- Provide callbacks to method and function parameters
p5-Params-Check-0.36 -- Generic input parsing/checking mechanism for Perl
p5-Params-Classify-0.013 -- Argument type classification
p5-Params-Coerce-0.14_1 -- Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters (Params::Coerce)
p5-Params-Util-1.07 -- Utility functions to aid in parameter checking
p5-Params-Validate-1.06 -- Validate method/function parameters
p5-Params-Validate-Dependencies-1.12 -- Validate combinations of parameters
p5-Paranoid-0.36 -- Paranoia support for safer programs
p5-Parse-BooleanLogic-0.09 -- Parser of boolean expressions
p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.44.04 -- Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages-2.37 -- Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz from CPAN
p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast-0.06 -- Parse CPAN's package index
p5-Parse-CSV-2.00 -- Highly flexible CVS parser for large files
p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl-0.15 -- Parse error messages from the Perl interpreter
p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags-1.02 -- Perl module to efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
p5-Parse-FixedLength-5.39 -- Parse a string containing fixed length fields into component parts
p5-Parse-Flex-0.12 -- The Fastest Lexer in the West
p5-Parse-HTTP-UserAgent-0.35 -- Parser for the User Agent string
p5-Parse-IRC-1.18 -- A parser for the IRC protocol
p5-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003014 -- Perl6 like method signature parser
p5-Parse-Perl-0.007 -- Interpret string as Perl source
p5-Parse-PerlConfig-0.05_2 -- Perl5 module to use perl scripts as config files
p5-Parse-PhoneNumber-1.7 -- Parse phone numbers
p5-Parse-Pidl-0.02 -- IDL compiler written in Perl
p5-Parse-PlainConfig-2.06 -- Perl5 module to use plain config files
p5-Parse-RecDescent-1.967.009_1 -- A recursive descent parsing framework for Perl
p5-Parse-Syslog-1.10 -- Perl5 routines that present a simple interface to parse syslog files
p5-Parse-Syslog-Mail-0.17 -- Parse log messages generated by various MTAs
p5-Parse-Win32Registry-1.0 -- A Perl extension for parsing Win32Registry
p5-Parse-Yapp-1.05 -- Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers
p5-ParseLex-2.21 -- Object-oriented generator of lexical analyzers
p5-ParseTemplate-3.08 -- Processor for templates containing Perl expressions
p5-PatchReader-0.9.6 -- Perl module with utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
p5-Path-Abstract-0.096 -- Fast and featureful UNIX-style path parsing and manipulation
p5-Path-Class-0.26 -- Cross-platform path specification manipulation
p5-Path-Class-File-Lockable-0.03 -- Lock your files with Path::Class::File
p5-Path-Class-URI-0.04 -- Perl extension for serialize Path::Class objects as file:// URI
p5-Path-Dispatcher-1.04_1 -- Perl flexible and extensible dispatch
p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative-0.03 -- Sugary dispatcher for perl
p5-Path-Resource-0.072 -- Perl module for combining local path manipulation and URI manipulation
p5-PathTools-3.3300 -- A Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
p5-PayflowPro-3101 -- Pure Perl PayflowPro payment gateway interface
p5-Penguin-3.00 -- A framework for passing digitally signed perl5 code between machines
p5-Penguin-Easy-1.1 -- A quick and easy implementation of the p5-Penguin module
p5-Perl-Critic-1.11.8 -- Critique Perl source for style and standards
p5-Perl-Critic-Bangs-1.08 -- A collection of handy Perl::Critic policies
p5-Perl-Critic-Deprecated-1.108 -- Policies that were formally included with Perl::Critic itself, but which have been superseded by others
p5-Perl-Metrics-Lite-0.080 -- Perl extension for pluggable Perl Code Metrics System
p5-Perl-Metrics-Simple-0.15 -- Perl extension to count packages, subs, lines, etc. of many files
p5-Perl-MinimumVersion-1.28 -- Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
p5-Perl-OSType-1.002 -- Map Perl operating system names to generic types
p5-Perl-PrereqScanner-1.014 -- A tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites
p5-Perl-Unsafe-Signals-0.02 -- Allow unsafe handling of signals in selected blocks
p5-Perl-Version-1.011 -- Parse and manipulate Perl version strings
p5-Perl6-Builtins-0.0.3 -- Provide Perl 5 versions of the new Perl 6 builtins
p5-Perl6-Export-0.07_1 -- Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs-0.0.3 -- The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute
p5-Perl6-Form-0.04 -- Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in
p5-Perl6-Junction-1.40000 -- Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-Perl6-Rules-0.03 -- Implements (most of) the Perl 6 regex syntax
p5-Perl6-Say-0.16 -- Perl 6 say (print, but no newline needed) function
p5-Perl6-Slurp-0.05.1000 -- Implements the Perl6 'slurp' built-in
p5-Perl6-Subs-0.05_1 -- Perl6::Subs - Define your subroutines in the Perl 6 style
p5-PerlCryptLib-1.11 -- Perl interface to Peter Guttman cryptlib API
p5-PerlFM-0.2.0_3 -- A Perl based file manager
p5-PerlIO-Layers-0.010 -- Query the properties/capabilities of filehandle
p5-PerlIO-Util-0.72_1 -- A selection of general PerlIO utilities
p5-PerlIO-eol-0.14 -- PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
p5-PerlIO-gzip-0.18 -- Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
p5-PerlIO-locale-0.08 -- PerlIO layer to use the encoding of the current locale
p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2-0.02 -- Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to bzip2/bunzip2
p5-PerlIO-via-MD5-0.07 -- PerlIO layer for creating an MD5 digest of a file
p5-PerlIO-via-Unidecode-1.01 -- A perlio layer for Unidecode
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.13 -- Dynamic PerlIO layers
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05 -- Symbolic link PerlIO layers
p5-PerlMol-0.3500 -- Perl modules for molecular chemistry
p5-PerlPoint-Converters-1.02.05 -- Convert PerlPoint docs into various formats
p5-PerlPoint-Package-0.45.2_1 -- PerlPoint is both a presentation and a documentation toolset
p5-Perlanet-0.56 -- A program for creating programs that aggregate web feeds
p5-Perlbal-1.80 -- Reverse-proxy load balancer and webserver
p5-Perlbal-Plugin-PSGI-0.03 -- Perl extension for PSGI web server on Perlbal
p5-Petal-2.20 -- Perl Template Attribute Language - TAL for Perl!
p5-Petal-CodePerl-0.06 -- Make Petal go faster by compiling the expressions
p5-Petal-Mail-0.31 -- Format text e-mail using Petal
p5-Petal-Utils-0.06 -- Useful template modifiers for Petal
p5-Pg-2.1.1_3 -- An interface for using perl5 to access PostgreSQL databases
p5-Phone-Info-0.0.1 -- Provides a nicer CLI interface to Net::WhitePages
p5-Physics-Unit-0.53 -- Manipulate Physics units and dimensions
p5-Pid-File-Flock-0.08 -- PID file operations
p5-Pipeline-3.12_1 -- Pipeline - Generic pipeline interface
p5-PlRPC-0.2020_1 -- Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
p5-Plack-1.0009 -- Perl extension of PSGI reference implementation and utilities
p5-Plack-App-Proxy-0.22 -- Plack extension for proxy requests
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-HTTPD-0.03 -- Perl extension for Plack handler to run PSGI apps on AnyEvent::HTTPD
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-ReverseHTTP-0.04 -- Perl extension to reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
p5-Plack-Handler-AnyEvent-SCGI-0.02 -- Perl extension for PSGI handler on AnyEvent::SCGI
p5-Plack-Handler-CLI-0.04 -- Perl extension for command line interface to PSGI applications
p5-Plack-Handler-SCGI-0.02 -- Perl extension for PSGI handler on SCGI daemon
p5-Plack-Middleware-AMF-0.02 -- Perl extension to use AMF with Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-AddDefaultCharset-0.02 -- Perl extension to port Apache2 AddDefaultCharset for Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-Auth-Digest-0.04 -- Plack extension for digest authentication
p5-Plack-Middleware-AutoRefresh-0.08 -- Perl extension to reload pages when files are modified
p5-Plack-Middleware-ConsoleLogger-0.04 -- Perl extension to write logs to Firebug or Webkit Inspector
p5-Plack-Middleware-Debug-0.14 -- Perl extension to display information about current request/response
p5-Plack-Middleware-Deflater-0.08 -- Perl extension to compress response body with Gzip or Deflate
p5-Plack-Middleware-Expires-0.03 -- Perl module mod_expires for Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-File-Sass-0.03 -- Perl extension for Sass support for all Plack frameworks
p5-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv-0.02 -- Force set environment variables for testing
p5-Plack-Middleware-Header-0.04 -- Perl extension to modify HTTP response headers
p5-Plack-Middleware-IEnosniff-0.01 -- Perl extension to add X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff
p5-Plack-Middleware-JSConcat-0.29 -- Perl extension to concatenate JavaScripts
p5-Plack-Middleware-Precompressed-1.005 -- Perl extension to serve pre-gzipped content to capable clients
p5-Plack-Middleware-Reproxy-0.00004 -- Perl extension to handle X-Reproxy-URL from within Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.14 -- Perl extension to support app to run as a reverse proxy backend
p5-Plack-Middleware-ServerStatus-Lite-0.09 -- Plack middleware to show server status like Apache mod_status
p5-Plack-Middleware-Session-0.15 -- Perl extension for session management middleware for Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-SocketIO-0.00904 -- Perl extension for Socket.IO Plack middleware
p5-Plack-Middleware-Status-1.101150 -- Perl extension to map urls to status code-driven responses for Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-Throttle-0.01 -- Perl extension of rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests for Plack
p5-Plack-Middleware-XForwardedFor-0.103060 -- Plack middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For headers
p5-Plack-Server-Coro-0.02 -- Perl extension for Coro cooperative multithread web server
p5-Plack-Server-POE-0.4 -- Perl extension for Plack Server implementation for POE
p5-Plack-Server-ReverseHTTP-0.02 -- Perl extension of reversehttp gateway for PSGI application
p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.01 -- Run HTTP tests on external live servers
p5-Plagger-0.7.17_4 -- A pluggable RSS/Atom feed aggregator written in Perl
p5-Plucene-1.25_2 -- Perl port of the Java Lucene search engine
p5-Plucene-Analysis-CJKAnalyzer-0.02 -- Analyzer for CJK texts
p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer-1.1_1 -- Stemmed analyzer plugin for p5-Plucene search engine
p5-Plucene-Simple-1.04 -- An interface to Plucene
p5-Plugtools-1.3.0 -- Manages POSIX users in LDAP and is extensible via a plugin system
p5-Plugtools-Plugins-HomeOU-0.0.0 -- Automatically handles the home OU for when adding/removing users
p5-PocketIO-0.14000 -- Socket.IO Plack application
p5-Pod-Abstract-0.20 -- Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
p5-Pod-Autopod-1.10 -- Generates pod documentation by analysing perl modules
p5-Pod-Constants-0.16_1 -- Include constants from POD
p5-Pod-Coverage-0.22 -- Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Coverage-Moose-0.04 -- Pod::Coverage extension for Moose
p5-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod-0.100002 -- Declare trusted symbol names in POD
p5-Pod-DocBook-1.2_2 -- Convert Pod data to DocBook SGML
p5-Pod-Elemental-0.102362 -- Treating a Pod documents as trees of elements
p5-Pod-Escapes-1.04 -- For resolving Pod E<...> sequences
p5-Pod-Eventual-0.093330 -- Read a POD document as a series of trivial events
p5-Pod-HtmlEasy-1.0108 -- Generate personalized HTML from PODs
p5-Pod-Markdown-1.320000 -- Module to convert POD to Markdown
p5-Pod-POM-0.27_2 -- POD Object Model
p5-Pod-POM-View-HTML-Filter-0.09 -- Use filters on sections of your pod documents
p5-Pod-Parser-1.51 -- Modules to work with POD (Plain Old Documentation)
p5-Pod-Perldoc-3.17 -- Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
p5-Pod-ProjectDocs-0.40 -- Generates CPAN like pod pages
p5-Pod-Simple-3.23 -- Framework for parsing Pod
p5-Pod-Site-0.53 -- Build browsable HTML documentation for your app
p5-Pod-Spell-1.01 -- A formatter for spellchecking Pod
p5-Pod-Strip-1.02_1 -- Remove POD from Perl code
p5-Pod-Stripper-0.22_4 -- Strip all pod, and output what's left
p5-Pod-Tests-1.19_1 -- Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD
p5-Pod-Tree-1.17 -- Create a static syntax tree for a POD
p5-Pod-WSDL-0.061 -- Create WSDL documents from (extended) pod
p5-Pod-XML-0.99_1 -- Module to convert POD to XML
p5-Pod-Xhtml-1.61 -- Generate well-formed XHTML documents from POD format documentation
p5-PodToHTML-0.08_1 -- Generating HTML from several files containing POD documentation
p5-PostScript-0.06 -- PostScript - Produce PostScript files from Perl
p5-PostScript-PPD-0.0203 -- Read PostScript Printer Definition files
p5-PostScript-Simple-0.07 -- PostScript::Simple - Produce PostScript files from Perl
p5-PostgreSQL-PLPerl-Call-1.006 -- Simple interface for calling SQL functions from PostgreSQL PL/Perl
p5-PostgreSQL-PLPerl-Trace-1.001 -- Simple way to trace execution of Perl statements in PL/Perl
p5-Pragmatic-1.7 -- Adds pragmata to Exporter
p5-Prima-1.35 -- An extensible Perl toolkit for multi-platform GUI development
p5-Probe-Perl-0.01 -- Information about the currently running perl
p5-Proc-Background-1.10 -- Perl interface to running background processes
p5-Proc-Daemon-0.14 -- Perl module that provides a method to daemonify a Perl script
p5-Proc-Fork-0.71 -- Proc::Fork - Simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
p5-Proc-Guard-0.06 -- Perl extension for process runner with RAII pattern
p5-Proc-InvokeEditor-1.06_1 -- Perl extension for starting a text editor
p5-Proc-PID-File-1.27 -- A module to manage process id files
p5-Proc-PidUtil-0.08 -- PID file management utilities
p5-Proc-ProcessTable-0.45 -- Perl interface to the unix process table
p5-Proc-Queue-1.23 -- Proc::Queue - limit the number of child processes running
p5-Proc-Reliable-1.16 -- Run external processes reliably with many options
p5-Proc-SafeExec-1.4 -- Convenient utility for executing external commands in various ways
p5-Proc-Simple-1.28 -- Perl5 module to launch and control background processes
p5-Proc-Wait3-0.04 -- Perl extension for wait3 system call
p5-Proc-WaitStat-1.00 -- Interpret and act on wait() status values
p5-Project-Gantt-1.03_6 -- Create Gantt charts to manage project scheduling
p5-Prophet-0.750_2 -- Prophet is a distributed database system
p5-Protocol-SocketIO-0.04 -- Socket.IO protocol implementation
p5-Protocol-WebSocket-0.00906_1 -- Client/server WebSocket message and frame parser/constructor
p5-Protocol-XMLRPC-0.10 -- XML-RPC implementation
p5-Protocol-XMPP-0.005_1 -- Protocol-level support for XMPP interaction
p5-Pugs-Compiler-Rule-0.37_1 -- Compiler for Perl 6 Rules
p5-Qmail-Envelope-0.53 -- Examine and modify qmail envelope strings
p5-Quantum-Superpositions-2.02 -- QM-like superpositions in Perl
p5-Qudo-0.0213 -- Perl extension for simple and extensible job queue manager
p5-Queue-Beanstalk-0.02 -- Client for beanstalkd, in-memory workqueue daemon
p5-Quota-1.6.7 -- Perl module that provides access to filesystem quotas
p5-RADIUS-UserFile-1.01 -- Perl extension for manipulating a RADIUS users file
p5-RDF-Core-0.51 -- An object oriented Perl modules for handling tasks related to RDF
p5-RDF-Notation3-0.91_1 -- RDF Notation3 parser
p5-RDF-Simple-0.41.5 -- Read and write RDF without complication
p5-RDFStore-0.51_1 -- Perl API for RDF Storage
p5-REST-Application-0.992 -- A framework for building RESTful web-applications
p5-REST-Client-249 -- A simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources
p5-REST-Google-1.0.8 -- Access Google REST (aka AJAX) API from Perl
p5-REST-Google-Apps-Provisioning-1.1.10 -- A Perl library to Google\'s RESTful Apps API
p5-RPC-EPC-Service-0.0.7 -- Perl extension for asynchronous remote procedure stack
p5-RPC-Simple-1.002 -- Perl classes to handle simple asynchronous RPC calls with call-back
p5-RPC-XML-0.77 -- XML-RPC client and server library for Perl
p5-RRD-Simple-1.44_5 -- Simple interface to create and store data in RRD files
p5-RRDTool-OO-0.32_2 -- RRDTool::OO - Object-oriented interface to RRDTool
p5-RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.11 -- RT extension to authenticate users against an external source
p5-RT-Client-REST-0.43 -- Perl modules designed to talk to RT installation using REST protocol
p5-RT-Extension-LDAPImport-0.33 -- RT extension to import users from an LDAP store
p5-RT-Extension-SLA-0.07 -- RT extension to automate due dates using service levels
p5-RTF-Parser-1.09 -- Perl module for parsing RTF files
p5-RTF-Tokenizer-1.13 -- Perl module for reading RTF files
p5-RTF-Writer-1.11 -- Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
p5-RTx-Calendar-0.14 -- Calendar extension module for the RT ticketing system
p5-Range-String-v0.01 -- Perl5 module which provides interface to string ranges
p5-Rcs-1.05 -- Perl Object Class for Revision Control System (RCS)
p5-Rcs-Agent-1.05 -- A perl module for RCS archive manipulation
p5-Reaction-0.001001_5 -- Extended MVC framework built upon Catalyst
p5-ReadLine-Gnu-1.20 -- Perl 5 module that allows Term::ReadLine to use GNU readline
p5-ReadLine-Perl-1.0303_1 -- Perl 5 module for Term::ReadLine editing without GNU readline
p5-ReadLine-TTYtter-1.3 -- Perl5 module for Term::ReadLine allowing rich editing
p5-Readonly-1.03_2 -- Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
p5-Reddit- -- Module for interacting with Reddit
p5-Redis-1.9510 -- Perl binding for Redis database
p5-Redis-hiredis-0.10.2 -- A Simple wrapper around hiredis C client
p5-Reflex-0.098 -- Class library for flexible, reactive programs
p5-Regex-PreSuf-1.17 -- Regex::PreSuf - Given word lists, create regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Assemble-0.35 -- Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into one RE
p5-Regexp-Assemble-Compressed-0.02 -- Perl extension to compress Regular Expression
p5-Regexp-Bind-0.05 -- Bind variables to captured buffers
p5-Regexp-Common-2011121001 -- Regexp::Common - Provide commonly requested regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Common-Email-Address-1.01 -- Regex pattern for Email Addresses
p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.02 -- Provide patterns for CIDR blocks
p5-Regexp-Common-profanity_us-4.112150 -- Provide regexes for U.S. profanity
p5-Regexp-Compare-0.19 -- Partial ordering for regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Copy-0.06_1 -- A copy the contents of one Regexp object to another
p5-Regexp-DefaultFlags-0.01 -- Set default flags on regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Grammars-1.021 -- Add grammatical parsing features to Perl 5.10 regexes
p5-Regexp-IPv6-0.03 -- Regular expression for IPv6 addresses
p5-Regexp-Log-0.06 -- Regexp::Log - A base class for log files regexp builders
p5-Regexp-Log-Common-0.07 -- Regexp::Log::Common, a parser for the Common Log Format
p5-Regexp-RegGrp-1.002.001 -- Groups a regular expressions collection
p5-Regexp-Shellish-0.93 -- Perl module for shell-like regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Subst-Parallel-0.11 -- Perform multiple substitutions on a string in parallel
p5-Relations-0.95 -- Functions to Use with Databases and Queries
p5-Relations-Query-0.93 -- Object for building queries with DBI/DBD::mysql
p5-Religion-1.04 -- Perl5 module to install die() and warn() handlers
p5-ResourcePool-1.0106 -- A generic way to use connection caching for any kind of resources
p5-ResourcePool-Resource-DBI-1.0101 -- ResourcePool::Resource::DBI - A ResourcePool wrapper for DBI
p5-ResourcePool-Resource-Net-LDAP-1.0002 -- A ResourcePool wrapper for Net::LDAP
p5-ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite-1.0103 -- A ResourcePool wrapper for SOAP::Lite
p5-Resources-1.04 -- Perl5 module handling application defaults in Perl
p5-Return-Value-1.666001 -- Return::Value - Polymorphic Return Values
p5-Role-HasMessage-0.005 -- A thing with a message method
p5-Role-Identifiable-0.005 -- A thing with a list of tags
p5-Role-Tiny-1.001.005 -- Roles, like a nouvelle cusine portion size slice of Moose
p5-Roman-1.22 -- Perl module to convert between Arabic and Roman numerals
p5-Rose-DB-0.769 -- A DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
p5-Rose-DB-Object-0.7990 -- Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper
p5-Rose-DBx-Object-MoreHelpers-0.08_1 -- Perl 5 module to deploy a DBIx::Class schema
p5-Rose-DBx-Object-Renderer-0.76 -- Web UI Rendering for Rose::DB::Object
p5-Rose-DateTime-0.537 -- DateTime helper functions and objects
p5-Rose-HTML-Objects-0.616 -- Object-oriented interfaces for HTML
p5-Rose-Object-0.859 -- A simple object base class
p5-Rose-URI-1.00 -- Easy and efficient manipulation of URI components
p5-Router-Simple-0.09 -- Simple HTTP Router
p5-RunApp-0.13 -- A generic module to run web-applications
p5-S3-20071102 -- A library in Perl for working with the Amazon S3 REST interface
p5-SAVI-Perl-0.30_5 -- Perl5 module interface to Sophos AntiVirus
p5-SCGI-0.6 -- SCGI server interface
p5-SDL-2.2.6_4 -- Perl Bindings for SDL
p5-SES-1.01_1 -- Perl module of Amazon Simple Email Services
p5-SGML-DTDParse-2.00 -- Parse an SGML or XML DTD
p5-SGML-Parser-OpenSP-0.994_2 -- Parse SGML documents using OpenSP
p5-SGMLSpm-1.03_1 -- Perl module for postprocessing the output from sgmls and nsgmls
p5-SHA-2.01 -- Perl5 interface to the SHA1 algorithm
p5-SMS-SMS77-0.01 -- Perl interface and script to send SMS via
p5-SMS-Send-1.06 -- Driver-based API for sending SMS messages
p5-SMS-Send-DeviceGsm-1.06 -- An SMS::Send driver for Device::Gsm
p5-SMS-Send-NexmoUnicode-0.01 -- SMS::Send driver for (Unicode)
p5-SMS-Send-TW-HiAir-0.02 -- SMS::Send driver for
p5-SMS-Send-TW-PChome-0.03 -- SMS::Send driver for
p5-SMS-Send-TW-Qma-0.01 -- SMS::Send driver for
p5-SMS-Send-TW-ShareSMS-0.02 -- SMS::Send driver for
p5-SMS-Send-TW-Socket2Air-0.01 -- SMS::Send driver for Socket2Air
p5-SMS-Send-TW-chtsns-0.03 -- SMS::Send driver for SNS service of CHT
p5-SMS-Send-TW-emome-0.04 -- SMS::Send driver for
p5-SNMP-Info-2.08 -- A perl5 module for gathering information from network devices
p5-SNMP-MIB-Compiler-0.06 -- A Perl MIB compiler supporting both SMIv1 and SMIv2
p5-SNMP-Persist-0.05 -- The module is a backend for pass_persist feature of net-snmp
p5-SNMP-Simple-0.02_2 -- Shortcuts for when using p5-SNMP
p5-SNMP-Trapinfo-1.02 -- Process an SNMP trap with perl
p5-SNMP-Util-1.8_1 -- Perl modules to perform SNMP set,get,walk,next,walk_hash etc
p5-SNMP_Session-1.13 -- A perl5 module providing rudimentary access to SNMPv1 and v2 agents
p5-SOAP-0.28 -- Perl modules providing an API to the Simple Object Access Protocol
p5-SOAP-Amazon-S3-0.040.1 -- A module for interfacing with Amazon S3 through SOAP
p5-SOAP-Data-Builder-0.9 -- A wrapper simplifying SOAP::Data and SOAP::Serialiser
p5-SOAP-Lite-0.60a_1 -- SOAP::Lite - Client and server side SOAP implementation
p5-SOAP-Lite-0.715 -- SOAP::Lite - Client and server side SOAP implementation
p5-SOAP-MySOAP-0.023_1 -- An extremely basic SOAP client module
p5-SOAP-Transport-FTP-0.711 -- FTP Client support for SOAP::Lite
p5-SOAP-Transport-JABBER-0.713 -- A Jabber-based transport backend for SOAP::Lite
p5-SOAP-Transport-TCP-0.715 -- TCP Transport Support for SOAP::Lite
p5-SOAP-WSDL-2.00.10_1 -- Perl module for SOAP with WSDL support
p5-SOCKS-0.03 -- Perl5 module to communicate with socks v4 and v5 servers
p5-SPOPS-0.87_1 -- Simple Perl Object Persistence with Security
p5-SQL-Abstract-1.73 -- Perl extension to generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.141_1 -- SQL Portability layer for LIMIT emulation
p5-SQL-Abstract-Plugin-InsertMulti-0.03 -- Perl extension to add bulk insert for SQL::Abstract
p5-SQL-Interp-1.21 -- Interpolate Perl variables into SQL with DBI
p5-SQL-Maker-1.07 -- Perl extension for yet another SQL builder
p5-SQL-ReservedWords-0.8 -- Reserved SQL words by ANSI/ISO
p5-SQL-Statement-1.401 -- A perl5 module for SQL parsing and processing
p5-SQL-Tokenizer-0.24 -- Simple regular expressions based SQL tokenizer
p5-SQL-Translator-0.11010_1 -- Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)
p5-SQLite-Work-0.10.02 -- Report on and update an SQLite database
p5-SRU-0.99 -- Search and Retrieval by URL
p5-SSN-Validate-0.18_1 -- Perl extension to do SSN Validation
p5-STF-Dispatcher-PSGI-1.10 -- Perl extension for pluggable STF dispatcher interface
p5-SUPER-1.17_1 -- Perl module control superclass method dispatch
p5-SVG-2.53 -- Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents
p5-SVG-DOM2-1.00_1 -- SVG extension to the popular XML::DOM2
p5-SVG-Graph-0.04 -- Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
p5-SVG-Metadata-0.28 -- Perl module to capture metadata info about an SVG file
p5-SVG-Parser-1.03 -- XML Parser for SVG documents
p5-SVN-ACL-0.02_5 -- A simple ACL frontend for subversion
p5-SVN-Access-0.08 -- Perl extension to manipulate SVN Access files
p5-SVN-Agent-0.04_2 -- Simple svn manipulation
p5-SVN-Dump-0.05 -- Perl interface to Subversion dumps
p5-SVN-Dumpfile-0.13.107_1 -- Perl extension to access and manipulate Subversion dumpfiles
p5-SVN-Hook-0.28 -- Perl module for managing Subversion hook scripts
p5-SVN-Hooks-1.19 -- A framework for implementing Subversion hooks
p5-SVN-Log-0.03_5 -- SVN::Log - Extract change logs from a Subversion server
p5-SVN-Look-0.38 -- Caching wrapper around the svnlook command
p5-SVN-Mirror-0.75_2 -- Mirror remote subversion repository to local
p5-SVN-Notify-2.83 -- Subversion activity notification
p5-SVN-Notify-Config-0.0911_3 -- Perl module for config-driven Subversion notification
p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-AuthZMail-1.01_2 -- Determines Subversion accounts to receive email via the authz file
p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-EmailFlatFileDB-1.01 -- Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-Markdown-0.05 -- Perl module to convert SVN::Notify log messages from Markdown to HTML
p5-SVN-Notify-Filter-Watchers-0.10 -- Subscribe to SVN::Notify commits with a Subversion property
p5-SVN-Notify-Mirror-0.040 -- Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path
p5-SVN-Notify-Snapshot-0.04 -- Take snapshots from Subversion activity
p5-SVN-S4-1.054 -- Wrapper for subversion program
p5-SVN-Simple-0.28_2 -- Simple interface to SVN::Delta::Editor
p5-SVN-Statistics-0.041_7 -- SVN::Statistics - perl module to create subversion statistics
p5-SVN-Web-0.61 -- Subversion repository web frontend
p5-SWF-Builder-0.16 -- Create SWF movie
p5-SWF-Chart-1.4 -- Perl interface to the SWF Chart generation tool
p5-SWF-File-0.42_1 -- Manipulating Flash movie (SWF) files
p5-Safe-Hole-0.13 -- Make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
p5-Safe-Isa-1.000.002 -- Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects
p5-Samba-LDAP-0.05_1 -- Manage a Samba PDC with an LDAP Backend
p5-Samba-SIDhelper-0.0.0_1 -- Create SIDs based on G/UIDs
p5-Sane-0.05 -- Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project
p5-Scalar-Defer-0.23 -- Calculate values on demand
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.25 -- Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core
p5-Scalar-Listify-0.02 -- Poduces an array(ref)? from a scalar value or array ref
p5-Scalar-String-0.002 -- Perl module for string aspects of scalars
p5-Schedule-At-1.15 -- OS independent interface to the Unix 'at' command
p5-Schedule-Cron-1.01 -- Schedule::Cron - cron-like scheduler for Perl subroutines
p5-Schedule-Load-3.064 -- Load distribution and status across multiple host machines
p5-Schedule-Match-0.07 -- Handles and detects clash between pattern-based schedules
p5-Scope-Guard-0.20 -- Lexically scoped resource management
p5-Scope-Upper-0.21 -- Act on upper scopes
p5-Scrappy-0.62 -- All Powerful Web Harvester, Spider, Scraper fully automated
p5-Search-Binary-0.95 -- Perl module that implements a generic binary search algorithm
p5-Search-Estraier-0.09_1 -- Pure perl module to use Hyper Estraier search engine
p5-Search-InvertedIndex-1.14 -- A manager for inverted index maps
p5-Search-Namazu-0.96_2 -- Namazu library module for perl
p5-Search-Odeum-0.02_1 -- Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API
p5-Search-Saryer-0.40_1 -- Perl interface to the Sary library
p5-Search-VectorSpace-0.02_6 -- A very basic vector-space search engine perl module
p5-Search-Xapian- -- Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
p5-Search-Xapian10- -- Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
p5-Sendmail-AccessDB-1.03 -- Perl5 interface to the Sendmail access.db list
p5-Sendmail-Milter-0.18 -- Module to write mail filters in Perl using sendmail's mail filter API
p5-Senna-0.51 -- Perl module for Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
p5-Sepia-0.992_4 -- Simple Emacs-Perl Interface
p5-Server-Starter-0.12 -- Perl extension of superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
p5-Set-Array-0.25 -- Arrays as objects with set operations
p5-Set-ConsistentHash-0.92 -- Library for doing consistent hashing
p5-Set-Crontab-1.03 -- Set::Crontab - Expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
p5-Set-CrossProduct-1.95 -- Work with the cross product of two or more sets
p5-Set-Infinite-0.65 -- Set::Infinite - Sets of intervals
p5-Set-IntSpan-1.16 -- Manages sets of integers
p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast-1.15 -- Fast handling of sets containing integer spans
p5-Set-IntSpan-Fast-XS-0.05 -- Faster Set::IntSpan::Fast
p5-Set-NestedGroups-0.01 -- Perl module for grouped data eg ACL's, city/state/country etc
p5-Set-Object-1.28 -- Perl module to manage sets of objects
p5-Set-Partition-0.03 -- Enumerate all arrangements of a set in fixed subsets
p5-Set-Scalar-1.25 -- Perl module containing a set of scalars, including references
p5-Set-Window-1.01 -- Perl module to manage an interval on the integer line
p5-Shape-0.04_1 -- Perl5 module to read and write shapefiles via shapelib
p5-Shell-Base-0.05 -- Perl module implementing a simple command shell
p5-Shell-Command-0.06 -- Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands
p5-Shell-EnvImporter-1.07 -- Inherit different shell environments and restore previous
p5-Shell-Parser-0.04 -- Simple shell script parser
p5-Shell-Perl-0.0022 -- A read-eval-print loop in Perl
p5-Shell-Source-0.01 -- Run programs and inherit environment changes
p5-ShipIt-0.55 -- Software release tool
p5-ShipIt-Step-Manifest-0.01 -- ShipIt step for recreating the MANIFEST
p5-Shout-2.1 -- Perl glue for libshout MP3 streaming source library
p5-Sledge-1.11_1 -- A pure perl, pluggable, lightweight web application framework
p5-Sledge-Plugin-CacheContent-0.03 -- A Sledge plug-in that generates and serves cached content
p5-Sledge-Plugin-Download-0.02 -- A Sledge plug-in that works around browser bugs with file downloading
p5-Sledge-Plugin-Dumper-0.03 -- A Sledge plug-in that automatically calls Data::Dumper
p5-Sledge-Plugin-HTML2HDML-0.01 -- A Sledge plug-in that invokes html2hdml for EZweb WAP/1.0 clients
p5-Sledge-Plugin-Log-0.02 -- A Sledge plug-in that adds Log::Dispatch::Config on
p5-Sledge-Plugin-NoCache-0.02 -- A Sledge plug-in that outputs HTTP no-cache headers
p5-Sledge-Plugin-SaveUpload-0.01 -- A Sledge plug-in that copes with cross-device link errors in uploading
p5-Sledge-Plugin-ScratchPad-0.01 -- A Sledge plug-in that provides temporary data buffers
p5-Sledge-Plugin-SessionAutoCleanup-0.02 -- A Sledge plug-in that automatically cleans up old sessions
p5-Sledge-Plugin-XSLT-0.01 -- A Sledge plug-in that adds XSLT::Dispatch::Config on
p5-Sledge-SessionManager-CookieStore-0.01 -- A Sledge extension that stores session data to HTTP cookies
p5-Sledge-Template-Expr-0.03 -- A Sledge extension that uses HTML::Template::Expr as template engine
p5-Slurp-0.4 -- Slurp entire files into variables
p5-Smart-Comments-1.0.4_1 -- Comments that do more than just sit there
p5-Snort-Rule-1.07 -- Perl5 extension for dynamically building snort rules
p5-Socket-2.006 -- Networking constants and support functions
p5-Socket-Class-2.258 -- A perl class to communicate with sockets
p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo-0.21 -- RFC 2553's getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions
p5-Socket-Multicast6-0.04 -- Constructors and constants for IPv4/IPv6 multicast socket operations
p5-Socket6-0.23 -- IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
p5-Software-License-0.103004 -- Packages that provide templated software licenses
p5-Solr-0.03 -- Perl extension for interfacing with Solr
p5-Sort-ArbBiLex-4.01 -- Perl module to make sort functions for arbitrary sort orders
p5-Sort-Array-0.26 -- A powerful array sorting Perl interface
p5-Sort-ArrayOfArrays-1.00 -- Sort an arbitrary array of arrays
p5-Sort-Fields-0.90 -- Perl module to sort lines containing delimited fields
p5-Sort-Key-1.32 -- Sorts objects by one or several keys really fast
p5-Sort-Key-DateTime-0.07 -- Perl extension for sorting objects by some DateTime key
p5-Sort-Key-IPv4-0.03 -- Perl extension for sorting IPv4 addresses
p5-Sort-Key-Top-0.06 -- Select and sort top n elements
p5-Sort-Maker-0.06 -- A simple way to make efficient sort subs
p5-Sort-Naturally-1.03 -- Sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
p5-Sort-Tree-1.09 -- A perl module for sorting a objects into a tree structure
p5-Sort-Versions-1.5 -- A perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Sphinx-Config-0.09 -- Sphinx search engine configuration file read/modify/write
p5-Sphinx-Manager-0.06 -- Sphinx search engine management (start/stop)
p5-Sphinx-Search-0.27.2 -- Sphinx search engine API Perl client
p5-Spiffy-0.31 -- Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
p5-Spoon-0.24_1 -- A Spiffy Application Building Framework
p5-Spork-0.21 -- Creating standalone HTML slideshows from Kwiki markup
p5-Spread-Message-0.21 -- Provide messaging using the Spread toolkit
p5-Spread-Session-0.4 -- Perl OO wrapper for Spread messaging toolkit
p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.59 -- Get information from Excel file
p5-Spreadsheet-Read-0.47 -- Read the data from a spreadsheet
p5-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC-0.20 -- Extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.37 -- Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromXML-1.1 -- Create an Excel Spreadsheet from XML
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-Styler-1.00 -- Styles for formatting Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcelXML-0.13 -- Create an Excel file in XML format
p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.13 -- Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
p5-SpringGraph-0.05_6 -- Directed graph alternative to GraphViz
p5-Squatting-0.81 -- A Camping-inspired Web Microframework for Perl
p5-Squatting-On-PSGI-0.06 -- Perl extension to run Squatting app on PSGI
p5-Stanford-DNSserver-1.2.0 -- A DNS name server framework with a Perl backend
p5-Starlet-0.16 -- Perl extension for standalone HTTP/1.0 server
p5-Starlink-AST-1.02 -- Interface to the Starlink AST library
p5-Starman-0.3003 -- Perl extension for high-performance preforking PSGI web server
p5-Stat-lsMode-0.50 -- Stat::lsMode - format file modes like the ls -l command does
p5-Statistics-Basic-1.6607 -- A collection of very basic statistics modules
p5-Statistics-Benford-0.08 -- Calculate the deviation from Benford's Law
p5-Statistics-ChiSquare-0.5 -- How random is your data?
p5-Statistics-Contingency-0.08 -- Calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
p5-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0604 -- Perl module that supplies statistical methods for perl5
p5-Statistics-Descriptive-Discrete-0.07 -- Compute descriptive statistics for discrete data sets
p5-Statistics-Distributions-1.02 -- Perl module that calculates critical values of common statistical distributions
p5-Statistics-Forecast-0.3 -- Calculates a future value
p5-Statistics-Frequency-0.03 -- Simple counting of elements
p5-Statistics-LTU-2.8 -- Perl implementation of Linear Threshold Units
p5-Statistics-LineFit-0.07 -- Least squares line fit, weighted or unweighted
p5-Statistics-Lite-3.2 -- The lightweight and functional object-oriented statistics
p5-Statistics-OLS-0.07 -- Perl module to perform ordinary least squares and other bivariate statistics
p5-Statistics-R-0.27_3 -- Controls the R interpreter through Perl
p5-Statistics-Regression-0.53 -- Perl module to perform weighted linear regression
p5-Statistics-TTest-1.1.0_2 -- Perl module to perform T-test on 2 independent samples
p5-Storable-2.39 -- Persistency for perl data structures
p5-Storable-AMF-1.00 -- Perl extension for serialize/deserialize AMF0/AMF3 data
p5-Stream-1.00 -- Generic stream classes for Perl
p5-Stream-Buffered-0.02 -- Perl extension for temporary buffer to save bytes
p5-Stream-Reader-0.09 -- Perl module for reading data from streams
p5-String-Approx-3.26_1 -- Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching)
p5-String-BufferStack-1.16 -- Nested buffers for templating systems
p5-String-CRC32-1.4 -- Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
p5-String-CamelCase-0.02 -- Perl module for camelcase, de-camelcase
p5-String-Checker-0.03 -- Perl module implementing an extensible string validation interface
p5-String-Diff-0.06 -- Simple diff to String
p5-String-Divert-0.96 -- String::Divert - String Object supporting Folding and Diversions
p5-String-Ediff-0.09_1 -- Perl module to produce common sub-string indices for two strings
p5-String-Errf-0.006 -- A simple sprintf-like dialect
p5-String-Escape-2010.002 -- Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes
p5-String-Flogger-1.101242 -- String munging for loggers
p5-String-Format-1.16 -- Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capability
p5-String-Formatter-0.102082 -- Build sprintf-like functions of your own
p5-String-Fraction-0.30 -- Convert fractions into Unicode chars
p5-String-Koremutake-0.30 -- Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
p5-String-LRC-1.01 -- A perl interface for longitudinal redundancy check generation
p5-String-MkPasswd-0.04 -- A random password generator
p5-String-Multibyte-1.10 -- Perl module to manipulate multibyte character strings
p5-String-Parity-1.31 -- A perl5 module to generate and test even, odd, mark, and space parity
p5-String-Random-0.22 -- Perl interface to generate "random" strings
p5-String-RewritePrefix-0.006 -- Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
p5-String-RexxParse-1.08 -- Perl module that provides an interface to REXX parsing routines
p5-String-Scanf-2.1 -- Emulates the sscanf() of the C stdio library
p5-String-SetUTF8-1.00 -- Perl module to manipulate internal UTF-8 flag on strings
p5-String-ShellQuote-1.04 -- Perl module for quote strings for passing through the shell
p5-String-ShowDiff-0.03 -- Perl extension to help visualize differences between strings
p5-String-Similarity-1.04 -- Perl module that calculates the similarity of two strings
p5-String-Strip-1.02 -- Perl extension for fast, commonly used, string operations
p5-String-TT-0.03 -- Perl interface to interpolate lexical variables
p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN-0.08 -- Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers
p5-String-Tokenizer-0.05 -- A simple string tokenizer
p5-String-Truncate-1.100600 -- A module for when strings are too long to be displayed in...
p5-String-Urandom-0.16 -- Perl extension to convert /dev/urandom to 8-bit chars
p5-Sub-Alias-0.03 -- Simple subroutine alias
p5-Sub-Current-0.02 -- Get the current subroutine
p5-Sub-Delete-1.00002 -- Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines
p5-Sub-Exporter-0.984 -- A sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100050 -- Helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
p5-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter-0.002 -- Export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors
p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001.004 -- Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
p5-Sub-Identify-0.04 -- Retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Install-0.926 -- Install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Installer-0.0.3 -- Sub::Installer - A clean way to (re)install package subroutines
p5-Sub-Multi-0.003 -- Data::Bind-based multi-sub dispatch
p5-Sub-Name-0.05 -- Sub::Name - (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Override-0.08_1 -- Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines
p5-Sub-Prototype-0.02 -- Set a subs prototype
p5-Sub-Signatures-0.21_1 -- Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2400 -- Sub::Uplevel - apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-Sub-WrapPackages-2.0 -- Add pre- and post-execution wrappers
p5-Subtitles-1.04 -- A Perl5 backend for fix subtitles timing
p5-Sudo-0.32 -- Perl extension for running a command line sudo
p5-Switch-2.16 -- Switch - A switch statement for Perl
p5-Symbol-Util-0.0203 -- Additional utils for Perl symbols manipulation
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate-0.06 -- A port of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor
p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML-0.04 -- Syntax::Highlight::HTML - Highlight HTML syntax
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved-1.01 -- Syntax highlighting for Perl code
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Shell-0.04 -- Syntax::Highlight::Shell - Highlight shell scripts
p5-Sys-CPU-0.52 -- Sys::CPU - Perl extension for getting CPU information
p5-Sys-CpuLoad-0.03 -- Perl5 module to retrieve CPU load averages
p5-Sys-Filesystem-1.30 -- Perl module to Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-Sys-Gamin-0.1_1 -- Perl interface to Gamin (File Access Monitor implementation)
p5-Sys-Group-GIDhelper-0.0.2 -- Helps for locating free GIDs
p5-Sys-HostIP-1.9.3 -- A Perl module to get IP address related info
p5-Sys-Hostname-FQDN-0.11 -- Get the short or long hostname
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.4 -- Try every conceivable way to get full hostname
p5-Sys-Info-0.78 -- Fetch information from the host system
p5-Sys-Info-Base-0.78.02 -- Base class for Sys::Info
p5-Sys-Info-Driver-BSD-0.78.01 -- BSD driver for Sys::Info
p5-Sys-Load-0.2 -- Getting the current system load and uptime
p5-Sys-MemInfo-0.91 -- Sys::MemInfo - Perl extension for getting Memory information
p5-Sys-Mmap-0.16 -- Map in a file as a Perl variable using mmap(2)
p5-Sys-RunAlone-0.12 -- Make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time
p5-Sys-RunAlways-0.05 -- Make sure there is always one invocation of a script active
p5-Sys-Sendfile-FreeBSD-0.01 -- Wrapper for the FreeBSD sendfile(2) function
p5-Sys-Sig-0.04 -- Return signal constants for this host
p5-Sys-SigAction-0.15 -- Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
p5-Sys-Syscall-0.23_1 -- Access system calls that Perl doesn\'t provide access to
p5-Sys-Syslog-0.32 -- Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
p5-Sys-Trace-0.03 -- Interface to system call tracing interfaces
p5-Sys-User-UIDhelper-0.0.1 -- Helps for locating free UIDs
p5-Sys-Utmp-1.6 -- Perl5 module which provides Object(ish) Interface to UTMP files
p5-Sys-Virt-0.10.2 -- Perl bindings for libvirt
p5-Sysadm-Install-0.40 -- Typical installation tasks for system administrators
p5-SyslogScan-0.32 -- Perl5 routines to parse system logs
p5-System-Command-1.07 -- Object for running system commands
p5-System2-0.84 -- System2 - like system(), but with STDERR available as well
p5-T2-0.10_2 -- Object Relational mapping system
p5-TAP-Formatter-JUnit-0.09 -- Perl extension for Harness output delegate for JUnit output
p5-TAP-Harness-JUnit-0.37 -- Perl extension to generate JUnit compatible output from TAP
p5-Tail-Stat-0.20 -- Real-time log statistics server
p5-Taint-Runtime-0.03 -- Runtime enable/disable taint checking
p5-Taint-Util-0.08 -- Test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
p5-Tangram-2.10_1 -- Orthogonal Object Persistence in Relational Databases
p5-Task-Catalyst-4.02 -- All you need to start with Catalyst
p5-Task-Math-Symbolic-1.01 -- Math::Symbolic with lots of plugins
p5-Task-Plack-0.25_1 -- Perl module bundle for Plack
p5-Task-Weaken-1.04 -- Ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tatsumaki-0.1013 -- Non-blocking web framework based on Plack and AnyEvent
p5-Tcl-1.02 -- A Tcl extension module for Perl5
p5-TeX-Encode-1.3 -- Encode/decode Perl utf-8 strings into TeX
p5-TeX-Hyphen-1.01 -- Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns
p5-Tee-0.14_1 -- Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
p5-Template-Alloy-1.016 -- Mixing of all of the major template systems
p5-Template-DBI-2.65 -- Template::Plugin::DBI - Template interface to the DBI module
p5-Template-Declare-0.45 -- Perlish declarative templates
p5-Template-Extract-0.41 -- Use TT2 syntax to extract data from documents
p5-Template-GD-2.66 -- Template Toolkit plugin to interface with GD modules
p5-Template-Iterator-AlzaboWrapperCursor-0.01 -- Turns a Class-AlzaboWrapper-Cursor object into a TT2 iterator
p5-Template-Magic-1.39 -- A Perl Module with magic merger of runtime values with templates
p5-Template-Multilingual-1.00 -- Multilingual templates for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Mustache-v0.5.1_1 -- Perl version of the fabulous Mustache template language
p5-Template-Plugin-Autoformat-2.71 -- Template Toolkit interface to Text::Autoformat module
p5-Template-Plugin-Class-0.14 -- Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-0.06 -- TT plugin to make URLs clickable in HTML
p5-Template-Plugin-Clickable-Email-0.01 -- TT plugin to make email addresses into HTML links
p5-Template-Plugin-Comma-0.04 -- TT Plugin to commify numbers
p5-Template-Plugin-FillInForm-0.04 -- Template::Plugin::FillInForm - TT plugin for HTML::FillInForm
p5-Template-Plugin-Filter-Minify-CSS-0.94 -- CSS::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-Filter-Minify-CSS-XS-0.95 -- CSS::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-Filter-Minify-JavaScript-0.93 -- JavaScript::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-Filter-Minify-JavaScript-XS-0.93 -- JavaScript::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-HTML-SuperForm-1.0 -- Interface Template Toolkit to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
p5-Template-Plugin-JSON-0.06 -- Adds a .json vmethod for all TT values
p5-Template-Plugin-JavaScript-0.02 -- Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript
p5-Template-Plugin-Lingua-EN-Inflect-0.02 -- Interface Template Toolkit to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
p5-Template-Plugin-MP3-1.02 -- TT Plugin that wraps around the MP3::Info module
p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown-0.02 -- TT plugin for Text::Markdown
p5-Template-Plugin-Monta-0.03 -- Template-Toolkit plugin to Monta Method
p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format-1.02 -- Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
p5-Template-Plugin-Subst-0.02 -- TT plugin for s/// functionality in templates
p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods-0.03 -- Install vmethods for Template-Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-XML-Escape-0.02 -- Escape variables to suit being placed into XML
p5-Template-Provider-Encode-0.02 -- Encode templates for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Provider-Encoding-0.10_1 -- Template plugin to specify encoding
p5-Template-Provider-FromDATA-0.12 -- Load templates from your __DATA__ section
p5-Template-Simple-0.06 -- Template::Simple (a very fast templating module)
p5-Template-Stash-AutoEscape-0.03 -- Perl extension to escape automatically in Template-Toolkit
p5-Template-Timer-1.00_1 -- Rudimentary profiling for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Tiny-1.12 -- Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
p5-Template-Toolkit-2.24 -- Extensive Toolkit for template processing
p5-Template-Toolkit-Simple-0.16 -- A Simple Interface to Template Toolkit
p5-Teng-0.16 -- Perl extension for very simple DBI wrapper/ORMapper
p5-Tenjin-0.070001 -- Perl extension for fast templating engine with support for embedded
p5-Term-ANSIColor-3.02 -- Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
p5-Term-ANSIScreen-1.50 -- Term::ANSIColor clone with screen mode support
p5-Term-Animation-2.6 -- ASCII sprite animation framework
p5-Term-CallEditor-0.60 -- Solicit for data from an external editor
p5-Term-Encoding-0.02 -- Detect encoding of the current terminal
p5-Term-Menus-2.19 -- Create Powerful Terminal, Console, and CMD Environment Menus
p5-Term-ProgressBar-2.13 -- Perl extension to display a progress bar
p5-Term-Prompt-1.04 -- Perl extension for prompting a user for information
p5-Term-QRCode-0.01 -- Generate QR Code on Terminal
p5-Term-Query-2.0 -- An interactive question-response user interface module
p5-Term-RawInput-1.14 -- Drop-in replacement for <STDIN> with handling of non-standard keys
p5-Term-ReadKey-2.30 -- A perl5 module for simple terminal control
p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid-0.07 -- Provides an interactive input buffer written in plain PERL
p5-Term-ReadPassword-0.11 -- Perl module for asking the user for a password
p5-Term-Screen-1.03 -- Basic screen + input class
p5-Term-Shell-0.03 -- Write command-line shells in Perl
p5-Term-ShellUI-0.92_1 -- A fully-featured shell-like command line environment
p5-Term-Size-0.207 -- A Perl5 module to handle window size changes
p5-Term-Sk-0.11 -- Perl extension to display a progress indicator on a terminal
p5-Term-Title-0.03 -- Portable API to set the terminal titlebar
p5-Term-UI-0.30 -- Term::ReadLine UI made easy
p5-Term-VT102-0.91 -- A class to emulate a DEC VT102 terminal
p5-Term-VT102-Boundless-0.04 -- A subclass to emulate boundless DEC VT102 terminal
p5-Term-Visual-0.08 -- Split-terminal user interface
p5-Test-Aggregate-0.364_1 -- Aggregate perl tests for better performance
p5-Test-Assertions-1.054 -- A simple set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
p5-Test-Base-0.60 -- Test::Base - A Data Driven Testing Framework
p5-Test-Benchmark-0.004 -- Make sure something really is faster
p5-Test-BinaryData-0.013 -- Compare two things, give hex dumps if they differ
p5-Test-Block-0.13 -- Specify fine granularity test plans
p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.21 -- Validate a META.yml file within a CPAN distribution
p5-Test-CheckDeps-0.002 -- Check for presence of dependencies
p5-Test-CheckManifest-1.26 -- Check if your Manifest matches your distro
p5-Test-Class-0.37 -- Test::Class - Easily create test classes in an xUnit style
p5-Test-Class-Most-0.06_1 -- Test Classes the easy way
p5-Test-ClassAPI-1.06 -- Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-Classy-0.09 -- Perl module to allow writing your unit tests in other modules than *.t
p5-Test-Cmd-1.05 -- Perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts
p5-Test-Command-0.08 -- Test routines for external commands
p5-Test-Command-Simple-0.03 -- Test external commands (nearly) as easily as loaded modules
p5-Test-Compile-0.21 -- Check whether Perl module files compile correctly
p5-Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD-1.120990 -- Automate launching of fake mdp for testing purposes
p5-Test-Cukes-0.10 -- A BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber
p5-Test-DBIx-Class-0.35 -- Easier test cases for your DBIx::Class applications
p5-Test-Data-1.23 -- Test functions for particular variable types
p5-Test-Database-1.11 -- Database handles ready for testing
p5-Test-DatabaseRow-2.03 -- Simple database tests
p5-Test-Debugger-0.14 -- Create Test Scripts which Generate Log Files
p5-Test-Declare-0.06 -- Perl extension for declarative testing
p5-Test-Deep-0.110 -- Test data structures for differences deeply
p5-Test-Dependencies-0.12_1 -- Ensure that your Makefile.PL specifies all module dependencies
p5-Test-DependentModules-0.13 -- Test all modules which depend on your module
p5-Test-Differences-0.610 -- Test::Differences - Test strings and data structures for differences
p5-Test-Dir-1.014 -- Test directory attributes
p5-Test-Distribution-2.00_1 -- Test::Distribution - Perform tests on all modules of a distribution
p5-Test-EOL-1.5 -- Check the correct line endings in your project
p5-Test-Exception-0.31 -- Test::Exception - test functions for exception based code
p5-Test-Exception-LessClever-0.006 -- Test::Exception simplified
p5-Test-Expect-0.31 -- Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
p5-Test-Fatal-0.010 -- Incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
p5-Test-File-1.34 -- Test file attributes
p5-Test-File-Contents-0.20 -- Test routines for examining the contents of files
p5-Test-File-ShareDir-0.3.1 -- Create a fake ShareDir for your modules for testing
p5-Test-Fixture-DBI-0.07 -- Perl extension to load fixture data into database
p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema-0.03_1 -- Module providing a DBIx::Class::Schema fixture data loader
p5-Test-Group-0.18_1 -- Group together related tests in a test suite
p5-Test-HTML-Tidy-1.00 -- Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Tidy
p5-Test-HTTP-0.18 -- Test HTTP interactions
p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.11_1 -- Test::More functions for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-Test-Harness-3.25 -- Run perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Harness-Straps-0.30 -- Detailed analysis of test results for Perl
p5-Test-HasVersion-0.01.2 -- Check Perl modules have version numbers
p5-Test-HexString-0.03 -- Test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
p5-Test-Identity-0.01 -- Assert the referential identity of a reference
p5-Test-InDistDir-1.112071 -- Test environment setup for development with IDE
p5-Test-Inline-2.212 -- Test::Inline - Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-Inter-1.03 -- Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
p5-Test-JSON-0.11 -- Test JSON data
p5-Test-Kwalitee-1.01_2 -- Test the Kwalitee of a distribution before you release it
p5-Test-Lazy-0.061 -- A quick and easy way to compose and run tests with useful output
p5-Test-LeakTrace-0.14 -- Traces memory leaks
p5-Test-LectroTest-0.3600 -- Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
p5-Test-LoadAllModules-0.021 -- Perl extension to do use_ok for modules in search path
p5-Test-Log4perl-0.1001 -- Test::Log4perl - test Log::Log4perl
p5-Test-LongString-0.15 -- A library to test long strings
p5-Test-Manifest-1.23 -- Perl module to interact with a t/test_manifest file
p5-Test-ManyParams-0.10 -- Perl module to test many params as one test
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.04 -- Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
p5-Test-Mini-Unit-v1.0.3 -- Declarative syntactic sugar for Test::Mini
p5-Test-Mini-v1.1.3_1 -- Provides lightweight unit testing framework
p5-Test-Mock-Guard-0.08 -- Perl extension for simple mock test library using RAII
p5-Test-Mock-LWP-0.06 -- Easy mocking of LWP packages
p5-Test-Mock-LWP-Dispatch-0.03 -- Mocks LWP::UserAgent and dispatches your requests/responses
p5-Test-MockModule-0.05_1 -- Override subroutines in a module for unit testing
p5-Test-MockObject-1.20120301_1 -- Tests remote URLs or local web files
p5-Test-MockRandom-1.00 -- Replaces random number generation with non-random number generation
p5-Test-MockTime-0.12_1 -- Replaces actual time with simulated time
p5-Test-Module-Used-0.2.3 -- Test required module is really used and vice versa
p5-Test-Moose-More-0.011 -- More tools for testing Moose packages
p5-Test-More-UTF8-0.04 -- Enhancing Test::More for UTF-8-based projects
p5-Test-Most-0.31 -- Perl extension for most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-Net-RabbitMQ-0.09 -- A Perl mock RabbitMQ implementation for use when testing
p5-Test-NoTabs-1.3 -- Check the presence of tabs in your project
p5-Test-NoWarnings-1.04_1 -- Hide and store warnings while running test scripts
p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.03 -- Compare the difference between two numbers within a specified amount
p5-Test-Object-0.07_1 -- Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
p5-Test-Output-1.01 -- Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.10 -- A POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.16 -- A POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases
p5-Test-Parser-1.9_4 -- Parsing log files from test runs, and displays in an XML syntax
p5-Test-Perl-Critic-1.02 -- Use Perl::Critic in test programs
p5-Test-Pod-1.45 -- Check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08 -- Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-Permissive-0.05 -- Checks for pod coverage regression
p5-Test-Portability-Files-0.05_1 -- Test::Portability::Files Check file names portability
p5-Test-RandomResults-0.03_1 -- Test non-deterministic functions
p5-Test-Refcount-0.07 -- Assert reference counts on objects
p5-Test-Reporter-1.58 -- Sends test results to
p5-Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase-1.999008 -- Metabase transport for Test::Reporter
p5-Test-Requires-0.06 -- Perl extension for checking to see if the module can be loaded
p5-Test-Script-1.07 -- Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-Script-Run-0.05 -- Test the script with run
p5-Test-SharedFork-0.20 -- Perl extension for fork test
p5-Test-Signature-1.10 -- Perl Automated SIGNATURE testing
p5-Test-Simple-0.98 -- Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
p5-Test-Singleton-1.03 -- Test for Singleton classes
p5-Test-Spec-0.46 -- Write tests in a declarative specification style
p5-Test-Spelling-0.15 -- Check for spelling errors in POD files
p5-Test-Strict-0.14 -- Test and report on use strict/warnings coverage
p5-Test-SubCalls-1.09 -- Track the number of times subs are called
p5-Test-Synopsis-0.06 -- Test your SYNOPSIS code in CPAN module
p5-Test-Sys-Info-0.20 -- Centralized test suite for Sys::Info
p5-Test-TAP-HTMLMatrix-0.09 -- Creates colorful matrix of Test::Harness test run results
p5-Test-TAP-Model-0.10_1 -- Accessible result collector for Test::Harness::Straps runs
p5-Test-TCP-1.18 -- Perl extension for testing TCP program
p5-Test-TableDriven-0.02_1 -- Write tests, not scripts that run them
p5-Test-Taint-1.06 -- Tools to test taintedness
p5-Test-TempDir-0.05_2 -- Temporary files support for testing
p5-Test-Tester-0.10.8 -- Helps to test various Test::Builder derivatives
p5-Test-Timer-0.05_1 -- A test module to test/assert response times
p5-Test-TinyMocker-0.03 -- A very simple tool to mock external modules
p5-Test-Trap-0.2.2 -- Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc
p5-Test-URI-1.08 -- Perl module for check URI
p5-Test-Unit-0.25_1 -- PerlUnit testing framework
p5-Test-UseAllModules-0.14 -- Perl extension to do use_ok() for all modules MANIFESTed
p5-Test-WWW-Declare-0.02 -- Declarative testing for your web app
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.44 -- Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGI-0.1 -- Test CGI applications with Test::WWW::Mechanize
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-CGIApp-0.05 -- Test::WWW::Mechanize for CGIApp
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.58 -- Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-PSGI-0.35 -- Perl extension to test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize
p5-Test-WWW-Selenium-1.33 -- Perl driver and test library for Selenium Remote Control (SRC)
p5-Test-Warn-0.24 -- Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Test-Weaken-3.020000 -- Test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
p5-Test-Without-Module-0.17 -- Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
p5-Test-XML-0.08 -- Compare XML in perl tests
p5-Test-XML-Valid-0.04 -- Validate XML and XHTML
p5-Test-XPath-0.16 -- Test XML and HTML content and structure with XPath expressions
p5-Test-YAML-Meta-0.19 -- Validation of the META.yml file in a distribution
p5-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04_1 -- Test for valid YAML
p5-Test-mysqld-0.14 -- Perl extension for mysqld test runner
p5-Test-postgresql-0.09 -- Perl extension of postgresql runner for tests
p5-Test-use-ok-0.02 -- Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
p5-Test-utf8-1.00 -- Handy UTF-8 tests
p5-TestGen4Web-Runner-0.11_1 -- A PERL module to replay files recorded with TestGen4Web
p5-Text-ASCIIMathML-0.81 -- Perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
p5-Text-ASCIITable-0.20 -- Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
p5-Text-Affixes-0.07 -- Perl module for prefixes and suffixes analisys of text
p5-Text-Aligner-0.07 -- Align text in columns
p5-Text-AsciiTeX-0.05 -- Convert (La)TeX formulas to ASCII art
p5-Text-Aspell-0.09_1 -- Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
p5-Text-Autoformat-1.669.002 -- Automatic and manual text wrapping and reformating formatting
p5-Text-Balanced-2.02 -- Extract delimited text sequences from strings
p5-Text-Bastardize-0.08 -- Corruptor of innocent text
p5-Text-BibTeX-0.65 -- Manipulate BibTeX files from perl
p5-Text-Bidi-0.03_1 -- Perl interface to the libfribidi
p5-Text-Bind-0.04 -- Bind Perl structures to text files
p5-Text-Brew-0.02 -- Perl extension for the Brew edit distance
p5-Text-CSV-1.21 -- Composition and decomposition of comma-separated values
p5-Text-CSV-Encoded-0.10 -- Perl module for Encoding aware CVS files parsing
p5-Text-CSV-Simple-1.00 -- Perl module for Simpler parsing of CSV files
p5-Text-CSV_XS-0.91 -- Comma-separated values manipulation routines
p5-Text-Capitalize-1.3 -- Capitalize strings ("to WORK AS titles" becomes "To Work as Titles")
p5-Text-CharWidth-0.04 -- Get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
p5-Text-Chomp-0.02 -- A module implementing a portable chomp
p5-Text-Context-3.7 -- Handle highlighting search result context snippets
p5-Text-Context-EitherSide-1.4 -- Text::Context::EitherSide - Get n words either side of search keywords
p5-Text-DHCPLeases-0.9 -- Perl extension to parse DHCP leases file from ISC dhcpd
p5-Text-Decorator-1.65 -- Apply a chain of filters to text
p5-Text-Delimited-2.00 -- Module for parsing delimited text files
p5-Text-Diff-1.41 -- Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
p5-Text-Diff-HTML-0.07 -- Text::Diff::HTML - XHTML format for Text::Diff::Unified
p5-Text-Diff-Parser-0.1001 -- Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
p5-Text-Diff3-0.10 -- Compute three-way differences between texts
p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.07 -- Phonetic encoding of words
p5-Text-Emoticon-0.04 -- Factory class for Yahoo! and MSN emoticons
p5-Text-Emoticon-GoogleTalk-0.01_1 -- Emoticon filter of GoogleTalk
p5-Text-Emoticon-MSN-0.04 -- Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger
p5-Text-EtText-2.2_1 -- A simple plain-text to HTML converter
p5-Text-Extract-Word-0.04 -- A simple module for extracting the text from a Microsoft Word file
p5-Text-ExtractWords-0.08 -- Perl extension for extract words from strings
p5-Text-FIGlet-2.18 -- Perl module to provide FIGlet abilities, akin to banner
p5-Text-FillIn-0.05 -- A class implementing a fill-in template
p5-Text-Filter-1.9 -- Base class for objects that can read and write text lines
p5-Text-Filter-Chain-0.02 -- Chains multiple Text::Filter objects and runs them in sequence
p5-Text-FindIndent-0.10 -- Perl5 module to heuristically determine the indent style of a file
p5-Text-FixEOL-1.06 -- Canonicalizes text to a specified EOL/EOF convention
p5-Text-FixedLength-0.12 -- Parse and create fixed length field records
p5-Text-FixedLength-Extra-1.1 -- Various niceties for p5-Text-FixedLength lovers
p5-Text-Flow-0.01 -- Flexible text flowing and word wrapping for not just ASCII output
p5-Text-Flowchart-1.00 -- ASCII Flowchart maker
p5-Text-Flowed-0.14 -- RFC2646 format=flowed
p5-Text-Format-0.53 -- Various subroutines to format text
p5-Text-FormatNWrap-0.52 -- Various subroutines to format and wrap text
p5-Text-FormatTable-1.03 -- Renders simple tables as text
p5-Text-German-0.06 -- German Grundform reduction
p5-Text-Glob-0.09 -- Match globbing patterns against text
p5-Text-Graphics-1.0001_1 -- A text graphics rendering toolkit
p5-Text-Greeking-0.12 -- Generate meaningless text that creates the illusion of the document
p5-Text-Greeking-zh_TW-1.0 -- Generate meaningless Chinese text that creates the illusion of the document
p5-Text-Hatena-0.20_1 -- Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style
p5-Text-Highlight-0.04 -- Syntax highlighting framework
p5-Text-HikiDoc-1.019 -- Pure Perl implementation of 'HikiDoc'
p5-Text-Iconv-1.7 -- Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
p5-Text-Language-Guess-0.02 -- Trained module to guess a document's language
p5-Text-Levenshtein-0.05 -- An implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
p5-Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03 -- Text::LevenshteinXS - CPAN Levenshtein edit distance
p5-Text-Lorem-0.3 -- Generate random Latin looking text
p5-Text-Markdown-1.000031_1 -- Markdown Perl5 module
p5-Text-Match-FastAlternatives-1.04 -- Efficient search for many strings
p5-Text-Metaphone-20081017 -- A modern soundex: phonetic encoding of words
p5-Text-MicroTemplate-0.18 -- Perl extension for standalone, fast and intelligent template engine
p5-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000034 -- Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
p5-Text-NSP-1.25 -- Perl5 modules for Ngram Statistics Package
p5-Text-NeatTemplate-0.10.01 -- A fast, middleweight template engine
p5-Text-Netstring-0.07 -- Perl module to create and manipulate netstring encoded strings
p5-Text-Ngram-0.14 -- Perl module for n-gram analysis
p5-Text-Ngrams-2.002 -- Perl5 modules for Flexible Ngram analysis
p5-Text-Original-1.5 -- Find original, non-quoted text in a message
p5-Text-Outdent-0.01 -- Strip leading whitespace from here-docs
p5-Text-PDF-0.29a_1 -- A PDF manipulation module
p5-Text-Padding-1.110.170 -- Simple way of formatting a text
p5-Text-ParagraphDiff-2.70 -- Visual difference for paragraphed text
p5-Text-ParseWords-3.27 -- Parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays
p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30 -- A Perl extension for generating pronounceable passwords
p5-Text-Patch-1.8 -- Perl extension to patch text with given patch
p5-Text-Prefix-XS-0.15 -- Fast prefix searching
p5-Text-QRCode-0.01_1 -- Generate text based QR Code
p5-Text-Query-0.07 -- Query processing framework
p5-Text-Query-SQL-0.09 -- Text-Query-SQL provides query builders for SQL databases
p5-Text-Quote-0.3_2 -- Quotes strings as required for perl to eval them back correctly
p5-Text-Quoted-2.06 -- Text::Quoted - Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-RecordParser-1.5.0 -- Read record-oriented files
p5-Text-Reflow-1.09 -- Perl module for reflowing text files
p5-Text-Reform-1.20 -- Manual text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-Report-1.004 -- For generating mixed columnar formatted reports and report templates
p5-Text-Repository-1.04 -- A simple way to manage text without mixing it with Perl
p5-Text-Sass-0.96 -- Perl implementation of
p5-Text-Shellwords-1.08 -- This is a thin wrapper around the package
p5-Text-Similarity-0.08 -- Perl module for measuring the similarity of text documents
p5-Text-SimpleTable-2.03 -- Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
p5-Text-SimpleTemplate-0.36 -- Yet another Perl module for template processing
p5-Text-SpellChecker-0.11 -- Perl5 OO interface for spell-checking a block of text
p5-Text-SpellChecker-GUI-0.0.2 -- Implements a user interface to Text::SpellChecker using ZConf::GUI
p5-Text-Striphigh-0.02 -- Perl extension to strip the high bit off of ISO-8859-1 text
p5-Text-Table-1.124 -- Organize Data in Tables
p5-Text-TabsWrap-2009.0305 -- Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
p5-Text-TabularDisplay-1.33 -- Display text in formatted table output
p5-Text-Tags-0.04 -- Parses folksonomy space-separated tags
p5-Text-Template-1.45_1 -- Expand template text with embedded Perl
p5-Text-Textile-2.12 -- A perl-based implementation of the Textile syntax by Dean Allen
p5-Text-Tmpl-0.33 -- Templating system perl library
p5-Text-Trac-0.15 -- Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style
p5-Text-Trim-1.02 -- Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-Truncate-1.04 -- Perl module with simple string truncating routine
p5-Text-Unaccent-1.08_1 -- Remove accents from a string
p5-Text-Unidecode-0.04 -- Text::Unidecode -- US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
p5-Text-VimColor-0.14_1 -- Syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim
p5-Text-WikiCreole-0.07 -- Implementation of the Wiki Creole markup language
p5-Text-WikiFormat-0.80 -- Module for translating Wiki formatted text into other formats
p5-Text-WordDiff-0.08 -- Track changes between documents
p5-Text-Wrapper-1.03 -- Simple word wrapping routine
p5-Text-Xslate-1.5019 -- High performance template engine
p5-Text-vCard-2.12 -- A package to parse, edit and create multiple vCards (RFC 2426)
p5-Text-vFile-asData-0.07 -- Parse vFile formatted files into data structures
p5-Text-xSV-0.21 -- Read character separated files
p5-TheSchwartz-1.10_1 -- Reliable job queue
p5-TheSchwartz-Simple-0.05 -- DBI only job dispatcher for TheSchwartz
p5-TheSchwartz-Worker-SendEmail-1.00_2 -- TheSchwartz Worker Task to Send Email
p5-Thread-Apartment-0.51 -- Apartment threading wrapper for Perl objects
p5-Thread-Cancel-1.13 -- Cancel (i.e., kill) threads
p5-Thread-Pool-Simple-0.25 -- Simple thread-pool implementation
p5-Thread-Queue-2.12 -- Perl5 thread-safe queues
p5-Thread-Queue-Duplex-0.92 -- Thread-safe request/response queue with identifiable elements
p5-Thread-Suspend-1.21 -- Suspend and resume operations for threads
p5-Thrift-0.8.0 -- Perl interface to Thrift
p5-Thrift-XS-1.04 -- Faster Thrift binary protocol encoding and decoding
p5-Throwable-0.102080 -- An easy-to-use class for error objects
p5-Tie-Array-Pack-0.02 -- Array implemented as a packed string
p5-Tie-Array-Sorted-1.4.1 -- A Perl array which is kept sorted
p5-Tie-CPHash-1.04 -- Perl module implementing a case preserving hash table
p5-Tie-Cache-0.19 -- LRU Cache in Memory through a tie interface
p5-Tie-DBI-1.05 -- Perl module implementing Tie hash to a DBI handle
p5-Tie-DB_File-SplitHash-1.05 -- A wrapper around the DB_File Berkeley database system
p5-Tie-DB_FileLock-0.11 -- Locking access to Berkeley DB v1.x
p5-Tie-DNS-0.6.1 -- Tie interface to p5-Net-DNS
p5-Tie-DxHash-1.05 -- Perl module implementing ordered hashes with duplicate keys
p5-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24 -- Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields
p5-Tie-File-0.98 -- Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
p5-Tie-File-AsHash-0.08 -- Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl hash
p5-Tie-FileLRUCache-1.05 -- A lightweight but robust filesystem based persistent LRU cache
p5-Tie-Function-0.02 -- Wrap functions in tied hash sugar
p5-Tie-Hash-Indexed-0.05 -- Ordered hashes for Perl in XS
p5-Tie-Hash-MultiValue-1.02 -- Store multiple values per key
p5-Tie-Hash-Regex-1.02 -- Match hash keys using Regular Expressions
p5-Tie-Hash-Sorted-0.10 -- Tie::Hash::Sorted - presents hashes in sorted order
p5-Tie-Hash-TwoWay-1.08 -- Tie::Hash::TwoWay - two-way mapping between disjoint sets
p5-Tie-IxHash-1.22 -- Perl module implementing ordered in-memory associative arrays
p5-Tie-LLHash-1.003 -- Perl module which implements an ordered hash-like object
p5-Tie-LevelDB-0.07_1 -- A Perl Interface to the Google LevelDB NoSQL database
p5-Tie-NetAddr-IP-1.51 -- Tie::NetAddr::IP - Implements a Hash where the key is a subnet
p5-Tie-RefHash-1.39 -- Tie::RefHash - use references as hash keys
p5-Tie-RefHash-Weak-0.09 -- A Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys
p5-Tie-RegexpHash-0.15 -- Use regular expressions as hash keys
p5-Tie-Restore-0.11 -- Restores ties to an existing object
p5-Tie-ShareLite-0.03_1 -- Tied hash interface to IPC::ShareLite
p5-Tie-Simple-1.03 -- Variable ties made easier: much, much, much easier
p5-Tie-Syslog-1.07 -- Tie a filehandle to Syslog
p5-Tie-TinyURL-0.02_1 -- Tied interface to
p5-Tie-ToObject-0.03_1 -- Tie to an existing object
p5-Tie-Util-0.03 -- Utility functions for fiddling with tied variables
p5-Tie-iCal-0.15 -- Tie iCal files to Perl hashes
p5-Time-Clock-1.02 -- Twenty-four hour clock objects with nanosecond precision
p5-Time-Duration-1.06 -- Rounded or exact English expression of durations
p5-Time-Duration-Parse-0.06 -- Parse string that represents time duration
p5-Time-Format-1.11 -- Easy-to-use date/time formatting
p5-Time-HiRes-1.9725 -- A perl5 module implementing High resolution time, sleep, and alarm
p5-Time-Human-1.03 -- Convert localtime() format to "speaking clock" time
p5-Time-Interval-1.22 -- Converts time intervals of days, hours, minutes, and seconds
p5-Time-Local-1.22.00 -- Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
p5-Time-Object-1.00_1 -- A Perl OO interface to time and dates
p5-Time-Out-0.11 -- Easily timeout long running operations
p5-Time-Period-1.20 -- A perl module that contains code to deal with time periods
p5-Time-Piece-1.20 -- Time::Piece - Object Oriented time objects
p5-Time-Piece-MySQL-0.06 -- Time::Piece::MySQL - Adds MySQL-specific methods to Time::Piece
p5-Time-Piece-Range-1.2 -- Time::Piece::Range - deal with a range of Time::Piece objects
p5-Time-Progress-1.7 -- Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting
p5-Time-Stopwatch-1.00 -- Use tied scalars as timers
p5-Time-Warp-0.5 -- Control over the flow of time
p5-Time-modules-2011.0517 -- Set of modules for time manipulation
p5-TimeDate-1.20 -- Perl5 module containing a better/faster date parser for absolute dates
p5-Tk-804.030_1 -- A re-port of a perl5 interface to Tk8.4
p5-Tk-Action-1.093.390 -- Action abstraction for Tk
p5-Tk-Autoscroll-1.14_3 -- Tk::Autoscroll - space invaders-like scrolling
p5-Tk-ColourChooser-1.52_3 -- Perl/Tk module providing a Colour selection dialogue box
p5-Tk-Contrib-0.07_4 -- Contributed Tk widgets
p5-Tk-CursorControl-0.4_1 -- Manipulate the mouse cursor programmatically
p5-Tk-DKW-0.03_4 -- Collection of Tk widgets
p5-Tk-Date-0.44_1 -- Tk::Date - a date/time widget for perl/Tk
p5-Tk-DynaTabFrame-0.23_4 -- NoteBook widget with orientable, dynamically stacking tabs
p5-Tk-Enscript-1.10_3 -- Tk::Enscript - a text-to-postscript converter using Tk::Canvas
p5-Tk-FileDialog-1.3_4 -- Tk::FileDialog - A file selector dialog for perl/Tk
p5-Tk-FontDialog-0.15_3 -- Font dialog widget
p5-Tk-GBARR-2.08_3 -- Some collection of Tk Widgets
p5-Tk-Getopt-0.50_3 -- User configuration window for Tk with interface to Getopt::Long
p5-Tk-HistEntry-0.43_4 -- Tk::HistEntry - Entry widget with history capability
p5-Tk-JComboBox-1.14_5 -- Contains a Label or Entry, a Button, and a Listbox
p5-Tk-JPEG-Lite-2.01403_5 -- Very simplistic image viewer that loads JPEG images
p5-Tk-Pod-0.9940_1 -- Simple Pod browser with hypertext capabilities in a Toplevel widget
p5-Tk-ResizeButton-0.01_4 -- A resizeable button to be used in a Tk::HList column header
p5-Tk-Role-Dialog-1.112.380_1 -- Moose role for enhanced Tk dialogs
p5-Tk-Role-HasWidgets-1.112.380 -- Keep track of your Tk widgets
p5-Tk-Splashscreen-1.0_4 -- Tk::Splashscreen, display a Splashscreen during program initialization
p5-Tk-Sugar-1.093.190 -- Sugar syntax for Tk
p5-Tk-TableMatrix-1.23_5 -- Table/matrix extension to perl/tk for displaying table formatted data
p5-Tk-ToolBar-0.10_2 -- A toolbar widget for Perl/Tk
p5-Tk-XMLViewer-0.21_3 -- Tk::XMLViewer - Tk widget to display XML
p5-TokyoCabinet-1.34 -- Perl extension for TokyoCabinet
p5-ToolSet-1.00 -- Load your commonly-used modules in a single import
p5-TraceFuncs-0.1 -- A perl5 module to trace function calls as they happen
p5-Tree-Authz-0.03 -- Role-Based Access Control authorization scheme
p5-Tree-Binary-0.07 -- An Object Oriented Binary Tree for Perl
p5-Tree-Binary-Dictionary-1.01 -- A dictionary API to a binary tree
p5-Tree-DAG_Node-1.06 -- Super class for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Tree-Nary-1.30 -- Perl implementation of N-ary search trees
p5-Tree-Node-0.08_1 -- Memory-efficient tree nodes in Perl
p5-Tree-Parser-0.15 -- Module to parse formatted files into tree structures
p5-Tree-R-0.06 -- Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms
p5-Tree-RedBlack-0.5 -- Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a type of balanced tree
p5-Tree-Simple-1.18 -- A simple tree object
p5-Tree-Simple-View-0.17_1 -- A set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.10_1 -- A set of visitor objects for traversing Tree::Simple hierarchies
p5-Tree-Suffix-0.21 -- Perl interface to the libstree library
p5-Try-Tiny-0.11 -- Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@
p5-TryCatch-1.003000_1 -- First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters
p5-Twiggy-0.1021 -- Perl extension of AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI (like Thin)
p5-Twiggy-TLS-0.0017 -- Perl extension to extend Twiggy supporting TLS
p5-UDCode-1.03 -- Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
p5-UI-Dialog-1.08 -- Perl wrapper for the various dialog applications
p5-UML-Class-Simple-0.18_4 -- Render simple UML class diagrams, by loading the code
p5-UML-Sequence-0.08_3 -- A perl module that produce UML sequence diagrams
p5-UML-State-0.02 -- A perl module that produce simple UML state diagrams
p5-UNIVERSAL-can-1.20120726 -- Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20120726 -- Try to recover from people calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08 -- Moniker for classes
p5-UNIVERSAL-require-0.13 -- Perl module to require() from a variable
p5-UNIVERSAL-which-0.06 -- Perl extension for telling fully qualified name of the method
p5-URI-1.60 -- Perl5 interface to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) references
p5-URI-Encode-0.07 -- Simple URI Encoding/Decoding
p5-URI-Escape-JavaScript-0.04 -- Perl implementation of JavaScript's escape()/unescape() functions
p5-URI-Escape-XS-0.09 -- Drop-In replacement for URI::Escape in XS
p5-URI-Fetch-0.090 -- Smart URI fetching/caching
p5-URI-Find-20111103 -- Perl module to find URIs in arbitrary text
p5-URI-FromHash-0.03 -- Create URI from hash of components
p5-URI-GoogleChart-1.02 -- Generate Google Chart URIs
p5-URI-Match-0.00001 -- Perl extension for matching URLs by parts
p5-URI-OpenURL-0.4.6 -- Parse and construct OpenURL's (NISO Z39.88-2004)
p5-URI-ParseSearchString-3.44.2 -- Parse Apache referer logs and extract search engine query strings
p5-URI-Query-0.10 -- URI query string manipulation
p5-URI-Sequin-1.2 -- Extract information from the URLs of Search-Engines
p5-URI-SmartURI-0.032 -- Subclassable and hostless URIs
p5-URI-Template-0.16 -- Object for handling URI templates
p5-URI-Template-Restrict-0.06 -- Perl extension for restricted URI Templates handler
p5-URI-Title-1.86 -- Get the titles of things on the web in a sensible way
p5-URI-ToDisk-1.12_1 -- An object for mapping a URI to an on-disk storage directory
p5-URI-UTF8-Punycode-0.96 -- Punycode conversion of UTF-8 string
p5-URI-imap-1.01 -- URI::imap - Support IMAP URI
p5-URI-imaps-1.02 -- Support IMAPS URI
p5-UUID-0.04 -- Perl extension for using UUID interfaces as defined in e2fsprogs
p5-UUID-Tiny-1.03 -- Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
p5-Ubic-1.44 -- Flexible perl-based service manager
p5-Umph-Prompt-0.1.0 -- An interactive prompt module for umph and similar programs
p5-Unicode-CheckUTF8-1.03 -- Check if scalar is valid UTF-8
p5-Unicode-Collate-0.90 -- Unicode Collation Algorithm
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.32 -- East Asian Width properties
p5-Unicode-Escape-0.0.2 -- Escape and unescape Unicode characters other than ASCII
p5-Unicode-IMAPUtf7-2.01 -- Perl extension to deal with IMAP UTF-7
p5-Unicode-LineBreak-1.008.2_1 -- Unicode-LineBreak package
p5-Unicode-Lite-0.12 -- Perl module for easy conversion between encodings
p5-Unicode-Map-0.112 -- Perl class that converts strings to/from 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format
p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13 -- Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.11 -- Perl class that implements conversion between arbitrary charsets
p5-Unicode-Normalize-1.15 -- Unicode Normalization Forms
p5-Unicode-RecursiveDowngrade-0.04 -- Perl extension to turn off UTF-8 flags inside of comprex variable
p5-Unicode-String-2.09 -- These are experimental Perl5 modules to handle various Unicode issues
p5-Unicode-Stringprep-1.104 -- Preparation of Internationalized Strings (RFC 3454)
p5-Unicode-UTF8simple-1.06 -- Conversions to/from UTF-8 from/to charactersets
p5-Unicode-Unihan-0.04 -- The Unihan Data Base 5.1.0
p5-Uniq-0.01 -- Perl extension for managing a uniq list of values
p5-Unix-ConfigFile-0.06 -- Perl modules that provides a simple interface to reading /etc files
p5-Unix-Lsof-0.0.5_1 -- Unix::Lsof -- a wrapper to the Unix lsof utility
p5-Unix-Mknod-0.04 -- Perl5 module to create special files
p5-Unix-Processors-2.042 -- Interface to processor (CPU) information
p5-Unix-Statgrab-0.04_1 -- Perl extension for collecting information about the machine
p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1 -- Perl5 interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls
p5-Unix-Uptime-0.3701 -- Determine the current uptime in seconds
p5-User-1.9 -- User - API for locating user information regardless of OS
p5-User-Identity-0.93 -- Perl module for abstracting information about a physical person
p5-VCG-0.5_1 -- Interface to the VCG graphing tool
p5-VCP-Dest-svk-0.29_5 -- VCP destination driver for svn/svk
p5-VCP-Source-cvsbk-0.11 -- VCP source driver for bk exported cvs repository
p5-VCP-autrijus-0.9.20050110_1 -- A tool for copying files between various SCM repositories
p5-VCS-0.16 -- Library for generic Version Control System access in Perl
p5-VCS-CVS-2.06 -- Perl module that provides a simple interface to CVS
p5-VCS-Lite-0.09 -- Minimal version control system
p5-VUser-Google-ProvisioningAPI-0.24 -- Perl module that implements the Google Provisioning API
p5-Validate-Net-0.6 -- Format validation and more for Net:: related strings
p5-Validation-Class-7.86 -- Perl extension for centralized input validation for any application
p5-Validator-Custom-0.1500 -- Validator::Custom for simple data validation
p5-Variable-Magic-0.51 -- Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
p5-Verilog-Perl-3.316 -- Building point for Verilog support in the Perl language
p5-Version-Next-0.002 -- Increment module version numbers simply and correctly
p5-Video-Info-0.999_3 -- Retrieve video properties such as: height width codec fps
p5-Video-OpenQuicktime-1.02_5 -- An interface to the OpenQuicktime library
p5-Vimana-2010.09303_2 -- Vim script manager
p5-Visio-1.010 -- Perl extension manipulating XML based Visio files
p5-Vroom-0.27 -- Slide Shows in Vim
p5-W3C-LinkChecker-4.81_1 -- Checks the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
p5-W3C-LogValidator-1.4 -- A comprehensive validation tool for webmasters and web developers
p5-WAP-wbxml-1.13 -- Binarization of XML file
p5-WDDX-1.02_1 -- Perl module to parse WDDX Packets
p5-WWW-2ch-0.07_1 -- Perl module for scraping of BBS
p5-WWW-AtMovies-TV-0.04 -- Retrieve TV information from
p5-WWW-Babelfish-0.16 -- Perl interface to obtain translations from the babelfish server
p5-WWW-Baseball-NPB-0.03 -- Fetches Japanese baseball games information
p5-WWW-BitTorrent-0.01 -- Search and Download .torrent(s) files from BitTorrents boards
p5-WWW-Comic-1.06_1 -- Retrieve comic strip images
p5-WWW-Contact-0.47 -- Contact importer for all the major email systems
p5-WWW-Curl-4.15 -- Perl binding interface for curl
p5-WWW-DHL-0.03_1 -- Perl module for the DHL online tracking service
p5-WWW-Dilbert-1.19 -- Dilbert of the day comic strip archive and retrieval module
p5-WWW-Facebook-API-0.4.18_1 -- Facebook API implementation in Perl
p5-WWW-FreeProxy-0.04 -- Fetch proxies from free proxy lists
p5-WWW-GMail-0.07 -- This module simplifies access to gmail
p5-WWW-GitHub-Gist-0.17 -- Perl interface to Gist
p5-WWW-Google-Calculator-0.07 -- This module provide simple interface for Google calculator
p5-WWW-Google-News-0.12_1 -- Access to Google's News Service (Not Usenet)
p5-WWW-Google-News-TW-0.12_1 -- Access to Google's Taiwan News Service (Not Usenet)
p5-WWW-Google-Notebook-0.01 -- Perl interface for Google Notebook
p5-WWW-Google-PageRank-0.17 -- Perl interface for querying Google pagerank
p5-WWW-Google-SiteMap-1.10 -- Perl extension for managing Google SiteMaps
p5-WWW-Google-Video-0.4 -- An interface to fetch the Google Video Information
p5-WWW-HatenaDiary-0.02 -- CRUD interface to Hatena::Diary
p5-WWW-HatenaLogin-0.03 -- Login/Logout interface to Hatena
p5-WWW-HatenaStar-0.04_1 -- perl interface to Hatena::Star
p5-WWW-Hotmail-0.10 -- This module simplifies access to hotmail
p5-WWW-IMDb-0.01_1 -- Perl interface to query the Internet Movie Database(IMDb)
p5-WWW-Instapaper-Client-0.901 -- An implementation of the Instapaper client API
p5-WWW-Link-0.036 -- Maintain information about the state of links
p5-WWW-LongURL-0.05 -- Perl interface to the LongURL API
p5-WWW-Mechanize-1.72 -- This module is to help you automate interaction with a website
p5-WWW-Mechanize-CGI-0.3 -- Use WWW::Mechanize with CGI applications.
