SDPARA installation manual [Copyright (C) 2004 SDPA Project] This file explains how to install the SDPARA. If you have any trouble about the installation, send us an e-mail ( replaced '+' by '@'). In this manual we assume two main points. 1. You have already installed the SDPA 6.2.0 in $HOME/sdpa/ with ATLAS, LAPACK in $HOME/lapack/. 2. You have a knowledge of how to compile and use the MPICH program and MPICH is installed in /usr/local/mpich/. In this manual, we also assume that your operating system is "Linux" such as "Fedora Core". The SDPARA can work on other Unix operating systems as well. The line whose starts with the character '$' indicates a command you should execute. We have tested the installation on the "Fedora Core 1" with "mpich-1.2.6" configured by the following command. $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mpich \ --with-device=ch_p4 --with-arch=LINUX \ --with-romio -opt = -O4 -- index -------------------------------- 1. Install SDPA 2. Install BLACS 3. Install ScaLAPACK 4. Copy header and library files 5. Install SDPARA ----------------------------------------- ******************************************************* 1. Install SDPA See the SDPA web site. Follow the installation manual of the SDPA to install ATLAS and CLAPACK as we assumed. ******************************************************* 2. Install BLACS $ cd $HOME/lapack $ wget This command downloads the file mpiblacs.tgz into this directory. $ tar xzvf mpiblacs.tgz $ cd $HOME/lapack/BLACS $ cp BMAKES/Bmake.MPI-LINUX Edit line 16 :: BTOPdir = $(HOME)/lapack/BLACS line 51 :: MPIdir = /usr/local/mpich line 52 :: MPIdev = ch_p4 line 53 :: MPIplat = LINUX line 54 :: MPILIBdir = $(MPIdir)/lib line 55 :: MPIINCdir = $(MPIdir)/include line 56 :: MPILIB = $(MPILIBdir)/libmpich.a line 201 :: F77NO_OPTFLAGS = -w -fugly-complex -fno-globals $ make mpi $ make mpi what=clean ******************************************************* 3. Install ScaLAPACK $ cd $HOME/lapack $ wget This command downloads the file scalapack.tgz into this directory. $ tar xzvf scalapack.tgz $ cd $HOME/lapack/SCALAPACK Edit line 22 :: home = $(HOME)/lapack/SCALAPACK line 32 :: BLACSdir = $(HOME)/lapack/BLACS/LIB line 38 :: SMPLIB = /usr/local/mpich/lib/libmpich.a line 39 :: BLACSFINIT = $(BLACSdir)/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a line 40 :: BLACSCINIT = $(BLACSdir)/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a line 41 :: BLACSLIB = $(BLACSdir)/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a line 97 :: BLASLIB = $(HOME)/lapack/lib/libf77blas.a $(HOME)/lapack/lib/libatlas.a $ make $ make clean ******************************************************* 4. Copy header and library files $ cd $HOME/lapack $ cp SCALAPACK/libscalapack.a lib/libscalapack.a $ cp BLACS/LIB/blacs_MPI-LINUX-0.a lib/libblacs.a $ cp BLACS/LIB/blacsF77init_MPI-LINUX-0.a lib/libblacsf77.a $ cp BLACS/LIB/blacsCinit_MPI-LINUX-0.a lib/libblacsc.a $ cp SCALAPACK/PBLAS/SRC/*.h include/ $ cd $HOME/lapack/include Edit PBtools.h line 1151 :: /* comment out prototype of csymv_,zsymv_,csyr_,zsyr_ to avoid conflict with clapack.h line 1165 :: */ ******************************************************* 5. Install SDPARA $ cd $HOME Download sdpara.1.0.0.src.tar.gz into this directory. $ tar xzvf sdpara.1.0.0.src.tar.gz $ cd sdpara Edit Makefile line 21 :: LAPACK = $(HOME)/lapack line 35 :: RSDPA_LIB_NAME = sdpara line 39 :: MPIBIN = /usr/local/mpich/bin/ line 40 :: CC = $(MPIBIN)mpicxx If mpich compile wrapper of g++ is 'mpiCC', then line 40 :: CC = $(MPIBIN)mpiCC $ make clean $ make Please examine the following command to check whether the installation has been done successfully. $ mpirun -np 4 ./sdpara example1.dat-s first.result We suggest also that you check for larger SDP problems such as 'control8.dat-s' from SDPLIB because 'example1.dat-s' may be too small to verify that the processes are running.