8.4 Environment Variables


If set and not empty, the makefiles will build and install only the English documents. All translations will be ignored. E.g.:

# make ENGLISH_ONLY=YES all install

If you want to unset the variable ENGLISH_ONLY and build all pages, including translations, set the variable ENGLISH_ONLY to an empty value:

# make ENGLISH_ONLY="" all install clean

If set and not empty, the Makefiles will build and install only the HTML pages from the en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs directory. All other directories within en_US.ISO8859-1 (Handbook, FAQ, Tutorials) will be ignored. E.g.:

# make WEB_ONLY=YES all install

If set, the Makefiles will build and install only for the languages specified by this variable inside the /usr/build directory. All other languages except English will be ignored. E.g.:

# make WEB_LANG="el_GR.ISO8859-7 es_ES.ISO8859-1 hu_HU.ISO8859-2 nl_NL.ISO8859-1" all install

If set, the Makefiles will not checkout files from the ports CVS repository. Instead, it will copy the files from /usr/ports (or where the variable PORTSBASE points to).

WEB_ONLY, WEB_LANG, ENGLISH_ONLY and NOPORTSCVS are make variables. You can set the variables in /etc/make.conf, Makefile.inc, as environment variables on the command line, or in your dot files.