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Cached-1.41 -- Perl extension to cache response to be polite
p5-WWW-Mechanize-DecodedContent-0.02 -- Decode Mech content using its HTTP response encoding
p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller-0.10_1 -- Perl framework to automate HTML forms
p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.12_1 -- Use WWW::Mechanize by requesting gzip-compression from the webserver
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Meta-0.07 -- Adds HEAD tag parsing to WWW::Mechanize
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Pluggable-1.12 -- Custmomize WWW::Mechanize via plugins
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Plugin-phpBB-0.02_1 -- Screen scraper for phpBB installations
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.52_1 -- An interactive shell for www/p5-WWW-Mechanize
p5-WWW-Mechanize-SpamCop-0.08 -- SpamCop reporting automation
p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder-1.10003 -- WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder
p5-WWW-Mediawiki-Client-0.31_2 -- A very simple cvs-like interface for Mediawiki websites
p5-WWW-Mixi-0.50 -- Perl module of Automated interface to the Mixi
p5-WWW-Mixi-Scraper-0.34 -- Yet another mixi scraper
p5-WWW-Myspace-0.92 -- Access profile information from Perl
p5-WWW-NicoVideo-Download-0.06 -- Perl module of download FLV/MP4/SWF files from
p5-WWW-NioTV-0.04 -- Retrieve TV information from
p5-WWW-OpenSVN-0.1.3 -- An automated interface for
p5-WWW-OpenSearch-0.16 -- Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines
p5-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create-0.004 -- Paste to from Perl
p5-WWW-Plurk-0.02_2 -- Unofficial API
p5-WWW-Robot-0.026 -- WWW::Robot - configurable web traversal engine
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02 -- Database of robots.txt-derived permissions
p5-WWW-RobotRules-Parser-0.04001 -- Just Parse robots.txt
p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-0.25 -- Retrieving information about books by ISBN number
p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Amazon_Driver-0.27 -- Search driver for the (US) Amazon online catalog
p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Driver-0.18 -- Driver class for WWW::Scraper::ISBN module
p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-ORA_Driver-0.19 -- Search driver for O'Reilly & Associates's online catalog
p5-WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Record-0.17 -- Book Record class for WWW::Scraper::ISBN module
p5-WWW-Scripter-0.029 -- Module for scripting web sites that have scripts
p5-WWW-Scripter-Plugin-Ajax-0.09 -- WWW::Scripter plugin that provides the XMLHttpRequest object
p5-WWW-Scripter-Plugin-JavaScript-0.008 -- JavaScript plugin for WWW::Scripter
p5-WWW-Search-2.508 -- A perl5 module for WWW searches
p5-WWW-Search-AltaVista-2.154 -- Perl WWW::Search class for searching AltaVista
p5-WWW-Search-Google-0.23 -- Perl WWW::Search class for searching Google
p5-WWW-Search-MSN-0.0106 -- Backend for searching
p5-WWW-Shorten-0rz-0.07 -- Shorten URL using
p5-WWW-Shorten-3.03 -- Abstract interface to URL shortening sites
p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly-1.17 -- Abstract interface to, one of URL shortening sites
p5-WWW-Shorten-Googl-1.02 -- Perl interface to
p5-WWW-Shorten-KUSO-0.3 -- Shorten URL using http://KUSO.CC/
p5-WWW-Shorten-NotLong-2.00 -- A Perl interface to the web site
p5-WWW-Shorten-isgd-0.02 -- Abstract interface to, one of URL shortening sites
p5-WWW-SourceForge-0.090 -- Retrieve information from SourceForge site
p5-WWW-Spinn3r-3.00700001 -- An interface to the Spinn3r API
p5-WWW-TV-0.14 -- Perl interface to the database of series/episodes at
p5-WWW-TWSMS-0.01 -- A Perl interface for sending sms by TWSMS
p5-WWW-TinySong-1.01_1 -- Get free music links from
p5-WWW-Tumblr-4.1 -- Perl interface for the Tumblr API
p5-WWW-VenusEnvy-1.10_1 -- VenusEnvy comic strip archive and retrieval module
p5-WWW-WebArchive-0.50 -- Retrieve old versions of public web pages from various web archives
p5-WWW-Wikipedia-2.00 -- Perl module of Automated interface to the Wikipedia
p5-WWW-Wordnik-API-0.0.5_1 -- Wordnik API implementation
p5-WWW-Yandex-TIC-0.07 -- Query Yandex Thematic Index of Citing (TIC) for domain
p5-WWW-iTunesConnect-1.16_2 -- Client interface for Apple's iTunes Connect service
p5-Want-0.21 -- A generalisation of wantarray
p5-WeakRef-0.01 -- An API to the Perl weak references
p5-Weather-Underground-3.03 -- Retrieve weather information from
p5-Web-Query-0.08 -- Yet another scraping library like jQuery
p5-Web-Scraper-0.36 -- Web Scraping Toolkit inspired by Scrapi
p5-Web-Scraper-Config-0.01 -- Run Web::Scraper From Config Files
p5-Web-oEmbed-0.04 -- oEmbed consumer
p5-WebDAO-2.14 -- Platform for easy creation of web applications
p5-WebService-Basecamp-0.1.4 -- Perl interface to the Basecamp API webservice
p5-WebService-Bloglines-0.12 -- Easy-to-use Interface for Bloglines Web Services
p5-WebService-BuzzurlAPI-0.02 -- Buzzurl WebService API
p5-WebService-CIA-1.4 -- Information from the CIA World Factbook
p5-WebService-Dropbox-1.09 -- Perl interface to Dropbox API
p5-WebService-GData-0.0501 -- Google data protocol v2 base object to inherit from
p5-WebService-Google-Reader-0.21 -- Perl interface to Google Reader
p5-WebService-Google-Sets-0.03 -- Perl access to Google Labs Sets site
p5-WebService-IMDB-0.05 -- Perl interface to IMDb
p5-WebService-ISBNDB-0.34 -- A Perl extension to access
p5-WebService-Linode-0.07 -- Perl Interface to the API
p5-WebService-MoviePosterDB-0.18 -- Perl interface to MoviePosterDB
p5-WebService-MusicBrainz-0.93 -- Perl interface to MusicBrainz
p5-WebService-NoPaste-0.03 -- A pastebin web application to upload snippets of text
p5-WebService-Prowl-0.07_1 -- Perl interface to Prowl Public API
p5-WebService-Rakuten-0.05 -- Rakuten WebService API
p5-WebService-Simple-0.18 -- Simple Interface To Web Services APIs
p5-WebService-Technorati-0.04_2 -- A Perl interface to the Technorati web services interface
p5-WebService-Validator-CSS-W3C-0.2 -- Experimental interface to the W3C CSS Validation online service
p5-WebService-Validator-HTML-W3C-0.28 -- Access to the W3Cs online HTML validator
p5-WebService-YouTube-1.0.3 -- Perl interface to YouTube
p5-What-1.01 -- Find out about running services
p5-WordNet-QueryData-1.49 -- Perl interface to the WordNet database files
p5-WordNet-Similarity-2.05 -- Modules/CLI to determine semantic relatedness using the WordNet
p5-WordPress-XMLRPC-1.23 -- Perl 5 API to WordPress XML-RPC services
p5-Workflow-1.34 -- Simple, flexible system to implement workflows
p5-Wx-0.97_1 -- Perl5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
p5-Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.27_1 -- Perl5 module to access IO of external processes via events
p5-X11-GUITest-0.25 -- Provides GUI testing/interaction facilities
p5-X11-IdleTime-0.5 -- Perl module that reports number of seconds that X11 has been idle
p5-X11-Protocol-0.56 -- Perl module that provides an interface roughly equivalent to Xlib
p5-X11-Resolution-0.0.0 -- Provides a method to get the resolution for a X11 screen
p5-X500-DN-0.29 -- Handle X.500 DNs (Distinguished Names), parse, and format them
p5-XML-ApacheFOP-0.03_2 -- Access Apache FOP from Perl to create PDF files using XSL-FO
p5-XML-Atom-0.41 -- Perl5 modules for Atom feed and API implementation
p5-XML-Atom-Ext-OpenSearch-0.03 -- XML::Atom extension for OpenSearch data
p5-XML-Atom-Filter-0.07 -- Easy creation of command line Atom processing tools
p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.86 -- XML::Atom::SimpleFeed - Generate simple Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-Atom-Stream-0.11 -- A client interface for AtomStream
p5-XML-Atom-Syndication-0.94.2_1 -- Simple lightweight client for consuming Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-AutoWriter-0.40 -- Perl module for DOCTYPE based XML output
p5-XML-Bare-0.47 -- A minimal XML Parser
p5-XML-Canonical-0.10_2 -- Perl Implementation of Canonical XML
p5-XML-CanonicalizeXML-0.03 -- Extension for inclusive/exclusive canonicalization of XML
p5-XML-Catalog-0.02_1 -- Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
p5-XML-Clean-1.06 -- Ensure, that *(HTML)* text pass throught an XML parser
p5-XML-Code-0.4 -- Module for converting XML hash structures into plain text
p5-XML-Compile-1.29 -- Compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Compile-Cache-0.99.2 -- Cache Compiled XML Translators
p5-XML-Compile-Dumper-0.13_1 -- Dump Compiled XML Translators
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-2.30 -- Base-class for SOAP implementations
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-AnyEvent-0.01 -- Exchange XML via AnyEvent::HTTP
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-Daemon-3.05 -- Base class for SOAP message servers
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP-WSA-0.12 -- SOAP message messages with WSA fields
p5-XML-Compile-Tester-0.90 -- Support XML::Compile Related Regression Testing
p5-XML-DBMS-1.03 -- Perl port of Java package XML-DBMS v1.0
p5-XML-DOM-1.44 -- Perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
p5-XML-DOM-Lite-0.15 -- Lite Pure Perl XML DOM Parser Kit
p5-XML-DOM-XPath-0.14 -- Adds XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engine
p5-XML-DOM2-0.06_1 -- DOM controlled, strict XML module for extentable xml objects
p5-XML-DOMHandler-1.0 -- A call-back interface to DOM
p5-XML-DT-0.62 -- Perl module for down translation of XML to strings
p5-XML-DTDParser-2.01 -- Perl module for parsing XML DTD strings
p5-XML-Descent-1.04 -- Recursive descent XML parsing
p5-XML-DifferenceMarkup-0.11 -- This module implements an XML diff producing XML output
p5-XML-Directory-1.00_2 -- Returns a content of directory as XML
p5-XML-DoubleEncodedEntities-1.0 -- Unbreak XML with Doubly-Encoded Entities
p5-XML-Driver-HTML-0.06 -- Perl SAX Driver for non wellformed HTML
p5-XML-Dumper-0.81 -- Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
p5-XML-Elemental-2.11 -- Generic classes for simplistic and perlish handling of XML data
p5-XML-Encoding-2.08 -- A perl module for parsing XML encoding maps
p5-XML-Entities-1.0001 -- Generic classes for simplistic and perlish handling of XML data
p5-XML-FOAF-0.04_1 -- Parse FOAF (Friend of a Friend) data
p5-XML-Fast-0.11 -- Simple and very fast XML to hash conversion
p5-XML-Feed-0.50 -- Perl5 modules for Syndication feed parser and auto-discovery
p5-XML-Feed-Deduper-0.05 -- Remove duplicated entries from feed
p5-XML-FeedPP-0.43 -- Get an RSS file and parse it
p5-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01 -- Filter to put all characters() in one event
p5-XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML-0.02 -- Perl SAX Filter allowing DOM processing of selected subtrees
p5-XML-Filter-DetectWS-0.01 -- A PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
p5-XML-Filter-GenericChunk-0.07 -- Base Class for SAX Filters parsing WellBallanced Chunks
p5-XML-Filter-Reindent-0.03 -- Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
p5-XML-Filter-SAX1toSAX2-0.03 -- Convert SAX1 events to SAX2
p5-XML-Filter-SAXT-0.01 -- Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
p5-XML-Filter-XInclude-1.0_1 -- XInclude as a SAX Filter
p5-XML-Filter-XSLT-0.03 -- XSLT as a SAX Filter
p5-XML-Flow-0.86 -- Store (restore) perl data structures in XML stream
p5-XML-GDOME-0.86_2 -- Perl module that provides the DOM Level 2 Core API for XML documents
p5-XML-Generator-1.04 -- A simple Perl module for generating XML documents
p5-XML-Generator-DBI-1.00_1 -- Generate SAX events from SQL queries
p5-XML-Generator-PerlData-0.91 -- Perl extension for generating SAX2 events from Perl data structures
p5-XML-Grove-0.46.a -- Perl-style XML objects
p5-XML-Handler-Dtd2DocBook-0.41 -- Generate a DocBook documentation from a DTD
p5-XML-Handler-Dtd2Html-0.42 -- SAX2 handler for generate a Html documentation from a DTD
p5-XML-Handler-HTMLWriter-2.01 -- PerlSAX handlers for outputting HTML
p5-XML-Handler-Trees-0.02 -- PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures
p5-XML-Handler-YAWriter-0.23 -- Yet another Perl SAX XML Writer
p5-XML-Hash-LX-0.0603 -- Convert hash to xml and xml to hash using LibXML
p5-XML-LibXML-2.0004 -- Interface to Gnome libxml2 library
p5-XML-LibXML-Cache-0.12 -- Document cache for XML::LibXML
p5-XML-LibXML-Iterator-1.04 -- XML::LibXML::Iterator is an iterator for XML::LibXML parsed documents
p5-XML-LibXML-PrettyPrint-0.003 -- Add pleasant whitespace to a DOM tree
p5-XML-LibXML-SAX-ChunkParser-0.00005 -- Parse XML chunks via LibXML SAX
p5-XML-LibXML-Simple-0.91 -- XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple::XMLin()
p5-XML-LibXSLT-1.77 -- Perl interface to the GNOME XSLT library
p5-XML-Liberal-0.22 -- Super liberal XML parser that parses broken XML
p5-XML-Literal-0.02 -- Syntax support for XML literals
p5-XML-Mini-1.38 -- Perl implementation of the XML::Mini XML create/parse interface
p5-XML-MyXML-0.09.86 -- A simple-to-use XML module parsing and creating XML documents
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.11 -- A simple generic namespace support class
p5-XML-Node-0.11 -- Perl5 module to extend and simplify XML::Parser
p5-XML-NodeFilter-0.01 -- A XML::NodeFilter is an object that know how to "filter out" nodes
p5-XML-OPML-0.26 -- Creates and updates OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) files
p5-XML-OPML-LibXML-0.04 -- Perl extension to parse OPML document with LibXML parser
p5-XML-Parsepp-0.06 -- Simplified pure Perl parser for XML
p5-XML-Parser-2.41 -- Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
p5-XML-Parser-EasyTree-0.01 -- Easier tree style for XML::Parser
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree-0.14 -- Lightweight XML tree builder
p5-XML-Parser-Style-EasyTree-0.09 -- Parse XML to a simple tree
p5-XML-Parser-Style-Elemental-0.50 -- More advanced and flexible object tree style for XML::Parser
p5-XML-Parser-encodings-1.03 -- Additional Russian encodings for XML::Parser
p5-XML-Pastor-1.0.3_1 -- Generate Perl classes with XML bindings from a W3C XSD schema
p5-XML-Quote-1.02 -- XML quote/dequote functions
p5-XML-RAI-1.30.31 -- RSS Abstraction Interface
p5-XML-RPC-0.9 -- Pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
p5-XML-RPC-Fast-0.8 -- Fast and modular implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
p5-XML-RSS-1.49 -- Perl extension to manage RDF Site Summary (RSS) files
p5-XML-RSS-Feed-2.32_1 -- Persistent XML RSS encapsulation
p5-XML-RSS-JavaScript-0.63 -- Perl extension to serialize your RSS as JavaScript
p5-XML-RSS-LibXML-0.31.02 -- XML::RSS with XML::LibXML
p5-XML-RSS-Liberal-0.03 -- XML::RSS With A Liberal Parser
p5-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0_1 -- A liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
p5-XML-RSS-SimpleGen-11.11 -- For writing RSS files
p5-XML-RSSLite-0.15 -- Lightweight, relaxed RSS (and XML-ish) parser
p5-XML-Reader-0.49 -- Reading XML and providing path information based on a pull-parser
p5-XML-RegExp-0.04 -- Regular expressions for XML tokens
p5-XML-Rewrite-0.10_1 -- XML processing and rewriting
p5-XML-Rules-1.14 -- Parse XML and specify rules for individual tags
p5-XML-SAX-0.99 -- Simple API for XML
p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.08 -- Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.40_1 -- Simple API for XML
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental-0.05 -- XML::SAX::Expat subclass for non-blocking (incremental)
p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.32_1 -- PerlSAX2 XS extension to Expat parser
p5-XML-SAX-Machines-0.42 -- Manage collections of SAX processors
p5-XML-SAX-Simple-0.02 -- SAX version of XML::Simple
p5-XML-SAX-Writer-0.53 -- SAX2 XML Writer
p5-XML-SAXDriver-CSV-0.07_1 -- Perl SAX driver for converting CSV files to XML
p5-XML-SAXDriver-Excel-0.06 -- Perl SAX driver for converting Excel files to XML
p5-XML-SAXDriver-Sablotron-0.30 -- Perl SAX driver for the Sablotron XSLT
p5-XML-STX-0.43 -- A pure Perl STX processor
p5-XML-Sablotron-1.01 -- A Perl interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor
p5-XML-Schematron-1.09_1 -- Perl implementation of the Schematron
p5-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0000_1 -- Perl extension for comparing XML documents
p5-XML-Simple-2.20 -- Trivial API for reading and writing XML (esp config files)
p5-XML-SimpleObject-0.53_1 -- API for accessing the structure of an XML document
p5-XML-SimpleObject-LibXML-0.60 -- A simple(r) object representation of an XML::LibXML DOM object
p5-XML-Smart-1.6.9 -- A Smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/data
p5-XML-Stream-1.23.06 -- XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream
p5-XML-Tiny-2.06 -- A simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML
p5-XML-TinyXML-0.30 -- Little and efficient Perl module to manage xml data
p5-XML-TokeParser-0.05 -- Simplified interface to XML::Parser
p5-XML-Toolkit-0.15 -- A suit of XML tools with Antlers
p5-XML-TreeBuilder-4.1 -- Perl module to make XML document trees
p5-XML-TreePP-0.41 -- Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing xml files
p5-XML-Twig-3.41 -- Process huge XML documents by chunks via a tree interface
p5-XML-Validate-1.025_1 -- An XML validator factory
p5-XML-Validator-Schema-1.10_1 -- Perl module for validating XML documents against a W3C XML Schema
p5-XML-WBXML-0.03 -- Convert between XML and WBXML using libwbxml2
p5-XML-Writer-0.615 -- A simple Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-XML-XBEL-1.4 -- OOP for reading and writing XBEL documents
p5-XML-XML2JSON-0.06 -- Convert XML into JSON (and back again) using XML::LibXML
p5-XML-XPath-1.13 -- Modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements
p5-XML-XPathEngine-0.13 -- A re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
p5-XML-XQL-0.68 -- Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
p5-XML-XSH-1.8.2_1 -- This is xsh - an XML Editing Shell
p5-XML-XSLT-0.48 -- XML::XSLT - A perl module for processing XSLT
p5-XML-XUpdate-LibXML-0.6.0_1 -- Simple implementation of XUpdate format based on and XML::LibXML
p5-XML-Xerces-2.7.0_1 -- The Perl API to the Apache project's Xerces XML parser
p5-XPC-0.2_1 -- XML Procedure Call (XPC)
p5-XS-Object-Magic-0.04 -- Opaque, extensible XS pointer backed objects using sv_magic
p5-XSLoader-0.16 -- Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
p5-Xmms-0.12_3 -- Interactive remote control shell for xmms
p5-Xymon-0.01 -- Xymon Base Module
p5-Xymon-Client-0.08 -- Interface to xymon/hobbit client
p5-Xymon-Server-0.02 -- Xymon Server Interface
p5-YAML-0.84 -- YAML implementation in Perl
p5-YAML-AppConfig-0.16_1 -- Perl extension to manage configuration files with YAML
p5-YAML-LibYAML-0.38 -- Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
p5-YAML-Shell-0.60 -- The YAML Test Shell
p5-YAML-Syck-1.21 -- Fast, lightweight YAML and JSON loader and dumper
p5-YAML-Tiny-1.51 -- Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible
p5-YAPE-HTML-1.11 -- Yet Another Parser/Extractor for HTML
p5-YAPE-Regex-4.00 -- Yet Another Parser/Extractor for Regular Expressions
p5-YAPE-Regex-Explain-4.01 -- Explanation of a Regular Expression
p5-Yada-Yada-Yada-1.00 -- Adds a Yada-Yada-Yada operator (...) to Perl 5
p5-Yahoo-BBAuth-0.50 -- Perl interface to the Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication
p5-Yahoo-Lifestyle-0.2 -- A simple interface for Yahoo! Taiwan Lifestyle open APIs
p5-Yahoo-Search-1.11.3 -- Perl interface to the Yahoo Search public API
p5-ZConf-6.1.0 -- A configuration system allowing for either file or LDAP backed storage
p5-ZConf-BGSet-1.0.0_4 -- Background management utility and Perl module that uses ZConf
p5-ZConf-Bookmarks-0.2.4 -- A system for bookmarking URIs using ZConf
p5-ZConf-Cron-1.1.1 -- Handles storing cron tabs in ZConf
p5-ZConf-GUI-1.1.0 -- A GUI backend chooser
p5-ZConf-Mail-2.0.0_1 -- Misc mail client functions backed by ZConf
p5-ZConf-RSS-2.2.0_1 -- ZConf backed RSS fetching and viewing
p5-ZConf-RSS-GUI-GTK-0.0.1_4 -- Provides a GTK backend for ZConf::RSS::GUI
p5-ZConf-Runner-2.1.4 -- Run a file using a chosen method, desktop entry, or mimetype
p5-ZConf-Runner-GUI-GTK-0.0.2_2 -- The GTK GUI backend for ZConf::Runner
p5-ZConf-Weather-1.0.0_1 -- A ZConf module to assist with fetching/printing weather information
p5-ZML-1.0.0 -- A simple, fast, and easy to read binary data storage format
p5-Zen-Koans-0.05 -- Library containing over 100 Zen Koans
p5-Zenoss-1.11 -- Perl interface to the Zenoss JSON API
p5-ZeroMQ-0.21 -- A ZeroMQ2 wrapper for Perl
p5-accessors-1.01 -- Create accessor methods in caller's package
p5-ack-1.96_1 -- A grep-like text finder for large trees of text
p5-aliased-0.30 -- Use shorter versions of class names
p5-arclog-3.04_2 -- Archive the log files monthly
p5-asa-1.03 -- Perl extension to say your class/object working like something else
p5-autobox-2.75 -- Call methods on native Perl types
p5-autobox-Core-1.24 -- Core functions exposed as methods in primitive types
p5-autodie-2.12 -- Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
p5-base-2.18 -- Set of modules to operate with inheritance and class fields at runtime
p5-bignum-0.30 -- Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
p5-bioperl-1.6.1_4 -- A collection of Perl modules for bioinformatics
p5-bioperl-run-1.6.1_4 -- Wrapper modules for common bioinformatics tools
p5-boolean-0.28 -- Boolean support for Perl
p5-bsdconv-9.0 -- Perl wrapper for bsdconv
p5-capitalization-0.03 -- Perl module which allows you to use familiar style on method naming
p5-carton-0.9.4 -- Perl module dependency manager
p5-cconv-0.6.1 -- Perl wrapper for chinese/cconv
p5-chklinks-3.09 -- A non-threaded Perl link checker
p5-common-sense-3.6 -- Perl common defaults with lower memory usage
p5-constant-boolean-0.02 -- Define TRUE and FALSE constants
p5-constant-def-0.01_1 -- Declare only undeclared constants
p5-constant-lexical-2.0001_1 -- Perl pragma to declare lexical compile-time constants
p5-cpan-listchanges-0.05 -- Perl extension to list changes for CPAN modules
p5-cyrillic-2.09 -- Library for fast and easy Cyrillic text manipulation
p5-dTemplate-2.5 -- A powerful template handling logic with advanced features
p5-dicewaregen-1.3 -- A simple perl script to generate Diceware dictionaries for passwords
p5-doxygenfilter-1.10_3 -- Input filter for Doxygen enabling support for Perl code documentation
p5-enum-1.016 -- Defines symbolic constants with ordered numeric values, like C enums
p5-eperl-2.2.14 -- Perl Modules of ePerl package: Parse::ePerl, Apache::ePerl
p5-ex-lib-0.90 -- Relative use lib in absolute way
p5-forks-0.34 -- Drop-in replacement for Perl threads using fork()
p5-github_creator-0.15 -- Create a Github repository for your Perl module
p5-hp200lx-db-0.09 -- Perl5 module to handle HP 200LX palmtop computer databases
p5-iCal-Parser-1.16 -- Parse iCalendar files into a data structure
p5-indirect-0.26 -- Lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax
p5-kdebindings-perlkde-4.8.4 -- Perl bindings for KDE
p5-kdebindings-perlqt-4.8.4 -- Perl bindings for Qt
p5-latest-0.03 -- Use the latest Perl features
p5-lib-abs-0.92 -- Relative use lib in absolute way
p5-libalarm-1.0 -- Allow multiple, queued alarms
p5-libapreq2-2.13_2 -- Generic Apache2 Request Library
p5-libservlet-0.9.2 -- Servlet API for Perl
p5-libsoldout-0.02 -- Convert Markdown text in (X)HTML
p5-libvorbis-0.05_4 -- Perl extension for Ogg Vorbis streams
p5-libwww-6.04 -- Perl5 library for WWW access
p5-libxml-0.08 -- Collection of Perl5 modules for working with XML
p5-libxml-enno-1.02 -- A group of perl modules for XML parsing
p5-local-lib-1.008004_1 -- Perl extension to create and use a local lib/ with PERL5LIB
p5-ming-0.4.4_1 -- Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages support
p5-mixin-0.07 -- Mix-in inheritance, an alternative to multiple inheritance
p5-mocked-0.09_1 -- mocked - use mocked libraries in unit tests
p5-mysql-genocide-0.03 -- Parallel operation on MySQL processlist
p5-namespace-autoclean-0.13 -- Keep imports out of your namespace
p5-namespace-clean-0.23 -- Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
p5-openxpki-0.9.1389_2 -- Perl based trustcenter software for PKI: core for server
p5-openxpki-client-0.9.1284 -- Perl based trustcenter software for PKI: base class for actual clients
p5-openxpki-client-html-mason-0.9.1396 -- Web interface for local openxpki daemon
p5-openxpki-client-scep-0.9.1313 -- Client for SCEP requests to openxpki server
p5-openxpki-deployment-0.9.1386_1 -- Perl based enterprise class trustcenter software for PKI
p5-openxpki-i18n-0.9.1395_1 -- Perl based trustcenter software for PKI: i18n tools
p5-orz-0.13 -- A method of annotation as /* */ in perl
p5-pQuery-0.08 -- Perl Port of jQuery.js
p5-parent-0.225 -- Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
p5-pdonkey-0.05 -- Perl tools for eDonkey network
p5-perl-ldap-0.4400 -- A Client interface to LDAP (includes Net::LDAP)
p5-perlbrew-0.42 -- Perl Environment manager
p5-pgeodns-1.41 -- A Geographic NameServer
p5-pip-1.18 -- Perl Installation Program
p5-pod2pdf-0.42 -- Converts POD to PDF format
p5-podlators-2.4.2 -- Modules to convert and parse POD (Plain Old Documentation)
p5-prefork-1.04 -- Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenarios
p5-qdbm-1.8.78 -- Perl API for QDBM
p5-qpsmtpd-0.84_6 -- A flexible SMTP daemon written in Perl and featuring a plugin API
p5-reaper-1.00 -- Perl module for reaping child processes via $SIG{CHLD}
p5-relative-0.04 -- Load modules with relative names
p5-reslog-3.16_2 -- Reverse-resolve IP in Apache log files
p5-rpm-build-perl-0.80 -- This module is required to build Perl RPM packages
p5-sdf-2.001_1 -- Simple Document Format - "author-friendly" mark-up system
p5-self-0.34 -- Provides "self" and "args" keywords in your OO program
p5-self-init-0.01 -- Invoke package init methods at compile time
p5-signatures-0.06 -- Subroutine signatures for Perl with no source filter
p5-strictures-1.004002 -- Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
p5-subatom-0.12 -- Produce an atom feed from subversion commits
p5-subversion-1.7.7 -- Perl bindings for Version control system
p5-tagged-0.40 -- Read, change, and write different tags of MP3 audio files
p5-threads-1.86 -- Perl interpreter-based threads
p5-threads-shared-1.40 -- Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
p5-tokyotyrant-1.16_1 -- Perl5 interface to the TokyoTyrant
p5-true-0.18 -- Automatically return a true value when a file is required
p5-type1inst-0.6.1_5 -- A script that helps install Postscript fonts in X Window System
p5-uni-perl-0.91 -- Modern perl with Unicode
p5-v6-0.017 -- An experimental compiler for Perl 6
p5-version-0.99.01 -- Perl extension for Version Objects
p5-vpopmail-0.08 -- Perl module to provide access to vpopmail API
p5-xmltv-0.5.61_1 -- Set of programs to process TV (tvguide) listings in XML format
p5-xmms2-0.8_1 -- Perl Bindings for XMMS2
p65-1.1 -- An assembler for the 6502 microprocessor
p7zip-9.20.1 -- File archiver with high compression ratio
pa-aspell-0.01.1_1 -- Aspell Punjabi dictionary
pa-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Panjabi messages and documentation for KDE3
pa-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Panjabi messages and documentation for KDE4
pa_IN-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- pa_IN language pack for libreoffice
pachi-1.0_5 -- A platforms game similar to Manic Miner
packddir-0.0.6 -- These trivial utilities can unpack and create PackdDir archives
packit-1.0_2 -- Network auditing tool
packter-agent-2.5 -- An agent of the tool for graphical Internet traffic visualization
pacmanarena-0.15 -- Pacman clone in full 3D with a few surprises
pacpl-4.0.5_7 -- Perl Audio Converter
pad-1.0.4_2 -- A command-line utility to encrypt files
padauk-2.8 -- Unicode font supporting all the Myanmar characters
padevchooser-0.9.3_6 -- GTK icon tray for PulseAudio
padkey-0.2_2 -- Use an authentic SNES controller to play games
pads-1.2_2 -- Passively detect network assets
paexec-0.17.0 -- Parallel executor, distributes tasks over network
pager-0.90.2_1 -- A pager for sawfish without GNOME
paicc-1.4 -- Paint Changed Characters
paintown-3.6.0 -- Fighting game similar to Streets of Rage and TMNT
paje-1.97_2 -- Generic visualization tool for GNUstep (Gantt chart and more)
pal-0.3.4_6 -- A calendar application
palm-db-tools-0.3.6 -- Utilities for the PalmOS flat-file database programs
palmos-sdk-5.1.0r3 -- Palm OS SDK
palomino-20120310_2 -- Action flight simulator with its own 3D engine
pam-pgsql-0.6.3_1 -- A pam module for authenticating with PostgreSQL
pam_abl-0.2.3 -- Blacklisting responsible for repeated failed authentication attempts
pam_alreadyloggedin-0.3_1 -- PAM module based on whether a user is already logged in
pam_authsrv-1.0.2_1 -- PAM module for per-user authentication
pam_bsdbioapi-1.5.1 -- PAM module for BioAPI
pam_fprint-20080330_1 -- PAM module offering finger print authentication using libfprint
pam_google_authenticator-20120831 -- PAM module for two-step authentication from Google
pam_helper-1.0 -- Authenticate applications requiring PAM services
pam_jail-0.3 -- A PAM module dropping users in jails after login
pam_kde-1.0 -- PAM modules for KDE Display Manager
pam_krb5-4.6 -- A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
pam_krb5-rh- -- The Red Hat Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
pam_ldap-1.8.6_2 -- A pam module for authenticating with LDAP
pam_mkhomedir-0.2 -- Create HOME with a PAM module on demand
pam_mount-2.12 -- A PAM that can mount volumes for a user session
pam_mysql-0.7.r1_2 -- A pam module for authenticating with MySQL
pam_p11-0.1.5_3 -- A PAM module using crypto tokens for auth
pam_pGina-1.1.3 -- Daemon for allowing a pGina plugin to authenticate against Unix PAM
pam_per_user-0.4_1 -- PAM module for per-user authentication
pam_pseudo-0.5 -- PAM module for per-user authentication
pam_pwdfile-0.99_1 -- A pam module for authenticating with flat passwd files
pam_require-0.7 -- A PAM module for restricting access based on unix group or username
pam_smb-2.0.0.r6 -- NetBIOS domain logon PAM module
pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.9.3_1 -- PAM module which permits authentication via ssh-agent
paman-0.9.4_4 -- Gtk frontend for PulseAudio
paml-4.4c -- Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML)
pamtester-0.1.2 -- A command line pam authentication tester
pan-0.135_2 -- Threaded GTK+ newsreader based on Agent for Windows
pancho-9.3.9 -- Network devices management tool using TFTP and SNMP
panda-0.5.4_5 -- A PDF generation library
pandora_agent-4.0.1_1 -- Pandora FMS agent, Perl version
pandora_console-4.0.1_1 -- Pandora FMS console
pandora_server-4.0.1_1 -- Pandora FMS server
pango-1.28.4_1 -- An open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i18n text
pango-reference-1.28.4_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/pango
pangomm-2.28.2_1 -- C++ wrapper for Pango
pangoxsl- -- Implements Pango library with a PDF backend for PDF output
panoglview-0.2.2_1 -- Panorama viewer using OpenGL
panomatic-0.9.4 -- A tool that automates the creation of control points
panoptis-0.1.4_3 -- Detect and block DoS/DDoS attacks
pantomime-1.2.0_4 -- Mail/MIME handling library for GNUstep
pantry-32 -- Command-line nutrition analysis program
papercut-0.9.13 -- Papercut is a news server written in Python, using a MySQL backend
paperkey-1.2 -- Extract just the secret information out of OpenPGP secret keys
papersize-default-a4-0.0.20120302 -- A default paper size configuration file for libpaper
papersize-default-letter-0.0.20120302 -- A default paper size configuration file for libpaper
papi- -- API to access the performance counter hw in the microprocessor
papp-0.3 -- Assembly Preprocessor
paprefs-0.9.9_1 -- GTK configuration dialog for PulseAudio
paps-0.6.8_3 -- UTF-8 to PostScript converter using Pango
paq-20121105 -- A family of archivers with extremely high compression ratios
par-1.52_1 -- Paragraph reformatter for email
par2cmdline-0.4_4 -- Tools for using Parity v2 Archive files
par2cmdline-tbb-20100203_6 -- Tools for using Parity v2 Archive files (tbb version)
paraget-0.3.0_2 -- Parallel ftp-fetching program
paragui-devel-1.1.8_12 -- Cross-platform high-level application framework and GUI library(devel)
parallel-20121022 -- GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel
parallels-tools-0.1.1 -- Parallels Desktop Tools for FreeBSD
parano-0.3.5_4 -- A Gnome program to deal with hashfiles
paratype-2.004_4 -- ParaType font collection for the languages of Russia
paraview-3.10.1_1 -- Powerful scientific data visualization application
parcellite-1.0.1_1 -- A lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
parchive-1.1 -- Parity Archiver - makes multiple parity volumes from a set of files
pardiff-0.9.4 -- Parallelizing diff Filter, converts diff output to paralleled format
paredit-mode.el-22_3 -- Minor mode for performing editing of S-expression data
pari-2.3.5 -- Mathematics library and advanced calculator package
paris-traceroute-0.92_1 -- Paris traceroute is network diagnosis and measurement tools
parley-4.8.4 -- Vocabulary trainer for KDE 4
parmgridgen-1.0_1 -- Library for obtaining a sequence of successive coarse grids
parole- -- Lightweight media player for Xfce4 based on gstreamer
paros-3.2.13_1 -- An HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application vulnerability
parrot-4.6.0 -- Parrot - virtual machine for dynamic languages
parsedatetime-0.8.7 -- Python module for parsing 'human readable' date/time expressions
pas2dox-0.50.r1 -- Preprocessor to use doxygen with Pascal sources
passage-4_5 -- An experimental video game by Jason Rohrer
passepartout-0.7.1_4 -- DTP application for X
passivetex-1.24_6 -- XSL FO processor, written in TeX
passlogd-0.1f -- Intercept and dump syslog remote log packets
password-store-1.4.2 -- Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely
pastebinit-1.3.1 -- A command line utility for pastebing
patapizza-tetris-1.0_1 -- Unofficial clone of the original Tetris game
patch-2.7_1 -- GNU patch utility
patchage-0.5.0_1 -- Modular patch bay for Jack
patchutils-0.3.2 -- A small collection of programs that operate on patch files
pathalias-9.16 -- Mail routing tools
pathchirp-2.4.1 -- A measurement tool for available bandwidth estimation
pathload-1.3.2 -- A measurement tool for network path available bandwidth estimation
pathneck-1.3 -- Active network path probing tool
pathological-1.1.3_6 -- Enriched clone of the game "Logical"
pathrate-2.4.1 -- A measurement tool for capacity estimation of network paths
pauker-1.8.r2_1 -- Java-based flashcard learning using the Leitner system
pavucontrol-0.9.10_1 -- GTK mixer for PulseAudio
pavuk-0.9.35_4 -- HTTP, FTP, and Gopher mirroring tool
pavumeter-0.9.3_5 -- GTK volume meter for PulseAudio
pawm-2.3.0 -- The Puto Amo Window Manager
pax-utils-0.4 -- Various ELF related utils for ELF32, ELF64 binaries
pbasic-2.0 -- Phil Cockroft's Basic Interpreter (previously Rabbit Basic)
pbc-0.5.12 -- Library of pairing-based cryptosystems
pbi-manager-1.0 -- Push Button Installer Manager
pbi-thumbnailer-0.9.2_4 -- Generates icon thumbnails for PC-BSD installer files
pbimaker-1.3 -- A program to convert ports into PBI modules
pbnc-1.0_1 -- Simple userspace TCP port bouncer
pbnj-2.04_1 -- A suite of tools to monitor changes on a network
pbreg-1.0_1 -- PC-BSD registry editor
pbzip2-1.1.6 -- Parallel BZIP2
pcal-4.11.0 -- PostScript calendar program
pcb-20110918_1 -- X11 interactive printed circuit board layout system
pcbsd-netmanager-8.0_5 -- PC-BSD Networking Utilities for KDE4
pcc-1.0.0 -- The Portable C Compiler
pccts-1.33.33 -- The Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pcemu-1.01b_3 -- An 8086 PC emulator, by David Hedley
pcf2bdf-1.04 -- Convert X font from PCF to BDF
pcfclock-0.44_3 -- Userland access to the pcfclock device
pcgen-5.16.4 -- A Java-based RPG character generator and maintenance program
pchar-1.5 -- Sandia Internet path characterization tool
pchecker-1.11 -- Tool that checks the ports tree for various errors
pciids-20120906 -- Database of all known IDs used in PCI devices
pciutils-3.1.9 -- PCI configuration utilities
pcl-1.6 -- Portable Coroutine Library
pclock-0.13.1_3 -- Simple analog clock program for the Window Maker dock
pcmanfm-1.0 -- PCMan File Manager
pcnfsd-93.02.16_1 -- Sun PC NFS authentication and printing server
pcpustat-1.6 -- Per-CPU usage statistics
pcre-0.9.5_1 -- A wrapper class around the pcre library
pcre-8.31_1 -- Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcrs-0.0.3_1 -- Perl compatible regular expression based substitutions
pcsc-lite-1.8.6 -- A smartcard development library
pcsc-tools-1.4.20 -- Tools to test a PCSC driver, card, or reader
pcsxr-1.9.92.r81088 -- Playstation (PSX) emulator
pd-0.43.3 -- MIDI-capable real-time audio processor/synthesizer
pdbar-00.05.01 -- Create and manipulate PalmOS database files
pdcurses-3.4 -- Curses library implementation for Win32, DOS, OS/2, and X11
pdcurses-the-3.2 -- Curses library implementation for Win32, DOS, OS/2, and X11
pdf-renderer-0.9.1 -- A 100% Java PDF renderer and viewer
pdf2djvu-0.5.11_10 -- Pdf2djvu creates DjVu files from PDF files
pdf2svg-0.2.1_6 -- Convert PDF to SVG
pdfbox-1.6.0 -- Java PDF Library
pdfcrack-0.11 -- A command line, password recovery tool for PDF-files
pdfcube-0.0.4.b_2 -- An OpenGL presentation viewer on a spinning cube
pdfedit-0.4.5_1 -- Free editor for manipulating PDF documents (QT3 GUI and CLI)
pdfgrep-1.1_3 -- A tool to search text in PDF files
pdfjam-2.08_1 -- Shell scripts to manipulate PDF files
pdflib-7.0.5_2 -- A C library for dynamically generating PDF
pdflib-perl-7.0.5_2 -- A C library for dynamically generating PDF
pdfmap-2.00_3 -- Generate maps in PDF format and place clickable objects on them
pdfmod-0.9.1_1 -- A tool for modifying PDF documents
pdfoutline-3.2 -- Add outlines to PDF files
pdftk-1.44_1 -- A simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents
pdftohtml-0.39_6 -- A command-line tool for converting pdf-files into html
pdixtract-1.5 -- Extracts or converts .pdi file sets to .iso
pdksh-5.2.14p2_4 -- The Public Domain Korn Shell
pdmenu-1.3.2_1 -- A simple console menu program
pdnmesh-0.2.2 -- Finite element program
pdnsd-1.2.9a -- Caching (permanently, writes to disk on exit) DNS proxy-server
pdq-2.2.1_4 -- A straightforward, flexible print subsystem
pdsh-2.28 -- Parallel Distributed Shell
pdumpfs-1.3_1 -- A daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs
pear-1.9.4_1 -- PEAR framework for PHP
pear-Auth-1.6.4 -- PEAR class for creating an authentication system
pear-Auth_HTTP-2.1.8 -- PEAR HTTP authentication
pear-Auth_OpenID-2.1.3 -- PHP OpenID library v2 for PEAR
pear-Auth_PrefManager-1.2.1 -- PEAR preferences management class
pear-Auth_RADIUS-1.0.7 -- PEAR wrapper classes for the RADIUS PECL
pear-Auth_SASL-1.0.6 -- PEAR abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses
pear-Benchmark-1.2.9 -- PEAR framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls
pear-Cache-1.5.6 -- PEAR framework for caching of arbitrary data
pear-Cache_Lite-1.7.15 -- PEAR fast and safe little cache system
pear-Config-1.10.12 -- Your configurations swiss-army knife
pear-Console_Color-1.0.3 -- PEAR use ANSI console colors
pear-Console_CommandLine-1.1.3_1 -- A full featured command line options and arguments parser
pear-Console_Getargs-1.3.5 -- PEAR command-line arguments parser
pear-Console_Table-1.1.4 -- PHP class that makes it easy to build console style tables
pear-Contact_Vcard_Build-1.1.2 -- PEAR class to build (create) and fetch vCard 2.1 and 3.0 text blocks
pear-Contact_Vcard_Parse-1.32.0 -- PEAR class to parse vCard 2.1 and 3.0 files
pear-Crypt_Blowfish-1.1.0.r2 -- PEAR class for blowfish encryption
pear-Crypt_CBC-1.0.1 -- PEAR class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module
pear-Crypt_CHAP-1.5.0 -- PEAR class for generating CHAP packets
pear-Crypt_DiffieHellman-0.2.6 -- PEAR class implementing Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange protocol for PHP5
pear-Crypt_GPG-1.3.2 -- GNU Privacy Guard (GPG)
pear-Crypt_HMAC2-1.0.0 -- Implementation of Hashed Message Authentication Code for PHP5
pear-Crypt_MicroID-0.1.0 -- PHP MicroID library.
pear-Crypt_RC4-1.0.3 -- PEAR encryption class for RC4 encryption
pear-Crypt_RSA-1.2.1 -- PEAR class allows you to use two-key strong cryptography
pear-Crypt_XXTEA-0.9.0 -- PEAR XXTEA encryption algorithm
pear-DB-1.7.14 -- PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
pear-DBA-1.1.1 -- Berkely-style database abstraction class
pear-DBA_Relational-0.2.0 -- Berkely-style database abstraction class
pear-DB_DataObject-1.10.0 -- An SQL Builder, Object Interface to Database Tables
pear-DB_DataObject_FormBuilder-1.0.2 -- Automatically build HTML_QuickForm objects using DB_DataObject
pear-DB_Pager-0.7 -- PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
pear-DB_QueryTool-1.1.2 -- PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
pear-DB_Sqlite_Tools-0.1.7 -- an object oriented interface to backup Sqlite databases
pear-DB_Table-1.5.6 -- PEAR object-oriented interface to a database table
pear-DB_ldap-1.2.1 -- PEAR DB compliant interface to LDAP servers
pear-DB_ldap2-0.5.1_1 -- PEAR DB compliant interface to LDAP v2 and v3 database
pear-Date-1.4.7 -- PEAR Date and Time Zone Classes
pear-Date_Holidays-0.21.6 -- PEAR driver based class to calculate holidays
pear-Date_Holidays_Austria-0.1.4 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Austria
pear-Date_Holidays_Brazil-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Brazil
pear-Date_Holidays_Denmark-0.1.3 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Denmark
pear-Date_Holidays_Discordian-0.1.1 -- Driver based class to calculate Discordian holidays
pear-Date_Holidays_EnglandWales-0.1.4 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in England and Wales
pear-Date_Holidays_Germany-0.1.2_1 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Germany
pear-Date_Holidays_Iceland-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Iceland
pear-Date_Holidays_Ireland-0.1.3 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Ireland
pear-Date_Holidays_Italy-0.1.1 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Italy
pear-Date_Holidays_Japan-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Japan
pear-Date_Holidays_Netherlands-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Netherlands
pear-Date_Holidays_Norway-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Norway
pear-Date_Holidays_PHPdotNet-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate birthdays of members of
pear-Date_Holidays_Romania-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Romania
pear-Date_Holidays_Slovenia-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Slovenia
pear-Date_Holidays_Sweden-0.1.3 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in Sweden
pear-Date_Holidays_UNO-0.1.3 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in the UNO
pear-Date_Holidays_USA-0.1.1 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in the USA
pear-Date_Holidays_Ukraine-0.1.2 -- Driver based class to calculate holidays in the Ukraine
pear-Doctrine-1.2.4 -- Doctrine is a PHP object relational mapper
pear-Event_Dispatcher-1.1.0 -- PEAR dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks
pear-FSM-1.3.1 -- PEAR Finite State Machine
pear-File-1.4.1 -- PEAR common file and directory routines
pear-File_Archive-1.5.5 -- PEAR class to manipulate tar, gz, tgz, bz2, tbz, zip, ar (deb) files
pear-File_Bittorrent2-1.3.1 -- Decode and Encode data in Bittorrent format
pear-File_DNS-0.1.0 -- PEAR class to read and write RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles
pear-File_Find-1.3.1 -- PEAR class that facilitates the search of filesystems
pear-File_Fortune-1.0.0 -- An interface for reading from and writing to fortune files
pear-File_Fstab-2.0.3 -- PEAR class to read and write fstab files
pear-File_Gettext-0.4.2 -- PEAR GNU Gettext file parser
pear-File_HtAccess-1.2.1 -- PEAR class to manipulate .htaccess files
pear-File_Iterator-1.3.1 -- PEAR FileIterator implementation
pear-File_MARC-0.7.1 -- Parse, modify, and create MARC records
pear-File_PDF-0.3.3 -- PEAR class to generate PDFs
pear-File_Passwd-1.1.7 -- PEAR class to manipulate many kinds of password files
pear-File_SMBPasswd-1.0.3 -- PEAR class for managing SAMBA style password files
pear-Games_Chess-1.0.1 -- PEAR methods for constructing and validating chess games in PGN
pear-HTML_AJAX-0.5.6 -- PHP and JavaScript AJAX library
pear-HTML_BBCodeParser-1.1 -- Parser to replace UBB style tags with their HTML equivalents
pear-HTML_CSS-1.5.4 -- PEAR class for generating CSS declarations
pear-HTML_Common-1.2.5 -- PEAR::HTML_Common is a base class for other HTML classes
pear-HTML_Common2-2.1.0 -- PEAR::HTML_Common2 is a base class for other HTML classes
pear-HTML_Crypt-1.3.4 -- Encrypts text which is later decoded using JavaScript on the client side
pear-HTML_Form-1.3.0 -- PEAR simple HTML form package
pear-HTML_Javascript-1.1.2 -- Provides an interface for creating simple JS scripts
pear-HTML_Page2-0.6.1 -- PEAR base class for XHTML page generation
pear-HTML_QuickForm-3.2.12 -- Provide methods for creating, validating, and processing HTML forms
pear-HTML_QuickForm2-0.4.0 -- PHP5 rewrite of the HTML_QuickForm package
pear-HTML_QuickForm_Controller-1.0.9 -- The add-on to HTML_QuickForm that allows building of multipage forms
pear-HTML_QuickForm_Livesearch-0.4.1 -- Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm to enable a suggest search
pear-HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless-0.6.1 -- Implementation of Tableless Renderer for HTML_QuickForm
pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter-1.0.0 -- Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm that defines dynamic filters
pear-HTML_QuickForm_advmultiselect-1.5.0 -- Element for PEAR::HTML_QuickForm that defines a 2 box multi-select
pear-HTML_Select-1.3.1 -- PEAR::HTML_Select is a class for generating HTML form select elements
pear-HTML_Select_Common-1.2.0 -- Some small PEAR classes to handle common <select> lists
pear-HTML_Table-1.8.3 -- Makes the design of HTML tables easy, flexible, reusable, and efficient
pear-HTML_TagCloud-1.0.0 -- Generate TagCloud in HTML And Visualize Tags
pear-HTML_Template_Flexy-1.3.12 -- An extremely powerful Tokenizer driven Template engine
pear-HTML_Template_IT-1.3.0 -- PEAR Integrated template API
pear-HTML_Template_PHPLIB-1.5.2 -- PEAR template API ported from PHPLIB
pear-HTML_Template_Sigma-1.1.6 -- PEAR template API
pear-HTML_TreeMenu-1.2.2 -- Provides an API to create a HTML tree
pear-HTTP-1.4.1 -- PEAR miscellaneous HTTP utilities
pear-HTTP_Client-1.2.1 -- PEAR classes for high level HTTP requests
pear-HTTP_Download-1.1.4 -- PEAR class to send HTTP downloads
pear-HTTP_FloodControl-0.1.1 -- PEAR classes to detect and protect from attempts to flood a site
pear-HTTP_Header-1.2.1 -- PEAR OO interface to modify and handle HTTP headers and status codes
pear-HTTP_Request-1.4.4 -- PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
pear-HTTP_Request2-2.1.1 -- PEAR classes providing an easy way to perform HTTP requests
pear-HTTP_Server-0.4.0 -- HTTP server class
pear-HTTP_Session2-0.7.3 -- PHP5 Session Handler
pear-HTTP_Upload-0.9.1 -- Easy and secure management of files submitted via HTML Forms
pear-HTTP_WebDAV_Client-1.0.2 -- WebDAV Stream Wrapper Class
pear-HTTP_WebDAV_Server-1.0.0.r4 -- WebDAV Server Baseclass
pear-Horde_ActiveSync-1.2.7 -- Horde ActiveSync Server Library
pear-Horde_Alarm-1.0.7 -- PEAR Horde alarm libraries
pear-Horde_Argv-1.0.5 -- Horde command-line argument parsing package
pear-Horde_Auth-1.4.9 -- Horde Authentication API
pear-Horde_Autoloader-1.0.1 -- Horde Autoloader
pear-Horde_Autoloader_Cache-1.0.1 -- Horde Autoloader Cache
pear-Horde_Browser-1.0.8 -- Horde Browser API
pear-Horde_Cache-1.0.5 -- Horde Caching API
pear-Horde_Cli-1.0.4 -- Horde Command Line Interface API
pear-Horde_Compress-1.0.7 -- Horde Compression API
pear-Horde_Constraint-1.0.1 -- Horde Constraint library
pear-Horde_Controller-1.0.2 -- Horde Controller libraries
pear-Horde_Core-1.9.2 -- Horde Core Framework libraries
pear-Horde_Crypt-1.1.2 -- Horde Cryptography API
pear-Horde_Data-1.0.7 -- Horde Data API
pear-Horde_DataTree-1.0.1 -- Horde DataTree API
pear-Horde_Date-1.0.11 -- Horde Date package
pear-Horde_Date_Parser-1.0.2 -- Horde Date Parser
pear-Horde_Db-1.2.1 -- Horde Database Libraries
pear-Horde_Editor-1.0.2 -- Horde Editor API
pear-Horde_Exception-1.0.9 -- Horde Exception Handler
pear-Horde_Feed-1.1.1 -- Horde Feed libraries
pear-Horde_Form-1.1.0 -- Horde Form API
pear-Horde_Group-1.0.5 -- Horde User Groups System
pear-Horde_History-1.0.1 -- Horde API for tracking the history of an object
pear-Horde_Http-1.1.1 -- Horde HTTP libraries
pear-Horde_Icalendar-1.1.2 -- Horde iCalendar API
pear-Horde_Image-1.0.10 -- Horde Image API
pear-Horde_Imap_Client-1.5.5 -- Horde IMAP abstraction interface
pear-Horde_Imsp-1.0.6 -- Horde IMSP API
pear-Horde_Injector-1.0.1 -- Horde dependency injection container
pear-Horde_Itip-1.0.7 -- Horde iTip invitation response handling
pear-Horde_Kolab_Format-1.1.2 -- Horde library for reading/writing Kolab data formats
pear-Horde_Kolab_Server-1.0.2 -- Horde library for manipulating the Kolab user database
pear-Horde_Kolab_Session-1.1.1 -- Horde library for managing an active Kolab session
pear-Horde_Kolab_Storage-1.1.0 -- Horde library for handling Kolab data stored on an IMAP server
pear-Horde_Ldap-1.1.5 -- Horde LDAP libraries
pear-Horde_Lock-1.0.1 -- Horde Resource Locking System
pear-Horde_Log-1.1.2 -- Horde Logging library
pear-Horde_LoginTasks-1.0.3 -- Horde Login Tasks System
pear-Horde_Mail-1.2.0 -- Horde Mail Library
pear-Horde_Memcache-1.1.1 -- Horde Memcache API
pear-Horde_Mime-1.6.1 -- Horde MIME Library
pear-Horde_Mime_Viewer-1.0.8 -- Horde MIME Viewer Library
pear-Horde_Nls-1.1.6 -- Horde Native Language Support
pear-Horde_Notification-1.0.1 -- Horde Notification System
pear-Horde_Oauth-1.0.2 -- Horde OAuth client/server
pear-Horde_Pdf-1.0.2 -- Horde PDF library
pear-Horde_Perms-1.0.7 -- Horde Permissions System
pear-Horde_Prefs-1.1.8 -- Horde Preferences API
pear-Horde_Rdo-1.2.0 -- Horde Rampage Data Objects
pear-Horde_Role-1.0.0_2 -- PEAR installer role for Horde components
pear-Horde_Routes-1.1.2 -- Horde Routes URL mapping system
pear-Horde_Rpc-1.0.4 -- Horde RPC API
pear-Horde_Scheduler-1.0.1 -- Horde Scheduler System
pear-Horde_Scribe-1.0.2_1 -- Horde Scribe client
pear-Horde_Secret-1.0.2 -- Secret Encryption API
pear-Horde_Serialize-1.0.2 -- Horde Data Encapulation API
pear-Horde_Service_Facebook-1.1.3 -- Horde Facebook client
pear-Horde_Service_Twitter-1.1.4 -- Horde Twitter client
pear-Horde_Service_UrlShortener-1.0.0 -- Horde URL shortening services interface
pear-Horde_Service_Weather-1.1.2 -- Horde Weather Provider
pear-Horde_SessionHandler-1.0.5 -- Horde Session Handler API
pear-Horde_Share-1.3.0 -- Horde Shared Permissions System
pear-Horde_SpellChecker-1.0.1 -- Horde Spellcheck API
pear-Horde_Stream_Filter-1.1.0 -- Horde Stream filters
pear-Horde_Stream_Wrapper-1.0.1 -- Horde Stream wrappers
pear-Horde_Support-1.0.2 -- Horde support package
pear-Horde_SyncMl-1.0.9 -- Horde API for processing SyncML requests
pear-Horde_Template-1.0.1 -- Horde Template System
pear-Horde_Text_Diff-1.0.2 -- Horde engine for performing and rendering text diffs
pear-Horde_Text_Filter-1.1.5 -- Horde Text Filter API
pear-Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy-1.0.1 -- Horde Text Filter CSS optimization class
pear-Horde_Text_Flowed-1.0.1 -- Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676
pear-Horde_Thrift-1.0.1 -- Horde Thrift Client
pear-Horde_Token-1.1.7 -- Horde Token API
pear-Horde_Translation-1.0.2 -- Horde translation library
pear-Horde_Tree-1.0.1 -- Horde Tree API
pear-Horde_Url-1.0.2 -- Horde URL class
pear-Horde_Util-1.4.0 -- Horde Utility Libraries
pear-Horde_Vfs-1.0.9 -- Horde Virtual File System API
pear-Horde_View-1.0.1 -- Horde View API
pear-Horde_Xml_Element-1.0.1 -- Horde Xml Element object
pear-Horde_Xml_Wbxml-1.0.3 -- Horde API for encoding and decoding WBXML documents
pear-I18N-1.0.0 -- PEAR internationalization package
pear-I18Nv2-0.11.4 -- PEAR Internationalization
pear-IO_Bit-2.1.0 -- PEAR bit utility
pear-IO_SWF-2.2.0 -- PEAR library for reading/writing SWF binary
pear-Image_3D-0.4.1 -- PEAR class allows the rendering of 3 dimensional objects
pear-Image_Barcode-1.1.3 -- PEAR class for barcode generation
pear-Image_Barcode2-0.2.1 -- PEAR class for barcode generation
pear-Image_Canvas-0.3.2_1 -- An OO PEAR common interface to image drawing
pear-Image_Color-1.0.3 -- PEAR::Image_Color manages and handles color data and conversions
pear-Image_Graph-0.8.0 -- An OO PEAR graph rendering package
pear-Image_GraphViz-1.2.1_3 -- An interface to AT&T's GraphViz tools
pear-Image_Transform-0.9.5 -- A standard interface to manipulate images using different libraries
pear-LiveUser-0.16.14 -- PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
pear-LiveUser_Admin-0.4.0_1 -- PEAR user authentication and permission management framework
pear-Log-1.12.7 -- PEAR logging utilities
pear-MDB-1.3.0 -- PEAR unified API for DB access, based on user meta data
pear-MDB2-2.5.0.b3 -- PEAR database abstraction layer
pear-MDB2_Driver_mysql-1.5.0.b3 -- PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli-1.5.0.b3 -- PEAR MySQL MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql-1.5.0.b3 -- PEAR pgsql MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Driver_sqlite-1.5.0b3 -- PEAR sqlite MDB2 driver
pear-MDB2_Schema-0.8.5 -- PEAR XML based database schema manager
pear-MDB_QueryTool-1.2.3 -- PEAR OO-interface for easily retrieving and modifying data in a DB
pear-MIME_Type-1.3.1 -- PEAR class for dealing with MIME types
pear-Mail-1.2.0 -- PEAR class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails
pear-Mail_Mbox-0.6.3 -- PEAR Read and modify Unix MBOXes
pear-Mail_Mime-1.8.5 -- PEAR classes to create and decode MIME messages
pear-Mail_Queue-1.2.7 -- PEAR class for put mails in queue and send them later in background
pear-Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.5 -- Provides a class to decode mime messages
pear-Math_BigInteger-1.0.0 -- Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library
pear-Math_Combinatorics-1.0.0 -- A package that produces combinations and permutations
pear-Math_Fraction-0.4.1 -- Classes that represent and manipulate fractions
pear-Net_CDDB-0.3.0 -- PEAR class that access and query CDDB audio-CD servers
pear-Net_CheckIP-1.2.2 -- Check the syntax of IPv4 addresses
pear-Net_Cyrus-0.3.1 -- PEAR class to administer Cyrus IMAP servers
pear-Net_DIME-1.0.2 -- The PEAR::Net_DIME class implements DIME encoding
pear-Net_DNS-1.0.7_1 -- Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
pear-Net_DNS2-1.2.4 -- PHP5 Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
pear-Net_DNSBL-1.3.6 -- PEAR DNSBL Checker
pear-Net_Dict-1.0.7 -- PEAR interface to the DICT protocol
pear-Net_FTP-1.3.7 -- PEAR OO interface to the PHP FTP functions plus some additions
pear-Net_Finger-1.0.1 -- PEAR class that provides a tool for querying finger servers
pear-Net_Gearman-0.2.3 -- Gearman client libraray for PHP
pear-Net_Geo-1.0.5 -- Geographical locations based on Internet address
pear-Net_GeoIP-1.0.0.r1 -- Library to perform geo-location lookups of IP addresses
pear-Net_IDNA-0.7.2_1 -- Pear Punycode encoding and decoding package
pear-Net_IMAP-1.1.0 -- PEAR class that provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol
pear-Net_IPv4-1.3.4 -- IPv4 network calculations and validation
pear-Net_IPv6-1.2.1 -- Check and validate IPv6 addresses
pear-Net_Ident-1.1.0 -- PEAR identification protocol implementation
pear-Net_LDAP-1.1.5_1 -- OO interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_LDAP2-2.0.12 -- OO interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_LMTP-1.0.2 -- PEAR implementation of the RFC2033 LMTP protocol
pear-Net_MAC-0.1.5 -- PEAR class that validates and formats MAC addresses
pear-Net_NNTP-1.4.0 -- PEAR implementation of the NNTP protocol
pear-Net_Nmap-1.0.4 -- A Simple Wrapper Class for the Nmap Utility
pear-Net_POP3-1.3.7_1 -- Provides a POP3 class to access POP3 server
pear-Net_Ping-2.4.5 -- PEAR class to execute ping
pear-Net_Portscan-1.0.3 -- Provides an API for scanning ports
pear-Net_SMS-0.2.0 -- PEAR SMS functionality
pear-Net_SMTP-1.6.1 -- PEAR class that provides an implementation of the SMTP protocol
pear-Net_Server-1.0.2 -- Generic server class
pear-Net_Sieve-1.3.2 -- PEAR class to handle talking to timsieved
pear-Net_SmartIRC-1.0.2 -- PEAR class for communication with IRC networks
pear-Net_Socket-1.0.10 -- PEAR Network Socket Interface
pear-Net_Traceroute-0.21.3 -- PEAR class to execute traceroute
pear-Net_URL-1.0.15 -- Easy parsing of URLs
pear-Net_URL2-2.0.0 -- PEAR Class for parsing and handling URL
pear-Net_URL_Mapper-0.9.1 -- Simple and flexible way to build nice URLs for web applications
pear-Net_UserAgent_Detect-2.5.2 -- PEAR class that determines the Web browser, version, and platform
pear-Net_UserAgent_Mobile-1.0.0 -- PEAR class that parses HTTP mobile user agent string
pear-Net_Vpopmaild-0.3.2 -- PEAR Class for accessing Vpopmail's vpopmaild daemon
pear-Net_Whois-1.0.5 -- A tool to query internet domain name services
pear-Numbers_Roman-1.0.2 -- PEAR methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
pear-Numbers_Words-0.16.2 -- PEAR package provides methods for spelling numerals in words
pear-OLE-1.0.0.r1 -- PEAR class for reading and writing OLE containers
pear-PEAR_Info-1.9.2 -- Show Information about your PEAR install and its packages
pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager-1.7.0 -- PEAR class to maintain PEAR packages
pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager2-1.0.2 -- PEAR class to maintain PEAR packages
pear-PEAR_PackageFileManager_Plugins-1.0.2 -- The plugins for PEAR_PackageFileManager
pear-PHPDoc-0.1.0 -- Tool to generate documentation from the source
pear-PHPTAL-1.2.2 -- PEAR PHPTAL is a XML/XHTML template library for PHP
pear-PHPUnit-1.3.3 -- PEAR regression testing framework for unit tests
pear-PHPUnit-2.3.6 -- PEAR regression testing framework for unit tests
pear-PHP_Archive-0.11.4 -- Create and Use PHP Archive files
pear-PHP_ArrayOf-0.2.1 -- Abstract class package to create arrays of specific element types
pear-PHP_Beautifier-0.1.15 -- PEAR beautifier for PHP
pear-PHP_CodeSniffer-1.3.4 -- A PHP Script Tokenises and Sniffs PHP and JavaScript code
pear-PHP_Compat-1.5.0 -- Provides missing functionality for older versions of PHP
pear-PHP_CompatInfo-1.9.0_1 -- PEAR class to find out the minimum version and extensions required
pear-PHP_Parser-0.2.2 -- A PHP Grammar Parser
pear-PHP_ParserGenerator-0.1.7 -- Convert files from lemon parser to php5
pear-PHP_Shell-0.3.2 -- An interactive PHP Shell
pear-PHP_UML-1.6.1 -- PEAR Class to Create UML Representation of PHP Code
pear-Pager-2.4.8 -- PEAR data paging class
pear-Payment_DTA-1.2.1 -- PEAR class to create and handle DTA files used in Germany
pear-PhpDocumentor-1.4.3 -- Provides automatic documenting of php-api from the source
pear-SOAP-0.13.0 -- PEAR SOAP Client/Server for PHP
pear-Services_Amazon-0.9.0 -- PHP interface to Amazon Product Advertising API
pear-Services_Amazon_S3-0.3.5 -- PHP API for Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)
pear-Services_Blogging-0.2.4 -- PHP interface to Blog
pear-Services_Compete-0.1.0 -- PHP interface to Compete SnapShop API
pear-Services_Delicious-0.6.0 -- PEAR Client for the web service
pear-Services_Digg-0.4.7 -- PHP interface to Digg's API
pear-Services_Facebook-0.2.14 -- PHP interface to Facebook's API
pear-Services_GeoNames-1.0.1 -- A PHP5 Interface to the GeoNames Public API
pear-Services_Google-0.2.0 -- PHP interface to access the Google SOAP Web APIs
pear-Services_JSON-1.0.3 -- PHP implementation of json_encode/decode
pear-Services_OpenSearch-0.2.0 -- Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines.
pear-Services_Pingback-0.2.2 -- Pingback user-agent class
pear-Services_SharedBook-0.2.6 -- PHP wrapper for SharedBook Open API
pear-Services_ShortURL-0.3.1 -- Abstract PHP5 interface for shortening and expanding short URLs
pear-Services_TinyURL-0.1.2 -- PHP interface to TinyURL's API
pear-Services_TwitPic-0.1.0 -- PHP Interface to TwitPic's API
pear-Services_Twitter-0.6.3 -- PHP interface to Twitter's API
pear-Services_W3C_CSSValidator-0.2.3 -- PHP interface to W3C CSS Validator API
pear-Services_W3C_HTMLValidator-1.0.0 -- An Object Oriented Interface to the W3C HTML Validator service.
pear-Services_Weather-1.4.6 -- PEAR interface to various online weather-services
pear-Services_Yadis-0.5.1 -- Implementation of the Yadis Specification 1.0 protocol for PHP5
pear-Services_Yahoo-0.2.0 -- Provides access to the Yahoo! Web Services
pear-Services_urlTea-0.1.0 -- PHP interface to urlTea's API
pear-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer-0.9.2 -- PEAR class for writing Microsoft Excel files
pear-Structures_DataGrid-0.9.3 -- A full-featured tabular structured data management package
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_Array-0.1.4 -- DataSource driver using arrays
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_CSV-0.1.6 -- DataSource driver using CSV files
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DB-0.1.1 -- DB datasource driver for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBQuery-0.1.11 -- DataSource driver using PEAR::DB and an SQL query
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DBTable-0.1.7 -- DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_Table
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_DataObject-0.2.1 -- DataSource driver using PEAR::DB_DataObject
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_MDB2-0.1.11 -- DataSource driver using PEAR::MDB2 and an SQL query
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_PDO-0.2.0 -- DataSource driver using PHP Data Objects (PDO) and an SQL query
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_RSS-0.1.1 -- DataSource driver using RSS files
pear-Structures_DataGrid_DataSource_XML-0.2.0 -- DataSource driver using XML files
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_CSV-0.1.4 -- Renderer driver that generates a CSV string
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Console-0.1.1 -- Console_Table Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Flexy-0.1.3 -- Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid using HTML_Template_Flexy
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLSortForm-0.1.3 -- HTMLSortForm Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_HTMLTable-0.1.5 -- HTML_Table Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Pager-0.1.3 -- Pager Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_Smarty-0.1.4_1 -- Smarty Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XLS-0.1.3 -- Renderer driver that generates a XLS string
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XML-0.1.3 -- Renderer driver that generates a XML string
pear-Structures_DataGrid_Renderer_XUL-0.1.3 -- XUL Renderer for pear-Structures_DataGrid
pear-Structures_LinkedList-0.2.2 -- Implements singly and doubly-linked lists
pear-System_Command-1.0.8 -- PEAR command line execution interface
pear-Testing_Selenium-0.4.4 -- PEAR Binding - Once more unto the breach
pear-Text_Diff-1.1.1 -- Engine for performing and rendering text diffs
pear-Text_Figlet-1.0.2 -- Render text using FIGlet fonts
pear-Text_Highlighter-0.7.3 -- PEAR Syntax highlighting
pear-Text_Spell_Audio-0.1.0 -- Generates a sound clip saying the contents of a string of characters
pear-Text_Template-1.1.1 -- Simple template engine
pear-Text_Wiki-1.2.1 -- Abstracts parsing and rendering rules for Wiki markup
pear-Text_password-1.1.1 -- PEAR random password creator
pear-Translation2-2.0.4 -- PEAR class for multilingual applications management
pear-UDDI-0.2.4 -- PEAR UDDI for PHP
pear-URI_Template-0.3.3 -- Parser for URI Templates
pear-VFS-0.3.0 -- PEAR Virtual File System API
pear-Validate-0.8.5 -- PEAR Validation class
pear-Validate_AU-0.1.4 -- PEAR data validation class for Australia
pear-Validate_Finance-0.5.6 -- PEAR Finance Validation class
pear-Validate_Finance_CreditCard-0.5.3 -- PEAR CreditCard Validation class
pear-Validate_US-0.5.5 -- PEAR data validation class for US
pear-Var_Dump-1.0.4 -- Provides methods for dumping structured information about a variable
pear-VersionControl_Git-0.4.4 -- OO interface to handle Git repository
pear-VersionControl_SVN-0.4.0 -- Wrapper interface for the Subversion command-line client
pear-XML_Beautifier-1.2.2 -- PEAR class to format XML documents
pear-XML_DTD-0.5.2 -- Parsing of DTD files and DTD validation of XML files
pear-XML_Feed_Parser-1.0.5 -- Providing a unified API for handling Atom/RSS
pear-XML_GRDDL-0.2.0 -- A PHP library for dealing with GRDDL
pear-XML_HTMLSax-2.1.2 -- PEAR SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents
pear-XML_NITF-1.1.1 -- PEAR NITF XML parser
pear-XML_Parser-1.3.4 -- PEAR XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat
pear-XML_Query2XML-1.7.2 -- PEAR class transform SQL queries into XML data
pear-XML_RPC-1.5.5 -- PHP implementation of the XML-RPC protocol
pear-XML_RPC2-1.1.1_1 -- XML-RPC client/server library
pear-XML_RSS-1.0.2 -- PEAR RSS parser
pear-XML_SVG-1.1.0 -- PEAR object-oriented API for building SVG documents
pear-XML_Serializer-0.20.2 -- PEAR Swiss-army knive for reading and writing XML files
pear-XML_Transformer-1.1.2 -- PEAR XML Transformations in PHP
pear-XML_Tree-1.1_2 -- PEAR class for representing XML data in a tree structure
pear-XML_Util-1.2.1 -- PEAR XML utility class
pear-XML_Wddx-1.0.2 -- PEAR Wddx pretty serializer and deserializer
pear-YAML-1.0.6 -- The Symfony YAML Component
pear-channel-horde-20120210 -- PEAR channel
pear-channel-openpear-20111203 -- PEAR channel
pear-channel-phpunit-20110327 -- PEAR channel
pear-channel-symfony-20110701 -- PEAR channel
pear-codegen-1.0.7 -- Tool to create code generators that operate on XML descriptions
pear-phing-2.3.1 -- Project build system based on Apache Ant
pear-phpunit-PHPUnit-3.4.15 -- PEAR regression testing framework for unit tests
pearpc-0.4_5 -- PowerPC architecture emulator
pebble-2.3.2_1 -- Lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool
pebrot-0.8.9_1 -- Text-based MSN messenger client
pecl-APC-3.1.13 -- Alternative PHP Cache
pecl-amfext-0.9.2 -- Implements encoding and decoding of AMF and AMF3 messages
pecl-amqp-0.3.1 -- PHP extension for AMQP API
pecl-automap-1.1.0 -- A PECL extension offering a fast map-based autoloader
pecl-bbcode-1.0.2 -- A PECL extension which allows quick and efficient BBCode Parsing
pecl-bcompiler-1.0.2 -- A bytecode compiler extension
pecl-big_int-1.0.7 -- Functions for calculations with arbitrary length integers and bitsets
pecl-bitset-1.0.1 -- A PECL extension for manipulating bitsets
pecl-cTemplate-1.11 -- A PECL extension for Google ctemplate library
pecl-chdb-1.0.2 -- CHDB extension
pecl-crack-0.4.1_3 -- PECL extension to cracklib
pecl-cvsclient-0.2 -- A PHP extension for CVS pserver client
pecl-dbase-5.1.0 -- dBase database file access functions for PHP
pecl-dio-0.0.6_1 -- A PECL extension that provides direct access to low level IO
pecl-doublemetaphone-1.0.0 -- A PECL extension which implements the Double Metaphone algorithm
pecl-drizzle-0.4.2 -- A PHP wrapper for the libdrizzle library
pecl-enchant-1.1.0 -- Libenchant Binder that Support Near All Spelling Tools
pecl-esmtp-0.3.1_1 -- PECL ESMTP client extension
pecl-expect-0.2.9 -- A PHP extension for expect library
pecl-fileinfo-1.0.4 -- A PECL extension to retrieve info about files
pecl-fribidi-1.0_1 -- A PECL extension for the Unicode Bidi algorithm
pecl-gearman-1.0.2 -- Gearman API
pecl-geoip-1.0.8 -- Map IP address to geographic places
pecl-gmagick-1.0.8b1 -- Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library
pecl-gnupg-1.3.2 -- A pecl wrapper around the gpgme library
pecl-gupnp-1.0.0 -- GUPnP wrapper extension
pecl-handlersocket-0.3.1 -- A PECL extension for HandlerSocket
pecl-haru-1.0.3 -- A PECL extension to Haru PDF functions
pecl-hidef-0.1.8 -- Constants for real
pecl-html_parse-1.0.0 -- A PECL extension for the ekhtml library
pecl-htscanner-1.0.1 -- Support htaccess for PHP
pecl-http-1.7.4 -- Extended HTTP Support
pecl-id3-0.2 -- Extension to read and write ID3 tags in MP3 files
pecl-imagick-3.1.0.r2 -- Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library
pecl-imlib2-0.1.00_4 -- A PECL extension if imlib2
pecl-inclued-0.3 -- Inclued gives you a Clue for PHP inclusion check
pecl-intl-2.0.0 -- A PECL extension to support Internationalization(ICU)
pecl-konto_check-2.98 -- PHP module to check German and Austrian Bank Account Numbers
pecl-libevent-0.0.5 -- Libevent extension for PHP
pecl-lzf-1.6.2 -- Handles LZF de/compression
pecl-mailparse-2.1.6 -- PECL extension to create and decode MIME messages
pecl-mcve-7.0.3 -- A PECL Extension for Interface the MCVE/Monetra API
pecl-mdbtools-1.0.0_1 -- A PECL extension for the mdbtools library
pecl-memcache-3.0.6 -- Memcached extension
pecl-memcached-2.1.0 -- PHP extension for interfacing with memcached via libmemcached library
pecl-mogilefs-0.9.1 -- PHP client library to communicate with the MogileFS storage
pecl-mongo-1.2.12 -- PECL classes for Mongo Database Driver
pecl-mysqlnd_ms-1.4.2 -- Replication and load balancing plugin for mysqlnd
pecl-mysqlnd_qc-1.1.1 -- A query cache plugin for mysqlnd
pecl-ncurses-1.0.1 -- A PECL extension for ncurses
pecl-newt-1.2.6 -- PHP language extension for RedHat Newt library
pecl-oauth-1.2.2 -- A Php Interface to the OAuth Protocol
pecl-operator-0.3 -- PHP extension that provides operator overloading for PHP objects
pecl-pam-1.0.3 -- PECL classes for PAM integration
pecl-params-1.0 -- A PECL extension for a userspace equivalent of zend_parse_parameters()
pecl-pdflib-2.1.9 -- A PECL extension to create PDF on the fly
pecl-pdo_user-0.3.0 -- PECL classes provides a Userspace interface for PDO drivers
pecl-perl-1.0.0 -- Embedded Perl
pecl-phk-1.4.0 -- PHK is a PHP-oriented package/archive system
pecl-pop3-1.0.2 -- POP3 Client Library for PHP
pecl-proctitle-0.1.2 -- A PECL extension that allows changing the current process' name
pecl-ps-1.3.6_2 -- PHP extension for pslib to generate postscript
pecl-qrencode-0.4 -- A PECL extension for generate qrcode
pecl-radius-1.2.5 -- Radius client library for PHP
pecl-rar-3.0.0 -- A PECL extension to create and read rar files
pecl-rrd-1.0.5 -- PHP bindings to rrd tool system
pecl-runkit-0.9 -- PECL extension to modify constants, user-defined functions, and classes
pecl-scream-0.1.0 -- Break the silence operator
pecl-shape-0.9.2_1 -- A PECL extension that wraps libshape
pecl-sphinx-1.2.0 -- Sphinx search engine php client
pecl-spl_types-0.3.0_1 -- A PECL extension of a collection of special typehandling classes
pecl-spread-2.1.0_1 -- A Php Interface to the Spread Toolkit API
pecl-ssh2-0.11.3 -- A PECL extension to the libssh2 library
pecl-statgrab-0.6.0 -- A PECL extension to retrieve information from libstatgrab
pecl-stats-1.0.2 -- A PECL extension which with routines for statistical computation
pecl-stem-1.5.1 -- A PECL extension which provides word stemming
pecl-stomp-1.0.3 -- PECL extension of stomp client
pecl-svn-1.0.2 -- A PECL extension to the libsvn library
pecl-swish-0.5.0 -- Swish-e bindings for PHP
pecl-syck-0.9.3 -- A PECL extension which facilitates YAML parsing
pecl-taint-1.2.0 -- Extension used for detecting XSS codes (tainted string)
pecl-tcpwrap-1.1.3 -- A PECL extension which provides tcpwrappers binding
pecl-timezonedb-2012.6 -- Timezone Database to be used with PHP date and time functions
pecl-tokyo_tyrant-0.6.0 -- Wrapper to the Tokyo Tyrant client library
pecl-uploadprogress-1.0.2 -- Provides track progress of a file upload
pecl-uuid-1.0.2 -- UUID extension
pecl-vld-0.11.1 -- Dump the internal representation of PHP scripts
pecl-wbxml-1.0.3 -- A PECL extension that provides WBXML conversion capabilities
pecl-xdiff-1.5.2 -- A PECL extension to create/apply binary and text patches
pecl-xhprof-0.9.2_1 -- A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
pecl-xslcache-0.7.1 -- Caches the parsed XSL stylesheet between sessions
pecl-yaf-2.2.6 -- MVC framework written as a C PHP extension
pecl-yaml-1.1.0 -- YAML-1.1 parser and emitter
pecl-yaz-1.0.14_4 -- A PECL extension that implements a Z39.50 client
pecomato-0.0.15 -- A command-line picture metadata processor
peekabot-0.8.6_2 -- Distributed real-time 3D visualization tool for robotics researchers
peeper-0.1_9 -- View an area of the screen at a certain magnification
pefs-kmod-2012.09.30 -- PEFS kernel level stacked cryptographic filesystem
peg-e-1.1.1 -- Peg elimination game
peksystray-0.4.0_2 -- A system tray dockapp similar to the GNOME notification area applet
pekwm-0.1.15 -- Light, Unobtrusive, and configurable windowmanager
pelican-2.8.0 -- Static blog generator
pen-0.18.0 -- A load balancer for simple TCP based protocols
pencil-0.4.4b_7 -- Pencil - a traditional 2D animation software
pengpong-0.3_10 -- A cross-platform pong game written in SDL
penguin-command-1.6.11_8 -- A clone of the classic game Missile Command
penguinsap-0.1 -- A command line Atari(TM) .sap player
pengupop-2.2.6_1 -- Online multiplayer clone of Bust a Move
pentix-2.4 -- This is a game of pentix for terminals
penv-1.2p1 -- Set the environment according to the current working directory
peps-2.0_5 -- Converts EPS images to anti-aliased bitmaps
percona-monitoring-plugins-1.0.1 -- Cacti templates for MySQL, Apache, Memcached, and more by Percona
percona-toolkit-2.1.5 -- Collection of essential command-line utilities for MySQL
perdition-1.17.1_6 -- A POP3 & IMAP4 proxy that can map users to multiple backend servers
performance-0.3.2_1 -- Help improve the performance of GNUstep applications
perl-5.10.1_7 -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-5.12.4_4 -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-5.14.2_2 -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-5.16.2 -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-5.8.9_7 -- Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl2html-0.9.2_1 -- Perl sources to HTML converter
perlconsole-0.4_1 -- A light program that lets you evaluate Perl code interactively
perltidy-20120714 -- Indents and reformats Perl scripts to make them easier to read
permute-1.0 -- Generate all permutations of lines from stdin
personality-1.0 -- System configuration management utility to alter system personality
pessulus-2.30.4_2 -- A lockdown editor for GNOME
petite-chez-8.4 -- Free interpreter for Chez Scheme system
petsc-2.3.3.p0_6 -- Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation
petsc-mpich-2.3.3.p0_6 -- Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation
pev-0.60 -- The PE analysis toolkit
pfbtopfa-1.0 -- Convert PFB files to the PFA format
pfe-0.33.71 -- Implementation of ANSI Forth
pfflowd-0.7 -- Convert pfsync states to NetFlow datagrams
pfinger-0.7.10_4 -- Highly configurable, secure, and portable finger daemon
pflogstats-1.1.1_1 -- Postfix Log Statistics Reporter
pflogsumm-1.1.5 -- Postfix Log Entry Summarizer
pflogx-0.86 -- Simple tool to export pf (packet filter) logs to XML files
pfpro-3.0.8_2 -- SDK for VeriSign's PayFlow Pro
pfqueue-0.5.6 -- Console-based tool for handling Postfix 1, Postfix 2, and Exim queues
pfscalibration-1.3_4 -- Photometric calibration of cameras and recovery HDR images from the set of LDR exposures
pfstat-2.4_5 -- Utility to render graphical statistics for pf
pfstmo-1.2_3 -- Tone mapping operators
pfstools-1.6.4_11 -- Tools for manipulating HDR images and video frames
pft-1.3 -- Printer Job Language library and tool
pftabled-1.09 -- The pftabled is a tool to manage your pf tables remotely
pftop-0.7_1 -- Utility for real-time display of statistics for pf
pftpd-1.0.2 -- Multithreaded anonymous FTP daemon
pg_filedump-8.4 -- Utility to format PostgreSQL heap, index, etc into human-readable form
pg_reorg-1.1.7 -- PostgreSQL utility to reorganize tables
pg_rman-1.2.3 -- Online backup and restore tool for PostgreSQL
pgaccess- -- A powerful GUI PostgreSQL database administration tool and toolkit
pgadmin3-1.16.0_1 -- PostgreSQL database design and management system
pgagent-3.3.0 -- Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pgbadger-2.1_1 -- Very comptent log analyzer for PostgreSQL
pgbouncer-1.5.2 -- Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgcalc2-2.2.10_4 -- A powerful scientific skinnable calculator
pgdbf-0.6.2 -- Convert XBase / FoxPro tables to PostgreSQL
pgfouine-1.2 -- PostgreSQL log analyzer
pglesslog-1.2 -- Reduce size of PostgreSQL archive log files by replacing backup blocks
pgloader-2.3.1_2 -- Import CSV data and Large Object to PostgreSQL
pglogd-2.3_2 -- Sends web server log entries to a PostgreSQL database
pgp-2.6.3i_1 -- PGP International version - Public-Key encryption for the masses
pgpdump-0.27 -- PGP packet visualizer
pgpgpg-0.13_4 -- Wrapper for GnuPG to simulate PGP 2.6.x
pgpin-010323 -- PGP International version - improved for use in IN-CA
pgplot-5.2.2_12 -- A C/FORTRAN library for drawing graphs on a variety of display devices
pgpmoose-1.19_1 -- PGP Moose - signatures for moderated newsgroups
pgpool-3.4.1_1 -- A connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II-2.2.6_1 -- A connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II-2.3.3 -- A connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II-3.0.4 -- A connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpool-II-3.1.3 -- A connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgpoolAdmin-3.0.1 -- Web-based administration tool for pgpool-II
pgpsendmail-1.4 -- PGP sign/encrypt/decrypt messages automatically
pgsphere-1.1.1_3 -- Spherical data types, functions, and operators for PostgreSQL
pgtcl-2.0.0 -- TCL extension for accessing a PostgreSQL server (PGTCL-NG)
pgtcl-postgresql90-2.0.0 -- TCL extension for accessing a PostgreSQL server (PGTCL-NG)
pgtcl-postgresql91-2.0.0 -- TCL extension for accessing a PostgreSQL server (PGTCL-NG)
pgtcl-postgresql92-2.0.0 -- TCL extension for accessing a PostgreSQL server (PGTCL-NG)
pgtop-0.05_2 -- Display PostgreSQL performance info like top(1)
pgtune-0.9.3 -- Postgresql.conf tuning tips based on hardware and load type
pgworksheet-1.9_6 -- Simple PostreSQL GUI front end
phalanx-23.b -- Xboard-compatible chess playing program
phalcon-0.6.0 -- Phalcon PHP Framework written in C-language
phamm-0.5.18 -- Front-end written in PHP to manage virtual service
phantom-1.2 -- Phantomblock generator (converts existing files to sparse files)
phantomjs-1.7.0 -- Minimalistic, headless, WebKit-based, JavaScript-driven tool
pharmacy-0.3_10 -- GNOME frontend for CVS
pharo-1.4 -- Pharo is Smalltalk-inspired environment
phase-0.7_10 -- An original Qt/KDE widget style
phat-0.4.1_5 -- Collection of GTK+ widgets geared toward pro-audio apps
phc-0.1.7 -- A compiler for the PHP language
phd2fasta-0.990622.f -- A converter from output files of Phred/Consed to FASTA files
phex- -- A Java multi platform and spyware free gnutella client
philesight-20090105_3 -- Shows a graphics representation of the filesystem usage
phlipple-0.8.5 -- Flipping squares will never be the same
phluid-0.0.3_12 -- A window manager that emphasizes efficiency, speed, and beauty
pho-0.9.8 -- Lightweight image viewer
phonon-4.6.0_1 -- KDE multimedia framework
phonon-gstreamer-4.6.2 -- GStreamer backend for Phonon
phonon-vlc-0.6.0 -- VLC backend for Phonon
phonon-xine-4.4.4_5 -- The xine backend for Phonon
phoon_29jun-2005 -- Displays the phase of the moon
phoronix-test-suite-4.0.0 -- Phoronix Benchmarking Suite
photo_gallery-1.5_6 -- Simple web based photo gallery
photopc-3.07 -- Control cameras based on Sierra Imaging chipset and compatibles
php-Auth_OpenID-1.2.3 -- PHP OpenID library
php-Auth_OpenID2-2.1.3 -- PHP OpenID library
php-adodb-ext-5.04_2 -- ADOdb Extension
php-facedetect-1.1_1 -- Face detection extension for PHP using OpenCV library
php-gdal-1.9.1 -- PHP binding for GDAL
php-java-bridge-5.4.3_1 -- PHP module wich connects the PHP object with the Java/ECMA 335 object
php-libawl-0.53 -- Andrew.s Web Libraries - PHP Utility Libraries
php-libpuzzle-0.11 -- PHP extension for Puzzle library to find similar pictures
php-magickwand-1.0.9 -- A PHP extension to manipulate images
php-mdcached-1.0.6 -- The PHP client library for Bullet Cache (mdcached)
php-mode.el-1.5.0 -- Emacs lisp module for the PHP language
php-plurk-api-1.6.4 -- A Plurk API Implementation with PHP
php-screw-1.5 -- A PHP script encryption tool
php-sqlite3-0.5 -- A port for the PHP sqlite3 extension
php-sqlrelay-0.44_1 -- PHP modules to access to SQL Relay
php-suhosin-0.9.33 -- A PHP extension that implements high-level protections
php-tclink-3.4.4 -- A PHP extension for TrustCommerce credit card processing
php-templates-1.7.2 -- A template framework for PHP
php-xdebug-2.2.1 -- Xdebug extension for PHP
php5-5.4.7 -- PHP Scripting Language
php5-Ice-3.4.2 -- An Ice (Internet Communications Engine) language mapping for PHP
php5-bcmath-5.4.7 -- The bcmath shared extension for php
php5-blitz-0.8.2 -- PHP templating engine
php5-blitz-devel-0.7.2 -- PHP templating engine
php5-bsdconv-9.0 -- PHP wrapper for bsdconv
php5-bz2-5.4.7 -- The bz2 shared extension for php
php5-calendar-5.4.7 -- The calendar shared extension for php
php5-cconv-0.6.4 -- PHP wrapper for chinese/cconv
php5-chartdirector-5.0.2_1 -- ChartDirector Chart Component for PHP 5
php5-creole-1.0.2 -- Database abstraction layer for PHP5
php5-ctype-5.4.7 -- The ctype shared extension for php
php5-curl-5.4.7 -- The curl shared extension for php
php5-dav-1.2 -- The PHP WebDAV extension
php5-dba-5.4.7 -- The dba shared extension for php
php5-dom-5.4.7 -- The dom shared extension for php
php5-exif-5.4.7 -- The exif shared extension for php
php5-extensions-1.7 -- A "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
php5-ffmpeg-0.6.0_7 -- The ffmpeg shared extension for php
php5-fileinfo-5.4.7 -- The fileinfo shared extension for php
php5-filter-5.4.7 -- The filter shared extension for php
php5-ftp-5.4.7 -- The ftp shared extension for php
php5-gd-5.4.7 -- The gd shared extension for php
php5-geshi- -- Native PHP syntax highlighting engine
php5-gettext-5.4.7 -- The gettext shared extension for php
php5-gmp-5.4.7 -- The gmp shared extension for php
php5-hash-5.4.7 -- The hash shared extension for php
php5-iconv-5.4.7 -- The iconv shared extension for php
php5-imap-5.4.7 -- The imap shared extension for php
php5-interbase-5.4.7 -- The interbase shared extension for php
php5-json-5.4.7 -- The json shared extension for php
php5-ldap-5.4.7 -- The ldap shared extension for php
php5-mbstring-5.4.7 -- The mbstring shared extension for php
php5-mcrypt-5.4.7 -- The mcrypt shared extension for php
php5-msgpack-2012.05.05 -- PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack
php5-mssql-5.4.7 -- The mssql shared extension for php
php5-mysql-5.4.7 -- The mysql shared extension for php
php5-mysqli-5.4.7 -- The mysqli shared extension for php
php5-odbc-5.4.7 -- The odbc shared extension for php
php5-openssl-5.4.7 -- The openssl shared extension for php
php5-pcntl-5.4.7 -- The pcntl shared extension for php
php5-pdo-5.4.7 -- The pdo shared extension for php
php5-pdo_cassandra-0.2.1_1 -- PDO driver for Apache Cassandra
php5-pdo_dblib-5.4.7 -- The pdo_dblib shared extension for php
php5-pdo_firebird-5.4.7 -- The pdo_firebird shared extension for php
php5-pdo_mysql-5.4.7 -- The pdo_mysql shared extension for php
php5-pdo_odbc-5.4.7 -- The pdo_odbc shared extension for php
php5-pdo_pgsql-5.4.7 -- The pdo_pgsql shared extension for php
php5-pdo_sqlite-5.4.7 -- The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php
php5-pgsql-5.4.7 -- The pgsql shared extension for php
php5-phar-5.4.7 -- The phar shared extension for php
php5-pinba-2012.03.20 -- PHP-extension part of statistics server for PHP
php5-posix-5.4.7 -- The posix shared extension for php
php5-propel-1.1.1 -- Full-service object persistence and query toolkit for PHP
php5-pspell-5.4.7 -- The pspell shared extension for php
php5-readline-5.4.7 -- The readline shared extension for php
php5-recode-5.4.7 -- The recode shared extension for php
php5-redis-2.2.1_1 -- PHP5-Extension for Redis
php5-session-5.4.7 -- The session shared extension for php
php5-shmop-5.4.7 -- The shmop shared extension for php
php5-simplexml-5.4.7 -- The simplexml shared extension for php
php5-snmp-5.4.7 -- The snmp shared extension for php
php5-soap-5.4.7 -- The soap shared extension for php
php5-sockets-5.4.7 -- The sockets shared extension for php
php5-sqlite3-5.4.7 -- The sqlite3 shared extension for php
php5-swfed-0.58 -- A PHP extension to edit SWF file
php5-sybase_ct-5.4.7 -- The sybase_ct shared extension for php
php5-sysvmsg-5.4.7 -- The sysvmsg shared extension for php
php5-sysvsem-5.4.7 -- The sysvsem shared extension for php
php5-sysvshm-5.4.7 -- The sysvshm shared extension for php
php5-thrift-0.8.0_1 -- PHP interface to Thrift
php5-tidy-5.4.7 -- The tidy shared extension for php
php5-tokenizer-5.4.7 -- The tokenizer shared extension for php
php5-wddx-5.4.7 -- The wddx shared extension for php
php5-xml-5.4.7 -- The xml shared extension for php
php5-xmlreader-5.4.7 -- The xmlreader shared extension for php
php5-xmlrpc-5.4.7 -- The xmlrpc shared extension for php
php5-xmlwriter-5.4.7 -- The xmlwriter shared extension for php
php5-xsl-5.4.7 -- The xsl shared extension for php
php5-zip-5.4.7 -- The zip shared extension for php
php5-zlib-5.4.7 -- The zlib shared extension for php
php52-5.2.17_11 -- PHP Scripting Language
php52-bcmath-5.2.17_11 -- The bcmath shared extension for php
php52-bz2-5.2.17_11 -- The bz2 shared extension for php
php52-calendar-5.2.17_11 -- The calendar shared extension for php
php52-ctype-5.2.17_11 -- The ctype shared extension for php
php52-curl-5.2.17_11 -- The curl shared extension for php
php52-dba-5.2.17_11 -- The dba shared extension for php
php52-dbase-5.2.17_11 -- The dbase shared extension for php
php52-dom-5.2.17_11 -- The dom shared extension for php
php52-exif-5.2.17_11 -- The exif shared extension for php
php52-extensions-1.3_1 -- A "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
php52-filter-5.2.17_11 -- The filter shared extension for php
php52-ftp-5.2.17_11 -- The ftp shared extension for php
php52-gd-5.2.17_11 -- The gd shared extension for php
php52-gettext-5.2.17_11 -- The gettext shared extension for php
php52-gmp-5.2.17_11 -- The gmp shared extension for php
php52-hash-5.2.17_11 -- The hash shared extension for php
php52-iconv-5.2.17_11 -- The iconv shared extension for php
php52-imap-5.2.17_11 -- The imap shared extension for php
php52-interbase-5.2.17_11 -- The interbase shared extension for php
php52-json-5.2.17_11 -- The json shared extension for php
php52-ldap-5.2.17_11 -- The ldap shared extension for php
php52-mbstring-5.2.17_11 -- The mbstring shared extension for php
php52-mcrypt-5.2.17_11 -- The mcrypt shared extension for php
php52-mhash-5.2.17_11 -- The mhash shared extension for php
php52-ming-5.2.17_11 -- The ming shared extension for php
php52-mssql-5.2.17_11 -- The mssql shared extension for php
php52-mysql-5.2.17_11 -- The mysql shared extension for php
php52-mysqli-5.2.17_11 -- The mysqli shared extension for php
php52-ncurses-5.2.17_11 -- The ncurses shared extension for php
php52-oci8-5.2.17_11 -- The oci8 shared extension for php
php52-odbc-5.2.17_11 -- The odbc shared extension for php
php52-openssl-5.2.17_11 -- The openssl shared extension for php
php52-pcntl-5.2.17_11 -- The pcntl shared extension for php
php52-pcre-5.2.17_11 -- The pcre shared extension for php
php52-pdo-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo shared extension for php
php52-pdo_dblib-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_dblib shared extension for php
php52-pdo_firebird-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_firebird shared extension for php
php52-pdo_mysql-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_mysql shared extension for php
php52-pdo_oci-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_oci shared extension for php
php52-pdo_odbc-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_odbc shared extension for php
php52-pdo_pgsql-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_pgsql shared extension for php
php52-pdo_sqlite-5.2.17_11 -- The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php
php52-pgsql-5.2.17_11 -- The pgsql shared extension for php
php52-posix-5.2.17_11 -- The posix shared extension for php
php52-pspell-5.2.17_11 -- The pspell shared extension for php
php52-readline-5.2.17_11 -- The readline shared extension for php
php52-recode-5.2.17_11 -- The recode shared extension for php
php52-rrdtool-1.00_1 -- A php 52 rrdtool glue
php52-session-5.2.17_11 -- The session shared extension for php
php52-shmop-5.2.17_11 -- The shmop shared extension for php
php52-simplexml-5.2.17_11 -- The simplexml shared extension for php
php52-snmp-5.2.17_11 -- The snmp shared extension for php
php52-soap-5.2.17_11 -- The soap shared extension for php
php52-sockets-5.2.17_11 -- The sockets shared extension for php
php52-spl-5.2.17_11 -- The spl shared extension for php
php52-sqlite-5.2.17_11 -- The sqlite shared extension for php
php52-sybase_ct-5.2.17_11 -- The sybase_ct shared extension for php
php52-sysvmsg-5.2.17_11 -- The sysvmsg shared extension for php
php52-sysvsem-5.2.17_11 -- The sysvsem shared extension for php
php52-sysvshm-5.2.17_11 -- The sysvshm shared extension for php
php52-tidy-5.2.17_11 -- The tidy shared extension for php
php52-tokenizer-5.2.17_11 -- The tokenizer shared extension for php
php52-wddx-5.2.17_11 -- The wddx shared extension for php
php52-xml-5.2.17_11 -- The xml shared extension for php
php52-xmlreader-5.2.17_11 -- The xmlreader shared extension for php
php52-xmlrpc-5.2.17_11 -- The xmlrpc shared extension for php
php52-xmlwriter-5.2.17_11 -- The xmlwriter shared extension for php
php52-xsl-5.2.17_11 -- The xsl shared extension for php
php52-zip-5.2.17_11 -- The zip shared extension for php
php52-zlib-5.2.17_11 -- The zlib shared extension for php
php53-5.3.18 -- PHP Scripting Language
php53-bcmath-5.3.18 -- The bcmath shared extension for php
php53-bz2-5.3.18 -- The bz2 shared extension for php
php53-calendar-5.3.18 -- The calendar shared extension for php
php53-ctype-5.3.18 -- The ctype shared extension for php
php53-curl-5.3.18 -- The curl shared extension for php
php53-dba-5.3.18 -- The dba shared extension for php
php53-dom-5.3.18 -- The dom shared extension for php
php53-exif-5.3.18 -- The exif shared extension for php
php53-extensions-1.6 -- A "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
php53-fileinfo-5.3.18 -- The fileinfo shared extension for php
php53-filter-5.3.18 -- The filter shared extension for php
php53-ftp-5.3.18 -- The ftp shared extension for php
php53-gd-5.3.18 -- The gd shared extension for php
php53-gettext-5.3.18 -- The gettext shared extension for php
php53-gmp-5.3.18 -- The gmp shared extension for php
php53-hash-5.3.18 -- The hash shared extension for php
php53-iconv-5.3.18 -- The iconv shared extension for php
php53-imap-5.3.18 -- The imap shared extension for php
php53-interbase-5.3.18 -- The interbase shared extension for php
php53-json-5.3.18 -- The json shared extension for php
php53-ldap-5.3.18 -- The ldap shared extension for php
php53-mbstring-5.3.18 -- The mbstring shared extension for php
php53-mcrypt-5.3.18 -- The mcrypt shared extension for php
php53-mssql-5.3.18 -- The mssql shared extension for php
php53-mysql-5.3.18 -- The mysql shared extension for php
php53-mysqli-5.3.18 -- The mysqli shared extension for php
php53-odbc-5.3.18 -- The odbc shared extension for php
php53-openssl-5.3.18 -- The openssl shared extension for php
php53-pcntl-5.3.18 -- The pcntl shared extension for php
php53-pdo-5.3.18 -- The pdo shared extension for php
php53-pdo_dblib-5.3.18 -- The pdo_dblib shared extension for php
php53-pdo_firebird-5.3.18 -- The pdo_firebird shared extension for php
php53-pdo_mysql-5.3.18 -- The pdo_mysql shared extension for php
php53-pdo_odbc-5.3.18 -- The pdo_odbc shared extension for php
php53-pdo_pgsql-5.3.18 -- The pdo_pgsql shared extension for php
php53-pdo_sqlite-5.3.18 -- The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php
php53-pgsql-5.3.18 -- The pgsql shared extension for php
php53-phar-5.3.18 -- The phar shared extension for php
php53-posix-5.3.18 -- The posix shared extension for php
php53-pspell-5.3.18 -- The pspell shared extension for php
php53-readline-5.3.18 -- The readline shared extension for php
php53-recode-5.3.18 -- The recode shared extension for php
php53-redis-2.2.1 -- PHP5-Extension for Redis
php53-session-5.3.18 -- The session shared extension for php
php53-shmop-5.3.18 -- The shmop shared extension for php
php53-simplexml-5.3.18 -- The simplexml shared extension for php
php53-snmp-5.3.18 -- The snmp shared extension for php
php53-soap-5.3.18 -- The soap shared extension for php
php53-sockets-5.3.18 -- The sockets shared extension for php
php53-sqlite-5.3.18 -- The sqlite shared extension for php
php53-sqlite3-5.3.18 -- The sqlite3 shared extension for php
php53-sybase_ct-5.3.18 -- The sybase_ct shared extension for php
php53-sysvmsg-5.3.18 -- The sysvmsg shared extension for php
php53-sysvsem-5.3.18 -- The sysvsem shared extension for php
php53-sysvshm-5.3.18 -- The sysvshm shared extension for php
php53-tidy-5.3.18 -- The tidy shared extension for php
php53-tokenizer-5.3.18 -- The tokenizer shared extension for php
php53-wddx-5.3.18 -- The wddx shared extension for php
php53-xml-5.3.18 -- The xml shared extension for php
php53-xmlreader-5.3.18 -- The xmlreader shared extension for php
php53-xmlrpc-5.3.18 -- The xmlrpc shared extension for php
php53-xmlwriter-5.3.18 -- The xmlwriter shared extension for php
php53-xsl-5.3.18 -- The xsl shared extension for php
php53-zip-5.3.18 -- The zip shared extension for php
php53-zlib-5.3.18 -- The zlib shared extension for php
phpGedView-4.2.3 -- Online genealogy viewer
phpMyAdmin-3.5.3 -- A set of PHP-scripts to manage MySQL over the web
phpSysInfo-3.0.r9_1 -- A PHP script for displaying system information
php_doc-br-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-de-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-en-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-fr-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-ja-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-kr-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
php_doc-pl-20100701_2 -- PHP documentation in HTML
phpbb-2.0.23 -- A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
phpbb-3.0.11 -- A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
phpbb-devel-3.0.0 -- A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system
phpbt-1.0.1 -- Bug-tracking system developed in PHP
phpcollab-2.5 -- PHPcollab is project management and collaboration over the internet
phpdeadlock-1.01_1 -- Web-based user authentication/password protection system
phpeclipse-1.2.3_5 -- PHP Eclipse adds PHP support to the Eclipse IDE Framework
phpgroupware- -- A web based GroupWare system
phpicalendar-2.24 -- Webbased calendar with iCal support
phpip-200611081420_1 -- A complete IPv4 IPAM (IP address management) suite
phpipam-0.6 -- PHPIPAM: PHP IP Address Management IPv4/IPv6
phpldapadmin-1.2.2 -- A set of PHP-scripts to administer LDAP over the web
phplist-2.10.18 -- A full-featured open-source newsletter manager
phplot-5.8.0 -- A PHP class for creating scientific and business charts
phpmailer-5.2.1 -- Full Featured Email Transfer Class for PHP
phpmailer2-2.0.4 -- Full Featured Email Transfer Class for PHP4
phpminiadmin-1.5.091221 -- Lightweight alternative to phpMyAdmin
phpmp-0.12.0 -- A web interface for music player daemon
phpmustache-0.8.1 -- PHP5 code for Mustache
phpmyfaq-2.7.9 -- A multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ-system
phppdflib-2.8 -- An easy to use API for creating PDF files dynamically
phppgadmin-5.0.4 -- Web Based Postgres Administration
phprecipebook-3.01 -- Small php webapp to manage your recipes
phprojekt-6.0.5 -- An open source groupware suite
phproxy-0.5b2_3 -- PHP based web proxy
phpscheduleit-1.2.12 -- A web-based resource scheduling and management system
phpsecinfo-0.2.1 -- PHP environment security auditing tool
phpsh-20110513 -- An interactive shell for PHP
phpsview-10.0.5_7 -- Philips USB Cameras Utilities for NetBSD/FreeBSD
phpsysinfo-3.0.10_1 -- A PHP script for displaying system information
phptags-0.3.0 -- Create a tags file from PHP sources
phpvirtualbox-4.1.10 -- AJAX Web Interface for VirtualBox
phpweathermap-0.97a_1 -- A network visualisation tool with web editor
phpwebapp-1.2 -- A web application framework
phpwebftp-3.3_1 -- A set of PHP-scripts to manage FTP over the web
phrap-0.990329 -- Phrap is a program for assembling shotgun DNA sequence data
phraze-0.4 -- Converts telephone number to combinations of valid words
phred-0.020425.c -- Base calling and quality value assignment on DNA sequencing
phylip-3.69 -- A Phylogeny Inference Package
phyml-20090706 -- A simple, fast, and accurate algorithm to estimate large phylogenies
physcalc-2.4_1 -- Extremely flexible calculator that behaves much like units(1)
physfs-1.1.1_1 -- A library to provide abstract access to various archives
physfs-2.0.2 -- A library to provide abstract access to various archives
pianobar-2012.09.07 -- Command line Pandora player
pib-1.2_2 -- GUI Ports Collection management tool
pic2fig-1.4_2 -- Pic format to fig format converter
picard-1.1 -- Next generation MusicBrainz Tagger
picasm-1.14_1 -- Portable assembler for 16C84 series PICs
pico-alpine-2.00_1 -- [Al]PIne's message COmposition editor and Pilot file manager
picoc-2.1 -- Very small C interpreter for scripting
picocom-1.7 -- Dumb Terminal Emulator
picp-0.6.8 -- Driver for the Microchip Picstart Plus development programmer
picprog-1.9.0 -- Serial port pic16c84 programmer
picpuz-2.1.1_3 -- Jigsaw puzzle program
picturebook-20010422_9 -- SONY VAIO camera capture utility
picviz-0.4_3 -- Parallel coordinates plotter
pidentd-3.0.19_2 -- An RFC1413 identification server
pidgin-2.10.6 -- Pidgin multi-protocol messaging client (GTK+ UI)
pidgin-audacious-remote-0.5_2 -- Pidgin-Audacious-Remote is a plug-in for Pidgin 2
pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.7_4 -- The birthday reminder for Pidgin
pidgin-bs-1.3.0_6 -- Pidgin plugin to prevent instant message spam
pidgin-encryption-3.1_1 -- Encryption Plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger client
pidgin-facebookchat-1.69_2 -- Facebook Chat for Pidgin
pidgin-fetion- -- Fetion protocol plugin for libpurple
pidgin-guifications-2.16_5 -- Plugin to add msn style "toaster" popups to Pidgin
pidgin-hotkeys-0.2.4_16 -- A pidgin plugin that allows user to assign global hotkeys
pidgin-latex-1.0_6 -- Display LaTeX output in your IMs
pidgin-libnotify-0.14_11 -- This plugin adds a libnotify interface to Pidgin
pidgin-manualsize-0.7_3 -- Plugin to allow manual resizing of Pidgin's message input area
pidgin-msn-pecan-0.1.0.r1_8 -- Alternative MSN protocol plugin for libpurple
pidgin-musictracker-0.4.1_6 -- Plugin for Pidgin to displays the music track currently playing
pidgin-osd-0.1.0_3 -- A pidgin plugin for displaying new messages on screen
pidgin-otr-4.0.0 -- Allows deniable private conversations using Pidgin
pidgin-pidgimpd-1.1.1_9 -- PidgiMPD is a Pidgin plugin for monitoring/controlling MPD
pidgin-privacy-please-0.7.1_2 -- A privacy plugin for the pidgin instant messenger
pidgin-rhythmbox-2.0_6 -- Plugin to update your status with info from Rhythmbox
pidgin-sipe-1.13.1_1 -- A plugin for Pidgin to provide LCS/OCS connectivity
pidgin-skype- -- Plugin to use Skype chat from Pidgin (with Skype running)
pidgin-twitter-0.9.2_1 -- A pidgin plugin to help twitting via pidgin
pidof-20050501 -- A tool which prints PID of given process name
piewm-1.04_3 -- A tvtwm with pie (circular) menus
pigz-2.2.5 -- Parallel GZIP
pikdev-0.9.2_9 -- Simple graphic IDE for the development of PIC-based applications
pike76-7.6.112_17 -- A dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
pike78-7.8.700 -- A dynamic programming language with a syntax similar to C++
piklab-0.16.1 -- KDE IDE for microcontroller development
pilot-link-0.12.5 -- Suite of tools used to connect and sync your Palm handled
pilot_makedoc-0.7a_1 -- Converts text into the Doc format used by PalmPilots
pilrc-3.2_3 -- Resource compiler for Pilot applications
pimdd- -- UO Dense Protocol-Independent Multicast (PIM-DM) daemon for IPv4
pinba_engine-2011.08.18_1 -- Mysql-engine part of statistics server for PHP
pinball-0.3.1_14 -- Emilia Pinball is a free pinball game
pine-pgp-filters-1.8 -- Simple /bin/sh-based filters to use GnuPG with Alpine
pinedit-0.3.1_2 -- Editor for Emilia Pinball
pinentry-0.8.1_2 -- A collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
pinentry-curses-0.8.1_2 -- Curses version of the gnupg password dialog
pinentry-gtk-0.8.1_2 -- GTK version of the gnupg password dialog
pinentry-gtk2-0.8.1_2 -- GTK+ 2.0 version of the GnuPG password dialog
pinentry-qt3-0.8.1_2 -- QT3 version of the gnupg password dialog
pinentry-qt4-0.8.1_2 -- QT4 version of the gnupg password dialog
pinfo-0.6.9_4 -- Ncurses based, lynx style info documentation browser
pingus-0.7.2_9 -- Free Lemmings-like game
pink-pony-1.2.1_5 -- Tron-like multiplayer racing game
pinot-1.01 -- Personal search and metasearch for the Free Desktop
pinpoint-0.1.4_1 -- A tool for making hackers do excellent presentations
pinta-1.1 -- Simple Gtk# Paint Program
pioneers-14.1 -- An Internet playable version of the Settlers of Catan for GNOME/GTK+
pipe-2.5_1 -- A tool for creating and analysing Petri nets
pipebench-0.40 -- Pipebench shows current throughput/amount of data through a pipe
pipemeter-1.1.3 -- A tool for displaying pipe status information
pipenightdreams-0.10.0_11 -- A puzzle game similar to PipeMania
pipepanic-0.1.3_4 -- A pipe connecting game using libSDL
pipestatus-0.6.0 -- UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
pipewalker-0.8.3_1 -- A clone of the NetWalk game
pipsecd-19991014_2 -- Simple IPSEC tunnel tool from Pierre Beyssac
pircbot-1.5.0_1 -- PircBot Java IRC Bot Framework
pire-0.0.4 -- Perl Incompatible Regular Expressions library
pisg-0.73 -- A Perl IRC Statistics Generator
pit-0.1.0 -- Command-line project manager that integrates with Git
pithos-0.3.17 -- A Pandora client for the GNOME desktop
pitivi- -- Gstreamer based non-linear audio/video editor
pivotx-2.3.3_1 -- Software to help you maintain dynamic sites such as weblogs
piwigo-2.3.4 -- A PHP based Web Gallery
piwik-1.9.2 -- Open Source Web Analytics Software Program
pixelize-1.0.0_1 -- Use many scaled down images to try to duplicate another image
pixen-0.1_2 -- Graphics editing software for small-scale pictures for GNUstep
pixie-2.2.6_4 -- A photorealistic renderer with Pixar's RenderMan-like interface
pixilate-0.4.2_1 -- Generates packets to match a list of Cisco PIX access lists
pixman-0.24.2 -- Low-level pixel manipulation library
pixmap-2.6_3 -- A pixmap editor based on XPM library
pkcrack-1.2.2 -- A utility for breaking pkzip encryption
pkcs11-dump-0.3.4 -- Allow dumping PKCS#11 token content
pkcs11-gateway-1.2 -- A wrapper Cryptoki library to use Linux PKCS#11 modules
pkcs11-helper-1.09 -- A helper library for multiple PKCS#11 providers
pkfonts118-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkfonts240-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkfonts300-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkfonts360-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkfonts400-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkfonts600-1.0 -- English PK fonts, for ghostscripts, xdvi, and so on
pkg-1.0.2 -- New generation package manager
pkg-orphan-1.0.1 -- A console utility for managing unreferenced FreeBSD packages
pkg-plist-1.2 -- Generate a pkg-plist for a port
pkg_add_it-1.3.2 -- Interactive tool for package installation
pkg_cleanup-1.1 -- Interactive program for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_cutleaves-20090810 -- Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_install-20120822 -- FreeBSD -STABLE version of the package tools
pkg_jail-1.71 -- Manage your own package jail
pkg_remove-1.1 -- Utility to uninstall packages
pkg_replace-0.8.0 -- A utility for upgrading installed packages
pkg_rmleaves-20050922 -- Interactive script for deinstalling 'leaf' packages
pkg_search-1.3 -- A nifty script searching the ports database
pkg_trackinst-1.2.3_2 -- PkgDB/pkg-plist generator by tracking installation
pkg_tree-1.1_2 -- Get a 'graphical' tree-overview of installed packages
pkgconf-0.8.9 -- Utility to help to configure compiler and linker flags
pkgfe-20090228 -- Ncurses frontend for ports collection
pkgs_which-0.2.0 -- Quickly find out which ports contributed to a file tree
pkgsearch-1.1.0 -- Find your packages in ports and installed packages
pkipplib-0.07 -- Create and parse IPP requests
pkpgcounter-3.50_2 -- Count pages and ink coverage percent
pks- -- PGP Public Key Server
pktanon-1.2.3 -- Network trace anonymizer
pktsuckers-1.2 -- Log contents of unwanted UDP packets and TCP connections
pl-aspell-6.0.20061121.0_1 -- Aspell Polish dictionary
pl-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Polish messages and documentation for Calligra
pl-ekg-1.8.r1 -- Text-mode Gadu-Gadu client
pl-ekg2-0.3.1_1 -- Text-mode Gadu-Gadu, Jabber, and IRC client
pl-fortunepl-0.0.20051022 -- A lot of funny Polish fortune files
pl-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Polish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
pl-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Polish
pl-gnugadu2-2.3.0_11 -- Gadu-Gadu IM network client
pl-hunspell-20121103 -- Polish hunspell dictionaries
pl-hyphen-2007.04.16_1 -- Polish hyphenation rules
pl-ispell-20021127-3.3.02_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
pl-kadu-0.12.2_1 -- Internet communicator supporting Gadu-Gadu and Jabber/XMPP
pl-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Polish messages and documentation for KDE3
pl-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Polish messages and documentation for KDE4
pl-libgadu-1.11.2 -- This library is used by many IMs with Gadu-Gadu support
pl-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- pl language pack for libreoffice
pl-libtlen-20041113 -- Backend for interoperability with, Polish IM network
pl-mythes-1.5_1 -- Polish thesaurus
pl-qfaktury-0.6.2_2 -- Polish invoicing desktop program
pl-qnapi-0.1.5_4 -- Unofficial qt4 client
pl-sms-2.1.0_4 -- Send SMS to cellular phones in Poland (Idea, ERA, Plus)
pl-tleenx2-20040214_10 -- Client for polish IM service called
pl-trf-0.4 -- Billing software for traffic counting working with most Polish ISPs
pl-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
plan-1.10.1 -- An X/Motif schedule planner with calendar
plan9port-20120820 -- Port of many Plan 9 programs to Unix-like operating systems
planet-2.0 -- Planet is a flexible feed aggregator - and more!
planets-0.1.13 -- An orbital simulator
planner-0.14.6_1 -- Project management application for GNOME 2
planner.el-emacs24-3.42_10 -- PlannerMode is an organizer and day planner for Emacs
plans-8.2.1 -- A Good Web Calendar
plasma-applet-adjustableclock-3.1_1 -- Highly configurable clock plasmoid for KDE4
plasma-applet-apcups-0.1.3_2 -- Plasma applet to monitor the status of APC UPS
plasma-applet-cwp-1.6.6 -- Weather plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-daisy- -- Simple launcher plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-fancytasks-1.1.0_2 -- Plasmoid fancy representation of your tasks and launchers
plasma-applet-ftpmonitor-1.1_3 -- KDE4 Plasma applet, which monitors connections to ftp daemons
plasma-applet-geekclock-1.0_7 -- Geeky analog clock plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-panelspacer-0.2_8 -- Panel spacer plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-playwolf-0.8.1_3 -- Amarok 2.x plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-qstardict-1.0.1 -- Dictionary plasma applet for KDE
plasma-applet-serverstatuswidget-1.5.1_2 -- Server monitoring plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-simpleweatherforecast-1.3_4 -- Weather plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-teacooker-0.3.0_8 -- Tea cooker plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-applet-yawp-0.4.3_1 -- Weather plasma applet for KDE4
plasma-kmod-0.1_4 -- A plasma-effect screensaver kernel module
plasma-scriptengine-python-4.8.4 -- Plasma scriptengine for Python
plasma-scriptengine-ruby-4.8.4 -- Plasma scriptengine for Ruby
platex-japanese-1.3_5 -- pLaTeX package that literally provides Japanese option to babel
platex-jsclasses-1.0.20110510 -- New document class files for pLaTeX
platon-2007.01.09_5 -- Tool for viewing molecular/crystallographic structures
play-1.0_1 -- A simple audio file player
playd-1.22.3 -- Very easy-to-use mplayer sh wrapper script (supports playlists)
playgsf-0.7.1_1 -- A command line player for gsf audio files
playmidi-2.5_1 -- MIDI player
plconfig-0.2 -- Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges
plee-the-bear-0.6.0_1 -- 2D platform jump and run game
plib-1.8.5_3 -- A portable library for joystick/sound/OpenGL GUI/3D math
pligg-1.1.5 -- An Open Source Web2.0 CMS
plink-1.07 -- Whole genome association analysis toolset
plinkseq-0.08 -- Toolset for working with human genetic variation data
plman-2.5.1_2 -- A Propositional Logic sentence shell/interpreter
pload-0.9.5_3 -- An X11 program to display network traffic graphs
plone-4.2.1 -- The Plone Content Management System
plonx-0.03 -- Small ASCII puzzle game
plopfolio-0.1.0_2 -- Free clone of KlipFolio for GNUstep
plor-0.3.3_1 -- An alpha-release reader for reading SOUP and QWK packets
ploticus-2.40_5 -- Generates plots and graphs from data
ploticus-nox11-2.40_5 -- Generates plots and graphs from data (no X11 required)
plotmtv-1.4.1_2 -- A multipurpose X11 plotting program
plotutils-2.6_3 -- A plotting library and toolkit
plplot-5.9.9_1 -- A scientific plotting package
plugdaemon-2.5.4 -- Plug proxy daemon, forwards TCP/IP connections
plugger-5.1.5 -- A multimedia front-end plugin for Mozilla or Opera
plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_20 -- Meta package installing all author-recommended Plugger plugins
plutocracy-0.0.20081229_3 -- Multiplayer 3D economy/trade-based RTS
plwm-2.5_1 -- A window manager construction kit
plzip-0.7 -- Is a parallel, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
pm-lib-20091202_1 -- A collection of procmail plug-in modules
pm3umpdl-1.0.0 -- Loading a M3U file into musicpd
pmacct-0.14.1 -- Accounting and aggregation tool for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic
pmap-20060622_1 -- Detailed process memory display
pmars-0.9.2_3 -- A portable corewar system with ICWS'94 extensions
pmars-sdl-0.9.2_5 -- Port of pMARS using the Simple Directmedia Library
pmccabe-2.6 -- Code complexity estimator
pmd-3.7_2 -- Static analysis tool for Java source code
pmf-1.13.1 -- Padrone's Mud Frontend
pmk-0.10.4 -- Pre Make Kit, a sane replacement for autoconf
pms-0.42 -- A ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon
pmt-0.2 -- A small collection of filters which can be added to UNIX pipes
pmw-4.12 -- High quality music typesetting program
pmwiki-2.2.38 -- A WikiWikiWeb clone using PHP
pnet-0.8.0_1 -- The "meta-port" for DotGNU Portable.NET
pnetbase-0.8.0_1 -- C# compiler and runtime engine
pnetcdf-1.3.1 -- A library providing high-performance I/O
pnetlib-0.8.0_1 -- C# system library for pnet
pnetmark-0.0.6_1 -- Benchmarking tool for Common Language Runtime (CLR)
pnews-2.6.6 -- PHP Web-based News Reader
png-1.5.12 -- Library for manipulating PNG images
png2html-1.1_8 -- Takes a PNG image and transforms it into HTML
png2ico-2002.12.08_4 -- Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files
pngcheck-2.3.0 -- Checks the integrity of PNG images
pngcrush-1.7.41 -- An optimizer for PNG files
pngnq-1.1_1 -- A tool for quantizing PNG images in RGBA format
pngquant-1.7.2_1 -- Converts 32-bit RGBA PNGs into 8-bit RGBA-palette PNGs
pngrewrite-1.4.0_1 -- A PNG palette optimizer
pngwriter-0.5.4_2 -- A C++ library for creating PNG images
pnm2ppa-1.13_1 -- Convert PNM images to PPA for some HP printers
pnp-0.6.18 -- Nagios performance data collector and grapher
po4a-0.41 -- Brings gettext translation tools to all kinds of docs
pocketreader-1.0_2 -- Siemens PocketReader
pocketsphinx-0.7 -- Speech recognition system
poco-1.4.3 -- C++ Portable Components library
poco-ssl-1.4.3_2 -- C++ Portable Components library with NetSSL and Database libraries
podcastamatic-1.3_1 -- Automates creation of webpage and RSS feed for a podcast
podcatcher-3.1.6 -- Podcast client for the command line
podofo-0.9.1_3 -- PDF manipulation library and tools
podsleuth-0.6.7_1 -- A tool to discover detailed model information about an iPod
poe-0.5.1_6 -- A vorbis comment editor for GNUstep
poedit- -- Gettext catalogs (.po files) editor
poker-engine-1.3.6 -- A python library that implements poker rules
poker-eval-0.138 -- A C library to evaluate poker hands
pokerth-0.9.5 -- A poker game written in C++/QT4
polarssl-1.1.4 -- Open Source embedded SSL/TLS cryptographic library
policyd2-2.0.12 -- Policyd v2 is a multi-platform policy server for popular MTAs
policykit-0.9_6 -- Framework for controlling access to system-wide components
policykit-gnome-0.9.2_6 -- GNOME frontend to the PolicyKit framework
policykit-qt-0.9.4_1 -- PolicyKit manager for Qt
polipo- -- A small and fast caching web proxy
polkit-0.99 -- Framework for controlling access to system-wide components
polkit-gnome-0.99_1 -- GNOME frontend to the PolicyKit framework
polkit-kde-0.99.0_3 -- KDE4 frontend to PolKit-1
polkit-qt-0.103.0_1 -- Qt 4 frontend to PolKit-1
poly1305aes-20050218 -- The poly1305 message authentication reference implementation using AES
polygraph-4.3.2 -- A benchmarking tool for Web proxies
polygraph31-3.1.5_3 -- A benchmarking tool for Web proxies
polymake-2.9.9 -- A framework for experimental discrete geometry
polymer-0.3.1_10 -- Pure Qt3 port of Plastik KDE theme
polyml-5.4.1 -- Fast open-source implementation of Standard ML
polypuzzle-1.6_1 -- Tessellation puzzle game
pongix-0.4_10 -- Free pong-like game
pootle-2.1.6_2 -- Pootle is a user-friendly web portal for simple translation process
pop-before-smtp-1.42 -- A log parser to identify valid POP/IMAP logins for later smtp
pop3gwd-1.2 -- App-level proxy for Mail retrieval behind Firewalls
pop3lite-0.2.4a_3 -- A flexible, modular RFC-compliant POP3 daemon
pop3proxy-1.2_1 -- POP3 Proxy Server derived from UP IMAP Proxy
pop3vscan-0.4_2 -- A transparent POP3-Proxy with virus-scanning capabilities
popa3d-1.0.2_1 -- Secure, performance, tiny POP3 daemon
popa3d-before-sendmail-1.0.2_1 -- Secure, performance, tiny POP3 daemon
popcheck-1.3 -- Preview and delete messages in POP3 mailbox
popd-2.2.2a_5 -- Very fast, highly configurable POP3 server (fully RFC1939 compliant)
popfile-1.1.1 -- Automatic mail classification tool, acts as a POP3 proxy
poppassd-4.0_3 -- A server to allow users to change their password from within Eudora
poppler-0.18.4_2 -- A PDF rendering library
poppler-data-0.4.5 -- Poppler encoding data
poppler-glib-0.18.4_2 -- Glib bindings to poppler
poppler-qt4-0.18.4_1 -- Qt4 bindings to poppler
poppler-utils-0.18.4_1 -- Poppler's xpdf-workalike command line utilities
poppwd-2.0 -- Implementation of the Eudora password changing protocol
poppy-4.01 -- A client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
popt-1.16 -- A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, from Redhat
poptop-1.3.4_3 -- Windows 9x compatible PPTP (VPN) server
popular-1.5.5_3 -- Suite of programs for setting up large POP3 server systems
popup-0.5_2 -- Interactive learning aid for pairs of words
popup-stacks-1.0 -- Stacks for use with Popup
pork- -- Console-based AIM client
pornview-0.2.0.p.1_26 -- PornView is an image viewer/manager
port-authoring-tools-1.0 -- "meta-port" for tools to test and submit changes to ports
port-maintenance-tools-1.0_1 -- "meta-port" for administrative tools to maintain ports
portaudio-18.1_2 -- Portable cross-platform Audio API
portaudio-19.20071207 -- Portable cross-platform Audio API
portaudit-0.6.0 -- Checks installed ports against a list of security vulnerabilities
portaudit-db-0.2.3_1 -- Creates a portaudit database from a current ports tree
portbuilder- -- Concurrent FreeBSD port builder
portcheck-1.13 -- Maintains the ports tree and checks up the installed packages
portcheckout-2.0_1 -- Checkout and build ports and all depending ports
portconf-1.5 -- A universal tool to set specific port knobs
portdowngrade-0.6_4 -- Sets a port back to a previous version
porteasy-2.8.5 -- A tool for fetching and building ports
portell-0.2_1 -- Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
portfwd-0.29 -- A Port Forwarding Daemon
portless-0.2.7_1 -- Quick display of files inside the FreeBSD ports tree
portlet-api-1.0_2 -- The Portlet API (JSR-168)
portlint-2.13.13 -- A verifier for FreeBSD port directory
portmanager-0.4.1_9 -- FreeBSD installed ports status and safe update utility
portmaster-3.14_7 -- Manage your ports without external databases or languages
portmon-2.0 -- Daemon that monitor network services
portrac-0.4_1 -- A simple GUI tool for tracking port updates
portscout-0.8.1 -- A tool to scan for new versions of FreeBSD ports
portsearch-1.3.2 -- Port searching tool that supports search by packing list files
portsentry-1.2 -- Port scan detection and active defense
portshaker-1.0.5 -- Maintain ports tree using multiple sources
portshaker-config-1.0.5 -- Simple configuration manager for portshaker
portsopt-1.5 -- Shows WITH(OUT)-knobs of a port makefile
portsreinstall-2.0.0 -- Ports upgrading utility for massive forced reinstall
porttools-0.99_6 -- Tools for testing and submitting port updates and new ports
porttree-0.3.r52 -- Show dependences of FreeBSD port as pseudo graphical tree
portupdate-scan-0.3 -- Display pertinent parts of {PORTSDIR}/UPDATING
portupgrade- -- FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool suite
portupgrade-devel-20121018 -- FreeBSD ports/packages management tool (devel version)
posadis-0.60.5_5 -- Domain Name Server (DNS) implementation
poseidon-6.0.2 -- A popular UML CASE tool
position-0.3_4 -- GPS and Moving-Map Applikation
posixtestsuite-1.5.2 -- Open POSIX Test Suite
poslib-1.0.6_1 -- Posadis C++ DNS library
postal-0.72 -- Benchmark SMTP/POP servers
poster-1.0 -- Resize a postscript image to print on larger media and/or multiple sheets
postfinger-1.30 -- Postfix Configuration Summary Reporter
postfix-2.6.17 -- A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix-2.7.11 -- A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix-2.8.12 -- A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix-2.9.4 -- A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix-current-2.10.20121031 -- A secure alternative to widely-used Sendmail
postfix-gps-1.005_4 -- Greylist Policy Service for postfix
postfix-logwatch-1.40.00 -- Postfix MTA log parser
postfix-policyd-sf-1.82_1 -- Anti-spam plugin for Postfix (written in C)
postfix-policyd-spf-perl-2.007 -- SPF policy service for Postfix written in Perl
postfix-policyd-weight- -- Weighted policy daemon for postfix
postfix-postfwd-1.32_1 -- A postfix firewall policy daemon
postfixadmin-2.3.5 -- PHP web-based management tool for Postfix virtual domains and users
postgis-1.5.3_2 -- Adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL databases
postgis-jdbc-1.4.0 -- PostGIS spatial data structures for JDBC
postgresql-client-8.3.21 -- PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-client-8.4.14 -- PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-client-9.0.10 -- PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-client-9.1.6 -- PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-client-9.2.1 -- PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql-contrib-8.3.21 -- The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-contrib-8.4.14 -- The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-contrib-9.0.10 -- The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-contrib-9.1.6 -- The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-contrib-9.2.1 -- The contrib utilities from the PostgreSQL distribution
postgresql-docs-8.3.21 -- The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-docs-8.4.14 -- The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-docs-9.0.10 -- The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-docs-9.1.6 -- The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-docs-9.2.1 -- The PostgreSQL documentation set
postgresql-jdbc-9.1.902 -- The Java JDBC implementation for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libpgeasy-3.0.4_1 -- An easy-to-use C interface to PostgreSQL
postgresql-libpq-4.0_4 -- C++ interface for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libpqxx-3.1 -- New C++ interface for PostgreSQL
postgresql-libpqxx-4.0 -- A new C++ interface for PostgreSQL
postgresql-odbc-08.04.0200_1 -- PostgreSQL ODBC driver
postgresql-pllua-0.3.2 -- PL/Lua procedural language for PostgreSQL database
postgresql-plperl-8.3.21 -- Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
postgresql-plperl-8.4.14 -- Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
postgresql-plperl-9.0.10 -- Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
postgresql-plperl-9.1.6 -- Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
postgresql-plperl-9.2.1 -- Write SQL functions for PostgreSQL using Perl5
postgresql-plproxy-2.4 -- PL/Proxy is database partitioning system
postgresql-plpython-9.0.10 -- A module for using Python to write SQL functions
postgresql-plruby-0.5.4_1 -- PL/Ruby procedural language for the PostgreSQL database system
postgresql-pltcl-8.3.21_3 -- A module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
postgresql-pltcl-8.4.14_3 -- A module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
postgresql-pltcl-9.0.10 -- A module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
postgresql-pltcl-9.1.6_3 -- A module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
postgresql-pltcl-9.2.1_3 -- A module for using Tcl to write SQL functions
postgresql-relay-1.3.2_1 -- Multiplex multiple PostgreSQL databases to one relay
postgresql-repmgr-1.1.0 -- PostgreSQL replication manager
postgresql-server-8.3.21 -- The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql-server-8.4.14 -- The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql-server-9.0.10 -- The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql-server-9.1.6 -- The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql-server-9.2.1 -- The most advanced open-source database available anywhere
postgresql_autodoc-1.41 -- Automatic documentation generator for postgresql databases
postgrey-1.34_4 -- Greylisting policy server for Postfix
postmark-1.51_1 -- NetApps file system benchmark
postpals-0.01 -- Postpals is a simple policy daemon for Postfix
potrace-1.9 -- Transforms bitmaps into vector graphics
potracegui-1.3.4_7 -- GUI for potrace, a program for tracing bitmap images
poudriere-2.2 -- Port build and test system
poudriere-devel- -- Port build and test system
pouetchess-0.1.1_10 -- An open-source 3D chess game
pound-2.6_1 -- Reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTP(S) frontend for web servers
povchem-1.0_7 -- Simple yet powerful tool to generate POV from a PDB file
povray-3.1g_4 -- Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
povray-3.6.1_10 -- Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
povray-3.7.0.r6 -- Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
povray-meta-0.1 -- Meta port for all povray ports
powder-115_1 -- Graphical dungeon crawling game
poweradmin-2.1.5 -- A set of PHP-scripts to manage PowerDNS over the web
powerarchitect-1.0.6 -- Data modeling and profiling tool
powerdns-3.1_1 -- An advanced DNS server with multiple backends including SQL
powerdns-devel-3.1.r3_1 -- An advanced DNS server with multiple backends including SQL
powerdns-recursor-3.3 -- An advanced DNS recursor
powerman-2.3.9 -- A tool for doing remote power control
powermanga-0.90_4 -- An arcade 2D shoot-em-up
powerpc-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
powerpc-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
powerpc-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
powershell-0.8_11 -- A terminal emulator for the X11
powwow-1.2.14 -- Client to play MUDs
pp-1.02 -- Small and fast progressbar for pipe
pp3-1.3.3_6 -- Creates celestial charts
ppantsfonts-0.7_2 -- A set of small angular fonts
ppars-1.0 -- Proactive Probing Abuse Reporting System
ppl-0.11.2 -- The Parma Polyhedra Library
ppm2fli-2.1 -- Utilities to merge PPM files into animated FLI and backwards
ppmcaption-1.1 -- A utility which adds text to images
ppmd-20050811 -- A fast archiver with a good compression ratio
ppmd-7z-9.04 -- High-ratio PPMD compressor
ppminfo-0.1_4 -- Shows details of a ppm file
ppmtoTbmp-1.1_4 -- PPM to Pilot bitmap converter
ppolicy-2.6.6_3 -- PPolicy is tool for extending Postfix checking capabilities
ppower4-0.9.4_7 -- Post processor for PDF presentations made with (La)TeX
pppd-2.3.11 -- PPP daemon which uses ppp line discipline
pppload-1.0_8 -- Display the current throughput of a network device in a window
pppoa-1.3.1 -- Run PPP over Alcatel's USB Speedtouch device
ppracer-0.5.a_7 -- 3D downhill racing game... kind of like TuxRacer Improved
pprotectd-0.1 -- A daemon that protects processes from killing when memory is exhausted
ppsei-0.3 -- PowerPoint images extractor
pptpclient-1.7.2_5 -- PPTP client for establishing a VPN link with an NT server
ppunpack-1.0 -- Decompresses Amiga PowerPacker files
pqiv-0.12 -- Pretty Quick Image Viewer
pr-1.1 -- A daemon that connects local terminal device to a terminal server
praat-4.6.39_3 -- Phonetics by Computer
prado-3.1.6.r2699_2 -- A framework for developing PHP web applications
prayer-1.3.5 -- Prayer Webmail System
prboom-2.5.0_3 -- A multiplayer-capable and modified version of ID's classic DOOM game
predict-2.2.3 -- Satellite tracking program for amateur radio satellites
preferencepanes-1.1.0 -- PreferencePanes framework for GNUstep
preferences-1.2.0_4 -- GNUstep workspace manager
prelude-lml-0.9.15_2 -- Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System Log Monitoring Lackey
prelude-manager- -- Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System central logging point
prelude-pflogger-0.9.0.r2_1 -- Prelude-PFlogger Listens at OpenBSD PF
premail-0.46_1 -- E-mail privacy package, support anon remailers, PGP, nyms
premake-3.7_1 -- Writes build scripts
premake4-4.3 -- Writes build scripts
prepflog-0.4 -- Prepares logfiles in a sanitised format for pflogsumm and awstats
preps-gui-2.0.4_12 -- Problem reporting system
prepstools-2.2.0_1 -- Problem reporting system
present-0.0.3_10 -- A library for reading Microsoft PowerPoint(tm) documents
prestashop- -- Open-Source e-Commerce Software for Web 2.0
prettygo-20120306 -- Pretty-printing package for go values
price-1.1.0 -- Image filtering and manipulation using GNUstep
primateplunge-1.1_6 -- Primate Plunge is an arcade game
primegen-0.97 -- A small, fast library to generate prime numbers in order
primer3-1.1.4 -- Primer3 helps to choose primers for PCR reactions
print-n-times-1.0_1 -- Print a string (n) times
printproto-1.0.5 -- Print extension headers
printscreen-1.4 -- Simple screenshot program for X11
prips-0.9.9 -- Prints IP subnet ranges by list or CIDR
prison-1.0_1 -- A barcode library for KDE
privman-0.9.3_2 -- Library that makes it easy for programs to use privilege separation
privoxy-3.0.19 -- Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
privoxyipv6-20030523_2 -- Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
prng-3.0.2 -- Portable, high-performance ANSI-C pseudorandom number generators
processing-1.5.1 -- Programming environment for images, animation, and interactions
procmail-3.22_7 -- A local mail delivery agent
procmap-1.0 -- Print the contents of a procfs map file
prodosemu-0.1 -- A text based Apple IIe ProDOS emulator
profont-400 -- Profont - The ultimate programming font.
proftpd-1.3.4b -- Highly configurable FTP daemon
proftpd-mod_ldap-1.3.4b -- LDAP and quotatab_ldap ProFTPD modules
proftpd-mod_sql_mysql-1.3.4b -- MySQL ProFTPD module
proftpd-mod_sql_odbc-1.3.4b -- ODBC ProFTPD module
proftpd-mod_sql_postgres-1.3.4b -- PostgreSQL ProFTPD module
proftpd-mod_sql_sqlite-1.3.4b -- SQLite ProFTPD module
proftpd-mod_sql_tds-1.3.4b -- TDS ProFTPD module
profxp-3p2_1 -- FXP (server-to-server FTP) client
proggy_fonts-1.0_3 -- The perfect monospaced bitmap programming fonts
proggy_fonts-ttf-1.0 -- The perfect monospaced bitmap programming fonts, TTF version
progsreiserfs-0.3.1.r8_5 -- Utilities and library to manipulate ReiserFS partitions
proguard-4.8 -- A Java class file shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator
proj-4.8.0_1 -- Cartographic Projections library
projectM-libvisual-2.0.1 -- Allows projectM to be used with libvisual
projectcenter-0.6.1 -- A development environment for GNUstep
projectionlib-3.7 -- A C++ wrapper for the USGS GCTP projection library
projectmanager-0.2_2 -- Simple, but very usable development environment
projectx- -- DVB (mpeg) cutting/demux tool
prokyon3-0.9.6_11 -- A multithreaded music manager and tag editor
prom-wl-2.7.0_1 -- Procmail reader for Wanderlust on GNU Emacs
proma-0.8.3_1 -- Administrate a ProFTPd server storing users in a MySQL database
pronto-2.4.0_2 -- A Mail Client for Gnome/Gtk written in Perl
proofgeneral-emacs-4.1_4 -- A generic interface for proof assistants
props-1.0_3 -- The OpenLook props application
prosearch-0.19.2 -- Powerful file search
prosody-0.8.2 -- A simple extensible XMPP server written in Lua
prosper-1.00.4_9 -- LaTeX class for writing transparencies
protobuf-2.4.1 -- A data interchange format library
protobuf-c-0.15 -- This package provides a code generator and runtime libraries to use Protocol Buffers from pure C (not C++)
protomol-2.0.3_8 -- OO, component based, framework for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations
prototype-1.10 -- Prototype Makefiles allows very fast project start ups
protovis-3.2 -- A JavaScript graphical toolkit for data visualization
proxsmtp-1.8 -- A flexible SMTP filter which can act also as transparent proxy
proxy-connect-100 -- Command to make network connections via SOCKS and HTTPS proxies
proxy-suite- -- The SuSE Proxy-Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security
proxychains-3.1_1 -- Redirect connection through proxy servers
proxycheck-0.49a -- Check for open proxy servers
proxyper-347 -- The official v2 personal proxy
proxytunnel-1.9.0 -- Connects stdin and stdout to an origin server through an HTTPS proxy
prtunnel-0.2.7 -- Tunnel for TCP connections using an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy
prune-11 -- Application for viewing, editing, and converting GPS coordinate data
ps2eps-1.64_3 -- Generate Encapsulated Postscript file from Postscript document
pscal-1.16 -- A utility for generating Postscript calendars
pscan-1.3 -- Security C code scanner for misuse of format strings
psdim-1.4_6 -- Utility that calculates the optimal placement of the pages for n-up printing
psearch-2.0.2 -- An utility for searching the FreeBSD Ports Collection
pserv-3.4 -- A portable and small webserver written in C
psgconf-3.3_1 -- Controls system configuration
psgml-emacs24-1.3.2_18 -- A major mode for editing SGML and XML documents for emacs24
psh-1.8.1_1 -- New shell made entirely out of a Perl script
psi-0.15 -- A Qt-based Jabber client
psi3-3.4.0_1 -- An electronic structure programs for high-accuracy computations
psi88-1.0_3 -- Plotting wavefunctions (molecular orbitals) in 3D
psiconv-0.9.8_1 -- A conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into other formats
psim-freebsd-7.0.1 -- PowerPC simulator (PSIM) running in the GNU GDB 6
psimedia-1.0.3_1 -- Voice and video API for Psi-like IM clients
pslib-0.4.5_1 -- A C-library for generating multi page PostScript documents
pslist-1.3 -- A utility to view or send signals to processes with all their children
psmisc-22.16 -- Port of the Linux pstree, killall, and pidof commands
pspp-0.6.2_9 -- Program for statistical analysis of sampled data
pspresent-1.3_4 -- Full-screen slide shows of postscript files
psptoolchain-20111215 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain meta port
psptoolchain-binutils-2.22 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain binutils
psptoolchain-gcc-stage1-4.6.2 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain gcc
psptoolchain-gcc-stage2-4.6.2 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain gcc
psptoolchain-gdb-7.3.1 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain gdb
psptoolchain-newlib-1.20.0 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain newlib
psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage1-20111215 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain pspsdk
psptoolchain-pspsdk-stage2-20111215 -- PlayStation Portable development toolchain pspsdk
pssh-2.3.1 -- Parallel versions of the openssh tools
pstack-1.2_1 -- Retrieve process/core file stack traces
pstoedit-3.61 -- Convert PostScript to other vector graphic formats
pstoepsi-20020711_4 -- Wiliam Chia-Wei Cheng's yet another PS to EPSI converter
pstotext-1.9_3 -- PostScript to Text converter
pstreams-0.6.0 -- C++ utility for simple IOStream-based IPC
pstree-2.33 -- List processes as a tree
psutils-a4-1.17_2 -- Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
psutils-letter-1.17_2 -- Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
psvn-emacs24-20120326.212349_1 -- Subversion interface for Emacs
psybnc- -- Extremely powerful IRC bouncer
psychopy-1.65.00_1 -- Psychophysics toolkit for Python
pt-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Portuguese messages and documentation for Calligra
pt-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Portuguese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
pt-hunspell-20121006 -- Portuguese hunspell dictionaries
pt-hyphen-2004.04.15_1 -- Portuguese hyphenation rules
pt-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Portuguese messages and documentation for KDE3
pt-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Portuguese messages and documentation for KDE4
pt-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- pt language pack for libreoffice
pt-mythes-2006.08.17_1 -- Portuguese thesaurus
pt_BR-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (PTB)
pt_BR-aspell-20090702.0 -- Aspell Brazilian Portuguese dictionary
pt_BR-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Brazilian messages and documentation for Calligra
pt_BR-irpf-2010.1.0 -- Programa do Imposto de Renda Pessoa Fisica 2010 versao Java
pt_BR-ispell-2.4 -- Ispell dictionary for Brazilian Portuguese
pt_BR-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Brazilian messages and documentation for KDE3
pt_BR-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Brazilian messages and documentation for KDE4
pt_BR-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- pt_BR language pack for libreoffice
pt_BR-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
pt_PT-aspell-20070510.0_2 -- Aspell Portuguese dictionary
pt_PT-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
pth-2.0.7 -- GNU Portable Threads
pth-hard-2.0.7 -- GNU Portable Threads
pthsem-2.0.7 -- GNU Portable Threads with semaphores
ptiger-2.2_3 -- Displays U.S. Census Bureau populated places on a map
ptkei-1.18.1_3 -- A Python/Tk graphical client for Wolfpack Empire servers
ptlib-2.4.4_2 -- A cross platform C++ library, used by OpenH323
ptlib-2.6.7_2 -- A cross platform C++ library, used by OPAL
ptmalloc-3.0_1 -- Alternative threads-aware malloc
ptmalloc2-20060605_1 -- Alternative threads-aware malloc
ptoc-3.58 -- ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter
ptools-1.1 -- Accessory programs for pMARS (Core War simulator)
ptpd-1.1.0 -- An implementation of the precision time protocol IEEE 1588
ptpd-2.2.2_1 -- Implementation of the precision time protocol IEEE 1588-2008
ptpd-2.r.0 -- Release candidate for the precision time protocol IEEE 1588-2008
ptunnel-0.72 -- Tunneling TCP connections over ICMP echo request and reply
ptx-kmod-0.0.20111212 -- Device driver for PT1/PT2 ISDB-S/T tuner cards
pty-1.2 -- Helps debug programs which fiddle with their tty settings
ptypes-2.1.1 -- C++ Portable Types Library
publib-0.39 -- Publib is a library of C functions for various purposes
publican-2.8 -- A single source publishing tool based on DocBook XML.
publicfile-0.52_2 -- A secure, read-only, anonymous HTTP/FTP server
puckman-1.0 -- An unofficial clone of the original Pac-Man game
puddletag-1.0.1_1 -- Audio tag editor
puf-1.0.0 -- A parallel HTTP downloader similar to wget
puff-1.0.1 -- Simple and efficient text editor
pulledpork-0.6.1_3 -- Script to update snort-2.8+ rules
pulseaudio-0.9.23_2 -- Sound server for UNIX
punbb-1.2.22 -- A fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board
pup-1.1_4 -- A GTK+ printer setup and maintaining tool
puppet-2.6.17 -- A configuration management framework written in Ruby
puppet-2.7.19_1 -- A configuration management framework written in Ruby
puppet-3.0.1_1 -- A configuration management framework written in Ruby
pure-0.55 -- A modern-style functional programming language
pure-audio-0.5 -- A digital audio interface for the Pure language
pure-csv-1.5 -- A CSV reading and writing module for the Pure language
pure-emacs21-0.6_6 -- Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
pure-ffi-0.12_1 -- Pure language interface to libffi
pure-ftpd-1.0.36 -- A small, easy to set up, fast, and very secure FTP server
pure-gen-0.15 -- A C interface generator for the Pure language
pure-gl-0.8_2 -- Pure language interface to OpenGL
pure-gtk-0.11 -- A set of Pure language bindings for GTK+
pure-mpfr-0.4 -- Multiprecision floats for Pure
pure-rational-0.1_1 -- Rational number library for the Pure language
pure-readline-0.1 -- A readline interface for the Pure language
pure-sfv-0.3 -- Utility to test and create .sfv files
pure-sockets-0.6 -- Pure language interface to the Berkeley socket functions
pure-sql3-0.4_1 -- Pure language binding to the SQLite3 library
pure-stldict-0.5 -- Pure interface to C++ STL map/unordered_map
pure-stlvec-0.2 -- Pure interface to C++ STL vector
pure-tk-0.3 -- A basic interface between Pure and Tcl/Tk
pure-xemacs21-mule-0.6_6 -- Primitive Universal Relay-chat Environment
pure-xml-0.6_1 -- Pure language interface for libxml2 and libxslt
pureadmin-0.4_6 -- Management utility for the PureFTPd
puredb-2.1 -- Set of libraries for creating and reading constant databases
pushmi-1.0.0_7 -- Subversion repository replication tool
pushover-0.0.3_2 -- A puzzle game where the goal is to push over all dominoes
putty-0.62_1 -- Secure shell and telnet client
pv-1.3.1 -- A pipe throughput monitor
pver-0.16 -- Show packages which are different version from ports using INDEX-*.db
pvk-20070406 -- Tool to convert a RSA key in PEM format into a PVK file and vice versa
pvm-0.6.0_4 -- A C++-Library for PVM
pvm-3.4.6_1 -- Parallel Virtual Machine libraries and environment
pvmpov-3.1g.2_4 -- Distributed rendering package for Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer
pvpgn-1.8.5 -- Free Blizzard emulation software
pvr250-20101010_1 -- Hauppauge PVR-250/350 TV cards driver for the cxm device
pvrxxx-20060822_1 -- Hauppauge PVR-150/500 TV cards driver for the cxm device, based on the pv250-port
pwauth-2.3.10 -- A Unix Web Authenticator
pwcbsd-1.4.1_9 -- The Linux pwc webcam driver ported to FreeBSD
pwcview-1.4.1_4 -- The Video4Linux PWC webcam viewer
pwd_unmkdb-1.3 -- Recover a master.passwd from the hashed database
pwebstats-1.3.8_3 -- Analyse a web server log
pwg-0.2_10 -- A small tool to generate secure, random passwords
pwgen-2.06 -- A small, powerful, GPL'ed password generator
pwlib-1.12.0_8 -- A cross platform C++ library, used by OpenH323
pwm-2007.07.20_2 -- A lightweight window manager with emphasis on usability
pwman-0.4.0 -- Console password management application based on gpg(me)
pwman3-0.0.6_1 -- Console password management application with sql storage
pwsafe-0.2.0_2 -- Cmdline program that manages encrypted password databases
pwytter-0.8_1 -- A free multi-platform Twitter client written in Python
pxe-1.4.2_2 -- PXE daemon, set up a boot menu for netbooting PXE enabled clients
pxlib-0.6.3_1 -- C library to read various Paradox files
pxtools-0.0.20_3 -- Collection of tools to work with Paradox databases
pxytest-1.36 -- Test remote system for unsecured mail proxies
pxz-0.20101123 -- Parallel LZMA compressor using liblzma
py26-importlib-1.0.2 -- Backport of importlib.import_module() from Python 2.7
py26-psyco-1.6 -- Python Specializing Compiler
py27-4Suite-XML-1.0.2 -- A collection of Python tools for XML processing
py27-4suite-1.0.b1_1 -- A collection of Python tools for XML and RDF processing
py27-AccessControl-2.13.8 -- Security framework for Zope2
py27-Acquisition-4.0a1 -- Allows to obtain attributes from the containment hierarchy
py27-AddOns-0.7 -- Dynamically extend other objects with AddOns
py27-Babel-0.9.6 -- A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py27-BioLCCC-1.4.0 -- Python bindings for BioLCCC
py27-Breve-1.3.0_1 -- A Python s-expression style template engine
py27-BytecodeAssembler-0.6 -- Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
py27-Chameleon-2.3 -- A Python HTML/XML template language compiler
py27-CouchDB-0.8 -- Simple Library to Allow Python Applications to Use CouchDB
py27-DateTime-3.0 -- Zope 2 DateTime data type
py27-DecoratorTools-1.8_1 -- Class, function, and metaclass decorators
py27-DendroPy-3.12.0 -- Phylogenetic computing library
py27-DocumentTemplate-2.13.2 -- Document Templating Markup Language (DTML)
py27-Elixir-0.7.1_1 -- Declarative Mapper for SQLAlchemy
py27-EnthoughtBase-3.1.0 -- Core Packages for the Enthought Tool Suite
py27-ExtensionClass-4.0a1 -- Metaclass for subclassable extension types
py27-Extremes-1.1.1 -- Production-quality 'Min' and 'Max' objects (adapted from PEP 326)
py27-Flask-0.9 -- Micro webdevelopment framework for Python
py27-Flask-Babel-0.8 -- Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
py27-Flask-Cache-0.4.0 -- Cache support for your Flask application
py27-Flask-SQLAlchemy-0.16 -- Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask
py27-Flask-Uploads-0.1.3 -- Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
py27-GChartWrapper-0.9_1 -- Python Google Chart Wrapper
py27-Genshi-0.6 -- Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
py27-Genshi-devel-0.6.1052_1 -- Python toolkit for stream-based generation of output for the web
py27-GeoIP-1.2.7 -- Mapping of IP addresses/hostnames to country names in Python
py27-GinGin-1.0.1 -- A hybrid of WIKI and BLOG system
py27-GitPython-0.3.1 -- Python Git Library
py27-HTMLgen-2.2.2 -- A Python library for the generation of HTML documents
py27-Ice-3.4.2_3 -- Ice (Internet Communications Engine) language mapping for Python
py27-Impacket- -- Collection of Python classes providing access to network packets
py27-InlineEgg-1.08 -- Python module for writing inline assembler programs
py27-Jinja-1.2_1 -- A fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
py27-Jinja2-2.6_1 -- Fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
py27-Jinja2-doc-2.6_1 -- Documentation of Jinja2 template engine
py27-Lightbox-2.1_2 -- Lightbox photo display widget for TurboGears
py27-MarkupSafe-0.15 -- Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
py27-Missing-2.13.1 -- Special Missing objects used in Zope2
py27-MultiMapping-2.13.0 -- Special MultiMapping objects used in Zope2
py27-MySQLdb-1.2.3_2 -- Access a MySQL database through Python
py27-MySQLdb41-1.2.3_2 -- Access a MySQL database through Python
py27-MySQLdb50-1.2.3_2 -- Access a MySQL database through Python
py27-MySQLdb51-1.2.3_2 -- Access a MySQL database through Python
py27-MySQLdb55-1.2.3_2 -- Access a MySQL database through Python
py27-OpenLP-1.9.12_1 -- Open Source Lyrics Projection
py27-PEAK-Rules-0.5a1_3 -- Generic functions and business rules support systems
py27-PF-0.0.6 -- A pure-Python module for managing OpenBSD Packet Filter
py27-Paste- -- Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
py27-PasteDeploy-1.5.0 -- Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
py27-PasteScript-1.7.5 -- A pluggable command-line frontend
py27-Persistence-2.13.2 -- Persistent ExtensionClass
py27-Pmw-1.3.2_1 -- High-level compound graphics widgets for Python
py27-PollyReports-1.6.7 -- Band-oriented PDF report generation from database query
py27-Products.ATContentTypes-2.1.8 -- Default Content Types for Plone
py27-Products.ATReferenceBrowserWidget-3.0 -- Reference widget for Archetypes
py27-Products.Archetypes-1.8.3 -- Developers framework for rapidly implementing content types
py27-Products.BTreeFolder2-2.13.4 -- A BTree based implementation for Zope 2's OFS
py27-Products.CMFActionIcons-2.1.3 -- Action icons product for the Zope CMF
py27-Products.CMFCalendar-2.2.2 -- Calendar product for the Zope Content Management Framework
py27-Products.CMFCore-2.2.6 -- Zope Content Management Framework core components
py27-Products.CMFDefault-2.2.2 -- Default product for the Zope Content Management Framework
py27-Products.CMFDiffTool-2.0 -- Diff tool for Plone
py27-Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI-4.0.2 -- Product for dynamic views in CMF
py27-Products.CMFEditions-2.2.5 -- Versioning for Plone
py27-Products.CMFFormController-3.0.2 -- Form validation mechanism for Zope CMF
py27-Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow-1.5.7 -- Workflow policies for CMF and Plone
py27-Products.CMFPlone- -- The Plone Content Management System (core)
py27-Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool-3.0.6 -- Facility for activation/deactivation of Zope CMF products
py27-Products.CMFTestCase-0.9.12 -- Integration testing framework for CMF
py27-Products.CMFUid-2.2.1 -- Uid product for the Zope CMF
py27-Products.DCWorkflow-2.2.4 -- DCWorkflow product for the Zope Content Management Framework
py27-Products.ExtendedPathIndex-3.0.1 -- Zope catalog index for paths
py27-Products.ExternalEditor-1.1.0 -- Zope external editor
py27-Products.ExternalMethod-2.13.0 -- Support for external Python methods within a Zope 2 environment
py27-Products.GenericSetup-1.7.2_1 -- Read Zope configuration state from profile dirs / tarballs
py27-Products.LDAPMultiPlugins-1.14 -- LDAP-backed plugins for the Zope2 PluggableAuthService
py27-Products.LDAPUserFolder-2.23_1 -- A LDAP-enabled Zope 2 user folder
py27-Products.MIMETools-2.13.0 -- Provides the <!--
py27-Products.MailHost-2.13.1 -- Zope.sendmail integration for Zope 2
py27-Products.Marshall-2.1.1 -- Configurable Marshallers for Archetypes
py27-Products.MimetypesRegistry-2.0.3 -- MIME type handling for Zope
py27-Products.OFSP-2.13.2 -- General Zope 2 help screens
py27-Products.PasswordResetTool-2.0.8 -- Password reset tool for Plone
py27-Products.PlacelessTranslationService-2.0.3 -- Internationalizing and localizing software for Zope 2
py27-Products.PloneLDAP-1.1 -- LDAP/Active Directory support for Plone
py27-Products.PloneLanguageTool-3.2.5 -- Allows to set the available languages in Plone site
py27-Products.PlonePAS-4.0.13 -- Adapts the PluggableAuthService for use by Plone
py27-Products.PloneTestCase-0.9.15 -- Integration testing framework for Plone
py27-Products.PluggableAuthService-1.8.0 -- Pluggable Zope2 authentication / authorization framework
py27-Products.PluginRegistry-1.3 -- Configure application plugins based on interfaces
py27-Products.PortalTransforms-2.0.7 -- MIME based content transformations
py27-Products.PythonScripts-2.13.0 -- Support for restricted execution of Python scripts in Zope 2
py27-Products.ResourceRegistries-2.2.1 -- Registry for managing CSS and JS
py27-Products.SecureMailHost-1.1.2 -- Reimplementation of the standard Zope2 MailHost
py27-Products.StandardCacheManagers-2.13.0 -- Cache managers for Zope 2
py27-Products.TinyMCE-1.2.13 -- Adds support for TinyMCE to Plone
py27-Products.ZCTextIndex-2.13.3 -- Full text indexing for ZCatalog/Zope2
py27-Products.ZCatalog-2.13.23 -- Zope2's indexing and search solution
py27-Products.ZSQLMethods-2.13.4 -- SQL method support for Zope 2
py27-Products.ZopeVersionControl-1.1.3 -- Zope Version Control
py27-Products.contentmigration-2.1.1 -- A generic content migration framework for Plone
py27-Products.kupu-1.5.0 -- Cross-browser WYWSIWYG editor
py27-Products.statusmessages-4.0 -- Handling of internationalized status messages for Zope
py27-Products.validation-2.0 -- Data validation package for Archetypes
py27-PyGreSQL-4.0 -- A Python interface to PostgreSQL, both classic and DP-API 2.0
py27-PyLucene-3.6.0_1 -- A GCJ-compiled version of Java Lucene integrated with Python
py27-PyProtocols-1.0.a0.r2302 -- Protocol Definition, Declaration, and Adaptation for Python
py27-PyWebDAV-0.9.8 -- WebDAV Library and Server for Python
py27-PyX-0.11.1_1 -- A Python package for the creation of encapsulated PostScript figures
py27-RO-2.9.3 -- Package of Python astronomical utilities
py27-Record-2.13.0 -- Special Record objects used in Zope2
py27-RestrictedPython-3.6.0_1 -- Restricted execution environment for Python
py27-RuleDispatch-0.5.a1.r2506_2 -- Rule-based Dispatching and Generic Functions
py27-SVGFig-1.1.6_1 -- Draw mathematical figures in SVG using Python
py27-Scrapy- -- A high level scraping and web crawling framework
py27-ScriptTest-1.2 -- Helper to test command-line scripts
py27-Shapely-1.2.16 -- Python Package for Manipulation 2D Geospatial Geometry
py27-SymbolType-1.0 -- Simple Symbol Type for Python
py27-TGScheduler-1.6.3 -- Turbogears Scheduler
py27-TVGrab-0.5.1_3 -- A xmltv python library to write grabbers of tv scheduling collections
py27-Tempita-0.5.1 -- A very small text templating language
py27-TestGears-0.2 -- Python module to run tests written as simple functions
py27-ToscaWidgets-0.9.12_1 -- A python framework for building reusable web components
py27-TurboCheetah-1.0_1 -- TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates
py27-TurboGears-1.5.1_1 -- Python-Based Framework for Rapid Web Development
py27-TurboGears2-2.1.4 -- Python-Based Framework for Rapid Web Development
py27-TurboJinja-0.9.1_2 -- Jinja (Django & Smarty-like) template for TurboGears
py27-TurboJson-1.1.4_1 -- Python template plugin for TurboGears that supports json
py27-TurboJson-1.3.2 -- Python template plugin for TurboGears that supports json
py27-TurboKid-1.0.5_1 -- Python template plugin that supports Kid templates
py27-WTForms-1.0.1 -- Forms validation and rendering library for python web development
py27-Wand-0.2.2 -- MagickWand Python binding
py27-WebError-0.10.3_1 -- Web Error handling and exception catching
py27-WebFlash-0.1a9 -- Library to display flash messages in python web applications
py27-WebTest-1.4.0 -- Helper to test WSGI applications
py27-XenAPI-1.0 -- Xen API Library for Python
py27-YABT-2.0.2 -- A General Purpose Braille Translation System
py27-ZopeUndo-2.12.0 -- ZODB undo support for Zope2
py27-aafigure-0.5 -- An ASCII art to image converter written in Python
py27-actdiag-0.4.1 -- A simple activity-diagram image generator
py27-adns-1.2.1 -- A Python Interface to adns, the asynchronous DNS library
py27-aipy-1.1.1_1 -- Astronomical Interferometry in PYthon
py27-akismet-0.2.0 -- A Python interface to the Akismet API
py27-albatross-1.36 -- Python toolkit for developing highly stateful web applications
py27-amanith-0.3.35_6 -- Python wrapper for the amanith 2D vector graphics library
py27-amf-0.6.1 -- AMF support for Python
py27-amqp-0.9.3 -- Low-level AMQP client for Python (fork of amqplib)
py27-amqplib-1.0.2 -- AMQP Client Library
py27-anki-1.2.11_2 -- Spaced-repetition memory training library
py27-anonfunc-1.0 -- Python module that provides easy anonymous function
py27-anyjson-0.3.3 -- JSON library wrapper for Python
py27-ao-0.82_1 -- A python wrapper for ao, an audio device abstraction library
py27-apachelog-1.1 -- Python access log parser.
py27-apetag-1.2 -- Library for APE Tag written in Python
py27-apgl-0.7.1 -- A fast python graph library with some machine learning features
py27-apipkg-1.0 -- Namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
py27-apolicy-0.73_1 -- An ACL system for Postfix, as a policy daemon
py27-application-1.2.9 -- Basic building blocks for python applications
py27-archetypes.kss-1.7.2 -- KSS (Kinetic Style Sheets) for Archetypes
py27-archetypes.querywidget-1.0.4 -- Widget for creating catalog queries
py27-archetypes.referencebrowserwidget-2.4.12 -- A referencebrowser implementation for Archetypes
py27-archetypes.schemaextender-2.1.1 -- Dynamically extend Archetypes schemas with named adapters
py27-argh-0.15.1 -- Simple (Python) argparse wrapper
py27-argparse-1.1 -- An optparse-inspired command-line parsing library
py27-arm- -- A terminal status monitor for Tor
py27-asn1-0.1.4 -- ASN.1 toolkit for Python
py27-asn1-modules-0.0.4 -- Collection of ASN.1 data structures for py-asn1
py27-aspects-1.3 -- Lightweight aspect oriented programming library for Python
py27-aspyct-3.0 -- Python library including an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) engine
py27-astLib-0.6.1_1 -- A set of python astronomy modules
py27-astng-0.24.1 -- Extension for Python compiler.ast module
py27-asv-0.5 -- An extensible Python module to parse simple text file formats like CSV
py27-async-0.6.1 -- Framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers
py27-atspi-0.4.1_1 -- Python API for the D-BUS based SPI framework
py27-avahi-0.6.29_5 -- Python interface to the Avahi mDNS system
py27-basemap-0.9.2_5 -- Plots data on map projections (with continental and political boundaries)
py27-basemap-data-0.9 -- Map data for py-basemap
py27-bcfg2-1.1.1 -- A configuration management system written in Python
py27-bcrypt-0.2 -- Python bcrypt module
py27-beaker-1.6.4 -- A Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware
py27-beanstalkc-0.3.0 -- A simple beanstalkd client library for Python
py27-beautifulsoup- -- HTML/XML Parser for Python
py27-beautifulsoup-3.2.0 -- HTML/XML Parser for Python
py27-beautifulsoup-4.1.3 -- HTML/XML Parser for Python
py27-belier-1.2 -- easily cross several machines with ssh
py27-biopython-1.60 -- Collection of Python modules for bioinformatics
py27-bison-0.1.8_2 -- Python-based parsing at the speed of C
py27-bitarray-0.8.0 -- Efficient arrays of booleans
py27-bitstring-3.0.2 -- Simple construction, analysis, and modification of binary data
py27-bitvector-3.1 -- A pure-Python memory-efficient packed representation for bit arrays
py27-bjoern-1.2 -- A screamingly fast Python WSGI server
py27-bleach-1.1.5 -- An easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool for Python
py27-blockdiag-1.2.3 -- A simple block-diagram image generator
py27-blockdiagcontrib-cisco-0.1.6 -- Networking shapes for blockdiag designed by Cisco
py27-blogofile-0.7.1 -- A static website compiler and blog engine
py27-borg.localrole-3.0.2 -- A PAS plugin which can manage local roles via an adapter lookup
py27-boto-2.6.0 -- Python interface to Amazon Web Services
py27-bottle-0.10.11 -- Fast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications
py27-boxer-0.3.8 -- GUI for Box the figure description language
py27-bsdconv-9.0 -- Python wrapper for bsdconv
py27-bsddb-2.7.3_2 -- Python bindings to the Berkeley DB library
py27-bsddb3-5.3.0 -- Python extension module for BerkeleyDB 3 and 4
py27-bulksms-0.1 -- Python client for the HTTP API
py27-cElementTree-1.0.5_1 -- A fast C implementation of the ElementTree API
py27-cairo-1.8.10_1 -- Python bindings for Cairo
py27-carbon-0.9.10_2 -- Backend storage application for graphite
py27-cclib-1.0.1 -- Parsers And Algorithms For Computational Chemistry
py27-cconv-0.5.0 -- Python wrapper for chinese/cconv
py27-cdb-0.34 -- Python interface to DJB's constant database library
py27-cddb-1.4 -- Python module to fetch information on audio CDs from CDDB
py27-celery-2.5.5 -- Asynchronous task queue/job queue
py27-cerealizer-0.7 -- Secure pickle-like module
py27-certifi-0.0.8 -- Mozilla's SSL certificates
py27-cfgparse-1.2_1 -- Python module for parsing configuration files
py27-chardet-2.0.1_1 -- Character encoding auto-detection in Python
py27-chart-1.39_4 -- Create high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, or PNG charts
py27-cheetah-2.4.4 -- HTML template engine for Python
py27-cherrypy-3.2.2 -- A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
py27-cherrypy-old-2.3.0_1 -- A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
py27-ciphon-0.4.0 -- A module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
py27-cjson-1.0.5 -- Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
py27-clamav-0.4.1_3 -- A python binding to libclamav written in C
py27-clientform-0.2.10 -- Client-side HTTP Form for Python
py27-clive-1.0.2_2 -- Video extraction utility for YouTube, GoogleVideo, and others
py27-cloudfiles-1.6.0_1 -- Python language bindings for Cloud Files API
py27-clutter-1.0.2_3 -- Python modules for Clutter toolkit
py27-cluttergtk-0.10.0_1 -- Python modules for Clutter-gtk toolkit
py27-cmdln-1.1.2_1 -- A python module for easily building good multi-command scripts
py27-cmemcache-0.95 -- Python API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
py27-cog-2.3 -- Code Generator for any language
py27-coil-0.3.20 -- A powerful configuration language for Python
py27-collective.monkeypatcher-1.0.1 -- Applying monkey patches on startup using ZCML configuration
py27-collective.z3cform.datetimewidget-1.2.0 -- z3c.form date and datetime widgets
py27-configobj-4.7.2 -- Simple but powerful config file reader and writer
py27-construct-2.06 -- Python module for parsing and building of data structures
py27-coverage-3.5.3 -- Code coverage measurement for Python
py27-cql-1.0.10 -- Python DB-API 2.0 client interface for Cassandra
py27-crcmod-1.7 -- Module for Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculations
py27-creole-1.0.1 -- Markup converter in pure Python
py27-cryptkit-0.9 -- A Cryptographic Toolkit for Python
py27-cssselect-0.7.1 -- Cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
py27-cssutils-0.9.9 -- CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
py27-ctags-1.0.5 -- Python bindings for ctags index file
py27-cups-1.9.62 -- CUPS bindings for Python
py27-curl-7.19.0_1 -- Python interface to libcurl
py27-cxx-6.0.0 -- Make it easier to extend Python with C++
py27-cyruslib-0.5 -- Cyrus imapd library for Python
py27-daemon-1.5.5_2 -- Well-behaved daemon framework for Python
py27-dal-20081016_2 -- A database abstraction layer for Python
py27-danzfs-0.1.2 -- Provides a Python API for interacting with ZFS without using libzfs
py27-darcsver-1.7.4_1 -- Generate a version number from darcs history
py27-dateutil-1.5 -- Provides powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
py27-dbf-0.94.005 -- Pure python package for reading/writing dbf files
py27-dbus-0.84.0 -- Python bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
py27-dbutils-1.1_1 -- Providing solid, persistent, and pooled connections to a database
py27-decorator-3.3.3 -- Better living through Python with decorators
py27-deliciousapi-1.6.7_1 -- Unofficial Python API for retrieving data from
py27-demjson-1.6_1 -- Encoder, Decoder, and Lint/Validator for JSON
py27-dexml-0.5.1 -- A dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python
py27-dialog-2.7_3 -- Python interface to dialog(3)
py27-diazo-1.0.1 -- Implements a Deliverance like language using a pure XSLT engine
py27-distorm-20120514.r214 -- Python interface for fast x86 and x86-64 disassembler library
py27-distribute-0.6.28 -- A Python packages installer and Setuptools replacement
py27-distutils-extra-2.31 -- Add support for i18n, documentation, and icons to distutils
py27-django-1.3.4 -- High-level Python Web framework
py27-django-1.4.2 -- High-level Python Web framework
py27-django-annoying-0.7.6 -- Application to eliminate annoying things in the Django framework
py27-django-app-plugins-0.1.1 -- Reusable django application for writing pluggable reusable django applications
py27-django-appconf-0.5 -- A helper class for handling configuration defaults gracefully
py27-django-appmedia-1.0.1 -- Serve static content from within django app directories
py27-django-caching-app-plugins-0.1.3_1 -- Django app for writing pluggable reusable django applications
py27-django-classy-tags- -- Class based template tags for Django
py27-django-cms-2.3_1 -- Content management system built with the Django framework
py27-django-devel-20120731 -- High-level Python Web framework
py27-django-easy-thumbnails-1.0.3 -- Easy thumbnails for Django
py27-django-evolution-0.6.7 -- A database schema evolution tool for the Django web framework
py27-django-extensions-0.8 -- Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework
py27-django-filer-0.8.6 -- File and Image Management Application for django
py27-django-haystack-1.2.7 -- Pluggable search for Django
py27-django-json-rpc-0.6.2_1 -- A simple JSON-RPC implementation for Django
py27-django-keyedcache-1.4.4 -- Simplified, speedy way to manage caching in Django apps
py27-django-livesettings-1.4.9_1 -- Configure settings via Django admin interface rather than by editing
py27-django-mezzanine-filebrowser-0.2.6_1 -- Fork of django-filebrowser for Mezzanine CMS
py27-django-mezzanine-grappelli-0.2.6_1 -- Fork of django-grappelli for Mezzanine CMS
py27-django-mptt-0.5.4 -- Utilities for implementing a pre-order traversal tree in django
py27-django-openid-auth-0.4 -- OpenID integration for django.contrib.auth
py27-django-photologue-2.2 -- Reusable gallery application for Django
py27-django-pipeline-1.2.10 -- Pipeline is an asset (css/js) packaging library for Django
py27-django-piston- -- Piston is a Django mini-framework creating APIs
py27-django-profiles-0.2 -- A user-profile application for Django
py27-django-registration-0.8 -- A user-registration application for Django
py27-django-reversion-1.6.1 -- Provides comprehensive version control facilities to Django apps
py27-django-sekizai-0.6.1 -- Block templating system for Django
py27-django-signals-ahoy-0.1.0 -- An extended set of signals for use by Django apps.
py27-django-storages-1.1.4 -- Generic storages for Django
py27-django-tagging-0.3.1 -- Generic tagging application for Django
py27-django-tastypie-0.9.11_1 -- Create REST API for Django apps
py27-django-threaded-multihost-1.4.1_1 -- Multi-host utilities to Django
py27-django_compressor-1.1.2 -- Compresses linked and inline JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file
py27-djblets-0.6.23 -- A collection of useful classes and functions for Django
py27-dns-2.3.6 -- DNS (Domain Name Service) library for Python
py27-dnspython-1.10.0 -- A DNS toolkit for Python
py27-docutils-0.9.1 -- Python Documentation Utilities
py27-dojango-0.5.5 -- A django application for building dojo
py27-dosage-1.6.0_1 -- An application to keep a local mirror of web comics
py27-dotcloud.cli-0.4.3 -- dotCloud command-line interface client
py27-dpkt-1.7 -- Python fast, simple packet creation / parsing module
py27-drmaa-0.4b3 -- Interact with DRMAA-compliant distributed resource management systems
py27-dsv-1.4.1 -- A Python module to parse or write delimeter-separated (e.g. CSV) files
py27-dtflickr-1.5 -- Spiffy Flickr API library using JSON
py27-dulwich-0.8.5 -- Pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
py27-durus-3.9_1 -- A persistent object storage system for Python
py27-dynrules-0.0.15 -- Dynamic Scripting for adaptive AI systems
py27-easyzone-1.2.2_1 -- DNS Zone abstraction module for Python
py27-editobj-0.5.7 -- Create and display a Tkinter dialog box for editing any Python object
py27-eggtestinfo-0.3 -- Setuptools plugin that adds test information to .egg-info
py27-elementtree-1.2.6_1 -- Container for hierarchical data structures written in Python
py27-empy-3.3 -- A powerful and robust templating system for Python
py27-enchant-1.6.5_1 -- A spellchecking library for Python based on the Enchant library
py27-enzyme-0.2 -- Python module to parse metadata in video files
py27-epsilon-0.6.0 -- Epsilon is a set of Python utility modules used by DivMod projects
py27-errorhandler-1.1.1 -- A logging framework handler that tracks when messages above a certain level have been logged.
py27-event-0.3_6 -- Python bindings for libevent
py27-eventlet-0.9.17 -- Concurrent networking library for Python
py27-excelerator- -- A Python library for generating Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files
py27-exif-0.9_1 -- Python library to extract EXIF metadata from JPEG and TIFF image files
py27-exiv2-0.3.0_1 -- Python bindings for exiv2
py27-experimental.cssselect-0.3 -- Experimental version of lxml.cssselect
py27-extended_threading-0.2 -- A library to extend pythons threading library
py27-eyed3-0.6.18 -- Python module for processing ID3 tags
py27-ez_xml-0.1.3 -- Ez_xml compiles a XML template file into a Python module
py27-ezjailremote-0.2 -- Remote control and convenience wrapper for ezjail
py27-fabric-1.4.3 -- A simple pythonic remote deployment tool
py27-fail2ban-0.8.6 -- Scans log files and bans IP that makes too many password failures
py27-fam-1.1.1_2 -- Python Interface to the File Alteration Monitor
py27-fastaudio-0.1_1 -- Python bindings for the PortAudio multi-platform audio library
py27-fcgi-0.1 -- Python FastCGI interface library
py27-fdb-0.9.1 -- Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python
py27-fedex-1.0.13 -- A light wrapper around Fedex's Web Services SOAP API using suds
py27-feedfinder- -- Ultra-liberal feed finder
py27-feedgenerator-1.2.1 -- Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator
py27-feedparser-5.1.2 -- An RSS feed parser written in Python
py27-ffc-1.0.0 -- C++ code generator for multilinear forms
py27-fiat-1.0.0_1 -- FInite element Automatic Tabulator
py27-fileutils-0.6 -- File I/O related functions and classes
py27-firebirdsql-0.7.0 -- Python DBAPI module for FirebirdSQL
py27-five.customerize-1.0.3 -- TTW customization of template-based Zope views
py27-five.formlib-1.0.4 -- zope.formlib integration for Zope 2
py27-five.globalrequest-1.0 -- Zope 2 integration for zope.globalrequest
py27-five.localsitemanager-2.0.5 -- Local site manager implementation for Zope 2
py27-flake8-1.4 -- Code checking using pep8 and pyflakes
py27-flakes-0.5.0 -- Pyflakes is a program that analyzes Python programs for errors
py27-flexget-1.0r2315_1 -- Program to automate downloading from different sources
py27-flexmock-0.9.6 -- Flexmock is a mock/stub/spy library for Python
py27-flowtools- -- Python extension module for reading flow-tools' data
py27-fltk-1.3.0_1 -- Python interface to FLTK window toolkit
py27-flup-1.0.2_1 -- Random assortment of WSGI servers, middleware
py27-fngrab-0.0.4 -- A replacement for the official Freenet Project's freenet_request
py27-fonttools-2.3 -- An open source library for manipulating fonts, written in Python
py27-foolscap-0.6.4 -- RPC protocol for Twisted Python
py27-forgetsql-0.5.1 -- Python module for object-oriented access to SQL databases
py27-formalchemy-1.3.3_1 -- Toolkit for creating HTML form elements manually or from SQLAlchemy mapped classes
py27-formencode-1.2.4 -- HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
py27-fortran-8.5.3 -- Creating extensions to the Python language with Fortran routines
py27-fpconst-0.7.2 -- Utilities for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
py27-freebsd-0.9.3_6 -- Python interface to FreeBSD-specific system libraries
py27-freeimagepy-2.0.1 -- A FreeImage library python wrapper
py27-ftputil-2.6 -- High-level FTP client library
py27-fudge-1.0.3 -- Fudge is a Python module for using fake objects to test real ones
py27-funcparserlib-0.3.5 -- Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
py27-funkload-1.14.0_2 -- FunkLoad is a functional and load web tester
py27-fusefs-0.2.1 -- FUSE Python bindings
py27-gaeutilities-1.4 -- Utility classes to make working with Google App Engine easier
py27-game-1.9.1 -- A module designed to write games in Python
py27-gamin-0.1.10_2 -- Python interface to the Gamin file monitoring system
py27-gato-1.02 -- A Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs
py27-gd-0.56_6 -- Python interface to the GD library
py27-gdal-1.9.1 -- Python binding for GDAL
py27-gdata-2.0.17 -- GData Python Client Library
py27-gdbm-2.7.3_1 -- Python bindings to the GNU dbm library
py27-gearman-2.0.2_1 -- Gearman Library for Python
py27-generate-2.6 -- Python module to implement generate
py27-geojson-1.0.1_1 -- Python's Encoder/decoder for simple GIS features
py27-geotypes-0.7.0_1 -- A Python Interface to Support PostGIS
py27-gettext-2.0 -- Python Gettext po to mo file compiler
py27-gevent-0.13.8 -- Python co-routine networking library based on greenlet/libevent
py27-gevent-zeromq-0.2.5 -- Gevent compatibility layer for pyzmq
py27-gflags-2.0 -- Commandline flags module for Python
py27-gimp-app-2.6.12_1 -- A GNU Image Manipulation Program
py27-gitdb-0.5.4 -- Pure Python git object database
py27-gitosis-0.2.20090917 -- Software for hosting git repositories
py27-glances- -- A CLI curses based monitoring tool for GNU/Linux and BSD OS
py27-glewpy-0.7.4_3 -- Advanced OpenGL extensions to Python
py27-gmpy-1.15 -- Python Extension that Wraps the GMP Library
py27-gnome-2.28.1_3 -- A set of Python bindings for GNOME 2
py27-gnome-desktop-2.32.0_2 -- A set of Python bindings used by modules in the GNOME Desktop
py27-gnome-extras-2.25.3_13 -- A set of Python bindings for GNOME 2
py27-gntp-0.8 -- Growl Notification Transport Protocol for Python
py27-gnupg-0.3.2 -- Python module for GnuPG interface
py27-gnuplot-1.8_4 -- Python interface to gnuplot plotting program
py27-gnutls-1.2.4 -- Python wrapper for the GNUTLS library
py27-gobject-2.28.6_1 -- Python bindings for GObject
py27-goocanvas-0.14.1_4 -- GooCanvas python bindings
py27-google-0.6 -- Python wrapper for the Google web API
py27-google-api-python-client-1.0.c2 -- Google API Client Library for Python
py27-gozerbot- -- Gozerbot - A modular Python IRC and Jabber bot
py27-graph-1.7.0 -- A library for working with graphs in Python
py27-graph-core-1.7.0 -- A library for working with graphs in Python, core module
py27-graph-dot-1.7.0_1 -- A library for working with graphs in Python, dot module
py27-graphite-web-0.9.10_1 -- Enterprise scalable realtime graphing platform
py27-graphviz-1.1_1 -- Python interface to GraphViz agraph
py27-graphy-1.0 -- A simple chart library for Python
py27-greenlet-0.4.0 -- Light-weight microthreads for Python
py27-grequests-0.1.0 -- Pythons Requests + Gevent
py27-grizzled-0.9.4 -- The Grizzled Python Utility Library
py27-grouch-0.4_1 -- A system for describing and enforcing a Python object schema
py27-gsl-0.9.5_1 -- Python interface to GNU Scientific Library
py27-gstreamer-0.10.22_1 -- A set of Python bindings for gstreamer
py27-gtk-0.6.11_11 -- A set of Python bindings for GTK
py27-gtk-2.24.0_1 -- A set of Python bindings for GTK+
py27-gtkglext-1.1.0_6 -- Python binding for GtkGLExt
py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_1 -- A python bindings for the version 2 of the GtkSourceView library
py27-gui-1.7.2_7 -- A cross-platform pythonic GUI API
py27-gunicorn-0.15.0 -- Python WSGI server for unix
py27-gvgen-0.9 -- An easy python interface to generate dot files
py27-gyp-r832_2 -- Generate Your Projects
py27-h5py-1.2.1_1 -- A general-purpose Python interface to the HDF5 library
py27-hashring-1.2 -- An implementation of consistent hashing in Python
py27-hcluster-0.2.0_4 -- A Hierarchical Clustering Package For Scipy
py27-hg-git-0.3.4 -- Mercurial extension to pull from or push to a Git repository
py27-hghooks-0.5.2 -- Set of Mercurial hooks
py27-hgsubversion-1.4 -- Mercurial extension that allows using it as a Subversion client
py27-hgsvn-0.1.9 -- Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial
py27-hiredis-0.1.1_1 -- Python extension that wraps hiredis
py27-hotwire-shell-0.721_5 -- Hotwire is an object-oriented hypershell
py27-html2text-3.200.3 -- Convert HTML into clean plain ASCII text
py27-html5lib-0.95 -- A Python based HTML parser based on the HTML5 spec
py27-htpasswd-2008.03.05_2 -- Replacement for htpasswd
py27-htsql-2.3.2 -- Python HTSQL
py27-htsql-mysql-2.3.2 -- MySQL backend for HTSQL
py27-htsql-pgsql-2.3.2 -- PostgreSQL backend for HTSQL
py27-httplib2-0.7.6 -- A comprehensive HTTP client library
py27-hyperestraier-python-0.10.10 -- Pure Python HyperEstraier library
py27-icalendar-2.2 -- Parser and generator of iCalender files for Python
py27-iconv-1.0_1 -- An iconv wrapper with Unicode codec for Python
py27-icu-1.1_1 -- Python extension wrapping IBM's ICU C++ API
py27-id3-1.2 -- Python module for retrieving and setting ID3 tags on MP3 files
py27-idnkit-python-2.1 -- Python bindings for Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
py27-igraph-0.5.4 -- High performance graph data structures and algorithms
py27-imaging-1.1.7_1 -- The Python Imaging Library
py27-imdbpy-4.9 -- Retrieve and manage the data of the IMDb movie database
py27-iniparse-0.4 -- A better INI parser for Python
py27-initgroups-2.13.0 -- Convenience uid/gid helper function used in Zope2
py27-instant-1.0.0 -- Python module for instant inlining of C and C++ code in Python
py27-interface-1.1.1 -- A Python implementation of an Erlang node
py27-iowait-0.1 -- Python module for I/O completion events
py27-ipaddr-2.1.10 -- A Google open source IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python
py27-iplib-1.1 -- Convert amongst many different IPv4 notations
py27-ipy-0.75 -- A Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Networks
py27-irclib-0.6.4 -- IRC protocol client library for Python
py27-isodate-0.4.8 -- An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater
py27-iterpipes-0.4 -- A library for running shell pipelines using shell-like syntax
py27-itools-0.62.8_1 -- A Python library Provides Wide Range Of Capabilities
py27-jabber-0.5 -- A Python Jabber library
py27-jabberbot-0.15 -- A simple Jabber Bot for Python
py27-jaxml-3.02 -- A Python module to generate XML easily
py27-jcc-2.13 -- C++ code generator for calling Java from C++/Python
py27-jonpy-0.10 -- Python FastCGI interface library
py27-json-py-3.4_1 -- A python implementation of a JSON (http// reader/writer
py27-jsonlib-1.6.1_1 -- JSON Serializer/Deserializer for Python
py27-jsonlib2-1.5.2 -- JSON Serializer/Deserializer for Python
py27-jsonrpclib-0.1.3_1 -- Implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 proposed specification in pure Python
py27-jswebkit-0.0.3_2 -- WebKit/JavaScriptCore Python bindings
py27-kaa-base-0.6.0_4 -- Kaa Media Repository
py27-kaa-imlib2-0.2.3_5 -- Kaa Media Repository - imlib2 wrapper for python
py27-kaa-metadata-0.7.7_5 -- Kaa Media Repository - media file metadata parser
py27-karaoke-0.7.5 -- Python karaoke application (Plays CD+G, MP3+G, OGG+G files)
py27-kdebindings-krosspython-4.8.4 -- Kross Python scripting library
py27-kdebindings-pykde4-4.8.4 -- Python bindings for KDE
py27-kdebindings-pykdeuic4-4.8.4 -- An enhanced version of pyuic4
py27-kenosis-0.96 -- A fully-distributed p2p RPC system built on top of XMLRPC
py27-kerberos-1.1.1 -- Kerberos bindings for python
py27-keyring-0.9.2 -- Store and access your passwords safely
py27-kid-0.9.6_1 -- A simple template language for XML based written in Python
py27-kinterbasdb-3.2 -- Python extension for Firebird/Interbase(R) relational databases
py27-kiwi-1.9.29_1 -- A framework and a set of enhanced widgets based on PyGTK
py27-kjbuckets-1.0.0 -- Graph and set datatypes for Python (C extension)
py27-kombu-2.2.1 -- An AMQP messaging framework for Python
py27-kqueue-1.4_2 -- Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls
py27-kss-core-1.6.4 -- KSS (Kinetic Style Sheets) core framework
py27-kye-1.0_2 -- Puzzle game with arcade game elements
py27-ldap2-2.4.10 -- An LDAP module for python, for OpenLDAP2
py27-ldaptor-0.0.43 -- A pure-python LDAP module for Twisted
py27-leveldb-0.1.20120612 -- Thread-safe Python binding for LevelDB
py27-levenshtein-0.10.1_1 -- Python extension computing string distances and similarities
py27-libcloud-0.11.3 -- Standard client library for many popular cloud providers
py27-libdnet-1.11_3 -- A simple interface to low level networking routines
py27-libgmail-0.1.11 -- Library to provide access to Gmail via Python
py27-libgsf-1.14.21_5 -- Python wrapper for libgsf
py27-liblarch-2.1.0 -- Python library to easily handle data structures
py27-liblzma-0.5.3_2 -- Python binding for the LZMA compression library
py27-libnet-1.1_1 -- Python module for the libnet packet construction library
py27-librtfcomp-1.1 -- Python bindings for the LZRTF compression library
py27-libtorrent-rasterbar-0.15.9_1 -- Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar-15
py27-libtorrent-rasterbar-0.16.4 -- Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar-16
py27-libtre-0.8.0 -- Python interface for the tre regular expressions library
py27-libxml2-2.7.8_2 -- Python interface for XML parser library for GNOME
py27-libxslt-1.1.26_3 -- Python interface for XSLT C library for GNOME
py27-lirc-0.0.5_3 -- Lirc support library for Python
py27-ll-core-1.11.1_1 -- Utility functions and classes used by the other LivingLogic packages
py27-lock_file-2.0_1 -- Lock file manipulation
py27-lockfile-0.9.1 -- Platform-independent file locking module
py27-log4py-1.3 -- A python logging module
py27-logilab-common-0.58.2 -- Common low-level libraries shared among logilab projects
py27-ltxml-1.3_3 -- Python bindings to the LT XML toolkit
py27-lxml-3.0.1 -- Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
py27-lzma-0.4.4 -- Python binding for the LZMA compression library
py27-m2crypto-0.21.1 -- Crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
py27-mad-0.6_1 -- Python module that provides the MPEG Audio Decoder interface
py27-magic-5.04 -- Python module for determining file type
py27-mahotas-0.6.6 -- An Efficient Image Processing Library for Python
py27-mako-0.7.2 -- Super-fast templating language in Python
py27-manuel-1.6.0 -- Lets you build tested documentation
py27-markdown-2.2.1 -- Text markup to HTML conversion engine for Python
py27-markdown2-2.1.0 -- A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
py27-mathdom-0.8 -- Content MathML in Python
py27-matplotlib-1.1.1 -- Plotting library uses a syntax familiar to MATLAB users
py27-mcomix-0.99 -- A GTK2 comic book viewer
py27-mcrypt-1.1 -- A comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library
py27-mdp-3.2 -- Modular toolkit for Data Processing
py27-mechanize-0.2.5 -- Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
py27-medusa-0.5.4_1 -- Asynchronous socket-based server framework for Python
py27-meld-2.1.4 -- A system for manipulating HTML using a Pythonic object model
py27-meld3-0.6.8 -- HTML/XML templating system for Python
py27-memcached-1.48 -- Python API for memcached, a distributed memory cache daemon
py27-mercurialserver-1.2.0 -- Software for hosting mercurial repositories
py27-metar-0.17 -- Python module that provides access to NOAA METAR weather reports
py27-mez_xml-0.4 -- A simple template engine for Python
py27-mhash-1.4 -- Python mhash module
py27-migrate-0.7.2 -- Database schema migrations for SQLAlchemy
py27-milter-0.9.5 -- Python interface to Sendmail milter API
py27-mimeparse-0.1.3 -- Basic functions for handling mime-types in Python
py27-ming-0.4.4_1 -- Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages support
py27-minimongo-0.2.7 -- Minimal database Model management for MongoDB
py27-miniupnpc-1.7 -- Python module for miniupnpc
py27-mlpy-2.2.2_1 -- High performance Python package for predictive modeling
py27-mlt-0.8.2 -- Python bindings for the MLT multimedia framework
py27-mmpython-0.4.10_4 -- Retrieves metadata from mp3, ogg, avi, jpg, and other formats
py27-mnemosyne-1.2.2_3 -- Flash-card tool which optimises your learning process
py27-mock-0.8.0_1 -- Mock unit tests for Python
py27-mongoengine-0.6.8 -- A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
py27-mongokit-0.8.1 -- Python ORM-like layer on top of pymongo
py27-mox-0.5.3 -- Mock object framework for Python
py27-mp-random-1.0_6 -- Display random Mirror Project images on your desktop
py27-mpd-0.3.0 -- Python MPD client library
py27-mpdbrowser-0.9.15_6 -- GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
py27-mpmath-0.17 -- Python Library for Arbitrary-precision Floating-point Arithmetic
py27-msgpack-0.1.13 -- MessagePack (de)serializer for Python
py27-msnp-0.4.1_1 -- MSN messaging in Python
py27-msrplib-0.14.4 -- Python MSRP client library
py27-mssql-1.0.2 -- Python database interface for simple MS-SQL access
py27-mt-1.0 -- A Python module which provides Movable Type XML-RPC connectivity
py27-musicbrainz2-0.7.4 -- Next Generation Python bindings for MusicBrainz
py27-mutagen-1.20 -- A Python-based audio metadata tag reader and writer
py27-muttils-1.3 -- Python utilities for console mail clients (eg. mutt)
py27-mwlib-0.13.6 -- Python's MediaWiki Parser and Utility Library
py27-mwlib.ext-0.12.4 -- Provide Dependencies for mwlib
py27-mwlib.rl-0.12.8_1 -- Generate Pdfs from Mediawiki Markup
py27-mx-base-3.2.4 -- The eGenix mx-Extension Series for Python
py27-mx-experimental-3.0.0_1 -- The eGenix mx Extensions - EXPERIMENTAL Package
py27-mygpoclient-1.6 -- The API Client Library for Python
py27-mysql2pgsql-0.1.6 -- Tool for migrating/converting from mysql to postgresql
py27-nagiosplugin-0.4.5 -- Class library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins
py27-namebench-1.3.1 -- An open-source DNS benchmark utility
py27-nautilus-0.7.2_1 -- Python nautilus bindings
py27-ncurses-0.3_1 -- A ncurses binding for Python
py27-netCDF4-1.0.1 -- Python Interface to the NetCDF Library(versions 3 and 4)
py27-netaddr-0.7.7 -- A python library for the manipulation of network addresses
py27-netifaces-0.6 -- Getting network addresses from Python
py27-netstring-1.14 -- Python module implementing the netstring protocol
py27-networkx-1.6 -- Tools for complex network
py27-nevow-0.10.0_2 -- A web application templating system, based on the Twisted Woven
py27-nose-1.2.1 -- Discovery-based unittest extension
py27-notifier-0.5.8 -- A generic notifier/event scheduler abstraction
py27-notify-0.1.1_9 -- A python bindings for libnotify
py27-novaclient-2.6.8 -- Client for the OpenStack Nova API
py27-numarray-1.5.2 -- Numeric array manipulation extension module for Python
py27-numeric-24.2_3 -- The Numeric Extension to Python
py27-numexpr-1.4.2 -- Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
py27-numpy-1.6.2_1 -- The New Numeric Extension to Python
py27-nwdiag-0.9.1 -- A simple network-diagram image generator
py27-nzmath-1.1.0 -- Number theory oriented calculation system
py27-oauth-1.0.1 -- Python Library for OAuth
py27-oauth2-1.5.211 -- Python library for OAuth version 1.0
py27-oauthlib-0.3.0 -- An RFC-compliant Python implementation of OAuth
py27-obspy-core-0.7.1 -- Core Classes of Python for Seismological Observatories
py27-obspy.db-0.7.0 -- A seismic waveform indexer and database for ObsPy
py27-obspy.gse2-0.7.0 -- Read & write seismograms, Format GSE2
py27-obspy.imaging-0.7.0 -- Tools for displaying features used in seismology
py27-obspy.iris-0.7.0 -- IRIS Web service client for ObsPy
py27-obspy.mseed-0.7.0 -- Read & write seismograms, Format MiniSeed
py27-obspy.signal-0.7.0 -- Python signal processing routines for seismology
py27-obspy.taup-0.7.0 -- Travel time calculation tool for ObsPy
py27-obspy.wav-0.5.1_1 -- WAV(audio) read and write support for ObsPy
py27-obspy.xseed-0.7.0 -- Dataless SEED, RESP, and XML-SEED read and write support for ObsPy
py27-ocempgui-0.2.9_5 -- GUI toolkit in python
py27-ode-1.2.0_2 -- Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine
py27-odfpy-0.9.4 -- Python API and Tools to Manipulate OpenDocument Files
py27-ogg-1.3_5 -- Object-oriented Python bindings for the ogg library
py27-omniorb-3.6 -- Python bindings for omniORB4, a CORBA 2.6 ORB
py27-oops-0.9.1 -- Object Oriented Database Library For Persistent Storage in Python
py27-openal-0.1.6_3 -- PyOpenAL is a binding of OpenAL for Python
py27-openbabel-2.2.3 -- Python bindings for openbabel
py27-opencv-2.3.1_4 -- OpenCV Python library
py27-openerp-web-5.0.11 -- OpenERP Web Client
py27-openexr-1.2.0 -- Python module for ILM's OpenEXR image format and library
py27-opengl-3.0.1_1 -- An OpenGL (and related library) interface for Python
py27-openid-2.2.5 -- Python OpenID version
py27-openimageio-1.0.9 -- OpenImageIO python bindings
py27-openssl-0.13 -- Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py27-openssl-proxy-0.1 -- HTTPS proxy support
py27-optik-1.5.3 -- A command-line parsing library for Python
py27-orbit-2.24.0 -- Python bindings for ORBit2
py27-ordereddict-1.1 -- A drop-in substitute for Py2.7's new collections
py27-osd-0.2.14_8 -- A python wrapper for osd, for displaying text on your X display
py27-otr- -- A set of python bindings for libotr
py27-paida- -- Pure Python scientific analysis package
py27-paint-0.3_2 -- Simple and flexible painting adaptor to libart for Python
py27-pandas-0.9.0 -- Flexible, high-performance data analysis in Python
py27-papi-0.0.9 -- ATK accessibility wrapper for python
py27-papyon-0.5.4_1 -- A fork of pymsn to support the telepathy MSN connection manager
py27-paragrep-3.0.5 -- Paragraph Grep Utility
py27-paramiko-1.8.0 -- A python library for making SSH2 connections
py27-parsing-1.5.6 -- General parsing module for Python
py27-passlib-1.6.1 -- Python password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
py27-pathtools-0.1.2 -- File system general utilities for Python
py27-pcap-0.6.4 -- Python interface to LBL Packet Capture library (libpcap)
py27-pcapy-0.10.5 -- Python extension module to capture packets on the network
py27-pcs-0.6 -- Protocol Construction Set
py27-pdb-0.1 -- Packet Debugger
py27-pdf-1.13 -- Pure-Python PDF toolkit
py27-pdfcolorsplit-2011.08.26_1 -- Split your pdf into 2 pdf, color and bw, for printing
py27-pefile- -- A python module to read and work with PE files
py27-pep8-1.3.3 -- Python style guide checker
py27-period-0.5 -- A basic time period checking library
py27-periscope-0.2.4_2 -- Subtitles searching module
py27-pexpect-2.4_1 -- A Pure Python Expect-like module
py27-pg8000-1.09 -- A Pure-Python Interface to the PostgreSQL Database
py27-pg_pqueue-1.0.2_1 -- PostgreSQL PQ Protocol Modules
py27-photofilmstrip-1.5.0_2 -- Creates movies out of your pictures
py27-phpserialize-0.4_1 -- A python implementation of PHP\'s native serialize() and unserialize()
py27-pickleDB-0.3 -- A lightweight, fast, and simple key-value store
py27-piddle-1.0.15 -- Graphical Drawing library for Python
py27-pika-0.9.5 -- Python AMQP Client Library
py27-pillow-1.7.7 -- Fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL)
py27-pip-1.2.1 -- Pip installs (Python) packages. An easy_install replacement
py27-pisa-3.0.33 -- PDF generator using HTML and CSS
py27-plastex-0.9.2 -- LaTeX Document Processing Framework
py27-plex-1.1.5 -- Lexical Analysis Module for Python -- ZODB blob support for Plone -- Plone UI and default rules for plone.caching/z3c.caching -- Tools for constructing navigation and site sections -- Content Views for Plone -- Listing of content for the Plone CMS -- Plone's content menu implementation -- Plone integration for plone.contentrules -- Formlib-based controlpanels for Plone -- Integrate five.customerize into Plone -- Enhanced discussion support for Plone -- Integration package for plone.folder into Plone -- zope.formlib integration for Plone -- Plone specific i18n extensions -- User-configurable, blob-aware image scaling for Plone -- Check-out and check-in staging for Plone -- jQuery integration for Plone. -- jQuery Tools integration for Plone -- KSS (Kinetic Style Sheets) for Plone -- Layout mechanisms for Plone -- LDAP control panel for Plone 3 and Plone 4 -- Manage link integrity in Plone -- Translation files for Plone -- Plone OpenID authentication support -- Plone integration for the basic plone.portlets package -- Tools to parse stored queries to actual results -- Redirection tool -- Zope 2 and Plone integration for plone.registry -- Search user interface for Plone CMS -- Testing tools for Plone-the-application, based on plone.testing -- Integrates the Diazo theming engine with Plone -- Upgrade machinery for Plone -- Users and groups related things -- Plone integration for the basic plone.uuid package -- Configurable viewlet manager -- A collection of generally useful vocabularies -- Workflow and security settings for Plone -- Collection of widgets, templates for use with z3c.form and Plone
py27-plone.autoform-1.2 -- Tools to construct z3c.form forms
py27-plone.browserlayer-2.1.1 -- Browser layer management for Zope 2 applications
py27-plone.cachepurging-1.0.3 -- Cache purging support for Zope 2 applications
py27-plone.caching-1.0 -- Zope 2 integration for z3c.caching
py27-plone.contentrules-2.0.1 -- Plone ContentRules Engine
py27-plone.fieldsets-2.0.2 -- Allows to group fields into different fieldsets
py27-plone.folder-1.0.2 -- BTree-based folder implementation with order support
py27-plone.i18n-2.0.1 -- Advanced i18n/l10n features
py27-plone.indexer-1.0 -- Hooks to facilitate managing custom index values
py27-plone.intelligenttext-2.0.1 -- Transforms from text/x-web-intelligent to text/html
py27-plone.keyring-2.0 -- Manage secrets
py27-plone.locking-2.0.3 -- WebDAV locking support
py27-plone.memoize-1.1.1 -- Decorators for caching the values of functions and methods
py27-plone.openid-2.0 -- OpenID authentication support for PAS
py27-plone.outputfilters-1.6 -- Transformations applied to HTML in Plone text fields
py27-plone.portlet.collection-2.1.1 -- A portlet that fetches results from a collection
py27-plone.portlet.static-2.0.1 -- A simple static HTML portlet for Plone
py27-plone.portlets-2.1 -- An extension of zope.viewlet to support dynamic portlets
py27-plone.protect-2.0 -- Security for browser forms
py27-plone.registry-1.0 -- Registry for storing application settings
py27-plone.resource-1.0.1 -- Publishes directories of static files via the ZPublisher
py27-plone.scale-1.2.2_1 -- Image scaling
py27-plone.session-3.5 -- Session based authentication for Zope
py27-plone.stringinterp-1.0.7 -- Adaptable string interpolation
py27-plone.subrequest-1.6.6 -- Subrequests for Zope2
py27-plone.supermodel-1.1.1 -- Serialize Zope schema definitions to and from XML
py27-plone.testing-4.0.4 -- Testing infrastructure for Zope and Plone projects
py27-plone.theme-2.1 -- Tools for managing themes in CMF and Plone sites
py27-plone.transformchain-1.0.2 -- Hook into repoze.zope2 for third party packages
py27-plone.uuid-1.0.3 -- UUIDs for content items
py27-plone.z3cform-0.7.8 -- Library that allows use of z3c.form with Zope 2 and the CMF
py27-plonetheme.classic-1.2.3 -- The classic Plone 3 default theme
py27-plonetheme.sunburst-1.2.7 -- The default theme for Plone 4
py27-plover-2.2.0 -- Open source solution for stenography
py27-ply-3.4 -- Python Lex-Yacc
py27-pmock-0.3_1 -- Mock object library for Python
py27-png-0.0.12 -- Python PNG encoder/decoder
py27-poker-eval-0.138 -- Python adaptor for the poker-eval toolkit
py27-polib-0.7.0 -- A python library to parse and manage gettext catalogs
py27-poppler-0.12.1 -- Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
py27-poppler-qt4-0.16.2 -- Python bindings for poppler-qt4
py27-port-for-0.3 -- Python utility and library that helps with TCP ports management
py27-posix1e-0.5.0 -- Python module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs
py27-poster-0.8.1 -- Streaming HTTP uploads and multipart/form-data encoding
py27-postfix-policyd-spf-python-1.0 -- Pure Python Postfix policy daemon for SPF checking
py27-postmarkup-1.2.0 -- A library to parse the BBcode written in Python
py27-pow-0.7 -- Python OpenSSL Wrappers
py27-pp-1.6.2 -- Parallel python execution server
py27-pqueue-0.2 -- Fibonacci-Heap based Priority-Queue Extension for Python
py27-prettytable-0.6.1 -- Library for displaying tabular data in an ASCII table format
py27-prewikka- -- Frontend for the Prelude IDS
py27-prioritized_methods-0.2.1 -- An extension to PEAK-Rules to prioritize methods
py27-probstat-0.912 -- Probability And Statistics Utils for Python
py27-progressbar-2.2 -- A text progressbar library for python
py27-prolog-0.1_3 -- A Python extension embedding SWI-Prolog
py27-protobuf-2.4.1 -- Google protobuf Python Client Library
py27-protocols-0.9.3 -- Python module extending the PEP 246 adapt() function
py27-pss-0.34 -- Tool for grepping through source code
py27-psutil-0.6.1 -- A process utilities module for Python
py27-psycopg-1.1.21_1 -- The high performance Python adapter for PostgreSQL
py27-psycopg2-2.4.5 -- The high performance Python adapter for PostgreSQL
py27-ptrace-0.6.3_1 -- Python binding of ptrace
py27-publicsuffix-1.0.2 -- Get public suffix of domain name from Public Suffix List
py27-pudb-0.93.1 -- A full-screen, console-based Python debugger
py27-punjab-0.14_1 -- HTTP XMPP client interface
py27-px-0.9.5 -- Perforce p4 wrapper and Python Perforce interface
py27-py-restclient-1.3.3 -- Python REST Client
py27-py2play-0.1.10 -- Peer-to-peer network game engine
py27-pyBMP-1.0_6 -- Python module to control beep-media-player
py27-pyPgSQL-2.5.1_4 -- A Python DB-API 2 compliant library for using PostgreSQL databases
py27-pyang-1.1 -- Validator and code generator for YANG (RFC 4741)
py27-pybloom-1.1 -- A Probabilistic data structure
py27-pybugz-0.9.3_1 -- Command line tools for interacting with Bugzilla
py27-pycalendar-2.0 -- An iCalendar and vCard module for python
py27-pycallgraph-0.5.1_4 -- A Python library that creates call graphs for Python programs
py27-pycerberus-0.4.2 -- Highly flexible, no magic input validation library
py27-pycha-0.6.0_1 -- A library for making charts with Python
py27-pychess-0.10.r1_2 -- A GTK chess client written in Python
py27-pycount-0.0.6 -- A very initial effort to Python code metrics
py27-pycrack-0.5.1_1 -- Python bindings to cracklib
py27-pycrypto-2.6_1 -- The Python Cryptography Toolkit
py27-pycryptopp-0.5.29 -- Python Wrappers for the Crypto++ Library
py27-pyctpp2-0.12.2_1 -- Python interface to CTPP2 library
py27-pydasm-1.5 -- A python interface to libdasm
py27-pydbx-0.14 -- Simple SQL database abstraction layer for Python
py27-pydicom- -- Read, modify, and write DICOM files with Python code
py27-pydot-1.0.2_4 -- A Python interface to the Graphviz Dot language
py27-pyev-0.8.1 -- Python libev interface
py27-pyfits-2.3 -- Python Interface to FITS Formatted Files
py27-pyftpdlib-0.7.0_1 -- Python FTP server library
py27-pygithub-1.8.0 -- Use the full Github API v3 with Python
py27-pyglet-1.1.4 -- Cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python
py27-pygments-1.5 -- A syntax highlighter written in Python
py27-pygooglechart-0.3.0 -- A complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API
py27-pygpx-0.2 -- Python Module For Parsing GPS Exchange Format (GPX) File
py27-pyhs-0.2.4 -- HandlerSocket client for Python
py27-pyke-1.1.1 -- Python Knowledge Engine
py27-pyla- -- Hylafax client written in Python
py27-pylib-1.4.11 -- Agile development and test support library
py27-pyliblo-0.9.1 -- A Python wrapper for the Liblo OSC Library
py27-pylibmc-1.2.3 -- Python libmemcached wrapper
py27-pylons-1.0 -- Pylons Web Framework
py27-pymarc-2.8.5 -- Read Write And Modify MARC Bibliographic Data
py27-pymc-2.0 -- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Toolkit
py27-pyme-0.8.1_4 -- Python interface to GPGME library
py27-pymsn-0.3.3_2 -- MSN Connection library
py27-pynids-0.6.1 -- Python interface to libnids
py27-pynn-0.7.3 -- A simulator-independent language for building neuronal network models
py27-pynzb-0.1.0_1 -- A unified API for parsing NZB files
py27-pyodbc-2.1.5_2 -- ODBC connections for python
py27-pypcap-1.1_4 -- Simplified object-oriented Python extension module for libpcap
py27-pyproj-1.8.8 -- Pyrex wrapper to provide python interfaces to PROJ.4
py27-pyquery-1.2.1 -- A jquery-like library for python
py27-pyqwt-5.2.0_5 -- Python Bindings for the Qwt Class Library
py27-pyrad-0.9 -- Python implementation of RADIUS client
py27-pyramid-1.2_1 -- A small, fast, web development framework by the Pylons community
py27-pyramid_rpc-0.3 -- RPC support for the Pyramid web framework
py27-pyro-4.15 -- Distributed Object Middleware for Python(IPC/RPC)
py27-pyscript-0.6.1_5 -- Python module for producing high quality PostScript graphics
py27-pysearch-3.1 -- Yahoo Search Web Services SDK for Python
py27-pysendfile-2.0.0 -- A Python interface to sendfile(2)
py27-pysha3-0.3 -- SHA-3 (Keccak) for Python
py27-pyshapelib-0.3 -- Python bindings for Shapelib
py27-pystache-0.5.3 -- Logic-less templates for Python
py27-pytc-0.8_7 -- Tokyo Cabinet Python bindings
py27-pytemplate-1.5.1_2 -- Pytemplate gives python developers a starting framework
py27-pytest-2.3.2 -- Cross-project testing tool for Python
py27-pythk-0.2.0 -- A collection of Python functions
py27-pythonbrew-1.3 -- Python Environment manager
py27-pythontidy-1.23 -- Cleans up, regularizes, and reformats the text of Python scripts
py27-pytz-2012h -- World Timezone Definitions for Python
py27-pyutil-1.9.3 -- A collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
py27-pyx12-1.5.0 -- Validate and convert HIPAA X12 documents
py27-pyxml2obj- -- Simple way to convert xml to python object and vice versa
py27-pyxmpp-1.1.2 -- A Python XMPP library
py27-pyzmq-2.2.0 -- Python bindings for ZeroMQ
py27-qp-2.2 -- A python web framework to use qpy and durus together
py27-qpy-1.8 -- Generating safely-quoted html text from python code
py27-qserve-0.2.8 -- Job queue server
py27-qt-3.18.2_2 -- Python bindings for the Qt toolkit
py27-qt4-4.9.1 -- The "meta-port" for PyQt4
py27-qt4-assistant-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtAssistant module
py27-qt4-core-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtCore module
py27-qt4-dbus-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, D-BUS module
py27-qt4-declarative-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtDeclarative module
py27-qt4-demo-4.9.1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Qt demo and examples
py27-qt4-designer-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtDesigner module
py27-qt4-designerplugin-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtDesigner plugin
py27-qt4-doc-4.9.1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, documentation
py27-qt4-gui-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtGui module
py27-qt4-help-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtHelp module
py27-qt4-multimedia-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Multimedia module
py27-qt4-network-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtNetwork module
py27-qt4-opengl-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtOpenGL module
py27-qt4-phonon-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, Phonon module
py27-qt4-qscintilla2-2.6.1_1 -- Python bindings for QScintilla2 (PyQt4), QSci module
py27-qt4-script-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtScript module
py27-qt4-scripttools-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtScriptTools module
py27-qt4-sql-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtSql module
py27-qt4-svg-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtSvg module
py27-qt4-test-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtTest module
py27-qt4-webkit-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtWebKit module
py27-qt4-xml-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtXml module
py27-qt4-xmlpatterns-4.9.1_1 -- Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtXmlPatterns module
py27-rabbyt-0.8.2 -- A fast sprite library for Python
py27-rackspace-monitoring-0.3.2 -- Python client library for Rackspace Cloud Monitoring
py27-radix-0.5 -- A Python radix-tree implementation
py27-ranger-1.5.5 -- Ranger is a file manager with VI key bindings
py27-rauth-0.4.15 -- A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
py27-rdflib-3.2.3 -- A Python library for RDF manipulation
py27-recaptcha-1.0.5 -- A plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
py27-reddit-1.4.0 -- A Python wrapper for the Reddit API
py27-redis-2.4.13 -- Python client for Redis key-value store
py27-rednotebook-1.6.0 -- Modern journal written in Python
py27-relatorio-0.5.6_1 -- A templating library able to output odt and pdf files
py27-repl-0.8.1 -- Replacement for readline and interactive environment for Python
py27-reportlab-1.21.2_3 -- Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
py27-reportlab2-2.5 -- Library to create PDF documents using the Python language
py27-repoze.lru-0.4 -- A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
py27-repoze.tm2-1.0 -- Zope-like transaction manager via WSGI middleware
py27-repoze.what-1.0.9 -- Authorization for WSGI applications
py27-repoze.what-pylons-1.0_1 -- The repoze.what v1 plugin for Pylons/TG2 integration
py27-repoze.who-2.0 -- An identification and authentication framework for WSGI
py27-repoze.who-friendlyform-1.0.8 -- A collection of developer-friendly for repoze.who-powered
py27-repoze.who-testutil-1.0.1 -- Test utilities for repoze.who-powered applications
py27-repoze.xmliter-0.5 -- Wrapper for lxml trees which serializes to string upon iteration
py27-requests-0.14.1 -- HTTP library written in Python for human beings
py27-requests-oauth-hook-0.1.4 -- This is an OAuth hook for py-requests
py27-resourcepackage-1.0.0 -- Automated resource-as-package embedding mechanism
py27-restclient-0.10.2 -- Convenient library for writing REST clients
py27-reverend-0.3 -- A simple Bayesian classifier written in Python
py27-rhodecode-1.3.6 -- Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and GIT
py27-riak-1.4.1 -- Python API for Riak, a Dynamo-inspired key/value store
py27-rlcompleter2-0.96 -- Python module for readline interactive completion
py27-roman-1.4.0 -- Integer to Roman numerals converter
py27-room-0.4.1_5 -- PyRoom is a clone of WriteRoom and features "distraction-free writing"
py27-rope-0.9.4 -- Rope is a python refactoring library
py27-routes-1.13 -- A Routing package for Python that matches URLs to dicts and vice versa
py27-roxlib-2.0.6_3 -- Python libraries for ROX
py27-rpyc-3.1.0 -- Remote Python Call
py27-rrdtool_lgpl-1.0b1_3 -- Python interface to RRDTool, the graphing and logging utility
py27-rsa-3.1.1 -- Pure-Python RSA implementation
py27-rss2gen-1.0.0 -- A Python library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds
py27-rstyoutube-0.1.1 -- Embed YouTube videos in reStructuredText documents
py27-rtf-0.45 -- Library to create RTF documents using the Python language
py27-rtree-0.7.0_1 -- R-Tree Spatial Index For Python GIS
py27-rxp-0.9_1 -- Fast validating XML parser for Python
py27-s3cmd-1.0.1_1 -- Unix-like tools to manipulate stored files from the command line
py27-sane-2.0 -- The Python binding for Sane
py27-sanetime-4.1.9 -- A sane date/time Python interface, with Django support
py27-satchmo-0.9.2 -- Shopping cart application for Django
py27-scgi-1.14 -- Python server implementation of the Simple Common Gateway Protocol
py27-scientific-2.8 -- Collection of Python modules for scientific computing
py27-scikit-learn-0.12.1 -- Machine learning algorithms for python
py27-scimath-3.0.7 -- Scientific and Mathematical calculations
py27-scipy-0.11.0 -- Scientific tools for Python
py27-scriptaculous- -- Scriptaculous packaged as TurboGears widgets
py27-selenium-2.25.0 -- Python bindings for Selenium
py27-seqdiag-0.8.0 -- A simple sequence-diagram image generator
py27-serial-2.6 -- Serial port encapsulation library for Python
py27-setproctitle-1.1.6 -- Allow customization of the process title
py27-setuptools-0.6c11_3 -- Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
py27-setuptools-git-0.4.2 -- Setuptools plugin for git
py27-setuptools_darcs-1.2.11_1 -- Setuptools plugin for darcs
py27-setuptools_hg-0.4 -- Setuptools plugin for hg
py27-sexy-0.1.9_6 -- Libsexy bindings for Python
py27-sgflib-1.0 -- Smart Game Format Parser Library for Python
py27-sgfsummary-1.0 -- SGF Summarizer
py27-sgrep-1.1a -- Python wrappers for Sgrep
py27-shout-0.2.1 -- Python bindings for libshout2
py27-sievelog-1.0.1 -- Syslog message filter
py27-simplecouchdb-0.9.26 -- Simple Library to Allow Python Applications to Use CouchDB
py27-simplejson-2.6.2 -- Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder
py27-simpleparse-2.1.0.a1_1 -- Python EBNF parser generator for use with mx.TextTools
py27-simpletal-4.3 -- Stand alone TAL Python implementation to power HTML & XML templates
py27-simpy-2.3.1 -- Simulation in Python
py27-sip-4.13.2 -- Python to C and C++ bindings generator
py27-six-1.1.0 -- Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
py27-ski-6.5 -- Skiing simulation with curses interface in python
py27-slimmer-0.1.30 -- A whitespace optimizer for CSS, HTML and XHTML output
py27-slumber-0.4.2 -- A Python library that makes consuming a REST API easier
py27-smb-1.1.2 -- SMB/CIFS library written in Python
py27-smbpasswd-1.0.2 -- SMB/CIFS password generation utility for Python
py27-smmap-0.8.2 -- Pure python sliding memory map manager
py27-snmp2-2.0.9 -- SNMP framework for Python
py27-snmp4-4.2.3 -- SNMP framework for Python
py27-snmp4-apps-0.3.3 -- Command line utilities for pysnmp4
py27-snmp4-mibs-0.1.4 -- Additional python MIB files for pysnmp4 and friends
py27-soappy-0.11.6 -- A SOAP implementation
py27-soappy-devel-0.12.0 -- A SOAP implementation
py27-soapy-0.1 -- SOAP/XML schema library for Python
py27-sorl-thumbnail-3.2.5_3 -- Sorl-thumbnail provides an easy way to generate image thumbnails
py27-south-0.7.6 -- This is South, intelligent schema migrations for Django apps
py27-soya3d-0.14_6 -- Very high level 3D engine for Python
py27-spambayes-1.1b1 -- A Bayesian anti-spam filter written in Python
py27-spark-0.6.1_1 -- Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit
py27-speaklater-1.3 -- Lazy string Python module for translations
py27-speex-0.2 -- Python bindings for the Speex compressor/decompressor audio codec
py27-spf-2.0.7 -- Python implementation of the RFC 4408 SPF protocol
py27-sphinx-1.1.3_1 -- Python documentation generator
py27-sphinxcontrib-bitbucket-1.0 -- Sphinx/BitBucket integration
py27-spreadmodule-1.5 -- Python extension module for the Spread group communications package
py27-sqlalchemy-0.7.8 -- A Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
py27-sqlalchemy06-0.6.9 -- A Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper (series 0.6)
py27-sqlcc-0.2 -- A Python SQL Command Composer
py27-sqlite3-2.7.3_2 -- Standard Python binding to the SQLite3 library
py27-sqlite3dbm-0.1.4 -- Sqlite-backed dictionary
py27-sqlkit- -- A standalone program to browse and edit data
py27-sqlobject-1.3.2 -- A python object for manipulation with SQL table row
py27-sqlparse-0.1.2 -- A non-validating SQL parser for Python
py27-sqlrelay-0.44_2 -- Python modules to access to SQL Relay
py27-ssh-1.8.0 -- Python SSH2 protocol library
py27-sslstrip-0.9 -- Python program for SSL stripping
py27-statgrab-0.5 -- A set of Python bindings for libstatgrab
py27-stevedore-0.3 -- Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
py27-stl-3.1 -- Converts STL models to POV-Ray meshes or PostScript/PDF images
py27-stripogram-1.4 -- Converting HTML to Plain Text and stripping specified tags from HTML
py27-subversion-1.7.7 -- Python bindings for version control system
py27-subvertpy-0.8.10 -- Python bindings for subversion
py27-suds-0.4 -- A SOAP implementation
py27-supervisor-3.0b1 -- System to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like OS
py27-supybot- -- Supybot - A Superb Python IRC bot
py27-supybot-plugins-20060723_1 -- Official plugin pack for Supybot
py27-surl- -- URL shortening command line application
py27-svglib-0.6.3_1 -- An Library For Reading And Converting SVG
py27-svgmath-0.3.3 -- MathML to SVG Converter in Python
py27-swift-1.4.6_1 -- Highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store
py27-sybase-0.37_3 -- A Python Database API interface to the Sybase RDBMS
py27-syck-0.61.2 -- Python binding for Syck, a YAML parser and emitter
py27-symeig-1.4_2 -- Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for NumPy
py27-sympy-0.7.1 -- A Python Library For Symbolic Mathematics
py27-synce-librapi2-0.14 -- Python bindings for libRAPI2
py27-synce-librra-0.14 -- Python bindings for the SynCE RRA library
py27-sysv_ipc-0.6.3 -- System V IPC for Python - Semaphores, Shared Memory, and Message Queues
py27-tables-2.4.0 -- A hierarchical database for Python
py27-tagpy-0.94.8 -- Python bindings for Scott Wheeler's TagLib
py27-tconfpy-2.112 -- A Python Configuration File Parser
py27-tegaki-0.3.1 -- Open-Source Chinese and Japanese Handwriting Recognition
py27-tegaki-gtk-0.3.1 -- Tegaki pygtk interface
py27-telepathy-butterfly-0.5.15_2 -- MSN Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
py27-telepathy-python-0.15.19_1 -- Python bindings for the Telepathy framework
py27-tempstorage-2.12.1 -- A RAM-based storage for ZODB
py27-termcolor-1.1.0 -- ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal
py27-testoob-1.15 -- Testoob is an advanced unit testing framework for PyUnit
py27-testtools-0.9.21 -- Extensions to the Python library's unit testing framework
py27-textile-2.1.5 -- Textile markup generator written in Python
py27-texttable-0.8.1 -- Module for creating simple ASCII tables
py27-tftpy-0.6.0 -- A Pure Python TFTP Implementation
py27-tgMochiKit-1.4.2 -- MochiKit packaged as TurboGears widgets
py27-tgwebservices-1.2.4 -- Multiprotocol Web Services for TurboGears
py27-thrift-0.8.0 -- Python interface to Thrift
py27-timelib-0.2.4 -- Parse English textual date descriptions
py27-tkinter-2.7.3_3 -- Python bindings to the Tk widget set
py27-tktreectrl-0.8 -- TkTreectrl Python bindings
py27-tlslite-0.4.3 -- Python module implementing SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1
py27-tofu-0.5 -- Practical high-level network game engine
py27-tornado-2.3 -- Python Web Server from FriendFeed
py27-tox-1.4.2 -- Python virtualenv-based automation of test activities
py27-trace2html-0.2.1 -- HTML coverage report generator for
py27-traits-3.6.0 -- Explicitly Typed Attributes for Python
py27-traitsbackendwx-3.2.0_3 -- Wx backend for TraitsGUI
py27-traitsgui-3.1.0_3 -- Gui toolkit derived from the Enthought python traits library
py27-trans-1.5.1 -- Module for performing transliteration
py27-transaction-1.3.0 -- Transaction management for Python
py27-translationstring-0.4 -- Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages
py27-transmissionrpc-0.8 -- A Python module that communicates with Transmission through JSON-RPC
py27-trml2pdf-1.2_1 -- Tiny RML2PDF easily creates PDF documents.
py27-trustedpickle-0.02 -- TrustedPickle is a Python (de)Pickler with a way to verify the data
py27-turbomail-3.0.3_2 -- Multi-threaded mail queue manager for TurboGears applications
py27-tvdb_api-1.6.2 -- API interface to
py27-tvnamer-2.2 -- Automatically names downloaded/recorded TV-episode
py27-tw.forms-0.9.9 -- Web Widgets for building and validating forms
py27-tweepy-1.10 -- A library for accessing the API
py27-twisted-12.1.0 -- Metaport of Twisted, an event-driven networking engine
py27-twistedConch-12.1.0 -- An SSH and SFTP protocol implementation with clients and servers
py27-twistedCore-12.1.0_1 -- An asynchronous networking framework for Python - Core module
py27-twistedFlow-8.2.0 -- Generator based asynchronous result flows
py27-twistedLore-12.1.0 -- Documentation generator with HTML and LaTeX support
py27-twistedMail-12.1.0 -- SMTP, IMAP, and POP protocol implementation with clients and servers
py27-twistedNames-12.1.0 -- A DNS protocol implementation with client and server
py27-twistedNews-12.1.0 -- An NNTP protocol implementation with client and server
py27-twistedPair-12.1.0 -- Twisted Pair can do low level TCP work
py27-twistedRunner-12.1.0 -- Runner has process management, including an inetd replacement
py27-twistedWeb-12.1.0 -- An HTTP protocol implementation together with clients and servers
py27-twistedWeb2-8.1.0 -- The next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted
py27-twistedWords-12.1.0 -- Twisted Words has more chat than you can handle
py27-twitter-0.8.2 -- A python wrapper around the Twitter API
py27-twofish-0.7_1 -- Twofish cryptographic module for Python
py27-txamqp-0.3 -- Twisted Python library for the AMQP messaging protocol
py27-ufl-1.0.0 -- Unified Form Language for finite element discretizations
py27-ujson-1.23 -- Ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python
py27-umemcache-1.5 -- Memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings
py27-umit-1.0_1 -- UMIT is the nmap frontend developed with Python and PyGTK
py27-unidecode-0.04.9 -- ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
py27-unittest2-0.5.1 -- Unittest features for Python 2.7 backported to Python 2.3+
py27-unittestplus-1.1.1 -- Test utilities built on unittest
py27-urlgrabber-3.9.1_1 -- A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
py27-urlimport-0.42b -- Python script for importing modules/packages over the net
py27-urljr-1.0.1 -- Common interface to HTTP fetchers for PycURL or urllib2
py27-urllib3-1.4 -- Enhance HTTP Python's standard library
py27-urwid-1.0.2 -- Curses-based user interface library for Python
py27-usb-0.4.3 -- Python wrapper around libusb
py27-utidy-0.2_1 -- Python interface to tidy-lib
py27-utils-0.4.0 -- General utility modules that simplify common programming in Python
py27-vatnumber-1.0 -- Python module to validate VAT numbers
py27-venusian-1.0a6 -- A Python library for deferring decorator actions
py27-versiontools-1.9.1 -- Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__
py27-vertex-0.3.0 -- Vertex is an implementation of the Q2Q protocol
py27-viper-1.0.0 -- Minimalistic scientific plotter and visualization module
py27-virtinst-0.600.3 -- Module to help in starting installations inside of virtual machines
py27-virtualenv-1.8.2 -- Virtual Python Environment builder
py27-virtualenv-clone-0.2.4 -- Python virtualenv cloning script
py27-virtualenvwrapper-3.6 -- A set of extensions to Virtual Python Environment builder
py27-visual-4.b26_6 -- A python module that offers real 3D visual output
py27-vnc2flv-20100207_1 -- Captures a VNC desktop session and saves as a flv
py27-vobject-0.8.1c_1 -- ICalendar library
py27-vorbis-1.4_4 -- Object-oriented Python bindings for the vorbis library
py27-vte-0.26.2_1 -- Python interface for VTE (Terminal widget)
py27-waitress-0.8.1 -- Python WSGI server
py27-watchdog-0.6.0 -- Python API library to monitor file system events
py27-wax-0.3.33_4 -- A user-friendly layer on top of wxPython
py27-webcolors-1.4 -- Library working with the sRGB color space as used in the HTML and CSS
py27-webhelpers-1.3 -- Python helper functions for writing templates in web applications
py27-webkitgtk-1.1.8_2 -- Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port
py27-webob-1.2.2 -- WSGI request and response Python object
py27-webunit-1.3.10 -- Unit test your websites with code that acts like a web browser
py27-webware-1.1 -- A versatile web application server written in Python
py27-webware-Component-0.2 -- Webware servlet component extension
py27-werkzeug-0.8.3 -- Python utilities collection for building WSGI applications
py27-whisper-0.9.10 -- Fixed-size database, similar in design to RRD
py27-whoosh-2.4.1 -- Featureful full-text indexing and searching in Python
py27-wicked-1.1.9 -- Compact syntax for doing wiki-like content linking and creation
py27-wikitools-1.1.1 -- Python package for interacting with a MediaWiki wiki
py27-wmdockapps-1.21_1 -- Tools for making dockapps in Python
py27-wordnet-2.0.1_1 -- Python Interface to WordNet
py27-ws2300-1.5 -- A driver for the LaCrosse WS-2300 weather station
py27-wsgi_xmlrpc-0.2.8 -- WSGI application for a simple XMLRPC method dispatching
py27-wsgiauth-0.1 -- A WSGI authentication middleware
py27-wsgitools-0.2.3 -- Useful middlewares and filters for wsgi as well as scgi servers
py27-wsgiutils-0.7_1 -- Utility libraries for development of simple WSGI programs
py27-wxPython- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-wxPython- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-wxPython-common- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-wxPython-common- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-wxPython-unicode- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-wxPython-unicode- -- Python bindings for the wxWidgets/GTK GUI toolkit
py27-xattr-0.6.4 -- Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes
py27-xcaplib-1.0.16 -- Python XCAP client library
py27-xdelta-3.0.0_1 -- Python module for xdelta3
py27-xdg-0.19 -- A python library to access standards
py27-xist-3.25 -- An XML-based extensible HTML generator
py27-xlib-0.14 -- X11 library for Python
py27-xlrd-0.7.1_2 -- Reading data and formatting information from Excel files
py27-xlwriter-0.4a3 -- A python library for generating Excel-compatible spreadsheets
py27-xlwt-0.7.2 -- Writing data and formatting information from Excel files
py27-xml-0.8.4_2 -- PyXML: Python XML library enhancements
py27-xmlrpc- -- A fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python
py27-xmlrpclib-1.0.1 -- A Python implementation of the XML-RPC protocol
py27-xmlsec-0.3.0_1 -- A set of Python bindings for XML Security Library
py27-xmltools-1.4.0_8 -- High level XML tools for Python
py27-xmltv-1.3_1 -- A Python module that provides access to XMLTV TV listings
py27-xmms-2.02_4 -- XMMS Remote Control Library for Python
py27-xmms2-0.8_5 -- Python Bindings for XMMS2
py27-xmpppy-0.5.0_2 -- A Python library that provides easy scripting with Jabber
py27-xmpppy-irc-0.3_1 -- An xmpp to irc transport
py27-xoltar-toolkit-2001.06.01 -- Functional programming, lazy expressions, and thread pools for Python
py27-xpyb-1.3.1 -- Python bindings to access X Window System protocol via libxcb
py27-yadis-1.1.0 -- Python support for the Yadis service discovery protocol
py27-yaml-3.10 -- Python YAML parser
py27-yapps2-2.1.1 -- An easy-to-use parser generator that generates Python code
py27-yapsnmp-0.7.8_7 -- Python SNMP module based on net-snmp
py27-yara-1.6 -- Python bindings for yara
py27-yenc-0.3 -- A yenc decoding module for Python in C
py27-yolk-0.4.1_1 -- A Python tool for listing packages installed by setuptools
py27-yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4 -- A fast metadata parser for yum
py27-z3c.autoinclude-0.3.4 -- Automatically include ZCML
py27-z3c.batching-1.1.0 -- Simple sequence batching
py27-z3c.caching-2.0a1 -- Caching infrastructure for web apps
py27-z3c.form-2.5.1 -- An advanced form and widget framework for Zope 3
py27-z3c.formwidget.query-0.8 -- A source query widget for z3c.form
py27-z3c.zcmlhook-1.0b1 -- Easily hook into the ZCML processing machinery
py27-zExceptions-2.13.0 -- Contains common exceptions used in Zope2
py27-zLOG-2.11.1 -- A general logging facility
py27-zbase32-1.1.5 -- Base32 Encoder/Decoder
py27-zc.buildout-1.5.2 -- System for managing development buildouts
py27-zclockfile-1.0.0_1 -- Basic inter-process locks
py27-zconfig-2.9.0_1 -- General use python configuration library
py27-zdaemon-2.0.7 -- Daemon Process Control Library and Tools for Unix-bases Systems
py27-zenmap-5.21_5 -- GUI frontend for the nmap scanning utility
py27-zfec-1.4.22_1 -- A fast erasure codec
py27-zfs-1_2 -- Python ZFS library
py27-zinnia-0.06 -- Zinnna Python Interface
py27-zope.annotation-3.5.0 -- Object annotation mechanism -- Zope application control -- Zope app setup helper -- Principals and groups management for the pluggable authentication -- Zope ZMI Basic Skin -- Zope Broken (ZODB) Object Support -- Zope Caching Framework -- Local Zope Component Support -- Zope Container -- Zope Content Type -- Zope Debug Mode -- Simple Dependency API -- Error reporting utility management UI for Zope3 -- Zope 3 exception views -- Folder Content Type for Zope 3 -- The Original Zope 3 Form Framework -- ZMI UI for zope.generations -- HTTP Behavior for the Zope Publisher -- Persistent translation domains and message catalogs -- Zope locale extraction and management utilities -- Local Persistent Permissions for -- PageTemplate integration for Zope 3 -- Bootstrap subscriber and browser menu item for zope.principalannotation -- Zope publication -- Means for configuration of Zope 3 style views and resources -- Text Renderer Framework -- A Zope 3 ZMI Skin -- Component Architecture based Vocabulary Registry -- ZMI Views For Zope3 Security Components -- ZMI-based management views for zope.securitypolicy -- Zope Application Testing Support -- WSGI application for the zope.publisher -- Zope application server ZCML files -- Zope Application ZODB Update Generations
py27-zope.applicationcontrol-3.5.5 -- Zope applicationcontrol
py27-zope.authentication-3.7.1 -- Definition of authentication basics for the Zope Framework
py27-zope.broken-3.6.0 -- Zope Broken Object Interfaces
py27-zope.browser-1.3 -- Shared Zope Toolkit browser components
py27-zope.browsermenu-3.9.1 -- Browser menu implementation for Zope
py27-zope.browserpage-3.12.2 -- ZCML directives for configuring browser views for Zope
py27-zope.browserresource-3.10.3 -- Browser resources implementation for Zope
py27-zope.cachedescriptors-3.5.1 -- Method and property caching decorators
py27-zope.component-3.12.0 -- Zope Component Architecture
py27-zope.componentvocabulary-1.0.1 -- Zope Component vocabularies
py27-zope.configuration-3.8.0 -- Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)
py27-zope.container-3.12.0 -- Zope Container
py27-zope.contentprovider-3.7.2 -- Content Provider Framework for Zope Templates
py27-zope.contenttype-3.5.5 -- Zope contenttype
py27-zope.copy-3.5.0 -- Pluggable object copying mechanism
py27-zope.copypastemove-3.8.0 -- Copy, Paste, and Move support for content components
py27-zope.datetime-3.4.1 -- Commonly used date and time related utility functions
py27-zope.deferredimport-3.5.3 -- Allows to import names that will be resolved when used in the code
py27-zope.deprecation-3.5.0 -- Zope 3 Deprecation Infrastructure
py27-zope.dottedname-3.4.6 -- Resolver for Python dotted names
py27-zope.dublincore-3.8.2 -- Zope Dublin Core implementation
py27-zope.error-3.7.4 -- An error reporting utility for Zope3
py27-zope.event-3.5.2 -- Very basic event publishing system
py27-zope.exceptions- -- General Zope Exceptions
py27-zope.filerepresentation-3.6.1 -- File-system Representation Interfaces
py27-zope.formlib-4.0.6 -- Form generation and validation library for Zope
py27-zope.generations-3.7.1 -- Zope application schema generations
py27-zope.globalrequest-1.0 -- Global way of retrieving the currently active request
py27-zope.i18n-3.8.0 -- Zope Internationalization Support
py27-zope.i18nmessageid-3.6.1 -- Message Identifiers for internationalization
py27-zope.interface-3.8.0 -- Interfaces for Python
py27-zope.lifecycleevent-3.7.0 -- Object life-cycle events
py27-zope.location-3.9.1 -- Zope Location
py27-zope.login-1.0.0 -- Login helpers for zope.publisher / authentication
py27-zope.minmax-1.1.2 -- Homogeneous values favoring maximum or minimum
py27-zope.pagetemplate-3.6.3 -- Zope Page Templates
py27-zope.password-3.6.1 -- Password encoding and checking utilities
py27-zope.pluggableauth-1.3 -- Pluggable Authentication Utility
py27-zope.principalannotation-3.6.1 -- Annotations for Zope Principals
py27-zope.principalregistry-3.7.1 -- Global principal registry component for Zope3
py27-zope.processlifetime-1.0 -- Zope process lifetime events
py27-zope.proxy-3.6.1_3 -- Generic Transparent Proxies
py27-zope.ptresource-3.9.0 -- Page template resource plugin for zope.browserresource
py27-zope.publisher-3.13.0 -- Publishes Python objects on the web
py27-zope.ramcache-1.0 -- Zope RAM Cache
py27-zope.schema-4.2.0 -- Zope Interface extension for defining data schemas -- Zope Security Framework
py27-zope.securitypolicy-3.7.0 -- Default security policy for Zope3
py27-zope.sendmail-3.7.5 -- Zope sendmail
py27-zope.sequencesort-3.4.0 -- Very Advanced Sequence Sorting
py27-zope.session-3.9.5 -- Client identification and sessions for Zope -- Local registries for zope component architecture
py27-zope.size-3.5.0 -- Interfaces and simple adapter that give the size of an object
py27-zope.structuredtext-3.5.1 -- StructuredText parser
py27-zope.tal-3.6.1 -- Zope Template Application Language (TAL)
py27-zope.tales-3.5.2 -- Zope Template Application Language Expression Syntax (TALES)
py27-zope.testbrowser-4.0.2 -- Programmable browser for functional black-box tests
py27-zope.testing-4.1.0 -- Zope testing helpers
py27-zope.traversing-3.14.0 -- Resolving paths in the object hierarchy
py27-zope.viewlet-3.7.2 -- Zope Viewlets
py27-zpt-2.5 -- A Zope-less version of Zope Page Templates
py27-zsi-2.0 -- A pure Python module that provides an implementation of SOAP 1.1
py2html-py27-0.7 -- Python Highlighter for HTML
py31-tkinter-3.1.5_3 -- Python bindings to the Tk widget set
py32-kyotocabinet-1.22 -- Python binding of kyotocabinet
py32-postgresql-1.1.0 -- Python 3 compatible PostgreSQL database driver and tools
pyWeather-0.1b -- Python script that downloads weather data and can be cronned
py_static_check-1.2 -- Statically check your python code
pyawale-0.4.0_2 -- African board game
pybaz-1.5.3_3 -- Python interface to Baz/Arch version control system
pybeanstalk-0.11.1 -- A pure python client library for beanstalkd queue
pybench-2.0 -- An extensible benchmark suite for Python
pyblosxom-1.5.2 -- A lightweight weblog system
pybook-0.8c -- A Project Gutenberg e-texts reader
pybookreader-0.5.0_6 -- Program for reading e-books
pybrain-0.3 -- PyBrain is the swiss army knife for neural networking
pycadia-0.5.1_1 -- Home to vector gaming, Python style
pycdf-0.6.3 -- A Python Interface to the Unidata NetCDF Library
pychecker-0.8.19 -- Python source code checking tool to help hunting common bugs
pyching-1.2.2 -- Consult a I Ching, an ancient Chinese book of wisdom
pychm-0.8.4 -- Bindings for CHMLIB library
pyclamd-0.2.2 -- Python ClamD interface module
pycogent-1.5.3 -- A toolkit for statistical analysis of biological sequences
pydance-1.1.0_2 -- Dancing simulation game similar to the kind in arcades
pydbdesigner- -- Graphical designer for relational databases
pydf-10 -- A python implementation of df
pydirector-1.0.0 -- A TCP load balancer written in Python
pyephem- -- Scientific-grade astronomical computations for Python
pyfasta-0.4.5 -- Fast, memory-efficient, pythonic access to fasta sequence files
pygopherd-2.0.16 -- Multiprotocol Information Server
pygts-0.3.1 -- Python binding for GNU Triangulated Surface(GTS) Library
pyjama- -- Frontend to the Jamendo music network
pyjamas-0.5 -- A port of Google Web Toolkit to Python
pykawari-8.2.8_3 -- A real kawari8 module for ninix-aya
pylibacl-0.5.0_2 -- Manipulate ACL with Python
pylint-py27-0.26.0 -- Analyzes python source code looking for bugs and signs of poor quality
pylize-1.3.b_3 -- A presentation generation tool
pylot-1.26_2 -- Tool for testing performance and scalability of web services
pymol- -- Free and Open-Source molecular modeling system
pymongo-2.3 -- Python driver for MongoDB
pymorph-0.96_1 -- Pymorph is a pure implementations of image morphology functions
pymsgauth-2.1.0 -- Automatically process qsecretary confirmation requests
pymysql-0.5 -- Pure Python MySQL Driver
pyobfuscate-0.3 -- Python source code obfuscator
pypanda-0.6_6 -- Viewer for San Diego Zoo Pandacam written in Python
pypanel-2.4_9 -- Desktop panel written in Python
pypersrc-20120106_1 -- Python/Tkinter based source browser
pypvm-0.94_1 -- PVM for Python
pypy-1.9_2 -- PyPy is a fast, compliant implementation of the Python language
pyrenamer-0.6.0_5 -- A mass file renamer written in PyGTK
pyrex-0.9.9 -- Programming Language for writing Python extension modules
pyro-1.5_7 -- A simple OpenGL-based firework simulator
pyside-py27-1.1.1 -- Python bindings for the Qt applications and UI framework
pyside-tools-py27-0.2.13_1 -- Utilities for creating PySide applications
pysieved-1.0_1 -- Python Managesieve Server
pysol-4.82_1 -- Solitaire game, written in Python
pysol-cardsets-4.40_1 -- Collection of free cardsets adapted for use with PySol
pysol-music-4.40_1 -- Collection of background music for use with PySol
pysol-sound-server-3.01_5 -- Python extension module to play sounds and background music
pysolfc-2.0_2 -- Solitaire game, written in Python and the successor of PySol
pyst-0.4.38 -- Python interface to allow Asterisk programming
pystemmer-1.2.0 -- Snowball Stemming Algorithms for Information Retrieval
pysvg-0.2.1 -- pySVG - creating svg with python
pysvn-1.7.6 -- Python binding for Subversion
pysycache-2.0_5 -- Educational software made in python
pysycache-lang-2.0_4 -- The pysycache lang support
pysycache-themes-2.0_4 -- The pysycache themes support
python-2.7 -- The "meta-port" for the default version of Python interpreter
python-doc-html-2.7.3 -- Documentation for the Python programming language
python-doc-pdf-a4-2.7.3 -- Documentation for the Python programming language
python-doc-pdf-letter-2.7.3 -- Documentation for the Python programming language
python-doc-text-2.7.3 -- Documentation for the Python programming language
python-mode.el-1.0_1 -- Emacs lisp module for the Python language
python-nexus-0.87 -- A generic nexus file format reader for python
python26-2.6.8_3 -- An interpreted object-oriented programming language
python27-2.7.3_3 -- An interpreted object-oriented programming language
python31-3.1.5_1 -- An interpreted object-oriented programming language
python32-3.2.3_1 -- An interpreted object-oriented programming language
pythoncad-37_1 -- An open-source CAD package built designed around Python
pythonchess-0.6_1 -- Small program for playing chess against the computer
pytone-3.0.2_2 -- A music jukebox written in Python with a curses GUI
pyweblib-1.3.9 -- Yet another web programming framework for Python
pyxmame-0.4.0_5 -- Simple frontend for the xmame
pyzor-0.5.0_2 -- A collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam
q-7.11_11 -- Q -- equational programming language
q-audio-2.7_6 -- Q-Audio -- digital audio interface for the Q language
q-graph-1.8_5 -- Q-Graph -- graph library and editor for the Q language
q15-1.0_7 -- A Qt-based game fifteen
q2p-0.2.20061231_12 -- Enhanced OpenGL only Quake II engine
q2pro-142_7 -- Quake II engine modification compatible with R1Q2
q3cellshading-1.0_1 -- Quake III engine with Cell Shading capabilities
q4wine-0.120_1 -- QT4 front-end for WINE
qadsl-1.3.3_2 -- Auto login/Keep-alive for Telia AB ADSL, COMHEM Cable, and Tiscali Internet
qalculate-0.9.7_2 -- A multi-purpose desktop calculator (Gnome frontend)
qar-bufo-1.3.1 -- Generates the Qmail assign and recipients file based on unix groups
qbittorrent-3.0.6 -- Bittorrent client using Qt4 and libtorrent-rasterbar
qbittorrent-nox11-3.0.6 -- Bittorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar, web UI version
qbrew-0.4.1_4 -- A homebrewer's recipe calculator
qbzr-0.23.0 -- Qt interface for bzr
qca-2.0.3_1 -- Cross-platform crypto API for QT
qca-cyrus-sasl-2.0.0.b3_1 -- QCA Cyrus SASL plugin
qca-gnupg-2.0.0.b3_1 -- QCA GnuPG plugin
qca-ossl-2.0.0.b3_4 -- QCA OpenSLL plugin
qca-tls-1.0_8 -- SSL/TLS plugin for Qt
qcad- -- Professional CAD system
qcad-partslib- -- Professional CAD system
qcamview-0.40d_6 -- Logitech Quickcam Express USB Utilities for NetBSD/FreeBSD
qcc-1.01 -- The QuakeC compiler, for building custom games of Quake
qccx-1.0.0 -- A very fast optimizing QuakeC compiler
qcl-0.6.1 -- A quantum computer simulator
qcomicbook-0.8.1_3 -- QT-based comic book archive viewer
qconf-1.4 -- Tool to create configure script for qmake-based project
qconfirm-0.14.3 -- Filter spam by requesting confirmation from sender
qcread-0.3_1 -- Supports both color and B&W parallel-port Connectix QuickCam for PC
qct-1.7_7 -- QCT GUI commit tool
qd-2.3.7_1 -- Double-Double and Quad-Double Arithmetic
qdbm-1.8.78 -- Quick Database Manager
qdbm-plus-1.8.78 -- C++ API for QDBM
qdecoder-12.0.2 -- C/C++ language library including CGI supports
qdevelop-0.28_1 -- A development environment entirely dedicated to Qt4
qdvdauthor-1.1.0_10 -- QT graphical frontend for dvdauthor
qelectrotech-0.22_1 -- QElectroTech is application to design electric diagrams
qemu-0.11.1_11 -- QEMU CPU Emulator
qemu-devel-1.1.1 -- QEMU CPU Emulator - development version
qemu-launcher-1.7.4_6 -- A GTK front-end to Qemu
qfaxreader-0.3.1_7 -- Mono/color multipage tiff/fax files visualisation/printing utility
qfsm-0.53.0 -- A graphical tool for designing finite state machines
qgis-1.8.0 -- Geographical Information System (GIS) data viewer
qgit-qt4-2.3_1 -- A graphical interface to git repositories
qgmailnotifier-2008.3_2 -- A portable QT4 based GMail notifier
qgo- -- A Go board and SGF editor written with the Qt library
qhacc-3.5_8 -- Simple QT-based financial manager
qhull-1.0_2 -- Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
qhull-2012.1 -- Qhull computes convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, and halfspaces
qico- -- An FidoNet Technology Network (FTN) compatible mailer for Unix systems
qimageblitz-0.0.6_1 -- Graphical effects and filters library for KDE4
qinx-1.4_10 -- A QNX Photon like window decoration and widget style for KDE
qiv-2.2.4_1 -- Small, fast GDK/Imlib2 image viewer
qiviewer-0.5.0_1 -- Fast and lightweight image viewer
qix-1.2_2 -- The classic arcade game
qjackctl-0.3.9 -- Qt Interface for the JACK Audio Connection Kit
qjail-1.7 -- Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
qjson-0.7.1_2 -- Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
qkismet-0.3.1_2 -- This is graphical Kismet client writtent in Qt
qlabels-0.2_3 -- A labels and business cards creating and printing software
qlandkartegt-1.5.1 -- The ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool
qlas-1.93 -- Qico FIDO mailer log analyzer and statistic builder
qlogtools-3.1_1 -- Tools for processing logs from qmail and other packages
qlwm-4.3_2 -- Qt-based window manager
qmail-1.03_7 -- A secure, reliable, efficient, simple, and fast MTA
qmail-activedir-0.17_1 -- Programs to allow qmail to authenticate users through a MS ad
qmail-auditor-0.47_1 -- Selective e-mail auditing for qmail by means of qmail-queue wrapping
qmail-autoresponder-0.97_1 -- Rate-limited autoresponder for qmail
qmail-conf-0.60_2 -- Configure various qmail services to run under daemontools
qmail-contrib-0.1_1 -- Contributed programs for qmail
qmail-dk-0.54_1 -- DomainKeys implementation for qmail
qmail-ldap-1.03.20060201_5 -- Secure, reliable, and fast MTA for UNIX systems with LDAP support
qmail-mysql- -- Secure, reliable, and fast MTA for UNIX systems with MySQL support
qmail-notify-0.93_1 -- Delayed delivery notification for qmail
qmail-qfilter-2.1_2 -- Front-end for qmail-queue to run messages through filters
qmail-rblchk-2.4.1 -- A qmail RBL filter
qmail-remove-0.95 -- Removes messages from your qmail queue based on a particular string
qmail-scanner-1.25_3 -- Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail
qmail-scanner-2.10 -- Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail
qmail-spamcontrol-1.03.2624_1 -- Qmail MTA with SpamControl patches
qmail-tls-1.03.20021228_5 -- Secure, reliable, and fast MTA for UNIX systems with TLS support
qmailadmin-1.2.13 -- CGI program for administering Qmail with vchkpw/vpopmail
qmailadmin-1.2.15_1 -- CGI program for administering Qmail with vchkpw/vpopmail
qmailanalog-0.70_3 -- A collection of tools to analyze qmail-send's activity
qmailmrtg7-4.2_5 -- A program to create mrtg graphs for qmail activity
qmake-3.3.8_1 -- The build utility of the Qt project
qmars-1.1_1 -- Quicker Mars - heavily optimized mars simulator
qmc2-0.37 -- Qt4 based UNIX MAME/MESS frontend
qmhandle-1.3.2_2 -- Tool to view and manage a qmail queue
qmls-0.2 -- Quine-McCluskey Logic Simplifier
qmmp-0.6.3 -- A Qt4-based multimedia player
qmmp-plugin-pack-0.6.2 -- Additional plug-ins for QMMP
qmpdclient-1.2.2_1 -- Easy to use musicpd client written in Qt4
qmqtool-1.12 -- Tool to manipulate contents of a qmail queue
qmrtg-2.1_6 -- A simple tool for monitoring and graphing qmail activity through MRTG
qnetwalk-1.3_5 -- Qt-version of the NetWalk game
qnxstyle-0.2_9 -- A QNX style/theme for KDE3
qoauth-1.0.1 -- QT support for OAuth-powered network services
qonk-0.3.1_10 -- Small space build and conquer strategy game
qooxdoo-2.0.2 -- Comprehensive and innovative Ajax application framework
qore-0.8.3 -- The Qore Programming Language
qorganizer-3.1_3 -- A general organizer that includes calendar with jurnal and schedule
qpage-3.3_7 -- SNPP client/server for sending messages to an alphanumeric pager
qpdfview-0.3.1 -- Tabbed PDF viewer using the poppler library
qpopper-2.53_5 -- Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm)
qpopper-4.1.0_1 -- Berkeley POP 3 server (now maintained by Qualcomm)
qprint-1.0 -- Encode and decode Quoted-Printable files
qprog-0.4_4 -- Cross-platform software for the DIY line of PIC programmers
qpxtool- -- A GUI for testing CD/DVD quality and transfer rate
qq-v1.0.2.b1.i386_2 -- Tencent QQ for Linux
qrfcview-0.62_5 -- Graphical RFC viewer
qross-0.2.2 -- Qt-only fork of Kross, the KDE scripting framework
qrq-0.3.0 -- Morse telegraphy trainer similar to the classic DOS version by DL4MM
qrupdate-1.1.2 -- Fortran library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decomposition
qsa-1.1.5_1 -- Cross-platform scripting toolkit for Qt applications
qsampler-0.2.2_3 -- Qt-based front end to LinuxSampler
qscan-1.5_5 -- A mail filter for Qmail that scans messages with ClamAV
qscheme-0.5.1_6 -- A small and fast Scheme interpreter
qscintilla-1.7.1_8 -- QT port of the Scintilla C++ editor class
qscintilla2-2.6.1_1 -- Qt4 port of the Scintilla C++ editor class
qscintilla2-designerplugin-2.6.1_1 -- Qt Designer plugin for QScintilla2 (Qt4)
qsf-1.2.7_1 -- A small fast spam filter intended to be used with procmail
qsheff-II-2.1.r3_5 -- A qmail-queue replacement to filter mail traffic
qslim-2.1_6 -- SlimKit Surface Modeling Tools
qssl-2.0_7 -- QSSL is a Qt plugin that helps applications use OpenSSL
qsstv-6.0a_7 -- Amateur Radio SSTV/FAX reception program for unix
qstardict-1.0.1 -- Dictionary program written in Qt4
qstat-2.11 -- A command line program to query game servers on the net
qsvn-0.8.1_5 -- Qt based GUI frontend for Subversion
qsynth-0.3.4_3 -- Qt fluidsynth front-end application
qt-3.3.8_14 -- Multiplatform C++ application framework
qt-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_4 -- The Bluecurve QT theme
qt-faststart-0.2 -- Convert QuickTime movie files to streamable format
qt-mysql-plugin-3.3.8_10 -- A plugin for QT to connect to MySQL-Databases
qt-odbc-plugin-3.3.8_10 -- A plugin for QT to connect to ODBC-compatible databases
qt-psql-plugin-3.3.8_9 -- A plugin for QT to connect to PostgreSQL-Databases
qt-sqlite-plugin-3.3.8_9 -- A plugin for QT to connect to SQLite-Databases
qt4-4.8.2 -- Multiplatform C++ application framework (metaport)
qt4-accessible-4.8.2 -- Qt accessibility widgets
qt4-assistant-4.8.2 -- Qt documentation browser
qt4-assistant-adp-4.6.3_1 -- Qt documentation browser, adp compat version
qt4-clucene-4.8.2 -- QtCLucene full text search library wrapper
qt4-codecs-cn-4.8.2 -- Qt GB 18030 codec plugin
qt4-codecs-jp-4.8.2 -- Qt EUC-JP/JIS codec plugins
qt4-codecs-kr-4.8.2 -- Qt EUC-KR codec plugin
qt4-codecs-tw-4.8.2 -- Qt Big-5 codec plugin
qt4-corelib-4.8.2 -- Qt core library
qt4-dbus-4.8.2 -- Qt4 bindings for the D-BUS messaging system
qt4-declarative-4.8.2 -- Qt4 framework for building highly dynamic user interfaces
qt4-designer-4.8.2 -- Qt ui editor
qt4-doc-4.8.2 -- Multiplatform C++ application framework
qt4-graphicssystems-opengl-4.8.2 -- OpenGL rendering engine (experimental)
qt4-gui-4.8.2_1 -- Qt graphical user interface library
qt4-help-4.8.2 -- QtHelp module provides QHelpEngine API and is used by Assistant
qt4-help-tools-4.8.2 -- QtHelp tools to generate and convert documentation
qt4-ibase-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt IBase/Firebird database plugin
qt4-iconengines-4.8.2 -- Qt SVG icon engine plugin
qt4-imageformats-4.8.2 -- Qt imageformat plugins for GIF, JPEG, MNG, and SVG
qt4-inputmethods-4.8.2 -- Qt input method plugins
qt4-l10n-4.8.2 -- Qt translations messages
qt4-libQtAssistantClient-4.6.3_1 -- Qt documentation browser integration library
qt4-linguist-4.8.2 -- Qt localisation tool
qt4-makeqpf-4.8.2 -- Qt qtopia font creator
qt4-moc-4.8.2 -- Qt meta object compiler
qt4-multimedia-4.8.2 -- Qt4 low-level multimedia API
qt4-mysql-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt MySQL database plugin
qt4-network-4.8.2 -- Qt network library
qt4-odbc-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt ODBC database plugin
qt4-opengl-4.8.2 -- Qt OpenGL library
qt4-phonon-4.8.2 -- Qt4 multimedia framework
qt4-phonon-gst-4.8.2 -- Qt4 multimedia framework, gstreamer backend
qt4-pixeltool-4.8.2 -- Qt screen magnification utility
qt4-porting-4.8.2 -- Qt utility to assist with porting Qt3 applications to Qt4
qt4-psql-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt PostgreSQL database plugin
qt4-qdbusviewer-4.8.2 -- Qt4 D-BUS viewer
qt4-qdoc3-4.8.2 -- Qt documentation generator
qt4-qmake-4.8.2_3 -- The build utility of the Qt project
qt4-qmlviewer-4.8.2 -- Qt4 QML viewer
qt4-qt3support-4.8.2 -- Qt3 compatibility library
qt4-qtconfig-4.8.2 -- Qt graphical configuration utility
qt4-qtdemo-4.8.2 -- Qt demonstration and example programs
qt4-qtestlib-4.8.2 -- Qt unit testing library
qt4-qtsolutions-singleapplication-20110722_1 -- QT4 Solutions Single Application Framework
qt4-qtsolutions-soap-20110722_1 -- QT4 Solutions SOAP Component
qt4-qvfb-4.8.2 -- Qt virtual framebuffer utility
qt4-rcc-4.8.2 -- Qt resource compiler
qt4-script-4.8.2 -- Qt script
qt4-scripttools-4.8.2 -- Qt script
qt4-sql-4.8.2 -- Qt SQL library
qt4-sqlite-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt SQLite 3.x database plugin
qt4-sqlite2-plugin-4.8.2 -- Qt SQLite 2.x database plugin
qt4-style-float-0.1a2_1 -- Style for Qt 4 and KDE
qt4-style-phase-0.8_1 -- Widget style for Qt 4 and KDE 4
qt4-style-qtcurve-1.8.13 -- QtCurve Qt4 widget style
qt4-style-quantumstyle-r6_1 -- SVG themeable style for Qt 4 and KDE
qt4-svg-4.8.2 -- Qt SVG library
qt4-uic-4.8.2 -- Qt user interface compiler
qt4-uic3-4.8.2_1 -- Qt backwards-compatible user interface compiler
qt4-webkit-4.8.2 -- Qt4 WebKit engine
qt4-xml-4.8.2 -- Qt XML library
qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.2 -- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 support for Qt4
qt4-xmlpatterns-tool-4.8.2 -- Qt4 command line utility for running XQueries
qt4pas-2.5_1 -- Qt4 binding for FreePascal
qtcreator-2.5.0_1 -- Qt Creator IDE and tools
qtel-11.05 -- Qt EchoLink Client and SvrLink audio server
qtella-0.7.0_10 -- A Gnutella client using Qt
qtemu-1.0.5_3 -- A Qt4 front-end to Qemu
qtfm-5.5 -- A small, lightweight file manager based on pure Qt
qtfw-0.5_7 -- A GUI frontend for ipfw utility in FreeBSD
qtgtl-0.9.2_1 -- Qt bindings for the Graphics Transformation Languages
qtiplot- -- An Origin clone for data analysis and scientific plotting
qtiplot-doc- -- The QtiPlot Handbook
qtm-1.3.12 -- Blog management application based on Qt 4
qtoctave-0.9.1_1 -- Qt4 frontend for Octave
qtools-0.56_2 -- Tools to use in .qmail files
qtorrent- -- BitTorrent client that uses the Qt widget-set
qtpkg-1.0_7 -- A Qt based package removal tool
qtresistors-0.1_2 -- Calculate resistance of resistor by the colors on the resistor
qtscriptgenerator-0.2.0_1 -- Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
qtstalker-0.36_4 -- Commodity and stock market charting and technical analysis
qtv-1.00 -- MVD demo data streaming proxy over TCP/IP for QuakeWorld servers
qu-aspell-0.02.0_1 -- Aspell Quechua dictionary
quackle-0.97_1 -- A scrabble-like word game utilizing qt4
quadra-1.3.0_1 -- Tetris like game with multiplayer support
quagga-0.99.21 -- Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4, IS-IS route software
quagga-re- -- A branch of popular quagga software pointed at stability
quake-data-1.0.6_1 -- Quake data files
quake-dpmod-20071120_1 -- Quake 1 modification (for DarkPlaces)
quake-extras-1.1 -- Addons for Quake
quake-reaper-0.81 -- Quake 1 bots
quake-source-1.01_1 -- Quake and QuakeWorld source
quake2-3zb2-0.97_1 -- 3rd-Zigock Bot II for Quake II
quake2-ctf-1.52 -- Quake II CTF (Capture The Flag) modification
quake2-data-3.20_3 -- Quake II data files
quake2-extras-1.0 -- Quake II extras (high quality textures and skins)
quake2-lights-1 -- Lights modification for Quake II
quake2-matrix-1 -- Matrix modification for Quake II
quake2-psychomod-3.1 -- Psychomod modification for Quake II
quake2-relay-0.4 -- Quake II multi-view demo recording facility
quake2-rogue-3.20 -- Quake II Ground Zero (Rogue) Mission Pack
quake2-source-3.21_1 -- Quake II game source
quake2-xatrix-3.20 -- Quake II: The Reckoning (Xatrix) Mission Pack
quake2-zaero-1.1 -- Quake II Zaero Mission Pack
quake2lnx-0.16.2_10 -- version of the original Quake II
quake2max-0.45_7 -- An OpenGL only Quake II engine modification
quake3-1.32c_1 -- Quake III Arena -- first person shooter (native build)
quake3-data-1.32.b.3_2 -- Quake III Arena data files
quake3-excessive-003 -- Quake III Arena Mod: Excessive
quake3-freezetag-1.51b_1 -- Quake III Arena Mod: Freeze Tag
quake3-osp-1.03a -- Quake III Arena Mod: OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF
quake3-ra3-1.76 -- Quake III Arena Mod: Rocket Arena 3
quake3-rq3-3.2_1 -- Quake III Arena Mod: Reaction Quake 3
quake3-ut-3.7 -- Quake III Arena Mod: Urban Terror
quake3-wfa-3.5b -- Quake III Arena Mod: Weapons Factory Arena
quakeforge-0.5.5_12 -- Cleaned up copy of the GPLd Quake 1 source code
quantis-kmod-v12.09.12 -- Kernel driver for Quantis PCI/PCIe random number generator
quantis-v12.09.12 -- Libraries and utilities to access Quantis devices
quantlib-1.1 -- A comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance
quantumminigolf-1.1.1_2 -- A computer game visualizing quantum mechanics
quaqut-0.2.0 -- Queries information from Unreal Tournament 2004 game servers
quark-3.24_4 -- An audio player, for geeks, by geeks
quasi88-0.6.3_4 -- PC-8801 emulator for X
quassel-0.8.0_1 -- Qt4 based distributed IRC client
quat-1.20 -- A Three-dimensional fractal creator (command line only)
quat-gui-1.20_11 -- A Three-dimensional fractal creator (X11 GUI)
qucs-0.0.16_1 -- Graphical circuit design and simulation tool
qudos-0.40.1_15 -- Enhanced OpenGL only Quake II engine
queequeg-0.91_1 -- A tiny English grammar checker
quesa-1.8_4 -- High level 3D graphics library compatible with Apple's QuickDraw(TM)
queso-980922_1 -- Determine the remote OS using simple TCP packets
quesoglc-0.7.2_3 -- Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer
quetoo-0.6.1_5 -- Fast, stable, compatible, and secure Quake II client
queue-fix-1.4_1 -- Repairs or generates a qmail queue structure
queue-repair-0.9.0_1 -- A qmail queue diagnostic and repair tool
quftp-1.0.7_3 -- A scriptable FTP client
quick-lounge-applet-2.14.1_1 -- Applet to originize your preferred applications on the GNOME Panel
quickcheck-0.0.3 -- A tool for testing C++ programs automatically, inspired by QuickCheck
quickie-1.1_1 -- A small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++
quickml-0.7_13 -- An easy-to-use mailing list system
quicksynergy-0.9.0_5 -- A graphical interface for easily configuring Synergy2
quilt-0.60 -- A collection of bash scripts to ease working with patch files
quimup-1.2.0_1 -- QT4 Client for MPD (the Music Player Daemon)
quirc-0.9.84_5 -- An irc client for the X Window System that uses TCL/TK
quit-1.2a_1 -- A bicycle with trailers like "sl"
quixote-2.7 -- A framework for developing web applications in Python
quodlibet-2.2_7 -- A GTK+-based audio player written in Python
quoted-1.0_1 -- Easily configured QOTD daemon with over 130 good quality quotes
quotes-1.7.2_1 -- Quote, currency, and Slashdot headline fetcher based on Perl
quranref-1.01_2 -- An interactive Quran (Koran)
qutim-0.2_6 -- A Qt4-based multiprotocol IM client with advanced features
qutim-plugin-icq-0.2_3 -- ICQ protocol plugin for qutIM
qutim-plugin-jabber-0.2_6 -- Jabber protocol plugin for qutIM
quvi-0.4.2 -- Command line tool for parsing flash media stream URLs
qvplay-0.95 -- Digital camera downloading tool for Casio QV series
qvwm-1.1.12_9 -- Windows 95/98/NT like window manager for X11
qwdtools-0.29 -- Converts QuakeWorld demos from QWD format to MVD format
qwebirc-0.1_1 -- Fast, easy to use, free, and open source web IRC client
qwit-devel-r215_2 -- A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
qwit-r154_2 -- A Qt4-based lightweight Twitter client
qwt-4.2.0_9 -- Qwt widget library for technical purposes (old version)
qwt-5.2.2_1 -- Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
qwt-6.0.1_1 -- Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
qwt-designerplugin-5.2.2_1 -- Qt Designer plugin for Qwt
qwt-designerplugin-6.0.1_1 -- Qt Designer plugin for Qwt
qwtplot3d-0.2.7_5 -- A 3D plotting widget for scientific data and mathematical expressions
qwtplot3d-qt4-0.2.7_4 -- 3D plotting widgets for scientific data and math expressions
qxmpp-0.3.91_1 -- QXmpp is an xmpp client library based on Qt & C++
qxmpp-leechcraft-0.3.61 -- XMPP client library based on C++ and Qt
qxv-0.2_1 -- A QT4 program that displays images of various formats
qzeitgeist-0.8.0 -- Qt 4 wrapper library around the Zeitgeist D-Bus API
r1q2-7904_5 -- Enhanced Quake II client/server focusing on stability
rabbit-1.0.9 -- An RD-document-based presentation application
rabbitmq-2.8.4 -- RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP
rabbitmq-c-0.0.1_1 -- RabbitMQ C AMQP client library
rabbitmq-c-devel-0.0.1_2 -- RabbitMQ C AMQP client library
rabl_client-1.0.0 -- Reactive Autonomous Blackhole List client
rabl_server-1.0.0 -- Reactive Autonomous Blackhole List server
racket-5.3.1 -- An interactive, integrated, graphical Scheme programming environment
racket-textual-5.3.1 -- An interactive, integrated, graphical Scheme programming environment
rackmonkey-1.2.5_2 -- A web-based tool for managing racks of equipment
racoon2-20100526a_3 -- Racoon2 IPsec daemon
radare2-0.8.1 -- Tools to disasm, debug, analyze, and manipulate binary files
raddump-0.3.1 -- Radius Packet Analyzer
radeontool-1.5 -- ATI Radeon video card controlling tool useful for laptops
radius-engine-1.1 -- Lua script-based 2D engine built on top of OpenGL and SDL
radiusclient-0.5.6_1 -- Client library and basic utilities for RADIUS AAA
radiusd-cistron-1.6.8_2 -- A RADIUS-compliant remote authentication and accounting server
radiusniff-0.2 -- Sniffer for RADIUS traffic
radmind-1.14.1_2012032001 -- Utility for administering filesystem changes
radns-20110809.2 -- IPv6 DNS server address autoconfiguration client
radreport-1.3 -- Perl script for processing radius logs
radsecproxy-1.4.2 -- Radsecproxy is a generic RADIUS proxy
radvd-1.9.1 -- A Linux/BSD IPv6 router advertisement daemon
ragel-6.7 -- Compile regular languages into executable C/C++ code
raggle-0.4.4 -- A console RSS aggregator written in Ruby
raidtest-1.2 -- Test performance of storage devices
railroad-rampage-1.2_2 -- Tower Defence-like Arcade and Strategy combination
rainbowcrack-1.2 -- Hash cracker that precomputes plaintext - ciphertext pairs in advance
raincoat-0.11 -- BIOS flash utility for the Microsoft Xbox
raine-0.43.3_9 -- Arcade Emulator for M68000, M68020, and Z80 based hardware
raknet-3.9.2 -- Networking API that provides reliable UDP primarily for online games
rakudo-2012.09 -- The Rakudo Perl 6 Compiler targets the Parrot Virtual Machine
ramblercontacts- -- Free, multi-service communication client from Rambler
ramond-0.5_1 -- On-link IPv6 router advertisement monitoring and reporting daemon
rancid-2.3.8 -- Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
rancid-devel-2.3.2a10_1 -- Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
rand-1.8 -- Utility to display files or streams in random order
randlib-1.3 -- Library of Routines for Random Number Generation
randomio-1.4 -- A multithreaded disk i/o microbenchmark
randrproto-1.3.2 -- Randr extension headers
ranpwd-1.2 -- A tool to generate random passwords
raop_play-0.5.1_8 -- A music file player for Apple Airport Express
rapid-2.01 -- Robust and Accurate Polygon Interference Detection
rapidsvn-0.12.0_3 -- Cross-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system
raproxy-3.0b1_1 -- Progressive Networks RealAudio Proxy Kit 3.0 beta 1
raptor-1.4.21_2 -- RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
raptor2-2.0.8 -- RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
rar-4.2.0 -- File archiver (binary port)
rarcrack-0.2_1 -- Rarcrack guesses the passwords of encrypted RAR, ZIP, and 7Z archives
rarian-0.8.1 -- An OMF help system based on the Freedesktop specification
rasmol- -- Fast Molecular Visualization Program
rasqal-0.9.29 -- A high-level interface for RDF
rast-0.3.1_3 -- Full-text search system using N-gram
raster3d-3.0.2_1 -- A set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules
ratbox-respond-1.0 -- Client-side implementation of the challenge oper system in ircd-ratbox
ratbox-services-1.2.3_1 -- A highly configurable services package for use with ircd-ratbox
rate-0.9 -- A traffic analysis command-line utility
ratfor-1985.06_2 -- Ratfor -- the Rational FORTRAN compiler
ratmen-2.2.3_1 -- Simple program for displaying a menu in a window
ratmenu-1.4_2 -- A simple menu patterened for use with ratpoison
ratpoison-1.4.5_1 -- Simple window manager with no fat library dependencies
ratproxy-1.58 -- Semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool
rats-2.3 -- Source code auditing tool
raul-0.8.0 -- C++ utility library primarily aimed at audio/musical applications
rawdog-2.13 -- A simple RSS aggregator
rawrec-0.9.991 -- A utility to record and playback raw audio data
rawstudio-2.0_3 -- Open-source program to read and manipulate RAW photo images
rawtherapee-4.0.9 -- A powerful RAW image processing application
raysfilter-1.14 -- A configurable filter for Sendmail Milter
rayshade-4.0.6_6 -- An extensible system for creating ray-traced images
razor-agents-2.84 -- A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
razorback-api-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security solution - API
razorback-archiveInflate-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Archive Inflator
razorback-clamavNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - ClamAV Detection
razorback-dispatcher-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Dispatcher
razorback-fileInject-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - File Injector
razorback-fsMonitor-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - File System Monitor
razorback-fsWalk-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - File System Walker
razorback-masterNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Master Nugget
razorback-officeCat-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - OfficeCat Detection
razorback-pdfFox-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - PDF Fox
razorback-scriptNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Scripting Interface
razorback-swfScanner-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - SWF Detection
razorback-syslogNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Syslog Output
razorback-virusTotal-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Virus Total Detection
razorback-yaraNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Yara Detection
rbl-milter-0.30_3 -- A milter that adds mail header warnings on mail from open-relays
rblcheck-1.5_2 -- Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
rbldnsd-0.996b_1 -- Small and fast DNS daemon especially for DNSBL zones
rbllookup- -- Check given IP/Host presence in 106 RBLs
rbllookup-ng-1.0_1 -- Check given IP/Host presence in RBLs
rbot-0.9.15_1 -- Ruby IRC bot similar to infobot
rbprof-0.2.1 -- A flexible Ruby profiler
rbtools-0.4.1 -- ReviewBoard Toolset
rc-1.7.1 -- A unix incarnation of the plan9 shell
rcctools-0.1.1_3 -- Charset conversion utility with language and encoding autodetection
rclean-1.14 -- Command-line rc.conf ordering and cleaning tool
rclint-0.0.2 -- Checks rc scripts for style and common errors
rclock-2.7.10_2 -- Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
rcpd-1.2 -- RCP server for routers and network devices
rcs-5.8.1 -- Version control system
rcsedit-1.3.2 -- A simple wrapper for RCS written in Perl
rdate-1.3 -- Sets the clock of the local host to the time of another host
rdb-2.6d -- A fast, portable, relational database management system
rdesktop-1.7.1_1 -- RDP client for Windows NT/2000/2003 Terminal Server
rdfdb-0.46_3 -- A lightweight RDF database
rdiff-backup-1.0.5_1 -- Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
rdiff-backup-1.2.8 -- Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
rdiff-backup-devel-1.3.3 -- Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
rdigest-20050323_1 -- Recursive message digest wrapper utility
rdist-6.1.5_3 -- A network file distribution/synchronisation utility
rdup-1.1.12 -- A tool to generate an (incremental) backup file list
re-0.4.0 -- Library for real-time comms with async IO support
re2-20120226 -- A fast C++ regex library
re2c-0.13.5 -- Compile regular expression to C (much faster final code than flex)
re_graph-0.2_3 -- Regular Expression Graphing Program
readline-6.2_1 -- A library for editing command lines as they are typed
readlink-20010616 -- Dereference a symbolic link and print the name of the target
reallyslick-0.9.1_8 -- OpenGL screensaver collection
rebar-2.0.0 -- A build-tool for Erlang that follows OTP principles
rebot3-1.0.2 -- Renames mp3 files using freedb or local CDDB
recmpeg-1.0.5_1 -- A simple video encoder
recode-3.6_8 -- Converts files between character sets and usages
recoll-1.17.3_1 -- A personal full text search package, based on Xapian
recombine-1.41 -- A program to fit population models across sites
recordmydesktop- -- Record desktop sessions to an Ogg-Theora-Vorbis file
recordproto-1.14.1 -- RECORD extension headers
recoverdm-0.20 -- Recover files and discs with damaged sectors
recoverjpeg-2.1.1 -- Recoverjpeg tries to recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures from a peripheral
recutils-1.5 -- Tools and libraries to access human-editable, plain text databases
recvnet-0.0.1 -- Recvnet (inverse telnet) is a utility for debugging tcp connections
red5-0.9.1_1 -- Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server
redeclipse-1.3.1 -- A single-player and multi-player first-person ego-shooter
redet-8.26 -- Visual regexp development and execution
redir-2.2.1_2 -- A TCP connection redirection utility
redis-2.6.4 -- A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
redis-devel-2.6.4 -- A persistent key-value database with built-in net interface
redland-1.0.15_1 -- High-level interface for RDF
redland-bindings- -- Language bindings for the Redland package
redland-bindings-python- -- Language bindings for the Redland package
redmine-1.3.1_1 -- A flexible project management web application
redmine-backlogs-0.6.16_1 -- Agile plugin for Redmine
redmine-basecamp-20101203 -- Basecamp Theme for Redmine
redmine-http-auth-20100730_1 -- HTTP authentication plugin for Redmine
redshift-1.7_1 -- Adjusts the color temperature of your screen
ree-1.3 -- A tool to dump your ROM extensions
reed-5.4_1 -- A text pager with autoscrolling and more
reed-solomon-4.0 -- A Reed-Solomon CODEC library
refdb-0.9.9_3 -- Bibliographic reference database
referrercop-1.1.0 -- Filters referrer spam from Apache logs and AWStats data files
reflex-20100906 -- Relocalizable fast lexical scanner
regexx-0.98.1_3 -- A complete regular expressions C++ solution
regexxer-0.9_9 -- An interactive tool for performing search and replace operations
rej-0.16 -- Merges patch-rejects and runs a merge program to verify the changes
rejik-3.2.10 -- A squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content
rekonq-1.3 -- Lightweight KDE browser based on WebKit
relaxconf-1.1.1_3 -- A set of text menu based utilities for configuring RelaxBSD LiveCD
relay-1.10 -- TCP proxy server with telnet, ftp, finger client wrappers
relay-ctrl-3.1.1_1 -- SMTP Relaying Control for qmail & tcpserver
relayd-5.1.20120305 -- OpenBSD relay daemon
relaydb-1.8 -- Spam relay database
relpath-0.1.0 -- Find a relative path from START_DIR to END_PATH.
rem-0.4.0 -- Library for real-time audio and video processing
remake-0.9 -- Fork of gmake with debugger
remarp-0.05 -- An SNMP-based ARP watcher
remember.el-emacs24-2.0_9 -- A Emacs mode for remembering data
remind-3.1.12 -- Sophisticated calendar and alarm program
remmina-0.9.3_2 -- The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
remmina-applet-0.8.1_1 -- A GNOME Desktop applet for Remmina
remmina-plugin-i18n-0.9.2_1 -- Localized messages for Remmina plugins
remmina-plugin-rdp-0.9.2_1 -- Remmina plugin for RDP protocol
remmina-plugin-telepathy-0.9.2_1 -- Remmina plugin for Telepathy support
remmina-plugin-vnc-0.9.2_1 -- Remmina plugin for VNC protocol
remmina-plugin-xdmcp-0.9.2_1 -- Remmina plugin for XDMCP protocol
remmina-plugins-0.9.2_1 -- Remmina plugin system
remotedesk-0.1_2 -- Graphical interface to rdesktop
remserial-1.4 -- Bridge between a TCP/IP network port and a character-oriented device
renaissance-0.9.0 -- GNUstep GUI Development Framework
rename-1.3_1 -- Rename multiple files using regular expressions
renattach-1.2.4 -- Rename or remove certain attachments or kill entire messages
rendercheck-1.4 -- A small program for testing basic Render extension conformance
renderproto-0.11.1 -- RenderProto protocol headers
renrot-1.1 -- Perl utility for various processing tasks on the image files
reoback-1.0 -- Simple but flexible ftp/nfs backup script
rep-gtk2-0.90.7_1 -- GTK+-2 binding for rep Lisp interpreter
repeater-0.14 -- UltraVNC repeater
replaceit-1.0.1 -- A light replacement to the combination of sed/awk/grep/head/tail
replex- -- Remultiplex an MPEG2 TS into a PS for DVD
reply-o-matic-1.5.0 -- Highly configurable, secure, auto reply software
repng2jpeg-1.0.4_4 -- Tool to recompress JPEG/PNG/GIF
reportmagic-2.21_3 -- A web site statistics post-processor for Analog
repos-style-2.0_2 -- Stylesheet for the Subversion index web page
reposado-0.0.20120810 -- Tools for replicating the Apple's Software Update Service
repsnapper-2.0.0b01 -- Controller and GCode generator for RepRap 3D printers
rescue- -- Action adventure in space
resid-0.16_1 -- Cycle-based SID emulator engine
resin-3.1.12_3 -- Java-based Application Server, 3.x branch
resourceproto-1.2.0 -- Resource extension headers
respond-1.2 -- A response automator for logged events
resume-1.5.1_2 -- XML Resume library
resume-extensions-0.5_2 -- Extends the XML Resume library
retail-1.0.1 -- A program for incremental logfile reader
retawq-0.2.6.c_8 -- An interactive, multi-threaded web browser for text terminals
retranslator-5.0.0 -- The update utility for Kaspersky applications
retroshare-0.5.4b -- Private and secure decentralised communication platform
revelation-0.4.11_11 -- Password manager for the GNOME 2 desktop
reviewboard-1.6.13 -- A web-based code review tool
rexima-1.4 -- A ncurses-based console mixer
rexx-curl-1.4_3 -- External function package providing an interface to the cURL package
rexx-imc-1.76_2 -- A procedural programming language designed by IBM's UK Laboratories
rexx-regina-3.5 -- A Rexx interpreter
rexx-regutil-1.26 -- An implementation of IBM's RexxUtil function library for Regina
rexx-sock-1.4 -- A function package for Rexx programmers to create sockets
rexx-wrapper-2.4 -- A tool that wraps Rexx source or tokenised code into an executable
rezerwar-0.4.2_1 -- Puzzle game involving organizing blocks with pipes
rezlooks-0.6_7 -- GTK+ 2.x engine based on Clearlooks
rezound-0.12.3.b_16 -- Graphical audio file editor
rfbproxy-1.1.1 -- A simple tool for recording VNC sessions
rfc-3.2.3_2 -- Perl script to search for RFC's
rfcdiff-1.33_1 -- Compare two versions of an Internet Draft and produce a diff
rfksay-0.1 -- Generates a kitten finding robot with a text bubble
rfstool-0.14 -- Read from a Reiser file system
rftg-0.8.1 -- Race for the Galaxy AI, a computer version of the Rio Grande card game
rftp-1.2 -- Automatically reconstruct ftpmail- or bitftp-retrieved files
rgb-1.0.4 -- Uncompile an rgb corl-name database
rgbpaint-0.8.7_6 -- Very basic painting program
rhino-1.7.r4 -- An implementation of JavaScript written in Java
rhtvision-2.1.0_1 -- Complete C++ Text User Interface (TUI) library
rhythmbox-0.12.8_9 -- Audio player for GNOME
riece-emacs21-8.0.0_3 -- IRC client for Emacs
riece-emacs24-8.0.0_3 -- IRC client for Emacs
rinetd-0.62_4 -- A simple TCP port redirector
ringtonetools-2.25 -- Create/Convert/Listen to ringtones and logos for mobile phones
rio500-0.7_2 -- Utilities for Diamond Rio500
rioutil-1.5.0_1 -- A program to interface with the Rio600, Rio800, and psa[play devices
ripe-whois-3.2.2 -- The RIPE whois client version 3
ripit-3.9.0_1 -- A command line audio CD ripper
ripmime- -- Extracts attached files out of a MIME encoded email package
ripole-0.2.2 -- A small program designed to pull attachments out of OLE2 documents
ripperx-2.7.3_1 -- GTK program to rip CD audio tracks and encode them
ris-0.4 -- OpenSource alternative to Microsoft Windows RIS
ristretto-0.6.3 -- An image viewer with Xfce integration
rkhunter-1.4.0 -- Rootkit detection tool
rkward-0.4.9.a_17 -- IDE/GUI for the R-project
rkward-kde4-0.6.0 -- IDE/GUI for the R-project
rl-0.2.7 -- Randomizes lines from a specified input file
rlog-1.4 -- A flexible message logging facility for C++
rlpr-2.06_2 -- Send print jobs to lpd servers anywhere on a network
rlwrap-0.37 -- Readline wrapper
rlytest-1.22 -- Test remote system for unsecured mail relay
rman-3.2 -- Reverse compile man pages from formatted form
rmap-1.2_11 -- Generates images of the Earth centered at a particular location
rmilter-1.5.37_1 -- Milter that performs spamd, clamav, and spf checks
rmonitor-1.2_1 -- Remote system monitoring utility
rmsg-1.64 -- A network messaging system
rname-1.0_1 -- Execute a program with a fake name
rnews-1.01_1 -- A server-side RSS aggregator written in PHP with MySQL
rngstreams-1.0.1 -- A C implementation of a high-quality uniform random number generator
rnv-1.7.10 -- Relax NG Compact Syntax validator
ro-aspell-3.3.2 -- Aspell Romanian dictionary
ro-hunspell-3.3.7 -- Romanian hunspell dictionaries
ro-hyphen-3.3.6_1 -- Romanian hyphenation rules
ro-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Romanian messages and documentation for KDE3
ro-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Romanian messages and documentation for KDE4
ro-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ro language pack for libreoffice
ro-mythes-3.3_1 -- Romanian thesaurus
roadmap-1.2.1_3 -- Vector-based GPS moving map
roadnav-0.19_4 -- 3D GPS mapping program
roap-0.1.2 -- Region Oriented Ascii Processor
robocode- -- A game for learning Java[tm] programming language
roboctl-0.3.7 -- API and tools for communicating with Lego and Vex robots
robodoc-4.99.36 -- Code reference program similar to cxref that produces HTML
robotfindskitten-1.7320508.406_1 -- Yet another zen simulation
roboto-fonts-ttf-20111129 -- The Roboto typeface family
rockdodger-0.6.0a_6 -- Addictive rock-dodging greeblie-killing platform game
rocksndiamonds- -- Colorful Boulderdash'n'Emerald Mine'n'Sokoban'n'Stuff
rocs-4.8.4 -- Graph theory IDE for KDE 4
rodent-4.8.0 -- A fast, small and powerful file manager
rolo-011 -- Text-based contact management software
romdict-0.5 -- Dictd database for Eng-Ro dictionary
root-doc-5.02 -- HTML Documentation for Root framework
roottail-1.2_3 -- Print text directly to X11 root window
ros-1.4.10 -- Robot Operating System - core utilities
ros-common-1.4.3_1 -- Robot Operating System - common utilities
ros-common_msgs-1.4.0 -- Robot Operating System - common messages
ros-documentation-1.4.2_1 -- Robot Operating System - documentation utilities
ros-geometry-1.4.2_2 -- Robot Operating System - geometric and math libraries
ros-image_common-1.4.1_1 -- Robot Operating System - common image routines
ros-laser_pipeline-1.2.0_1 -- Robot Operating System - laser data processing utilities
ros-nxt-0.1.1 -- Robot Operating System - LEGO NXT interface
ros-rx-1.4.2_1 -- Robot Operating System - GUI related tools
ros_comm-1.4.8 -- Robot Operating System - communication-related utilities
ros_tutorials-0.2.4_2 -- Robot Operating System - tutorials
rosegarden-12.04_1 -- The Rosegarden editor and sequencer suite
rospell-2009.02.r2_2 -- QT-based editor with support for Romanian charsets and spell checking
rot-1.2 -- Rotates a file so that lines become columns and vice versa
rote-0.2.8 -- A simple library for VT102 terminal emulation
rotix-0.82_5 -- A program to generate rotational obfuscations
rotorouter-1.0_2 -- Traceroute attempt logger and result spoofer
rottdc-1.0.2_6 -- Apogee's Rise Of The Triad source port
roundcube-0.8.2 -- Fully skinnable XHTML/CSS webmail written in PHP
roundcube-air-1.4 -- Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
roundcube-automatic_addressbook-0.3.1 -- Roundcube webmail automatic addressbook plugin
roundcube-contextmenu-1.9 -- RoundCube webmail contextmenu plugin
roundcube-groupvice-0.1.2 -- Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
roundcube-login_info-1.2 -- Roundcube login info plugin
roundcube-mobilecube- -- Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
roundcube-mvision2-2 -- Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
roundcube-sieverules-1.17 -- Roundcube webmail sieve plugin
roundcube-thunderbird_labels-0.8 -- Thunderbird Labels plugin for RoundCube webmail
roundcube-umich-20090813 -- Theme for RoundCube Web Mail
roundcube-veximaccountadmin-0.1 -- Roundcube vexim account admin plugin
roundup-1.4.19 -- An Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers
routers2-2.19_5 -- Frontend for the MRTG system monitoring software
routers2-extensions-2.19_2 -- Extensions of routers2 frontend
routers2-extras-2.19_2 -- Extra extensions and scripts for routers2 frontend
rox-archive-2.2_3 -- Archive management tool for the ROX desktop
rox-edit-2.2_1 -- Text editor for the ROX desktop
rox-filer-2.11_1 -- A simple and easy to use graphical file manager
rox-memo-2.1_1 -- Appointment/TODO management for the ROX desktop
rox-mime-editor-0.6_1 -- MIME type editor for the ROX desktop
rox-session-0.40.0_1 -- Simple session manager for the ROX desktop
rox-videothumbnail-0.1.14_3 -- Video thumbnail provider for the ROX file manager
rox-wallpaper-2.3_1 -- Wallpaper management tool for the ROX desktop
roxbg-1.0.0_5 -- A tool for setting the background in rox using a simple command.
roxirc-2.0_2 -- A tcl/tk irc client
roxterm-2.2.2_1 -- GTK+ 2.0 terminal emulator with tabs
rp-pppoe-3.11 -- The popular Roaring Penguin's PPPoE software
rpc2-2.10 -- An interprocess communication library
rpcalc-0.6.0_3 -- Simple RPN calculator
rpl-1.4.0 -- Rpl is a Unix text replacement utility
rplay-3.3.2_3 -- Network audio player
rpm-3.0.6_15 -- The Red Hat Package Manager
rpm-4.10.1 -- The RPM Package Manager
rpm-5.2.1_2 -- The RPM Package Manager
rpm-spec-mode.el-0.12 -- RPM spec file editing commands for [X]Emacs
rpm2cpio-1.3_1 -- Convert .rpm files for extraction with /usr/bin/cpio, needs just perl
rprint-3.2 -- Remote printing utility using a raw bidirectional tcp connection
rpy-1.0.3_25 -- Python interface to the R Programming Language
rpy2-2.2.6_3 -- Python interface to the R Programming Language
rrdbot-0.9.7_2 -- Threaded SNMP polling daemon which stores data in RRDs
rrdman-1.0.1_4 -- Apply Holt-Winters prediction parameters to RRD data
rrdtool-1.0.50_1 -- Round Robin Database Tools
rrdtool-1.2.30_2 -- Round Robin Database Tools v1.2
rrdtool-1.4.7_2 -- Round Robin Database Tools
rscheme- -- An object-oriented, extended version of the Scheme dialect of Lisp
rshell-1.0 -- A front end for rsh(1) and rcp(1)
rsibreak-0.11.b1_2 -- A KDE RSI prevention tool
rsibreak-0.8.0_7 -- A KDE RSI prevention tool
rsmb-1.1.0 -- Really Small Message Broker, an MQTT supporting server
rsnapshot-1.3.1 -- Filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync(1)
rspamd-0.5.2 -- Fast spam filtering system
rsplib-2.7.13_1 -- RSerPool Framework and Example Applications
rss2email-2.70 -- Read newsfeeds in your email client
rss2html-0.8.2_2 -- RSS to HTML converter
rssh-2.3.2 -- A Restricted Secure SHell only for sftp or/and scp
rsskit-0.4 -- Etoile Project RSSKit framework
rssowl-1.2.3_8 -- Portable RSS, RDF, Atom Newsfeeds reader
rsstail-1.8 -- Simple RSS monitor
rsstool-1.0.0 -- Read, parse, merge and write RSS and Atom feeds
rst.el-emacs-6390_7 -- ReStructuredText Support for Emacs
rstart-1.0.4 -- Sample implementation of a Remote Start client
rsvndump-0.5.8 -- Remote Subversion repository dumpfile generator
rsync-3.0.9_2 -- A network file distribution/synchronization utility
rsyncbackup-1.0 -- Rsync frontend written in Perl
rsyncmanager-1.1 -- Flexible rsync resource manager daemon written in ruby
rsynth-2.0_4 -- Speech synthesizer
rsyslog-5.10.0 -- Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP and TLS
rsyslog-6.4.2 -- Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP, and TLS
rsyslog-6.5.0 -- Syslogd supporting SQL, TCP, and TLS
rsyslog-gnutls-5.10.0 -- GNUTLS module for rsyslog
rsyslog-gnutls-6.4.2 -- GNUTLS module for rsyslog
rsyslog-gnutls-6.5.0 -- GNUTLS module for rsyslog
rsyslog-gssapi-5.10.0 -- GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-gssapi-6.4.2 -- GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-gssapi-6.5.0 -- GSS API input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-libdbi-5.10.0 -- LibDBI output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-libdbi-6.4.2 -- LibDBI output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-libdbi-6.5.0 -- LibDBI output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-mysql-5.10.0 -- MySQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-mysql-6.4.2 -- MySQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-mysql-6.5.0 -- MySQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-pgsql-5.10.0 -- PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-pgsql-6.4.2 -- PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-pgsql-6.5.0 -- PostgreSQL output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-relp-5.10.0 -- RELP input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-relp-6.4.2 -- RELP input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-relp-6.5.0 -- RELP input/output module for rsyslog
rsyslog-rfc3195-5.10.0 -- RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
rsyslog-rfc3195-6.4.2 -- RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
rsyslog-rfc3195-6.5.0 -- RFC3195 input support for rsyslog
rsyslog-snmp-5.10.0 -- SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
rsyslog-snmp-6.4.2 -- SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
rsyslog-snmp-6.5.0 -- SNMP trap sender for rsyslog
rt-3.8.15 -- RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
rt-4.0.8 -- RT is an industrial-grade ticketing system written in Perl
rt2_demo-1.54b_1 -- The free demo of Railroad Tycoon II
rtc-2004.02.24.1_8 -- Kernel module which provides /dev/rtc device support
rtcw-1.41b_2 -- Return to Castle Wolfenstein for Linux
rtf2html-1.1.b -- A simple rtf2html converter
rtf2latex-1.5 -- A filter that converts RTF (MS Rich Text Format) into LaTeX
rtf2latex2e-2.0.1 -- A newer filter that converts RTF (MS Rich Text Format) into LaTeX
rtfm-1.0 -- A FreeBSD documentation search mechanism
rtfreader-1.0_1 -- A portable application/ms-rtf parser
rtfx-1.1 -- An RTF to XML converter
rtg-0.7.4_9 -- A flexible, high-performance SNMP statistics monitoring system
rtgui-0.2.7_3 -- A web based front end for rTorrent
rth-1.7.0 -- Web-based requirement, test, and bugtracking system
rtl-sdr-20121104 -- Commandline tool that performs SDR with RTL2832-based USB sticks
rtmpdump-2.4_1 -- A tool to download RTMP streams
rtorrent-0.9.2_1 -- BitTorrent Client written in C++
rtorrent-devel-0.9.1 -- BitTorrent Client written in C++ (development version)
rtpbreak-1.3a -- Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes any RTP session
rtpproxy-1.2.1 -- A high-performance RTP proxy server for the SIP Express Router (SER)
rtptools-1.18 -- Set of tools to record, playback, and monitor RTPv2 data streams
rtty-4.0 -- Multiuser "tip"/"cu" replacement with logging
ru-MT-5.14 -- Russian localization of the MovableType publishing system
ru-PSCyr-0.4c2_4 -- Cyrillic PostScript Type1 fonts for use with TeX
ru-artwiz-ru-20041031_2 -- Russian Artwiz fonts
ru-aspell-0.99.f7.1_1 -- Aspell Russian dictionary
ru-bugzilla-3.6.10_1 -- Russian localization for Bugzilla
ru-bugzilla-4.0.7_1 -- Russian localization for Bugzilla
ru-bugzilla-4.2.3 -- Russian localization for Bugzilla
ru-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Russian messages and documentation for Calligra
ru-d1489-1.5.1 -- Cp866<->koi8-r and cp1251<->koi8-r decoders and font converter acc. to RFC1489
ru-eric4-4.5.7 -- Full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE based on Qt4
ru-fortune-bashorgru-20080903 -- Fortunes from and
ru-fortuneru-20090524 -- Fortunes in Russian
ru-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Russian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
ru-gd-2.0.35_8 -- A graphics library for fast image creation with KOI8-U support
ru-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Russian
ru-hunspell-20111003 -- Russian hunspell dictionaries
ru-hyphen-2004.04.15_1 -- Russian hyphenation rules
ru-ircd-hybrid-7.2.4 -- Russian version of well known hybrid IRC server
ru-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Russian messages and documentation for KDE3
ru-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Russian messages and documentation for KDE4
ru-koi2koi-1998.04.16 -- Cyrillic charset auto converter
ru-koi8rPS-1.0 -- Add Russian (KOI8) fonts to your PostScript fonts collection
ru-ksocrat-3.2.1_7 -- KSocrat is the simple English/Russian Russian/English dictionary
ru-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ru language pack for libreoffice
ru-mueller-dic-1.2_3 -- Mueller English-Russian dictionary
ru-muttprint-0.72d_6 -- Print in Russian
ru-mythes-2007.06.13_1 -- Russian thesaurus
ru-nap-1.5.4 -- Client for the OpenNAP network with koi8 <> win1251 encoding patch
ru-prawda-0.3.0_4 -- English-Russian translator
ru-rus-ispell-0.99g5 -- New Russian dictionaries for ispell
ru-russian-0.6.0 -- Russian language support for Ruby and Rails, based on I18n library
ru-rutils-1.0.3 -- Simple processing of Russian strings
ru-rux-0.79_1 -- The best Cyrillic text viewer and code page converter
ru-stardict-bars-2.4.2 -- New Comprehensive English-Russian dictionary
ru-stardict-computer-2.4.2 -- English-Russian Computer dictionary
ru-stardict-dal-2.4.2 -- Dal's Explanatory Dictionary
ru-stardict-engcom-2.4.2 -- English-Russian Dictionary of Computer Terms
ru-stardict-mueller7-2.4.2 -- Mueller English-Russian dictionary
ru-stardict-mueller7accent-2.4.2 -- Mueller English-Russian dictionary with accents
ru-stardict-pc-2.4.2 -- English-Russian PC-user dictionary
ru-tacia-0.96p9.3 -- The Cisco remote aaa server (inet-admins edition)
ru-tidyup-mail-0.12 -- Remove unsafe characters from email & make xterm happy
ru-unzip-6.0_1 -- Unzip with CP866 and KOI8-R support
ru-wordpress-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
ru-xcode-4.1 -- A program for converting Russian encodings with care to letter YO
ru-xmms-1.2.11_16 -- RusXMMS - X Multimedia System with Russian encoding patch
ru-xruskb-1.15.4_2 -- A keyboard layout switcher and indicator
rubber-1.1_4 -- A wrapper for LaTeX and friends
rubberband-1.7.0 -- Vamp audio analysis plugin SDK
rubinius-1.2.4_2 -- LLVM based ruby language implementation
rubix-1.0.6 -- Another Rubik's cube game with a rather interesting interface
ruboard-1.2.2 -- A web based discussion board
rubrica-2.0.10_1 -- An addressbook for the GNOME 2 desktop
ruby- -- An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby- -- An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby-flvtool2-1.0.6 -- Manipulation tool for Macromedia Flash Video files
ruby-frontbase-0.0.1 -- Ruby interface to the FrontBase db engine
ruby-man-1.4.6 -- Ruby reference manual, in HTML format
ruby-mode.el- -- Emacs lisp modules for the Ruby language
ruby-rd-mode.el-0.6.31 -- An Emacs lisp module for editing RD files
ruby-subversion-1.7.7 -- Ruby bindings for version control system
ruby18-X11-0.5 -- A fully reflective X11 client library for Ruby
ruby18-acl-1.0.1 -- Ruby module to provide Access Control List checks
ruby18-algebra-0.72 -- A Ruby library for mathematical (algebraic) computations
ruby18-amatch-0.2.5 -- A Ruby library for approximate string matching and searching
ruby18-amazon-0.9.2 -- A Ruby interface to Amazon's Web Services
ruby18-amrita-1.0.2 -- An HTML/XHTML template library for Ruby
ruby18-amstd-2.0.0 -- A collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby18-aspectr-0.3.5 -- Ruby libraries for Aspect programming
ruby18-atk-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for ATK
ruby18-audiofile-0.2.4 -- A Ruby binding to the audiofile library
ruby18-avl-0.1_1 -- AVL tree class for Ruby
ruby18-aws-0.8.1 -- A Ruby interface to Amazon Web Services
ruby18-bdb-0.6.6 -- Ruby interface to Sleepycat's Berkeley DB revision 2 or later
ruby18-bdb1-0.2.3 -- Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full feature support
ruby18-bio-1.4.1 -- Integrated environment for Bioinformatics written in Ruby
ruby18-borges-1.1.0 -- A web application framework for Ruby that allows linear programming
ruby18-bsdconv-9.0 -- Ruby wrapper for bsdconv
ruby18-bsearch-1.5 -- A binary search library for Ruby
ruby18-byaccr-0.1 -- Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc' and 'Berkeley Yacc for Java'
ruby18-bz2-0.2.2_2 -- A Ruby extension to use libbz2
ruby18-cache-0.3 -- A Ruby library for caching objects based on the LRU algorithm
ruby18-cairo-1.12.2 -- Ruby binding for Cairo
ruby18-calendar-1.11.4r -- Ruby modules to handle various calendars
ruby18-camellia-1.2 -- A Ruby extension library which implements Camellia encryption
ruby18-cdb-0.5a_1 -- Ruby interface to D. J. Bernstein's cdb (constant database) library
ruby18-crypt-1.1.4 -- Pure-ruby implementation of popular encryption algorithms
ruby18-cvs-0.2 -- A Ruby library to provide a high level interface to a CVS repository
ruby18-date2-4.0.19 -- An alternative date class for Ruby
ruby18-dbd_mysql-0.4.4 -- MySQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
ruby18-dbd_odbc-0.2.5 -- ODBC driver for DBI-for-Ruby
ruby18-dbd_pg-0.3.9 -- PostgreSQL driver for DBI-for-Ruby
ruby18-dbd_sqlite-0.1.2 -- SQLite driver for DBI-for-Ruby
ruby18-dbd_sqlite3-1.2.5 -- SQLite3 driver for DBI-for-Ruby
ruby18-dbdbd-0.2.2 -- David Black's DataBase Definer
ruby18-dbi-0.4.3_2 -- DBI-for-Ruby - a common interface for SQL-based databases
ruby18-dcl-1.7.0 -- A Ruby interface to the scientific graphic library DCL
ruby18-deplate-0.8.5 -- Ruby tool for converting wiki-like markup
ruby18-dialogs-1.1 -- A simple Ruby interface to dialog(1)
ruby18-dict-0.9.4 -- A client-side implementation of the DICT protocol in Ruby
ruby18-diff-0.4 -- Ruby implementation of Perl's Algorithm::Diff
ruby18-div-1.3.2 -- A web application server using dRuby and ERB2
ruby18-doc-stdlib-0.10.1 -- Documentation for the Ruby language standard library
ruby18-dump.rb-0.2 -- A binary data dumper module for Ruby
ruby18-erbscan-0.0.20030723b -- ERB compiler accelerator
ruby18-eruby-1.0.5_2 -- Interprets Ruby code embedded in a text file like PHP/ePerl/ASP/JSP
ruby18-escape-0.2 -- Ruby library provides HTML/URI/shell escaping functions
ruby18-esound-0.1 -- A Ruby binding to the EsounD library
ruby18-event-loop-0.3 -- An Event loop for Ruby
ruby18-exmars-0.01 -- Ruby interface to the exMARS Memory Array Redcode Simulator
ruby18-fam-0.2.0 -- FAM bindings for Ruby
ruby18-fastri-0.3.1 -- A fast RDoc documentation browser for ruby
ruby18-fcgi-0.8.8 -- FastCGI library for Ruby
ruby18-fcgiwrap-0.1.6 -- Handy FastCGI wrapper library for CGI scripts written in Ruby
ruby18-fftw3-0.4 -- A Ruby interface to the FFTW ver.3
ruby18-format-1.09 -- Perl like formats for Ruby
ruby18-fox-1.6.19_11 -- Ruby extension module to use FOX 1.6, aka FXRuby
ruby18-freedb-0.5 -- A Ruby library that provides access to Freedb/CDDB servers
ruby18-gd-0.8.0_1 -- Ruby extension library to use Thomas Boutell's gd library
ruby18-gdal-1.9.1 -- Ruby binding for GDAL
ruby18-gdbm- -- A Ruby extension to GDBM library
ruby18-gdk_pixbuf2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for GdkPixbuf2
ruby18-gemfinder-1.9.6_1 -- A simple class browser (built with Ruby/Tk) for Ruby modules/programs
ruby18-gems-1.8.24 -- Package management framework for the Ruby language
ruby18-gettext-1.93.0 -- A Ruby implementation of the gettext library
ruby18-gio2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding of GIO
ruby18-glib2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for GLib2
ruby18-gnome2-1.1.5 -- The "meta-port" for Ruby/GNOME2
ruby18-gnuplot-0.5_4 -- A pipe-based interface to the gnuplot package for Ruby
ruby18-goocanvas-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for goocanvas
ruby18-google-0.6.0 -- A Ruby interface to Google's SOAP-driven Web API
ruby18-gpgme-1.0.8_1 -- A Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)
ruby18-gphys-1.2.1 -- A multi-purpose class to handle gridded physical quantities
ruby18-growl-3.0 -- A pure-ruby growl notifier
ruby18-gsl-1.14.7 -- A Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
ruby18-gstreamer-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for GStreamer
ruby18-gtk-0.34_4 -- Ruby binding for GTK+
ruby18-gtk2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for GTK+2
ruby18-gtksourceview2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for GtkSourceView2
ruby18-gtktrayicon-0.1.0_8 -- Ruby binding for GtkTrayIcon
ruby18-gyokuro-1.0.0 -- A Ruby library which wraps Ruby/ChaSen
ruby18-hikidoc-0.0.6 -- A text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
ruby18-hmac-0.4.0 -- A Ruby library which implements the HMAC algorithm
ruby18-html-fillinform-0.24 -- A Ruby library that automatically inserts form data into HTML
ruby18-html-template-0.16 -- A Ruby library to use HTML as a template file from CGI scripts
ruby18-htmlrepair-1.0.1 -- A Ruby library to repair unclosed tags in an HTML document
ruby18-htmlsplit-1.0.2 -- A Ruby library to split an HTML document into tags and contents
ruby18-htree-0.8 -- A Ruby library to manipulate HTML/XML tree data structure
ruby18-icmp-0.2.1 -- Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
ruby18-iconv- -- An iconv wrapper class for Ruby
ruby18-image_size-0.0.20040618 -- A Ruby library to measure the size of a given image file
ruby18-imlib2-0.5.2_7 -- Imlib2 bindings for Ruby
ruby18-interbase-0.5.2 -- Ruby interface to Firebird/Interbase library
ruby18-intl-0.11_6 -- A simple wrapper of GNU gettext for Ruby
ruby18-io-reactor-1.0.4 -- Ruby module that implements an asynchronous multiplexed IO Reactor
ruby18-irc-0.14 -- IRC client framework for Ruby
ruby18-jttui-200205082055 -- Textmode User Interface by Jakub Travnik
ruby18-kdebindings-korundum-4.8.4 -- Ruby bindings for KDE
ruby18-kdebindings-krossruby-4.8.4 -- Ruby bindings for Qt/KDE
ruby18-kdebindings-qtruby-4.8.4 -- Ruby bindings for Qt
ruby18-langscan-1.2 -- A program analyzer for source code search engine
ruby18-ldap-0.9.10_1 -- Ruby interface to LDAP API based on RFC1823
ruby18-lha-0.8.1_1 -- A Ruby extension to unpack lha-compressed files
ruby18-libarchive-0.1.1 -- Ruby bindings for libarchive
ruby18-libpafe-ruby-0.0.8_1 -- Ruby binding for libpafe
ruby18-libxml-1.1.3 -- A friendly API to libxml for Ruby
ruby18-liquid-2.0.0 -- A non evaling template engine for ruby
ruby18-locale-0.2_2 -- A simple Ruby module that provides setlocale(3)
ruby18-locale2-2.0.5 -- A pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
ruby18-lua-20010921_1 -- A Ruby extension to make Lua script language as a class
ruby18-memcache-0.0.4 -- A memcached client library for Ruby
ruby18-memoize-1.3.1 -- A method that speeds methods up at the cost of memory
ruby18-ming- -- Yet another Ming module for Ruby
ruby18-mmap-0.2.6 -- Ruby interface to manage memory-mapped file objects
ruby18-mp3info-0.5 -- A Ruby library to access to information on mp3 files
ruby18-mp3tag-1.0 -- A Ruby module to manipulate ID3v1.1 tags in MP3 files
ruby18-msql-0.2.4a_1 -- Ruby API for mSQL
ruby18-multi-0.1 -- A library for multiple dispatch and pattern matching in Ruby
ruby18-mwdom-0.1.5 -- DOM level2 module, XMLWriter and XHTMLWriter for Ruby
ruby18-mysql-2.8.2_1 -- Ruby module for accessing MySQL databases with a C API like interface
ruby18-narray- -- Numerical N-dimensional array library for Ruby
ruby18-narray_miss-1.2.6 -- Additional class with processing of missing value to NArray
ruby18-ncurses-1.2.4 -- A Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby18-net-geoip-0.07 -- A Ruby extension that wraps around libGeoIP
ruby18-netcdf-0.6.6 -- A Ruby interface to the NetCDF scientific IO library
ruby18-nora-0.0.20041114 -- A rich set of Ruby libraries for Web applications
ruby18-numru_misc-0.1.1 -- Collection of misc functions and classes to facilitate programming
ruby18-numru_units-1.7 -- A class to handle units of physical quantities for Ruby
ruby18-o_dbm-0.5.1 -- An OODB-like DBM module for Ruby
ruby18-oci8-1.0.0.r1 -- Ruby interface to Oracle OCI8
ruby18-odbc-0.99991_1 -- Ruby extension library to use ODBC data sources
ruby18-opengl-0.32b_5 -- OpenGL/GLU/GLUT interface modules for Ruby
ruby18-panda-0.0.7_5 -- A Ruby extension library to access Panda
ruby18-pango-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for Pango
ruby18-password-0.5.3_4 -- A Ruby library to create, verify, and manipulate passwords
ruby18-pgplot-0.1.3_4 -- A Ruby interface to PGPLOT graphics library
ruby18-poppler-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for Poppler
ruby18-programmingruby-0.4_2 -- The source of the Programming Ruby ("pick-axe") book in XML and HTML
ruby18-progressbar-0.9 -- A text progress bar library for Ruby
ruby18-property-19990308 -- Simple properties scheme for Ruby
ruby18-qdbm-1.8.78 -- Ruby API for QDBM
ruby18-quota-0.5.1 -- A Ruby library to manipulate filesystem quotas
ruby18-racc-1.4.5 -- An LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
ruby18-rbbr-0.6.0_11 -- A GTK+2-based Ruby module browser
ruby18-rbison-0.0.7_3 -- Generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file
ruby18-rcov- -- A tool for simple code coverage analysis in Ruby
ruby18-rdbc1-001103_2 -- Ruby Database Connectivity
ruby18-rdtool-0.6.37 -- RD to HTML/man/etc. converter (RD is to Ruby as POD is to Perl)
ruby18-reference-1.0_1 -- Ruby Class and Module Reference, in HTML format
ruby18-rfilter-0.12 -- A Ruby library for filtering and delivering email to mailboxes
ruby18-ri-emacs-0.2.3 -- An emacs extension to work with RDoc ri documentation
ruby18-rica-0.10 -- Another IRC client framework for Ruby
ruby18-rice- -- Yet another IRC interface library for Ruby
ruby18-rmagick-2.13.1_3 -- A Ruby binding for ImageMagick
ruby18-rmail-0.17 -- A lightweight mail manipulating library for Ruby
ruby18-robjectteam-1.0_1 -- Enables the ObjectTeams paradigm to the Ruby language
ruby18-rreadline-0.5.4 -- A pure Ruby implementation of the Readline library
ruby18-rss-0.9.1_1 -- Ruby library for parsing, creating, downloading, and caching RSS
ruby18-rss.alt-0.2.6 -- Ruby library for handling RSS (alternative impl.)
ruby18-rsvg2-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for librsvg2
ruby18-rttool-1.0.3 -- RT into HTML and plain text converter
ruby18-ruby-wgettsv-0.95 -- Collect WWW resources and generate TSV data
ruby18-rudl-0.8_11 -- A high level library to use SDL from Ruby
ruby18-sablot-0.5.2_9 -- Ruby interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor
ruby18-sary-1.2.0_2 -- A Ruby interface to the Sary library
ruby18-sdl-1.3.1_8 -- Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby18-setup.rb-3.4.1 -- Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby18-sexp-0.2.1 -- A ruby library to work with s-expressions
ruby18-slang-0.52 -- S-Lang extension module for Ruby
ruby18-smf-0.15.12 -- Ruby module to handle Standard MIDI Files
ruby18-statgrab-0.1 -- A set of Ruby bindings for libstatgrab
ruby18-sybct-0.2.12 -- Ruby module for accessing Sybase databases
ruby18-sysvipc-0.7 -- Ruby interface to use System V IPC system calls
ruby18-taglib-1.1_1 -- A Ruby library wrapping the Taglib library
ruby18-tcpsocketpipe-1.8.2 -- A Ruby library to create I/O pipes for TCP socket tunneling
ruby18-tcpwrap-0.6_1 -- TCP wrappers library for Ruby
ruby18-term-ansicolor-1.0.4 -- Term::ANSIColor for Ruby
ruby18-tgif-20010408_12 -- A Ruby extension library to draw Tgif graphics
ruby18-tk- -- Ruby interface to the Tk widget set
ruby18-tokyocabinet-1.31 -- Ruby interface to the Tokyo Cabinet DB engine
ruby18-tserver-0.2.1 -- A Ruby library for writing a preforking server like Apache
ruby18-usersguide-20051121_1 -- Ruby users guide, in HTML format
ruby18-vorbisfile-0.2_5 -- A Ruby extension wrapping libvorbisfile
ruby18-vpim-0.695 -- vCard and iCalendar support for ruby
ruby18-vte-1.1.5 -- Ruby binding for VTE
ruby18-wirble-0.1.3 -- A set of enhancements of irb
ruby18-wx-0.6.0_8 -- Ruby bindings for wxWindows (aka wxWidgets)
ruby18-xmlconfigfile-0.9.7 -- A Ruby module for easy handling of XML configuration files
ruby18-xmlparser-0.7.2 -- Ruby module to access James Clark XML Parser ToolKit ("expat")
ruby18-xmlscan-0.0.10 -- Pure Ruby XML/HTML scanner and XPath processor/compiler modules
ruby18-xmlscan-0.2.3 -- High-performance non-validating XML parser written in 100% pure Ruby
ruby18-xmms-0.1.2_3 -- XMMS bindings for Ruby
ruby18-xmms2-0.8_4 -- Ruby Bindings for XMMS2
ruby18-xslt-0.9.6 -- An XSLT processor in pure Ruby
ruby18-zip-0.9.4 -- A Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
ruby19-kyotocabinet-1.24_1 -- Ruby (1.9.1+) binding to Kyoto Cabinet
rubygem-GeoRuby-1.3.4 -- A holder for data returned from PostGIS and the Spatial Extensions of MySql
rubygem-StreetAddress-1.0.3 -- Parses one line street addresses into normalized address object
rubygem-SyslogLogger-1.4.1 -- SyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog
rubygem-abstract-1.0.0_1 -- Define abstract method in Ruby
rubygem-actionmailer-3.2.8 -- Easy email delivery and testing for Ruby
rubygem-actionpack-3.2.8 -- Action Controller and Action View of Rails MVC Framework
rubygem-activemodel-3.2.8 -- A toolkit for building modeling frameworks
rubygem-activerecord-3.2.8 -- Object-relational mapping layer for Rails MVC Framework
rubygem-activerecord-jdbc-adapter-0.9.2 -- JDBC adapter for ActiveRecord, for use within JRuby on Rails
rubygem-activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter-0.9.2_2 -- An ActiveRecord driver for MySQL using JDBC running under JRuby
rubygem-activeresource-3.2.8 -- A coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services
rubygem-activesupport-3.2.8 -- Utility classes and extension that are required by Rails MVC Framework
rubygem-addressable-2.3.2 -- A replacement for the URI implementation
rubygem-ai4r-1.9 -- Ruby implementations of artificial intelligence algorithms
rubygem-albino-1.3.3 -- Ruby wrapper for pygmentize
rubygem-allison-2.0.3 -- A modern, pretty RDoc template
rubygem-amalgalite-1.1.2 -- Embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension
rubygem-amazon-ecs-2.2.4 -- A generic Amazon E-commerce REST API written in Ruby
rubygem-amq-client-0.9.4 -- A fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client in Ruby
rubygem-amq-protocol-0.9.4 -- An AMQP serialization library for Ruby
rubygem-amqp-0.6.7 -- An implementation of the AMQP protocol for RabbitMQ clients
rubygem-amqp-0.9.7 -- An implementation of the AMQP protocol for RabbitMQ clients
rubygem-amqp-utils-0.5.1 -- Command line utilies for interacting with AMQP compliant queues
rubygem-analogger-0.5.0_1 -- A fast, flexible, easy to use logging service for Ruby
rubygem-anemone-0.7.2 -- Anemone is a library that allows programs to spider websites
rubygem-ansi-1.4.3 -- Gem enabling ANSI code based colorization and stylization of output
rubygem-app_config-0.7.1 -- A ruby gem for storing application configuration
rubygem-archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 -- library and command-line utility for tar archives
rubygem-archive-zip-0.5.0 -- Provides interface to working with ZIP archives
rubygem-arel-3.0.2 -- Relational Algebra for Ruby
rubygem-arrayfields-4.7.4 -- Allow Keyword Access to Array Instances
rubygem-atoulme-Antwrap-0.7.2 -- Ruby wrapper for Apache Ant
rubygem-attic-0.5.3 -- A place to hide private instance variables in your Ruby objects
rubygem-authlogic-3.1.3 -- A clean, simple, and unobtrusive Ruby authentication solution
rubygem-awesome_print-1.1.0 -- Pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure
rubygem-backports-2.6.4 -- Ruby 1.9 backports for 1.8
rubygem-backup-3.0.25 -- Perform backup operations on remote and local environment
rubygem-bacon-1.1.0 -- Bacon is a small RSpec clone
rubygem-bcrypt-ruby-3.0.1 -- Sophisticated and secure hash algorithm for passwords
rubygem-benelux-0.6.1 -- A mad way to time Ruby codes
rubygem-bigrecord-0.1.1 -- Intended to work as a drop-in for Rails applications
rubygem-bioruby-1.4.3 -- Integrated environment for Bioinformatics written in Ruby
rubygem-blimpy-0.6.4 -- Tool for managing a fleet of machines in the cloud
rubygem-bluecloth-1.0.1 -- Ruby implementation of Markdown, a text-to-HTML conversion tool
rubygem-bson-1.6.4 -- Ruby library for bson
rubygem-bugspots-0.1.2 -- Bugspots - Bug Prediction Heuristic
rubygem-builder-3.0.0 -- Facilitate programmatic generation of XML markup
rubygem-bundler-1.1.5 -- A tool that manages gem dependencies for ruby applications
rubygem-bunny-0.6.0 -- Another synchronous Ruby AMQP client
rubygem-bzip2-0.2.7 -- Ruby C bindings to libbzip2
rubygem-callsign-2.2.0 -- Provides a Ruby-Frontend to ham Radio Callsign Lookup
rubygem-capistrano-2.13.3 -- A utility for executing commands in parallel on multiple machines
rubygem-capistrano-ext-1.2.1 -- Useful task libraries and methods for Capistrano
rubygem-captcha-0.1.2_4 -- A simple CAPTCHA written in Ruby
rubygem-cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0 -- Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing
rubygem-charlock_holmes-0.6.8 -- Gems for character encoding detection
rubygem-chef-0.10.8_1 -- A systems integration framework. Client part
rubygem-chef-expander-0.10.8 -- A systems integration framework. Expander
rubygem-chef-server-0.10.8 -- A systems integration framework. Server
rubygem-chef-server-api-0.10.8 -- A systems integration framework. Server API
rubygem-chef-server-webui-0.10.8 -- A systems integration framework
rubygem-chef-solr-0.10.8 -- A systems integration framework. Client part
rubygem-childprocess-0.3.5 -- External background process controller
rubygem-chronic-0.7.0 -- Chronic is a natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby
rubygem-chunky_png-1.2.5_1 -- Ruby library to read and write PNG images
rubygem-cinch-1.1.3 -- The IRC Bot Building Framework
rubygem-classifier-1.3.3 -- A classifier module for Bayesian and other types of classifications
rubygem-clio-0.3.0 -- Make easier commandline parsing and console output
rubygem-cloudfiles-1.4.18 -- A Ruby version of the Rackspace Cloud Files API
rubygem-coderay-1.0.8 -- Fast and easy syntax highlighting for selected languages
rubygem-coffee-rails-3.2.2 -- Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
rubygem-coffee-script-2.2.0 -- Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler
rubygem-coffee-script-source-1.3.3 -- CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript
rubygem-color-1.4.1 -- Provides colour space definition and manipulation
rubygem-colored-1.2 -- Colorize text on the console
rubygem-colortools-1.3.0 -- Provides colour space definition and manipulation
rubygem-columnize-0.3.6 -- Sorts an Array in Column Order
rubygem-compass-0.12.2 -- Provides an open-source CSS authoring framework
rubygem-configuration-1.2.0 -- Mechanism to parse ruby configuration files
rubygem-cookiejar-0.3.0 -- Allows for parsing and returning cookies in Ruby HTTP client code -- Gems for
rubygem-couchrest-1.1.3 -- Provides a simple interface on top of CouchDBs RESTful HTTP API
rubygem-crack-0.3.1 -- Ruby Library of Simple JSON and XML Parsing
rubygem-cri-2.3.0 -- Allows building easy-to-use commandline interfaces
rubygem-cuba-3.1.0 -- Cuba is a microframework for web applications
rubygem-curb-0.8.1 -- Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl
rubygem-daemon_controller-1.0.0 -- A library for implementing daemon management capabilities
rubygem-daemons-1.1.9 -- A toolkit to convert your script to a controllable daemon
rubygem-data_objects-0.10.8 -- A unified Ruby API for popular databases
rubygem-datamapper-1.2.0 -- Fast, thread-safe, object-relational mapper
rubygem-davclient-0.0.8 -- Command line WebDAV client and Ruby library
rubygem-deep_test-1.2.2 -- Enable tests to run in parallel using multiple processes
rubygem-delayed_job-3.0.3 -- Asynchronously executing longer tasks in the background
rubygem-delayed_job_data_mapper-1.0.0.r -- DataMapper backend for delayed_job
rubygem-dep_selector-0.0.8_1 -- Find a valid assignment of package versions
rubygem-deprecated-2.0.1 -- Version 2 of this library intended to aid working with deprecated code
rubygem-deprecated-3.0.0 -- A library intended to aid developers working with deprecated code
rubygem-devise-2.1.2 -- Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
rubygem-diff-lcs-1.1.3 -- LCS-based diff library for ruby
rubygem-directory_watcher-1.4.1 -- Scans a directory at a set interval and lists files
rubygem-ditz-0.5_2 -- Simple lightweight distributed issue tracker
rubygem-dm-active_model-1.2.1 -- A dm plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility
rubygem-dm-aggregates-1.2.0 -- DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates
rubygem-dm-chunked_query-0.3.1 -- Allows performing chunked queries
rubygem-dm-constraints-1.2.0 -- DataMapper plugin constraining relationships
rubygem-dm-core-1.2.0 -- An Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
rubygem-dm-devise-2.1.0 -- Adds DataMapper support to devise
rubygem-dm-do-adapter-1.2.0 -- DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
rubygem-dm-migrations-1.2.0 -- DataMapper plugin for writing and specifying migrations
rubygem-dm-mysql-adapter-1.2.0 -- MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
rubygem-dm-observer-1.2.0 -- DataMapper plugin for observing Resources
rubygem-dm-pager-1.1.0 -- DataMapper Pagination
rubygem-dm-paperclip-2.4.1 -- File attachments as attributes for DataMapper
rubygem-dm-postgres-adapter-1.2.0 -- PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
rubygem-dm-rails-1.2.1 -- Integrate DataMapper with Rails 3
rubygem-dm-serializer-1.2.2 -- DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
rubygem-dm-timestamps-1.2.0 -- DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
rubygem-dm-transactions-1.2.0 -- Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them
rubygem-dm-types-1.2.2 -- DataMapper plugin providing extra data types
rubygem-dm-validations-1.2.0 -- Library for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
rubygem-dnsruby-1.53 -- A pure Ruby DNS client library
rubygem-do_mysql-0.10.8 -- Ruby DataObjects driver for MySQL
rubygem-do_postgres-0.10.8 -- Ruby DataObjects driver for PostgreSQL
rubygem-do_sqlite3-0.10.8 -- Ruby DataObjects driver to the SQLite DB engine version 3
rubygem-domain_name-0.5.3 -- Domain Name manipulation library for ruby
rubygem-domainatrix-0.0.10 -- Library for parsing domain names and canonicalizing URLs
rubygem-dragonfly-0.9.12 -- On-the-fly Rack-based image handling framework
rubygem-drydock-0.6.9 -- Build seaworthy command-line apps with a powerful Ruby DSL
rubygem-earthquake-0.9.4 -- Terminal based Twitter client with Twitter streaming API
rubygem-echoe-4.5 -- Rake tasks for docs, extension compiling, testing, and deployment
rubygem-edavis10-object_daddy-0.4.3 -- Object Daddy assists in automating testing
rubygem-elif-0.1.0 -- Read file in reverse order
rubygem-em-http-request-0.2.15 -- EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client
rubygem-em-websocket-0.3.8 -- EventMachine based WebSocket server
rubygem-emk-sinatra-url-for-0.2.1 -- Construct absolute paths and full URLs for a Sinatra application
rubygem-errand-0.7.3 -- Ruby bindings for RRD
rubygem-erubis-2.7.0 -- A fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby
rubygem-escape_utils-0.2.4 -- Faster string escaping routines for your web apps
rubygem-eventmachine-0.12.10 -- A fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs
rubygem-excon-0.16.2 -- Extended http(s) Connections Library
rubygem-execjs-1.4.0 -- ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby
rubygem-exifr-1.1.3 -- A pure-ruby EXIF reader
rubygem-extlib-0.9.15 -- General Ruby extensions
rubygem-ezamar-2009.06 -- A lightweight and simple templating engine for Ruby
rubygem-ezcrypto-0.7.2 -- Wrapper for the poorly documented OpenSSL ruby library
rubygem-ezprint-0.3.1 -- A rails wrapper for the PDFKit library
rubygem-facets-2.9.3 -- RubyGem port of the single most extensive additions and extensions
rubygem-familia-0.7.1 -- Organize and store ruby objects in Redis
rubygem-faraday-0.8.0 -- A HTTP/REST API client library in Ruby
rubygem-faraday_middleware-0.8.4 -- Collection of Ruby Faraday middlewares
rubygem-fast-stemmer-1.0.1 -- Fast Porter stemmer based on a C version of algorithm
rubygem-fast_xs-0.7.3 -- A systems integration framework. Expander
rubygem-fastercsv-1.5.5 -- A complete replacement to the CSV standard library
rubygem-fastri- -- A fast RDoc documentation browser for ruby
rubygem-fastthread-1.0.7 -- Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
rubygem-fattr-2.2.1 -- A Fatter Attr for Ruby
rubygem-feed-normalizer-1.5.2 -- An extensible wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers
rubygem-feedzirra-0.0.24 -- A feed fetching and parsing library
rubygem-ferret-0.11.6 -- Ferret is a ruby port of Lucene
rubygem-ffi-1.0.11 -- Extension for dynamic libraries & binding functions
rubygem-file-tail-1.0.11 -- This is a small Ruby library that allows Ruby to 'tail' files
rubygem-filemagic-0.4.2 -- A Ruby binding to libmagic(3)
rubygem-flexmock-0.9.0 -- A simple mock object for Ruby
rubygem-fluentd-0.10.27 -- Fluent event collector
rubygem-fog-1.6.0 -- Ruby cloud services library
rubygem-formatador-0.2.3 -- STDOUT text formatting
rubygem-formosa-0.2.0 -- A collection of libraries for Taiwanese languages processing
rubygem-fssm- -- Provides a state tracking and event firing utility
rubygem-gd2-1.1.1_3 -- Ruby binding for Thomas Boutell's gd 2.x graphics library
rubygem-gdata-1.1.2 -- Assist Ruby developers in working with Google Data APIs
rubygem-gem_plugin-0.2.3_1 -- Gem Based Plugin System
rubygem-gemcutter-0.7.1 -- Extensions to RubyGems for managing gems and more on
rubygem-geoip-1.1.2 -- Geoip implementation for rubygems
rubygem-geokit-1.6.0 -- A Ruby gem for maps-based apps
rubygem-getopt-1.4.1 -- Command line parsing with Ruby
rubygem-getopt-declare-1.29 -- Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via Regular Expressions
rubygem-gettext-2.3.1 -- A Ruby implementation of the gettext library
rubygem-gibbler-0.8.10 -- Git-like hashes for Ruby objects
rubygem-git-1.2.5 -- A ruby wrapper library around git(1)
rubygem-god-0.12.1 -- Monitoring framework written in Ruby
rubygem-gpgr-0.0.4_1 -- Very light interface to the command-line GPG tool
rubygem-graphviz-0.9.21 -- Ruby Interface to the GraphViz Graphing Tool
rubygem-grit-2.5.0 -- An object-oriented ruby library to access git repositories
rubygem-gruff-0.3.6_2 -- A beautiful graphing library for Ruby using RMagick
rubygem-guard-1.4.0 -- Command line tool to easily handle events on file system modifications
rubygem-guard-livereload-1.0.1 -- Automatically reloads your browser when 'view' files are modified
rubygem-guard-rspec-2.1.0 -- Guard::RSpec automatically run your specs (much like autotest)
rubygem-haml-3.1.4 -- Markup language to describe XHTML
rubygem-hashie-1.2.0 -- Hashie is a simple collection of useful Hash extensions
rubygem-heredoc_unindent-1.1.2 -- Removes common margin from indented strings
rubygem-hiera-1.1.0 -- A pluggable data store for hierarchical data
rubygem-hiera-json-0.3.0 -- A backend for Hiera that queries JSON data
rubygem-hiera-puppet-0.3.0_1 -- A data backend for Hiera that queries the Puppet scope for data
rubygem-highline-1.6.2 -- A high-level IO library for command-line interfaces
rubygem-hike-1.2.1 -- A Ruby library for finding files in a set of paths
rubygem-hmac-0.4.0 -- A Ruby library which implements the HMAC algorithm
rubygem-hoe-3.0.6 -- A simple rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles
rubygem-holidays-1.0.5 -- A collection of Ruby methods to deal with statutory and other holidays
rubygem-hpricot-0.8.6 -- A Fast, Enjoyable HTML Parser for Ruby
rubygem-htmlentities-4.3.1 -- HTML entity encoding and decoding for Ruby
rubygem-htmltools-1.10 -- Tools for parsing and manipulating HTML text in Ruby
rubygem-http_parser.rb-0.5.3 -- A simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
rubygem-httparty-0.8.3 -- Ruby Library that Makes HTTP Fun Again
rubygem-httpauth-0.2.0 -- A library for HTTP authentication protocol in RFC 2617
rubygem-httpclient- -- Yet another HTTP client implementation by NaHi
rubygem-i18n-0.6.0 -- New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
rubygem-icalendar-1.1.6 -- Library for working with iCalendar files
rubygem-igraph-0.9.7 -- A Ruby extension for using the igraph library
rubygem-image_science-1.2.3 -- Ruby library that generates thumbnails
rubygem-imagesize-0.1.1 -- RubyGem for finding the size of an image
rubygem-ini-0.1.1 -- Ruby INI File Parser and Writer
rubygem-inline-3.11.3 -- Inline::C allows you to embed C/Ruby directly in ruby scripts
rubygem-innate-2011.10 -- Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
rubygem-interact-0.4 -- A simple API for command-line interaction
rubygem-io-like-0.3.0 -- The interface of IO objects to classes providing a few simple methods
rubygem-iobuffer-1.1.2 -- Gems for iobuffer
rubygem-ipaddress-0.8.0 -- IP address manipulation library for rubygems
rubygem-itextomml-1.4.10 -- Native Ruby bindings to itex2MML
rubygem-jammit-0.6.5 -- An industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails
rubygem-jdbc-mysql-5.0.4 -- MySQL JDBC driver for JRuby
rubygem-jekyll-0.11.2 -- Simple, blog aware, static site generator
rubygem-jeweler-1.8.4 -- Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects
rubygem-journey-1.0.4 -- It routes requests.
rubygem-jquery-rails-2.1.1 -- Provides a rails generator for jquery
rubygem-jruby-jars- -- JAR files from the JRuby distribution
rubygem-json-1.4.6 -- Parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures
rubygem-json-1.7.5 -- Parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures
rubygem-json_pure-1.7.5 -- Parse JSON texts and generate them from ruby data structures in Ruby
rubygem-jwt-0.1.5 -- JSON Web Token implementation in Ruby
rubygem-kgio-2.7.4 -- Provides non-blocking I/O methods
rubygem-kramdown-0.13.7 -- Yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby
rubygem-kwalify-0.7.2 -- Kwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for YAML and JSON.
rubygem-larch-1.1.1 -- Larch copies messages from one IMAP server to another
rubygem-launchy-2.1.2 -- A helper class for launching cross-platform applications
rubygem-layout-yullio-0.9.0 -- A combination of Mollio CSS/HTML template and Yahoo UI grid
rubygem-less-1.2.21 -- The LESS Ruby gem compiles LESS code to CSS
rubygem-librmpd-0.1.1 -- Is a simple yet powerful Music Player Daemon library
rubygem-libxml-ruby-2.3.3 -- Ruby bindings for the GNOME Libxml2 toolkit
rubygem-lighthouse-api-2.0 -- Ruby interface for lighthouse ticketing system
rubygem-linecache-0.43 -- Caches(Ruby source) Files as Might Be Used in a Debugger
rubygem-linguistics-1.0.9 -- Framework for extending Ruby objects with linguistic methods
rubygem-liquid-2.4.1 -- Library for rendering safe templates
rubygem-listen-0.5.3 -- Listen to file modifications and notify about the changes
rubygem-little_plugger-1.1.3 -- Mechanism to parse ruby little-plugger files
rubygem-locale-2.0.8 -- A pure ruby library to support locales
rubygem-lockfile-1.4.3 -- A ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
rubygem-log4r-1.1.10 -- A flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs
rubygem-logging-1.7.2 -- Logging library based on Java's log4j
rubygem-lolcat-42.0.99_1 -- Rainbows and unicorns
rubygem-loofah-1.2.1 -- Library for manipulating HTML/XML documents and fragments
rubygem-loquacious-1.9.1 -- Mechanism to parse ruby loquacious files
rubygem-macaddr-1.0.0 -- Cross Platform Mac Address Determination for Ruby
rubygem-mail-2.4.4 -- A Ruby email handler
rubygem-mailfactory-1.4.0 -- A simple to use module for generating RGC compliant MIME mail
rubygem-main-5.0.1 -- A Class Factory and Dsl for Generating Command Line Programs
rubygem-map-6.2.0 -- Maps are ordered hashes with many features
rubygem-markaby-0.5 -- HTML Markup as Ruby
rubygem-maruku-0.6.0 -- A Markdown and PHP Markdown extra interpreter for Ruby
rubygem-mash-0.0.3 -- Mocking Hash library for Ruby
rubygem-mechanize-2.5.1 -- WWW::Mechanize, a handy web browsing ruby object
rubygem-memcache-1.2.13_2 -- Ruby bindings for libmemcached
rubygem-memcache-client-1.8.5 -- Ruby bindings for MemCached
rubygem-merb-assets-1.1.3 -- Merb plugin for supporting assets
rubygem-merb-core-1.1.3 -- Merb. Pocket rocket web framework
rubygem-merb-haml-1.1.3 -- Merb plugin for HAML support
rubygem-merb-helpers-1.1.3 -- Merb plugin containing view helpers
rubygem-merb-param-protection-1.1.3 -- Merb plugin that helps protecting sensible parameters
rubygem-metaid-1.0 -- Ruby metaprogramming helpers
rubygem-method_source-0.8 -- A tool to retrieve the sourcecode for a method
rubygem-mime-types-1.19 -- Ruby gem which provides a mailcap-like MIME Content-Type lookup
rubygem-minitar-0.5.3 -- Library and command-line utility for tar archives
rubygem-minitest-3.3.0 -- Minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities
rubygem-mirror-1.0.1 -- Mirror rubygems
rubygem-mixlib-authentication-1.1.4 -- Mixes in simple per-request authentication
rubygem-mixlib-cli-1.2.2 -- A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing
rubygem-mixlib-config-1.1.2 -- A class based config mixin, similar to the one found in Chef
rubygem-mixlib-log-1.4.1 -- Provides a simple mixin for log functionality
rubygem-mixlib-shellout-1.1.0 -- Shell interface that also collects stdout and stderr
rubygem-mkrf-0.2.3 -- Replacement to mkmf generates Rakefiles to build C Extensions
rubygem-mocha-0.9.12 -- A library for mocking and stubbing syntax like JMock and SchMock
rubygem-moneta-0.6.0 -- An unified interface to key/value stores
rubygem-money-5.0.0 -- Library for handling money and different currencies
rubygem-mongo-1.6.4 -- Ruby library for mongo
rubygem-mongrel-1.1.5_3 -- Fast HTTP 1.1 library and server for Ruby web applications
rubygem-mongrel_cluster-1.0.5_2 -- Manages multiple Mongrel processes
rubygem-msgpack-0.4.7 -- Gems for MessagePack
rubygem-mspec-1.5.17 -- A specialized Ruby testing framework
rubygem-multi_json-1.3.6 -- Ruby library provide swappable JSON backends
rubygem-multi_xml-0.4.1 -- Ruby library provide swappable XML backends
rubygem-multipart-post-1.1.5 -- Ruby Library that Use with Net::HTTP to do multipart form posts
rubygem-murder-0.1.2 -- Large scale deploys using BitTorrent
rubygem-mutter-0.5.3 -- This Ruby gem is a tiny command-line interface library
rubygem-nanoc-3.4.2 -- A simple but very flexible static site generator
rubygem-ncurses-0.9.1 -- Wrapper to the ncurses library
rubygem-ncursesw- -- Wrapper to the ncurses library with wide character support
rubygem-needle-1.3.0 -- Dependency-injection/inversion-of-control container
rubygem-net-dns-0.7.1 -- A pure Ruby DNS library
rubygem-net-http-digest_auth-1.2.1 -- An implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication
rubygem-net-http-persistent-2.7 -- Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
rubygem-net-irc-0.0.9 -- Ruby library for implementing IRC server and client
rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1 -- Pure Ruby LDAP support library with most client features
rubygem-net-netrc-0.2.2 -- Net::Netrc provides ftp(1)-style .netrc parsing
rubygem-net-scp-1.0.4_1 -- Non-interactive SCP processing
rubygem-net-sftp-2.0.5_1 -- Implementation of the SFTP client protocol
rubygem-net-ssh-2.1.4 -- Non-interactive SSH processing
rubygem-net-ssh-gateway-1.1.0_1 -- Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls
rubygem-net-ssh-multi-1.1 -- SSH connection multiplexing library for Ruby
rubygem-nice-ffi-0.4_1 -- Nice-FFI is a layer on top of Ruby-FFI
rubygem-nicovideo-0.1.8 -- Scraping NICONICO DOUGA utility for Ruby
rubygem-nmap-parser-0.3.2_1 -- Ruby interface to Nmap scan data
rubygem-nokogiri-1.5.0 -- An HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser
rubygem-notify-0.4.0 -- Provides notification functionalities on cross platforms
rubygem-ntlm-http-0.1.1 -- NTLM HTTP provides NTLM authentication over http
rubygem-oauth-0.4.6 -- Rubygem for Creating both OAuth Consumers and Service Providers
rubygem-oauth2-0.8.0 -- A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol
rubygem-objectdetect-0.0.3_5 -- A simple library for detecting objects in pictures
rubygem-ogginfo-0.6.11 -- A Ruby library to access to information on ogg files
rubygem-ohai-6.14.0 -- Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
rubygem-ohcount-2.0.1 -- Ohcount is the source code line counter that powers Ohloh
rubygem-open-uri-cached-0.0.5 -- OpenURI with transparent disk caching
rubygem-open4-1.3.0 -- Open4 manages child processes and their io handles
rubygem-opengl-0.60.1_1 -- OpenGL/GLU/GLUT interface modules for Ruby
rubygem-openid-2.2.0 -- An OpenID library written in pure Ruby
rubygem-opml-1.0.0 -- A simple wrapper for parsing OPML files
rubygem-orm_adapter-0.4.0 -- Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs
rubygem-paint-0.8.5 -- Terminal painter
rubygem-parsetree-3.0.8 -- Ruby parse tree tools
rubygem-passenger-3.0.17 -- Modules for running Ruby on Rails and Rack applications
rubygem-pdfkit-0.5.2 -- Uses wkhtmltopdf to create PDFs using HTML
rubygem-pdfwriter-1.1.8 -- A pure Ruby PDF document creation library
rubygem-pg-0.13.0 -- Ruby interface to PostgreSQL library
rubygem-piston-1.4.0 -- Utility to manage local copies of Subversion repositories
rubygem-pkg-config-1.1.4 -- A pkg-config implementation for Ruby
rubygem-platform-0.4.0 -- Hopefully robust platform sensing
rubygem-png-1.2.0_1 -- An almost-pure-ruby PNG library
rubygem-polyglot-0.3.3 -- Provides a registry of file types
rubygem-pony-1.4 -- The express way to send mail from Ruby
rubygem-popen4-0.1.4 -- A cross platform API for managing child processes
rubygem-posix-spawn-0.3.6 -- Ruby wrapper for posix_spawnp(2) for faster process spawning
rubygem-prawn-0.8.4_1 -- Fast pure Ruby PDF generator
rubygem-prawn-core-0.8.4 -- Core of Rubygem-prawn
rubygem-prawn-flexible-table-0.1.2 -- Create tables with *span attributes for each cell with Prawn
rubygem-prawn-format-0.2.3 -- An extension of Prawn that allows inline formatting
rubygem-prawn-graph-0.0.4 -- Draw basic graphs and charts natively in your PDFs
rubygem-prawn-js-0.7.1 -- Simplifies embedding JavaScript in your PDF files
rubygem-prawn-layout-0.8.4 -- An Prawn Extension to Provides Table Support and Other Layout
rubygem-prawn-security-0.8.4 -- An extension of Prawn
rubygem-prawn-svg- -- SVG renderer for Prawn PDF library
rubygem-prototype-rails-3.2.1 -- Provides Prototype, Scriptaculous, and RJS for Rails
rubygem-pry-0.9.10 -- An IRB alternative and runtime developer console
rubygem-ptreloaded-0.0.1 -- A reimplementation of ParseTree using RubyInlineAcceleration
rubygem-public_suffix_service-0.9.1 -- Parse and decompose domain names into TLD, domain, and subdomains
rubygem-puppet-lint-0.3.2 -- Checks Puppet manifests against the style guide
rubygem-racc-1.4.8 -- An LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
rubygem-rack-1.4.1 -- Rack, a Ruby Webserver Interface
rubygem-rack-cache-1.2 -- A piece of rack middleware to enable HTTP caching
rubygem-rack-mount-0.8.3 -- Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router
rubygem-rack-protection-1.2.0 -- Collection of Rack middleware to protect against opportunistic attack
rubygem-rack-ssl-1.3.2 -- Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS
rubygem-rack-test-0.6.1 -- a small, simple testing API for Rack apps.
rubygem-railroad-0.5.0 -- A class diagrams generator for Ruby on Rails applications
rubygem-rails-3.2.8 -- MVC web application framework
rubygem-rails-app-installer-0.2.0_1 -- An installer for Rails apps
rubygem-railsbench-0.9.8 -- Scripts designed for benchmarking of Rails applications
rubygem-railsless-deploy-1.0.2 -- Replacement for the rails deploy strategy which ships with Capistrano
rubygem-railties-3.2.8 -- Rails internals bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks
rubygem-rainbow-1.1.4 -- Extends ruby String class enabling coloring text on ANSI terminals
rubygem-raindrops-0.10.0 -- A real-time stats toolkit to show statistics for Rack HTTP servers
rubygem-rak-1.0 -- A grep replacement in pure Ruby
rubygem-rake- -- Ruby Make
rubygem-rake-compiler-0.8.1 -- Build and package Ruby extensions (C, Java) using Rake
rubygem-ramaze-2011.10.23 -- Ramaze is a simple and modular web framework
rubygem-rapt-0.2.2 -- Rails Plugin Tool
rubygem-rascut-0.2.1_1 -- Ruby ActionSCript UTility
rubygem-rash-0.3.2 -- Simple extension to Hashie::Mash for rubyfied keys
rubygem-razorback-scriptNugget-0.5.0 -- Framework for an intelligence driven security - Script Nugget Ruby
rubygem-rb-inotify-0.8.8 -- Ruby wrapper for libinotify, using ffi
rubygem-rbase-0.1.3 -- Library to create/read/write to XBase databases (*.DBF files)
rubygem-rchardet-1.3 -- Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby
rubygem-rcov-0.9.11 -- Code coverage tool for Ruby
rubygem-rdiscount-1.6.8 -- A fast Markdown converter for ruby based on discount
rubygem-rdoc-3.12 -- RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
rubygem-redcloth-4.2.9 -- A module for using Textile in Ruby
rubygem-redis-3.0.2 -- Ruby client library for Redis, the key value storage server
rubygem-require_all-1.2.1 -- A wonderfully simple way to load your code
rubygem-rest-client-1.6.2.a -- A simple Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby
rubygem-rfacebook-0.9.8_1 -- Ruby interface to the Facebook API
rubygem-rfeedfinder-0.9.13 -- A Ruby library to find the feed.
rubygem-rgl-0.4.0 -- Framework for graph datastructures and algorithms implemented in Ruby
rubygem-rightaws-1.10.0 -- Provides access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, and SDB web services
rubygem-rightflexiscale-0.1.0 -- Provides Ruby access to the Flexiscale API
rubygem-rightgogrid-0.1.0 -- Provides Ruby access to the GoGrid API
rubygem-righthttpconnection-1.3.0 -- Persistent HTTP/HTTPS connections with error retries
rubygem-rightslicehost-0.1.0 -- Provides Ruby access to the Slicehost API
rubygem-ripper-1.0.5 -- Parses Ruby source and tokenizes or builds an AST
rubygem-rjb-1.4.2 -- Build system for Java-based applications
rubygem-rmail-1.0.0 -- RMail is a lightweight mail library
rubygem-roauth-0.0.8 -- Simple Ruby OAuth library
rubygem-robotex-1.0.0 -- A simple library to obey robots.txt files
rubygem-robots-0.10.1 -- A simple library to parse robots.txt files
rubygem-rparsec-1.0 -- Recursive descent parser combinator framework for Ruby
rubygem-rr-1.0.4 -- RR is a double framework with lots of double techniques and terse syntax
rubygem-rscm-0.5.1 -- Ruby SCM, an SCM-independent API for accessing SCMs
rubygem-rspec-2.11.0 -- Behaviour Driven Development in Ruby
rubygem-rspec-core-2.11.1 -- RSpec Core provides the structure for writing executable examples
rubygem-rspec-expectations-2.11.2 -- Rspec-expectations adds should and should_not to every object
rubygem-rspec-mocks-2.11.2 -- Rspec-mocks provides a test-double framework for rspec
rubygem-rubigen-1.5.7 -- A Ruby generic generator framework
rubygem-ruby-augeas-0.4.1 -- Ruby bindings for Augeas
rubygem-ruby-debug-0.10.4 -- A generic command line interface for ruby-debug
rubygem-ruby-debug-base-0.10.4 -- Fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger
rubygem-ruby-debug-ide-0.4.16 -- IDE interface for ruby-debug
rubygem-ruby-mp3info-0.6.16 -- A Ruby library to access information on mp3 files
rubygem-ruby-ole- -- A library for easy read/write access to OLE compound documents
rubygem-ruby-prof-0.11.2 -- A fast profiler for Ruby
rubygem-ruby-qmail-0.1.1 -- A Ruby qmail library
rubygem-ruby-sdl-ffi-0.4 -- Low-level binding to SDL and related libraries using Ruby-FFI
rubygem-ruby-termios-0.9.6 -- A Ruby interface to termios
rubygem-ruby2ruby-1.3.1 -- A pure ruby code generator easily from ParseTree's Sexps
rubygem-ruby_parser-2.3.1_1 -- A ruby parser written in pure ruby
rubygem-rubyforge-2.0.4 -- Simplistic script which automates rubyforge operations
rubygem-rubyfulsoup-1.0.4 -- Ruby port of the HTML/XML parser Beautiful Soup
rubygem-rubygame-2.6.4_3 -- A game-development extension and library for the ruby language
rubygem-rubyinlineaccel-0.0.1 -- An extension to RubyInline
rubygem-rubyrep-1.2.0 -- Multi-master replication and sync for MySQL and PostgreSQL
rubygem-rubytree-0.8.2 -- Implementation of the Tree data structure for the Ruby
rubygem-rubytter-1.4.2 -- Simple Twitter library
rubygem-rubyzip2-2.0.2 -- Ruby compatible Zip library
rubygem-runt-0.7.0 -- Ruby implementation of select Martin Fowler patterns
rubygem-ruport-1.2.3_1 -- Ruby Reports (Ruport) is an extensible reporting system
rubygem-sanitize-2.0.3 -- Whitelist based HTML sanitizer
rubygem-sass-3.2.1 -- Sass is an extension of CSS3
rubygem-sass-rails-3.2.5 -- Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
rubygem-sax-machine-0.0.16 -- A declarative sax parsing library backed by Nokogiri
rubygem-scrapi-1.2.0 -- A scrAPI toolkit for Ruby
rubygem-scrubyt-0.4.11 -- A powerful web scraping toolkit written in Ruby
rubygem-scruffy-0.2.6 -- Beautiful Graphs for Ruby
rubygem-sdl-2.1.1_1 -- Ruby extension library to use SDL library
rubygem-sequel-3.38.0 -- The Database Toolkit for Ruby
rubygem-sexp_processor-3.2.0 -- Generic sexp processing tools
rubygem-shoulda-2.11.3 -- Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
rubygem-shout-2.2.0 -- A Ruby binding to the libshout library
rubygem-simple-rss-1.2 -- A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby.
rubygem-simple_form-2.0.2 -- Forms made easy
rubygem-simple_oauth-0.1.9 -- Rubygem for Simply builds and verifies OAuth headers
rubygem-sinatra-1.3.2 -- A classy web development framework in ruby
rubygem-sinatra-respond_to-0.8.0 -- A respond_to style Rails block for Sinatra
rubygem-slop-3.3.2 -- A simple DSL for gathering options and parsing the command line
rubygem-snmp-1.1.0 -- SNMP library for Ruby
rubygem-soap4r-1.5.8 -- A Ruby implementation of SOAP 1.1
rubygem-spreadsheet-0.7.3 -- A Ruby module to generate Microsoft Excel compatible files
rubygem-sprockets-2.1.3 -- Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript files
rubygem-spruz-0.2.13 -- A small Ruby library of mixed utils/extensions
rubygem-sqlite3-1.3.6 -- Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
rubygem-sqlite3-ruby-1.3.2 -- Ruby interface to the SQLite DB engine version 3
rubygem-state_machine-0.10.4 -- Support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
rubygem-staticmatic-0.11.1 -- Manage static websites using Haml and Sass
rubygem-statsd-0.5.4 -- Ruby port of the statsd python and node.js tools
rubygem-stella- -- Define realistic testplans and run them against your webapps
rubygem-stemmer-1.0.1 -- An implementation of the Porter word stemming algorithm
rubygem-stomp-1.1.10 -- Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol gem
rubygem-stompserver-0.9.9 -- Provide reliable messaging using the stomp protocol
rubygem-storable-0.8.9 -- Marshal Ruby classes into and out of multiple formats
rubygem-stream-0.5_2 -- Interface for external iterators
rubygem-stringex-1.4.0 -- Some useful extensions to the Ruby String class
rubygem-subexec-0.2.2 -- Subexec spawns a subprocess with an optional timeout
rubygem-sugar-high-0.2.12 -- More Ruby sugar
rubygem-sundawg_country_codes-0.0.6 -- Manage ISO 3166 country names and codes
rubygem-syntax-1.0.0 -- A module for using Systax highlighting in Ruby
rubygem-sys-admin-1.5.6 -- Unified, cross platform replacement for the Etc module
rubygem-sys-cpu-0.7.0 -- Provides an interface for getting information about the CPU
rubygem-sys-filesystem-1.0.0 -- A Ruby interface for getting filesystem information
rubygem-sys-host-0.6.2 -- Provides hostname, IP address, and other information for a given host
rubygem-sys-proctable-0.9.0 -- A Ruby interface for getting process information
rubygem-sys-uname-0.9.0 -- A Ruby interface for getting system information
rubygem-sys-uptime-0.6.0 -- Provides uptime and boot time information
rubygem-sysinfo-0.8.0 -- All your system-independent infoz in one handy class
rubygem-systemu-2.5.2 -- A portable replacement for popen4
rubygem-taggable-2.0.2 -- Add tagging capabilities to your ActiveRecord objects
rubygem-teamocil-0.3.7 -- Helps you to set up window and splits layouts for tmux
rubygem-templater-1.0.0 -- Ruby code generation framework
rubygem-termcolor-1.2.2 -- A library for ANSII color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
rubygem-terminal-table-1.4.4 -- Simple, feature rich ASCII table generation library
rubygem-termtter-1.11.0 -- Terminal based Twitter client
rubygem-test-0.4.3 -- Run automated tests
rubygem-test-unit-2.5.1 -- Improved version of Test::Unit bundled in Ruby
rubygem-thin-1.2.11 -- A fast and very simple Ruby web server
rubygem-thor-0.16.0 -- A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake, and rubigen
rubygem-thrift-0.8.0 -- Ruby interface to thrift
rubygem-tidy-1.1.2 -- Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project
rubygem-tilt-1.3.3 -- Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
rubygem-tins-0.5.3 -- Useful tools library in Ruby
rubygem-tmail- -- A RFC2822/MIME compliant mail manipulating library for Ruby
rubygem-transactionsimple-1.4.0 -- Simple object transaction support
rubygem-treetop-1.4.10 -- Ruby-based DSL for text parsing and interpretation
rubygem-trollop-1.16.2 -- A commandline option parser for Ruby that gets out of your way
rubygem-turing-0.0.11_3 -- Easy to use and customize/extend implementation of captcha
rubygem-turn-0.9.6 -- A new output format for Test::Unit
rubygem-tweetstream-1.1.4 -- TweetStream provides simple Ruby access to Twitter\'s Streaming API
rubygem-twitter-3.6.0 -- Command line twits and an API wrapper
rubygem-twitter-stream-0.1.16 -- Twitter realtime API client
rubygem-twitter4r-0.7.0 -- Twitter client API in pure Ruby
rubygem-twitter_oauth-0.4.4 -- Twitter OAuth REST API client library for Ruby
rubygem-typhoeus-0.3.3 -- Parallel HTTP request library
rubygem-tzinfo-0.3.33 -- Daylight-savings aware timezone support for Ruby
rubygem-uglifier-1.2.7 -- Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
rubygem-unf-0.0.5 -- Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support
rubygem-unf_ext-0.0.5 -- Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
rubygem-unicode-0.4.3 -- Unicode string manipulation library for Ruby
rubygem-unicorn-4.3.1 -- Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications
rubygem-uri-redis-0.4.2 -- Support for parsing redis://host:port/dbindex/keyname
rubygem-url_escape-2009.06.24 -- Fast replacement for CGI.escape and Rack::Utils.escape
rubygem-url_mount-0.2.1 -- Glue to allow mounted rack applications to know where they're mounted
rubygem-uuid-2.3.5 -- UUID Generator for Ruby
rubygem-uuidtools-2.1.3 -- A simple universally unique ID generation library
rubygem-validatable-1.6.7 -- Library for adding database/object validations
rubygem-visage-app-2.1.0 -- Graph tool for Collectd
rubygem-vmail-1.5.0 -- A Vim interface to Gmail
rubygem-warbler-0.9.14_2 -- A constructor of .war files of Rails applications
rubygem-warden-1.2.1 -- Rack middleware that provides authentication for rack applications
rubygem-webby-0.9.4_1 -- A small website management system
rubygem-webmock-1.7.10 -- Allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on the requests
rubygem-webrobots-0.0.13 -- Write robots.txt compliant web robots in Ruby
rubygem-whois-2.6.4 -- Ruby whois library
rubygem-xml-simple-1.0.16 -- A ruby take off of p5-XML-Simple
rubygem-xmpp4r-0.5_1 -- XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby
rubygem-xslt-0.9.9 -- An XSLT processor in pure Ruby
rubygem-yadis-0.3.4 -- A Yadis Service discovery library written in pure Ruby
rubygem-yajl-ruby-0.7.7 -- A streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby
rubygem-yajl-ruby-1.1.0 -- A streaming JSON parsing and encoding library for Ruby
rubygem-yapra-0.2.0 -- Yet Another Pragger implementation
rubygem-yard- -- A documentation generation tool for Ruby
rubygem-yui-compressor-0.9.6 -- A YUI Compressor for minifying JavaScript and CSS assets
rubygem-zentest-4.8.2 -- Ruby Unit Testing Utility
rubygem-zfstools-0.2.1 -- OpenSolaris-compatible auto snapshotting
rubygem-zoom-0.4.1_2 -- A Ruby binding to the Z39.50 Object-Orientation Model (ZOOM)
rubyphoto-1.4_6 -- A program for creating web image galleries
rubyripper-0.6.2 -- Digital audio CD extraction tool for accurate ripping
rude-0.70_4 -- Rude is a Real-time UDP Data Emitter and Collector (crude)
rudeconfig-5.0.5_1 -- Library for handling configuration files, written in C++
rudiments-0.36.1 -- A utility C++ class library for daemons, clients, servers, and more
runawk-1.4.0 -- Wrapper for AWK interpreter that implements a modules system
runit-2.1.1 -- Service supervision tools compatible with DJB daemontools
runsomebrowser-0.2 -- Script for running the an available WEB browser
runwhen-2003.10.31 -- Tools for running commands at particular times
rust-0.4 -- A language with a focus on memory safety and concurrency
rvi-1.0.0 -- A simple interface to RCS
rvm-1.07 -- An archive manager that uses rsync to manage backups
rvm-1.17 -- A persistent VM library
rw-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Kinyarwanda dictionary
rw-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Kinyarwanda messages and documentation for KDE3
rw-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- rw language pack for libreoffice
rwhoisd- -- The Internic referral whois server
rxp-1.4.4 -- A validating XML parser written in C
rxtx-openjdk6-2.2p2 -- Native interface to serial ports in Java
rxvt-2.6.4_6 -- A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
rxvt-devel-2.7.10_6 -- A low memory usage xterm replacement that supports color
rxvt-unicode-9.15_2 -- A clone of the terminal emulator rxvt modified to support Unicode
rzip-2.1 -- Compression program similar to gzip or bzip2
s-news-0.1.11_2 -- Simple news server for hosts with one or two users
s10sh-0.2.2 -- USB/serial userspace driver for the Canon PowerShot digital cameras
s3mod-1.09_2 -- MOD/S3M player
s5-1.1_2 -- A simple HTML-based presentation system
s9fes-20121005 -- Portable Scheme interpreter with a Unix interface
sa-stats-1.0 -- Generates top spam/ham rules fired for SpamAssassin installations
sa-utils-0.02_1 -- SpamAssassin nightly periodic maintenance
sa_IN-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sa_IN language pack for libreoffice
sabbu-0.3.0_12 -- Program used to time subtitles
sabernetdcs-client-2.0.3_9 -- SaberNet DCS - A labor data collection system
sablevm-1.13_10 -- Java VM created by McGill University's Sable Research Group
sablevm-classpath-1.13_10 -- Classpath of SableVM
sabnzbdplus-0.7.3 -- A web-interface based binary newsgrabber in python, with nzb support
sabre-20100501 -- A Simple API for Binary REpresentations and an UDF Library
safe-iop-0.3.1 -- A safe integer operation library for C
safe-rm-0.3 -- Wrapper around the rm command to prevent accidental deletions
safecat-1.13 -- Safely write data to maildir directory
saferpay-1.3.0_2 -- A command line tool for online payment
safesh-1.5 -- Authentication manager for OpenSSH (making secure auth easier)
safestr-1.0.3_1 -- A string handling library for C
saga-2.0.8_3 -- System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses
sagasu-2.0.10_1 -- A GNOME tool to find strings in a set of files
sage-0.2.0_3 -- OpenGL extension library
sage-5.3 -- Open source Mathematics software
sahi-3.5.2011.07.19 -- Web automation and testing tool
saint-3.5.8_2 -- Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
sakai-2.7.1 -- Sakai is an online Collaboration and Learning Environment
sakura-2.4.2_1 -- A terminal emulator based on GTK and VTE
salias-0.3.1_5 -- A command-line tool to alias arguments of other programs
salome-5.1.4_2 -- Metaport for cad/salome
salome-geom-5.1.4_5 -- GEOM module of Salome platform
salome-gui-5.1.4_4 -- GUI module of Salome platform
salome-jobmanager-5.1.4_5 -- JOBMANAGER module of Salome platform
salome-kernel-5.1.4_3 -- KERNEL module of Salome platform
salome-light-5.1.4_5 -- LIGHT module of Salome platform
salome-med-5.1.4_5 -- MED module of Salome platform
salome-multipr-5.1.4_5 -- MULTIPR module of Salome platform
salome-netgenplugin-5.1.4_5 -- NETGENPLUGIN module of Salome platform
salome-randomizer-5.1.4_3 -- RANDOMIZER module of Salome platform
salome-sierpinsky-5.1.4_5 -- SIERPINSKY module of Salome platform
salome-smesh-5.1.4_5 -- SMESH module of Salome platform
salome-visu-5.1.4_5 -- VISU module of Salome platform
salome-yacs-5.1.4_3 -- YACS module of Salome platform
salt-0.10.4 -- Distributed remote execution and configuration management system
salt-cloud-0.7.0 -- Provisioning salted minions to various cloud providers
sam2p-0.49_1 -- Converts raster (bitmap) image formats into PS or PDF files
samba-pdbsql-34_1 -- Multiplexor, MySQL and PostgeSQL passdb backends for Samba3
samba-virusfilter-0.1.3 -- On-access anti-virus filter for Samba
samba34-3.4.17 -- A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
samba34-libsmbclient-3.4.17 -- Shared libs from the samba package
samba35-3.5.18 -- A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
samba36-3.6.9 -- A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
samba36-nmblookup-3.6.9 -- NetBIOS Name lookup tool
samba36-smbclient-3.6.9 -- Samba "ftp-like" client
samba4-devel-4.0.0.a11_3 -- A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
samba4wins-1.0.8 -- A full featured replicating WINS server for UNIX
samefile-2.12 -- Find files with identical contents
samesame-1.10 -- Find duplicate files and optionally link them together
samhain-3.0.3 -- The Samhain Intrusion Detection System
samhain-client-3.0.3 -- The Samhain Intrusion Detection System
samhain-server-3.0.3 -- The Samhain Intrusion Detection System
samidare-0.7_1 -- A web page update checker written in Ruby
sampleicc-1.6.6 -- Library for reading, writing, manipulating, and applying ICC profiles
samplicator-1.3.7.b6 -- Receives UDP datagrams and redistributes them to a set of receivers
sampsvr-0.3c -- Rockstar's GTA: San Andreas multiplayer modification dedicated server
sams-1.0.5_5 -- Squid 2.x Accounting Management System
sancp-1.6.1_4 -- A network connection profiler
sanduhr-1.93_8 -- An alarm clock for GNOME desktop designed as a sand-glass
sane-backends-1.0.22_2 -- API for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbers etc
sane-frontends-1.0.14_8 -- Tools for access to scanners, digitals camera, frame grabbers etc
saoimage-1.35.1_2 -- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory image utility for X
sapphire-0.15.8_1 -- Small window manager
sapphire-themes-1.1_4 -- Themes for sapphire
sarah-0.9.1b -- Syslog automated Rotation and Archive Handler
sarep-1.1 -- Command-line search and replace tool; written in Perl; handles regexps
sarg-2.3.2_5 -- Squid log analyzer and HTML report generator
sarien-0.7.0_3 -- Sierra AGI games interpreter
sary-1.2.0_2 -- A suffix array library and tools, which provide fast full-text search
sash-3.7 -- A Stand-Alone shell combining many common utilities
sasp-0.1_1 -- A tool that permits to use a gateway whatever IP we have
sastatd-0.05 -- SpamAssassin statistic collecting server
sat-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sat language pack for libreoffice
satellite-1.0.2_1 -- A system for tracking machines with dynamic IP addresses
sather-1.2.2_2 -- Sather compiler
sather-specification-000328_1 -- Specification of the Sather programming language
sather-tutorial-000328_1 -- A tutorial on the Sather programming language
sauerbraten-20100728_2 -- First person shooter based on Cube
savelogs-1.97 -- Save log files in a nice way
sawfish-1.8.2_1 -- Lisp configurable window manager
sawfish-themes-0.12_4 -- Themes for Sawfish window manager
saxon-6.5.5 -- An XSLT 1.0 processor for Java
saxon-devel- -- An XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
saxon-he- -- An XSLT 2.0 / XPath 2.0 / XQuery 1.0 processor for Java
sb16config-1.0 -- Configuration utility for Granch SBNI16-SHDSL PCI modems
sbagen-1.4.5 -- A sequenced binaural wave generator
sbcl-1.0.58 -- A Common Lisp development system derived from the CMU CL system
sbd-1.37 -- A netcat clone with more features and crypto
sblim-wbemcli-1.6.1_1 -- CLI for Web Based Enterprise Management by SBLIM
sbniconfig-1.0 -- Configurator for Granch SBNI12-xx adapters
sbox-1.10_1 -- A CGI wrapper for Web site hosting services to safely grant CGI
sbt-0.12.1 -- A build tool for Scala projects
sc-7.16_1 -- A curses-based spreadsheet program
sc-aspell-1.0_1 -- Aspell Sardinian dictionary
scala-2.9.1 -- The Scala Programming Language
scala-docs-2.9.2 -- The documentation for the Scala standard library
scala-ide-2.1.0.m2_1 -- Scala plugin for the Eclipse IDE
scalapack-1.8.0_5 -- The ScaLAPACK Scalable LAPACK library
scalatest-1.6.1 -- A regression testing utility for use with the Scala Language
scale2x-2.4_2 -- Real-time graphics effect able to increase the size of small bitmaps
scalpel-2.0 -- A frugal, high performance file carver
scam-backscatter-1.5.1 -- Address verification milter to prevent spam backscatter
scamp-5.3b -- Download & Install additional definition files for Clamav
scamper-20111202b -- Tool for parallelised IPv4 and IPv6 measurement
scan_ffs-1.2 -- Scan_ffs recovers lost disklabel
scanbuttond-0.2.3_1 -- A daemon to monitor and configure modern scanner's buttons
scandoc-0.14 -- A C/C++ documentation generator
scanhill-0.5.p1 -- Microsoft Messenger Protocol Sniffer
scanlogd-2.2.6_1 -- TCP port scan detection tool
scannedonly-0.21 -- A Samba VFS virus scanning daemon
scanssh-2.1_8 -- Scans networks for open proxies, SSH, web, and SMTP servers
scantailor-0.9.10_1 -- Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
scapy-2.2.0 -- Powerful interactive packet manipulation program in python
scare-1.3.10 -- ADRIFT-compatible interactive games interpreter
scavenge-2.0_1 -- Discover/audit forward and reverse DNS records
sccmilter-0.95.7_3 -- Sendmail spam control and canceling filter, based on Milter API
scdp-1.0.b_3 -- Tool that sends CDP (CISCO Discovery Protocol) Packets
sceptre-2012.061 -- General-purpose circuit analysis program
scew-1.1.3 -- Simple C Expat Wrapper
schedutils-0.7.2 -- Collection of realtime scheduling tools
scheme48-1.8 -- The Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
schemetoc-93.3.15_2 -- Scheme-to-C, a compiler and interpreter for compiling scheme into C
schism-20100101_1 -- A module tracker editor/player resembling impulse tracker
schroedinger-1.0.11_1 -- High-speed Dirac codec
scid-4.3 -- A free chess database application
scilab-5.3.3_4 -- Scientific software package for numerical computations
scilab-toolbox-sivp-1.0.0.r286_1 -- Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
scilab-toolbox-swt-0.1.11_1 -- Scilab 1-D and 2-D Wavelet Toolbox
scim-1.4.9_1 -- Smart Common Input Method platform
scim-bridge-0.4.16_1 -- Scim-bridge agent (server)
scim-bridge-qt4-0.4.16_1 -- Qt4 client for Scim-bridge
scim-input-pad- -- SCIM add-on to input various symbols with customisable on-screen pad
scim-kmfl-imengine-0.9.9_2 -- SCIM KMFL IMEngine platform for Keyman (KMN) language keyboards
scim-m17n-0.2.3_5 -- A SCIM IMEngine module which uses m17n library as the backend
scim-openvanilla- -- SCIM OpenVanilla input method (IM)/output filter (OF) framework
scim-table-imengine-0.5.10_1 -- SCIM table based input method engine
scimark2-java-2.0_2 -- A Java benchmark for scientific and numerical computing
scimark2c-2.1 -- An ANSI C version of the SciMark2 benchmark
scintilla-3.2.3 -- Full-featured free source code editing component for GTK+
scite-3.2.3 -- Full-featured SCIntilla based text editor for GTK/GNOME
scli-0.3.1_1 -- A collection of SNMP command line management tools
scloader-0.32 -- Configurable web graber/spider
scm-5e7 -- A scheme interpreter
scmpc-0.3.1 -- An Audioscrobbler client for MPD
scmxx-0.9.0_2 -- Data exchange utility for Siemens mobile phones
scnc-1.05 -- SSL Capable Netcat
scons-2.1.0 -- A build tool alternative to make
scorched3d-0.43.3d_2 -- A 3D version of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
scotch-5.1.12.b.e -- A package for graph and mesh partitioning and sparse matrix ordering
scourge-0.21.1_8 -- S.C.O.U.R.G.E. is a rogue-like game
scourge-data-0.21.1 -- S.C.O.U.R.G.E data files
scponly-4.8.20110526 -- A tiny shell that only permits scp and sftp
scprotect-20091116 -- Protect process from killing when the swap space is exhausted
scr2png-1.2_5 -- Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to PNG
scr2txt-1.2 -- Converts the output of "vidcontrol -p" to text
scr_ipfm-0.64 -- Use logs generated by ipfm to show data graphically
scramble-0.9.5_10 -- From 6 letters you are to create as many words as you can
screem-0.16.1_14 -- Nice GNOME/GTK-based HTML editor
screen-4.0.3_14 -- A multi-screen window manager
screenie-1.30.0_1 -- A small and lightweight screen(1) wrapper
scribe-2.2.2012.01.07_1 -- Aggregating log data streamed in real time
scribes- -- Slick yet powerful text editor for GNOME
scribus-1.4.1_1 -- A comprehensive desktop publishing program
scribus-1.5.0_1 -- A comprehensive desktop publishing program
script4rss-0.4b -- Easily create scripts to convert HTML pages to RSS feeds
scripts-1.0.1 -- Various X related scripts
scrnsaverproto-1.2.1 -- ScrnSaver extension headers
scrobbler- -- XMMS/BMP plugin for
scrollkeeper-0.3.14_12 -- An Open Document Cataloging Project
scrollz-2.2.2 -- Enhanced ircII client that supports scripts, colors, and more
scrot-0.8_6 -- A screen capture utility that utilizes Imlib2
scrypt-1.1.6 -- Key Derivation Function
scsh-0.6.7 -- A Unix shell embedded into Scheme, with access to all Posix calls
scsh-install-lib-1.3.0 -- An scsh library for installing other scsh packages
scss-0.4.2 -- A Scheme module for W3C Cascading Stylesheets recommendation
scud-1.5.5 -- Tell your CID capable modem to answer those annoying calls
scummvm-1.5.0 -- Interpreter for several adventure games
scummvm-tools-1.0.0.r1_5 -- Tools for use with the SCUMMVM game emulator
scv-1.0p2 -- SystemC Verification library
scwm-icons-0.99.2_2 -- An icon collection for the scwm window manager
scythia-0.9.3_2 -- A small ftp client unpretentious based on QT4
sd-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sd language pack for libreoffice
sdb-1.0.2_11 -- Futuristic overhead shooter
sdcc-3.2.0_3 -- Small Device C Compiler
sdcc- -- Small Device C Compiler
sdcv-0.4.2_2 -- A text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format
sdd-1.52 -- Faster and improved version of dd
sdig-0.45_1 -- Translate IP/DNS/WINS/MAC address into port description
sdl-1.2.15_2 -- Cross-platform multimedia development API
sdl-ball-1.01_7 -- Arkanoid/Breakout clone with pretty graphics
sdlCC-0.0.0_7 -- Extensible Chinese checkers game using SDL
sdl_console-2.1_2 -- A drop down console that can be easily added to any SDL application
sdl_gfx-2.0.23 -- SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
sdl_image-1.2.12_1 -- A simple library to load images of various formats as SDL surfaces
sdl_jewels-1.1.1_1 -- Tile-matching 8x8 puzzle game
sdl_lopan-10_1 -- Mahjong game remake
sdl_mixer-1.2.12_1 -- A sample multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl_net-1.2.8 -- A small sample cross-platform networking library
sdl_pango-0.1.2_7 -- SDL_Pango is the SDL API to the Pango text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x
sdl_scavenger-145.1.2010.11.5_1 -- Lode Runner like game
sdl_sge-0.030809_12 -- A graphic library for the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)
sdl_sound-1.0.3_6 -- A SDL audio library and player for some popular sound file formats
sdl_ttf-2.0.11 -- A library to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL applications
sdlmm-0.1.8_6 -- A C++ Wrapper for the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
sdlquake2-0.1.4_9 -- Combination of R1Q2 and R1GL with SDL code from Quake2Forge
sdlroids-1.3.4_7 -- An enhanced shoot-the-asteroids game
sdlsand-20061017_4 -- Simulation of falling sand and other materials
sdocbook-xml-1.1 -- "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
sdom-0.5.1 -- An implementation of the W3C DOM recommendation in Scheme
sdpa-7.3.1_1 -- SDPA(SemiDefinite Programming Algorithm) Very efficient SDP Solver
sdpa-gmp-7.1.2_5 -- Multi precision arithmetic version of math/sdpa
sdpara-7.2.1_4 -- SDPARA parallel version of SDPA (math/sdpa)
sdparm-1.07 -- Utilities to access SCSI device parameters
sdts-1.5.1_2 -- C++ library for SDTS related development
se-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Northern Sami messages and documentation for KDE3
sea-defender-r20100723_3 -- Simple missile command clone
seabattle-1.0_1 -- A curses based battleship type game
seabios-devel- -- SeaBIOS git snapshot (for emulators/qemu-devel)
seahaven-1.60 -- The classic, lightweight version of Seahaven Towers
seahorse-2.32.0_7 -- GNOME application for managing encryption keys (PGP, SSH)
seahorse-plugins-2.30.1_7 -- Plug-ins for the Seahorse key and password management application
seam-carving-gui-1.11_2 -- The Seam Carving GUI is a GUI front end to CAIR
seamonkey-2.13.2 -- The open source, standards compliant web browser
seamonkey-i18n-2.13.2 -- Localized interface for SeaMonkey
searchmonkey-2.0.0_1 -- Search using regexes for file names and text
seaview-4.4.0 -- Multiple DNA/protein sequence alignment editor
sec-2.5.1 -- Simple event (logs) correlator
seccure-0.4_1 -- Elliptic Curve Crypto Utility for Reliable Encryption
secpanel-0.6.1 -- GUI for managing and running ssh and related utilities
secretmaryochronicles-1.10.git20120512_4 -- Secret Maryo Chronicles two-dimensional platform game
secretmaryochronicles-music-5.0 -- Background music for Secret Maryo Chronicles
sectar-1.02 -- A program to create encrypted tar archives
sectok-20030825 -- ISO 7816 Smartcard Utility
secure_delete-3.1 -- Secure data deletion toolkit
seda-3.0_2 -- An Architecture for Highly Concurrent Server Applications
sedsed-1.0 -- A Python script that masters SED scripts
sedumi-1.1_5 -- SeDuMi is an semidefinite programming solver on Matlab
see-2.0.1131_1 -- Simple ECMAScript Engine (SEE)
see-devel-3.0.1376_2 -- Simple ECMAScript Engine (SEE)
seed-2.31.91_2 -- GObject JavaScriptCore bridge
seed7-05.20121021 -- A high-level, extensible programming language
seejpeg-1.10_4 -- A console graphics viewer using the svga console graphics library
selectwm-0.4.1_9 -- A GTK application to let you select a window manager when starting X
selenium-0.6.1 -- Selenium is web application test tool!
semantic-emacs21-1.4.4_8 -- A lexer, parser-generator, and parser for Emacs
semantik-0.8.0 -- KDE mind mapping tool
semi-emacs21-1.14.6_14 -- SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs21
semi-emacs22-1.14.6_14 -- SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs22
semi-emacs24-1.14.6_14 -- SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for emacs
semi-xemacs21-mule-1.14.6_14 -- SEMI, Library of MIME feature for GNU Emacs for xemacs21-mule
send-0.3 -- Secure Neighbor Discovery implementation for IPv6
sendEmail-1.56_1 -- Lightweight, completely command line based, SMTP email agent
sendSNPP-v1.03_1 -- Tool for sending messages through a RFC1861 compliant SNPP server
sendfile-2.1a_2 -- Simple Asynchronous File Transfer Reference Implementation
sendip-2.5_1 -- SendIP is a commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets
sendmail-8.14.5 -- Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
sendmailtlssasl2-8.14.5 -- Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
sendmailtlssasl2ldap-8.14.5_2 -- Reliable, highly configurable mail transfer agent with utilities
sendok-0.9.2 -- Generates qmail email addresses with timed cookies
sendsms-0.2.4 -- Simple perl command-line utility to send SMS via from on provider site
sendxmpp-0.0.8_1 -- Perl-script to send xmpp (jabber) messages
senken-0.3.0_13 -- A city simulation game
senna-1.1.4 -- Embeddable Fulltext Search Engine
sensors-applet-1.6.1_10 -- A GNOME applet displaying hardware sensor values
sentinel-1.7b_2 -- A sendmail milter API implementation
seom-2010011201 -- Real-time capture library for OpenGL applications
separate-0.5.8_1 -- A CMYK plugin for The GIMP
seq2-0.2_1 -- A clone of the UNIX(tm) program called seq
seqan-1.3.1 -- C++ Sequence Analysis Library
seqio-1.2.2_1 -- A set of C functions which can read/write biological sequence files
ser-0.9.6_9 -- A very fast and configurable SIP proxy
ser2net-2.7 -- Allows to access serial ports over IP
serdisplib-1.97.9 -- Library to drive graphical LC- and OLED displays
serendipity-1.6.2 -- PHP based weblog software
serf-1.1.1 -- Serf HTTP client library
serialmail-0.75_2 -- Tools for passing mail across serial links
serialoverip-1.0 -- Transport of serial interfaces over UDP/IP
serpentine-0.7_9 -- Gnome Audio Cd Burner
serveez-0.1.7 -- A server framework
service-discovery-applet-0.4.3_14 -- A GNOME applet that shows available network services using mDNS
serviio-0.6.2 -- Transcoding DLNA-server implemented in Java
servingxml-1.1.2 -- Framework for flat/XML data transformations
servlet-api-2.5_3 -- The Servlet API
session2-0.6.1_2 -- A quixote session manager with persistence support
sessreg-1.0.7 -- Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init X clients
setcdboot-1.0 -- Mark a file bootable within a DEC Alpha ISO-9660 image
setedit-0.5.5 -- Programmer's editor with a nice Text User Interface (TUI)
setlayout-20080210 -- Arrange desktops in an MxN grid layout
setquota-0.1 -- Command line quota tools
sets-1.0.0 -- This is an implementation of the sets game
settitle-1.1.1 -- A program for setting the title of terminal emulator windows
setxkbmap-1.2.0 -- Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
sex-1.0_1 -- Spouts silly mad-lib-style porn-like text
sextractor-2.5.0 -- Catalogue of objects builder from astronomical images
seyon-2.14b_2 -- A communications package for the X Window system
sfio-1999 -- The Safe/Fast I/O Library
sflowtool-3.18 -- This is a sFlow capture and sFlow-to-NetFlow conversion tool
sfml-1.6_2 -- Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
sfnt2woff-20091004 -- Convert TTF/OTF fonts to WOFF web embeddable format and back
sformat-3.5_5 -- Allows formatting/partitioning/analysis/repairing of SCSI disks
sfront-0.99 -- A translator that converts MP4-SA files into efficient C programs
sfs-0.7.2_10 -- Self-Certifying File System: A secure global network file system
sfslite-1.2.7_1 -- Standard version of the sfslite library
sfslite-shared-1.2.7_1 -- Standard version of the sfslite library
sfslite-shdbg-1.2.7_1 -- Standard version of the sfslite library
sg3_utils-1.34 -- Set of utilities that send SCSI commands to devices
sgb-20090810 -- The Stanford GraphBase: A Platform for Combinatorial Computing
sge-6.0.12_5 -- Sun Grid Engine, a batch queueing system
sge-6.1.4_4 -- Sun Grid Engine, a batch queueing system
sge- -- Sun Grid Engine, a batch queueing system
sgf2tex-3.3_6 -- Convert a Go game record in SGF format into TeX and provide fonts to make a dvi
sgifonts-1.0.1_2 -- Fonts from the SGI ProPack 1.4 (originally for Linux)
sgl-2.0a3 -- STL implementation for ADA95
sgmlformat-1.7_2 -- Generates groff and HTML from linuxdoc and docbook SGML documents
sgmls-1.1.91_1 -- SGML parser
sgmltools-lite-3.0.3_8 -- Generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
sgrep-0.99_1 -- A `grep' for structured text like SGML and HTML
sgrep2-1.94a -- A `grep' for structured text like SGML and HTML
sguil-client-0.7.0_2 -- Sguil is a network security monitoring program
sguil-sensor-0.7.0_3 -- Sguil is a network security monitoring program
sguil-server-0.7.0_4 -- Sguil is a network security monitoring program
sgwi-1.1.5 -- PHP web interface to SQLGrey
sh-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sh language pack for libreoffice
sh-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
sh-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
sh-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
sha-1.0.4 -- Simple file hash program utilizing SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
shaaft-0.5.0_12 -- An OpenGL 3D falling block game similar to Blockout
shairport-0.05_1 -- Airtunes emulator
shapelib-1.3.0_5 -- C API for reading and writing ArcView Shapefiles
shaperprobe-0.2 -- Utility to check for traffic shapers
shared-desktop-ontologies-0.10.0 -- Interoperability between desktops and collaborative environments
shared-mime-info-1.0_1 -- A MIME type database from the FreeDesktop project
sharedance-0.6_2 -- A daemon to centralize keys and associated data
sharefonts-0.10_2 -- A collection of shareware ATM fonts from the CICA archives
sharity-light-1.3 -- An userland smbfs --- SMB to NFS protocols converter
sharpconstruct-0.11_8 -- 3D modeller for organic shapes
sharutils-4.11.1_1 -- Pack, send, and unpack shell archives; synchronize via e-mail
shc-3.8.9 -- A generic script compiler
sheerdns-1.0.3 -- A lightweight, simple, and fast master DNS server
shell-fm-0.7 -- A command-line client for Last.FM
shell-include-0.1.2 -- A include system for shell scripts
shelldap-0.5 -- A shell-like environment for LDAP
shellinabox-2.14 -- Publish command line shell through AJAX interface
shflags-1.0.3 -- Command-line flags module for Unix shell scripts
shftool-1.2.0_2 -- Converter for the Standard Hex Format (SHF)
shibboleth-sp-2.4.3_1 -- C++ Shibboleth Service Provider (Internet2) for Apache
shiboken-1.1.1 -- C++ code generator for CPython extensions
shimmer-0.1.0 -- Perl implementation that hides a valuable port on your server
shishi-1.0.1_2 -- A free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system
shiva-collections-1.4 -- Collection of kernels for OpenGTL
shlock-2.5.3 -- Create lock files for use in shell scripts
shmap-0.3.2_1 -- Shared-memory-based hashmaps
shmux-1.0.2_1 -- Utility to run commands on multiple hosts using shell commands
shntool-3.0.10 -- Multi-purpose .wav processing utility
shootingstar-1.2.0_9 -- SDL/OpenGL top-down shooter
shorten-3.6.1 -- Fast and optionally lossless compression for waveform files
shotwell-0.11.6_2 -- Open source photo manager for GNOME
shout-0.8.0_1 -- Program that sends mp3 streams to an icecast/shoutcast server
shoutcast- -- SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server
show-2.2_8 -- Fast, flexible, extensible, and bloat-free image viewer for X11
showfont-1.0.3 -- Font dumper for the X font server
showgrammar-1.1 -- Convert a yacc grammar to syntax diagrams
showimage-1.6.3_2 -- ShowImage is a simple KDE based image viewer
showimg-0.9.5_10 -- A picture viewer designed to run under KDE 3.x
showkey-1.5 -- Prints its input, with escapes such as "<NUL>"
shtool-2.0.8 -- The GNU Portable Shell Tool
shttpd-1.42 -- Small, fast, embeddable web server with CGI, SSL, Authorization
shttpscanner-0.4 -- Simple HTTP scanner
shuffle-20010603 -- Produce random permutations
shuffle-db-1.0.r1 -- An iPod shuffle database builder
si-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Sinhalese messages and documentation for KDE4
si-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- si language pack for libreoffice
sic-0.23a -- Another 'Internet Relay Chat' Client
sid-1.10.0 -- A LL(1) parser generator
sid-milter-1.0.0 -- An sid and spf milter for Sendmail
sidplay-1.0.9 -- A Commodore SID-chip emulator that plays SID music files
sidplay2-2.0.9 -- A player that plays Commodore SID music files using libsidplay2
sidplayer-4.4_4 -- A C64 SID tune player
siege-2.70_1 -- A http regression testing and benchmarking utility
sieve-connect-0.83 -- Command-line client for the MANAGESIEVE protocol
sig2dot-0.35 -- GPG/PGP Keyring Graph Generator
sigil-0.6.0 -- WYSIWYG ePub editor
sigit-0.3.0 -- A tool to create random signatures
signing-party-1.1.4_3 -- Various OpenPGP related tools
sigrot-1.0 -- Util to rotate your mail/news signature
sigslot-1.0.0 -- C++ Signal/Slot Library
silc-client-1.1.8 -- Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network client
silc-irssi-client-1.1.8 -- Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network client
silc-server-1.1.18 -- Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network server
silc-toolkit-1.1.10 -- Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) network toolkit
silence-0.2_3 -- An information management tool
silentbob-2.4.2 -- Yet another sourcecode indexing tool
silgraphite-2.3.1 -- Font engine for complex non-Roman writing systems
silktools-2.4.5 -- Tools for large-scale network capture analysis
silo-1.0_9 -- A simple X11 launcher extensible in any programming language
silo-4.6.2_8 -- A mesh and field I/O library and scientific database
silvercity-0.9.7 -- A lexing package for over 20 programming and markup languages
sim-im- -- Plugin-based instant messenger
sim-im-devel- -- Plugin-based instant messenger
sim4-2003.09.21 -- An algorithm for aligning expressed DNA with genomic sequences
sim6811-1.6_2 -- A Motorola 6811 simulator
simage-1.7.0_2 -- Library with image format loaders and front-ends
simd-viterbi-2.0.3_1 -- A fast Viterbi CODEC library
simdock-1.2_5 -- A fast and customizable dockbar
simgear-2.8.0 -- A toolkit for 3D games and simulations
simh-3.9.0 -- Emulates classic DEC, HP, GRI, IBM, Altair, SDS, Honeywell, and others
simian-2.3.33 -- Similarity analyser for source and other text files
simlib-3.0.20081216 -- SIMulation LIBrary for C++ programming language
simple-ccsm-0.8.4_4 -- A Python/GTK based settings manager for CompizConfig
simpleagenda-0.42 -- simple calendar and agenda application
simplegroupware-0.745 -- Simple Groupware is an open source enterprise application
simplehtmldom-1.5 -- PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
simpleirc-1.1 -- Extremely simple IRC client
simplemod-1.1 -- A minimalistic module player
simpleproxy-3.4 -- Simple TCP proxy
simpletest-1.0.1 -- Unit testing, mock objects, and web testing framework for PHP
simplevaders-0.8_7 -- A Space-Invaders like 2D space shooter
simpleviewer-1.7.1553.8560_3 -- Small and simple OpenGL image viewer with transparency support
simplexml-1.0.1 -- C++ XML parser library
simplog- -- A complete and powerful blogging tool
simscan-1.4.0_6 -- Fast Content/Anti-virus Scanner for qmail Written in C
simsu-1.2.2_2 -- Basic Sudoku game
simulavr-0.1.2_19 -- A simulator for AVR microcontrollers
simutrans-112.0 -- Transportation simulation game
since-1.1 -- View the end of a file like tail(1), but save state between sessions
sinfp-2.09_20110125 -- Full operating system stack fingerprinting suite
sing-1.1_2 -- Tool for sending customized ICMP packets
siod-3.4 -- A small footprint implementation of the Scheme programming language
sip_scenario-1.2.7 -- SIP call flow creator (HTML format)
sipcalc-1.1.5 -- Sipcalc is an IP subnet calculator with IPv6 support
sipp-3.1.20090729_1 -- SIP testing tool
sippy_b2bua-1.0.2_2 -- SIP Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) server with Radius support
siproxd-0.7.2_2 -- A proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol
sipsak-0.9.6 -- Small command line tool for SIP testing
sirc-2.211_1 -- Small (150k), fast, perl-based IRC client
sisc-1.16.6_2 -- An extensible Java-based Scheme interpreter
sisctrl-0.0.20051202_7 -- Display Control Panel for XFree86/ SiS driver
sit-3.67 -- A PHP incident tracking system / Helpdesk
siteatschool-2.4.10 -- CMS to manage and maintain a school website
sitebar-3.3.9 -- The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use
sitecopy-0.16.6_2 -- Maintains remote websites, uses FTP or WebDAV to sync up w/ local copy
siteframe-5.0.2_4 -- A web community content management system in PHP5 and MySQL
six-0.5.3_7 -- KDE HEX clone
sixxs-aiccu-20070115_2 -- SixXS IPv6 TIC+ tunnel broker heartbeat client
sjeng-11.2_1 -- Chess engine supporting chess variations
sjitter-0.18.1b -- A client/server jitter measurement utility
sk-aspell-2.01.2 -- Aspell Slovak dictionary
sk-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Slovak messages and documentation for Calligra
sk-hunspell-20110228_1 -- Slovak hunspell dictionaries
sk-hyphen-2004.04.15_1 -- Slovak hyphenation rules
sk-ispell-0.3.2_5 -- An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
sk-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Slovak messages and documentation for KDE3
sk-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Slovak messages and documentation for KDE4
sk-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sk language pack for libreoffice
sk-mythes-2012.10.07 -- Slovak thesaurus
sk1libs-0.9.1 -- A set of python libraries for sK1 Project
skadns-0.25 -- Asynchronous DNS client software and library
skalibs-0.47 -- General purpose C libraries used by software
skanlite-0.9 -- Simple image scanning application for KDE
skem-1.0.1 -- Cache earlier sendmail's verdicts for the relays
skencil-1.0.a784 -- An interactive drawing program
sketch-0.2.27 -- A 3D Scene Description Translator
sketchy-20070218 -- An interpreter for purely applicative Scheme
ski-0.943l.2_1 -- HP's Ski IA-64 simulator
skill-4.1.4 -- SuperKILL, kill, or renice processes by pid, name, tty, or uid
skim-1.4.5_5 -- An input method platform based on SCIM library and KDE/QT
skinlf-6.7 -- Allows Java developers to write skinnable applications in Swing
skipfish-2.07b -- A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool
skrooge-1.3.3 -- KDE4 personal finance manager
sks-1.1.3 -- Synchronizing Key Server, a fast OpenPGP keyserver
skstream-0.3.8 -- An iostream based C++ socket library
skulltag-0.9.8a_4 -- Doom/Doom2/Heretic engine
sky2000-0.2 -- A binary representation of the Sky2000 star catalog
skyeye-1.2_6 -- An environment simulates typical ARM-base embedded computer systems
skyfish-0.91 -- Grabbing TCP streams from network interface (SAT internet)
skype- -- P2P VoIP software
skype-devel- -- P2P VoIP software, development version
skystar2-1.32 -- Kernel module and program for SkyStar2/SkyStar2.8A
skytemplate-1.4.0 -- Yet another PHP compiling template engine
skytools-2.1.12_1 -- PostgreSQL tools from Skype: walshipping, queueing, replication
skyutils-2.9_2 -- A library required by smssend (same author)
sl-3.03 -- A steam locomotive runs across the screen if you type "sl" instead of "ls"
sl-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Slovenian dictionary
sl-hyphen-2007.01.27_1 -- Slovenian hyphenation rules
sl-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Slovenian messages and documentation for KDE3
sl-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Slovenian messages and documentation for KDE4
sl-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sl language pack for libreoffice
sl-mythes-2012.10.08 -- Slovenian thesaurus
sl2tps-0.4.2 -- Simple L2TP server based on libpdel(3) and netgraph(4)
slack-0.15.2 -- Configuration management system designed to appeal to lazy admins
slapd-cyrus-1.00_1 -- Slapd backend to translate DIT into Cyrus configuration
slashem-tty-0.0.7E.7F.3 -- A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
slate-5.0.1 -- Simple traffic analysis and data reporting collection server for LFAP
slatec-4.1 -- SLATEC Common Mathematical Library
slbd-1.3 -- Server load balancing daemon for *BSD pf
sleuth-1.4.4 -- A tool for checking DNS zones
sleuthkit-4.0.0 -- Tools and library for filesystem forensic analysis
slf4j-1.6.6 -- Simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks
slffea-1.5_1 -- San Le's Free Finite Element Analysis
slgrace-0.2.2_4 -- A SLang module to plot graphs with grace
slib-3b3 -- A portable scheme library
slib-gauche-3b3_1 -- SLIB installation for Gauche
slib-guile-3b3_1 -- SLIB installation for Guile
sliderule-1.0_2 -- The part of X11R3's xcalc featuring a slide rule
slides-3.3.1 -- Doctype and stylesheets for making slides
slim-1.3.4_2 -- Graphical login manager for X11, derived from
slim-themes-1.0.1 -- Theme pack for SLiM login app
slime-20110714_7 -- Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
slingshot-2.1_3 -- Supplemental Libraries to extend Xview
slirc-0.12_4 -- A SLang-based IRC client
slirp-1.0.16 -- A (C)SLIP/PPP emulator for users with shell accounts
slisp-1.2 -- A simple Lisp interpreter
slmon-0.5.13_7 -- S-Lang System Monitor
slnr-2.3.0 -- A simplistic reader for SOUP (HDPF) mail and news packets
sloccount-2.26 -- Counts physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC)
slock-1.1 -- Simple X screen locker
slony1-1.2.23 -- PostgreSQL master to multiple replicas replication system
slony1v2-2.1.2 -- PostgreSQL master to multiple replicas replication system
sloth-1.1.0 -- Slow down a process
slowloris-0.7 -- The low bandwidth, yet greedy and poisonous HTTP client
slrn-0.9.9p1_3 -- SLang-based newsreader
slrnconf-0.8.4_5 -- Graphical configuration utility for the newsreader slrn
slrnface-2.1.1_5 -- Shows X-Faces from slrn in X11 terminal emulator
sls-1.00 -- List information about file(s) and directories
slst-0.2 -- Generates syslog statistics to detect tendencies and unexpected change
slump-0.003.01 -- Fork of SLIGE that is optimized for making FreeDoom maps
slune-1.0.15_4 -- 3D game. includes racing, car-crashing, and lots of action
slurm-0.3.3 -- A generic network load monitor
slurpie-2.0b -- A passwd file cracker (supports distributed nodes)
slush-0.1.1_1 -- A telnet-like application which uses a secure SSL channel
slv2-0.6.6 -- LV2 Application Support Library
sma-1.4 -- Program that analyses Sendmail log entries
smail- -- A program used for receiving and delivering mail
smake-1.2.1 -- Highly portable make program with automake features
smalltalk-3.2.4_3 -- GNU Smalltalk
smap-0.5.0_1 -- SIP scanner and identifier
smartirc4net- -- Multi-layered IRC library
smartmontools-6.0 -- S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools
smarty-2.6.27 -- The PHP compiling template engine
smarty3-3.1.12 -- The PHP compiling template engine
smashbattle-110224 -- 8-bit style platform battle game
smasher-1.1.6_3 -- Cross platform audio loop slicer
smb4k-0.9.9_8 -- KDE 3.x SMB Network browser and SMB shares mounting center
smb4k-kde4-0.10.9_7 -- KDE 4.x SMB Network browser and SMB shares mounting center
smb_auth-0.05_5 -- A proxy authentication module against an SMB server
smbftpd-2.4 -- FTP daemon using Samba-like share management mechanism
smbldap-tools-0.9.9 -- Samba-LDAP management and support tools
smc-4.3.0_2 -- The State Machine Compiler
smfsav-1.4.0_1 -- Sendmail Sender Address Validator
smile-1.0_4 -- Slideshow Maker in Linux Environment
smiley-4.0 -- A "server" to print out a smiley with it's explanation
sml-fxp-2.0_1 -- Validating XML parser with Standard ML interface
sml-mode-3.9.5_5 -- An EMACS mode for editing Standard ML programs
sml_tk-3.0_1 -- Typed and abstract Standard ML interface to Tcl/Tk
smlnj-110.0.7_3 -- A popular functional language from Bell Labs
smlnj-devel-110.71 -- A popular functional language from Bell Labs
smm-6.1.1_1 -- Graphical mudclient with mapper
smokeping-2.6.7_3 -- Latency logging and graphing system
smp_utils-0.97 -- Utilities to send SAS Serial Management Protocol requests
smpeg-0.4.4_9 -- A free MPEG1 video player library with sound support
smplayer-0.8.0_1 -- A complete front-end based on QT4 for mplayer
smplayer-themes-0.1.20 -- Themes for smplayer
smproxy-1.0.5 -- Session Manager Proxy
sms1xxx-kmod-20120113_1 -- Native FreeBSD driver for Siano-based USB DVB devices
smssend-3.5 -- A tool to send a SMS to any GSM
smstools-3.1.14 -- SMS Gateway software for GSM modems and mobile phones
smtp-cli-3.3 -- Powerful SMTP command line client
smtp-gated- -- Proxy for SMTP sessions with virus and spam scan
smtpfeed-1.21 -- SMTP Fast Exploding External Deliverer for Sendmail
smtpmail-0.4.5 -- Tool to send e-mail via a remote smtp server
smtprc-2.0.3 -- A scanner for open SMTP relays
smtpscan-0.5_2 -- Remote SMTP server version detector
smtptrapd-1.6 -- RFC 2821 compliant SMTP service that always returns a 4xx soft error
smtube-1.2 -- SMPlayer YouTube browser
smu-1.3 -- A simple interpreter for a simplified markdown dialect
smurflog-2.1 -- A program to assist logging of smurf attacks
smuxi-0.8 -- Smart MUltipleXed Irc
smv- -- Symbolic Model Verifier System for checking finite state systems
sn-0.3.8 -- Small news system for small sites serving
snack-2.2.10_6 -- A sound toolkit for scripting languages
snap-1.01 -- Tools for periodic and manual management of UFS2 snapshots
snappy-1.0.5 -- A fast compressor/decompressor library
snarf-7.0 -- Another small command-line URL (http/ftp/gopher/finger) fetcher
snd-13.0 -- Multitracking sound editor and utilities
snes9express-1.43_1 -- GTK interface for snes9x
snes9x-1.51_4 -- Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES) Emulator
snes9x-gtk-1.52r79_4 -- Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES) Emulator
sng-1.0.5_1 -- Compiler/decompiler for Scriptable Network Graphics
sniff-1.0 -- Program to sniff logins and passwords
sniffit-0.3.7b_3 -- A packet sniffer program. For educational use
snmp-3.2.25 -- SNMP C++ library with V3 support
snmptt-1.3 -- SNMP trap handler/translator/swiss-army-knife
snns-4.3_1 -- Fully featured neural network simulator
snobol4-1.4.1 -- A port of Macro SNOBOL4, supports full SNOBOL4 plus SPITBOL
snooper-1999.12.02_1 -- Serial line protocol analyzer (need two serial interfaces)
snoopy-1.8.0 -- An execve() wrapper and logger
snort- -- Lightweight network intrusion detection system
snort-rep-1.10 -- A Snort reporting tool that can produce text or HTML from logs
snortreport-1.3.3_1 -- Add-on module for snort to generate real-time web reports
snortsam-2.70_1 -- SnortSam is a output plugin for Snort
snortsms-1.7.8 -- A remote management and monitoring interface for Snort based IDS
snortsnarf-1.0 -- Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
snotes-1.1.5_6 -- A lightweight, configurable sticky notes utility
snowlog-1.1.1_1 -- A webserver access log browser/analyzer
snownews-1.5.12_1 -- A text mode RSS newsreader
sntop-1.4.3 -- Monitor status of network nodes using fping
so-hunspell-1.0.2_1 -- Somali hunspell dictionaries
soapui-4.5.1 -- A web service, SOA, and SOAP testing tool
sobby-0.4.8 -- A standalone obby server
socat- -- Multipurpose relay and more
soci-3.0.0_1 -- The C++ Database Access Library
socket-1.1_2 -- Create TCP socket and connect to stdin/out
socketbind-1 -- Library to bind applications on multihomed machines to specific IP address
socketpipe-1.9 -- Zero overhead remote process plumbing
socklog-2.1.0 -- Small and secure replacement for syslogd
sodipodi-0.34_16 -- A small vector based drawing program with GNOME libraries
softfail-2.0_1 -- Enhanced greylisting system for qmail w/ SMTPEXTFORK patch
softflowd-0.9.8_2 -- Softflowd is flow-based network traffic analyser with export
softhsm-1.3.3 -- A software implementation of a Hardware Security Module (HSM)
sokoban-1.0 -- Logical game: problems with packets in cave
sol-1.0.7_5 -- Solitaire card game for X Window System
solang-0.3_10 -- A photo manager for GNOME
solarconquest-0.2_9 -- Space 2D action game with plenty of shooting
solarwolf-1.5_5 -- An action/arcade game originally based of SolarFox on the Atari 2600
solfege-nosound-3.20.6 -- Free eartraining software
solid-ircd-3.4.8 -- Solid Internet Relay Chat Daemon based on bahamut IRCd
solidcoin-2.041_1 -- Alternative Bitcoin peer-to-peer currency client
solitaire-19980817 -- The reference implementation of the Solitaire encryption algorithm
sonata- -- An elegant music player for MPD
sonice-2.0_3 -- Sonice eases reencoding of .ogg files
sooperlooper-1.6.18_1 -- Vamp audio analysis plugin SDK
soothsayer-0.6.3 -- Intelligent predictive text entry platform
soprano-2.7.6 -- Qt4 RDF framework
sopwith-1.7.4_3 -- A classic WW1 biplane game
sortmail-1.20 -- Useful tool for sorting mbox style mailboxes after date
sortu-2.1.2 -- Tool that combines sort and uniq functionality
sound-juicer-2.32.0_3 -- Clean, mean, and lean CD ripper for GNOME2
soundconverter-1.5.4_1 -- The sound conversion application for the GNOME environment
soundgrab-1.0.1_2 -- Interactively select and save sections of an audio file
soundkonverter-0.9.94.r2_5 -- Frontend to various audio converters (transcoder)
soundmodem-0.17 -- Amateur Radio sound modem
soundtouch-1.6.0 -- Open-source audio processing library
soundtracker-0.6.8_13 -- Mod player/tracking tool which supports XM and MOD formats
source-highlight-3.1.6 -- C/C++ and Java sources to HTML converter
sourcecodepro-ttf-1.010 -- A set of fonts by Adobe designed for coders
sourcenav-4.4 -- Source code analysis tool
sourcesanspro-ttf-1.036 -- A set of fonts by Adobe designed for user interfaces
sowing-1.1.16_1 -- Text processing tools to generate documentation from source files
sox-14.3.2_5 -- SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
spacehulk-1.5.b1_10 -- Science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000
spacejunk-1.0.4_3 -- A video game about traveling in 2D planetary systems
spamass-iXhash-1.5.5_1 -- The iXhash plugin for SpamAssassin
spamass-milter-0.3.2 -- Sendmail Milter (mail filter) plugin for SpamAssassin
spamass-rules-20120319 -- Custom rulesets for SpamAssassin
spambnc-20060416 -- Set of procmail recipes which handle known/suspected spam
spamcalc-0.5 -- Calculates "DNS-spam"-values for hostnames
spamcup-1.09_3 -- A tool for automatic spam reporting via
spamd-4.9.1 -- Traps spammers with a very slow smtp-login and return 4xx error
spamdb-curses-1.2 -- Curses interface for OpenBSD spamd spam database (spamdb)
spamdyke-4.3.1 -- A filter for monitoring and intercepting SMTP connections on qmail
spamguard-1.8 -- MTA spam prevention program for qmail/postfix/sendmail
spamilter-0.60_1 -- A Sendmail LibMilter filter to block spam
spamoracle-1.4_1 -- procmail spam filter written in ML using Bayesian classification
spampd-2.30_5 -- Spamassassin SMTP Proxy
spamprobe-1.4d_7 -- Spam detector using Bayesian analysis of word counts
spamstats-0.6c_2 -- A tool to generate statistics for spamd of Mail::SpamAssassin
spandsp-0.0.5 -- A DSP library and software FAX machine
spandsp-devel-0.0.6.p21 -- DSP library and software FAX machine
spar-0.5.10_1 -- A modular math parser
sparc-rtems-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
sparc-rtems-gcc-4.5.2 -- GNU gcc for cross-target development
sparc-rtems-gdb-7.2 -- GNU gdb port for cross-target development
spass-3.0 -- A secure password generator with a true random number generator
spassgen-1.5_8 -- Qt GUI secure password generator
spatialindex-1.7.1 -- A General Framework for Developing Spatial Indices
spatialite-3.0.1_1 -- Spatial Extensions for SQLite
spatialite_gui-1.5.0 -- Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool supporting SpatiaLite
spawn-fcgi-1.6.3 -- spawn-fcgi is used to spawn fastcgi applications
spblas-1.02 -- NIST Sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS)
spca5xx-20060402_7 -- USB Cameras based SPCA5xx Utilities
spdict-0.3_1 -- A library of dictionary algorithms
speak-1.2 -- Generates random middle-management synergy speak
speakinghangman-1.0.0 -- Educational game to practice and expand English and Spanish
species-1.2d -- Corewars evolver - generates warriors using genetic algorithms
specimen-0.5.2.r3_6 -- MIDI controllable audio sampler
spectools-201004.r1_1 -- Tools for the Wi-Spy spectrum analyzers from MetaGeek LLC
spectrwm-2.1.0 -- A small, dynamic tiling window manager for X11
speech-dispatcher-0.7.1_3 -- Common interface to speech synthesis
speedbar-emacs21-0.14.b4_8 -- Quick access to files and tags in an Emacs frame
speedcrunch-0.10.1_2 -- A desktop calculator for power users
speedtest-mini-2.2.0 -- Mini bandwidth speed test on your own server
speex-1.2.r1_4 -- An open-source patent-free voice codec
spegla-1.1p4_5 -- A mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
spek-0.8.1 -- Acoustic spectrum analyser
spellathon-6.0 -- Word game to test your English vocabulary skills
spellcast-1.2_2 -- Multiplayer fight with spells turn based game for X Window System
spellutils-0.7_3 -- Programs used to isolate some parts or texts before spell-checking
speyes-1.2.0_1 -- WindowMaker dockapp/xeyes clone using SouthPark characters
spfval-0.0.1 -- A SPF validator
sphinx-2.0.4_2 -- Speech recognition system
sphinx3-0.7 -- Speech recognition system
sphinxbase-0.7 -- CMU Sphinx Speech recognition system base
sphinxsearch-2.0.5 -- Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
sphinxsearch-devel-2.0.1b_2 -- Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
spice-3f5.2_7 -- A general-purpose circuit simulation program
spicetrade-1.2_3 -- Colourful 14th century Arab spice trading game
spider-1.1_3 -- A challenging double decked solitaire game
spidermonkey17-1.7.0_1 -- A standalone JavaScript interpreter from the Mozilla project
spidermonkey185-1.8.5_1 -- Standalone JavaScript (1.8.5) interpreter from Mozilla
spigot-1.7 -- Video spigot for Windows library
spike-proxy-1.4.8 -- Tool for looking for vulnerabilities in web applications
spim-8.0 -- MIPS32 Simulator
spin-5.2.2 -- An on-the-fly verification system for asynchronous concurrent systems
spindown-0.3a -- SCSI/firewire harddrive spindown daemon
spine-0.8.8 -- A multithreaded poller for Cacti written in C
spinner-1.2.4 -- Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity
spiped-1.2.1_1 -- Daemon for creating secure symmetric pipes
spiralloops-2.0.0_7 -- Loop-based sampler
spiralsynth-0.1.7_7 -- MIDI-capable synthesizer for X
spiralsynthmodular-0.2.2a_7 -- An object orientated modular softsynth / sequencer / sampler
spl-1.2.1_2 -- The Shakespeare programming language
splashsetter- -- Splash screen changer for GNOME
splat-1.4.0 -- Used in calculating path losses, useful to ham radio and others
splatd-1.2_4 -- Splat is the Scalable Periodic LDAP Attribute Transmogrifier
splay- -- An audio player that decodes MPEG Layer I,II,III and WAV files
splaytk-2.0_2 -- A tk based interface for splay
splint-3.1.2 -- A tool for statically checking sourcecode for security vulnerabilities
splitvt-1.6.6_2 -- Run two shells in a split window/terminal
splix-2.0.0_4 -- CUPS printer drivers for Samsung Printer Language printers
spmfilter-0.4.2_3 -- Spmfilter is a high-performance mail filtering framework, written in C
spmfilter-clamav-0.1.1_1 -- ClamAV plugin for spmfilter
spmfilter-spamassassin-0.1_1 -- Spamassassin plugin for spmfilter
spnetkit-0.3.0 -- A C++ wrapper for BSD-style sockets
spoofer-0.8 -- ANA Spoofer Project testing software
spook-20050207_3 -- Embedded RTP/RTSP/HTTP video streamer
spooles-2.2_9 -- SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
spooles-mpich-2.2_9 -- SParse Object Oriented Linear Equations Solver
spread-3.17.4_2 -- The Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
spread-j-3.17.3_1 -- Java client library for the Spread Group Communication System
spread4-4.1.0_1 -- The Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
spreadlogd-1.4.2 -- The backend of mod_log_spread
spring- -- A project aiming to create a new and versatile RTS Engine
springframework-3.0.5 -- The Spring Framework for Java
springgraph-0.88_3 -- Render graph described in a .dot file
springlobby-0.143_1 -- Cross-platform lobby client for the Spring RTS project
sprinkle-2007.08.07 -- Stomp messaging broker written in Python
spserver-0.9.5_2 -- A TCP server framework library written in C++ based on libevent
spybye-0.3_2 -- A web proxy to detect malware
sq-hunspell-1.6.2_1 -- Albanian hunspell dictionaries
sq-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sq language pack for libreoffice
sql-ledger-3.0.2 -- A double entry accounting system
sqlbuddy-1.3.3 -- Web based MySQL administration with a set of PHP scripts
sqlcached-r4 -- A cache daemon using SQL for data manipulation
sqlclient-1.5.3 -- Lightweight database abstraction layer
sqldeveloper- -- Graphical tool for database development
sqldjbdns-0.74 -- DJB DNS server with PostgreSQL backend
sqlgrey-1.8.0 -- Greylisting policy server for Postfix using an SQL backend
sqlite-2.8.17_1 -- An SQL database engine in a C library
sqlite-ext-miscfuncs-1.1 -- Math, string, and aggregate function library for SQLite
sqlite-ext-mobigroup- -- A mobigroup functions library for SQLite
sqlite3- -- An SQL database engine in a C library
sqlitejdbc-056_1 -- A Java JDBC driver for SQLite
sqliteman-1.2.2_2 -- Admin's GUI tool for Sqlite3
sqlitemanager-1.2.3 -- A multilingual web based tool to manage SQLite database
sqlmap-0.9_1 -- Automatic SQL injection tool
sqlninja-0.2.6 -- Sql Server exploit toolkit
sqlrelay-0.44 -- A persistent DB connection pooling/proxying/load balancing system
sqsh-2.1.8 -- Interactive tool for querying Sybase database servers
sqstat-1.20_1 -- A script which allows to look through active squid users connections
sqtop-2011.11.01 -- Console-based display of Squid proxy connections
squall-0.1.20040808 -- Server for the Peer Distributed Transfer Protocol (PDTP)
squash-1.0_7 -- Learning console-based MP3/OGG player
squashfs-tools-4.2 -- Set of tools to manipulate squashfs images
squeak-4.10.2 -- Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UNIX, Mac, and Windows
squeeze-0.2.3_4 -- Squeeze is a modern and advanced archive manager
squeezeboxserver-7.5.4_5 -- Slim Devices audio streaming server
squeezeboxserver-dynamicplaylist-2.8.6_1 -- Squeezebox Server plugin to create dynamic playlists
squeezeboxserver-lazysearch-3.5.6_1 -- Squeezebox Server plugin for performing lazy searches
squeezeboxserver-sqlplaylist-2.5.3359_2 -- Squeezebox Server plugin to create playlists based on SQL queries
squeezeboxserver-superdatetime-5.9.14 -- Squeezebox Server plugin to display weather conditions and forecasts
squeezeboxserver-trackstat-2.11.3435_1 -- Squeezebox Server plugin to store ratings and statistics about songs
squid-2.7.9_1 -- HTTP Caching Proxy
squid-3.1.21 -- HTTP Caching Proxy
squid-3.2.3_1 -- HTTP Caching Proxy
squidGuard-1.4_4 -- A fast redirector for squid
squid_radius_auth-1.10 -- RADIUS authenticator for squid proxy 2.5 and later
squidclamav-5.7_1 -- Squid interface to ClamAV
squidclamav-6.9 -- Clamav c-icap service and redirector for Squid
squidpurge-1.17_4 -- Powerful object purging utility for the Squid web proxy cache
squidstats-54_2 -- A collection of simple statistical analysis bits for Squid
squidview-0.79 -- Monitor squid statistics in realtime
squirm-1.26 -- A fast & configurable redirector for the Squid
squirrel-2.2.5 -- High level imperative/OO programming language
squirrel-sql-3.4.0 -- A universal SQL Client
squirrelmail-1.4.22_2 -- A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP
squirrelmail-abook_import_export-plugin-1.1 -- Allows for the importing of addressbooks from a CSV (comma separated values) file
squirrelmail-askuserinfo-plugin-1.1 -- Ask user to enter Full name and Email address at initial logon
squirrelmail-avelsieve-plugin-1.9.7_2 -- SquirrelMail plugin for Server-Side Mail Filtering management
squirrelmail-calendar_file_backend-plugin-1.0_1 -- File backend for SquirrelMail Calendar plugin
squirrelmail-calendar_sql_backend-plugin-1.1_1 -- SQL backend for SquirrelMail Calendar plugin
squirrelmail-change-sqlpass-plugin-3.3_1 -- Allows users to change their passwords stored in a SQL database
squirrelmail-change_ldappass-plugin-2.2_4 -- Allows users to change their passwords stored in LDAP Tree
squirrelmail-check-quota-plugin-2.2_1 -- Check/display users' mail quota (filesystem, IMAP-based, and cPanel)
squirrelmail-compatibility-plugin-2.0.16 -- Required by many plugins for compatibility with SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-email_footer-plugin-0.6 -- Automatically appends footer to SquirrelMail-generated emails
squirrelmail-login_auth-plugin-2.0_1 -- Automatically log in user based on HTTP authentication
squirrelmail-login_notes-plugin-1.2 -- Place notes on the login screen
squirrelmail-mark_read-plugin-1.4.2_2 -- Provides one-click link to mark read/unread all mails in a folder
squirrelmail-multilogin-plugin-2.4 -- Allows manual selection of login server on login page
squirrelmail-notes-plugin-1.2_1 -- Allows you to create notes
squirrelmail-notify-plugin-1.3_1 -- Notify when new mail arrives
squirrelmail-password_forget-plugin-2.2 -- Prevent reuse of login details by browsers at public terminals
squirrelmail-plugins-1.0_1 -- A "meta-port" to install SquirrelMail plugins
squirrelmail-postfixadmin-plugin-2.3.0_2 -- Lets users change password, vacation, and forwarding
squirrelmail-pupdate-plugin-0.7_2 -- Checks for plugin updates by parsing the SM site
squirrelmail-qmailadmin_login-plugin-1.1_2 -- Using the QmailAdmin cgi interface from SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-quota_usage-plugin-1.3.1_1 -- View quota and current usage
squirrelmail-sasql-plugin-3.2.0_1 -- Edit SpamAssassin settings stored in an SQL DB
squirrelmail-secure_login-plugin-1.4_1 -- This plugin will automatically turn on SSL security during login
squirrelmail-shared_calendars-plugin-2.0.1_1 -- iCal-compliant calendaring for SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-spam-buttons-plugin-2.3.1 -- Provides buttons with customizable action (for reporting spam, etc.)
squirrelmail-squirrel_logger-plugin-2.3 -- Logging functionality for your webmail interface
squirrelmail-timeout_user-plugin-1.1.1_2 -- Automatically logs a user out if they're idle for a set amount of time
squirrelmail-tmda-plugin-1.0.2_1 -- Adds TMDA support to SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-translations-1.4.18 -- NLS translations for Squirrelmail (mail/squirrelmail)
squirrelmail-unsafe_image_rules-plugin-0.8_1 -- Determines what unsafe (web) images will be shown
squirrelmail-user_special_mailboxes-plugin-0.1_1 -- Lets define folders to be displayed at the top of the folders list
squirrelmail-vlogin-plugin-3.10.2 -- Adds multi-site-hosting capabilities to SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-websearch-plugin-0.1.6_1 -- Plugin for Websearch
squirrelmail-wetteronline-plugin-0.1_1 -- Plugin for the weather in Germany
squish-1.10 -- Open source DXT compression library
squsq-3.3 -- Compressor/decompressor for CP/M "Squeeze" compressed files
sqwebmail-5.6.0 -- CGI Webmail client for Maildirs
sr-2.3.1_2 -- A parallel language "Synchronization Resources"
sr-Latn-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Serbian (latin alphabet) messages and documentation for KDE3
sr-aspell-0.02_1 -- Aspell Serbian dictionary
sr-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Serbian translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
sr-hunspell-0.18_1 -- Serbian hunspell dictionaries
sr-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Serbian messages and documentation for KDE3
sr-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Serbian messages and documentation for KDE4
sr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sr language pack for libreoffice
srecord-1.59 -- A collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files
sredird-2.2.2 -- RFC 2217 compliant serial port redirector
srg-1.3.6 -- A Squid Report Generator
srilm-1.5.6 -- Toolkit for building and applying statistical language models
srm-1.2.11 -- Secure rm, a utility which destroys file contents before unlinking
srp-2.1.2 -- Secure Remote Password protocol library, TELNET, and FTP
srvx-1.3.1 -- A set of services for ircu P10 protocol networks
ss-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Swati hunspell dictionaries
ss-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Swati messages and documentation for KDE3
ss-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ss language pack for libreoffice
ss5-3.8.5 -- SOCKS v4/v5 application layer gateway with many features
ssaha-3.1c_1 -- Very fast matching and alignment of DNA sequences
ssam-1.10 -- Stream editor that uses the UTF routines with the sam(1) command set
sscalc-1.0 -- A sunrise/sunset time calculator
ssddiff-0.2_1 -- A diff application for semistructured data such as XML files
ssdeep-2.9 -- A tool for computing context triggered piecewise hashes
ssed-3.62_3 -- Super-sed - a heavily enhanced version of sed
sselp-0.2 -- Simple SELection Printer for X11
ssgless-1.2 -- View ScreenOS configuration files
ssh-copy-id-5.6p1 -- Small script which copies your ssh public-key to a remote host
ssh-gui-0.7.1_5 -- A front-end for ssh which can open multiple xterms
ssh-multiadd-1.3.2 -- Tool to add multiple ssh keys to the authentication agent
ssh_askpass_gtk2-0.4_7 -- A tiny GTK2 ssh askpass replacement
sshblock-1.0_1 -- Block abusive SSH login attempts
sshbuddy-1.05_1 -- Simple and small GUI utility to manage ssh sessions
sshfp-1.2.1_1 -- Generate SSHFP DNS records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
sshguard-1.5_2 -- Protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services
sshguard-ipfilter-1.5_2 -- Protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using ipfilter
sshguard-ipfw-1.5_2 -- Protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using ipfw
sshguard-pf-1.5_2 -- Protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using pf
sshit-0.6_4 -- Checks for SSH/FTP bruteforce and blocks given IPs
sshpass-1.05 -- A non-interactive ssh password auth tool
sshsudo-1.0 -- A bash script to run sudo command on multiple remote computers
ssid-0.1 -- Simple setsid replacement
ssl-admin-1.0.4 -- OpenSSL certificate manager with OpenVPN support
ssldump-0.9b3_4 -- SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslh-1.13 -- A ssl/ssh multiplexer
sslproxy-20000129 -- Proxies non-SSL request over an SSL connection
sslscan-1.8.2 -- SSLScan is a fast SSL port scanner
sslsniffer-1.21 -- SSLv3/TLS and SSLv2 sniffer
ssltunnel-client-1.18_1 -- PPP over SSL virtual private networking (client part)
ssltunnel-server-1.18_1 -- PPP over SSL virtual private networking (server part)
sslwrap-2.0.6_1 -- Another SSL Wrapper application, which uses SSLEay/OpenSSL
ssmping-0.9.1_1 -- Ping for ASM and SSM
ssmtp-2.64 -- Extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub
sssd-1.6.1_1 -- System Security Services Daemon
sssnips-0.04 -- Shell script snippets written by Peter Pentchev
ssspl-0.1 -- A Simple Socks Server for Perl
ssss-0.5_3 -- Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
sst-1.0 -- A simple SSL tunneling tool (uses netcat)
ssvnc-1.0.29 -- Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC: SSL/SSH VNC viewer)
sswf-1.8.4_2 -- A library and script language tool to create Flash movies
ssync-2.3_2 -- A minimalistic tool for keeping filesystems in synchronization
st-1.9 -- State Threads Library for Internet Applications
st-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- st language pack for libreoffice
stalepid-1.0.b1 -- Check for stale pid files and remove them
stalin-0.11_1 -- An aggressive optimizing Scheme compiler
stalonetray-0.8.1 -- STAnd-aLONE system tray
stamp-2.0.8_9 -- Adds a graphical, configurable timestamp to a grayscale image
stan-0.4.1 -- Generate several statistical informations of a stream
star-1.5.1_1 -- Unique standard tape archiver with many enhancements
stardates-1.6.1 -- Displays date in 5 formats (including stardate of course)
stardict-2.4.8_14 -- A cross-platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2
stardict-3.0.3_1 -- A cross-platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2
stardict-BritannicaConcise-2.4.2 -- The Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
stardict-OxfordCollocation-2.4.2 -- Oxford English Collocation Dictionary
stardict-dictd_mova-2.4.2_8 -- Dictionaries from for StarDict
stardict-longman-2.4.2 -- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
stardict-merrianwebster-2.4.2 -- Merrian Webster 10th dictionary
stardict-oald-2.4.2 -- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
stardict-quick-2.4.2_9 -- Dictionaries from Quick for StarDict
stardict2-rptts-2.1.0 -- Real People TTS for StarDict
starlanes-1.2.2 -- The classic space-age stock trading game
starlogo-2.0.2_2 -- Specialized version of the Logo programming language written in Java
starplot-0.95.5_6 -- 3-dimensional viewer for star charts
stars-1.0_1 -- Star field demo
starttls-0.10_11 -- Simple wrapper program for STARTTLS on emacs24
startup-notification-0.12 -- Library that supports startup notification spec from
statcvs-0.7.0 -- CVS repository activity report generator
statsvn-0.7.0_2 -- Subversion repository activity report generator
stdiff-0.2.1 -- Spot The Difference is a file integrity checker.
steadyflow-0.1.7_3 -- Simple download manager
sted-0.2.2 -- Simple/Small/Stupid Text Editor
steelstorm-b.r1591 -- Old school top down arcade shooter
stegdetect-0.6_9 -- Automated tool for detecting steganographic content in JPEGs
steghide-0.5.1_4 -- Steganography tool to hide data in binary files
stella-3.6.1_1 -- A multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator
stellarium-0.11.4 -- 3D photo-realistic sky renderer (planetarium)
step-4.8.4 -- KDE 4 interactive physics simulator
stepbill-2.4_2 -- Get rid of those nasty Wingdows viruses
stepmania-devel-20071121_9 -- Stepmania dance and rhythm game
stepulator-1.0_3 -- Scientific calculator implementing RPN notation for GNUstep
sterm-0.2.1 -- A simple X terminal
stf-6rd-kmod-0.232314 -- 6rd patched stf(4) kernel modules port for 8.1+
stfl-0.22 -- Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library
stixfonts-1.1.0 -- A comprehensive set of fonts for scientific and engineering purposes
stjerm-0.15_1 -- A GTK+-based quake-like terminal emulator
stklos-1.10_1 -- The successor of the STk Scheme interpreter
stldoc-1.0 -- The STL reference manual by SGI
stlfilt-20080203 -- An STL Error Message Decryptor for C++
stlport-gcc-5.1.7 -- Adaptation of SGI\'s Standard Template Library
stmpclean-0.3 -- Remove old files from temporary directories
stockfish-2.3.1 -- Open source chess engine
stone-2.3e -- Stone is a TCP/IP packet repeater in the application layer
stonesoup-0.10.3 -- Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - a fun, free rogue-like game
stonesoup-sdl-0.10.3 -- Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - a fun, free rogue-like game
stonx-0.6.7e.6 -- AtariST emulator
stopwatch-3.5_2 -- Stopwatch enables hand timing much like a physical stopwatch
stormbaancoureur-2.1.5_2 -- Simulated obstacle course for automobiles
stormlib-ghost-6.25 -- C++ library to read and write MPQ archives
stow-2.2.0 -- GNU version of Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program
stowES-0.5.6 -- Stow enhancement script
stp-1407 -- A Decision Procedure for Bitvectors and Arrays
str-0.9.12 -- Generic String Library
strace-4.5.18_1 -- A portable process tracer
stransball2-1.5_6 -- A sequel to Transball and Transball 2 THRUST-type games
stratagus- -- Free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine
stream-5.9 -- Synthetic benchmark program that measures sustainable memory bandwidth
streamanalyze-0.4_4 -- Shrink-factor calculator for StreamDVD
streamhtmlparser-0.1 -- C/C++/Python streaming HTML parser library from Google
streamripper-1.64.6_3 -- Splits SHOUTcast stream into tracks
streamtranscoder-1.2.8_9 -- Transcode and stream audio to a SHOUTcast/Icecast/Peercast server
streamtuner-0.99.99_19 -- A GTK+ stream directory browser
stress-1.0.4 -- Tool to impose load on and stress test Unix-like systems
strigi-0.7.7_3 -- Desktop searching program
stringencoders-3.10.3 -- Collection of high performance c-string transformations
strobe-1.06_1 -- Fast scatter/gather TCP port scanner
strongswan-4.5.3 -- Open Source IKEv2 IPsec-based VPN solution
stroq-0.2_6 -- Flip tiles to make rows of the same color
structuresynth-1.5.0_2 -- Rule-based 3D structure generator
stuffit- -- Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander
stumpwm-0.9.7_7 -- A tiling, keyboard driven Window Manager written in Common Lisp
stund-0.96 -- A simple STUN (RFC 3489) server and client
stunnel-4.54 -- SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons
stymulator-0.21.a_3 -- Command-line Yamaha YM2149 (.ym) chiptune player
styx-1.6.1_1 -- A scanner/parser generator
su2-1.3_1 -- An enhanced su, allows users to su with own password + more
subcalc-1.1 -- Advanced IP/IPv6 subnet calculation and discovery
subclipse-1.6.5_3 -- A subversion plugin for the Eclipse IDE Framework
subcommander-1.2.3_11 -- Qt based multiplatform subversion client, diff & merge tool
subcommander-2.0.0.b5_7 -- Qt4 based multiplatform subversion client, diff & merge tool
subnetcalc-2.1.3 -- IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator
subsonic-4.7 -- Subsonic streaming media server
subtitlecomposer-0.4.3_5 -- Subtitle editor for KDE
subtitlecomposer-0.5.3_5 -- Subtitle editor for KDE
subtitleeditor-0.39.0_2 -- Subtitle editor
subtitleoffsetmodificator-0.1_1 -- Subtitle offset modificator
subtitleripper-0.3.4_7 -- Convert DVD subtitles into text format (subrip srt) or VobSub format
subtools-20060508 -- Command-line tools for movie subtitles in SubRipper format
subversion-1.6.19 -- Version control system
subversion-1.7.7 -- Version control system
subversion-java-1.7.7 -- Java bindings for Version control system
subversive-0.7.9_3 -- An Eclipse plug-in that provides Subversion support
subweb-1.0 -- SubWeb is a (reverse) proxy to inspect HTTP flows on the fly
suck-4.3.2_2 -- Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
suck-cnews-4.3.2_2 -- Receives/sends news to/from localhost via NNTP
suckblow-1.1 -- Two companion utilities for transferring data over a TCP socket
sud-1.3_1 -- Execute processes with special privileges in a nosuid environment
sudo-1.8.6.p3_1 -- Allow others to run commands as root
sudoku-1.0.2 -- Console based Sudoku games
sudoku_solver-1.20 -- A Sudoku Solver in C
sudoscript-2.1.2 -- Audited shells in Perl with sudo(8) and script(1)
sudosh-1.8.2_5 -- A sudo shell
sudosh2-1.0.4 -- Second version of the sudo shell
sudosh3-3.2.0_2 -- Third version of the sudo shell
sudsol-0.1 -- A utility to solve Sudoku puzzles
sugarcrm-6.5.6 -- A web based customer relationship management suite
suitesparse-3.6.1_2 -- SuiteSparse is a set of packages for sparse matrices calculation
sumwars-0.5.5_7 -- Role-playing game, featuring both a single and a multiplayer mode
sun-wtk-2.2_3 -- Sun J2ME Wireless Toolkit
sunclock-3.56_5 -- Shows which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
sunterlib-0.8 -- Contributed libraries for Scheme 48 and scsh
sup-2.0.20060802 -- CMU's Software Update Protocol package
super-3.30.0 -- Allow others to run commands as root
super-smack-1.3_2 -- A benchmarking, stress testing, and load generation tool for Databases
super_methane_brothers-1.4.8_5 -- A port of the Amiga platform game of the same name
supercat-0.5.5 -- Regexp-based text colorizer with ASCII/HTML output
superiotool-20090930 -- Helper tool for Super I/O chip detection and analysis
superkaramba-4.8.4 -- Widget framework for KDE
superlu-3.0.20060201_4 -- A library of routines for performing sparse factorization
superlu_mt-2.0.20080115_3 -- Routines for performing multithreaded sparse factorization
superswitcher-0.6_1 -- Alt-Tab replacement
supertux-0.1.3_9 -- Super Tux is a side-scroller similar to Super Mario Brothers
supertux-devel-0.3.3 -- SuperTux is a side-scroller similar to Super Mario Brothers
supertuxkart-0.7_4 -- Free 3D kart racing game
suphp-0.7.1_5 -- Securely execute PHP scripts under Apache
surblhost-0.8.0 -- Check if a hostname is blacklisted
surf-0.4.1_2 -- A simple Web browser based on WebKit/Gtk+
surf-1.0.6_1 -- Visualize some real algebraic geometry
surfraw-2.2.8 -- Command line interface to popular WWW search engines
suricata-1.3.3 -- Open Source next generation IDS/IPS engine by OISF
surrealtodo- -- Surreal ToDo is an AJAX enabled web 2.0 list manager
susv2-1.0 -- Single UNIX Specification Version 2
susv3-1.2 -- Single UNIX Specification Version 3
suxus-1.5_2 -- An x11 font designed to be small yet easily read
sv-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (SVE)
sv-aspell-0.51.0_1 -- Aspell Swedish dictionary
sv-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Swedish messages and documentation for Calligra
sv-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Swedish
sv-hyphen-2005.04.15_1 -- Swedish hyphenation rules
sv-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Swedish messages and documentation for KDE3
sv-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Swedish messages and documentation for KDE4
sv-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sv language pack for libreoffice
sv-mythes-2008.06.10_1 -- Swedish thesaurus
sventon-2.5.1 -- Web client for browsing Subversion repositories
svg-1.0.3 -- A Ruby library for generating SVG files
svg2pdf-0.1.3_5 -- Render an SVG image to a PDF file (using cairo)
svg2png-0.1.3_5 -- Render an SVG image to a PNG image (using cairo)
svg2swf-0.1.3_2 -- Convert an SVG file into a Macromedia Flash (swf) file
svgalib-1.4.3_6 -- A low level console graphics library
svgviewer-0.2.0_6 -- SVG Viewer for GNUstep
svk-2.2.3_3 -- A Distributed Version Control System
svmlight-6.02 -- An implementation of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) in C
svn2cl-0.13 -- Subversion ChangeLog generator
svn2git-1.0.5 -- Imports svn repositories into git
svn_load_dirs-1.6.19 -- A Perl script to load directories into a Subversion repository
svndelta-1.0.6_4 -- Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Subversion
svnkit-1.3.0 -- The only pure Java Subversion client library in the world
svnmailer-py27-1.1.0.d.r1373_5 -- A tool to post subversion repository commit information
svnmerge-1.6.19 -- A Python script to managing merges in a Subversion repository
svntrac-2.0.1_4 -- Web-Based Bug And Patch-Set Tracking System For Subversion
svr4_base-2.6 -- Compatibility framework necessary for SVR4 emulation
sw-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Swahili dictionary
sw-hunspell-1.46_1 -- Swedish hunspell dictionaries
sw_TZ-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- sw_TZ language pack for libreoffice
swaks-20120320.0 -- Swiss Army Knife SMTP transaction tester
swank-clojure-1.2.1 -- Swank/SLIME support for Clojure
swapd-1.0.3_1 -- A daemon that watches free memory and manages swap files
swapexd-0.3_1 -- A tool for growing and shrinking on-disk swap space
swapmon-1.5 -- Add/remove swapspace as needed
swarp-0.1_1 -- X11 generic pointer warping utility
swatch-3.2.3_2 -- The Simple WATCHer and filter
swe-1.77.00 -- The High Precision Ephemeris Developed By Astrodienst
sweep-0.9.3_8 -- A sound editor for the GNOME/GTK 2.0 desktop
sweeper-4.8.4 -- Cleans temporal files for KDE
swfdec-0.8.4_4 -- Flash Rendering Library
swfdec-gnome-2.30.1_1 -- Gtk flash player and thumbnailer
swfdec-plugin-0.8.2_4 -- Flash rendering plugin
swfmill-0.3.0_1 -- xml2swf and swf2xml processor with import functionalities
swftools-0.9.2_1 -- SWF manipulation and generation utilities
swhplugins-0.4.15_4 -- Steve Harris' huge Collection of LADSPA Plugins
swi-pl-5.10.5_1 -- Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler
swig-1.3.40 -- Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swig-2.0.8 -- Generate wrappers for calling C/C++ code from other languages
swiggle-0.4_7 -- Swiggle is a commandline web image gallery generator
swine-1.0.3 -- Qt4 graphical Wine frontend
swish-6.1.5_1 -- Simple Web Indexing System for Humans: C++ version
swish-e-2.4.7 -- Simple web indexing for humans - enhanced
swisswatch-0.06_2 -- A Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
switzerland-0.1.0 -- Test the integrity of communications over networks and firewalls
swm-1.3.4c -- Window manager for low-memory systems, with title bars and shading
sword-1.6.2_1 -- A project framework for manipulating Bible texts
swt-3.5.2_2 -- Standard Widget Toolkit for Java
swt-devel-3.7.1_1 -- Standard Widget Toolkit for Java
sxm-1.1_1 -- Another implementation of Scheme
sxml-1.0.5 -- Skimpy XML parsing and grafting library for C language
sxpc-1.4_2 -- The Simple X Protocol Compressor
sxsame-3.02_1 -- A tile-removing puzzle game for the X Window system
sybtcl-3.0rc2_2 -- TCL extension to connect to Sybase servers
syck-0.70 -- A library for reading and writing YAML 1.0
sylpheed-3.3.0 -- Lightweight, featureful, and fast GTK+ based e-mail client
symbion-sslproxy-1.0.5 -- SSL proxy for securing insecure connections
symlinks-1.4 -- Symbolic link maintenance utility
symon-2.85_1 -- Performance and information monitoring tool
sympa-6.1.15 -- Sympa is an electronic mailing list manager
symports-1.1 -- Automatically generate symlinks for virtual categories
synaesthesia-2.4_4 -- Graphically represents sound in real time
synce-gvfs-0.3.1_4 -- GVFS module for access Windows Mobile devices
synce-hal-0.14 -- SynCE part: manages devices' connections
synce-librapi2-0.14 -- Utilities/libraries to make RAPI calls on WinCE devices
synce-librra-0.14 -- Remote Replication Agent Connection protocol library
synce-libsynce-0.14 -- Library to support communication with WinCE devices
synce-serial-0.11 -- Wrapper for pppd to initiate communications with Windows Mobile devices
synce-sync-engine-0.14 -- Synchronization Engine for Windows Mobile devices
synce-trayicon-0.14_5 -- GNOME system tray app for monitoring connected WinCE based devices
synce-vdccm-0.10.1 -- Listener daemon for connections from WinCE devices
syncterm-0.9.20110320_1 -- An ANSI-BBS terminal which supports telnet, rlogin, and SSH
syndigator-0.15.1_8 -- An RSS feed reader based on Gtk2
synergy-1.3.8 -- Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
synergy-devel-1.4.10 -- Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
synfig-0.63.05_1 -- A vector based 2D animation package
synfigstudio-0.63.05_1 -- Vector-based 2D animation software package
synonym-0.4.3 -- Synonym, the email message archiver
syobon-1.0.1_1 -- Syobon Action is a platform game as Super Mario Bros
sysbench-0.4.12_1 -- A modular, cross-platform, and multi-threaded benchmark tool
sysconftool-0.16 -- Helps to install application configuration files
sysfsutils-2.1.0 -- System Utilities Based on Sysfs
sysgather-1.0.b9 -- Keep configuration files under version control
sysinfo-1.0.1 -- Utility used to gather system configuration information
syslinux-4.05 -- Syslinux for FreeBSD
syslog-ng-3.3.7_1 -- A powerful syslogd replacement
syslog-ng-devel-3.4.0a3 -- A powerful syslogd replacement
syslog-ng-rc-3.3.7_2 -- A powerful syslogd replacement
syslog-ng2-2.0.10 -- A powerful syslogd replacement
syslogger-1.0 -- A logger(1) like tool that sends file or pipe througth syslog
sysmon-0.92.2 -- A network tool designed for high performance and accurate monitoring
sysrc-5.1 -- Utility to get or set rc.conf(5) values
system-config-printer-1.1.16_5 -- CUPS configuration Gtk+2.0 GUI
system-config-printer-kde-4.8.4 -- KDE4 frontend for system-config-printer
system-tools-backends-2.10.1_1 -- Backend system admin scripts for gnome-system-tools
systemc-2.2.0 -- A modeling platform for system-level C++ models
systempreferences-1.1.0 -- System Preferences application for GNUstep
sysupdate-0.5.8 -- System and ports update script
szap_s2-20100129s -- Simple zapping tool for the Linux DVB S2 API
szip-1.12b_2 -- A fast compression utility
t-prot-2.101 -- TOFU Protection - Display Filter for RFC822 messages
t1lib-5.1.2_1 -- A Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
t1utils-1.32 -- Six utilities for manipulating t1 fonts
t3d-1.1_2 -- Clock using flying balls to display the time
t3x-8.1.5_1 -- A compiler for the minimum procedural language T3X
tDOM-0.8.3 -- High performance XML data processing with Tcl (ARGS for OpenACS)
tRNAscan-SE-1.23_1 -- An improved tool for transfer RNA detection
t_coffee-5.68 -- A multiple DNA or protein sequence alignment package
ta-aspell-20040424.1_1 -- Aspell Tamil dictionary
ta-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Tamil messages and documentation for KDE3
ta-lib-0.4.0 -- A UNIX, POSIX Library for Technical Analysis
ta-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ta language pack for libreoffice
ta2as-0.8.2 -- TASM to AT&T asm syntax converter (GNU AS)
tabbed-0.3 -- Simple generic tabbed fronted to xembed aware applications
table.el-1.5.54 -- Create and edit WYSIWYG text based embedded tables in Emacs
tablelog-0.4.4_1 -- Logs changes on a table in PostgreSQL
tableutil-0.6 -- Utility for converting and aggregating lists of IP addresses
tablix2-0.3.5_2 -- Free software for solving timetabling problems
tac_plus-F4.0.4.19 -- The Cisco remote authentication/authorization/accounting server
tac_plus-libradius-5.0.0_1 -- The tacacs+ Daemon with pam and libradius support
tads-2.5.9 -- TADS compiler/interpreter for interactive fiction
tagger-0.2.7 -- CLI Ogg/Vorbis and MP3 ID3v1/ID3v1.1 tag editor
taglib-1.8 -- Library for manipulating ID3 tags and Ogg comments
taglib-extras-1.0.1 -- Extra taglib features for Amarok 2.2
taglib-sharp- -- Tagging library for the Mono framework
taglookup-0.2_2 -- Utility for tagging groups of audio files using CDDB
tagtool-0.12.3_12 -- A GNOME MP3/Ogg file tagger
tagutil-2.1_1 -- A tool to manage tags in music files
tagutils-0.3.0_1 -- A command line tool for tagging files
tai64nfrac-1.4 -- Convert tai64n format invented by Dan Bernstein
tailor-0.9.35 -- Migrates changesets between version control systems
taipan-0.9_1 -- Classic role-playing game from the 1980s
talkfilters-2.3.8 -- Set of filters to convert English text to various stereotyped dialects
talksoup-1.0_2 -- IRC client for GNUstep
talloc-2.0.7 -- Hierarchical pool based memory allocator
tamago-emacs21- -- The Multilingual Input Method - Egg V4
tamago-emacs24- -- The Multilingual Input Method - Egg V4
tanglet-1.2.1_2 -- Single player word finding game based on Boggle
tangogps-0.99.4_2 -- A comprehencive GPS mapping application
tank-0.4a_4 -- A 3-D network tank game that uses OpenGL/Mesa
tap-plugins-0.7.2 -- LADSPA Plugins by Tom Szilagy
tapidbus-0.2.1_5 -- Abstraction layer for interprocess communication
tapioca-qt-0.14.1_5 -- Framework for VoIP and IP applications
tarantool-1.3.5 -- Tarantool, is a high performance key/value storage server
tardy-1.26 -- Manipulate the file headers in tar archive files in various ways
tarsnap-1.0.33 -- Online encrypted backup service (client)
taskcoach-1.3.20 -- Friendly task manager
taskjuggler-2.4.3_6 -- A project management tool for UNIX based operating systems
taskwarrior-2.1.2 -- A framework for supercharged task and contact management
taucs-2.2_9 -- C library of sparse linear solvers
taxipilot-0.9.2_5 -- A Spacetaxi clone
tayga-0.9.2 -- Userland stateless NAT64 daemon
tbb-4.0.0 -- A library that provides thread building blocks
tbclock-1.10 -- Binary clock in curses
tbe-8.2_1 -- The Butterfly Effect
tbku-1.115 -- A Tool For Incremental And Imaging Backups
tcb-1.4a_1 -- File viewer for terminal
tcc-0.9.25_2 -- Tiny C Compiler
tcd-2.2.0_6 -- A simple, user-friendly ncurses-based CD player
tcl-8.2.3_9 -- Tool Command Language
tcl-8.3.5_8 -- Tool Command Language
tcl-8.4.19_3 -- Tool Command Language
tcl-8.5.12_2 -- Tool Command Language
tcl-8.6.b.3 -- Tool Command Language
tcl-Trf-2.1.4 -- Data conversion, digests, compression, error-correction for Tcl
tcl-manual-20041118 -- Documentation for TCL (Tool Command Language)
tcl-memchan-2.2.1_1 -- Two new channel types for in-memory channels in TCL8
tcl-modules-8.5.12_2 -- Tcl common modules
tcl-signal- -- Dynamically loadable signal handling for Tcl/Tk scripts
tcl-sqlite3- -- SQLite extension for Tcl using the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA)
tcl-threads-8.4.19_3 -- Tool command language (threads support)
tcl-threads-8.5.12_2 -- Tool command language (threads support)
tcl-threads-8.6.b.3 -- Tool command language (threads support)
tcl-wrapper-1.1_1 -- Shell wrapper for tclsh (Tcl)
tcl85-sql-20000114_7 -- TCL module for accessing MySQL databases
tclGetOpts-1.0 -- Pure TCL code for command line options parsing
tclX-8.4_3 -- Extended TCL
tclcheck-1.1.13_1 -- A program to check the nesting of parenthesis in tcl scripts
tclcl-1.20 -- Tcl/C++ interface used by ns and nam
tclgeomap-2.11.6 -- Read, manipulate, and display geo data
tclhttpd-3.5.1_3 -- An http-server implemented in TCL
tcllib-1.14_1 -- A collection of utility modules for Tcl
tclmidi-3.1_1 -- A language designed for creating and editing standard MIDI files
tclmkziplib-1.0_2 -- GZIP and ZIP support for TCL; dynamically loadable
tclmore-0.7b1_1 -- More TCL commands
tclock-1.0.1_2 -- Transparent analog clock for x11
tclreadline-2.1.0_3 -- GNU readline for TCL
tclsasl-1.0_1 -- A Tcl interface to the Cyrus SASLv2 library
tclsyslog-2.1_1 -- Tcl Interface to Syslog
tclthread-2.6.7_1 -- Thread extension for Tcl
tcltls-1.6_1 -- SSL extensions for TCL; dynamicly loadable
tcltutor-2.b.4_5 -- A Tcl/Tk based tutorial for Tcl
tcludp-1.0.8_1 -- UDP extension for TCL
tclwebtest-1.0_3 -- Tool for issuing HTTP requests and dealing with the result
tclxml-3.2_1 -- API for parsing XML documents using Tcl
tcmplex-panteltje-0.4.7_1 -- Re-write of the A/V multiplexer from the transcode distribution
tcpblast-1.1_1 -- Measures the throughput of a TCP connection
tcpcat-1.2.0 -- A simple utility for sending/receiving data over a TCP or a Unix-domain socket
tcpdstat-0.9 -- A tool for generating statistics from tcpdump (libpcap) files
tcpdump-4.3.0 -- Ubiquitous network traffic analysis tool
tcpdump398-1.0 -- Ubiquitous network traffic analysis tool - FreeBSD 7 version for FreeBSD 8
tcpflow-0.21_1 -- A tool for capturing data transmitted as part of TCP connections
tcpick-0.2.1_1 -- A text-based TCP stream sniffer
tcpillust-2.01_2 -- A graphical TCP connection analysis tool
tcping-1.3.5 -- Do a TCP connect to the given IP/port combination
tcplist-2.2_1 -- Lists TCP connections to/from local machine (+username on both sides)
tcpmssd-1.1 -- A utility to correct requested TCP receive segment size
tcpproxy-1.0_1 -- A simple TCP connection proxy for IPv4 and IPv6
tcpreen-1.4.4_2 -- A simple TCP session re-engineering tool
tcpreplay-3.4.4 -- A tool to replay saved packet capture files
tcpser-1.0.r12 -- TCPSER turns serial port into an emulated Hayes compatible modem
tcpsg-0.0.2 -- A simple TCP port forwarder
tcpshow-1.74_1 -- Decode tcpdump(1) output
tcpslice-2008.05.19 -- A tool for extracting portions of pcap files
tcpstat-1.5 -- A program to report various network statistics
tcptrace-6.6.7 -- A TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptraceroute-1.4_2 -- A traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptraceroute-devel-1.5.b7 -- A traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcptrack-1.3.0 -- Packet sniffer which displays TCP information like top(1)
tcpview-1.0_6 -- A Motif-based TCP/IP protocol analyzer
tcpwatch-1.3_1 -- TCP monitoring and logging tool with support for HTTP 1.1
tcpxd-1.4_2 -- General purpose TCP/IP relay
tcpxtract-1.0.1 -- A tool for extracting files from network traffic
tcsh_nls-1.0 -- Misc NLS catalogs for tcsh which requires libiconv
tcshrc-1.6.2 -- A set of configuration scripts for the TCSH shell
tdb-1.2.9 -- Trivial Database
tdbc-1.0.b17_2 -- The common database access interface for Tcl
tdetect-0.2 -- Utility for detecting traceroutes and reporting them via syslog
tdfsb-0.0.10_3 -- A 3D filesystem browser
tdhkit-1.0 -- Set of programs for working with tabular ASCII data
tdiary-3.2.0 -- A Web-based diary system (like weblog) written in Ruby
tdir-1.69 -- Advanced file directory display utility
tdl-1.5.2 -- To-do list manager
te-aspell-0.01.2_1 -- Aspell Telugu dictionary
te-hunspell-0.01.2_1 -- Telugu hunspell dictionaries
te-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Telugu messages and documentation for KDE3
te-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- te language pack for libreoffice
teTeX-3.0_6 -- A meta port for teTeX suite
teTeX-base-3.0_23 -- Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends (binaries)
teTeX-texmf-3.0_8 -- Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends (texmf tree)
tea-33.3.0 -- Simple and powerful Qt4-based text editor
team-3.1_2 -- Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
teamspeak3-server- -- Server side of the TeamSpeak group voice chat system
teamspeak_client-2.0.32_2 -- Client side of a group voice chat system
teamspeak_server- -- Server side of the TeamSpeak group voice chat system
teapop-0.3.8 -- Yet another RFC1939 compliant POP3 server
teapot-2.3.0 -- Full-screen curses based spread sheet program
teckit-2.5.1 -- Toolkit for converting data between 8-bit legacy encodings and Unicode
tecnoballz-0.92_10 -- A brick breaker (Arkanoid-like game)
teco-0398 -- Powerful and compact editor with nongraphical user interface
ted-2.22_1 -- X11 based RTF editor
teeworlds-0.6.1_1 -- Platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons
teg-0.11.2_6 -- A turn-based strategy game for GNOME
tei-guidelines-p3 -- TEI's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
tei-p3_1 -- DTD of the Text Encoding Initiative
tel- -- Little console-based phone book manager
telak-0.6_1 -- A tool to draw pictures on your root window
telbook-0.4_6 -- Simple telephone book
telepathy-farsight-0.0.15_1 -- Farsight Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
telepathy-gabble-0.10.4 -- Jabber Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
telepathy-glib-0.12.7_1 -- GLib utility library for the Telepathy framework
telepathy-haze-0.4.0_5 -- Libpurple connection manager for telepathy
telepathy-idle-0.1.7 -- IRC Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
telepathy-logger-0.1.7 -- Logger utility library for the Telepathy framework
telepathy-mission-control-5.6.1_1 -- Telepathy component to apps to abstract details of connection managers
telepathy-qt-0.14.1_4 -- Framework for VoIP and IP applications
telepathy-qt4-0.9.1_1 -- High-level Qt binding for Telepathy
telepathy-salut-0.4.0 -- Link-local Connection Manager for Telepathy Framework
tellico-2.3.6 -- Collection manager for KDE
tempcontrol-1.2 -- Temperature control for fermenting beer and other applications -- A dockable WindowMaker applet which displays the local temperature
tempest_for_eliza-1.0.5_6 -- A program to send AM radio signals using a PC monitor
template_-2.2.3 -- High performance PHP compiling template engine
templatelite-2.10 -- A smaller, faster alternative to the Smarty template engine
tenebrae-1.04_8 -- Quake 1 source port with advanced graphics
tenshi-0.12 -- Tenshi is a log monitoring program, designed to watch multiple logs
tentakel-2.2 -- A program for executing commands on many hosts in parallel
tepsonic-0.98.2_1 -- TepSonic is a simple and fast audio player
termatrix-0.2 -- Emulates Matrix terminal's "green tears" effect -- Terminal Emulator for GNUstep
terminality-2.1 -- A cross-platform terminal manipulation library
terminator-0.96_3 -- Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
terminatorx-3.84_2 -- Realtime audio synthesizer that allows you to "scratch" on audio data
terminus-font-4.38 -- Terminus Font - a clean fixed width font
termit-2.9.6 -- Small terminal emulator
termlog-2.5_1 -- Monitor or log multiple system terminals synchronously
terraform-0.9.5_1 -- Interactive height field generation and manipulation program
teseq-1.0.0 -- Terminal control sequence analyzer
tesseract-3.02.02 -- Commercial quality open source OCR engine
tesseract-data-3.02 -- Trained language data for the Tesseract OCR engine
testdisk-6.13_1 -- Tool to check and undelete partitions
testlink-1.9.4 -- A web based test management and test execution system
tet-3.7 -- An test execution framework from the Open Group
tet-aspell-0.1.1_1 -- Aspell Tetum dictionary
tetgen- -- A Quality Tetrahedral Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
tetradraw-2.0.2_1 -- Fully featured ANSI art editor/viewer with TCP/IP multidraw support
tetrinet-0.11 -- A console tetrinet client
tetrinet-x-1.13.16_1 -- An addictive 6 player tetr*s game
tetrons-1.10 -- Tetris(TM) clone for X11
tetzle-2.0.1 -- Jigsaw puzzle with tetrominoes
tevent-0.9.15 -- Talloc based event loop library
tex-3.14159_3 -- TeX and METAFONT
tex-mfpic-1.06.20110308_1 -- A TeX package that supports drawing pictures
tex-omegaware-old-2.0.2_5 -- Old version of ovf2ovp, ovp2ovf, ofm2opl, and opl2ofm
tex-texmflocal-1.9 -- Meta-port that creates a site-local $TEXMF directory
tex2im-1.8_9 -- Converts LaTeX formulas into high resolution pixmap graphics
texcm-ttf-20010117_3 -- TeX's Computer Modern Fonts
texi2db-0.5 -- Converts a Texinfo file into DocBook XML
texi2html-5.0_1 -- Texinfo to HTML converter
texinfo-4.13.20120516 -- A typeset documentation system with multiple format output
texmacs- -- A free WYSIWYG scientific text editor
texmaker-3.5.2 -- LaTeX Development Environment
texmakerx-2.1_3 -- A LaTeX IDE derived from Texmaker
textedit-4.0_3 -- Basic text editor for GNUstep
textmail-20070803_3 -- Converts e-mail attachments to plain-text
textmaze-1.2 -- Generates mazes on a text terminal and lets you traverse them
textogif-1.1_4 -- A Perl script to convert LaTeX formulas into GIFs
textpattern-4.2.0 -- A free, flexible, elegant, easy-to-use content management system
textroom-0.8.2_3 -- A full screen text editor
texvc-20050202_3 -- Convert latex equations to HTML, MathML, PNG
texworks-0.2.2_6 -- A simple TeX front-end program
tf-5.0b8 -- A popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tftp-hpa-5.2 -- An advanced tftp server
tftpgrab-0.2 -- TFTP stream extractor
tg-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Tajik messages and documentation for KDE3
tg-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Tajik messages and documentation for KDE4
tg-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- tg language pack for libreoffice
tgif-4.2.2_1 -- An Xlib-based two-dimensional drawing tool and hyper-object browser
tgif2tex-2.13_3 -- Converting texts in figure by tgif to LaTeX commands
th-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Thai messages and documentation for KDE3
th-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Thai messages and documentation for KDE4
th-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- th language pack for libreoffice
thales-1.0_2 -- GNU Thales -- An IRC to MySQL gateway
thcrut-1.2.5 -- Local network discovery tool
the-3.2_1 -- "The Hessling Editor", an implementation of the xedit editor
the_silver_searcher-0.12 -- A code-searching tool similar to ack but faster
thebridge-1.06_1 -- Amateur Radio Echolink conference bridge
thefish-0.6.6_6 -- Qt/Gtk+/ncurses rc.conf editor/management tool
thegrind-0.1.2_1 -- A simple game about escaping from work
thevalley-0.98_4 -- The Valley is a rewrite of an old RPG from the early 1980s
thewidgetfactory-0.2.1_6 -- Tool for previewing GTK+ widgets and testing new themes
thinglaunch-1.8 -- A very fast launcher program for X
thingylaunch-1.1.4 -- A lightweight tab-completing launcher for X
thinice-1.0.4_6 -- A clean-looking GTK Theme Engine
thinkingrock-2.2.1_1 -- Application for collecting and processing your thoughts
thoteditor-2.1e_3 -- An structured document editor, offering a graphical WYSIWYG interface
thrift-0.8.0 -- Framework for scalable cross-language services development
throttle-1.2 -- A pipe bandwidth throttling utility
throttled-0.5.2 -- Bandwidth shaping and QoS solution
thrulay-0.9 -- Network capacity tester
thttpd-2.25b_4 -- Tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
thudboard-1.8 -- The Discworld Boardgame Board
thumbnail_index-1998.08.10_4 -- Make an HTML index file for a bunch of images
thunar-archive-plugin-0.3.0_4 -- Archive plugin for the Thunar File Manager
thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.2.0_1 -- A Media Tags Plugin
thunar-vcs-plugin-0.1.4_6 -- Subversion plugin for Thunar
thunar-vfs-1.2.0_2 -- The virtual filesystem for Thunar
thunderbird-10.0.10 -- Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
thunderbird-16.0.2 -- Mozilla Thunderbird is standalone mail and news that stands above
thunderbird-dictionaries-20060220_8 -- Dictionaries for Mozilla Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-10.0.10 -- Localized interface for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-16.0.2 -- Localized interface for Thunderbird
thundercache-6.1_4 -- High-performance and high-efficiency caching proxy system
thundersnarf-1.3_2 -- Web reporting and trending analysis for Thunder Cache Pro
ti-hunspell-20090911_1 -- Tigrigna hunspell dictionaries
tide-3.2.0 -- A collection of classes for the T3X language
tidy-devel-090315.c_1 -- Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML
tidy-lib-090315.c_1 -- Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML (with shared lib)
tidy4-20000804_3 -- Fixes and tidies up HTML files
tidyp-1.04 -- A library and program to validate and fix HTML
tiemu2-2.08_7 -- TI89(ti)/92(+)/V200 hand-helds emulator
tiemu3-3.03_4 -- TI89(ti)/92(+)/V200 hand-helds emulator
tif22pnm-0.12_7 -- Converts TIFF-sampled images to PNM image
tiff-4.0.2_1 -- Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tiff2png-0.91_4 -- Converts TIFF images to PNG format
tifmerge-1.0 -- Library to merge TIFF files into multi-page TIFF files
tig-1.1 -- Text-mode interface for git
tigcc-0.96.b8_2 -- C compiler for the TI89, 92, and 92+ calculators
tightvnc-1.3.10_3 -- Enhanced version of VNC
tijmp-0.7 -- Tools Interface Java Memory Profiler
tikiwiki-9.2 -- Powerful PHP based Wiki/CMS/Groupware
tilda-0.9.6_5 -- Drop down x11 terminal with transparency support
tile- -- Themed widget set for Tk
tilecache-2.11 -- Python-based WMS-C/TMS server
tiled-0.8.1 -- General purpose tile map editor
tilem-2.0 -- An emulator for the Z80 series of Texas Instruments calculators
tileworld-1.3.0_4 -- An emulation of the game "Chip's Challenge"
tilp2-1.16_1 -- TI Linking Program
timbl-6.4.2 -- Tilburg Memory Based Learner
timeless-1.0_5 -- FreeBSD/SDL port of Tran's Timeless Demo with Sound
timelimit-1.8 -- Limit the absolute execution time of a process
timemachine-0.3.3_2 -- JACK audio capture tool
timemon-4.1 -- CPU time usage monitor for GNUstep
timer-applet-2.1.2_6 -- A timer applet for the GNOME panel
timeseal-1.0 -- Account for network lag in FICS chess games
timidity-0.2i_1 -- MIDI to WAV renderer and player
timidity-2.13.2_11 -- Software MIDI player
timidity-emacs-2.13.2_11 -- Emacs interface for TiMidity++
timidity-gtk-2.13.2_11 -- Gtk interface for TiMidity++
timidity-motif-2.13.2_11 -- Motif interface for TiMidity++
timidity-slang-2.13.2_11 -- Slang interface for TiMidity++
timidity-tcltk-2.13.2_11 -- Tcl/Tk interface for TiMidity++
timidity-xaw-2.13.2_11 -- Xaw interface for TiMidity++
timidity-xskin-2.13.2_11 -- X11AMP skin interface for TiMidity++
tin-2.0.1_2 -- Easy-to-use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support
tinc-1.0.19 -- A Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tinderbox-3.4.1_1 -- Port build tinderbox system
tinderbox-devel-3.4.r3.20120404_2 -- Port build tinderbox system, devel version
tine20-0.0.2012.03.03 -- Professional Open Source Groupware and CRM
tinker-5.1.09 -- A general purpose molecular modelling package
tint2-0.11_1 -- Lightweight freedesktop-compliant panel/taskbar/systray/clock
tintfu-0.0.4_2 -- A GraphViz .dot file editor
tintin-2.00.8_1 -- A client program to help playing MUDs
tinyca-0.7.5_5 -- Simple graphical interface to manage a small Certification Authority
tinycdb-0.77 -- Analogous to cdb, but faster
tinyerp-server-3.2.1_5 -- Open source application ERP & CRM in Python using Postgresql
tinylaf-1.4.0 -- A pluggable Look and Feel for Java
tinyldap-0.0.20091122 -- A small LDAP implementation
tinymce-2.1.3 -- Open source JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor for web sites
tinymce-3.5.7 -- Open source JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor for web sites
tinymux- -- A Multi-Player FreeForm adventure Program
tinyows-1.0.0_2 -- High Performance WFS-T server
tinyproxy-1.8.3 -- A small, efficient HTTP proxy server
tinypy-1.1 -- A minimalist implementation of python in 64k of code
tinyq-3.0.6_2 -- A stripped down version of Qt 3 for use as a utility library
tinystats-1.1 -- DJB's tinydns statistics generator
tinysu-0.9 -- A featureless replacement for su and sudo
tinytinyhttpd-0.0.11 -- Tiny tiny httpd
tinywm-1.3_2 -- Ridiculously tiny window manager
tinyxml-2.6.2_1 -- Small C++ XML parser
tircd-0.10 -- IRC proxy to Twitter
tircproxy-0.4.5_4 -- IRC proxy server
titano-0.0.7_9 -- An IDE for GNOME desktop
titlefix-0.5.3 -- Renames files in a proper English title format
tits-1.1.2_2 -- A server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
tivodecode-0.2.p4 -- Converts .TiVo files to normal MPEG files
tivoka-3.0.1 -- JSON-RPC client/server library for PHP
tix-8.4.3_1 -- An extension to the Tk toolkit
tk-8.2.3_11 -- Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.3.5_10 -- Graphical toolkit for TCL
tk-8.4.19_2 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl
tk-8.5.12 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl
tk-8.6.b.2 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl
tk-aspell-0.01.0_1 -- Aspell Turkmen dictionary
tk-hunspell-0.01_1 -- Turkmen hunspell dictionaries
tk-threads-8.4.19_2 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl (threads support)
tk-threads-8.5.12 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl (threads support)
tk-threads-8.6.b.2 -- Graphical toolkit for Tcl (threads support)
tk-wrapper-1.1_1 -- Shell wrapper for wish (Tk)
tkRunIt-0.94.1_2 -- GUI app launcher with completion and history
tkXwin-1.0_4 -- Tcl/Tk library to detect idle periods of an X session
tkabber-0.11.1 -- Tcl/Tk based jabber client
tkabber-devel-0.11.1.a.20100207 -- Tcl/Tk based jabber client, development version
tkabber-plugins-20100131 -- External Plugins for Tkabber
tkabbur-0.8 -- Is a modification of XMPP/Jabber client Tkabber
tkcon-2.5 -- Tk console for Tcl
tkcron-2.12_1 -- A frontend to crontab
tkcvs-8.2.3 -- Tcl/Tk frontends to CVS and Subversion
tkdesk-2.0.2_3 -- A graphical, highly configurable and powerful file manager
tkdiff-4.2 -- A Tk frontend for diff(1)
tkdnd-1.0_3 -- Native drag and drop capabilities
tkdvd-4.0.9_2 -- GUI to dvd+rw-tools and cdrecord
tkfont-1.1_3 -- A Tk based replacement for xfontsel
tkgate-1.8.7_4 -- A Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tkgeomap-2.11.6 -- Read, manipulate, and display geo data
tkhylafax-3.2b_5 -- A tcl/tk interface to Sam Leffler's fax package
tkinfo-2.8_2 -- A tk script to read GNU "info" files and display them
tkinspect-5.1.6p10_1 -- A Tk program browser
tkman-2.2_2 -- A Tcl/Tk based manual browser
tkmerge-0.85_1 -- A tk script to aid in the merging changes between two files
tkmoo-0.3.32_3 -- Tk-based M** client with scripting support
tkp4-1.12_2 -- Tcl/Tk frontends to Perforce's p4
tkpng-0.9_1 -- PNG support for Tcl/Tk
tkrat-2.1.5_4 -- A mail user agent for X with a Tcl/Tk user interface
tkregexp-3.0_3 -- An interactive regexp design tool
tkscanfax-1.1.8_1 -- Tcl/Tk frontend for fax scan/receive/send program (command is tkfax)
tkshape-0.4_2 -- A Tk library to access to X Shaped Window Extension
tksol-1.8.4_1 -- A version of the card game solitaire
tktable-2.10_1 -- A table/matrix widget extension to Tk
tktray-1.1_2 -- System tray icon support
tktreectrl-2.2.9 -- Multi-column hierarchical listbox widget
tktz-0.2_1 -- A Tcl/Tk-based timezone viewer
tkxmlive-0.1.5_2 -- Tcl/Tk XML intelligence visual editor
tl-aspell-0.02.1_1 -- Aspell Tagalog dictionary
tla-1.3.5_1 -- The original arch source control management CLI written in C
tlb-0.11a -- The List Batcher, a general purpose mail list delivery engine
tlf-0.9.31_1 -- Amateur Radio curses based logging program
tlswrap-1.0.4_1 -- An FTP proxy that wraps data and control with TLS/SSL
tm-0.4.1 -- Terminal mixer
tmake-1.13 -- Extremely portable perl-based make utility
tmda-1.1.12_1 -- Python-based SPAM reduction system
tme-0.8 -- Emulator for Sun 2/120, 3/150, and SPARCstation 2 machines
tmpreaper-1.6.13 -- Cleans up files in directories based on their age
tmpwatch-2.11 -- A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed
tmsnc-0.3.2 -- A textbased (console) MSN client
tmu-1.901.b -- Free Tibetan Machine Uni font
tmux-1.7_1 -- A Terminal Multiplexer
tmw-0.5.2_2 -- A free open source 2D MMORPG in development
tn-aspell- -- Aspell Tswana dictionary
tn-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Tswana hunspell dictionaries
tn-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- tn language pack for libreoffice
tn5250-0.17.4 -- 5250 Telnet protocol and Terminal
tn5250j-0.6.0_3 -- A 5250 terminal emulator for the AS/400 written in Java
tnef-1.4.9 -- Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
tnef2txt-1.4 -- A portable application/ms-tnef parser
tnftp-20100108 -- Enhanced ftp client from NetBSD
tnftpd-20100324 -- Enhanced ftp server from NetBSD
tnote-0.2.1 -- A small note taking program for the terminal
tnt-1.2.6 -- Template Numerical Toolkit
tntnet-2.1 -- Webapplicationserver for C++
tochnog-20010211_6 -- A free explicit/implicit Finite Element Program
todo-2.9 -- Todo.txt Manager
togl-1.7_4 -- A Tk OpenGL widget
toh-0.1 -- Text to include
toilet-0.3_1 -- Enhanced figlet(6)
tokamak-1.0.5a -- High performance real-time physics library
tokyocabinet-1.4.47 -- A modern implementation of DBM
tokyodystopia-0.9.15 -- A full-text search system based on Tokyo Cabinet
tokyopromenade-0.9.22 -- A content management system
tokyotyrant-1.1.41 -- Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet
tolua-1.0.93 -- An extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
tolua-4.0a_1 -- toLua: accessing C/C++ code from Lua
tolua-5.0.1_1 -- toLua: accessing C/C++ code from Lua
tolua-5.1.3 -- toLua: accessing C/C++ code from Lua
tolua50-1.0.92_2 -- An extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with Lua
tomatoes-1.5_13 -- Tomato-smashing, Q-Bert style
tomboy-1.12.0 -- Personal note taking system for the GNOME desktop
tomboy-plugin-latex-0.6_1 -- LaTeX math plugin for Tomboy
tomboy-plugin-reminder-0.9.2_1 -- Automatically open notes at a given date and time
tomboy-plugin-todo-1.0.0_1 -- Highlight FIXME, TODO, and XXX in your notes
tomboy-plugin-wordcount-0.2_1 -- Counts lines, words, and characters in your notes
tomcat-5.5.36 -- Open-source Java web server by Apache, 5.5.x branch
tomcat-6.0.35 -- Open-source Java web server by Apache, 6.x branch
tomcat-7.0.32 -- Open-source Java web server by Apache, 7.x branch
tomcat-native-1.1.24 -- Tomcat native library
tomsfastmath-0.12 -- Portable fixed precision math library for fast exponentiations
tonicpoint-viewer-1.4_2 -- PowerPoint presentations viewer
toolame-0.2l_1 -- Optimized mpeg 1/2 layer 2 audio encoder
toolbox-0.8_2 -- Collection of tools for GNUstep
toolboxkit-0.8_2 -- Toolbox bundle for GNUstep
toonel- -- Tunneling with data compression
topaz-3.41 -- A command driven graph plotting system for scientists and engineers
topless-1.52 -- Display command output on the whole screen like "top"
toppler-1.1.5_1 -- A game where you have to climb the tower and avoid the monsters
tor- -- An anonymizing overlay network for TCP
tor-devel- -- An anonymizing overlay network for TCP
tora-2.1.3_3 -- Toolkit for Oracle
torcs-1.3.4 -- The Open Racing Car Simulator
tork-0.30_5 -- TorK is an Anonymity Manager for the KDE Desktop
tornado-1.4_1 -- A curses-based game of weather destruction
torque-3.0.2 -- Open source distributed computing resource manager based on PBS
torrent-0.8.2_10 -- Score points without letting the tiles touch the top of the board
torrentsniff-0.3.0 -- Commandline tool for getting status of torrent
torrentzip-0.2_3 -- Efficient way to prepare zipfiles for BitTorrent
torrus-2.04 -- The Data Series Processing Framework - think mrtg with xml configs
torsmo-0.18_7 -- System monitor that renders text on desktop
torsocks-1.2 -- Most SOCKS-friendly applications way with Tor
tortoisehg-2.5.1 -- THg script from TortoiseHG
tosha-0.6_1 -- Read CD digital audio and video data via the SCSI bus
toshctl-0.0.0p3 -- A command-line tool to access parts of the Toshiba hardware interface
totd-1.5.1_1 -- DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
totem-2.32.0_2 -- A gstreamer-based video player for the GNOME 2 Desktop
totem-pl-parser-2.32.3_1 -- GObject-based library to parse a host of playlist formats
tovid-0.30_10 -- A collection of video disc authoring tools
toycars-0.3.10_5 -- Physics-based 2D racing game
tpad-1.3_1 -- Windows XP (TM) enhanced Notepad clone written in Tcl/Tk
tpasm-1.6 -- Cross-assembler for variety of microprocessors and controllers
tpb-0.6.4_10 -- On-Screen-Display for hotkeys of IBM ThinkPads
tpm-emulator-0.7.1_1 -- Trusted Platform Module (TPM) emulator
tpm-tools-1.3.5_1 -- Provides a basic set of TPM tools
tpmmanager-0.8_1 -- TPM Manager
tpop3d-1.5.5_1 -- Virtual-domain capable POP3 server supporting MySQL, PgSQL etc auth
tpp-1.3.1 -- Text presentation program
tqsllib-2.2_1 -- Amateur Radio Station electronic trusted logbook libraries
tr-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Turkish dictionary
tr-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Turkish translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
tr-ircd-5.7.3_1 -- IRC daemon based on Bahamut and hybrid-7
tr-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Turkish messages and documentation for KDE3
tr-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Turkish messages and documentation for KDE4
tr-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- tr language pack for libreoffice
trac-0.12.3 -- An enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software projects
trac-OhlohWidgetsMacro-0.2 -- Trac macro to embed Ohloh widgets
trac-TracGantt-0.3.2a_5 -- A plugin to creates Gantt charts for trac
trac-TracGoogleAnalytics-0.2.4_2 -- Trac plugin to enable logging by Google Analytics
trac-TracSpamFilter-0.2.1_5 -- Allow different ways to reject contributions that contain spam
trac-accountmanager-0.4.11722 -- Account Manager Plugin for trac
trac-addcomment-0.3_3 -- Add formatted comments to wiki pages
trac-advancedticketworkflow-0.10.3940_2 -- Advanced Ticket Workflow Plugin for Trac
trac-announcer-1.0 -- A plugin for making user-customizable notifications
trac-autocomplete-0.4.1_4 -- A plugin for autocompletion of user names in ticket fields
trac-batchmodify- -- Enables users to modify several tickets together at once
trac-bitten-0.6_1 -- Continuous integration for Trac
trac-bzr-20110228_2 -- Bazaar-NG plugin for Trac
trac-calendar-0.1_5 -- Calendar plugin for trac
trac-ccselector- -- Visually edit the Trac ticket CC field
trac-childtickets-2.5.2 -- Support for having child-tickets in Trac
trac-codetags-0.1_5 -- Plugin for displaying code tags
trac-customfieldadmin- -- Web interface to administer Trac ticket custom fields
trac-customroadmap-0.4.2348_2 -- Custom roadmap plugin for trac
trac-datefield-1.0.1_2 -- A plugin for creating date fields
trac-defaultcc-0.1 -- A plugin that adds default CC value for tickets
trac-discussion-0.7_1 -- Discussion forum plugin for Trac
trac-down-0.0.1.r11_3 -- Trac plugin for listing released downloads
trac-downloads- -- Trac plugin providing a downloads section
trac-email2trac-2.4.5_1 -- Convert email to trac tickets
trac-email2trac-postfix-2.4.5_1 -- Convert email to trac tickets
trac-estimator-0.1.1_3 -- Produce detailed range-based estimations for Trac tickets
trac-fivestarvote-0.1_2 -- Five star plugin for voting on Trac resources
trac-fullblog-0.1.1_1 -- Plugin that provides a project Blog
trac-fullblognotification-0.2.1_1 -- Plugin that provides a project Blog
trac-gitplugin- -- Git plugin for Trac
trac-graphviz-0.7.4_6 -- Graphviz plugin for Trac's wiki
trac-hierwiki-1.0_5 -- Dealing with the trac wiki as a hierarchy
trac-iniadmin-0.2.3915_2 -- Edit all trac.ini option via the WebAdminPlugin
trac-keywords-0.2_1 -- A plugin for using pre-configured keywords
trac-ldap-0.5.1_7 -- LDAP extensions for Trac
trac-macropost-0.2_3 -- Allows Macros to use POST in forms
trac-mastertickets-3.0.2 -- Support for ticket dependencies
trac-math-0.1_6 -- Support for LaTeX math formulas in wiki pages
trac-mercurial- -- Plugin to use Mercurial instead of Subversion in Trac
trac-nav-4.1_3 -- Fully customizable navigation bar for Trac
trac-navadd-0.1_3 -- Plugin for adding navigation items into Trac navigation bars
trac-pagelist-0.1.0_5 -- TracPageList
trac-pagetopdf-0.2_8 -- Export trac wiki pages as PDFs
trac-pendingticket-0.0.4_3 -- Support for pending tickets
trac-permredirect-2.0.3593 -- Redirect users to the login screen on PermissionError
trac-privatetickets-2.0.2_2 -- Modified ticket security for Trac
trac-pydotorgtheme-2.0_3 -- Theme that emulates the look of
trac-remind-1_5 -- Trac tickets reminder script
trac-revtree-0.6.4 -- Graphical representation of an SVN repository
trac-robotxt-1.0.1_4 -- Allows simple management of a robots.txt
trac-scrumburndown-1.9.2_3 -- Plugin to enable Scrum burndown chart capabilities
trac-simpleticket-1.1.3_5 -- Simplified Ticket Entry
trac-tags-0.7.r11504_1 -- Generic tags frontend for trac
trac-themeengine-2.0_3 -- Plugin to simplify distributing and deploying themes and styles
trac-ticketimport-0.7c_2 -- Import or update tickets from a CSV file or Excel file
trac-tickettemplate-0.7 -- A plugin for making ticket templates
trac-timingandestimation-1.0.8b_1 -- Add estimation and time tracking functionality to Trac
trac-tocmacro- -- Table of contents macro
trac-tweakui-0.1.7413_2 -- Easily tweak Trac pages with JavaScript expressions
trac-vote-0.1.2_2 -- Plugin for voting on Trac resources
trac-wantedpages-0.3_4 -- Shows wanted wiki pages
trac-wikigoodies-0.3.3522_2 -- Plugin for Trac which extends the Wiki with some goodies
trac-wikinegotiator-1.0_5 -- Content negotiation for Trac
trac-wikinotificationplugin-0.2.1_4 -- Allow email notifications on wiki page changes
trac-wikirename-2.1.1_2 -- Renames Wiki pages
trac-wikitemplates-0.3.0p3_4 -- Templates for the Trac wiki
trac-wikitopdf-2.2.2_5 -- Plugin to generate PDF documents from the Wiki
trac-wysiwyg-0.4.11508_1 -- WYSIWYG editor for Trac wiki
trac-xmlrpc-1.0.6_3 -- Provides an xml rpc interface to Trac
traceroute-991603 -- Version of 'traceroute' that shows the AS network number of each hop
trackballs-1.1.4_15 -- SDL-based Marble Madness clone
tracker-0.6.95_2 -- Tracker search tool and indexer metaport
tracker-5.3 -- MOD player
tracker-client-0.6.95_15 -- Object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer
tracker-gnome-0.6.95_15 -- Object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer
tracker-libtrackergtk-0.6.95_15 -- Object database, tag/metadata database, search tool and indexer
tractorgen-0.31.7_2 -- Generates ASCII tractors
traff-0.7 -- Libpcab based fast traffic accounting program
trafficserver-3.0.5 -- A fast, scalable and extensible HTTP proxy server
trafshow-3.1_6 -- Full screen visualization of network traffic (an ancient version)
trafshow-5.2.3_2 -- Full screen visualization of network traffic
traindirector-3.6_4 -- Train controller simulation
tralics-2.14.5 -- LaTeX to XML translator
tramp-emacs24-2.2.5_2 -- Transparent remote file access tool for emacsen
trang-2008.10.28 -- Multi-format schema converter based on RELAX NG
trans-1.20 -- Character Encoding Converter Generator Package
transcalc-0.14_11 -- A analysis and synthesis tool for RF and microwave transmission lines
transcode-1.1.7_8 -- A text-console utility for video stream processing
transfig-3.2.5d_1 -- Tools to convert Xfig's .fig files
transkode-0.7_15 -- A KDE/Qt based frontend for various audio transcoding tools
translate-1.11 -- Translates string using Babelfish
translate-toolkit-1.9.0_1 -- Converts between many translation formats
transmission-2.51 -- The last version of Transmission that supports GTK 2.0
transmission-2.73 -- The "meta-port" for Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-cli-2.51_1 -- The last version of Transmission that still supports GTK 2.0
transmission-cli-2.73 -- A lightweight CLI (command line) BitTorrent client and utilities
transmission-daemon-2.51 -- A fast and lightweight daemon BitTorrent client
transmission-daemon-2.73 -- A fast and lightweight daemon BitTorrent client
transmission-gtk2-2.51_1 -- The last version of Transmission to support GTK 2.0
transmission-gtk2-2.73 -- A fast and lightweight GTK+2 BitTorrent client
transmission-qt4-2.51_1 -- A fast and lightweight QT4 BitTorrent client
transmission-qt4-2.73 -- A fast and lightweight QT4 BitTorrent client
transmission-remote-gui-4.0.3 -- Remote GUI for transmission daemon
transmission-web-2.51 -- A fast and lightweight WebUI for Transmission BitTorrent client
transmission-web-2.73 -- A fast and lightweight WebUI for Transmission BitTorrent client
transproxy-1.6 -- Transparent HTTP proxy for ipfw's fwd rule or IPFILTER's ipnat command
transset-df-6_1 -- Make your windows transparent
trapproto-3.4.3 -- DEC-XTRAP extension headers
trayer-1.1.5 -- Lightweight GTK2-based systray for UNIX desktop
tree-1.6.0 -- Display a tree-view of directories with optional color or HTML output
tree-widget-emacs24-2.0_13 -- A tree widget for Emacs
treecc-0.3.10 -- Treecc is designed to assist in the development of compilers
treeform-1.0.3 -- A Linguistic Syntax/Semantics tree drawing editor
treeline-1.4.1_3 -- TreeLine is a structured information storage program
treepuzzle-5.2 -- Maximum likelihood phylogeny reconstruction using quartets
treeviewx-0.5.1_7 -- A phylogenetic tree viewer
treewm-0.4.5_5 -- Window Manager that arranges the windows in a tree
tremor- -- Enhanced Quake engine based on JoeQuake
tremulous-1.1.0_9 -- Free FPS game featuring two opposing teams, humans, and aliens
tren-1.242 -- A Powerful File And Directory Batch Renaming Tool
triangle-1.6_2 -- A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator
tribler-5.5.24_1 -- Streaming capable P2P network client based on BitTorrent
trickle-1.07_2 -- Lightweight, portable bandwidth shaper
trickyirc-1.1.0_1 -- Allows client independent detaching and reattaching of IRC sessions
tridiavnc-1.4_4 -- Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
trigger-0.6.0 -- A rally car racing game
trimines-1.3.0_5 -- Mine sweeper game that uses triangles instead of squares
trinokiller-1.0 -- Remotely kill trino nodes
trio-1.14 -- A fully matured and stable set of printf and string functions
triplane-1.04.r20110114_1 -- Port of the original Triplane Turmoil game
tripwire-1.2_1 -- File system security and verification program
tripwire-1.3.1 -- File system security and verification program
tripwire- -- File system security and verification program
trix-0.94_5 -- TriX is a chat compatible with 2.0 protocol of the Vypress Chat
trlan-201009 -- Thick-restart Lanczos method for eigenproblems
trn-3.6 -- Threaded Read News newsreader
trn-4.0.b77 -- Version 4.0 of the threaded readnews newsreader
trojka-1.0 -- A game of skill
trommler-3.8_4 -- A GTK based drum machine
trophy-2.0.3_2 -- A single player racing game
trousers-tddl-0.3.6_3 -- The open-source TCG Software Stack
trove4j-1.1b5_2 -- High performance collections API for Java
truc-0.12.0 -- Web-based tool for requirement and use case tracking
truecrack-0.1 -- A password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes
truecrypt-7.1a -- Free open-source disk encryption software
trueprint-5.3_2 -- Print program listings on postscript printer
truevision- -- The GNOME 3D modeler
trustedqsl-1.13 -- Amateur Radio Station electronic trusted logbook
truthtable-1.2.2_2 -- A Truth Tables generator (written in Java)
tryst-1.0.8_3 -- Implementation of Apples Bonjour for GNUstep
tryst-examples-1.0.8_3 -- TBrowser and TChat
tryton-2.4.1 -- The Tryton Gtk+ client
trytond-2.4.1_3 -- A three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform
trytond_account-2.4.1 -- The Account Module for Tryton
trytond_account_be-2.4.0 -- The chart of account which is used in Belgium
trytond_account_invoice-2.4.1 -- The Account Invoice Module for Tryton
trytond_account_invoice_history-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Account Invoice History Module)
trytond_account_invoice_line_standalone-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Account Invoice Line Standalone Module)
trytond_account_product-2.4.1 -- The Account Product Module for Tryton
trytond_account_statement-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Account Statement Module)
trytond_account_stock_anglo_saxon-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Account Stock Anglo Saxon Module)
trytond_account_stock_continental-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Account Stock Continental Module)
trytond_analytic_account-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Analytic Account Module)
trytond_analytic_invoice-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Analytic Invoice Module)
trytond_analytic_purchase-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Analytic Purchase Module)
trytond_analytic_sale-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Analytic Sale Module)
trytond_calendar-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Calendar Module)
trytond_calendar_classification-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Calendar Classification Module)
trytond_calendar_scheduling-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Calendar Scheduling Module)
trytond_calendar_todo-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Calendar Todo Module)
trytond_carrier-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Carrier Module)
trytond_carrier_percentage-2.4.1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Carrier Percentage Module)
trytond_carrier_weight-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Carrier Weight Module)
trytond_company-2.4.0 -- The Company Module for Tryton
trytond_company_work_time-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Company Work Time Module)
trytond_country-2.4.0 -- The Country Module for Tryton
trytond_currency-2.4.0 -- The Currency Module for Tryton
trytond_dashboard-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Dashboard Module)
trytond_google_maps-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Google Maps Module)
trytond_ldap_authentication-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (LDAP Authentication Module)
trytond_ldap_connection-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (LDAP Connection Module)
trytond_party-2.4.0 -- The Party Module for Tryton
trytond_party_siret-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Party Siret Module)
trytond_party_vcarddav-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Party VCardDAV Module)
trytond_product-2.4.0 -- The Product Module for Tryton
trytond_product_cost_fifo-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Product Cost Fifo Module)
trytond_product_cost_history-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Product Cost History Module)
trytond_product_measurements-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Product Measurements Module)
trytond_product_price_list-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Product Price List Module)
trytond_project-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Project Module)
trytond_project_plan-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Project Plan Module)
trytond_project_revenue-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Project Revenue Module)
trytond_purchase-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Purchase Module)
trytond_purchase_invoice_line_standalone-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Purchase Invoice Line Standalone Module)
trytond_purchase_shipment_cost-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Purchase Shipment Cost Module)
trytond_sale-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Sale Module)
trytond_sale_opportunity-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Sale Opportunity Module)
trytond_sale_price_list-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Sale Price List Module)
trytond_sale_shipment_cost-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Sale Shipment Cost Module)
trytond_stock-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Module)
trytond_stock_forecast-2.4.0_1 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Forecast Module)
trytond_stock_inventory_location-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Inventory Location Module)
trytond_stock_location_sequence-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Location Sequence Module)
trytond_stock_lot-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Lot Module)
trytond_stock_product_location-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Product Location Module)
trytond_stock_split-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Split Module)
trytond_stock_supply-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Supply Module)
trytond_stock_supply_day-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Supply Day Module)
trytond_stock_supply_forecast-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Stock Supply Forecast Module)
trytond_timesheet-2.4.0 -- Tryton Application Platform (Timesheet Module)
ts-0.6.4 -- Serial task spooler
ts-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Tsonga hunspell dictionaries
ts-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ts language pack for libreoffice
tsclient-0.150_10 -- A GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop and vncviewer
tse3-0.3.1_1 -- A MIDI library
tshark-1.8.3 -- A powerful network analyzer/capture tool
tshark-lite-1.8.3 -- A powerful network analyzer/capture tool (lite package)
tsito-0.8.4 -- A Chinese chess (Xiangqi) program
tsocks-1.8.b5_4 -- Allow non SOCKS aware applications to use SOCKS without modification
tss-0.8.2 -- Terminal ScreenSaver that allows you to lock you terminal
tsshbatch-1.134 -- Batch ssh Operations
tstools-1.11 -- MPEG transport, program, and elementary stream tools
tsung-1.4.2 -- Multi-protocol distributed load testing tool
tt-15.1 -- Tetris for Terminals
tt-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- tt language pack for libreoffice
tt-rss-1.6.0_1 -- Tiny Tiny RSS: web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator
tta-3.4.1 -- The True Audio Encoder, lossless (de)compressor
ttbudget-5.3_1 -- Driver for 'TechnoTrend budget DVB S-1401' (SkyStar3)
ttcp-1.12_1 -- Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance
ttf2eot- -- Convert TTF font file to EOT web embeddable file
ttf2pt1-3.4.4_2 -- True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 Converter
ttfquery-1.0.1 -- FontTools-based package for querying system fonts
ttftot42-0.3.1_1 -- TrueType to Type42 font converter
tth-3.89_2 -- A TeX to HTML translator
tthsum-1.3.1_1 -- A command-line utility for generating and checking TTH message digests
ttlscan-0.1.1_2 -- A TCP based scanner, showing ttl responses
ttmkfdir-3.0.9_2 -- Create fonts.scale file for use with TrueType font server
ttraffic-0.8_2 -- TTraffic - A Tcl/Tk version of Rush Hour
ttt-2011.04_2 -- Simple one or two player Tic Tac Toe game
tty-clock-2.0.0_1 -- Terminal based clock
ttyload-0.5.2_1 -- Give a color-coded graph of load averages over time
ttyrec-1.0.8_2 -- Tty recorder
ttytter-2.0.04 -- Command-line Twitter client in Perl
tuareg-mode-1.45.6_12 -- Emacs major mode for editing Caml code
tuc-1.10 -- Text to Unix Conversion
tucan-0.3.10_1 -- Tucan Manager aids file-sharing with 1-click hosters
tulip-3.8.0_1 -- A system dedicated to the visualization of huge graphs
tumble-0.33_3 -- Creates a PDF file from image files
tumgreyspf-1.36 -- External policy checker for the postfix mail server
tunapie-2.1.18_2 -- Tuner for streaming internet radio and TV
tuneradio-1.3 -- A command line method of tuning a Brooktree FM tuner card
tuning-primer-1.6.r1 -- MySQL performance tuning primer script
tuntun-0.4.0_5 -- A Gnome applet gui for OpenVPN
turpial- -- Twitter and client written in Python
tux_aqfh-1.0.14_7 -- An OpenGL adventure game
tuxcards-2.2.1_1 -- Tool for managing notes within a hierarchical tree
tuxguitar-1.2_6 -- A Multitrack tablature editor and player
tuxkart-0.4.0_3 -- An OpenGL action kart racing game
tuxmath-2.0.3_1 -- Educational arcade game starring Tux
tuxnes-0.75_4 -- A Nintendo Entertainment System 8-bit emulator
tuxpaint-0.9.21_2 -- Drawing program designed for young children
tuxpaint-config-0.0.12_1 -- Graphical tool to change TuxPaint settings
tuxpaint-fonts-2004.06.05 -- TuxPaint Localized Fonts
tuxpaint-stamps-2009.06.28 -- TuxPaint Stamps
tuxpuck-0.8.2_17 -- Shufflepuck Cafe Clone
tuxracer-0.61_11 -- 3D penguin racing game using OpenGL
tuxracer_golf-1.00_2 -- A golf course theme for Tux Racer
tuxtype-1.8.1_1 -- An educational typing tutor starring Tux the Linux Penguin
tv-fonts-1.1_2 -- A number of fonts which are useful for TV applications
tvbrowser-3.2.1 -- A digital TV guide
tvmet-1.7.2 -- Tiny Vector and Matrix template library
tvtwm-pl11_1 -- Twm with a virtual desktop
tw_cli-9.5.4 -- 3ware storage controllers management CLI
twander-3.231 -- A Better Filesystem Browser
tweak-3.01 -- An efficient hex editor
twelf-1.5R1_5 -- A meta-logical framework for deductive systems
twig-2.8.3_2 -- Web Based Email Client and Scheduler
twiki-4.2.4_1 -- Flexible, powerful, and easy to use enterprise wiki
twiki-BehaviourContrib-0.0.16417 -- JavaScript event library
twiki-BlogAddOn-0.0.16623 -- Simple blogging application
twiki-BugzillaLinkPlugin-0.0.15560 -- Link to Bugzilla bugs using shorthand references
twiki-ClassicSkin-0.0.17365 -- The Classic TWiki skin
twiki-CommentPlugin-0.0.17567 -- Post comments easily
twiki-EditTablePlugin-0.0.17542 -- Edit tables in-place
twiki-EmptyPlugin-0.0.16417 -- Empty plugin template
twiki-GluePlugin-0.0.15708 -- Allow to format tags and arguments on multiple lines
twiki-InterwikiPlugin-0.0.17303 -- Wikilink to external sites
twiki-JSCalendarContrib-0.0.17493 -- Mishoo JSCalendar repackaged
twiki-LDAPPasswordChangerPlugin-0.0.18108 -- Change TWiki password at a pre-configured LDAP server
twiki-LdapContrib-0.0.16840_1 -- LDAP services for TWiki
twiki-LdapNgPlugin-0.0.15577 -- Query and display data from an LDAP directory
twiki-MailerContrib-0.0.17641 -- E-mail notification of changes
twiki-MathModePlugin-0.0.15934 -- Include LaTeX formatted math in your TWiki pages
twiki-NewUserPlugin-0.0.17515 -- Create user's topic for externally authenticated users
twiki-PatternSkin-0.0.17425 -- A CSS-based skin
twiki-PreferencesPlugin-0.0.17568 -- Edit preferences in-place
twiki-RenderListPlugin-0.0.16417 -- Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
twiki-SlideShowPlugin-0.0.17261 -- Convert a topic with headings into a slideshow
twiki-SmiliesPlugin-0.0.16417 -- Converts smilies into icons automatically
twiki-SpreadSheetPlugin-0.0.16417 -- Spreadsheet capabilities in topics
twiki-SubscribePlugin-0.0.17653 -- Add an easy subscription link to topics
twiki-TWikiUserMappingContrib-0.0.17569 -- Traditional topic-based user mapping and management
twiki-TablePlugin-0.0.17558 -- Extra control of table display
twiki-TagMePlugin-0.0.17472 -- Collaborative content tagging
twiki-TinyMCEPlugin-0.0.17303 -- TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor integration
twiki-TipsContrib-0.0.16417 -- Tip-of-the-day rotating display
twiki-TopicVarsPlugin-0.0.16417b -- Create externally usable variables in any topic
twiki-TwistyContrib-0.0.17596 -- JS library and CSS for Twisty sections
twiki-TwistyPlugin-0.0.17602 -- Show and hide content in JS-based sections
twiki-WysiwygPlugin-0.0.17720_1 -- Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors
twill-0.9 -- A simple scripting language for Web browsing
twind-1.1.0_1 -- Match and remove all of the blocks before time runs out
twinkle-1.4.2_6 -- Soft phone for your VoIP communications using the SIP protocol
twirssi-2.5.1 -- Twitter script to irssi
twitch-1.0_6 -- An overhead 2-d shooter, reminiscent of games like Robotron
twitmail-0.42 -- Curses-based mail-like interface to Twitter
twitux-0.69_6 -- GNOME client for Twitter
twm-1.0.7 -- Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
twms-0.02w -- Tiny WMS server
twoftpd-1.41_1 -- A simple, secure, efficient FTP server
twolame-0.3.13 -- MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder
twpsk-2.1_4 -- A openmotif X psk31 client
txt2html-2.51 -- Convert raw text to something with a little HTML formatting
txt2man-1.5.6 -- Converts flat ASCII text to man page format
txt2pdbdoc-1.4.4 -- Converts plain text and HTML files to Palm Pilot Doc formats
txt2regex-0.8_1 -- A Regular Expression "wizard"
txt2tags-2.6 -- Convert simply formatted text into markup (e.g., HTML)
txtbdf2ps-0.7.1 -- Translator TXT + BDF to PS
tycho-0.1 -- Program to gather data (statistics) on Core War warriors
tycoon-1.07o_5 -- A nifty set of desktop apps, including floating buttons
typespeed-0.6.5_1 -- Test your typing speed and get your fingers\' CPS
typetools-2.92_1 -- Tools for manipulating fonts
typetrainer-0.5.2_1 -- Typing tutor trainer
typhoon-1.10.3 -- A relational database library
typo-5.3 -- An absolutely minimal weblogging engine powered by rails
typo3-4.5.20 -- The typo3 content management system
typo3-4.6.13 -- The typo3 content management system
typo3-4.7.5 -- The typo3 content management system
typolight-2.8.4 -- Powerful web content management system
tyrquake-0.59_1 -- Very conservative branch of the Quake source code
tzdialog-1.2 -- Set the local timezone using dialog(1) or Xdialog(1)
tzfile-0.1 -- TZFile handling library for Ruby
u-boot-mkimage-1.2.0 -- The mkimage utility of the u-boot bootloader
uDrawGraph-3.1.1 -- A graph drawing/visualization system
ua-1.0.1 -- Finds sets of identical files
uade-2.13_1 -- Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator
uae-0.8.29_2 -- Amiga emulator
uarduno-1.02 -- FreeBSD Kernel Driver for the Arduino Uno USB interface
uartlirc-0.3_1 -- Driver for "homebrew" serial LIRC receivers
ubench-0.32 -- Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory
ubh-2.5_1 -- Perl script to download and decode binaries posted to Usenet
ubuntu-font-0.80_1 -- Ubuntu font family
ubuntulooks-0.9.12_8 -- GTK+ 2.x engine from Ubuntu Dapper
ucarp-1.5.2_1 -- Userlevel Common Address Redundancy Protocol
ucblogo-5.5_4 -- Brian Harvey's logo language interpreter
ucc-1.6.0 -- C Compiler Which Implements the ANSI C89 Standard
ucl-1.03_1 -- A data compression library with low memory usage
uclmmbase-1.2.18 -- Common subroutines for UCL mbone applications
ucommon-5.5.0 -- A very lightweight C++ design patternlibrary
ucpp-1.3.2 -- A C preprocessor and lexer
ucspi-ipc-0.67 -- UCSPI tools for building local-domain client-server applications
ucspi-proxy-0.98 -- A proxy program for UCSPI servers and clients
ucspi-ssl-0.70_1 -- UCSPI tools for building SSL client-server applications
ucspi-ssl-tls-0.70_1 -- UCSPI tools for building SSL client-server applications w/ TLS support
ucspi-tcp-0.88_2 -- Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
ucspi-unix-0.36_5 -- UNIX-domain socket client-server command-line tools
udesc_dump-1.3.9 -- Shows USB descriptors
udfclient-0.7.5_1 -- Tools for UDF filesystem
udis86-1.7 -- Minimalistic x86 and x86-64 disassembler library
udmsearch-3.1.7 -- Full featured SQL-based hypertext search engine
udns-0.2 -- DNS resolver library with sync and async queries
udptunnel-1.1 -- Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
udpxy-1.0.23 -- UDP-to-HTTP multicast traffic relay daemon
udt-4.10 -- C++ library containing the UDT API implementation
udunits-2.1.24_1 -- A library for manipulating units of physical quantities
uebimiau-2.7.11 -- UebiMiau is a simple yet efficient WebMail written in PHP
uemacs-4.0 -- A full screen editor
uf-view-2.4_12 -- A gTK+ viewer for the User Friendly and several other popular comics
ufc-2.0.5 -- Unified framework for finite element assembly
ufmcontrol-i18n-0.2.3 -- USB radio control utility
ufoai-2.3.1_3 -- A strategy game featuring tactical combat
ufoai-data-2.3.1 -- UFO alien invasion data files
ufraw-0.18_4 -- Read and manipulate raw images from various digital cameras
ufs_copy-20060921_1 -- Fast copy utility for UFS filesystem
uftp-3.7.1 -- A multicast capable FTP client and server
ug-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Uighur messages and documentation for KDE4
ug-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ug language pack for libreoffice
uhexen-0.601_8 -- Yet another port of Hexen, popular game from Raven Software
uhexen2-1.5.1_1 -- Hexen II source port supporting Linux/FreeBSD/Unix/Windows
uhexen2-extras-1.4.1_2 -- Hexen II source port extras (demos, mods, etc)
uhidd-0.2.1_1 -- Userland USB HID device driver using libusb20
uhso-kmod-20100416_2 -- Driver for Option HSDPA modem (USB2 version)
uhub-0.4.0 -- High performance peer-to-peer hub for the ADC network
uif2iso-0.1.7c -- Convert MagicISO UIF files to ISO9660
uim-1.8.2 -- Input method library
uim-el-emacs21-1.8.2_1 -- Emacs lisp for uim input method library
uim-el-emacs22-1.8.2_1 -- Emacs lisp for uim input method library
uim-el-emacs24-1.8.2_1 -- Emacs lisp for uim input method library
uim-el-xemacs21-mule-1.8.2_1 -- XEmacs lisp for uim input method library
uim-gnome-1.8.2 -- GNOME applets of uim input method
uim-gtk-1.8.2 -- GTK+ modules of uim input method
uim-gtk3-1.8.2 -- GTK+ 3.x modules of uim input method
uim-kde-1.8.2 -- KDE panel applet of uim input method
uim-kde4-1.8.2 -- KDE4 panel applet of uim input method
uim-m17nlib-1.8.2 -- Uim plugin using m17n library input method
uim-qt-1.8.2 -- QT modules of uim input method
uim-qt4-1.8.2 -- Qt4 modules of uim input method
uird-1.1 -- The Universal IR Receiver Daemon
uk-aspell- -- Aspell Ukrainian dictionaries
uk-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Ukrainian messages and documentation for Calligra
uk-gd-2.0.35_8 -- A graphics library for fast image creation with KOI8-U support
uk-get_iplayer-2.80 -- Search, index, or stream archive video from BBC iPlayer
uk-hunspell-1.6.5_1 -- Ukrainian hunspell dictionaries
uk-hyphen-2005.03.08_1 -- Ukrainian hyphenation rules
uk-ispell-uk-0.7 -- Ukrainian (KOI8-U) dictionary for ISPELL
uk-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Ukrainian messages and documentation for KDE3
uk-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Ukrainian messages and documentation for KDE4
uk-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- uk language pack for libreoffice
uk-mythes-1.6.5_1 -- Ukrainian thesaurus
uk-phone-2.7 -- United Kingdom phone codes
uk-postcodes-2.2 -- United Kingdom post codes
uk-webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
ultimatestunts- -- Racing game with elaborate stunts
ultracopier- -- An advanced file copier
ultragetopt-0.6.0 -- Versatile and customizable implementation of getopt()
ulxmlrpcpp-1.7.5 -- An ultra lightweight xml-rpc library written in C++
umark-2.0.0.b3_7 -- Unreal Tournament 200x series benchmark utility
umatrix-1.1 -- Simple matrix package
umcs7840-kmod-1.0.20101210.57_1 -- MosChip MCS7820 and MCS7840 USB to RS-232/485 gates driver
umem-1.0.1 -- A port of the Solaris memory allocator
umix-1.0.2_2 -- Advanced tool for adjusting soundcard mixers, replacement for aumix
uml2svg-0.18 -- XSL stylesheets to convert UML to SVG
umlgraph-5.6 -- An automated drawing of UML diagrams
umodplayer-0.b5.1_3 -- Console module player
umodunpack-0.4 -- Unpack umod files for Unreal and/or Unreal Tournament
ump-0.8.6_7 -- A graphical, easy to use math program
ump-1.10_12 -- Unix MIDI Plugin based on TiMidity++
umph-0.2.1 -- YouTube video playlist parser for cclive and alike tools
umplayer-0.97_1 -- A modern front-end for mplayer (forked from smplayer)
umr-0.3 -- Unreal Media Ripper
umurmur-0.2.8 -- Minimalistic Murmur (Mumble server)
unace-1.2b_2 -- Extract, view & test ACE archives
unadf-0.7.12 -- Extracts files from .adf-files used by Amiga emulators
unalz-0.65 -- Extracts AlZip archives
unarj-2.65_2 -- Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
unbound-1.4.18_3 -- A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
unclutter-8_3 -- Remove idle cursor image from screen
uncrustify-0.54 -- Highly configurable source code beautifier
undernet-ircu- -- Undernet IRCU irc daemon
undms-1.3 -- Converts .dms Amiga disk images to uncompressed .adf images
unfoo-1.0.6 -- Tiny sh(1) wrapper to simplify decompression of files
unfs3-0.9.22_1 -- A user-space implementation of the NFSv3 server specification
unhide-20110113 -- A forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports
uni2ascii-4.18 -- Convert between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents
uniconvertor-1.1.5 -- Universal vector graphics translator
uniconvw-1.1.5_1 -- Gtk+ frontend for UniConvertor
unicornscan-0.4.2_3 -- Next-generation of udpscan plus a high-speed TCP scanner
unieject-6 -- Eject(1) replacement
unique-1.1.6_3 -- Library for single instance applications
unison-2.40.63_3 -- User-level file synchronization tool
unison-devel-2.45.4_3 -- User-level file synchronization tool
unison-nox11-2.40.63_1 -- A user-level file synchronization tool (without x11 stuff)
unison232-2.32.52_3 -- User-level file synchronization tool
units-2.01 -- Unit conversion and calculation
uniutils-2.27_1 -- Unicode Description Utilities
universalindentgui-1.1.0_3 -- Graphical UI for multiple source code indent/format/beautify tools
unix2dos-1.3 -- Translate ASCII files from DOS (cr/lf) to UNIX (lf)
unix2tcp-0.8.2 -- A connection forwarder that converts Unix sockets into TCP sockets
unixODBC-2.3.1 -- ODBC library suite for Unix
unixbench-4.1.0_1 -- The BYTE magazine's Public Domain benchmark for UNIX
unixcw-2.3_1 -- Libs for cw on unix
unixstat-5.4_1 -- A statistics package designed for use with the Unix shell
unknown-horizons-2012.1 -- Real time simulation game
unlzx-1.1 -- Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
unmakeself-1.1 -- Extract Makeself archives
unmass-0.9 -- Extract game archives such as wad, dar, mea exe's, and many more
unnethack- -- A new variant of NetHack
unoconv-0.6 -- Convert any document from and to any LibreOffice supported format
unpaper-0.3 -- Post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper
unquote-1.0.b4 -- Execute a command with safely quoted arguments
unrar-4.20_1 -- Extract, view & test RAR archives
unrar-iconv-4.20_1 -- Extract, view & test RAR archives
unroff-1.0.2_5 -- A programmable troff translator with backend for HTML
unrtf-0.21.2 -- A converter from RTF to several formats, including HTML and LaTeX
unshield-0.6_1 -- Extract data from InstallShield CAB files
unssh-1.5 -- Fast way to delete entries from OpenSSH known_hosts file
unstow-0.1.1 -- A script to unstow packages much faster than stow -D
untahris-3.1_3 -- Play several classic fun, simple arcade games in multiplayer mode
untar-1.4_1 -- Lists/Extracts files from a "*.tgz" or "*.gz" archive
unuran-1.8.1 -- Universal Non-Uniform RANdom number generators
unworkable-0.53 -- A Free BitTorrent Implementation
unzip-6.0_1 -- List, test, and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzip-iconv-6.0_1 -- Unzip with iconv patches
unzoo-4.4_2 -- A zoo archive extractor
up-imapproxy-1.2.7_2 -- Caching IMAP proxy server
upclient-5.0.b8_6 -- Uptimes project client
updatedd-2.6 -- Dynamic DNS Update Client supporting multiple services
uplog-0.3 -- UDP-based ping program
upnp-1.6.17_1 -- Universal Plug and Play Software Development Kit
upower-0.9.7 -- D-Bus daemon for simplifying power management tasks
upp-5485 -- Ultimate++, a BSD-licensed, cross-platform, C/C++ RAD suite
uppaal-4.0.10 -- Tool environment for modeling and verifying timed automata
upsd- -- APC Smart UPS Monitoring Daemon
upsdaemon-1.0 -- Simple APC UPS Daemon
upslug-2.11 -- Firmware upload tool for Linksys NSLU2
uptimed-0.3.16_2 -- Uptime daemon
upx-3.08 -- The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
uqm-0.6.2_13 -- A port of the original Star Control 2 for 3DO consoles
urbanterror-data-4.1.1 -- Standalone realism based mod originally for Quake III Arena
urelay-1.0 -- An UCSPI-based TCP forwarder
uriparser-0.7.7 -- URI parsing library
urjtag-0.10_3 -- Extended utility to work with JTAG-aware boards
urlendec-1.0 -- URL encoder and decoder
urlgfe-0.7.1_14 -- A download manager
urlview-0.9_7 -- URL extractor/launcher
urt-3.1b1_9 -- Toolkit and library for raster image processing
urweb-20120807 -- Ultimate host for embedded domain-specific languages
urwfonts-1.0_3 -- Another font package for X
urwfonts-ttf-1.0.7b18_2 -- Unicode TrueType fonts from URW extended by Valek Filippov
us-zipcodes-1.0 -- USA postal codes
usb_modeswitch-1.2.1 -- Handling Mode-Switching USB Devices
usbhotkey-0.3.1_6 -- A utility to remap USB keyboards under X11
usbmuxd-1.0.7_3 -- Daemon for multiplexing connections over USB to an iPhone/iPod Touch
usbredir-0.4.3 -- A protocol for redirection of USB traffic
usbrh-0.3 -- Reads temperatures and humidity from a Strawberry Linux USB-RH
usbrh-libusb-0.05 -- Yet another reads temperatures and humidity from a Strawberry Linux USB-RH
usbutils-0.86_1 -- Utility for listing USB devices
uschedule-0.7.1_1 -- A scheduler program, designed to replace cron(8) and at(1)
usendmail-0.1.6_2 -- A replacement for qmail's sendmail drop-in
useracc-3.1_1 -- Special purpose database application
userfw-0.1.2 -- Modular packet filter
userinfo-2.3 -- Show information about local users
userlist-0.1 -- Prints a list of all usernames in /etc/passwd
usermatic-0.6.1 -- Scripts to automate the maintenance of accounts
usermin-1.520 -- Web-based interface for performing some user tasks
userneu-1.38_1 -- Account management and creation tool
userneu-devel-1.43_2 -- Account management and creation tool
userspace-rcu-0.7.5 -- A read-copy-update data synchronization library
ushare-1.1a_9 -- A lightweight UPnP (TM) A/V Media Server
usogres-0.8.1_2 -- Real-time backup utility for PostgreSQL
usrinfo-.10 -- Displays information about a user using either "<br>" or "\n" breaks
ustl-1.0.0 -- Codespace-frugal STL implementation
utcount-0.1 -- Users Traffic Count
utf8proc-1.1.3 -- UTF-8 processing library
utftools-1.6 -- UTF-aware wc, fmt, expand, and unexpand
utftpd-0.2.4_2 -- secure tftpd server with fine grained access and revision control
uthash-1.9.7 -- A hash table for C structures
uticom-0.3 -- A FreeBSD Driver for TUSB3410 uart-to-usb converter
utopia-1.0 -- Adobe Utopia typeface for Groff
utserver-451_5 -- Unreal Tournament Dedicated Server for Linux
uudeview-0.5.20 -- A program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
uudx-2.99 -- Extractor from uuencoded files
uulib-0.5.20_2 -- A library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
uwsgi-1.2.4 -- Developer-friendly WSGI server which uses uwsgi protocol
uz-aspell-0.6.0_1 -- Aspell Uzbek dictionary
uz-hunspell-0.6_1 -- Uzbek hunspell dictionaries
uz-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Uzbek messages and documentation for KDE3
uz-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- uz language pack for libreoffice
uzap-1.0 -- Visual binary file editor
uzbl- -- Web interface tools which adhere to the unix philosophy
v-1.90_3 -- A C++ GUI development framework for X11 and Microsoft Windows
v4l-utils-0.8.8 -- Video4Linux utilities
v4l_compat-1.0.20120501_1 -- Video4Linux IOCTL header files
v7sh-1.0 -- An implementation of the UNIX 7th Edition shell
v8-3.14.5 -- Google\'s open source JavaScript engine
vMac- -- Emulates a MacPlus machine! Runs MacOS versions up to 7.5.5
v_sim-3.5.2_1 -- Visualization of atomic structures
vacation-3.3.0 -- A email autoresponder, similar to vacation from sendmail
vacuum-im-1.2.0 -- Crossplatform Jabber client
vagalume-0.8.5_2 -- A GTK+-based client for the online radio
vala-0.12.1 -- Programming language and compiler that converts Vala code into C code
vala-vapigen-0.12.1 -- Programming language and compiler that converts Vala code into C code
valgrind-3.7.0_1 -- A (memory) debugging and profiling tool
valgrind-snapshot-10776 -- A (memory) debugging and profiling tool
validator-1.3 -- Markup Validation Service from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
valide-0.7.1_1 -- An IDE for the Vala programming language
validns-0.6 -- A high performance DNS/DNSSEC zone validator
valknut-0.4.9_5 -- A Direct Connect client QT GUI
vamos-0.7.0_2 -- An automotive simulation framework
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.3 -- Vamp audio analysis plugin SDK
vamps-0.99.2_4 -- High performance tool to transcode DVD videos to a smaller size
varconf-0.6.7 -- A Configuration System for the STAGE Server
varkon-1.19D_2 -- A free CAD system and applications development tool
varnish-2.1.5_1 -- The Varnish high-performance HTTP accelerator
varnish-3.0.3_1 -- The Varnish high-performance HTTP accelerator
varnish-libvmod-header-0.3.4 -- Varnish Module (vmod) for manipulation of duplicated headers
varnish-nagios-1.1 -- Nagios plugin to check status of Varnish
vavoom-1.33_2 -- Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife source port
vavoom-extras-1.30_2 -- Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife source port (extras)
vba-1.7.2_10 -- Open Source Gameboy Advance emulator
vbetool-1.1_1 -- An application for executing video card BIOS code
vbindiff-3.0.b4 -- Visual binary diff, visually compare binary files
vblade-20 -- Virtual EtherDrive(R) blade AoE target
vboxgtk-0.7.0_2 -- GTK frontend for VirtualBox
vboxtool-0.5 -- Provides effective control of VirtualBox machines
vbsfilter-1.15_1 -- A vbs-attachment filter for Sendmail Milter
vcdgear-1.6d -- A tool to convert VCDs from cue/bin format to mpeg
vcdimager-0.7.24_1 -- GNU VCDImager/VCDRip -- The GNU VideoCD Image Maker/Ripping Tool
vcdpad-0.8_1 -- A program to pad vcd mpegs
vcg-1.30_2 -- A Visualization Tool for compiler graphs
vchat-2.42c -- Client software for taking part in VChat conferences
vchkuser-0.2_2 -- Qmail-smtpd+vpopmail check rcpt to on the fly
vcp-2.2 -- Copy files in curses interface
vda2fbd-1.0 -- An add-on converter for CalculiX
vde-1.5.7 -- User-mode virtual ethernet infrastructure
vde2-2.3.2 -- User-mode virtual ethernet infrastructure
vdesk-1.2_3 -- Command-line utility for setting up and using virtual desktops
vdk-2.5.1_1 -- C++ wrapper for GTK+ toolkit
vdkbuilder-2.5.0_1 -- A general ide tool for GTK+/VDK
vdpauinfo-0.0.6 -- A tool to query VDPAU capabilities
vdr-1.7.29_1 -- Video Disk Recorder - development version
vdr-plugin-control-0.0.2a45_13 -- Video Disk Recorder - telnet control plugin
vdr-plugin-eepg-0.0.6p2011071921_5 -- Video Disk Recorder - extended EPG plugin
vdr-plugin-epgsearch-1.0.1s20120322_2 -- Video Disk Recorder - EPG search plugin
vdr-plugin-extrecmenu-1.2.2_2 -- Video Disk Recorder - extended recordings menu
vdr-plugin-femon-1.7.17_2 -- Video Disk Recorder - frontend monitor plugin
vdr-plugin-infosatepg-0.0.11_14 -- Video Disk Recorder - infosat EPG plugin
vdr-plugin-iptv-1.0.1_1 -- Video Disk Recorder - IP television plugin
vdr-plugin-live-0.2.0s20120325_1 -- Video Disk Recorder - live web plugin
vdr-plugin-markad-0.1.2_14 -- Video Disk Recorder - MarkAd plugin
vdr-plugin-osdpip-0.1.1_6 -- Video Disk Recorder - picture-in-picture plugin
vdr-plugin-osdteletext-0.9.2_2 -- Video Disk Recorder - OSD teletext plugin
vdr-plugin-reelchannelscan-0.6.1b1.7.15_10 -- Video Disk Recorder - Reelchannelscan plugin
vdr-plugin-remote-0.4.0_13 -- Video Disk Recorder - remote control plugin
vdr-plugin-skinenigmang-0.1.2s20120606_1 -- Video Disk Recorder - Enigma-NG skin plugin
vdr-plugin-sleeptimer-0.8.2_5 -- Video Disk Recorder - sleep timer plugin
vdr-plugin-softdevice-0.5.0p20100414_15 -- Video Disk Recorder - softdevice plugin
vdr-plugin-softhddevice-0.5.1_1 -- Video Disk Recorder - softhddevice plugin
vdr-plugin-streamdev-0.5.2_2 -- Video Disk Recorder - stream device plugin
vdr-plugin-ttxtsubs-0.2.4_3 -- Video Disk Recorder - teletext subtitle plugin
vdr-plugin-upnp-0.0.2a2_18 -- Video Disk Recorder - UPnP/DLNA plugin (alpha!)
vdr-plugin-vdrmanager-0.6_3 -- Video Disk Recorder - VDR-Manager server plugin
vdr-plugin-vnsiserver-0.0.2s20100808.0952_13 -- Video Disk Recorder - VNSI server plugin
vdr-plugin-wirbelscan-0.0.7_6 -- Video Disk Recorder - wirbelscan plugin
vdr-plugin-xineliboutput-1.0.90s20120511_6 -- Video Disk Recorder - xineliboutput plugin/viewer
vdr-plugin-xvdr-0.9.5_5 -- Video Disk Recorder - XVDR server plugin
vdr-plugins-1.7.29 -- Video Disk Recorder - plugin metaport
vdradmin-am-3.6.9 -- Video Disk Recorder - webinterface
vdrift-20100630_5 -- Open source driving simulation
vdrift-data-20100630 -- Vdrift driving simulation data files
ve-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Venda hunspell dictionaries
ve-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- ve language pack for libreoffice
vectoroids-1.1.0_14 -- Vector-based rock-shooting game similar to Asteroids
ved-1.7_1 -- A small and fast screen-oriented editor
veditor-0.7.1_2 -- A Verilog and VHDL editor plugin for eclipse
vee-0.9.9.z -- Tiny CLI blogging tool
vegastrike-0.5.0_19 -- Opensource 3D space simulator
vegastrike-data-0.5.0 -- Vega Strike data files
velvet-1.1.04 -- Sequence assembler for very short reads
ven-kde-i18n-3.1.5_6 -- Venda messages and documentation for KDE3
venice-0.71.b -- Merchant Of Venice, a stock market trading program
ventrilo-server-3.0.3 -- Server side of the Ventrilo group voice chat system
vera-1.17 -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms
verilog-mode.el-801_1 -- Emacs lisp modules for the Verilog language
verlihub-0.9.8.e.r2_2 -- A Direct Connect protocol server (Hub)
verlihub-plugins-1.0_2 -- Meta-port for VerliHub plugins
verlihub-plugins-chatroom-1.1_2 -- Chatroom plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-floodprotect-1.6_2 -- Floodprotect plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-forbid-1.3_2 -- ForbiddenWords plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-iplog-1.1_2 -- IPLog plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-isp-1.1 -- ISP plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-luascript-1.8.1 -- LuaScript plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-messanger-1.2_2 -- Messanger plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
verlihub-plugins-stats-1.1_2 -- Statistics plugin for the VerliHub - a Direct Connect protocol server
vertx-1.2.3 -- Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web
veusz-1.12_2 -- Scientific plotting package
vexim-2.2.2.r1 -- Web interface for managing virtual domains for exim
vfront-0.96.c -- Simple frontend for database data entry
vgb-bin-3.0_4 -- Nintendo GameBoy(tm) emulator (closed binary version of vgb)
vgba-bin-3.0_3 -- Virtual GameBoy Advance is an emulator of Nintendo GameBoy Advance(TM)
vhcp-1.7g2 -- Verlihub control panel
vi-aspell- -- Aspell Vietnamese dictionaries
vi-hunspell-20080604_1 -- Vietnamese hunspell dictionaries
vi-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Vietnamese messages and documentation for KDE3
vi-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Vietnamese messages and documentation for KDE4
vi-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- vi language pack for libreoffice
vi-libviet-20010210_1 -- VIQR<->VISCII conversion and VISCII ctype-like routines
vi-unicode-uhoai-2.1_2 -- Unicode TrueType Font with UHoai Vietnamese encoding
vi-urwvn-3.04_1 -- Vietnamese version of the standard PostScript fonts from URW++
vi-vietunicode-hannom-2005.02.06_1 -- UNICODE Han Nom Font Set
vi-vietunicode-trichlor-2004.04.30_1 -- 100% Viet Unicode compatible
vi-vietunicode-web1-2004.04.30_1 -- 100% Viet Unicode & Viet Phan/Pali-Sanskrit compatible
vi-vis2u-1.0 -- VISCII->Unicode conversion
vi-vn7to8-1.1.1 -- Converts between 7-bit Vietnamese VIQR and 8-bit VISCII formats
vi-vnconvert-1.0 -- Converts Vietnamese text files between popular formats
vi-vnelvis-1.4 -- A vi clone that speaks Vietnamese
vi-vnless-1.0 -- A pager utility that speaks Vietnamese
vi-vnlpr-2.0 -- Shell script and set of fonts to print Vietnamese text on PostScript printer
vi-vnpstext-1.1 -- Converts 8-bit VISCII Vietnamese text into PostScript
vi-vnroff-2.1 -- Converts Vietnamese VIQR text into troff format
vi-vnterm-3.4_4 -- An xterm that speaks Vietnamese
vi-vntex-1.0_4 -- teTeX Vietnamese language + font support
vi-vnxfonts-1.1.1_2 -- X fonts for displaying Vietnamese
vi-x-unikey-1.0.4 -- Vietnamese input method for X
vi-xvnkb-0.2.9_9 -- A Vietnamese input method for X-Window
vic- -- MBONE video tool
vice-gnome-2.3_4 -- Emulator for Commodore C64, C128, VIC20, PET, and CBM-II
vicq-0.4.2_1 -- A text-based ICQ implementation
vid-1.0.1_5 -- Grab images from USB Cameras using the OV511 and OV511+ chipset
vida-0.7.1_2 -- Vida is a multi-datapipe handler
vidalia-0.2.20 -- A graphical Tor controller based on Qt 4.x
videocache-1.9.2 -- A Squid URL rewriter for bandwidth optimization
videogen-0.33 -- A tool for calculating XFree86 modelines
videoproto-2.3.1 -- Video extension headers
viewfax-2.6_1 -- Display files containing g3 and/or g4 coded fax pages
viewglob-2.0.4_7 -- A GTK+ add-on to bash and zsh
viewklass-0.7.2_1 -- C++ Framework for Motif
viewnior-1.3_2 -- Fast and simple image viewer
viewres-1.0.3 -- Graphical class browser for Xt
viewvc-1.1.17 -- Web-based Version Control Repository Browsing
vifm-0.6.3 -- Ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
vigor-0.016_4 -- A vi clone inspired by the userfriendly comic strip
vigra-1.8.0 -- VIGRA stands for "Vision with Generic Algorithms"
vii-4.2 -- Execute a command repeatedly and scroll the output
viking-1.3.1 -- Program to manage GPS data (tracks, waypoints, etc)
vile-9.8g -- VI Like Emacs. a vi "workalike", with many additional features
vils-20020228 -- Use your favorite editor to rename files
vim-7.3.669 -- Vi "workalike", with many additional features
vim-lite-7.3.669 -- Vi "workalike", with many additional features (Lite package)
vimpager-1.7.5 -- Use ViM as a pager
vinagre-2.30.3_2 -- VNC client for the GNOME Desktop
vinetto-0.07_2 -- A forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files
vino-2.32.2_3 -- VNC server that allows for remote access to your GNOME desktop
violet-0.21.1_1 -- Violet is a very easy to learn and use UML editor
violetland-0.4.1_2 -- Top-down survival shoot 'em up
vipec-3.2.0_8 -- Analyze high frequency, linear electrical networks
vips-7.26.3_3 -- Free image processing system
virt-manager-0.9.4_1 -- Toolkit to interact with virtualization capabilities
virt-viewer-0.5.4 -- Provides a graphical viewer for a guest OS display
virtio-kmod-9.0-0.242658 -- virtio kernel modules port for 8.[23]/9.[01]
virtualbox-ose-4.1.22 -- A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
virtualbox-ose-additions-4.1.22 -- VirtualBox additions for FreeBSD guests
virtualbox-ose-kmod-4.1.22 -- VirtualBox kernel module for FreeBSD
virtualbox-ose-kmod-legacy-4.0.16 -- VirtualBox kernel module for FreeBSD
virtualbox-ose-legacy-4.0.16_2 -- A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware
virtualmin-3.95 -- A virtual hosting management system based on webmin
virtuoso-6.1.6 -- Universal SQL/Application Server
viruskiller-1.03_3 -- An arcade game that relies on quick reflexes
vis5d-1.2.1_16 -- OpenGL-based volumetric visualization program for scientific datasets
visionworkbench-2.2.0_2 -- A general purpose image processing and computer vision library
visitors-0.7.0_1 -- Very fast and easy to use web log analyzer
visprint-2.1_2 -- Creates fractal fingerprint images based on any data
visualboyadvance-m-1.8.0r1001_3 -- Game Boy Advance emulator with GTK frontend
visualworks-7.6 -- A high performance Smalltalk environment
vitetris-0.57 -- Terminal-based Tetris clone in vein of Nintendo Tetris
vitunes-2.3_1 -- A curses-based media player with vim-like keybinds
viz-1.1.1 -- Convert invisible (binary) characters to a visible form
vizone-0.1 -- Updates the serial number in one or more zonefiles
vlc-2.0.4 -- Qt4 based multimedia player and streaming server
vlock-2.2.3 -- Locks a terminal
vlog-1.1f_1 -- A curses based real-time logfile viewer esp. useful for ipflog
vlogger-1.3 -- Logging utility for Apache servers with many virtual hosts
vm-emacs24-8.1.2_3 -- A mail reader running inside Emacs or XEmacs
vm-pop3d-1.1.6_2 -- A virtual POP3 server
vmailmgr-0.97_2 -- Virtual domain manager for qmail
vmd-1.9.1 -- A molecular visualization program
vmdktool-1.1 -- Convert VMDK files to/from raw disk images
vmips-1.3.2_6 -- MIPS R3000 simulator
vmsbackup-4.1.1 -- Reads VMS BACKUP tapes
vmw-060510 -- VM Back Command Line Tools for VMware
vmware-guestd- -- VMware time synchronization daemon for FreeBSD guest OS (for VMware 4.x)
vmware-guestd- -- VMware guest OS supporting daemon (VMware Workstation 5.x, FreeBSD version)
vmware-guestd- -- VMware guest OS supporting daemon (VMware Workstation 6.x, FreeBSD version)
vmware-tools- -- VMware tools for guest OS (for VMware 4.x, FreeBSD version)
vmware-tools- -- VMware Tools for guest OS (VMware Workstation 5.x, FreeBSD version)
vmware-tools- -- VMware Tools for guest OS (VMware Workstation 6.x, FreeBSD version)
vmware-vsphere-cli-5.1.0 -- VMware vSphere SDK for Perl with CLI tools
vnc-4.1.3_5 -- Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
vnccrack-1.0.0 -- A fast offline password cracker for VNC passwords
vncreflector-1.2.4_4 -- Multi-client VNC proxy server
vnstat-1.11_1 -- A console-based network traffic monitor
vo-aacenc-0.1.2 -- VisualOn AAC encoder library
vo-amrwbenc-0.1.2 -- VisualOn AMR-WB encoder library
vobcopy-1.2.0_2 -- Decrypts and copies DVD .vob files
vodcatcher-1.3.3 -- Video podcast client for the command line
vodmr-0.13_1 -- An ODMR/ATRN server for vpopmail+qmail
voipong-2.0 -- Detect Voice Over IP calls and dump them to separate wave files
volleyball-0.8.6_9 -- A game similar to GNU Arcade Volleyball
volman-0.7_1 -- FreeBSD specific volume manager
volpack-1.0b3_1 -- Portable software library for volume rendering
volta-0.2.0 -- A high performance, low resource URI rewriter for Squid
volumecontrol-0.5_2 -- Audio mixer for GNUstep
vor-0.5.5_4 -- Dodge the rocks until you die
vorbis-tools-1.4.0_4 -- Play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
vorbisgain-0.37_4 -- Calculates the perceived sound level of an Ogg Vorbis file
vordog-20080708 -- Watchdog(9) driver for watchdog timer of Vortex86
vp-1.8 -- An image viewer for X
vpnc-0.5.3_7 -- Client for Cisco 3000 VPN Concentrator
vpnc-scripts-20120602 -- A collection of scripts to setup routes and other changes for a VPN
vpopmail-5.4.32_2 -- Easy virtual domain and authentication package for use with qmail
vqadmin-2.3.6_1 -- A cgi-based Virtual Qmail Domains Administrator
vqcc-gtk-0.5_8 -- LAN chat client compatible with quickChat and Vypress Chat (TM)
vqregister-2.6_3 -- An extremely admin-configurable email user signup CGI
vrflash-0.20 -- Flash kernels and romdisks to the Agenda VR3
vrfy-1.0_1 -- Verify mail address
vserver-2.43c -- Server software of the VChat conference system
vsftpd-3.0.0 -- A FTP daemon that aims to be "very secure"
vsftpd-ext- -- A FTP daemon that aims to be "very secure". Extended build
vshnu-1.0305 -- New Visual Shell
vsound-0.6_5 -- Utility for capturing audio streams from programs with OSS output
vstr-1.0.15 -- General purpose string library for C
vstream-client-1.2 -- The vstream library from the tivo-mplayer project
vstrip-0.8.f_4 -- VOB de-multiplexing tool, splitter, and VOB/IFO files processor
vtcl-1.6.1a1_2 -- An Application Development Environment For the TCL/TK language
vte-0.26.2_3 -- Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support
vte-reference-0.26.2_1 -- Programming reference for x11-toolkits/vte
vtg-0.12.0 -- Vala Toys for gEdit
vtiger-5.0.3 -- Vtiger CRM is open source Customer Relationship Management software
vtiger-customerportal-5.0.3_2 -- Vtiger Customer Portal is an add-on package for vtiger CRM
vtk-4.4_7 -- The Visualization Toolkit shared libs
vtk-5.10.1 -- The Visualization Toolkit
vtk-data-4.4_7 -- The Visualization Toolkit examples data
vtk-examples-4.4_7 -- Visualization Toolkit: Examples in the C++, Tcl, Python, and Java
vtk-headers-4.4_7 -- The Visualization Toolkit C++ headers, CMake includes, Doxygen
vtk-java-4.4_7 -- VTK Java classes and shared libs
vtk-python-4.4_7 -- The Visualization Toolkit Python libs
vtk-tcl-4.4_7 -- The Visualization Toolkit Tcl libs
vtkfox-1.0.0 -- FOX/VTK Widget and Interactor
vtkmpeg2encode-5.10.1 -- VTK MPEG2 encoding library
vttest-2012.05.06 -- A program to test "VT100-compatibility" of terminals
vtun-3.0.3 -- Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping
vtwm-5.4.7_4 -- Twm with a virtual desktop and optional Motif-like features
vulnerability-test-port-2012.11.11 -- Standard vulnerability test for port auditing systems
vultures-eye-2.1.0_10 -- A graphical interface for NetHack 3.4.3 forked from Falcon's Eye
vuxml-1.1_1 -- Vulnerability and eXposure Markup Language DTD
vuze- -- BitTorrent client written in Java
vxlog-1.0.3 -- C++ logging library
vxquery-0.2.1 -- VuXML Query Tool
vxtools-0.2_1 -- Command-line utilities for reading Veritas Filesystem (VxFS)
vym-2.0.12_1 -- VYM is a tool to generate and manipulate mind maps
w3af-1.0.r4_2 -- Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
w3m-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser
w3m-img-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser with inline image support
w3m-m17n-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser with multilingualization support
w3m-m17n-img-0.5.3_1 -- A pager/text-based WWW browser with m17n and inline image support
w3mir-1.0.10_1 -- All-purpose HTTP copying and mirroring tool
w9wm-0.4.2_2 -- A hack of 9wm to give virtual screens
w_scan-20120415 -- Perform frequency scans for DVB and ATSC transmissions
wa-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Walloon dictionary
wa-hunspell-0.4.15_1 -- Wallon hunspell dictionaries
wa-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Walloon messages and documentation for KDE3
wa-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Walloon messages and documentation for KDE4
waccess-2.0 -- Quick-N-Dirty Web Access Log Analyzer
wackamole-2.1.4 -- Peer-to-peer high availability cluster
wackford-squeers-1.16 -- Plain text network hypertext server and client
waheela-0.3_3 -- Fullscreen mode for Amarok 2.x
waiho-0.2_2 -- Simple FTP client for GNUstep
wait_on-1.1 -- Enable shell scripts to monitor directories for new files
wakeonlan-0.41 -- Sends magic packets to WOL enabled NIC to switch on the called PC
walker-3.8 -- Recover zone file information from servers that use DNSSEC
wammu-0.36_3 -- GUI program to manage contacts, todos, calendar, and messages in your phone
wand-libconfig-1.0.5 -- C library for parsing config files
wanderer-3.2 -- Rogue like adventure game
wanderlust-emacs21-2.14.0_14 -- Yet another message interface on Emacsen
wanderlust-emacs22-2.14.0_14 -- Yet another message interface on Emacsen
wanderlust-emacs24-2.14.0_14 -- Yet another message interface on Emacsen
wanderlust-emacs24-2.15.9.b.20120102_4 -- Yet another message interface on Emacsen
wanderlust-xemacs21-mule-2.14.0_14 -- Yet another message interface on Emacsen
wanted-ports-0.2 -- Just depend on a configurable, arbitrary set of other ports
waon-0.9_8 -- A Wave-to-Notes transcriber and some utility tools
wapiti-1.1.6_1 -- Wapiti is a vulnerability scanner for web applications
wapsh-1.0.1 -- A system to allow remote shell logins via a WAP phone or web browser
warden-1.1.2_1 -- PC-BSD's Jail Management Utility
wargus- -- Warcraft 2 mod that allows you to play Warcraft 2 with Stratagus
warmux-11.04.1_2 -- Wormux game
warsow-0.6.2_3 -- A futuristic, fast-paced first person shooter
warsow-data-0.6.2 -- Warsow data files
warzone2100-2.3.9_3 -- Innovative 3D real-time strategy game
watchdog-1.00 -- Watchdog daemon for the AMD Elan sc520 system-on-chip
watchfolder-0.3.3_1 -- Watch folders for new files and process them
watchmen-0.07 -- Watch and restart daemons
wav2cdr-2.3.3 -- Converts WAV files into CDR audio file format
wavbreaker-0.11_1 -- Tool to split and merge wav files
wavegain-1.2.8 -- A program that applies ReplayGain to wave files
waveplay-2001.09.24_1 -- A simple wav file player
wavpack-4.60.1 -- Audio codec for lossless, lossy, and hybrid compression
wavplay-1.4_3 -- A wav player and recorder
wbar-2.3.0 -- A quick launch bar for fluxbox, WindowMaker, Xfce, etc
wbarconf- -- Configuration GUI for wbar
wbxml2-0.10.9 -- Library & tools for converting wbxml<->xml
wcalc-2.4_4 -- A natural-expression command-line calculator
wcslib-4.13.4 -- Library for parsing/generating FITS headers
wdiag-0.10.2 -- Utility to collect DSL line stats from Westell DSL modems
wdiff-1.1.2 -- Display word differences between text files
wdm-1.28_11 -- WINGs Display Manager; an xdm replacement
weather-2.0 -- An utility to provide current weather conditions and forecasts
weathermap-1.1.1_4 -- This tool displays the utilization of the network links
weatherspect-1.9 -- Weather simulation in ASCII art
web2ldap-1.1.25 -- Python-based WWW gateway to LDAP servers
webalizer-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
webalizer-geoip-2.23.5_4 -- A web server log file analysis program
webbench-1.5 -- Simple forking web benchmark
webcamd- -- A port of Linux USB webcam and DVB drivers into userspace
webcheck-1.10.3 -- View structure of a web site, get a list of problems like broken links
webcopy-0.98b7 -- A Web Mirroring Program
webcpp-0.8.4 -- Convert your source code to syntax highlighted HTML
webcrawl-1.10_1 -- Download web sites without user interaction by following links
weberp-4.08.4 -- An Open-Source Web-Based ERP System
webfonts-0.30_6 -- TrueType core fonts for the Web
webfs-1.21 -- A simple http server for static content
webfwlog-0.94_2 -- A web-based firewall log analyzer
webgo- -- Simplest way to write web applications in the Go programming language
webinject-1.41_1 -- A tool for automated testing of web applications
webjob-1.8.0 -- Download and execute a program over HTTP/HTTPS
webkit-gtk2-1.4.3_1 -- An opensource browser engine
webkit-sharp-0.3_2 -- Mono bindings for Webkit
weblint-1.020 -- HTML validator and sanity checker
weblint-1.15_1 -- HTML validator and sanity checker
webmin-1.600_1 -- Web-based interface for system administration for Unix
webobjects-5.3.3 -- WebObjects Application Server Runtime
webp-0.1.3_1 -- Google WebP image format conversion tool
webpy-0.37 -- A Web Framework For Python
webreport-1.5 -- WebReport is a web log statistics program for web hosting sites
webresolve-0.2.0_1 -- Webresolve resolves IP addresses to host names in web log files
webscarab-20090427 -- Framework for analysing HTTP and HTTPS web application traffic
webserver-1.4.6 -- Framework for a GNUstep to act as HTTP or HTTPS server
webservices-0.5.5 -- Classes for building web services
websh-3.6.0b5_2 -- Embeds a TCL8 interpreter in the Apache server
websieve-0.63.a -- Web based Cyrus IMAP user admin client
website-2.5.0 -- Doctype and stylesheets for making websites
webstats-0.3_3 -- Automated log file processing
webstone-2.5 -- World wide web server benchmarking
webstone-ssl-2.5 -- World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
websvn-2.3.3 -- Subversion repository web frontend
webtrees-1.0.6 -- Online genealogy viewer
weechat- -- A lightweight and user friendly ncurse based IRC client
weechat-devel-20121110 -- A lightweight and user friendly ncurses based IRC client
weedit-2.0.3 -- File duplicate scanner with database support
weewm-0.0.2_2 -- Fast and ultra light windowmanager with total keyboard control
weex- -- A non-interactive FTP client
weka-3.6.8 -- Data Mining Software in Java
weplab-0.1.5 -- WepLab is a tool designed to teach how WEP works
wesnoth-1.10.4 -- A fantasy turn-based strategy game
westhawksnmp-5.1_2 -- Lightweight SNMP stack for Java
wfb2sql-0.6_1 -- CIA World Fact Book to SQL Conversion Utility
wfmath-0.3.11 -- Worldforge math library
wget-1.13.4_1 -- Retrieve files from the Net via HTTP(S) and FTP
wgetpaste-2.20 -- Paste to several pastebin services via bash script
whatmask-1.2 -- Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations
whatpix-1.2_1 -- Perl console application which finds, moves, or deletes duplicate files
whatweb-0.4.7_1 -- A tool to fingerprint web site components
when-1.1.22 -- A very simple personal calendar
whichman-2.4 -- Approximate matching utilities to search for manpages and files
whichwayisup-0.7.9_3 -- Platformer game with rotational twist
whirlgif-3.04 -- A tool for making GIF animations
white_dune-0.30.5_4 -- Graphical VRML97 editor and animation tool
whitespace-0.3_6 -- An interpreter for the Whitespace programming language
whois-5.0.11 -- Marco d'Itri whois client
whoson-2.05 -- Implementation of `WHO iS ONline' protocol
whowatch-1.4_1 -- Displays information in real time about users currently logged on
whysynth-20100922_3 -- Versatile softsynth implemented as a DSSI plugin
wide-dhcp- -- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, WIDE Implementation
widelands-b16_3 -- Realtime strategy game inspired by Settlers II
widentd-1.03_1 -- RFC1413 auth/identd daemon with fixed fake reply
wifimgr-1.10_1 -- WiFi Networks Manager
wiggle- -- Apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
wiimms-2.10.a -- Wiimms ISO Tools
wikicalc-1.0 -- An Open Source Wiki-Spreadsheet
wikindx-3.8.2 -- Bibliographic and quotations/notes management system
wildmidi- -- A simple software midi player and a core softsynth library
win32-codecs-20110131 -- Huge compilation of Win32 binary video codecs
window-1.0 -- The FreeBSD usr.bin/window application
windowlab-1.40 -- A small window manager for X11
windowmaker-0.95.3 -- GNUstep-compliant NeXTstep window manager clone
windstille-0.3.0_15 -- Classic 2D jump-n-shoot game
wine-1.4.1_1 -- Microsoft Windows compatibility environment
wine-1.5.17 -- Microsoft Windows compatibility environment
wine-doors-0.1.2_7 -- Windows application management for the GNOME Desktop
wine-gecko-1.4 -- Gecko Layout Engine for Wine (HTML support)
wine-gecko-1.8 -- Gecko Layout Engine for Wine development branch (HTML support)
wine-mono-0.0.8 -- Mono .NET implementation for Wine development branch (HTML support)
winefish-1.3.3_12 -- A LaTeX editor based on BlueFish
wings-1.4.1_2 -- A polygon mesh modeler written in Erlang
wings-devel-1.3.1_2 -- A polygon mesh modeler written in Erlang
wingzpro-311_2 -- A Commercial Spreadsheet
wininfo-0.7_10 -- A window information utility
winpdb-1.4.8_1 -- An advanced Python debugger
wipe-2.3.0_2 -- File and block device wiping utility
wire-1.1.3_3 -- Wire is a screen-oriented command line Wired client
wired-1.3.4_2 -- Wired server
wired-tracker-1.0.2 -- Wired tracker
wireshark-1.8.3 -- A powerful network analyzer/capture tool
wireshark-lite-1.8.3 -- A powerful network analyzer/capture tool (lite package)
wise-2.2.0 -- Intelligent algorithms for DNA searches
wizardkit-0.1_2 -- Framework needed by Project Manager
wizd-24_5 -- An open-source media server for Syabas-based media players
wkhtmltopdf-0.11.0.r1_1 -- Convert HTML (or live webpages) to PDF or image files
wm2-4.0_2 -- A very simple window manager for X
wmCalClock-1.26 -- Another Window Maker calendar/clock dockapp
wmGrabImage-0.72_7 -- Monitor your favorite web image
wmMoonClock-1.27_3 -- Displays the phase of the moon, plus orbital data
wmScoreBoard-0.30_4 -- Window Maker dockapp that display game scores from excite
wmakerconf-2.12_7 -- A configuration tool for Window Maker
wmalbum-0.1.5_7 -- A dockapp to display album covers for xmms
wmanager-0.2.1_11 -- X11 window manager selector
wmanager-addons-0.02 -- Helper scripts and documentation for the X11 window manager selector
wmapm-3.1_2 -- Laptop battery status display for WindowMaker
wmapmload-0.3.4_2 -- APM battery status monitor dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
wmapp- -- A DockApp Graphics Library
wmappl-0.71 -- An application launcher dockapp similar to wmbutton
wmauda-0.9_1 -- A port of wmxmms to GTK 2.x and Audacious
wmbday-0.3.1_2 -- Window Maker dock app that will remind you of birthdays
wmbiff-0.4.27_11 -- An xbiff-like Window Maker dock app
wmbinclock-0.3_2 -- A binary clock in a windowmaker applet
wmblob-1.0.3_8 -- Showing moving blobs
wmblueclock-0.0_2 -- Simple dockable clock application
wmbluecpu-0.4_4 -- A CPU monitoring dockapp
wmbsdbatt-0.1_4 -- Dockapp for battery & temperature monitoring through ACPI
wmbutton-0.6.1_2 -- A dockapp that displays 9 buttons to run apps of your choice
wmcalendar-0.5.2_12 -- A dockable calendar with interface to iCalendar based calendars
wmcliphist-1.0_1 -- Clipboard history management dockapp for Window Maker
wmclock-1.0.14 -- A dockable clock applet for Window Maker
wmclockmon-0.8.1_5 -- A digital clock dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
wmconfig-1.3.6 -- Menu generation tool for X window managers
wmcpuload-1.0.1_4 -- An "lcd" dockapp for windowmaker, which displays the current cpuload
wmctrl-1.07_6 -- Command line tool to interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X managers
wmcube-0.98_3 -- Window Maker dockapp that displays cpu load and a realtime 3D object
wmcube-gdk-0.98p2_5 -- A modified version of the dockapp wmCube
wmdiskmon-0.0.2_3 -- Disk usage monitor dockapp
wmdrawer-0.10.5_9 -- A dockapp which provides a drawer to launch applications
wmeyes-1.2_1 -- The world's most useless WindowMaker dock app
wmfire-1.2.4_2 -- Window Maker dock app showing load average as a flame
wmfirew-0.20_3 -- A dockapp that shows fireworks in action
wmfishtime-1.24_4 -- A time/date applet for WindowMaker with fishes swimming around
wmflame-0.60_3 -- Dockapp that shows the load average as a flame
wmfortune-0.241_3 -- A dockapp that outputs fortune messages
wmfs-201104_1 -- A floating and tiling Window Manager From Scratch
wmfuzzy-0.7.1_2 -- A fuzzy clock WindowMaker dockapp
wmget-0.6.0_5 -- Dock app for Window Maker providing wget functionality
wmglobe-1.3_7 -- A neat xearth-like WindowMaker dockapp
wmi-client-1.3.16 -- DCOM/WMI client implementation
wmicons-1.0_2 -- Icons mainly for use in Window Maker
wmii-3.6_3 -- A dynamic, minimalist window manager for X11
wmii-3.9.2 -- A dynamic, minimalist window manager for X11
wminfo-1.51_1 -- Dockapp to run shell scripts and display the output
wmitime-0.3_2 -- A clock dockapp that shows the date, time, and internet time
wmix-3.1_3 -- An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock with TV-like OSD
wmjsql-0.5_2 -- MySQL server status displaying dockapp
wmjulia-0.40_5 -- A dockapp that creates an animated Julia set
wmjupiter-1.2_3 -- Dockapp that displays information on Jupiter
wml-2.0.12_4 -- Website META Language, webdesign toolkit for HTML generation
wmlj-0.4.0_6 -- A dockapp that monitors your friends list at
wmmaiload-2.2.1_3 -- Incoming mail monitor dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
wmmatrix-0.2_2 -- A DockApp that runs a version of the xmatrix screenhack
wmmemfree-0.7_3 -- Memory and swap monitoring dockapp
wmmemload-0.1.6_3 -- An dockapp for windowmaker that displays the current mem/swap usage
wmminichess-0.8_3 -- Window Maker chess dockapp game
wmname-0.1 -- Prints/sets the window manager name property of the root window
wmnd-0.4.17 -- Improved network monitoring dock app (with tons of features)
wmnet-1.2_2 -- A network bandwidth monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
wmnet2-1.06_5 -- A nice network monitor for WindowMaker
wmnetload-1.3_4 -- Network load monitor dockapp
wmnetmon-0.2p5_2 -- A host availability monitor intended for the WindowMaker dock
wmpal-0.6.1 -- A one of the most useless dockapps in the world
wmpiki-0.2.1_2 -- A multiping host checker dockapp
wmpinboard-1.0_5 -- Post-it notes for the WindowMaker dock or AfterStep Wharf
wmping-0.2.1_1 -- Windowmaker dock app to display network hosts status
wmpop3-0.5.6a_4 -- A POP3 mail check for the Window Maker dock
wmpop3lb-2.4.2 -- A WindowMaker dock app for multi POP3 accounts mailbox checking
wmpuzzle-0.5.1 -- A dockable puzzle game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
wmqstat-0.0.4_2 -- A dockapp for monitoring of various Internet game servers
wmquake-1.1_3 -- Id Software\'s Quake I in a 64x64 WM dockapp window
wmrecord-1.0.5_2 -- General purpose audio recording utility for the WindowMaker dock
wmshuffle-0.6_3 -- A dockable Shuffle game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
wmsmixer-0.5.1_1 -- An audio mixer for the WindowMaker dock
wmsolar-1.0_3 -- A dockapp that displays the solar system viewed from top
wmspaceweather-1.04_4 -- A DockApp that shows the weather at geosynchronous orbit
wmstock-0.11_3 -- Cool WindowMaker Dockapp that shows stock ticker(s)
wmsun-1.03_2 -- A dockapp that displays the rise and set time of the sun
wmtictactoe-1.1_3 -- A dockable TicTacToe game for WindowMaker and AfterStep
wmtime-1.0b2_1 -- Time/Date applet for WindowMaker
wmtimer-2.92_9 -- Multi-Function timer dockapp for WindowMaker
wmtop-0.84_3 -- Windowmaker dock app to display top 3 CPU consuming processes
wmtunlo-0.1.3_2 -- A falling-down-a-tunnel dockapp
wmupmon-0.1.3_5 -- Uptime showing dockapp with a similar look to wmcpuload
wmwave-0.4_6 -- Display 802.11 status in the WindowMaker Dock
wmweather-2.11_6 -- Displays current conditions and forecasts with icons and text
wmwifi-0.4_4 -- Dockapp displaying the signal strength of WiFi connection
wmwlmon-1.0 -- DockApp showing the state of a wireless network device
wmwork-0.2.5_3 -- A dockapp that keeps track of time you have spent on something
wmxss-0.1_2 -- Run xscreensaver modules inside a WindowMaker dock
wol-0.7.1_2 -- Tool to wake up Wake-On-LAN compliant computers
wolfpack-4.3.30 -- Long term multiplayer strategy game
woof-2009.12.27 -- Web Offer One File, an ad-hoc single file webserver
wop-0.4.3_11 -- Free real-time Worms game
word2x-0.005_2 -- Converter from MS Word to text, HTML, or LaTeX
wordgrinder-0.3.3 -- A simple Unicode-aware console-based word processor
wordplay-7.22_1 -- Simple program to generate anagrams
wordpress-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
words-1.97F -- A Latin-English Dictionary Program
worker-2.19.4 -- X11 File Manager based on Directory Opus
workman-1.3a_3 -- Open Look-based CD player tool
workrave-1.9.4_1 -- An RSI prevention tool
worldofpadman-1.2.20080621_8 -- World of Padman (WoP) is an open source FPS game
worldtools-1.3.1_1 -- Handy tools for living with make world
wotsap-0.6_2 -- Web of trust statistics and pathfinder
wpa_gui-0.5.11_2 -- QT GUI for wpa_supplicant
wping-0.1a_3 -- A Web-based graphical ping log
wprint-2.05_1 -- Mozilla/HtmlDoc/Netscape Postscript Filter
wput-0.6.2_3 -- Uploads files or directories to a ftpserver with support of resuming
wqy-fonts-20100803_1 -- GNU GPL-licensed font set covering CJK and other Unicode characters
wrk-1.0.0 -- The modern HTTP benchmarking tool
wsdlpull-1.24 -- C++ WSDL Parser
wsjt-9.1.r2511 -- Weak signal ham radio communication package
wsmake-0.7.901 -- Software for production and maintenance of web sites
wsoundprefs-1.1.1_9 -- A utility for configuring sounds to play for Window Maker events
wsoundserver-0.4.0_10 -- The sound server for Window Maker
wspr-3.00.r2511 -- Weak signal for HF ham radio communication package
wtail-0.2.2 -- Wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once
wterm-6.2.9_6 -- A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
wtf-20111107 -- Translates common Internet acronyms
wu-blast-2.0_20060322 -- WU BLAST, a software package for sequence similarity searches
wuzzah-0.53 -- A command line utility for stalking users
wv-1.2.9_1 -- A library and executables to access Microsoft Word files
wv2-0.4.2_5 -- A library providing routines to access Microsoft Word files
wwl-1.3 -- Calculates distance (qrb) used in Amateur Radio
www6to4-1.6_1 -- Lightweight http proxy to help IPv4 only browsers
wwwcount-2.5_2 -- Access counter, clock and date for WWW pages
wwwoffle-2.9i -- A caching proxy server for HTTP and FTP designed for dial-up hosts
wwwstat-2.01_4 -- Webserver logfile analysis package
wxMaxima-12.04.0_1 -- A wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima
wxd-0.14_4 -- wxWidgets bindings for the D programming language
wxdfast-0.6.0_5 -- A great multithreaded and multi-platform download manager
wxglade-0.6.5_1 -- GUI builder for wxPython/wxWidgets written in Python
wxgtk2-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
wxgtk2-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
wxgtk2-2.9.4_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings
wxgtk2-common-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (common files)
wxgtk2-common-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (common files)
wxgtk2-contrib-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries
wxgtk2-contrib-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries
wxgtk2-contrib-common-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (common files)
wxgtk2-contrib-common-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (common files)
wxgtk2-unicode-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (Unicode)
wxgtk2-unicode-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (Unicode)
wxgtk2-unicode-contrib-2.6.4_6 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (Unicode)
wxgtk2-unicode-contrib-2.8.12_1 -- The wxWidgets GUI toolkit contributed libraries (Unicode)
wxgtk_doc-2.6.4 -- wxWidgets 2.6.4 HTML documentation
wxguitar-1.01_4 -- A simple guitar tuning assistant
wxmupen64plus-0.2_2 -- A Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written using wxWidgets
wxsvg-1.1.8_1 -- C++ library to create, manipulate, and render SVG files
wy60-2.0.9 -- Curses-based emulator for the Wyse 60 terminal
wyrd-1.4.5 -- A curses front end to remind
wyvern-2.2.11 -- Small/powerful/lightweight/secure/embeddable HTTP server
wzdftpd-0.8.1_8 -- Modular FTP server configurable online using SITE commands
wzip-1.1.1 -- A preprocessor for lossy data compression
x-face-e21-emacs24-20070306_10 -- X-Face utilities for Emacs 21 (and possibly 22)
x-files-2.00b1_3 -- A nice Tk-based filemanager
x-tile-2.2.1_1 -- A GNOME applet to tile the opened windows
x026-1.2 -- IBM 026 Keypunch Emulator for the X Window System
x10-2.2.1 -- Object-oriented parallel programming language
x11amp-0.9.b1.1_7 -- X11-based MP3 player with nice graphical interface
x11iraf-1.3.1_3 -- Provides graphical tools to work with IRAF
x11perf-1.5.4 -- X11 server performance test program
x11vnc-0.9.13_1 -- VNC server for use with real X displays
x12arima-0.3 -- X-12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment program
x264-0.125.2201 -- Library and tool for encoding H.264/AVC video streams
x2goclient- -- The x2go Qt client
x2goclient-cli- -- The x2go perl client
x2vnc-1.72_2 -- A program to link multiple X and VNC servers together
x2x-1.27_3 -- A program to link multiple X servers together
x3270-3.3.10 -- 3270 Terminal emulator
x48-0.6.3 -- An HP48 SX/GX graphic calculator emulator
x86_64-pc-mingw32-binutils-2.21 -- GNU binutils port for cross-target development
x86info-1.30 -- An x86 CPU identification utility
xabacus-7.7.0 -- Abacus for X Window System
xacpim-0.1.1_2 -- Utility to display battery status and temperature on the root-display
xaira-1.23_5 -- XML Aware Indexing and Retrieval Architecture
xalan-c-1.10.0_1 -- XSLT processor from the Apache XML Project
xalan-j-2.7.1 -- Apache XSLT processor for transforming XML documents
xalarm-3.06_3 -- An X based alarm clock
xanalyser-1.32_1 -- Spectrum analyser
xanim-2.92.0_2 -- Play most popular animation formats and show pictures
xaniroc-1.02_2 -- Animate your root-cursor
xantfarm-1.16_2 -- Ant hill simulation on X11 root window
xaos-3.5_3 -- A real-time fractal browser for X11 and ASCII terminals
xapian-bindings-1.2.12 -- Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
xapian-bindings10-1.0.23 -- Bindings allowing Xapian to be used from various programming languages
xapian-core-1.2.12 -- A probabilistic text search database engine
xapian-core10-1.0.23 -- A probabilistic text search database engine
xapian-omega-1.2.12 -- CGI search application built on Xapian
xapian-omega10-1.0.23 -- CGI search application built on Xapian
xar-1.5.2 -- OpenDarwin XML eXtensible ARchiver
xaraya-1.2.3 -- Framework to create fully dynamic Content Management Solutions
xarchive- -- A GTK+ front end for archiving tools
xarchiver-0.5.2_6 -- Desktop-agnostic GTK+2 frontend to various archiving tools
xarchon-0.50_5 -- A chess-like strategy game with battle options
xaric-0.13.6 -- IRC Client similer to BitchX or ircII
xascii-1.0 -- Display an ASCII table in decimal, octal, and hexadecimal.
xasteroids-5.0_2 -- X11 based asteroids style arcade game
xastir-2.0.0_9 -- X Amateur Station Tracking and Information Reporting
xataxx-1.0_2 -- Strategy game of position and movement for X Window System
xauth-1.0.6 -- X authority file utility
xautolock-2.2_1 -- Used to activate xlock after a user defined time of inactivity
xautomation-1.06 -- Control X from the command line for scripts
xawtv-3.95_12 -- A TV viewing application and a few TV utilities
xbacklight-1.1.2 -- Program to adjust backlight brightness
xballoon-1.0_3 -- Balloons move on root window
xbanner-1.31_1 -- Make your XDM login screen look beautiful
xbat-1.11_2 -- XEVIOUS like shooting game
xbatt-1.2.1_1 -- Laptop battery status display for X11
xbattbar-1.4.2_7 -- Simple battery meter
xbattle-5.4.1_2 -- A concurrent multi-player battle strategy game
xbelld-0.2b2_2 -- XBellD is a small daemon for replacing the standard X terminal bell
xbiff-1.0.3 -- Mailbox flag for X
xbill-2.1_6 -- Save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill
xbindkeys-1.8.3 -- Allows you to launch shell commands under X with your keyboard
xbiso-0.6.1 -- XBox xdvdfs iso extraction utility
xbitmaps-1.1.1 -- X.Org bitmaps data
xbl-1.1.6 -- A 3D block-dropping game
xblackjack-2.2_3 -- An X11/Motif blackjack game
xblas-1.0.248 -- Extra Precise Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS)
xblast-2.10.4_10 -- Multi-player real-time strategy game for X11
xblood-2.0_2 -- Makes the root window bloody
xbloody-1.00_2 -- Knife on X
xbmbrowser-5.1_3 -- View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
xbmc-11.0_6 -- XBMC is an award winning media center application
xbmc-addon-xvdr-0.9.5_2 -- XBMC xvdr pvr addon
xbmc-pvr-ppa-odk-70_4 -- XBMC is an award winning media center application - PVR branch
xboard-4.6.2_1 -- X frontend for Crafty, GNUChess, Chess Servers, or e-mail chess
xboing-2.4_3 -- X11 arcade game
xbomb-2.2a -- Minesweeper with a couple of grid types
xbomber-0.8_2 -- A game based on "Super Bomberman" for the Super Nintendo
xboxproxy-2.1_3 -- A proxy for the XBox system link protocol
xbraitenberg-0.9_2 -- A Braitenberg vehicle simulator with pseudo-physics
xbrightness-0.3 -- Brightness and gamma correction through the X server
xbubble-0.5.8_5 -- Puzzle Bobble clone for Unix/X11 platforms
xbuffy-3.3.3_4 -- A replacement for xbiff that handles multiple mail files
xc3sprog-r449_1 -- Free programmer for Xilinx Spartan S3E Starter Kit
xca-0.9.3_1 -- Graphical certification authority
xcache-2.0.1 -- A fast and stable php opcode cacher
xcalc- -- Scientific calculator for X
xcalendar-4.0.2008_2 -- A calendar with a notebook for X11 (internationalized version)
xcalib-0.8 -- A program for display calibration of X11-Servers with ICC profiles
xcb-2.4_2 -- Tool for managing x11 cut-buffers
xcb-proto-1.7.1 -- The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) protocol
xcb-util-0.3.8 -- A module with libxcb/libX11 extension/replacement libraries
xcb-util-image-0.3.8 -- A port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage functions
xcb-util-keysyms-0.3.8 -- Standard X key constants and conversion to/from keycodes
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.8 -- Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-wm-0.3.8 -- Framework for window manager implementation
xcd-1.7_3 -- A Tcl/Tk CD player
xcdplayer-2.2_3 -- CD player for X
xcdroast-0.98.a.16_5 -- Another X11 frontend to mkisofs/cdrecord
xchadance-1.0_2 -- Display a dancing girl "ChaCha."
xchat-1.8.11_12 -- X11 IRC client using the GTK+ toolkit, and optionally, GNOME
xchat-2.8.8_1 -- An X11 IRC client using the GTK+ 2 toolkit
xchat-fish-0.98_4 -- An encryption plugin for XChat
xchat-gnome-0.26.1_7 -- An IRC client for GNOME 2 (development version)
xchat-mircryption-0.3.3_4 -- A free encryption add-on for the popular XChat irc client
xchat-ruby-1.2_3 -- An ruby-scripting plugin for XChat
xcheckers-2.2.3_2 -- A checkers game for X11
xchm-1.20_1 -- Windows HTML Help (.chm) viewer for UNIX
xchomp-pl1_2 -- Pac-man-like game under X11
xcircuit-3.7.43 -- An X11 drawing program [especially for circuit schematics]
xcite-emacs24-1.60_5 -- Exciting Cite for any Mail/News reading modes on Emacs
xclick-0.1_2 -- Generates X11 mouse button click events
xclip-0.12_1 -- An interface to X selections ("the clipboard") from the command line
xclipboard-1.1.1 -- X clipboard client
xclock-1.0.6 -- Analog and digital clock for X
xcmd-1.8_2 -- Xcmd is a front-end for starting programs under X11
xcmiscproto-1.2.1 -- XCMisc extension headers
xcmsdb-1.0.3 -- Device Color Characterization utility for X
xco-1.3_3 -- Display X11 color names and colors
xcogitate-1.02_2 -- A logic game with board and stones
xcoloredit-1.2_2 -- Find colour values by graphical colour mixing
xcolors-1.3_4 -- Display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe
xcolorsel-1.1a_2 -- X utility to translate rgb values into X color names
xcompmgr-1.1.5 -- A sample X compositing manager
xconq-7.4.1_7 -- A graphical multi-player strategy game and game design system
xconsole-1.0.4 -- Monitor system console messages with X
xcoral-3.47 -- A multiwindow mouse-based text editor for X
xcowsay-1.3_1 -- A graphical configurable talking cow
xcpc-20070122_6 -- A portable Amstrad 464&/664/6128 emulator
xcpustate-2.9_2 -- System monitoring utility graphically showing cpu load and status
xcruiser-0.30_2 -- Navigate through a three-dimensional view of a file system
xcubes-5.5.2_2 -- Cube puzzle for X11
xcurs-0.5.1_6 -- An editor for new XFree86/X.Org style full-color cursors properties
xcursor-themes-1.0.3_1 -- cursors themes
xcursorgen-1.0.4_1 -- Create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
xcut-0.2_3 -- Manipulate X cut buffers from the commandline
xd-2.3 -- Yet another dump utility
xd3d-8.3.1_6 -- A simple scientific visualization tool
xdaliclock-2.37 -- A rather neat animated clock
xdbedizzy-1.1.0 -- Demo of DBE creating a double buffered spinning scene
xdd-65_1 -- Tool for measuring and characterizing disk subsystem I/O
xdeblock-1.0_2 -- Block action game
xdelta-1.1.4_1 -- A diff/patch utility for binary files
xdelta-3.0.0_1 -- Open-source binary diff, VCDIFF/RFC 3284 delta compression
xdemineur-2.1.1_1 -- Another minesweeper game for the X Window System
xdesktopwaves-1.3_2 -- Simulation of water waves on the desktop
xdeview-0.5.20_3 -- An X11 program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc de-/encoding
xdg-menu-1.5_1 -- A ROX panel applet that displays an applications menu button
xdg-user-dirs-0.14 -- Tool to help manage personal user directories
xdg-utils-1.0.2_7 -- Tools to allow all applications to integrate with the free desktop
xdgagrab-0.3_2 -- Capture an X server screen with a mouse pointer
xdialog-2.3.1_5 -- A drop in replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs
xdigger-1.0.10_2 -- Boulderdash-like KC85 Digger for X Window System
xdino-5.5.2_2 -- Dino puzzle game for X11
xdiskusage-1.48_7 -- Show where disk space is taken up
xditview-1.0.2 -- Display ditroff output
xdm-1.1.11 -- X.Org X display manager
xdms-1.3.2 -- An Amiga DMS archiver unpacker
xdoclet-1.2.3_2 -- Java attribute-oriented code generation engine
xdotool-2.20110530.1 -- Programmatically simulate keyboard input or mouse activity
xdpyinfo-1.3.0 -- Display information utility for X
xdrawchem-1.9.9_10 -- Chemical drawing program
xdriinfo-1.0.4 -- Query configuration information of DRI drivers
xds-2.51 -- Excelsior Oberon-2/Modula-2 compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
xds-c-2.51_2 -- Excelsior Oberon-2/Modula-2 to C compiler, set up to produce native FreeBSD binaries
xdtm-2.5.8_2 -- A graphical shell for the X Window System
xdu-3.0_3 -- Graphically display output of du
xdvi-pl20_4 -- A DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xdvik-tetex-22.84.16_4 -- DVI Previewer(kpathsearch) for X
xdx-2.4_5 -- Amateur Radio DX cluster monitor
xe-guest-utilities-6.0.2 -- FreeBSD VM tools for Citrix XenServer and XCP
xearth-1.2 -- Set the root window to the image of earth
xeartk-2.2_3 -- Small demo for tkgeomap
xed-1.3_2 -- A text editor for X
xedit-1.2.0 -- Simple text editor for X
xemacs-21.4.22_6 -- This port tracks the stable version of the XEmacs text editor
xemacs-devel-21.5.b28_10 -- This port tracks the development (GAMMA) version of the XEmacs text editor
xemacs-devel-mule-21.5.b28_13 -- XEmacs(beta version) text editor with mule(Only the executables)
xemacs-mule-21.4.22_9 -- XEmacs(stable version) text editor with mule(Only the executables)
xemacs-mule-packages-4.6 -- XEmacs elisp packages for Mule(mule-packages)
xemacs-packages-14.2 -- Basic XEmacs elisp packages(xemacs-packages)
xen-tools-4.1.3_3 -- Xen tools within FreeBSD domU
xengine-1.0.1_2 -- Reciprocating engine for X
xenomorph-0.6_6 -- An image filter system based on volterra and morphologic filters
xephem-3.7.5_1 -- An interactive astronomical ephemeris program
xephyr-1.7.7 -- A kdrive based X server from X.Org
xerces-c2-2.7.0_1 -- Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
xerces-c2-devel-2.8.0 -- Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
xerces-c3-3.1.1_1 -- Validating XML parser from the Apache XML Project
xerces-j-2.11.0 -- XML parser for Java
xev-1.1.0 -- Print contents of X events
xevil-2.02.r2_2 -- A fast-action, networked, anti-social, kill-everything game
xextproto-7.2.0 -- XExt extension headers
xeyes-1.1.1 -- A follow the mouse X demo
xeyes-2.02_2 -- Horrible eyes looking at your mouse cursor
xf-spf-0.2_1 -- SPF checker for Qmail's SMTPEXTFORK patch
xf86-input-acecad-1.5.0 -- X.Org acecad input driver
xf86-input-egalax-0.2 -- eGalax touch screen input driver for X.Org
xf86-input-elographics-1.2.4 -- X.Org elographics input driver
xf86-input-hyperpen-1.3.0_6 -- X.Org hyperpen input driver
xf86-input-joystick-1.5.0_1 -- X.Org joystick input driver
xf86-input-keyboard-1.6.1 -- X.Org keyboard input driver
xf86-input-magictouch- -- X.Org magictouch input driver
xf86-input-mouse-1.7.1_1 -- X.Org mouse input driver
xf86-input-mutouch-1.3.0 -- X.Org mutouch input driver
xf86-input-penmount-1.4.1_1 -- X.Org penmount input driver
xf86-input-synaptics-1.5.0 -- X.Org synaptics input driver
xf86-input-vmmouse-12.6.9_2 -- X.Org vmmouse input driver
xf86-input-void-1.3.1 -- X.Org void input driver
xf86-video-apm-1.2.3_1 -- X.Org apm display driver
xf86-video-ark-0.7.3_1 -- X.Org ark display driver
xf86-video-ati-6.14.3_1 -- X.Org ati display driver
xf86-video-ati613-6.13.2_1 -- X.Org ati display driver
xf86-video-chips-1.2.4 -- X.Org chips display driver
xf86-video-cirrus-1.3.2_2 -- X.Org cirrus display driver
xf86-video-cyrix-1.1.0_8 -- X.Org cyrix display driver
xf86-video-dummy-0.3.5 -- X.Org dummy display driver
xf86-video-fbdev-0.4.2_1 -- X.Org fbdev display driver
xf86-video-glint-1.2.6 -- X.Org glint display driver
xf86-video-i128-1.3.4_1 -- X.Org i128 display driver
xf86-video-i740-1.3.2_2 -- X.Org i740 display driver
xf86-video-imstt-1.1.0_8 -- X.Org imstt display driver
xf86-video-intel-2.7.1_4 -- Driver for Intel integrated graphics chipsets
xf86-video-intel29-2.9.1 -- Driver for Intel integrated graphics chipsets
xf86-video-mach64-6.9.0 -- X.Org mach64 display driver
xf86-video-mga-1.4.13 -- X.Org mga display driver
xf86-video-neomagic-1.2.5_1 -- X.Org neomagic display driver
xf86-video-newport-0.2.3_2 -- X.Org newport display driver
xf86-video-nouveau- -- Free nouveau display driver for nvidia-based cards
xf86-video-nv-2.1.18_1 -- X.Org nv display driver
xf86-video-openchrome-0.2.904_3 -- X.Org openChrome display driver
xf86-video-r128-6.8.1_3 -- X.Org r128 display driver
xf86-video-radeonhd-1.3.0_5 -- X.Org ati RadeonHD display driver
xf86-video-radeonhd-devel- -- X.Org ati RadeonHD display driver development version
xf86-video-rdc-0.9 -- X.Org RDC display driver
xf86-video-rendition-4.2.4_1 -- X.Org rendition display driver
xf86-video-s3-0.6.3_3 -- X.Org s3 display driver
xf86-video-s3virge-1.10.4_2 -- X.Org s3virge display driver
xf86-video-savage-2.3.3 -- X.Org savage display driver
xf86-video-siliconmotion-1.7.5 -- X.Org siliconmotion display driver
xf86-video-sis-0.10.3 -- X.Org sis display driver
xf86-video-sis-intel-300407_5 -- X.Org sis display driver provided by Intel
xf86-video-sunffb-1.2.1_2 -- X.Org sunffb display driver
xf86-video-tdfx-1.4.3_2 -- X.Org tdfx display driver
xf86-video-tga-1.2.1_2 -- X.Org tga display driver
xf86-video-trident-1.3.4_1 -- X.Org trident display driver
xf86-video-tseng-1.2.4_1 -- X.Org tseng display driver
xf86-video-vesa-2.3.0_2 -- X.Org vesa display driver
xf86-video-via-0.2.2_9 -- X.Org via display driver
xf86-video-vmware-12.0.2_1 -- X.Org vmware display driver
xf86-video-voodoo-1.2.4_1 -- X.Org voodoo display driver
xf86bigfontproto-1.2.0 -- XFree86-Bigfont extension headers
xf86dga-1.0.3 -- Test program for the XFree86-DGA extension
xf86dgaproto-2.1 -- XFree86-DGA extension headers
xf86driproto-2.1.1 -- XFree86-DRI extension headers
xf86miscproto-0.9.3 -- XFree86-Misc extension headers
xf86rushproto-1.1.2 -- XFree86-Rush extension headers
xf86vidmodeproto-2.3.1 -- XFree86-VidModeExtension extension headers
xface.el-emacs21- -- X-Face encoder/decoder/viewer for Emacsen
xfaces-3.3_5 -- Display shaped icons for mail spool contents
xfburn-0.4.3_3 -- CD/DVD burning tool for Xfce
xfce-4.10 -- The "meta-port" for the Xfce 4 desktop environment
xfce4-appfinder-4.10.0_1 -- Application launcher and finder
xfce4-artwork-0.0.4_12 -- Additional artwork for the XFce4 desktop environment
xfce4-battery-plugin-1.0.5 -- Battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.2.3_2 -- Xfce 4 clipboard module for xfce4-panel
xfce4-conf-4.10.0_3 -- D-Bus-based configuration storage system
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.0.5 -- Graphical representation of the CPU load
xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.6.1_11 -- A datetime plugin for Xfce
xfce4-desktop-4.10.0_1 -- Xfce's desktop manager
xfce4-dev-tools-4.10.0 -- Xfce 4 development tools
xfce4-dict-plugin-0.6.0_7 -- Xfce Plugin for searching for the translation or explanation of a word
xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.0.1 -- Xfce4 panel plugin to check a mountpoint for free disk space
xfce4-generic-slider-0.0.20100827_3 -- A slider plugin to adjust and/or monitor any numeric variable
xfce4-genmon-plugin-3.4.0_1 -- Generic Monitor Xfce4 panel plugin
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.1.0_15 -- A mailwatch plugin for Xfce
xfce4-media-0.9.2_25 -- Lightweight media player for Xfce4 based on the xine engine
xfce4-messenger-plugin-0.1.0_17 -- Messenger plugin for Xfce
xfce4-minicmd-plugin-0.4_15 -- Displays a mini-command line on the xfce4-panel
xfce4-mixer-4.10.0 -- A volume control for the Xfce desktop
xfce4-mount-plugin-0.6.4 -- Mount and umount utility for the Xfce4 panel
xfce4-mpc-plugin-0.4.4 -- An MPC plugin for Xfce
xfce4-netload-plugin-1.2.0 -- Network Load plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-notes-plugin-1.7.7_2 -- Sticky notes panel plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-notification-daemon-0.3.7_18 -- Port of Gnome's notification-daemon for the Xfce desktop
xfce4-notifyd-0.2.2_2 -- Visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel-4.10.0_2 -- Xfce's panel
xfce4-power-manager-1.2.0 -- Xfce4 power manager
xfce4-print-4.6.1_8 -- Xfce 4 graphical frontend for printing
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin-1.9.4_14 -- Quicklauncher plugin for Xfce
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.8.1 -- Desktop Screenshot plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session-4.10.0_1 -- Xfce's session manager
xfce4-settings-4.10.0_2 -- Xfce 4 settings application
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.4.4_2 -- A bookmark plugin for the Xfce panel
xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.1.1 -- System Load plugin for XFce4
xfce4-taskmanager-1.0.0_3 -- A task manager for Xfce
xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.0.1_1 -- A timer out plugin for Xfce
xfce4-timer-plugin-1.0.0 -- A timer plugin for Xfce
xfce4-tumbler-0.1.25_2 -- Thumbnail service for Xfce desktop
xfce4-verve-plugin-1.0.0_4 -- A command line plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.5.4_17 -- Displays various information about a WaveLAN device
xfce4-weather-plugin-0.8.2 -- Xfce 4 weather module for xfce4-panel
xfce4-wm-4.10.0_1 -- Xfce's window manager
xfce4-wm-themes-4.10.0_1 -- Xfce 4 window decoration themes for xfwm4
xfce4-wmdock-plugin-0.3.4_2 -- WMdock plugin for Xfce
xfce4-xfapplet-plugin-0.1.0_16 -- Xfapplet plugin for Xfce
xfce4-xkb-plugin- -- Keyboard layout switching plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-xmms-plugin-0.5.3_3 -- Xfce4 XMMS control plugin for xfce4-panel
xfd-1.1.0 -- Display all characters in an X font
xfe-1.33 -- Fast MS-Explorer like filemanager for X
xferstats-2.16_1 -- Compiles information about file transfers from logfiles
xfig-3.2.5.a5_8 -- A drawing program for X11 (Alpha version)
xfig-3.2.5b_1 -- A drawing program for X11
xfindproxy-1.0.2 -- Locate available proxy services
xfireworks-1.4_2 -- Fireworks on X
xfishtank-2.2_2 -- Make fish swim in the background of your screen
xflame-1.1.1_2 -- A cool animated flame
xfm-1.4.3_2 -- The X File Manager
xfmail-1.5.5_11 -- An X Window System application for receiving electronic mail
xfmpc-0.2.2_2 -- A graphical MPD client focusing on low footprint
xfontsel-1.0.3 -- Point and click selection of X11 font names
xforms-1.0.93.s1 -- A graphical user interface toolkit for X Window System
xforward-1.0 -- Provide user-level X forwarding service
xfpovray-1.3.1_9 -- Graphical interface to POV-Ray
xfractint-20.04p12 -- The Unix port of fractint
xfree86_xkb_xml-0.4_5 -- A little set of XML files useful for dealing with XKB rules
xfrisk-1.2_6 -- A multi-player networked Risk game for X11
xfs-1.1.1 -- X.Org font server
xfsinfo-1.0.3 -- X font server information utility
xfsm-1.99_1 -- X File System Monitor
xfsprogs-2.9.4_3 -- A set of utilities and library to manipulate an xfs filesystem
xfstt-1.6_3 -- A TrueType font server for X11
xfwp-1.0.2 -- X firewall proxy
xgalaga-0.8.3 -- Classic single screen vertical shoot em up
xgalaga- -- Galaga resurrected on X
xgamma-1.0.4 -- Gamma correction through the X server.
xgas-1.0_2 -- The animated simulation of an ideal gas
xgc-1.0.3 -- X graphics demo
xgfe-2.1_9 -- An X11 front-end for Gnuplot
xglk-411_5 -- X Windows Implementation of the Glk API
xglobe-0.5_11 -- Displays a view of the Earth (like xearth) with a rendered photo map
xglurbules-3.3_1 -- Burning particle system eye candy program thingy for X11
xgngeo-16_6 -- Fronted (GUI) for gngeo
xgobi-2002.06.20_3 -- Graphical data visualisation tool
xgospel-1.12d_3 -- An X11 Go (weiqi, baduk) client for the Internet Go Server
xgrab-2.41_3 -- An X11 image grabber
xgraph- -- A program that helps you plot graphs
xgrasp-1.7d_2 -- Display GL animations on X screen
xh-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Xhosa hunspell dictionaries
xh-kde-i18n-3.1.5_6 -- Xhosa messages and documentation for KDE3
xh-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- xh language pack for libreoffice
xhexagons-5.5.2_2 -- Hexagons puzzle (similar to Fifteen Puzzle) for X Window System
xhime-1.51_2 -- Resident Himechan for X Window System
xhippo-3.3_5 -- A Generic music player for UNIX systems
xhomer-9.16.06_2 -- Emulator for the DEC Pro 350 computer
xhost-1.0.4 -- Server access control program for X
xhtml-1.0.20020801_4 -- W3C's XHTML DTD
xhtml-1.1.20070216_2 -- W3C's XHTML 1.1 DTD
xhtml-basic-1.0.20001219_1 -- W3C's XHTML Basic DTD
xhtml-modularization-1.0.20010410_1 -- W3C's Modularization of XHTML DTDs and docs
xhtml1-xsd-200208 -- XHTML 1.0 (Second Edition) in XML Schema
xidle-24102005_2 -- Run a program on X inactivity
ximp3-0.1.15 -- A simple console MP3 player
xin-1.0.0_1 -- Splits standard input and pipes into a command
xincluder-1.0.d11_5 -- Java-based XInclude processors
xine-0.99.7_1 -- An X11 multimedia player
xineramaproto-1.2.1 -- Xinerama extension headers
xinetd-2.3.15 -- Replacement for inetd with better control and logging
xinfocom-1.8m_1 -- An Infocom game interpreter for X11
xinit-1.3.2 -- X Window System initializer
xinput-1.5.4 -- Very useful utility for configuring and testing XInput devices
xinvaders-2.1.1_8 -- Shoot-em-up them nasty little bugs
xinvaders3d-1.3.6_2 -- 3D Vector-graphics Space Invaders clone for X
xipdump-1.5.4_5 -- Displays IP packets using X window
xiphos-3.1.5_4 -- A bible interface utilizing the sword framework
xipmsg-0.8088_2 -- A popup style message communication tool for X11
xisola-1.0_2 -- Simple board game for X Window System
xisp-2.7p4_5 -- A user-friendly X interface to pppd/chat
xjewel-1.6_3 -- X11 dropping jewels game
xjig-2.4_2 -- Jigsaw puzzle game for X11
xjobs-20120412 -- Utility reads job descriptions line by line and executes in parallel
xjump-2.7.5_3 -- A simple X game where one tries to jump up as many levels as possible
xjumpx-1.4_3 -- Improved version of xjump
xkbcomp-1.2.3 -- Compile XKB keyboard description
xkbctrl-1.0_2 -- Display and manipulate XKB keyboard controls from the commandline
xkbevd-1.1.2 -- XKB event daemon
xkbprint-1.0.3 -- Utility for printing an XKB keyboard description
xkbset-0.5_3 -- Manage various XKB features of X Window
xkbutils-1.0.3 -- XKB utility demos
xkeyboard-config-2.5.1 -- X Keyboard Configuration Database
xkeycaps-2.46_3 -- Graphically display and edit the keyboard mapping
xkeywrap-1.1_3 -- Record, repeat, and play key sequence from keyboard
xkill-1.0.3 -- Utility for killing a client by its X resource
xkobo-1.11_2 -- Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X. Strangely addictive
xkoules-1.4_3 -- Fast action arcade-style game for X Window
xlaby-2.0.1_3 -- Daemonic X Labyrinth played directly with the mouse pointer
xlapack-3.4.1 -- Extended Precision LAPACK
xlbiff-3.0_2 -- The X Literate Biff - displays the from and subject from incoming mails
xldlas-0.85_5 -- An XForms-based statistics package
xless-1.7_2 -- An X11 viewer for text files. Useful as an add-on tool for other apps
xlhtml-0.5_4 -- Convert Excel and PowerPoint files to HTML and text
xli-1.17.0_13 -- Utilities to display images in X11
xlife-3.0_3 -- John Horton Conway's Game of Life
xlispstat-3.52.20_2 -- A statistics/X11 based lisp interpreter
xload-1.1.0 -- System load average display for X
xloadface-1.6.1_3 -- Network load monitor for X11
xloadimage-4.1.17_1 -- X11 Image Loading Utility
xlockmore-5.40_1 -- Like XLock session locker/screen saver, but just more
xlog-2.0.5_1 -- Amateur Radio logging application
xlogical-1.0p8_7 -- Remake of the classic puzzle game Logical
xlogmaster-1.6.2 -- Quick & easy monitoring of logfiles and devices
xlogo-1.0.3 -- Displays the X Window System logo
xlogout-1.1_2 -- Simple logout button
xlreader-0.9.0 -- Convert .xls spread sheets to tab delimited CSV or SQL inserts
xls2xml-1.0.0_1 -- A utility for converting MS Excel files to XML
xlsatoms-1.1.0 -- List interned atoms defined on a server
xlsclients-1.1.2 -- List client applications running on a display
xlsfonts-1.0.3 -- Server font list displayer for X
xlslib-0.2.5 -- A C++ library for generation of Excel(TM) files
xlupe-1.1_2 -- Magnifying glass for X. like xmag but with continously updates
xmaddressbook-1.5.3_3 -- X11/Motif-based addressbook program
xmag-1.0.4 -- X application for screen magnifying
xmagv-1.11_2 -- Viewer for X Window System
xmahjongg-3.7_2 -- The Chinese game of Mahjongg for X11
xmail-1.6_2 -- An X-based interface to the Berkeley mail program
xmailbox-2.5_2 -- Mailbox checker with sound and animation for X Window System
xmailwatcher-1.6_2 -- Mailbox checker which displays sender and subject lines of mails
xmake-1.06 -- A powerful make utility
xmakemol-5.16_3 -- Molecule Viewer Program Based on Motif Widget
xmame-0.106_5 -- UNIX/X11 port of the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME)
xman-1.1.2 -- Manual page display program for X
xmandel-1.0_2 -- Window based interface to Mandelbrot sets and Julia sets
xmangekyou-2.0.1_3 -- A kaleidoscope on X
xmascot-2.6a_3 -- Moving mascot on your X11 screen
xmastermind-0.1_5 -- Mastermind game for X Window System
xmball-5.5.2_2 -- Masterball puzzle for X Window System
xmbase-grok-1.5_3 -- Graphical Resource Organizer Kit
xmbibtex-1.7_3 -- A reference manager based on the BibTeX file format
xmbmon-205_9 -- X motherboard monitor for LM78/79, W8378x, AS99127F, VT82C686, and ADM9240
xmcd-3.3.2_14 -- Motif CD player
xmdiary-3.0.3_3 -- Personal and group calendar utility
xmds-1.6 -- XMDS is a code generator that integrates equations;
xmedcon-0.11.1 -- A medical image conversion utility and library
xmemory-3.7_2 -- Multi-player memory game
xmess-0.106_3 -- X11 emulator for game consoles
xmessage-1.0.3 -- Display message or query in a X window
xmfract-1.4_3 -- The dos based 'fractint' with an X/Motif front end
xmh-1.0.2 -- Send and read mail with an X interface to MH
xmill-0.8 -- An efficient compressor for XML
xmille-2.0_3 -- X window mille bourne game
xmine-1.0.3_2 -- The `Athena' port of the xminesweeper game
xminehunter-0.4_3 -- A Motif minesweeper game
xmines-1.0_2 -- Minesweeper game for the X Window System
xminesweep-3.0_2 -- X11 minesweeper game
xmix-2.1_2 -- Mixer for X Window System
xmixer-0.9.4_6 -- Audio mixer (gtk and Xlib) for X11R6
xml-commons-1.4.01 -- Provides common XML code for Apache projects
xml-i18n-tools-0.9_1 -- Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
xml-lite.el-1.1_6 -- A simple XML-editing for GNU Emacs
xml-parse.el-emacs21-1.5_4 -- Code to efficiently read/write XML data with Elisp
xml-security-1.5.0 -- A Java library for XML Signature and Encryption
xml2rfc-1.36 -- A tool to create RFCs and related documents from XML, as per RFC2629
xml2rfc-xxe5.4.0-0.8.0 -- xml2rfc configuration for XMLMind XML editor
xmlada- -- Adacore XML suite for the Ada language
xmlcatmgr-2.2 -- SGML and XML catalog manager
xmlcharent-0.3_2 -- XML character entities
xmlcopyeditor- -- Fast validating XML editor
xmldiff-0.01_1 -- Display meaningful differences between XML files
xmleditor-0.5.3_11 -- XML editor
xmlenc-0.52_2 -- Light-weight XML encoding library for Java
xmlformat-1.04 -- An XML Document Formatter
xmlgraphics-commons-1.5.r1222519 -- Several reusable components used by Apache Batik and FOP
xmlindent-0.2.17_1 -- XML stream reformatter
xmlink-5.5.2_2 -- Missing Link puzzle for X Window System
xmlppm-0.98.3 -- XML-Conscious PPM Compression
xmlprpr-1.32_1 -- An XML pretty printer
xmlroff-0.6.2_3 -- XSL formatter that produces PDF and PostScript
xmlrpc-c-1.16.42 -- XML-RPC library for C and C++
xmlrpc-c-devel-1.31.05 -- XML-RPC library for C and C++
xmlrpc-epi-0.54.1 -- A general purpose implementation of the xmlrpc specification in C
xmlsec1-1.2.18_1 -- XML Security Library
xmlstarlet-1.0.5 -- Command Line XML Toolkit
xmltex-1.9_9 -- A non-validating XML parser, written in TeX
xmlto-0.0.25 -- Front-end to an XSL toolchain
xmltooling-1.4.2_1 -- Low level XML support for SAML
xmlwrapp-0.6.3 -- A modern style C++ library for working with XML data
xmmix-1.2.2_4 -- A Motif-based audio mixer
xmms-1.2.11_16 -- X Multimedia System -- An audio player with Winamp GUI
xmms-a52dec-1.0_5 -- A52 (aka AC3) decoder plugin for XMMS
xmms-ahx-0.6_4 -- XMMS plugin for playing AHX tunes
xmms-audiofile-0.1_5 -- XMMS plugin to allow playing libaudiofile supported files
xmms-bluecurve-theme-7.0.0_2 -- The Bluecurve XMMS skin
xmms-blursk-1.3_6 -- XMMS plugin inspired by "Blur Scope"
xmms-bonk-0.12_4 -- XMMS input plugin to play bonk files
xmms-cdread-0.14a_6 -- A XMMS input plugin for read AudioCD via IDE bus
xmms-crossfade-0.3.14_3 -- Crossfading/Gapless Plugin
xmms-crystality-0.92_9 -- Realtime XMMS plugin for remastering mp3 sound
xmms-curses-0.2.2_2 -- A ncurses program for (remote) controlling multimedia/xmms
xmms-dancingparticles-0.6_10 -- Makes particles dance with very pretty neon colors
xmms-defx-0.9.9_4 -- Multi-effects processor plug-in for XMMS
xmms-dflowers-1.2.1_4 -- Dual Flowers visualization plugin for XMMS
xmms-dscope-1.3.1_3 -- Dual Scope visualization plugin for XMMS
xmms-dspectogram-1.2.1_4 -- Dual Spectogram visualization plugin for XMMS
xmms-dspectral-1.2.1_3 -- Dual Spectralizer visualization plugin for XMMS
xmms-efxmms-0.0.3_4 -- Send the XMMS audio output through a queue of multiple effect plugins
xmms-eq-0.7_3 -- A realtime graphical equalizer plugin for XMMS
xmms-eq-skins-0.2_4 -- Additional skins for the XMMS EQ plugin
xmms-faad2-2.7_2 -- XMMS plugin for faad
xmms-fc-0.6 -- A XMMS future composer input plugin
xmms-festalon-0.5.5_7 -- A XMMS plugin for playing .nsf and .hes audio files
xmms-finespectrum-1.0.1.a_5 -- Fine grain Spectrum analyzers for XMMS
xmms-fishmatic-0.0.1_9 -- An XMMS non-static OpenGL stereogram visualization plugin
xmms-flac-1.2.1_3 -- XMMS input plugin for playing FLAC files
xmms-fxt-0.4_4 -- Surround/Echo effect plugin for XMMS
xmms-gbsplay-0.0.8_5 -- A XMMS plugin for playing Nintendo Game Boy(TM) audio
xmms-gdancer-0.4.6_9 -- XMMS Visualization plugin, displays dancing figures
xmms-infopipe-1.3_8 -- Create a named pipe to retrieve xmms info about currently playing song
xmms-iris-0.12_4 -- Adaptation of the "OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer" from XMMS
xmms-jack-0.19_1 -- XMMS plugin for jack
xmms-jess-2.9.1_9 -- XMMS visualization plugin that uses SDL
xmms-kde-3.2_12 -- Integrates XMMS into the KDE3 Panel
xmms-ladspa-1.1_4 -- XMMS Plugin that provides LADSPA Plugins to XMMS
xmms-liveice-1.0.0_7 -- Use XMMS for streaming audio to Icecast servers
xmms-mac-0.3.1_8 -- Native Monkey Audio Codec plugin for the XMMS1 Multimedia Player
xmms-mad-0.10 -- A XMMS input plugin that uses libmad
xmms-mailnotify-0.2.0_7 -- XMMS plugin, that plays a sound on incoming mail and opens the MUA
xmms-midi-0.03_6 -- XMMS input plugin to play midi files
xmms-modplug-2.0.5_7 -- A modplug-based plugin for XMMS
xmms-mp3cue-0.94_3 -- XMMS mp3cue adds cue file support to XMMS
xmms-musepack-1.8.0_5 -- XMMS input plugin for playing MPC Musepack (.mpc, .mp+) files
xmms-nas-0.2_4 -- A Network Audio System (NAS) output plugin for XMMS
xmms-nebulus-0.8.0_5 -- XMMS visualization plugin that uses SDL and OpenGL
xmms-nsf-0.0.3_5 -- XMMS input-plugin for playing Nintendo(TM) NSF audio files
xmms-openspc-0.0.3_4 -- An SPC player for XMMS using OpenSPC
xmms-osssurround-0.1_5 -- OSSSuround adds Surround Sound capabilities to XMMS
xmms-paranormal-0.2.0_12 -- An adaptation of the "OpenGL Spectrum Analyzer" from XMMS
xmms-quix3dn-4.4.1_5 -- 3D-sound effect plugin for XMMS
xmms-sapplug-0.3.f_4 -- XMMS input plugin for playing 8bit Atari(TM) .sap audio files
xmms-scivi-0.2.0.r3_5 -- Scivi is a visualization plugin for XMMS
xmms-scrobbler- -- XMMS plugin for
xmms-sexypsf-0.4.8_4 -- XMMS plugin for playing .psf files
xmms-sexyspc-0.5.0_3 -- An SPC plugin for XMMS based on the SNESAPU emulation core
xmms-shn-2.4.1_3 -- XMMS plugin to allow playing shorten-compressed audio
xmms-sid-0.7.4_5 -- XMMS input plugin to play SID files
xmms-skins-0.1_4 -- Skins for X Multimedia System (XMMS)
xmms-skins-huge-1.0.0 -- Skins for X Multimedia System (XMMS)
xmms-sndfile-1.2_4 -- XMMS plugin to allow playing libsndfile supported files
xmms-status-plugin-1.0_4 -- XMMS control applet for GNOME 2 panel / KDE tray
xmms-tfmx-0.5_4 -- XMMS Input plugin for playing TFMX tunes
xmms-timidity-0.0.3_1 -- XMMS input plugin to play midi files (via timidity)
xmms-volnorm-0.8.3_5 -- Volume Normalizer plugin for XMMS
xmms-vumeter-0.9.2_8 -- Analog VUmeter plugin for XMMS
xmms-vumeter-skins-0.9.1_6 -- Additional skins for the XMMS Analog VUmeter plugin
xmms-waterfall-0.11_4 -- Yet another XMMS spectrum analyzer
xmms-wavpack-1.0.3_1 -- XMMS input plugin to play WavPack files
xmms-weasel-0.0.1_4 -- A XMMS plugin to hide the player
xmms-wma-1.0.5_2 -- WMA plugin for xmms
xmms-xf86audio-0.4.4 -- XF86Audio multimedia-key support for XMMS
xmms-xymms-0.9.1_4 -- Sega Genesis GYM plugin for XMMS
xmms2-0.8_1 -- Rewrite of xmms as a client/server system (developer release)
xmms2-scrobbler-0.4.0_1 -- submission client for XMMS2
xmmsctrl-1.8_3 -- Small utility to control XMMS from the command line
xmodmap-1.0.5 -- Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X
xmolwt-0.7_4 -- Calculate formula weight and percent of each element for a given formula
xmon-1.5.6_2 -- Raw X11 protocol analyser
xmonad-log-applet-2.0.0_1 -- An applet that will display Xmonad log information
xmoontool-3.0.3_8 -- A version of John Walker's classical moontool for X11/Motif
xmore-1.0.2 -- Plain text display program for X
xmorph-2006.08.17_7 -- A digital image warping program
xmorse-20041125_7 -- A fully automatic Morse code teaching machine
xmotd-1.17.3.b_2 -- A message-of-the-day browser for X11 and dumb-terminals
xmoto-0.5.8_3 -- Challenging 2D motocross platform game
xmountains-2.9 -- X11 based fractal landscape generator
xmove-2.0b2_2 -- Pseudoserver to support mobile X11 clients
xmp-3.5.0 -- A player for many different Amiga and PC module formats
xmpppy-yahoo-0.3.20070314_1 -- Yahoo! transport for Jabber
xmradio-1.2_2 -- Motif based FM tuner (for use with bt848 driver)
xmris-4.04_3 -- A version of the Mr Do video arcade game for X11
xmsg-1.1_2 -- The X11R4 version of xmessage updated for X11R5 and renamed
xmulti-2.00b4_3 -- A X11 mascot based on gal-game "To Heart"
xmx-1.1_3 -- An X protocol multiplexor
xnc-5.0.4_8 -- File manager for X Window
xnecview-1.36_1 -- A X viewer of nec2c data
xnee-3.13 -- X events recorder and player
xneko-1.0_1 -- The classic cat-and-mouse
xneur-0.15.0_2 -- Auto keyboard switcher
xnodecor-0.1_2 -- Utility to set override_redirect in XWindowAttributes to True
xnview-1.70_2 -- An easy graphics viewer / converter
xoct-5.5.2_2 -- Oct puzzle for X Window System
xoids-1.5_1 -- X Window Asteroids style game with full color pixmaps
xoj-1.0_2 -- O. J. Simpson Simulator root window demo
xom-1.1_2 -- Open source (LGPL), tree-based API for processing XML with Java
xombrero-1.3.1 -- Minimalists vi-like web browser based on webkit and GTK+
xonix-1.4_3 -- Try to win land without colliding with `flyers' and `eaters'
xonotic-0.6.0_2 -- A fast-paced, chaotic, and intense multiplayer first person shooter
xoops-2.5.5 -- A Dynamic Web CMS
xorg-7.5.2 -- X.Org complete distribution metaport
xorg-apps-7.5.2 -- apps meta-port
xorg-cf-files-1.0.4 -- cf files for use with imake builds
xorg-dmx-1.7.7 -- Distributed Multihead X from X.Org
xorg-docs-1.6 -- documentation files
xorg-drivers-7.5.2 -- drivers meta-port
xorg-edit-07.08.11_5 -- GUI to edit xorg.conf
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.5.1 -- X.Org 100dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-7.5.1 -- fonts meta-port
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.5.1 -- X.Org 75dpi bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.5.1 -- X.Org Cyrillic bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.5.1 -- X.Org miscellaneous bitmap fonts
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.5.1 -- X.Org TrueType fonts
xorg-fonts-type1-7.5.1 -- X.Org Type1 fonts
xorg-libraries-7.5.1 -- libraries meta-port
xorg-macros-1.16.1 -- X.Org development aclocal macros
xorg-minimal-7.5.2 -- X.Org minimal distribution metaport
xorg-nestserver-1.7.7_1 -- Nesting X server from X.Org
xorg-server-1.7.7_6 -- X.Org X server and related programs
xorg-vfbserver-1.7.7_1 -- X virtual framebuffer server from X.Org
xorgramana-0.0.8_6 -- Logic word puzzle game set inside a series of mazes
xoris-0.1e_1 -- An X11 pixel color grabber
xorp-1.6_1 -- The eXtensible Open Router Platform
xorp-devel-2009120801_1 -- Open source network routing platform, development branch
xorriso-1.2.4 -- ISO image manipulation tool based on Libburnia
xorsearch-1.2.0 -- Search for a given string in an XOR or ROL encoded binary file
xoscope-2.0 -- Sound card oscilloscope
xosd-2.2.14_1 -- X11 on-screen-display program and library (with XMMS plugin)
xosmulti-1.00_2 -- A little girl cartoon on the top of the active window
xosview-1.8.3_3 -- A graphical performance meter
xotcl-1.6.6_1 -- Object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl
xournal-0.4.5_3 -- A notetaking application that can annotate PDFs
xp-0.5_4 -- An XML parser written in Java
xpacman-1.0_3 -- An old action game
xpad-3.1_6 -- A virtual note-pad system for your X11 desktop
xpad-current-4.1_2 -- A virtual note-pad system for your X11 desktop
xpaint-2.9.9_1 -- A simple paint program
xpanex-5.5.2_2 -- Panex puzzle for X Window System
xparam-1.22_1 -- A general-purpose tool for parameter handling in C++
xpat2-1.07_2 -- An X11 solitaire game with 14 variations
xpbiff-1.27_4 -- A replacement for xbiff that handles popup window with mail header
xpdf-3.03_3 -- Display PDF files and convert them to other formats
xpenguins-2.2_5 -- Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
xphoon-2000.06.13_2 -- Set the root window to the moon in its current phase
xpi-adblock- -- A content filtering extension
xpi-adblock_plus-2.1.2 -- A content filtering extension
xpi-bookmarkdd-0.7.5 -- Detects duplicates when bookmarks are added
xpi-bugmenot-1.3 -- Firefox extension to bypass compulsory web registration
xpi-clear_cache_button-0.9f_2 -- Adds a button to the toolbar that clears the browser cache
xpi-clearfields-4.0.3 -- Toolbar buttons that clear input fields
xpi-close-all-tabs-1.1 -- A toolbar button to close all open tabs
xpi-colorfultabs-11.2 -- Colors every tab in a different color
xpi-cookiesafe-3.0.5 -- Control cookie permissions
xpi-cssviewer-1.0.3 -- Simple CSS property viewer
xpi-customizegoogle-0.76 -- Enhance and tweak Google services
xpi-cutemenus-crystalsvg-1.9.3 -- Adds cute icons to menus
xpi-deepestsender-0.9.3 -- An addon which allows posting to blogs
xpi-default_full_zoom_level-4.3 -- Default Full Zoom Level extension
xpi-delicious-1.3 -- An extension to ease the use of remote bookmarks
xpi-displayquota-0.3.4 -- Displays your IMAP quota in statusbar
xpi-dispmua-1.6.6 -- Displays the icon of the application with which the e-mail was written
xpi-downthemall-2.0.13 -- Lets you download all the links in a webpage and much more
xpi-errorzilla-0.42 -- Useful error pages
xpi-fasterfox-2.0.0 -- Performance and network tweaks for Firefox
xpi-firebug-1.10.5 -- Lets you edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JS
xpi-firefox-showcase- -- Easily locate and select any open browser window
xpi-firemobilesimulator-1.2.2 -- Japanese Mobile Browser(NTT docomo/au/SoftBank) Simulator
xpi-fission-1.0.9 -- Combines address bar and progress bar
xpi-flagfox-4.2.2 -- Displays a country flag of the location of the website's server
xpi-flashblock- -- Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them
xpi-flashgot-1.3.7 -- Download links using popular download managers
xpi-flatbmark-0.8.1 -- Edit bookmarks without opening the properties window
xpi-forecastfox-2.2.1 -- Get international weather forecasts and display them
xpi-formfox-1.7 -- An extension to display form's action
xpi-foxmarks-2.7.2_1 -- Bookmark synchronizer
xpi-foxyproxy-3.6.2 -- Advanced proxy management tool
xpi-gbrain-0.5.4 -- Keeps your browser history at Google bookmarks
xpi-gdata_provider-0.16 -- Allows bidirectional access to Google Calendar
xpi-ghostery-2.8.3 -- Alerts/Block web bugs, ad and widgets
xpi-gmail-manager-0.6.1 -- Manage multiple Gmail accounts and receive new mail notifications
xpi-google-notebook- -- An extension to allow notetaking while browsing
xpi-google_shortcuts-2.1.5 -- Display all of your Google Services as buttons just next to your addressbar
xpi-grab_and_drag-2.7.6 -- Adobe Acrobat-style grab and drag scrolling
xpi-greasemonkey-0.9.20 -- Add bits of DHTML to any web page to change its behavior
xpi-gwt-dev-plugin-2.0_2 -- Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin for Firefox
xpi-httpfox-0.8.10 -- HTTP analyzer addon for Firefox
xpi-imagezoom-0.3.1 -- Zoom images
xpi-imdbpreview-0.5 -- Preview movie & actor posters when hovering over their IMDb links
xpi-imglikeopera-0.6.20 -- Load only the images that you want in Firefox
xpi-infolister-0.9.f.2 -- Lists installed extensions and themes
xpi-informenter-0.6.3 -- Helps fill forms out
xpi-inline-google-definitions-1.4 -- Shows Google Definitions for the selected word
xpi-it_s_all_text-1.6.0 -- Edit textareas using an external editor
xpi-jslib-0.1.371 -- Library of common useful routines for XPI developers
xpi-jsview-2.0.8_1 -- Easily view embedded/external JS and CSS
xpi-jv-0.51 -- A lightweight vim-like editor for textareas
xpi-leechblock-0.5.2 -- Blocks time-wasting sites
xpi-linkification-1.3.9 -- Converts text links into genuine, clickable links
xpi-live_http_headers-0.17_3 -- A firefox extension to view HTTP headers
xpi-live_pagerank-0.9.7 -- Display PageRank for active URL
xpi-locale-switcher-2.1 -- Provides a convenient menu item to switch between installed languages
xpi-menueditor-1.2.7 -- Customize application menus
xpi-mldonkey-2.5 -- A ed2k, magnet and sig2dat protocol handler
xpi-modify_headers- -- A firefox extension to manipulate HTTP headers
xpi-mrtech-local-install- -- Manage extensions and themes locally
xpi-musicpm-1.4.4 -- Music Player Minion
xpi-neo-diggler-1.0.6 -- URL-related actions through menu button
xpi-no-referrer-1.0.1 -- An extension to Open URL without sending referrers information
xpi-noscript-2.4.2 -- A security-enhancing Java/JS filtering extension
xpi-passwordmaker-1.7.8 -- Manages all your online accounts using new or existing passwords
xpi-pdf_download- -- An extension to handle PDF files
xpi-pencil-1.0.6 -- Firefox addon to do GUI prototyping and simple sketching
xpi-pentadactyl-1.0r1 -- Firefox for Vim and Links addicts
xpi-permatabs-1.7.0 -- Turn tabs of your choice into permanent tabs
xpi-prism-1.0.b2 -- Create Prism applications directly from Firefox
xpi-quick-locale-switcher-1.7.8 -- Quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu
xpi-quickproxy-2009.07.19 -- A statusbar button to quickly turn the proxy on and off
xpi-resurrectpages-2.0.7 -- Resurrects pages from big page caches/mirrors
xpi-sameplace- -- Jabber client
xpi-scrapbook- -- Webcontent capturing and managing extension
xpi-searchstatus-1.39 -- Displays Google PageRank, Alexa popularity and other stats
xpi-server_spy-0.2.1_1 -- Indicates what brand of HTTP server runs on the visited site
xpi-server_switcher-0.4 -- A navigational help tool for web developers
xpi-sessionmanager- -- Saves and restores the state of all windows
xpi-showip-1.8.1 -- Show the IP address of the current page in the status bar
xpi-speed-dial- -- Access websites through custom thumbnail views
xpi-splash-2.0.2 -- A splash screen for most Mozilla and Mozilla Based products
xpi-stumbleupon-3.76 -- A collaborative surfing tool extension
xpi-stylish-1.2.5 -- User styles manager
xpi-tabextensions-ru-2.1.2006031301 -- Improves tabbed browsing
xpi-table2clipboard-1.5.1 -- Table to Clipboard extension with correct disposition
xpi-tabletools-0.2.6 -- Sort any HTML data table
xpi-tabmixplus- -- Enhances tab browsing capabilities
xpi-tagzilla-0.066.2 -- Lets you add a tagline to the end of an email or newsgroup posting
xpi-togglewordwrap-1.8 -- Toggles word wrapping
xpi-torbutton- -- Quickly toggle use of the Tor network
xpi-twitterfox-1.8.3 -- twitterFox firefox plugin.
xpi-unplug-2.050 -- Converts embedded media to html links
xpi-urllink-2.03.3 -- Select a non-URL and open it in a browser window
xpi-user_agent_switcher-0.7.3 -- The User Agent Switcher extension
xpi-vimperator-3.5 -- Vim look and feel for Firefox
xpi-web_developer-1.2 -- An extension to add various web developer tools
xpi-wmlbrowser-0.7.28 -- WML implementation
xpi-xhtml-ruby-support-3.0.2009060901 -- Adds XHTML Ruby support
xpi-xmpp4moz- -- Support for XMPP
xpi-yslow-3.1.0 -- Analyzes web pages and why they are slow
xpilot-4.5.5 -- Xpilot(client) and xpilots(server)
xpilot-ng-client-4.7.3_2 -- An enhanced version of XPilot (client program)
xpilot-ng-server-4.7.3_2 -- An enhanced version of XPilot (server program)
xpipeman-1.0_3 -- Connect the pipes to stop the leaks
xpired-1.22_17 -- An action-puzzle maze escape game (SDL)
xpk-0.1.4_1 -- The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system
xplanet-1.3.0_1 -- Draw pictures of the earth textured by an image
xplore-1.2a_2 -- Yet another Motif file manager
xplot- -- X11 plotting package
xplsprinters-1.0.1 -- Shows a list of Xprint printers
xpn-1.2.6_4 -- X Python Newsreader
xpns-1.0_3 -- Petri-Net Simulator for Xwindows
xporthdmv-1.01 -- The xport Transport Stream Demuxer
xpostit-3.3.1_2 -- PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
xpp-1.5_9 -- X11-based printer manager for CUPS
xppaut-6.11b -- Graphical tool for solving differential equations, etc
xpr-1.0.3 -- Utility for printing an X window dump
xpra-0.6.4 -- Xpra gives you persistent remote applications for X
xprehashprinterlist-1.0.1 -- Recomputes the list of available printers.
xprobe2-0.3 -- ICMP active OS fingerprint scanner
xprompt-1.4_2 -- Displays a dialog box and prompts user for text
xprop-1.2.1 -- Property displayer for X
xproto-7.0.22 -- X11 protocol headers
xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.3 -- X Proxy Management Protocol headers
xps-0.3 -- A tool that searches the ports tree by various criteria.
xpuyopuyo-0.9.8_6 -- A puzzle game, somewhat like Tetris
xpuzzletama-1.5b_1 -- Puzzle tama, a Tetris like game
xpvm-1.2.5_1 -- A Graphical Console and Monitor for PVM
xpx-1.41_2 -- Simple pixel editing tool to generate data for KISS
xpyraminx-5.5.2_2 -- Pyraminx puzzle for X Window System
xqf-1.0.5_8 -- A server browser for many popular 3D action games
xqilla-2.3.0 -- An XQuery and XPath2 library
xquarto-1.0_2 -- X version of simple but tricky board game
xrally-1.1.1_5 -- XRally is a Linux clone of the classic Rally X arcade game
xrandr-1.3.5 -- Primitive command line interface to the RandR extension
xrdb-1.0.9 -- X server resource database utility
xrdesktop-1.2_2 -- A p5-Gtk frontend to rdesktop
xrdp-0.6.0 -- An open source Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
xrefresh-1.0.4 -- Refresh all or part of an X screen
xrestop-0.4_3 -- X11 server side resource usage statistics monitor
xrick-021212_8 -- A clone of Rick Dangerous
xrisk-2.15_2 -- A game for X11, much like the popular board game
xrn-10.00.b.3 -- Usenet News reader for the X Window System
xroach-4.4_2 -- Cockroaches hide under your windows
xroads-0.6_3 -- Commodore 64 "Crossroads"-like video game for X Window System
xrobots-1.0_3 -- Fight off villainous robots (X version)
xrolo-2.6_2 -- Electronic Rolodex
xrootconsole-0.6_1 -- Writes any log live onto the background
xrot-1.3.2_1 -- A falling ball puzzle game for X
xrsh-5.92_2 -- Launcher which starts an X program on a remote machine
xrsi-0.9_2 -- Minimalist break enforcer for Linux/Unix for the prevention of RSI
xrubik-5.5.2_1 -- X-based rubik's cube(tm)
xrx-1.0.4 -- RX helper program
xsane-0.998_2 -- Gtk-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
xsc-1.5_2 -- A vector graphics space shoot'em up game
xscavenger-1.4.4_2 -- A Lode Runner clone for X11
xscoop-1.0.2 -- An X library detective
xscorch-0.2.1_1 -- Multiplayer tank shoot-em-up
xscrabble-2.12_1 -- X version of the popular board game
xscreensaver-5.19 -- Save your screen while you entertain your cat
xscreensaver-gnome-5.12_1 -- Save your screen while you entertain your cat (for GNOME users)
xscreensaver-gnome-hacks-5.12_1 -- Save your screen while you entertain your cat (for GNOME users)
xsel-0.04.1_5 -- Access X selection from command line
xsel-conrad-1.2.0 -- Access X selection from command line
xset-1.2.2_1 -- User preference utility for X
xsetmode-1.0.0 -- Set the mode for an X Input Device
xsetpointer-1.0.1 -- Set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot-1.1.0 -- root window parameter setting utility for X
xshisen-1.51_4 -- Shisen-sho puzzle game for X11
xshogi-1.4.0 -- The Japanese chess-like game for X Window System
xshttpd-3.6.g01_5 -- Webserver with CGI as own user and SSL support
xshttpd-devel-3.7.b24 -- Webserver with CGI as own user and SSL support
xsi-1.0.b2 -- System monitor that provides XML encoded stats
xskat-4.0_2 -- Play the card game Skat
xskewb-5.5.2_2 -- Skewb puzzle (similar to Rubik's Cube) for X Window
xskyroot-920428_2 -- Realtime sky drawer for X root window
xslide.el-0.2.2_1 -- Emacs major mode for editing XSL stylesheets
xslint-005 -- XSL(T) stylesheet checker
xsm-1.0.2 -- X Session Manager
xsnow-1.42_1 -- Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
xsokoban-3.3c_1 -- A puzzle of pushing objects to the goals
xsoldier-1.8 -- Space-based shoot-em up game for X11
xsp-2.10.2 -- Mono based web server
xspacewarp-1.2_2 -- Time Trek - like game for X Window System
xspread-3.1.1c_2 -- Spreadsheet program for X and terminals
xspringies-1.12 -- A mass and spring simulation system
xspy-1.0c_3 -- A utility for monitoring keystrokes on remote X servers
xstarroll-1.1b_3 -- Letters fly to far, far, far away
xstdcmap-1.0.2 -- X standard colormap utility
xstow-1.0.0 -- Enhanced replacement for GNU stow written in C++
xstream-1.4.2 -- A simple library to serialize Java objects to XML
xstroke-0.5.12_8 -- Fullscreen gesture recognition
xsu-0.2.4_6 -- Xsu runs commands as root after prompting for the root password
xsvg-0.2.1_6 -- X11 SVG viewer
xsw-0.3.5_3 -- A tool for creating presentations
xsynth-dssi-0.9.4_1 -- Classic analog style software synthesizer
xsysstats-1.51_3 -- A system information display tool
xsystem35-1.7.2_15 -- AliceSoft System 3.5/3.6/3.8/3.9 on X Window System
xt-20020426a_2 -- XSL Transformations (XSLT) implementation in Java
xtacy-1.14_2 -- An X11 trippy color-cycling toy
xtail-2.1 -- Watches the growth of files or directories
xtar-1.4_3 -- View and manipulate contents of a tar file
xteddy-2.2 -- A cuddlesome teddy for the X desktop
xterm-286 -- Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtermcontrol-2.10_1 -- Tool for dynamic control of xterm properties
xtermset-0.5.2_2 -- Dynamically change some settings of an xterm
xtestpicture-1.2_2 -- Create a full-screen image to adjust your monitor
xtet42-2.21_3 -- One or two player T*tris game
xtexcad-2.4.1_2 -- Simple drawing program enforcing limited slopes and diameters
xtexsh-1.4.2_6 -- Tcl/Tk-based simple TeX interface
xtheater-1.0.0.p1_8 -- MPEG-1 player in GTK+ capable of playing MPEG-1 format streams
xtic-1.12_2 -- An X version of a simple but tricky board game
xtide-2.12.1_2 -- Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor
xtimer-0.8089_2 -- A simple digital timer for X11
xtl-1.4.2 -- A library for R/W structured data to/from an external representation
xtla-emacs24-1.2.1_13 -- An Emacs front-end to tla
xtoolwait-1.3_2 -- Tool startup utility for X11
xtrabackup-2.0.1 -- OpenSource version of InnoDB backup with support of Percona extensions
xtrader-0.99.9_8 -- Technical analysis program for financial instruments
xtrans-1.2.6 -- Abstract network code for X
xtrap-1.0.2 -- XTrap sample clients for X
xtriangles-5.5.2_2 -- Triangles puzzle
xtris-1.15_2 -- A multi-player version of a popular game for the X Window system
xtrlock-2.0.14 -- X Transparent Lock
xtrojka-1.1_3 -- Game of skill similar to T*tris
xtron-1.1a_2 -- Avoid running into walls, your own tail, and that of your opponent
xtruco-1.0_2 -- Simple version for X Window of the famous card game Super Truco
xtset-1.1 -- Utility to set title on an xterm
xtux-2003.03.06_4 -- Humorous Arcade game for X
xtypo-1.02_2 -- X-based keyboard trainer
xv-3.10a_15 -- An X11 program that displays images of various formats
xv-m17n-3.10a_15 -- An X11 program that displays images of various formats with multilingualization
xvattr-1.3_8 -- Getting and setting Xv attributes
xvid-1.3.2 -- An opensource MPEG-4 codec, based on OpenDivx
xvidcap-1.1.4.p1_11 -- Capture your X display to individual frames or MPEG video
xvidtune-1.0.2 -- Video mode tuner for X
xvier-1.0_2 -- Throw stones into free columns
xview- -- X Window-System-based Visual/Integrated Environment for Workstations
xview-clients- -- OpenLook applications and man pages
xvile-9.8g -- VI Like Emacs, X11 version -- a fully "X aware" vi work-alike
xvinfo-1.1.1 -- Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xvkbd-3.3 -- A virtual keyboard for X applications
xvmahjongg-2.1_2 -- Mahjongg for XView with multicolored tiles
xvmcinfo-0.1 -- Print out XvMC extension adaptor information
xvmines-1.0_2 -- Simple minesweeper game for X Window System
xvmixer-1.0_1 -- Open Look-based audio mixer
xwatchwin-1.1.1_3 -- Watch a window on another X server
xwave-2.2_2 -- Audio player/recorder/editor for the X Window System
xwd-1.0.4 -- Dump an image of an X window
xwelltris-1.0.1_2 -- 3D Tetris-like game
xwininfo-1.1.2 -- Window information utility for X
xwinwrap-0.3_1 -- XWinWrap replace a desktop background with a movie or screensaver
xwit-3.4_3 -- X interface tool
xwordpy-1.0_4 -- An application for solving crossword puzzles in the Across Lite format
xworld-2.0_2 -- Earth as seen from the direction of the sun
xworm-1.02_2 -- Classic game with apples and hungry worm
xwota-0.4_7 -- X version of who is on the air
xwpe-1.5.30a -- A Borland-like IDE programming environment
xwpick-2.20_2 -- Image pick up utility for X Window System
xwrits-2.24_2 -- Reminds you to take wrist breaks
xwud-1.0.3 -- Image displayer for X
xxdiff-3.2_7 -- QT interface to view/merge differences between 2 or 3 files
xxdiff-scripts-3.2_5 -- Helper scripts for xxdiff
xxe-eval-5.4.0 -- Validating XML editor featuring a word processor-like view
xxgdb-1.12_3 -- An X window interface for gdb
xxkb-1.11 -- An XKB keyboard layout switcher and indicator
xxl-1.0.1_1 -- C/C++ library for exception handling and asset management
xye-0.9.1_6 -- A puzzle game for X
xymon-client-4.3.10 -- System for monitoring servers and networks - Client
xymon-server-4.3.10_1 -- System for monitoring servers and networks
xyssl-0.9_1 -- Lightweight SSL and TLS toolkit for C developers
xyzcmd-0.0.4 -- Pure console visual file manager
xz-5.0.3 -- LZMA compression and decompression tools
xzgv-0.9_2 -- An image viewer with thumbnail-based file selector for X
xzip-1.8.2_2 -- An Infocom game interpreter that runs under X11
xzoom-0.3_2 -- Magnify, rotate, mirror the image on the X screen
xzx-4.6_3 -- ZX Spectrum (48K/128K/+3) Emulator for X11
y2l-1.1 -- Yacc-to-Latex pretty printer/converter
y4mscaler-9.0_8 -- Y4mscaler scales, crops, and shifts Y'CbCr video
yabasic-2.763_3 -- Yet another Basic for Unix and Windows
yabause- -- Sega Saturn system emulator
yabb-2.5 -- The original free open-source forum written in Perl
yabm-0.2.1_2 -- Yet Another Bandwidth Meter, somewhat resembles the Linux bwbar
yacas-1.3.3 -- Yet Another Computer Algebra System
yad- -- Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
yadex-1.7.0_2 -- A WAD-file editor, for games like Doom and Hexen
yaf-2.1.1_1 -- YAF is Yet Another Flowmeter
yafc-1.2.2 -- Yet another ftp client. Similar to ftp(1)
yafic-1.2.2 -- Yet Another File Integrity Checker, similar to Tripwire
yafray-0.0.9_2 -- A fast XML based raytracer
yagf-0.9.2 -- Graphical interface for the cuneiform OCR program
yagiuda-1.19 -- Used to calculate yagi-uda antenna patterns useful to ham radio
yahoo-ui-2.8.2 -- The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library
yahtzee-1.0_1 -- A curses version of the dice game for one or more players
yajl-2.0.4_1 -- A Portable JSON parsing and serialization library in ANSI C
yajl-tcl-1.3 -- Tcl bindings for Yet Another JSON Library
yakuake-2.8.1_8 -- Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE's Konsole
yakuake-kde4-2.9.8_3 -- Drop-down terminal emulator for KDE
yali-1.1_1 -- YALI: Yet Another LOLCODE Interpreter
yalias-0.7_10 -- An enhanced execution box with regex pattern matching
yamcha-0.33 -- Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
yamdi-1.8 -- A metadata injector for FLV files
yaml-cpp-0.3.0_1 -- YAML parser and emitter in C++ matching the YAML 1.2 spec
yaml-mode.el-emacs21-0.0.8_1 -- Simple major mode to edit YAML file for Emacsen
yaml-mode.el-emacs24-0.0.8_1 -- Simple major mode to edit YAML file for Emacsen
yammi-1.2.3_14 -- A QT-based music manager with fuzzy search
yamsweeper-1.9_3 -- Yet Another Mine Sweeper
yamt-0.5_11 -- Yet Another Mp3 Tool which helps you to organize your mp3s
yanopaste-1.3.0_1 -- Yet Another Nopaste
yap-0.2_4 -- GNUstep a2ps/gs frontend
yape-0.32.5_1 -- Yet Another Commodore +4 Emulator
yapet-0.7 -- A curses based password manager
yaph-0.91 -- Yaph is a proxy scanner
yaps-0.96_1 -- Yet Another Pager Software: send messages to pager (SMS, TAP, ...)
yara-1.6 -- A malware identification and classification tool
yasm-1.2.0 -- A complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
yasnippet-0.6.1c_7 -- YASnippet is a template system for Emacs
yasql-1.83_1 -- Yet Another SQL*Plus Replacement
yasr-0.6.9_2 -- A general-purpose console screen reader
yate-4.0.0.p1 -- Yet Another Telephony Engine
yatex-1.76 -- Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs
yatex-xemacs-1.76 -- Yet Another LaTeX mode and html mode on Emacs
yaunc-1.02 -- Yet another client
yawho-1.2 -- Simple 'w'-like program; displays connection type and login shell PID
yaws-1.95 -- A webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang
yaz-1.3.3 -- C++ toolkit for development of Z39.50v3 clients and servers
yaz-4.2.37 -- Z39.50/SR client and API library
yazproxy-1.3.7 -- A powerful general purpose Z39.50/SRW/SRU proxy
yconalyzer-1.0.4 -- TCP Traffic Analyzer
ydbf-0.0.1 -- Yelded DBF reader/writer for Python
yeahconsole-0.3.4 -- quake console-like extension for X terminals
yed-3.9.2 -- An editor for graphs and diagrams
yell-1.1 -- A command line pc speaker bell
yelp-2.30.2_6 -- A help browser for the GNOME 2 desktop
yencode-0.46_6 -- A free (GPL) encoder and decoder for the yEnc Usenet file format
yersinia-0.7.1 -- Layer 2 vulnerability scanner (switches, spanning tree, 802.1q ...)
yfklog-0.3.5 -- Amateur Radio curses based logging program
yi-aspell- -- Aspell Yiddish dictionary
yi-hunspell-0.0.2_1 -- Yiddish hunspell dictionaries
yii-1.1.9 -- A high-performance component-based PHP framework
yodl-3.00.0_1 -- An easy to use but powerful document formatting/preparation language
yorick-2.1.06 -- Interpreted language and scientific graphics
yould-0.3.7 -- Pronounceable word generator
yourls-1.5.1 -- Your Own URL Shortener
youtube-viewer-2.5.9 -- Search and play YouTube videos streaming in MPlayer
youtube_dl-2012.09.27 -- A program for downloading videos from
ypsilon- -- Scheme implementation for real-time applications
yptransitd-0.5_5 -- A replacement for nss_ldap
ysm- -- Command line ICQ client with ICQ2000 and recoding support
ytnef-2.6_1 -- Unpack data in MS Outlook TNEF format
ytree-1.97 -- DOS-XTREE(tm) look-a-like file manager
yudit-2.9.2 -- Multi-lingual Unicode text editor with TTF support
yui-3.2.04_2 -- Rich-featured multi-windows console text editor
yuicompressor-2.4.7 -- The Yahoo! JavaScript and CSS Compressor
yukon-2010011201 -- Real-time capture tool for OpenGL applications
yum-3.4.3 -- Installer/updater for rpm
yydecode-0.2.10 -- Tool to decode yEnc encoded files
yzis-1.0.a.1_8 -- Vi-like editor
z80-asm-2.4.p3 -- A Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
z80asm-1.8 -- Assembler for the Z80 microprocessor
z80ex-1.1.19 -- ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulator library
z88-13.0_2 -- A compact Finite Element Analysis System
zabbix-agent-1.8.13 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent)
zabbix-frontend-1.8.13 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend)
zabbix-proxy-1.8.13 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy)
zabbix-server-1.8.13 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server)
zabbix2-agent-2.0.3 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent)
zabbix2-frontend-2.0.3_1 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend)
zabbix2-proxy-2.0.3 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy)
zabbix2-server-2.0.3 -- Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server)
zangband-2.6.2_5 -- Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
zatacka-0.1.8_8 -- Nibbles-like multiplayer game
zathura-0.2.1_1 -- Customizable lightweight pdf viewer
zathura-djvu-0.2.1 -- The zathura-djvu plugin adds DjVu support to zathura
zathura-pdf-poppler-0.2.1 -- Poppler render PDF plugin for Zathura PDF viewer
zaz-1.0.0_3 -- A puzzle game where the player has to arrange balls in triplets
zbar-0.10_2 -- ZBar barcode reader
zebedee-2.5.3 -- Encrypted, secure compressed TCP tunnel
zebra-0.95a_2 -- Free RIPv1, RIPv2, OSPFv2, BGP4 route software (server/reflector)
zebra-server-2.0.45 -- Z39.50/SR server software
zeitgeist-0.8.2_1 -- Event logging framework - engine
zen-cart-1.3.9h_1 -- PHP-based user-friendly, open source shopping cart
zenity-2.32.1_2 -- Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zenoss-3.1.0_1 -- Application, server, and network management platform
zenpack-community-CheckPing-1.0 -- Provides nagios ping check for Zenoss monitoring
zenpack-community-DellMon-2.4 -- Provides additional monitoring options for Dell machines
zenpack-community-InterfaceGraphs-1.0 -- Provides a link that graphs all network interfaces for a device
zenpack-community-MACReport-1.0.1 -- Lists MAC address and the Device and Interface associated info
zenpack-community-ShowGraphPortlet-1.03 -- Enables users to show any graph/multi graph reports on their dashboard
zenpack-community-deviceAdvDetail-2.7.3 -- Provides additional hardware details for Zenoss
zenpack-community-libvirt-1.96_1 -- Provides monitoring of virtualization servers through Zenoss
zenpack-core-ApacheMonitor-2.1.2 -- Provides performance monitoring of the Apache HTTP Server
zenpack-core-DellMonitor-2.1.0 -- Provides Zenoss monitoring options for Dell machines
zenpack-core-DeviceSearch-1.0.0 -- Provides the ability to quickly search for devices in Zenoss
zenpack-core-NtpMonitor-2.0.3 -- Monitors the offset between system time and a target NTP servers time
zenphoto- -- A simpler web photo gallery
zephulor-1_4 -- Side scrolling arcade game
zephyr-3.0.1 -- An enterprise-scale distributed messaging system
zeroer-0.1_1 -- A command line utility for wiping unallocated space on a filesystem
zerowait-httpd-0.8d_2 -- Lightweight and fast http server
zetaback-1.0.4_1 -- Zetaback ZFS backup and recovery management system
zfs-periodic-1.0_1 -- Simple way of maintaining zfs snapshots using the periodic system
zfs-replicate-0.7_1 -- A ZFS Snapshot Replication Script
zfs-snapshot-clean-0.1.3 -- A tool to sieve ZFS snapshots as per given spec a la 'pdumpfs-clean'
zfs-snapshot-mgmt-20090201_2 -- Automatic ZFS snapshot management tool
zfs-stats-1.2.2 -- Display human-readable ZFS statistics
zfsnap-1.10.1_1 -- Simple sh script to make zfs rolling snaphosts with cron
zgv-5.9_5 -- Graphics viewer for SVGAlib
zh-BitchX-1.2_5 -- A zh-tw cursor movement friendly, wrapping clean BitchX
zh-CJKUnifonts-0.2.20080216.1 -- CJKUnifonts TrueType Font is a combine of Arphic Ming and Kai fonts
zh-CNS11643-font-98.1_1 -- A combine of Kai and Sung with CNS11643 TrueType Fonts
zh-FreeWnn-lib-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese client libraries)
zh-FreeWnn-server-1.1.1.a021_9 -- A Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Chinese server)
zh-arphicttf-2.11_2 -- Four Chinese Big5/GB TrueType fonts made by Arphic Technology
zh-aterm-0.4.2_2 -- A color vt102 terminal emulator with transparency support
zh-auto-cn-l10n-1.1_3 -- The automatic localization for Simplified Chinese zh_CN.eucCN locale
zh-auto-tw-l10n-1.13_1 -- Automatic localization for Traditional Chinese locale
zh-autoconvert-0.3.16_2 -- Intelligent Chinese encoding converter
zh-bg5pdf-1.0.0_6 -- Convert Chinese-Big5 encoded files to PDF, using PDFlib
zh-bg5ps-1.3.0p3 -- Convert Chinese-Big5/GB encoded files to Postscript, using TTF fonts
zh-big5con-0.92i -- Big5 Chinese console
zh-big5width-1.0 -- Unicode width dirty fix for Big5 font (zh_TW.UTF-8 locale)
zh-bug5-1.13 -- A Big5/GBK <-> UTF-8 translating layer in terminal
zh-c2t-1.0 -- Translates GB/Big5 encoding to tone pinyin
zh-cce-0.51_1 -- Console CJK Environment
zh-cconv-0.6.2_2 -- Simplified-Traditional Chinese conversion tool
zh-celvis-1.3 -- A vi/ex clone that speaks Chinese
zh-chiconv-1.0 -- Auto chinese encoding converter
zh-cless-290 -- A better pager utility (and it speaks Chinese)
zh-cmexfonts-0.1_2 -- Big5+ Chinese Mingti bitmap font (by CMEX & DynaLab) for X11
zh-cnprint-3.30b_1 -- Print CJK text (or convert to PostScript)
zh-cwtex-16.6_6 -- CwTeX let you use Chinese Big5 codes in TeX/LaTeX documents
zh-cwtexttf-1.2_1 -- Five Chinese Big5 TrueType fonts made by cwTeX
zh-cxterm-5.0.3_3 -- An xterm that speaks Chinese
zh-dictd-database-1.6_1 -- A Chinese <-> English dictd words database
zh-docproj-0.1.20060303_6 -- Supportive tools for Chinese docproj build
zh-enscript-a4-1.6.4_5 -- ASCII to PostScript filter
zh-eterm-0.9.6_1 -- X11 terminal emulator based on rxvt/xterm that supports traditional Chinese (Big5)
zh-fcitx- -- A Flexible Input Method Framework
zh-fcitx-chewing-0.1.3 -- Chewing support for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-cloudpinyin-0.3.0 -- A cloud-based Pinyin module for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-configtool- -- Fcitx IM framework configure tool
zh-fcitx-googlepinyin-0.1.6 -- A libgooglepinyin support for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-libpinyin-0.2.1 -- The libpinyin support for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-rime-0.1.2 -- RIME support for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-sunpinyin-0.3.9 -- SunPinyin support for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-table-extra-0.3.3 -- Table-based input methods for Fcitx
zh-fcitx-ui-light-0.1.3_1 -- An alternative light weight UI for Fcitx
zh-fireflyttf-LGJ-1.3.0_3 -- Firefly TrueType Font is combine of two arphic sung fonts
zh-font-std-0.0.20090602 -- Chinese Standard Fonts
zh-fortune-1.2.2_2 -- A very classic fortune file in Chinese
zh-fortunetw-1.3 -- A very classic fortune file in Taiwan
zh-fqterm-0.9.3_7 -- FQTerm is a BBS client for BSD/Linux
zh-gb2jis-1.5 -- Convert GuoBiao Hanzi to JIS Kanji
zh-gb2ps-2.02 -- Converts Chinese GB (simple) encoded text to PostScript
zh-gcin-2.7.8_1 -- Traditional Chinese input utility in X
zh-gugod-clean-1.3_2 -- A pretty font modifyed from X11 schumacher-clean that match kcfonts
zh-hanzim-1.3_3 -- A Chinese character learning-aid program
zh-hc-3.0 -- Hanzi Converter -- converts between GB and BIG-5 codes
zh-hztty-2.0 -- A translator between GuoBiao / Big5 and HZ
zh-ibus-chewing-1.4.2 -- Chewing engine for IBus
zh-ibus-pinyin-1.4.0_1 -- PinYin engine for IBus
zh-irssi-0.8.15_5 -- A zh-tw cursor movement friendly, wrapping clean irssi
zh-jis2gb-1.5 -- Convert JIS Kanji to GuoBiao Hanzi
zh-joe-2.9.8 -- Joe's Own Editor
zh-joe-3.7_1 -- Joe's Own Editor
zh-kcfonts-1.05_2 -- Kuo Chauo Chinese Fonts collection
zh-kon2-16dot-0.3_6 -- Kanji On Console -- Display kanji characters on your own console
zh-libchewing-0.3.3 -- The Chewing intelligent phonetic input method library
zh-libgooglepinyin-0.1.2 -- A fork of Google Pinyin IME on Android
zh-libpinyin-0.7.91 -- Library to deal with pinyin
zh-librime-0.9.4 -- Rime Input Method Engine
zh-libtabe-0.2.6_3 -- Unified library for Chinese text processing
zh-lunar-2.1_1 -- Convert between Gregorian Solar Calendar (SC) and Lunar Calendar (LC)
zh-miniChinput-0.1.9_3 -- A tiny version of Chinput
zh-moefonts-cid-1.0_7 -- MOE CIDFonts converted by Adobe
zh-moettf-2.0_2 -- Three Chinese BIG5 TrueType fonts: Kai LiShu Sung SungExt
zh-msttf-1.0_2 -- Three TrueType fonts from Microsoft Windows(TM) 2000/XP
zh-muni-1.0 -- Find Unicode values for Chinese characters
zh-mutt-1.5.21_20100927 -- The Mongrel of Mail User Agents with Chinese support
zh-oicq-1.6 -- Implements OICQ messaging protocol
zh-opencc-0.3.0 -- Open Chinese Convert library and utilities
zh-opendesktop-fonts-1.4.2_1 -- Ming and Kai face of OpenDesktop fonts
zh-oto-0.5 -- Show you font info and add new 'name' and 'cmap' tables
zh-oxim-1.2.2_4 -- Open X Input Method server
zh-pcmanx-1.1_1 -- BBS client using GTK+ 2.x
zh-phpbb-tw-2.0.23 -- The Traditional Chinese version of phpBB
zh-phpbb-tw-3.0.10 -- The Traditional Chinese version of phpBB3
zh-pine-4.64 -- A Program for Internet News & Email with Chinese(BIG-5) support
zh-pyDict- -- A Chinese <-> English dictionary under both, console and X11
zh-qe-0.1.1_2 -- QE is a PE2-like editor program under U*nix
zh-qterm-0.4.1_8 -- QTerm is a BBS client for BSD/Linux
zh-reciteword-0.8.5 -- Education software to help people to study English
zh-scim-array-1.0.1_4 -- Array 30 SCIM IMEngine module
zh-scim-fcitx-3.1.1_5 -- An SCIM IMEngine module for fcitx
zh-scim-pinyin-0.5.91_9 -- SCIM Chinese Smart Pinyin input method
zh-scim-tables-0.5.10_1 -- SCIM table based Chinese input methods
zh-srecite-0.6.2_11 -- A tool for the Chinese people to study foreign language
zh-sunpinyin-2.0.4.r2 -- A statistical language model based input method engine
zh-telnet-1.0_1 -- 8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
zh-tin-2.0.1_6 -- Easy-to-use threaded newsreader with NOV/NNTP support
zh-tintin-2.00.8_1 -- A client program to help playing MUDs
zh-ttf2pt1-3.4.0 -- True Type Font to Postscript Type 1 converter with Chinese maps
zh-ttfm-0.9.5_3 -- A Big5/GB enhanced TrueType Font Manager
zh-unrar-4.20_1 -- Extract, view & test RAR archives
zh-unzip-6.0_1 -- List, test, and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zh-ve-1.1 -- NTHU-CS Maple BBS 2.36 BBS-like editor
zh-wenju-1.6_1 -- Collection of writing tools in Chinese
zh-wordpress-zh_CN-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
zh-wordpress-zh_TW-3.4.2 -- A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
zh-xemacs-mule-21.4.22_9 -- XEmacs text editor version 21, with XIM support and Big5 settings
zh-xmms-1.2.11_16 -- X Multimedia System -- An audio player with Winamp GUI
zh-xpdf-zhfont-3.02_1 -- Chinese font support for xpdf
zh-xsim- -- A simple and fast GBK Chinese XIM server
zh-ydict-1.2.6 -- Command line tool of Yahoo! Dict
zh-zhcon-0.2.6_2 -- A fast CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) virtual console
zh_CN-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (CHS)
zh_CN-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Simplified Chinese messages and documentation for Calligra
zh_CN-gimp-help-html-2.6.1 -- The GIMP User Manual in Simplified Chinese
zh_CN-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Simplified Chinese messages and documentation for KDE3
zh_CN-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Simplified Chinese messages and documentation for KDE4
zh_CN-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- zh_CN language pack for libreoffice
zh_TW-acroread8-8.1.7_4 -- Adobe Reader for view, print, and search PDF documents (CHT)
zh_TW-calligra-l10n-2.5.2 -- Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for Calligra
zh_TW-kde-i18n-3.5.10_5 -- Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for KDE3
zh_TW-kde-l10n-4.8.4 -- Traditional Chinese messages and documentation for KDE4
zh_TW-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- zh_TW language pack for libreoffice
zh_cn-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Simplified Chinese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
zh_tw-freebsd-doc-39278 -- Traditional Chinese translation of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
zidrav-1.2.0 -- A file corruption detection and repair program
zile-2.4.9 -- Small emacs-like text editor
zillion-0.1_2 -- Distributed computing project
zim-0.57 -- Desktop wiki editor
zimg-5.0.0_5 -- Image-generator that uses ASCII input files to create PNGs/EDFs
zinf-2.2.5_18 -- GTK-based MP3 player
zint-2.4.3_1 -- Zint Barcode Generator
zip-3.0 -- Create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZIP
zipmix-20070221 -- Produce a .ZIP file from 2 other ones with the best compressed files
zipper-1.4 -- Tool for inspecting the contents of a compressed archive
zircon-1.18.256_2 -- An X11 interface to Internet Relay Chat
zisofs-tools-1.0.8_1 -- User utilities for zisofs
zkt-1.1.0 -- Tool to manage keys and signatures for DNSSEC-zones
zmailer-2.99.57 -- Fully functional fast robust SMTP server and transport agent
zmq-2.2.0 -- Open source message queue optimised for performance
zmq-devel-3.1.0 -- Open source message queue optimised for performance
zmtx-zmrx-1.02 -- Receive/Send files via ZMODEM protocol. (unrestrictive)
znc-0.206 -- An advanced IRC bouncer
znibbles-0.0.7_6 -- A multi-player networked nibbles game
znotes-0.4.5_1 -- Simple notes based on QT4
zodb-py27-3.10.5 -- The Z - Object Database for python
zoidberg-0.96_3 -- A modular PERL shell
zoinks-0.3.7_4 -- An X11 programmer's editor and development environment
zombiezapper-1.2_2 -- Send a terminate command to Trinoo/TFN/Stacheldracht DDoS agents
zonecheck-3.0.5 -- Perform consistency checks on DNS zones
zoneinfo-2012.h -- Updated timezone definitions
zoneminder-1.25.0 -- Complete security camera solution, fully web based with image analysis
zonenotify-0.1 -- A dns notify sender written in C
zoo-2.10.1_3 -- Manipulate archives of files in compressed form
zookeeper-3.3.6 -- A Coordination Service for Distributed Applications
zoom-1.1.5_1 -- Z-Interpreter for X with full V6 support
zope213-2.13.16 -- An object-based web application platform Version 2.13
zorba-2.7.0 -- A general purpose C++ XQuery processor
zorro-1.1.8_3 -- A simple to-do list manager
zphoto-1.2_12 -- Zooming photo album generator
zsh-5.0.0 -- The Z shell
zsnes-1.51_8 -- Intel x86 only Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Emulator
zssh-1.5c -- Interactively transferring files to a remote machine while using ssh
zsync-0.6.2 -- A file transfer program
ztcl-1.0.b4_1 -- A zlib extension library for the Tcl
zthread-2.3.2_1 -- A platform-independent object-oriented C++ threading library
ztrack-1.0 -- Simple ncurses based pseudo-3D driving game
zu-aspell-0.50.0_1 -- Aspell Zulu dictionary
zu-hunspell-20110323_1 -- Zulu hunspell dictionaries
zu-kde-i18n-3.1.5_6 -- Zulu messages and documentation for KDE3
zu-libreoffice-3.5.7 -- zu language pack for libreoffice
zutils-0.9 -- Utilities for searching in bzip2, gzip, lzip, and xz archives
zxfer-0.9.8 -- Easily and reliably transfer ZFS filesystems
zxid-1.05 -- Open Source IdM for the Masses - SAML SSO
zynaddsubfx-2.4.1_2 -- A realtime software synthesizer
zziplib-0.13.62 -- A library to provide transparent read access to zipped files
zzuf-0.13 -- Transparent application input fuzzer
